Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, April 19, 1859, Image 3

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lilt') Tribute of ICespect* TAYLOK SUPERIOR COURT, 1 ilpfTT Term, 1859. 1 found a meat pie prepared for dinner; he pre- j tended at first, want of appetite, and invited her . . ... # to liclp herself She refused, and at last he ate 1 resent, Inn Honor Judge \Y krrill, pro- ! a quantity of the pie. In a little while he pro- i a ijuaiiuij ui uiopic. m a mao wiiiie no pn j fessed himself unwell, then feigned thirst, the ( 0 rtiiirdi'U seed 10 Plant. „ One ounce produces LOOM [ ^ liif* * » «’<’ J ° f nboMt 12 ’ < l UnrC j One thousand bed -I feet*idii>gj [fS»3 feet long. ... “Jf^lish Dwarf—One ejunrt plants ♦ 150 fCCl of rOW. . »•*•« *»«•» i r- tj-» -e*** tinuuu ucbui fiuuwu* i-rsnch Dwarf—One quart plants 350 * n “ moved the appoint sent of a Committee to : °d to her to nave occurred, she passed a rope ‘\uHr*t of row. re P°rt on , » b « oce *» , °" : Whereupon tbe Court through the chamber floor, and knftit to her * p-lr (larger)—One quart plant* 100 j appointed Wm. \\ . Corbitt. Stephen F. Mil- 1 husband’s neck, in order that when neighbors • Pole, (smaller.)—One quart plants **r, George K. Hunter and Allen F. Owen, 1 ***« called in, he might appear to have hanged ^530 feet of row. Lsqs. oa that committee. . hitnselC, She then ran up stairs to draw up " r.r„ nmiuds to tbe acre; one ounce Tucsjdat Mosjiibb, April7.—By direction and fix the rope. The instant'she had disap- tuiifrow* of the Committee, Stephen F. Miller, Esq., peared, the dead nun revived, released himself r “ V>ii<. ounce plants 2.500 or 3.000, reported as follows: of the rope, and passed it around the leg of the ’ 1 ilb j n£ , 40 square feet of ground. I . * he Committee on '.'horn waa devolved the I table, and tl : ..routs—Same as Broccoli. CHARLES SUCCESSORS TO >nroui>— duty of preparing an expression ofthe Bar, mest ‘ c article, instead of the other one, thehus- 'I'srlv sorts, the same as Broccoli, relative to the death of the Hon. Hopki.xs b f*jd- The latter also ran up stairs, inquiring i- • - » • “"'■■■ —.1—-L- •■ n—• - of the faithless woman “what'she was after, drawing the table up' that way f” The afTair has ended for the present, in his, as the phrase ia, taking the law in his own hands. He has S iren her, as the Yorkshire folks say,“a right own good hiding." Valuable Testimony from a liigli- LY RESPECTABLE SOURCE. KABRIED, In this city on the 14th instant., by Rev. S. Lan- '-Z-_ _ “ drum, Mr. Samncl W. Berry and Miss Martha M. ! Xl. JN . Jit jj Jj O CC ( 1 (.), Freenj, all of Macon. Fools spurn Hymen's gentle powers. But we who improve his golden hours, By sweet experience know, Tbit marriage rightly understood, Gives to the tender and the good A Paradise below. C. A ELLS & SON. ICE! ICE!! ICE I I ! i City Express ia serving iiailv, end will deliver ICE ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! ICE!!!!i GEORGE PAYNE, Who would be without it 1 WHOLESALE A RETAIL GREER A P REE M A IV. X)H.UG-Grl'ST W*rthVJu! D oVu^fiV, n oICE ‘±1 And State Licensed Apothecary, it so systematized that everybody can enjoy this] MACON, GA. . ” 1 * |d hie. everybody ■ luxury with but little vpeue and no troul *EW public generally, tbnt hU Sto t now full and DIED. all who wish to stives with tickets and let us enroll their names on our Ice Book as regular customers. •SUNDAYS we will open our store from 81-> «" The Committee on s ,-hom waa devojved tbe j anil the woman hung that"useful and do^ ' ,Vith co ’ . ia ,h * P r, ’ mi,e3 ' ®“* ,b » old £n . n of . 9- *•_ ELbs f • quire dh feet of ground !7r_Tlu* samo as late Cabbage. .Threeor four pounds to the acre; ", ISO feet of row. i Holset, submit the following Report. That their deceased brother possessed the qualities which entitle Us memory to tbe highest YOnAPbfinai na mill !/..! <• ounce gives 7,000 or 8,0001 veneration, as will appear by specifying some of ' I ' ’ 'the outlines of a character which will long be fundly cherished by hi i professional brethren, as well as the people of Georgia. whom he had served in a distinguished official position. Col. Holset was barn in Hancock county. ' Everybody Liktts-il! • H AVING compeered-our arrangement.* tor a sup ply of * * ® *'-• 9 |m., 12 to 1 m„ and 6 to tn. m. In this city. on Tuesday Evening, tbe 12th iuit.. of this season, tre would state.to our numerous mends corfrf»'*o,AssitTirT,<Liughter ot J. H. R. Wash- and customers, that we are now prepared to furnish XO COUNTRY CONSUMERS. OIOS and Maar Ass. bis wife, aged II years 4 mo. 1 them as low as any house in Savannah or Macon ... . 1,1 1, ' i -ti. With full co- fldenco in the promises can furnishit. That the old flrm of C. A. ELLS A center, her sweet spirit without a struggle SOX has built up the Ice trade in this city and vt- . • . . - itself to Heaven. cinity is well known, and we would most respectful ly solicit« continuance of the same. at the residences of those who desire it. We invite | complete, which comprises every articlethat should keep cool to cal! snd supply them-. be found in a First Class r pang, quietly Inhaled itself to Heaven. I ISP*City and Milledgeville papers and Savannah Republican please copy. MACOA’ FRIGES CURRENT. CUKBICTID tVECKLT BV ATKES, WINGFIELD A CO. , .: rin£: -il feet of ground. y,; r _t" 1 i<- ounce for 150 hills. ounce sows bed 10 feet square. ■ One ounce gives 2,000 plants. Mitn- a* Broccoli. i-ieounce gives 3,500 plants; re- . 11- J-t of ground. Lolumbia College in the State of South Caro' ounce gives 2.000 plants; requi- "na. '* bile prosecuting his legal studies, ht, ,f ground. attended the Law School of Judge Reeve, at I . i inr ounce gives 7.000 plants : re- Litchfield, mid was admitted to the Bar in 1821. ~\ l. d of 120 feet. I a ^ ,er * le wus elected a representative from ! F' > V ' „ ... f,,r 121 hill*. " | Hancock county in the Legislature, where bin LOne ounce ^ ^ ^ of ,„| eI , t 8 commanded public notice. Easy in his ’ “k Bi, “ m °[ Wild Cbm > Irttont—O" fortune, ho did not consider it necessary to 1 h » Tfi been a,lD " r,>r r«»r» •" >ny family, for Colds , „ ror fivc pounds to the acre of apply Him^if to severe labor in the profession. * nd ^ , ' t ! nd l'*v« fc"”"j. tho most offloaeinu, 1 eur I>r l . , . n«nir.n«. l„.. e L .i— __ I “emedy that I have ever tried. lina. While prosecuting his legal studies, he ° w “ , 'K n * ,ure: J — 1 - 1 CASavitte, O*.. February 9«, I8J». Messrs. Skth W. Fowls A Co., Boston, Mats. GentlemenAt tbe request of your Travelli Afrent, I jrive you n atAtement of my experience In which other aspirants, less favored in that rc- spect, had generally to submit to as the sole ...... ,, . .. . sows 2tM) feet of row . | method of success. His taste and qualifications j ' ” n m ' ,0:ItP " for political life had so increased, that in the jyear J85U he was nominated by the Uniou, , . 20 party, aud elected by general ticket ns a Rep-, ,ur< ’ of '‘ 1 ' n,:T1 s " on ,he wrapper, and is for |*le Irescntative iu congress. His course iu that b )'a' 1 re8pect » w ' ! Druggi.u . verywhere. ed hv firmness and intnllioon.-o. Sxth W. Fowls A Co., Boston. Pr» ' imcc sets! =ows 200 feet of rows. of row. v—I till-I'ht'CC , >j,,. ..mice sows 250 feet of row One- ounce gives2.500 plmif nr quart of smaller sorts sow. • of larger 200 feet of row. W „ One nunrt of field sorts sows 550 body was marked by firmness and intelligence, , ,,, , , -o l:m_ aud gave him a prominence in public estimation ‘’"•‘I by their agents every whore whicli he retained through nil the nurtv conlliets , ’’ or 8 * ,e in M * c<,n b y K - L P1 For Coogtis and Colds in children I know it to be Respectfully yours, JOHN H. RICE. Tlio genuine article always baa tbs written signs' : •.oris, one ounce to 50 hills. ( i *n,. ounce to 100 feet. ounce to 150 feet of row. _i tnc ounce to 21 HI feet of row. -One ounce to75 hills. —Om’ united givo* Ji.aiiHi plant* ; ^ bod of 80 feet • i ii ’d through all the party conflicts . „nvr v <-o in which be participated. He was a great lover ZK,, -- ,b - "LXT a co. ofthe Utiiou. nnd adhered to the doctrines of — A ^!' ll!> ., _ General Jackson for its jireservntion. For rc . this purpose lie established u public journal | of li-.s own, which lie conducted with ability Proprietors.— STROilECKKR and I«1 TaLI. Oaks," Madison parish. La., i July s, isss. 5 W. If. Fox.—/Vwr Sir : In tbe winter of 18SO- l.'mid a half l«und. to the acre ; until he relinquished edi- ,£ s"X “r‘wi“ my j*w and teuth,—getting little rest tiij'ht or day for ^ • toriul life, and again took his place at the Bar. >ne ounce to 50 hills. Removing from Athens in 1854. he resided w „ w ., lv „,. rJ ,, alIFU . om K „ vo ,„ e „„ rB . I *"™*«*»*™»' whewhet^wicdw cOces J I beard »( without a benelil; snd. being called to Xatrhes on some friend reeomended me to try ‘'Wans- . . Limbkst on iny jaw. which I did. and ,t It iv i , , . ‘ V.— remainder °1 his to (.feat delight it not only gave me immediate i ..llax.Vuint otherr No o -ldaya. W hat has been his eoarse here, and j bu! , b „„ ,„d ,,o return of the pains. Sne* dALT.V.V/.V.::::::::::*.:::: " "T n S im ' how greatly respected, is too well known to then ,„y servanr girl M,ry. ius. after . confinement.' • ln y l,: ‘ V ' “ ' 11 ; ri 7 U, . rC A 0Ur t0, . mn 1 ,l tC t0 . CU * W S«- il !,«atUckcl Wilt, a .weUed knee Which drew her veil fll ,rio> inadc the monkey, KT^bad jteen m declining health | Iilnl( fo »h e could not walk. Her suffering was •use—streaming w ith pain day aud night. I pro cured some of the same Liniment and applied it t , , , i, « l she waa relieved directly; and in a short time could "UiH, then, who did nmketlic day, .list ultimo, he xvas out nearly the whole xv.ilkas well ever,—perfectly restored. ■lie who made youday, giving directions, on tils farm. After, \v,. nr year old girl was riding in the r mother, a few days since, when a . , i, "I hat’s a pretty baby!” The scat by the fire, lit ^a few minutes he was | meat" as a great medical discovery, and think no flashed fire as she drew herself! found liteless, sitting in his chair, his head a i plantation shout I he without it. Use this as you ,m height, and replied, ‘-I ain't a little drooped on one shoulder as if slcepiug.— ; think best ,-arlioot! and hoops!" j He waa addressed by the voice of affection, bat i a-„f sharing," said a pretty girl t 0 n0 >"' swcr c »me. His noble heart b id ceased For sale by Eeilik A Host. v old bachelor, *'I should think that, *° bei,t ' . ... . April 19—aw. In summing up Ins character, your commit- j ANOTHER PITTSBURGHER testifying to the lilt llitt Itocll-ltll cut, ll.nt I’.xl IL.1.W.1I IKAI, I * n ; .. , , 7 WW,, " U b l,mh ..n-tumi Know >o imioh, saiu an lor Inc Inst two or three years, from n dropsical ‘ | n | 4 , la ;.»ji t*> a dcrjrr man, who had re- affection; but the ay mptoins excited id bis mind caret • j inanity. “Yes I can,*’ saidno serious apprehension of danger. OnTliurs- .j„. w ..It M I ...1 . .. •!•.! ..tl i, t 1..X I float * f I . * ... .. 1. , ... . ... I .1 V V - _ .. j bmvetried this remedy in several cascsol pains par taking heartily of supper, and leaving the. H ud Rheumatism, and cannot report a failure in any table in ins usual checrlul mood, he took a j instance. Indeed, I look npou " Wadsworth's Lini- Yours respectfully, IlKNr.T J. BAGGING—Kentucky Py .. 3 non India P v 1 13 • 1C Roll I BALE ROPE—Kentucky... P It 9 i a 'i 0 Northern..... C I! 8| a 9 ! UEEESW'AX ¥ ir 25 9 30 i CANDLES— Sperm i* !b 46 a 50 Star t‘ it. 23 a «8 Tsllow P tb 16 a 17 Patent i- tb 58 £ 60 COFFEE—Rio P IB i«i 3 I3J J Java p n> 17 3 18*1 Laguira P 16 14 3 15 CORN 4* b! 85 a do Meal P bi 80 3 90 { FEATHERS P tb 45 3 50 j FISH—Mackerel No. 1 p bi 18 00 9 18 50 ! •• No. 2 p bi 16 00 3 16 50 ’’ No 3 p bi !2 00 3 12 SO K LO U ft—H uperli ne p bi C 50 e 7 oo Extra p hi 7 00 1 8 00 Family p i>i 7 75 9 8 50 ; GUNPOWDER pkg 6 50 a 7 00 IRON—English P tb 3 1 *. 1 .Swedes P IB 5 i 3 6? j Sheet P IB 8 i .. j LIME P bl 1 75 i 2 00 1 MOLASSES Pg’l 30 35 j SYRUP P g’[ 50 60 | NAILS > kg 4l OILS—Linseed Pg'i 90 1 00 Train Pg'l 55 60 Sperm i’K'l 1 GO I 75 Imitation Sperm f K’l 1 25 > i » ; Winter Blea'd Whale ;’gl 1 00 1 15 Lure!.. Pgl 1 15 i i oa ; PROVISIONS .* £ Bkef—Mess P.1B 121 15 j, Prime • tb .. 3 » .. Bscok—Hams.... > lb 10 2 , 12f Sides.... > tb 111 & > 121 Shoulders * tb 9 4 1 10 Pork—Mess f bl .*0 00 8 21 00 * Prime y bl WOO a 00 0G 1 La an ’ tb 12 2 14 Bcttkk—Goshen »tb 30 2 I 33 Country ► tb 20 <i 25 , Chess* ► tb Hi a 1 w | SALT ••k 1 25 2 ! i m r SHOT • bg 2 15 a 2 25 ! i WHISKEY—Rectified ’gfl 35 <2 ! 37J j 1 Pike'* ’k'l 3* i 40 J MononK*hela... i* 60 'l 50 SPIRITS TURPENTINE.... ’** 65 8 75 SUGAR—Brown... * tb 10 a ! it 1 a Clarified 1 ■> IB 10 6 i* i b Crushed 4 tb 12 a 13 RICK 1 tb 4J a 5 TALLOW 1 tb 9 4/ 10 Wo jriO deliver ICE on board the Cars, packed in Barrel. Hogshead, Sack or Bulk, directed to any point shore or below Macon, or wo will SELL IN MACON, in sny quantity, as low as soy hou-e in our dry.— Picas,call and see ns on Mulberry St, 0^>. Lanier House, or aenu your orders la for any kind of goods, and they will be faithfully filled Our ICE HOUSE is at the lower end ot the Passenger Depot, loug aide of the Railroad track, and is tbe most convenient one for shipping. Our motto ia to attend to our business faithfully, fill our orders punctually, treat our patrons kindly, to be undersold. H. K. ELLS A CO. HIDES *> tb NOTICE. W E would state to our friends and customers that we have a wagon runnlug at this lime, ] and wilt deliver any goods. Ice, Ac., bought of us, ; free ot any expense to them. By sending ua notice, they can have Ice delivered . to tfi*m anv time ofthe day. II. X. EI.I.S A CO. STTHSTD^-'Z' NOTICE. O UR Store will be open for the delivery of ICE, from S a. m. in the morning, until 8 a. ni., then om 12 a. in tot p. m. Sickness excepted—any me for that. It. X. EI.I.S .V CO. Macon. Aptil 19—tin CLOTHING. will supply you in any quantity desired, deliv ered at the depot, and as low as the lowest. All or ders from the city or country promptly attended to • april l»-2t GREER ft FREEMAN. Plantation for Sale. T HE undersigned offers for sale hu plantation in Monroe County, containing 900 acres, 11 miles from Macon,on the Road to Forsyth and half a wile from the Macon and Western Rail Hoad. The olace b well improved, with 300 to J/>0 acre* of woodland, about 100 ot swamp, halt* of which has been ditched and in cultivntion. This b ore ofthe most desirable farm residences in Middle Georgia. It will be sold low for cosh or credit m* may be prefered L. X. WHITTLE '«prill9—2m Macon, Geo: Book and Tract Hepositorj oi sue Georgia Conference* T HE Committee of th.* Conference met on tli 16th inst„ aud have permanently located a Depository irt Macon, Georgia, where all the Books of our Catalogue will be furnished at Nashville wholesale ana retail prices, and as low* as they can be bought elsewhere. Catalogues furnished free of expense, bv mail if desired. A large stock <»! Religious. Sabbath School, School and College Text Books, always on hand. Abo, Blank Books, Station»-ry—fcuch ua Foolscap, Letter. Note and Bill paper. Envelopes, Visiriug Cards. Pa per Cutters, Gold, Steel, and Quill Pens, Irk, Pen cils, Slates, Wafers, Jet*., Ac Sold as low-as they cau he purchased anywhere. We respectfully nsk fora liberal share of patronage. Orders promptly filled. JOHN W. BUBKE, Agent, apr 12 Cotton Avenue, Macon, «*n. rrmaRRabiTr,' Astounding and Startling! Dru^and Chemical Store Weekly arrival! of the Savannah Steamers ena bles him to replenish his Stock Weekly, with FRESH AND CHOICE GOODS, which are bought with great attention to purity, and sold »s LOW »s at any Drag Establishment in Geor PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS Compounded at all hours with care and neatness. Hi - !. i in par! of the lollon iujf articles: Drugs, Chemicals and iWedicines, Dyes. Paints, Oils and Colors, Glassware. Syringes, modern styles, great variety. Window Glass, Putty. Artist.. Tools. Mechanical, Artificial and Natural Leeches, Fresh Hops snd all other Herbs, Surgical Instruments and Medicine Chests, Family Soaps. Fine Starch and Geletinos, Fine Castor Oil for Family use. Wines and Liquors for..Medical use only. Perfumery, Pomades and Toilet Articles. Gold and Silver Lost. Gold and Tin-foil and Artificial Teeth, Ham,Tooth and Nail Brcsiixs, White Wash, Paint, Cloth nnd Flesh Brushes, TRIPOLI, a great article for denning Metal and Glass, Grass and Garden Seed, aud all th<? patent Nostrums of the day. Corner Mliberty *trrrt and Col/on Acenne, Macon. apl 21 Has non* in btorc ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS OF IN THE CITY, Watches! Watches! C ELEBRATED ENGLISH MAKERS—James v Hoddell A Co, R. A G. Beosley, Josh Tolemau, Josh Olarenshaw, Edwards Robinson, and the cele brated American Watch in Gold and Silver Cases. SWISS MAKERS-Euge-ne Brnquet, Breithing Laderict, Edouard Favrc. Brandt aud others too numerous to mention, by DAY & MAUSSENET Clocks, Clocks, Clocks. Thu Marble Clock, running three weeks without winding—striking hour and half hour. Also, Eight Day, Marble and Mnrbtcized Iron. Bronze, Wood and Muriiir Time-pieces, with and without thealarm DAY A MAUSSENET. Fine setts of Jewulry. DAY A MAUSSEXET. Dismend Pins, Finger Rings and Ear Kings. DAY A MAUSSENET. Fob, Vest, Chattalsns aud Guard Chains. S n I) i n o rp/\ n u o day a maussenet. I 11 I \ IT it I till |\ n. . A fine assortment of Necklaces, Crapes, Medalions l II 1 il VI U A VJ y/ *»- aud Other Trinkets, by DAY A MAUSSENET. Macon Colton ITInrkct. Our Market dull. Nothing done since re ceipt of accounts. Extremes 9} to 12)c. lie invites wpirml atten- ! Ete FROCK COzVTS, r quality, ntylv and fit, cannot bo excelled, ist received a largo lot of superior ‘PANTS. Iii the way of FANCY CASMMERS and LIN- j 2XS, hb Stock b conipleto. All he asks is to give . im a call before making your purci»aacs. GT»e xt door to Strong A Wood's Shoe Store ! Matsin, April 19, 1859. AT THIS EARLY DATE, Trinkets, by Silver Table, Tea, Salt, Mustard, Berry. Sugar nnd Cream Spoons. Also, Desert and Pickle Forkes. () N E FRO M NEW Y O Jl KI Cups, Goblets. Waiters, and sundry other silver - I '* * * tieb'stoo nnmeronstn mention, by AND (fc. §$t reijediit, Corner In and Milssubt Stsxkts, MACON, GA. j DEALER IS CHOICE DRUGS, SELECTED MEDICINES, PURE CHEMICALS. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, WINDOW GLASS. PERFUMER'?', SOAPS, PA lNTS, OII.9, PATENT MEDICINES, FP.ESH GARDEN SEED, Merchants ami Physicians WHO FRIDK TtIKMSKI.VRa ON DEALING in ARTICLES OF TIIEi ; ! FIRST QUALITY. And at low Prices, MAY RELY UPON BEING SUITED. Orders Promptly attended to. M(E iE(y)K©^E a FREE TRADE, AND SAILORS’ RIGHTS. • by DAY & MAUSSENET. Musical Instruments. Yioliiicelos, Violins, Flu tea, Fladgeoleta, Fifea, BaujoeN aud Tr.mborinei», also a fine assortment ol Italian. French, aud English Violin Strings by Gold, Silver. Steel aud^Uted S^W'he j THE GREAT STRENGTHENER AND PAIN Scotch Pebblfi Gla8!*e^, by E H-E^' MAGNETIC PLASTER THE A@Kil©!HiL , in!3^IL i would be the best mir-; CLOTHING. . oao BROWN LINEN COATS—Sacks, Dusters OUU and Frocks. i COO Alpacca Frock and Sack Coats. WOO Fancy Marseilles Vests. | 100 White 800 White and llrowu Linen Vests, just re- ] ct-ivi-l and for nale cheap at wholesale or retail, by | april 19 E. WINSHIP 1 DAY A MAUSSENET. FANCY GOODS—Alarge assortment, by DAY & MALSSENCT. JEWELRY REPAIRING done at the shortest notice uml in tic i/ent pofiibir maurrr. WATCHES, ‘BAZAAR OF FASHION”®"“ ” dS!,TerHodde " TRIUMPHANT. THE SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS 1 FOR GEORGIA. ‘ : y«^;i 1 ^!;-Ma<?l 1 ineYy& Implementsp rawe rs, &c.isealed iH ir^i© ■<! by them," bo nqilieil. t a trranical husband to his much a ninn of thepurest honor, and of singular good-} g-, t f vn ness of disposition, lie was a scholar of dis criminating taste, well versed in the best authors. ...Vi. . . t. . „ , ! criminating taste, well versed in the best authors, ' •' .dl ‘ -d ’h. *tid espei'i.dly in pol.tical science, lie traced m ' % inn ii , ip ii i principles of government to this source, ami sec.", ns laW as yours is. would W ' „ iv “ , ;l tisractorv reason* for his llOS' K\i( liusliand in u brown >tudy. salt I a doling fallier, who w : h\< son into business, “what shall lx* conclusion. Such was the interest he l«K»k in poiitieBq I hat lie frequently declared his inten tion to prepare a work, when leisure permited new hnu . ell, governor, | unn j»i V iug the result of his investigations to .ml tuent\youth, looking up to |) 1C pablic. A volume on such a topic from a f 'ii • * ol, |. w 1 ?) >u , t . J,u ! , I* ost * geinlcumn so careiul and solid in bis reflections, .imp in » .it ler. would have been of essential benefit to the country. As a writer he was clear in his con- aiDpI i girl of quick and fearless u it T .Mr. Jacob White, Thi.d Hirtt, bvlov Msrket, says: •• F«»r n >«t«r ffitt I have le-eii afflicted very »eri- ou»ly with «Iy.«pep»i*. #<i inueli ao.rbaf my Moinaeh ret«s«-U n» retain nn> tiling. I ha' »• tried altnott #?very remedy, and the regiuieu of several physieiMiis. but without alleviation, until 1 hegsti the use of Ihi-r- liave’a llolhtnd Hitters and have uuw tound r»ii*-f j uhn«*st aiaouotiug to u cure. J found it « ffieaeious in reiuoviug th«* extreme debility occasioned by this j disease. :*nd generally as a tonic It ha* few tquals { and no superior.** GRAIN CRADLES. UD ' S Powder and his Pills. j anJ Wire br * c * d ' d 5 J| nd 6 finRer '' Prip ’' 3 < All the insect tribe will kill. t ° t ° ^ t Mxios. Presideut ofthe American Institute, i , , , SC\1HK BLADES\ Thedlscnvwy oftbiai»wdcr. by Pruf. Lrox En «‘“ b Ame " c “ bdver b,eel ' ‘ ri<:e ,5C i.l.i' kncvv u certain young man. captious, logical iu arrangement, and perapicu-. I oh, yes. I ought to know him. . olls in style, ilis speeches aud editorial arti- { t II irom a |uip. **Ah. aud Mfss c les bear this testimony. It is cause of serious I . i’t know you were so old a cur. i egret that hisprojected treatise on Government i , was never written. Hi. abilities and research I ”* Clnbb « v «. «jr«u«a i cing to be hanged, bogged that M a Statesman amply qualified him for the osted •« Locuat*. grasshopper.!, ants, t Gr , is bUdcsf^cythc Stoncf aniiHifica, A L-ht W tied under his arms instead , as k. bn K* * ml *» v « rmll > van be destroyed, gardens; ur u, *“ ' . i a. '.or.' said Pat, ‘l am so rc- | M his social relations, there seemed to be no ! and made pure. 7/ */*/•-£■ ^ p SSwar A* Price 18 to I in the throat, that if tied there co,.,.. iv,. u„ . '*en tomaskmil. <« trt ton Mr. l.wm tat ,1. There. aiem, r.xceisior. to «1 IS. SICKLES' REAP HOOKS. in the throat, that if tied there ' room lor improvement. He was all kindness elf with laughter.” nnd urbanity. Iiis conversational powers were | “ u. to ! fc *.« rMtta ry." f j , alien lie is asked to dine at half-' of a very high order, and his address was at * it lime to come at half-past eight.) ; all times plcusing. Col, ljolscy united iu him- ni.l you're been waiting dinnair [self the traukneas of the age in whiefa be waa oi the House.—*Oh dear, no! | educated, among the last ot our Revolutionary btoff< . 'i*i.ie time; will you take some statesmen, with the zeal of a more recent period ! dr !!j!f , jin political disciuisions. His personal worth ts " w < ‘ I ' .lid a schoolmaster, pointing J was nil that friends coulj desire; aud liiaca- \. 'I a ldy's name.’ 'No, it isn’t pacity to investigate legal questions, to com ■ii". you blockhead, it’s X.’ ’I'll I prehend principles, and to present them forci- h’s daddy's name, blowcd if bly, was admitted by all his professional breth- . -nn him write it often.’ I ren whoever heard him xvhen the occasion de- invclv girl 1’ exclaimed the witty! watided a close argument. He was truly a r, in 'company with his friend model of generosity at the Bar, of reverence for •Miss (jlass’ replied the the law, and of reaped for the tribunals of it* j e»U Rheum, Bums Bi ui-c*. Stiff Joint*, or Oald*. | ..Valid often he intoxicated could | administration. Nuch was our beloved brother Snrsiu, t*,.lc Evil, and Snclling* up,»u Horse., it has * . .i-s to my lips.’ whose genial face we shall behold no more on . no « q»nd for Man or B'-x.-I. No person will b» with- j aV said a lady the other day,; earth. He has been taken from us suddenly, "it a man’s toes. ’No, madam, J and may tbia dispensation of lleaveu influence ' crones ft. the general estimation of the Mustang Mn eeing that it’s you; but if it were t us all to prepare for our final account. The j imsnt. I can cheerf.dly »»y ilmt no article over per-' i would have hollered out mur- j life of our departed frieud was upright, his formed 40 dollars. THRESHING MACHINES, A few applications destioys ever)' tliiug like garden j Brown'. Virginia, Wheeler's and Georgia made.— worms, bed bugs fleas, ticks, roaches. Ac. It is an j Price 33 tv .>0 dollars. Asiatic pi int discovered by Mr. K. Lrox. Many! HORSE POWERS, imitations will be offered. Be sure it bears hi- ad*! Sinclair s and Whitman's Lover Powers, on-and J two hoise R. Hoad Powers. Price #100 to *140. STRAW CUTTERS, Shuck aud Fodder Cutters. Price 3 to 30 dol ais- CORN SHELLERS, Various fixes and Patterns. Price**] lo 11 dollars. WEEDING HOES. ! Seovil’s, Collins'. Weed’s, Brades' Patent, Clement’* Iron and Wood Straw Rakes, Cultivators, Harrows, vder kills all insects in a trice, While Lyon's Pills are mixed for rats and mice. n _ j Stanml- Flasks. 9Xot*., regular sizes, 30 ots A 91 BARNES A PARK, New York. april 3—lm MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. Intrinsic virtue alone eonid insure the success ; pj„w*. Corn Mills. Churns, Wheelbarrows, Ac , Ac. which this article lias attained—for RLeumatism. I All for sale st the lowest prices, by NATHAN tVEKD. april 19 Macon. 6». E. WINSIIIP lias just received another lot of tile ‘‘Golden Hill Shirts, v t»ry «uppriorurtick. Also Liu<*u mid Jpnni* Draw ; <7ott»n, l.itti**, Mptirl and Silk I’mlershirts; 1 Liflp. MpmiI, ami whitf ami lliiltirii Cotton Halt Hose*; Meek*. Cr-vat*. ’Bus GIovp-% Umbrptliia, Trunks. Yuli***. &«.*• A*’, april it* __ S* BELDEN A CU. 4 UNDER Ealston’s Hall, Cherry St. H AVE just received the largest and finest stock of Goods that ha* ever been offered in this market* a part ot which comprises the following : Philadelphia Silk Hats, new style. New York •* ** ** “ Wide brimmed do “ *• •* Fashionable black and pearl Ca**imere Hats of all styles. Men’s soft French Mats of all styles and colors- extra fine. Men's soft lints, from 81 to 83 30. Boy’s ** goods of all styles and qualities. Men’s and boy’s silk aud straw Summer Caps. Men’s Straw* goods, Panamas of all qualities Men's black and Brown Leghorns. Also. White Senate, nnd a Urge lot of men’s plsn- tation straw Hat.*. Ail kinds of bov's straw Goods. Ladies’ and Fists of all qualities, nnd cheaper than they can be bought iu town. A large lot ol‘Meu’» sml boy’s w**ok-u Hats, that will be sold cheap. Men's and boy's Navy and cloth Caps, whicli will be sold at a bargain. Just received * tine lot of Umbrellas As we wish to convert oar stock into cash, we will sell our goods as cheap hh any house iu the South, ami Straw Good* cheaper than anybody, april 19—4t BELDEN A .UO. BILLS OF LADING TO DISPLAY, FROM DESTROYER. rilUE best and cheapest Household Remedy in the i W. rhl. .Simple and pleasant * n ita application, certain aud effectual ia its results. A beautiful, sci entific, external Curative, applicable for the relief of pain at any time, iu any place, in any part of the human system, and under all circumstances. If you put this Plaster any where, if Paiu is there, the Plaster will stick there until the Pain has vanished. The Plaster magnetizes tho pain away, and Paiu cannot exist where this Planter bn applied. Rheumatism, Lameness, Stiffness, Weakness, De- Our SECOND STOCK of , bifity. Nervousness, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Coughs F \ \T f 1V I )! ) V 7_ITAf )T)0 ; and Colds, Pains and Aches of every kind, down "••LY V7 j L/lt 1 tuuDntiTEr.V RKURVgn. DAY A MAUSSENET. For the SPRING AND SUMMER Trade Is just opened, and every Lady who has seen them the colors under which we sail. We j ever examined. We ester to please our customer^ >s. na>in.*i »o tln> ilUrrimitixtioi)! " * vwit New\nrk \Y« sell NEW aud RICH nerous public for the veracity of onr ! GOODS all the time. We expect to make money, 1 j and onr calcalHibw do m* by keeping at all | tin by kcopiug i The smd iuo§! complete sician remark that u »umll Mow at peace with all mankind mr«1 for Midi or B^iut. Xop*-r.*on will b« with-1 tx- n] i s% Li l it wIioliNt* oiitv ita vnlutr. “And wiflir«-f- XlOllCJ JiuluG vXl clSS ^GG(I# iY. UEED, illacoiiq OSn \ OENT for the tab of the Honey Blade Huuga* rim: (into St-fd, wxrnioted to grow in any rfi- heart imbued wilii religious truth, m.d lie died L W. faidgetiold, Cotui." 8 Lfiu h. E>q. im»te,nud ttund nil kinds of wenther Price 8.*s 00 llvde Park, Vt. writui, ••that the bone wm conoid |»* r bag opri! 150 nose, ji rustic exclaimed. dVdl, 1. Resolved, That we have heard with pain- er*-«i worthies*, {bin w«**pN\in.) but does tho i;i;iL I*vo blowcd my nosea great! fal regret of iho death of Uopkt.^s Holskv, frt.» im.<■ »f ih* Mantang Liuittwnt I Imvc- sold him I ■ never broke it yet” i hired inan with having J.*»te n ciisi iiiguidhcd member oi thisi Bar; nud for 81 jo. Your Liniment is doing wund*™ up hero, that iu i ok ell ol our regard for Iiis inemory t we Snub tentnrnwy i» raadbing us every dny. Tho luilf t fold Every tainily should have if Bewiiro of imitation*. Tho genuine MuMang in sold by nil Dk. B. j prove Thunder nnd lightning, 1 i will wear the u^unl badge *»f mourning for thir- is v, ‘do you expect a man to i ty days. oi i for six dollars a montli »’ I 2. ResolrcJ, That we tender to the family of ; respectable denier* throughout tbe word or. having driven a gentleman | the deceased our uufeigued condolence iu their ii? torrents of rain, the gentle-; great bereavement, and that the clerk furnish •paddy, are you not very wet ?’ j them a certified copy of these proceedings. '"■nor. I’m very dry.’ 3. Resolved, That a copy be sent for publi- _ _ __ *? Lohinson ’I never I cation in the Daily Columbus Enquirer, and f leniion t'o'ou’r fr'ienU Dr B. F Wiiliams'preparation q-amou than youwatt Ai', that other papers in Columbus, and also the , )f .. gsraparilla and Iodide of Polssslum.” which .mum.ii, nil the worm Knows j papers in Macon and Athens be requested to . has ,, roVl .„ iisslfa good medicine and a great bene .... , , . ' copy tho samo. nt to mankind Tliis preparation esnuot be daa _ ' j " c <f° Resolved, That the court ho respectfully in , bo ,. a , esorv ,.f patent M.sliciues of the day ... Ac, nepliett the ctnrKey, j requested to permit these proceedings to be | , b o formula by which it is prepare! is notkeptaj you—lumps nose not 1 en , e rcd on ita Minutes. ^ . Secret, but isoj»eo to the Inspection *.f medical men ; STEPHEN F. MILLER, I ' nedothers, who may desire > know its ingredients ' WM. \\ . C'OKllI 1 T, I ,, before prescribing or using it. It would be the last GEO. R. HUNTER, j *- un ''.. . A. F. OWEN. j im Thunder and Lightning! IMVEI1S.1L C0.VFL ill RATIO!! The Wreck of Matter and the CRUSH OF WORLDS! BARNES* PARK. IToprietora.New.Wk. j g$ea meP . AllgUStll BtlHlt Williams’ Sarsapaiulla. It may 1111 If ■ tank f.wa won’t charge anything for! "ni iiie.’ -aid a one-legged sailor] miiufacturcr. mn who makes additions to false ] ' "Im lias confidence in all that! resolutions ■ lie rtliis on all he hears. AND THE :■ advsntago to onr readers to rail their at-' TOIVCI* OH ihp StOllP .llOUUlsin ItlOWll 3D O W 3ST! War tn Enr.prnad Ihc Jli.sls.lpjii Kbiug I . _. , . .. Tremendous Excitement in mankind TO, preparation cannot be clamed | EUBO p E ASI A , AFRICA, NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA! The whole World fumed up-iidf flow 11 ! DRV GOODS FOR NOTHING! Five Hundred jier cent less than Cost OF THE RAW MATERIAL! member of the Finn having had an PI 9! b 4 H STOWE’S HAT emporium OPR LANIER MACON Ca. N ► * (D e.'oncc .V vit'isl . I pronounces our STYLES A PRICES far, far supe- II t I.IIMI. g I .IIH f ' fiorto nnythiug in the way of Goods that they have THESE aro defy <‘«tinp«*titioi) of a just nnd g«*nero Assertion*. COME LADIES, On*? and nil. nnd examiiit- the «‘«rttutlee» varietj* ot («<:in* that beautify nur Store*. Cull f«*r our imp irt*-d atrles of Euro)»Kay Fabrics, anda*c that w«* can exhibit the rurtjht *»per*imei»f that ingenuity can afford, «>r fanry uud taste invent. Iu Ladies’ Goods of nil kinds, our Departments are extremely gor geous, elliciting the admiration of all who honor us with a call In our Carpet Department It is useless to say that oriental style and courtly magnificence is brought to the flense by its brilliant array aud costly fabrics. In Laces, Mantillas, La Favorite, French Tricot, Robes AlineJa. llobes Mugicieuu*, Velsur Impera trice. Illuminated Org-mdies, Robes a Rcu.x Volant, Robes Fieuris, Robes Snltaine, OrosdoTour, Cr-tpe Chinous, Ttiil Du Nf>rd, Robes Duchesse. Robes Simnleo, Grosd’Epsoure, Mil ui.iise, Ducats, Shawls, CivaMies, and a thousand varieties that would weary the patience to read. Tneir assortment purchased directly from EUROPE, by orders given in November last, are just arriviug. conabting of styles so bewitchii.gly beautiful that language fails to portray iu writing, whan the gush ing uoliiddeu sentiment, “Oh! Charming,” “Do look here !” “Aru t this beautiful /' breaks forth iu tones flo sweet and feeling, that hu Anchorite is stirred even beyond tbe measure of hU cold ami sor did nature. MERCHANTS from t lie surrounding Towns nnd country won hi do! “^T 0 ?S£5. °l U *r well to call and examine our Meroo.l HmrU of! «•* HR»r and bi-.-t ..fleeted stocks of HlPtfRTEU (.’OOPS, as we ran sell them goods as low ns they cau be bought iu New York, Philadelphia ur Boston. assortment to be found in Georgia, and at price* that will induce parties in want of Good.* .«» patron ize ns. We think, from the many new customers received this Spring, and from the attachment of former friends, that in all \>arta of Georgia, it is now conceded that OUR FIRM stands highest in the estimation of the Ladies, as the Fancy Dry Good* .Store of Macon. When we fail to occupy this PROUD POSITION, or suffer any one to eciipsc us, we will modestly re tire from the trade. Our motto is IImt quality, quick uni**, and nf price* which none rim dispute. We have now just received 1200 yards Linen Lawns for Ladies Summer Dreasea, worth 62$ cents per yard, which we will sell at 33 cts. Grenadine Robes in 2 Flounces. Berage and Or- gandie 2 Flounced Robes. Lace Mantles, and every other style of Dress Goods just opened, which we can sell much lower than any one can sell who has not visited N. York the second time this season. april 5 BOSTICK, KEIN Jc CO. LATEST ARRIVAL FROM UOSTOX, NEW YORK A.YD PHILADELPHIA. H AVING just returned from the above cities, I am now opening one of the LARGEST^ >1 $T and best selected stocks of DRY GOODS ever offered in the Southern market. We challenge compnrUon with any and everybody. When we mv t tir*t we h’iVe one of the best Selected Slocks, To our Patrons we would say (hut we shall daily receive Irom the j Northern and Kur<»p*-Aii Markets evtrytliiug that ; we mean ju*t what we say, and will prove it by can idea**- the eye or captivate the sense*, thereby j comps ns’ ioi ‘ * ... . ” ' eveu to Corns, are IM.MEDIATELY RELIEVED, and, with a little patience, PERMANENTLY CU RED, by the magical influence of the MAGNETIC PLASTER. It is the simplest, surest, safest, pleas antest and cheapest remedy in existence. Its ap plication is universal—equally to the stroug man. the delicate woman, and the feelde infant. To each and all it will prove a Ilalin and a Blessing. Its uso is agreeable, and without annoyance cr trouble.— Its price is within reach of all—rich or poor; all may have it, and should have it who are sick, and suffering in any way PLANTERS should be always supplied with the invaluable PLASTER. It will bo tbe Good Phy sician on any Plantation, ready at all times, and at instant notice. Pat np in air-tight tin boxes. Each box will make six to eight plasters, and any child can spread them. Price 25 cent* a box, with full and plain directions. D. C- 7IOREIEUAD, .11. D., Inventor and Proprietor, 19 Walker st.. New York. MOREHEAD S MAGNETIC PLASTER is sold by all Druggists in every City, Town and Village of the United States. Nov. 23. , combining iu cue graud ami unprecedented whole, j ^ lielmr we give V< a Mock at ail times uurivalleii iu its beauty, nud i few ofthe many thousand things that are Bare and I preeminent in itaeourtlv magnificence. ROSS.’(MILKMAN & ROSS, april 12 ’ C.R WE & BROTHER*: f WASHINGTON BLOCK. Invito attention to thrir Stock of Spring A Summer Hats & Caps, ihiiiR we should think nf doing, ro recommend , a medicine tl at possessed no valuable ine licinal The Committee appoiutcil to draft suitable | qualities, „nd would fail of producing a happy effect | rriHE buying t Bvoolutioua conmemorativeof the death of Hon. u „ ou Ihc.diaeaaet for which it ia recommended; but A experience of uine'-ythree years in the Dry Hopk.ss Holset, having discharged that „ r , leases coming under o-r | •r it >aiil of a >i,k man. that he duty, anil the same having been submitted to knowledge that have been cured in tbia city, that l..r t , TmcH ,i OH . ,, IK 1 hrouRht out each l.mr. will not sup anh. Such is not the ease. The j the Court: It is on motion ordered, that tue indigestion, dyspepsia, inflammation ofthe kidneya j ply tbe one buudreth part of hia STUPENDOUS ' enjov bail health are thcdoc- oreamble and resolutions bo spreall upon the wl.it.- swellimr. ulcers. Ac, that no belter prepara- TKADE has concluded to spend all Iiis time there, | Etc* of this Court, in accordance with the tlon Unow extant, and take pio.snre in calling miy wishes and request of the Committee. ^ t«*utioii to this tact. by- an iuspect ion of our invoices, which will r A true copy. JAMEST. 1IAKMAK* Clerk, j Xhe good qualities of this medicine hss already ! the tact that the wrapping paper aloue used i Some taint idea ofthe re formed reveal good qualities of this medicine hss alresdy J tile tact that the wrapping paper aloue used iu our I *' — I made it popular in this aud adjoin'm* States, and «, j busineaa. CMta annually, thirty three'thousand four I Skirts for tllC Queen tile fcUl- r ,pjj j„ sale, that the Doctor haa teen compelkd NO In'the'wOKLD (*• compete with l*ilESS. j to make arrangements for enlarging his manofacto- j f ur our gales am«mnt to many billions more than It may surprise our readers to learn that the „„ mw j otherwise extend hi» business facilities. I the Rothschilds ev* r dreamed of. By our enter- Cflcbratod skirt manilfacttirers W. s. and C. * XoW( Ml iu c t(d reader we advise yon to try this J pr**« *«d immems* capUal. we b*v*jac^jd *■ Irrbrnm Thomson, arc now making for Quctn \ icto- relIlt< | y ,| int >ou have the meant of knowing of what vSriouTwoted manutactories^t ^he old acd new Ui r " ,i * , ria nnd the Empress Eugenie, ail assortincni oi it j M roro p 0fC j t in preference to those compounds j WO rld, and with the exception ot a few of the com- nature are more imposing than * their indestructible skirts which, for lightness, „ yoo not of,” tliat are composed of highly stirn. monett Dreswt, coaxed out of us by ihe Courts of litary iceberg, as regardless , durability, and cxquisiUuess of dcsigtu nmy aU tingb U t pmsontras n.Merisl.. Forrale by Zr.,. J ^m^we enilbUd A ii 1ST. tnar— vw . to otlt-rtbeJar htiMJ.omcr reirvhont to our own ens- tumers. Our Factories are rnnuiug niglit snd day. ‘i i vttjoy yourself, always lx- late ' l‘itat lime. Srallcrnan says that Tartar emetic of itreat retch nines*, ntan like a rooster' When his M Tht following comprise a few of their leading styles: Gent’s Bsrrilla Srjlo Mole Huts. ** New Orlenns Style Silk Hats, “ Bebee •• “ ** ** Everett •• •* “ “ Black, Drab, and Pearl Fasli. Canimeren, “ Superior French Felt of ail colors. Am! au eud!en» variety of Boys nnd Children’s Straw I and Leghorn Hat* ana Cap*. We also Lave something very superior for gen tlemen’s wear in the Straw liue. English Duustables, .Straw and Leghorn* of every | variety of color. We iuvite particular atteutiou to our £lock. nnd promise to sell a* cheap as any house in the city or State. C. I*. STONE * BROTHER, apr 19 Below we give you a slight enumeration ot only w of the many thousaud thic “ Beautiful thst we have to sell: Labtcs Department. Black Gro de Rhine nud Bishofta Silk in plain, Rebb, Fig’d, Bayadere and Stripes. Chono Bayadere and Striped Fancy Silks. Double Jupes aud Tivo Flounce Silk Rob*»s, in black nnd fancy colors. Tissues. Grenadine nnd Bercgc Robes. Organdies and Jaconet Double Jape Robes. Cimllio nud Grenadine Double Jupe Robe*. Gingham and Fancy Calico Robes. Jaconet aud Lawn Muslin Robes. Figured Muslins in an endless variety. Lice Shawls, Lace Points, Poiut de Chev*-ra. Silk nnd French, Lace Mantillas, Swiss ami Jaconet Collars nnd Sleeve-*, Embroid* i en d aud Lace .Setts. A NOTHER LOT OFSUPERIOE KID GLOVES j skirts, Ae*™’ di **' " nd M '”” Hosie ' 7 ' - v at C. H. BAIRD S. i Hen and Boy's wear of all kinds . Bleached and NOTHER LOT SUPERIOB ENGLISH COT- g^k^^kTul 1 Irish Linens. Embroidered Window Curtain Da. tOVKI.TIKS IN' NECK-TIES, COLLARS. As, C. IL BAIRD'S, i N ovelties in cassiukrk vestings*» C. H. BAIRD'S. | Ut’EUIOR b KENCH BLACK CASSIMEIiEl TSnt V. H. BAIRD'S. ! s F ine black cloth frock coats at V II. BAIRD'S. ISLE THREAD SHIRTS, SOCKS A GLOVES. | j ut IMI. UVIRD'S. A* TON SOCKS, at C. II. BAIRD'S. D RAP D'FTF ALPACCA finrilJXFY COATS jswks, finra'illes Quilb, French, Eni-iish md Amer- ” 1 AA A ''"".V 1 ,, ic«n prints. Linen Drillings and Farmer's Satins, * ’ j Tweeds, Cottonades, A**. And many other Roods SUPERIOR FANCY MARSEILLES VESTS just i beaut'Sf.d■' Ien,l '’ ,, K* U p f2S r ’Sl^ ,h ® O received by C. H. RAIRli. Oeautimi Roods at E. EINSTEIN h. spril 3 Telegraph Building?. Dissolution ol' Copartnership. T HE partnership heretofore existing under the j i 1 j\ JjSl r A M Li. I (jllOCriHIKS Firnr name of C. A. Ells A Son, has been this | 1850 \CKER MERRALL & CO.. Cur. Sd St. snd Cotton Avenne. Macon, March 99 — *4 tide, it steer* its coarse across j luirly be tcraml marvels of beauty. Mill not -p, far stray from land. Like ! Amaryllis, and Musidora, and, indeed, all the i>u‘s in Scandinavian inythol- ebamiing and fashionable gentlewomen who CIL p-rtri -t-l O* ToTiR-CCO Ht ascrifice of life among our operatives hu beea in the nortals of the North, walk in Broadway, envy the Queen of i’nglnnd W aao vv . ^ ’ i tnlyfrarjol. eauseit entirety by the superhuman ef- .1, , l r. » JI„ I ,t... v...e, ./.J Il.s Fr.-nsh their nrravnl in AN fort* they were «n»kin< to have onr sprtnK styles twt block* SLr Proudly it I and the Eutprcss’of the'French their arrayal in • tluit dash iu foam against; these elegant fabrics ? Perhaps so—but Uicn ; '-"I the "hthe he strength of its crystal Messrs. Tl.ontson are now U„ ,,utti. K <«P -lioenoflts emerald caves. I of tiiese durable court s.tirts for the gratilica- p !XE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO. . . How delight-!^ ^ by Urtm ^ E fort* they were making to have onr spring styles T tv» n m vfa m a nt! INCREDIBLY MAGNIFICENT. But we writ 1 mpo riant X m P ro YU III L II L gU ppj v tne w*ut* of our customers *nd cstiuot stop to cousiderbuman life. Our goods are alwaj s perfectly Jrrth and new, for "..i. and tempest, ^e'iu eon- | tion.nd ^ ^ | has bemt'Vdo^t E GOODWIN Night fulls around, nnd the ed they will be to wc.tr them. 1 ‘“f BUO.of New York City. - | tothu AUCTION ROOMS of New York. Philadel- tremulously front a thousand | of these elegant skirts—winch, oa tne way, are TOBACCO, ot the BEST QUALITY, is selected phia aud Baltimore, and we would state for tbe ben- »lbs ,. roen .frnths of -caverns formed of silk and steel—consists in the eye- ( TIN FOIL and PATENT Pr«»-! ,‘ b « nainitiated that these auction rooms are si Mil tttjuns I let fastening,” a verv great improvement upon j supplied exclitdre from the nf.rr to,*h ofottr es- soou as tbe package is opened the qusl- ! iKStaSfiKK Kft ‘P 2 2 Jet.SIOS.TM-0. Tob.wo Mu cr wWch be j r^txirerc^OnB. I tablisbment, thereby affording employment to mtny men abroad and a few at home. That onr good* are far theaprr, onr stock larger, ourfactlttin for buying greater—that we srH wore, and iu fact do everything at our l’ALACE better than any other bouse, is evidenced by the fact that we are tbe only parties who say so in the public prints. Being rather too busy ourselves to get up a satta- ReaJrtrtitemral we entrusted the above to our friend J.. Baron MescHAi ii* and we are afraid he has put 1 Fine Cut Tobacco undergoes in tbe proceas of man- it on rather loo strong, but he insists thst it is not ••prtsed, or smoothed and strati- ’ ‘; u !Jtrs imbedded in the ice, ’’ • hi turn. r e* have been seen rising 300 and these, if their snbma- r-t > i tLc maximum depth, must " rh jrutous total height of J,700 * mass any rock or mountain ,, ufacture. frees It from ail grit or impurities so ob- half ot what ws could sar. if we would keep up with Dentil Of Collector Postcll. i-, ioon ble in t-<. -a« of Hug Tobacco. Cbewera; *hf «!“»• •“«* *»7 ,“ id 'f or «®ce pur old fogytsm - Savannah, April 10—John Postcl!, the L- well to give «he Patent Pr-,«d» trial, and : lli * impohey of hidTug our nited States Deputy Collector forthisport, dietl j for tb «mtelve*. 1.... a nf <1 nVIfM*!:. \ J ** . . .an last night nt!) o'clock. iggestioi light under a bushel and befog restrained fit the least by such a thing as modesty, certainly are enti- For sale by Wholesale Merchant*, who receive it I tied to consideration, but as we differ from him, we Ludicrous nlteapi to murder n HUSBAND. ...JI.JK1 The following tilory is the taik of n village in below the surface of tho , Halifax, England. It appears that n certain If I*oii*hcd and grooved, and | woman felt her spouse an encumbrance, and np- dlrect from the Manufacturer*. E. GOODWIN A BUO., SOX A 909 Water Street, N. T. tnert.V—tin inside, leaded. ■ Experience the Best Test! must Apr. say. bi* be tbe responsibility. r. 19. W. W. PARKER A CO. OTICK.—All persons indebted to tbo Estate of Jonas W. Hail, are requested to make imme diate payment; aud all person* bolding claim* or demands against the said estate, must present them Copartnership Notice. HAVE this day associated with me my binther, Frank H. Stone, for Ihe purpose of contiuuiug the Hat and Cap business. The business will be conducted hereafter under the firm name and style of CHAS. U. STONE A BROTHER. The subscriber, thankful for the liberal patrouage extended to him the past year, would most respect- fully solicit a cuntinuHiice of it for the new firm. They will keep coustautly on hand a snperior stock ot Hats and Caps, which they will sell as low as any bouse in the city or Mate, apr 19 C. B. hTONE A BROTHER. LAM’S AND JOURNALS. T HE contracts for distributing the Laws and Journal* ofthe last Legislature; together with such other books as are for distribution among the several counties of the State, will be let to the lowest bidder, bv Judicisu Districts, at the State House, on Tursdnv,'tbe 3d ol MAY next, at 2 o'clock, P. M.— Anv sealed bids which may be forwarded to me by mail, before that time, for distributing the books in any judicial District, Fill be considered as bid* nt tbe letting out of the contracts. Bond snd security will be required for the faithful performance of the contract sruhin a reasonable time—to be set by the Governor—and tbe money will bo paid as soon na the work is done. The contractor will be required to enter upon the work witliiu ten days after the date of tbecontract, unless be shall receive notice extend ing the time. .... Any one sending a bid by mall, mast accompany it with the certificate of the Clerk of the Superior Court, or Sheriff of the County iu which be resides, stating that be is a responsible person, reliable, aud able to eivr good bond, or sneb bid will not be con- sidered. C. J. WELLBORN, State Librarian. Milledgeville, April 13,1839. It day dissolved, by mutual cona-nt The bnsiness ' will hereafter be conducted by Henry N. Ells, (tho junior member of said firm) who is authorize 1 to collect tbe debts due said Firm, in retiring, Mr. 1 C. A. Ells desires to return bis thanks to bis friends snd tbe public for the liberal patronage they ltsve bestowed upou him during tbo long period of years which he has been in the business of keeping a : Family Grocery snd Provision Store, and to ask a 1 n continuance of similar favors to his Son and sue- dealers tx cessor—who will carry on the business st the old : stand opposite the Lamer House. CHAS. A. ELLS, HENRY X. ELLS. ! All those indebted to the firm will please ootne ! forward and settle. apr 3 No. 139, Uimiwbrrs Street, Cor. of College Place, (Opposite Hudson River Rail Road Station,) NEW YORK. Macon, Jan, 4th, 1838. Tho subscriber will make cash advsnees on cot ton consigned to George Parsons A Co, Savannah, and agree to bold the cotton forty -five to fifty days from date of shipments. ISAAC SCOTT jan 3 To Southern Dealers! J. H. RANSOM & CO.. 32 COURTLAND AND 39 DEY STREETS, NEAT' YORK, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS & SHOES, HAVE constantly on han«J a LAltGE STOCK OF FIXE and NEGRO GOODS, expressly for the Southern Trade, which they vrill sell nt the lowest market prices for cash or approved credit, jan 18 Dnrtfuri) /irr Snsurnnre Co., HARTFORD, CONN. Incorporated A. D. 1810. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital SI,000,COO Capital Paid in, 500,( 00 Surplus 300,000 ASSETS JANUARY 1, 1859. Cash on hand and iu Bank S43.43.V2S Cash iu handot Agents and in transit,.... 54,827.09 Real Estate nnnecumbered, (cash value.). 15,000.00 Bills Receivable, amply secured 73,174.55 2,404 Shares Bsuk Stock in Hartford 230,413.00 2,202 •• •• - New York,... 197,730 00 710 * Boston 74,620.00 100 Shares Bank State of Missouri, 10,000.00 State and City Bonds, 6 per cents, 74,245.00 Rail Road Stocks, 16,250.00 United States' Treasury Notes 14.035.00 9803,769.86 DIRECTORS. II. HUNTINGTON, CHARLES BOSWELL. ALBERT DAY, HENRY KENEY. JAS. GOODWIN, CALVIN DAY', JOB ALLA N, JOHN P. BR ACE, CHARLES J. UCS3. MASSEY’S IRON COTTON PRESS TWIGGS COUNTY ATTENTION! T HE undersigned have purchased the Patent Right for Twiggs county, of M.YSSEY"S POR TABLE IRON COTTON SCREW, FINEST WINES, FINEST BRANDIES, FINEST SEGARS, FINEST TEAS, FINEST COFFEES, FINEST SUGARS, FINEST RUTTER, FINEST HAMS FINEST TONGUES, and FINEST FAMILY • GROCERIES, of every description, put up for Shipment to all parts of tho World. Catalogues will be furnished apon application, tnar 29—3m ISTew firm. H AVING bought out my father’s interest in the firm of C. A. KIU & Son, which he has been : compelled to relinquish by feeble health', I have this | d*v formed a copartnership with my cousin, C. \V. Ells, and the business will be conducted hereafter I under the firm nsme and style of II. No Ells & Co., At the old Maud, where we hope to receive the continued favors of all the friends and customers of the late firm, and to make new ones by polito nnd courteous treatment, and diligent attention to busi ness. Please call snd cue us nt the old stnnd opposite the Ltnier House, Mulberry street, Mncon, Gn. H. X. ELLS & CO. lies nr X. Ells, . Chau. W. Ells. apr5—am Messenger nnd Citizen copy 3m Kisley’s Compound Final Extract! OF BUCHU, A sovereign remedy in nil diseases ofthe Kidneys, j Bladder ami Urethra, and which can be relied upon j fliHREE or Four good negro Carpenters wanted, with every confidence in Iuflamarion of the Kid ! 1 april 5 T. SHARPE & CO., neys ; Pain loathe Hack and Loins; Inflamntlm of I Forsyth. Ga. Insurance Agencies. OF HE AUGUSTA INSURANCE 4 BANKING CO. AND THE ALABAMA FIRE 4 MARINE INS. CO. AT THE OFFICE OF LANIER A ANDERSON, Agt’*. 1638 tf Mason, Ga. H. HUNTINGTON, Preaident. WM. N. BOWERS, Actuary. TIMO. C ALLYX, Secretary. C. C. LYMAN, Assistant Secretary. Tbia old and reliable Company, established for nearly FIFTY YEARS, continues to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fit e on Dwellings, Furniture, Warehouses, Stores, Merchandise, Mills, Manufac tories, and most other kinds of property, on its usn si satisfactory terms. Particular attention given to Insuring Farm Pro perty, consisting of Dwellings, Barns and Out- Building* connected, and Furuitore, Live Stock. Hay, Grain, Fanning Utensils, Ac., Ac., contained in the same, for a term of three or five years, at ton rate* of premium. Applications for Insurance may be made to tbe undersigned, the daty authorised Agent for Macon and vicinity. Losses equitably adjusted at this Agency, apd paid immediately, upon satisfactory proofs,Jn fund* current in tie cities of .Yew Yoi It or Boston, as the as sured may prefer. E. J. JOHNSTON, Agent, i, Ga. Feb. 15—ly RELIGIOUS BOOKS AND SABBATH SCHOOL LITERATURE T HOSE wishing to purchase BIBLES. TRACTS, and good Books for tbe Library, or Sabbatk fwduif, are invited to call and examine tbe Stock of Religious Publications for sale at the Depository of the Georgia Bible and Colporteur Society, Cot- ton^Avenue, Macon, Ga. Every advantage will bo offered to those who wish to select libraries either for tfce Sunday School family. SAM’L BOYKIN, Dep. Ag’t. eb 15—3 m Carpenters Wanted. the Bladder; Leucorrho*; or Whites; Irregularities ! , nnds r«. o-t. nnd Obstruction*; Chronic Gonorrho®; Debilitating v . Lanils. lor Sale. Disdharges and Gleet; Dropsy and Gravel; Xootnr-! 'T* desirous of moving west. Is of- oat Emission*; Burning in Urinary Passages, AC. 1 .. f . F, for !“?_ bi * Plantation m Crawford Co. For the above diseases it has had the test of bip!{ effecting •peedhyand'peraaneiu'carea. provi* j comfortable Dwelling, Gin House and I ding the directions are closely followed. This is no j gjj*“1 iljfg bu n ‘, J'! and! PASSOVER BREAD! T HE subscriber will commence, on the first of April, to bake Passover or Unlcaveucil Dread. Those who may be desirous of supplying them selves will please send their orders st once. A. UOKCHERT, Comer Jefferson and Bryan tils. Savannah. N. B. Orders from the country promptly attend- ed to. april 5—3t Dissolution of Copartnership. T HE Copartnership heretofore existing under the name and style of H. Goodman A Co., in f ve'ars i G ®” >-'« n t* ,n ing 1300 acres, a good quantity of ltenvi- the Dry Goods business has been dissolved by mu- ill not Mr timbered wood-land, some good bottomland in 1 tun! -—* * ,T - 1 ••■ ■ - nrovi «“lfi v *fi«’». comfortable Dwelling, Gin House anil | on tl „„ followed " f iii* is no , Screnr - Granary, and a large number of other 1 quark nostrum got up to gnIUhe people nnd fleece '?*?' I'uP'r 01 '? ,, . < ‘ eded °, a n $ 8rm ** rti ,.°. r J> them out of their money, but a preparation the for- * ,nn > wIth *«nctjig mgood order, and Wells auu •—— — —-*•'-" placed in the Ltd* ofthe pro-1 ?£#£• b “. b g»'»*« M »* b| r b> " ll! Dissolution of Copartnership. Physicians, who desired a rella-1 i t' JZ "Y rp IIE <'o„art».. r .hit. her..,ot£522223£ consent. J. H. Goodman will hereafter carry the business in bis name. „ . GOODMAN A CO. Gordon, Ga, April 1, 1839. april 5—Si mula for which was irietors by eminent and are prepared to sell said right to any wishing to buy. a* the Presses cannot be legally V„ count: of . ■ ° y ‘ llelr P™£ p® Ocain, Ststek, Ac., can be had with the place. ■ , n »™e and stylo of II. Goodman A Kosenburg made or usefitn Twiggs cotlutv, except by pure b»«. ££*£ ^ertrinfsTrtnes TriES bSttfeT P«?fe"r . _ P befu^olvedby "th. sub«eribsr*" nhRmeta'tMt im- remedy to ascertain iu virtues; a single bottle if JlZsJiZZZj? in Tt* newer taken regular.y will show to the patient, that all that Terms to suit the purchaser. Address JOHN A. DAXIELLY. »P r 13 Rnsselville P. O., Monroe Co., Ga. It drug. ; in mended''bytbetiiost Eminent Phjaiciitna. 1 VJOTICK..-AI! persons indebted to the Estate of. pavement on the old wooden Screws, la its power ; ^VeiT sMd of ft.Tl V- P VJZ\v ,rn. -t line down to 2,000 or j gist" "that if she applied again ltc must seUher, C ACTiON.-Bewsr^cf | 1 t at Ml respectable Drugjftfi QQQff W an tpfl ■ scratched and polished, nnd *otr.c liannlcss article in lieu of the arsenic, and I ^"^wn^Trh.n n^SSTroa pwaooe bolding claims or dem»t..i-. i,g*la*4 mid aw ( .«rried in-one wans lead. OumS thaao Prsesra, ” .. '. . " 1 ‘ • imry m, r . .mot*. jUUUH. iiUmDGr W “^•i in raud. It i. •hi. .a...- wn.ld see what her objects were. SlioduL tu , rt better and have tate must present them in legal form within the time Dut up Mid ready for ; 1: * e are able N«» that la. > T »U»y tuid plain in the Dry Goods business, has been dissolved by : mutual consent. R. Ro6enburg will herexfter csr- * ry on the business in his own name. . . _ GOODMAN & R0SEX3UEG. Ira-inton, Ga. f April 1, 1859. april 5—3t*