Georgia times and state right's advocate. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1833-1834, January 01, 1834, Image 1
weorgla Times, It Stsfc@ lijehtc ««». «a . BY W, S. ROC'kIVEE,!.. AND STATE HltiHTS’ ADVOCATE, Published Weekly in the Town if .!///.,/ -, ~ >/ e AT THREE DOUARS PER AXSt'.H PAYABLE IN AOVANCS:. spy Advertisements inserted at the usual those sent without a specified rnuuln rof in . tions, will '.e puidislied until ordered out, and ■charged accordingly. Sales of Land, by Administrators, Ex-icutor . or Guardians, are required, by law, t > be held on the first Tuesday in the mouth, between the hour ; •f ten in the forenoon and three in the ~ at the court-house in the county in which the property is situate. Notice of these sales must, he given in a public gazette sixty days previous t# the day of sale. Sales of negroes must be at public auction, •on the first Tuesday of the month, between the usual hours of sale, at the place, of pub lie sales in the county where tin* ].-• Testameatary, of Administration or G will ship, may have been granted, firs: . rsiMy days notice thereof, in one of tee p e • < ... xette* *f this State, and at the door >.f t..c court-house, where such sales are. to bo held. Notice for the sale of Personal Proper l , v nr.:-' be given in like manner, forty days previous t the day of sale.. Notice to the Debtors and Credit rs of an II - tave must be published-for forty (i. ■ . . Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land, must be published four months. Notice for leave to sell Negroes, must be published for four months before any order ab solute shall be made thereon by the Court yj* RANSOM 11. SMITH ctfully i-,- ortn* the voters of Baldwin county, th ’he i a candidate for re-election to the ol!i-.:« of ( ~f the Superior Court, at the election iti January next. Dec. IS, 13—tdc. are authorised to announce the name of Tv JAMES F. SMITH, as a Cano date for Clerk of tiic Inferior Court of Baidu in county at the ensuing election. Dec. So. . r >0....2t tITE are authorized to announce Capt. WM. Tv F. SCOTT, as a candidate for Slieviff of B»':dirin county, at the ensuing election in Jan ■»ry next, August 7, It :.i. WE are authorised to announce JAMES JOLLY as a candidate for ElieritT of Baldwin comity at the ensuing election. January 1, 1833. 1... lit arP requested to announce i'OI’NTAiN fT S. ULAKKY, a candidate for l'..v Col lector of Baldwin county, at tlieeusning election la January next. Dee. 1«, <l3—tdr. "I UST published, and for sale at the Times’ Of •I fice, and at Dr. Browns’ Hotel, a Book of all ilia Prizes in the late Gold Lottery , in numerical order, with the names of the drawer, the coun ty and district in which be resides, ami the qual ity of the Land as returned by the district Sur vivrors. THE PUBLISHERS. Dec. 18, ‘d—if. A NUMBER oftho citizens of Millcdgeville anxious to establish an energetic I’olUve, have determined to support the following Ticket for lutendant and Commissioners at the election lobe held on Saturday the 4t!i January, I~JI. BENJ. A. WHITE. Litetiduiil. JOHN A. CUTHBEIiT, Es.p Dr. GEORGE A. BRO WN, JOHN MAULER, AUG. H. KENAN, Es ;. December 25. :A> - • • • •’ ?i«T£< E. mHERE was brought to Jail on the Dili • 1 October, 1833, a negro man, by the i. ame td ISAAC, and that he belongs to a in .a is i fiat cock conn*y, by the name es Baldy 1 - : it • feet 6or Blnches high, 18 with a scar on his forehead. The owner is to quested to come forward, prove prquaty, pay charges, and take him away. JAMES JONES, Jailor, Clinton, Jones co. DiA-t i.i 1 " i. ~ It All. ISO A H IfOCK. BOOKS of subscription for 300 shares M-. k. Brunswick Rail Road, at > ! an v. .0 i. reopened in Macon onthelirst Monday in Janua ry next. As this short rail road, the avenue fir which is already opened and leveled by < luiiaiihni a; and excavations, (ready for laying and. wa the wm and Work,) is to act as a steam drayage, • i nar row neck of level land at the I it ot the A t u: - ha, between the boats and the thips at Bouts wick, which will completely open that nr file pro to Macon and all these middle and >»e>u.-r.i counties, which haul their cotton to that market. It is hoped that subscribers will come t .rv. ar. /and take up the balance ot the stock, and . . i so small apiece of work, which must prove oi great importance to the stock holders to .he Ecopleal large and the State. * q 1„; charter is liberal, and the stoc , can r ; tmldors from lb to 15 I"' 1 be made to no- •” ' • . y;.t per cent, at G 1-1 cents per bate ui.ry . Ml 2 1-2 cents per bale, it would nett, wnu ■' back drayage 25 per cent iuleiest per uunim the limit of the charter, and the cotton at l. same time, protected trom damage -’•■•• 1 !. all other charge, from the boots to the eiop*. This stock will prove as permanent a- • > trade, which must ever pass up and due. a. fi> Macon and Hawkinsville to the sea. K 1 • brim, the ships at the foot of the Ucmulgeo aiu Alatamaha, instead of their stopping at Savannah and Charleston. , t The Commissioners sent by order < l legislature, to examine the gloat advantagi - • • this short rail road, Ac. say, among other n.ings in their report, under oath, that —“ l lie 1 .' ' stacle now'existing to the connexion id this i ble port (Brunswick) with the he tilol *■ 1 and with the great wealth and the den e.-t , Jation of the State, is the narrow slip -1 lat.«H r-i » iittve.gver eleven miles, between that p> rt atul \\e Alatamaha; and this obstacle we ha.- an.vij stated, can in our opinion, be overcome - uitlinv saiui ol from sso*ooo to $7 o*ooo ! ‘ ( “But suppose it should cost kflOO.O'ttl, t expenditure is a trifle, in coiiiparisou wat.i the ■ihinense advantages it would jiald, not only l" the Treasury of the State, but the great body '■! the people.” Again “ X par Cowl iIU ■ ■ the solemn appeal they have made, in su'.iuif.ii.g this report, that ihcy do not believe that tin re i- l» die United Slates, so small a wuik ol internal nn pMvemetit, as the contemplated rail road, fraught aith consequences so important and I ° 1 ■■ •*> the same extent of country, and the sane a inoumof ucliveand industrious population. The charter requires that fc s per snare be p « secured op subscribing. W. B. DAW> ,J C , lului . , lb DART. 5 Dee. “i, id - if MEBIC 11, f Aft!). g h— i E i LIIS, in conseqiieneeofcircumstan * ' ces transpiring preventing his beiixr in a foreign country at this time, as he had anlicipa , ■ ’ addition to that the grateful recollec ton Os the very extensive patronage ex-ended to 11 in in tins city the last season, with the earnest solieitati nos numerous frieiids for his lon-n r ; apa mg them, has determined "on speiooi.g t ,o ensuing winter in Millodgeville. . ! ' 1 ir , 3oVora l years has devnied his entire ..-icntron to tae treatment of chronic or inveterate ‘i.- asi S in different climates. Persons unac quaint. V.-Ith i)r. P's. seovinuion ns a practitioner ol U.e i t ■■Utaje.lrl . onapplying to hiln will bere ■vo “ t " readies and Gentlemen of ili e first re f-’7 ! i "’lmhavo experienced the surprizing. ''Onoucial cfTecUofiiis treatment. He invites persofts afflicted with what thev mav consider flise ise to give him a call : ‘Those un . e ' ' 80 » V he waited upon at their respec tive p: cos 111 abode by request. Persons who inay v. M l Ills opinion relative to the nature of tneir •.ihae.’it.i are apprized, that no charge will ,!l - y ictually place themselves mill,-I ms en.-o. Dr. p. may ne se •i at his Olffce - u V\Syne street the first door to the Post Of iiCi 1 . or at the Union Hotel kept by Maugham ami Searcy whore lie boards. ° :■ jMspsla and Eivcr-cainplaint. Dr. Peters professor of Physiological Medicine, Jins succeeded by chemrcal analysis and fyntbe bisiu forming a compound from several proxi mate veg- tunic princiiikts to which he has given tue name MrLcia c Stomachics el /lepalicse, which In.i proved far more efficient than any remedy here-.' fore discovered in curing those distressing ma.adii (if tnmd and body 3 which are generally comprehended under the sweeping terms Dyspep sia and Liver-comp faints. It is likewise an almost certain enro f r enlargements of the Spleen 1 tie above Medicines e.onsist of tltrce different preparation's two of which are to be taken inter i iflly... .the other to be applied externally over the diseased parts ; not the least harm can result trom using them, and they are perfectly pleasant to take am the same tooj may be taken and em ployment pursued that would he proper were the patient noi under their influence. Titey areput. up :n parcels with full directions for use. From oi,. 1 to three parcels will be necessary Incomplete a cure. The price Is So a parcel, any poison in a letter, (post paid) stating where he wishes the Medicine cant, will receive it -be i Mail- Among the symptoms of Dyspepsia and Liver complaints, ate flatulency, sourness or hurtling in the stomach, melancholy, irritability, disagree-1 able Piste in the mouth ; great irregularity ol j appetite, which is sometimes voracious and at oilier times greatly deficient; thirst, fetid breath, j nausea, weakness of the stomach, acid eructa-1 tions, palpitation, drowsiness, irregularity of the] bow els, pressure on the stomach after meals, pain j in the head, dizziness or vertigo; confusion of mind, attended with loss of memory, a gnawing in the stomach when empty,chillijiess,affection of sight and hearing, pain and weakness in the back, languor, disturbed sleep, cold feet and j bands, tremor, uneasiness in the throat, cough, j pain in the side or breast, &c. The above ntuludies lead lu urgonic affection of j stomach, liver, and heart, terminating-in Dropsy, | Consumption, Apoplexy, Ac. according to the! climate, habits, age, sex, and temperament of the 1 patient. Jfilledgtville, Oct. 30, 1833. 42.... ! THE SGETiIESiN A«UI€ILTf- UltiT. AND rmUSTEa OK RURAL AIFAIRS. \T}L. VI. NOVEMBER. 1833. Contents Part /. Original Correspondence. ART. LXXJX. An'address delivered before the Agricultural Moch ty ot Sonlh Carolina, at the j Anniversary Mooting, August 20th, 1833, by j Uanifljlx. Whitaker. 1 I.XXX. APCtmnrcr-mr«grr made into the South of Georgia in the winter ol | 1833; by the Editor, (Continued from page, 529.) j I.XXXI. On the rearing of the Silkworm and! culture of the Grape Vine : by I*. LXXXIi.-Account of several snecesful ex periments in the culture ol Clover, in Abbeville District ; by Thomas Barker. LXXXIU On the changes wrought in Beau fort Dit.lilet, by the ’application of Manure ;by A. I‘, by. i LX X MV. Observations on the Oat Crop ; by A. Highlnmier, I.X AXV. On the Preservation of I’olato slijis; by an Overseer. ‘ J ' LXXXVI E: tknnte of the Daily Labour of • Negroes; by a Member of the Agricultural So ciety ..I South Carolina. I.XXXVII. Letter to the Editor, containing Queries on the roaring of ihe worm, and mode of the culture of the Silk. Part ll — Selections. ART. I.XX. The difference between the old low melbqds of matingiug \ ard Dung ; by one of flit new-School. I.XXL On Gardening—No. G;by Alexander] Gordon. [.XXII. Account of the llmbarkment and Cnltivdtion of lite Shirley Swamp-; by Hill Car ter. LXXIII. Saltpetre in Meat; by C. S. Raft nesquo, Bro. llts. and Nal.-Sci; LX - v i V . Saltpetre in Meat, in reply to Pio fessur Halite.-- pie; by Mediciis. LXXV. On fattening Swine ; by Donne. ’ v X\- ; i. (* n P rocurtn s p«re Mater; by P, Moser, M. D. . Part lll—Miseellaftcoac Intelligence. Manure is Wealth; to produce Onions of a • Hz?; Agricultural Thrift; On forcing t ;e them to flowet in Winter ; I eas , firnw i c -Crysanthestiums; On shurto.mng me tap roots of Trees’; Age of Sheep ; Lauds tn Virj! S published by A. E. MILLER. A it. 4. Broad-Street, Charleston. TO TEACHERS. nrinK Vnmral Meeting of tl.e Teachers Society will he held in Savanuali, on Moml tv the 23d Dec. (third Monday.) | ' w, ?. rc nu,ln tiietl t.i state that the l.osp.tali- Kics of the City, will he extended to a.I ne..ers ■ ■ "... and -u npnlicnii in being made to Vo ssrs. i Winiams tiM Birch, principals of Cltaham A ! ca-R-iny. „,, . By order es Society, J C. I*. HUMAN, President, R. C. Dhows, Secretary. i Deeenfber, 1. * o o t ~ si iiSCKIBER continues to tnaJ.c inks 8 j*.nil gudgeons for tub-mills at fi»< ooilats ' , e!; t, and oil.*. eastings for saw or gits* will*. ' . liviv- 'VC cents per ; He ateo repairs - .runs uud pist 'la il v. ty high i.rice«,ind sliw-s ! j:. . , . 1,1 g l nil if the cash is paid down, or tl i dona inpayment"! a debt, but .1 cb*m*l,st 1 r,i He also sells new scooters at 11 m tits pi r i pound, or mal.. s them when tl.o iron is found at I. T. CUSHING IVtruafT, I “33. 4H£|;io«cm££, s . isIHT «F ACTS, a’i tssal by the Legislature of (leorgia, in the session of ! 833. : To incorporate tlie Livingston Aeade | rny in Fioyd county, j a amend an act incorporating the ! - 'tar iop county Academy, and appoint j trustees. i. ' r ° incorporate tlie Fayetteville Ll-acs in the county of Fayette." For tho relief of Waniel Sfaasel. 'lo repeal an act to authorize the Infe rior court of Lowndes, to lay oß’ said county into militia districts. do amend the several laws incorpora ting die town of Salem in-Clark county. To remove obstructions in the Coosa river and its branches, calculated to pre vent the free passage of fish and the navi gation of boats. | , To change the name of John Smith to ]tnatoi John Golding Smith, and of other persons therein named. do compensate one (hc-.Tusticcs oftho oi the Peace in the counties therein named, lor consolidating election returns. 1 o amend a part ol the act incorpora ting the Savannah, Ogecche and Alata maha canal Company. To change the name of the county site of Dooly, from that of Berrien to that of Drayton. io authorize the Inferior court of' Lowndes, to take into their possession u!i securities for lots sold in the town oi Franklinville. Io incorporate Etowah Academy in Cherokee, Cobb Academy Cobb, Living ston Academy in Fioyd, Forsyth Acade my in Torsyth, Gilmer Academy in Gil mer, Telonica Academy in Lumpkin, Murray Academy in Murray, Pleasant Grove Academy in Paulding," Union A cadcm vin Union, Shady Dak; Academy in Jasper, Taylor’s Creek Academy in Liberty county. To amend an act to define the duties j and authority of the commissioners of | the town of Lawrcnceville, in Gwinnett' county. To amend an act prescribing the man ner of holding elections at election dis-; Diets, so far as relates to tlie county off Bryan. To alter and amend an act in relation to the Central Bank,and to a provision for j tlie sale and disposition of lands. For tlie relief of Thomas J. Harper, of j Captain llamsnv’s district. To change tlie place of bolding elec tions in an election prociact in the county j of Troup. To authorise the Trustee of tho poor - Mf-hrml fitml of Sumter, to ,loati out said i fund and collect any and ail of said fund ; Ireretofore loaned out or otherwise on j certain conditions. To authorise the Inferior court of Fay ette, to convey to tiic commander of. the 53d regiment Georgia Militia a lot of j land within the limits of the corporation ol j tho town of Fayetteville, for a parade i ground of said regiment. ' i ’~ -L . ~„1.i;,. Clio Ilf the COUII-] ty of Lowndes, and to name toe same, j To incorporate the owners ol the Lagle | and Phmni.x Hotel in the city oi Augusta. To incorporate the Mechanic's Society of M aeon. For the relief of the purchasers of the fractional parts of surveys on the dry line, in the fifth district ot Early. To incorporate the Village of Jefferson, in the comity ol J«ckson. To levy and-collect a tax for the year 1834, on property real and personal, and to inflict a penalty for refusing to comply with the provisions thereof. To incorporate a Cotton and Woolen Manufacturing Company in the county of U pson. To compel the Trustees ol the-poor! school fund of the counties of Montgome ry and Tattnall, to give bond and security i in a sum not less than the amount ol said | funds. To establish ferries across the river J Coosa and Etowah, in the counties of' Floyd and Cherokee. ! To prevent lotteries in the State of Georgia. To amend an act for tiic better distribu- j tion of the poor school fund, and point out j the inode of accounting for the disburse- , rnent of the Academy and poops choolftmds., To prescribe the mode ot selling land at Sheriffs sale in the counties composing the Cherokee Circuit. • To set free Mary a woman of colour, and her child Cordelia, the property ot Love well C. Flcwellcti, a free man of colour. To incorporate the Academy ol the county of Sumter at Americas, and ap point trustees for the-same. For the relief of W m. Leard. To amend and explain the attachment laws. To lay out the county df Coweta into poor school districts, and authorize the trustees of the poor school fund to appor tion the same. To authorize the Inferior court ufßihb ( county, to establish an Asylum for the in valid poor of said county. To alter and amend an act regulating the j>ooi school fund, so lur ns i* »j* els the county of Bryan. ! To"repeal so much of an act cMahl,,ti ring election precincts in certain cares, as relates to the county of (Ireerto. To amend an net declaring the charter j oftho Hank of Mwemi forfeited. To authorize the f*h< t ills of Hull fta*l |Htitjc<atk counties, to |mbhsb tiieir rales jin any of the public Gazettes of this . State. 1 o autaorixe the Inferior court of Scri i ' ou county, to runt out the bridge across ithe Beaver-dam creek at .Incksonborough as a toll bridge, for the purpose of dis | charging the ddits incurred in building and keeping the same in repair. 1 o compensate petit jurors in the-ooun | ty of Lumpkin. i Io authorize the Governor to issue grants for the Stale’s interest-in lots 3!)2, the ninth district oi originally Mcnrv now Newton county,and 152 in the first district originally Walton now Newton county, upon certain conditions. 'i i) make permanent the site of the-pub lic buildings in the county of Gass, at j , Cass vide, incorporate the same & appoint! ; commissioners thereof. ! To authorize the Clerks, Sheriffs and! ot.i -r o/itecrs oi the county of Warren to | ! publish their advertisements in any of tlie' J gazettes of Augusta,or .Milledgcvifle. io improve the navigation of thft irreat' Ogeeidie river. io amend an act to distribute certain funds among the several counties, for the i use <4 Academies, and provide n more | ctjuitiibie method for the distribution of | saiti funds. To .reform, amend and consolidate the! penal laws of the State of Georgia.. i o authorize the Interior court of Lib erty county; to erect an asylum for the j poor of said count v. '1 o extend an act to secure to Joiin Me- : kmirc and Henry Shultz, the exclusive [ to a bridge across Savannah river at Augusta. To exempt persons residing in the cor-( poration ot Hamilton from road duty. ‘ ° scDarate and divorce. \;m.-v \Vil. : . iiamson and Peter <>. \vdiiams6n, Isaac) Rachael Melton,.Mary Vouiigi and Elijah I*. Young, Berry Uzier and Elizabeth Uzier, Jane M'Curdy and) Robert J. M'Curdy, Cloud Barton and ! Ileslei’Ann Barton, Rebecca Davis and- Bazil M. Davis, John Reynolds and Eli zabeth Reynolds, Jacob Davis and Mary Davis, Zueharia F. Knight and Russeua' Knight, Elisha Kendrick and Alvina Ken drick, Bainuel Passmore and Zilplta Bass-.j more, James Davis and Elizabeth Davis. To amend an act to remove the court house to the centre of the county of Wayne. To authorize the trustees of the Bibb! Countv academy to sell part oftho acade-1 my square in the city of Macon. To add a part ol Twiggs to the conn- ' ty of bibb. 'IV tI.D rivi.- 1 laws, in fill- as ms-! pects the county of Henry, Franklin, i ay ette and Beard. To establish a ferry across the Ounsta nalee river in the county of Floyd,vest tin-1 right in John Thomas and regulate the ' rate of ferriage. For the relief of the city council of the; city of Macon. To place purchasers of the State's in terest in lots of land condemned and-sold 1 as fraudulent'on the same footing with I ofi’raciions in certain cases.. i o alter ana n, a . tt.r. 1 superior courts in the Cherokee circuit. Concerning free persons of color, their j guardians and colored preachers. To amend an act in relation to die pow- i ers and privileges of the. corporation of! the town of Athens; and prevent horse ra cing within the limits of said town. ’i'o provide for the payment, out of the; county funds of Laurens tuai Telfair, of the ferriage oi jurors and bailiffs,'that may! have to attend the courts ot said counties by crossing die Oeotrce river and foroth-j er purposes. . To compensate tiic managers of elec- j tions ol the different precincts in the cotiu-1 ty of Appling, dor carrying up the returns Iroin saiti precincts. To remove and make permanent the county site of Baulding county. To authorize the Interior court of Co lumbia county to provide for anil estab lish an asylum, lor the invalid poor of said county. To alter an act to revise and consoli date the militia laws, repeal the cavalry laws now of force, and amend" an act a- , mendatory of the above recited act. To ißithorize tlie Governor to issue his! warrant for the uim.unt oi’tliG poor tuhcx.>l j fund due the county of M i. set gee. l’u- tlie relief of purchasers of frac-j lioual and square lots in tlie first district of originally Muscogee. To incorporate certain t-burcli. sand! camp grounds and appoint.-trustees for) the same. To r -peal ro much of an act. as :.u the holding of elections in Capt.. Char!.-s y’s district'in \\ ay ne county. • j To exempt from taxation, lotsxm wh.clt, lite churclies of tha diiiLreut denununu- j lions are situated. To make valid certain deeds therein! named. To authorize the Clerks of tho Superi-j or and Inferior courts and Conrt of Or dinary of Montyofhi rv to keep their offi ces in any pari of said county. To compel the Tax Receiver and Col-j lector of Rtmdrtfjth for tin- year IMI2, to j refund monies iifegully cdlicctcd to tlie) clerk df the superior court, fir thc fiur posc vi ' Lein;. |mid over to their rcbpec-l I live elfsimsnti. For j!tc relief of J| ,-;e .Mitcliill. I To nlfoi and now nd uu act to coiifolb daw lit a fccwrul tiot*, for tints ntoor|io#«K ! U-.-ii4sf tht cgv ot M *'on. ! J o incorporate !ho Monroe raii road | Company for the ptirposeof constructing -i rail road iroin Macon to l orsvih in j Monroe countv. Io appoint certain academies and ap point trustees lor the same. i o create election districts in the coun ty ot Cherokee and other counties herein alter named, and punish those who mav ; attempt to defeat the same. To establish a court of common pleas m tne city ot Macon and organize the ; same. \ -* ° incorporate die town of Etowa, in the county of Cherokee. For the relief of the citizens of tlie several counties formed by the division of tlie late county of Cherokee, in relation to the payment of taxes. i o alicr the time of holding the supe rior and interior courts of the county of Baldwin. To amend an act authorizing tlie Slier t.isoi Lowndes county to soil lots Nos. i 10 and 100, in the several districts in said ! county, reserved and sohl for academic purposes. 1 o incorporate the Habersham Moun taineers. j . Io prevent intruders from fencing up tiic streets and public squares in tlie town of Brunswick. ; I o compel tlie tax collector, county treasurer, and justices ot the Interior j court ot Lee, to pay over to the couutv treasurer ot Sumpter,’ the proportion of the Stale and county tax for county funds paid by tae citizens of Sumpter "for the year ]»:)]. To revise, amend and consolidate the rules for the government of tho Pcuiten ti(tiy. hanJs,¥ogeftim- w'tflmifl tne i'lorsJQ, Rillti#', caits, tools and implements belonging to the State. To explain and amend an act to legiti matize and ciiange the names of certain persons. To establish election precincts in Mont gomery, and repeal an act authorising elections to be held, at the house of-Lewis Hall, in said county. To authorise the citizens of this State to vote, in certain cases, out of the coun ties in which they reside. To change the name of John Mash to that of John Terry. To repeal part of an act to authorise the raising of a fire company in the town of Macon, and a fund by Lvxation.for the purchase of lire -engines. To authorize the Judge of the. court of <;ointnvn picija the. citr cA' draw juries for the summary trial of such eases as he by law lias special or extraor dinary jurisdiction over. To iucorporajo the Tulonaga Academy in the-couutv oi Lumpkin. An act to incorporate Warren Acade my in Houston county. An act to incorporate .the Cassville Academy in Cass county. An act to correct an error in the cn | rolment of an act to j-egu/atc the poor schools and appropriate funds, so far as l.resj'iicls Melonw'< t!"° sWI at t,ie last session of tile Geneva! Assembly. An act to authorise the establishment of a volunteer company of cavalry in the county of Lincoln. Xu act for the relief of the tax collec tors of Lowndes and Carroll counties, for the year 1830. An act to incorporate Franklin Facto ry, in the county of Upson, and the Carnal; Manufacturing company oi Clark coun-j ty. I An act to make permanent the site of j the public buildings in the town ofLiv-; iiigstou, Flo, and county. An act to make permanent a waterline! anti lay out a stiect in tiic City oi Savan- j nali. An act to authorize the justices of tlie Inferior court of Emanuel, to lay ofi and! dispose of as many town lots in Swains-j borough, as they may deem necessary, not exceeding twenty. An act to appropriate money to com pcijsate the delegates and officers ot the, late Convention, held at Millcdgeviile, in May Inst. An act to reduce tiic foes on grants to fortunate drawers in the late Land Lotte lios, of llio lundi ~,t tltii! Sttitf in tlio tlu*. country. An act to form ami organize out of the Chattahoochee, Flint and Cherokee Cir- j inti's anew judicial circuit to be called the j Coweta circuit, to attach the counties oi j Baker and Early to the Chattahoochee j circuit, and appoint the time for holding j the Superior courts of both circuits. . An act to provide more ellcctually fir. [lite government of the Cherokee Indians,, prescribe die bounds of their occupant j claims, authorise grants to issue, in cer tain cases, provide for the appointment and fix tiic salary of an agent, and puui.ffi those who may deter Indians from cnrol j ling for emigration. An act for the relief of the heirs of j John S. Cripps. An a fit to repeal an amendatory act to [ the road li.\vs, so fur as respects- tiic coun j ty of Franklin. An act for the relief of tax collectors • for the veur and for ihe relief of A. i M.c M\Vhort< n, tax colic mr of Carroll I comfy, ami Jonathan C. Benson,tax col ) Icctor'of Campbell county. An not in authorize tho trustee* of | Mount Carmel Academy, to.haw the ue r;..»#o#s iuu«l duu In*.-* 1 VH I :a*. or h VOEitT.BE Ei.—-\’L'.?IIBER I. : Ail act to define the duties of the jns j tic's of the Interior court, where prisoners jai c sent iiom one county to the jail of an j other ami provide for the collection of the • jail fees. * j An act to divorce Sally Shivers form* j erly Sally I,6ng and Obudiuh Shivers. An act to change the sessions of the Inferior court of Richmond, of the Supc jriorand Inferior Courts of Houston and of the Inferior court of Bibb. An act for the relief of Rufus K. Evans, ; Leonard Adams, Alexander Ilarnctt, and ! Hockey L. Towns. ! An act to authorize the President, di «rect°rs and company, of the steam boat company of Georgia, to run a canal or rail road Ironi the City’ of Augusta to avoid the shoals ot said river. A:i act to authorise liie Inferior of A asliington county, to lav an extra tax for the purpose of building a court house. An act to repeal an act, authorizing thdf Inferior court of Baker, to levy a tax on persons liable to road duty, to keep in !*»-• pair the public roads. An act to add a part of Telfair to* Montgomery county. An act to divide the county of Murray into tw o counties, and provide for the or ganization of the same. An act to divorce Abraham Walker’ land Aniarintha Louisa Walker. An act to alter and"change the time of holding the Inferior court of Hall. An act to incorporate the town of Frank ' n > bi the county of i roup, and authoris* the trustees of the Franklin Academy 1 1>‘ erect their Academy building on lot No. •JSt!, in the sth district of said countv. An act to dispose of and distribute by’ lottery all the fractions in the counties An ;»j) so create die 1 i tli tiricl "Billi in vasion G. M. and add anew brigade to the 7th division, and anew brigade the Oth division. An act to alter anti amend the ninth section of the third article of the constitu tion of the State of Georgia. •An act to provide a fund for the outfit of th ;> medical institute of the State of Georgia, and alter the name of the same. An act to authorise the inferior courts of Stewart and Talbot counties to grant private roads and curt ways to private individuals. An act to divorce Greene Fuller and 1 Susannah Fuller. An act to divorce George Eason and Penelope Eason, James Dixon and Sarah Dixon, James Crosby, Charles Mugge ridge ano Mary Mugge ridge, Elizabeth I'tlllHlJ rl.f! •rulill *»V. I**. n«~/if. Til i*i t • » ton and Elijah Thornton, Catharine Tay lor and Win. Taylor ,Polity Wasden and Bryant Wasden. An act to divorce Martha C. Johnson and Patrick A. Johnson. An act to legalize mid make valid cer tain acts of John P. Lucas of Walton county, as clerk of the superior aud iufc- I nor courts. All net 0> exempt the Waah iutftOn* Guards of Washington county, from the liability to appear at any muster other than those ordered by the Commander in chief, and the oliieers of said company. To alter the third, seventh and twelfth? sections of the first article and the first and third articles of the constitution of this State. To legitimatize and change the names of sundry persons in J.owndcs county. To authorize all held officers and com manding officers of companies, in the county of Harris, to sit on regimental and battalion courts of inquiry, in said county. To repeal an act to add a certain lot of land in Randolph, to tho county of Stewart. To incorporate Starkesvillc academy in the county ot la-e. To appoint commissioners to lay' out a road from Tucker’s ferry, on Flint river, through Aniericus to Roanoke, on the Chattahoochee river. For the relief the Lewis A. Thomas, JohnGawley.und 'lorrisifc Lewis Pollock. For theorganir ition of a Mayor’s court’ in the town of Columbus. An act to alter tiic time of holding the Inferior court in the county of Stewart. An act to authorize Abraham Rowan of Putnam, to adopt Ascenith Dobbins. All «»ot to inoorjx/rato ll«o (\.nteaj roil road and Canal company of Georgia. An act to sell lots A’os. 10 and 100, and the State's half of lots fraudulently drawn and legally condemned iu the counties of Thomas, Decatur, Early and Baker, and all other lots, the property of the State, for academical purposes. An act to authorize the Inferior court of Appling to have the minutes of the supe rior court of said county transcribed. An act to-incorporate the Blairsvillo academy in the couiUy of l 'uiou. ,\n act lor d.e relief of the heirs of Charles Cout'.eau. An act to require Justices of the pence in districts, comprehending any town or village, to exercise, in certain cases, tlicir usual authority in relation to roads and patrols. An act to incorporate the town of Tn lort-ai, in the county of Lumpkin, and i t county, and appoint commissioners for the same. An act to provide for the removal of the du n ami lock on tli • Ocouoo riler m ar Alillcdgcvilie und all other ofwstruc ij.nM c lechttod to iuij ede the free pas-. \n act to add the net 1 domic funds of If kcr to the poor school fund, t ad aji