The countryman. (Turnwold, Putnam County, Ga.) 1862-1866, April 11, 1865, Image 16
228 T H E C 0 U N T K Y M A N. TURNWOLl), GA., APRIL II, 18(55. Look Out for the ^ Mark. When you see the >4 mark on your paper, you may then know your sub scription is about to expire, and if you want it continued, you must send more money. ADVERTISEMENTS- All advertisements—legal advertise ments, and all others— will be charged at the rate of 50c per line, for each insertion, cash iu advance. Obituaries and marriages, short or long, are advertisements. W ILL be sold, on the first tuesday in June next, the following negroes, to wit: Chaney, a woman, 60 years old ; Harriet, and one child ; Matt, Celia, and one child : Monday, Susan, and two children, Matthew and Phil: Jane, a girl, about 14 years old : Gus, a hoy, about 12 years old : Maxey Ann, a girl, about 9 years of age. Levied on to satisly a mort gage fi. fa., in favor of Lewis Lincb, aud Wilk ins Linch, vs. James N. Lineh. March 28, 1865. R. H. GRIFFIN, Sheriff. A LL persons indebted to the estate of W. T. Howard, late of Putnam county, dec’d., are requested to ri.ake immediate payment. Those having demands against the same, must present them iD terms of the law. H. J. HOWARD, Adm’r., Feb. 28, 1865. 7t Cum tee. an. G’ lEORGIA, Putnam County.—Whereas, C. E. Whiting, aud M. Graybill, administra tors of the estate of O. P. Cowart, deceased, apply for letters of dismission from said ad ministration— tflo This is therefore to cite all persons interested, appear at my office, within the time pre- W 0 '" scribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. WM. 13. CARTER, Ordinary. Jan. 24, 1866. • 6m OFFICIAL. Macon, Ga., March 16th, 1865. fTAHE following orders have been received I from * Headquarters, Military Division of the West:’ For the purpose of collecting and providing for the prompt restoration to their several com panies, battalions, or regiments, all absentees from Lee’s, Stewart’s, and Cheatham’s corps, the following measures will be taken, without delay; I. lirig. Gen. Mackall, P. A. C. S., in addi- lion to his -other duties, is- specially charged with the general supervision of the service in volved (his headquarters being at Macon, Ga.) nnri he will take all practicable steps to recall, to their colors, all who are absent from Any other cause than actual disability for field ser vice, or on properly granted furloughs. To this end, he will establish camps at Columbus, Atlanta, Albany, Macon, and Augusta, Ga.: at Montgomery, Selma, and Mobile, Ala.: at Jackson, Macon, and Columbus, Miss. : and such other points as may be found expedient, to which absentees, living in the. vicinries, re spectively, shall be required to repair, aqd re port,' and to which will be seut all those who may be collected by neighboring enrolling of ficers, who will be called on to give assistance, tinder the regulations of the conscnpt bureau. He will also require all officers, and men, to re pair To the nearest rendezvous appointed, who may be absent by any authority, less than that of these headquarters, or of the commander of the department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana: iu which case, he will make a requisition, for such absentees, upop that com mander, to whom be will communicate a copy ©f these orders, with a request tor the necessa ry orders, to enable him to execute his dutiee, within the limits of that command. H. All officers, and men, collected at the sev eral rendezvous, established under these orders, south and west of Montgomery, Ala , will be concent!ated, as soon as practicable, at that place, and those brought together, in Georgia, will be assembled at Augusta. **-;;-** * * I. In obedience to the above order, Major E. D. Willet, 40th Alabama regiment, has been di rected to take command of the rendezvous, at Montgomery, Ala., to which place all officers, who have already been sent to collect absentees, belonging to the three corps in Tennessee, Mis sissippi, and Alabama, willsend them in squads of ten, or twenty—the number ’o depend upon the facility of transportation from the centre of their field of operations, and the practicability of Subsisting them at the point of assembly. 2. Camps of rendezvous -will be established, as early as practicable, at ihe following points, viz—Columbus, Atlanta, Albany, Macon, and Augusta, Ga. : Montgomery, Selma, and Mo bile, Ala., and at Jackson, Macon, and Colum bus, .Miss The officers, and men, collected in them, will he forwarded—those reporting in Alabama, and Mississippi, to Montgomery; those in Georgia, to Augusta, or Macon. Un til these camps are established, officers, and men, will report, to the nearest post command er, or enrolling officer, who are requested t* forward them, as above directed. The officers on duty, under these orders, will make a weekly report of the absentees collect ed, giving name, company, regiment, and brigade—the time, and the place, at which they report. The commanders of tbe rendezvous at Montgomery, aud Augusta, will make a week ly report of the officers, and men, received du ring ihe week, and the strength of the camp at date report. 4. Post commanders are requested to direct their quartermasters, and commissaries, to give all necessary supplies called for by officcrsen-- gaged on this duty, within the limits of their commands. 5. 1 am informed that tbe officers sent to me, for this duty, have been selected for their ageda; fitness-, f* ;■», thorafnre. not necessary to urge upou them devotion to the service, auii earnestness in their endeavors to assist in bring ing their old comrades back'to their colors, but as the very nature of their service sends them to the vicinity of their homes, I may warn them of the danger of allowing themselves to lose one day in ihe enjoyment of home, which should be devoted to filling the ranks, by which homeb are to be defended. 6. All officers, and men, returning, are urged to bring iu their arms, or any arms they may find in the country. They will the sooner be enabled to join their colors. W. W. MACKALL, Brig. Gen. Ail newspapers in Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, are requested to copy the above six times. Those in Georgia will send their ac counts to Post Quartermaster, at Macon—those in Alabama to Post Quartermaster, at Mont gomery—those in Mississippi to Post Quarter master, at Columbus, for payment.. ap4-6t W. W. M. OFFICIAL. H’oq’rs Armies Confederate States, February 11, 1865. GENERAL ORDERS, No. 2. J N entering upon the campaign, about to open, tbe Generat-in-Chiel feels assured tiiat the soldiers who have so long, and eo no bly borne the hardships and dangers of the war, require do exhortations to respond to the calls of tionor, and duty. ^ With the liberty transmitted by their fore fathers, they have inherited the spirit to defend it. The choice between war, and abject submis sion, is before them. To such a proposal, brave men, with arms in their hands, can have but one answer. 'They cannot barter manhood for peace, nor the right of self-government, for life, or prop erty, • But justice to them requires a sterner admo» nition to those who have abandoned their com rades in their hour of peril. A last opportunity is offered them to wipe out the disgrace, and escape the punishment of their crimes. By authority of the President of the Confed erate States, a pardon to such deserters, and men, improperly absent, as shall return to the commands to which they belong, within the shortest time, not exceeding twenty days from the publication of this order, at the headquar ters of the department in which they may be, will be granted. Those who may be prevented, by interrup tion of communication, may report, within ttie time specified, to the nearest enrolling officer, or to any other officer on duty, to be forwarded as soon as practicable—and upon presenting a certificate from such officer, showing compli ance with this requirement, will receive the pardon hereby offered. Those who have deserted to the service of the enemy, or who have deserted, after having been once pardoned for the same offence, and those who shall desert, or absent themselves without authority, after the publication of this order, are excluded from its benefits. Nor does tbe offer of pardon extend toother offences than desertion, and absence without permission. By the same authority, it is also declared, that no general amnesty will again be granted, and those who refuse to accept the pardon, now offered, or who shall, hereafter, desert, or ab sent themselves without leave, shall suffer such punishment as the courts may impose, and no application for clemency will be entertained. 'faking new resolution, from the fate which our enemies intend for us, let every man devote all his energies to the common defence. Our resources, wisely and vigorously em ployed, are ample: and, with a brave army, and sustained by a determined, and united peo ple, success, with God’s assistance, cannot be doubted. The advantages of the enemy wiil have but little value, if we do not permit them to impair our resolution. Let us, then, oppose constan cy to adversity, fortitude to suffering, and cour age to danger, with the firm assurance that he javo freedom to our fathers, will bless the efforts of their children to preserve it. R. E. LEE, General. All newspapers in the Confederate States are requested to copy the above (General Order, No. 2) six times, and send bills, with a copy of the paper, to the Richmond Enquirer, for pay ment. ap4-6t Headq’rs Armies op C. S., February 11th, 1865, GENERAL ORDER, No. 3. fffTHE discipline and efficiency of the army J. have been greatly impaired by men leav ing their commauds to join others, in which they find service more agreeable. This practice, almost as injurious, in its eon- sequences, as the crime of desertion, by the Articles of War, exposes the offender to a sim ilar punishment, and subjects the officer re ceiving him to dismissal from the army. It is therefore declared, that the provisions of General Order, No. 2, of this date, from army headquarters, apply to such men as have left their proper commands, and joined others, with out being regularly transferred. They will re ceive the pardon promised in that order, upon complying with its conditions, or suffer the con sequences attached to neglecting it. The names of such absentees will be, forth with, reported to these headquarters, by the of ficer with whom they are serving, and imme diate measures taken to return thenvto their proper commands. As soon as practicable, an inspection will be made, and charges will be preferred against those who neglect to enforce this order. R. E. LEE, General. All newspapers in the Confederate States are requested to copy the above (General Order, No. 3) six times, and send bills, with copy of the paper to the Richmond Enquirer, for pay ment. »pi«