Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, May 24, 1859, Image 3

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> npttleon. the Pr«p«|{nBdi»l Ln»t WorBcIncrn Austria and Sar-1 OK KUROPE. DINIA. " Iiai arc Consols. This question may be worth answering at resent when ovnrv /vtij. L- t u L! ARMORY HALL, Mat I7th. 1859. EyThere utition as WILLIAMS’ COMPOUND SYRUP of I medicine Raining such rapid rep- TAMS’ cmipnnvn Bvmm ~ *1 . . . • . . i 4 um nuriu auswcnntr ar jiai mu.ic.);'. \ oxnur ox or TOR Gk«aT IlaAMA OrTHE Ace.— , ,,J‘“J^ t ^ Ilt .. c r isls .® v 1 or - v °" n B concerning 1'resent when every one is looking with inter- At a called meeting of tho Macon Volun- SARSAPARILLA, and IODIDE of POTASSIUM. .<• Y onsj \ a nollVin Irt fllP Frpflrll A U>tlH tiul ?VlT*tllIll.l AN l! 1 I*t' ■ «I ,«t. . ..a.. net Ia (lm — — ; _ t _a . m e,® — . < . .. . n as a r» < - • In 11. e 11 r.. nf .1 ...,n r —- m AT ofJ^uU Napoleon to the French; ",' th poc ' 1 ; I . to the fofjnerdal status oT Great* Britain. I teere'/tbefoilolring Preamble and Resolutions ' * . r '- 1 ,nll > t,lmforc nut be out of A nsc or fall in -Consols” is invariable taken 1 were offered by the undersigned committee. rnlacts him in tho first position as a 1 '“*■ interest, and it in) • * propagandist in Europe. It is 1 pkee to recall tbelast ir> 1“ » . . v „r occasion when the armies ! as a sign of commercial j£j must rulo up to the Alps, or Italy P**.ms ^ov*ra-re-echoed to the tliunder of the to the shores of the Adriatic," says artillery, and were darkened with the dust and smoke of battle. Many of our readers will vi- \ idly remember this great conflict, and the in- terest it excited; but with the majority tlie past ten years have dimmed the recollection of the previous European crisis, and the battle of No- vara is to them hut an historical tradition. The following from the New York Evening Post, however, briefly recapitulates the particulars of that eventful conflict: The liattlc of Novara, nearly as fatal to the ambitious schemes of Sardinia as Pultowa was to Sweden, or Waterloo to Bonaparte, took place on the 24th of March, 1849, near Novara, a city of Piedmont, situated on a hill about twenty- seven miles west of Milan. It appears that on the morning of the 20th the Piedmontese troops, commanded by General Chrznowski, had con centrated in force about fifty thousand men at Novara, and at noon of that day received march ing orders from Turin. In the mean time Charles Albert fttt* . i |jjiv avow my sympathies for a peo- ^i-i'erv i* mingM with our own. and , miller foreign oppression," “ When . the swonl it is not to dominate, p. n <> e Such language as this from I jtnian at the head of six humired 1 , ijmeii, and absolute controller of J^ks of France, mast have sent an tell through Italy, and fallen upon the • Kuropean dynasty like the sound [s ii'ef war. Already, before they were fi ntfanv, Modena, Parma and Massa had L t)ie Austrian sceptre, and almost un- ,,. rv nna of Piacenza and Ancona, es- 1 the popular rule. Before this time, A have swept through the Papal States, the I’M* nothing but the hollow sero- L power, and on to the gates of Naples, , , lrr „| t„ the Bourbons of the Two Sic- inileed ihev have not already fled before l Ocmnlgee. ______ It u not expected that everybody ahonld measured tieaJ. bis accustomed line; the know what Consols are, or if they do. that they sword is returned to its scabbard, and themus- slioiild constantly bear in mind what an impor- ket to its place upon the rack. Camp Ogle- tant element they are in the affairs of Great thorpe is deserted, but linked with the men- Britain. We propose to make a simple expla- . tion of its name, the recollection of happy nation ns to their importance, by remarking hoars and '‘*oeial friends attuned to happy that a permanent fail of 1 per cent, involves a, unison of soul,’’ is engraved as with an iron loss to holders of, in round numbers, thirty, pen upon the tablet of Memory. rnm^mBe il therefore Resolved, That we regard millions of dollars. The national debt of\Englsnd began with I our renewed association with the gallant corps. was in the .... wonts Franco has drawn the! ''nmediate vicinity, about to advance to Pavia ■■ man out believe that the war of' * nd ,n * { e possession of that place. By strate- ' -<• .i . | gieal movements, Itadetzky cut off communica tion between the forces commanded by tho ge- neral and tlio king, and then pursued the latter. Finding themselves unable to retreat, the Sar dinian troops faced the pursuers, and were, on the 21st, discomfitted at Vermicelli and hastily retreated towards Turin. On the 24th the Aus trians and Piedmontese again came into colli- iiul no i— L or the aspirations of the people, will , 0 1 ls i, an,I die Italians. The events Ih liru the pejmlar heart had no leader I . , a |juns to support it, tell us wliat wo l,»)k for from one end of Europe to li will l>e said tliat Louis Napoleon ; that he does not mean to tilicrate _ nut lie is really actuateil by a blind „f conquest; tliat he only seeks to .,,*11 <lynasty u|»on the cheated hopes It little matters whether he is sincere Hi, words will apply the torch to tho mine of Eurojic's hopes for political won. Then ensued the battle of Novara. In his his official dispatches to his government, Badetxky gives the following account of the struggle: * I - ™ , .. “ hostile army already [on the 24th of mu. and rouse tlie oppressed masses Alarcnj cut off from what was in reality, their rr. Alrradv tlieyarc in motion. Who- i , “ >c 01 retreat, determined, with a force "of fifty , j,j s to the ground, will hear the! thousand men, again to try the fortune of war L ,. 01 i,ing millions. Austria lias heanl; 1,1 * 1™!™° ncar Olengu, close to Novara. The ' iiiniwn herself into the fight, calling j division, which forms tlie vanguard un- •., rv alive Iwnds lo bring their bav-: oer (<eneral Aspre, marched on the 23d towards Z)ow her lead. The Bourbons of ! »>lengo,and there encountered the enemy, whoso , 3r | it, and a-k the Cories to give j unexpected foree made the battle doubtful for jml thnii'and more Imyorietsat home MM,1C hours, (had placisl the fourth division C d, v j,, utraliiy of tlie country during 0,1 9® right Hank of tlie enemy, and liehind that ■ • war in Italy.'* The conservative *bc first, in onler to take him completely in the fo.Und have heard it, ami hasten- ; rpar <»,*« "*l'rr si.lcof tlie Agoyna. Tlie Arcli- sustain the self-preservation duke'Albrecht, commanding tlie vanguard divif- L'Mltitby- The house ofBranden- kl T‘ «he enemy at hay until Baron Aspre l-wivlil. ami has placed the corns ,F «nd Baron Appel, with the third division, l.ro’t Pnisca oil a war footing. up their forces on the two wings of that com- ,n- hilt signs ef the times—the initia- '»»nded by Uie Archduke Albrecht, while 1 or- L giaa.1 draum tliat is just lie- 'haxsl up the fourth division to support the cen- )«■ jried un the stage of Europe. But ffe. « o succeeded in facing the enemy until >k>w the plot tliat is to be developed, tho ton ™' division under Field Marshal Lieu- .ut> liut vc to iiftss before our eves tenant i lium, actcil so successfully on the enc- ihr rj-es of all men. Mazzini, Kos “V » right whig, on the other side of Agoyna, . Blanc, and all the senseless plotters. lh *‘ th,s manauvre made the enemy .a»K> w!h> haw been endcavorinc ? n *" 8, ” es ,n . disonlcr, nnd seek r> to rouse Italy, Hungary and France ,n tkc mountains m the direction of the Ijt >wav by the imperial aiid imperious ll, ’ r,, b I l., ui> "Napoleon. He has started on ”Uur trophies are twelve camions, a standard, \». a lilwrator, and he must continue | and almiit two or tlirce thousand firearms. The „d down by the millions behind him. loss of the enemy is, as fa- as yet known, two - that will unroll in Italy will spread generals killeii, sixteen staff officers killed and i and Hungary, and re act on France, j wounded, and from three to four thousand men. ithe whole of Northern Europe. Tlie! The regiments and battalion* in the first line of i Vienna will V tom to shreds, ami j Utile had each from ten to twenty staff ami ^tilled promises of constitutional gov-, other officers killed and wounded; the total loss [•■the nation* will now U carried nut amounts to between two and throe thousand, ng assurances of 1810, and the mock- But it was impossible to keep any one hack. It • Ui and \84H have opened the eves of was not enough not to bo the last; every one and the nationalities can no more be wanted to be the first Tlie liattlc lasted from deceptive oilers to tight against their »«> m the morning until an advanced hour of t. and defend fhe dynasties that have the night jircvsnl them and kept tlu-m down by' It appears that owing to the mismanagement ..ns of luyonots interlaced across the , of General t’hrzanowski, Charles Albert was ..(«>. From the 2d of May Ixmis Na- almost without artillery when he was forced to ciilercd upon his now career, as the encounter the Austrians, and this made tlie vie- ' for ll e wom-out thrones of Europe; tory for the latter much more easy than if the [r, not weakened by a prelude of nnar- Sardinians had been fully providciL Badotzkv ,«Mi;slbi:’. girdisiin all her strength., had upward of xme hundred field-pipces, which the relinquishment of the old custom of extort ing from the people, and substituting borrow ing therefor, to meet public exigencies. Charles L borrowed largely fron his partisans; but all his debts were extinguished by the Revolu tion. It was nndcr his sons, Charles 11. and James II., that the foundations of a perma nent debt were laid in England. On the ac cessions of William III. the debt was £064, 2G3. Baring his reign, however, the system of credit was expanded throughout Europe. A ( noble and generous natures, have achieved for large part of the annual expenditure of the' them a name sy nonimous with all that is hon- _ . _ , , ny in the State, as well disciplined $15,730,431). From his time to tho present, j Resolved, 3rd. That our acknowledgments the process of borrowing has been continued ! are due to the Floyd Rifles and Bibb Cavalry, in all exigencies, snch as war, the large pay- ! for their hearty co operation in contributing ment on account of Negro Emancipation, Ac.! in every way to render the stay of our special In periods of peace, and when the rate of inter- guests, the Montgomery True Blues, pleasant est has been low, the Government has redeem-. and agreeable during their late sojourn in ed small portions of the debt, or it has lowered Macon. the annual charge by reducing, with the con- Resolved, 4th. That we shall ever hold in sent of the holders, the rate of interest. grateful remembrance, the ladies of Macon The debt, then consists of several species of and Yinerille, for the sumptuous Pic Nic serv- loans or funds, with different denominations,' ed np by them in honor of the Military. To which have been, in process of time, varioasly | the married ladies, we present our thanks for mixed and mingled, snch as Consols, i. e„ sev- this magnificent display of their enthusiasm, cral different loans consolidated in one stock, j and as for the unmarried, 3 per cent. Reduced Consols, New 3per Cents, We wish them no better isle, [iftkeyckooK) Ac. The public debt continued to increase. Than to live a long Ufe and then die with theH/ues. until aj; the accession of George L in 1714, it Resolved, 5th. That Messrs, Grier, Roffand was .*54,145,363. _ Some two million was paid Wingfield, (the Committee on behalf of the la- off during this reign, but during that of his | dies) are entitled to our sincere thanks, for successor in was greatly increased, so that, in the invitation extended our guests and onr- 1763, it had reached the sum of £ 138,805,430. selves, and for their courtesy towards us on During the peace from 1763 to 1775, ten mil- that occasion. lions were paid, but at the conclusion of the Resolved, 0th. That to his Honor the Mayor American Revolution it was £219,851,028. In aud the City Council, we are indebted for the the peace which ensued from 1784 to 1793, ten | many favors bestowed upon us during the Eu- and n half millions were paid. Then came the campment—and especially for their gratuitous great moral and political revolution of Europe, and very liberal donatiou towards defraying in t he course of which England sided withdes- the expenses of the same. ]>otisni. She formed quarrels, caused coali- Resolved, 7th. That to the Marshal and tion after coalition to be formed, spent money Police of the city, we tender our acknowledge- freely to uphold every absolutist, subsidized ments for tlieir energy and promptness in ren- every despot and was the persistent enemy of dcring their services when called on. the people. Daring this insane career she con- Resolved, 8th. That we highly ajqireciate traded un increase of debt exceeding sir hum- the tavorablcwiotice of the Military by the dred million sterling, so that, at the close of j Press of the City, and especially the efforts the war aud when the English and Irish Ex- ' of the gentlemanly Editors of the Daily and chequers were consolidated, the total fuuded Semi-Weekly to furnish the Encampment with Anil linflinilnsl llnlif III "1017 tt**ia _ coi.lo.- nnnoea ilnuinr* llin srnnl- in the cure of a numerous progeny of diseases that owe their origin to n strumuous Diathesis or Scrofu lous taitt iu the constitution and in the blood, such Sore Eyes, Syphilitic of the skin and blood. _ and can be bad at Whole- The sentinel no longer walk's with 111111 Ket * 11 the Dru S Store of may Sl-2w (j) ZEILIN & HUNT. (II) OXYGENATED BITTERS. The following letter from * well known Architect of Montreal, speaks volumes in favor of the OXY- GEGATED BITTERS, as a medicine for tlinso whose occupations are of a sedentary nature. Montreal, Nor. 26, 1851. Gentlemen.—I am happy to be able to send you my testimony i n favor of the Oxygenated Bitters, and intended to have done it before this, but have been prevented by professional engagements. I feel great pleasure in recommending it to all suffering from imperfect digestion, sick headacbe acidity, or any derangement of the stomach, from which I suffered very severely upwards oC twenty years. From the recommendation of one of my friends, 1 was induced to try one bottle, and find my* self so much benefited by its use, that I do not think it necessary to continue it any farther. You may use this, gentlemen, asyou think proper, and permit me to remain Yours, very truly, JNO. ATKINSON. Sara IV. Fowls A Co. Boston. Proprietors.— Sold by their agents everywhere. E. L. STROHECKEIC. Macon, Ga. ZEILIN A HUNT, may ‘.’I— WADSWORTH'S LINIMENT cures sore throat; WADSWORTH’S LINIMENT cures Rheumatism; WADSWORTH S LINIMENT cures Neuralgia: WADSWORTH'S LINIMENT cures back aches j WADSWORTH'S LINIMENT cures all pains. Sold wholesale and resail by way 24—8w ZEILIN A HUNT. l«] GEORGE PAYNE, 0. A. L0CHEANE, I ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW WHOLESALE A RETAIL 1 Macon, Ga. t)HUGFG-IST TTiINDINO my circuit practice int-rfering with - a _ ,, i my office liu.-ine— in this city, i !,-w- with- And State jLlC6DS6u Apothecary, MACON, GA. the Montgomery True Blues, an occasion of no common interest. Their erect martial car riage—thrir dexterity in the use of arms, and the rapidity with which they performed the most complex manutuvres, have earned .for them a reputation which will ever be revered so long as military distinction shall command our respect and admiration. Resolved, Soil. That the spontaneons courte sy and kinduess of the Baldwin Blues—their nnd unfunded debt, in 1817, was £840,850, 491, and the annual charge upon it was £32,- 015,941, copies of their papers during the week Resolved, 9th. That the thanks of the corps are specially due to those Honorary and l'ay F’roin tbit time lo 1854 there was a enntinu- members who encamped with us—and also to al reduction of debt. On the 1st of April 1854, . those who assisted by their liberal contribu- ;+ Hi! I 0 1(1 D..i *1 - it. _ 41 • 1 a? it was $768,004,249. But then came the Cri mean wnr, and afterwards the war in India. Immediately following these, cauiu the neccssi tions. Resolved, 10th. That the wounded of the Montgomery True Bines have our heart-felt ty for increased expenses in placing tlm navy sympathy in their misfortunes. Truly it was and anny in preparation for a general Eanqican the only cloud which shadowed the otherwise war. The Crimean and Indian wars hare in- incessant snnuy events of the week when the creased the debt more than all the reductions sad tidings flashed upon us, that three of the which were made daring forty years, and to- most gallant of our guests were named as the day it cannot be less than £850,000,000. unfortunate victims. But while we deeply IV it This vast sum, reduced to dollars, is four deplore the occurrence, we rejoice in tlieir thousand two hundred million, most of which own assurance that they are still True Blues, is Consols, bearing interest at three per cent, as their presence in the ranks of their honored Tho ordinary price of the tlircc per" cents is i company will ere long attest. 95, because people investing at such a low rate. Resolved, 11th. That we regard the unex will not pay par when money is worth a high-; pccted compliment of honorary membership or per centagc.—The lost news is that Consols i conferred by the Montgomery True Blues on had fallen to 89 a 90. This fall is equal to two j the members our corps who accompanied them -I front and now leads.the national!- enabled hiip (a ply the Piedmontese infantry years interest, on four thousand millions dol- home, an act of the highest honor, and will in the struggle for indetiepdi Jioe. with grape shots and destroy thousands of them. lars. If holders w^ro obliged to sell now, the serve as another link in the chain to bind us •... . \—i. rx. i j jj- s victory was complete, and tho Piedmontese aggregate loss would be $210,000,000. As it j still stronger together, so long as a vestige of i\ew \ork fortxld. , army was completely routed. The Sardinians, both officetsand men, fought I nobly. The Duke of Genoa, the King’s son, aielted to some friends, who have , had "several horses shot under him, but hisef- bsifnm Dalton, for the following forts were useless. The King was in the thick- !a xlatiou to the action of that of the fight, but though balls whistled a- iVnreution convened on Satur- round him, and several men were killed at his J adjourned on Tuesday evening he was uninjured. At nightfall, tlie Piod- A large number of delegates were I montese were obliged to rotroat, but during the from various sections of this 'J'Rht l hnrlcs Albert continued to direct the Iwreral from other States, among ^T 0 - , General Durando in vain tned to take • Her. Mr. Pendleton, of Murfreea- him by the arm and lead him away “ Gcner- al, said the King, •* it is my last day—let me die.” . But death does not always come when sought _ _ The King was still unhurt, and vliea he saw U place endowed and placed on a that the array could hold out IK» lougcr. hc was it basis, and to establish a paper <0 forced t« doniaad a suspension of hostilities.-- thrir interests. It yas not deter- j Ihf blow was however too sevens for him to bu point th« paper should.bo pub- ,f ‘hc m«» Charles Albert was not L'uiiville nn.l Rome anneared « Q ; dead, he was determined that the disastrous day iSruTd it U moreVC hke? of-Vjvara should end tho existence of ,heib'„g case succeeds, of which there seems paries Allan. At r.inn he called his sons and ibL that one of these places will and «u d tothera: “I can no longer ren- This matter ha. been left in the der m >' country the semecs to which I have i —IatL ih« nlixs of consecrated my life. After mature reflection \ 1 ft‘ m T.r„ii? .‘^oJLintfcnl: have rrsolvcil jo abdicate," His friepds endc. ifrokce Georgia Baptist Con KLSTION AT DALTON. fr*and Kev. Mr. Dayton, of Nash- aiul some from kentucky. It lined by the Convention to use cv- tn bare tho Cherokee Baptist Col lier. Daniel was appointed agent 1 to endow the College vored to combat this intention. ‘No,” he re mrirariilfwill succeed I l diod ' with great firmness, 'nn v resolution is ta. that both enterprise? will succeed., >m no Jongt , r king . k j ng Ls victor ; Emanuel." It was owing to tho disastrous re- . ail. »f Jnin Cone. suit of the liattlc of Novara, and to the singular- • u._ in |i5r Fr«nni« H l 'one ,v ‘Ivamatio action on tho part of the disappoint- 'i iy d wlw , „ ^ monarch, that the present King or Sardinia, iiwleuce, inj.rocnshoro, on Wed- ^ s#vorv ‘ prem S illrcly ii'one was a northern man by birth,; t0 dlct ' ,ro,u ' Luoigia when a young man, and on- Austria, Assuming the id .dicat ion of the king Lpractice of law at Washington, as a sufficient apology for what she termed his |%iand afterwards at Greensboro’ unjust drolaraUons of war, proposed an urnus- Fwthe greater part of his life. He; ti«. acconluig to winch \ ictorHmamu l on the Irftac talents, and one of the best I P»rt of Sanlm^ agrocd o 1 the Ilunga- Ed racccwfuLlawyers in the south-1 nan, Pohsb and Loralmrdian regiments on con- C ii„ , .... cral tunes elected dition of their receiving a complete amnesty r . 1 from Austria; to allow certain specified mUit*- ia only those who have money engagements the name of Montgomery True Blue or Macon and must sell out to meet them, will be losers. Already wo hear of the failure of forty stock Volunteer remains. Resolved, 12th. That these proceedings be brokers of this class, and others will follow un- published in the Macon, Montgomery und .Mill less Consols improve. Tue Ticino.—The Constitutionalist say*: “A name which is in every one’s mouth should be correctly pronounced. The letters of the, Italian language do not nil have tho same, sounds which thoy have in English, ’fhe pro nunciation of this name is Ttecheeno. It i» n small with the Pot, and edgeville papers. Lieut. BUTTS, ) Seigt. WOODRUFF, | Carpi. HILL, > Committee. L. Carpi. EINSTEIN, 1 .Private. BATES, J A writer iu Household Words thus describes river, connecting the Lake of Mnggiore the personal appearance of Napoleon III: he Po, and has its importance from itsbe-l .-He is grizzled, cadaverous,, apdlamo mth» ing the boundary between Lombardy and Sar- | eft an a labors to conceul this last defect, dinia; therefore, tho Austrians become inva- u; s wa m i, awkward. He turhs out his toes, ders the moment they pass to its western am | | eans heavily on the stroug stick he carries bank.” his well-gloved hand. He is carefully dress- ' . ~, r — * * | ed; but, though his coat fils him very accurate^ Hon A. II. Stephens—A arge number of;, fce haj ^ th!||g of tUe air of a perfeetly- thc political friends of this gentleman in Angus- j a J rc> , ed man . His figure ia not improved by tA have tendered him a public dinner in testi- ^ cuirasg w|lich h i s coat wifi not conceal.— mony of their esteem for his pnvate worthand step he takes is studied, while his eye public services. The OonshtMtumali* publish- f %CMn ’ ever y pa -str by with a look which .has Wm wlueh Mr. S-awspUi — e« tho oc*rrespondenr* in the compliment, and names July ns the day. s Saturday. tlm'-M i «omelhing uneannyinjts expression. FERTILIZERS. Til* W’asdkbea—This ill-starred vessel seems destined to a chapter of disasters. She made an other attempt Friday laat, to get to sea and re mime her voyage to Havana, which was cut short by a storm some weeks ago. In starting she ran foal of a wharf and broke her bob-stay, and ^lib- seuuently. through some mismanagement of the * ' ?!_ al ! l-’l. . I... ..... GENKB.VL AGENCY. JJTJ, niidersigned respectfully auuounrr. to Planters and other' interested, that they arc con stantly receiving direct from the Islands, and from tbe manufacturers, the following most arraovKD iy drawn Irom the Firm of Lochraue fc Lamar, aud will hereafter be found Rt my office near the Meehan-. . hi , friemi, nai ics'a Bauk, to give personal and professional atten- T8 hapw r to nfor I stoi fe i tion only to litigated and criminal ease business ; J- public ‘ Placed in my hand^. The business of the Finn will! complete, which eomprises eA ery article tha. should .♦k thf. nortnoc be found in a hirst Class _ _ Placed in my haow^. -~w . , .« ,. be attended to by both the partners, Lamar and hefoundin r i loniil , a i «***».« Locbrnne, to whom letters may be addressed. I>rU|? aild Clieniical Store, mny 24 Montpelier Farm School, MONROE CO., GA. Rev. Carlisle P. B, martin. Pres'dt. H AVING purchased Montpelier, that celebrated seat of learning. Mr. Martin has transftrred thither his FABM SCHOOL from Henry Connty. No place in all the South pos- resse. more facilities, or more peculiar advantages, than does this, for the successful education of youth. The Fall Session will commence on tbe 25th of July next. For further information, address llie President, at Montpelier. Georgia, may 21 W ANTED TO HIRE—A good Washer and Ironer. Apply at this Office. ■ may 24 ’ FOR SALE. T HE subscriber will sell the house aud lot at present occupied by him, about ono mile from the city, on the Houston Road. The lot contains five and a half acres—is susceptible of great im provement. There Ia a small dwelling aud kitcheu on the premises, and a tirst-rate well of water, may 24—21 J. W. GREEK. Houston Lands for Sale. B Y order of the Ordinarv of Houston county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, before the Court House door in Perry, in Houston county, all the lands belonging to the estate of Dr, Creed T. Woodson, deceased. These lands comprising eight hundred acres ibe ing lots Nos. 212, 230, 196, one-half of 198, and one- haifoflfS) situated in the upper Eleventh District of Houston county, one portion being Pine, and tbe other. Oak and Hickory, form one of the most pro ductive plantations for both Cotton and Corn in tbe county of Houston, and is now in a high state of cul tivation and contains every bnilding necessary lor A cotton plantation—in good repair, and is weft sup plied with running water for stock, Ac. And iu ad- dition, this place lies in one of the most convenient and eligible sections of the county for schools aod churches; and having boeu the residence of Dr. Woodson and family, has every improvement and convenience required to make it a healthy, agreea ble and pleasant family residence, ry Tenns ou the day of sale. PHILIP T. WOODSON, WJL H. WOODSON, may 24 Ex'rs of Dr. Creed T- Woodson, dec'd. M0NTVA1E SPRINGS, TENX., WATT, IANIER & CO., Owners and Proprietors. —ALSO.— Owners, mainly, and Proprietors of Kxchnnxe Hotel, Montgomery. Ala. (3. Lanier A Sons, formerly of Lanier House. Ma con. Georgia.) TVaveler* *'11 tho Kailroud from Dnlton, Go., to Kuoxrille, Trim., renob these IV A - TEK«, the prci'int ^tajon, bv taking iba STAGE LINES of 1>. unf.\ Ac Co., either *t PHILA DELPHIA, LOUDON, or KNOXVILLE:—from bach of which pointt*, STAGES starting at SIX o' clock a. in., ran in connection with the TRAINS to JIOXTVAKjK, about twenty-four miles di&t&nt, reaching the latter at ONE o'clock,p. m. The undersigned, being determined to make MONTVALE one of the MOST ATTRACTIVE WATERING PLACE.S in the country, have, since last Summer, added several new GOTHIC COTTA- GESand other buildings, together with other valu able improvements The GROUNDS are in beau* tiful condition—the roads near the SPRINGS put in the best order—a good cellar ot Ice has been^ saved. AUthe accessories to comfort and pleasure of the best WATERING PLACES, will be found here. to tho cure of diseases by the MONTVALIfi MINERAL WATERS, see large Montvale Pamph let—especially as to DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC DI* ARRHCEA, DROPSY, CHRONIC LIVER COM PLAINT. NEURALGIA. NERVOUS HEAD ACHE. DERANGEMENT OF NERVOUS SYS TEM. CHILLS and FEVERS, Ac., Ac. S. Lanier A Sons have been engaged in Hotel Keeping for TWENTY YEARS, and will continue to make every effort to please the public. May 1st, 1859. WATT, LANIER A CO. S. Lanier, S. C. Lanier, ? A. P. Watt, W. B. Lanier. J (may 3) Weekly arrival i of the Savannah Steamers ena-; I bles him to replenish his Stock Weekly, with FRESH AND CHOICE GOODS, which are bought with great attention to purity, and sold as LOW as at any Drug Establishment in Geor- PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS Compounded at ill hours with care and neatness.' His stock consists iu part of the following articles: Drugs, Chemicals ami medicines, Dyes, Paints, Oils and Colors. Glassware. Syringes, modern stylos, groat variety. Window Glass, Putty, Artists Tools. Mechanical, Artificial and Natural Loaches, Fresh Hops and all other Herbs, Surgical Instruments and Medicine Chests, Family Soaps, Fine Starch nnd Geletines, Fine Castor Oil for Family use. Wines and Liquors for Medical use only. Pertumery, Pomades and Toilet Articles. Gold and Silver Leaf, Gold and Tin-foil and Artificial Teeth, Hair,Tooth asd Nail Brvshks, White Wash, Paint, Cloth and Flesh Brushes, TRIPOLI,a great article for cleaning Metal and Glass, Grass and Garden Seed, and all the patent Nostrums of the day. Corner Mvlbrrrv slrtft and Cotton Arenue, Macotu apl 91 PARIS NOVELTIES JUST RECEIVED AT BOSTICK, KEIMCO’S • “HEAD QUAKTERS.” T HK subscribers are now prepared to exhibit their 3d Stock of Dress Goods FOB THE SUMMEB TRADE, to which they respectfully ask the special atteu- j tion of the Ladies *>f Macon nnd the surrounding ] country. GRENADINE KOBE DOUBLE JUPKS, GRENADINE ROBE 2 VOLANTS, ORGANDIE ROBE 2 JUPES, ORGANDIE ROBES. ORGANDIE ROUKH, BAREGE ROBES 2 VOLANTS. BAREGE ROBES 2 JUPES. BAREGE ROBES. BAREGE ROBE:!, PARIS PRINTED JACONETS. PARIS PRINTED JACONETS. PARIS PRINTED JACONETS ORGANDIES. MUSLINS, LAWNS, a :- Lace Jluiitillits. IVr-ia, Grenadine and French Lace Mantillas.iu It received, in the latest styles. BOSTICK, KKIN ,V CO. may 1« . Watches! Watches! C ELEBRATED ENGLISH MAKERS—James Hoddell te Co.. R. A G. Beasley, JoshToleman, Josh Olarensh&w, Edwards Robinson, and the cele brated American Watch in Gold and Silver Cases. SWISS MAKERS—Eugene Bruquet, Breithing Laderiet, Edouard Favre, Brandt and others too numerons to mention, bv DAY ft MAUSSENET. Clocks, Clocks, Clocks. The Marble Clock, running three weeks without winding—striking hour and half hour. Also, Eight Day, Marble and Marbleixed Iron, Bronxe, Wood and Marine Time-pieces, with and without the alarm. DAY ft MAUSSENET. Fine »etta of Jewelry. DAY' ft MAUSSENET. Diamond Pins, Finger Rings and Ear Rings. DAY ft MAUSSENET. Fob, Vest, Chattalansand Guard Chains. DAY ft MAUSSENET. Afine assortment of Necklaces, Crapes, Medalions and other TrinketSi by DAY ft MAUSSENET. Silver Table, Tea, Salt. Mustard. Berry, Sugar and Cream Spoons. Also, Desert and Pickle Forkes. Cups, Goblets, Waiters, and sundry other silver ar tiofestoo numerous to mention, by dealer in CHOICE DRII OS, SELECTED MEDICINES, PURE CltRtHCmJf. SI HI.U AL INSTRUMENTS, g WINDOW OLASS, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, PAINTS, PATENT MEDICINES, FRESH GARDEN SEED, Mcrchaats a ad Physicians WHO. PRIDE THEMSELVES | ON DEALING in ARTICLES OF THE' FIRST QUALITY, ; And at low Prices, MAY BELY UPO S T BEING SUITED. Orders Promptly attended to. DAY A MAUSSENET. Musical Instruments. Violineelos, Violins, Flutes, Fladgeolets, Fifes, Banjoes and Tainborines, also a fine usortment of Italian, French, and English Violin Strings by DAY ft MAUSSENET. Gold, Silver, Steel and Plated Specks with the Scotch Pebble Glasses, by DAY ft MAUSSENET. FANCY GOODS—Alarge assortment, by DAY ft MAUSSENET. JEWELRY REPAIRING done at tbe shortest notice aud in the best postibU mmo, WATCHES, Magic and Hunting Cases, Gold and Stiver Hoddell AVATCIIKM.forsaleby oct lc DAY ft MAUSSENET. THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AM) LIFE IAS FRANCE COMPANY, OFFICE fin WALL STREET. NfcW VoRIC] AMOGIUILirUISAiL Machinery & Implement s GRAIN CRADLES. Wood and Wire braced, 5 and 6 fingers. Price .'ij to S dollars. AITBOKIZKII CAPITAL pilot ran around in the river. She then lay to un- i Kkrtilixkks sou snows, all of which have been til Saturday, when another attempt lo get out was! thoroughly and satisfactorily tested, vix ■ made, we pretume snceessfnlly, as wc have heard . nothing to the contrary- The Waxmarahas on board, besides her crew, Mr Lamer, her owner, and a small parly of friends from this city. We wish them better lock this 1 time on the rolling deep.—(Republican. I gw J JSuuxita Guano. .Sombrero Guano, Rhodes’ Super Phosphate of lame, National Fertiliztr. Ground Plaster. .. ... , These articles, which will have our brand, and be Trial of me Wloan* summer. ! l;I1 , r . llt ,. (Hl „ ^nuine, we.hall,.t all times, be A trial trip of the Winan* steamer wa» made j prt>T)are <t to faroi*li in amounts required, and at the a. 2 ! nn,l ■.■Avail on) ■ ral «• ootid, i * * . .... . t .a.. »• 1 niy. _ United States IHursIinl’s Sales. W ULL be sold before the Court House, in the city of Macou, Bibb county, on the first Tues day in June next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, via : Lots Nos. 44, 46 and id, on east side of Broad St, iu the city of Columbus, containing 70 feet front on Broad Street, and running back 147 feet 10 inches, being the premises formerly occnpied by Sikes, llappoldt and Halle, also the lot next north of the above, having a front of 25 feet more or less, with the buildings thereon, except the second story of the Store House now standing on the last mentioned lot. Levied on as the property of John C. Ruse and Richard Patten, to satisfy a fi fa from tbe Sixth Cir cuit Court of the United States, for the Southern Dis- ct of Georgia, in favor of David Goddard, vs. Jno Rose and Richard Patten, Property pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney. ai,-r,H,«rw«i>lM vm ..nit In tho city of Columlras, commencing 135 feet south of the north line of lot No. 219 on Oglethorpe street, and running through to Jackson street, to a point on Jackson street 135 feet south of the north line of lot No. 220. Also, lot No. 339, in the city of Columbus, contain ing one half acre, lying on Jackson street, all levied on as the property of Richard Patten, to satisty a ti « front the Sixth Circuit Court of the United States : or tbe Southern District of Georgia, in favor of Da vid Goddard, vs. John C. Ruse and Richard Patten Property pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney. Also,a part of lot No. J77, in Columbus, beginning 50 feet north from the north corner of said lot, and running north on Oglethorpe street S3 feet to the boose owned by D. D, Kidenham, Trustee, from thenre due west the whole depth of said lot 147 feet 10 inches, thence South S3 feet, thence east to the place of starting. To vied on asthe property of Jno C. Rase, t o satisfy a fi fa from the Sixth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District ofGeorgia in favor of David Goddard vs. John C. Rose aud Richard Patten. Property pointed out by Plaintiff's Attorney. JAMES M. SPULLOCK, U. S. Marshal. By THOMAS L. ROSS, May 24,1«S». U. 8. Deputy Marshal. Legatees' Sale. W ILL be sold at the Court House door in Perry, Houston county, on the first Tuesday in Jane next, Morrice, a slave, about fortv-five years old, and Dave, about filty years of age. Sold ms the pro perty of the estate of David Jackson, deceased. Terms on the day of sale, may 24 BY THE LEGATEES Save Freight and Commissions, Car hart Clll (I whole system suffers in|B| 'before^etiringprevents Joint Lamar, -A-T rath of Dr. Sairold, i * rul . v ,0 * I« WMX " fooU,l E' ft one ot our old citizens has gope, < >■>: Ten years have elapsed since tnese events : of the l'Jth instant. Dr. S, J.SattbM, took place. Tho shrewd political writers of yesterday morning and proved entirely satis-1 | ow( ^ price*. The “Saper Phosphate,” and “Fer- factory to her ownora.—Site left her wharf in j tilil ,. r ” at manufacturers' rate*, with expenses of -eft-J- J- w '*** , '“* “' the forenoon for atrip down the river tote*t transportation added. MACOX, UA. the improvements made in her machinery and PATTEN & OFFICE—on Second near 3 with afair head of steam attained a speed of -tavaunsh. May 3—iy * a L. m . 'I’lirt u'Konl mmlft ,’tfi MTA* > “ I XlA-W, Experience llie Best Test! for another state of existence. I oiler. 14 miles an hour. The wheel made 50 revo lutions per minute, and there was no difficulty .. r inu a CO'! hv the heatimr of the journals. The ship went IIEGLMAN, (L.UlKftiw riLV as frr n^t e 1.UOY m, the Bodkin bar. f tJKXI'llVK co» I.IVBB O.I.. ire vcqn a successful praotitioner ,■ England then foretold that the worst ceost- down as far as the buoy on — - >fin ihi. place, exchanged the scenes: quenees of the overthrow of Cltarlcs Albert and h>d adverse wind going down and coming; Ha, been nroved by twdvc y^eyrienoe the - - .... -vL—- — -s K ” v 11 n the river, making a cross sea on the bow, best remedyir I l.i. akw ntAat Fininant Phv Ji'ilHlIi. OFFICE—on Second St, near Mechanic's Bank. May « would be fidt not in his dominions, but in Nor thern Italy; while in tho South the king of Na pies would ho encouraged by it to iuduige in Excursion to Nashville. j icU of despotism lie would not dare otherwise iihain Artillery, of Savannah, have attempt The predictions have proved true, and o pay tbe city of Nashville a visit, on ' at the present moment Lonibardyis in another he 13ih of next month. Through ferment of excitement, nnd the King of Naples tss of R. R. Cuvier, Esq., President after following out the tyrannic bent of Ins tn- tral Bail Road and Banking Compa- j clinations. is lying at the point of drath listed '• consisting of an Engine and Cara, by all Europe. Even a* wejgm tlie hand oT | i the Central Bail Road shops, will: death mqy have drawn a veil, net weep the eye^. t j^ a ( g j, 8 w m be sharper, and also to cu &! their disposal. pqmpauy meet-! of the execrate*^ monardi and those tWWw j w0 a nd increase the length from the $50 Reward. mil IKE JAIL at Irwintnn. Ga.. on the night of _L> the 13th in,U MERIDITH HONEYCUTT, alias Dick Honeyentt. alias Dick Leathers, who was charged with the offence of negro stealing. .Said up the river, maaing J. ». m-l ’ i* recommended by the most Eminent Physicians. Honftvcntt ia about 25 years old, fair skinned, light causing other vessels to roll consiuernoiv. ine CAUTION.—Beware of preparation., protending ’ hair weighs about 130 pounds, has a down look Winans steamer, it was stated by those ou t„ noastau tk,e properties of the Oil Iu eoueantrated j when spo k e n to. and is naturally a mean looking Ko.,rH had no nrecentible rolling motion. On i form, a* many of them are worse than useless. Tlie ; mtu The above reward will be paid for his arrest «S^3fe^®£Jc w=4=1?i * “““ act better and have ^ j a ,-t him, ’’-or other prepara I may.’4—3t M. DEASON, Jailor. ry with a view to. making any improvements that plight be fauud necessary. It ta now con templated by ber invontor, Mr. Thomas \\ t- nans, to takeoff tbe bows and put in others so cut her in, Sold by Druggists generally. V1A« ON rimes Ul lillEM- CORRXCTXD WRRKLT RV ATRZS, WIWGrl*LI> ft CO. ■I yesterday aftonioon, :uid prelim-1 imprisoned gnd TOWdeped. wen whose memories (nnonts made to carry the proposed I have distnrlied hi* dying hours, hko tlie gnosL'. veutioo of tho outraged queens and princes that flitted before the conscience-stricken usurper Gloster, pl ot mm a holt to s» ! L Out.—The Ptngfio bids fitlr to be speedily and f I Hilled. It appears that Brigham pktnittrd a proposition ton company 'silo sell all their right, title and in- *li tnritory for a reasonable sum of 1 to leave the territory within a spcc- ^"ne of the company arc said to be and bade hitn “despair and die.” Even now the Alpine heights that stand like giant sentinels, guarding the wide plains of Lontlmrdy, may look down upon that rich and fertile tract, and scarcely discern through the dust and smoke of war the accustomed shimmering of the misty olive groves. By the Porches of Lombard ca thedrals l*v the humble wayside crosses, along Tjain'u (airocl IfilrrGj nnd lindfTtllC •ToSSFE!of tile adiiiinis-, fakes, and underthe shadow of her mighty border mountains, may again be sweeping the hostile armies of Austria and Sardinia. Which of these will find in the coming conflict a Novara of defeat and disaster, time will speedily show, aft2?s-'-irsS’iS I SSfS?lv% «r, "" color is that of a dark mulatto, and she ap pear* to be two girls, so far as two heads, four arms and four legs and feet would indicate 4 Awge of him on the arrival of the ; ^ J an 0 {- i„w C r portionsof thesl.oul- | honor of the victory, tcity—Xbo Schooner Elizabeth lb, j tUc P. . , . ,onnects with the necks and ; cyThc Commerci ^^/“chartrml for $500 to carry; dw irl . Thl , abdominal portion seems por , 0 f the Sickles trial sent by telegraph oon- Work, \ a.. Captain Bacon agreed *£* J ' formed body of one person. aimsl one hendred mid fifty-two thousand We Sluvc Kctiirnc*! to . . FLORIDA Itaius (Mas*) Messenger, of ycstenlay, " lloleson. Captain Orlando, came 8 «n Sunday the 8th inat., with a on ho rd. The slave had secret- r liim>clf until the vessel had been WU, when he was forced ta do ao j The- brig put into Hyannis with pears to fdibas, fur the |itir)>o*c pfteln^raphing a™, and f centre. haGGING—Kentucky India.—. Roll BKEESW. CAXDLF.S—spenn — Star Tallow.... Patent— It ia also intended to change the flanges ou the wheel, nnd continue the experiments with her l! .,pK_Ke.,tackv- machincry until tbe object first intended is - • • Northern.—. accomplished.—Rail, Sun, UKEESWAX Thk Mkxicax Massacrk at Taci bava.—A correspondent of the New Orieans Picayune gives the following in reference to the rccc,,t ldS FEK—Rio. —."II slaughter by the soldtera of Mtramon: j. V a The whole number of known victims is fifty- Laguira tlirce. though it is believed to be much larpr. CORN They were assassinated in the streets, in tttcir „ „ s houses, anywhere thf brutal soUlicrj oharjecil K j d u_ M> ,j;,,. t to meet them, and for two days, or till tlieir, .. N „ ., friends rcmovwi them, their dead bodies lay un- “ R buried, nntouched in the street Finally, they Fi.oUR-Sup.,rfi n e were all carrieel off in common carts to a neigh- Family—I boring ravine, into which, as into one great (fljipOWDKR' Golgotha, they were all thrown together. In iron—English tlie mean time, tlie victorious generals were making their triumphal entry, “w ith their prts- oners dragged after them as in the days “f old, into the capital; the cathedral and its towers S yj t vi> were hung with red; a procession of women—, NAILS wc can hardlv believe the statement—presented OILS—Lm« . .l Marquez with a sash of tlie same sanguinary . * 1 . 1 ... n 'I*. Tl. ia-ac oliatilml 111 i* yff t> tb t> lb V lb t> lb P lb t* n. t* lb t> lb t> bl t\bl P lb ' IS P bl If 00 No. 2 No. 3 Swedes Sheet——■ Sperm—......... Imitation Sperm Winter Blen d Whale ft^Tlic Commercial Advertiser says the re- [>K0 v £ ! . Tin's" ‘ ’ * *■ “ ' B**>—Me*» Prime..,.'— Haros—Ham* Side*. Shoulders Pork—Mets Prime Laan Bcttkr—Goshen.. Country. . nit: Heart.—Afr. Editor: • SALT l> th P lb tb Pbl SB r B i pg’i 18 00 12 00 7 00 7 50 S 23 P kg 0 30 »i 33 1 60 1 S3 l' g 1 1 00 jPgflt 15 “p,lb tsj P'ft t* lb P lb Viib r lit 20 J P bl 00 00 P IK Plffi r n f 2 **d interest to Utah territory fora tiblc-” . ■ fwhl?* 0f * uone T’ ■ ad ,0 . loafe uie This gW w and "to-morrow, and will I Vitkina specified time. Some of the sanioHall _t -, lienees Augusti ity,- ia Washington, eon- doubtless attract large audiences, a B y, AdixUDiftrMio*- *" | Censtitutionul** exhibition at the Ma- tod^^Vdf^ortgnii but in continuation'of its efficacy. [Correspondent Southern Planter. P g'l P g'l P5’l |P lb Crushed RICE Jf(® I HIDES lh 12 30 SO Ml 1 25 2 15 ISTOTICE To Ferwons liolding Bonds of tlie STATE OF GEORGIA. Trkasckt Dki'ahtment. ( ion Milledgeville, Ga., May 18th, 185t>.) J6, rpIIEItK beiag at present a large surplus in tbe 14 J[ Treasury of this State, and there being but to I *43,000 of tbe debt if this State due this year, I ain !l ' instructed bv his Excellency, the Governor, to give 30 notice that he desires to redeem *100,000 of the 50 Bonds of this State which are not due, and that any .20 I person or persons holding the Bonds of this State 11 which bear seven pec cent interest, will receive 60 cash for said Bonds at par, by presenting them at 13s the Treasury of this State, or at the Bank of Savan- 1* nah. or at the Georgia Rail Road and Banking Com- 13 I pany of this State, at Augusts, at any time previous 100 j to 13th July next. - f R ' rRtl may 24—3t J. B. TRIPPE, Treas’r. 50 18 50 16 50 12 50 7 50 8 00 GLEET. There is probably no disease that has so often bal ded the skill of the wisest heads in the Profession, as the above mentioned disease—a disease, which at ” ™ : times, would seem to defy any and every treatment - that may be instituted. The great difficulty in effect ' ol | ‘ ing a cure, however, has been, first, the want of a - j : proper selection in remedies, and second, in the ad- £ " i ministration of stimulating remedies when the dis- * „ ;• ; charge waa occasioned by Stricture. * * ?• j Gleet arises 1st from a Chrome Inflammatory state of the mucous membrane, of the urctlia, brought , 1 about by Gonorrhoea—the discharge arising from J i the relaxed state ol the secreting vessels; 2d, from ulceration of that membrane— the ulceration ari-ing from the severity of the apecific inflammation. Gon orrhoea ; I'd* it may, and very often does arise from causes entirely unconnected with Gonorrhea: the secreting vcs-ela of the part having from various causes lost their tone : 4th, from Stricture.. ** ! To successfully treat the first three varieties, re- ** course must be had to reliable remedies, whose par- “I i tirnlar action will be upon the lining membrane of ! 1 tbe Urethra : an. 1 tor 111- last variety, the same rein - WJ edie-t should be made uie of, bnt in connection with A XO J 1(1.1( 1 75 1 50 1 15 1 25 £2,000,000, or $10,000,000. FAIL CT CAFITAL, SI’RFLL'S AND RtBEHrEn t'L'Mts FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, 800.000 INVESTED IN THIS Co'l'NTlir. SCYTHE BLADES, i English Patent, American Silver Steel. Price 75« -I to «l 15. SICKLES' REAP HOOKS. Ore— blades. Scythe Stones and Rifles. WHEAT FANS, Grant's Patent, Excelsior, fte. Price 18 to 40dollar*. THRESHING MACHINES, Brown's Virginia, Wheeler’ffand Georgia made.— Price 33 to 50 dollar*. D1BKCTOKS IN NEXV YOBK. JAMES BROWN. Esq., Chnirman. FRANCIS GOTTEN. Esq., Deputy Chairman. GEORGE BARCLAY. E*q. EUGENE DUTILH, Esq. JOSEPH FOWLER, E«q. JOSEPH GILLARD. Jr.. Esq. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. ED. F. SANDERSON, Esq. WM. S. WETMORE, Esq. EDWARD M. ARCHIBALD. Esq. President Secretary, ALFRED PELL Esq. Counsel of the Board, A. HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. AYERS, WINGFIELD ft CO.. Agents. Macon, Ga. apr 26 IMPLEMENTS. CARHART & CURB 1_j AVE in store. Grant’s Clinton'* ft others mak-s . HORSE POWERS, Sinclair a and Whitman's Lever Powers, ono and two hor»e U. Road Powers. Price *100 to *140. STRAW CUTTERS, I Shuck and Fodder Cutters. Price 5 to 30 dollars. CORN SHELLERS, i Various size* and Patterns. Price 6J to 15 dollar*. WEEDING HOES, i Scovil’s, Collins', Weed’s, Brades’ Patent, Clement’s Iron and Wood Straw Rakes. Cultivators, Harrow*, | Plows, Corn Mills. Churns, Wheelbarrows, ftc., ftc. I All for sale at the lowest prices, by N AT IY AN tVKKD, sprit 19 Macon, Ga. -EHEADc. MAGNETIC PLASTER fTHE GREAT STRE.Y3THENER AND PAIN DESThOYER. T HE best and cheapest Household Remedy in the World. Simple and pleasant in its application, certain and effectual in in. results. A beautiful, sci entific, external Curative, applicable for the relief of pain at any time, in any place, in any part of tbe human system, and under all circumstances. If you put this Plaster any wh ire, if Pain is there, the Plaster will stick there ui til the Pain has vanished. The Plaster magnetizes t se pain away, and Pnlu cannot exist where tli* PInstcris applied. Rheumatism, Lamenesi, Stiffness, Weakness,De bility, Nervousness, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Coughs and Colds, Pains and Acl es of every kind, down even to Corns, are IMMEDIATELY' RELIEVED, and, tvith a little patienoe PERMANENTLY CU RED, by the magical influence of the MAGNETIC PLASTER. It is the simplest, surest, safest, pleas antest and cheapest remedy in existence. Its ap plication is universal—equally to the strong man, tbe delicate woman, and the feeble infant. To each and all it will prove a Balm and a Blessing. Its use is agreeable, aud witnout annoyance or trouble.— Its price is within reach of all—rich or poor; all may have it, and should h ive it who are sick, and | suffering in any way. PLANTERS should be always supplied with the invaluable PLASTER. It will be the Good Phy sician on any Plantation, ready at all times, and at instant notice. Put up in air-tight tin boxes. Each box will make six to eight plasters, and a iy child can spread them. Price 23 cents 8 box, with full and plain directions. D. C. JIOKEHE.Ut.JI.U.. Inventor and Proprietor, 19 Walker at.. New York. MOKE HEAD'S MAGNETIC PLASTER is sold by all Druggists in every City, .Town and Village o f the United States. Nov. 23. all sixes FAN MILLS. Emery’s, Winship s, Georgia and other SPIKE THRESHERS THE LIVER INVIGORATOR! nUCPABED BV DU. SANFORD, j Compounded cmira; nuiu „ 1 TS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE AND LI- X VKB MEDICINES now before tho public, HORSE POWERS Grant’* and others make 5 and 6 fingered GRAIN CRADLES i that act* as a Catkartic, easier, milder, and more ef- i fectual than any other medicine known. It is not j only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on .. . „ , ,, .... , ., ... the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the sto hmery a Railroad, Bogardua s, - and 4 Imran mac ij an( i bowel* to carry off that matter, thus ac- i complishiug two purpose* effectually, without any of the painful feeling* experienced in the operations of most Cathartics. It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it: and when taken daily Scytho Blade*. Grass Blades. Grass Syckle*. Scythe in moderate doses, will strengthen and hnild it up Stone*. Corn Shellers, and Straw Cutter*, with unusual rapidity. The Liver is one of |—effecting * radical the principal regulator* . cure, otthe human body tand fdt Bitlioum stttncks when it performs its fftfl are cured, nnd, whnt functions well, the pow- ^ isbrlter, prevented ers of the system are Jw by the occasional use fully developed. TheU of the Liver Invigo- ' ‘ ‘ “ - rntor. One dose after eating M acon, Jau. 4th, 1858. The subscriber will make cash advances on cot ton consigned to George Parsons ft Co., Savannah, and agree to hold the coltr u forty-five to fifty days from date of shipment*. ISAAC SCOTT jan 5 ' ALSO, Wire Cloth, Bolting Cloth, Leather Belting, Rubber Belting. MillSpindles, Mill Cranks, and *U kinds of MILL IRONS, Together with a full assortment of Builder'* and Carriage Maker'* material, and everything usually r __. kept in their line, all of which will lie sold at the low-, ttmnach is almost entire est market rates. Call at - ’ te CARHAKT A CURD’S. may 17 ■ iy dependent on the ff! 1 healthy action of the/a- is sufficient to relieve rer for the proper per BBj the stomach and pi a- - formance of its func- - —i a. o—. el- vent the food from_ri- beforeretiringprevents lj Nightmare. Only one dose taken night, loosens the consequence of one or- SR»: can—the Liver—hav- A ing ceased to do its da- Si SOLE AGENTS ty. For the disease of boweisgentlvand cures > that organ, nno of the Co.tivcnr.V roB Ku study,"inTp^nctico W °. n * dose taken after w ! of more than twenty 5? ch me ? 1 wil * cur « PFairbank’s Scales. p£{ SP^Jwe of ,*« ! counteract the many E| t ** 4W ? <>on { l,,s *ill *1* A full assortment .»f Counter and PUtfonn Scales deraneements to which W reljf vo Sick now in store, andnold at thejr^prices—no freightad- ! j R u a hle. pr ,lr " ,,, * che * ded. Orders for Railroads. Warehouses, and of her large Scales taken, and will see them put tip. may 17 H. N. ELLS&cO.. SUCCESSORS TO C. A. ELLS &■ SON, IVholsale and Retail Dealers in Selected FAMILY GROCERIES W EST INIDES FRUITS. Fine Liquors, Wines, Segars, Nats, Oranges. Lemons, Apples, Potatoes, ftc.. Oyster*, Shad, Black Fish, Shrimps, Crabs, Clams ftc., in Season. ICE in »ny quantity put np to order. Mulberry Street, Mac on Ga. ...... r One bottle taken for To IWOTP that this y f Pm a] fl obstruction, re- remedy is at last found., .j moves the cause of the any person troubled M dj 8e »«e, and makes a with Liver C «■»- perfect care, plnint, in any of its Oalv one doseiimne- forms, has but to try a CL! diately relieves Chol- bottle, and conviction j r> w bile is certain. Cj; One dose often re- TheseGums remove y posted is a sure cure for *11 irorbid or bad mat- | Cliolcrn I?I o r b u n , ter from t n e system, a and a preventive o f supplying in their place Vw ! Cholera, a healthy flow of bile. Insurance Agencies. QF HE AUGUSTA INSURANCE & BANKING CO. AND THE ALABAMA FIRi: ft MARINE INS. CO. AT THE OFFICE OF LANIER ft ANDERSON, Agt’s. 1658 tf Macon, Ga. BariM ftn feunmrj Ctr., HARTFORD, CONN. Incorporated A. D. 1810. Charier Perpetual. Authorized Capital *1,000,000 Capital Paid in 500,000 Surplus, 300,000 ASSETS JANUARY 1, 1859. Cash on hand and in Bank 643.453.22 I'li.li is, hamlet Agent* vl in transit 34,827.09. Real Estate unnecumbcrec, (cash valae,). 15,000.00 Bills Receivable, amply secured 73,174.53 2,404 Shares Bank Stock in Hartford, .... 230,413.00 2,202 - “ “ New York,... 197,750 00 710 74,020.00 iuu snares Bank State of Missouri 10,000.00 State and City Bonds, C per cents, 74,245.00 Rail Road Stocks,.. 16,250.00 United States’ Treasury Notes, 14.035X10 *603,769.8* DIRECTORS. H. HUNTINGTON, CHARLES BOSWELL. ALBERT DAY. EENRY KENEY, JAS. GOODWIN, CALVIN DAY. JOB ALLVN, JOHN P. BRACE, CHARLES J. RUSS. invigorating thestom ach, canting food to di gest well, purifying Only one 1* needed to throw out of the sys tem tho effects of medi cine after a long sick* Low Prices for Cash. m sTinii:--.\E\v lioniis, ii§tarkinC*(iain£s, I • i . SECOND STREET. 3 a TRIANGULAR BLOCK, MACON. GA.\ *- ■» i Would iuvite the attention of I J ©j CITIZENS, MERCHANTS! g AND PLANTKKS, "3 2. To their large Stock of — • Boots, Slioes, "I W LEATHER AND FINDINGS, S. : Selected expressly for this market, and i ” ° comprising o a i ONE OF THE LARGEST » — i asd 2. O FINE s T A S SORT ME S T S •jj IN TUB STATK, o - 1 Which they offer at • LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Examine onr Goods and Prices before buying elsewhere, i march 29—ly Try ns, and you will be suited. me uav v. *,«« A4..u K to, <m a remedy in the first three ei 21 00 Yn rietiee, th*re is no remedy so peculiarly adapted * 00 0G - *52 1 • the use cf the Bougie; XOT1IGH AXDEHKU ‘ §100 REWARD, the bloodjgivmgtono^^ ness, and health to the whole GP”Oae bottle taken machinery, removing for Jn und ice removes the cause of the diseasej ; all sallowness or unna tural color from the skfn. j One dose taken a short time before eating gives j vigor to the eppetite, and makes food dige&t well, j One dose often repeated, cures Chronic Diar rhoea in its worst forms, while 8mnnwr and Rowel complaints yield almost to the fii>t dose. One or two doses cures attacks caused by worms j in children ; there is no surer, safer, or speedier re- ; medy in the world, as it never fails. | fy*A few bottles cures Rropay, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medicine j as a preventive for Fever nnd Ague, .('hill Fe« : rer, and all Fever#* of a fiilliouM Type* It op erates with certainty, and thousands are willing to :• -tily t" i: - \% < ii-}. r: i • ■ ’" t ■ * ! All wh® it are giving their iinitiiinioiiN tentimony in its favor. | jyjlix water in the mouth with the In- ! vigorntor, nml mwoIIow both together. The liver Invigorator IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, aud • is daily working enres almost too great to believe, i It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving >'.•! -• l’l" n ir"P* fh in mi*- -trl* i-. r-.,uin-’i j to euro any kind ol JLiver complaint, from the 1 worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia, to a common Head ache, all of which are tlie result of a Ri^en^ed l.inr. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. DR. SANFQRD, Proprietor* Rromlway, iVe«ic Vork. Retailed by all Druggist*. Sold also by ZEILIN Jc HUNT, GEO. PAYNE, | wU>— ly K. L. STROHECXEli. Plantation for Salek T HI£ undersigned offers for sale hlf playtation in Monroe County, containing 9^0 acres. IV miles from Macon, on the Road to Forsyth and half a mile m> ■* a . own , II wm »H*t GH, IUI *! *’** tt “ u 1 Ittrelw. from the 3t*con and Western Hail Komi. Tho place is well Improved, with 9"0 to — : of woodland, abffut too ot swamp, half of which has H. HUNTINGTON, Pre.ident. WM. N. BOWERS, Actuary. TIMO.C ALLYN, Secretary. C. C. LYMAN, Assistant Secretary. This o.dnnd reliable Company, established for nearly FIFTY’ Y’EARS, continues to Insnre against Lo,s or Damage by Fite on DweUine., Furniture, Warehouses, Stores, Merel andise, Mills, Manufac tories, an i most other kinds of property, ouits usu al satisfactory terms. Particular attention gives to Insuring Farm Pro perty, consisting of dwellings. Barns srd Out- Building* connected, and Fnrniture, Live Stock, Hay, Grain, Farming Utensils, ftc., ftc., contained in the same, for a term of three or five years, at low rates of premium. Applicntions for Insuranco may be made to the undersigned, the duly authorised Agent for Macon and vicinity. Losses equitably adjusted at this Agency, and paid immediately, npou satisfactory proofsJn funds current in the cities of New For Jr or Boston, as th, as* sured may prefer. E. .1. JOHNSTON, Agent. Macou, Ga. Feb. 15—ly Book nnd Tract Depository of the Georgia Conference. fTUlE Committee of the Conference met on the 1 16th met- and have permanently located a Depository at Macon, Georgia, where all tbe Books of our Catalogue will b< furnished at Nashville wholesale and retail price*, and es low as they can be bought elsowhere. A largo dock of Religious, Sabbath School, Schnal id Croton 7V.it Boole*, always on hand. Also. Blank Books, Stationery— such as Foolscap, Letter, Note and Bill paper. Envelopes, Visiting Card*. Pa per Cutters, Gold, Steel, tad Quill Pens, Ink, Pen oil*. Slate,. Wafers, ftc., Ac. Sold as am* as they can be purchased anvwhete. We respectfully a»k fora liberal share of patronage. Orders promptly filled. upr 12 JOHN tV. Bl'UKfi, Agent, Cottoa Avenue, Macon, Ga. GOLD IPEKS, WITH GOLD AND SILVER PENCIL CASES. At Wholesale Prices, And a Premium with f very Pen, varying in value from 1 50 ta 30 Dollar*. Our Pens are *t&m£ed with onr trade mark, and warranted perfect in evey raptst. Onr Premi urns consist of Gold and Hilver Watches, and the latest styles of Gold Jewelry. Our reasous for of fering tntso unparalleled inducements are first, t»> more thoroughly introduce onr Celebrated PENS. Secondly, to encourage C ult Trade. Thirdly, wo prefer doing this to selling our goods to the Trade- on time, ana having to stand the vonsequent losses. Send for a Circular conta ntng Price List of Feus, and Catalogue of Premiiyn}, which are vent free, to* any address. All communications should be addressed to METROPOLITAN GOLD PEN CO. 1< j Hrvatlway, and - (’•"irrUud Strv.-t, N. s . Ml ay 3—1 ill . Will' “t *S LU.UIU^ I" f", _ .. . . tion* accompanying *4*lWl> will notiau to .. obab , lg0 , lu u’aconMJe « ford a most speedy relict, and bring about a p rm ^ ^ ^- loki (caUje d by a fall) nent ctre. For^le bTaUDroggjaW; maybe identified by alight marks indicating the from* ?? ! HARRAL, R.1SLEY *V KlTi HLN. whfch an extra Sn/dr (having been a * * Importers aDd Wholesale New York, may 24—2\y SEAMLESS HOOP-SKIRTS! j * £«ef ® Heating the from! ^ * ^ItV-^BuYvlav St. which an extra fingCr (having been attqchbd point* 1 A A JUST Drugp t*. - by a mere cuticle, i w»* clipped from each band du J.UU nyty ring his infancy, * It is probable that he i* larking in ——-■ 3^ Watch Spring I JLST RECEIVED and for sale at ^3 50 bv j —t \Q BOSTICK. KEIN & CO. * in yatxr order**. J. F. WINTER & CO- 10 i TJERCVIAN and Manipulated Guanofor »ale M|ir *pv 5 -AYRth, WINGPIRLD Swamo Land for Sale. IGIll 1-U.Nt. acres ut choice ewanap s a , -jf- — t- r- . ■ -u . 3 _ , . . u— mil*>9 below Macon—42 acres in cumval — tbe vicinity Mic'on, but Ije may have been decoy- \r\ Printed Lawns for at ^ bahu.co heavily timlered, and covereo tv, 10 I ** off to some distant section by awhile man. cent9 per yard, by | Cai^e. for sale by . ^ AC/Oj m-ii 1 ^ iC BO STICK, KEIN ^ QQ. | fthl two aLion, w»th