The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, June 07, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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HOW DIAMONDS ARE TAKEN. cleverest thievery is dove by the SO-CALLED “BOOSTERS.”* Tliese Steal Preclou* Gems Under the Very Roue of Dealer*—Switching or Substituting; I* Also Deftly Prac ticed—How Nipping From Kina* nnl Neclttlea I* Done In a Crowd. From the Chicago Chronicle. It is not porch climbers or the hold-up men the police are particularly worried about. In the parlanoe of the light-fin gered profession, these are “rough work ers,” and sooner or later betray them selves and fall into the hands of the po They make noise at their work and auract attention. They run and shoot and climb fences and break windows. They are not smooth in their operations; few of them successfully plunder the public for a very long time. But there are thieves of a different grade who bother the detectives day and night, men and women, too, who are expert in their line and who are rarely caught. Even when they are arrested, unlike the ordinary bur glar or hold-up man, they have money— lots of it. They can g£t out on bail and can “settle” with their victims to avoid prosecution and then go blithely on their way to fresh fields. These thieves are of the class known as “boosters.” Their specialty is the steal ing of diamonds and other precious gems under the very noses of dealers in precious •tones. Well dressed, prosperous-looking, with horses and 'carriages to take them to the jewelers’ shops* they entirely disarm suspicion by their appearance. They gather in the diamonds and get away, and there is no trace for the police to work on. It is this sort of thievery that calls forth the shrewdest work of the de detective department. Usually the pursuit of the thieves is based upon knowledge of their personality, or, rather, guess work on the part of the police. Th y know most of the “boosters” by reputa tion or in person, and in time they got 10 recognize, almost to a certainty, the pe culiar character of “work” done by each gang. When a robbery is repotted the |o* lice exact the ihinutest details from 'he jeweler and then- they may have a slight clew to work on. Sometimes they suc ceed—again they don’t. # Nearly all the large jewelry houses £j*e members of the Jewelers’ Protective As sociation, an organization which emploxs William A. Pinkerton’s detective agency by the year to ferret out crimes of this character. The detectives employ and, 01 the work are specialists who haVe Trade a close study of the criminals who follow ‘•boosting” of diamonds as a profession, and. as soon as a robbery is reported from any pari of the country, they are on the trail, and. with their wide knowledge of the thieves and of their abiding places and methods, they very often locate the “boosters” and the property before it has been disposed of. The methods of tho thieves are so clever and so thoroughly calculated, to throw the jeweler off his guard that It i* often weeks or months after a robbery that it is and s covered by the jeweler; then tracing ihe thieves is almost impossible, as the detai 0 of thdir appearance and actions have al most faded from memory. Women are often employed as confederates, and some times as priricipals, because in the mind of the average jeweler the presence of a splendidly dressed woman wishing to pur chase diamonds does not for an instant suggest thievery. A swell carriage, rented for the day at a livery stable, drives up to the door of a big jewelry house, a foot "W-J u nps dbw'ri an<T holds onen J the (tror and the proprietor of the store, with his eye out for customers, rubs his hands as he sees a fashionably attired man get out end extend his hand to a woman, also dressed in the height of fashion. The jeweler is obsequious when his cus tomers stroll in. gaze around the store as if they intended to buy the place if they should chance to like it. They want to see unset diamonds—the lady wishes to replace some lost from a tiara or a neck lace. The proprietor is delighted to show his stock. The big safe is opened and a tray of beauties placed before the cus tomers. The man who accompanies the woman shows but a languid interest in the proceedings. Evidently his mission is solely to pay for the gems; he looks into the showcases end examines the silver ware while the woman picks up the dia monds one by one. holds them to the light, has them weighed, and puts them back in the tray. There is nothing there which exactly suits her—she is afraid ihe sionei will not match her necklaoe. If ihe pro prietor wishes to try his expert han.l at matching she perhaps produces a diamond necklace from a chatelaine bag—a neck lace with two or three diamonds missing. This is the last proof that she is a gen uine customer. Stolen Before Hl* Eye*. The jeweler handles the necklace rever ently and s?ts seme of the choicest stones in ihe vacant settings to try their effect. But still the woman is not satisfied. She cannot make up her mind. At last she pi ks out two s oncs and the jeweler to set them aside with her name on them, and if she cannot find a better match Ila where she will return for them. She gives him a name and address—always an address in a fashionable locality. The jeweler puts the diamonds in a little box and stows it away in the safe. He tells her he is sure she Will return, as he s confident she cannot match the diamonds more closely. The escort yawns and sug gests they had best be moving. And they move. The carriage drives away, the Hunter Rye i* Tonical Nutritious Delicious Cheering Comforting Strengthening because It 1* Pure and Old. Bold at *ll first-class Cafes. HENRY SOLOMON tk SON. Sole Agents, Savannah, Ga. Overtaxed Mental or physical strain quickly overtaxes tlie system. Result > You become run-down, weak,, debilitated. Johann Hoff's Malt Extract taken at this time will give you vigor and strength. It will bring you good appetite, perfect digestion and sound, healthful sleep. MOHANH ** HOFF’S Malt Extract makes the nerves strong and steady, nourishes and strengthens the entire system. Mr. Richard Stuhl, composer and leader of Hoyt’s Theatre. N. Y-, writes: “I find Johann HofTs Malt Extract giving me the most strength and satisfaction. 1 can not praise it enough. Three weeks ago I was entirely exhausted from overwork; to-day I feel like a new man.” Beware of worthless substitutes. Insist upon having Johann liofFs and you will not be disappointed. proprietor seeing his wealthy customer to the doer, and afur it has been gone an hour, or maybe less, the jeweler discov ers that one or mote of the valuable dia monds which were n ihe tray is gone. He is loath to susj ect the lady. He searches everywhere, takes cut the little box to see if he put too many in it, counts the remaining diamonds again and again to satisfy himself that spjne a e really miss ing ard at last it dawns upon him that he must ha\e been robbed. The Alarm I* Spread. But what can he dp? He quietly sum mons the police and tells then} the story. In answer to "their inquiries he describes as do-el/ as he can the man and woman who were in the store. The description is vagna and might fit a. th usand people. Ther * is no, way of tracing the rig pr learning from what stable i< was rented. At the at dr-ss given of course, no one over heard of the woman whose name the police l ave takn from the little box in the safe. It looks like no thor oughfare. Usuadly it is. Even before the police have been summoned—before the jeweler has ccnvinc.d himself that the missing diamond has not been mislaid in the store—the “boosters” have dismissed i heir carriage and are on a train, bound for anywhere out of town. A diamond worth $.5) or S2O) is worth the risk and ihe exp nse of a $4 carriage for an hour. lion Geiu* Are “Switched.” Another trick of diamond thieves of this character is known as “switching” gems. This requires perhaps even more nerve than boldly taking a diamond from its place on the tray. In this practice the make-up and general plan of approach is the same, calculated to throw the jew eler off his guard and make him think he is dealing with a wealthy couple who desire to buy a few thousand dollars’ worth of diamonds. The man who intends getting the scone has a “phony” diamond concealed in one of his hands—a paste affair which presents a good appearance to a casual glance, but wi 1 rot stand the tests. While txamining the tray of dia monds the thief gets his eye on a stone resembling as much as possible in size and cut the one he has in his hand and at a favorable opportunity, when the pro prietor is talking with the woman con federate. for instance, he “switches” the 1 ante diamond to the tray and gathers in the genuine stone.. The most watchful dealer may be victimized in this way, for if h? knows how many diamonds he ha<4 in the tray and takes a mental survey of them before his customers leave there are all the stones apparently Just as they were when he showed the tray. He cannot detect the substitution at a glance and often after the customers leave there are all the stones apparently just as they w re when he showed the tray. He can not detect the substitution at a glance a # d ofien after the customers have decid ed not to buy and have driven away he puts the tray back in the safe without a suspicion of anything wrong, and it may be a wek later that he discovers a “phony” diamond in the lot. Then, of course, pursuit is almost hopeless. Operations Are lefrequrnt. These thieves are the kings of the dia mond-stealing business. They do not have to operate very often in a year to make a good thing out of it. As they circulate over the country, the chances of their arrest are very small. There are Jewelers in all the cities to be "worked” and a dia mond here and there makes the game pay j well. Most of the "boosters” have extrav- I agant habits, however. They stop at the best hotels, wear rosily clothing, drive in fanry livery rigs and otherwise squander their money right and left. These habits, Indeed, sometimes lead to their discovery and arrest, for the detectives who are nearly always on their trail know their methods so w t ell that a few inquiries at a first-class hotel, made in the way detec tives know how lo make them, will some times reveal the fact that a strange cou ple who appear to have plenty of money ore spending It plentifully. If the detec tive suspects they are his “people” he has thun pointed out to him'in the dining room or ljbby of the hctel and then It Is al. cK, for the chances are he knows one or the other by sight from past experl en e Of a different grade entirely are the dia mond thieves who "nip” the valuable gems from rings, shirt bosoms and neck ties on the street. They are fully as ex pert in their line, but in the category of the police ate classed as pickpockets. To get a diamond In a crowd Is not so hard as It might seem. It the stone Is large ard looks like a good one the thief some times shadows and follows lis wearer for days until a favorable opportunity Is pre sented for getting It. Again, It may be "nipped” five minutes after the thief spies It. Usually a big diamond stud or scarf pin is "spotted” on someone in a hotel lobby—some well-to-do traveler, stockman, gambler or politician who has put J',oo of SSOO Into a diamond and Is preud of it. Suppose he wears It as a shirt stud, as nearly all the aldermen of this city did a few years ago. Tho thief rples it and keeps his eye on Its owner, waiting for a chance to get ■’next’’ to him. He may have to wait for hours until the owner decides to go to the theater or to make a call and starts for a street car. If he is smoking he Jumps on the front plalfotm. The thief Is right behind him. or. If he is morally sure his victim la to take a certain car, he Is on the car ahead of him. On the .platform the diamond "nipper” .opens a newspaper, In which h? becomes Intensely Interested and spreads one Bheet of It so that It covers the shirt front and the diamond of hlB neighbor, apparently acci dentally. The owner of the stone, uncon scious of what Is going on, smokes tran quilly and looks up at ihe tall buildings. Under the newspaper the hand of the thief slowly approaches the diamond stud. In the hand Is a strong but small pair ott steel nippers. The delicate touch of the thief's fingers reveals the exact position of the atone as though he were looking at It. While apparently buried in the news paper he squeezes the nippers on the gold wire spiral of the stud and the steel Jaws sever It as though It were paper. The dia mond falls into his hand, for the little nippers arc almost entirely covered by Its r aim. When he hns the stone It Is time to do a “getaway." Hastily glanc ing at a s'rtet corn r sign, us though he had passed his street In his abstraction, , THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1900. he jumps off and Mr. Man has lost his dimond. Women Easy YU-tlitis. Women who w ar large solitaire rings are easy victims to the * nipper.” Of cours*, they want to and splay them. They wil rot weir g oves to cover the bril liants, for what would be the use of wear ing diamonds if the o:h?r women did not se them and envy their possessor? Most Women who have diamond rings wear a solitaire on th? "engagement” finger of the left l ard They aso use the left hand to hold up the trailing skirts which are. now the vogue, and there you are. With the hi n 1 b hind her and the dia m nd gleaming on her finger as if invit ing the “nipper”'to come and tak*- it, the w man strolls down State street. She can not 1 ass the shop windows without look ing in. The thief follows until she mingles w <h crowd b fore a w ndow w here her left hand is not in plain si ’ ht. Stepping betide her and affecting to examine the window display he sets tne nippers around the setting of the ring, gives one qui£k squeeze and the and arm ili is his. If the woman fee's a slight to\Vh she does not notice it. She may think someone in the crowd jostled her. Hours’ afterward it may be she disc vers the empty setting and then tte e is an outcry. But it is too late theo and hyr bus) and gets her an other diamond, which she ca ries through the s.reels in ihe same o and way. THE COMING AGE OF ALUMINUM. Doom of the Copper Industry Fore shadowed and the Ultimate Down fall of Iron. Nicola Tesla in the Century Magazine. The coming age will be the age of alum inium. It is only seventy years since this wonderful m tal was discovered by Woeh ler, and the aluminium industry, scarcely forty yeais old, commands already the attention of the entire world. Such'rapid growth*iias’*not been recorded in the his tory of civilization before. Not long ago aluminium was sold at the fanciful price of? 30 or S4O per pound; today it can be had in an/ desired amount for as many cents. What is more, the time is not far Off wh n this price, toe, will be considered fanciful; for great improvements are pos sible in the methods of its manufacture. The absolutely unavoidable consequence of the advance of the aluminium industry wi 1 be the annihilation of the copper in dustry. They cannot exist and prosper together, and the latter is doomed be yond any hope of recovery. Even now it is cheaper to convey ai\ electric cikrent through alurdihium wires than throughr copper wires; aluminium castings cost less and in many domestic and other uses capper has no chance of successfully^com peting. A further material reduction of the price of aluminium, cannot but be fatgl to copper. But the progress of the former will not go on unchecked, for, as it ever happens in such cases, the larger industry will absorb the smaller one; the giant copper interests will control the p.gmy aluminium interests, and the slow pacing copper will reduce the lively gait cf aluminium. This will only delay, not avoid, the impending catastrophe. Aluminium, however, will not stop at downing copper. Befoie many years have passed it will be engaged in a fierce struggle with iron, and in the la'tter it will find an adversary not easy to con quer. The issue of the contest will large ly depend cn whether iron shall' be in dispensable in electric machinery. This the future alone can decide. While it is impossible to tell when this lndustilal revolution will be consummated there can be no doubt thgt the future be longs to aluminium and that in times to come it will be the chief means of in creasing human pt.rf rmance. It has in this respect capaci 1 s greater by far than those of any other metal. I should esti mate its civilizing potency at fully one hundred times that of Iron. This estimate, though it may astonish, is not at all ex aggerated. First of all, we must remem ber -that there is thirty times as much aluminium as Iron In bulk available for the uses of man. This iu itself offers great possibilities. Then, again, the new metal is much more easily workable,which adds to Its value. In many of its proper ties it partakes of the character of a pre c ous metal, which gives It additional worth. Its electric conductivity, which, for a given weight. Is greater than that of anj- other meial, would be alone euf fi lent to make it one of the most import ant factors in future human progress. Its extreme lightness makes it far more easy to transport the objects manufactured.By virtue of this property It will revolution ize naval construction, and In fa llltating transport and travel it will add enor mously to the useful performance of man kind. But its greatest civilizing potency will be, I believe, in aerial travel, which Is sure to be brought about by means of It. Telegraphic Instruments will slowly en lighten the barbarian electric motors and lamps will do it more quickly, but quicker than anything else the flying machine will do it. By rendering travel Ideally easy it will be the best means for unifying the heterogeneous elements of humanity. I MAN FIGHTS IHHI IIS I’RIBE RING. Fierce flattie- Stopped by a Woman After tlio Third Round. From the Chicago Chronicle. Port Huron, Mich,, June I.—Fred Ba rnaul, a local sportsman, bet S2O that he cou’.d whip a bulldog, and the money was put up. The affair was pulled off yes terday like a regulation pr,ze fight, the man bfing stripped to the waist, while the bul dog was to be pulled away when the regular round limit of three minutes was up. The dog fighter entered the ring with nothing on but a pair of overalls. At the siroke of lime lie caught the dog with his teeth by the ear and shook him around the yard and elbowed the animal, keeping him away as long as possible. Three rounds were fought in this way, the dog managing to chew the man’s leg and chin. The fight was stopped by a woman, who glanced over the fence and scream ed. The fight was declared In favor of Kamaul. Carbolic acid was i :.ed on the man's wounds to prevent blood poison ing. Clergymen Use Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey in their homes, and say It is a blessing to mankind. Y) Meads Center, Kans. •)! Mv Dkas Bro.: Your favor with the enclosed slip is at JB* Rk hand. The facts are these My wife was sn invalid for several ’" ’ tqSbuAk* yeursniiil.on "urphv iant ■ - *' t commendation. a re:tnni MTOu ptepanidon with very great CWSKM benefit. lam a Presbyterian 1 clrrgr'M torot Isis I ! xt'wt not of Medicine, but lam not I ;S3 S2 afraid to sav that Lully's For n H mula and I*)ufly’s Pure Malt K H Whiskey are the purest and 1.. -J * most effective preparations as “ Xw medicines I know of, and my experience Isalargeone. lam a temperance man, and never used, and would never advise any man or woman to use, any intoxicant asobeverage My recommendation of Dnfiy’s Formula and Whiskey was made after a thorough knowledge of their Breal8 real valueas medicines. The statement was made eliberately and based upon facts, and I do not hesitate to stand by it. The many temperance inen who have written me on this subject do not seem to realize that 1 was a temperance man be fore many of them were born. Sincerely yours, B. MILLS, D. D. Purr-, MALT tVms'tcvCo., Roche, ter, N. V. M. I i-BoT'S SONS, Wholesale Agents for Savannah, itless efforts to secure relief from female complaints from Hi IRK thless remedies, women often become despondent. You' übS ope less, but determined to bear their afflictions in silence. iw Raj liscouragement bar their way to health. There are few raU'CMtif fiab, i not get quick and permanent relief by using a simple lui. The Wine is not anew and untried remedy. Its rec markable cures. Menstrual troubles of all sorts at their (/ £ fes ed by Wine of Cardui. But if neglected they speedily | f uently complicated with consumption or some other form ’ jfl ffijggjjß ible remedy that may be put into the hands of the pa- I with as much success as with the aid of the most skillful if , rom any menstrual disorder? If so, Wine of Cardui will H Ifl&aZB. or a large $ l bottle. Do not take a substitute. jgl ic of Cardui it is a blessing to all suffering women who use it. I ardui I can truthfully say that it is a blessing to suffering women? ""* I K3jj|J|H life to wfnTof’clrd' l u Ala ' Mrs'. SAL LIE SLAY " A MEXICAN VENICE. THE IMCTt HESUI E CANALS AND WATERWAY! OF XOCIIIMILCO. lleauty of N igu’* Brunette*—Delight ful Voyage Through Garden* a* lioniautioally Beautiful u* Those of Granada—ltieii Yegitntlosi and Floral Growth. From the Mexican Herald. Every one who comes to the City of Mexico has his interest aroused by being asked if he has been to the Vlga cai al. while there are few who will say “go ard see Xochimilco.” Being thus interested by the inquiry, one goes to the Vlga, and to see, what? a sickly, bilious-looking stream having a depth just sufficient to float a scow. You are spotted right away by the canoe men as “slow ball” ns our friends at Indlanilla. might say; that is, easy to catch-—p rhape. “How much to ” with a swfep of the hand indicating anything, out beyond. What, Dos pesos? so you needn’t work again for a week: No, sir; net here. Not I. But “le dare a V. cuatro realea, eh?” And hearing a hesitating “bueno” you follow your man* and for fifty cents you miy view the c%y or down hill end of the Viga canal, in a canopied canoe, called in Eng lish, a scow, and, that nothing short of a derrick could overturn. However, th*re is no local law that forbids the timid gen* tie sex from screaming A. IRUe when they “go on boafd,” for ihe water is water though it be thickish, and the canoe-scow is a boat. Fcnst Day on the Vlga. If you are fortunate you will be on ihe Vlga on Good Friday, or some other grand dia de. fiesta, when the ordinary scenes thereabout will change from the. commercial, to those of gayety and fun; when the middle class pour out from the city and form canoe parties by th hun dnkls. all laughing and singing, with r.ot a few having quite excellent amateur or chestras whose catchy dteam.v music floats away, blending its rhythm with the ripple of quiet jollity of these fiesta loving peo ple. To the tourists, all this Is very fine, and forms one of the sights for which he came, and he will snap-shot It mentally and camerally and In after days develop th* snaps before the family circle at hontf. But to one who becomes a Mexican fix ture, the Viga Is still the unclean Visa when the slow monotonous traffic of tha farmer boatmen again resumes Its dally course. It is then, (hat the possibility of something better, cleaner and more enjry able further out, suggests Itself to one who may have fond thoughts of past boyhood days In the sweet rea m o’ canoedom. Upon inquiry. I was told that the Vlca. came froth way, way out; aM different ones told of having been ecowel to Xochimilco, an Indian town, heaven knows how many miles away, of being blistered by the atm of midday, returring cold, hungry, cross and rain wet at mid night, with a big swear to never repeat that foolish trip again. They had bven out on a pleasure excursion. “No; It’s too far. Don't go,” they said. That settled it—to go. Rut, us a canoeist, not as a seowist. A I nitine Voyage. A trial, or two In a chalupa—dugout—re sulted In a detcrmiuallan lo have some thing better, ending with the pleasure of own ng a llgh'weight decked canoe, that frl nds say Is the damilen and—but, real ly, modesty forbids bcastlng. However, ehe has several times m de the trip in from Xochimilco under sail alone, In less than two hours. She affoids a delightful nr ans of going where and when one will, drifting along under the musical dip of Ihe paddle out the Vlga's entire length to where it divides, one way leading to Chal eo, twenty m'les away, and the other to Xochimilco, Mexico's Venice, that, while It may not b' ast of fine architecture or Its palaces on Its grand canal, it may claim to be a town that Is unique and picturesque to ad gree; a town of floating gardeis; gardens of to particular size or shape, and with nearly avery garden con taining an adobe dwelling, when el Sen or s Casa Is not <f thatched root and sides. It presents scenes extremely pret ty and romantic, rather than of grand elegance, Buch p* the only Venice, and Instead of the showy gondola, dugouis are at every mans dooryard, und the town people, men, worrnn and children, are as much afloat as they are ori terra flrma. So much afloat apparently is the very town its If. that one feels quit* apprch< naive for Its safety, should a gale or wind ecme up, fearing the town might go adrift and go shore and smash itself on the rocks or such disaster. But, perhaps one red not worry. The people do not at any rate, about this, or any thing else, for they apnrar as contested, natural and hatpy as the very (lowers that ever border their gardens; flowers that sweep your canoe’s deck as It glides by. Ideal Canoeing, Ground. To the canoeist this Is an Ideal canoe ing ground, whore one may go skimming under the very eaves of a thatched Villa Rusticu. rounding, foil wing lovers’ lanes canopied and darkened by nature’s lux urious growth where the yellow fruit of tie orange trees hong within a paddles'* length, all wl h a variety limited only by nature herse f and the countless ntim ler of water streets that even extend, beyrm 1 the inhobltahle portion for miles around, wlier* one find* every eight. ■quarter or half acre of ground sur rounded by these deep, clean waterways; Ihe ground on either hond rising from the water abruptly, often edged by the poplar, and with every foot furnishing flowers or vegetables for the city market. one load a danoe many times over with the big. milk-white flowers of the Callu lily, that seem to have so little mar ket value. A water lone with many turns, constanr ly affording new scenes and views to the canoeist, as it sweeps past doorsteps, un der bridges and around Corners, leads out from the town two miles or so to “El Oro do Agua,” the big, deep natural well where you may look down through forty feet of water, and so clear is it that one may read his name on a card sunken to the bottom. In leaving the springs other canals, or acequias, cut across to the main canal leading out to Chaleo and other towns. And on the way our while paddling along, sitting under the shade of a rakish som brero, the canoeist will be charmed at the sight ahead of those majestic twins. Pop ocatepetl and Ixtacihuatl, whose peaks and sides ever show that vast accumulo tion of snow on w'hich the sun plays In delicate shades of pink, or at times pur ple. Enthusiastic Engllnhnmn. Besides the writer, Xochimilco has but one other steady visitor from this city, an Englishman, whose enthusiasm has led him to become the owner of no less than four steam craft and several rowboats; in fact, quite a club, and the lack of interest on the part of others to do likewise, com pels him to be commodore, vice commo dore, secretary, treasurer and the entire board of governors of the “Xochimiloo Boat Club.” With such arduous duties, he can be no less than generous, and most any feast day he may be seen leading his entire fleet, every boat filled with his friends enjoying the delights of a picnic sail. With the progress Mexitb is making in many directions, it is a matter of only a short time when Xochimilco will be reach ed by trolley line in less than an hour, and not until then will its attractiveness be realized by the thousands who now hardly know that such a choice spot exists. CANCER FROM TINY CUT ON LIP. .Serious Injury Resulting From Mols trning tlie Flap of an Envelope. From the Los Angeles (Cal.) HeTald. A. D. Stafford, for many years a conduc tor In the Southern California Railway Company's service and later In the em ploy of the Santa Fe, lies dying at h's home at 221 South Union avenue from corner cancer of the throat, the result of a cut received while sealing an envelope. The slight Injury to his lip developed into a malignant cancer, and despite the best medical attention to be procured In Cali fornia it has continued to spread until his entire mouth and throat have become Involved nn<l he Is in momentary expec tation of death. This peculiar case originated a year ago. In the manner usually adopted, Mr. Stafford used his longue to dampen the mucilage on the flap of nil envelope, pre paratory to sealing it. The sharp edge of the paper cut a slight incision In his lower lip, to which he paid no attention at the time, but as It continued to grow more sensitive he consulted a doctor. It was some time before it was positively ascer tained that the tiny cut had developed Into most dreaded of progressive lesions, a malignant cancer. Acting on the knowl edge, the service* of Dr. Morrison, a spe cialist on cancers, were secured and a bat tle against the insidious disease was wag ed. sometimes with apparent success, hut In the end the cancer continued to spread. Asa last resort Mr. Stafford went to San Fransclsco In the hope that an ex tensive operation would save his life. The hospital authorities, after a prolonged examination, concluded that the cancer ous sore hnd progressed so for (hat any attempt to scarify 11 would prove fatal. The disease had traveled from the mouth to the throat and had Involved the entire interior of that portion of the body. It 1* only a question of time when the ten drils of the growth will destroy the cov ering of the carotid artery and the doom ed man will bleed to death. - With wonderful stoicism Mr. Stafford awaits tho release which death will bring ' him from his dread affliction. For weeks . he has been expecting death at ahy mo ment. He Is altout 50 year* old, and un til hi* present affliction fell upon him, was a man In Accellent health, with splen did prospecta of living to an old age. Gr*yt>earl. “Oraybeard cured ma of Catarrh of th* bead which had clung lo me 15 years. Mrs. Rhod* Dean. Ballinger, Tex.” Qraybeard Is sold at all drugstores for sl. Respess Drug Cos., Props.—ad. SCHOOL!) AND COLLEGES. ~CHiNOwITH~ 1342 Vermont ave. and lowa Circle, Washington, D. C. Boarding School for young ladles. Ylend for catalogue. Miss Mary Davenport j Chenoweth, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Sloan. H Morphine end Whiskey hab it* treated without pair or confinement. Cure guaran- I teed or no pay. B. H. VKAL, j Man’gr Lithta baring* San itarium. Box 3, Austell, Go. | PETITION FOR INCORPORATION. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM County—-To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of Joe Bennett, Harry Jackson. Chump Wilson and Jack Butler respectfully shows that ti/ey and various others hove entered into an asso ciation under the name of the Seven Brothers’ Fishermen’s Club. That the ob ject of said association is mutual aid and assistance, ard social intercourse. That they desire to be Incorporated us above named, with powers to purchase, hold and dispose of property, renl and personal, to sue and be sued, and to exercise all pow ers usually conferred on corporations of similar character as may be consistent with the laws of the state of Georgia. They further show that they do not de sire the powers of purchase and sale to" the purpose of profit, but only so far as may be necessary for the object of said incor poration, and that they have no capital stock, and desire none. Whererore, they pray an order incorpo rating them and such others n may now or hereafter be associated |yith them for a term of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of said time, for the purpose hereinbefore set forth. And your petitioners will ever pray. BECKETT A BECKETT, Attorneys for Petitioners. Original filed In office this 23d day of May, 1900. JAMES L. MURRHY, Deputy Clerk 8. C. C. C. Oa. pi . 1 ORDINANCES. By Alderman Haas— An ordinance to grant the applications herein'mentioned, touching additions and repairs to in the city of Savannah, and of new improve ments: Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, in Council assembled. That the applica tions of Fanny Dorsett, dated May 3, 1900, to alter, enlarge and repair wooden house on west one-half of lot N<s. 07, Crawford ward; of Carl Schultz, dated May 16, 1900, to repair, remodel and improve wooden house on east one-half of lot No. 60, ©rown ward, and of James O’Byrne, dat ed April 24. 1900, to add two bath rooms, frame, covered with metal sides and roof, on west one-half of lot No. 36, Uoerty ward, be and the same are hereby grant ed and allowed. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances’ arid parts of ordinan. . s in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordinance read in Council, for the first ♦ime. May 30, 1900, and published for in formation. W. P. BATUEY, Clerk of Council. - ■ • By Alderman Haas— An ordinance to amend section 4 of Ihe ordinance passed In Council May 3, 1599, relating to the storage, handling and sole Of calcium earblde and the erection of acetylene gas generators in the city of Savannah. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the olty of Savannah, in Council assembled. That section 4of the above mentioned ordinance be and the same is hereby amended to read ns fol lows: • Section 4. Be it further ordained that no acetylene generating apparatus shall be used In the city of Savannah until the owner has been granted permission by the City Council. All acetylene generating gas holding apparatus must be Installed in a fireproof vault or room satisfactory to the chief officer of the fire department, such fireproof room or vault must be sup plied with two ventilators not less than three Inches In diameter, the outer ends of which must extend clear above the roof of the main building for a distance of not less than two feet. All generating appa ratus must be charged In the daylight, and no artificial light shall be permitted with in the enclosure where the apparatus Is Installed.” Section 2. Be 14 further ordained, That all ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflirt.wlth this ordinance are hereby re pea led. \ Ordinance read In Council for the first time May 30. 1000, and published for Infor mation. \VM. P. BAILEY, Clerk of Council, MCMILLAN bros; —Manufacturers of— M j Beamless Turpentine Stills and Fixtures. ■ i ■ PATCHING COPPER AND RIVBTBL ■Bator and boot copper. ftapalrtng threugb tho country a apoctaV * I SAVANNAH. OA. MOBILE, ALA PATTnftgJUA N c. ! PETITION FOR IXCORPORATION. SfI'ATK OK QKOftGIA, COUNTY OP CHATHAM.—To the Superior Court of Maid County: The petition of T. M. Cun ningham, P. S. Lathrop, Jonas Mendel, Herman Myers, Alex. Fawcett. John R. Young, I. Silverberg .and Morltt W. Dix on, ond their associates, all of sold stato and county, respectfully shows: First. That they have associated them selves together for the purpose of formlnu a corporation to be composed of your pe titioners, and such other persona as they may associate with them. The object of their association and the business they propose to carry on Is the milling, stor ing and buying and selling of and ad vancing upon rice, and all products of the same. Second. That the corporate name by which petitioners desire to be known, la "THH SAVANNAH RICE MILL. COM PANY.” Third. The amount of capital to be em ployed by them actually paid In will bt the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, sold capital stock to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. Fourth. The place of business of said corporation will be Ihe county of Chat ham and state of Georgia. Wherefore, your petitioners pray that they and Iher associates and successor* may be incorporated for the term of twen ty years, with the privilege of renewal, at the end of that time, tinder the name and siyle of "THE SAVANNAH RICE MILL COMPANY,” and that the said corpora tion may be empowered to increase its capital stock, whenever Jt mnv see fit, to any sum not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars; to sue and be sued: to havd and use a common seal; lo contract and bt. contracted with; to make by-laws binding on Its members, not Inconsistent with the laws of this state and of the United Stetes; to hold, buy and sell all property, real anti personal, as may be noeeasary tn legitimately carrying Into effect the purposes of tts organisation, and for securing debts due to the com pany; to administer on estates of parties irdebted to It; and generally to do all such things ns are necessary to the legit imate exercise of lte purpose, a.nd to ex ercise all rights and privileges incldertt belonging to a corporation under the. 'lavVh " of this slate. And your petitioners will ever pray. .LAWTON A CUNNINGHAM. Attorneys for Petitioner*. Filed In office. Mav 23. 1900. J. K. P. CARR, Clerk S. C., C. C. PETITION FOR INCORPORATION— SAVANNAH DOCK FERRY CO. Notice Is hereby given hy the petitioner! named below of their intention to apply to the Secretary of State for a charie for a navigation company named as above, by publication of their petition In term* of the law, said petition, being to-wp: Georgia. Chatham County, City of Savannah—To the Secretary of State, Atlanta, Oa.: The. petition of tb> undersigned shows that they desire to be Incorporated as a navigation company in accordance with the statutes In sm It casts mpde and provided, and petitioner* state: First. That the names and resi dences of each of the persons desiring >o form paid corporation are to-wit: William, W. Moekall, Savannah, Ga.; R. G. Er wiq, city of New York, N. Y.; John Skel ton Williams, Richmond,, Va.; Jacob Paul sen, Savannah, Ga.; J. F. Minis, Savan nah, Ga.; Henry C. Cunningham, Savan mah, Ga.; J. A. G. Carsen, Savannah, Ga.; Detrne Gordon, Savannah, Oa.; W. A. Blsbee, Savannah, Ga. Second, That the name of the navi gation company tiny desire to have In corporated Is "SAVANNAH DOCK FERRY COMPANY." Third. That the amount of the proposed capital stock of 'said romparjy Is twenty five thousand dollars (125.000). Fourth. That said corporation U to continue and be Incorporated for th* period of fifty (50) years. Fifth’: That the place where its prin cipal office Is to be located Is Savannah, Ga. Sixth. Thrt pe:ltloners have given four weeks’ notice of their Intention to apply for said chirter by publication of this petition In the Morning News, published In Havanntah, Ga.. one of the newspajwrs In which the sheriff’s advertisements ar* published for said county of Chatham, onco a week for four weeks, before the filing of this petition. Wherefore petitioners request that th*y nfay be incorporated under the laws dt this state. June 7, A. D.. 1900. WILLIAM W. MACKALL, R. G. ERWIN. JOHN SKELTON WILLIAM*, I JACOB PAULSEN, J. F. MINIS. HENRY C. CUNNINGHAM; I J A G. CARBON, • BEIRNE GORDON, ' I W. A. BISBEE. ONE MILLION HIDES WANTED DRY FLINTS 130 DRY SALTS 130 GREEN SALTED 7a R. KIRKLAND, Boyar of Old Rail*. Scrap Iron and llatsl* 417 to 421 St. Julian street, west J. D. WEED ft CO UTANIAH, 04. Leather Belting, Steam Packing & Hose. Agents for NEW YORK RUBBE* BELTING AND PACKING COMPANY. 7