Georgia times and state right's advocate. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1833-1834, November 27, 1833, Image 4

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prospectus c r l?SEB aTJIiISaSVfJKB* AST* Journal of Foiiiictil f r .Y«»i. • ■'"•I *•' ■ * I Ti.i* paper i* pnt*ri*hc4 an ;!tc >.* - rtirrf VVnlii(«il:j of pvt-rr tt uor a * rw*'-- al sheet of 16 page* "CV.vo, cz>mx«p>ciitiig it' •R# w • P - !',.*-. It* •' 1. ureercf the H mier el" the (’ itu'.iei..' and ' r < stit.-.ting in ir,e year, v. ,tii ar I ficx, a • of I<H> i> 1: c*. It 1* chieffy political, fctit ia part tniacrlia : ncoc,: ill design bciniT to dissetninatr lli< ! great principles of t'* xstitttio!!.* L I.ibcrtv. and to »ssi«t :n drawing rr.i t.’s wind * fr« m the worship «f thetr ;* v.s to an erquaiiitHuxv v> ilh j llie aaturc it*theirgicmrie it. 3. It will ho open to the v of z'.' j political questions of a gv, r 1 1 i 1 , a*.*! w 1 i communicate to the people oft! r> X. rth the pe itical movements ot the South, mi l to those cs South, the political movements of the North. 4. It will advocate tli 1 ’OB, as set forth in the Virginia a ; Kentucky resolutions, and as maintained by Jefferson,Mad- 1 iscn, M'Kean, and thcotiier disliogui- led cham pions ofSTaTE Uiokts and Statk Hexcdies. It will also record the most important doeunient and Stale I’aprrs connected with"the proceedings of South Carolina, so as to preserve a complete history of the titues, for the future reference of politicians and statesmen. 5. The principles if Froe Trade v. ill lie illus trated and enforced, as urefu! to reconcile the pub lic mind, at the North, to the apprnachingoiedno ti ,nos iheT.ritl 1 c uniform stand:-.: dos ad valo rem duties, as well as necessary to prevent any future attempts to re-establish the restrictive sys tem. fi. The impolicy and miconslitulhm-iiiiy ofap prnprialiens lor works es iuleinal improvement by tlie ledtrui Govirmntnt, will he maintained, and all attempts to encroach mi the tights of tin States by that Government, will he n -isied. from whatever parly Huy irun/ emanate ; and 1 spe cially will its interference with the peculiar do m.vsuc policy of the Southern States, shou.d any unhappily be attimpted, denouuci J as a vitia tion of tlie federal compact. 7. It will oppose numopnlic r, special prtvikgs, and sinecures ci every de.-cr , lion, as iiilcrlemig w uli tj>. equality of rights upon which our institu tions arc founded, and wiii he the advocate of a ('near GcvtsiaxatLN r. 8. It will also be opposed to mmi-tcorshfp, the bane of republics, and it wiii expose corruptin' and dereliction of principle in public servants, to whatever party they iuuy profits to belong. —This, however, it wilt do 111 a manner which shall not degrade the press, and upon no oeeaMox wj lllit columns of the Examiner be the vehicle of scur rility or vulgar personal abuse. TERMS: 1. The price of the paper is, per annum, paya ble in i>ll i'u.wj in iirffu.-.c, os i iiow s : For a single copy - . - - - 81 50 For 1 cope, s, p ml for a! the same lime by that number < f subseti py to - - l SS I or 1U copie.,, pau i.-r in me same manner, BtU, c-ij iii jiercuj y to- I 00 2. Each remit!..nee in 1 be vonsidired as a distinct traneuivti.-n, and every subscripiiou wriil he disci ntinued * . unti l renewed by a second payment. by tills means, subscribers may withdraw uiile-ut i..- enrringiim expense ot postage in giving nolico of withdrawal, and the trouble ot furnishing re ceipts will he avoided, iiuifmueh m Hit truwsmU sion of the paper will be of itself evidence if its having betnpuedfor. • 3* No subscription for less than a year will be received, and in all cases where money is remit ted, it will be considered, unless otherwise ex pressed, in payment of the current volume, and the back Nos. will accordingly be forwarded: /‘roiithd, however, That this stipulation to fur nish the lack Nos. shall not continue after the number 011 hand shall hav*» been exhausted, of •ebich tve shall give due notice. •1. All postage must be paid, except upon let ters containing live dollars in a single note, or any larger sum : hut the risk of mi-carriage by the mail is assumed by the publisher. 5. There are no agents established for this po per at any yitacc; but any Postmaster or oilier may constitute himself an agent fur others, by availing himself of the discount allowed upon a number of copies. Ail eominuuicjiions to bo addressed to the subscriber, who respectfully requests that tilt* names of persons and places transmitted to him may bo distinctly written, so as to avoid mistakes, which can only be corrected by incurring the ex pense of postage. CONDY HAG L ET. Philadelphia .lagutl 7, lwS3. PROSPECTUS ■or THE Complete Periodical Library. I^tORTY- EIGHT pages weakly—nearly 230 b octavo pages in a year for five dollars, fur nishing annually select reading equal to fifty Volumes of common size. The l.ibrary will contain nearly all the new works of merits as they appear viz: Voyages and Travels; History; Biography; •‘-elect Memoirs; the approved Eur. pean Annual*; Ad veutures; Pales of unexceptionable charac ter. &c. Ac. The •* Complete Periodical Librarywill lie found indispensable to al! lovers of good reading in town or country. Every number will contain forty-eight pages, in a sise expressly adapted fur binding when the book is completed ; printed with type so large as not to fatigue the weakest eye. Its immense size will enable the Editor to crowd any common sized bool, in two numbers, frequently into one. New works will thus be despatched as they arrive from Europe, and seni off to its patrons. The subscriber in Missouri will be brought as it were to the very fountain of literature. Works printed in this l.ibrary will be furnished to him, when without it, he would be wholly unable to procure ihcrn. A book that will cost us six dollars to import, eau l.e re-print ed arid distributed to subscribers, ow ning to our peculiar facilities, for about 20 or 3n cents, vviih the important addition of its being fresh and new. \N e will give nearly 2500 pages annually, equal to 50 common sized books! lively work published in the Library will he complete 111 itself. A Title Page will lie given in each volume, so that the subscriber, if lie please, imu sell or give it away, w itlm; 1 injury to any of the others; or it may he hound up at the pisasure of the subscribers. This work presents an extraordinary, feature r.uLuownto any other periodical in the country. The subscription price may be consider! and aim u loan for the vc .r, as the work at the yi aria end. will sell fur cost, and in many parts ol the 1 nited trial is it will bring doubla its original cost to tlie subscriber. 'Fhe works publi hod in the “ Complete lYri, ojjical Library,” wiii be ofThe higlie . dim both as regards the author and Ids subji cl. New works of approved merit, w ill ho out out to the Editor by every* arrival f ni Europe, giving him nil unlimited Hi Id to select from, w bile care w til he taken to make Ids pltbdc.iitou equal to any Uiugorthc kind published in \iu**rica. t Fite fir*l number will Ii -00. lon the v.h of day next, will reguariy ncry Urjoes.l y there.lter, e 1. Ito Jo., and *me punted eavits * a,.J on bo. white piper. at <*»»=•* bmihiii. p >• ah in ~and . .iici .. t!Ji.!. -r> n.Uio g V-3U, will lie I Supplied With li» tM'pieslW lll.t an in , ;.oc ~i, .0 I »aU»-U a. Add... I I'- Iv. OJi-EHNiJANE, | No. u FfdlUli.l I'l.'O’i Ib I ia. I N. B. TilC ll'bai 1 vohjngi tv t! jII is ' U»er,*»(. . U ~. GEORGIA TIMES, AND STATE RIGHTS’ ADVOCATE. IXiii i’i.( j ; t «i r<** prsLtsmvc at s. (vrrsKOßot :tf, near > ILLKDCT t 11.1.F, (.a. .# i-.trne p Pecivdieal, entitled, " The Getr. trist ,s~4i<!etniciaH .t.XD '•lethcrn oi F<!:te:(!iou,” To be rleTo»eO to the imerest . I E tueatioii in on own State p .rticuittny and odajned to the wants :f F Xb.i'n s. and t'onimnre s. by ROUT. I’. BROWN. Sc ■‘•thorough. The Editor is of oj itiion that Education as ;r —•*»~l!» .......m.j -n bur Universities sa l Academies, is tow much confined to the eommunicallot. -f know ledge, and that too little aueolion is bestow*- n the formation et the intellectual habit*, of judging, reas niag, an • cemmaideation, by w hich alone, the vsecuti* ti of scier ce, after leaving School or ('ul.rgs. and tlie business of active life, can be aucccssfnlr, pursued. It is tlierefore, his design, to conduct this work in reference to the analysis of the hu man mind, and to endeavor to forward the grand object of fitungoursons and daughters for practi cal LIFE. Tin-re being no work of the kind in the South ern country, it is taken tor granted, that no one w ill question the propriety of endeavouring to establish an org.lll i fam <l, a . much needed : Wp adopt the senli . r: is of no party, we are | la lgcd to no taci: ty, n. ris it ( nr wish to dictate as to any mode or course to lm pursued in general,-or particularinstructiaß. Oui .iinsha : be. 1 .op.-n the avenues of Ihought on this lu.p. rt. nt subject, and by our efiorts, endeavor to bless ttte couuirv (four adoption ; the laud ts our children ; lao home that we love! At a l::m) when manual lab-r schools, and other respectable institutions are rising around us, it is reasonable to expect, tint some m Je ol communication, with regard to the success or failure* of any attempts, is very desirable.... Teachers need a periodical wherein they may express their views, and from which they may learn the views of odters, and gather encourage incut and guidance in ilir-.. r <limus tiyik of instruc tion ; it is our be-ign-to collect i.-fnriualion from every source ar.d milk our paper an cyan 1f | roinuiuuication hetwi 11 distant teachers ami he friends es Education .111 general.• I'erhaps at tin period of otir history eou.d thi ro he u greater call forconoct views on aeliooi-books and apparatu-, necessary to I.militate the progress of the pu[ il: We will, therefore, t' to supply our columns with respeettbie views of manu .!» and 1 ink,,., ti .11 with regard to all the machinery of I Education. ' our p.aper may interest every j man, arid be an intmite ts the family circle: it will embrace Agricultural, and Me chanical essays: Lolita lot rit.ire: Essays on Mural and PhysicalScieticU ; Biography, llrigi nnt, a..*! selected Poetry ; and Strictures on the best modes of Edueati*. ll ; dis ripiine of ichools, notices of literary institutt. ns. and literary w* rA*; in fir,*.* any subject C.iicul- led to interest tne plantir, ii;e tc„uli(i:, uvoher, father, guardian ami i tudei.t. Disptiti *i potii** In politics or religion, shall be entir.-ly excluded, n* 1 is ii:e AeaUcmician ever to be tlie vt iueie of nuiievolect iusinuati .ns, or iiiigci.-cr. us .-.j erfio.:*. ii shall be the constant .ilia of.tlu* Editor, to unite nil coufiicting inter - is, and virw*. in tho In bie oljoet of training c.ii.dr. a 111 tb.i w *ys us wisdom, and 'diSTusiag u taste f r li sratur**, me arts mid sciences, which ever lend to m.ike.a happy and enlightened peo ple. Advertisement* el Teacher#, School and linoks. w ill be inserted at tlui usual rates, but this class of ad vert i Ae.:!,tits only. as it is intended to make lint Academician sobs, rve the purpose* us Education and general informa iutt. The pa per will be published srmi-tnoiithly, at 1 11 r* r Hollars per annum, payable in advance, and win contain eight pages. In a good typo on the plan of the American Farmer. 21 .Nos. making a vol ume, which w id be accompanied with aneiegunt title Page, and general Lndi x. Editors willing to farther tho cause of educa tion in our .State, will c:. rift r a favor by pubii >h ing this Prospectus, and the fav. r wdi fer, - ctprocated ill any way desired. It is contempla ted that the first No. will be issued in November next. Any person forwarding to ths Editor sub scriptions for five papers shall ri reive the sixrh copy gratis. Communications addressed pos tage paid, to R. C. Urows, Scottsborongh, will lie attended to. brpt. It, lt<33. ON or before the first day of June next, we promise to pay William Johnson, or bearer, forty five Hollars for value received, this 281 h January 1832. QUINTON STEPHENS. LITTLETON -t t ivvoK. August 21 3“—l Bm. Georgia County. | k BFOUE inc.loseph of the Justice* 8 5 of the Inf ri. r G'ourl of said county, persi.n ally came Henry \\ nod, who being duty sworn, deposeth and satth. tint he owned hnd possessed the original note, of w hich the above is in sub stance a copy ; and that said original note, is lost or mislaid, so that he cannot find it. HENRY WOOD. Sworn to before mo this 7-2 .In v JOS. DAY, 1. 1. O. August 21 31--1 8m- KI LE NISH. Inferior Cocst, July Term, 1833. J Tappearing to the court, upon the petition Sand affidavit of Henry ond, that lie owned and possessed the original note of which the a hove is in substance a copy, mul that said nrigi ival note, has been lost or mislaid, so that In* can not find it. It ia therefore ordered, that said. Quintain Stephens and Littleton 'Punier, shew cause (if any they have,) tit the next term of this court, why the above copy should not be estab lished. in lieu of the original, so lost or mislaid; ar.d it is ordered that a copy of this rule be served upon the said Quin lam Stephens and Littleton Turner, personally, if to be found in this State, and if not to he found in this State, then this rule to be published in some public Gazette in this State for the space of three months. A true cxtiact taken from the minutes of Jones Inferior court, this 2- July 1833. M. A. MARSHALL, CM. O. August 21 32—3 m. GIIOStGIA. ' ~ In Wilkinson Superior Court, / October Term, !8».:l. ( jj Tappearing to the Court that the origin .1 IL UOIIJ given by John Riley. Janies Ross, Join* Ross, Isaac Mitchell, Uei j.oniu Kxuui, Lewis Thr.’Wer, Samuel lic.ill, Jesse Piltm 111 and Job* F. Simmons for the faithful performance es tin* duties ol the offioe of Sherilf of ihe Couutv ol Wilkinson by the said John Riley, ha* bien de stroyed by lire, alula copy ol s-iiJ 11 nd li.iviug been ined in the Glerit’s olive* On npnlic.i'.ion, it is ordered that unless cause to the contrary he shewn ou the first day . t the next, tlmt snnl copy be estaldisheil In lieu of tile s.i and lust origin «! —and that sixty days previ uts ii.iiice he given in llie tiC'irgin Times, puhlished t 1 Mill,dge*.rile, of the applicants inti t.ttmt to have said Rond <s- A true extract from the mientci. this 10th Octo- Ltr, 1*33. JEREMIAH UEALL, clerk. Oct. IG. 1833. 40 . tf© So 'it ■ll Iv SI list 111 Ul, R continues In make ink *■ mill gudaeons far tah-iitills at ten dollars a Bet, and other eastings tor ».i*.v or gitss mills, tit sixty-five criils p«*r pound.—lie also repair* ptiioi and pistols 111 very high prices, and siloes iiortc* at 81 IK> tl til# c.ish Is paid down, or il and. 110 in jiuyiiiviil us u •it'llt, hut if charged, $| 50. lie ah- o sells hew scooters nt I I cent* per I" 'tin!, ot inakt'i ti.etn when the iron is foumi at l T t USIIING r»l-{2..iy, Jf3J. ts u 1 iu f AuttionteJ by IheOuner.iS nibly ot the Slat ot Georgia.<* Fortum* st .mls in merry mood, Pouring her favor* to t!ir crowd ; I*» ready frit*nJ, b«*<ore they fall— W ho knows hut you may catch them ull. HOffEY—MOXEYS isOTN of no\r:v ! : i I lvN we consider that Forttine W V is daily diffusing wealth and happiness in all pan*, and .very eorner of this extensive country, through the medium of the LOTTERY SYSTEM; that scarcely a week or a day wheels bv us with til bringing the Intelligence, that someone of our friend* or fellow-citizens has drawn a rdzi; and t'.ut it only requires an investment of the 'r:vi ' -. m ofter. dollars In give us a con cuaxcz fra Prize of 2(1,000: ,-v.*relv it is*. - • ry to rrge upon this lib, rnl ami ear!-; htened pe pit*, the policy of stepping in llie way to wealth and ihe favor ol tlie propitious D line. The second day’s drawing is completed ; THE JUST VA’S BIUWHG Will take place, at the ootiri-liH is**, inllio town of Mill 'tlorvilie, on Saturday, the lAt li of December next, at - o’clock P. .M.; at ,vhijth ton «!.,* foiin . iiijv CouifortaMu prizes *. ; I■ ■ . ir.i.if'iig to «it : one of SlO.OOfl, on** n! ?*">,o 'tt, two of§l,ol to, three off JIHt, two , 00, two of B7t*o, three of BGOO, three fyu M, two of 8100, twe of Shoo, two of ’. ***i a tl eigt; 1 ecu ol §IOO, besides several of §SO and 820. Tlie holder of Ticket No. ft, 155, is enti tled to a capital prize of SIO,OOO, and permis sion is, hv tl. Cos irn.s.notiers, requested to publish her name a.* th*: fortunate holder of sukl aumb-r. SCHEME. 1 Prize of#*3o,ooo is 8 20,000 3 Prizes of 10,000 is 30,000 4 do 5.000 is 30,000 » do 1,000 is 9,000 h do 000 i3 4,500 5 do 800 is 4,000 5 do 700 is 3,500 5 do 'OOO is 3,000 5 do 500 is 2,500 5 do 40,8 is 2,000 5 do 300 is 1,500 5 do (>OO is 1,000 S5 do 100 i* 3,500 50 do 50 i* 3,500 050 do 20 is 13,000 5,000 do 12 is 60,000 SLcvs f:,sa TWO hlsnkv (oIPRIHF. Al! the Prizes to b* I .ating from thneonimence inrnt. except the following, *epo*ii#d as follows, viz : T’ikst Dat's DttAvrivc,.—-3 Prizes es 5,000. 1 of 1,00:1, I of 'too. for 800, 1 of 700. 1 of 6110. lof 5011, lof KiO l of 3 0. I ( f *OO. Shco.xd Dat'b Drawixo. —One Prize of 10,000. lof 1,000, lof 900, lof 800,1 of 700, I of 800, 1 ofsoo, 1 of 400, I of 300. I of 200. Tll IBP pat’s Drawixo,— One Prize of 10.000, 1 of 1.000, l of 900, I of 800, 1 of 700, l of 000, I of 500, l cf 100, I (*f 300, 1 of 200. Fourtii Dat’s Psawino.—One Prize of 10.000. 1 of 1,000 t of noo. 1 of 800, 1 of 700, 1 offiOO. I of 500. I of 400, I offiOO, lof 200. Fifth anb last Dsawi .o.—One Prize of 20.000, 1 111 1.000, I of 900, t ot 800, I of 700, 1 of GOO. 1 of 500. t of 400, 1 of 300, 1 of *2OO. Ar.d on the coinmeticement of the First, 8r ( ml, Third and Fourth Day’s Drawing,the finl drawn ininbcr shall fir ei.'itlrd to a prize of * 1,000. and on the coricbisionof th# last Day’s Drawi «r. the first and I . t drawn numbers shall hr e lit e 1 to a capital Prixe of *<5.000 each, in sddilion to such prizes as may be drawn to their numbers. The whole Lottery to be completed ill five Day’s lira wing oaty i ratals lE* oifly The whole of the Prizes payable in sixty and .vs after e»eh Day’s Drawing—subject ts deniction ol fiiileen percent. AH prize* not r.pp : :e*l for in twelve m nths from each drawing to I# consi dered as a donation to the funds ot ,h<7 -Mil* Jed Seville ytrcei I ..■•»*». 1 ne drawing tolnkfi place under the sn, erin tendcnce of VVM. W. CARNES, SAM. BUFFINu; ON, SAM. ROC KAY El. 1., VVM. 11. TORRANCE, E. E. PARK. JOSEPH STOVALL, JOHN 11. WARE, J. VV. A. SANFORD,dc ROB i'. M’COMB, Commissioners Also, a Board ot Visitors. PRESEN P I*RICE OF TICKETS. W holes 111. Ualvi s 5. Quarters 2 50. For tu.le in 1 great variety of numbers at the (‘ennui* 1, -rs Office on W uyne tSlrcct, opposite the Post-Oliice and State Dunk. for Tickets,from any part of the U. States, (postpaid,) will meet w ilhprompt at tend >n. Address to PRIOR WEIGHT, Secretary ia Commissioners. Miitedgcville, Feb. 10. t 33. s—ts CENTRALj laOTEIt iliac tm, Georgia- Joint Carter* LATE OF CLINTON. 5 JAS oponetl t|«* CKNTUAL HOTEL, in thr a i i-xienkive Fire Proof iJrick Hui!Jin<r, reccnt v oricu ilia this The location is central j : o the busint’SSof the place ar.d ihe house is con v* niently Arranged f r liio accommodation of fa milies or single persons, either hs regular or trufi >ienf hoarders. 'l’he Beds and Purni'are through out are i » a an 1 suf»eri* r. The Table and Bar j »»i!l ;.U\ yshc furnished with the best llie mar ket atVnrds; did! n.» pains will be spared by the j proprii lor. I r.-ml* r ocanf.triable and agreeable | til wlio l.iv* r him with their custom; and lie | icpes, fr*tin hi> I »njr exp*' ienre. and llie satisfac- i »i* ni fiert’i' Son'r« mit red the community, to merit ! from liis IritMids and the public, a liberal share of I j -trouage. 10 xtensive and convenient btables i are aUiicltt tl lo llie Hold. June iclJd S3-if j The AVir-lVi’A' J.VrfKJ’y, Ij S puMishctl every Wettnesdy at no*x:!. and scut otl'hy the evening mails of that day nd the morning mails of Thursday. The Mer cury t- made up of the principal articles .if the .1 of Commerce, including the revi* w ol he iiiiirket prices cf .locks, Ac. Hut v, ifi m , ship news or nl vcrlimmc.ii. It is neatly print- I •ii*aa vi ry Urjiß.mil beautiful sheet. Pm ;i j ,ct annuli: t*.’> for .*ne ropy two years, nr tslli lor t ur . upit-n cno year, payuM# always in aj vunce. This paper is admirally calculated fi r I ••2"* * ’imtii. i * and prulvasional gentlameii and , lot sil t.imilius uu'Ji sp'jiiifksj t'rxv Ol’ every •xeruted with n» . met* “«‘d ilekpai. Ii at Til K TI MKS and STATK KMHU k AUVQCAI hi Drthf, Al ineTiuifri &. Si»ie Kizhi’s .VJvocale Oi! ee, Miilcdgr vi e. I> KAWN IST THE ■ s. W., Oi .nr. In', and 2d ::aJ v f* the 3d having itii.'ioverm'iiift* WITH THE Vr I\Yf'H>SNAXi:A iDIZWnENCE. ( or.ij, i.cdAoni the Numerical l>o«dv*, Alkr a careful numliiittion oftbem t!»c CuiuniAsloiurii TEii’cc Boliars. The interest which is manifested throughout the State.lo he possessed of information relating! to the interesting section known as the t’hero-; kee coimtry, and the importance <d all infi.rma- i lion that ran be obtained in regard lo its go* - graphical position —Ihe quality of its latrl its j boundaries, water courses, roads, »2c. lias ii.*'i a -j cd the publishers hereof, at the entreaties • t nn>- j riy persons, by industrious application, ami at ; considerable expense, to undertake the public.!- ‘ tion of this little volume. They are fluttered j v itit the hope, that its usefulness will he up- j prectated by all wtioare interested in the acquire- j nent of this important portion of our State. The publishers feel a*stired that they do not over es timate the information it imparts, and the great | convenience and facility, by which it can he j acquire !; ami, altho’ there may be in accuracies ; in its descriptive character, (from the possibility j that nifiiii;/ c-rrect returns were not always made by the District .Surveyors) yet. as ii is J the most correct that can be obtained, without a pergonal km w ledge ofevery lot, it must he con sidered the best information the nature ol tin case admits of. Os one fact, the reader ia ;ruar anteed, that this Ddok wears a correct nnd official stamp —as it was copied w ith accuracy from tlie Numerical Books, now of file in the Executive Department of the State, after t .osc Books were thoroughly examined by the late L ir.d Lottery Commissioner*. The accnracy and fidelity of the quality of each lot, was ascertained, by espr-' rial reference to the field notes ot the District : Surveyors, and their detached plats. To these de- • siderata, may be stated, that the Ne. of each lot, j in its distti' l and section, by when drawn, in whose captains district, and in what county, are equally, arid entirely authentic. Itnutst he a tle sitable < bject to both the drawer, and the pur chaser, to have a Book of the hind we here with submit to the public ; as it embodies in a com pressed and in a portable form, all the memora nda information which both purchaser and seller emild have, without occular knowledge or from infi.rinati a dearly purchased, if procured other wise. The Book will contain a Numerical list of all tho lots drawn it. the different section* of ihe Laud Lottery, excepting such a* are returned third quality ; ami if any of the third quality has any improvement on it, such lot also will be. emhrae ed. To each lot, vvtil he affixed a letter a, bor r. which designates the quality ; u fi.r th e first, b for the second , and c for the third ; and have also attached the X ». of acres improved—the draw er's name, the district in which he gave in a* for tunato drawer, and the county in which he resides, and the No. lot, and the district am! section in which il is located. Whenever a dis trict i* not represented particularly, the reader will learn that all the lots in said district, (as in the stli and other districts,) are returned third quality—To each district its boundary is stated, with s.*me hrief. but applicable remarks. The publishers forbear any further exordium of this, their'** little effort” —preferingtfiat its me rit and usefulness shall speak more audibly its own praise. Such ns it is, (and ii is hoped, ii will be pronounced gooit) is respectiuliy dedica te u to the people of Georgi*. by THE PUBLISHERS. Orders, (postage paid,) enclosing Three Dol lars, will be promptly alter ded to. Address M. i). J. SLADE, Milledgeville. Macon Tb'urnttitre W AIiE«M®USE ? 4'otlen civemte, &§• OlTily At & a » INTENDING to close his present business. offers hi* stock at reduced prices, consisting if Side lizard* of various piittam., reerctarir * at:H Book l .-cs, Grecian Sofas, of various p.itterns. Sets of Dining Tables, Single Dining Tables. Pillar and t’iaw, Card,Tea and Freak fast Table*, (.'etitrc Tabic’, Ladies W ork Tab's*, Candle Stands, Portable Desks, Piano Stools, W ash Stands, Ladies L’rtsring Bureaus, Dm d*>. with Looking Glasses, of vnri'*«» patterns. Mahogany Chairs, with hair seat*. Cribbs and Cradles, W ardrobes, Counting House Book Cases, Spring ■'eat Rocking * h iirs, Mahogißv, Carved, and Maple Bedsteads French Bedsteads, Mahogany Stools, Cots, Curled Hair Mattresses, Feather Beds. Bolsters and Pillows, Spring Mattresses, &c. Also, an elegant assortment of !T3k2s!«-! atsd Pier (iiae<es Cane and Rush Seat Fancy and W indsor CHAIRS, Willow waggons, ! with a variety ol articles; all of which are of the : ; best workmanship and materials, and will he! ; warranted, having b eo made under my own in <pecti n, and wiii be sold for cash, cotton, or ; approved pa; er. Macon. July 15, 1833. 28-Gm i 8. HOTEL HENK\ CCSNARD, [Lute Proprietor of the Engle aail Phue nlx Hotel.] Has removed to that elegant, extensive, atnl well known Establir-iunent, llie nISEGSTATL*HUTIX. IYMIERE .ill iliose who may call, wiii fin 1 v ▼ lii'ii (iispopeJ, as usual, to spar** no p * ir. liestimiug every attention caUoiiated to j■: * moie ilu'ir comfort and satisfaction. His ( ;.r«- tina ami (■curgia customers, who so lil « r *i' \ patronized litm, when at the 1»A(»LI'! <J i*llol MX IIOTHL, (and lo whom iie t ikes this - j; Ttunity of tenderinjr hisiuoFt jrraletul ackuov. - „> tiients,) will find him ready with a renewed ,-.t;»!, lo accoiumodaie tiicm with the heal the mark* ; v* ill sdlhrd# Au.iflii'J to the Hotel, is a separate Teneinei.*. i»;»propri.:ted exclusively f » ?lih aeeointnodation < 1 iiriii<ie’it Ladies and I'amni. .*; lo which liiere i^* • private entrance, both in front and rear, an! where they wiii be completely retired from the bus tlo (Mho pn-iie (h ptrlin* nt. Ills *S r.\lUzL?s w i;i be am tided by ‘«i verv r refill Osth-r,aiul iiis liar luiniabed wilh the b« -• of V\ incs and ld(jtn»u: s. ;j Alltlie pniuip il ST*\(iKS to and from ibi-s ('ity. arrive and depart from the Hotel, Tins K>t*blishmeiit is .Minuted in arenit jai liigbly ri speeialile part ••! the eiiy, convenii nt i llie Pont Office tlie Batiks, utul while it i*» !»♦•- n ved lo ho UDMirpasse*d hy any other in the ‘n-ulliern Stitt s, in its exienyivn and «■*.« ...»nt m ans of accoiiimod.moii, the propiietor is f i,* r . mned to •pare no exertion* or expense to n mh r them in every respect • iLfnrtory to in *«» ' '..i rs. " ti. • i •ex’ll,!, coni;' up the (’emmission Hitsincss | * * in*Ah jj.t , ''l solicits the pattbiing* of , ti e fri. „d*Tof U>V iirm "i A. >isc. yTEa, A; I.AECZAN. Kill) ' • '• ■ ‘ 111 ‘' r - ly- 1 1 1,0 I - Ic "fiottiibtaud 1 ' tm, wit! w ‘'"l i... :..i !■ exdi «’•*ordec- | ni to Ilf sol.! oil or: v.d, will meet with prompt | ot'i mien, audit' till" ;-■'! to ['•■ si ml, will be |i!..n (1 in a first rate Fire 1 o' 1 \\ are-! louse, and tlie usual .advances nun 1 • il required. Augusta Aug. 17,1*3:5. _ 3- :! m I1 ’are- Motive And < oiniiiitiM-m Bniiifpn*, i MAC ON, Ga. | i*5"IlK Subscribers will continue the above bu- i M. sincss the ensuing season, aud return their I grateful thanks to tin,so who favored them! with their patronage the ptst season. ’I bey have taken the Hare House, known as Lamar a , iloyvek \v arz'.-hov *3-:, 1 situated immediately on the river, having a good wharf attached thereto, and very safe from lire, for the convenience of their friends resi ling be tween the Ocniulgee and Ociinee rivers, they have taken the lnrge ami convenient U nr.. House recently ereeted hy Mr. G. 15. Ward! .tv, in East Macon, which from its peculiar situation, is rendered quite secure from the danger of, and from whence Cotton will betaken to the wharves free of charges. Each of the subscribers will re side in Macon the ensuing season, and premise their unremitting attemi' u to the interest i.f those who may favor them with their business and confidence. Liberal advances will be made on produce, merchandize and other property confi ded to their care, and strict attention given to the fi.iing of orders, receiving and forwarding goods &c. Insurance in the best others can beedected I at the usual rates when desired. KVERARD HAMILTON, JOHN ft. HAYES. j August 2!) 33—5 rn. 32. i>. 17V SON ff ATE of Milledgcvill*, and his mother, have | Bat liken the. establishment in M aeon, formerly i kept by Charles\Vliliamson. Esq. known as the WASHINGTON HALL. The house lias undergone a thorough repair,and w ith other improvements,« Ittniog Room, eigh' ty feel in length, has been ti'.d'd to the si till, wtng-ef the building. The bedeh mbers have been re-painted.and the furniture is enlirriv new. j particularly beds. His servants, the same as j were employed in his house at Miliedgeville-. Frum the crntral situation of hi: establish-! men*, and his long experience is the business, he confidently looks to the public fora liberal share of patronage. Macon, (Ist. i?3, IS"’3. 0 —i Tits Thoiisanton faisn K«tei Property Sj&ttcryh A S the public lias sustained this! /Ay lottery up to the present time, and from: j recent events which have take* plate, shire the j last notice, the Proprietor deems it proper to \ give a succinct history of it from the beginning J ! to the present time: leaving out as much as pos- j sihic w h;it has been already published. Ti e ; ropri ’irs mi turn i•t ra 1 fTered this , Lotteiy to the public, had mortgaged nearly all the property to two persons w hom he owed—j one contained the negroes,the other the lands, Ac.—And as he believed for less than half of its value: however, w ith a view to take them up before, oral the time they became due, and proceeded on with his mercantile business; bet lie was from misfortune unable to take up the mortgages, and having made many other credi tors. ami perceiving that lauded property had fallen nearly half its value, and finally finding for w h it it would bring that even all his property would not satisfy creditors, unless lie gets its value ; and having been thus fixed, ami being iiuvi us to do justice to Ids other creditors* as well n- tiie mortgagees,, offered Ids proper. y ir. said I,ntlery. He applied to lib creditors for their approba iun—and amongst them one whose ciaun is suite inconsiderable, refused—and issued bis li ! la (after which others issued and levied on ike property, and it was all sold from It:* IstTues j day in -ast August and up to the Ist Tuesday : n .Srulemhar —and bonst!. tinhy i" * »-*-"*3' , g rs ! ~t comparatively small prices—but more Ilian i the amounl of the li fa : and the left r i | Sad creditor's Ci.iini being younger ih in others, ; :he m ney uas paid t i st claim- and hestill lint paid. On visiting Suvamedi, the I'ro pri*.t..r was taken ley ibis same creditor by cas i, I and place iin confine hunt on tin- lweuty-t drd of j last March. And in the mean time tiie ur.riga | gees attorney took possession of the negroes j . Acred in the scheme of said lottery am! cold i them. 1 1 is [il.iper t-. stale that from the sales of j tickets, there is a larger amount of money on . | heed tliuu the amount of the nine si _roes in the j scheme in said Lottery, (da taking now near ly!; wo ini mbs to coiim/: (both personally and j by letters) a number ufgent/uiuii, tiie besl course j to he taken, tiie Proprietor from their orftvcc, e.s ••veil as hia own convictions has come *o the | conclusion, tovontinue the said Lottery ; hut ad- 1 l ;,M*s ho must have the aid of his c uulry : II* 1 ! will present a petition to tin: next Legislature j : ss soon as itsits, with a number of respectable! : ti goers, praying leave to draw J bd Lctti ry i (and . to pa, cash to prize holders instead of negroes o [hen mount set forth la tiie scheme of sail Be- 1 gross. Then justice w tii be dona to purchasers j of tickets, auu to liis niintcrou* creditors; anil be will feel grateful to his country which will, verity i e old adage, “ a ft lend in need is a frietil indeed.” lie does not make this appeal to the-public with a hope of obtuning the fume of Timolt- ; on of old by means of chance and fortune—net he only asks, what can be dote by his state — | for its aid so as to act legally—and only to main- ' tain his steadines.® of purpose and dtin.ness of; mind by which although poor, he wili h* able |o pass the remainder of his days, neither to he grieved with past prosperity, nor to oe broken down by present or future adversity, bnt to bi gratified for having the satisfaction *f doing jus tice, and for the following very good reasons;! —it will balance his affairs, restore h.s credit.) saii-ly his creditors, and to injure neither iudi-j ' ideal nor country in this peculiar case. It is therefore requested that the purchaser* of ! Ti ke s remain satisfied until it is known wheth "r tiie Legislature will hav--rejected or granted ..i* Petition.—if rejected, all the money will be’ i.iinedtateiy returned by the Agents, but if on I .. . wed he wili J . ie, tin', to >. 1 the unsold tiiAels, and ilraw It- ety by the ti f next January, the j time specified lu the last notice dated the 351 h i of March. J. 15. HATE MAN. i *._* 'Editors who have published tiny ot the! : notices that have been i-sited respeettng sain 1 ■ l.oMery, w it I be please give the above one inst-r-* :t n pi r ninth, ’till the Legislature oils in next j Novem!" r; and in addition the Proprietor re-* ; quests ti e editor of the lhe.kory Nut, to Jo tin j j seme, june 5 GCOBQIA AL.HAHAC, fjtll II publication of the Georgia Almanac, j 0 which was regularly printed mi this, i • ill failed for two years, uw tug to cireunistaiires w hich could net lie controlled hy the former edi tor, will hi realtor lie cnnlimied every year, w ith i l.n calculations of Robert (trier. Esq. 'l'licAl-j l nr. mao for I o’M will bo printed with new type ind new ’/.oil, till’d Astronomical signs, on '■’ !| ;ier, ami carefully superintended. Pt r- i sms uii ; to purchase hy the grocc, are re quesled to make i irlv uppllc ition : the price will | In is low as it ran ho afforded, to save expense i '•id .i *ru ill profit. Aiviv-r* t’ousrn< ii"k*i tur. •*« i pttbiLhed, * I'‘OPTED in Convention, hy the J,d, rp , A ‘ne Superior Courts. Price One Doll*, 0;,, rsenclos.ut the sum of „„e dollar, addreC 1 • P' Mage paid) to M. 1). J. S| All'i; ’ff »t ?•: *« ii .tbs; siTc At"eooa~~ . Os util Jt*rizex A NJ) drawers names and reside,,,* J A*, il. the Gold Lottery, lately drawn, is nt*’ preparing, and will sliortlv issue from the Geo gia 'l'itnes Office, pric. Ten Dollars, b„ *’ Orders for the same, w ill he received Lv A DE. The Cheapest Work ever ottered to the r’ubH CHAItLF.S Ai.EXA.VDKR & 1.01 IS A. under the firm of * vCJa afe INTEND COMMENCINO ON TIIE FIRST OF JASBAV JV3I SEKI-MuNTIILY PUBLICATION, TO BE CALLED " ' The .YorelinVH •ISugazine. IV O branch of the lighter literature of the p tc Ivl sent age i ffers a wider field, or greater r riety for selection, than those .works fzmiij,rt, known as Romances and Novels. The uni,, '■l encouragement which these have have induced many of the must gifted w riters n engage in thi ir composition, and they | nVfi ■* consequence, attained a degree of merit and „ celieu. a which, with a fi w splendid were until the present century, entirely unknown' Amongst the great mass ..f Novels which a-* constantly in course of publication, there art, of coiirce some which arc very superiour to the oil), era. To sole, t these and present them to th reading community in a neat, pnpnlor and eon venient form, with greater expedition and a11,,, cost that, they can be furnished hy tbs book-nl iers, is the principle objßct. of the proposed ! cation ; an object whic.. the publishers art asfis. lied they can accomplish mors easily tk.a ~, , other persons, on ticeount of the extraordinary ! facilities whieh they enjoy. ’ Besides a constant and direct iuterceurx* witk the London publishers, through which they enabled to receive the latest British Novels „ soou us they can be. transmitted t« this enuntrv they are connected with the mpsl extensim prinw iug establishment in Philadelphia, and can re print in the shortest period any work they mai ehoi'e-e to undertake. If, for example, tiiM oh .Bid wish to furnish as part of their rogu’id, ris , any New English Novel, they candosost is early a date as any American b«oksei!*r, M that and subscribers may receive i, aimuitan*. ■ns:y w.i i the bookseller's republiealion m tu larger cities, arid at but x trifling expanse of pot tage. r in selecting vrorlts for this pithlieatioa, au wili be taken be„! those which convey hothgTAii fication and instruct. on ; and especially such m h ive the charm of freshness and interest. If il. .•:«■ objects cannot be accomplished hum *,» abundant supply of tlm modern press rccoarw ir.ry he had to those sterling productions ts a hr. mcr age. which being; almost entirely out *f prim, are comparatively but little known,"and, is its, cases, woald be found more attractive tlua bok of those w hich tiro of more recent origin. As the Novellist’s Magazine, though intennw rXjiressly for preservatioa, will be furnished is subscribers in pamphlet form, it will be et-aveyt* hy maid *o the roost distant places, aad at a very | moderate expense of postage, it will furnish a ! large amount of agreeable, useful, and irnprovinf reurling, for less than one fifth of ts* priv* u which the same might be otherwise obtained, and with little or no trouble to the subsenber.— To families resident in tiie country, remote ts.-a the Atlantic towns, this publication will be parti cularly serviceable, as supplying tlioir litsiary 1 wants in the best method tbatevuld be devised. Determined to use every available nuwr* at . making tiro Novell t’s Magazine intur«stin| ast I valuable to subscribers, and for the further pal -1 pi-se < f giving Encouragement to Antßiiva* wri ters to stimulate tlu ir txtr.iuns, tk* pfcb.j»b*n propose a premium of 6,V00 Td> 'A’illE AITUe3 &f' the bent ® w or eh Upon a N'atioual subject, winch shall he p:•••«, ! ri] on or before the Ist of October, HC t: This premium w ill be awarded by ae- mmitiM, ! to he chosen for vl.o F„,|-rse. and aa it isprrwi*- ; ed the success ff, I eompetitor will pos-uas uou-* a! merit, the publishers of the Novelist’* M ag* ! z.ine, besides using it for tut work, •sg.g* » ; have il printed in handsome book f.irui. lurrv* 1 ponding to the Best London Editions *f popular novels. F t every thousand ei pi. .1 t.f tin, tl 1 thus printed, whieli may be sold, tb* nuttier -hill 1 ft eive. in addition tw the I'iv* llundveddsliar*. HiTi DOLLARS, or five d*iiar» ftr *»*ry fiandred. -Trie c novels presented fir the prawita which an.dl prove nn’im-ces-fiil, will h* r*tur-:ed t 1 their respective noth, r~-. the piihlisbcre *:ji»- Migno control over any but that t» whni* Mi* prize may be awarded. All writings inlr .tied a* cr mpetilor* f»; fr, .mum, must be cor, .eyed free of p«K*. “ bo id.lre-sell t<, t h» jiathlishers, prior iutb» 1•* *f October 161515. The Novsiist’s Mag.iziee wi!l hr pnblivhetl i» semi monthly numbers—each number and ntainiu* forty-eight extra imperial octavo pages. »i*b double columns, arranged alter the manner ** the Lady’s Heck : to which work, though it "id be e.i:isiil#rably larger, it w ill bear a general ex ternal rescrsblanrß. the Magazine w ill tnakr two voluw»s annually of roer* than six hundred pages *aen, aad at tkm *xpirati«a of*v*r» *« months, or thirteen numbers, *ubscrib*r» wtl. •• fun.i.- lied with a li.mdsem* till* page -<vd <f c uitents. The who!* amount ot the re 1 • furnished in n single year, wil! ** rTIsl 1 sl m ' than fifty volume.' of ibw rotnm s sized Ei'g * tin deeitno hor ks. The paper up. * wn"- Magazine will he printed, will b* t* 1 * “ l *, quality used for book work, and a •leg**| , .. r adapted for binding. As th* typ* will be*’ ► ly n. w, and of a neat appoarancs. •.:*'■ ,< ' u ( " w hen Imund, will furnish a handsnw* a* **' v ilnabl* addition to tLe lilwrlie* nt tbof* * patronize the work. .... Tli* price of tbe Novelist's Mabaxinx* 1 ' ■ Five It. liars per annum, payab • twenranee. the publishers intend issiiinji alir.Wd impressions persons w ishing to sunscri»»» 1 questvd to do so without dvlay. Older*u i “* addressed to , rn C. ALEXANDER. & CO’ No. if Athenian Building*, Frauklin I • delphia. A commission of 20 percent, will '* |t to Ageiits.and all remittance* by mail w* 1 the publisher’s risque, if accompanied ij * Master’s certificate, and not otlitr"i s# - - gent or Post Master furnishing ten su •• and rcmiiling the amotitit of the ®oo^er cent. ' shall be entitled to a commission ol -i, one copy gratis one year, and the -f for the same length of lime. Uncurren 11 • j!vent hanks received in paynom l at pa A q.eeimcu of the work, or any fit* pooling it, may be iih.tainod, hy addri f ■ -« ' VM.) -uiiserihers. and preferring a oopy <>l 1 f(j ,. to the commission*, can have il re* 11 ■ ■•'ardod. •„ Editors of newspapers generally, J fllii insert the above as often as convenient,* tie• IlifiiiHelves thereby to a (tvo The Journal of l ■ S ptibliiheil daily at @lO pc, »"»“•"•* ,J. Ia week at $5 |>er tniiuiu* ot i 1 aCfoat vance per annum. Order* niut»t puttied w ith monev or n n ffrenen. j|#ff forwarded hy mail at the risk of tt s (jM . rl brni without the payment of prut-igo. ’ w| . t | »»d for the Journal of Commetf* »«* «•« time«h* c the Mercury, are riot received for a on* tear,