Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, March 15, 1859, Image 1

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iBr Joseph Cltsbt MACON, MARCH 15, 1859. Yolljm e xxxiii.—No. 'GEORGIA T] RA1 i- ii bi.isheti kvbht Ih;S ])AV M O It N 1N < IhuAiN advance. |.„,in cvrrv «u» where the subscription I eut of the Office. run* to llteir Vocation. I volition papers, true to their vocation I I , » and abuse, endeavor to EtSlkw believe that the South i. ft! open the African Slave Trade, and * - 'note every line and paragraph. a, v c ,n find in the intense papera of ■T- * j r , r; f„lly exclude from their f?Verrdi;ug that represents what the e of opinion ia among the Southern for example, they are calling spe- tioa. and with evident guito. to the Putt have been made in our Lcgiala- t ap a show last year about the “Ap- , Jill." and this year a Dill throwing L_tUr3 and proposing to authorise the the slave trado. They exclaim Fjj.i.n. is about to repudiate and re Latbority of the General Government 'tin laws by fraud, and re-open the Pe. just as wo told you would be done ath- ' these same abolition jour- ttitUT' and evidently through design, Cg storing what the papera of Lou- 1 1 u irgard to theae abortive attempts incitement for political purposes on They do not with their readers .1 these attempts are repudiated —lion by an overwhelming mass of Tof this State, as represented through im*. at absurd in every respect, un- 1 themselves and utterly impossible We do not intend however they the least excuse for the deception [practising upon their readers, or that ■> 0 f the country North or South shall i in regard to public sentiment here 1 matter. There probably never was t that met with reprobation so de- corral as this hat from the press 1 of all parties, as we have ou for es proved by extracts from the va- 1 of the State which we have given. >w merely name the journals we i from in opposition to the African 1 Bill of last year, and which are 1 every part of the State out of New Ilia Planters' Banner, Whig, flltton Rouge Sugar Planter, Ameri- Pno Ornette and Sentinel Democrat, I Rouge Gazette and Comet, Indepen- touge Adroeatr, Democrat, ille Pillager, Democrat. Iria Democrat, Democrat, sonville Coast Journal, Democrat. Macon J'imes, Democrat. Itocbes Chronicle, Democrat. Register, Democrat. \iaeette. Democrat. iville Vigilant, Democrat. |rrlca Meschaeebe, Democrat. says the West Raton Rouge anter, "might be extended much t it is unnecessary. Many of tho _h»ve named have recurred again tothe subject, condemning it in the language they coaid employ. So d* country. In the city the eviden- ion arc equally strong and clear, papers, eight dailies and five C Ubbed in New Orleans, only two ul a word to say in ita favor, and trr now so silent about it that wo ire not disposed to carry the load liter ii now rarely mentioned among , as they deem the project so cx- urd and Quixotic as to be utterly notice. If necessary, such a ace could be obtained from the peo- s city against it, aa has never been 1 the legislature of Louisiana, r the abolition papers shall charge 1 of this State with the intention of (th slave trade, disguised or undis- if tie conservative journals of the I (Test present the stubborn facts 1 briefly detailed, as an answer to s trade humbug ia about the last the abolitionists have to stand up- s they will cling desperately to it, _• do their best to keep it from | lansas has about bled out. Oregon . filiibusterism is dead, and they j» evidently greatly in want of some 1 in "issue” for I860. Unless they ®e, tbeir game is up. The slave saswer splendidly, and we expect 1 hid something handsome for its think they will be disappoin- pttbnke not the “issue” or 1860 j a little more practical and i! than the runt which. Jor politician*, “profitably kept up now for so long t ft* people, we think, are beginning | umptomi of being tired of it. of a ‘ttoeoiuider it a nuisance and vote Let the African now take a bade I let white men have a chance.—K O. Complication—Its Hisiorl- CAL ORIGIN. ■ of the Emperor Napoleon ia call- at the promise of peace it hold* ditional one. The passage refer- ' dispute with Austria, evades the •stissue by generalities. It disdo more then tbst tho Cabinets of France had disagreed upon im- uotioos, and that it required the [ ,'stsry spirit to arrange them. Such idging from the whole tenor as ifc* Emperor expects from his nntago- hopwg that peace will not be.li-nn pms himself not disposed to yield |thii demands upon Austrin. The be understood than sbm pm< b with the pamphlet that ap- •imultaneouuy with it in the ladtr tlie signature of "Gueron- :< markable document which it Hasted from tho Tuilleries, on - » that the Austrian occupation, 1 over of tho l’opc, are the -•-J principal causes of distur- that it was against these that * of 1848 had been directed, and the Bond it io sine qua Hgumatioa of Italy, and the peace J *l*Uibrum of Europe. It argues al and spiritual power of the ecileable, and that by the sur- t former, the cause of the Church dthe Pope become truly inde bead. Th ere is nothing new at. It is as old as the contest e tbrooe of France and the Vatican, °*> the reign of Charlemagne. Un- (12G9,) the first agreement I etioc) was made with the l’opc, P®*cr of the Vatican over the ™b. This was followed up by r duties IV., in 1338, which cou- **** the resolutions of the Coun- I : ■ uMi'ii of the t'ree- "hcanjChurdi place in Iti- 1 XIV., and InnocentXIsigned J Jiaitiones eleri Oallicani, (the 8 of the G silicon clergy,) which the secular authority of the 1 the principles laid down in this 1 baaed the Concordat of Fon- Nepoleon I. and l’ius XL, January, 1813, and the decree 7 (jf the same y ear, which depriv- h i temporal power and iuves- ~rwith certain rights regard- Ban of Bishops, etc. Paris, } Rnt!.,Jon in his Memoirs, wus in the Concordat, to become the ,*'Christian universe, the centre B uirecttoBj of the religious as of *orid. \y ith the eonconlat of realixed the Napoleonic ^generation of Italy, ail to the '^VU.‘*v as-imitation of tho Callican am which could not but he the work of fi treaty of Vienna conlining France to her old boundaries, surrendered to Austria. Lombardy and Venice, until in 1848, the revolutionary government of France gained again a foothold in Rome, thereby renewing the old quarrel which now threatens the peace of Europe Austria, in anticipation of the present state of things, and to strengthen her hands in Italy against France, the policy of which is the sub version of the temporal power of the Pope, granted a few years ago by a Concordat most extraordinary temporal rights to the latter not alone in her Italian bnt also German domin ions. This was done with a view to concilia ting the Roman Catholic world with the Aus trian rule in Italy, and to engage the Italian clergy and their influence upon its side, it was about the same time that Count favour, probably inspired from the Tulleries, pro posed as the means to save Italy, the separa tion of tho temporal and spiritual power of the l’opc, and that n brochure appeared in Paris from the pen of the Abbe Michon advocating the same cause, and maintaiuing that only party at Rome were interested in the present organization, bnt that there was even there a large number of superior men, who held that the two principles of power are irreconcilable. The learned Abbe boldly proposed the trans- for of the scat of Papal authority to Jerusa lem, the original place of its existence, as the best arrangement possible to meet the compli cations of the times. A conflict between France and Sardinia on the one side, and Austria and Rome ou the other seems inevitable. Even if Austria could be iuduced to yield certain points under the heavy pressure put upon her by France and Sardinia, sustained by Russia, it would only defer the grand catastrophe, which sooner or later must decide the'fate of Italy. The Vienna Cabinet convinced of this, seem unwilling to prolong for an indefinite time an armed peace, which could only reduce their means to meet a way from which they see no escape. 1'lic Hospital System of France. A general description of Hotel Dieu wilt an swer for others of the same character in Paris. It is situated on the island in the Seine, near the Cathedra] of “Notre Dame." AU humanitary and religious institutions are exempt from taxes and duties, and receive annual revenues from the city, whicli arc raised by taxes and special appropriations. AU the theatres and other pub lic places of amusement are obliged to pay one- tenth of their receipts for the support ofpiiblic institutions of a humane character. The re ceipts from this source last year was over *|200, 000. The hospitals own much real estate which has fallen to them by bequest; these they cul tivate or rent; thus realizing regular revenues. Any person of any nation can enter the Paris hospitals, provided they are sufficiently ill to require it if they are residents of Paris, a person is sent to examine if the patient is able to pay; if they are, forty cents a <lay is required. If the per son lives out of Paris, or Ls a foreigner, the word of the patient mast lie taken as to his ability to nay. If the patient is poor, lie is received ami kept until well, unless he desires to leave. I have known many to stay two and three years; but generally these chronic cases are sent to hospitals for incurable diseases, where they re ceive their patients for a life time. Paying ami non-paying patients receive the same attention, unless they |>ay above the regular prices. As a genera) tiling, tho hospital receives all cases of emergency. Rut thcro are hospitals for spe cial diseases? The wards of Hotel Dicu arc like those of all other hospitals. About filly patients arc in each room, tho beds being on cadi side, with a space of about six feet between each. These beds are iron, with high iron frames for the curtains, which arc white linen. Tints, each •aticut can shut himself up from the view of lis neighbor. Many a time have I been pass ing from one ward to another, and hearing groans or suspicious breathing, have looked within the dosed curtains of the bed and seen the poor in valid struggling witli the great enemy, with no hand of his kindred to press, and none of their voices to console him. Hut almost always a faithful “Sister of Charity" was near at hand to occasionlly moisten his lips, and utter a last word of hope and prayer. Hut i am sorry to add that some of these “angelic Sisters” look and act very much like “White Devils,” as I have heard them profanely called. The new ones are generally very kind, but the old and harden ed look blank and heartless. I have seen them look on the dying and the dead with as little care as the old dissector, and they heat and hand the cautery, all glowing at a white heat, to the Doctor, with a sort of fiendish pride that it ia hot enough. The wards of all the hospitals arc well ligh ted and heated, but are very poorly ventila ted- This is not because they cannot be. but because the whole nation is afraid of fresh air. Their public buildings arc not much worse ventilated than too many of ours in America. Rut our private houses arc beyond compari son witli those of the French. The floors of the hospitals arc of oak or tile, which are well waxed and kept perfectly clean. Hotel Dieu has forty Sisters of Charity, mostly Roman Catholic; but there arc Protestant Sisters of Charity, for the attendance of those patients who prefer them. A chapel is attached to each hospital, where priests are iu constant atten dance to visit the sick and the dying. Pro testant ministers can attend those patients who desire them. When a patient dies a short Mass is sung in the chapel. If a patient dies and his body is not claimed by his friends, which they very often fail to do, as thus the heavy expense of burial is avoided, it finds its way to the Schools of Anatomy. From tour to fire thousand sulyeels are obtained annually from this sourco. ecs and < ence ami routes ? find the Examine v. lint it works at a disadvantage, t does n it well understand the c fleets of disease. How then can sci medicine advance but by circuitous If a person dies from disease, ■tinctures of various organs changed 1 by the microscope, we see that it is impossible for that organ to have performed its functions. We then study into the of this disease, and the next case we have of similar character, we treat understanding^- Here a law exists requiring post mortem ex aminations to be held, if desirable. Rut in A merica the friends of the deceased will often refuse examinations where they are the most desirable, and thus deprive the profession of much valuable information. The task of ex. amining the dead is not so agreeable that the public need fear an abuse of privilege.—A’. V Corr. From the Spirit of the Times. Hon. AlexanderII. Stephens, of Ga BY T. B. TIIORPK* The time was, when a visit to Washiugt City presented a field of intellectual interest there were men in our National councils alike remarkable for mental power and physical pe culiarity. In the Senate were Clay, Webster and Calhoun; in the House, Randolph, Bur gess, Crockett, and other giants in their way. who, once seen, afforded life long reminiscen ces. At present our Congressmen have, with very few exceptions, become cotnonplace, and in no way distinguishable from the vulgar mul titude which throng the drinking saloons mid naked streets of our nation’s capita!. Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, one of the oldest mem hers of the House of Representatives, is the most prominent man, intellectually, and the most remarkable man, physically, of the few remaining celebrities. From bis infancy lie hat been an invalid, and the fearful effect of suffering is shown in his singularly delicate frame, in his pale attenuated face, and in his feeble walk. A first introduction to Mr. Steph ens fairly startles you, and it is utterly impos. sible to realise that there stands before you man deservedly famous for his triumphs, alike at the bar and tho forum ; that one so frail could, by his mental ability, give character to the legislation of a great people; bat a few moments’ conversation, however, are only nc cessary to impress you with the feeling that you are iu the presence of a remarkable man there is the simplicity of a child iu his man ners, yet his rich and varied experience crowds upon you. in anecdote and incident, in the state ment of broad principle, and philosophic re flections, and carries yon away with the gen tlcness and the power of a deep and irresistible stream. His reminiscences of great men are charming beyond expression, and be seems particularly fond of dwelling upon the mental characteristics of such inen as Crawford, Clny, Webster, and their compeers, analysing with singular perception their peculiarities; and by happy flashes of illustration, giving you a key to their characters—crystalising them, indeed, until you could see through and through them and understand them as if you bad a new sense of mental perception. The grandfather of the Hon. Alex. H. Steph ens, of Georgia, and the founder of his family in America, was an Englishman by birth, and a strong Jacobite, and therefore by nature an enemy to George HI.; he came to this conn try witli General Braddock. After that sold ier’s defeat he joined the American army, took an active part in the Revolution, and' at the close of service settled iu Pennsylvania. In the year 1702 he settled in the South, first in L'IKam# f'nimft* flmrt If! Willrno An K’lif tJn Tho averago mortality, in Hotel Dicu, is said to be 1 In 18, but judging from what I have seen, I should say it is greater. The wards arc managed much the same as in A- mcrica. There is a greater nbu ndance of clean linen. The curtains, sheets, pillow cases, ban dages, are all linen, bnt it is coarse and heavy. The Chief of the Pharmacy is obliged to be a graduate of the College of Pharmacy—and this is no farce. They must pass three years itudy, and undergo several examinations in Chemistry, Botany, Natural History and Mineralogy. There arc uinc physicians, three surgeons and a great number of "interns," or resident or "house physicians.” The surgeons and physicians make their morning visit from 7 toll, and give their lectures and operate from H to 10. They often require a candle to see their patients during their examinations or op erations. Their vistta are thus early, so that their private practice shall not be interfered with. It also gives tbo students who attend hospitals, an opporlunity to dissect or hear other lectures during tho day. The doctors arc generally very careful in their examination of patienta.’ They interrogate loud enough for nil the students to hear, and frequently ask the opinions of the latter concerning the case in baud. After the doctor has passed to another patient, one can examine the preced ing patient at leisure, ami thus make up Ins mind ns tothe case, so that when the proles sor lecture* he can compare his views with those given by the lecturer and see wherein lie erred. If the student is attentive, he can learn immensely. The greatest advantage onelias in the French hospital is the tuition ho receives in the dis tinguishing of diseases, or as the doctors say, in Diagnosis. It is really more important to know the cxnet nature of the disease than to know precisely what will cure it. There can be but few specific remedies on account of their be ing but few spedfht diseases. If we know whether the disease is curable or not. we do not torture the patient with uncertain treat ment. If we cannot recognize the disease, we must necessarily give remedies blindly, hoping they may hit the disease; hut it we i til the misapplied remedies and the disease arc both work mg death, or these remedies may increase the disease or put the patient beyond the reach of proper treatment. If American Doctors were good Chemists, Anatomists and Physiologists, they would be the best physicians iu the world; th “ reason that the American mmd works the hart- Elbert County, then in Wilkes, on Kettle Creek, where he remained until 1803, when he removed again into that part of Wilkes which was eventually cut off to form Taliaferro. The father and grandfather of Alexander H Steph ens died upon the place. Here it was that Alexander was born on the 11th of February. 1812; his mother dying when be was an in fant. His father, who was a man of limited means, of great industry, and of unusual probi ty, maintained a high standing in the neigh borhood ; his death occurred when Alexander was fourteen years of age. Left an oipban in bis childhood, his paternal home sold for die tribution, the portion of each child being only four hundred and forty-four dollars, he was dependant almost entirely upon his own cxer tions; tho future gave promise that the sickly emaciated boy would in time make himself heard in the council* of the nation, and by bis wisdom and energy give tone to the affairs of the world. Before hi* father’s death he had been a regular attendant at the “neighborhood" school, and by the kindness of nn uncle he continued his limited studies. Possessed of an ambition to oxcel, he finally conceived the idea of securing a classical education, but was without the pecuniary means to accomplish bis wishes. Fortunately, friends came to the res cue, and furnished the funds, which he would only accept as a loan, and with this encourage ment, he set himself to work, and without the assistance ot a tutor, in nine months’ study, commencing with the rudiments of the plainest English education, he fitted himself for the Freshman Class, and witli considerable eclat entered the Georgia University. After the usual course of study for four years, he gradu ated with the highest honors, the record of which is shown with pride by the present officers of the institution. Inspired with a high degree of personid independence, lie immedi ately offered his services as a teacher, and for fifteen months toiled in that illy-appreciated but honorable occupation, earning money enough in that time to pay the obligations be contracted while pursuing his studies. By this timo bis close application had entirely worn what little vitality one possessed who had been an incalid from his birth, and, utterly prostrat ed, he had to quit all active duties, and seek relief in travel. With some little improve meat of his physical frame be returned to la bor, chose the law as a profession, commenc ing its study in the month of May, 1834. Hi; first fee after he commenced the practice of the law was consumed in the purchase of a pocket book to keep his papers in. On his otfer to purchase the trifle, his ability to do so was cal led in question. He, however, paid the money, got the book, which lie has carried about his person ever since, nn incident which Mr.Steph ens now alludes to with singular pleasure.— Without any legal advice, he shut himself in bis room with no companions but his text books, and in ninety days presented himself for admission. He was examined before the Hon. Win. II. Crawford by the present Chief Justice Lumpkin, and from these learned ju rists received the compliment of sustaining i better examination than they had ever before heard in their long experience as members of the legal profession. YoungStephens’ success at the law was char acteristic of his antecedents, ami as an evi dence how naturally great minds turn small things to a good account, one of his first cs says became celebrated as the “great trunk case.” It seems that “ Alek ” left this useful article, containing a few books and some cloth- in-'. with a rather independent and overbearing piibticno, who allowed it, while in his posses sion, to be stolen. The suit was commenced for a recovery of damages. The landlord, at first, outraged at "the boy’s” impudence, final? h- retained an able lawyer, and to tbe amuse ment of the bar, proceedings were commenced. In the course of the trial. “Alek” displayed so much promptness, pertinacity, and aoility, that wba' was intended as an amusing legal interlude, became a -harp contest of legal acu men Young Stephens’ gained bis case—the landlord, exasperated, appealed, but fared no better in the higher court, the verdict still be ing against him. Within ten days after his admission to prac tice, lie was employed in a case of great re sponsibility. a wealthy man was guurdian of his grandchild, its mother having married to a second husband. In course of time the moth er desired possession of the child, which was resisted hv the grandfather, who claimed it as legal guardian- The step-father, desiriug to please his wife, came to young Stephens and engaged him as counsel to set aside the guard ianship, older lawyers declining on the score of the hopelessness of the case, and perhaps a fear to encounter the learned array of counsel ea- g aged on the opposite side. The trial came off before five judges, no jury being called.—Ow ing to the respectability of the parties, and the novel scene of a sickly boy. without any legal experience, opposed to the most veteran lawyer at the bar. the case attracted unusual atten tion. The result was, that the guardianship was set aside, the child was restored to the pos session of its mother, and young Stephens at once took a prominent place at the bar, from that time being retained on one side or the oth er of every important case that was tridc in the county. The rising genius of young Stephens was cordially acknowledged, aud every possible in ducement was held out in different parts of the State to determine the place where lie would settle. Now it was that he displayed one of the finest traits that can adorn the human heart. Attached to the friends of his youth, and hi- father’s friends, lie rejected all offers, and aus nounced, to their great satisfaction, that he would remain among them, and as soon as lie was able purchase back the old homestead on which be was born, and there live and end his days. In 183(5, against his wishes, he was run by his friends for the legislature. On the Wed nesday before the election he made his first stump speech—this was followed by another at the polls on election day. He was triumph antly returned against a hitter opposition.— He signalised his appearance as a legislator in defence of the bill which proposed “that Geor gia should lauuch out in certain internal im provements,” aud in spite of the formidable opposition, iiis speech probably saved the bill, and thus inaugurated the commencement of the present prosperity of the “ Empire State of the South.” In tbe six years which he re mained in the legislature he took a most prom inent part in ail important matters, particular- Making ii I wouderif any little girl who may read this, ever thought how many people are all the time at work in making the things which she every day uses. T( hat can be more common, and, yoi may think it more simple than a needle ? Yet, if you do not know it, I can tell you that it takes aigreat many persons to make a needle, and a great deal of time, too. Let us take a peep into the needle manufac tory. In going over the premises, we must pass hither and thither, and walk into the next street and back again, and take a drive to a mill, in order to see the whole process. We find one chamber of the shop is lmng around with coils of bright wire of ail thicknesses, from the stout kind used for codfish hoops, to that of the finest cambric needle. In a room below, bits of wire, the length of two needles, are cut by a v ast pair of shears fixed in tlie wall. A bundle lias been cut off; the bits need straightening, for they justcamo off from the coils. The bundle is thrown into a red hot furnace, and then taken out and rolled backward and forward on a table till the wires are straight. This process is called “ rubbing straight."— We go down into the basement and find a needle pointer seated on his bench. He takes up two dozen or so of the wires and rolls them between his thumb and fingers with their ends on a grindstone, first one end and then the other. We have now the wires straight, and pointed at both ends. .XexFis a machine which flattens and gutters the head of ten thousuud needles au hour. Observe the little gutters at the head of your needle. Next comes the punching of the eye, and the boy who docs it punches eight thousand an hour, and lie does it so fast your eyes can hardly keep pace with him. The splitting follows, which is running ly the one which proposed a change iu the Con- a fine wire through a dozen, perhaps, of these stitution. The instrument at the time in force twin needles. said that it should only be amended by a bill | A woman, with a little anvil before her, files passed by two thirds of each branch of the leg- between the heads, and separates them. They islature at iwo consecutive sessions. The dif- are now complete needles, bnt rough and rus- ficulty seemed insurmountable, if opposition ty, and what is worse, they easily bend. A to a change existed in either branch of the leg- poor needle, you will say. But the hardening islature, and the opponents of tlie bill appear- comes next They are heated in a furnace, ed to be impregnable. Stephens took tho | and when red hot are thrown into a pan of ground that when tbe Constitution is silent up on the mode of its amendment, then the legis lature can cay a convention; that when a Con stitution points a particular mode in which it may be amended, without excluding other modes, then the legislature may adopt some other mode than that pointed out; but when a constitution provides a mode for its amendment, and prohibits all other modes, then that mode only can be taken which is provided for. Jen kins, Crawford, Howard, aud others, took the opposite side, opposed the bill, and voted for a convention; the universal opinion was that tbe convention could be called, and the con vention was called with an overwhelming ma jority which passed the proper amendments, but they were never ratified by the people. As a member of tho legislature lie opposed the organization of the Court of Errors, be tiering that the judiciary as established was tbe best in the world, and that tlie change would only multiply difficulties, without gain ing any additional certainty to the administra tion of the law; the bill was. not passed while •Mr. Stephens was in the legislature. In 1842 he went to the State Senate, oppos- sed the Central Back, and took an active part in the questions of internal improvements and districting the State, which then divided par ties. In 1843 he was nominated for Congress, on a general ticket, and commenced the canvas with a majority o£two thousand rotes against him, and came out of the contest with thirty- five hundred majority; and os he discussed on the stump matters entirely relating to local interests, his eloquence and power undoubted ly carried the State. His entry into Congress was signalised by extraordinary circumstan ces ; his right to a seat was denied. Stephens, in the discussion that ensued, made a speech iu favor of tho power of Congress to district the States; though he was elected in defiance of the law on a general ticket, and then left the House to decide upon his claims ; he was permitted to take his seat. Up to this timo Mr. Stephens was a prominent Whig, bavingbeen bred in that school ofStates rights men of the South who sustained Harri son in 1640, but upon the question of annexe-, tion of Texas coming up he favored that bill, and for the first time affiliated with the Democ racy. In the contest between Taylor and Cass, he supported Taylor. On the compro mises of 1850 he was wilting to support any measure that did away with Congressional re striction, leaving the Territories to come into the Union with or without slavery. In the Mexican war he stood beside Mr.- Calhoun, and held that troops should not be advanced; but after tbe war commenced, he sustained it with vigor. The guarantee that four slave States should be carved out of the Teritory of Texas was secured mainly by Mr. Stephens’ untiring labor and foresight. In 1854 he advocated the Kansas bill, which declared null and void the Missouri restriction, for the purpose of carry ing out the principle of 1S5U advanced in the Utah and New Mexican bills. The year 1855 was the most interesting and critical period of bis life, which he spent fighting the Know Nothing organization, in the commencement of which lie found all his early friends and as sociates for the first time opposed to him. In the Month of May of this year he wrote his celebrated letter against the order, addressed to Col. Thomas \Y. Thomas. The effect of it was overwhelming, not only in his own State, but in Yirginia and the adjoiuing States. His positiou wus sustained, and commencing with three thousand majority against him iu his own district, he came out of the contest with near ly three thousand majority. When Mr. Stephens rises to speak, there is sort of electric communication among the au dience, as if something was about to be utter ed that was worth listening to. The loungers take tbeir seats, and the talkers become silent, thus paying an involuntary compliment to Mr. Stephens’ talents and high claims ns a gentle man. At first his voice is scarcely distinguish able, but in a few moments yon arc surprised at its volume, and you are soon convinced that his lungs are in perfect order, and as the ideas flow, you arc not surprised at the wrapt atten tion it commands. His style of speaking is singularly polished, but he conceals his art, and appears, to the supperficial observer, to be eloquent by inspiration. The leading char acteristic of his mind is great practical good sense, for his argument- are always of the most solid and logical kind ; hence his perma nent influence as a statesman, while his bright scintillations of wit, and profuse adornment, securing him constant popularity as an orator. I’osscsseii of a mind too great to be restrained by mere partisan influence, he has therefore the widest possible field of action, at one time heading a forlon hope aud leading it to victory, another giving grace and character to a tri umphant majority. Common as it is to im pugn the motives of many of our public scr- aud charge them directly with corrup tion -Mr. Stephens has escaped without even the taint of suspicion ; an inflexible honesty of purpose on his part, as a governing principle, awarded to linn by his veriest political foe. The report that Mr. .Stephens will retire from Congress at the end of the present session remains uucontradicted, yet we indulge the hope that lie only seeks temporary repose be cold water. Next they must be tempered, and this is done by rolling them backward and forward on a metalic plate. The polishing still remains to be done. On a very coarse cloth, needles are spread to the number of for ty or fifty thousand. Emery dust is strewed over them, oil is sprinkled, aud soft soap is dashed in spoonfuls over the cloth; the cloth is then rolled up with several others of the same kiud, thrown into the wash pot, to roll to aud fro for twelve hours or more. They come out dirty enough, but after a rinsing, in clean hot water, and a tossing in sawdust, they look as bright as can be, and arc ready to be sorted and put up for sale. But the sorting and do ing up in papers is, you can' imagine, quite a work by itself. Discovery of Mysterious Vaults iu OHIO. Jackson, Ohio, Feb. 21, 1659. Our village is full of wonder and excitement. Martin Marker, J. IV. Hughes and Washing ton Long, in digging a grave in the cemetery near this village, about 10 o’clock this morn ing, came to a large flat stone about four feet below the surface, which stopped their further progress until they procured assistance and removed the stone from its resting-place of a ges, when it was found to have closed the en trance to a subterranean vault. All efforts thus far (3 P. M.) to euter it with a light have Fancy and Staple DRY-GOODS. at opened a la and elegant Stock Stores under NEW STOCK GRANITE HALL, Selected with great care to suit the trade of Macon, and adjoining > onntry—among which are: SILK KOHES A LBZ. SILK ltOBKS DOUBLE JCPE, SILK BOBB8 VOtANTBS, or 2 FLOUNCES, FANCY SILKS iu gre.U Variety: PLAIN and FIGURED BLACK SILKS, EVENING DRESSES, DeLAINEand MERINO KOBESALEZ, PLAIN aud FIGURED DeLAINES, PLAIN and FIGURED mekinoes, VALENCIAS, POPLINS. PLAIDS, FOIL de CIIEVUES, .MOURNING, and vari ons other styles of Embroideries Real French Cambric and Swiss Collars, Setts, Handkerchiefs, &c. Valenciennes Collars and Setts, Linen and Piqne Collars and Setts, Mourning Collars and t^etts, Illusion Berthas, Ileal Thread aud Valenciennes Laces, Hosiery and Gloves, preat variety, Dress Trimming, Kibbons, Cloaks, from Brodie’s, SHAWLS—Nett, Stella, Long, Mourning, and otliei varieties. A full assortment of STAPLE GOODS, Which we offer to sell on ns favorable terms as any Honsa in the State. ^“PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. IV. PBFH9KV «V CO,, octiu Granite Hall Block, Macon,Ga. Hardeman & Sparks Warc House And commission merchants, •llacon, Ga., W ILL continue to give prompt attention at their FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE, on the cor ner of 3d and Poplar streets, to all business commit ted to their charge. With their thanks for past favors, and a renewed pledge of faithfulness to all their friends and cus tomers, they hope to receive their full share of pub lio patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton and other pro duce when required. Planter's Family Stores, also Bagging, Rope Ac., furnished at the lowest market rates. THOS. HARDEMAN. O. G. SPARKS sep 7 proved unsuccessful on account of the foul air nSSfSS &T fSSgtStSSS^SSS^ with which it is filled. By means of a rake, human bones of gigantic size have been raised, aud a small chain of silver, with coins attach ed to each cud. The coins, though much de faced by time, have the appearance of those iu use among the Romans in the days of Cicero Africanus, though there were evident traces of hieroglyphic devices that cannot be dcci phered. The men at the cemetery have, by means of burning straw, made light in the vault, and though none have the courage to enter fnrthc than the entrance, it has been discovered that there is immediately to the west of the open ing a chamber of about ten feet square, with steps quite dilapidated down its eastern side. Three other chambers branch out of this—one to the north, one to the west and the other to tbe south. We aro all curious, of course, to know when and by whom these vaults were made and fill ed. The Rev. Mr. Hunter and 3Jr. Armstrong and Dr. Knouff have examined them as well as they could without going down into them also the bones raked out and the chain and coins, aud all give it ns their opinion that these vaults were made by the same people who built tbe mounds in the southern part of the State. These questions present themselves to every one. Who made these vaults and filled them ‘ Was our country once the home of giants ? GEORGE DAVENPORT. P. S. Four aud a half P. M.—W. Long, af ter the straw had burned in the first vault for some time, ventured down to make an cxaml nation, but the atmosphere was so impure that he could remain there but a few minutes though long enough to discover that the walls of the vaults were substantially built of smooth well-shaped stones, and that there were large numbers of bones in them. Persons will nr rive here from Sidney and Greenville to-mor row, and every exertion will be made for a thorough examination of this "house of the dead” as soon as possible. G. D. Lynch Law uinl its lCctribiilion In San Francisco Judge Hoffman has made adccrce of no small importance to the vigilance committees of that and other cities, because it shows how far pecuniary damages may be ob tained from all who have property and engage in such deeds as taking the law into tbeir own bands. It is to be hoped that the example in Maryland of six men now under sentence of death for murders committed in the same spir it, though under more aggravated circum stances, may tend to bring this reign of row dyism to a close and prevent its recurrence. In California the case was this: Martin Gallagher was supposed and pretty well known to be a ballot box stuffier, a shoulder-hitter at elections, and a pretty hard case generally. So the viligance committee, during their "reign of terror,” to evil-doers at least, instead of hanging him, (which it seems might have saved them some lawsuits and actions for damages) put him on beard a ship for Honolulu, and re quested to see his face no more. The captain of tbe vessel, the passage money being paid, regarded him simply as so much live freight, and carried him against his will, it seeins.— He, in return, brings an action against the captain for twenty thousand dollars damages in tbe United States Court, it having jurisdic tion in all cases of otlences on the high seas. The charge of the judge is sirong and clear. He considers it a ease for “ exemplary dam ages." It is of the last importance that masters ami agents of ships should learn that whatever be the power that, in mo ments of popular excitement. Illegal bodies may usurp aud for a time exercise, and how ever impotent the local laws of a State may temporarily be foitud, yet on American ves sels ou the high seas the laws of the United States are still supreme : that the power of fore again entering upon active political life, j vigilance committees ami similar bodies stops Mr. Stephens is singularly attached to his pa- ! at least with the shore. ternal home, which he not only purchased back We iiear that the defendants have carried from its owners the moment he had the means, the case up to the United States circuit court, bu; he has added many hundred acres to the j and will finally carry it, if necessary, to the original limited estate, and spent much time . Supreme Court; but it is difficult to perceive ami mouey in bringing it to a high cultivation.! on what grounds it can be expected that »Jcli Among other things, the introduction of the I a decision will be set aside.—Ledger. ine into Georgia has attracted his attention. I *•“—— nd we fear that he looks with more interest: We mentioned, the other day, the finding tne success of his vineyard than any triumph of a vial in the heart of nn oak tree on the the bustle of Washington city fife. We line of the Central Road. We have since caimot but admire his magnanimity, ami his \ learned that about forty feet from the tree taste; but his county has claims upon his ser- ! human boues have been discovered. What it vices, aud we question if he will find it possi- all means must of course be left wholly to con- ble to remain long in dignified retirement, jecture—Houston Texas) Telegraph. though passed amid the charms of his native ! CARPETINGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, RUGS, AND MATS!! A LARGE Stoek, and a great variety of styles ot the above Goods, just received, which will be sold at far lower ligures, and give purchasers a se lection from the best stock ever offered in Macon.— A 1.SO, SATIN, DeLAINE, DAMASK. LACE and MUSLIN, WINDOW CURTAINS, WIND O VM H AD E B, GILT CORNICES and BANDS in great variety. Purchasers will consult tbeir own interest by ex ■mining my stock before buying, aag 3—tf B. F. ItOSS. IVcw Era in x.1 c3-HTasrx3srg- eods. A COPPER AND IRON WIH.E CABLE. joints to obstruct the Electric Fluid! FIRST PREMIUM Awarded at the Alabama State Fair, Nov. 5, 1858. T HEIR gieat superiority as-a perfect Electrical Conductor, is acknowledged by all scientific etains its superior condncting power. Measures have been taken to seenre a Patent. They are pat up in coils for transportation. Exclusive arrangements are being made, by which we will be able to fill orders for those Rods through- ont the States of Georgia and Alabama, and to bave tlicm pntup by cxiierienceil workmen, according to the known laws of tbo Electric Flnid. On account ot our extensive sales, (these Rods superceding all others, wherever they are introduced), we have re duced the price to within 5 cents per foot of the Iron Rods, though they are baif Copper. iy We insulate them with Hard Ihdia Robber, (patented)—a perfect non-condnctor, durable aa Iron,and cannot be broken. For further information, send for a Circular con taining full particulars anil certificates from the best authority in the country. Address J. A. BACON A CO., Macon, Ga. Proprietors of tbe New Orleans Lightning Rod Manufactory. [decgl—3m) Cliangr olSciieduie. SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON STEAMPACKET LINE IN COXXXECTION with tho CENTRAL :.nd North Eastern Kail Hoads. rpiIE splendid and Fast Running GOKliOiY, V. Barden, Cozamander, leaves da nah for Charleston every Sunday and Wednesday afternoons at 3 o'clock and connects at Chariest with the train of the North Eastern Rail Road |foi _ North: returning, leaves Charleston every Monday and Friday night at 8^ o'clock (after the arrival of the cars of tho North Eastern R. Road.) and rives at Savannah early the following mornings. By this route Passengers can obtain through tick et! to and from Savannah, Ga., and Wilmingtor Camlina. Having a through freight arrangement with the the Central Rail Road and its connections, all freights between Charleston and the interior of Georgia con signed to the agents of this line will be forwarded with dispatch and FREE of CHARGE. J. P. BROOKS, Ag’t, Savannah. E. LAFITTE «5c CO., Ag’ts, Charleston •jin 19 BROWN’S HOTEL. OPPOSITE THE NEW RAIL ROAD DEPOT, MACON, GA. E. E. BROWN, Proprietor Meals Ready on the Arrival of every Train, apl 15 GRANITE HALL OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE. T IIE subscriber will open the above Hall about tbo first of APRIL next, for the accommodation of Families, Day Boarders and Transient Custo mers. This House is now offered as inferior to m other First Class Hotel in the South, aud from it: central location, its large and airy rooms, offere great ndneements and accommodations to Families and Transient persons. The public may expect from thi House, all the luxuries aud comforts to be found i any other hotel. B. F. DENSE, mar 2 Late of tho Floyd House. Latest News by tlie _A.1:la/ntio Telegraph.- To all wlioiu It may concern. Hardeman & Griffin ARE NOW RECEIVING TIIEIIt FALIL WOMTEK STOC KL, AT THEIR OLD STAND. rTUlEIR Stock consist in part of tho following J. GOODS, to which they invite the attention of .llcrcliniifs and Planters: 50 bales Gunny Cloth 200 coils Richardson Rope 1000 pounds Baling Twine 150 bags Coffee, Java, Porto Rico, Rio and La- guira to chests Black and Green Tea 75 barrels ABAC Sugar 25 barrels crushed and Powdered Sugar 5 boxes Loaf Sugar 15 hogsheads fine Porto Rico 300 sacks Liverpool Salt 100 sacks Alum Salt 150 boxes Adamantine Candles 40 boxes Sperm Candles 75 boxes No. I Soap 20 boxes Family Toilet Soap 30 boxes assorted and Fancy Candy 125 kegs Nails 50 boxes Starch 100 jars Snuff 50 whole, half and quarter kegs of Powder 20 cans Duck-shooting Powder 100 bags Shot 100,000 Segars. various brands 50 boxes Tobacco 20 cases Magnolia and Combination Tobacco 20 bales Osnaburgs and Stripes 5 cases Homespuns, bleached 10 bales Georgia Kerseys 5 bales Northern Kerseys 15 bales Blankets, all sizes CO baskets Piper’s Heidsick Wine 75 cases Ginger and Blackberry Wine nnd^ Brandy 50 barrels Rye and Corn Whiskey 10 barrels Extra old Bourbon 50 barrels Gin, Rum and Brandy 10 casks Madeira, Port and Sweet Wine 10 eases London Dock Gin 15 cases Boker’s and Stoughton Bitters 10 cases Lemon Syrup 20 casks Ale and Porter 10 boxes Ginger Preserves, Prunes end Figs 30 boxes Aborted Pickles 20 boxes Soper. Carb. Soda 30 barrels and boxes Soda and Butter Crackers 25 boxes Herrings 5 sacks Ashton's Table Salt 10 dozen Well Backets 5 cases Ashton's Table Salt 25 dozen Blue Buckets 10 nestaofTuba 30 d oze Wool Hats 20 boxes Leverit Axea 10000 pounds White Lead and Zinc 100 barrels Linseed Oil 10 barrels Tanners’ and Machine Oil ALSO, A FINE LOT OK CHROME GREEN. YELLOW. PRUSSIAN BLUR TERRA 1>K SIENNA. BURNT I’M BEIL Ac. Ac. PAINTS AND VARNISH, BRUSHES AND SASH TOOLS. Macon, Sept. 23,1858. This is to notify the public that Isaacs is at Home Again, And begs to assure liis patrons that his SALOON is not a thing of a day. Citizens and the traveling pub lic will find the establishment open not for the sea son only, but at all seasons of the year, and those calling upon os will at all hours find our Larder sup plied with all the delicacies that the New York and other markets will afford in the way of eatables, and something good to drink, and six days out of seven more than can be found in any other house in town. E. Isaacs & Brother, tinier ISnl«!oH*<« llnll, Cherry Si. His bill of fare will eve*y day Be just the thing for little pay, And those who at their place may eat, Will find in it all things complete. And going once, they then will knew That ISAACS’ ia the place to go. WE shall be happy to see our friends, assuring them that it will be our unremitting care to please in every respect, as we flatter ourselves we have done ”1 now. BP* It may not be generally known that we have to meet the wishes of the Medical Faculty, import ed by ourselves a very superior quality of Pale Bran dy, tine Old Port, Sherry and Madeira, possessing all the medical qualities so much desired by them. Look at his Bill of Fare, and choose for yourself: Oysters From New York, Savannah and Brunswick, in the shell or by tho measure, raw, fried, stewed, in any way you want them ALSO, Shrimps and Cr&bs, Wild Game of every variety. Venison and BeefSteaks, •Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets, Ham and Eggs, Deviled Ham and^ Deviled Terapins, Mountain Clysters, Turtle Soup, «5cC„ &c. t Ac. Wood-cock, Grouse, 3Iountain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Ducks, Fish, and anything that an epicure wants, can always be had-when in season. Confectioneries and Fruits. ISAACS also keeps constantly on hand a good as sortment of Confectioneries, Oranges. Apples, Bananas, Pine Apples, Various description of Nuts, Cakes, Ac., All of which can be purchased at low prices for CASH. Be sure and call at oct-12 E. ISAACS A BROTHER. ROCA S BALSAM for Pulmonary & Tubercular Consumplion. fTiHE public is now put in possession of one of JL the most extraordinary remedies extant, for what has heretofore been considered an incurable ili-.-i ; b-ilig an OUTWARD APPLICATION. the - tion ot u hi h is s'-t-uiiu^Jy miraculous, and its having none of those attril ids i A Pamphlet containing iguMiedand well knot icumentary« Re i ha ompany the [be sale of this Balsam, the id to 84 a Jar, and :»0 cents can only be obtained of th cted to ic 14 Box 1708 P emedy. Agent home. Piccolouiini replied to a serenade at Troy : Snentlemen : l am veer moocli obligee for dis What pupil ia most to be pitied ? The pupil complements. I am veer poore speak Anglisb of tbe eye, for it is continually under the lash, unt I feels shleepy.” for th»* Bandage. • proprietor by lett G KUl’A, O- Philadelphia, 1 CHEAP CLOTHING. (TUIANGULAR BLOCK l irO © JT A © JL .PjTf©-r] ©©a Hit. Cushy.—We wish to make it known to the people of Macon, and the country generally, through your extensive circulation, that we arc now offering our large Stock ol‘ Clothing: at very reduced prices. Our Stock of heavy Over Coats ami thick Clothini ig generally, is very large ; inner them over. We shall we do not iutend to sun offer inducements for the next thirty days. IdP*A large stock of HATS aud CAPS at cost, deed! HOKACEFITCH A COJ ELIAS EINSTEIN, Corner of 2d St. A Cotton Avenue, T> EGS leave to inform tho Ladies of Macon and the public in general that he has just returned from New-York and is now ready to show one of the Largest and listndsoiricst Stocks of FANCY, STAPLE AND DOMESTIC mm ©©©©% ever exhibited in the Southern market, which will be sold at remarkably low figures to cash and prompt paying time buyers. The Stock comprises, in part, the following, viz Milk Drra« doorfn. Robes a Lis, and Bayadere Striped Fancy Silks, Black c?ilks, such as Gros de Rhine, Gros de Naple and Bishop Silks. Woolen l>r€MM (sOodN. French, German and English Merinoes, All wool Robes a Lis, De Laine Robes a quille Cashmere Robes a quille, Imp. Foulard, Brocaded Rutera, Poil de Cheore, Imperial Paramattas, Mohairs, Cashmeres, Balmorals, De Laines, De Beges, English, American A French Prints 5c Ginghams. Nhnwl* nnci Sicnrfa. Mantilla Stella Shawls, Mantilla Shawls, Stella Shawls, Chenille Shawls, Waterloo Long Shawls, Bay State Long and Square Shawls, Crape, Basket and Blanket Shawls, Chenille, Cashmere and printed Scarfs. Clonk*—A Choice* \--oi t men I of Talisman, Rosalie, Eva, Casta Diva, Pandora, Cordelia, Duchess de Beni, Rob Roy, Grey Maneuvering and Velvet Cloaks, of the very latest and most fashionable styles. Embroidcrici*. Ribb. Jacconet, Colar de Paris, Jacconet and Swiss Gt. Setts. Ribb. Jacconet Setts de Paris, Ribb. Jacconet Prims Donna Setts, Lace trimmed Setts, Embroidered Bands, Flounctngs, Skirts, Children’s Waists and Robes, Lace and Muslin Curtains. A complete A«»ortiucnt of Ilonicry, House mid IMunlnlion I'urniithintf <*ood«, and all other articles usually found in a regular Diy Good Store. Remember, at ELIAS EINSTEIN’S, Sep. 28, Corner 2d Street and Cotton Ave MILLINERY GOODS FOR SPRING £ SUMMER, mis* As DAAuiy TTAS just received a larjje assorunent of Goods JLJLof the above mentioned articles, and will re- ceive veekly, during the season, tlie lo - ;\ I* > and quality., such as Straw, Lace, Crnpu ami Silk BON NETS, also Children and Hisses* HATS .v PLATE; llibbom;, Flowers, Ilend Dresses, Hair Ornaments, Curls, Braids, Lace and Muslin Setts, Berthas, Laro Caj-es, Lace Mitts, also many other articles of Fancy Goods, too numerous to mention, all of which can be pur chased at reasonable prices, either bv Wholesafe or Retail. IdP^Orders will bo promptly and faithfully attend ed to. Macon, March 8—3m New Goods AT E. S ATJLSBU RT J S. H E is now receiving a very large and well assor ted Stock of SPRING CLOTHS, CASSIM ERRS and VESTINGS, of the latest importations. He has also received the report of Fashion* for this Spring, with r variety ofnew mid elegant styles. His Stock of Fine READY MADE CLOTHING will be replenished with tho changes of the Seasons from tho best houses in New York. liis FURNISHING GOODS comprise everything that is new and desirable, in tlie way of Hosiery, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ac.— All of which he invites his friends and customers to call and examine, mar 1 SPRING, 1809. NEW AND CHEAP SPRING and SUMMER ©©®E)© a ’HOPKINS, HULL & ATKIXSON. 258 Baltimore Street, Respectfully invite the attention of buyers to their Spring Stock Of British, French and American Dry Goods. Wo have taken groat pains to select a btock suited to the wants of Southern and Wastern Merchants, which we will” SELL LOW TO SAFE AND PROMPT Buyers. Our Stock is very large, and embraces such an assortment ns will enable a Merchant to buy of us. with the BEST ADVANTAGE TO HIM SELF, all the goods he may need in our line. In all things, we shall try to consult the interest of our customers. Orders scut to us shall be carefully attended to, and goods dispatched promptly. HOPKINS, HULL A ATKINSON. B. B. Hopkins, ) Rob't Hull, > Baltimore, Feb. 15, 1859. Thos. W. Atkinson.) [fob 22—31*) WOOD’S OAIsLERT!! Is the resort of all lovers of the Beautiful, H E is daily adding new specimens to his large collection of Pictures, which are attracting crowds of visitors. PORTRAITS IN OIL, PASTEL, or WATER COLORS. Aquirell and Imperial Photographs, A new style—only to be had at WOOD’S. Call and see us. Ambrotypcs ONE DOLLAR and upwards. jan 25 A. CARD. r ONNOISEURS in Art, are solicited to examine Specimens now on exhibition at Pugh’s Fine Art Gallery, most of which are life-size Photographic Portraits, and one full length, painted on a landscape background, by Mr. Poindexter, and said to be a master piece by all who bave seen it. Wo can furnish better and more elaborate works of Art, than can be obtained in Macon, and our spec imens will corroborate what wz say. Ambrotypes, 4c., in neat gilt frames, for only #1. Uundn-Js of specimens on exhibition, taken at my Gallery. *'acon, Jan. 17, J. A. PUGH. BOOTS AND SHOES. A TTHE SIGN OFTIIE BIG BOOT, No. 3, ft Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington m Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers would return their thanks for the very liberal and "iitimu-ii piUPwuige extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit & continuance of th sum**. Wehuve now in store a large assortment ofe BOOTS AND SHOES, nostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly idditions will be made, of all the different sty] and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, ai would invite thos»"wishing to purchase, to 11 mi examino our stock, as we are prepared to sell as Io as any house in the city or State. opt. 2-. MIX & KIRTLANP. B oots.—a full French Calf Boots, pump ; rtment of Gents’ fine ft nch Calf Boots, pump solo, welted and M waterproof, ofvarious kinds and qualities, both soled and pegged. Just received and for sale low by Sept. •->. MIX iVc KIRTLAND. slipper and sandal rubb’ celebrated patent. Just receiv issortinent Also, La-1 id for sale low by off*- MIX A KIRTLAND. > Shoes, this market. Men’s double .*d bla and youths “ng very 1ND. soled p ’ glo soled bla ick and russe r. Sept. 28. MIX A KIRT LA MX )T?> AN 1> SHOES —Men s, Bovs and^^fta I Youth's tine calf and kij)ipeg’d Boots •n's stout kip hunting and mud Boots ; Gents last ing Gait*rs, Monterey. opera and ties, and tine call Brogans ; Gents, boys’ and youths’ patent and enam- lled Brogans; Men's, boys’and youths’ California kip Brogans, a large assortment. pt. c-. MIX A KIRTLAND. Cloth-ing;! E. WINSHIP n AS just received another new lot of elegant OVERCOATS, andean afford to, and will sell them at greatly reduced prices. To the Public* PURCHASERS ot READY .YADKCI-O'fH INC*, will do well to call and examine my Stock. 1 am offering to sell at reduced prices on account ol *’ e lateness of the season, dec 14 E. WINSHIP. DRY GOODS AT Wliolosalo only. Spring & Summer, IS 59. F OU'I'U .V JAt'DOK. tak.-tl.I- m ii- forming MERCHANT.*-, that they aro now receiving, and have in store the largest stoek of SPUING and SUAi.VIEIt IDry Groods, brought to this market, which they offer to Merchants on such terms ns are un.-urj i •*»>> Jobbing House eitherNurth ««r Son'll All Goods are purchased under advantages •ecox.d to no House either North or South. Tbei^ arrange# ments witli the various Northern and Southe™ ManT ufactories enable them to offer all DOMESTIC GOODS, on as good terms as they can bo had In any market in the United States. They keep, in addit ion to a general Stock of DRY GOODS, a variety of FANCY GOODS, wanted by Merchants. . They respectfully solicit calls from Merchants, be ing fully satufied that an examination will be worthy of their trouble. FOOTE A JAUDOX. Savannah, Ga. feb 15—2m’ J. CLEG HORN CEO. S:<ITH CLEGHOM & SMITH, Manufacturers of, and Dealers in Saddles, Harness, LEATHER, WHIPS, RUBBER BELTING, SADDLERY, Hardware, AC., AC., AC. OPPONITi: K. KOM> * .NTORE, Cherry Street, jan 4—ly Macon, Ga. iMUV HOT EL _A_t; TLioinnsvilic. mHE undersigned having opem-d the McBAlX _L HOUSE, for the reception of the public, invito the People generally to give them a call. No pains will be spared to make their Guests comfortable ; and their table will be supplied with the best the market affords, jan 1.—tf AMANDA L. LITTLE A £ (>X. A NEW (3- U 1ST SMITH. mHE .subscriber, having ju>t arrived in Macon, JL and opened a NEW SHOP lor the purpose of repairing GUNS and PISTOLS, »ffers his services to the public, and guarantees to io all work in his line in the best manner, anu at prices to suit his patrons. DOUBLE BARREL GUNS. RIFLES AND PISTOLS, made to order, and St-u ked at short no- *e. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. t^"Store under the Floyd House, opposite Dr. lomson’s. WM. MARKWALTER. feb 8—ly Late of Augusta, Ga. P1AY0S, WATCHES. JEWELRY, &C. >f elegant i‘i A NOS from N ui A Clark, and other ma kers, 4 ranted to please. Guit.-’.rs, \ l.iln.-, _ Flutes, Accorded!* and all other small nts kept in *>ur lino. String?, I*i-1ri:»-Ii«•:» Books, Sheet Music, Ac. JOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Of the most approved makers JEWELRY & FANCY ARTICLES, : ilver Forks and Spoons, equal to t-.-in. Watches and Jewelry Repair, d and warranted. March 1. I.-09. J. A. A S. S. A'JRGIN. POST & fflEL, Commission Merchant! 1 Povdkas Street RE FERENCES.—M es«r.- feb 22 New Orleans, 1. A. B. A \Y. A. Ro Hardeman A Griffin Light! ft A FI an del Elijah Bond, l*Nq. Joseph CILsbv, Esq. NOTICE. T HE Waie House formerly occupied by Pattei Collins A Co., now by the undersigned, bavin; sold, lease to expire 1st July, all person." hav ing Stored Furniture with either, will pay charge and remove them by 1st ot April, or they will l" sold to pay expenses. J. COLLINS A SON. Macon, Ga.. March 1st. W.:*. For hale on Long Cri’dil- OFFER for sale, on long credit, at a f ur p: c <*’ Plantation six miles from Aincrims, ued by T. L. HOLT, containing six a " d seven acres. Two hundred and fifty acres c here are all the necessary building* tlu ' I‘ ‘ Negro Cabins, Gin House and Screw, an* M trade will be made. Aj>ply ,to 1- M , v Fsq.. »t Americas, or t0 "he undersifriieu, octsiwatf MJU18 W. OBIlMh.