Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, April 19, 1859, Image 4

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Bibb .tlor»RH*«- Slit-fill ''««•**• \ \ U.L b« «uhl • II tb-firM TUKSDAY-iw *•? \ V next, between the usual hour. 01 isle. before tbt inert House <!<•..r, in tb- City <■[ Mecon, Bibb County, ih.- following I i^perty. ■»*;.. v . 1 Dentists Op. rating Cbatr. I SpittoCTO. IW ul Stand. 1 Urge Mirror, l Chuir*. 11 Pluib Cbuiru, 1 Plush bof*. .Office Chairs, 1 Clock. 1 Boor Bell, a Window Ottomans mnd -tooU. 1 Center Tuble. 1 Tine Bureau. I Secretory, a Drapers- Window Curtains. 1 large Fhah Covered Chair. s’Gerondol*. and 1 Show Case, levied on to taiifr a mortgage fl. fa. from Bibb Superior Court, in faVor of Jonathan A. Virgin, vs. Hiram Seger,— property po nted out in said mortgage. f.b at ED. O. JEFKEIW, Depty. Sheriff. Bibb SHcritr bale. •yylLL be sold, before iheCoorthonee r. in llibb Countv. on the first Tneedey in May Inext. within the legal hour* of sale. Five acres land, situate and iving two miles from Maoon, fronting on the old Federal Road, ad)oining lands of Warren Wright, on the west side; levied on as the property of Susannah Palmer, to satisfy a Justice fi fa from tilit District. G. M., in favor of Jease B. Carroll, vs. Susannah Palmer. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. W. K. BCSBEE, Deputy Sheriff. mar S I Bibb MicriOTSnlc. W ILL be aold, before the Courthouse door, in the city of Macon, Bibb Connty, on the first Tuesday in June nest, within the legs] hoars of sale, the following property, to wit: One lot and dwelling lvioif opposite the Central Kail Road, and adjoining the lands of Mrs. Sarah McCall, levl. d onus the pro- Georgia—Jones County Monday, February 7, lfir>. rplIE Court of Ordinary of said county met this 1 day. agreeably to law. Present—Chariee Mv earthy. Ordinary. To the Honorable the Ordinary of Jones County.— The petition of William A. Lane, Administrator of Moses R. Draper, deceased, showeth that be has foi l ly discharged the duty assigned h ministrator, and therefore petitions ... disci.urge from said Admini-trati r^hip. William A. Last, Petitioner. 1 On bearing the above Petition, it is ordered, that citation be issued, and that all peisons concerned be and they are hereby required to show came, if any they have, on or before the 1st Monday in August neat, why the said William A. Lane should not be disebaqrad from bis Administratorship, and why Letters i)i«mi<jorv »bool(l not be thuted to him —— And it is farther ordered by the Court, that this cita tion be published in one or more public gazettes ot said State, for the space of six months A true extract irons the minutes of Jones Court of I It. riXDLAT. SR.....J. n. riNDLAT,...C. D. ri.NDLAI. Ordinary, this 7th day of February, 1859. march 1 CHARLES MACARTHY, Ord. FIND L AY’S IRON WORKS, MACON, GA. gne.n.Tm'ai'such'Ad-1 Steam Engines and Mill Machinery, t.tions the Conrt for a ° * Cotton Presses and Screws, Ilorse Powers, Cane Mills ami Kettles. IRON RAILINGS, COLUMNS, MILL STONES, GIN GEER, Grist and Circular Saw Mills, PULLEYS, WHEELS, SHAFTING, Ac., Ac. R. FINDLAY & SONS. Feb. 1. Georgia—Jones Comity. Monday, March 7th, 1829. T HE Court of Ordinary of (aid Connty met this day, agreeably to law. Present Cuaklii Ma- cast it r. Ordinary. 7b the Hon. the Ordinary of Jonet County: The petition of Jease C. Smith, Administrator de bonis non, on the estate of Moees Taylor, deceased, showeth that he haslully discharged the duty **- mimstrator. and t* ' rT.rtvnf lfoni Davis to satisfy a Mortgsgefi la un signed him aa such administrator, and therefore pe- ■IcrVurcIosure of a Master lluilder.and/amtcr’a lieni j tittons the Conrt for ( discharge from said AdmiaU- i«.ued from Bibb Inferior Conrt, in favor of Lev. tutorship. Jxssx C. Smith, Petitioner. ' ■ Property pointed cut by On hearing the above petition, it is ordered, that W. it. BCSBEE, citation be iasaed,andtbat all persons concerned be Deputy Sheriff. Simpson, vs. Benj. Davis. Plaintiff. inerSS and they are hereby required to show cause, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in Sept. . at be From the Georgia Telegraph—Extra, April 1. I next, why the said Jesse C. Smith should not B ibb mIIKBiPF ISA I. K.—WUlbe told be-1 discharged from his Administratorship, and why fore the Court House door in the city ofMa Letters Dismissory should not bo graoted to him. con. llibb Bounty, nil tlie 1st Tuesday in May next. And it is further ordered by the Court, that tkia ci- between the legs! boors of sale, the following de tatiou be published In one or more public gazettes scribed lot of land, vix i One Hundred and Fifty j of said State, for the space of su months. Acres, more or less. No. ISS.situAted in the Rutland A true extract from the minntes of Jones Conrt of District, in Bibb county, above the .^rryrosd. Ordinary, this 7th£y of March, l» with all the appnrtcnsneea thereunto attached; le-1 CHARLES MACAKTHi, Ord y. r-e n.4CO.\ A H ESTER.\ HAILUOAIIi, Tmmrtflrit +n Plfrntfxrc I U»ler A Audenon, Clt: n^eoi V:’ic.i.:le- JlAUi.N ajiajjuibctut_L^ XUdllierb. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SAVANNAHaNETCHARLESTON DRUG- MAR^^ y \N and after Thursday, ISth July, the Trains .V’h T "V (^ITT T> CfAT T TTOOP D RACTICE 5d the ^ounriS of the M .eon Circuit, STEAMPACKET LIT. U- Fcr 1 -i0. r Si ^°Ho.^ 8 ^ ^ ■* ^ 1^ 1^ 1 I y , jL and in the Cuuuties ot Sumter, Monroe and iX COXXXtv/iiwas with the CEXIRAL and Jones; also in the Federal Courts at Savannah. North B.il F«sii«. iey have also recently become the Agents ox the j rrqHE splendid and Fast Running wing Insurance Companies: 1 * Leave Macon at 13 night. Arrive at Atlanta 7.13 A. M. * T. C. NISBET. vied on as the property of Sarah C. Lancaster, to satisfy a fi fa from Bibb Superior Court, in favor of satisfy a fi fa from Bibb Sup* Robert N. Mirris vs. Sarab C. Lancaster and Lo renzo C Lancaster. W. R. BCSBEE, april 1— Deputy Sheriff. Postponed V. States OTarslial Sale Georgia, Jones Connty. W 'HEREAS, HenryG. Dame applies for Letters of Guardianship ~ of Guardi the minors of Wm. B. deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish all per- on the penonal property of e, late of Jones county. VV city Of Mseon. Bibb county, on thefirstTues-1 whT lanaMofOMardlanshin should not be granted dsy in Muy next, between the usual hours of ssle, spplicsnt. tfcn following property, via : rsiven under mi The Hotel Buildings and Lots now occupied by [ ^ why letters of Guardianship ■ ut. my hand and seal this Aj Alexander Meriwether, fronting on the public square in the town of Vienna, Dooly county. Said Lots I containing one and a half acres, more or less. Also I the North hslf of lot of Land No. 92. in the 7th Dis | triot of Dooly county, adjoining Elisha Woodward. All pointed out by Alexander Meriwether. Also, lot of Land No. PI, in the 7th District of Dooly county. All levied on as the proper of Alexander Meriwether to satisfy a ii. fa. from the Sixth Circuit Court of the United 'States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of J. S. * L. Bowie A Co., vs. Alexander Meriwether. Also, at the same time and place. Three huudredwnd forty acres of land, in the 13tb District of Miller county, adjoining the town of Col' April i CHAS. MACARTHY. Ord. I4tb,1859 HAKcracTPBXH or STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, SAW MILL MACHINERY. MILL GEARING. CASTINGS, AND MA- CHIXERYIX GENERAL. Wrought Iron Cotton Screws. Su GAR MILLS, SHAFTS & PULLIES, IRON RAILING, WROUGHT ft CAST, AC. T HE undersigned believes that he is manufactn- ring and selling the above Machinery, ten per cent, cheaper, and of as good quality as any estab lishment at the Snath, and is willing to warrant all the work as equal, if not superior to any. Dec. 3#: of the United States, for the Southern Di-iriet of Georgia.in favor of William Smith Brown vs. A. Frank Perry. Levy made by S. Atkinson, former Deputy Marsha!. JAMES M. SPULLOCK, V. S. Marshal. By THOMAS L. ROSS, March 29.1839. IT. S. Deputy Marshal State of Georgia. Elizabeth A. Lewis, vs. Simeob M. Lewis. Libel for Divorce in Houston Superior Conrt. W 'HEREAS, it appears b; the return of tbs Sheriff, that Simeon M. Lewis, the defend ant in the above stated ease is not to be found, It is therefore ordered by the Conrt that service of the said ease be perfected on the said defendant by publication in one of the public Gazettes of this State twice a month for two months, before the next tenn of this Court, this 8th February, 1839. HENRY G. LAMAR. Judge Superior Court. Macon Circuit. A true extract from the Minutes of Houston Supe rior Conrt, February 33d, 1839. inarch 1 W. II. MILLER. CYk. SCHOFIELD & BROTHER, INK MACH •llacon, Georgia. u. Postponed Bibb Slierilf Sale. W ILL be sold on the flrstTuesday in May next, before the Conrt House door in tbecity of Ma- i-on, Bioli county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: Part of lot of land No. 19, in block No. 4,'South western survey, according to the plan of said city, cobtaiuing about one-eighth (|) acre; levied on as tin* property of A. D. Riddle, for the use, Ac., to sat isfy (Justice Court fi fa issued from 716th District, Cl.'M., in favor of John W. Brantly, vs. A. D. Riddle. Property pointed out by Plaintiff. apr 13 W. U. IiUSBEE, Dcp. Sh’ff. Bibb Micrlir.TIorigngc Suit's. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, ^Ibetween the usual hours of sale, in the city of I Macon. Lots number one, (1) two, (8) three, (3f and four, (4) iu Square nineteen, (19) South Western Common, city of Macon. Levied on as the proper ty nfTheodore G. Young, to satisfy a Mortgage fi. I fa. from Bibb Superior Court, in favor of Henry M Bsily vs. Theodore G. Youog. Property pointed FEES, DgM Hardeman & Sparks w aro House VXD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • llacon, Ga., FiBE ner of 3d and Poplar streets, to all business commit ted to their charge. With their thanks for past favors, and a renewed pledge of faithfulness to all their friends and cos turners, they hope to receive their full share of pnb lie patronage. Liberal advances made on Cotton and other pro dace when required. JOHN S. SCHOFIELD, JOSIICA SCHOFIELD. We are prepared to Manufacture STEAM ENGINES, ©OManiLAK ©aw QMQiLyip MILL AND GIN GEARING, Sugar Mills, BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, OF EVEHT DESCRIPTION. IRON RAILINGS AND VERANDAHS. Having the most complete assortment of Iron Rail ings in the State, which for elegance, neatness, dura bility and design, cannot be surpassed, and are tail able for the Fronts of Dwellings, Cemetery Lota, Public Hqnnrei, Church Fencraanil Balconies. Persons desirous of „ . 1 of purchasing RAILINGS, will W ILL continue to give prompt attention at their °° well to give us a call, aa we are determined toof- FiRE PROOF WAREHOUSE, on the cor ' ~ for as good as any Northern Establishment ■ W< ' I ^Specimens of our Work can.be seen at Rose Leave Macon at 10 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 4.00 : P. M. j Leave Atlanta at 12 night Arrive at Macon 7.13 i A. M. Leave Atlanta at 11 A. M. Arrive at Macon 5.00 > P.M. The night train will not be run on Sundays. The ISnighttrain from Macon connects with the Wes tern and Atlantic Road for Chattanooga. Knoxville. Nashville. Memphis, at 18.15 P. M , with Georgia R. R. for Augusta, at 10 A. 31., and Atlanta A West Point li. R. at 10.15 A. M. The 10 A. M. train from Macon, connects with the Western * Atlantic R. R. at 8.40 P. 3L, and Georgia R. B. at 18 night; and Atlanta* West Point R R, at 18.3 A. M. The completion of the Virginia and Tennessee RaiTRoad, makes this the most pleasant and direct rente to the Virginia Springs, Through Tickets to which may be bad at Atlanta, for <30 S3, including Stage fare, 87 00, and to New York for 833 00. l Farther information may be bad in relation to this Roule, on application to the General Ticket Office, LOCK, They follon W ILL be k-pt eo-stant.} tu;n'i, i most desirable articles iu tb e ! MEDICINES, PHARMACCTICAL PKEPAR^'Cl SADDLE BAGS, WSTRUMsSS?? SPICES. MEDICnjP The Aujjnsta Innurauceand Banking Com* . pany of which \V. M. D’Antigxac la President and C. P. McCtr is Secretary. in Fi jm " "" d Vfr- ! GORDON, F. Bmden.Commander.le.vraS.vm.. aug 3 ALFRED L. TYLER, Superintendent. S. BRAINERD’S MACON VARIETY STORE, COTTON AVENUE, Opposite Roes, Coleman * Ross, and C. U. Freeman. C ROCKERY, Glass Ware, House Furnishing ar tides, of every description. Tin Ware of all kinds. Refrigerator-, lee Cream Freezers, Brooms, Pails, Toy Barrows, Wagons, Willow Ware, La- bin's Perfumery—Bay Bom, best quality. Fishing Tackle and Ilooks, Mohair Cloth, Chapman' and other Razor Straps, Combs in every variety. Tooth Paste. Sieves, Vi olin Bows * Bridges, Cut lery. Pistols. Pencils, Knitting Needles, Spectacles, Ac., Ac. . FURNITURE made to order; old Fnrnitare bought and sold. Repaired, Cleaned and Varnished with dispatch. Violins, Canes, Ac., Repaired and Polished; Best quality of Fnrnitare, Varnish and Sand Paper for sale. N. B.—Graffenberg Medicine for sale, pure from the Company 8. B., Agent for Company. 1 ranee Company, Montgomery, of which T. H. Watts is President and A. Williams is Secretary. Fire risks and risks on slaves taken at usual rates. I ' apl 80 IKON COTTON TIE. JN all the heaviest Cotton regions of the grea South-West, the INGERSOLL HOOP LOCK with the common IIoop Iron llnnd, has superse ded every other method of securing the Cotton Bale. Time and space would fail us to give the nnmerons certificates of Cotton Planters, Brokers, Warehouse men. Insurers, Compressors and Shippers, showing beyond a doubt, that the days of Rope binding are numbered, and the immense advantages of the IIoop I.ock and Iron Tic. Their economy wherever tried, has been conceded in these points: 1. They save twenty to thirty dollars cost in baling material on every one bnndrrd PETER S. II (LH I'll It ILLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PERRY, GA, WILL practice in ail the Courts of the Macon District, and also in the Federal Courts at 8avarnish and Marietta. [sag 17—ly SPEER A: RENTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON. GEORGIA. Ofiiee on Triangular Bloch, Corner of Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue. oxh for Charleston every Sunday and Wednetday afternoons at 3 o'clock and connects at Charleston with the train of the North Eastern Rail Road going North; returning, leaves Charleston every Monday and Fridae night at 8J o'clock (after the arrival of the cara'of the North Eastern R. Road.) and ar rives at Savannah early the following mornings._ By this route Passengers can obtain through tick ets to and from Savannah, Ga., and Wilmington, X. •OaroEna. Having a through freight arrangement with the- the Central Rail Road and its connections, mil freights between Charleston and the interior of Georgia con- led to the agents of this line will be forwarded VV 7"E have associated as partners in the practice VV of law in the comities of the Macon and ad joining Circuits, and elsewhere in the State by spe eial contract—also will attend the Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. ALEX. M. SPEER, mar 3 SA3IUEL HUNTER. Bag,. T. G. HOLT, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. O FFICE in Ralston's new block on Cherry Street, first door above entrance to Concert liall. aug 4 New Goods E. SAULSBURY’S. H E is now receiving a very large and well ted Stock of SPRING CLOTHS. CASSI31ERES and VESTINGS, of the latest importations. He has also received the report of Fsshions tor this Spring, with a variety of new and elegant styles. His Stock of Fine READY MADE CLOTHING will be replenished with the changes of the Seasons from the best houses in New York. His FURNISHING GOODS comprise everything that is new and desirable, in the way of Hosiery, Shirts, Collars, lies. Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Ar.- All of which he invites his friends and customers call and examine, mar 1 Watches, Jewelry, &c nform it they 1 M. D. T HE subscribers would inform the citizens Macon and vicinity, that they have taken the iedbi 1 they intend carrying on t?;e Jewelry Business, Barnes, where Hill Cemeteiy. and at various private residences in and will keep a neat and well selected assortmentof this city. HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL. ty Planter • Family Stores, also Bagging, Rope, fin r., furnished st the lowest market rates. LJarnart C*3 Cura’s, MACON, GEORGIA, W HERE can be seen one of the largest Stocks of HARDWARE, IRON. STEEL, and CAR IN £ W IV/b MUUbt. IRIAGE MAKER'S MATERIALS to be fonnd in out in said fi. fa. E. G. JEFFERS, Dep. S. Bibb Sheriff Sales. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in May next before the Court House door, in the ci ty o Macon, between the usual boars of sale, L <l number one. in Square 19, South Wes tern Common, city of Macon, containing about half nn acre, more or less. Levied on as the property ofT. G. Young to satisfy a fi. fa. from Bibb Superior Court, in favor of R. Purdell vs. T. G. Yonng. ALSO, At'tbe same time and place, a House and Lot in the city ot Macon, number one, in Square number three South Western Common. Levied on as tlie property of William B. Hyde, as Trustee, Ac, to satisfy a fi. fa in favor of Daley A Fitzgerald vs. William B. Hyde, Trustee, Ac. "Property pointed ont in said fi. fa. ALSO, at the same time and place, two Houses and Lots situated on the Houston Road, (boat two miles from the city of Macon, adjoining the lands of Dr. M S Thomson and Elias Jenkins, containing about eight acres, more or less Levied on as the property of George Wood to satisfy two fi. fas. front Bibb Superior Court in favor of Joseph E. Brown Governor. Ac., vs. William W. Wootten, principal, and Nancy Foster and George Wood, securities, mar 39 E. G. JEFFERS, D. 8. AdininisiruioiV bale. I > Y an order of tlie Ordinary of J< nes connty, will I Jim sold before the Court.House door in Clinton, on the first Tuesday ia May next, the following slaves; Lewis. George, Emily, Betsey, and an infant child, belonging to tlie Estate of William J. Card, deceased, sold to perfect titles. JAMES GttEEX, Administrator de bonis non of marl W. J. CARD, dec'sd. llouiston Ltttitl for bale. A GREEABLE to the last Will and Testament of Samuel Dinkins, deceased, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Perry, on the first Tuesday in Uctober next, if not disposed of be fore at private sale, tbe VALUABLE PLANTATION lately owned by deceased, containing about 1300 acres, about sGO under cultivation, the balance very heavily timbered. This Plantation is one of the most desirable in Houston county, being located im mediately on the South-Western Rail Road, near Station No l|, a short distance from the city of Ma con, healthy, well watered by Springs, well im proved. and in the midst of a highly intelligent and moral community. Tbe Plantation not being culti sated tiiis year, will be in line condition to make a crop next year. Tne Plantation will be sold for cash, or on seeb time as tbe purchaser may wish. Persons wishing to buy Houston Lands, would do well to examine the above place before purchasing. Mr. It. W. Mat thews, on the place, or either of the Executors, will take pleasure in showing it to any one wishing to purchase. The above place joins the plantations of Wm. M. COMPETITION IS THE LIFE OF TRADE” Mi< ? <U , e I®P«ting largely, and buying di w E is&’5'rsj'^ss E .sj'2rt £&££££ gS residents of the city, we wiU deliver Ice free of 336,000 SWEDES, charge. Orders from the country promptly attend-1 or 5.383 Bars of Swedes Iron, assorted, from 1 to 13 “* “ A share of patronage respectfully solicited. I inches wide, of onr own importation, in store and M3 GREER A FREEMAN. ‘‘ ed to. marl 5 I for sale by VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE IN TTP- •SON COUNTY. CARHART A CURD PLOW STEEL, Manufactured expressly for this market, and assorted from 2} to 14 inches wide, together with a full assort ment of Refined Iron, all size*. Band A Oval Iron, all goods connected with that business. We inTite yon to give ns a call, and in return will assure yon fair and honest dealings at all times. Watches and Jewelry cleaned and repaired by a faithful and experienced workmxiuand warranted to give satisfaction. P. 8.—Having purchased tSe Goods belonging to said Barnes, at a great discount from the cost, we offer them at Great Bargains. The Goods mostly are No. 1 quality, and at the prices wo shall offer them, it is a good opportunity for those in want of any thing in the way of Watch- esand Jewelry, to make their purchases at the OLD STAND OF M. D BARNES, opposite the Lanier House. One word more, then we are done for this time.— Tothrae who viait Savannah, we invite to call at Y. W. SKIFF'S JEWELRY STORE, (in that Ci passes the Ze baton road. Of said Plantation, | Hammers and Tongs, Planter's Hoes, various ma abont Four Hundred Acres cleared, and in active kers, Brade'a Patent Hoes, Hemes. Traces, Plow cultivation—all under good fence; about Four Lines, Axes, Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters, and all Hundred Acre* still in tbe wood*. Tbe improve* I kind* of Plantation. Carpenter’s and Machinist*i mer.U are good, consisting of a genteel dwelling Tools, can be found at CARHART A CURD’S, with five rooms, together with all necessary out- jan 4 houses; Gin House and Screw ; health of neighbor- I hood unexceptionable; water inferior to none ; so-1 H. HORNE’S CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT STORE, ciety most desirable, with Church, School, end Hail Road facilities all close at hand. Persons desirous to examine tbe premises and enquire as to terms,. —"-ich will be liberal, will enquire of Mr. McCreary I And Paltry Bakery, at hit new Store, next 'anSl^ltf th<> Ayres, timgficld ty Co'e. apnl 3—tf JNO. E. BARKSDALE. | CHERRY ST., MACON. GA with Ayer’s Clierry Pectoral. For the rapid cure of C Bronchitis, Whooping Ccngh, Asthma and Consump-1 test style tion, is universally known as the best remedy ever | Bridal r » , K TJARTIES, Dinners and Suppers furnished w if Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness, I I everything ornamental and delicious, in the Conga, Asthma and Consump- I test styles. la- tion, is universally known as tbe brat remedy ever Bridal Cakes, dressed iu unsurpassed styles, yet discovered for every variety of Pulmonary dis- French Pastry of every kind, as weUasall kinds .. ease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so Desert made to order, among them many new dishes numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every French Candies, Chocolate. Cream, etc. Oranges. section of the country abounds In persons pnbltcly Pineapples, Bananas, Lemons, Apples, Hairi—, known, who have been restored from alarming and Dates, Figs. Currants. Citron. Nuts ot all kinds, even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. Preserves. Crackers, Began, Cider, etc. When once trif*u it* superiority over every other I WTWft ivn rrintiifq medicine of it. kind f. too app^ent to escj^eW oJ LoiwTera, vat ion, and where its virtues are known, no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the I f^tvinbarriesl etc™ 0 ”' AU K ooda to be first class articles, nary organs which are incident to onr climate. By I Void uln. u <•••> ho its timely use many, nay almost all attacks of disease ' 4nd * ** 1 “ c,n “ parity. Toys, is, Salmon, Ton; onguea. Cheese, Cabba- upon tbe Longs or throat, are arrested and thus are ’ tho KfiawssBaarecrss ' l%*iS£Si£ lo depiorejt whcn itUJoo late— | ud the prie « as low as any where else in the City jan 23—ly saved many grave. No l _ who do neglect t' roride themselves with a reme dy which wards off this will have cause to depli Proof) of the surprising efficacy of the Cherry Pec toral need not be given to tbe American people,— they have living proof) in every neighborhood.— Bnt those who wish to read the statements of those whose health has been restored and whose lives have been saved by its ate, will find them in my A- merican Almanac with the agsnt below named aa to furnish gratis for every one. Prepared by JAMES C. AYER, Practical and An alytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass—And sold by all Druggists and dealers in medicine throughout this section. mar 15—3m. bought in Macon. TERMS—Cash, for all not bolding Passbooks. H. HORNE will attend personally to superintend — " ’’allies,ei "OLD MAGNOLIA.WHIS BOERHAVE’8 HOLLAND BITTERS. SHE node ndersigned dard brand of fine offer for sale the above stan- TnE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY r on Ball-man. Patrick Carroll, D. F. Gunn, J. M. Ham mock and Thompson Fields. S. D. BRANTLEY. J. W. SHIXHQLSER, C. D. ANDERSON, Executors. Fort Vailey.March 1—Ids DYSPEPSIA, Disease of the Kidneys, LIVER WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE Adiuinislrator’s Sale. B Y virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Burke county, will be sold before tlie Conrt house door in tbe town of Nashville, in Berrien county, on Ike first Tuesday in May next, between the usual hours of sale. Lot number 311, loth District of ori- It YE WHISKEY, oi their own distillation, in barrels and half barrels. Tbe quality of this Whiskey known so favorat ‘ the South, for the past eight years, will alwa_ kept np to its former high standard, and purchasers and consumers can rely upon its being perfectly pore RYE WHISKEY, distilled under onr own p« nn K/l □ I A I MT I sonal supervision, and entirely free from any del vU IVI I L- r\ I IN | . I terions substances which render made np whiski ' 1 so objectionable. Always having a large stock of the above, and other fine Whiskies, in New York as well as Phila delphia, we areenabled to ship goods from either ci- direct. FREEMAN A SIMPSON, Pbcenix Distillery. OFFICE—109 8o. Front St, Philadelphia. “ 96 Wall St.. New York. octl2—ly And the various affections consequent upon a dis ordered ginallv Irwin, now Rcrrien connty, containing 490 acres, more or less, belonging to Henry Heath, de ceased, of Burke county. 3TON WASHING! MOBLEY. Adm'rof HENRY HEATH. Gcorgia-Bibb county. B Y authority of the will of George W. Towns, late of *aM county, deceased, 1 STOMACH OK LIVER, S UCH aa Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn. Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affec tions, it has in nnmerons instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. Tiiis is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave. Because of its great aneeess ia most of the European States, NEW BOOKS At Boardman’s Book Store. A MERICAN ELOQUENCE in 3 vote.; a new Cy clopedia of Commerc ~ Goodrich; Romantic passa- Wit late of said county, deceased, I will sell, be fore the Court House aonr in said connty, on the first Tuesday in May next, the following negroes: Betsy, a woman, about 43 years old. Su ran, a girl, abont 15 years old. Marion, a boy, about 13 years old. These negroes are very likely and valuable. OTTerms Cash. L. B. SMITH, april 5 Execntorof G.W. Towns. Adminihlrnior’t. sale. Western history; Life beneath the Wa les of this mighty country I t*ra; The Hand bnt not the Heart, by T. S. Arthur; is among them. I now offer William the Conqueror, by Gen. Sir Charles Nspier; e, knowing that its truly Doctor Thorne; a new edition of Edgar A foe's its introduction into the United States was intended **“• n P° n s **> ^ more especially for those of onr fatherland scattered | Resin ' here and there over the face of this Meeting with great success it to the American pnblii., knowing that its truly | xsocioi .. wonderful medicinal virtues most be acknowledged, works; Tho Preacher and the King; The Priest and It is particularly recommended to those persons Huguenot ; Lord George BenUck, by D Israeli whose constitutions may have been impaired by tbe Beatrice tenet Debit A Credit; Major Roger idler continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of man Potter; DoogUa Jerrold's Wit; BeUe Bfittan dissipation. Generally instantaneous in effort, it «»»'ow; Life and Time, of Hugh MiUer; CruUe finda^waydirantly toUo^t of Ufe, titrim^ I Y’ virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinaryof . Junes county. Will bo sold before the Court House door iu Clinton, on the first Tuesday in June spirit, and/in fact infSIing^wleSRhiSd^Ji”? | of Greece ^Sp^w^G^lfo^n^L^rd Montagu's | page, by G. P. It. James ; The Three Ueantiea, by j Mrs. Southworth : Ventillation in American Dwell- nest, the following slaves : Lewis, George, Betsey, Emily and Child, bslonging to the estate of Wil liam J. Card, deceased. Re sold for the purpose of effecting titles. JAS GREEN, Adm’r de bonis non ot Wm. J. Card, deceased. april 3 Guordiau’* Sale. B Y virtue ot an order of the Court of Ordinary of June, county, will be sold before tbe <.’ourt House door in Clinton, on the first Tuesday in June next, a negro man named Ephraim, belonging * Thomas J. Wimbish, one of tho minor heirs of Wi .11. Wiuibish. late of said county, deceased, bold for the benefit of said minor. Terms on the day of sale. ELIZABETH A. C. WIMBISH. »pr 12 Guardian. ^JIX TY days alter date application will be made to tlie Ordinary of Jouea county, for leave to sell ten slaves belonging to tbe estate of Lovel Smith, late of said county, deceased. KMKLIXE SMITH. apr 18 Administratrix. iX1Y Dava alter date application will be made O to tlie Ordinary of Houston Connty, for leave to sell the negro pto]ierty belonging to tho estate of i’inckney J. Pollock, late of said connty, deceased, april 3 ISAAC WOODARD. Jn- Adm’r. NOTICE. V LL persons having claims against 8amuel Dink ins, late of Houston county, deceased, will pi. aae present them, properly proven, to the under signed. Those indebted to said deceased, arc hero- |.| requested to make immediate payment. S, D. BRANTLEY, J. W.SHINHOLSEU, C. D. ANDERSON. I-’ort Vatley, March 1—6t Executors. . ) UBBEK 8UOKS.—A largu assortment^^^^ [(, ofGenUand boys Rubbers. Also, La dies slipper and sandal quickening every ni spirit, and,' the system. Notice.—Whoever expects to find this a beverage , _ . ..... .... , .... will be disappointed; bnt to tbe sick, weak and low mgs; Derivation of h amity names; Wisdom, Wit spirited, it wUl prove a grateful aromaticcoidial, I »»d Humor; Steps towards Heaven; Den a Moral possessed of singular remedial properties. j Theology; Miznab. a Prayer Book ;WsysidePic- C ACTION i tures in France, Holland, Belgium, and up the Rhine; Tbe great popularity of this delightful Aroma baa WildNorthern Scenes; Also a large assortment of induced msny imitations, which the |ftiblic should flne Family Bibles. guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to bay I J. M. liOARDMAN. anything else until yon have given Boerhava's Hol land Bitte/a a fair trial. One bottle wiU convince Sept. 31. 1838. yon bow infinitely superior it is to all these imita tion*. QT Sold atfil per bottle, or six bottles for 85, by tha aolt) nroDnetors. BENJAMIN PAGE, JR., Oi GO., Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists, Pitts burg, Pennsylvania. CT Sold in Maoon by E. L. STROHECKER A CO., Z El LIN, HUNT A CO., GEORGE PAYNK, and Druggists generally, throughout tbe State, may 18 Valuable Plantations for Sale. h ENIBING to move my west, I offer for sale two planting interest 1 valuable PLAN-J TATIOXS. One situated in Macon county within three miles of Winchester, on the South-Western Rail Road, containing 3,405 acres of level Oak and Hickory Land, with good improvements, and be tween thirteen and fourteen hundred acres in colli vation, a considerable portion of which is fresh land. is sitnated in the 14th District The other plantation 1 Flint I ty.) opposite the Pulaski House, where they wUl find a large assortment of Jewelry and Fancy Articles, of the latest styles, and at prices to snit the times.— Hair Jewelry and Ornaments of every description nude to order. Orders left at the store in Macon, or Savannah, •rill be carefully attended to. Respectfully, V. W. SKIFF A CO. Macon, Ga„ Feb. 13— C. H. Freeman & Co. COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA., OrriK, AS CSUAL, AT THEIR OLD STAND, A CHOICE AS0ETMK5T OP FAMILY GROCERIES, O F every description and of the best quality, fresh and good—being constantly in receipt of new supplies from the Northern Markets, Sugars, Spices. White Fish, Syrops, Citron, Herrings, Coffee, Green Fruits in cans, Hams, Teas, Condiments, Lard, Sweetmeats. Sauces, Flour, Nuts, Cheese, Butter, Raisins. Mackerel, Pork. And other article* too nuneroos to mention, com prising the whole range of Family Grocery supplies. CANDIES- We particnlarlv invite the attention of dealer* and others to our large and complete t»tock of Can dies manufactured by ourselves, of the very best materials and warranted to retain their hardness and brilliancy, while the imported Candies soon lose both ana become worthless. We ofler unrivalled inducements to purchasers. CAKES, Ornamented and Plain, Of every variety and nn-l- of choice mat-rials. Families and parties supplied at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh FISH, IN THEIR SEASON. 3. The fastening i) much more expeditiously ap-1 o. r. culvxrhouse plied, and much more convenient for the compress. 3. It is a perfect safeguard against loss of Cotton isle. from the b; 4. Ill. nn almost absolute .rrurity again.! Fire. Fire applied to bales thus bound, as shown by actual experiment, trill smoulder srithont flame, twenty hoars sritkoni spreading, and allowing plenty of time for easy extinguishment. 5 It i. nu nb.olutrly .renre fastening. In actual experiments made in Montgomery, bales thus bound, were pitched down forty feet perpendicular from a house-top, upon a brick pavement, without 6. It is perfectly simple.and requires no machinery it all in the application. Any common hoop-iron of F. A. ASBLIl. Culverliouse A AtiHey, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA, W ILL practice in Crawford and the adjoining counties. AU business promptly attended to. jan 11 J. L. SEWARD. A. H HASSELL. SEWARD & HAASE LL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, GA. A LL claims forwarded to us wiU meet with prompt proper - wfdihSd tifeta (wUTOimStl^h ^If^Be^^itL wide, and a scant sixteenth of one inch thick,) and ’ of any requisite length to snit the bale, is taken md. in the han- from the nnder side, of one end of the under pi of the lock to the length of abont one inch, and tin bent over the end of the lock. The other end ot the hoop is then passed ronnd the bale and drawn through a loop or opening in the opposite end of the lock, and then bent in the same manner as the other. The Clinch, Ware, Decxtnr and Worth. ' SEWARD A HANSELL. Thomasville, Nov. 3rd, 1856. nov 4 SPICES MEDICINE CHEsS* PERFUMERY, Ac, Ac^ 15 from the Store of XLIliy An,, | Oppo-ite Telegraph Building, Hi*, J signed to tbe agents ot tnis line will tx with dispatch and FREE of CHARGE. J. P. BROOKS, Ag't, Savannah. E. LAFITTE A CO., - - jan 19 , Ag'ts, Charleston. SCHEDULE ON THE South-Western K. K. OYER WHICH rASSES THE GREAT NEW Y0EK AND NEW ORLEANS MAILS. Two Daily Trains between Macon Sf Columbus. ON AND AFTER JULY 29th. Leave Macon at 11.43 p. m. and 9.45 a. m. Arrive ; at Columbus 5.35 a. m. and 3.43 p. m. Leave Columbns 4.00 a. m. and 3.45 p. m. Arrive at Macon 9.50a. m. and 9.18 p. m. Daily bettceen Macon, Albany and Dau-son: Leave Macon 11.45 p. m. Arrive in Albany 6.25 a. m. Arrive at Dawson 6.00 Leave Albsny 3.00 p. m. Leave Dawson 1.40 p. m. rpHE Subscribers, from tbe incr-uei « Arrive in Macon 9.13 p. m. _L for Iron Re : lings of their maunfactat Tri-Weekly. ' been encouraged to make that biaacfc </ Down: Monday, Wednesday and Friday—Up: Tnes- ! works a special department, possess; ig day, Thursday and Saturday. ' eilities for the manufacture of Arrive at Dawson 5.30 p. m. Albany 4.32p.m. IRON RAILINGS Leave Albany 0.20 a. m. Leave Dawson . Ar- tor any and all purposes of the most rive at Macon 9.11 p. m. _ *igns t either plain or ornamental. Trans to Columbns form a through connection tnjsaying to the public, that in point /vx-faT irk, together with Doting button is then turned back to its place over them, j bury’s Clothing Store. * ndthi * * * - -A.rt.lmr Dickinson, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. OFFICE—in Washington Block, over E. Sauls- e bale may be | oct 13 and the hoop is fast on the bale, an moved if desired. 7. It holds the package in one-fourth smaller com- pxsi than rope—thereby rendering it easier to ban- cheapening freight These facts and advantages are certified to by leading Wsrehonse men. Planters, Shippers and Bro kers in testimonials too nnmerons to be cited or spec ified in this advertisement. In Montgomery, the leading Brokers and Buyers, after the most satisfac tory experience and tests, unite in the following a- greement, which will leave no doubt on these points: PETER J. STROZ1XR. .......JOHN T. CLOVER STICOZIEK & GLOVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, DAWSON, GA. WILL practice in the Countie* of Terrell, Clay, Chattahoochee, Webster, Randolph, Early and Stew- art. All business entrusted to them, will receive prompt and unremitting attention. Jan. 4.—ly. to Montgomery, Alabama and Angnsta, Kingsville, substantial woi_. Wilmington, Savannah. MiUedgeville and Eatonton. that they are determined to please. Post Coaches run from Albsny to Tallahassee, In addition to ail tbe usual styles of tKi Bainbridge, Thomasville, Ac., daily; also, tri-week- work, they aro making ly from Dawson to Cntbbeit, Fort Gaines, Ac. Vnlinv’a Vnfa-nV Vnili. Hacks run six times s week from Fort Valley to 1; (LLLGa S JL clLcIIL Aalll]| Perry, Haynesville and Hawkinsville, and tri-week- - Thi 3 j s » new article, posiessin; ly to Knoxville, Ga. strength by a combination of Wrought Ires Passengers for points below Fort \ alley, should , structure. AU of which will be warranted « take the Day Trains from Angnsta and Savannah to the best made in the Union. avoid detention in Macon. For other points tike ei ther Train. First class steamships leave Savannah for Xew York, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Passage in the Cabin 815, Steerage 86. Through Tickets can be procured from Rail Road Agents at Montgomery, Colombo! and Albany via to New York, '— "— — n *'— — R. FINDLAY 4 SO: Wheeler & Wilton's SEWING MACHINE Savannah to Xew York, by Steamships, in Cabin, as follows: Montgomery 826; Columbus 823 ; Albany •24 23. VIRGIL POWERS j mar 23 Superintendent, j LAW FIRM. rjt HE undersigned have formed a partnership ii We, the undersigned. Cotton Brokers and Bayers, j of Montgomery, Ala., agree and give notice that we e^?t?^KYG e EKMOI?L'hoop LOt'K,'A- j ^ the of Law, in the Firm nameofRath- though we are aware that it will weigh 1* Ibs.more ! Jon^Sd Wilkinson—and by special contract in any other pdrtion of the State. per bale than Hope-tied Cotton. HARRIS A JOHX8TON C. C. FOSTER, J. S. BYIXGTON. 31. A. CHISHOLM. From Savannah, we copy the foUowing engage ment made with the Compress Establishment of Mr. Savannah, July 32d, 1838. Messrs. Freehan A Roberts, Macon, Ga: Also, in tbe Federal Conrt, at Savannah and Ma rietta. Office over tbe Manufacturer’s Bank. JOHN RUTHERFORD, Macon, Jan. 17. '59 JOHN R. HILL. . upon same terms as Rope tied Cotton. This arrangement i to last for one season and longer, unless I give notice ; of my wish to discontinue the arrangement. RespectfuUy, Ac., C. A. L. LAMAR. . J. T. MAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUTLER, TAYLOR COUNTY, GEORGIA, feb 1—ly w ISAAC IIAUDEMAX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLINTON, O E O R G IA . july 7 ly The Georgia Iron JLock Company, comprising the undersigned, respectfully invite the : T. P. Stubbs, attention of all engaged in Cotton growing, or the : Cotton trade, to this interesting and important sub- ! ect. To the Cotton planters, particularly, they be- ’ ieve they are presenting a matter of peculiar inter est and value, and either of them will lie glad to fur nish any further information, or particular applica-1 tion may be made to the Secretary. J. F. WINTER, I T. A. HARRIS, DUNLAP A HARRIS. | FREEMAN A ROBERTS T. A. HARRIS, Secretary. Macon, Aug. 3,1858. ly LAW CARD. B. Hill, Stnbbs & Hill, ATTORNEYSAT LAW, Macon, Ga. apl 20 . NEW AND VALUABLE IMPROVE IPrices IFLed/iiced.l fJIHESE Machines .ire tho best ur the public. They are simple and easily kept in repair; work without noise; £reat rapidity ; make an even and Srni both sides that will not rip; economize thrai are applicable to every purpose and mon to the art in question. I E^*A reduction of 825 00 lately made in-.J J. 11. A W. A. ROSS. Send for a Circular. Macon.1 feb 22 A CARE. rjlHE undersigned feels it hi* duty to render' ^ thanks to tlie citizens of Houston and adjoin- ' ing counties, for their liberal and extensive patron- : While he beg* a continuance of their lavors, - Wui. Ii. dcGraflcnricd, ATTORNEY AT LAW, .MACON, GA. OFFICE, third door below Lanier House—above Dam our s oct 37 L. N. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. . - ... w - , Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne’a Drug he wui state to those who do not know him, that ma- Store jan 6 ny vears practice in the principal cities of the South j 1 ana a complete Dental Laboratory, enable him to j make as elegant and perfect Dental substitutes of • the most approved and latest stylo, a* oan be furnish- I by any Dentist in the State. A WORD ABOUT THE ‘CHEAP STYLE OF WORK J. It. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILL TOWN, BERRIEN COUNTY, GA- “ILL practice in the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT BOOTS AND SHOES. T THE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT, No. 3, k ' A Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers would return their thanks for the very liberal and MENAPd) & BURG3 If Vf T H.lIslKMiRy AND J e w eleri long continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of th same. Wehave now in store a large assortment ofe ! T1AVE just received and opened a lu„ XI splendid assortment of Goods in tfc“ir| consisting iu part of the following articles, GOLD AND SILVER BOOTS AND SHOES; mostly of onr own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the different styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine onr stock, as we are prepared tosellaa low as any honse in the city or State. Sept. 28. MIX A KIRTLAND. VATCHE. W comprising the following counties, Glynn, ' Ware, Wayne, Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee'and clntosh i of the K astern. .may 4 Persons needing Dental Operations or Artificial Charlton, also Me. Teeth, and not able to pay me my regular prices, i —; ; —— may feel assured that I will rather share my profits ; OEO ' 5 - KoBINSox ■—chas. kobi.vson th them than '‘.ocommodate’J them with a cheap, [ G. S. & C. ROBINSON, B OOTS.—A ftUI assortment of Gents' fine B French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and '■ French Calf Boots, pomp sole, welted and waterproof, of various kinds and qualities, both soled and pegged. Just received and for sale low by Sept. 23. MIX A KIRTLAND. or inferior style of work, as such will never give sat- _ . . avv/aijja uyxz , iafaction. and is the dearest at the end ./ATtOFUOy £5 at Xift W , All persons desiring my services will please call at CUTIIBERT, GEORGIA, my Residence, in Perry, where they will find all the comforts of a first-rate Dental Office. Families liv ing at (distance may procure my services by giving notice. Dentists will find a large assortment of the best materials, for filling Teeth, as well as for maxing ar tificial sets, at Northern prices. DR. FREDERICK GARKE, OCtl9—ly Surgeon Dentist. We shall keep constantly on hand dur ing the Fall and ,,n.i Fresh Oyat era and Fisb >C?£!S3 native and imported, of the best qualities snd re- pectfully invite orders, which shall be faithfully Choice Tobacco and Segrars, To which we invite the attention of Connoisseurs in these articles. oct 5 Will you go North, when you can 4I0 better South I ©iimiBniK&is <23 siimsoisss MANUFACTORY & REPOSITORY, FORSYTH, OA. H AVING purchased tbe entire in- - 3“dp 3 s terest of the late firm of Banks,] Wilder A Co- I invite the attention] $10,000 Cash I Valuable Plantation IS HOUSTON COCNTF FOIt SALE. rjlHB undersigned will sell for Ten Thousand Dol W ILL give prompt attention to all business en trusted to them, iu Randolph. Clay, Early, Mil ler, Calhoun, Terrell, Stewart and Quitman counties. March 1,1859. tf KIilIBKOUGII & BASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Geo. Kimbkocgh, E. S. Bass. Starkville, Lee co- Ga Dawson, Terrell co- Ga. mar 8 iars cash, the Plantation in Houston court known aa the Ben Gray place, containing THIR- ' " “"‘Pis DR. WOT. F. IIOLT YXTILL attend promptly all calls left either at his V V Office, over Bowdre A Anderson's Store, or | at his residence in Vineville, opposite Msj. Comer's. pLANTATIONBKOGANS.-Nowir store the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we 1 have ever offered in this market. Men’s donble soled peg snd nailed black and nfssetts; do. heavy single soled black and russetts; do. boys and youths black and russetts, all of which we are selling very LAND. low. Sept. 28. MIX A KIBTI Youth’s fine calf snd kip peg'd Boots; Men’s stout kip hunting snd mud Boots; Gents last ing Gaiters. Monterey, opera and ties, and fine call Brogans; Gents, boys’ snd youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans: Men’s, boys’ snd youths’ California kip Brogans, a large assortment. Sept. 28. MIX A KIRTLAND. Hunting Magic Cose, Independent 2d, kr.,iJ tlemen. GOLD WATCHES for Ladies, rich s tiful. SILVER WARE, such as Spoons,Ccjil lets, Ac. SILVER PLATED WARE, surhs tors, Egg Boilers, (with Gold Plated Gold Cal Spoons,) Fruit Baskets, Pitchers, Candle if Waiters, Ac. JEWELRY. Consisting of Diamond ard Gold Rings, rus Ac- sparkling and bright -Musical Instruments, Such as Violins, Flutes, Guitars, Banjos, I rines. Gold Peas, and Pencils. Guitar and Violin i and a varied assortment of Fancy Good ., Latest News by the -A.-tla,n.-tic Telegraph- To all wliom it may concert]. TEEN HUNDRED Acres of Land. Tins Plantation is fourteen miles from Macon snd lies iu one mile of the South-Western Rail Road, said road passing through one corner of tho Land. There is between six and seven hundred acres of Laud cleared, and in fine condition for making a crop another year. Tbe place U well improved. Having Frame Negro Houses with brick Chimneys to aoeomnsodale Fifty i, and Frame Gin House, Cotton Screw and Negroes, Stables. of the citizens of Forsyth and sarronnding counties to my extensive arrangements for manufacturing Top andno_Top_BU GGIES, BOCKAWAY8, CAR- ~ am constantly receiving additions, not from the North, but from my Work shop, to my stock on band—of three or four " ’ week—w * ’ baggies per week—which combine elegance and tnssk with lightness, strength and durability. Orders toe any sort of ▼•hide. Harness Ac- are moat re “ " solicited, which shall be promptly snp- all engagements for work punctually met. have constantly on hand a large assortment of Har- Repairing done at short notice and all work war ranted. J. H. BANKS ang «1858. 1 yr CUTLERY! JOSEPH RODGERS & SON, SHEFFIELD. ENGLAND. TABLE KNIVES & FORKS. C Bladed Pocket Knives, Sportsmen Knives, Embroidery Scissors, Pocket - And other Patents. Razors! Razors! OF THE GENUINE JOS. RODGERS A SON’S Make. I HAVE just received direct from Joseph Rodgers Son, Sheffield, England, a huge and splendid va riety of the aboTe goods, and most respectfully so licit the patronage of the pnblic. BASIL A. WISE, mar 29 Cherrv St- Macon, Ga- A NEW NEW GOODS. C. Campbell & Son, NEAR THE LANIER HOUSE. H AVE jn.t received their Fail and Winter supply of KERSEYS, HEAVY BLANKETS and NEGRO SHOES at the lowest market prices. End Planters would do well to call and examine before purchasing. They also continue to keep They aleo continue to keep a general stock o GROCERIES at the old stand, ana do not intend o be undersold for Cash. Macon. Oct. 13, 1838. of Lee, on Flint River, at the month of Cbockeefi- : chikee Creek, and contains 2,474 acres of Land. ! abont two-thirds of which is Oak and Hickory land I of tho best Quality, and tbe remainder good Pine | Land, with abont thirteen hudred acres In cnltiva tion, nearly all of which is fresh land, and as produc tive as any land in South-Western Georgia, and Is finely watered, and substantially improved. My over seers will show these places to any one wishing to examine them. My terms will be liberal and pay ments easy. For further particulars, address the undersigned at Macon. N. BASS, jnly 27—tf .A. OARD. C OXXOISKURS in Art, are solicited to examine Specimens now on exhibition at Pngh’a Finn Art Gallery, meat of which are life-size Photographic Portraits, and one foil length, painted on a landscape by Mr. Poindexter, and said to be a background, 1 1 who have seen it. piece by all n—a—We can furnish better and more elaborate works —- rl -rrr- --- Fj, fc. aJalm b! I of Art > tl,,,n can beobtainedin Mscon, and our spec- -iebrated patent. Ji.st reemved ud iorsale low by, w ;u corroborate what we say. Ambrotypes, s-nt. aalaiLAM). ; n D( . a t gilt frames, for only el. Hundreds of S-pt. 38. MIA A KIRTLAND. in ne KHUV1AN and Manipulated Gnanofbr sale by I specimens aprS ETUEU WINGFIELD A CO.j Macon, J on exhibition.taken at my Gallei Jim. 17,1859, J.A. pVgh, FRENCH’S HOTEL, On the European Plan, CITY OF NEW YORK. Single Rooms 50 cts. per Day, City Hail Square, corner Frankfort Street (Opposite City HalL) Meals, as they may be ordered in the spacious Re factory. There is a Barber’s Shop snd Bath Rooms attached to tbe HoteL N. B.—Beware of.Runners snd Hackmen who Say we are full. B. FRENCH, mar i—3m Proprietor. , Gr XT N ,S M I T H. r THE subscriber, having just arrived in Maoon, ud opened a NEW SHOP lor the purpose of repairing GUNS and PISTOLS, offera his services to the public, ud guarantees to do all work iu his line in the best manner, snd st irices to snit his patrons. J0UBLE BARBEL GUNS, RIFLES AND PISTOLS, made to order, ud Stocked at short no- tice. Your patronage ia respectfully solicited. BcT^tore under the Floyd House, opposite Dr. Thomson’s. WM. MARKWALTER. fob 8—ly Late of Augusta, Ga. These Lands are level and well adapted to the pro- duction of Corn or Cotton, and instead of wearing ont, get more productive as they grow older, nnder jndicions cultivation. The place will be sold on a credit of one. two ud three yean, for a sum equivalent to ten thousand dollars cash. Any further information desired, will be furnished by iddressiogthe undersigned at Busbayville. Hous ton Connty, Georgia. D. F. GUNN. Macon, Sept. 38, 1858. TO PLANTERS AND m:jehch^lJs^ts. W E offer tbe foUowing articles on very accom modating terms: 1000 rolls Gunny Bagging, 1000 Sacks Salt, 35 barrels Potatoes, 410 bales heavy Gnnny Bagging, 1100 coils Richardson's Green Leaf Rope, 1000 pounds Twine, 175 barrels Sugar, 300 sacks Coffee all qualities. 150 boxes Uudlcs all qualities. 104 do Soap, 75 boxes Starch, 100 boxes Candy, 100 do Soda, 135 kegs Nails, 150 bales Osnabnrgs, 50 bales Georgia Kerseys, 35 bales Yarns, 100 bales Brown Sheetiogs ud Shirtings, 35 hhds. Molasses, 20 barrels Syrup, Large Stock of fresh ud new This is to notify the public that DR. J. DICKSON SMITH; Isaacs is at Home Again, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, MACON, GEORGIA. '^y!LL attend promptly to aU Professional calls Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowal them, since they commenced business, they sJf continuance of the same, and Trill spare no r*| give satisfaction to their customers, both*\ and quality of their Wares, and in price. Watch and other repairing executed wituc and on reasonable terms. .M. *| octS made on him, either at his Office or Residence, by d*y or night. OFFICE—Over Menard & Burghard’s Jewelry Store, on Cherry Street. RESIDENCE—At Mr. J. B. Ross’. jan 18 tV. If. freeman, nil. D., JJAVINO returned to Macon, offers his Profes sional services to its citizens, and those of the surrounding country, and is prepared to treat their various diseases with innocent vegetable remedies, and hopes that in consideration of tho fact that he trives no poison, draws no blood r and never destroys the constitutions of his patients, he will be liberally patronized by the afflicted. t fcAsP"Particular attention will be given to Planta tion, and other country practice. {^Office at the Drug Store of Dr. M. 8. Thom son. to whom he refers. jan 11—ly And begs to assure his patrons that his SALOON is not a thing of a day. Citizens and the traveling pnb lic will find the establishment open not for the sea son only, bat at all seasons of the year, and those calling upon us will at all hours find onr Larder sup plied with all the delicacies that the New York and other markets will afford in the way of eatables, and something good to drink, and six days out of seven more than can be found in any other honse in town. E. Isaacs Sc Brother, Under Rnl.tou’s Hall, Cherry St. His bill of fare will every day Be just the thing for little pay, And those who at their place may eat, Will find in it all things complete', And going once, they then will know tlSJ ’ MILLINERY GOODS for mm & mi ME®* Ao M5 H AS just received a la o of the above mentioned articles, au«l ceive weekly, during the season, the best styl- quality, such as Straw, Lace, Crape and SilkB NETS, also Children and Misses' IIATS 4 FUl That ISAACS’ is the place to go. Drs. McDonald and Van Geisen, Dentists. IDry G-oods, Daily receiving in Store, which we will sell at living rates, consisting of the foUowing : 80 cases Prints, 15 cases Ginghams, 1000 pieces Merinoes, Delanos,tih.-illy and Alpacas 1300 dozen Hosiery, 35 bales Marlboro and other domestic Stripes, 10 bales Ticking, 10 cases Linseys, 10 cases Flannels, 525 pieces Satinets anil Jeans 150 pieces Csssimeres, 50 pieces Fancy and Black Silks, 800 dozen Handkerchiefs, 1300 pieces white Mnslins, Also, a large Stock of Clothing and Hats, with 350 cases of Shoes of all kinds, and 1000 Negro Blankets. We respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. Oct. 26—tf J. B. A W. A. ROSS. OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK, . MACON, GEORGIA. Electricity used in Extracting Teeth. M CDONALD’STooth Paste always on band and for sale. Dentists can be supplied with tbe finest style ot TEETH, also Gold Foil, Gold and Sil ver Plate and Wire, Lathe Fixtures, Ac., also with any kind of Instruments or Materials on short notice. oct 12 WE shall be happy to see onr friends, assuring them that it will be onr unremitting careto please in 6very respect, as we flatter ourselves we have done tUl now. ty It may not be generally known that we have to meet the wishes of the Medical Faculty, im, DE. A. FIERCE, HOMOEOPATH OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK. Medicine Cases snd Books on Domestic Practice for sale. Macon. July 13-tf. Swamp Land for Sale. s lGll 11-ONE acres of choice Niva inn Land, t- K lOHTl-ONE seres of choice Swamp Land,'two miles below Macon—42 acres in cultivation. the balance heavily timbered, and covered with Cane, for sale by BARS, feb 8 GRANITE HALL D. C. HODGKINS & SON, IvTacon, Gra. NV1TES the X attention of tbe Sporting Public and oth- rs, to their Dr. C. J. Kooscvclf, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN OFFICE AND RESIDENCE— Corner of Third and Walnnt Streets, Macon, Ga. Un 11—ly Patten & Miller, (LATE rATTEX, BUTT0X & CO MMISSION SAVANNAH, GA. O. PATTEN aug 3 ty, ed by ourselves a very superior qnality of Pale Bran dy, fine Old Port, Sherry and Madeira, possessing all tbe medical qualities so much desired by them. Look at Ills Bill of Fare, and choose for yourself: Oysters From New York, Savannah and Brunswick, in (be shell or by the measure, raw, fried, stewed, iu any way you want them ALSO. Shrimps and Crabs, Wild Game of every variety. Venison and Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops snd Veal Cutlets, Ham and Eggs, Deviled Ham snd Deviled Terapins, Mountain Oysters, Turtle Soup, Ac., Ac- Ac. Ribbons, Flowers, Head Dresses, Hair On Curls, Braids, l.ace and Mnslin Setts, Berlins, i Capes, Lace Mitts, also many other article of | Fancy Goods, too numerous to mention, all of which can bew chased at reasonable prices, cither by Wholes* Retail. E7"Orders will be promptly and faithfully r’-l ed to. Macon, March 8—3m Central, OTncou A Western-. j SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROADS. G UANO, will forthe present, be transport^* the Central Railroad to Macon, or to ssyj tion on that and the Eatonton Road, in any qs>4 to any Consignee, at 82 oo per ton of 2.0CO lbs* fl over tlie Macon ,V Western, and South-Westttjl Roads, or to any Station on either of tln-M licit 81 oo per ton of 2,000 lbs., provided each t ’ marked with consignees name. DA GEO. W. ADAMS, Ger.’l Sup’t C. K.E I ALFRED TYLER “ “ M. A VII VIRGIL POWERS, “ “ S.W.M Macon Papers copy.(feb 23j Aotice. W E have a number of accounts made is I still open on our books, snd if not psiJJ be sued st the Spring Courts of the respei live f ties. None will be slighted. 1 marts HARDEMAN A GRIFF.] PIMOS, WATCHES, JEWELRV mg a n : of elegant PIANOS from Nunn’s j !* Clark, and other makers, war-, ranted to please. Guitars. ' Flutes, Aceordeons and all others . Instruments kept in our line. Strings, InstrBl Wood-cock, Grouse, Mountain Geese, Squirrels, Biwks, Sheet Music. Ac. Wild Ducks, Fish, snd anything that an epienre ! GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, wants, can always be had when in season. j Of the most approved ad Confectioneries and Fruits. JEWELRY & FANCY ARTICl ISAACS also keeps constantly on hand a gcodas-1 Silver Forks and Spoons, equal to coin. 1 Watches and Jewelry Repaired and wanxr.fL March 1, 1839. ' J. A. A S. S. YIHGlj I w sortment of Confectioneries, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Pine Apples, Various description of Nuts. Cakes, Ac- large selection of DOUBLE GUNS. RIFLES, PIS TOLS, POCKET AND SPORTING CUTLERY. EH®era generally, pledging their undivided attention to 1 rIOrt ’ Bnd ail business confided to tbeir care. Advances made Jona/tliaii Collins, (Late Patten, Collins A Co.) 7 W ILL continue the ’IVnvo IXoiikc nmlCom- iii i i»ioii Bnainravat the Fire ProofBuild- ing occupied by them in this place, in connection with his son, W. A. Collins. He respectfully solicits the business of the patrons ofthe late firm snd Plant- ’, pledging tl on Cotton snd other Prodace in store, and orders carefully filled. JONATHAN COLLINS, july 6— tf article found in a FIRST CLASS SportsDian’s Emporium, NORTn OR soum the iest GOODS in onr line! weexpect*^receive a BOOK BINDING. continuation of past favors. | TACKSON BARNES manufactures to order every Rrpniring carefully ntirndril teas hereto- -J description of sleek sccouxt books, and biisds in any style desired. Magazines, Law, Music and m;w hotel At Tliomasvlll^ T IIE undersigned having opened (he McBiJ HOUSE, for the reception of the public- the^People generally to give them a call. CASH Wh H U T a b °rt Cri7ai ased at ,0W p rfce * fw I comfortableTand!thelr*sfole'win be*supphid’ C oc-^'o B ° f l-tsfarq v nurvrtiFij Ihe b€St ^ marke * affords. oct 13 E. ISAACS A BROTHER. j, n j 8—tf AMANDA L. LITTLE 4 ST Checks on New York Mrs. S. Audoin, FOB SALE BY THE I XT AS returned from New York with a l*** 1 MANUFACTURERS’ RANK spSSrFSro mm ooooj mar 2 | Consisting of all the Newest and most desfr| ' _ _ ~ " : styles of Book Binding’. Frencb. lOCo-te, RLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS made faorderfor j cfos, V b7.uti"ul'LbroTde?y^e^t'^c^^ U Courts and Counting House, and the number* j dour Lace aSetts. Hair Ornaments of every *■ Oct. 26. fort*. l ot’ •‘•tilt- on Long rradfr OPPOSITE TIIE LAAIER HOUSE. [ mnp .nLaiMikawram il. -1 ti. -L PliDtatioo tlx nUM from Americas, formerly erly ami cleared- | » . ~ — I auesw “ovvooni . uuilUlUf’B UU 1116 pl&Ce- YfalCbraHjul 1° Hy Sowth, «Ddfann° 1 ^“wUl b? ma“ e° U App“*o% re M. FURLOw! to the undersigned. Transient persons. The public may expect from this | JAME8 W.JBRH- r .N. House, all the luxuries aud comforts to be found L XlGgTOOS WCilltGd snyotherhoteL . B. F. DE.VS_E.__ p0R thu N ’ . Jrlc ,, !s Mark(t . AppIyllt any style desired. Magazines, Law, Music and Miscellaneous Books, clerks’ record and docket rooks, with or without fri.nted forms, and warrant ed best quality paper. ty Engineers' profile paper made from the best English drawing to any length or width. All orders frem the country promptly snd careful ly attended to. Office on Cotton Avenne one door below Boss and Coleman’a. apl 13 printed on tho pages without extra charge. , Grecian Curls, Side aud Back Braids, Wi(P- MAGAZINES, MUSIC AND LAW BOOKS, - Ac. Call and examino for yourselves before bound in neat and cheap styles. 1 chasing, as it will be much to vonr interest- "a DAVID BOSS, : thankful for past favors, and solicits » ehxre . r part favors, i _Cor. 3d and Cherry Streets, liberal patronage of onr thriving city and Over George T. Rogers A Son. ing counties. Terms Cash. rp HE subscriber has purchased tbe Right to Row- IStiffO You- of tiCO JL and's Patent Carriages and Springs for Blank Aoconnt Books, which ho will pat on work when- AGENTS WANTED. DAVID ROSS. r L,le ^ y '°y d House. _ 100 .Thos.Bggby’s Negro MartToia PopUr'fit., ’yr nnA LBS. Tennessee Bacon, a choice arti- near AdainsA Reynold’s Cotton Ware H^nselwliere * cie, ^by I yon can get the highest market price in cash. JgK* apr 5 AYRES, WJNGEIELD ft CO, I »ov2 WANTED. T AM still bn; X and will si _ Macon Ga. uiy38 ly mviag Military bounty Land Warrants, snd will always give the highest cash price. ~h. J.BLA MULLET. O fZ BBLS. Corned Mullet, for sale by 60 AYRES, WINGFIELD 4 CO, POST & MEL, Commission Merchants, 64 Povdras Street, New Orleans, La. T HREE or four intelligent, go-ahead can obtain employment for the rear, in c ~~,„ saio of tbe above named Map, bj ‘PJ, ing fox'saio of tbe'above named Map, by *£tS| to JAMES R. U LT1 1 Macon, March 29, 1859.—Im REFERENCES.—Messrs. J. B. A \V. A. Ross. “ ’ Hardeman A Griffin. “ Lightfoot A Flanders. Elijah Bond, Esq. Joseph Cliiby, Esq. New Dress-Malting ESTAB LISHMEN 1 I ■ direr 1 *?., ■yflSS GRIFFIN has taken Room* —a 11VX the Store of Mrs. Howland, where*** feb 32 on Dress Malting iu »U JJJ; ly solicits a share of patrewP