Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, April 05, 1859, Image 4

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Bwtnnn Iti lilt SIICKIFF SALES. 'ILL bv sold before ths Court Hoium door vT7TLl.be sold before the Coart House door. in \T7TLLb*i \Y the city of Mar >n, ou the first Tl 1.SDAY in VV i Postponed 17. Sin IPs a n«h a I Snip. n.risi Id before the Court House, io the ■ . SMNpSi ■■ sity of Uai-oo, Bibb o.imiv, on tbefirst Tues- 'pHl next, between thenenelbemn of »«lc, tl.. • fol d.xx in M»v next, 1„m .. n the ususl boon of sel«t I-wing property, to wit: _ the follow ins property, vix : The lot, or parrel of LAND, situate in the City of j Three hundred and forty sores of land, in the 131b Vlaoon, in MM County, end known, in the plan of District of Miller countv, adjoining the town of Col- id ritr, a. part of lot No. seren (T), in square Xo ,iuilt. and know n a, the pla,'.- whereon A. F. l’erry igbteee (1*1. containing fifty-two and a half feet' new CMidea, Lnrled on as thepr-]»-rtvof A. Frank iroat on Walnut street, end known aa the residence Perry, to satisfy a fi fa from the S&th Circuit Court 1.4 ef Janet Mesnfs family, lerted onto satiaty • of the United States, for the Southern District of ■le fi fa laaae, fron Bibb Superior Court, in faror Georgia.in furor of William Smith Brown vs. A Meera. Frank Perrv Lnvy made bv S. Atkinson, former C. S. Deputy Mar-!,aL JAMES M. SPULLOCK. D. S. Marshal. By THOMAS L. ROSS, March its. 1 It I lata Mi.-rill .Mori \V ILLbe * old on the first Tuesday M . ns;.; ar. M A< «> A WESTERN KAILKOAf. ^^N^ini after Thursday, 15th July, the Trains light. Arrive at Atlanta 7.18 WiBlam B. Parker, vs. Ja Feb. 31 . 23d, 1859. fob 24 T W. BRANTLY. Sheriff. liibh .ilm t^tigr Sherin Sale. W ILL be sold on the drat TCESDAY in May next, between the usual boareol.sale, before the Court Honee door. In the City of Macoo, Bibb i ountv, the following r roperty. to wit i 1 Dentists Operating Chair, 1 Spittoon. I Wash .‘land, 1 large Mirror, 1 PI or Stand, « Plash Arm ■ fonr, (4; in Sonars nineteen. (19) South W < hairs. IS Plush Chairs. 1 Plush Sofa, t Office Chairs. Common, city of Macon. Levied on as the proper- 1 Clock. 1 Door Hell, * Window Ottomans and ty ofTheodore G. Young, to satiafy a Mortgage fi. -tools, 1 Center Table, 1 Pine Bnrean. I Secretary, j u, from Bibb Superior Court, in fitvor of Henry M. 3 Drapery Window Cnrtains, 1 large Flush Covered I Baily vs. Theodore G. Young. Property pointed ■ ’hair, 2 Gcrondola, and I Show Case, levied on to I oat In said fi. fa. E. G. JEFFERS, Dep. S. •aiftr a mortgage fi. fa. from Bibb Superior Coart, in favor of Jonathan A. Virgin, va. Hiram Soger,— iwtperty no tiled ont in said mortgage. fob it? ED. », JKKPKB8, Pepty. 8beri«T. pflMfS aherilt aswlo- j Macon, between the nanal hours of sale. Lot nnm W'iK *f • erty*tiff*Impiwstasutt \Iipail H.^uml 1 Lonr« nTtfAleTonn Cornet 5 tli, r ' OI1 ’ containing two thirds of an acre, more or FINDLAY’S IRON WORKS, MACOX. GA. Steam Engines and Mill Machinery, Cotton Presses and Screws, Horse Powers, Cane Mills and Kettles. TDA\T "O ITT ]"\r/TJ.Cl 7— ~~—L/j [ icru «im Aimiuii' noau hb viiauwinopgiv *' COLUMNS, MILL STOXES, GIX GEER, X»shvilie. Memphis is up. M.. with ipila'i 1 ‘ball's. . , ' . f ~ , R. R. for Auguste, at 10 A. and Atlauti Tuesday in May next, Qrtst and Circular tyaw Mills, : Point R. R. at 10.15 A. M. . r _ . 1 V ■ a .Va . ’I ’9* O 1 A A V f 9 v.. • ■. I r.-k m \ f ,. Anlh aAMa . - Important to Planters! be ran as follow: Leave M icon At 12 | A.M. Leave Macon at 10 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 4.0u P. M. I--:t\> A; iiiitH at 12 night. Arrive *t M tom 7.15 A. M. Leave Allan!* at 11 A. 31. Arrive at Msoea Z <K> P. M. The night train will not he run on Sundays The ' 1* night train from Macon connect* with the Wu | tern and Atlantic Hoad for Chattanooga, Knoxvilh*. ‘ " ** Oigth 1 Atlanta A Wt -t INGERSOLL HOOl lock:, Ti(/.2 bet a sou tho usualhoars of sale'. in tbe'city of j P1TT , Pvt , ,,. umc cmrrtve a. 1. i Tlwlt AiLfobhri VlM^Msgti wkbthr n. Lota numbt^r one, (1) two, (2) three, (3| and PILLEaS. *' HKhlJ', Ml Ar 1 IMi, *vc., Ac. Western £ Atlantic H. R. rt 8.40 P._M.. and Georgia Ilibb SlieriH' Sale \T. T ILh be sold aa the first Tuesday in May next 1 > before tbc Coart House door, ia the city o con, between tbc usual hours of sale. Lot 5, and part of Lot number 6. in runs re or Ma — rBellows,ana lot Tools,on* Stove, and one IffKSSSSlS:r- n„.„ „.xr._; afi. fa. from Bibb Superior Court, R. FINDLAY & SONS. Feb. 1. T. C. NISBET. B. B. at IS night; and Atlanta* West Point B It. at 19.3 A. M. The completion of the Virginia and Tennessee Bail Boad, makes this the most pleasant and direct ronte to the Virginia Springs, Through Tickets to which may be had at Atlanta, for $26 23, including Stage fare', f7 00, and to New York for *32 00. ] Farther information may be had in relation to this i Ronte, on application to the General Ticket Office, Atlanta. j ALFRED L. TYLER, a«g3 ' Superintendent IKON COTTON TIE. Lanier A Anderson, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, MACOX. GA , P RACTICE in the counties of the Macon Circuit, and in the Counties of SnxQter, Monroe and lont-s: also in the Federal Courts at Savannah. They have also recently become the Agents of the following Insurance Companies: The Augnata Insurance and Kankiug Com pany of which W M. D Antignac is President aud C F. McCat is Secretary. And the Alabama Fire and Karine ln«ia- rance Company, Montgomery, of which T. H VY.ITTS ia President and A. William* is Secretary. Fire risks and risks on slaves taken at usual rates, apl 20 PETER S. imiPHKIES A T T O R N E V A TLA W, FERRY. GA. WILL practice in all ih»* Court* of the Macon , District, and also in tlo* Federal Courts at Savannah and Aiarietta. l*og 17—ly M* F L IC A I ll.\it;iL ATTORNEYS AT LAW NEW MACOX <3- I’or 18*87^1 "IT TILL bt- k.-pt ooa»taoL> !tol . , I \ V m,.,t .li sirable xrticlw MEDICINES, DEPARTMENT. MACON GEORGIA. 1'*0-101 e I riC J.L FEEPiS SADIH.E Bag SPICE-'. MEDICINE^,**! prvrnv , VUEfl TN all the heaviest Cotton regions of the grea -L Soutli West, the IXGF.RSOLL HOOP LOCK MACOX. GEORGIA. | ojftct 0* Tri‘i”guhir Block. Cor*er of Cherry Street and Cotton Aveumr. W E hare associated as partuers in the practice ‘ of law in the counties of the .Vlacon und ad- i with the common Hoop I ded everv other method of securing ■Tune and space would fail us to give the numerou certificates of Cotton Planters. Brokers, Warehous- men, Insurers. Compressors and Shippers, showing 1 CAY v^nwnv ^JTni'F beyond a doubt, that the days of Hop* binding are M A L ON \ A I Ja J. 1 b 1 U Ik jL. numbered, and the immen&o advautages of the COTTOX AVENUE, " ' ' * of law in the counties of the Macon laid ad- a lEnml, lias suporse- ioining Circuits, and Osaewhere in the State by spe- •uring the Cotton Bale, eial contract—also will attend the Federal Courts at ■ Savannah and Marietta. ALF.X. U. SPEER, mar 2 SAMUEL HUNTEB. PEBPDMEBY, * 0 * l reof ZEILw,' he lelegraph Builfl,* 1 Wlieeler »v SEWING MACHH V id % Ulbb MltcrilT Sale. W ILL lie sold, before Bibb County, on I next, within the legal hoars Hyd. .. . „ .. . ... ... m favor of Daley A Fitzgerald rs. ?„°°i ”* I William B. Hyde, Traatee, Ac. Property pointed; the fim Tneaday in Mav ont 5|li<l fi £ ' 1 in of sale. Five acre* laud, I A i so. at the same time and Hoop I.ork and Iron Tie. Their economy BOILERS, ! Opposite Bess,Coleman A Bos*and C. H. Freeman. I “to^foty >v Mil L 1 /"'tBOCKEUY, Glass Ware. House Famishing ar in baling material ou every one hi Y tides of every description. Tin Ware ol all at.—. kinds. Refrigerators, Ice Cream Kr. erer-^ Broem-, g. Xiie fastening is muoh more expeditiously ap sane *” mi ” 11 w mi fo ..... on the old Fe'deral Kood, adjoining lands of Warren Wright, on the west side: levied on as the property of Susannah Palmer, to satisfy a Jtutioe fi fa from lelst District. G. M., io favor of Jeese B. Carroll, v*. Susannah Palmer. Levy made and returned to mo bv a Constable. W. R. BUBBEE. ’ mar 92 - Deputy Sheriff. Bibb Sheriff Saile. W ILLbe told, before the Courthouse door, in the city of Macon. Bibb Coontv, on the first Tuesday In Jane next, within the legal Lours of sale, the following property, to wit: One lot and dwelling lying opposite the Central Kail Boad. and adjoining toe lands of Mn. Sarah McCall, levied on as the pro ^ . ndred GEARIXG.CASTINGS, AND MA-* ' ‘ ' “ ^■CHIXERYIX GENERAL. > Falla, Toy bnetni Wageso, Willow. Ware, -IafelwBedTasd ■■■«* mere convenient for the compress, j .ion ,,,1.. .„a „1«— Wrouglit Iron Cottoil Screws. SU- bin’s Perfumery—Bay Bum, best anatty. Fishing 3. It is a perfect safeguard against loss of Cotton AJ.SO, at the same tlmeaud place, two Hoosos , imduiwu cdiotb l ntwrii^ Tackle and Ilooki Mohair Cloth, Chapmans from the bale. T. O. HOL T. Jr.. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACOX, GA. O FFICE in Balston's new block on Cherry Street, : first door above entrance to Concert Ilall. aug4 r. A. ANSLKT. ! »°d Lots’situated on the Hoostoi Koid..about two! GAR MILLS. SHAFT_S APCLLIES. I of Min. Sarah McCall, levied on as tbc pro perty.of Bvnj. Dsvu, to satwfy a Mortgage fi la uu_ dor lorelosnre of a Master Bnildcr.andJPainter'slienl kcuod from Hibl. Inferior Court, in favor of Lov, Simpson, vs. Beni. Davis. Property pointed oat by Pis Intill' W. K. BUSBEE, niar iu Deputy Sheriff. miles from the city of Macon, adjoining the lands of 1 IROX RAILING, WROUGHT A Dr. M.S. Thomson and Elias Jenkins, containing 1 CAST, AC. about eight acres, more or less. Levied on as the —,, .... .. , property of George Wood to satisfy two fi. foa. from ! r T Hh uoll " 4 '<f“ e<l ^ n « T “ ‘•>*tho is mannfsetn- fiibh Superior cSart in favor of Joseph E. Brown. ' ri "« »» d oe'kfig the above Machine^, trope. Governor; Ac., vs. William W. Wootten, principal,' “ «,°? d 3JS5 tT ." “ y « and Nancy Foster and George -Wood, securities sh “ en ‘ ‘ he 8 *> ,1 ' h . »*>d *• *dlmg to warrant aU ALSO. Lot number one, in Square 19. South Wes- j %* or i‘ 1 ** W1 ‘“ 1, ,f not , ’ , P enor ‘° “> • , city of Macon, containing about half > or less. Levied ou as the property 1 tern Common, an acre, more , . ofT. G. Yonng to satisfy a fi. fa. from Bibb Superior , Court, in favor of H. Kendall vs. T. G. Yonng. mar 29 E. G. JEFFERS, D. & SCHOFIELD & BROTHER, Latest News by tlic -A-tlarutic Telegraph.. Vo aU wliom it may concern. .llftroti, Georgia. [JOB* S. M'llOFIELD JOSIllA eCnoFIKLD. AVe are prepared to Manufacture and other Baxor Straps, Combs in every variety.Tooth Paste, Sieves. Vi olin Bows A Bridges, Cut lery. Pistols. Pencils, knitting Needles, Spectacle.-, I Ac., Ac. FURNITURE made to order; old Furniture bought and sold. Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished ; with dispatch. Molina, Canes, Ac.. Repaired and ; Polished; Best quality of Furniture. Varnish and ' Sand Paper lor sale. K. B.—Graffenberg Medicine for sale, pare from , the Company S. B„ Agent for Company, feb a . r. CULVIRHOCSK, Culverbouse A Ansley, __ nb.olnte security against -A- I10RXE1S Al Is A W, ■ Fire. Fire applied to bales thus bound, aa shown : KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA, by actual experiment. ,nUl .moulder m^oot jfms* , g-rriLL practice in Crawford and the adjoining , twenty hours tnthoul rprechog, aud snowing plenty VV counties. A11 business promptly attended to. of time for e*»y extinguishment. , J iffn 11 5 ft In mi nbfolutclr »fcnrc faNteninff. In —— actual experiment# made in Montgomery, bale# thus ! J * L * mrerr » A ' N8KLL ' bound, were pitched down forty feet perpendicular ' aiitl AKD & IlallhLLLs from a house top, upon a brick pavemeut, without perceptible effect. HOLIDAY STYLES OF HATS, JUST RECEIVED AT ATTORNEY'S AT L A AY, ti. It is perfectly simple.and requires no machinery . _ _ THOMASV1LLE, GA. at all in the application. Any common hoop-iron of A LL claims forwarded to ns will meet with prompt proper width aod thickness, (which U about J inch j attenbon. We shall practice in the counties101 wideTand a scant sixteenth of one loch thick.) and ' Thomas, Lowndes, Irwin, Telfsrr. Berrien. Colquitt, of any requisite length to suit the bale, is taken | Clinch, W are, Decatur mid^W^orth. ^ ' “ ’ one end passed through the opening, T HE Subscribers, from the increased demma j vpu . % v-i* vimmr for Iron Railings of their manufacture, have * AND \ ALL ABLE I.VPfiQn been encouraged to make that branch of their 1 'Pr*ir»oc? ~r~^ - -i works a special department, possessing superior fa* -trueCl'U.Qg cilitles for the manufacture ot fTTHESE Machines aro the beit I RON RAILINGS, iib&ig£ggsRJg-J B I tor any and ail purposes ot the most approved de-1 great rapidity ; make an even sod fel signs, eitherplnin or ornamental. They are assured both sides thst will not rip; in ssying to the public, that in point of variety and are applicable to every purpose and c ‘fffl substantial work, together with moderate prices, mon to the art in question. lul . s that they are determined to please. I3P"A reduction of 425 00 lately n,.' ^* l In addition to all the uaual styles of this class of J. B. A W. A. HOv. ,it wr rk. tli- v ar-.- making Send for a Circular. i 0 h Fuller’s Patent Railing. I hitp-kt a P tTo; Thb is a new article, pi -ses-ing extrat r liuary , JJUjiKARD & BUHftTfli strength by a combination of Wrought Iron in ii.i structure. All of which will be warranted equal to [ the best made in the Union. feb 1 R. FINDLAY A SONS, t Houston Sheri H hales. W H.i, be sold before the Court House door, the town of Ferry. Houston county, on the 1M Tuesday in April next, the following property to <rit: Farts of lots Eos, is and 19, in the town of Ft. Valley, containing ono half acre more or less, and lying west of the Military House, and ia the rear of tnc Store known aa Lilly's Grocery, and known as i he Footed Lots in said town, levied on as the pro- l«ty of David F. M. Brand, and pointed oat by J. ■>. Adams, transferee, and levied on by one fi fa from Taylor Inferior Court, James P. Corbin, and Henry L Corbin, Ex con tor* of Napoleon B. Corbin. ■ lee cased, vs. David F. M. Brand, and Zacbariah N. Brand, and Win. ]I. Brand Security. ALSO, at the same time and place, will be sold, i'onr hales of Cotton, levied on as the property of James W. Skinner, aud pointed out by John L. Fel der 1’UiutilTs Attorney, levied en by one fi fo from " ’' r. King A C<x, va. This is to notify the public that Si'T’Tn A TVT TrWTnTTvfTTC! STONES, a Irmpor opening in the oppo.-ile end of the look O A J2JjC3l LlL JCjJLN VjrlTN illO. OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE, and then beot ill the same manner asAbe other. The <r i , tt ■ ■ ^ -*■ ■**■ U Xli OrPOSITE THh LANIER HOUSE. |Isaacs is at Home Agam, j ©m©;yiL^ G E dT s tVK ( *r e,hin dVfu i f^ And begs to assure his patrons that his SALOON is not a thing of a day. Citixens and the traveling pub lic will find the establishment open not for the sea son only, but at all seasons of the year, aud those calling upon as will at all boars find our Larder sup plied with all the delicacies that the New York and other market* will afford in the way of eatables, aud something good to drink, and six daya ont of seven more than can be found in any other booae in town. Houston Superior Court, Felder, JamasAV. Ski Inner. ALSO, one lot of land, Xo. (307,11 and seven, In the 13ib District of Hoi j three hundred Houston County, containing two bandied and two and one-half acres, more or less, it being the lot on which the defend ant, John Henderson, now Uvea, levied on to satisfy one fi fa from Houston Superior Court, James U. Clark, Trastte, vs. John Henderson, of Houston county, sud Lawson 8. Henderson of Macon county, and poioted ont by John Henderson, one of the de fendants. ALSO, the Mills on Moasy Creek, and lot of land on which the said Mills are situate, containing two hundred and two and one-half acres, more or less, number not known, hat known as Crawford's Sitoa Mills, some one-fourth, or one-half miles south of the South-Western Railroad, aa described in fi fa, formerly Par’s Mills, levied on by one fi fix from Houston Superior Court, U. Findlav A Sons, va Robert A. Crawford. JOHN L. HOLSTEAD. mar l Sheriff. MILL AND GDI GEARDTCr, Siiaivr Mills, BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, OF EVKKY DESCRIPTION. IRON RAILINGS AND VERANDAHS. Having the most complete assortment of Iron Itaii- E. Isaacs & Brother, bility and design, cannot be surpassed, and are auic*! — “ 13 “——. Watches, Jewelry, <ke. Churc h Frnrn anil Balmain. i fJMIE subscribers would inform the citixens of do Tweed, (aU colon) do do do do Leather Sportsman’s Hats, do do do Superior Moleskin do (New Style, do do Black Cassimere do do do And the largest and most elegsnt assortment ot Childrens unit Hoy’s I nner IIAT*A.-CAPS, ever offered io this market. Call and see, and be convinced that he can sell as • CHEAP AH THE CHEAPENT. dec 7 His bill of fare will eve*y day Be just the thing for little pay. And those who at their place may eat, 'Will find in it nil things complete. And going once, they then will know That ISAAC" Persons desirous of purchasing BAILINGS, will! , A Mscon and vicinity, that they I I do well to give ns a call. asweaAi determined to of-! .formerly occupied 6v Mr. M. D. j fer aa good bargains aa any Northern Establishment ,he J "* ,end ln ', on «“? . J^dpodmeM of our \Vork c*n a b« seen at Jlo#e Jewelry Business* Hill Cemetery, ami at various private residences in *nd will keep a neat and well selected assortment of this city. nov30 jy goods connected with that business. We invite Barnes, where iCS’is the place to go. WE shall he happy to see oar frieuds, assuring them that it will be onr unremitting care to pleaae in in the ham . from the under side, of one end of the under pj of the lock to the leugtb of shout one inch, and then bent over the end of the lock. The other end ol the hoop is then passed round the bale and drawn through SEWARD A HANSELL. Thomaaville, Nov. 3rd, 1856. nov 4 -A-irtlnar* 3Diolcin.son., ATTORNEY AT LAW, HATS & CAPS, AT REDUCED PRICES- jVT O. 1 Silk HaU *4,50 i> No. SSilkHats 3,30 “ 1 Black Cassimere Hats 4,50 _ “ i - Soft l.oo to 4.00 A fT 1 n IT Men’s and Boy's Nary Caps ....1,50 > v V y f l Fine Cloth Caps for 50 rta. to 1,25 Hunting M.-igic Case, Independent 2d a.l In nmn/i.inn fn. 1'AQIT UUT.V tl.m.r. ' *** ® A n\MT II.ltdlKt.lly AND th%[ J e eleij H AVE just received and opta^ , . splendid assortment of Goodim consisting in part of the followin'* .i^y' a GOLD AND SILTU ^ All other Goods in proportion for CASH ONLY- tlemen. lose that buy on credit must expect U) pay the old GOLD WATCH i:s for Ladies, n>i J f Those „ HI. , . MACOX, GEORGIA. { prices. Our stock is cheaper, more elegant and ex : - -7-7— --—. ■. — . OFFICE—in Washington Block, over E. Sauls* I tensive than ever before, and we invite our friends J* then turned bsck to its placebury’s Clothing Store. ! and the public generally to call and see for them- lets. Ac. a°d thehoop is fast on the bale, and the bale may be .selves. Standin the Building under Ralston's Hall, SI LV moved if desired. { — —— I pi, ,,_ rv ctrpff \1»onn tin ATrOUSEYS AT LAW, !j). (J, HODGKINS & SON, leading Warehouse men, Piantera, Shipper^and Bro- j W1LL practice in the Canties of Terrell, Clay, I 3VCSUCOH, <3*a °° nU “ er0 J’ 8 ? ted ° r * P .r UhaFih jochee, Webster, Randolph, Early and Stew- TNVITES the ified in this advertisement. In Montgomery, the ! ^ i* leading Broker, and Buyer*, after the most aatbfac i AU bu.inexs entrusted to them, will receive tory experience and test*, unite in the following a- pronl p t aD a unremitting attention. Jan. 4.—ly. tifnl. SIEVES ll’IRK, inch as Spoons,0 •I. AT ED WARE, - tors. Egg floOeifo (with Gold Plated OoidL Spoons,) Fruit Basket*, Pitchers, Ctadil Waiter-, Ac. 1 greemeut, which will leaveno doubt on these points .- We, the undersigned, Cotton Broken and Buyers, of Montgomery, Ala., agree and give notice that we will pay fall prices for Iron H M with the I.VCEISMOI.I. yon to give ns a call, and in return will assure you fair ana honest dealing* at all times. Sxvxx.vah, July 22d, 1858. Messra. Fksem as A Roberts, Macou, Ga: HARDWARE. eyery re*).f*t, aa we flatter ourselves we have done 1 T-n f*'kTVT A ATTN C* rr»TT'iriT Watches aild Jewelry .. lxiiUli XJ.1N Lf lN I Pi Pi 1 i. cleaned and repaired by a faithful and experienced . HT 1‘mayDOt be reuerelly known that we have workman, and warranted to give satisfaction. tomeet thewixhes of the Medical FacuUy. import- N- ^ P. K-Having purchased tiie Goods belonging to S 4 ayery.npenor quality of Palc liran- VJarLmrt tfc CJIXI-ca.’jS, said Barnes, at a great discount from the cdxt, we dy.fine Old Port, Sherry and Madeira, possessing all: MACOX, GEORGIA, offer them at the medical qualities so much desired by them. AT TnEHE can be seen one of the largest Stocks Look at b'11 Bill of Fare, an<i choose for yourself: VV of IIARDW ARE. IROX. STEEL, aud CAR- — n , , .( ** ,, . , [ same terms as Rope lied Cotton. This arrangement' Oysters * KIAOEMAKER'S MATERIALS to be found tojp^SnSllIMfaftiS.^ftk.’^on'iirtunUv to l«t for one season a.i«l longer. nnle» I give^otice - - I Middle Owirpii. Imnnrtin. l.reelv and hnv.e. di. I P nc T* we shall offer them^rt ma j ofmy w i,h to discontinue the arrangement. 3Lt.^Y?V" F*ipe,35vir. • M.7h.Ts:;siaas: ^ ' HARRIS A JOHNSTON Wilkinson—and by special contract in any other attention of the Sporting Public and oth- rs, to t li e i r large selection of DOUBLE GUNS, HIFLE3, PIS- i anil TOI.S, POCKET AND SPORTING CUTLERY, FISHING TACKLE, WALKING STICKS. FOR- EIGN AND DOMESTIC AMU’NITION, and every Music Boxes, too numerous to partic idol article found in a FIRST CLASS advert!.*™. 1 ■ — JEWELRY,!' Con.-1-ting of Di nond anil Go'.dKji. * . Ac,, sparkling and bright. esilt JloncaJ Instramnii, (j Snob as Violins. Flutes, Guitars, Bujt lines. Gold Pens, and Pencils. Guitar and Yh varied assortment of Fancy Goods, C. V. FOSTER, J. S. BYIXGTON. . M. A. CHISHOLM. From Savannah, we copy the following engage ment made with the Comprers Establishment of Mr. portion of the State. ■ Also, in the Federal Coart, at Savannah and Ma rietta. Office over the Manufacturer 1 h Bank. JOHN RUTHERFORD, Macon, Jin. 17.’59 JOHN K. HILL. J. T. MAY, essrs. MIEEMXN A ituiiEKTs. Macon, Ga: A *T r P n T? V F V AT TAW Graf*.—1 have agreed with Mr. Beattie, Agent for 4a- 1 I U it J\ Jr 1 A i -Li.tx.lN, igersoll’s Hoop Lock, that I will compress Iron 1 BirrLEH, TAYLOR COl'NTY, GEORGIA. Ingersoll’s lloop b ound Cotton,_fastened with said Lock,' upon the BUTLER, feb 1—ly* I advertis Sportsman’s Emporium, XORTII OR SOUTH. j continuant e of the same, and will spire 1 _ . . irive satisfaction to their customer*. «hs i .a B Llfe£ f A I JjJo n - ,ion t0 i- ,h ® basioe *Y* nd keeping jfnd qnalUy of their Wares, and in pricrlj „ the best GOODS in our line, we expect to receive a Watch ■ai^.~ r .w. r continuation of past favors. and on reasonable tcrnJ. ‘ 9>P Krpniring cnrrfulljr nttruilrd to an brreto- oct3 Oct. 26 fore. MILLINERY GOODS United States marshal's Sale. W ILL be sold bofere the Court House, in the i --- ------- city of Macon, on the first Tnesdayjn April v ,• ,l- ,1, I iimu.irb in ,i ' Middle Georgia. Importing largely, and buying di-' P r ‘ c T* woshaJI offer them. t ii a «>• Manufacturers, enible n, to &er way yon want them Slirii ALSO, ***£.*‘"* d ’ *“ WJTI greater indueemeiits to those wUhiig topureh.re ’ «“ d •»«-‘*y.t.mxkl theirpnrehare. at U.e anything in onr line. Call and see ns, and bo eon- OLD STAND OF M. D BARNES, vinced. CAK1IAKT A CURD. opposite the Lanier House. a;»B 000 SWEDES Oue word more, then we are done for this time.— . . , a , mmmnrt lo To those who visit Savannah, we invite to call at hLhef V ‘ "'.SKIFF’S JEWELRY STORE, (in that Ci- 'sss, * ™aa»“*!s4a5Maw-~ - 1 ”*“ 1 LOU SI LLL, Jewelry and Fancy Articles, raps and Crabs, WiMGame of every variety. Venison and Beef St taka, Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets, Ham and Eggs, DeviiedHam and Deviled Tenpins, Mountain Oysters, Turtle Soup, Ac., Ac., Ao. Wood-cock, Grease, Mountain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Ducks, Fith, and anything that an opienre wants, can always be had when in season. Confectioneries and Fruits. ISAACS also keeps oonstantly on hand a good as sortment of Confectioneries, Oranges, Appl pples. next, between the usual hours of sale, the folio' property, viz : A Store House on the lot on which H stands in the town of Montezuma, Macon county, on the South- Western Rail Road, it being the Store Ilouae form erly occupied by James A. Stubbs. Levied on as the property of Michael Prendorgeat, deceased, to satiafy a 11 u. from the Sixth Ch-enit Court of the Unitwt States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of Robert Ewing vo. M. Prendergast A Co. Property pointed ont by jSaintUTa Attorney. The Hotel Buildings and Lota now occupied by Alexander Meriwether, fronting on the public square in the town of Vienna, Dooly county. Said Lots containing one and a half aereo, more or less. Also the North half of lot of Land No. 92, in the 7th Dia trictof Dooly county, adjoining Elisha Woodward. AU pointed out by Alexander Meriwether. Also, lot of Land No. 91, in the 7th District of Dooly county. All levied on as th» proper of Alexander Meriwether to aatiafy a fi. fa. from the Sixth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, ill favor of J. S. A L. Bowie A Co., vs. “Sr-sar*" rc-LiA a'ssaSrEjESLSae: Pino Apples, Vanoos description of Nats, Cakes, Ac., All of which can be purchased at low prices for CASH. Be sure and call at Oct 12 E. ISAACS A BROTHER. Tlic Georgia Iron Cock Company, comprising the undersigned, respectfully invite the T. P. Stubbs, attention of all engaged in Cotton growing, or the Cotton trade, to Ibis interesting ana imporrant sub ject. To tbe Cotton planters, particularly, they be- , ariini;* Aiurica. lieve they are presenting a matter of peculiar inter- Mannfactured expressly for this market, and assorted of the latest styles, and at prices to suit the times — ,* nd v either of them will be glad to fur- frem 2) to 14 inches wide, together with, falla^rt- Hair Jeweijy^^ld'o^ameSrsTf ev«y dereripHon * PP inent of Refined Iron, aU sixes. Band A Oval Iron, all | made to order. j tionmaybemide to theSe: rctar) • sixem a. und andSqu^o Iron, all i^Horee Shoe Ordereleft at the More in Macon, or Savann.h, ; i^^P A HARlU--*, FREEMAN AKOBEttTS RespectfoUy, Ac, C. A. L. LAMAR. ISAAC IIAItDEJIAiY, ATTORNEY AT LA W, CLINTON, GEORGIA. inly 7 ly . '- TO PLANTERS AND SPRING & SR V V modating terms .- 1000 rolls Gnnny Bagging, LAW CARD. B. Hill, Stubbs iV mil, ATTORNEYS AT L A W, Macon, Ga. apl 20 VV. SKIFF A CO. ken, Brnde's Patent Hoes, llsmea. Traces, Plow Lines. Axes. Corn Shelters, Straw Cotters, and all H XT TPt’OOTYI Q TV Sir P!n kinds of Plantation, Carpenter’s and Machinist's A CCJ-LLCUU. CXj V-*U, Tools, can be found at CARII ART A CURD'S. jan 4 COTTOX AVENUE, MACOX, GA’, BOOTS AND SHOES. T THE 8IGX OF THE BIO BOOT, No. 3, Ik ..... .... —— . ■ orrza. AS USUAL, AT THEIR OLn staxd, * choice H HORNE’S ASOUTJIZXT or CONFKTIONERl'.FRlffr STOKE. And Pattry Bakery, at his new Store, next to! and good—being constantly in receipt of new A tree C 117. on.1,1 A- Crf, 1 ,u PPlies from tbe Northern Markets. Ayres, II ingfietrl If Co s. Sugars. Spices, White Fish, CIIEBRY ST., MACON, GA SySips, cSrom Herrings, P ARTIES, Dinners and Sappers furnished with Coffee, Green Frnits in cans. Hams, everything ornamental and delicious, in the la- Tea*, Condiments. Lard, : test styles. Sweetmeats, Sauces, Flour, Bridal Cakes, dressed in unsurpassed styles-- Net*. Cheese- Butter, French Pastry of every kind, as well as all kinds of j Raisins, Mackerel, Pork, would return their thanks for tbe very liberal and i u .* ,rent '“ candies Chocolate, cream, etc. < long continued patronage extended to them, and Pineapples, Bananas. Lemons, Apples, in would moot respectfully illicit a continuance of tb gates. Tigs. Currants. Citron Nats of a Desert made to order, among them many new dishes. • And other articles too nnmerons to French Candies Chocolate, Cream, etc. Oranges, prising the whole range of Family Grocery supplies. 1 Pineapples, Bananas, Lemons, Apple*, Hafeins,! CANDIES- respectfully solicit a continuancs of tb ■ Dates, Figc Currants, Citron. Nats of ail kinds, We particularly invito the attention of dealers .. on the first Tues- same. Wehave now in store a large assortment ofe Preserves, Crackers, Scgsr*, Cider, etc. snd others io onr large sod complete Mock of Can- dty in April next, betwecu tbe legal hoars of sale, nil n ACVTC a M r~» c LJACC WINES AND BRANDIES dies manufactured by ourselves, of the very best that tract or parcul of land known as tlio Chain D U U | O r\ IN U O tl V./ COg “f undoubted purity. Toys, Sardines. Lobsters, matensls and warranted to retain their hardness and place, containing live aero* more or lorn, adjoining mwi „ of „„ e wn manufacture, to which weekly Pi< ’ k 'f*’ ?•«»»• Salmon, Tongues, Cheese. Cabba- hriffianev while the imported Candie* soon lose P *» WOTamSummerford, wh«w !| to *^ ^ »—" ed TERMs^Suh!for*J^mt'Stihfcg^reLooks. CAKES, Ornamented and Plain, , H. HORNE will attend personally to superintend ! _ of .«. Ter T “ d “f de ?{ u cho ! c “ * n .“ er V> U ’ ! thegetting of tables for Weddings and Parties, either P KS'et re h * ^ the town of Pei liulsey. (mar l] JOHN SMITH. D’py Sh’ff. AdmiuiunHori’ sale. of Jtnea county, will |Yan order of the Ordinary of Jt nee county,' e Court House door In CUuton, jjbesoldbefore the on the first Tuesday hi May next, the following stares : Lewis, George, Emily, Betsey, and an infant child, belonging to the Estate of William J. Card, deceased, *old to perfect titles. JAMES GREEN, Administrator da bonis non of roar I W.J.CAKD. doc’sd. Executor’s Salo OF CHOICE FAMILY AND PLANTATION negroes. B Y virtue of an order from the Honorable the Court of Ordinary ef Houston County, will be sold before the Contt House door in Perry, on tbe . Macon, Aug. 3,1858. T. A. IlARltl -, Secretary. Wm. It. deGralTenricti, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. OFFICE, third door below Lanier House—above Damonr's oct 27 1000 Sacks Salt, 25 barrels Potatoes, 410 bales heavy Gunny Bagging, 1100 coils Richardson’s Green Leaf Rope, 1000 pounds Twine, 175 barrels Sugar, 200 sacks Coffee ail qualities. 150 boxes Candles all qualities, 100 do Soap, 75 bnxes_Starch, 100 boxes Candy, 100 do Soda, 125 kega Nails, 150 bales Osnaburgs, . 50 bales Georgia Kerseys, 23 bales Yarns. 100 bales Brown Sheetings and Shirtings. 25 hhds. Mabuses, 20 barrels Syrnp, Large Stock of fresh and new H AS joat received a large aaaortmzf of the above mentioned articles, •: j ceive weekly, daring the season, the be*] , such as r * A CARD. T HE undersig.ied feels it bis duty ta render j thanks to the citizens of Houston and adjoin ing counties, for their liberal and extensive patron age. While he begs a continuance of their tar on, '■ ho en*! II atatutA tlinau trim *t<> nnf Irtwitu Kim filial m*. , *-’Ofe. !«. n. whittle, ATTORNEY AT ? LAW, MACON, GA. Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne’s Drag jan 6 _ pe tail NETS, also CbUdrea and Misses’ HATSu Ribbons, Flowers, Head Dresses, HiiuK Curls, Braids, Lace and Muslin Setts, BtrJ Capes, Lace Mitts, also many other • Fancy Goods. ■ too nnmerons to mention, all of whicb •« j chased at reasonable prices, either Lv WU ; Retail. 1 CP*Orders will be promptly and fait Dry Gro ocis. !*»&-• *•*<* g ~ 3m Daily receiving in Store, which we wiU sell at living: "NT n-tTT c I rates, consisting of the following : llCW vTUUUo| 20 cases Prints, [ AT 15 cases Ginghams, J. B. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILL TOWN, BEHRIEX COUNTY, GA„ , YTrlLL practice in the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT I VV comprising the following counties, Glynn, he will state to those who do not know him, that ma ny years practice in the principal cities of the South and a complete Dental Laboratory, enable him to make as elegant and perfect Dental substitutes of. the most approved and latest style, as can be famish- | ed by any Dentist in the State. A WORD ABOUT THE •‘CHEAP STYLE OF WORK.” I <*.riton Persona needing Dental Operations or Artificial oco. s. kobisson chas. Robinson Teeth, aud not able to pay me my regular prices, C C A, P UfYD’TWCmVT may feel aasured that I will rather ahare my profits VT' «• Ou Ur. -H-UJiliVI OUlv , with them than •Xcrammod.io" them with a cheap, AttOMlCVS fit LflW. orinb-rior *tvle of work, a* aueh will never give sat- ; -1 "^i-m I>. ~ iafaction, and is the dearest st the eud DetancSfotily and Aipacas | E. SAULSBFE H E is now receiving a verv large ani■ ted Stock of SPRING CUOTHS. CA 4 Ware, Wayne, Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee and i, also McIntosh 1 of the Eastern. may 4 25 bales Marlboro and other domestic Stripes, 10 bales Ticking, 10 cases Linseys, 10 cases Flannels, 525 pieces Satinets and Jeans ! *nd VESTINGS, of the latest imp 150 pieces Cassimeres, j He has also received tbe report of Fi| 50 pieces Fancy and Black Silks, , this Spring, with a variety of new and elr ; ooo dozen Handkerchiefs, 1 His Stock of Fine READY MADrfl 1200 pieces white Musline, I will be replenished with the change* (! t. j Also, a large Stock of Clothing and Hats, with 350 j from the best houses in New York. 1 cases of Shoes of all kinds, and 1000 Xegrc Blankets. His FURNISHING GOODS coir -i*e We respectfully solicit the patronage of the public, that is new and desirable, in the Oct. 26—tf J. B. A W. A. ROSS. I Shirts, Collars, Ties, Gloves, Handkercw $50,000 Reward! l All of which he invites his friend* and c i call and examine, mar 1 WOOD’S I DOTS.—A full aaaortment of Gent*' fine 15 French Calf Boot*, pump sole, welted and J »ort waterproof,ofvariou* kinds and qualities, both and reled and pegged. Jurt received and for vale few by j» Sept. M. MIX AKIRTLAND. — j in City or Connfry. I ty Col'NTKV MzBCHANT* will Sud j lortment of Confeetionariea at my eata 1 d tbe prices aa low aa any where etae ' an 53—ly The above snm was actually given to my patrons during the year 1858. ty NOTICE! .£3 DUANE RULIS0N, Proprietor of tbe Great Gift Book House, No. 33 _ . _ . . ,, , . ,. -j KIllBIIOUGlI A BASS South Third Street, Philadelphia, continues the sale iS lllC fPSOn 01 Oil lOUtTS Of tll6 .| —-- - iiwirrinMirffo tnir iro of Book* aa nanal. A Gift worth from 25 cents to material*, for filling 1 eeth, aa well as for making w|ATTORa El S AT LAW. JIM »ent with every Book. tifictalaeta,.tNortl. i en. i p i rmea ijir<ir | Gzo. Kimbrocgh, E. S. Bars $800 Worth Of fiiltd!!! Starkville, Lee co., Ga Dawson, Terrell co., Ga. consisting or mar 8 GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, $10,000 Cash I dk wm. f. holt fine gold jewelry, Ac., ^ - u “’ Will be distributed with every 1000 Books. CUTHBERT, GEORGIA. All persons desiring my services will please call at 1 \A7^ILL give prompt attention to aU business en- my Residence, in Perry, where they will find all the VV trusted to them, in Randolph. Clay, Early, Mii- comfortsofa first-rate Dental Office. Families liv- lev, Calhoun,Terrell,Stewart and Quitman counties, ing at a distance may procare my services by giving March 1,1859. tf me notice. Dentists will find-a targe assortment ol tbe best H E U daily adding new ap collection of Pictures, oct 1»—ly R UBBER SHOES.—A targe assortment of Gouts and liovs Rubber*. Also, La-” retinal r dies slipper and sandsl robber Shoes of Goodyear'* j oelebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by : Sept. 98. MIX A KIKTLAKD. P LANTATION BKOGANS.-Now instore the best assortment of Negro Shoes, w have ever offered in thia market. Hen's double soled peg and nailed black and russetts; do. heavy single soled black and roasetta; do. boy* and youth* black and ruaaetta, all of which we are felling very K1RTLAND. We shall keep constantly on band dar ing the Fall and Winter, '- fTl 11E undersigned will sell for Ten Thousand Dol-, _ I J. Ian cash, the Plantation in Houston rout ty; OLD MACKOLIATOSKET Choice Tobacco and Segars, To which we invite tbe attention of Connoisseurs in these articles. - oct 3 low. Sept, MIX Ai efit of tbe heir* and creditors of said Estate. In this M- lot of unusually likely negroes, there are trained honse servants inferior to none. Also a valuable Plantation Driver. Wagoners, Carriage Driver, and several likely boya and girls. ryTeruis on tbn day of sale. ^ ROBERT A. CRAWFORD, feb 20—today* Executor. OOTS AND SHOES.—M« Youth's fins calf aod kip. ’a stoat kip bunting and mui >v» and 'd Boots its; Gents last- T HE undersigned offer for sale the above stan dard brand of fine ing Gaiters, Monterey, opera and ties, and fine call Brogans; Gents, boys' and youths’ patent and enam elled Brogan*: Men's, boys' and youths’ California i, a large assortment. MIX A KIRTLAND. Houston Land for Mile A GREEABLE to the last Will and Testament of Samuel Dinkins, deceased, will be sold before the Court House door In the town of Perry, on the first Tuesday In October next, if not disposed of be fore at prirata sale, the VALUABLE PLANTATION tsoo l very rily timbered. A tut x-untauon is one of the Ithmirablt in Houston county, being located im mediately on the South-Western Rail Road, near Station No li, a short distance from the city ofMa- oon, healthy, well watered by Spring*, well im- proved, and in tho midst of a highly intelligent and moral conunnnity. Hie Plantation not being culti vated this year, will be in fine condition to make a erog next year. Plantation will be sold for cash, or on inch time aa the purchaser may wish. Persons wishing to buy Houston Lauda, would do well to examine the above piaoe before purchasing. Mr. It. W. Mat-, thews, on the placo, or either of the i in will i showing it to any one wishing to D. F. take pleasure purchase. The above . Bateman. Patrick mock and Thompson Maids 8. D. BRANTLEY. • J.W. 8HINH0LSEB, C. D. ANDERSON, Executors. Port Valley .March l—tds BRICK YARD FOR SALE. the City. It enjoy* the advantages of the Brick market in Savannah, a* well as those of the trade along the Atlantic coast. Within a few weeks, ves sels of over 300 tons burden, have been loaded at the yard, bound as far South as the Gulf of Mexico. Besides the other requisites for Brickmsking, Kiln*, Shed*, and all the nueesmry implement*, there Ison i the place a machine capable of making 30.000 brirka in a day, and at all seasons. Nearly 500,000 bricks bare been made lo the month of January, when no other yards could operate. Tho Bricks, whea moulded, require no drying, but are conveyed liutaotly Irom the machine iuto the kilns, to be burnt. A specimen of tbe bricks may be seen in the ex terior of Mr. Molyneux’ House, opposite the Park; bat the operation of the machine, as well as the pro perty generally, those disposed to purchase will call and examine for themselves. The quantity of land proposed to be sold with the yard, embraces abort owe hundred acres, mostly well wooded, and a solid bed of clay. . A credit of one and two years, if dmired, will be given on two-lhirda of the purchase money. For further particulars, apply to mar SS-3t WM. H. STILES RYE WHISKEY, ot their own distillation, in barrels and half barrels. 1 The quality of this Whiskey known so favorably iu the South, for the past eight years, will alway* be; __ , , .. .. kept np to its former high standard, and purchasers i TJ A' ING purchased the entire in- , -* anS consumers can relv upon its being perfectly £1 lerest of the late firm or Bank*,£;V pure RYE WHISKEY, distilled under our own per- Wilder A Co., I invite the attention^/. sonal supervision, and entirely free from any dele-: pf the citizens of » orsytb and sarrouading counti Will you go Aiorlli, tvlicn you can tlo better South! (S&mmzjL&m & MANUFACTORY & REPOSITORY. FORSYTH, (IA. m PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. MACOX, GEORGIA. I q>A.w.N/Nyw waou: . OR. WM. F. HOLT Sg&ft 0ys ‘t-’!5 l ', c ^ b T S l ’, P ?^?^ Fr6sh Valuable Plantation W' I 4ir.' , ,TSSi.‘ , l."SiSSi?SUl , S; | .JS.KSSisraiSSL'h'asraLSS in lbs City. M. ll, IN JHKIK SLA-t ft. ; IN HOUSTON COUNTY FOR SALE, L -at hi. residence in VinevHle,oppositeMaj.Comer's, kT^blch m » r 8 — I at the lowest prices. TYR T TUPKtJnV QTVTTTTT gifts: gifts: gifts: gifts: nativcTnd imported', of the beat qualities T^dre-TEEN HUNDRED Acres of Land. This Plantation ^ . For every Book purchased, at One Dollar or more, nectfullv invite order*, which shall be faithfully •» fourteen miles from Macon and lies in ono mile of ■ the Sooth-Western Kail Hoad, said road passing through one corner of tbe Land. There is betweeu six aud seven hundred acres of Land cleared, and in fine condition for making a crop ano'ber year- The B lace Is welt improved. Having Frame Negro looses with brick Chimneys to accommodate Fifty Negroes, and Frame Gin House, Colton Screw and Stables. These Lands are level and well adapted to the pro duction of Corn or Cotton, and instoad of wearing out, get more productive as they grow older, under ’ ■'<?< -hick art I crowds of visitors. PORTRAITS IN OIL, PASTEL a COLORS. Aquirell and Imperial PbotK A new style—only to he hid at WOt and seen*. IaI* A mb rot yp i-1 ONE Dfo upwards. Hardeman the purchaser will be entitled to receive one of the , C r ! following articles: AND COMMIT TON MERC IS W ILL attend promptly lo all Professional calta I ®°' d “ d < ? il ,'?* ' V *I c ,'iP*'- Go ! < - 1 .^keta. Ladies . rltlCOM, Ga.. T made on him, either at his Office or Residence, I S“ d 1 S°®tinne to ^ive prompt by day or night. ; ^ I > V FIRE PROOF WAREllOL'SL^ OFFICE—Ovei Menard A llnnrhard's Jewclrv 1 t ln K*’“ d,c ? 9." 060 P™*?*P> n »jLadtes ilorentiue Store, on Cherry Street. RESIDENCE—At Mr. J. B. Ross’. jan 18 .!, C ,V:2i%r“ * Burgh.rd's Jeweiry Drops, Ladies’ Gold Breast Pins, Gold Bosom Studs, 1 .arlinu’ anti Hunfia’ D 1I1I Slo«t*Ai Hntlnna dnlrl Pern tenons s'nbssances which render made np whiskies I »« extensive for manufacturing ton County, Georghu ■a nhieetinnffhlf , Top and no Top BLGGLES. ROCKAWAYS, CAR- Macon, Sept. 28. 18. Always having a large stock of the above, and | HlAGKS* JPHJiTONS, Ac., I »m conskiutly ' other fine Whiritie*. in Sew York as well as Phils- i « ddfaio — delphia, ws areenal r direct. judicious cultivation, j The place will be sold on a credit of one, two and ! three years, for a sum equivalent to ten thousand ! dollars cash. Any farther information desired, will be furnished addressing the undersigned at Bnsbavville. Hous- 1>. F. GUNN. •It. tl. Freeman, .11. It., j~ JAVING returned to Macon, offers his Protes- 1858. aionsl services to its eitizens, and those of the surrounding country, and is prepared to treat their various diseases with innocent vegetable remedies, and hopes that in consideration ot the fact that be gives no poison, draws no blood, and never destroys the constitutions of bis patients, he will be liberally s. in Sew York as wellas Phila- addition*, aotfrom Oe Fortf, Art frommy “ ~ “EMSSlSTfiffiSKSSr*raSS^“4Was l SS£S:s53!HOLLAND BITTERS. Pbrnnix Distillery. fiai’A with/igMaew, «frr«g/A and JvraJiWy. Orders TfTE rEI.F.RUATEn HOI.I.AND REMEDY BOEItUAVE’S patronised by the afflicted. j GF’Particular attention will be given to Planta tion, and other country practice. {^Office at the Drug Store of Dr. M. S. Th’om- son. to whom he refers. jan 11—ly Distillery. OFFICE—109 So. Front St, Philadelphia. « 90 Wall St., New York, octl*—lv ■ NEW BOOKS At Boardman’s Book Store. for any tort of Vehicle, Harness Ac., are most re- spectrally solicited, which shall be promptly snp- plied, and all engagements for work punctually met. I I have constantly on hand a targe assortment of liar. TnE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY ron DYSPEPSIA, Drs. McDonald and Van Geisen, Dentists. OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK, " emore A MERICAN ELOQUENCE in 2 rote ; a new Cy clopedia of Commerce; Barton’s Cyclopedia of Hum ~ Repairing done at short notice and all work war-1 ranted. J. H. BANKS 1 ang 6 1858. 1 yr MACON, GEORGIA. Disease of the Kidneys, LIVER COMPLAINT,i 2St WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, : -LVX forsale. Dentist* can be supplied with the Ladies’ and Gents’ Gold Sleeve Bnttons, Gold Com mercial Pens in Silver Cases, Ladies' Gold Pens, with Holders, Extra Gold Pens, with Cases and Hol ders, Gents’ Cluster Bosom Pins, Gold Tooth Picks, Ladies and Gent*’ Gold Pencils, Ladies’ Gold Ear Drops, Eight day Parlor Time Pie'.ee, Sewing Ma chines, Pocket Knives, Silver Ware, including Cnonn* Ilnii -,e Vnatrcc V. .elf c Palra llarlacA., ~ Spoons, Bnlter Knives, Forks, Cake Baskets, Ac. Also, Miscellaneous Gifts of Gobi Jewely, Gift Books, Ac., worth from 25 cents to 825.00. Onr New Catalogues for 1859 are sent free to all, upon application. The inducements offered agents are more liberal than those of any other house in thia business for the last eight years, my experience enables me to conduct the Gift Enterprise with sat isfaction to all. Agents are wanted in every town and country, to i every town and country, to 1 be given in books, or a per r a dub of 10 books, 1 extra A Humor: a Handy Book on Property Law; I upon the Sea, by Goodrich; Romantic pasaa- in Snath Western History; Life beneath the Wa tt' Notice to Planters. T T A VINO purchased of Mr. lYromaa Bagby his XI entire interest in the Negro Trade, in Macon, 1 take this method of informing those who wish to pnrebase or sell Negroes, thst the trade will be con- tinned at the old stand, next door to Adams A Key- ■MMhm in be Atliuiuistrntor’s Sale. IY virtue of an order from tbe Ordinary of Barke I Ware J const/, will be sold before the Court house foond at all door ln the town of Nashville, ia Berrien aounty. on tbe first Tuesday in May next, between th. nanal hour* of sale. Lot number 311,10th District of ori ginal It Irwin, now Berrien comity, containing 4*0 ama, more or lea*, belonging to Henry Hsuth, OC- re *** d '°f WkWIINGlSoN MOBLEY, Adm’rof 11KNKY II; MU. J*\FFEU> - r .1 -cnii-stothecitiasws House, on Poplar Street, where can timt* a likely lot of Maryland and Vir ginia Negroes at fair prices. I will abo pay liberal prices for all yonng and likely negroes offered for sale. JAMES G. NOEL. March 29,1959.—Cm. DR. I. M, COMINGS i m— si ■■ .. .—t j-; j.rra— Oof Macou. He ro.iy vjuTICB.—‘Two month* atler dale •pplu ation ^ from 10 to 1. sod i \ri!t li# made to tlic Conrt of Or^iuArj of Jonsa m » r l5—3m rounty, Ga-. for h*** to »di * nopro man by the J name of Ephraim, belonging to Thomas J. «p- Miii one ox the minor heirs of \VUUem M. WimbUh, | be found at tho Medical Col- 3 to fi, during tbe day. Ilarrcl Kihicy A Kitclicii, Wholesale Drug-:-;-. 76 Barclay Street, New lata of said Boarty. dec. a*t!. Sddirthe benefit York, would reapectli illy call tbe attention of Deal- ,»f mid miuors. fcLIZABETIf A. C. WIMBISfl, i sniiDnfilMlliiMiliWtMf Bloohi which is Jml S5tb» W59. Gnerdian. I composed of fresh, choicu And reliable Drugs, Med- fob 8 , * 1 iciiH-s and Ohmrieeley Medicinal Wined —' » rtrrfnl 9 . — and Ur.tiidies > tr-n .d Instrumeots. yaigttb OQ+ W ■ lLlj. . I nye tftnirs, Ac^ together with a full assortment I of all the popular and reliable “Patent” Medicines, frigned. _ _ byrerpiosl i to-mb. imuje^t. gay-mot J. W. SHINHOLSER, C. D. ANDERSON. Fort Valley. March 1—fit popular aa amougwhicb they would call th* attention iiarticu- to Kohert- I'lit.lic- Mi.ittlr.- for 1 uI.-.nt-. 11.-1- > - tV-uipourid Kiui.l Eurart ol' Bncbu. .».i — Dy-t" | ti,- Remedy, and the fidh4sI mi or Female'.- I riend. Those pi ana l'■thilia. for which they are sole Agents : - N,-w Y,*rk «n.l tl.-- N,-u Knelaml Mat,- -. -1 - which are to their own knowledge and belief, the moot reliable preparation* now before the people for the diseases for which they each a re intended. They would in the most cordial manner, thauk -tir many triends for the very liberal palrouage ex uded lo this house for many year-, and hope still merit tbc onnfidono* and approba- -, whoso continued favors they res Wit A Man gesin Snath Western History ten; The Hand bnt not the Heart, by T. S. Arthur; William tbe Conqueror, by Gen. Sir Charles Napier; Doctor Thorne: a new edition of Edgar A Poe’s works; The Preacher and the King, The Priest and the Unguenot; Lord George Bentiek, by D'lareeli; Beatrice Cenci Debit A Credit; Major Roger Sher man Potter; Douglas Jerrold’s Wit; BelleBrittan on a tour; Life and Times of Hugh Miller; Cruise of tbe Betsey; Testimony of the Rocks; Jefferson's Works; Bulwer’sNovel*complete; Grote'sHistory . / /> . Un,.W.>V flwaSO DanOM « T If AwfOMl’o Clothing! FEVER AND AGUE E. WINSHIP — H AS jut received another new lot of elegant OVERCOATS, aud can afford to, and will sell them at greatly reduced prices. _ , And the various affections consequent upon a dis ordered finest style ot TEETH, also Gold Fo P l P Go < ld and Sil ver Plate and Wire, Lathe Fixtures, Ac., also with any kind of Instruments or Material* on short notice, oct 19 To (lie Public. PURCHASERS of KKAI9V J1ADE CLOTIl STOMACH OK LIVER, OUCII as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, O Colicky Pains, Heartburn. Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, BlindandBleeding Piles In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affec- ings; Derivation of Family name*; Wisdom, Wit ad Hi ~ ... umor; Steps towards Heaven; Den’s Moral Theology; Mizpab, a Prayer Book ; Wsysids Pic tures in France, Holland, Belgium, and npths Rhine; Wild Northern Scenes; Also a targe assortment of fine Family Bibles. J. M. 1I0ARDMAN. Sept. 21. 1858, ^ ■ : tions, it has in nnmerons instances proved highly ING, will do well to call and examine my Stock. !!• - - offering to sell at reduced priees on acconnt ol tbe lateness of the season, dec 14 E WINSHIP. A CARD. C ONNOISEURS in Ait, are solicited to examino Specimens now on exhibition at Pugh’s Fine Art Gallery, most of whieh are life-size Photographic Portraita, and one full length, paiuted on a landscape Mr. Poindezter. and said to be * it*. background, by master piece by all who have secu it. ' ifah * beneficial, and in others effected a decided core. This U a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Itoerhave. Because of its great success iu most of the European States, its introduction iuto the United States was intended more especially for those of our faibertaud scattered here and there over tbe face of this mighty country Meeting with great aucco-s among them, .1 now offer it to the American public, knowing thst its truly wonderful medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. it is particularly recommended to tlose persons DK. A. PIERCE, HOMCEOPATH OFFICE IN WAMHINGTON BLOCK. Medicine Cases and Books on Domestic Practice for Macon, July 13—tf. whom commissions will be centagsin money. For book and gift given, on larger orders, commisrio: liberal. For full particulars address DUANE RULISOX, Publisher, S3 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. P. S.—In press, and will be issued February 1st, ‘'The Lite, Speeches, and Memorial* of Daniel Web ster,” by Samuel M. Smacker, A. M ,* splendidly Illustrated Volume of 550 pages. Agents wanted, jan 18 JDr. C. J. iCooscvcII. IIOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN OFFICE AND RESIDENCE— Comer of Third and Walnut Streets, Macon, Ga. ■m II—ly We can furnish better and more elaborate works whose constitutions may have been impaired by the of Art, than can beobtained in Macon, and our speo- onntlnnnni nan of ardent auirita. or otoer forma of Valuable Plantations for Salo. n l'lSIRINK to move my planting interest tgSL west. I offer for sale two valuable I'LAN-^jS, TATIONS. Oue situated in Macon county within ‘ " i-Wi imeos will corroborate what we say Arabrotypes, Ac. in neat gilt frames, for only fil. Hundreds of specimens on exhibition taken at my Gallery. threo miles of Winchester, on the Sontb-’ Macon. Jan. 17, 1859. PICKLED I’ORK. »^Q BULS. M ;hh. * -fork, for sale by AYRES, WINGFIELD A CO. ration, a considerable portion of which is fresh land. — ' - Lain Tbe other t lion L situated in the 14th District r plantAtic P of Lee, on Flint ltlver, at the month of Cbockeefi- chikee Creek, and contains 2,474 acres of Land, abort two-thirds of which ia Oak and Hickory land of the best quality, and the remainder good Pine Und, with abort thirteen hundred acres in cultiva tion, nearly all of which ta fresh land, and as produc tive a* any land in Sorth^Yestern Georgia, and Is ‘ * watered, and substantially improved. Mr over- will show these places to any one wishing to exandns them. My terms will be liberal and pay ments easy. For farther particulars, address the ■ndenigned nt Macon. N. BASS. July 27—tf Patten & Miller, (LATI FATTZ9, HCTTOX & CO.,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. ..A. J. HILLER. continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of • dissipation. Generally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to tbe seat of lib-, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping i ' ’ spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor in j » B K 3 Notick.—Whoever expects to find this a beverage ' JoHSUtllSLIl (RolliHS will be disappointed; bnt to the sick, weak and low (Late Patten, Culnqq A Co.) . spirited, it will prove n.gratsfol aromatic cordial, VY/ILLcontinue the YVurr llou»c and Coin- /'"'Hq or»"h*C< yqnq "NToTTr "Vririlr z—TT txt c-i \/r T | -iil:,r r. i.,1 I. >» mi..ion Bu.im -., at tin- l-'ir<- i’r<u-t' Build OIltiLlvb Oil IN OW I UI A GrTj XN O - - CAI 1105 : I Jy themjn thi^place t (n ^inection I FOR SALE 1IY THE IpHE sobscriber, havieg just or* ner of 3d and Poplar streets, to all basin ted to their charge. With their thanks for past favors, u.l pledge of faithfulness to aU their frieny tome;*, they hope lo receive their fall lie patronage. Liberal advance* male on Cotton «c-1 dace when required. i 15^ Planter’s Family Stores, also Bara Ac^. furnished at tbe lowest market rates. J TH0S. HARDEMAN. I CARPETINGS FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, MATTI>T| and mats:: A LARGE Stock, and a great vari the above Goods, just received, ’ told at far lower figure*, andgtve pa lection from tho best stock ever offeree || ALSO, " SATIN, DeLAINE, LACE and MPSIfi?, WINDOW CURT. WINDOW SHADES. GILTCOiE BANDS in great variety. Purchasers aril! consult their own i amining my stock before buying aug 3—tf 1 J. CLEGHOKN CLE6H0EN & S’ Manufiu turers of* and Dealer; J Saddles,/^. LEATHER, WHIPS, RUBBER BELTING, I I JcG, «C., *C. OPI'OSITK B. KOND'S »' Cutax:J j jan 4—ly SjbV; ribil At Tliomas 1 ritlii: v riigoed having open*d t I X HOUSE, for tbe reception of tteH j tbs People generally to give them * *3 No p.-jrs will be sivired to m*k f 'U ■oinfi-rtable ; and their table will be 1 ■ ! the best the market affords. ( j»° 18— tf AMANDA L 1 A NEW N^lX7%r ^ LARGE variety CROP »tv of ( n. Flowe r see*L«, Bn varieties "tiitHble for Gar inary St .-dN, and Onion Si Aler.’hant^ aod Gardeners s The preat popularity of thia delightfnl Aroma has i with his son, W. A. Collins. He respectfully solicits induced many imitations, which the public Hiould the business of the patrons of the late rirm snd Plant- II 4\TTTT? 4 ^uard a^nin-t purchasing, tt-.* not p-.r^uaded to buy I era generally, pledging tlo ir undivid* d attention to . JliLil L P ixlj JL L anythlar else until you hava given Boerh ive’a Hof all bu^inesii »• oitided to their care. Advances made mar 2 land ItitT. .> .1 i i:il • n ili n -Ji.l .•tlu-r I’rodure in >t-w. . :tu<i or.ler> T . =—= youhiov infinitely superior it is to all the^e imita carefully tilh-d. JONATHAN COLLINS. bwainn Land tor bale. ,, • . , . . - - j y s ... ONacres of choir-.Swamp Land, two >..1,1 nt ?. j.. r 1m.;:.- s l-r ^ . ny p% | ^ I I li I ^ Juj milt s ln-lmv Macon—J ' r-s ;i. cultivation. Jit.nio., BOOK. BINDING. Manufacturing Pharimu eutists and Clismtats, Pitta 1 ACKSON llAIDi’ES mannfaetnrt-. to order every I ,„l burg, Pennsylvania. P des ‘ I C Sold in' M.t by E. L. STROHBCKERft “. ““N "'J 1 ® fo ^r-d CO., ZHILIN, HUNT ,v CO„ GEORGE PAYNE, -MiscellaneousBooks, mrin. n ■ Trxr * and opened* NE' IE11S BMK 1 ^ ,ving iwtani’-M W SHOP to*“B GTJNS and PISTOL offers hi* sen-ices to the public, 9* 1 ’ do nil work in his line ia tbe best prices to anit his patrons. DOUBLE BARREL GUNS, PISTOLS, made to order, and«<to^J tice. Your patronag# Is respectf’Wv ^ BT83t€*a«d4ctbe Floyd Ho»^ s. Also Gr FRENCH’S HOTEL, On the Eui’opean Plan, Mr-\A/ | /-> r~ unilCC ; tbs diiesaes for wftW they eacn are lelenuea. UH Or NHW YORK. janll—7m N E W lot rl U U O t . They would in the in,,.t cordial manner, thank §111 Mil’ KoOlllS •’50 C<S. I»Cr Dil V. ! •COMPETITION l'THC I.IFR OF TRADt, Ilnir many Iriend* lortbe very lil.cral patrouagecx- ” _ _. 3 ,\ r ir hu AIr ‘ 1 NEW It K lloU.-E.Mid tended lo thia hou.-e for many year-, and lmpe -till L’iiy Hall Sqnar.-, corner Frankfort Street. \T - E have a number of account* made in l-.M VV wrnild say I . li.o ci’.ixenanf Macon and to to continue the merit the eoufidem-o aud approbs- (Oppoaita City Hall) VV still opcu on our hooka, and if not paid, w ' ; | nt we will turnisb the lion ot the trade, wh«--e continued fax era th.-v r.- 5 Mr.,:.-, h» they may be ordered m the M.acioua Re- be .-ued at Ibu Spring Courts of the respective con . -. II ci,v Po pcctfullv solicit. factory. There ia a Barber’s Shop and Bath Rooms : „es. None will be slighted " .Mix er Ice irec of 'liAKRAL. HISI.EY A KITCHEN, attached to tho Hotel. • , , aiiend linnorterr and Wholesale Druggists, 7a Barclay CL, , N. B.—Beware oflRuuntrs and llaekmeu who — cctliilly solicited. Now York. _ say we are full. K. FRENCH. | ing BBLS. Old Oorn Whiskey for sale b: s supplied with aiiv as H a W. S. KLLIS, Cherry St. Macon, <»n Notice. and Dnggi>tS gem rally, throughout the State. _ NEW GOODS- C. Campbell & Son, NEAR THE LAN a AVE just received Ilc-ir of KERSEYS, 11 Ed 1ARDEMAN A GRIFFIN. charge. Order. in>u* I •dto, A aharoofprtr mzilJ UU A FREEMAN, j BUT 39 J mar 1—9m Fropristor. 125 mar 15 Uorn Y, biskey for sale by AYRES, WINGFIELD & CO. NEAR THE LANIER HOUSE, 1 their Fail and Winter supply AYY BLANKETS and p NEGRO SHOES at the lowest market prices, and Planters would do well to call aud examiue before purchasing. They also continue to keep a general stock o GROCERIES at the old stand, and do not intend o be undersold for Cash. Macou, Oct. 13, u.*-j. OI’HLXXK x» ,-, *t vr 1.0,.a-, and MM.. — , „ .... . " xa ; m' x d, Magazine.-*, Law. Mu.ic and Ct'lllral, .YIUCOII A D CMlTII. illml liioi:l*->li s. "lSsJI LCKKa’ RKCOK11 and Inn KKT S( H Tl I-\Y ESTKiiX RAILROADS t.-.-.-lv thout rztsTKD FORMS, and warrant- /-JUANO. wiU fortho pn .ent, betnuisportodover ii-tfPnlll’P irUi ed best iinality p iper. O the Central R-iilroad to Macon, or to auy Sta- PI 1 \ /)', \ I M, ,i,- )1J l tf' 1 hagineers prorifo paper made from the best tion en that :.nd th« Kiitonton Ivond.in m cmantltv. * i.l.iUlIJ i».li» iiLsci Enijlish drawing to any length or width. All orders from the country promptly and careful- over’the Macon *V Wi ly attended to._ Office on Cotton A\enue one dour Hoads, or to any Station on eithf-r of these Hoads •?I «’ti per ton of 2,000 lb?., provided each Sack ia marked with consignees name. GEO. \V. ADAMS, Gen’ISup tC. H. It. ALFRED TYLEU *• “ M. A W. K. R. VIRGIL POWERS, “ “ .s. W. K. K. Macon l’rti-4-rs copy. [feb 22] on on that and the Baton ton Hold, in any quantity, 1 » any Consignee, at >2 "ti per ton of 2,000 lb-., and rE i re •the Macon »V Western, and South-Wotern K. \ V stick of el* , .u I’lANO belo' i and Coleman - apl 13 and othc WANTED. I AM atiil buying Military bounty Land >\ arrants and will alwnyalgive the highest cash price. Macon Ga. uM* lv G J.BLAKE GOLD VXD SILVER WA' MILLET. O r BBLS. Corned Mullet, for sale bv Ot) AYRES, WINGFIELD A CO. mar 8 COAL—$9 per Ton, Delivered. J UST received, Tennessee Coal, fine qualitv. Apply to J. F. WINTER A CO. I fob I Of i FAN'C\ JEWELRY Silver Forks and epe, 11-. - Watches and Jeweiry Rep, : ■ V March l, 1S55. J- - v A '