Newspaper Page Text
vor. !—*«>• >3-
vtf-j) saoaitra
u'ULb* published oaee a week, in the Town of Milledge- 1
' THREE DOLLARS per annum, if paid in advance, or j
BIPB DOLLARS, at the end of the year.
* u «-* advertisements inserted at the usual rates: those j
(without a specified number of insertions, nil t e pub* j
until ordered out and charged accordingly. Sales of
, by Administrators, tlx wsutors, or Guardians, are re
“S by law, to be held on the lirst Tuesday in the month ]
fueen the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the;
Jierjeoin at the court-house in the county in w hich the ;
*' ,'^ v j' s situate. Notice of these sales must he given in a ;
sixty days previous to the day of sale. Sales
must he at public auction, on the first Tuesday ;
(•(l/niontfiv between the usual hours of sale, at the place of;
° ui e sales iu the county where the letters Testamentary, of!
or Guardianship, may have been granted, first j
iviiig sixty days notice thereof, in one of the public gazettes j
*V Estate,and at the door of the court-house, where such
'ides are tube held. Notice for the sale of Personal Pro- 1
wrfy must be given in like inarm .orty days previous to j
'day of sale. Notice to the Debtors and Creditors of an :
V 5 ~/e mast be published for forty-days. Notice that appli- i
cation " ill be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave lo j
siil Land, must be published four months. Notice lor leave ;
tosfii Ncroes, must be published for four months, before
iry or ,ier absolute shall be made thereon by the Court j
Printed and published in the Town of JSil-
Icdgcville. Cico. by M. I>. J. SLADE.
s T' THE earnest solicitation of many of his
a*, personal anti political friends, the publisher of
Ihis paper was induced to discontinue his Journal in
jj, l0 ( V11 () f Macon, and remove to this place with a
kiovvto the establishment of the “Times and State
tigk's Advocate,” to be conducted upon the chaste
mil principles of the Republican
jariv. The rapid current, which is drifting the dis
natitlcd ship of State upon the breakers of Consoli
lasiou and Despotism, must be conquered, or its
Batllon" force will overwhelm our lofty and beauti
ul Arkan which is reposited the Holy Covenant of
nr Union.
He believes that our Union is strictly Federal—
btit is a defensive Alliance, formed to shield and
s from foreign invasion, and to facilitate our
ntereoursc with other nations.
He believes that the covenant of Union between
ic .States should be literally interpreted, and the
pint in which it was formed strictly adhered to,
Is- tiie csfkfation of power not granted, or the si on of the obvious intent of such as are
ransierred to the common agent of the States, in
ases minutely described and worded with the utmost
recision oflanguage, will change our government
:om one of freedom, simplicity and equality into the
Ins', tyrannous, complicated and unseemly Despo
is.mthat ever defaced the Globe.
He believes that whenever that Covenant is bro
n sad mutilated in its vital anti essential organs by
ic most contumacious, faithless and unprovoked le
islation and when we are wantonly and brutally
enaccd with military subjection by its enemies and
ifractors, that it is tinip to break the letters ot Sla
ny and to redeem our Liberties.
He believes that eaefi State, being “free, sovereign,” having no common umpire, must
scessarily decide for herself, when the emergency
'fives that may impose upon her the dreadful anti
.til necessity of breaking the band of Union he
wn the States which compose it.
In his effort to sustain the Rights of the States and
e fiinciples of Freedom, lie must unavoidably ron
not only many of the past measures of the pre
nt administration*, but oppose every other, based
Bonthe doctrines of the Federal party. No man
■ the Union has ever before dared to assume the
■wl .iitude of powers for the Federal government.
V mighty 1 )ragon ever ready to devour our liber
s)astlic present Chief .Magistrate of the Union.
s upon the true Republican party ol the
■i*'." f »t Georgia to sustain him in tins effort to res
■ genuine principles of domocracy among the
) i('ottiiis State,by a liberal and extended patron
■ • He will expect it at their hands, whilst no ex
sill'll | IC want ; n g on his pnrt to render his l’a
as and instructive as his means will allow
I terms.
RnT Ihe Times anil State Right's Advocate is prin-
A Wain ftsday at Three Dollars per annum, paya
-11,1 .nlvance, or Four Dollars per anituia if not paid
■wetiie expiration ol'lhe year. The Times is a pa|cr
I the largest size, and is printed with new type, and
I*- 1 ' most approved patent press,
ry Any person, who will procure us 10 responsible
P 6C b.H and forward their names, enclosing 0”5
shall receive the remaining five dollars, or two
■ Cfs !' c rannum, or Dll per cent, for suliscriber ;
■ Pmtage to lie paid jn every instance, by the person
■ >ngthe subscribers: Advertisements are inserted
usual rates.
■7 The “ TIMES” office is supplied with every va-
I' 1 b'pe, from large to small, plain anil fancy, and
■ tf m new and is therefore prepared to execute I’rin
■ CVer y kind in as good style, and on as reasonable
establishment in the state.
I To the Public.
■ «ni MStdly l his month, there took place a tremen-
Bd* ,] 810 ™ at Thomaston, which is found to have cx-
Hu 1 an H *- lr . and to have done much damage ; owing \
'e Itinerant agents employed to sell tickets could,
Kl„"' t,tnc ' ai 'd the drawing of the Union Hotel Pro-j
Bui.-, 7 cou id not take place on the 2d insl. As there
B*iuh e ** oc k yet to dispose of, tlio Propietor thinks
■ ,|"* 1 lcdrawin K when the stock is sold, or most,
■hUlk January next: this will give him i
B a^ ll ' h « balance of the tickets.
n i Mr Vl vurU>n sUrt a fine Post Coach D-1
BAnrii ® ’Leon and Columbus, on the first Mon--
lu. llln txt ’ i ‘ Ml ' mtM l at the Union Hotel in Thomas-
B‘->ndh' S ' This splendid Him must raise the
B I 1 S re i1 induuemeui tor purchasers who ever in
, J U - livi’t: MAN, Propriety, i
B"*taa ‘ ' a ' l,rr "*'d the Drawing, will publish tint
B n 1 "W«h till the day of dim mg.
lottery and exoiaxgu office.
' on AUGUSTA and SAVANNAH—Drafts paid in
Apply at M’GEHEES’
Lottery «nd Exchange Office.
EMEflosr« mmm7
Ware-House and Cr.nmtssion Merchants,
BLANTON & .Sail PH, If urc~f/ouseand Commission Met
chants, Vlaco.v, make liberal advances on Cctton in
store, and on shipments: also on XOTKS and other proper
ty deposited in their hands.
Their Ware-Houses are more convenient to the business
part of town than any other, possessing the advantages of a |
Wharf, and are more exempt from Hanger by fire than any
other in Macon.
A'ew-Ynrh ami Darica Lint- ot Packets.
BIRIGS Premium and Coral Schrs. D. ih Crane. Kliza
s and Atlas, to sail regularly from each port on the Ist
10th and 20th of each Month. The above Line of vessels I
has been established for the convenience of shippers and mer
chants in Georgia. It offers many advantages to tin mer
chants generally in that portion of Georgia bordering on thej
River? Ocuiulgee and Aitamaha. The vessels are ail of the '
first class, and sre commanded by able and cxpetienced Cep
tains. 'I he freights on Goods either way will bo regulated
by the Savannah rates. All goods to the subscribers at New
York will be forwarded free of Commission.
r. R. YOU NG E & SONS, !
Agi nts—Darien, Geo.!
R. M. DEMILL, Agent,
174 Front Street N. York.
Agents 100 Front Street N. York.
March ]0 io <j w
STlimii T Is O TWER !•
(Authorized by the General Assembly of the State of Geo)
Dame Fortune stands in merry mood
Pouring licr favors to the crowd—
He ready, friend, before they fall—
Who knows but you may catch them all!
TfcSHIEN wc eonsiilor that Fortune is dailv dis
“ W fusing wealth and happiness in all parts, and every
corner of this extensive country,through the medium of the
LOTTERY SYSTEM; that scarcely a week or a dav
vvheelsjby us without bringing the intelligence, that some
one of our friends or fellow-citizens lias drawn a prize; and
that it only requires an investment of the trivial sum of ten
dollars to give us a good chance for a Prize of 20,000 ;
Surely it is unnecessary' to urge upon thi3 liberal and enln-ht
cncil people, the policy of stepping in the way to wealth aud
the favor of tne propitious Dame.
Or sooner if the saleof Tickets will authorize it—at which
time the following comfortable PRIZES will be FLOAT
ING in the Wheel, viz :
1 ol $ 10,000 2 of 8 GOO
3 ©S' S 3,090 2 ok' G .'»00
I «< ib s ,t>t‘o lot n ioo
2 of !MK> 2 of G tSOO
1 o! « WCO I of £ 200
2 ©y @ 7GO 2 3 of 8 100
besides a great number of AO's and 25’*. —thus ii will be per
ceived, that there are now in the wheel more than 8 25,00 C,
exclusive of the prizes below fit 100.
Those, who wish lo acquire fortunes for small sums, will
do well to make early investments, before the golden moment
passes, and will be gone forever.
1 Prize of a ‘JO,OOO is 3 20,000
a Prizes of 10,000 is 30,000
•1 do 5,000 is 20,000
0 do 1,000 is 9,000
5 do 900 is 4,500
5 do 800 is 4,000
5 do 700 is 3,500
5 do 600 is 3,000
5 do 500 is 2,500
5 1 do 400 is 2,000
5 do 300 is 1,000
5 do 200 is 1,000
35 do 200 is 3,500
50 do 50 is 2,500
050 do 20 is 13,000
5,000 do 12 is 00,000
bc»< Ilian TWO blanks to a PRIZE.
All the Prizes to be floating from the commencement, ex
cept the following, deposited as follows, viz:
First Day’s Drawing.—2 Prizes of 5.000, 1 of 1,000, 1
of 900, 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 of GOO, 1 of 500, 1 of 400, 1
of 3;-0, 1 of 200.
Sf.cond Day’s Drawing.—l Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000,
lof 900, lof 800,1 of 700, lof GOO, lof 500,1 of 100, lof
300, 1 of 200.
Third Day’s Drawing.—l Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000, 1
of 900, 1 of 600, 1 of 700, I of GOO, 1 of 500, 1 of 400, I of
300, 1 of 200.
Fourth Day’s Drawing.—l Prize of 10,000, 1 of 1,000
lof 900, lof 800,1 of 700, lof 600,1 of 500, lof 400, lof
300, 1 of 209.
Fi«th and last Drawing.—l Prize of 20,000,1 o( 1,000,
lof 900, 1 ot 600, lof 700,1 of GOO, lof 500, lof 400, 1 of
300, 1 of 200. •
And on the commencement of the First. Second, Third and
Fourth Day’s Draw iup, the Jirst drawn number shall he en
titled to a prize of 8 1.000, aud on the conclusion of the last
Day’s Drawing, the first and last drawn nutnbersshall heen
tilled to acapital Prize, of 63,000 each, in addition to such
prizes as may be drawn to their numbers.
The whole Lottery to be completed in l-’ive Day’s Draw
ing only I
The whole of the Prizes payable in sixty days after each
Day’s Drawing—subject to a deduction of fiifteen per cent.
1 All prizes not applied for iu twelve months from each draw
: ing to be considered as a donation to the funds of the Mil
' Jedgeville Street Lottery.
The drawing to take place under the superintendence of
E. L. PARK, Commissioners.
Also, a Board of Visitors.
Wholes 8 10~Malr« 9 s—Quarters 8 2 50.
For sale in a great variety of numbers at the Gomttiissioner*
Ofiiec, on Wayne Street, opposite the PosteOfiicu and .state
Dank. „ , , .. t
, -ORDERS for I ickets, from ar.y part of tho t . States, !
! f ifjet paid,) will meet with prompt attention,
l" Address «. P*VOB IVRWnr.
v ‘ - ‘ t*y * t irtrs !
*R! e < * tt
"N *ffcs-'
wxsW iu
Macon, Georgia.
The Proprietor having made largeadditionrto his house
in Macon, is now prepared to entertain Hoarders and Trav-,
ellers, at all times.
During tho summer he wilt be generally at the Indian
Springs, whore his establishment will be kept up as hereto
fore. In his absence it will ba under the direction of ti
young man of good charactor.
i i.. .i. 1
N. B. The Stage Office is kept aihis house in this place. J
! Macon, Juno 7 1832. ft t f
, ’ M. li.Airsott |
I A PBof Milled geville, and his mother, have taken the 1
J csiaiilishmetit in Macon, forsicrly kept by Charles
VVilltainson, Esq. known as the
The house has undergone thorough repair, and with other \
improvements, a Dining Hoorn, eighty feet in length, has j
been added to the south wing of the building. The bed- !
chambers have been re-painted.and the furniture is entirely I
new. particularly beds. His servants, the same as were
employed in his house at Milledgeville.
From the central situation of his establishment and itis
long experience in the business, he confidently looks lo tho
j public for a liberal share of pattronage.
Macon, Oct. 29, J 332 ” sq
77 roil f*ALi:~ '
fJYH E Subscriber, from recent misfortunes, is desirous of
abandoning bis business in this place, and offers for
sale the large tltree story building on tValnut Street, at pre
sent occupied by him as a Tavern. The situation is eligible, i
the house as large and roomy as any in the up country, and !
the interna! arraqgeinents every way adapted to comfort and*
convenience. J’he extensive patronage bestowed upon this ;
j House sit ce its establishment, to tho present proprietor, no 1
doubt will be continued to any enterprising and industrious
I individual who may succeed him. The house will he sold
| alone, or together with the Furniture, (the latter, however,
i would be preferred,) u p>ai liberal and accommodating terms.
Persons who may be disposed to purchase, would do Well to
: call and view the Cltahlishmunt at an early dav,
j L. A. ERWIN.
; N. B. All the Stages that cotao to Macon st >t> at this es-i
Macon, Feb. 7 5 ts
j *FMIE undersigned has talon the spacious fireproofhrick >
A store, in the south end of EllisShotwell & Go’s range, |
! for the purpose of transacting .luetum, Brokerage and Corn- \
! Ki **st'o» Business, generally-—He will In-aided in themanage
, jijcnt ol any business confided to l int, by Lis brother J. I
] 1 . i owlanil, arid respectfully solicits u share of the pat
| ronago of tliier respective friends, and the public.... Until
the store is completed his Counting room will be kept over
the Commercial Bank.
J N. B. Cotton will be bought or sold for a moderate
commission. •
I Oct. 3, 05. i
SUBSCRIBER continues to make inks and gud
| geons for tub-mills at ten dollars a set, and other cas
| tings for saw or griss mills, at sixty-five r.fnts per pound.—
lie also repairs guns and pistols at very high prices, and
shoes horses at 81 00 if the cash is paid "down, or if done in
payment of a debt, but if charged. He also sells
new scooters at I t cents per pound, or makes them when the
iron is found at 371 each.
February, 1833. ts
| :
Thomas g. barron & david irwix
have entered into Copartnership, and will attend to
any business in their profession uilhin the Cherokee Cir
cuit, which may be entrusted to them. AH communications
will be addresssil to Sandfnrdville, Cass County. They
will practice under the firm of
BEAD-Ql AnTEKS, 3d DIV. «. *l.
IN pursuance of General Orders of the Commander in
. Chief, the Annual Review and Inspection of the 31 IJivi
i sion of Georgia Militia, by Regiments and Battalions, w ill
I take place at their respective muster grounds, on the days fol
! lowing, viz:
i In the county of Clark, onTucsday the Kith April.
In the county, of Morgan, on Thursday the 16th April.
In the county of Putnam,on Saturday the 20th April.
In the county of Oglethorpe, on Wednesday the Ist May.
In the county of Greene, on Friday the 3d May.
In the county of Baldwin, on Thursday the 9th May.
On the respective days immediately preceding the Review
and inspection, 1n the above named counties, the Cnmtnis-
I sioned and Non-com missioned Officers of Regiments and llat
| talions will he assembled lor inspection and drill,
i The Colonels of Regiments and Commanders of Battalions
; will instruct tlieir respective Adjutants to note in their returns
] to the Brigade Inspector, the several officers who have failed
i to unifoim themselves, within the time prescribed by law—
These deficiencies will also be noticed in the Brigade rc-
I turns.
The Commanding Ccneral cspccts a strict compliance 1
with orders. A rigid discipline and subordination will be 1
enforced, and all infractions promptly punish and. Getter,'s
of Brigades w ill attend in person to the execution of their or
By command of Maj. Gen. SANFORD,
fob ill S. ROCKWELL. Division Inspector, j
J. RctmfU on !sm‘ S’
Tint recollect, gentlemen, for the chattcrkcaoy mj hat is off,
But without it, the and st Qualer you ever saw.
IrOil one am willing to admit, that a certain
kind of officers, (whom I will not name) ought to lie 1
| supported. But lam not yet nmdj to believe "tie burthen!
; ought, under existing circumstanoi-s, to fa ! ail upon my
: shoulders; and under that belief, until convinced of my cr-j
j ror, (although l am willing to pay tiy proportion, tuid if in j
, the country w here rents are not so liiph. would take upon my- 1
i self to support two of them,) will make an effort, should all ;
1 reasonable time and means fail of producing the derired ob-,
| ject, (that of raising the wind) to obtain assistance for their'
} support —for promises w ill not answer tne; i havo tried them \
jto my sorrow —and lain delermittnd no longer to to lake them j
; for pay—for I have had all sorts of them, and with them, all j
sorts of disappointment. So now, once for all—
You that have the Fewtcr, put it up,
You that have not, come round ind work it tip,
! and you who will do neither, look out for breakers. No joke
I —sure fire. J. BEN \ ETT,
March 19 under the promises.
rgXHF. publisher of “the Times and State Right'* Advocate,’!
1 m. believing that it would be ussful and interl ting to hi* pat.
i runs hat determined to publish every month, the B'icrß's soles
a the CnnoszE Cntri rr. and m 'ho eonnlies of Jasper, Jones
Baldwin. Green and Morgan, to the Ucju loak— Ifibb. Monroe,
Upson I‘ikt- Henry amj Newton, m the Furs r, ou.) Troup. Mer.
nw*’Ji*r, Harris. Tslbnt and J|u»*(>cfe,|in the Cturt* Hoocihk
Cis'.t rr. By tins oeura*. the rsader or “tits T.m«s nntl Style
Right’s Adeosstu” will have u fe’l* r. Itis |cs*r m lasrfl ths
Tiurf i ng. r’j,M sol v -s'*.e , bt'bo didkren’ *ThS
1b &t o’s'r* * four*.**.
honth-Wettern or Kiddle Route, V. States
Kail Coaches.
f|4IIRE id times a week each way, between Fredericktburtr,
Va. an. Lextngt.m, N. C„ by tho way of Cartersviile,
Cumberland Court-House, Farmville, Hamden Sidney Col
lege, i mice La ward Court-House, Halifax Court-House, 1
V trgtma. Milton, Greensboro,’ Jamestown to Lexincrton. N
Carolina. “
A referenee to any Map of the United States, will shew
tunt I cctiS o II cUtforg » route passes over the middle ground i
betweeu t!ie wide waters and marshy grounds of the lower
country ; unu the ravines, precipices and uneven roads of the
meant hi, route. The Coaches are of best Troy make, carry
ing nine inside and five outside passengers—the Horses aud
not surpassed by those on any other route.
IT'' Earsengcrs going North from any place .South of Lex
mgt n. wishing to take 'hie route, should be careful to enter :
only for Lexington, N. C.
rcns 70 £o , ruiles r ,r d »y' allowing full time for
rt»»i*ishm«>iit anti hlctjn.
Running in connexion with the Steam-Boat Sydney, and
Metropolitan line ot Stages, which run daily between Kredo
ncnsuurg and W asbington City.
I-cavc Washington every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday,
at 10, A. M. * J j
Arrive at Fredericksburg same evenings, by 5, P. M.
Leave Fredericksburg same evenings, or noxt mornings at
\A. 4VI. (at option of passengers.)
Lexington every Monday, Thursday and Saturday,
Time from Wnsliington to Lexington, 4 days and 8 hours.
Lcaw I.oxiiigtcn every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday,
at halt past 3, A. M. J
Arrive at I’redericksburg every Tuesday. Thursday and
Saturday, by 2, P. M. and at Washington City same even
ings, by 8 to 9, H. M.
Passengers can go on same night to Baltimore—there take
0 o clock xJoat neit morning for Philadelphia— get there on
• the evening of sth day from Lexington—from thence by the
Mail Nidge, get to New York at G o'clock on the morning of
ti.e Gth Jayv 6
lane from Lexington to Fredericksburg, 3 1-8 days—293
* ’
Time from LcXuiglon to Wasbington, 4 days, 351 miles—
i being about 14 hours less than by any other route.
Fare between Lexington and Fredericksburg S2O 50
Ditto Greensboro’& Fredericksburg 18 00
ffj* For intermediate distances see large Cards.
: SX All Baggage and Parcels at the risk of the owners
Pecks & YY el Word's part of the South-Western line (the
middle route,) is crossed by Stages at Gardner's X Roads,
between Ricltmoud and Orange Court-House via Louisa
Court-House, twice a week each Way, 75 miles—at George's
i s.verii, between Richmond, Staunton and the Virginia
Springs, 6 limes a week each way, by the way of Charlottes
ville and Scottsville—at Langhorn’s Tavern, between Rich
mond and Lynchburg, 120 miles, 6 times a week each way,
and from Lynchburg to Knoxville, Tenn. to the Springs and I
to the Guyandotte line—at Hallifax Court-House, between
that place and Petersburg, twice a week each way—at Milton,
, N . C. between Warrentun and Danville, Ya. 3 times a week
\ r„7 ■* in connexion with this
line) between Raleigh and Salem, N. C.U6 mile*, 3 «
u^ e '‘ c h way—via Chapel Hill and Hillsborough—and
j front Salem to Statesville, ilkesville, Newposl, Tenncs
, tee, &.c.
Continuation of South-W cstern Route, by other Contrac
tots, running in connection with PECKS Ac WEI.L
FOPei/'S, between Lexinglon, N‘ C. and Millcdge
viilc, Geo.
From Lexington, by the way of Salisbury, 16 mile3", Con
| cord 23 m.; Charlotte 20 m.; Yorkville, S. C 30 m.; Ull
- ionville 35 m.; I.aurens C. H. 31 m.; Abbeville 37 m. ;
Petersburg, Geo. 21 in.; Washington 22 m.; Greensboro’
I m- ; Eaionlon 22 iu.; to MHledgeville 20 in.—At this
place it is ngainconnected with the Metropolitan Route from
Milledgeville to New Orleans, via Macon, Columbus, Mont
gomery, Blakeley, Mobile, Pascagoula, and thence across the
Lakes to New Orleans.
Cross Rotiles South ot Lexington.
Between Salisbury and Raleigh, 120 miles; Ditto and Che
raw, via Wadesboto* 85 miles; Ditto and Lincoluton, 54
utiles; Ditto and Statesville, 2G miles—all twice a week
each way.
Between Charbttc a-id Camden, 80 miles, twice a week,
each way | Ditto and Fayetteville, once a week, each way ;
Ditto and Statesville, once a week, each way.
At Yorkville, between Columbia and Lincolnton, 120 miles a week each way.
At Laurens O. H., between Columbia and Buncombe C.
H., 145 miles, once a week each way.
At Abbeville, between Augusta. Geo. and Greenville, S. C.
running in connection with this line to Augusta.
At Petersburg, between Augusta and Carnesviile, miles
once a week each way.
At M ashington, between Augusta and Athens, 90 miles.
Fredericksburg, Virginia, March 20. 10 ts
V GHEE ABLY' to an ordet of the Inferior Court of Bald
win county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be
sold at at die Court-lu-utie in the town of Milledgeville, on
the first Tuesday in Ma y next, within the legal hours of sale,
two lots of one acre each, in said town, known as lots No. 1
and 4. in spunre number 70, as the properly of John Troutman
deceased. .Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased.
Terms on the day of sale.
February CG 7_<j \
t GREKABI.E to an order of the honorable Inferior Court
of Harris county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary,
w ill be sold on the first Tuesday in May next at the Court
House in Burks county, the following Tracts iof Land, lot
No. IG9, in the 9th district of originally Fayette, now
Campbell county. All of the above sold as the property of
Littleberry Mnrsh, deceased, for the beuefit of the heirs o
saiil Little-berry Marsh.
Terms of sale made known cn the day of sale.
Dee. 14,1832. 39—tds-p
Georgia. Baldwin County.
4\7TIERKAS, James Bivins, Guardian of John Rice's
f * orphans, applies to me for letters of dismission.
This is therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the j
kindred and creditors to be and appear at my office within the |
lime prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they, why said 1
letters should not he granted. This 2frtli March 1633.
Journal of the Timea.
(ty YVe respectfully remind the subscribers to the
JOURNAL OF THE TIMES, thst their subscriptions |
arc past due, arid that they would be very acceptable.
•liacon Rook Hi ml cry.
r JAHE subscribers having procured a patent Ruling Machine,
* and supply of aM article* necessary for carrying on their
business extensively, are able to execute Blank hook work
for any pattern of Ruling or binding. Also, the binding ef{
! Printed Book*, in snv stylo, with neatness snd deapntch.
The patronage of the citizen* of Macoo stid ths surtoundmg
country, is revpeetfuPy seHetted.
MwebtO JOHN' OLARK 4; 1
William Graham, Hand* 1073 17 3
Malcom Morrison, Morrisons 1004 33
Levin J. Smith, 319 gOO 3 4
Aimer Hines, Woodalls 45C 15 3
Charles Malone, 319 1053 21 3
Lemuel Wiiloughhv, Rutland* 211 II
Hiram Millirons, Jordans 253 2 3
Bailey Goddard's orps, Elsworths 624 4 I
Stanton Daymans,>o 603 2 3
John Brack, Lockharts 346 10 4
James Durance, Peaveys 5 15 2
Wm. Proctor, Polhills 9 12
Hurst’s orps, Griffins 724 3 2
Purnay Onorge, orp Bryants 69 19 3
Nicholas Reddick, Bclia 779 21 3
James Plass, do 910 2 2
Chas. F. Seegar, Roes 900 1 2
John S. Ingram, Bcrreys 827 21 2
Simeon Ilaniil, Deanngs 416 17’2
Wm. Stocks, Allens 945 21 3
John A. Jones, Whisenhunts 892 3 4
Levi M. Henderson. Mullens 1220 21 2
Leroy Huff, Barnetts 473 ] \
John Purvear, Athens 200 21 3
Sarah Dyer, wid Espvs 1017 3 8
I Geo. Mingledorf, ValJeaus 866 14 1
Wm. Oliver, 8 129 L 14 1
Wm. E. Ferguson, Hymen 8.54 190
Naomi Wolf, wid Clelands 940 3 I
James A. Murray, orp 2 718 jg 3
Moses Coburn, V.dleaus 386 16 4
Wm. S. Wheeler, 1 sec. 1185 || j
James Meßrayer, do J7g 2| 3
Sami. Brown, 2 67j jg 3
Jacob Spivey, Harriss 862 3 1
Danl. L. Marshall, Tankerslevs 1002 10 2
Sarah Wright, wid Hutchinson* 365 1 4
James J. Morris, Balls 531 j 3
Geo. W. Hardwick, Grubbs 800 18 2
Wm. Adams, Atkinsons 1284 3 1
Robt. Atkinson, do 615 2 2
lames M. Speer. Hines 185 II J
flalasha Odam, Garnets 671 33
Isaac Stanfoid, Whitakers 166 16 2
James I.lovd, do 689 17 8
T-ionry Wilson, Marshalls 739 j g
Stephen Thurman’s orps, Whitakers 12 18 3
Jos. Hickey, Simmons 893 21 2
Wm. Guv. Thames 328 |5 2
Henry Millirons, jr Whitakers 603 17 2
\ Richard Sims, 720 666 18 2
j Rennet Batchelor, Gibsons 567 1 2
j Jesse O. Neal. Kiliins 9 J 1 1
Archibald D. Buie, do 919 20 3
Maicom McLeod, Footes 129! 2 2
Geo. Hall, Givins 505 | j
John Rowell, Giilis 600 33
Wm. Hairston, Savs 682 2 3
Tims. J. Atkins, Johnsons 870 2 3
Sami. Dabbs, do 356 3 1
John Pope, Gilhs 499 1 2
John L. Towers. I<ntimers 410 5 1
Isom A. Gohor, Deans 467 )9 3
Alexander Johnson, do 1076 2 4
David Ward, 535 1286 21 3
James Dillard. Howells 765 3 2
r.arkin Clark. Clarks 1251 2 4
Jacob Meeres, Tavlors 243 15 2
Simeon Henderson’s orps. Clarks 616 1 2
Asa Thompson, 48 594 2 3
Wm. Tate. Griffins 922 33
Mijamine S. Burns. Lamhirths 989 i! 3
Joseph Cnvcndor, Nichols 753 3 1
Moses Driggers, Griffins 277 2 1
John M. Bltidworth, do 361 14 1
Ephraim Sweat, Giltcns 603 14 1
Mark Smallwook, Robinsons 1274 17 3
Harris Toney, jr Flemmings 545 91 2
I-eonsrd Shannon. Ilolle.vs 763 33
Archibald N. Saver, Hammonds 4 a 4 1 8
Thos. Motes, Mnngums 406 15 1
Edwd. Byrig, Edwards 780 17 2
Drury Boatwright, do S 235 13 1
Signal Meredith, Sewells 192 21 3
Adcnia Miller, wid Cat'etts 43 1 2
Or erne.
Henry English, jr 138 122 33
Charles Burk, 140 550 2 2
John T. Floyd, 143 39 18 2
John Rainwater, 142 294 2 2
Eralmon Seymour, 143 S 315 13 1
Thos. Colquitt, Walkers 1041 I t 1
Absalom Perkins, 141 605 18 3
Sarah Terrell, wid Chambers 231 2 3
Curtis Corley, 406 1275 3 2
Thos. 11. Spraggins, Bridges 777 2 3
Haber.hum .
F.lislm Cr.rrol, Hughes 356 15 1
Jesse Holcombe, Jones 931 4 1
John Head, Brocks 899 2 3
JamesE. Heard.Suttons N 89 |3 1
Jesse McMinn, Stephens 324 21 3
Jonas Nix Fields 710 5 I
Asa Hill, Dvcrs 563 33
Jacob Sanders, Prices 736 1 2
Willis Smith, Martins 1254 21 3
Jacob Sanders, Prices 599 21 3
Patrick J, Murray, Dobbs (422 3 2
R. C. Shackleford, Price* 1106 20 3
Job Jackson, 11« 957 2 2
TFui. IVare, TOD 456 1 4
Mos. s Jon**, Jlrh sions 1007 13 2
John Fifr *72 Ml 4 1