Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, January 25, 1859, Image 4

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Tho Tarver Lands for Sale. DOUGHERTY COUNTY •COTTON PLANTATIONS. I N pursuance of the last will and testament of the . .«:oPa»l E. Tarver, will be sold on the first ■ nesday in Frlirtnuy next, before the Court House door of Dougherty County, at public outcry, tbe lyal I state of the said Paul E. Tarver, deceased, • «tsdi». tbe ocn.iitv of Dougherty. bald estate Oonai.-ta of FIVE THOUSAND ACRES of th* most valuable COTTON LANDS in South Western Geor- . haring been Originally selected by th -• lato Gen. liartwsIlTarver. ’ Tho Lands are in one body, but to suit purchasers may b* divided conveniently into three Plantations : “THE PORTER PLACE' consists of Fifteen Hundred Acres, well improved —h- van Hundred and Fifty in an excelltnt state of cultivation. “THE HOME PLACE ” Twenty-lva Hundred Acres—One Thousand in cul tivation—wall improved. This and the “Porter Place'' ara Oak and Hickory Lands. “MILL PLACE,” One Thousand Acres of first quality Pino Land.— tttuam Mills, Saw and Gnat, on this place. Tho maakiaary comparatively new, and in freed running order. Average throe thousand feet of Lumber per day seventy-lira to one hundred bushels of Meal, bitaste three miles from Albany. The improvements on these places ara not sur- paaaad by any in Sonth-Western Georgia. Possess!oa will be given on tbe 1st January, I860. Terms liberal, and will be made known on the day of sals. HENRY TARVER, Mrs. C. a TARVER, Exto'n. dee 28—Ida (•eorgin—Jones County. Mondat, Sept. «, 1858. T HE Court of Ordinary of said County met this day, agreeably to law. Present Cbsblis Ma- r ap.tht, .Ordinary. To the Hon. tJic Ordinary of Jones County: Tbe petition of William A. Johan, Administrator de bonis non, on tbe estate of Felix Brooks, deceased, showeth that be has fully discharged the doty as signed him as »uch administrator, and therefore pe titions the Court for a discharge from said Adminis tratorship. William A. Juban, Petitioner. On hearing the above petition, it is ordered, that citation be issued, and that ail persona concerned bo Lands for Sale, ms 5^3,Sr...BI^sau tesuma,onFliat River. Oiie c-intains 1,873 ACRES . " <*—denr aay^ jtbtk of GOODS that , -n -i-r„„j of LAND—soma 8uu acres open, and in a high state < h “’ fc ' “ r b ' submitted to Southern inspection. North Lustem Rail Roads of cultivation. G..,* I Framed NEGRO HOUSES EVENING DRESSES which haflle description, r T’ HE *pl«ndid and Fast Earning* and GIN HOUSE ; other improvements g""d. EGLANTINE CLOAKS, with Lucknow Trim-1 X j&StV* The other oontaina some impro' 2,2271 800 acres open. and in'a high state of cultivation, | nD M eS&nnvnu good frarc. d Negro Iloi-ie. and Dwelling House, DREsa TRIMMINGS and they are hereby reqoired'to showcases, if an r beforo tbe first Monday in Marc! ■ they have, on or next, why the said William A. Juhan should not be discharged from his Administratorship, and why Letters Dismissory should not be grentod to him. And it is further ordered by the Court, that this ci tation be published in one or more public gazettes of said State, for the space of six months. A true extract from the minutes of Jones Court of Ordinary, this 10th day of Sept* 1858.. Sept. 14. CHARLES MACARTHY, Onl’y. Jones Sheriff Sale. W ILL be told before the Court Hoaae door in the town of Clinton, on tho first Tuesday in March, 1859, within the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing property to-wit: One negro woman named Sarah, ISyeare of age, levied on as the property of Thomas Haddock, by virtue of one mortgage ft la. returnable to April Jones Superior Court, 185*, in favor of Light foot A Flanders, va. Tiros. Haddock, property pointed oat in said mortgage fi fa January 4th. 185* [ jan 4] JA8. Q-tBARNES, Sheriff. Houston Mortgage Sale. W ILL be sold before tbe Court House door in the town of Perry, Houston connty, on the. first Tnesday in March next, within the legal hoars of sale, the following property to-wit: Lot No. 947, in the Sixth District, part of lot No. 50, say 50 acres. Lota Noe. 80, 61,69, 111, 119, and one-half of lot No. 115, in the Ninth District, all situate in the connty of IIooatoD, and containing in the aggregate, thirteen hundred and sixty-nine and one-fourth acres, (13891) all levied on aa the property of John K. Dawson and TO PLANTERS AND MEEOHANTS. W K offer the following articles on very accom modating terms: 1000 rolls Gunny Bagging, 1000 Sacks Salt, 95 barrels Potatoes, 410 bales heavy Onnny Bagging, 1100 coils Richardson's Green Leaf Rope, 1000 ponnda Twine, 175 barrels Sugar, 000 sacks Coffee all qualities. ISO boxes Candles all qualities, 100 do Soap, 75 boxes Starch, 100 do Soda, 195 kegs Nails, 150 bales Osnaburgs, 50 bales Georgia Kerseys, 95 balsa Yams, 100 balsa Brown Sheetings and Shirtings, 25 birds. Molasses, 90 barrels Syrup, Large Stock of freehand new , 100 boxes Candy, Dry Croods, Alexander A. Dawson, to satisfy a from Houston Superior Court, in favor of Parr, against said John E. Dawson and Alexander A. Daweo , property pointed out in said mortgage. jan ' , property pointed out in said JOHN L IIOLSTEAD, Sheriff Houston County. Postponed Administrator's Sale 1) V virtue of an order of tbe Court of Ordinary I) <>l Twiggs County, will bo sold beforo the Court Honao door in TronpviUe, Lowndes connty, on the first Tuesday in February next, between the legal hours of sale, Lot ot -d No. three hundred and ninety - nine, in the Twelfth District of originally Ir win. now Lowndes county. The above land will be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the Estate of Benjamin B. Smith, late of Twiggs county, deceased. ROBERT K. PARKER, Ian 11 Administrator. Ilousfou February Sale-. I»SPORE the Court House door in Perry, Honston 1>county, on lbs tat Tuesday in February next. within the usual buure ol sale, the following proper ty to writ: Onu bl-.ck Horse and one Buggy, 3 setts of Blacksmith's Tools, 4 Iron Wagon Axles, 6 tin Cana, one let Iron Taming Lathes and Grind Stone, two pair Buggy, one Pole, one lot Wagon timber, two aetts Buggy Springs, Paint Mill, three work benchde pair Cabinet Screws, lot of Sundries, lot of Lumbar, lot of Boggy Spokes, one Cheat Car penter's tools, oaa Buggy body, ono Writing Desk, lie negro man nunod Jack, about 95 years old, one negro woman, named Mary, about It yeare old, that b to say, the one-halt undivided interest in tbe re uoiiuder in said negroes,after the death of Mrs. Sa rah Jones, the mother of Defendant, all levied on ns the property of Osborne Jones, to satisfy a A fa Iroin Honston Superior Court, in favor of Madison Marshall, against aaid Osborne Jones, l’urry. Ga. JOHN SMITH, Dep. Sheriff, lee 98 ■ Jones Postponed Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold, before the Court House door, in the town of Clinton, on the first Tuesday in February next, 1858, within the usual hours of sale, tho following property, to wit: Two negroes. Bid dy, a woman 18 years of age. and her child. Rose— her child one year old, levied upon aa the property nf Thomas S. Alexander, by virtue of 95 Justice Court fi fas., issued from 377th District, O. M., in faroref Isaac Hardeman, John W Clark and others, va. Thomas S. Alexander, levy made and returned to mo by John W. McGhee, a Constable. Also, will be told at same time and place—one ne gro girl, name Averline. levied upon aa the property of Anderson S. Childs, by Tirtne of 4 fi fas issued from 377th District, O. M., in favor of Robert Mc Ghee and others, ail vs. Anderson S. Childs, levy made and returned to me by John W. McGhee, a Constable. JAB. 6. BARNES, SberifC dee 91 Administrator's Sale. B Y an order of the Honorable tbe Ordinary of Bibb County, Ga., will be acid before the Court Mouse door in aaid county, between the usual hoars of sale, on the first Tuesday in February next, a ne gro man, George, about 44 year* of age ; one Feath er Bed and Bedding; one lot of Land lying in Car rol County. Ga. containing 180 acres, more or lees. No. can (16) in the Tenth District, sold as the pro pertyof Francis Wilder, deceased, for a diatnbu lion among the heirs. GREEN WILDER, dec 91 Administrator. Administrator's malt:. W ILL be sold in tha town of Clinton, on the first Tuesday in February next, by order of Ibe Court of Ordinary of Jones county, one negro man PMer, belonging to estate of Thomas J. Williams I. Bold for division. dec 91 ISAAC HARDEMAN, Adm'r. Administrator's Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the Ordinary of Jones ooonty, will be sold before the Court Ucoae door, in Clinton, on tbe first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, within tbs legal hours of sale, tbe fol lowing Negroes to wit: Pompey, a negro man; An ns, a woman ; Mahaly, a woman ’ r — Daily receiving in Store, which we will sell at living rates, consisting of the following : 90 oases Prints, IS oases Ginghams, 1800 pieoes Merinoea, Delanos, Shelly and Alpacas 1000 dozen Hosiery, 95 bales Marlboro and other domestic Stripes, 10 bales Ticking, 10 cases Linseys, 10 esses Flannels. 525 pieces Satinets and Jeans 150 pieces Caasimeres. SO pieces Fancy and Black Silks, 800 doaen Handkerchiefs, 1800 pieces white Muslins, Also, a large Stock of Clothing and Hats, with 350 oases ol Shoes of all kinds, and 1000 Negro Blankets. We respectfully solicit the patronage of tbe public. Oct. 36-tf J. B. A W. A. ROSS. S. BRAIKERD’S MACON VARIETY STORE, COTTON AVENUE, Opposite Rots, Coleman + Rots, and C. H. Freeman. C ROCKERY, Glass Ware, House Furnishing ar ticles of every description. Tin Ware of all kinds. Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Brooms, Pails, Toy Barrows, Wagons and Willow Ware. FURNITURE made to order; old Furniture bought and sold. Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished with dispatch. Violins, Canes, &e., Repaired and Polished; Best quality of Furniture, Varnish and Band Paper for sale. N. B.—GraSenbcrg Medicine for sale, pure from thu Company. S. B.. Agent for Company. good! Negro other buildings good, and an excellent little WA TEH. MILL, to do the grinding for both Plantations. There is some 1000 acres of CANE and SWAMP LANDS, some TWO to THREE HUNDRED ACRES open, and in a high state of cultivation.— Joins Col. John & Thomas and Wiliam Dromrigbt, and of course is good. Call and examine for yourself. My Overseer will show the place at any time. I will sell it low. With the PLACES, I will aeU CORN, FODDER, OATS, STOCK HOGS and CATTLE. Griffin, Ga-Jmlv 31 W. W. CHAPMAN, ang 3 Mi aeaaenger copy. Valuable Plantations for Sale. D EMI KING to move my planting interest mra. west, I offer for sale two valuable PLAN-3J* TATIONS. One altnated in Macon connfy within three miles of Winchester, on the South-Western Roil Road, containing 2,405 acres of level Oak and Hickory Land, ‘with good improvements, and be tween thirteen and fourteen hundred acres in culti vation, a considerable portion of which is fresh land. The other plantation is situated in the 14th District of Lee, on Flint River, at tbe month of Choekeefi- chikee Creek, and contains 9,474 acres of Land, about two-thirds of which is Oak and Hickory land of tho best quality, and the remainder good Pine Land, with about thirteen hundred acres In cultiva tion, nearly all of which is fresh land, and as produc tive as any land in Sooth-Western Georgia, and is finely watered, and substantially improved. My over seers will show these places to any one wishing to examine them. My terms will be li" CASPIAN HAIR PINS, GRECIAN CURLS, HAIR BRAIDS. HEAD-DRESSES, and an ass jrhnent of divers srticUs. which would require an endless list to enumerate. Delay not! Thankful for past favors, she w ith hearty cheer, solicits the patronage of all d«»iriDg the rich,elegant and beantitnl- ty MRS. D., is prepared to furnish Milliners with wholesale pattern Bonnets a»d all Goods in her line, at the shortest notice and lowest rates, oct 5 S AVANN AH ANDCHARLESTON EVANS, HARRISS & C0. f Important to Planters! STEAMPACKET LINE Factors & Commission Merchants, j the IN C0NNNECTI0N- with the CENTRAL and _ ®* Y , STEES1, SAVANNAH, GA., 1 T 1NJ(^1? T? SOT.iL HOOP T? ENEW the tender of their services to the Plan- j X A1WV/I x .„ tcrs . of Georgia and the adjoining States, and • will continue to sell Cotton at fifty cents per bale.! Orders for Bagging, Rope, and other supplies, filled : promptly and at the lowest market rates, and liberal 1 advances made when desired, on Cotton in store. W*. M. D Antignac, I Wjl E. Evans, Geo. . Evans, | • Kobt. Y. Harris*. Savannah, July 20. ISIS. 3—6m* GORDON, F. Barden, Commander,leavesSavan- nah for Charleston every Sunday and Wednesday afternoons at 3 o’clock and connects at Charleston XjOCK, Fi&.l examine them, sly terms will be liberal and pay ments essy. For further particulars, address the undersigned at Macon. N. BASS, july 27—tf Macon, Nev. 9—am NEW BOOKS At Boardman’s Book Store A MERICAN ELOQUENCE in 2 vols ; a new Cy clopedia of Commerce; Barton's Cyclopedia of Wit A Humor: a Handy Book on Property Law; Man npon the Sea, by Goodrich; Romantic passa- gaain Sooth Western History; Life beneath the Wa ters; The Hand bnt net the Heart, by T. S. Arthur William the Conqueror, by Gen. Sir Charles Napier Doctor Thorne; a new edition of Edgar A Pi works; The Preacher and tbe King, Tbe Priest am the Huguenot; Lord George Bentick, by D'Jsraeli Beatrice Caaot; Debit A Credit; Major Roger Sber man Potter: Douglas Jerrold'a Wit; Belle Britten on a tour; Life aad Times of Hugh Miller; Cruise of the Betsey; Testimony of the Rocks; Jefferson's Works; Bolwer’s Novels complete; Grate’s History of Greece; Sparrow Grass Papers; Lord Montagu's K *e. by G. P. R. James ; The Three Beauties, b rs. Soutbworth : Ventillatioo in American Dwell ings; Derivation of Family names; Wisdom, Wit and Humor; Steps towards Heaven; Den's Moral Theology; Mispah, a Prayer Book ; Wayside Pic tures in France, Holland, Belgium, and np the Rhine; Wild Northern Scenes; Also a large assortment of find Family Bibles. J. M. BOARDMAN. Sept. 31.181*. $650 Reward. T HE above reward will be paid for the appre hension and delivery of JAMES REVELL, to tbe Sheriff of Crawford Connty. He was convicted of the mnrder of Wm W. Hammack, of said County, He made liis escape from Jones county Jail on the 93d day of August hut. ♦ DESCRIPTION. James Revell weighs about 175 lbs., is about six feet high, bnt bleached, from long confinement, hair kinkev, and mixed with gray, and generally worn parted in the middle, and resembling that of a ne gro appearance of mixed blood, generally lias a smile on hia face, age between 35 and 40 yean, by trade be is a Boot and Shoe Maker, I have good reasons to believe that be is yet in tbe 8tate of Georgia. He may disfigure himself. jan 4 T. D. HAMMACK. For Sale or Rent.* A HOUSE and Lot on Walnut St., near the resi dence of Dr. 8trohecker. Honae ia new, con taining six rooms and all out houses necessary for a family. All is complete and in good order. It *- one of tbe beat places for a residence in tbe City. For terms apply at the office of jan4’59 SPEER A HUNTER I A C?ird from Dr. James M. Jar- IRETT, OF THE NEW YORK LUNG INFIRMA RY.—My connection for tbe past eight years with tbe above Institution, as Chief Physician, and a twelve years' course of steady devotion to tbe care of Pulmonary Consumption and its kindred diseases, together with my unrivalled opportunities and ad vantage of pathological research—aided not a little by a perfect system of Medical Inhalation—hnn en abled me to arrive at a decisive, direct, and success- ful course of treatment for the positive and radical core of all diseases of the Throat, Lungs, and Air- Passages. By inhalation, tbe vapor and curative properties of medicines are diroctly addressed to the diseased organs and tbe integument. I do not ad vise tbe nse of Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the exclusion of general treatment; and although I consider it a useful adjuvant in the propermansge- ment oftbose fearful and often fatal diseases, yet I deem it very neoessary that each patient ahonld have tbe benefit ofboth g-meref and local treatment The s access of my treatment in the above diseases, and the high character of the Institution over which I have so Jong had tbe honor to preside, are too well known to need any eulogy or comment from me.— At tbe solicitation of many private and professional friends, through whose philanthropic aid the above charity baa been long and liberally supported, and after due consideration, I have concluded to make aneb arrangements aa will bring the benefits of my experience and treatment within the reach of all. and not confine myself, as heretofore, to those only who entered tbe Infirmary, or who were able to visit me at my office. Hoping therefore that the arrange ment will give entire satisfaction, both to my pro fessional brethren and tbe public, I would respect fully an nounce in conclusion, that / can note he cau se lied personally or by letter, on all diseases as above and that the medicines, the same as used in tbe In stitntion, prepared to suit each individual case. Inha ling Vapors, Medical Inhalers, Ac., Ac., will be for- warded by express to any part of the United States or the Canadas. Tatars.—My terms of treatment by letter are aa follows, viz: 012 per month for each pa- tient, which will include medicine sufficient for one month's nse; also. Inhaling Vapor, and an Inhaling Apparatus. Payment ns follows: 86 to be paid to Express Agent on receipt of tbe box of Medicine, and the balance 06 at the expiration of the month, if the patkot be cored or ia entirely satisfied with tbe treatment. Patients, by giving a foil history of their case, and their symptoms in full, can be treated as welt by letter as by personal examination. Patients availing themselves of Dr. Jsrrett's treatment may rely npon immediate and permanent relief, as he seldom has to treat a case over thirty days. Letters for advice promptly answered. For further partic ulars address JAMES M. JARRETT. M. D.. No. 890 Broadway, cor. Twelfth St. N. Y. P. S.—Physicians and others visiting the city are respectfully invited to call at the Infirmary, where many interesting cases can be witnessed! and where oar imjirored apparatus for tin. inhalation of medi a cated vapor can bo seen and inspected. C. H. Freeman & Co. with the train of the North Eastern Rad Road going ISAAC HAYDEN J THUS WOODWARD North; returning, leaves Charleston every Mon*iay and -Friday night at @1 o’clock Jafter the arrival COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA., orrzit, AS USUAL, AT TfiZIX OLD STAND, A CHOICZ ASORTMKNT OF FAMILY GROCERIES, O F every description and of the best quality, fresh and good—being constantly in receipt of new supplies from tbe Northern Markets, Sugars, Syropa, Coffee, Teas, Sweetmeats, Nats, Spices, White Fish, Citron, Herrings, Green Fruits in cans. Hams, Condiments, Lard, Sauces, Flour, Cheese, Butter, Mackerel, Pork, And other articles too numerous to mention, com prising the whole range of Family Grocery supplies. , CANDIES- We particularly inTite the attention of dealers and others to oar large and complete stock of Can dies manufactured by ourselves, of the very best materials and warranted to retain their hardness and brilliancy, while the imported Candies soon lose both and become worthless. Wo offer unrivalled inducements to purchasers. CARES, Ornamented and Plain, Of every variety and made of choice materials. Families and parties supplied at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh FISH, IN THEIR SEASON. We shall keep constantly on hand dur ing the Fall and Winter, Fresh O ys t e rs and Fish, native and imported, of the best qualities and ro of the cars of the North Eastern R. Road.) and ar rives ut Savannah early the following mornings. By this route Passengers can obtain through tick ets to and from Savannah, Ga., and Wilmington, N. Carolina. Having a through freight arrangement with the tbe Central Rail Road ana its connections, all freights between Charleston and tbe interior of Georgia con signed to the agents of this line will be forwarded with dispatch and FREE of CHARGE. J. P. BROOKS, Ag't, Savannah. E. LAFITTE A CO., Ag'ta. Charleston BROWISPS HOTEL orPOSITX THI SXW RAIL ROAD DEPOT, MACON, GA. E. E. BROWN, Proprietor. Meals Ready on the Arrival of every Train, apl 15 GRANITE HALL OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE T HE subscriber will open the above Hall about the first of APRIL next, for the accommodation of Families, Day Boarders and Transient Custo mere. This nouse is now offered as inferior tom other First Class Hotel io tbe Sontb, and from it/ central location, its large and airy rooms, offers groat inducements and accommodations to Families and Transient persons. Tbe publio may expect from thir House, all the luxuries and comforts to be found i any other hotel. B. F. DENSE, mar 3 Late of the Floyd Honae. native and imported, of the beat qualities and re- /]>ectfally invite orders, which shall be faithfully Choice Tobacco and Segars, To which we invite the attention of Connoisseurs in these articles. oct 5 Latest News by tlic -A.~tlajrfcio TelegrapH. To nil whom It may concern. This is to notify the public that Isaacs is at Home Again, And begs to assure his pal not a thing of n day. Citii that his SALOON is zens and tbe traveling pub lic will find the establishment open not for the sea son only, bat at all seasons of the year, and those calling npon ns will at all boors find onr Larder sup plied with all the dekeaeies that the New York and other nurkets will afford in the way of eatables, and something good to drink, and six days out ot seven more than can be found in any other honae in town FLINT HOUSE. JIACON, GA, F ORMERLY known as the Macon House, on First street, opposite Patten, Col- [sir tins A Co., has been recently fitted up with I 1 *! a large addition, for the accommodation of Boarders and the traveling pnblic, who will find it to their in terest, if stopping a few days in Macon, to give ns a call and see tor themselves. The proprietor, thank ful for past favors, flatters himself that by strict at tention to business, be will receive bis share of pub- lic patronage. Passengers wishing to stop at the above house, when arriving at the depot will ask for its Represen tative. The table shall not be inferior to any in tbe substantial of life. Price ofBoard.: For a single meal so Supper, Lodging and Breakfast 1,25 By the day. 1,50 igle week — 8,00 By the month (Board A Lodging). ...20,00 feb 2 THOS II. f LIN I', Proprietor. HOE K HAVE’S HOLLAND BITTERS. THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY roR DYSPEPSIA, Disease of the Kidneys, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, xi t a — .. FEVER AND AGUE -Pi- Isaacs oC ijrotlier And the various affections consequent upon a dia- Undcr Bnlitaa’. Hall, Cherry St. ordered His bill of lure will every day Be just the thing for little pay. And those who at their pbme may eat. Will find in it all things complete. And going once, they then will know That ISAACS’ is the place to go. sep!4—6m FINDLAYS’ STEAM E^GI^TIi: ULiNUFACTORV, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY ordered STOMACH OK LIVER, S UCH as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In tul Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affec tions, it baa in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on 1VE .hall hnh.rmv *„ I atrictly scientific principles, after the manner of the them that hwin So P o P /r celebrated Holland Professor, Boerbave. Because _°° r yrwttny caretopiraro in of Ju , ‘ ucceI8 in mo6t of the European States. tSlnow^*' onrs « lve » we h » ve damn its introduction into the United States was intended »attsa , wnBSiS!Kas th ’ nnalitts.c ./roara/sh .loj-J JuA. * I wonderful medicinal virtues must be acknowledged, the medical qualities so nwch desired by them. It is particularly recommended to those persons Look at his Billof Fare, and choose for yourself; I whose constitutions may hare been impaired by the C>3TS"t,G3TS I continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of From Now York, Savannah and Brnnswick, in the 15“f‘ p ! ? t ' on * .9 en « r * 1 ! y -SF® 3 * 5 shell or by the measure, raw, fried, stewed, in any Its way directly to the seat of^Ufe. thnUtng and w . iy want then) * ■ ntxfknninir nvorv norpft. raiaincr nn tn« tlmnnimr Sale and Livery Stable. H ayden a woodward aronow . prepared to furnish their friends and the pnblic generally, with good safe Hors, - f I A A :th'l us " , ilt- -t_\ liiiggi. s, Ciirrijg.-s, A,- complete order at the shortest notice. They are determined to give satisfaction, if strict personal attention to business and reasonable Cnsh Prices will enable them to do so. ft*" Horses fed and kept by the day, w eek or month. Drove Stock also accommodated at rea sonable prices. Mulberry Street, next to Lottery Office, Macon, Ga. apl Patten & Miller, (LATE PXTTE.V, RCTTON & CO.,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. I. PATTEN’. A. J. MILLER. ang 3 PETER S. Hl .nPHRIGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PERRY, GA, WILL practice in all the Courts of the Macon District, and also in the Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. [ang 17—ly THE LIVER IN VIGOR ATOP PREPARED BY Dli. SANYO®/ Compounded entirely v GUMS, TS ONE OFTHE BEST PURGAT VF t X ER MEDICINES n< w before r . . _ before the i acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, andn^ | al thin any other medicine known. It J j a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting i Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on S | and bowols to carry off that matter, thur 1 seaeff? * IKON COTTON TIE. I N all the heaviest Cotton regions of the grea South West, the INGERSOLL HOOP LOCK ingtwo purposes effectually, without in» at ful feelings experienced in the operadim J Cathartics. It strengthens the system u " time that it purges it; and when taken deih 1 rate doses, will strengthen and bnild it wj usual rapidity. LIVER is one of theprineipgw of the human body, and'^ilwhen its’ functions well, the pow- ; li eraofthesv. ■ • ■ - - Mi, - - with the common Hoop Iron Ilnnd, has superse- ^ ^^ ded every other method of securing the Cotton Bale. to which it is liable. Iv developed. The atom-,!^acha U __ dependent on the heal-thy actios for the proper perform-lance of i when the stomach is at — fault, and tern stiffen i n conse-’l—J.qnence o. the LIVE R—having L 'jetaaed to For the disease of that j organ, prietors Las made it his study, in more than twenty years S *J to find i wherewith to counteract; _ themany, Lanier A Anderson, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA., P RACTICE in the counties of the Macon Circuit, and in the Counties of Sumter, Monroe and Jones; also in the Federal Courts at Savannah. They have also recently become the Agents of the following Insurance Companies: Tlio Anguata Inanraucc and Banking Com pany of which W. M. D’Antigsac is President and C. F. McCay is Secretary. And the Alabama Pire and Marine I nan- run cc Company, Montgomery, of which T. H. Vain is PfcejMitmd a. 9Knum is filoikiy. Fire risks and risks on slaves taken at usual rates, apl 20 • SPEE K & HUNTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON. GEORGIA. OJfoCt oh Triangular Block, Corner of Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue. W E have associated as partners in the practice of law in the counties of the Macon and ad*, joining Circuits, and elsewhere in the State by spe cial contract—also will attend the Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. ALEX. M. SPEER, mar 2 SAMUEL HUNTER. Time and space would fail us to give the numerous certificates of Cotton Planters, Brokers, Warehouse men, Insurers, Compressors and Shippers, showin; beyond a doubt, that the days of Rope binding are numbered, and the immense advantages of the IIoop Ijock and Iron Tie. Their economy wherever tried, has been conceded in these points; 1. They save twenty to thirty dollar* cost in baling material on every one hundred Bags. 2. The fastening is much more expeditiously ap plied. and much more convenient for the compress. 3. It is a perfect safeguard against loss of Cotton from the bale. 4. It in nn almost absolute security against Fire. Fire applied to bales thus bound, as shown by actual experiment, will smoulder without fame, twenty hours without spreading, and allowing plenty of time for easy extinguishment. 5. It is ait absolutely secure fastening. In actual experiments made in Montgomery, bales thus bound, were pitched down forty teet perpendicular In} To prove that this re- medy ia at | any person troubled ‘ with LIVE PLAINT, in any of its 1 forma, hub bottle, and conviotion V is certain These Gams remove! . i all morbid „ ter from the system, anp- ffV plying in ; healthy flow of bile, and,W mvigortti, ■tfa^080Hn|*nnd todl-;. dgretwelLf. THE BLOOD, givingjM tone and bole machinery, rc- disea.e—effecting a rad- BlLLIOl’S AT- WHAT IS BETTER, occasional use of tbe TOE. KL One dose after eatingjfijis sufficient) the stomach and prevent ij i the food souriner. bound, were pitched down forty feet perpendicular " « r f* K ITEADArm^H from a hoase'top. upon a brici pavement, without! Rta* soaring. Only one dose taken before 1 vents NIGHT MARE. I J Only one dose taken n - ; at night, bowels gently, and cures COSTIVE E?* One dose of two _tesspoonfiLj — relieve SICK- ;ti DEADACuI LAW CARD. T. P. Stubbs, B. Hill, Stubbs Sc Hill, ATTORNEYSAT LAW, Macon, Ga. apl 90 Win. K. dcGrnUenricd, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. OFFICE, third door below Lanier Honse—above Damonr’a oct 37 ALSO, Copartnership Notice. _ Harriet, a wo man, and ber child. "All told as the property of Win. U. Ogilvue deceased, for tho benefit of the brira and creditors. dac 21 WM. S. JOHNSON. Adm'r. VTfE will continue tbe Drag basin* --* at the Cor- VV ner of Second and Cherry Sts. Tbeuameand Administrator's Hale ■yjylLL be wild beforo the Court House door,_ In . . Perry. Houston County, Georgia, on tho first Tuesday in February next, between the legal honre of sale, the Plantation lately owned and occupied by Benjamin McKinney deceased, consisting of lot No. 236, containing 009) acres, more or less, and fraction of No. 233. containing 30J acres, more or 833, containing 30j . lass, in the lowar 5th District of said connty. Also tbe following nefroea: Kater, a man about 65 years old, aad Patty, a woman about 00 years old. Sold by virtue of an order from tbe Conrt of Ordinary of Honston connty, for the benefit of thohrirs and cred {tors of aaid deceased. WM. McKENNEY, dec. 91 Administrator Atlminisirutor’s Sale. B T virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Jones connty, will be sold before the Conrt Ilonse door, in Clinton, — **— “— —■*— on. on tbe first Tuesday in February ves belonging to the estate of Wm. H wed. Sold for the benefit of tbe heirs next, the slav* Ogilvie deceased. and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day. WM. S. JOHNSON. Administrator of Wn. H. Ocilvic, deceased. flt'oruitt, Crawford County. W HEKBA8, Washington Vining, Administrator ot J i*no Wataon, deceased, applies to me for lettartcf dismission from the administration of tbe Estate of said deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the parties at interest, to show cause, (if any they can) within the time prescribed by law, why said letters ahonld not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this December 18th, 1858. JA8. J. KAY, Dec. 98. Oroiraht, C. C. Georgia—'Crawford County. lirnEllliAS Washington F. Vining applioi to TV me for lsttera of Guardianship of the perons and property of George M., Vincent M., Bcnj. A., Simeon A., Sarah A. and Enoch Walton, minora of Enoch Walton, late of aaid county deceased H These are therefore to cite an* parties wh: admonish all tbe isrtles at interest, to show cause, it any they can, rhy Said Utters ahonld not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this December 19,1659. dec 14 JAS. R. RAY. Ord'y. $10,000 Oash.1 Valuable Plantation IN HOUSTON COUNTY FOR SALE, undersigned will sell for Ten Thousand Dol lars cash, tha Plantation In Honston connty; known aa the Ben Gray place, containing THIR TEEN HUNDRED Acres of Land. This Plantation! is fourteen miles from Macon and lies in one mile of the South-Western Rail Road, aaid road passing; through one corner of tho Land. There is between six ana seven mndred acres of Land cleared, and in fine oonditiou for making a crop another year. The £ lace ia well improved. Having Frame Negro ■ousce wit!; brick Chimneys to accommoaate h lfty land Frame Gin House, Cotton Screw and style of the firm will be changed from ZHILIN, HUNT A CO.,to that ofZEILIN A HUNT. Thank ful for the liberal patronage nf the past year, we hope to merit the continued confidence of our friends, and citizens generally. J. HENRY ZHILIN. Jan 4 LEONARD W. HUNT. ASrXR fT GREEtl. I n. rorx frxemax NEW' Family Grocery Store GREER &r FREEMAN TTAVE opened in their New STORE, 3d door be- il low TELEGRAPH BUILDING. Cherry St, Macon, Ga, a complete stock of IFAMQILY SUIPIPILOlge, Consisting in part of Hiram Smith’s, and Empire Mills Extra Family FLOUR. Old Government Java Lsgnira, Mocha, Santos, and Extra Rio COFFEE, Stuart’s Coffee Crushed and Powdered SUGAR, N. O. Sugar Ilonse and doable extra Golden Syrnp. a direct importation of Canton Teas and Chocolate, Fulton Market BEEF Extra Pickled PORK, Choice Table BUTTER, Pine Apple, English Dairy and State Cheese, Dried Beef and Tongues, Pigs Feet and Hams, Red and White ONIONS. Mercer and Yellow POTATOES. Sardines, Lobsters and Clams, Prunes and Jellies, Nats of all kinds. Currants, Dried Fin, Candies, Gam Drops, also a choice selection or pure Brandies, Wines, Ac., for Medicinal and Cooking purposes, and a large lot of Cigars ofthe moat celebrated brands, amnkin; and chewing Tobacco, Ac., all of which will bo so! low for Cash. Come one. Come all and examine onr Stock. We are determined to please. Jan 4 FULLER’S PARENT SELFSUPI'OKTING IRON RAILING. Manufactured at tbe Iron Works of Messrs. Findlay A Sons, of Macon, for WQILILQAiM IL. !L@N©!L(iY* T HE subscriber, sole Proprietor of the Patent Right for tbe Southern States, particularly in- vitas the sttentiou of Builders and others to tbia new and improved Iron Fence, which be is prepared to furnish to order in numerous patterns of great buanty and elegance of design. The superb ority of the Vernon, as compared with others, consists in the manner of oonfinlng the ornamental paling to tbe ig the ornamental paling to tb< bar. Each section being self-supporting is suspend Nogroes, Stables, Throe Lands are level and well adapted to the pro- daetioaof Corn or Cotton, and instead of wearing oat, get more productive as they grow older, noder judicious cultivation. ' Th© place will be ©old on a credit of one, two and Uir« year*, for a ©am equivalent to ten thousand (loRu - ! v Any further information desired, will be fornished by addressing the undersigned at Bnsbsy ville. Hons* ton County. Georgia. D. F. QLNN. Macon. Sept. 28. 1858. rZTEK J. ITIUiZIlR JOHN T. GLOVER, •STKOZIEK & GLOVER, attorneys at law, DAWSON. GA. WILL practice in the Counties of Terrell. Clay. Cha 1- .hjochao, Webster, Randolph, Early and Stew ' ifgn AU business entrusted to them, wil! receive promrt and unremitting attention. ' Jan. -i —ly- For btiic on Long Credit. ' OFFER famaje, nn long credit, at a fair prfoe, the miles from Americas, formerly .1 i * T L. HOLT, containing six hundred ano .. V. n - Two hundred and fifty acres cleared. 1 . ... I,I,, nil the* necessary buildings on tbs place. \ I'lib'i* Gin House and Screw, and surest Jc w ll I*** made. Apply toT. M. FURLOW, r.q si Am.riuus, ur to und.r.jju^d, »M 611*4 If JAAUH Tf. W***#ifV ed between tbe posts with sufficient play to expand and contract without straiu to the parts by change of temperature. For cheapness, durability, simplicity of construe* tion, strength and all other requisites necessary to make np a cheap and elegant, aa well aa tasteful sod enduring structure, tbe above Bailing defies com pel! on. ry All orders left with Messrs. CAR1IART A CURD, H. A. WISE, and at the Iron Works of Moan. R. FINDLAY A SONS, where tho different styles may be seen—or with the undersigned, will receive prompt attention. WM. L. LONGLEY. Macon, Ga, Jan 11. Dwelling House and Lot For Male. M RS. MARY SEYMOUR offers ber residence for sale. Tbe House contains Six Plastered Rooms, a fire place in each room. All the necessa ry outbuildings, and agood well of water. Tbe lot fronts on 4th Street 310 feet, and on Pine Street 105 feet. Any one in want of a comfortable residence in a pleasant and healthy part of tbe city will do well to call on J. N. SEYMOUR, or jan 11 JAMES SEYMOUR. J. CLCGRORtf.. .010. SMITH. CLEGEORN & SMITH, Mam;fii<'tarers of, und Dealers in Saddles, Harness, LEATHER, WHIPS, RUBBER BELTING, SADDLERY, AND GENERAL IflAClIINE SHOP, MACON. GEORGIA. T HE Proprietors of this ISstablishineni wonld re spectfully call the attention of those contem- | dating the erection of Steam Mills, for Sawing and Grinding, or for any other purpose whatever. The -uperionty ofthe work has been, and will be, a snf- cient guarantee for an extensive and increasing patronage. Our Workshops and superior outfit of roots, Patterns and Machinery, afford facilities for the expedition of work possessed by no other estab- < lishment in the State. Our prices and terms will' compare favorably with that of any first class North ern Establishment. The following comprises list of Machinery, Ac ; for any portion of which we will be § leased to receive orders, viz: team Engines, Boilers, Saw Mill Machinery Circular Saws, Mill Gearing, Mill Stones, of best quality for Corn and Wheat, Water Wheels, a great variety. Gin Gear, all . sizes. Iron Railings, for Cemeteries, Pnblic and Private Buildings, See., or Wrought and Cast Ikon, very superior, embracing strength with beauty of Design. Sugar Mills and Syrup Boilers, all sizes. Columns for Stores, Churches, Ac- Ac.. Gold Mining Machine ry, with Double and-Single acting Force and Lift Pomps of any required size, 'Shafting with Turned Puillea, from the smallest size to nine feet Di ameter, Cotton Press Irena, Cotton Screws, Mill Screws and Bales, England's Celebrated self-acting Car Couplings, and other Bail Road Castings. All work warranted to be equal to the best made elsewhere. R. FINDLAY A SONS. Macon. March 4tb, 1857. mar to aid Game of every variety. Venison and Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets, Ham and Eggs, Deviled Ham and Deviled Terapins, Monntain Oysters, Turtle Soup, Wood cock, Grouse, Mountain Ge^l S^Sreeb, I lan'd Bitters a fair trial. One bottle wtU convince Wild Docks, Fi.-h. and anything that an epicure I 7.°° how infinitely superior it is to all these units wonts, can always be bud when in season. ttona. . . , .. . __ , _ .. |^* Sold at 01 per bottle, or six bottles for 85, by Confectioneries and Fruits. theloleproprietor, ISAACS mlao keep* constantly on hand a good aa- ( BENJAMIIV PAGE) JR.y iV CO., quickening’ every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor in the system. Notici.—Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be disappointed; but to tbe sick, weak and low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remedial properties. CAUTION i Tbe great popularity of this delightful Aroma bus induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to buy anything else nntil yon have given Boerhave’s Hol- L. N. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne’s Drug Store. jan g J. B. H1LLEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILL TOWN, BERRIEN COUNTY, GA- W ILL practice in tho BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT comprising tbe following counties, Glynn, Ware, Wayne, Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee and Chariton, also McIntosh of the Eastern. may 4 ISAAC 1UUDEHIA1V, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLINTON, GEORGIA.i inly 7 ly T. G. HOLT, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. O FFICE in Ralston’, new block on Cherry Street, first door above entrance to Concert Hall. aug4 perceptible effect. 6. It is perfectly simple, ami requires no machinery at all in the application. Any common hoop-iron of proper width and thickness, (which is about J inch wide, and a scant sixteenth of one inch thick,) and of any reqaisite length to suit the bsle, is taken in the hsnd, one end passed through the opening, from the under side, of ono end of the under part of the lock to the length of about one inch, and then bent over the end of the lock. The other end ol the hoop is then passed round the bale anddrawn through a loop or opening in the opposite end of the lock, and then bent in the same manner as the other. The button is then turned back to its place over them, and the hoop ia fast on the bade, ana the bale may be moved if desired, ‘k r « i disease, diately re] 7. It holds the package in one-fourth smaller < | moves the cause of the ; perfect cure. Only one dose unme L1C, while One dose often repeat- ^q ed is a ; CHOLERA -MORBUS. a n d a CHOLERA. ES*" Only ono bottle!-. iancededtiJ of the system the effects' of medicine J sickness. rf) US’’ One bottle taken i for JAl. moves all sallotviuss or unnatural c * the skin. Q !Oned'« enashort (™q time be/»|J gives vigurlo tbe appe- tite,sudcd-| 1 gest well. ret 0 . 1 ? I ** One dose often repeat- rHied cttti ( toh&n- DIARRHGJA in its ^ worst f.ri pass than rope—thereby rendering it easier . vuuu u.u,s ale, and cheapening freight | SUMMER and BOWEL [) complain, tn tho first dns(*. i These tacts and advantages are certified to by leading Warehouse men. Planters, Shippers and Bro kers in testimonials too numerous to be cited or spec ified in this advertisement. In Montgomery, tho leading Brokers and Buyers, after the most satisfac tory experience and tests, unite in the following a* greement, which will leave no doubt on these points: We, the undersigned. Cotton Brokers and Bnyers, of Montgomery, Ala., agree and give notice that we will pay foil price, for trim Bound Cotton, if fasten ed with the I.VCKItso1.1, HOOP LOCK, al. though we are aware that it will weign it lbs. more per bale than Rope-tied Cotton. HARRIS A JOHNSTON C. C. FOSTER, J. S. BY1NGTON. M. A. CHISHOLM. From Savannah, we copy tbe following engage ment made with the Compress Establishment of Mr. Sava.vxAH, July 22d, 1858. Mess-'-s. Freeman A Roberts, Macon, Ga: Gents.—I have agreed with Mr. Beattie, Agent for Iagersoll's Hoop Lock, that I will compress Iron b ound Cotton, fastened with said Lock, npon the same terms as Rope tied Cotton. This arrangement LIVER. to last for one season and longer, unless I give notice price one doi.i.ar per bottui of my wish to discontinue the arrangement. | SANFORD A CO- Proprietors, 345 to the first dose. One or two dosea cure r ; attacks by' children: there is no LXJ,surer, ufe. remedy In the world, as/ 1 jit NeverFia ty A few bottles l-j/'curesDBOi citing the absorbents. /1 We take pleasure in ' ‘ recomun dicine as a preventive' j for S E' AGUE. CHILL FE <£7 ofa BILLIOUS TYPE.; ^ It * tainty, an d thousands] — are its wonderful virtues. \(JJ : All who use it nrc giving their testimony iu ita fnvor. Gr Jlix water ia Hie mouth «i vijjornlor, and bwnllovr both tegi THE LIVER INVIGOR ISA SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISC is doily working cares, almost too It cures as if by magic, even the benefit, and seldom more than one HI to cure any kind of LIVER Compile the worst Jaundice or Dysyepsia to a « i the result of > ache, all of which are I • Respectfully, Ac- C. A. L. LAMAR. Confectioneries, Oranges. Apples, Bananas, Pine Apples, Various description of Nuts, Cakes, Ac., All of which can be purchased at low prices for CASH. Be sure and call at oct 12 E. ISAACS A BROTHER. Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists, Pitts burg, Pennsylvania. ^ Sold in Macon by E. L. STROHECKER A I CO- ZEILIN, HUNT A CO- GEORGE PAYNE, | and Drnggists generally, tbroughont the State, may 18 NEW STOCK OF It is estimated that Atzk's Chkrrt Pectoral and Cathartic Pills have done more to promote the K blic health, than any other one cause. There can no question that tbe Cherry Pectoral has by its thousands on thousands cares of Colds, Congbs, As thma, Croap, Jnflaenta, Bronchitis, Ac- very much reduced the proportion of deaths from consumptive diseases in this ronntry. The Pills are as good as the Pectoral and will cue more complaints. Everybody needs more or less purging. Purge the bowels. Liver and tbe whole visceral system from obstructions. I Purge out the diseases which fasten on tbe body, to work ita decay. Bnt for disease we should die only of old age. Take antidotei early and thrust it from tbe system, before it is yet too strong to yield. Ayer’s Pills do thrust out disease, not only while it ia weak but when it has token a stronghold. Read the astounding statements of those who have been cured by them from dreadful Scrofula, Dropsy, Ul cers, Skin diseases. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dys pepsia, Internal psins. Bilious Complaints, Heart- burn. Headache, Gout, and many less dangerous but still threatening ailments, such as Worms, on tbe face, Nervona Irritability, Loss of appetite. Irregularities, Dissiness in tbe head, Colds, Fevers, Dysentery, and indeed every variety of complaints for which a Pur- gstive Remedy is required. ' These are no random statements, bnt are autKen- Seated byyo r wn neighbors and your own Phy sicians. Try them bkoe ud yon never will be without them. Price 25 cts per Box—5 Boxes for 91.00. Prepared by JAMES C. AYER, Practical and An alytical Chemist, Lowell. Mass—And sold by all Druggists and dealers in medicine throughout this section. dec 7—2m. I SUPPOSE all know by this time, that r ‘ moved my STOCK. from TRIANGLE BLOCK to the Granite Front Store, OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE. I now have a new and good STOCK OF CHINA. Consisting of DINNER SETTS, at from 9175 down to any single Sett wanted. Tea Setts Gilt, from 99,00, (best French China) to 035,00 and 975,00. White China, G. P. CULVCRHOUSZ, F. A. ANSLZY* Culverhouse <V Ausley 9 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA, W ILL practice in Crawford and the adjoining counties. AU business promptly attended to. jan 11 J. L. SEWARD. A. H HANSELL. SEWARD «V- HASSELL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, GA. A LL* claims forwarded to u* will meet with prompt attention. We shall practice in the counties ot Thomas, Lowndes, Irwin, Telfair, Berrien, Colquitt, Clinch, Ware, Decatur and Worth. SEWARD & HANSELL. Tnomasville, Nov. 3rd, 1856. nov 4 -A-rtirur ID iokinson, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON GEORGIA. OFFICE—in Washington Block, over E. Sauls- bnry’s Clothing Store, oct 12 FOR SALE OR RENT. rp HE Two Stor^ house on the Forsyth road, known JUST RECEIVED AT STONE’S, OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE -L as tho VanValkenbnrg place. ’ Contains some twelve rooms, all necessary outbuildings, and first rate water; Location pleasant and healthy. The lot contains some sixteen acres, and will be sold on terms to suit a purchaser, or exchanged for negro property. * J. A. A S. 8. VIRGIN. Jan 4—4t G ENTS Black Velvet Bats, (something entirely do do A Plush do do do [new.) Watches! Watches! do Tweed, (all colors) do do do Leather Sportsman’s Hats, do do do Superior Moleskin do (New Style, do do Black Caasimere do do do , . . . . And tbe largest and most elegant assortment of made in Setts to amt purchasers and priced accord- children, and H07’. Knurr HATS A CAPS, . 1 logly. I ever offered in this market. Glass m Setts, French, I Call and see, and be convinced that he can sell as for from 918,00 to 030,00, per sett, handsomely en graved. Goblets, from 92,50 per (lei. to 915. White Granite Ware made np as wanted. I also have a fine assortment of tine Castors and Plated Tea Setts. All the above Goods I offer at New York Prices, aa small profits, qnick sales and satisfaction to all parties ia my motto. Orders will be filled same as though the purchaser were here. Old. 26. K.P.MeEVOY. iy City papers copy. HATS & CAPS, AT REDUCED PRICES- N O. 1 Silk Hats 94.50 No. 2 Silk Hats 3,50 T. C. NISBET. "OLD MAGNOLIAWIHS rpHK undersigned offer for sole the above Stan* i dard brand of fine RYE WHISKEY their own distillation, in barrels and half barrels. The quality of tbia Whiskey known so favorably in the Sotith, for tbe past eight years, will always be kept np to It* former blgb standard, and purchasers id ccnsumers can rely upon ita being perfectly , distilled * pare RYE WHISKEY, distilled under onr own per sonal supervision, and entirely free from any dele terious substances which render made np whiskies so objectionable. Always having a large stock of the above, and other fin* Whiskies, in New York as well aa Phila delphia, we nre enabled to ship goods from either ci ty direct FREEMAN A SIMPSON, Phteniz Distillery. OFFICE—109 So. Front St., Philadelphia. - 96 Wall St- New York. octl2—ly “ 1 Black Cassimere Bats .4,50 “ 1 “ Soft “ 1,00 to 4.00 Men’s and Boy’s Navy Caps 1,50 “ “ “ Fine Cloth Caps for 50 cts. to 1,25 All other Goods in proportion for CASH ONLY. Those that bny on credit must expect to pay the old prices. Onr stock is chopper, more elegant and ex tensive than ever before, and we invite our friends and the publio generally to call and see for them selves. - Stand in the Building under Ralston's Hail, Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. dec 7 BELDEN A CO C ELEBRATED ENGLISH MAKERS—James Hoddell A Co., E.A6. Beesley, Josh Toleman, Josh Olarenshsw, Edwards Robinson, and the cole brated American Watch in Gold and Silver Cases. SWISS MAKERS—Eugene Brnqnet, Breithing Laderiet, Edouard Favre, Brandt and others too numerous to mention, by DAY A MAUSSENET. Clocks, Clocks, Clocks. The Marble Clock, running threo weeks without winding—striking hour and half hour. Also, Eight Day, Marble and Marbleized Iron, Bronze, Wood and Marine Time-pieces, with andwithout the alarm. MANUFACTURER OF T HESE Scales are now regard ed as the Standard for COR RECT WEIGHT, and are in use by nearly every Railroad Compa ny, Merchant, and manufacturing establishment tbroughont the country. The reputation which these Scales have acquired has piini,nmaibeen of steady growth from the FAIRBANKS comraencemeut *° * i’ rL ' sent on a T no retime, and is based npon the prin- ObALLB. clipeadopted by ns, and never de- STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, I viated from, of allowing none but Perfect Weighing SAW MILL MACHINERY. MILL I Machines to go forth from our establishment. ... GEARING. CASTINGS. AND MA CHINERY IN GENERAL Wronglit Iron Cotton Screws. Sn GAR MILLS, SHAFTS & PULLIES, IRON RAILING, WROUGHT & CAST, &C. T HE undersigned believes that he is manufeetn ring and selling the above Machinery, temper cent, cheaper, and of as good quality as any uatab- ■' id is willing to warrant all lishment at the 8onth, and ia willing the work aa equal, if not superior to any. Dec. 28. Notice. South-Westers Rail Road Co- j Macon, Goo. Jan. 1st, 1859. I The Annual election for President and Five Di rectors of this Company, will be held at their office iu this City, on Tbnradav. 10th Febrnary next. JOHN. T. BOIFEU1LLET, Sec. A Treas. jan 4—td. A W ordtothe Ladies. ROCA’S BALSAM for Pulmonary & Tubercular Consumption. rplIE public ia now put in possession of one of irdini the most extraordinary remedies extant, for what has heretofore been considered an incurable disease: being nn OUTWARD APPLICATION, the action of which is seemingly miraculous, and its having none of those attributes which make up the numerous compounds now in general nse. A Pamphlet centaiuingdirections, letters from dis tinguished and well known individuals, and other ’ >o-jmentary evidences will accompany the remedy. Mr. James Rees having ceased to be the Agent - ior the sale of this Balaam, the price has been ro- 1-1 \A7 I diced 10 94 a Jar, and 50 cents for tbe Bandage. *‘*’* = * # Tr. . Ir**-*- It can only be ol tain, d of the proprietor by letter directed to _ G. ROCA, AC- aa, AC. OPPOHITK E. BOND'S* STORE, Cherrt Strixt, jan 4—ly Macon, Ga. rriHE undersigned are Agents for the sale of Reese's Manipulated Guano, equal if not au| riorte the Peruvian, eruvian, at Sixty Dollars per ton of 20< 4] AYBRS, WINGFIELD A CO. deo 14 Box 1708 P. Q. Philadelphia, Pa, N roTICE.—Two months after date application I will lie made to tho Ordinary of Crawford W E are now receiving the Second Stock of Win ter Goods, as one of the firm has just return ed from New York. Ail goods bought the first purchase are marked down to run them off and the second Stock can be purchased at prices varying from 37) to 50 per cent leas than previous prim*. 'Tit useless to particularize, as our Stock is too vast, and comprizes too many entirely new gems to put on paper. Now is the time to buv yourselves rich. Don’t kwe money by not calling, when it ia so convenient, kill ' ' ’ IV"Call soon before styles are picked over. nov 16 ROSS, COLEMAN A KQSS. Macon & Brunswick Rail We have more than one hundred different modifi cations of these Scales, adapted to tbe wants of eve ry department of business where acorrect and dura ble Seale is required. Call and examine, or stndfor an illustrated Circu lar. FAIRBANKS A CO- 189 Broadway, N. York. CARHART A CURD, Agents, Macon, Ga. 0Ctl9—(m arine Time-pieces, with andwithout thealarm. DAY A MAUSSENET. Fine setts of Jewelry. DAY A MAUSSENET. Diamond Pins, Unger Rings and Ear Rings. DAY A MAUSSENET. Fob, Vest, Chattalans and Guard Chains. DAY A MAUSSENET. A fine assortment of Necklaces, Crapes, Mcdalions and other Trinkets, by DAY A MAUSSENET. Silver Table, Tea, Salt, Mustard. Berry, Sugar and Cream Spoons. Also, Desert and Fickle Forkes. Cup?, Goblets, Waiters, and sundry other silver ar tides too numerousto mention, by DAY A MAUSSENET. Musical Instruments. Violincelos. Violins, Flutes, Fladgeolets, Fifes, Banjoes and Tamborines, also a fine assortment of Italian, French, and English Violin Strings by DAY A MAUSSENET. Gold, Silver, Steel and Plated Specks with the Scotch Pebble Glasses, by "DAY A MAUSSENET. FANCY GOODS—A large assortment, by DAY A MAUSSENET. JEWELRY REPAIRING done at the shortest notice and ia the best possible manner, WATCHES, Magic and Hunting Cases, Gold and Silver Hoddell WATCIIES, for sale by oct 1 C DAY A MAUSSENET. GEOEGE PAYNE, Tbe Georgia Iron Lock Company comprising the undersigned, respectfully invite tbe attention of all engaged m Cotton attention of all engage d in Cotton growing, or the Cotton trade, to this interesting and important sub ject. To tho Cotton planters, particularly, they be lieve they are presenting a matter of peculiar inter est and value, and either of them will be glad to fur nish any further information, or particular applica tion may be made to the Secretary. J. F. WINTER, | T. A- HARRIS, IV b 91 caale Agents t BARNES A PARK, New York ; T. Ug A SONS. Philadelphia; L. S.BURR.iC H. H. HAY A CO- Portland; JOh.V] Cts nine altl; GAYLORD A HAXHOSDI FAHNESTOCK A DAVIS, Chicago; ( A CO- St. Louis GEORGE KEYSES, S. S. HANCE, Baltimore, and retailed ! gists. Sold Wholesale and Retail I HUNT A CO.. Macon. Ga. DUNLAP A HARRIS, | FREEMAN A ROBERTS T. A. HARRIS, Secretary. Macon, Aug. 3,1858. ly Fancy and Staple cry-goo; A CARD. T HE undersigned feels it hia duty to render thanks to the citizens of Houston and adjoin ing counties, for their liberal and extensive patron age. While he begs a continuance of their tavors, he will state to those who do not know him, that ma ny years practice in the principal cities ofthe South and a complete Dental Laboratory, enable him to make as elegant and perfect Dental substitutes of the most approved and latest style, as can be furniah- 1 by any Dentist in tbe State. A WORD ABOUT THE “CHEAP STYLE OF WORK.” Persons needing Dental Operations or Artificial Teeth, and not able to pay me my regular prices, may feel assured that I will rather share my profits with them than “accommodate” them with a cheap, or inferior style of work, as such will never give sat isfaction, and ia the dearest at the end. All persons desiring my services will please call at my Residence, in Perry, where they will find ail the comforts of a first-rate Dental Office. Families liv ing at a distance may procure my services by giving me notice. Dentists will find a large assortment of the best materials, for filling Teeth, as well aa for making ar tificial sets, at Northern prices. DR. FREDERICK GARKE, oct!9—ly Surgeon Dentist. NEW STOCKl W E havejost opened a large and ea ofGood? iu one ofthe New Stom^j GRANITE to re, *1 with gr. *: . nr- : * t and adjoining country—among whicka SILK ROBES A LEZ. SILK ROBES DOUBLE JUPF SILK ROHES VOLANTES, or : T.\ FANCY SILKS in great varietr, PLAIN and FIGURED BLACK aHl EVENING DRESSES, DeLAINEand MERINO ROBESiil PLAIN and FIGURED DcLAI.VES^M PLAIN and FIGURED MERiXOE .“ W VALENCIAS, POPLINS, PLAID! ■ POIL dx CHEVKES, 310URH1K. ftu; ous other styles of ]iy; ZD-^LVIID ROSS, BOOK BINDERj ACCOUNT BOOK Embroideries, Real French Collars, Setts, Handkerchiefs, A c. Valenciennes Collars and Seta Linen and Pique Collars and S# Mourning Collars and S*etts, Illusion Berthas, Real Thread and ValencieoMt b Hosiery and Gloves, great Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Cloaks, from Brodle’s, SHAWLS—Nett, Stella, Lon^, khun varieties. A fall assortment of STAPLE GOODS anufacture r, Wh!oh ' ro offar J ” !iI °.° “ , ^T 0^ * bl, — /*«imv%tort»* . % 7 I iiousc^in the State. For Sale. F IVE Hundred dozen Georgia Bod 25 do Northern 9 /CONTINUES to make BLANK BOOKS for i rTl V KXtllvi Courts,Counting House, and KnilRon.l. Dr PLEASE CALL AND LXAJI. andto Bind all varieties of PRINTED WORK with superior neatness and despatch. MUSIC BOUND WITH ELASTICITY and ELEGANCE. LAW BOOKS IN THE MOST APPROVED STYLES, HARPERS’ WEEKLY ^MAGAZINE, GRAHAM'S, GOOEY'S and all other PERIODICALS and Magazines I BOUND in neat and cheap Bindings. Particnlar attention paid to the re-binding valua ble old Books. Orders from a distance will meet with prompt at tention. 10 dozen Brooms, 100 nest Tula 50 Half Bushel Measures, 10 tons Iron, 5 tone Castings. 425 sacks Family and S. F. Floor, 100 Boxes Tobacco all quilitirt, 40,000 pounds Bacon Hogrosaa. 10 barrels Nuts, 50 boxes Kaisiaa 100 boxes Cheese, 10 kegs Gosha With every article called for iu the excepting liquors. „ We would respectfully solicit s call Office upon the corner of Third Sr Cherry-Sis., I ton, aa we can make it to their inter" 1 Over G. T. Rodgers Jc Son, Macon. Ga. us. [Oct. 2fi-tf] J Clothi? aug 24 For Sale. O NE of the most desirable residences in the city, where the subscriber now resides, corner of Oak and Second Streets. The Lot contains three quarters of an acre, and is highly improved with choice varieties of Peach, ‘.pricota. Grapes and other fruits, and Flowers. e Dwelling contains ten Rooms, Closets in six, and Gaa in all. Terms of payment trill he mad« easy. For particulars, enquire of J. DeLoache or W. B. Brantly. If not sold before Christmas, it will bo rented to approved tenant. GEO. W. ADAMS. Macon, Dec. 14th, 1858. ry City papers copy E. WINSH// 5 ] TYAS j’i-t received another l ‘j XJ_ OVERCOATS, andean affordU H them at greatly reduced prices. NEW CROP- A LARGE variety of Cabbage, Turnip, Early Corn, Flower seeds, Beets, Beans. Peas, all otli- erjvarieties suitable for Gardens. Also Grass Seeds, Canary Seeds, and Onion Setts. Merchants and Gardeners supplied with any as sortment, by J. H. & W. S. ELLIS, ian 11—3m Cherry St. Macon, Ga BOOK BINDING. WHOLESALE * RETAIL pniJoaisT And State Licensed Apothecary, MACON, GA. 5 happy to inform his friends, patrons and the ju public generally, that his Stock is now full and i- - . . i ... - ■ - - — complete, which comprises every article that should J’ 0 " CItenalve ciroulatton. thatwe aro now offering WANTED. AM still buying Military bounty Land Warrants, and will always give the highest cash price. * G. J. BLAKE Macon Ga. uly28 ly CHEAF CLOTHING. (TRIANGULAR BLOCK.) KI©^©I F0¥©iHI ©©a Mb. Clisbt.—We wish to make it known to the generally, that his Stock is now full and | P e0 P Ie ® f M .» con : an< | *?.« c0 “ nt 7 *■“"»!: U " ol !K h ".. . v tJ | your exte~— -i—•*..» —■ »— our large To llic Public. PURCHASERS of B It ARY , mo, will do well to call and vxannt-^ aa ofleriajf to sell at reduced pnees f the lateness of the season. * dec 14 * *• Hardeman &Si ■w aro Soi AND COMMISSION MEIiC .Uncoil, Ga. ■ fiss^a YY TILL continue to gi . VV FIRE PROOF WARE! Stock ol* Clofhin: iprifl be found in a First Class Dm;? anil Chemical Store. Weekly arrival i of the Savannah Steamora ena- j at very reduced prices. Our Stock of heavy Over bles him to replenish his Stock Weekly, with Coats and thick Clothing generally, is very Urge; FRESH AND CHOICE GOODS, ’ we do not intend to summer them over. We shall which are bought with great attention to purity, and offer inducements for the next thirty days, sold as IjQ W as at any Drug Establishment in Geor- LjS^A large stock of IIATrf and CAPS at cost, gia. J dec21 HORACE FITCH A CO. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS | H.oli«ic*^Jus BooUls. ROAD. GREEABLY to the requirements of the Char- A i ter of the Macon A Brunswick Kail Road Com pany, a meeting of the Stockholders will be held in the City of Macon, at tho Council Chamber, at H o’ clock, on FRIDAY, the 4th day of February next, for tho purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting? Stock holders may bo represented in person or by pr°^y» Hi but a fall meeting of the Stockholders Is espspMy County, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes be-; requestod. A. E. COCIIKAN, President, longing to the Estate of Lemon M. Causey, late of E. C. Rowland, Secretary. I «ii Ammcmuc-A RlU'T.U Pil'cvv I KSTTihr ra area rannv ft 11 H av n f m Apt imp? ! card UII y tilled. I july tf TACKSON BARNES manufactures to order evefy J description of blank accost books, and binds in any style desired, Magazines, Law, Music and Miscellaneous Books, clerks’ record and docket books,with or without printed forms, and warrant- odI best quality paper. Engineers’ profile paper made from the best English drawing to any length or width. All orders from the country promptly and careful ly attended to. Ofiice on Cotton Avenue one door below Ross and Coleman’s. a pl *3 Jona'tliaiL Oollins, (Late Patten, Collins A Co.) XT7lLLcontipue tho Wore Honae mill Com. VY miNMiou Rimin< «•* at t the Fire Proof Build- in£ occupied by them in this place, in connection with his son, W. A. Collins. He respectfully solicits Compounded at "ill hours with care and neatness. His stock consists in part of the following articles: Drills, Chemicals and Medicines, Dyes, Paints, Oils and Colors, Glassware, Syringes, modern styles, great variety, Window Glass, Putty, Artists Tools, Mechanical, Artificial and Natural Leeches, Fresh Hops and all other Herbs, Surgical Instruments and Medicine Chests, Family Soaps, Fine Starch and Geletines, Fine Castor Oil for Family use. Wines and Liquors for Medical use only, Perfumery. Pomades and Toilet Articles. Gold and Silver Leaf, Gold and Tin-foil and Artificial Teeth, Hair,Tooth and Nail Brushes, White Wash, Paint, Cloth and Flesh Brushes, ' . ...... THI GW ‘ Krea ‘ ! ' r!iCle f ° r Cle&ni “ K MeUl Grass and Garden Seed, and all tho patent Nostrums of the da"~ Corner AMe apl 21 ulberry street and Cotton A venue, Macon. SAMUEL BOYKIN, Depositor}' Agent of the Bible Board and Col portcur Society, COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GEORGIA, W ILL keep a full supply of such BOOKS as The lirligiou* Public will want, inclu ding Coiuiucntnric, Concordance*, Theolog ical Work*, Book* of Travel*, Religions and Devotional works of various kinds, and SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. Particular attention will be pwd to the wants of Ministers and Sabbath Schools. The works ofthe BEST WRITERS OF EVERY AGE, . _ d piety have enriched our j literature, will be kept. Prices will bo moderate. Orders from a distance will receive prompt 1 attention. [dec 14—tf I ner of 3d and Poplar streets, to all b ted fo their charge. With their thanks for past kwD pledge of faithfulness to all toners, they hope to receive their f»- 9 lie patronage. Liberal advances made on Coth* 1 duce when required. r ^''Planter’s Family 8tores. &c., furnished at tho lowest market tr THOS. HARDEMAN. E.SAULSBttf! W A SI!. X (i TOW BLOCK, OP. ‘ jfA coy, Ga ;: rpAKICS pleasure in infoncint; t JL bnyenflaneralfy,that he* offer ono of the most elegant andi Fall and Winter 1 For Gentlemen's wear, that cap b* , cirv. Constant addition* ofdesir**' ma'de by every steamer. . , -rtf He has in hia employ, one <ff ^ SOL'TII OF XE\S l YORK. ders in the most approved atyla I oct 19 CARPETU Oil c }r\ Physicians’ said connty, deceased, norlt SAM’L; H. CAUSEY, Kxtester I Eg*City papers copy till day of meeting^ jan 4 the business ofthe patrons ofthe latefirm and Plant ers generally, pledging their undivided attention to all business confided to their care. Advances made Cotton and other Produce in store, and orders ' " JONATHAN COLLINS. Insurance Agencies. OF THE AUGUSTA INSUEANCE A BASKING 00. AND THE ALABAMA FIRE A MARINE INS. CO, AT THE OFFICE OF LANIER A ANDERSON, Agfa, oat 118*9 tf Matoa, Ga. P RESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at a hours day or night. ian 12 E. L. STROHECKER *5c Co. Macon, Jan. 4th, 1858. The subscriber will make cash advances on cot ton consigned to George Parsons Sc Co., Savannah,, and agree to hold the cotton forty-five to fifty days from date of shipments. ISAAC SCOTT jaa 5 Floor _ RUGS AND W A f A LARGE St.* k. the above Goods, joat rect I sold at far lower figure*, salt f* . lection from the be.-t stock erf AV*0, SATIN, DeLAINE. LACE ami ■ WI X DOW li -I W I N D O W S II A D E 5, Glh T BANDS in great variety. , Purchasers will c«>i, nining my stock before buy. - aag 3—if iQO