Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, May 08, 1859, Image 4

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;,7»r» ■ti.irr-iiRO plieirin Sale. i*«»tpo 11,1 * '' -ii'!'-" 3, “ Mon - ® t . „—a , w *ih Plush Arm ^ThTuPteS Chain, l Plash oota,» Office Chain. l'^Mock i Door Hell. 2 Window Ottomans and Loll* l Center Table, i Pine Bnreau. X Secretary, -Drapery Window Curtains. 1 Inrye MnsbCorered Chaffr 20erondols. and 1 8how Cue, levied1 on to „j,(V a mortgage *- fo. from Bibb Superior Coart. “ favor of Jonathan A. Virgin. vs. Hiram 8eger,— P 7Jbal P ‘ * EUfitLJ K F FKKsf llepty. Sheriff — - Itlbb SUcriM' Stile. W ILL be sold, before the Courthouse door, in Uibb Coanty. on the first Tuesday ia May nril withinthe legal hours of sale, Five acres laad, aituate and lying two miles from Macon, fronting on the old Federal Road, adjoining lands of Warren Wright, on the west side; levied on as the property of Susannah Palmer, to satisfy a Justice fi fa from eeist District. G. M.. in favor of Jeaae 11. Carroll, _ Susannah Palmer. Lovy made and retained to by aConstalde.’ W. R. BU5BEK. mar 22 Deputy Sheriff. d Mibb *h< riff Sale, u the tint Tuesday in June next beforotho Court Honae door in Maeon, Bibb coanty, within the legal hoars of ssie, a House and Lot in the city of Macon, number one. in Square number three South Western Common. levied on aa the property of William B. Hyde, us Trustee, Ac., to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Daley \ Fitzgerald vs. William B. Hyde, Trustee, Ac Property pointed ont in said fi. fa. apr 26 E. O. JEFFERS. Dep. S. Bibb Shorin'Sale. W ILL be sold, before the Courthouse door, in the city of Macon, Bibb Coanty, on the first Tuesday in June next, within the legal Bonn of sale, the following property, to wit: One lot and dwelling Wing opposite the Central Rail Road, and adjoining the lands of Mrs. Sarah McCall, levied on aa the pro- S erty of Beni. Pavia, to aatiafy a Mortgage fi la un er forrlosure of a Master Uuildermnd Painter's lieni issued from Bibb Inferior Court, in favor of Lev, aa® ~ *"* “**• snsisr * mar 22 Deputy Sheriff. From the Georgia Telegraph—Extra, April t. B lit It Mill: It IF I' MALE.—Will be aold be- fore the Court House door in the city of M i ynexti ing de- _ __ ____ e city con, liibb county, on the 1st Tuesday in Ms; between the legs! hours of sale, the following de scribed lot of land, via : One Hundred and Fifty Acres, more or less. No. 125, situated in the Rutland District, ill Bibb county, above the Perry road* with all the appurtenances thereunto attached; le vied on ns the property of Sarah C. Lancaster, to satisfy a li fa from Bibb Superior Conrt, in favor of Robert N. Mirris va. Sarah C. Lancaster and Lo renso C. Lancaster. W. R. BUSBEE. npril 1— Deputy Sheriff. Bibb Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Taeadsy in June next, before the Court House door in the city of Macon. Bibb County, between the lawful hoars of sale, the following property to-wit; Seventy five (7$) acres, more or less, being part of lot adjoining Ransom A vant on the North, itofus Kabun on the West, and Rigdon Thomas on the South, and adjoining that portion of said lot which was assigned to Pony Goes as her dower, and well known as part of the plantation of Thomas G.Goes, deceased. Levied on aa the projierty of Thomas Q. Goss, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Stubbs and Lester, from Bibb Inferior Conrt. Property pointed out by Daniel Skipper. K. O. J KKKEltS. I) Sh’ff. aprfifi Georgiii Houston Comity. D B. BROWN, of the 926th District. G. M„ tolls XL. beforo me. u an estray taken up upon the freehold of him. the said 1L B. Brown, in said county and district, a mouse colored mare mule, about 4 ft. 8 inches high, and about 20years old; appraised by E. It. Lewis and J. W. Sandlin, freeholders in said couuty and district, to be worth twenty five dollars. Given under my hand and official signature this March 3Ut, 1859. Tuos. S. Cobb, J. P. A true extract taken from the minutes of this Court. JOHN It. KING, c. I. c. apr 26—2t Postponed V. States ITIarslini sale W ILL be sold before the Court Honae, in the city of Maeon, Bibb county, on thefirst Tues day in May next, between the usual hours of sale, the-following property, via: The Hotel Buildings and Lota now occupied by Alexander Meriwether, fronting on the public square in the town of Viennr, Dooly county. Paid Lots containing one and a half acres, more or leas. A lso the Nerth half of lot of Land Wo. M; In the itk Dta trirt ofDooly county. adjoining Elisha Woodward. All pointed out by Alexander Merisretber. Also, lot of Land No 91, in the 7th District of Dooly county. All levied on as the proper of Alexander Meriwether to satisfy a fi. fa. from the 8lxth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of J. 8. A L. Bowie A Co., va. Alexander Meriwether. Also, at the same time and place Three huudrod and forty acres of land, in the 13th „ Perry, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Sixth Circuit Court ' of the United States, for the Southern District of ■ Georgia, in favor of William Smith Brown vs. A. Frank Perry. Levy made by 8. Atkinson, former IT. S. Deputy Marshal. JAMES M. SPULLOCK. U. 8. Marshal. By THOMAS L. ROSS, March 29.1859. U. 8, Deputy Marshal ' Postponed Bibb siterlff Sale W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in May next. before the Court House door in tbedty of Ma- eon, Bibb coanty, within the legal honm of sale, the following property to-wit: Part of lot of land No. It, iu block No. 4, south western survey, according to the plan of said city, containing about one-eighth (J) acre; levied on aa the property of A. D. lliddle, for the use, Ac., to sat isfy a Justice Court fi fa Issued from 71*»h District, ws * a a r .,r 1 »\... \U llstnllv wfi A I) Kltli1lt>_ Georgia—-Houston County. A MOS OPRY, of the sooth District, G. M„ tolls before me as an -stray taken up upon the free hold of him. the said Amos Opry. in said county and District, a bay mare B ole, a little marked with the oullar, and a .-iiiaH'gref spot over the right • ve, and abont 4 feet, «inches high, about 10 years old; ap praised by Garret Smith, and Barnett Holliman, freeholders of said cot nty. to be worth seventy five dal hire. Given under my band and official signature this April 7th, 1859. Kich'd 8. Paten. J. P. A true extract taken from the minutes of this Court. JNO. H. KING, c. t. c. apr 26—2t BOOTS AND SHOES. A TTUE SIGN OFTIIE BIG BOOT, No. 3, A. Cotton Avenue, opposite AVashington Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers _ ■ would return their thanks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of th same. Wehave now in store a large assortment ofe BOOTS AND SHOES* mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the different styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine onr stock, aa we are prepared to sell aa low aa any bouse iu the city or State. Sept. 28. MIX A KIKTLAND. B OOTS.—A full assortment of Gents’ fine & French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and JB waterproof, nfvarioua kinds and qualities, both toled and pegged. Just received and for sale low by Sept. 28. MIX A KIKTLAND. P LANTATIONBROGANS-Now instore the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we^^^W have ever offered in this market. Men's donble soled peg and nailed black and russet ts; do. heavy single soled black and russetts.- do. boys and youth* black and ruaaetts. all of which we are selling very low. Sept. 28, MIX A K1RTLAND. uid Mill Machinery, p 'L^ veAtUnUst , s „ight. r. riNDLAT, aa.,—.J. n. tmuT,...c. p. fisdut. YI N D L A Y| ’ S IRON WORKS, M A CUN’, GA. Steam Engin Cotton Pre sses and Screws, Horse Pmv.-I- Cjw Mills and Kettles. IRON RAILINGS, COLUMNS, MILL STONES, GIN GEER, Grist and Circular Saw Mills, * PULLEYS, WHEELS, SHAFTING, 4c., 4c. R. FINDLAY & SONS. Fib. 1. TIACO.X A WllSTLin KAIL, BO A O O K and after Thursday, 15th July, the Trains wM* be run as follows: Leavtj Macon at IS night. Arrive at Atlanta 7. A. M. Leave Macon at 10 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 4 SCHOFIELD & BROTHER, ERSUIACHil •Huron. Georgia. JOHN S. SCHOFIELD, . . . .JOSHUA SCHOFIELD. We are prepared to Manufacture STEAM ENGINES, ©OMiUJILAR IAW GMQiLIL©* MILL AND GIN GEARING, Sixanr Mills, BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, or Ivor DESCRIPTION. IRON RAILINGS AND VERANDAHS. Haviug tbe most complete assortment of Iron Rail ing* in the State, which for elegance, neatness,dnra- bility and design, cannot be surpassed, and are suit able for the Fronts of Dirriliaga, Crmefrry Lote, Public Squares, Cburcb Frncn nod Xtntcoiilea. Persons desirous of purchasing RAILINGS, will do well to give us a call, as we are determined to of fer aa good bargains as any Northern Establishment. ! ySpL-cimi-na of onr Work can be seen at Rose Hill Cemetery, and at various private residences in this city uov 30 ly _ B OOTS AND SHOES.—Men’s, Boys anil -C,-- Youth's fine calf and kip peg'd Boots i 1 "*'’' Men's stout kip hunting and mud Boots; Gents last ing Gattors, Monterey, opera and. ties, and fine call Brogans , Gents, boys' and youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans: Men's,.boya’ and youth*’ California kip Brogans, a large assortment. Sept. 9i.MIX * KIHTLAND. R ubber SHOES.—A huge aaaomnent. MHPHi ■ ■ of Gents and boys Rubber*. Also, La ProDe'rtv pointed out by Plaintiff I dies slipper and sandal rubber Shoes of Goodyesr’s »nrl3 H W. 11. UL’SBEE, Dep. Sh'ff. I celebrated patent. Just received and for- Je low by ‘ 1 Sept. *8. MIX A KIKTLAND. _ ICil>:> Micrlll’JIorlgngc Sales. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, between the usual hours of sale, in the city of Macon, Lots number one, (1) two, (2) three, (3) sad four, (4) in Squsro nineteen. (19) South Western Common, city of Macon. Levied on ea the proper ty of Theodore G. Young, to satisfy a Mortgage « fa. from Bibb Superior Court, in favor of Henry Baity va. Theodore O. Young. Property pointed ont iii said fi. fa, E. G, JEF1KK8, Dep. S. Uibb Sheriff Sales. ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in May next before the Conrt House door, in the city o Macon, between the usnal hoars cf sale. Lot number one. In Square 19, South Wes tern Common, city of Macon, containing about half an acre, more or lees. Levied on as the property orT. U. Young to satisfy a fi. fa. from Bibb Superior Court, in favor of R. Purdell vs. T. G. Young. ALSO, at the same time and place, two Houses and Lots situated on the Houston Road, abont two miles from the city of Macon, adjoining the lands of Dr. M.S. Thomson and Elisa Jenkins, containing about eight acres, more or less. Levied on aa the property of George Wood to satisfy two fi. fas. from Bibb Superior Court in favor of Joseph E. Brown, Uovernor, kc., va. William W. Wootten, principal, and Nancy Foster and George Wood, securities, mar 29 E. G. JEFFERS, D. 8. Houston Land for Sale. A GREEABLE to the 1**» win and Testament of Samuel Dinkins, deceased, will be sold belore the Court llouse door iu the town of Perry, on the first Tuesday iu October next, if not disposed of be fore at jlri vat# sale, the VALUABLE PLANTATION lately owned by dereased, containing about 1300 seres, about 800 under enttivation, the balance very heavily timbered. This Plantation is one of the most desirable in Houston county, being located im mediately on the South-Western Rail Road, near Station No li, a short distance from the city of Ma con, healthy, well watered by Springs, well im proved, and iu tile midst of a highly intelligent and moral community. The Plantation not being rulti \ ated this year, will bo iu fine condition to make crop next year. ... . . Tun Plantation will be sold for cash, or on such time aa the purchaser may wish. Persons wishing to buy Houston Lands, would do well to examine the above place before purchasing. Mr. R. VV. Mat thews, on the place, or cither of the Executors, will take pleasure in showing it to any one wishing to purchiutte The above place joins the plantations of Wm. M. Bateman, Patrick Carroll. D. F. Gann, J. M. Ham mock and Thnmienn Fields. S, D. BRANTLEY, J.W. S1UNHOLSKR, C. D. ANDERSON. Executorsl Fort Valley .March t—tda ■ Administrator’s Sole. B Y virtue of an order from the Ordinary of Borke county, will be sold before the Court bouse door in the town of Nashville, in Berrien county, on the first Toetday in May next, between the usual boors of sale. Lot number 311, loth District of ori giually Irwio, now Berrien county, containing 4“ acres, mure or less, belonging to Henry Heath, a crttfil of liarko county. Washington mobi-ey, Adm'r of mar* HENRY HEATH. Geoifin—Bibit count} B HY authority of the will of George W. Tcwus, late of said county, deceased, I will sell, be fore the Court House door lo said county, on the first Tuesday in May next, the following negroes .- Betsy, n woman, about 43 years old. Sarah, a girl, abont 15 yearsold. Marion, n boy, abont 13 yean old. rrrJ likt ' 7 raffim. april 5 Executor of G. W. Towns. Aalminisirator’s sale, B n V virtue of aa order of the Court ol Ordinary of Jonen county, will be sold before the Conrt House door in Clinton, ou the first^Tuesday ia Jons next, the following alavea : Lewis, George, Betsey, Emily and Child, belonging to the estate of W U- liara J. Card, deoaaaad. Re sold for the purpoee of effecting titles. J AS GREEN, Adm r de bonis non ot Wm. J. Card, deceased. istiitrtiinn’s Sale B Y virtue ol an order of the Court ofOrdinary of Jones couuty, will be sold before the Court House door in Clinton, on tho first Tuesday in June next, a negro man named Ephraim, belonging to Thomas J/Wimblab. one of the minor heir* of VI r M.Wimbisb, lata of said county, for the benefit of said minor, Tcnnsonthed.^.; apr 12 1. bold A. C. WIMBISH. Guardian. TslXTK days afterdateappheatioo wiU be maoa {5 to the Ordinary of June* county, for leave to sell ten slaves belonging to the estate of Lovel Smith, late of said county, deceased. KUELINE SMITH, i9 Administratrix. ,i IXTY Day* after date application will bo made to the Ordinary of Houston County, for leave to soil the negro property belonging to the estate of Pinckney J. Pollock, late of said comity, deceased, spril 5 ISAAC WOODARD. J>„ Adm’r. Gvorgin, Jones County, W HEREAS. Henry O. Dame appllet for Letter* of Guardianship on tho personal property of the minors of Wm. B. Dame, late of Jones coanty. J< Tbe*enre therefor* to cite and admonish all per sona interested, toahew cause, if any they have, ft my office, on or before- the first Monday in June next, why letter* of Guardianship should not be granted to paid applicant. Given unde* raj hand and aeal IhU April 4tb,lB39 spr 12 CHAS. MACABTHY, Or.1, XT OTICK.—AU person* indebted to the Estate oif li> Jonas W. Hall, are requested to make diate payment; nod all persona bolding claims or demand* kmmI tlio mM ritite, umst preaent them in legal form within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar. tUMEON THARP. apr 1* Administrator de bonis non. XT OTIC E—All persons indebted to the Estate of f\ Jams* C- Hail, bffe of Twiggs County, deceased, ore requested to make immediate payment -, sad nil persona boldihg claim* or demsudj, af£in« sald es- abril19 them in legal form within the thne or this notice will be plead In bar HSIMEON THARP, Administrator. VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE IN UP- S#jr COUNTS'. T HE subscriber offers for sale hit Plantation in Upson County, distant from The Rock 3-4 of a mile, known as the Bunkly Plantation—through which passes the Zebulon road. Of said Plantation, about roar Hundred Acres cleared, and in active cultivation—all under good fence; abont Four Hundred Acres still in the woods. The improve ments are good, consisting of a genteel dwelling with five rooms, together with all necessary out houses; Gin House and Screw ; health of neighbor hood unexceptionable; water inferior to none; so ciety most desirable, with Church, School, and Kail Road facilities all close at hand. Persons desirous to examine the premises and enquire ss to terms, which will be liberal, will enquire of Mr. McCreary on the place, or to the subscriber near Talbotton. HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL. AT Carliart cb Curd’s, MACON. GEORGIA. W IIEltE can be seen one of the largest Stocks of HARDWARE. IKON. STEEL, and CAR III AGE MAKERS MATERIALS to bo found in Middle Georgia. Importing largely, and baying di rect from the Manufacturers, enable us to offer greater inducements to those wishing to purchase unTthing in our line. Call and see us. and be con vinced. CAHHAKT A CURD. 336,000 SWEDES, or 5,385 Bars of Swedes Iron, assorted, from 1 to 12 inches wide, of our own importation, in store and for sale by CARHART A CURD FLOW STEEL, Manufactured expressly for this market, and assorted from 2}tol4inche« wide, together with a full assort ment ot Refined Iron, all sixes. Baud A Oval Iron, all sixes, H. und and Square Iron, all sixes. Uorse Shoe Iron, all siaes. Cast and German Steel, Blister steel. Anvils ..nd Vises. Bellows and Screw Plates, Smith Hammers and Tongs, Planter’s Hoes, various ml- Arrive at Macon 7. A. M. Leave Atlanta at It A. M. Arrive at Macon 5.00 P.M. The night train will not be run on Sundaes. The 12 night train from Macon connects with the Wes tern and Atlantic Road for Chattanooga, Knoxville, Nashville. Memphis, at t* 13 P. M„ with Georgia R. It. for Augnsta, at ll» A. M., and Atlanta A West Point R. R. at 10.15 A. M. The 10 A. M.train from Macon, connects with the Western A Atlantic K. It, at 8.40 P. jf„ and Georgia It. R. at 12 night; and Atlanta A West Point U li st 12.5 A. M. The completion of the Virginia and Tennessee Rail Road, makes this the most pleasant and direct route to the Virginia Springs Through Tickets to which may be had at Atlanta, for 826 25, including Stage fare, $7 00, and to New York for 832 00. Farther information may be had in relation to this Route, on application to the General Ticket Office, Atlanta. ALFRED Ij. TYLER, au£ 3 Superintendent S. BRAINEPvD S MAOON VARIETY STORE COTTON AVENUE, Opposite Ross, Coleman A Ross, and C. 11. Freeman. C ROCKERY, GUu Ware, House Furnishing ur tides of every description. Tin Ware ot all kinds. Refrigerators, Ire Cream Preexers, Brooms. Pails, Toy Barrows, Wagons, Willow Ware, Lu- bin’a Perfumerv—Bay Rnm, best quality. Fishing Tackle and Hooks. Mohair Olotti, Chapman’s and other Razor Straps, Comb* in every variety. Tooth Paste, Sieves, Vi olin Bows A Bridges, Cut lery, Pistols, Pencils, knitting Needles, Spectacles, Ac., Ac. FURNITURE made to order; old Fnrnitnre quality Sand Paper lor sale. N. B — Graffeuberg Medicine for sale, pure from the Company S. B., Agent fur Company, feb 2 . New Goods AT E. SAULSBUEY’S H E is now receiving a very large and well assur ted Stock ofSPltlNG CLOTHS, C’ASSIMERES and VESTINGS, of the latest importations. He has also received the report of Fashions tor this Spring, with a variety of new and elegant styles. HU Stock of Fine READY MADE CLOTHING will be replenuhed with the changes of the Seasons from the best houses in New York. His FURNISHING GOODS comprise every thing that is new and desirable, in the way of Hosiery, Shirts, Collars, Ties. Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Sr.- All of which ho invites hb friend] and customers call and examine, mar 1 nJUTliners mid lunp, i lamer 3 ihtk, imivii* ***** , .J..- kera, llradn’a Patent Hoea, Hamcs. Trace*, Plow ! 3 Lines, Axes, Corn Shelters, Straw Cutlet*, and all kiuds of Plantation, Carpenter's and Machinist’s Tools, can be found at CARHART A’CURD'S, jau 4 H HORNE’S CONFECTIONERY, FKUIT STORE, Watches, Jewelry, &c. T HE subscribers would inform tho citizens of Macon and vicinity, that they have taken the store formerly occupied by Mr. M. D. llarues, where they intend carry ing ou the spril 5—tf JNO. E. BARKSDALE. Ayer’s Clierry Pectoral For the rapid cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, tvhooping Cough. Asthma and Consump tion, is universally known as the best remedy ever et discovered for every variety of Pulmonary dis- ase. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so umernus the cases of its cures, that almost every ection of the country abounds in persons publicly nowu. who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the luogs by its use. When once tried Us superiority over every other medicine of in *1—* n *«.. apparent ia escape obser vation, and where ita virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the dbtreasing and dangerous affections of the pulmo nary organs which are incident to our climate. By Its ttmely use many, nay almost all attacks of disease upon the Lung* or throat, are arrested and thus are saved many thousand* every year from a premature grave. No family should be without it, and those who do neglect t rovide themselves with a reme dy which wards oil this dangerous class of diseases will have cause lo deplore it when it ia too late — ’roofs of the surprising efficacy of the Cherry Pee- i oral need not be given to the American people,— I hey bare living proofs in every neighborhood.— Bat those who wish to read the statements of those Whose health has been restored and whose lives have been saved by its use, will find them in my A- i sericsn Almanac with the agent below named as to I urnish gratia for every one. Prepared by JAMES C. AYER, Practical and An ilytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass—And sold by all I Iruggisfs and dealers in medicine throughout this Section. mar carry ing Jewelry Business, and will keep a neat and well selected assortment of goods connected with that business. We invite yon to give ns a call, mid in rrturu will assure you fair and honest dealings at all times. Wutclics ami Jewelry cleaned and repaired by a faithful and experienced workman, and warranted to give satisfaction. P. S.—Having purchased the Goods belonging lo And Patini Bakery, at hit stw Store, next to 1 *»id Barnes, at a great discount from the cost, we Ayres. Wingfield 4* CoU, i offer ,htm « _ ' cherry ST., Macon, GA. • . Great Bargains. ARTIES, Dinner, and Sopper* furnished with I ^ M?’. 1 » nJ .»««?* r everything ornament.! an^delieioos. in the In* | !£X^Yn“f ^{^.rdS^ay^irwS;? Bridal Cakes, dressed iu unsurpassed styles - -! «“ d J '7, e ‘ r - V jl° “V‘ ,U French Pastry of every kind, as well as all kinds of [ . OLD STAND Ok M. D BARNES, Desert made to order, among them many new dishes, i opposite the Lanier Honse- French Candies Chocolate, Cream, etc. Granges,, _ «■« »ord more, then we are done for this tin. Pineapples, Bananas. Lemons, Apples, HaisiM,! To tho«iwho visitbavsimab we Invite-to.call*t — - — u jjuts of all kind*, i ' - "• SKIFF S JEWELRY STORE (m that Ci- Dates, Figs, Cnrranta. Citron. Preserves, Crackers, Segars, Cider, etc. WINES AND BRANDIES of undoubted parity. Toys, Sardines, Lobsters, Pickles, Sauces. Salmon, Tongues, Cheese, Cabba ges. Cranberries, etc. HT AU goods warranted to be first class articles, and sold as low as can be bought in Macon. TERMS—Cash, for all not holding Pas* books. H. HORNE will attend personally to superintend the setting of tables for Weddings and Parties, either in City or Country. JJ* Country Mkrcharts will find a good as - sortment of Confectionaries at my establishment, i and the price* a* low aa any where else in the City.' jan 25—ly ty.) opposite the Pulaski House, where liny will find a large assortment of Jewelry ami Fancy Articles, of the latest styles, and at price* to suit the times.— Hair Jewelry and Ornaments of every description made to order. Orders left at the store in Macon, or Savannah, will be carefully attended to. KespectfuUv, V. W. SKIFF A CO. Macon, Ga.. Feb. 15— C. H. Freeman & Co COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA., oma, AS USUAL, AT THEIR OI.B STAND,' A CHOICE ASOKTMEXT OP FAMILY GROCERIES, O F every description and of the best quality, fresh and good—being constantly in receipt of new supplies from the Northern Markets, White Fish, “OLD MAGNOLIA WHISKEY.' T" HK undersigned olfer for sale the above atan dard brand of fine RYE WHISKEY, ot their own distillation, iu barrels and half barrel*. The quality of this Whisker known *o tfcvorably iu the South, for the past eight yeMts, “* v ~ Spices, Citron. #f ***•»•»■ Green Fruit* in cana, Hams. CoadimeutM. Lard, Sauce*. Flour, Cheeae. Matter, Mackerel. Pork. And other artiolaa too auiawoiu to uwtMoti. com priaiog the whole range of Family Grocery supplies. CANDIES- o mvoraoty IU | We particularly invite the attention of dealers will always oc • , n j 0 u,er, to onr largo and complete st< Sugars. te- Tetui. Sweetmeats, Nats, Raisins, BOEKHAVG’S HOLLAND BITTERS THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY ro* DYSPEPSIA, Disease of the Kidneys, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE And the various affections consequent upon a dis ordered STOMACH OR LIVER, rtUCII aa Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, O Colicky Pains, Heartburn. 1-os* of Appetite, Despondency, Costivt-nesa, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affec tion*. it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in other* effected a decided core. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of tbe celebrated Holland Professor. Boerbave. Because of ita great success in moat of tbe European States, its Introduction into the United State* was intended more especially for those of our fatherland scattered here and there over tbe face of this mighty country Meeting with great success among them. I now offer it to the American public, knowing that ita truly wonderful medicinal virtue* must be acknowledged. It is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or oilier forma of dissipation. Generally instantaneous in effert, it finds its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor in the system. Notice.—Whoever expects to fiud this a beverage will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remedial, properties. Tbe great popularity of this delightful Aroma has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not persuaded to buy anything else nntiLyou have given Boerhsve’s Hol land Bitters a fairfrisl. One bottle will convince you bow infinitely superior it is to all theao imit* ty Sold at fit per bottle, or six bottle* for *5, by a sole proprietors. BENJAMIN PAGE, JR., A CO., Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists, Pitta burg, Pennsylvania. ry Sold in Macon by E L. STROHECKKR A JO.. ZHILIN, HUNT A CO, GEORGE PAY NIC. and Druggists generally, throughout tbe State, m fnay 18 NEW GOODS- C. Campbell & Son, NEAR THE LANIER HOUSE N AVE just received their Fall and Winter supply of KERSEYS, HEAVY BLANKETS and NEGRO SHOES at the lowest market prices, and Planters would do welt to call and examine before P 'rhey*aUo continue to keep a general stock o GROCERIES at the old stand, and do not intend ■ be undersold for Cash. Macon. Oct. 12, 185s. Checks on New York FOR SALE BY THE MANUFACTURERS’ BANK mar 9 POST A: .TIEI-," Commission Merchants, 64 Potdras Struct, New Ou-iaxs, I.a. REFERENCES.—Mrsm. J. II A W. A. Ross. " Ilsrdeman A Griffin. " Lightfoot A Flanders. Elijah Rond, Esq. 1)28 Joseph CUaby.Meq. . _ . .. v— 1 —.. -,—7-5—, , J, anu oiuers in our large anti complete stock of Can- kept up to its former high standard, and purchase!* , ^ manufactured by ourselves, of the very best Im . notice, and ‘J? I materials and warranted to retain their hanlnres and pure ltY E \\ HISKEY, distilled^under our own jov- j^jlliaucy, while the imported Candies soon lose sonal supervision, and entirely free from any del terious substances which render made up whiski so objectionable. Always having a large stock of thu above, and other fine Whiskies, in New York aa well as Phila delphia, we areenabledto ship good* from either ci ty direct FREEMAN A SIMPSON, Phicnix Distillery. OFFICE—109 So. Front St., Philadelphia. “ 96 Wall St, New York. octtS—ly NEW BOOKS At Boardman’s Book Store. OMEUICAN ELOQUENCE in 2 vols ; a new Cy- / V clqpedia of Commerce; Burton's Cyclopedia of Wit A Humor: a Handy Book ^on_Property Law; Man WM tire Mon. by UmOM, , Mcmontre yapss- gesin South Western History; Life beneath the Wa ter* : The Hand but not the Heart, by T. S. Arthur; William the Conqueror.by Uen.SirCharlesNapier; Doctor Thome; a new edition of Edgar A Poe'a works; The Preacher and the King, The Priest and the Huguenot; Lord Ueorge Bentick, by DJsraeli; Beatrice Cenci Debit A Credit; Major Roger Sher man Potter; Douglas Jerrold’a Wit; Belle Urittan on a tour; Life and limes of Hugh Miller; Cruise of tbe Betsey; ’’Vstitnony of tbe Rocks -, Jefferson’s Works; Bulwer'aNovel*complete; Grote’aHistory of Greece; Sparrow Gras* Papers; Lord Mootagu's page, by G. P. K. James ; The Three Beauties, by Mis. Sontbwortb ; Ventillatiou in American Dwell* inga; Derivation of Family names; Wisdom, Wit and Homer; Step* towards Heaven ; Den’s Morel Theology; Mixpmh. n Prayer Book ; Wayside Pic- tnresin France, Holland, Belgium, and up the Rhine; Wild Northern Scenes; Also a largo assortment of fine Family Bibles. J. M. BOARDMAN. Sept. 21, 1858. an ey, both and become worthless. We oficr unrivalled inducements to purchasers. CAKES, Ornamented and Plain, Of every variety and made of choice materials. Families and parties supplied at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresli FISH, IN TIIE1R SEASON. We k«H>p constantly ou hand dur ing the Full aud Winter* Fresh O y »t e rs And Fish, native and imported* of the belt qualities and re pectfully invite orders, which shall be "faithfully •lied. Choice Tobacco and Segars, To which wo invite the attention «f Couaointur* in thoote article*. OCt 5 Valuable Plantations for Sale. D KNIRIMi to move my planting interest ea west. I offer for sale two valuable PLAN-^Jji TATIONS. One situated in Macon coanty within three miles of Winchester, on the South-Western Kail Road, containing 2,405 acres of level Oak and Hickory Land, with good improvements, and be tween thirteen and fourteen hundred acre* in culti vat ion, a considerable portion of which is fresh land. The other plantation is situated in tbe 14th District of Lee, on Flint River, at the month of Cbockeefi- rhikee Creek, and contains 2,474 acre* of Land, about two-thirds of which is Oak and Hickory land of the best quality, and tbe remainder good Pine Land, with about thirteen hundred acree in cultiva tion, nearly all of which is fresh land, and as produc tive as any land in South-Western Georgia, and Is finely watered, and substantially improved. My over seers will show these places to any one wishing to examine them. My term* will be liberal and pay ment* easy. For further particulars, address the undersigned at Macon. N. BASS. July 27—tf WIU you so North, wfceu you can <Io better Motif ft I MANUFACTORY & REPOSITORY. FORSYTH, OA. H AVING purchased the entire in- tcrest of the late firm of Hanks. Wilder A Co.. I invite the attention V 7/ W of the citizens of Forsyth aud surrounding counlie* to my extensive arrangements for manufacturing Top and no Top BUGGIES. KOCKA WAYS, CAR RIAGES. PHJSTOKS, Ac.. Ac. lam constantly receiving additions, not from the Forth, hut from my Work-Strop, to my stock on hand—of three or four buggies per we.k—whicli combin', rlrgoncr and tfuuk with tight near, strength and JnmkilUf. Order* for any sort of Vehicle, 'Harness Ac., are most ro spectfolly solicited, which shall be promptly sup plied, and all engagements for work punctually met. I have constantly on hand* large assortment of Har ness. Repairing done at abort notice and all work war rant's!. J. H. BANKS sag « 1858. 1 yr FRENCH’S HOTEL, On the European Plan, CITY OF NEW YORK. Single Rooms 50 cts. per Day. City Hall Square, corner Frankfort StreeL (Opposite City Hall) Meals, aa they may be ordered in the spacious Re. factory. There ia a Barber's Shop and Bath Rooms attached to tho tlotal. N. B.—Beware of Runners and Harkmen who say we are fall. K. FRENCH, mar 1—«m Proprietor. CUTLERY! FROM JOSEPH RODGERS & SON, SHEFFIELD. ENGLAND. TABLE KNIVES & FORKS. 6 Hladed Pocket Knives, 4 “ “ 9 “ Sportsmen Knives, Embroidery Scissors, Pocket And other Patents. RazorsICnzors! OF THE GENUINE JOS. RODGERS A SON'S ITIaKe. I lIAVEjnst received direct from Joseph Rodgers A Son. Sheffield. England, a large and splendid va riety of tbe above goods, and most respectfully so licit tbe patronage at tbe pablie. BASIL A. WISE, mar U Cherry St. Macon, Ga - Important to Planters! THE INGERSOLL HOOP LOCK, -Ftsr-1 ttgr.2 Lanier A Anderson, ATTORNEYS A T L A W, MACON, GA., P RACTICE in tho counties of the Macon Circuit, and in the Counties of Sumter, Monroe and Jones; also in the Federal Courts at Savannah. They have also recently become the Amenta of the following Insurance Companies: The Augusta Insurance and RnnlcingCom- pnny of which W. M. D'Astigxac la President and C. F. Me Cat is Secretary. And the Alabama Fire aKd .Marino ln«u- rnnrr Company, Montgomery, of which T. H. Watts is President and A. Williams Is Secretary. Fire risks and risks on slaves taken at usnal rates* apl 20 IRON COTTON TIE. J“N all the he .vieat Cotton regious of the grea South We*t, the INGERSOLL HOOP LOCK with the common IIoop Iron Itnml, baa superse ded every other method of securing the Cotton Bale. Tune and apace would foil us to give the numerous certificates of Cotton Plauters. Brokers. Warehouse men, Insurers, Compressors and Shippers, showing beyond a doubt, that tbe days of Hope Lindmg are numbered, and the immense advantages ot the IIoop Lock aud Iron Tic. Their economy wherever tried, has been conceded iu these points: l. They sovo twenty lo tbirly dollar* coal in baling material on every one hundred K “*rbe fastening is much uioro expeditiously ap plied, and much more convenient for the compress. 3. It is a perfect safeguard against loss of Cotton from the bale. 4. Itiann nlnio»l absolute security ngninat Fire. Fire applied to bales thus bound, as shown by actual experiment, wiU smoulder without flame, twenty hours without spreading, and allowing plenty of time for easy extinguishment. 5 It ia nil absolutely aeenre fn.lruing. In actual experiments made in Montgomery, bales thus bound, were pitched dowu forty feet perpendicular from a house-top, upon a brick pavemeut, without perceptible effect. #. It is perfectly aimple.nnd requires no machinery at all in the application. Any common hoop-iron of proper width aud thickness, (which is abont J Inch wide, and a scant sixteenth of one inch thick.) and of any requisite length to suit the bale, i* taken iu the band, one end passed through the opening, from the under side, of one end of tho under part of the lock to the length of about one inch, and then bent over the end of the lock. The other eod ol tho hoop is thou passed round the bale and drawn through a loop or opening in tho opposite end of the look, and then beut in the some manner as the other. The button is then turned back to its place over them, aud tbe hoop is fast on the bale, and the hole may be moved if desired. 7. It holds the package in one-fourth smaller com pass than rope—thereby rendering it easier to linn- die, and cheapening freight. These facta and advantages are certified to by leading Warehouse men. Planters, Shippers and Bro kers iu testimonials too uamerons to ho cited or spec ified in this advertisement. It, Montgomery, the leading Brokers and Buyers, after the most satisfac tory experience aud tests, unite in the following a- greemeut, which will leave no doubt on these points: We, tbe undersigned. Cotton Brokers and Ilnyf-rs, of Montgomery, Ala,, agree and give notice that we PETEK S. ItC.HFIlKIES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PERRY, GA, WILL practice iu all the Courts of the Macon District, and also in the Federal Courts at Savannah aud Marietta. |aug 17—ly SPEEU 4 IllJAIL It, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON. GEORGIA. Office on Triangular Block, Corner of Cherry Street and Cotton Aoenne. YTrE havo associated as partners in the practice VV of itw in the counties of the Macon and ad joining Circuits, and elaewhere in the State by spe cial contract—also will attend the Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. ALEX. M. SPEER, mar 2 SAMUEL HUNTER. X. G. HOLT, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, G A . O FFICE in Ralston's new block on Cherry Street, first door above entrance to Concert Hall. • aug 4 G. r. CULVKltHOUSK, r. A. AKSLIT. Culverliouse A Attsicy, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA, W ILL practice in Crawford and the adjoining counties. All business promptly attended to. jan 11 ill pay full prices for Iron Bound Colton, if fasten ed with the INt.i;i:s<>I.I. 510OI* LOCK, al though we are aware that it w ill weigh t J lbs. more per bale than Rope-tied Cotton. HARRIS & JOHNSTON C. C. FOSTER, J. S. BYINGTON. M. A. CHISHOLM. From Savannah, we copy the following engage ment made with the Comprus Establishment of Mr . Savannah, July 22d, 1858. Messrs. Kheeham A Rosxkts, Macon, Ga. J.L. SKWARD. A. H HANSKt.L. SEWARD tV llAASELL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, GA. A LL claims forwarded to us will meet with prompt attention. We shall practice iu tho counties ot Thomas, Lowndes, Irwin, Telfair, Berrien, Colquitt, Clinch, Ware, Decutur and Worth. SEWARD A HANSELL. Thomasville, Nov. 3rd, 1856. nov 4 Arthur Dickinson, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON GEORGIA. OFFICE—in Washington Block, over E. Sauls- bury’s Clothing Store. octlS CliautfC ol Schedule’ SAVANNAH AND CHARLES'! uX STEAMPACKET LINE IN C0XNNECTI0N with the CENTRAL and North Eastern Rail Roads. ypHE splendid and Fast Running GOltDO.Y, K. Barden, Commander, leaves Savan nah for Charleston every Sunday and Wednesday afternoons at 3 o’clock and connects at Charleston with the train of the North Eastern Rail Road going North: returning, leaves Charleston every Monday and. Friday night at 81 c'-dock (after the arrival of the cars of the North Eastern R. Load.) and ar rives at Savannah early the following roomings. By tliis route P.-utseiigers can obtain through tick ets to and from Savannah, Ga.. and *V iimiiigton, N. Carolina. Having n through freight arrangement with the the Central Kail Road and ita connections, *11 freight* between Charleston and the interior of Georgia con-1 MACON D J?ITJ <3r MARvj Tor W ILL be kept constantly re-.* most desirable nrtirfes b if®? MEDICINES, PHAKMACUTICAL Pfirp SADDLE BAGS, ItSgs SPICES, MBDIClSIr 0 PERFUMERY, ft* from theStoreof ZEl|,|y poposite Telegraph Builii,* Ja ij - MSSBSM DBPARTMEtfl signed to the agents of this line will be forwarded - T „ 1 with dispatch ands FREE of CHARGE. j }{AC0N, GF . J. 1‘. BROOKS. Ag't. Savannah. 1 1 E. LAFITTE A CO., Ag't;, Charleston. jan 19 Ijo«r Prices for Cash. JEW ST0BE--NEW MS.I §tarkn £(flaiitrs, I SECOND STREET, TRtASG ULAll BLOCK, MAC OS, GA. rs Would invite tb* attention of CITIZENS, MERCHANTS! g AND PLAMTKR9, . To their large Stock of Boots, SIiocs, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, SeleeteJ expressly for this market, ajid comprising ONE OF THE LARGEST AND FINEST ASSOJi TMES TS . IX THE STATE, Which they offer at LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Examine our Goods and Prices before buying elsewhere, march 29—ly Try us, and you will be suited. PETEK j JTKDZIKR JOHN T. GLOVER STROZIER & GLOVER, ATTORNEYS AT L A W, DAWSON, GA. WILL practice in the Counties of Terrell, Clay, Chat* dmoohee, Webster, Raudolpli, Early and Stew art. ET All business entrusted to them, will receive prompt and unremittiug attention. Jan. 4.—ly. law'firm: ~ rpHE uuderrigned have formed a partnership in J the practice of Law, in the Firm name c f Ruth erford aud Hill. They will practice in the Macon Circuit, and in the Counties of Monroe, Jones and j Wilkinsou—and by special contract in any other portion of the State. Also, in the Federal Court, at Savannah and Ma rietta. Office over the Manufacturer's Bank. JOHN KCTffERFOitD. Macon, Jan. IT. '59 JOnN It. HILL. SCHEDULE ON THE South-Western 33. R. OYER WHICH PASSES THE GREAT NEW YORK AND NEW ORLEANS KAILS, T HE Subscribers, from the increii*] for Iron Railings, of their muajjJ I been enoourtged to make that briyl works a ipeciai department, possessis.. 1 I cilities for the manufacture of 2R ON HAILIRC i torany a.id all purposes ot the most um 1 aigns. eit her plain or ornamental. Th/r^ | in saying to the public, that in poatofw ; substantial work, together with that they are determined to please. | In additioa to all the usual styles oUi, J I work, they are making Fuller’s Patent Eaii This is a new article, possessing txa strength *y * combination of Wrought L ; structure All of which will be wamutcil ■ the bent nude in the Union. fob 1 R. FINDLAY d Wlteclcr 4 Wilsons'! SEWING MACHIAll lessrs. FiitxJtsx A Roberts, Macon, Ga. A T T O R N F Y Gents.—I have agreed with Mr. Beattie, Agent for **- 1 At- At is i igersoll's IIoop Lock, that I will compress Iron itmEK, TATXOlt eo Ingersoir b ouud Cotton, fastened with said Lock, upon the same terms os Rope tied Cotton. This arrangement to lost for one season and longer, unless 1 give notice of my wish to discontinue the arrangement. Respectfully, Ac, C. A. L. LAMAR. TItc Georgia Iron Lock Coiiijittuy, comprising the undersigned, respectfully invite the attention of ail engaged in Cotton growing, nr tbe Cotton trade, to this interesting and important sub- ect. To the Cotton planters, particularly, they be lieve they are presenting a matter of peculiar inter est and value, and either of them will b» glad to fur nish any further information, or particular applica tion may be made to the Secretary. I. WINTER. I T. A. HARRIS, DUNLAP A HARRIS. | FREEMAN A ROBERTS T. A. HARRIS, Secretary. Macon, Aug. 3,1858. ly feb t—ly- T. MAY, AT LAW, coi ntv; OEOjtou. ISAAC HARDEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLIN TO N, GEORGIA. inly 7 ty LAW CARD. T. P. Stubbs, B. Hill, Stubbs & Mil!, A T T O Ji N E Y S A T L A W, Macon, Ga. api 20 A CAB.D. rpiIK undersigned feels it hia duty to render 1 thunks to the citizeus of Houston and adjoin ing counties, for their liberal and extensive patron- j age. While he begs a continuance of their favor*, Wm.K. deGraiftmriccl* ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. OFFICE, third door below Lanier House—above Damour’s oct 27 L. N. WHITTLE^ ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. Q Office next to Concert Hall, over Payue’a^ Drug he will8tateto those who do not know him, jha| tna- Store. jan 6 ny years practice In the principal cities ol the South * » ITlIIaiaER^ and a complete Dental Laboratory, enable him to mrn . ni 9 T \ \\r make aa elegant and perfect Dental subftiiutes^ of A I I O n JN L 1 A 1 JjA W, the most approved and latest style, aa can be furnish- MILL TOWN, BERRIEN COUNTY—GA.. ed by any Dentist in the State. ; ^-rxicLpmrftcelri the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT . T1 99 VV comprising the following counties, Glynn, CHEAP STYLE OF WOBKi Ware, Wayne, Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee and Persons needing Dental Operations or Artificial j Charlton, also McIntosh of the Eastern. may 4 Teeth, and not able to pay me my regular prices, may feel assured that I will rather share my profits with them than “accommodate** th**m with a*cheap, or inferior style of work. eucii will never give sat- tofnetion, and ta tho dearest nt the end All persons desiring my services will ple ase call my Residence, in lVrrv. whare they will find all the ; AT j 1Lll Kive prompt attention to all business en- Two Daily Trains between Macon Sy Columbus. ] ON AND AFTER JULY 291h, J ' Leave Macon at 11.45 p. m. and 9.45 a. m. Arrive * I at Columbus 5.35 a. in. and 3.45 p. m. J g 1 Leave Columbus 4.00 a. in. and 3.45 p. in. Arrive nt * IT * Macon 9.50 a. in. and 9.18 p. in. ^ * Daily between Macon, Albany and Da non: ** ; Leave Macon 11.45 p. in. Arrirein Albany 6.25a. m. © i Arrive at Dawson 6.00 q • Leave Albany 3.oo p. m. Leave Dawson 1.40 p. m. ^ Arrive in Macon 9.18 p. in. Tri-Weekly. Down: Monday, Wednesday and Friday—Up: Tues- Thursday and Saturday. Leave Macon 7.12 a. m. Arrive at Albany 4.3* p. m. Arrive at Dawion S.QO p. in. Leave Albany 6.20 a. m. Leave Dawson . Ar rive at Macon 9.11 p. in. Trans to Columbus form a through connection to Montgomery, Alabama and Augusta, Kingsville Wilmington Savannah, Mlllodgeville and Eatonton. Post Coaches run from Albany to Tallahassee, Bainbridge, Thomasville, Ac., daily ; also, tri-week ly from Dawson to Cuthbett, Fort Gaines, Ac. Hacks run six times a week from Fort Valley to Perry, Haynesville and Hawkinsville, and tri-week ly to Knoxville, Ga. Passengers for points below Fort Valley, should take the Day Trains from Augusta and Savannah to avoid detention in Macon. For other poiuts take ei ther Train. First class steamships leave Savannah for New York, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Passage in the Cabin 4115, Steerage $6. Through Tickets can be procured from Rail Road Agents at Montgomery, Columbus and Albany via Savannah to New York, by Steamships, in Cabin, as follows: Montgomery 626; Columbus €23; Albany $24 25. . VIRGIL POWERS mar 23 Superintendent: Latest News by tlie Atlantic Telegraph.- NEW AND VALUABLE IMPR0YJ -ZPrices iFLed.'aceJ T HESE Machines are tbe best J the public. They are simple in easily kept in repair: work without ncia-I S 'ent rapidity ; make an even and fin:| )th sides that will not rip; economize! are applicable to ever^ purpose and i mon to the art in question. kj.,. 13?*A reduction of §25 oo-lately mad* : J. B. .k W. A. ROSS, Send for a Circular. injMo feb 22 MENARD & BURGrI R , f TB.lls 1KER\ AND J e weleil H AVE just received and opened » J splendid assortment of Good, ia affi consiitiDjrin part of the following articles, ■ GOLD AND SILVER® W A. T C H To nd tvliom It may concert: This is to notify the public that Isaacs is at Home Again, And begs to assure his patrons that bis SALOONifi-jSpoons?)** Fruit Baskets. "Pitchers, not A thing of a day. Citizens and the traveling pub- Waiters, &c. lie will find the establishment open not for the sea son only, but at all seasons of tne year, and those calling upon us will at all hours find our Larder sup- | piled with .ail the delicacies that the New York .and | CEO. S. Hi)HINSON . , other markets will afford iu the way of eatables, and chas. lior.issox ; gomething good to drink, and six days out of seven G. S. & C. ROBINSON, more than can be found in any other house in town- « B- Isaacs & Brother, 7 I itilcs- RnlktAti** Clnll f » vv ’ai comforts of a first-rate'Dent.l OtficS. Families liv- j W trusted to «Win Randolph, Clay, Early, Mil- ,n " at * distance may procure my services by K iviu K ler Ca i hoaa> Terrell, Stewart and Quitman counties. Ill:- liullff. %r a. * , . /• Dentists will fiud a large assortment ot the best I materials, for blliiiK Teeth, as well as for malting or- ! March 1, 1859. tificial sets, at Northern prices. DR. FREDERICK GARKK, octl9—ly Surgeon Dentist. $10,000 OastL! Valuable Plantation KiiUBROUGII A BASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW.! Gxo. Kimbrough, E. S. Bass, Starkville, Lao co^ Ga Dawson, Terrell co., Ga. I mar 8 IN HOUSTON COUNTY FOR SALE. I rpUE undersigned will sell for Ten riiousand Del- L lars cash, the l’lantstion in Houston county; ; ■town as the Ben Gray place, containing THIK- TEEN HUNDRED Acres of Land. This Plantation { DR. J. DICKSON SMITH, DK. WM. F. HOLT W ILL Httend promptly all calls left cither at his Office, over Bowdre A Anderson’s Store, or at his residence iu Vineville, opposite Mnj. Coiner’s, mar 8—ly* fourteen miles from Macon and lies iu one mile of Swaniu Land for Sale. 65,000 ft. Lumber Wanted. |"41U‘tr»-OAKaur**of r h< I Swamp Land. Jli milM below Macow-—I'l arres in cultivation, IRON COTTON PRESS TW1668 COUNTY ATTENTION! T HE undersigned have purchased the Patent Right for Twiggs county, of MASSEY'S FOR- LE IRON COTTON SCREW, and are prepared to tell laid right to any person wishing to buy. a* the Presses cannot be legally made or used in Twiggs comity, except by purchase from tho subscriber*. This Screw is a great im provement on the old wooden Screws, ia iu power and convenience, ease of raising, taking down and removing, if need be; as the whole Screw can be carried in one wagon load. One of these Presses. a up and ready for use. can be seen at Elder C. A. rp’s, near Stone Creek Church. Twiggs county. JOSEPH THARP, april 19—3m’ C. A. THARP. Cane, for sale by febl ■ ■ N. HASS TENNESSEE COAL. $7 65 per Ton. iROM this date we will sell COAL at r OR which the CASn will be paid on delivery I T’ _ un the cars at Macon or in Forsyth. C close ont tho OSiexsnWt. Now is the time to april 5 T. SHARPE * CO, lay in a*apply, S,-nd in vour orders. Matsenger copy tbii advi Poxiyth, Ga, *pr sc—': j. F. w INTER a co. tile South-Western Kail Road, said road passing thruugli one corner of the Lund. There is between six and seven hundred acres of Land cleared, and iu fine condition for making a crop another year. The dace is well improved. Having Frame Negro H-rr*^* with brick Cfcimnrjo to wnmimothitr Fifty Negroes, and Frame Gin House, Cotton Screw and Stables. These Lands are level and well adapted to the pro duction of Corn or Cotton, and instead of wearing out, jeet more productive as they grow older, under judicious cultivation. The place wiU be sold on a credit of one. two and three years, for a sum equivalent to ten thousand dollars cash. Anv farther information desired, will bo furnished / addressing the undersigned at Bosbayville. Hous ton County, Georgia. D. F. GUNN. Macon, Sept. 28,1858. TO PLANTERS AND MEX^CH^LSTTS. W E offer the following articles on very secern modating terms; 1000 rolls Gunny Bagging, 1000 Sacks Salt, 25 barrels Potatoes, 410 bales heavy Gunuy Bagging. 1100 coils Richardson's Green Leaf Rope. 1000 pounds Twine, 175 barrels Sugar, 200 sacks Coffee all qualities. 150 boxes Candles all qualities, 100 do Soap, 75 boxes Starch, too boxes Usndy, 100 do Soda, 125 kegs Nails, 150 bales Osnaburgs, 50 bales Georgia Kerseys, 25 bales Yarns. 100 bales Brown Sheetiegs and Shirtings, 25 hbds. Molasses, 20 barrels Syrcp, Large Stock of fresh and new JC&iry Goods, Daily receiving in Store, whioh wo will sell at living rates, consisting of tlia,following : 20 cases Prints, 15 cases Ginghams. 1000 pieces Merinoet, Del*nes,Shal!y anil Alpacas 1200 dozen Hosiery, 25 bales Marlboro and other domestic Stripes, 10 bale* Ticking, 10 eases Linseya 10 cases Flannel*. 525 piece* Satinets and Jeans 150 pieces Cassimeres, SO pieces Fancy and Black Silks, 800 dozen Handkerchiefs, 1200 piece* white Muslins, Also, a large Stock of Clothing and lists, with 350 cases oi Shoes of all kinds, and 1000 Negro Blankets. We respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. Oct. 26—tf J. B.AW.A.K0SS. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, MACON, CEOBCIA W ILL attend promptly to all Professional calls made on him, either at bis Office or Residence, by day nr night. OFFICE—Ovei Menard A Burgliard's Jewelry Store, bn Cherry Street. RESIDENCE—At Mr. J. B. Ross’, jan 18 .11. li. l'rccmati, J9T. 11., H AVING returned to Macon, offers his Profes sioual services to its citizens, and those of the surrounding country, and U prepared to treat their various diseases with innocent vegetable remedies, and hopes that in consideration of the fact that he gives no poison, draws no blood, and never destroys tbe constitutions of his patients, he will be liberally patronised by the afflicted. l^’Particular attention trill be given to Planta tion, and other country practice. C^Ofiice at the Drug 8tore of Dr. M. 8. Thom- son, to whom he refers.jan 11—ly Drs. McDonald and Van Geison, Dentists. OFFICE IN WASHINGTON IJLOCK, MACON, GEORGIA. Electricity used in Extracting Teeth. Vf C DONALD’S Tooth Paste always on hand and IVJL for sale. Dentists can be supplied with tbe fiuest style ot TEETH, also Gold Foil, Gold’and Sil ver Plate and Wire, Lathe Fixtures, Ac., also with any kind of Instruments or Materials ou short notice, oct 12 Cruder Ra!*tou 9 a Unit, Cherry St. His bill of fare will evc»*y day Be just (he thing for little pay, Ar.d those who at their place may eat, Will find in it all things complete, And going once, they then will know That ISAACS’ is the place to go. WE shall be happy to see our friends, assuring them that it will be our unremitting care to please in every respect, as we flatter ourselves we have done till now. iy It may not be generally known that we have to meet the wishes of the Medical Faculty, import ed by ourselves a very superior quality of Pale Bran dy, fine Old Port, Sherry and Madeira, possessing all the medical qualities so much desired by them. Look at his Bill of Fare, and choose for yourself: Oysters From New York, Savannah aud Brunswick, jn the shell or by the measure, raw, fried, stewed, in any way you want them ALSO. Shrimps aud Crabs, Wild Game of every variety. Venison and Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Veal CntleU, Ham and Eggs, Deviled llam and Deviled Terapius, Mountain Oysters, m Turtle Soup, AcJ, Ac., Ac. Wood-cock, Grouse, Mountain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Ducks, Fi-h, and anything that au epicure wants, can always be had when in season. Confectioneries and Fruits. ISAACS also keeps constantly on hand a good as sortment of Confectioneries, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Pine Apples, Various description of Nuts, Cakes, Ac., All of which can be purchased at low prices for CASH, lie sure aud call at oct 12 E. ISAACS A BROTHER. Hunting Magic Case, Independent 2d, 4rj tleuien. GOI.I) WATt'HES for Ladies, rieki tiful. MhVKIl WARE, such as Spoons,C| lets, Ac. SILVER PLATED WARE, i tors, Egg Boilers, (with Gold Plated (*o i| JEWELEY.C Consisting of Diamond and Gold Ricg«.^H Ac., sparkling and bright. » Rlusical Instruments ™ Such as Violins, Flutes, Guitars, Bsoja, rines. Gold Pens, and Pencils. Guitar and Yiaii and a varied assortment of Fancy Goods, Music Boxes, foo numerous to particulia advertisement. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestfld them, since they commenced business, they? continuance of the same, and will spare wl give satisfaction to their customers, and quality of their Wares, and iu pries, i Watch and other repairing executed will] and on reasonable terms. oct5 DK. A. PIERCE, HOMOEOPATH OFFICE XIV VT.iNH!.\<iTO.\ RLOfK. Medicine Cases and Books on Domestic Practice for sale. Macon, July 13-tf. A. OAERED. s VONNOISEUKS in Art, are solicited to examine Vy Specimens now on exhibition at Pugh's Fine Art Gallery, most of which are life-rise Photographic* Portraits, and one full length, painted on a landscape background, by Mr. Poindexter, and said to be a master piece by all who have seen it. Wo can furnish better and more elaborate works of Art, than can be obtained in Macon, and our spec imens will corroborate what we aar. Ambrotypes, Ac„ in neat gilt frames, for only 81. Hundreds of specimens on exhibition .taken at my Gullerv. Macon, Jau. 17,1839. J, A. PUGH. 1 1). C. HODGKINS & SON, IM-acon, <3-a. I nvites the. .fMUUiiaia attention of.' 1C,,4&S?£- tbe Sporting . , qv Pnblic and nth- oj'a\ s SvFj&*» f ' ■ -ZiL V-*' r*. to tlieir "tCSv large selection of DOUBLE GUNS, RIFLES, PIS TOLS, POCKET AND SPORTING CUTLERY, FISHING TACKLE, WALKING STICKS. FOK- EIUNAKD DOMESTIC AMUNITION, and every article found in a FIRST CLASS Sportsman’s Emporium, NORTH OR SOUTH. By careful attention to the bnsinesi, and keeping the best GOODS in our line, we expect to receive a continuation of past favors. ■ ilina < aril ■■ ] I > nll.n.lnl III a. Inn lo- Oct. 26 fore. A NEW Gr XT N SMITH. T HE subscriber, baring just arrived in Macon, and opened a NEW SHOP lor the purpose of repairing GUNS and PISTOLS, offers his servioee to the public, aud fuarantees to do all work in bis line in the best manner, and at prices to snit his patrons. DOUBLE BARREL GUNS, RIFLES AND PISTOLS, made to order, and c:. .-ked at short no- tiee. Yonr patronage is respect folly solicited. I r:: I-. .,1- . . ; -i: Thomson's. WM. MAKKWALTER. I)r. C. J. Itooscvclt, HOMOEOPATH IC PHYSICIA N OFFICE AND RESIDENCE— Corner of Third and Walnut Streets, Macon, Ga. im 11—ly Patten & Miller, (ljltx raTTIS, ntrrros & co.,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. I. PATTIS., aug 3 ..A. 1. KILLER. Jonatliaii Oollins, (Late Patten, Collins A Co.) 3 W ILL continue the Ware Uonnc nmlCoui- ■uisaion iln-iiK .. at the Fire Proof Build ing occupied bv them iu this place, in connection with his son, \\ . A. Collins. He respectfully solicits the business of the patrons of the late firm aud Plant ers generally, pledging their undivided attention to ail business confided to their care. Advances made on Cotton and other Produce in store, snd orders carefully filled. J0NA"’HAN COLLINS, jmly 6-tf BOOK BINDING. T ACKSON BARNES manufactures to order every J description of blank account books, and binds in any style desired. Magazines, Law, Music and Miscellaneous Books, clerks’ record and docket books, with or withont printkd porks, and warrant ed_be*t quality paper. nr Engineers' profile paper made from the best English drawing to any length or width. All orders from th* country promptly and careful ly attended to. Office on Cotton Avenue oue door below Boss and Coleman's. apl 13 feb 9—ly For Sale on JLongr Credit. T OFFER for sale, on long credit, at a fair price, the 1 Plantation six miles from Americas, formerly owned by T. L. HOLT, containing six hundred and seven acres. Two hundred and fifty acres cleared. There are all the necessary buildings on the place. I Negro Cabins, Gin Honse and Screw, and a great trade trill bo made. Apply to T. M. FURLOtt Esq., at Americas, or to tbe undersigned, W. GI FINEST FAMILY GROCE HIES For 133©. ACKER MERRALL & CO., No. S!53, Chambers Street, Cor. of College Place, (Opposifo Hudson River Kail Road Station.) NEW YORK. Dealers in FINEST WINES, FINEST BRANDIES. FINEST SEGARS, FINEST TEAS, FINEST COFFEES, FINEST SUGARS, FINEST BUTTER, FINEST HAMS, FINEST TONGUES, and FINEST FAMILY GROCERIES, of every description, pnt up for Shipment to all parts of the Worid. Catalogues will he famished upon application. mar 29—3m To Southern Dealers! J. H. RANSOM & GO, 32 CO (JUTLAND AND 39 DEY STREETS, NEW YORK, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS & SHOES, HAVE constantly on hand a LARGE 6TOCK OF FINE sod NEGRO GOODS, expressly for the Southern Trade, which they will sell at the lowest market prices for cash or aoprored credit. jan 18 Carpenters Wanted. T HREE or Four good negro Carpenter* wanted, april 5 T. SHARPE tc CO., Forsyth, Ga. MILLINERY GOODSl for mm & m wm. H AS just received a large assortmeol a of the above mentioned articles, nil ceive weekly, during the season, the best K* quality, such as -Straw, Lace. Crape and SJ NETS, also Children and Misses' II ATS &9 Ri’ubons, Flowers, Head Dresses, Hair Orff Curls, Braids. Lace and Muslin Setts, BatM Capes, Lace Mitts, also many other a Fancy Goods. too numerous to mention, ail of which f chased at reasonable prices, either by Retail. Ey Orders will he promptly and fsitiifa- ed to. Macon, March 8—3m Central, maeon & WcsieraJ SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAfl G UANO, will fertile present, betrswH the Centre! Railroad to Macon, or tol lion on that and the Eatonton Road, in any <1 to any Consignee, at 3*2 00 per ton of SjOOJir over the Macon A Western, and South- Roads, or to any Station on either of tuft* I 31 00 per ton of 2,000 lbs., provided e*<»" marked with consignees name. _ GEO. W. ADAMS, Gen’i Snp tCJ ALIHEDTYLER - “ M-*l VIRGIL POWERS, •• “ V i Maeon Papers copy.[feb 23] M\0S, WATCHES, JEWELII] W E are now offering a new and sel* Stock of elegant PIANOS fretn.VM Clark, and other mskera,»*1 MMHHHfrsnted to please. Guitars f J J U J 3 Flutes, Accordeona and all ou Instruments kept in our line. Strings, I» Books, Sheet Music, Ac. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Of the most apprortG JEWELRY & FANCY AK‘| Silver Forks snd Spoons, equal to coin. Watches and Jewelry Repaired and **> March 1, 1859. J. A. A S. 3. IJ SEW MOTEL TliomasTri fTtilR undersigned having opened th< 3 i HOUSE, for the reception of the r"”® tlie People generally to give them * caff No pains will be spared to make the- comfortable ; and their table will be £”" the best the market affords. _ jan 18—tf AMANDA L. LlTTUttj r AM still bi L and will klacon WANTED. ill buying Military bounty Land Warrants 1 [fill always give the highest c.'ish price. Ga. olv28 ly 6. J.BUAKK Late of August.a,Ga.' oct 51838 tf JAMES W. GRIFFIN. DR. I. M, COMINGS O FFERS his Professional services to the citizens of Macon. He may be found at the Medical Col lege from 10 to 1, and from 3 to 6, daring the day marts—am TJERUVi.YN aud Manipulated Guano for sal JT apr s' AYREL, WINGFIELD A Mrs. S. Audoin, H AS returned from New York with * assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER < Consisting of *11 the Newest *nd 00* styles of . Frencla of every variety. Also, many rich and •*! cles, beautiful Embroider}-, elegant L*«*J dour Lace Setts. Hair Ornaments of t , l Grecian Curls, Side and Back Braids, '’•‘J Ac. Call and examine for yourself* ehajiug, os it will be much to your intfc vJ I thankful for past favors, and solicits liberal patronage of our thriving ing counties. Terms Cash. liS-H Mew Drcas-.’UaKi 11 - ESTABLISH ME* M ISS GRIFFIN has taken Room^Jn the Store of Mrs. nowland, wh<rt pared to carry on Dress-Making to.so^^ ectfujly sollrita a share of P' GRANITE HALjJ OPPOSITE ME EANIEB « rpBK subscriber will open the aw** I the first of APRIL next, for the “SJ of Families, Day Boarder* and men. TWa House is now offered » -Tf other First Class Hotel in the South. central location, its large and tiryr^;- inducements and accommodations m —P . Transient pereor.s. The public ... HopfivnU tho luxuries and