Georgia times and state right's advocate. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1833-1834, March 27, 1833, Image 1
n VOL. I—NO. 11. OUOBCiIA TIMES w iU, be published once a week, in the Town of Milledge. h, Jt THREE DOLLARS per annum, if paid in advance, or i Gig DOLLAR*. at the end of the year. ; rs- Advertisements inserted at the usual rates: those I t without a specified number of insertions, wil l.e pub- ; Ld until ordered out and charged accordingly. Sales of I j (,y Administrators, Executors, or Gnardians, are re- 1 • e j, f )V law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month | tween the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the I Ptuoon. at the court-house in the county in which the inert'. i< situate. Notice of these sales must be given in a ; blic gazette sixty days previous to the day of sale. Sales j uemces must be at public auction, on the first Tuesday! lie’rooiith, between the usual hours of sale, at the place of j die suits in the county where the letters Testamentary, of | ministration or Guardianship, may have been granted, first j in,r sixty days notice thereof, in one of the public gazettes | this Sate, and at the door of the court-house, where such j Irsaretobe held. Notice for the sale of Personal Pro-! u must be given in like maim . orty days previous to j day of sale. Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an j rati? must be published for furtydays. Notice that appli- i , m will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to l,and. must be published four months. Notice fur leave ell Negroes, must be published for four months, before order absolute shall be made thereon by the Court AN ACT for the call of a Convention to reduce the num ber es the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and j ilherpurposes therein named. c it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives be State of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is j ir enacted by the authority of the same, That the first nlayiu April, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, he, and! same is hereby designated and set apart as the day on • ch the citizens of Georgia qualified to vote for members j ip Leg. shall at the several places prescribed bylaw for! ling such elections vote for delegates to represent thorn in ' ivcndon. in number equal to their representation in both ichesof the General Assembly; such elections to be can ted, managed and certified under tire same laws as are of e in respect to elections of the General Assembly, re. 2. And be it further enacted. That it shall be the du ll such managers to transmit to Iris Excellency the Go- : nr the result of said elections under the laws now of force ' rdnilucling, managing and certifying elections for mein- 1 i of the General Assembly as aforesaid, within thirty days J r such elections —Whereupon it is made the duty of 11 is ifilcncy the Governor to issue bis proclamation declaring | foalt of said elections by naming the individuals several- j lifted to represent the good people of Georgia in Conven- - as contemplated by this act. tc. 3. And be it further enacted, That every citizen of j Tnited States shall be eligible to a seat in said Conven wliohas attained the age of twenty-five years, and been j (habitant of this Slate seven years immediately preceding | lay of his election, and who shall have resided one year j iccounty for wliich be shall have been elected, sc. t. And he it further enacted, each member re- ! til as duly elected, shall previous to taklnghis seat in said ! Vention. take the following oath, or affirmation, viz : I, ! !. do solemnly swear, that 1 will not attempt to add to, or (from the constitution or attempt to change or alter any r section, clause, or article of the constitution of the r if Georgia, other than those touching the representa- j in the General Assembly thereof; and that I have been [ izm of this state for the lastseven years, so help me God. j any person elected to a seat in said Convention, who! I refuse to take the oath aforesaid, shall not be allowed ! In- a scat in said Convention. cr. 5. And be it further euacted, That the members of: Convention shall assemble on the first Monday in May their election, at Mitledgcville, in the Representative niber of the iState House, for the purpose of entering upon ; consummating the great objects of their convention, to- j a reduction &, equalization of the General Assembly; shall i poser to prescribe their own rules and forms of busi- f , : and dute.rmiue on lliequalifications of their own mem- B; cioct necessary < llicers, and make all orders which they ! Hdmnconducive to the furtherance ofthc object for which | H Convention shall assemble. 6. And he it further enacted, That it shall be the dn lbs Excellency the Governor to give publicity to the j ami amendments made in the Constitution in ref- j the direction { reduction] ol llie number of the mem- : ■c. inpesii g the General Assembly, and the first Monday next, after the rising of said Convention, lie shall i the ratification, by the people, of such amendments, "us, ornew articles as they may make for the objects 1 and equalization of the General Assembly only : to:.'.! by a majority ofxh» voters who vote on the qnes ■of-Ih.tilieatiou” or "No Ratification,'’then and in that the alterations so by them made an J ratified, shall be the people of this Stale anil not otherwise. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be a fun- \ article in the formation or amendment of the consli-! e.ieh county o' the Slate now organized or laid i u liicli may hereafter he created by law, shall he enti ' :• a-i one repiesentalive in the representative branch Assembly. ,*• And be it further enacted, That so soon ns this ; "f become a law, llis Excellency the Governor, lie is hereby requiicd to cause it tube published in j of this State, once a week until the day fixed on ! S act tor tlie election of delegates to said Convention;! all bin sand parts of laws militating against this act, bame are hereby repealed. ASBURY HULL, I B- Speaker of the House of Representatives, j THOMAS STdCKS, i K President of the Senate . ■denied to, December 21, lsliO. BE WILSON LUMPKIN, Governor. H ABMIXISTRATORS SALE. to an order of the honorable Inferior Court : Harris county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, . !s °ld on the first Tuesday in March next at the Court . Burin, county, the following Tracts of Land, be- j Mb’‘othe estate of Litlfiberry Marsh, dec. 800 acres of; ' ess , well improved, adjoining Skinner and olh-, i' r tract containg IT acres more or less, adjoining er 'Hid, Olliers, one tract containing 30 acres, adjoining “t Martin, also, nne-fourth of an undivided tract, ' H l '"'- !| ’ ocres, adjoining Marshall and others; all • f the ■ in the county of |lurke. Also will be sold lf bt luesday in April next at the Court House in 11 ' 'titty, lot No. 21!) in the 4ill district originally • Mur B a « C0llllt ) — on the first ’l’uesday in May ' ■ ' ( ! le , s<l *‘l a * the Court House ia Campbell county, B|| • 1,1 the !)th district of originally Fayette, now j county. All of the above sold as the property of: Mars,l > deceased, for the benefit of the heirs o f r 7 Mllrsh -80 sale made known on the day of sale. JOHN MURPHEY, Adnt’r. ELIZABETH M. MARSH, Ailmr’x iß"''S:i3. 3!)—tda—p ‘ SUBSCRIBER having a ven largo as- Anient of line Dress Coats now on hand, will sell reduced prices. A. C VAIL. \ _ __ 5. ts j ,orKia - HalUwiit Count). ■ J.iiiu-h Bivins, Guardian of John Ric< ‘a, H, I? 111 *- applies to me fur letters of dismission. ■^^'id"’ ,< W' ' ,<J cl,e vJmonisti all and singular the ‘' rii' K ,l ll ' ,rs he and appear at my oilier within the! ' hy law, to shew cause, if any .they, wl|y said H 'mt he granted. This 90tii March 1h33. ■ 11. P. S'J TIIHS, C. C. O PRLKTUD \y D PPBLHIIED BV lARRADCtR X. SL.IDC, It TllKlir, DOLI.AKK PER AAAI.n. * ****** I'KS.-ai kor AM TillNt> I KITH UCISi; On Ol lllE, V. Z %UAhl. (AIL l MM'it II‘ 1! .U-ril K~" 11 MShihaßtßsmLa jbaoiss, fitIIE Spring meeting of the Ml|;%’| 1 .lOCREV t’H llwill •ommmence on Tuesday the 23d April, 1833. J tost Day. A sweapstake free for any horse, one mile and repeat —Entrance $25. Second Dry. Colts race, two mile heats free for any colt that has not won a race—Entrance S3O. 1 hint Day. Ihree mile heats, free for any horse—En trance $ 25. Fourth Day. —Four mile heats, free for any horse—En trance —$ 25. /’■/ A Day. Mile heats three best in five, free for an v horse -Entran-r S2O. LEWIS J. W. KRAATZ, SeV’rv. March 13 i o _f, fl’lHE SUBSCRIBER continues to make isks and gud geons for tub-mills at ten dollars a sett, and other cas tings (ur saw or griss mills, at sixty-five cents per pound.— lie also repairs guns and pistols at very high prices, and shoes horses at $1 00 if the cash is paid down, or if done in payment of a debt, but if charged, $1.50. He also sells new scooters at 1 1 cents per pound, or makes them when the iron is found at 373 each. ~ , - I- T. CUSHING lehruary, 1833. lEsSIi COX, of IJurkc County, (late Comniis sionerofthe Land UiUcry) Respectfully announces, that lie is a candidate for the office of Secretary of State, at the next ' etion. Feb. 20 " 6-ts. Tlaw Nome;. HO MAS G. BARRON &. DAVID IRWIN have entered into Copartnership, and will attend to any business in their profession within the Cherokee Cir cuit, which may be entrusted to them. All communications will he addressed to Sandfordville, Cass County. They will practice under the firm of BARRON & IRWIN. ! Jan-26-45-21. | MILLEDBEVILLE S TUBE TU O TTBR I •. j (Authorized by the General Assembly of the State of Geo) ; Dame Fortune stands in merry mood Pouring her favors to the crowd— lie ready, friend, before they fall— Who knows but you may catch them all! MONEY MONEY I—LOTS OF MONEY!! ■MTHEN weoonsidor that Fortune is daily dif w V fusing wealth and happiness in all parts, and every corner of this extensive country, through the medium of the LOTTERY SYSTEM ; that scarcely a week or a day wheels by us without bringing the Intelligence, that some one of our friends or fellow-citizens lias drawn a prize; and that it only requires an investment of the trivial sum ofter. dollars to give us a good chance for a Prize of 20,000; — Surely it is unnecessary to urge upon this liberal and enlight ened people, the policy of stepping in the way to wealth aud the favor of the propitious Dame. Tl/R .vs:XT /WM1,7.T0 WILL TAKE PLATE ON THE SECOND h V T HII)AT BN MAY NEXT Or sooner if the sale of Tickets will authorize it —at which : time the following comfortable PRIZES will be FLOAT ING in the Wheel, viz : lot SIO,OOO 2 of $ «00 I of $ 5,000 a of $ 500 1 of SI,OOO I of SIOO 2 of $ 000 2 of » :t«0 1 of $ SOW 1 of $ 200 2 of .S7OO 21 of SIOO besides a great number of 50’s and 2 its.—thus it will be per ceived, that there are now in the wheel more than $ 25,000, exclusive of the prizes below $ 100. Those, who wish to acquire fortunes for small sums, will do well to make early investments, before the golden moment passes, and will be gone torever. SCHEME. 1 Prize of $20,000 is $20,000! 3 Prizes of 10,000 is 30,0001 1 do 5,000 is 20,000 0 do 1,000 is 9,000 6 do 900 is 4,500 j 5 do 800 is 4,000 5 do 700 is 3,500 5 do 600 is 3,000i 5 do 500 is 2,500 j 5 do 100 is 2,000 5 do 300 is 1,500 5 do 200 is 1,000 35 do 100 is 3,500 { 50 do 50 is 2,500 050 do 20 is 13,000 ' 5,000 do 12 is 00,000 Ees* than TWO blanks to :« PIH/.E. All the Prizes to be floating from the commencement, ex cept the following, deposited as follows, viz : First Day’s Drawing.—2 Prizes of 5,000, 1 of 1,000, 1 of 000, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 of 600, 1 of 500, 1 of 100, 1 of 3,10, 1 of 200. isifCoxD Day’s Drawing. —l Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000,! lof 900, lof 800,1 of 700, lof 60(1, lof 500, lof 400, lof 300, 1 of 200. Third Day’s Drawing. —l Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000,1 of 900, l of 800, Icf 700,1 of GOO, lof 500, lof 400, lof 300, 1 of 200. Fourth Day’s Drawind. —1 Prize of 10.000, 1 of 1,000 I of 900. 1 of HOO, 1 of 700, 1 of COO, 1 of 500, 1 of 400, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. Fifth and cast Drawing. —l Prize of 20,000,1 ol 1,000, 1 of 900, 1 ol 800, 1 of 700, 1 of GOO, 1 of 500, 1 of 100, 1 of 300, 1 of 200. And on the commencement of the First, Second, Third and Fourth Day’s Drawing, the firsl drawn number shall be en titled to a prize of SI,OOO, and on the conclusion of the last Day’s Drawing, the first and last drawn numbers shall bera titled to a capital Prize of $ 5,000 each, to such prizes as may be drawn to their numbers. The whole Lottery to b« completed in Five Day's Draw ing only 1 PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. The whole of the Prizes payable in sixty days after each Day’s Drawing —subject toa deduction of fiiftenn per cent.; All prizes not applied for in twelve months from each draw- j in® to he considered as a donation to the funds of the Mil-; iedgcville Street Lottery. j The drawing to take place under the superintendence of WM. W. CARNES, JOSEPH STOVALL, SAM. BUFFING TON, JOHN 11. WARE, S\\l. ROCKWELL. JAS. S. CALHOUN,&| \VM. H. TORRANCE, ROBT. M’COMP,, E. E. PARK, Commissioner*.l Also, a Board of Visitors. PRESENT PRICE OF TICKETS. Wliole* $ 10—Halves $ ft-({usrteri $2 50. For sale in a groat variety of numbers at the Uommlssionsrs 1 OiTiee, on W ayne Street, opposite the and Slate Hank. ; v-ORDERS for Tickets, from any part of the U. States,; (Dos’ paid,) will meet with prompt addition. U Address to PBI OH WKIUIT, Srrrefurj/1# Commitfionern, » Fob* 10,1*33. b— M MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA, MARCH 27, 1833. I , , FOR SALE. npHK Subscriber, from recent misfortunes, is desirous of ' abandoning his business in this place, and offer* for ! sale the large three story building on Walnut Street, akgire- ' I sent occupied by him as a Tavern. The situation is eligible, the house as large and roomy as any in the up country, and j the internal arrangements every way adopted to comfort and convenience. The extensive patronage bestowed upon this ■ House sii ce its establishment, to the present proprietor, no doubt will be continued to any enterprising and industrious individual who may succeed him. The houso will be sold j alone, or together with the Furniture, (iho latter, however, would he preferred,) upon liberal and accommodating terms. | Persons who may be purchase, would do well to ; call and view the establishment at no early day, | L. A. ERWIN. N. B. All the Stages that come to Macon stop at this es | tablishmeut. ! Macon, Feb. 7 s—ts J ~ ADMJNIVTuatobS nale. IXfILL be sold on the first Tuesday in April next at the * * Court House in CljntoieJones County, pll the perisha j ble property belonging tj the estate u<' Robert \Y. Goodman J deceased. Terms made know n on the day of sale. HENRY WOOD, Adin. Feb. lllh 1833. 6—tds A DM IN ISTR ATOR’S SALE. VGRKEABLY to an ordei of the Inferior Court of Bald win county, wliou sitting for ordinary purposes, will be j sold at at the Court-house in the town of Millcdgeville, on the first Tuesday in May next, within the legal hours of sale, two lots of one aero each, in said town, known as lot* No. 1 and 4, in spuare number 70, as the property of John Troutman deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. HIRAM B. TROUTMAN, Adm’r. February 26 7 —9 ULAD-qiARTLBfi, 3d DIV. G. M. Milledgevii le, February 13, 1833. DIVISION ORDERS. IN pursuance of General Orders of the Commander in Chief, the Annual Review and Inspection of the 3d Divi sion of Georgia Militia, by Regiments and Battalions, will take place at their respective muster grounds, on the days fol lowing, viz: In the county of Clark, on Tuesday the iCth April. In the county of Morgan, on Thursday the 18th April. ; In the county of Putnam, on Saturday the 20tb April. j In the county of Oglethorpe, on W ednesday the Ist May. j i In the county of Greene, on Friday the 3d May. In the county of Baldwin, on Thursday the 9th May. On the respective days immediately preceding the Review j and Inspection, in the above named counties, the Commis sioned and Non-commissioned (Iflicers of Regiments and Bat talions will he assembled for inspection and drill. The Colonels of Regiments and Commanders of Battalions j will instruct their respective Adjutants to note in their returns j to the Brigade Inspector, the several officers who have failed to nnifoim themselves, within the time prescribed by law— ! These deficiencies will also be noticed in the Brigade re turns. The Commanding General expects a strict compliance | with orders. A rigid discipline aud subordination will be | enforced, and all infractions promptly punished. Generals j of Brigades will attend in person to the execution of their or- j ders. By command ofMaj.Gcn. SANFORD, feb 21 S. ROCKWELL, Division Inspector, j Macon, Georgia. The Proprietor having made large addition? to his house i in Macon, is now prepared to entertain Boarders and Trav | ellets, a: all times. During the summer he will be generally at the Indian j Springs, whore hb» establishment will be kept up as hereto-1 fore. In his absence it will be under the direction of a j young man of good charactor. /„. ERWIN. I N. B. The Stage Office is kept at his house in this place. ] Macon, June 7 1832. Btf aiJLsrTOsr & Ware-House and Commission Merchants, .MACON, GEORGIA. rl LANTON & SMITH, il'are-Houst and Commission .Vo ls chants, Macon, make liberal advances on Cctton in j store, and on shipments; also on NOTES and other proper- [ ty deposited in their hands. Their Ware-Houses are more convenient to the business! part of town than any other, possessing the advantages of a | ! Wharf, and are more exempt from danger by fir* than any I other in Macon. M. n. 11l SON I ATE of Milledgeville, and his mother, have taken tlioj J establishment in Macon, formerly kept by Charles ; Williamson, Esq. known as the WASHINGTON IIA LI. j The house has undergone thorough repair, and with other improvements, a Dining Room, eighty feet in length, has been added to the south wing of the building. The bed chambers have been re-painted,and the furniture is entirely : new. particularly beds. His servants, the same as were 1 employed inhishoueeat Milledgeville. From the central situation of his establishment and his; long experience in the business, he confidently looks to the j public for a liberal share of pattronage. Macon, Oct. 29, 1832 30— j PLANTER S FIIIE PROOF WAKE HOUSES, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. rgMIE UNDERSIGNED having purchased the FIRE l PROOF WARE-HOUSES, lately occupied by Messrs. | Sims, Williams and Woolsey, respectfully tender tbeir ser vices to their friends and the public in general, in the k\ arc-; House. Factorage and Commission Business, under the firm of MASON A RANDLE. They will be prepared to! extend the usual facilities to their customers, bv making ad vances on PRODUCE IN STORE. ! Connected with the Ware-Houses, safe and very extensive Ware House, i For the reception of any Goods, which may be consigned to , [ them for sale or otherwise. The situation ot their W are- Houses as to convenience, safety and the despatch of busi ness is unsurpassed by any in the City. Tke undivided at tention of the Subscribers, will be given to the above busi ness, w ith a pledge not to engage in any speculation upon produce. They hope to merit aud receive a liberal portion of public i patronage. WYLIE W. MASON, ; JOHN S. RANDLE. February 2, 1833. B—4 (Cj’U t iake plea lire in recommending the above gentle men to public confidence, believing as w e do, in their integ rity and qualifications for business. JOHN HOW ARD. WM- JOHNSTON, for themselves and other late pro-. priclors. M’GEHEE’S LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE OFFICE. MILLEPGKVILU:, GEO. 1 TNITIID NT ATEN IIAKK NOTES fur sale.—Check* J on M GISTI and NAVANNAJH—DmIU paid »>• Nnranunh. Apple at M’GEIIBES’ leiifry and Exchange Office. ! SHERIFF’S SAFES FOR APRIL. (DrJLOOK HERE.xt publisher ot “the Times and State Right’s Advocate,*’ believing that it would be useful and interesting to his pat. rona has determined to publish every month, the Sheriff’s sales n the Chekokek Circuit, ami in the couuties of JusDcr, Jones, Baldwin, Green and Morgan, in the Ocmi lghk— Bibb, Monroe, Upson Pfke, Henry and Newton, in the Flint; and Troup, cr riwethcr, Harris, Talbot and oluscogee.tnThe Ciiatta lloochik ( ikciijT. By this course, the render of “the Times and *Stato Kight’a Advocate** will have ir fully in his power to learn the inot=t important intelligence and at one view, ot the different sales j io the most populous counties. SALKS IN CHEROKEE CIRCUIT. j H ill be fivld, at Cherokee Court-hinute % oh tkcld Tuetday in April i \o, 11? 10 3, property ol Mickell Buff, in favor of faruo# Lang ! 33d 4 1 do Jackson Hewet, do Billups Shack. , eiford and R. (Jroves I 9.18 4 3 do \\ in Grimes, in favor of Win Groves, j 62 34 3 do John M. Dowdy, in favor of Tho. S. Tate. 25:2 38 3 do J dc Win Farmer, in favor of Tho. S Tate j 301 3 1 do Jos Xa!Jy& Win Farmer in Hvor of do. ; 333 33 3 4w Eli Wood, in favor ot Robert T. Banka, j 20G 33 du Knock Slatten, in favor of Edmond flat ten and Robert Mitchell. 333 33 do Alaey Right, in favor of Robert Mitchell. 303 9 3 do James R Russell in favor Wm Thurmon. 333 10 3 do James Hanunet, in favor of Pago Kook. 69 7 2 do Sanford Higgins, in favor of . c Mifflin. 293 30 3 do Elijah Mitchell, in favor of Rob’t Mitchell. 71 16 3 do A. Littlejohn, m favor of Win Hudson/ 623 3 2 do John Bird, in favor of ohn Clayton. 19 17 3 do A. B, Higgins, in fuvor of T. Glasscock. 243 10 3 do Tlios. M. Berrien, in favor of David i lurk, orel Robert Russell. 140 6 2 do Sidney Forb*, n favor of Ewd. Daniel. JOHN JOLLY, Sh’iT. 8188. ISRAEL, a negre man, property of Bank of Macon, to satisfy au execution in favor of John Carmichael. Saw mill, and 350 acres of laud, to satisfy sundry execu tions in favor of Luke lived & Cos., and others. The Tavern, known as the Mansion House, ns tho proper ty of diaries Bullock, to satisfy sundry executions in favor of Talman & Farlin and others. Seven negroes, the property of John C. Rogers, in favor of j John J. Thomas. WM. B. CONK, 1). Sh’ff. NEWTON. | 4 BAY mare, as the property of Benj. Harper, in favot of | .A .lessee M. Wilson. A LEVINGTON, Sh’ff- BALDWIN. N r EGRO man Charles, as ihe property of Andrew Cam ming, in favor of Randolph L. Mott. ROBERT MICKLEJOHN, Sh’tT. PUTNAM. 4 ACRES of Land in Eatonton, ps the property of the ! Trustees of the Academy, in favor of John Nosbett. j Negro John, as the property of Gabriel Richardson, dec’d. , in favor Stephen Sanders, for Milton Holt. I One negre woman named Ally, as the property of Samuel ■ Singleton, in favor of John C. Mason. 31 acres of land, as the property of Zacariah Hall, in fa vor of Tbps. B. Windows. P- A. LAWSON, Sh’ff. JASPER. I QfA OR 40 acres of land, a part of the Milner lot. aa the I ‘SD.* property of Wm. Cabiness, Ex’or. £fc. in favor of, | Robert Birdsong, Ex’or. Ac. j A bay horse, three bags cotton, and other property, as Jas. j I Steeles, in favor of Jas. I). Whitfield and Richard Wheeler, j t Goodwin U . Abbott’s interest in 9 negroes in the posses sion of Baxil 'Smith, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Thomas F. i Nolan. JOHN U COCKRAN, S'h’lT. JONES. ! 'AC) ACRES of land, as the property of Wm. McMath, : *) •/ O in favor of James George and Lowterand wife, j 12 negroes and 200 acres of land, as the proderty of Geo. Duncan, in favor of Mary Duke. I A two acre lot in Clinton, as the oroperty of Alfred Ivcr | son,in favor Thos. J. i’oeman, and wife. 150 acres of land, as Harrell Flowers, in favor of Apple-; tonJu6tiee. 50 acres of land, and 1 11 yards of mixed homespun cloth, i as the property- of Thos. 11. Milford. C. R. EATON, D. Sh’ff. GREENE. t(\A ACRES of land, as the property of Samuel Cald- j SjIHJ well, in favor of Wm. Baynan. MAY SALE. Negro girl Betsey, as the property of Cyrus Wood, to sat isfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of John F. I’inckard. VV. L. STRAIN, Sh’ff, j j MORGAN. O ACRES of land, as the property of Edwin H. Yta-, l*' con, in favor of the Bank of the State of Georgia- A Sorrel horse, b»d,&c. as the property of Jas, Head, in i favor of Thomas Hester, adm’r. 3 Negroes, as the property of Littleton Whitten, ia favor t of John \\ . Butler. 104 Acres of land, ns the property of Alien Mclntosh.; 202 Acres of latid, as the property of Margaret Head, in I favor of Nathaniel Allen, Ex’or. Waggon, Harness and 4 horres, as the property of Jesse Mclntosh, in favor of Mary G. Franklin, Ex’rx. 550 Acres of land, as the property of Milas C. Nesbit, in favor of Francis and John Irw in, Ex’rs. The lot whereon is the Masonic Hall, as the property ol Andrew B. Sturges, in favor of David Taylor, jr. Negro girl Mint, as the property of Richard Wood, in fa-; vor of Martin Deprest and others. A mahogany bureau, as the property , f Barnabus Wolf right, in favor of John Wolfriglit. P'll ACRES iif land, levied on as the property ofrn JU Smith, (widow’sdower) in favor of Irwin and B ryan Saddle, bridle, and martingale, as the property ofCh.rito pherKeenan, in favor of S. J. Saffidd- A bay mare as the property of Malachie Brand, in favor of | Francis Lawson. MAY SALE. Negro Lucy, and perishable property, as the property of i John IL Garelt, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of John) Tolly KENRY BROWN, Sh’fl MUSCOGEE. favor of James M- Patrick. llczekijlt Clay’s property, in-favor of W. Cf Jas. Hamilton. Jno. Prides’ negro Ben, in favor of M. I). Yanee and others. ; No. 117, sth dis. Muscogee, properly of May Manning, in .avor of James C. Allen. Brick-house and lot. No. 170, in Columbus, property of Thomas S. Martin, in favor of Charles E. Mims, Ac. Lot of land, loth Muscogee, as the property of John Mr-1 Du flic, in favor of A. B. Griffin, Adm’r. W. L*. HARGROVE, Sh’ff. TBOt/P. Watch, marc, saddle and bridle, property of Wm. S. Fick iin in favor of 11 train Reid. Corn, mure and colt, property of Lovy Langston, in favor 1 of Howell \V. Jacks, u. Lots Nos. ll.i und 148 in the 12th Troup, property of A. Lee,in favor of John Cohnn. D. S. ROBERTSON, H U. JEFFERSON EDITOR. IMO\ IIO’SEL PBOPERTY. Drawing has been postponed till the first M. Saturday in Mardi next, a lien it will positively be drawn. J. 13. DATE. IA N, Proprietor. Tiiomaston,* Dec. 2». 1 RI3?fOVAf.. Subscriber ha* removed to the Store for*- _cL rnerly ocoupiod hy Maiming U Lain*,where he has now on hand, and intends Keeping n assortment ot ready made Clothing, together with every article necessary for tne completion of Ucntleinens apparel. A. C. VAIL. Millcdgeville, Fob. 12, Ir>33 JUCTIOX, BUOKMUGE , f|MIE undersigned has taken the spacious fire proofbrick *• store, in the south cud of Ellis Shotvvell & Cn’s range,- for the purpose of transacting .Inchon, Brokerage and Com mission Business, generally*—He will lie aided In the manage •nnnt of any business confided to him, hy his brother J. T. TowtSnd, and respectfully solicits a share of the pat ronage of thier respective friends, and the public.... Until tbe store is completed bis Counting room will be kept over the Commercial Dank. WILLIAM P. ROWLAND. N. B. Cotton will be bought or sold for a moderate commission. Oct. 3, * 25 AID ST A T E HIGH T ’ sci AD V OCA TE, Friutcd ami piihSitbed in (lie Town of 71 il- Icdjevillc, «eo. by IV*. O. .1. M.ADE. AT THE earnest solicitation of many of hi* personal and political ft tends, the publisher of this paper was induced to discontinue his Journal in the town of Macon, and remove to this place with a view to the establishment of the “Times and .State Eight's Advocate,” to be coraluctcrf upon the chaste md cnadulterated principles of the Republican party. The rapid current, which is drifting the dis mantled ship of State upon the breakers of Consoli dation .and Despotism, must be conquered, or its headlong force will overwhelm our lofty and bcauti ul Ark, in which is reposited the Iloly Covenant of jur Union. He believes that our Union is strictly Federal— that it is a defensive Alliance, formed to shield and defend us from foreign invasion, and to facilitate our intercourse with other nations. Ho believes that the covenant of Union between the States should be literally interpreted, and tho spirit in which it was formed strictly adhered to, ?lse the usurpation of power not granted, or the perversion of the obvious intent of such as are transferred to the common aoent of the State's, in cases minutely described and worded with the utmost precision oflanguage, will change our government from one of freedom, simplicity* and equality into the most tyrannous, complicated and unseemly Despo* TisMthut ever defaced the Globe. He believes that whenever that Covenant is bro ken and mutilated in its vital and essential organs by the most contumacious, faithless and unprovoked le gislation and when we are wantonly and brutally menaced with military subjection by its enemies and infractors, that it is time to break the fetters of Sla very and to redeem our Liberties. lie believes that each State, being “free, sovereign md independent,” having no common umpire, must iccessarily decide for herself When the emergency trrives that may impose upon her the dreadful and fatal necessity of breaking the band of Union be tween the States which compose it. In Itis effort to sustain the Rights of the States and the principles of Freedom, lie must unavoidably con demn not only many of the past measures of the pre sent administration, hut oppose every other, based ipon the doctrines of the Federal party. No man n 1 lie Union has ever before dared to assume the tame latitude of powers for the Federal government, the mighty Dragon ever ready to devour our liber ies) as ihe present Chief Magistrate of the Union. He calls upon the true Republican party of the state of Georgia to sustain him in this ellbrt to res ore the genuine principles of democracy among the icople of this State,t»y a liberal ami extended patron ige. He will c\|> at their hands, whilst lio ox irtion shall be wanting o:i his part to render his I’a >cr as useful and instructive as his means will allow urn. , TURKS. Tie Times and State Right’s Advocate is pric ed every Wednesday at Three Dollars pe'annum, paya* dc in advance, or Four Dollars p< r annum if not paid >efore the expiration of the year. The Times is a pa| er if tho largest si/.e, and i' print! <1 with new type, and in the most approved patent press. (K?* Any person, who will procure us 10 responsible lubscribcrs and forward their names, enclosing $26 n cash,shall receive the remaining five dollars, or two Kip era per annum, or 12 J. per cent, for each subscriber ; he postage to be paid in every instance, by the person icmimg the subscribers: Advertisements are inserted it the usual rates. OCT“ Tho “ TIME s '” office is supplied with every va* •ietv of type, from large to small, plain and fancy, ami mtirelv opw and it these lore prepared to execute Prin ing of every kind in as good style, and on as reasonable .'•riiis, as anv establishment in the state. JOHN F. D. BEjjSON of Harris enuntv, Geo. has f sale this year fioq,6oo cuttings andCOti rooted vines. - riin whole is of ditli rent kind? and host qualities to plant ind well adapted to ihe mi! and rhinale of i ts State: he vis now in hand a Treatise on vine culture, and die art of Hiking Wnu\ which he will sell at a lair price, io accom nodatethe public in general, November 27. t S3-2. 32 SKKisrjrjsM* j"kF every dpaeription, executed with neatness and drapatrh If at THE TIMES, AND STATE Rir.HT’S ADVO . ATE O.lire, Hy M. D. J. SLADE.