Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, January 04, 1859, Image 4

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uonston Sheriff Sale. I Houston February Sales. Jcniflc fnv Qola MRSa DESSAU W ILL be sold, before the Court House door In ; TJEFORE the Court House door in Perry, Houston ; JUUiiXUO iUi IJCllCi TTAS as ususl returned from tl: tho town of l’erry. Houaton county, on the , XJ county, on the 1st Taesday in February next. T n .„ , „r T . vti.IH l»t Tuesday in Jauuary next, within the legal hours within the usual hours of sale, the following proper- of sale, the following property to wit: ! ty to wit: One black Horse and one Buggy, 3 setts South half of lot of Laud'No. SSI, two hundred ' .f Illacksmitli'a Tools, 4 Iron Wagon Axles, 6 tin Tbot D.Titiu’an’'*n’d"noi3tedout by him to satisfy benches, six pair Cabinet Screws, lot of Sundries, one <1 fa from Houston Inferior Court, James m. lot of Lumber, lot of Buggy Spokes, one_Cbeit_Car- Gatea, n. Thoa. D. Pitman, and WUBam Allen. penter’stoola, one Buggy body, one Writing Desk, Also, one negro girl nine or ten yean old. named one negro man named Jack, about as years old, one . Vicy, levied on as the property of Win.M. Bateman negro woman, named Mary. about 16 years old, that to aatitfy one t) fit from Houston Inferior Court, \S in f fi— .... tr... M nnt ItV L. Vinson, vs. Win. M. Bateman, pointed out by Defendant. j Also, three hundred and ninety 390 acrcsof Land, more or less, in the Fifth District of Houston coun ty. Nos. not known, said Land lying on Eobeconnee Creek, joining Lands of James Sikes, levied on as the property of Newell U. Hiller, and purchased by him from Seaborn L. Kicks, to nullify one fi fa from Houston Inferior Court, Patience Rieka VI. Newell H. Miller. JOHN L. HOL9TEAD, nov30 Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale. ;57 XoEtroes, and 3,000 Acres of 1ST id; TO BE SOLD OX A CREDIT OF 12 MONTHS. \T7TLL bo sold on the 1st Tuesday in January VV next, before tbe Court Ilonas door in Clin* uext, before the Court House ton, Jones county, Gn., the following named grots, belonging to the estate of Joseph 6. Stiles, 1 ite ot Jones County, deceased. Persons in w.int of likely Negroes, or good Laud, will do well to attend this sale, as another such opportunity may not occur in n life time. G. I). ROBERTS, Administrator of the estate of J. G. Stiles. Negroes’ Names and Ages: 1. Milley, a woman, -- Toney, a man, as 3. Clabe, a man, 4* 4. Pat, a woman, 39 5. Cherrv, a girl, 1* 6. Marinli, a girl.. 16 7. Mar}*, a girl, 3 &. Lettv, a woman, 42 Charity, a girl 20 :o. I. iudy, a girl, 16 11. Sharper, a boy, 13 12. Winney, a girl, 12 la. Leke, a boy, 11 14. November, a boy, 0 13. Lizzie, a girl, 8 16. Lee, a girt, 9 17. Martha, a girl, 7 If 1 * VK Peggy, (and infant) 29 20. Riley, a boy, 14 21. Jim, a boy, 13 22. Peter, a boy 11 23. Aaron,a boy, 9 24. Howard, a boy.. 3 23. Eliza, a girl 2 26. Lucy, a woman, 46 27. Will, a man, 2f*. Rena, a woman, 29. Moses, a boy, no. Kl\jah, a boy, 31. Abram, a boy «.. 32. Viney, a girl, 23. Harriet, a girl, 31. fcilvic, a girl, 35. Sally, a girl, 36. George, a boy 37. lienry, a Blacksmith, 45 years. 3d do 43 do 39 do do I it to say, the one-ball undivided interest in the re mainder In said negroes, after the death of Mrs. Sa rah Jones, the mother of Defendant, all levied on as the property of Osborne Jones, to satisfy a fi fa from Houston Superior Court, in favor of Madison Marshall, against said Osborne Jones. Perry, Ga. JOHN SMITH, Dep. Sheriff, dec 28 Administrator’s Sale. \ OUEEAttLI to no order of the Uouurxblo th« A. Court of Ordinary of Dooly County, will be sob. jefore the Court House door in the town of Vienna naaid county, on the First Tueaday in January iext, within the leftal hear* of sale, ail the negro*: iclonging to the estate of Gillia Wright, late olaaic onnty of Dooly, deceased, via: Ubody, a woman love, a hoy; Irvin, a man ; Bandy, a man; Aino.- -. boy ; Doss, a man; Charlotte, a woman. Soli or the purpose of a distribution. Terms made knowi ■n day of aale. Tanas—Twelve months credit with good and ap proved security- Nov -'3. WM. 8. JOHNSON. Adm’r. Jones .Postponed hbeiitf Sale. W ILL be aold, before the Court House dcor, ii the town of Clinton, on the first Tuesday i February next, 1839, within tho nsnalhonrsof sal. die following property, to wit: Two negroes. Bid iy, a woman 18 years of age, and her child. Rost — her child one year old, levied upon as the propert. if Thomas 8. Alexander, by virtue of 25 J until- Court fi fas., issued from 377th District, G. M., it aver of Isaac Hardeman, John W. Clark and others vs. Thomas 8. Alexander, levy made and returnee tome by John W. McGhee, a Constable. Also, will be sold at same time and place—one ne gto girl, name Averlino, levied opon as the propert;- of Anderson S. Childs, by virtue of 4 fi faa issue, from 377th District, G. Jl., in favor of Robert Me Ghee and others, all rs. Anderson 8 Childs, lev; made and returned to me by John W. McGhee, s Constable. JAS. G. BARNES, Sheriff, dec SI Administrator’s Sale. *1° 1 n Y an order of the Honorable the Ordinary of “° | 13Bibb County, Ga., will be a dd before the Court ... 89 -» House door in said county, between the usual hours if sale, on the first Tuesday in February next, a ne gro man, George, about It years of age ; one Feath er Bed and Bedding; one lot of Land lying in Car rol County, Ga. containiug ICO acres, more or less. No. ten (10) iu tho Tenth District, sold as the pro perty of Francis Wilder, deceased, for a distribu tion among tho heirs. GREEN WILDER, dee 31 Administrator. Aditiiuistrator’s sate. VX^ILL be sold in the town ot Clinton, on the first T WILL sell one or both of my P L A X T A -! ±£ t 1 ^^“SSSBH^SESSW of LAND—some eoo acres operand in a high state b * enTObnutted ‘°Sout h e muls Pectton. , North J.astem Kail Loads, of cultivation. Good Framed NEGRO HOUSES E\ ENLNG DRESSES which haffle description, r T n1 '- 'Plend.d and last Running hocse • other improvementagood. I EGLANTINE CLOAKS, with Lucknow Trim- A The other contains some 2,227 seres of land, shout min^s { f T n** IZST/mtfsZfo Ho^es^’Dweinng 1 Uoi°^ DRESS TIUMMIXGS. other buildlogsgood. and an excellent little WA- CASPIAN HAIR PINS, . GOKDOW.F. Barden, Commander.leaveaSavau. TERM1LL, to do the grinding for both Plantations. GRECIAN CURLS. 1 ! “J* fc * Charleston every Sunday and Wednesday There is some 1000 at-res of CANE and SWAMP n a IR BRAIDS * v 3 at Charteston LANDS,'some TWO to THREE HUNDRED HAIR HK AID with the tmn of the North Eastern Rail Road going ACRES open, and in a high state of cultivation.— HhAD-DKEbSES, and North ; returning, leaves Charleston every Mon Jan Joins Col. John 8. Thomas and William Drumright, an assortment ot divers articles, which would require 1 Friday night at 81 o’clock (after the arrival and of conTse is good. an endless list to enumerate. Delay not! of the cars of the North Eastern R. Road.) and ar- Call and examine for yourself. My Overseer will! Thankful for past favors, aha with hearty cheer,- rives at Savannah early the following mornings, show the place at anv time. I will sell it low. With solicits the patronage of all desiring the rich,elegant By tins route Passengers can obtain through tick- the PLACES, I willsell CORN, FODDER, OATS, | and beautiful. etsto and from Savannah, Oa., and Wilmington, N. STOCK HOGS and CATTLE. E^MES. D„ is prepared to furnish Milliners with , Carolina. wholesale pattern Bonnets aud all Goods in her — ! — I line, at the shortest notice and lowest rates, oct 5 Chuugt; of Schedule. SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON Ida . STEAM PACKET LINE Factors & Commission Merchants, B MERCHANTS AND S I JY ESS £■' Griffin, Ga., July 31 ang 3 Messenger copy. W. W. CHAPMAN. Valuable Plantations for Sale. D KStRIVt; to move my planting interest 1 west, I offer for sale two valuable PLAN-, TATION3. One situated in Macon county within ith-W« three miles of Winchester, on the South-Western Rail Road, containing 2,403 acres of level Oak and nickorv Land, with good improvements, and be tween thirteen and fourteen hundred acres in culti vation, a considerable portion of w hich is fresh land. The oUierplantstion is situated in the 14th District of Lee, on Flint River, at the mouth of Cbockeefi- chikec Creek, and contains 2,474 acres of Land, about two-tldrds of which is Oak and lliekoty land of the best quality, and the remainder good Pine about th Land, with about thirteen hundred acres in cnlti va- C. H. Freeman & Co. COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA., orrstt, as usual, at thiix old stash, a choicx Haring a through freight arrangement with the the Central Rail Road and its connections, all freights between Charleston and the interior of Georgia con signed to tho igents of this line will be forwarded with dispatch and FREE of CHARGE. J. P. BROOKS, Ag’t, Savannah. E. LAFITTE 4c CO., Ag’ts, Charleston. jan 19 EVANS, HAERISS & CO., Important to Planters! INGERSOLL HOOP The CuthtertRepo; JLrGCT^ -- Mg. 2 ~2. • I BAY street, savannah, ga., nEKSW the tender of their services to the Plan- XL tors of Georgia and tho adjoining States, and will contmuo to sell Cotton at fifty cznts per bale. Orders for Bagging, Rope, and other supplies, filled • promptly and at the lowest market rates, and liberal when desired, on Cotton in store. )' M “;D. A ’ !T10N * C . I W«.E. Evans, i Gxo. W. Evans, | Host. Y. Harris#. , M ERCHANTS and business men of iiwl desire to extend their hn.ii..., TerrclI.Clay, Calhoun and adjoining conutr'l to well to advertise to the “Cnthbert Rc-notSI fished in the rapidly growing town of C - - sr dolph County. Cnthbert will soon i Savannah, Jnly SO, 183 aug 3—6m* ISAAC HAYDEN J THOS WOODWARD Sale and Livery Stable. H AYDEN a WOODWARD are now Th prepared to furnish their friends and the public generally, with good safe Horse and new tut well as fast' complete order at the s! They are determined „ personal attention to business and reasonable Cn.h Prices will enable them to do so. ty Horses fed and kept by the day, w eck or month. Drove Stock also accommodated at rca- sonable prices. Mulberry Street, next to Lotterv Office, Macon, Ga. \nl Mg. 2 connection with Macon, there being only miles of iron to lay, &n«l already our pi T for a qki | looking to Macon and Savaunah i who goousate Mono-s I I S A isty Buggies, Carriages, Ac., in i shortest notice, ed to give satisfaction, if strict 1 ■ 1 ■' “» *• I ubll 31 AND, A vault A ' ■ — — 33. — i , . A _ ramily°gTooerisPatten & Miller, ATArnv (late pattex, hcttox & co.,). COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ciViwin ot * O F' every description and of the best quality, fresh and good—being constantly iu receipt of new supplies from the Northern Markets, Sugars, Syrups, Coffee. Teas, tion, nearly nil of which is fresh land, and as prodne- Sweetmeats, finely watered, and substantially improve? My over live as any land in South-Western Georgia,. and is seers will show these places to any one wUfnng to any one * examine them. My tcrins will be liberal and pay ment a easy. For farther particulars, address the undersigned at Mscon. N. HASS, jnly 27—tf B A Card from Br, Jilllics KI. Jnr* 1 materials and warranted to retain their hardness and ■Ml MB - ‘ — ----- Spices, White Fish, Citron, Herrings^ Green Fruits in cans, Hams, Condiments, Lard, Sauces, F'lour, Cheese, Uniter, Mackerel. Pork, And other articles too numerous to mention, com prising the whole range ofFainily Grocery supplies. MACON. GA. E. E. BROWN, Proprietor. Inin. Meals Ready on the Arrival of every apllS GRANITE HALL opposite; tjie la mi: it house. Nuts. Raisins. hole range of Family Grt CANDIES- Iy m and others to oar large and complete stock of Can dies manufactured by ourselves, of the very beat ‘NETT, OF TUE NEW YOKK LUNG INF1KMA- 1 brilliancy, while the imported Candies soon lose • db | — - * " * RY.—My connection for the past eight year* with j both and become worthless. We offer unrivalled the above Institution, as Chief Physician, and a I inducements to purchasers. T HE subscriber will open the above Hall about the first of APRIL next, for the accommodation of Families, Day Boarders and Transient Gusto mem. This House is now offered as inferior to m other First Class Hotel in the South, and from it> central location, its large and airy rooms, offers great inducements and accommodations to Families ant. Transient persons. The public may expect from thl House, all the luxuries and comforts to be found i any other hotel. B. F. DENSE, mar 2 Late of the Floyd House. FLINT HOUSE. b^aperfect system of AleJical Inhalation-—has en- me to arrive at a decisive, direct, and success ful course of treatment for the positive and radical core of all diseases of the Throat, Luuffg, and Air- Patsage*. By inhalation, the vapor and curative properties of medicines are directly addressed to the diseased organs and the integument. I do not ad* vi e the use of Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the exclusion of general treal\ I consider it a useful adjuvant ment of those fearful and often JHACOlf, GA, ORMERLY known as the Macon House, w^ on First street, opposite Patten, Col- liiilm lins Sc Co., has been recently fitted up withiillBB. a large addition, for the accommodation of Boarders and on the most reasonable terms. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh I FISIL IN THEIR SEASON. terest.if stopping a few days to Macon, to give ns a : call and see tor themselves. The proprietor, thank- / \ We shall keep constantly on hand dnr- 1 ful for past favors, flatters himself thst by strict at- Cfll 9 J ing the F'all and Wiuter,. . tention to business, lie will receive liis share of pub Fresh Oysters and F'iah.SC^?-*'AS i lie patronage. Passengers wishing to stop at the above honse. ilmrnt\ and althongh I i and imported, of tho best qualities and re- TJ to the proper manage-; spertfully invite orders, winch sh«U be faithfully j L Th“tkhi n fatal uiieascs, y,\ I hl>ed j „ 1 O. PATTEN... »Ug3 SAVANNAH, GA. .A. J. MILLER. Jona/tlian. Oollins, (Late Patten, Collins A Co.) W ILL continue the FVnrc House mid Com mission Business at the F'ire Proof Build ing occupied by them in this place, in connection with his son, W. A. Collins. He respectfully solicits the bnsiness of the patrons of the late firm and Plant ers generally, pledging their undivided attention to all business confided to their care. Advances made on Cptton and other Prodnce m store, and orders carefully filled. JONATHAN COLLINS, jnly 6—tf PETER S. IIUIHFIIRIES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PERRY, GA, WILL practice in all the Courts of the Macon District, and also in the Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. (ang 17—ly _ the depot will ask fur its Represen table shall not be inferior to any in the substantial of life. ment ortnose teannl and often fatal diseases, yel- . deem it very necessary thafi each patient should have CHO1C0 Tob&CCO find Scg'arS, > which we invite the attention of Connois; the benefit of both general and local treatment. The t« success of my treatment to the above diseases, and - these .rtiele. the high character of the Institution over which I - Connoisseurs oct 5 Tuesday in February next, by order of the Court of Ordinary of Jones county, one negro man Peter, belonging to estate of Thomas J. Williams leceased. bold for division, dec 21 ISAAC HARDEMAN, Adm’r. have so long had the honor to preside, are too well known to_ need.any eulogy orcommeat from me.— ALSO, at the Court House door in Clinton, Jom county, botween the legal boars of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in January next, by virtae of an Order from the Honorable tho Ordinary of Jones conntv, the following described VALVABLE REAL ESTATE, To wit: 3.cao seres ofland to Jcnes county, on the Miliedgev.lle Road, seven miles from Macon, ad joining tin lands of Samuel Griswold, Wm. Roberts, I Green Roberts. Mrs Somers and ovbers, well known as the hai ls, plantation and reainence of Joseph G. Stiles, deceased, 1,000 acres of which is Oak and Hickory 1 .and. About 300 acres ol tami Known as tho Wm. Strip ling tract, upon which said Stripling now lives, will be sold separately. Terms, half Cash, half in twelve months. GABRIEL B. ROBERTS, nov9 Administrator of Joseph G. Stiles, deo’d. Administrator’s Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the Ordinary o' Jones county, will bo sold before the Cour loose door, in Clinton, on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, within the legal hoars of sale, the- fol lowing Negroes to wit: l'ompuy, a negro man; An na, a woman; Mahaly, a woman; Harriet, a wo man, and her child. All sold as tho property ot Wm. H. Ogilvee deceased, for the benefit of the ueirs and creditors. doc 21 WM. S. JOHNSON, Adm’r long iy supported, i tv „ _ after due <foniideration, 1 have concluded to make such arrangement* as will bring the benefits of my experience and treatment within tho reach of all. and not confine myself, as heretofore, to those only who entered the Infirmary, or who were able to me at my office, noping therefore that the arrange ment will give entire satisfaction, both to my pro fessional brethren and the public. I would respect* Latest News by tltc -A--tlajrtio Telegraph.. To nil ivliom It may couccru. This is to notify the public that Isaacs is at Home Againj Price of Board.: For a single meal 50 Sapper, Lodging and Breakfast 1,23 By the day. 1,50 Single week... 8,00 Bv the month (Board & Lodging)... .30,00 feb 2 . THOS II. FLlNr, Proprietor. BOER HAVE’S HOLLAND BITTERS. And begs to assure his patrons that his SALOON is ! not a thing of a day. Citizens and the traveling pub- lie will find the establishment open not for the sea- THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY ron .DYSPEPSIA, fully announce in conclusion, tllst / can now ~lccon-1 son only, but at all seasons of &e year, and those Disease of the Kidneys, lulled prnoually orbjr Idler, on all diseases as above calling upon us will at all hours find onr Lsrder sop-. > I \ / I— r, e-\ e-\ nor-,, A I r, I -r and that the medicines, the same as used in Die Iu plied withall the. delicacies that the New York aud L I V fc. It U U IVI r LAI iv I , other markets will afford in the way of eatables, and j WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND Aslmiuisitrator’s Sale. W III.L be sold on the first Tuesday in January next. In-fore thu Court house door.in the town of Monticello, agreeable to an order of the honora ble the Ordinary of Jasper ccunty, all the negroes belonging to the Estate of William Barclay, deceas ed, to wit: Dave, a mao Eighty four years old; Char lotte, a woman sixty years .old; Gip, a man twenty fonrycara old; Charity, a woman twenty-six yean add, and Knty, a girl seven yean old. All sold for tjie benefit nf the heirs and creditors of said deceas ed. Terms on tho day of sale. WILLIAM JENKINS, Adm’r. September 21,1656. ■ -. . . ... Atlmluistrator’s Male. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, it Perry, Houston Connty, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in F’ebrnary next, between the legal hours •f sale, the Plantation lately owned aud occupied iy Benjamin McKinney deceased, consisting of lot Vo. 236, containing 202] acres, more or less, andt- t’actlon of No. 233. co ntaining 30] acres, more ot <ws, in the lower 5th District of said county. Ala- be following negroes: Kater, a man about 05 year Id, and Patty, a woman about no years old. Sole >y virtae of an order from the Court of Ordinary o rfonston connty, fortho benefit oftbebeirs and cred tors of said deceased. WM. McKEXNEY, dec. 21 Administrator Under Rat.ton’s Unit, Cherry Mr. stitution, prepared to suit each individual case. Inha ling 1 ’apart, Medical Inhalers, Ac., Ac., will he for warded by express to any part of the United States or the Canadas. Turns.—My terms of treatment by i letter are as follows, viz : 812 per month for each pa- ' tient, which will include medicine sufficient for one - month's nse ; also, Inhaling Vapor, and an Inhaling Apparatus, Payment as follows: SC to be paid to : Express Agent on receipt of the box of Medicine, : and the balance Sc at the expiration of the month, if! the path nt be cured or is entirely Satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by giving a full history of their case, and their symptoms in full, can be treated as ■ welt by letter as by personal examination. Patients j availing themselves of Dr. Jarrett’s treatment may v , v ... ^4_W^_^pcrmanm.trelief, „ he i tl somitliing good to drink, and six days out o! seven more than can be found in any other house in town-! FEVER AND AGUE E. Isaacs & Brother, „ And the various affections consequent upon a dia- . ? ordered Lanier A Anderson, ATTORNEYS A T L A W, MACON, GA., P RACTICE in the counties of the Macon Circuit* and in the Counties of Sumter* Monroe and Jones; also in the Federal Courts at Savannah. They have also recently become the Agents of the following Insurance Companies: Thc^ugusfa luMiirancc and Banking Coin pan j of which W. M. B’Axtigxac is President and C. F. McCay is Secretary. And the Alabama Fire and Jlnrinc Inna* ranee Company, Montgomery, of which T. H. Watts is President and A. Williams is Secretary. Fire risks and risks on slaves taken at usual rates, apl 20 SPEER & HUNTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON. GEORGIA. Ofsce on Triangular Bloch, Corner of Cherry Stmt and Cotton Avenue. W E have associated as partners in the practice of law in the counties of the Macon and ad joining Circuits, and elsewhere in the State by spe cial contract—also will attend the F'ederal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. ALEX. M. SPEER, mar 2 SAMCEL HUNTER. Ilis bill of fare will every day Be just the thing for little pay, And those who at their place may eat, Will find in it all things complete. And going once, they then will know That ISAACS’ is the place to go. STOMACH OR LIVER, gUCH as Indigestion, AcidityStomach, Colicky Paius, Heartburn. Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles, all Nervou ‘ “ * — seldom has to treat a case over thirty days. Letters for advice promptly answered." F’or further partic ulars address JAMES M. JARKETT, M. D„ our unremitting care to please in every respect, as wo flatter ourselves we have done till now. Executors’ Sale. A GREEABLY to tho last Will and testament of Ureaf clieves, deceased, I will sell at public sale, at the Court Honse door. In Knoxville, Crr.w ford county, on tho first Tuesday in January next, Tweuty-eight or Thirty likely young Negroes, con sisting of men, women ana children. Terms— t welve months’ credit, with good security. Oct 2ti* ISAAC G. CHEVES, Ex’r. [y Journal A Messenger copy. Admiuisiruior’s Sale. j) Y order of the Court of Ordinary of Jones Coun- Adiuinlstrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Jone, county, wilt be sold before the Court lions _ ty. __ loor, in Clinton, on tho first Tuesday in F'ehrnar, •ext, the slaves belonging to the estate of Wm. ll Igilvie deceased. Sold fur the benefit of the heir: >nd creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day. WM. 8. JOHNSON. Administrator o Wm. H. Ogilyie, deceased. SCHEDULE CLN THE South-Western R. R OVER WHICH PASSES THE GREAT NEW YORK AND HEW ORLEANS MATT-* , will he sold before the Court House door, in Clinton, on the first Tnesday in January next, be- tween the legal hours of sale, a negro woman named Melvina, and n Land Warrant, one hundred and six ty acres. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and cred itors of William F'elts, late of said county, deceased. MARGARET W. FELTS, Administratrix with the Will annexed. Sept. 14, l*OStpoilC4l A<tillsniMf.tior> suit;. I F A’ virtue of an order of the Coart of Ordinary J of Twiggs County, wi J be sold before the Court Homo d-Kir in Troupville, Lowndes connty, on the first Tuesday in January next, between the legal hours of sale. Lot ot land No. three hundred and ninety-nine, in the Twelfth District of originally Ir win, now Lowndes county. The above land will be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the Estate of Benjamin B Smith, lata of Twiggs county, deceased. ROBERT K. PARKER, dec 14 Administrator. AUuiiiiistrarrlx’s -sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the Hon. the Coart of (trdinary of Dooly County, will bo sold before tlioConrt honse door, in the townofVienna, in said county, on the first Taesday to Janury next, within the legal hours of sale, all that portion ol the real es tate of Allen R. Pcttct, late of said county deceased, i-ituated in the 7th District of said county, and known ns lots ofland No. containing four hundred and five acres, more or less, it being the place upon which tho said Pettet lately resided. Sold for the ocucfit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on tha day of sale. Nov. 23.1938. MARYE. PETTET, Adm’x. Aatmiiustratrix’ Stoic. l5 Y virtue of an Order of the Court of Ordinary, .13 of Jones Connty. will be sold before the Court House door, in Clinton, on the F'irst Taesday in Jan uary next, tho following Slaves: Lewis, George, Kin'll v, and lktsey, belonging to the Estate of Wil liam J. Card, deceased. Also a Land Warrant of (kne Hundred and Twenty Acres. 8old for the ben efit of the heirs and creditors of deceased. Terms on the (lay. FlLIEABETn CARD, Adm'trix. Nov. 2. Administrator's Sole. B Y order of the Inferior Court, of Jones Connty, will bo sold before tha Court House door, in Clinton, on the first Tnesday in January next, as the Hark! property of James W. Harkins, late of said connty deceased, SIX SLAVES. Terms on tho day, Nov. 23. ROBERT P. HARKINS. Adm’r. Executors’ Nitic. W ILL be sold at the residence of William B. George, 1st o of Jones county dece’d, on Mot- day the 20th day of December next; all of the perish- ’ able property belonging to said deceased, consist iug ofSix (!■) fine Mules, one (1) Marc, Thirty-one (31) Head Pork Hogs,Thirty-aevon (37) head Stock llogs. Twenty-two (22) Head of Cattio, F'ifty-oue (311 Head of Sheep, 1 Yoke of Oxen, I Road aud one 2 Homo Waggon. 1 Ox Cart, about 2,000 tu ih- els of Corn, a large lot of F'odder, 200 bushels of Wheat, a lot of Oats, Barley Ac., Household i.nd Kitchen F'urniture, F'arming Tools and Implements, td,Ao. 1 Gin and Band, large lot of Cotton Seed, An. Sale to continue from day to day until all la t old, Terms—all sums under Twenty Dollars, caih.— All sums over, credit tweive months, with appn -ved security, and interest from date if not punt-1tally paid. ' R. W. BONNER, ) El| ,„ ISAAC HARDEMAN, J ,£x< Clinton, Dec. 7,1859. months after date piict tion N OTICE.—Two months after date applies will be made to the Ordinary of Crau ford County, for leave to sell the Land and Negroei b> iouciug to the Estate of Lemon M. Causey, la e of said county, deoeased. SAM’L U. CAUSE) , uovic Exec itor OTICE.-Sixty days_ after dato.^ap^lici tion iS will be made to the Honorable tbeUrdiiary of Houston County, for leave to sell all the ten Es ;cunty, fo talc of Wudo 11. Barfield, late of Houston cni.nty, YOUNG JOHNSON, Adm’r. tieorjflit—ioucs Count}. W HEREAS Jesse Pitts, Guardian of them nora of William Cleland, deceased, applit a for Letters Dismissory: These are therefore to clto and admonish all and singular those interested, to beandeppearatuy o’- fice on or before the 1st Monday in January next, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 5th day c f No vember, 1839. CHAS. MACARTHY, Grd. nov9 Tico Daily Trains between Macon If Columbus. ON AND AFTER JULY 29th, Leave Macon at 11.43 p. m. and 9.45 a. m. Arrive at Columbus 5.33 a. m. and 3.43 p. m. Leave Columbus 4.09 a. nt. and 3.45 p. in. Arrive at Macon 9.50 a. m. and 9.18 p. in. Daily between Macon, Albany and Bateson? Leave Macon 11.43 p. m. Arrive in Albany fi.25 a. m. 1 Arrive at Dawson fi.oo Leave Albany 3.00 p. in. Leave Dawson 1.40 p. m. I Arrive in Macon 9.18 p. m. Tri-Weekly. Down: Monday. Wednesday and Friday—Up: Taes day, Thqjsdny aud Saturday. Leave Macon 7.12 a. m. Arrive at Albany 4.32 p. m. Arrive at Dawson 5 20 p. m. Leave Albany 6.20 a. lit. Leave Dawson . Ar rive at Macon 9.11 p. m, Trans to Columbus form a through connection to Montgomery, Alabama and Augusta, Kingsville, Wilmington, Savannah, Milledgeville and Eatonton. Post Coaches run from Albany to Tallahassee, Bainbridge, Thomasville, Ac., daily; also, tri-week ly from Dawson to Cuthbeit, Fort Gaines, Ac. Hacks run six times a week from Fort Valley to Perry. Hayneiville ami Ilawkinsville, and tri-week ly to Knoxville, Ga. Passengers for points below Fort Valley, should take the Day Trains from Angusta and Savannah to avoid detention in Macon. For other points take ei ther Traiu. First class steamships leave Savannah for New York, on Wednesdays anil Saturdays. Passage in the Cabin $15, Steerage $6. Through Tickets can ho procured from Kail Road Agcnta at Montgomery, Columbus and Albany via Savannah to New York, by Steamships, in Cabtn, as follows: Montgomery $26; Columbus 823 ; Albany *24 25. GEO. W. ADAMS, aug 3 Superintendent. JIACOH & WESTERS RAIL ROAD. O N and after Thursday, 15th July, the Trains . be run as follows t Leave Macon at 12 night. Arrive at Atlanta 7.15 A. M. Leave Macon at 10 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 4.00 P. M. -Leave Atlanta at 12 night. Arrive at Macon 7.15 A. M. Leave Atlanta nt 11 A. M. Arrive at Macon 5.00 P.M. The night train will not be run on Sundays. The 12 night train from Macon connects with the Wes tern and Atlantic Road for Chattanooga, Knoxville VoflKatill a If Amnl.io .■ * 1 *1 1 ft If ...!41. f 1 n Nashville, Memphis, nt 12.15 P. M„ with Georgia R. R. for Augusta, at 10 A. M., and Atlanta &. West Point R. R. at 10.15 A. M. The 10 A. M. train from Macon, connects with the Western A Atlantic U. It. at 8.40 P. M„ and Georgia R. R. at 12 night; and Atlanta A West Point R. K., at 12.5 A. M. The completion of tho Virginia and Tennessee Rail Road, makes this tho most pleasant and direct route to the Virginia Springs, Through Tickets to whicii may be bnd at Atlanta hr $26 25, including Stage fare, $7 00, and to New York for $32 00. Farther information may be had in relation to this Rente, on application to tho General Ticket Office, Atlanta. ALFRED L. TYLER, aug 3 Superintendent For Pliilntlelpliia, Men- Fork, Ac., FROM Savannah and Charleston. CABIN PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA....$13 Excursion Tickets good for returning, up to January l, 1859 833 Tickets from Philadelphia to Niagara Falla, furnished by the Agents at Charleston and Savannah, $8 The well known first class side-wheel Steamships Keystone State, CAPT. C. P. MA11SHMAX, and Ueorgiu, Crawford County. W HEREAS. Washington Vining, Administrator of Jane Watson, deceased, applies tone for letters of dismission front the administration < f the Estate of said deceased, ■ These are, the refore, to cite and admonish all and siugular the parties at interest, to show earn e, (if any they can) within the time prescribed by law, wliv maid letters should not be granted. iWtets under my hand and official signatun, this December 18th, 1938. JAS. J. RAY, Dec. 28. Ohdisaut, C. C. State of Georgia, CAP!’. J. J. GARVIN, Now form a Weekly Lino for the North, leaving Charleston aud Savannah on alternate Nnmritnya, as follows: -The Keystone State, from Charleston, August 14, t 28th ; Bopt 11th, 83th ; Oct. 9th. and 23d„ An., leav ing Philadelphia the alternate Saturdays. Tito State of Georgia, from Savannah, August 7th, 21st; Sept. 4th, 19tlt; Oct. 2d, 16th and 30th, Ac., leasing Philadelphia tho alternate Saturdays. For safety ana comfort, having superior STATE ROOMS, these Ships are not surpassed by any on the coast. One hundred miles of this route on Delaware River and Bay—two nights at sea. FOR NIAGARA FALLS, THE LAKES ft CAN AD SHORTEST ASI) CHEAPEST ROUTE. This Line connects at Philadelphia with the Great Northwestern Railroad Route through to Niagara Kails or Buffalo, to 16 hours from Philadelphia.— Through ticket*, with the privilege of stopping at liladelpbia and intermediate points, ’ -V. ' rospocxiuiiy invneu to can at tne inurmary, wnere ,i„ many interesting cases can be w itnessed, and where 2 rnedb.*l^md;rt^^7^?^uV d - lr a P 0 ®® 688 * 1 ^ our improved apparatus for the inhalation of mediw tl ** i° “’“ch desired tythem. cated vapor can be seen and inspected. | Look at his Bill of Fare, and choose for yonrself: scpl4—6m ROBERT PIXD1.AY, SK., JAMES N. FINDLAY, CHRIS. D. FINDLAY. FINDLAYS STEAM EISTGrllN'E MANUFACTORY, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND GENERAL MACHINE SHOP, MACON. GEORGIA. T HE Proprietors of this Establishment would re- spectfnlly call the attention of those content-, . plating the erection of Steam Mills, for Sateing and Wild Ducks, Fith, aud anything that an epicure Grinding, or for any other purpose whatever. The wants, can always be had when in season. .j.,... ., * - ' Coufeclioncries and Fruits. ISAACS also keeps constantly on hand a good as sortment of Confectioneries, Oranges. Apples, Bananas. • Fine Apples. Oysters From New York. Bavannah and Uranawick, in the shell or by the measure, raw, fried, stewed, in any way you want them ALSO. Shrimps and Crabs, Wild Game of every variety, * Venison and BeefStealts, Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets, Ham and Eggs, Deviled flam and Deviled Temping, Mountain Oysters, Turtle Soup, Ac., Ac.. Ac. Wood-eock, Grouse, Mountain Geese, Squirrels, . 11 si Hli,,lru 1,’ir It a ii J A1 — A t superiority of the \V ork has been, aud will he, a suf ficient guarantee for an extensive and increasing Datronage. Our Workshops and superior outfit of Tools, Patterns and Machinery, afford faoilities for the expedition of work possessed by no other estab lishment to the State. Our prices and terms will compare favorably with that of any first class North ern Establishment. The following comprise n list of Machinery, Ac ; for any portion of which we will be ! t« recrl t u tirflcre. VIZ: • I Nuts team Engines, Boilers, Saw Mill Machinery , " ” Cakes Ac Circular Saws, Mill Gearing, Mill Stones, of ! All of which can bo purchased at low "prices to: best quality for Corn and Wheat, Water ' CASH. Be sure and call at - ~ Oft 12 E. ISAACS A BROTHER. In til Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affec tions, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided core. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Bocrhave. Because of its great ancceas to most of the European States, its introduction into the United States was intended more especially for those of our fatherland scattered here and there over the face of this mighty country. Meeting with great success among them, I now offer it to the American public, knowing that it* truly wonderful medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. It is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous nse of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling and the drooping LAW CARD. T. P. Stubbs, B. Hill, Stubbs & Hill, A-T T O II. N E YSA T L A W, Macon, Ga. Bpl 20 quickening every nerve, raising np the droopinj spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor l Win. K. ilcGraflenricd, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. OFFICE, third door below Lanier House—above Datnour’s oct 27 JL. IN. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT L A AY, MACON. GA. Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne's Drug Store. jan 6 J. 15. DULLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILL TOWN, BERRIEN COUNTY, GA.. T^y-ILL practice in the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT - | » » comprising the following counties, Glynn, Notice.-Whoever expects tofiud this a beverage Ware, Wayne. Appling, Camden. Clinch, Coffee and will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remedial properties. CAUTIONS' Hie great popularity of this delightful Aroma has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to bnv anything else until yon liavet given Boerhave’s Hol land Bittera a fair trial. One bottle will convince you hour infinitely- superior it is to all these imita tions. iy Sold at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the sole proprietors, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR., ft CO., Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists, Pitts- bnrg, Pennsylvania. 15?* Sold in Macon by E. L. STROHECKER 4 CO., ZEILIN, HUNT 4 CO., GEORGE PAYNE, and Druggists generally, throughout the State. may 18 ■ Ppltog.l Charlton, also McIntosh of the Eastern. may 4 ISAAC HARDEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLINTON, GEORG I A. 3 inly 7 ly T. G. IIOLT, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. O FFICE in Ralston’s new block on Cherry Street, first door above entrance to Concert Hall, aug 4 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, GA. A LL claims forwarded to ui will meet with prompt attention. We shall practice in the counties ol T( attention. Thomas, Lowndes* Irwin, Wheels, a great variety, Gin Gear, all sizes. Iron Railings, for Cemeteries. Public and Private Buildings, &c., or. Wrought axo Cast Ikon. very superior, embracing strength with beauty of Design. NEW STOCK OF OX-<3Ci5LO:5^ J SUPPOSE all know by this time, that . moved my Granite Front Store, j -4 -^r; Sugar Mills and Syrup Boilers, all sizes. Columns for j , -rni wn v nt or-v , n , Stores, Churches, Ac., Ac.,Gold MiutngMachine- | from TRIANGLE BLOCK to the ry, with Double and Single aetiug Force and Lift Pomps of any required size. Shafting with Turned Pullies, from thesmallest size to nine feet Di ameter, Cotton Press Irons. • Cotton Screws, Mi!l Screws and Bales, J* 1 ST0 N E S t m : <1 1 HAT 1 fi 1 fi 1 emporium Kj fi j opp. laniefl tr 1 O j MAC0N CaJ 1 E?d ’elfair, Berrien, Colquitt, Clinch, Ware, Decatur and Worth. UUUIaUD a lLUIfiULL. Thomasville, Nov. 3rd, 1856. nov 4 -A-rtlrar Dickinson, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON GEORGIA. OFFICE—in Washington Block, over E. Sauls- bury’s Clothing Store, oct 12 Samuel II. Washington, England’s Celebrated self-acting Car Couplings, and other Hail Road Castings. All work warranted to be eqnal to the best made elsewhere. be equal * U. FINDLAY 4 SONS. Macon. March 4th, 1857. mar 10 It is estimated that Ater’s Cheeky Pectoral and Cathartic Pills have done more to promote the ublic health, than any other one cause. There can >e no question that the Cherry Pectoral has by its thonsanda cn thousands cures of Colds, Coughs, As thma, Croup, Influenza, Bronchitis, 4c., very much I reduced the proportion of deaths from consumptive diseases in this country. The PilUt are as good as the Pectoral and will cure more complaints. Everybody needs more or less purging. Purge the bowels, Liver and the whole visceral system from obstructions. Purgo out the diseases which fasten on tho body, to work its decay. But for disease we should die only of old age. Take antidotes early and thrust it from the system, l-efore it is yet too strong :o yield. Ayct a Pills do thrust out disease, not only while Ayet s rills do thrust out disease, not only while it is weak but when it has taken a strong hold. Read the astounding statements of those who bavo been cured by them from dreadful Scrofula, Dropsy, Ul cers, Skin diseasss. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dya- nepria. Internal pains, Bilious C omplaiuts, Heart burn, Headache, Gout, and many less dangerous but still threatening ailments, such as Worms, on the face. Nervous Irritability, Loss of appetite. Irregularities, Dizziness in the head. Colds, Fevers, Dysentery, apd indeed every variety of complaints for which a Pur gative Remedy is required. These are no random statements, but are authen ticated by yonr own neighbors and your own Phy sicians. Try them onoe, and you never will be without them. Pnco 25 cts per Box—5 Boxes for $1,00. Prepared by JAMES C. AYER, Practical and An- alytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass—And sold by all Druggists and dealers to medicine throughout this section. dec 7—2m. OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE. I now have a new and good STOCK OK ClillSrA.. Consisting of DINNER SETTS, at from $175 down to any single Sett wanted. Tea Setts Gilt, from $9,00, (best French China) to $25,00 and $75,00. White China, made in Setts to suit purchasers and priced accord ingly. Glass in Setts, French, for from $19,00 to $30,00, per sett, handsomely eo graved. Goblets, from $2,r.O per doz. to $15. White Granite Ware made np as wanted. I also have a tine assortment of fine Castors and Plated Tea Setts. All the above Goods I offer at New York Prices, as small profits, qolck sales and satisfaction to all parties is my motto. Orders will be filled same as though the purchaser were here. Oct. 26. It. P. McEVOY. r?" City papers copy. OF HATS. JUST RECEIVED AT STONE’S, OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE’ G ENTS Black Velvet Hats, (something entirely do do 4 Plush do do do [new.) do Tweed, (all colors) do do do do Leather Sportsman's Hats, do do do Superior Moleskin do (New Style, do do Black Cassimere do do do And the largest and most elegant assortment ot Childrens and Boy’s Fancy HATS A- CAPS, ever offered to this market. Call and soe, and be convinced that he can sell as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, dec 7 MACON, GA. Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne’s Drug Store "’ILL practice in all the counties of the Macon Circuit, and in the counties of Washington, Milkin': son and Lanrens. oct 19 A. F. DURST, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA, W ILL attend promptly to all bnsiness entrusted to his care. bs^OKFICK—over Mr. DeLoacbe's store, a few doors below Lanier House. RKriRiKCES.—Hon. D. Irwin, Marietta, Gen. A. J. Ilansell, Marietta, Hon. E. A. Nisbet, Macon, Col. G. N. Lester, Marietta. oct 19 I Reporter has a largo aud increasing eiw, I the beat Cotton growing section of 8. ty j and ofi’eragreat inducement, as an Adrwv ■nttWl icin-qij ragroat inducement, as an Adrtrij ' dinm for Iho Merchants of Macon. RitcsTj other papers in this section, end advertin^j ticed editoriailv. Address deo 24—3t ■ T. H. BYRp. j THE LIVER IRON COTTOS TIE. I N all the heaviest Cotton regions of the grea South M'est. the INGERSOLL HOOP LOCK PREPARED BY DR. 8ANF0KD Compounded entirely fc GUMS, ■ I S OXE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE k EU MEDICINES now before the p^J with the common IZoop Iron Bund, has superse- ... — rwJ ded every o, her method of seemting the Cotton Baleu| Time and space would fail us to give the numerous j a Cat ],but a Liver remedy, acting ji.1 certificates of Cotton Planters, Brokers, Warehouse River to eject its morbid matter, then oa the J men, Insurers, Compressers and Shippers, showing and bowels to carry off that matter, thug, beyond a doubt, that the days of Rope binding are numbered, and the immense advantages of the C . thtrtic9 . i, strengthens the systemTA Hoop Lock and Iron Tic. Their economy time that it purges it; and when taken d»i),?J wherever tried, bss been conceded in these points: rate doses, will strengthen and build it 1. They istvc twenty to thirty dollar-, cc-t usual rapidity, in billing materinl on' every one hundred The LIVER is one of ’the principal,_ Ban* of the human body, and when if p e j.* The fastening is much more expeditiously ap- functions well, the pow- eraofthej^l ■ ■ * • 2—* A>t» tha ftftmnrmt. «— -» - » n*i . ,*J plied, and much more convenient for tho compress. ]y developed. The atom- i i ache is 3. It is a perfect safeguard against loss of Cotton dependent on the lieal-j/^jthy actrntfiC from the bale. . . for the proper perform j 'w'jance of fc at 4, lei* on almost abMolate accurilY agaitiat w hen the stomach is at -- |fault,and Fire. Fire applied to bales thus bound, as shown f em suffers i n conse qaeneeof ^ by actual experiment, «r*7/ smoulder without jlame, • the LIVE R—having L ; ceased to fc j twenty hours icUhoul gpreading, and allowing plenty For the disease of that. j ; organ, one if of time for easy extinguishment. ^ * .... ... 5 It in mi absolutely accnre fa»tMUn|. In actual experiments made in Montgomery, bales thus bound, were pitched down forty feet perpendicular from a house-top, upon a brick pavement, without perceptible effect. of that) i|i prietors has made it liis study, i more than twenty years ^f to find I wherewith to counteract* the many d« to which it is liable. ; j To prove that this re- medy is at l*i IjM any person troubled j with LIVEB PLAINT, in any of its ,^v| forms, has ltd bottle, and conviction is certain. A « These Gums remove' , all morbid or m ter from the system, sup- rK: plying iu rhti-1 healthy flow of bile, and invigorating J ache, causing food to di-;, . gest well. Plfri THE BLOOD, givingtone and beabH whole machinery, re moving thecu disease—effecting a rad .N. lical cure. 11ILLIOU8 AT ^TACKSareeu_ WHAT IS BETTER. PB^VEXTMcto occasional use of tbei^-v LIVERiinH TOR. \/,j j is suffici ■ H the food & wide, and a scant sixteenth of one inch thick,) and of any requisite length to suit the bale, is taken in the hand, one end passed through the opening, from the under side, of one end of -the under part of the lock to the length of about oue inch, and then bent over the end of the lock. The other end ol the hoop is then passed round fue bale and drawn through a loop or opening in the opposite end of the lock, and tnen bent in the same manner as the other. The button is then turned back to Its place over them, and the hoop is fast on the bale, and the bale may be ; Qne dose after eating moved if desired. the stomach and prevent 7. It holds the package in one-fourth smaller com- souring, pass than rope—thereby rendering it easier to ban- ; Only one dose taken die, and cheapening freight. vents NIGHT MARE- . ^ — These facta and advantages are certified to by Only one dose takenl^^lat nisrht. i ^ leading Warehouse men. Planters, Shippers and Bro. j bowels gently, and cures ^ COS'! '!.< ’ j here iu testimonials too numerous to be cited or spec- One dose of two „ „ teaspo • ified in this advertisement. In Montgomery, the , ways relieve SICK- H iH- 1 _ ays relieve SICK- _V_ HEADACHLl .. leading Brokers and Buyers, after the most salisfsc- G..e bottle taken for female oL.t: rfeiie tory experience and tests, unite in the following a- I moves the cause of the greement, which will leave no doubt on these points: perfect cure. Only one dose inline We, the undersigned, Cotton Brokers and Buyers, L1C, while , of Montgomery, Ala., agree and give notice that we One dose often repeat- ^ ed is a sure •*183- will pay full prices for Iron Bound Cotton, if fasten- : CHOLERA MORBUS.' —and a prevail u ed with the INGEBMOLI. IIOOI* LOCK, al- 1 CHOLERA. ij . though we are aware that it will weigh 1] lbs. more . Ut/^ Only one bottle t i is needed toil per bale than Rope-tied Cotton- of the system the effects • of medicine si HARRIS 4 JOHNSTON sickness. rf) C. C. FOSTER, One bottle taken for JAL J S BYINGTON moves all sallowness or ,*L unnatural cc. M. A. CHISHOLM. : the skin. Q From Savannah, we copy the following engage toned'*, on a short time be f ment made with the Compress Establishment of Mr gives vigor to the appe- j tite, andmal Lama’r : gest welt. Savannah, July 22d, 1838. j One dose often repeat- M ed cures C Messrs. Freeman 4 Roberts, Macon, Ga: ! DIARRH(EA in its worst f o rai Gents.—I have agreed with 31 r. Beattie, Agent for ; SUMMER and BOWEL [ j complaints jr Iogersoll’s IIoop Lock, that I will compress Irot to the first dose. '9 bound Cotton, fastened withsaid Lock, upon the One or two doses cure: r attacks by W( same terms as Rope tied Cotton. This arrangement children: there is no.toa] anrer, safer, to last for one season and longer, unless I give notice remedy in the world, as ,t n«*. K.a* of my wish to discontinue the arrangement. Respectfully, &c, C. A. L. LAMAR. it XeverFa3i| genres DROPS!! V?* A f e w bottles \-jr < citing the absorbents, f \ We take pleasure to I recomtnendiq. dicin': as a preventive! j for F E V E t AGUE. CIIILL FE- VEK, and alii of a BILUOUS TYPE.j^H It operates v| tainty. and thousands . are willing to t Alt who use it nrr giving their naaJ ’Flic Georgia iron Lock Company, comprising the undersigned, respectfully invite tin attention of all engaged in Cotton growing, or th: *.‘* , *J. ““V* i*»o«™uiu» Cotton trade, to this interesting and important sub- ,ts wonderful virtues. J, ject. 'To the Cotton planters, particularly, they bt - All who nse it nrr git lieve they are presenting a matter of peculiar inter- 1 IP .,; maIlr r„_„_ est and value, aud either of them will be glad to fnt- np jJJ jx wat er in the month with uish any further information, or particular applict - Tigornlor , nn<1 .„ n || ow boIh t0)trl | tion may be made to the Secretary. mini rtt-mi tvi-toao .. J. F. WINTER. IT. A. HARRIS. Ill]' fi \ F]] ]\\ IQOIl \Tl DUNLAP 4 HARRIS | FREEMAN ftROBERTS IS A STIEN^mc MEDICAL DISCOTO Macon. Aug. 3.1958 ’ Sec \ e ^’ 1mires, almost too nrestol M- UEMOVAL. It cures as if by magic, even the tl< 1 benefit, aud seldom more than oue bottled to cure any kind of LIVER Complaint. ; the worst Jaundice or Dysyepsiato a ache, all of which are the result of LIVER. PUlCS OKE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. ■ SANFORD Sc CO., Proprietors, 345 Brer U’IiaIsIUViIa ft . * ■a DH IVbolfMalr AgcnfM : ” n. BARNES 4 PARK, New York ; T. W ff 4 SONS, Philadelphia: L. S. BUER, * C0l n ] II. H. HAY 4 CO., Portland; JOHN D. Cineinnatti; GAYLORD 4 HAMMOND, HAS BEHOVED HIS Cali.e, r*astry ancl BREAD BAKERY. GANDY"& FRUIT STORE!ScKISSS?SEMiS , TY T To - S. S. HANCE, Baltimore, andretailed bjJ XbAl IU | gists. Sold Wholesale and Retail by Avers, Wingfield & Co s.; GROCERY STORE, T OFFER for sale, on long credit, at a fait JlmS RY a f r ‘ E ?’ >nd ] m v uTr £££$£& eommodation, and an entire new-stock of all Confsc- S „ V1 .„ . *r, V o lmn.tr.., 1 .,,1 mi, ... i.—i— ...ciun seven acres, two nnnared and bit. ; t EV*Citizeu, Messenger and State Press copy t(. -t£L CARI3>. 1IIE undersigned feels it lib duty to render tlianksto tho citizens of Houston andadjein- ing counties, for their liberal and extensive patran- Jy acral There are all the necessary buildings on tif Negro Cabins, Gin Honse ’and Screw, tr.ij trade will be made. Apply to T. M. Fl] Esq., at Americas, or to tne undersigned. oct S 1858 tf JAMES C ARP Em u: A W ordtotlie L adies. -I—’——1— Cj 4A_ CAPS, T) rs McBoimld npH Vsti (rtti9Pt1 AT REDUCED PRICES- mouonaia witt Van Geisen, 1 Silk Hats.* #4,50 a* W E are now rcceivingtheSecondStockof Win-1 ter Goods, as one of the firm lias just retnm- ^•?Blt£*fcsto^siii;:::::"S^ | 01 ’ FICE w Washington block, “ I “ Soft *• 1,00 to 4.00 . . MACON,_ GEORGIA. Men’s and Boy’, Navy Caps 1,50 ihlectricity used m Extracting Teeth. “ “ “ Pino Cloth Caps for 50 cts. to 1.25 SfC DONALD’S Tooth Paste always on hand and Allother Goods in proportion for CASH ONLY. .LYJL for sale. Dentbts can be supplied with the Those that buy on credit must expect to pay the old finest style of TEETH, also Gold Foil, Gold and Sil- prices. Onr stock ia cheaper, more elegant and ex- j ver Plate and Wire, Lathe Fixtures. 4c., also with tensive than ever before, and we invite onr friends ] any kind of Instruments or Materials on short notice, and the public generally to call and see for them-! oct 12 selves. Stand iu the Building under Ralston’s Hall, | Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. dec 7 BELDEN 4 CO ed from New York. All goods bought the first purchase are marked down to run them off and the second Stock can he purchased at prices varying from 37 j to 50 per cent less than previous prices. ’Tis useless to particularize, as our Stock ia too vast, and compriaes too many entirely new gems to put on paper. Now is the time to buy yourselves rich. Don’t lose money by not calling, when it is so convenient. U^’Call soon before styles are picked over, nov 16 fore styles are picked over. ROSS, COLEMAN 4 ROSS. SCHOFIELD & BROTHER, EilA & 111 A ,11(1 con, Georgia. $10,000 Cash.! Valuable Plantation “OLD MAGXOLIAWHISKEY.'’ fjp HE undersigned offer for salotbo above stan- .derstgm dard brand of fine BYE WHISKEY, of Ibeir own distillation, to barrels and half barrels. The quality of this Whiskey known so favorably in the Sooth, for the past eight years, will always be kept np to its former high standard, and purchasers a consumers can rely upon its being perfectly pare RYE WHISKEY 1 , distilled under onr own per sonal supervision, and entirely free from any dele terious substances which render made np whiskies so objectionable. Always having a large stock of the above, and other fine Whiskies, in New Y’ork as well as Phils- e are enabled to shi undersigned, until tho 11th proximo. specifications may be had upon application toei of tho undersigned. ALEX. M. SPEEIf, ntrvi v ttnuu dee 7 BENJ. V. ROSS, Committee. delpbia, w< ty direct. S. BUAINEKD’S MACON VARIETY STORE, COTTON AVENUE, Opposite Ross, Coleman 4- Rots, and C. H. Freeman. C ROCKERY’, Glass Ware, House Furnishing ar ticles of eveiy description. Tin Ware of ail kinds. Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Brooms, Pails, Toy Barrows, YVagona and Willow Ware. FUltlilTURE made to order; old Furniture bought and sold,' Repaired. Cleaned and Varnished ’ "» " " -* IN HOUSTON COUNTY FOR SALE. T HE undersigned will sell for Ten Thousand Dol lars cash, tho Plantation in Houston connty; J l-.oown as the Ben Gray place, containing THlIt- ! TEEN HUNDRED Acres of Land. This Plantation is fourteen miles from Macon and lies in one mile of joiin n. schofield; joshca scuofiei.d. ! a’ ro * d .P* 8 ® in S | * . through one corner of the Land. There is between it c arc prepared to Manufacture six and seven hundred acres of Land cleared, and in STEAM ENGINES,jSttS* J ; Houses with brick Chimneys to accommodate Fifty Hoi ~ ~ age. While he begs a continuance of their laV’ira, ’YT*’! Oi "I dot he will state to those who do not know him, that ma* ^ » m rn T tvt ny years practice in tho principal cities o! the South J-S/L-c^k. A A AJN ‘ and a complete Den till laboratory, enable him to DJI Q A M H A 7l •feet Dental substitute* of I " ^ y c* j IVJ-A il as can be furnish- . A LARGE block, and a great variety cT xAthe above Goods, just received, whrf j sold at far lower figures, and give porcb* 1 1 nctinn fmm tlin Imcf ctnol- .*.-,*r* in make as elegant and perfect Dent the most approved and latest style, ed.by any lientist in the State. A WORD ABOUT THE j lection from the best stock ever offered ii- “CHEAP STYLE OF WORK” l* TO Persons needing Dental Operations or Artificial “TIN, DeLAnJE, Teeth, and not able to pay me my regular prices, LACK and MUSLIN, may feel assured thst I will rather share my prefits I X D O W C U R T A1 with them than “accommodate” them with a cbtap, __ or inferior style of work, as such will never give tat- .WINDOW Sll AD E S, GILT COKi isf&ction, ana is the dearest at the end. BANDS in great variety. All persons desiring my services will please ca l at Purchasers will consult their own inti my Residence, in Perry, where, they will find all the amining my stock before baying. comforts of a first-rate Dental Office. Families liv-; ang 3—tf ing at a distance may procure my servicea by giving n —. _ . Mrx oll me notice. bUU I O AND bH Dentists will find a large assortment of the best . ttiii’ cmv 1 it* Tut- ltrn hoot \i materials, for tilling Teeth, as well as for making nr- A SIGN Oh THE BIG BOOT, * tificial sets, at Noi4ernprice3. A. octl9 iv DI ° P “ ED1!!i ESt. lwoffidret t ’Jirh 0 e^.hS2 U fo7 T th e eve^ ocU9 - , y Surgeon Dentist. lonR continued patronage extended, to B. F would most respectfully solicit a contina same. Wehave now in store a large t NEW GOODS. „ C. Campbell & Son, boots AN D SH< NEAR THE LANIER HOUSE. j mostly of our own manufacture, to whi H AVE just received their K.-ilI and Winter supply ; additions will bo made, of all the differs of KERSEYS, HEAVY BLANKETS and and patterns usually called for in a shcH NEGRO SHOES at (lie lowest market prices, and would invite those wishing to purchase,t j Planters would do well to call and examine be.’ore examine our stock, as we are preparedhra purchasing. : as any house in the city or State. They also continue to keep a general stock o Sept. 28. MIX l GROCERIES at the old stand, ana do not intend to be undersold for Cash. | y^OOTS.—A fall assortment of Gents | Macon, Oct. 12, 1838. | O French Calf Boots, pump sole, a elti-] ;—— 7,————7 1 water proof, of various kinds aud qualities, y Plantation m South-Wostern Ga soled and pegged. Justreceivedand foH FOIt SALE. Sept. 29. MIX 4 KIN TO BUILDERS. H MILL AND GIN GEARING, Sugar Mills, BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. IRON RAILSNGS AND VERANDAHS. Having the most complete assortment of Iron Rail ings to the State, which for elegance, neatness,dura bility and design, cannot be surpassed, and are suit able for the Fronts of Negroes, and Frame Gin Stables. These Lands are level and well adapted to the pro duction of Corn or Cotton, and instead of wearing TTiOR the purpose of making a division of the prop- nt — J’ erty, the'subscriber will sell in aeeorehince with _lL of Gents aud boys Rubbers. Also, L| IUBI1EU SHOES.—A large assort a decree of Court, on the first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door in Americus, Sumter county, unless previously sold at private sale, a fine Com and Cotton plantation situated thirteen miles South- East efAi dies slipper and sandal rubber Shoes of C celebrated patent. Just received and for* Sept. 28. MIX 4 KUT P LANTATION BROGANS-Now in J t\ the best assortment of Negro Shoes, s ouse, Cotton Screw and East ef Americus, and adjoining lands of Gov. Cobb, — -■-'•v-7 ,ra.j Col. T.M.Furiow, A. J.Scrntchins and others. Tho ; lw , v « ever o«cred m this msA*. _ place contains (1.200) twelve hundred acres more peg and nailed black and rusaeua* *■ out, get more productive as they grow older, under £ r Icsi> consisting of hammock and oak and hickory !•"**« s '°J ed black CJ***?i do : judicious cultivation. . and pine lands About 600 are cleared and under I Mack andrussetts, aU °f The place will be sold on a credit of one. two and , g(XMl fenc0> . considerable portion of which is fresh, [ low. Sept. 29. MIX 4 KBPS *° r * 8Um ^ UlVaent to ten t,nusani ^ I tlif place has yielded six bales of cotton to the ! x*>oOTS AND SHOES. Men’s, Bovs**! 1 I ana tne puce n&s yielded six bales of cotton to the ! t*>oOTS AND SHOES Men’s, Boys»>i l i hi n d th f e . pl Y la ! p® pUc * i? hesithy and , xouth’a fine calf and kip peg’d BH Any further information desired, will befurnished I well wat e(edand affords’a finerange for stock of all 2^.*^'ktobinting Ltd moL Dwclliug., Cemetery I*ot»,l'ublic Squares, Church Fences and ISnlcouirs. TO PLANTERS AND with dispatch. Violins, Canes, 4*$, Repaired and Polished; Best quality of Furniture, Varnish and Sand Paper for sale. N. It.—Graffenberg Medicine for aale. pure from S. 1!., Agent for Company. do for as good bargains as any 17’fipecimens of onr work can.be seen at Bose Hill Cemetery, and at'various private residences in this city.nov 30 ty led to ship goods from either ci-1 the Company. FREEMAN 4 SIMPSON. Macem Nov. 9-3m OFFICE—109 So. Front St^Philsdelphfn^’ | “ 96 Wall St., New York. \i ov \" ^ e P ot '., ., 0rde ” through the Post office n-,10 i, XI or left at our Odtce attended to. ! dec 7 J. P. WINTER ft CO. ROUA’S BALSAM for Pulmonary & Tubercular Consumption. ! T HE public is now pnt in possession of one of! the most extraordinary J. II. ICtuisom A Co. MASUFACTORtltS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IS BOOTS, SHOES. LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 33 Courtlaud 4- 39 Dry Streets, dconjia—Crawford Coniilj IB, I W HEREAS Washington F. Vtnlng applies to PhUadelpbU and intermediate points, lor sale by me for letter* of Guardianship of the iieron* j the Agents in Savannah, and property of George M., Y’inccnt M., Bert. A., Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, $22. Elmira, #21 Simeon A., Sarah A. and Enoch Walton, mlaors of to Canandaigua, 822. Enoch Walton, late ofaaid county deceased: O. A. GREINER 4 CO., Agents at Savannah. Those are therefore to cite and admonish all the ; T. 8. 4 T. G. BUDD, Agents at Charleston, parties at interest, to show cause, it any they can, | *ug 3 3m why said letters should not be granted. ;—nr , , * -,r .'7 Given under^my hand and official signature, tbis W 3,1116(1 iillllLGCllRtCiy. dee 14 JAS. R. RAY’, Ord’y. J. H.Ransou., ) ( A. P.ltansom, Dan’l Ransom. > r Darin IV. Geer W. A. Ransom, 3 ( Roht.s H. Boyd. Wiiif., Ilfjuitly, Ac ■ fix WO good Tin Smiths, and one good Copper I r BBL8. pure Goergto WintL . I X Smith. .Good Job Workman can have steady | O 3 half Pipes very choice old Cognise Brandy. the most extraordinary remedies extant, for wliat has heretofore been corsidered an incurable disease: being an OUTWARD APPLICATION, the action of which is seemingly miraculous, and Its haring none of those attributes which mike up ; i' H -R->nsoti., the numerous compounds now in general use. ! „i n , "J 1150111 A Pamphlet containing directions, letters from dis- ’ tingubheu and well known individuals, and other documentary evidences will accompany the remedy. Mr. James Rees having ceased to be the Agent for the sale of tbis Balaam, the price has been re- ddbed to $4 a Jar, and 50 cents for the Bandage. ’Rin-n’ilia: TPl 11 i It can only be, obtained of the proprietor by letter I t ND CAMPHINK. For sale by directed to &-P99Y. „ ;A may 1« ZEILIN. HUNT 4 CO. dec 14 Box 1706 P. p. PhlUdelphin, Pa, | LIGHT!! LIGHT!! SPIRIT GAS! N EW SPLENDID CHAMPAGNE CIDER, just work at the beat of wages. None others need apply. J a A— ft.. ■ ■ X_ —I m V . ti? t at -WWW ns»»» rr ” received twuftg'five b irrels, in^rime order, for •ale by btrril and gallon at Nor. ~ HORNES. W. J. McELROY. nov 30—8t 3d Street. Macon, Ga. Georgia Citizen copy 4 times. pea very t . 10 bbls. pare Corn Whiskey, Robinson county. 5 bbls North Carolina Whisky. 23 Baskets Hndson Charapaig dec 7 dson Champaigne YVine. for sale b v * sale. AYERS, WING FIELD * CO. I Macon, July 1 J-tf. DR. A. PIERCE, HOMCEOPATH OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK. Medicine Cases and Bonks on Domestic Practice for J. SE¥MOUE ; COTTON AVENUE,....MACON GEORGIA. 3 doors from Cherry Street, and next door to McCALLIE & JONES, At the old Stand of John B. Ross 4 Co., pays Cash for DRIED FRUIT, COW HIDES, WOOL, DEER SKINS, SHEEP AND GOAT SKINS, BEESYVAX 4 TALLOW. Those having any of the above articles for sale, may rely on getting the highest market price for any quantity which may offer. ’VC r -<a.3W‘3?3E:X>, JCO.OOO lbs. COW HIDES 200,000 lbs. WOOL. 10,000 SHEEP SKINS. 5,000 GOAT SKINS. •W7"^aL3STT3ESX>, 2500 bushels COW l’EAS. 2500 bushels WHITE BLACK EYED PEAS. J. SEY’MOUR, Cotton Av. City papers. Federal Union. Albany Patriot, and Americus Republican publish the foregoing to the amount of five dollars, nov 16 MTHPOTT A ~N~TR. I Ind fodder on thepUce! _ \X7’h‘ oiler the following articles on vory accom-1 Terms made known on and overseer houses and all the necessary cribs, out Brogans; Gents,boys’ and youths’ patertj buildings. 4c. Also on the Thursday following, will - eI i c 3 Brogans: Meu’s, boys’and yftfttff be dtspoaed of. aU the wagons, plows farming uten-; kip Brogans, a large assortment. ’ J •tls, &c., and all the mules, cattle and hog- and com Sept. 28. MIX 4 KIKIJ 1000 rolls Gunny Bagging, 1000 Sacks Salt, 25 birrels Potatoes, 410 bales heavy Gunny Bagging, 1100 coils Richardson’s Green Leaf Rope. 1000 pounds Twine, 175 barrels Sugar, 200 sacks Coffee all qualities. 150 boxes Candles all qualities, 100 do Soap, 75 boxes Starch, 100 boxes Candy, 100 do Soda, 125 kegs Nails, 150 bales Osnabnrgs, 50 bales Georgia Kerseys, 25 bales Y’srns, 100 bales Brown Sheetings and Shirtings, 25 hhds. Molasses, 20 barrels Syrup, Large Stock of flesh aud new Nov. 3. i on tho day of sale. JAS. A. HILL, The Tarver Lands for Sale DOUGHERTY COUNTY 'COTTON PLANTATIONS, “'cox In Ins New BmlcliH- Henry Horne] Confectioner!’, Fruit Store,fl PASTRY BAKERY, |N]P,1 u::nceof the last will and tcatainunt of. tho and dealers in fine ate 1 Tuesday door of _ _ real estate of the’ said Paul E." Tarver, deceased, situated in tho county of Dougherty. Said estate consists of FIVE THOUSAND ACRES of tho most valuable COTTON LANDS in South-Western Geor- i gia, having been originally selected by the late Gen. . Hartwell Tarver. „ arr»m<~ The Lauds are in one >odv, bat to suit purchaser- YY’ines »e| r . Tl-w-wr #^4 may be divided conveniently into threoPlantations: Cordials, Syrups, Nuts, Sugars, Tobacca 1 ^ j—VJTOOCtS, "THE PORTER PLACE" w holksxlx and uxtaU- Daily receiving in Store, which we will sell at living consists of Fifteen Hundred Acres, well improved , Country Merchants supplied at the Io» rates, consisting of tho following : - Seven Hundred and h tfty in an excellent sttte of Wcddixgs axd Parties furnished s’ — " cultivation. -- - • - — •• u Preserves, Pickles, YYarrauted 1 20 cases Prints, 13 cases Ginghams, I of Confections and Pyramids, Cpld “THE HOME PLACE," i 4o-. at reasonable terms. on 1000 pieces Merinoea, Delanes, Shally and Alpacas Twenty-five Hundred Acres—Ono Thousand incul- N. B.—Tkiims :—Positively Cash— M 1,1 1200 dozen Hosiery, . ; tivatiou—well improved. This and the •• Porter oct 12 ‘~j bales Marlboro and other domestic Stripe.-, Placet! are Oak and Hickory Lands. rnnsienmcDl* 11; - machinery comparatively new.aud to good running I Ess MACKEREL, to quzrti-rs, , - wl.it.- Mu-lin- -order. Average three thousand feet of Lumber per 1V1 barrels, just received and «* Also, ahtrae SfawfgmraMawaad Hats. With330 to . cae K° ,ldr9d bushels of Meal. «ov 30 GRKBR*i” , ci e.r ..ii i.• i i , . x- ii oituato three e JO. l’OTOMAC HE RHINO. JUST RECEIVED. 25,000 ^ Gb24 tT JKrntnck]r Blue Olana, A. A. MENARD, Drug*!* 4 . Cbtrry cases ol Shoes of all kinds, and 1000 Negro Blankets. Situate threo miles from Albany. ^tosjectfufly solicit the I««tron.g.of the^ public. ’ 1,r ' N|OE HEliiuNGraomeihiigthdh — ■ ■■ ■ a ' 1 -— — — — Possession Xiv- ).:!.•■ U: J■ *1 by .\OKTllKKN NhFI) OATS, Terms liberal, and will be made known on lho day : iun» ) ' O N Consignment. 85 cents per bushel, including of sale. HENRY” TARVER, TYICKI.ED TROUT, in halves sack. Apply to J. F. WINTER 4 CO. j .Mrs. 0. C. TARVER, Exec’rs. JT For sale Ire GREER* deo7 | dec 98—tdi | nov 30