Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, May 24, 1859, Image 4

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Bibb Sheriff Sale. W in ha sold, before the Courthouse door, in II th#eityofMacon. Bibb County, on the flmt • —a —> thft lAg|J QOBH xI-Aav In June next. within the Ugal Lears of (ale, , iha f " 'WincpTOJKyty.lowU: One lot and dwelling to* touching prop- UjlU Kotd-and adjoining Fancy ami Staple DRY-GOODS. - opposite the Central Kail Koaa. ana muouung i* lands of-Mrs. Sarah McCall, levied on as the pro- oertr of Beni. Davis, to satisfy a Mortgage fi la un der foreloiursof a Master Bui:der,and Painter’s lieni ■■■ ■ | from Bibb Inferior Court. In favor of Lev-, YV- E hi :n, vs. Benj. Davis. Projjerfvgointeiout by | VT olG Deputy Sheriff. XEW STOCK. FIND L AY’S IRON WORKS, HA COS, GA. Important to Planters! and after Thursday, 15th July, the Trains vrlB J E have iu»t opened a large and alegact: Goods in one of the New Stores under be rnn as follovr3: Leave Macon at 12 night. Arrive at Atlanta ~.15 A. M. Leave Macon at 10 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 4.00 ■!,ck Steam Engines and Mill Machinery. p -u GRANITE HALE, Selected with crest care to suit the trade of Macon, i Houston Lnnd for Sale. ! i—»>“■ —— ii tun iraur u \ GREEABLE to the last Will and Tartsmi«4cf °°” lr * ”*** whieharai A s*»l Dinkins, deceased, will be sold before L SILK HOBF.S A LRZ. the Court Houso door in the town of Perry, on the first Tncsday in October next, if not disposed of be- fere at private sale, the VALUABLE PLANTATION lately owned by deceased, containing about 1300 •area, about 000 under cultivation, the balance very heavily timbered. This Plantation is one of the most desirable In Houston county, being located im mediately on the South-W srtern BaTRocd. near Station No l),a abort distance from the city of ifs- oon, healthy, well watered by Springs, well im proved, and in the midst of a highly intelligent and moral community. The Plantation not being culti vated this year, will be in fine condition to make n crop neat year. The Plantation wil^be sold for cash, or on such time a* the purchaser may wish. Persons wishing to buy Houston Lands, would do well to examine the above pU.ce before purchasing. Mr. R.W. Mat thews, on the place, or either of the Executors, will take pleasure In showing it to any one wishing to parchiM. The above place joins the plantations of Wm. M. Bateman, Patrick Carroll, D. F. Gunn, J. M. Ham mock and Thompson Fields. sTd.buaxtley, J.W. SHINHOLSER, C. I). ANDERSON. Executors Feet Valley .March t—tda 'll- K HOBKS lmrni,i: ,il pi; Icinri-uve urt ITnviC m nvn eraswvn amm nr taw r. a, m vnsps SILK ROBES VOLANTES,or S FLOUNCER COLUMNS, MILL oTUN h>, GIN GLEK, R .g for Augusta, at !0 A. M-. and Atlanta A West Cotton Presses and Screws. Horse Powers, Cane Mills and Kettles. IRON RAILINGS, Leave AtlanUat 1* night Arrive at Macon 7.15 A. M. Leave Atlanta at 11 A. M. Arrive at Macon 5.00 P.M. The night train will not be run on Sundavs. The . . :r ::i Macon connects with the Wes tern and Atlantic Road for Chattanooga, Knoxville, Xs-hvlHe, Memphis, st 1115 P. M„ with Georgia Houston Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold before the Const House door In Perry, Houston county, within the usual hoars of sale, on the first Tuesday in J one next, the follow wing property to-wit: one negro man bv the e of Isaac, about thirty-five (35) years or* (35) years of age, levied on a* the property of Robert A. Crawford, and Sarah J. Crawford, to satisfy the following fi fan one in favor of McKinley, Darden A Duffer, vs. Sa rah J. Crawford and Robert A. Crawford; one la favor of John Prakeford A Son, vs. Sarah J^ Craw ford and Robert A. Crawford; one in favor of A. M. Allen, vs. Robert A. Crawford; one in favor of Frank M. Rose, for officers of Court, vs. Robert A. Crawford, and one Tax fi fa, va. Robert A- Craw, lord. Property pointed out by Warren A Good** Plaintiff-a Attorneys. JNO. SMITH, D. Shft aeays WE Postponed Bibb MherifT Male. ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June next before the Court House door in Macon. Bibb county, within the legal hoars of sale, a House and Lot in the city of Macon, number one. in Square •amber three South Western Common. Levied on Ac, oaths property of WifflxmB.hyda.raTruitoc.1 to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Daley A Fitzgerald William B. Hyde, Trustee, Ac. Property pointed out in said fi. (a. apr SO E. O. JEFFERS, Dep. S. FANCY SILKS in great variety, PLAIN and FIGURED BLACK SILKS. EVENING DRESSES. DxLAINBand -MERINO ROBESALEZ. PLAINaud FIGURED DrLAINES, Plain nod figured mkkinoks. VAI.ENCIAS. POPLINS. PLAIDS. POIL de CHEYItKS, MOURNING, and vari oni other styles of Embroideries, Re-1 French Cambric and Swiss Collars, Setts, Handkerchiefs, Ac. Valenciennes Collars and Setts. Linen and Pique Collars and Setts. Mourning CoUan and Setts, Illusion Berthas, Beal Thread and Valenciennes Laces, Hosiery and Gloves, great variety. Drees Trimmings, Ribbons, Cloikii from Bfodio’i, SHAWLS—Nett, Stella, Long, Mourning, and othei varieties. A full assortment of STAPLE GOODS, Which we offer to sell on as favorable terms as any House in the State. C7*PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. Grist and Circular Saw Mills, - Point R. R. at 10.15 A. M. .. . ■ The 10 A- M. train from Macon, connects with the PULLEYS. WHEELS, SHAFTING, Ac, Ac. | Western A Atlantic H. R. at 8.40 P. M., and Georgia R. FINDLAY & SONS. N. M. lT.fDDK.V Sc CO, Granite Hall Block. Macon,Ga. Hardeman & Griffin F^b. 1. SCHOFIELD & BROTHER, •Ifa ran. Georgia. ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR IFAIL1L AM© W-BMTEK STOCK, I AT 1-IIEllt (ir.n M-lMl s Bibb Sltcriff Sale. W ILL be aold on the Crat Taeeday in June next, before the Coart Hoaao door in the city of Macon, Bibb County, between the lawfol hours of sale, the folk .... ale, the following property to-wit: Seventy-five (75) acres, more or loss, being part >f lot adjoining Ransom Avant on the North, Rufus of lot adjoining ■ , Rabun on the West, and Rigdon Thomas on the Sooth, and adjoining that portion of said lot which 1 was assigned to Polly Goss as her dower, and well known as part of the plantation of Thomas G. Goan, deceased. Levied on as the property of Thomas G. Goes, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Stubbs and Leater, tram Bibb Inferior Court. Property pointed out by Daniel SUpper. E. G. JEFFERS. D. Sh’ff. Administrator's Sale, JJY virtue of an older of the Court of Ordinary of | Jones county, will be sold before the Court House door in Clinton, on the first Tuesday in June I next, the following slaves : Lewis, George, Betsey, | Emily and Child, belonging to the estate of liam J. Card, deceased. Re-sold for the purpose of | he purpose effecting titles. JAS GREEN, Adm’r de bonis non of Wm. J. Card, deceased april 5 Ounrdian's Salt*. B Y virtue ot an order of the Cotut of Ordinary of I Jones county, will bo sold before the Court [ Hons# door in Clinton, on the first Tuesday in Jons next, a negro man named Ephraim, belonging to Thomas J.VVimbiah. one of the minor heirs of win. I M. Wimbish, lata of said county, deceased, bold [ for the benefit of said minor. Terms on the day of sale. ELIZABETH A. C. WIMBISH. apr 18 Guardian. S IXTY days after date application will no made to the Ordinary of Jonee oounty, for leave to ai hie!it old Stand. T HEIR Stock consist in part of the folk wing GOODS, to which they invito the attention of illvrcliauts anti Planters: SO bales Gunny Cloth 900 coils Richardson Rope 1000 pounds Baling Twine 150 nags Coffee, Java, Porto Rico, llio end La- gnira to cheata Black and Green Tea 75 barrela A B A C Sugar 35 barrels crashed ana Powdered Sugar s boxes Lost Sugar 15 hogsheads fine Porto Rico 300 sacks Liverpool Salt 100 tacks Alum Salt 150 boxes Adamantine Candles 40 boxes Sperm Candies 73 boxes No. 1 Soap to boxes Family Toilet Soap 30 boxes assorted and Fancy Candy 193 kegs Nails 50 boxes Starch 100 jars Snnff 50 whole, half and quarter kegs of Powder SO cans Duck-shooting Powder 100 bags Shot 100,000 Began, various brands 50 boxes Tobacco 80 cam Magneliaand Combination Tobacco SO bales Osnaburgs and Stripes 3 cases Homespans, bleached 10 bales Georgia Kerseys 5 bales Northern Kerseys 13 bales Blankets, all sixes 60 baskets Piper’s Heidsick Wine 73 cases Ginger and Blackberry Wine and Brandy 50 barrels Kye and Cora Whiskey 10 barrels Extra old Bourbon 50 barrels Gin. Rum and Brandy 10 casks Madeira. Port and Sweet Wine 10 cases London Dock Gin 15 cases Boker'i and Stoughton Bitters 10 cases Lemon Syrup 20 casks Ale and Porter 10 boxes Ginger Preserves, Prunes and Furs 30 boxes Assorted Pickles 30 boxes Super. Carb. Soda 30 barrels sod boxes Soda and Botter Crackers 25 boxes Herrings 5 tacks Ashton's Table Salt 10 dosen Well Backets 5 cases Ashton s Table Salt 25 dozen Blue Buckets 10 nests of Tuba 30 d oxeWool Hats 20 boxes Leverit Axes • • 10000 pounds White Lead and Zinc 100 bands Linseed Oil 10 barrels Tanners’ audMscbine Oil also, a nxx lot or jomt s. foiontu, josbim schofield. We are prepared to Manufacture STEAM ENGINES; MILL AND GIN GEARING, Sugar Mills, BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, or tvEiT description. IRON RAILINGS AND VERANDAHS. Having the most complete assortment of Iron Rail ings in the State, which for elegance, neatness, dura bility and design, cannot be surpassed, and are suit able for the Fronts of Dwellings, Cemetery Lou, Public Hqnarrs, Cbnrcfa Fences unit Hnlronies. Persons desirous of purchasing RAILINGS, will do well togive us a call, as weare determined to of- feraa good bargains as any Northern Establishment lySpocimen. of our Work can l>« aeon at Hose Bill Cemetery, and at various private residences in this city. nov 30 ly R. B. at IS night; and Atlanta A West Point R. R-, at 12A A. M. The completion of the Virginia and Ti Rail Road, makes this the most pleasant and direct routs to the H. HORNE’S CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT STORE, And Paltry Bakery, at hit near Store, nerlto Ayres, Wingfield if Go’s, CHERRY ST.. MACON. GA. Virginiia Springs, Through Tickets to which may be had at Atlanta, for 626 25, including Stage fare, 37 00, and to New York for 032 00. Furtker information may be bad in relation to this Route, on application to the General Ticket Office, Atlanta. ALFRED L. TYLER, ang 3 Superintendent New Goods E. SAKLSBURm H E is now receiving a very large and well assor tod Stock ofSPHING CLOTHS, tod Stock ofSPRlNG CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, of the latest importations. He has also received the report of Fashions tor this Spring, with a variety of new and elegant styles. His Stock of Fine READY MADE CLOTHING will bo replenished with the changes of the Seasons from the host booses in New York. His FURNISHING GOODS comprise everything that is new and desirable, in the way of Hosiery, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Gloves. Handkerchiefs, Ac.- All of which he invites his friends and customers call and examine, mar 1 fNGERSOLL HOOP LOCK, Lanier A Anderson, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON. GA.. P RACTICE in the counties of the Macon Circuit, ami in the Counties of Sumter. Monroe and Jones; also in the Federal Courts at Savannah. Thev have also recently become the Agents of the following Insurance Companies: The Auguita Insurance and Ranking Com • pany of which W. M. D’Antignac is President and 1 C. F. McCax is Secretary. And the Alabama Fire and JIarine Change ot Schedule* SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON STEAMPACKET LINE IN C0XXXECT10N with tho CEXTRAL and Xorth Eastern Kail Roads. fjpHB splendid and Fast Running .'•! V • ..\ mam >r ls.to • GORBO V f K. Barden, Commauder,le&vessavan- 2 ranee Company. Montgomery, of which T. H. na |, f or Charleston cv-rv Sunday it.d If-;.., Watts is President and A. Williaxs is Secretary, .ftemoonj) at S o’clock and connects at Charleston i Fire risks and risks on slaves taken at usual rates. J t |, e ^-ain 0 f the Xorth Eastern Kail Road going DRUG For JS.50? XT TILL L-e kept i ustaatty > Y mo-t desirable artielcf.'iPy MEDICINES, PIIAKMACUTICAL l'HPp SADDLE BAGS, nSSfr! SPICES. MEDICINE r , PERFUMERY *, I from the Store of XEILIv V ^nppo.dte Telegraph Brig* apl 20 1 PETERS. HUMPHRIES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PERRY, GA. Xorth: returning, leaves Charleston every Monday and Friiiv i.'.gh: at o’clock (after the arrival efthe .-its of the North Eastern R. Rond.) and ar rives at Savannah early the following mornings. Bv this rout ; Passengers can obtain through tick ets to and from Savannah, Ga.. and Wilmington, N. WILL practice in ail the Courts of the Macon (J, ru ii, ;;! ; District,_and also iu tire Federal Courtsat Savannah Having a through freight arrangement with the the Central Rail Hoad and its ccDi;^,ns, all freights ; and Marietta. • | ang 17 ly IKON COTTON TIE. JN an the heaviest Cotton regions of the grea South west, the INGER30LL HOOP LOCK with the common Hoop Iron Band, has superse- MPLDK & IIIM'LK. ; ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON. GEORGIA. OJue • a Triangular Block, Corner of Ckerry Street and CoUan Avenue. TTYE hare associated as partners in the practice VV of law inthe counties of the Macon and ad joining Circuits, and elsewhere in the State by spe- ded every other method of teenring the Cotton Btle. * Tima &noaa vftnM fall nt tA f'lVfi ihftDIlinPrflQj I SaVMDlh UlU AlinetU- cial coutract—also will attend the Federal Courts at Time and space would fall os to give the numerous certificates of Cotton Planters, Brokers, Warehouse men. Insurers, Compressers and Shippers, showing s, beyond a doubt, that the day* of Rope binding are numbered, and the immense advantages of the : Hoop Lock and Iron Tie. Their economy wherever tried, has been conceded in these points .- ALEX. M. SPEER, SAMUEL HUNTER. b, < rixrlMtafc Sod the interior of Georgia i signed to the agents of this line w il be forwarded with dispatch and FREE of CHARGE. J. P. BROOKS. Ag t,Savannah. E. LAFITTE A CO., Ag’ta, Charleston.. jan 12 ' . DI5PAHt'i!l;\l MACON, ctr T. G. HOLT’, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON. GA. ang I a. r. cuLvxauoi'iK, Watches, Jewelry, &c. P ARTIES, Dinners and Suppers furnished with everything ornamental ana delicious, in the la test style*. Bridal Cakes, dressed iu unsurpassed style*.— French Pastry of every kind, as well as all kinds of Desert made to order, among them many new dishes. French Candies, Chocolate, Cream, etc. Oranges, Pineapples, Bananas, Lemons. Apples, Raisins, Dates, Figs. Currants, Citron, Nuts of all kinds. Preserves, Crackers, Began, Cider, etc. WINES AND BRANDIES of undoubted parity. Toys, Sardines. Lobsters, Pickles. Sauces, Salmon, Tongues, Cheese, Cabba ges. Cranberries, etc. ty All goods warranted to be first class articles, and told as low as can be bought in Macon. TERMS—Cash, for all not holding Pass books. H. HORNE will attend personally to superintend the setting of tables for Weddings and Parties, either in City or Country. 17* Country Merchssts will find a good as sortment of Confectionaries at my establishment, •nd the prices as low as any where else in the City, jan 2.~-ly Z ten slaves belonging to the estate of Lovel CHROME GREEN. YELLOW, PRUSSIAN BLUE . P . . ^ 7* . . iTvma ni-cirvvs ur-nv-r i'uul-u v. - Smith, late of said county, daceaaed. EMEL1NE SMITH, apr It Administral ^sIXTY Day*after date application will be made »J to the Ordinary of Ilonston County, for Jeavo to sell the negro property belonging to the estate of Pinckney J. Pollock, late of laid county, deceased, apcils ISAAC WOODARD. Ja- Adm’r. TERRA DE SIENNA. BURNT UMBER. Ac., Ac. PAINTS AND VABNI8H, BRUSHES AND SASH TOOLS. Macon, Sept. 23,1253. N OTICE.—All persons indebted to the Estate of Jones W. Hail, are reqnetted to make imme j dinte payment; and all persona holding claims or demands against the amid estate, moat present them iu legal form within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead iu bar. SIMEON THARP, apr 19 Administrator ria lw»i»U ao FRENCH’S HOTEL, On the European Plan, CITY OF NEW YORK. Single Rooms 50 cts. per Day. •'OIJ) MACXOLIA.'WBKKEr’ rp HE unde KYE WHISKEY, T HE subscribers would inform the citixens of Uae« and vicinirir, that they have taken the store formerly occupied by Mr. M. D. Barnes, where they intend carrying on the Jewelry JBusiuess, and will keep a neat and well selected asaortmentof good* connected with that busines*. We invite you to give us a call, and in return will assure you fair and honest dealings at all times. Watches and Jewelry cleaned and repaired by a faithful and experienced workman, and warranted to give satisfaction. P. S.—Having purchased the Goods belonging to said Barnes, at a great discount from the -cost, we offer them at 1. They .nve tw enty <o thir.y dollar, co.i f^FFICEit, Ralston’s new block on Cherry Str i haling material on every oar linudrrii ^ - first door above entrance to Concert Hall. Bags. 2. The fastening is much more expeditionsly ap plied. and much more convenient for the compress. 3. It is a perfect safeguard against loss of Cotton from the bale. 4. Iti.aa almost nb.olale security again.t Fire. Fire applied to bales thus bound, as shown by actual experiment, rill tmoutder ntkout flame, twenty hours iritkout spreading, and allowing plenty of time for easy extinguishment. 5 It i. nn absolutely secure fastening. In actual experiments made in Montgomery, bales thus bound, were pitched down forty feet perpendicular from a house-top, upon a brick pavement, without perceptible effect. 6. It is perfectly simple.and requires no machinery at all in the application. Any common hoop-iron of F. A. AXSLEY. Culvcrhousc * AnMey, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA, W ILL practice in Crawford and the adjoining counties. All business promptly attended to. jan 11 J.L. St:WARD. A. II HASSELL. SEWARD A IIAXSELL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, GA. A LL claims forwarded to us will meet with prompt ■wide, and a .cant sixteenth of one inch thick,) and I C® 1 *** 4 *. Great Baronins. The Goods mostly are No. l quality, and at the prices we shall offer them, it is a good opportunity for those in want of any thing in the way of Watch es and Jewelry, to make their purchases at the OLD STAND OF M. D BARNES, ’ opposite the Lanier House. One word more, then we are done for this time.- To those who visit Savannah, we invite to call at V. W. SKIFF’S JEWELRY STORE, (in that Ci ty.) opposite the Pulaski House, where they wQI find a large assortment of Jewelry and Fancy Articles, of the latest style*, and at price* to suit the times.— Hsir Jewelry and Ornaments of every description made to order. Orders left at the store in Macon, or Savannah, will be carefully attended to. Respectfully, V. W. SKIFF tc CO. Macon. Ga„ Feb. 15— C. H. Freeman & Co. COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA., ■ orriu, as usual, at tueih olu stakd, a choice ASOUTMEXT OT FAMILY GROCERIES, O F every description and of the best quality, fresh and g.>od—being constantly in receipt of new ied offer for sale the above stan-! supplies from the Northern Markets. 1 Sugars, Spices, White Fish, „ tl Syrups, Citron, Herrings, of I heir own distillation, in barrels end half barrels.: Green Fruit* in cans, Huns, Condiments. Lard, Sauces, Floor, kept np to it» former high standard, and purchaser! ! i p® l i cr ' and consumers can rely upon its beinr perfectly 1 rork, »VE wuisi’ET JidSu J, ^rn And cgher articles too numerous to mention, com- The quality of this Whiskey known so favorably in j I***. . . tlio South, for the past eight years, will alwayr he ‘ Dure RYE WHISKEY, distilled under our own per- "■•'d* l '~’ «"“• f - 1 ffi ■’ * dele- pddag the whole range of Family Grocery supplies. tonal supervision, and entirely free from ani r del terious substance* which render made np whiskies so objectionable. * rays having a large stock of tbe above, and fiue Whiskies, in X other t Sew York as well as Phila delphia, we are enabled to ship goods from either ci ty direct. FREEMAN * SIMPSON, Pbu-nix Distillery. OFFICE—109 So. Front St., Philadelphia. •* PC Wall St.. New York, octli—ly N OTICK.—All persons indebted to the Estate of I wo are foil James C. Hail. lata of Twiggs County, deceased. I ' mtT ,_3m * to make City Hall Square, corner Frankfort street. (Opposite City Hall) Meals, as they may be ordered in the spacions Re factory. There la a Barber's Shop and Bath Rooms * ft O oV e A Oa «!>• 11.0 N. B.—Beware of Runners and Hackmen who R. FRENCH. Proprietor. are requested to make immoriiate payment; and all. n _ ___—. ——- . , - perroS holding daims wdeamK agrinataaid es- BOOTS AND SHOES. irrStfE^wSu* i^e^uXdfnl^ | A TTHE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT, No. 3. abril 19 SIMEON THARP, OlMffa) Jones County. \ XT’II EKE AS, Ileary G. Dame applies for Lrfteri >V of Guardianship on tho pononal property of of Jones county. ■no minora of Wm. U These are therefore to cite and admonish all per- Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Hail Lot, Macon, Georgia.—Tho subscribers _ _ would return their thanks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and would meet respectfully solicit a continuance of th Wehave now in store a large assortment ofo BOOTS AND SHOES, —. „ . . , . mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly .u* Interested, toihoweausivManyjhey haro.atmy addit j' on> wiu ^ nuaJe, 0 f the different style* ..ffieo. on or before the first Monday in June next. ^ usually called for in a shoe store, and why letters of GuArdUssh.? should not be ffranted I w<H dSiBTite those wishing to pnrehase, to cell and "Xra&my bandand rail this April 4tb^59 “^ 0 °^‘ t i r^e“iT;rSt P .re P ^ , ° ““ “ apr 12 CHAS. MACAKTHY. Ord. | se p ^ og i VTX y KTRTT.AN’n VALUABLE n OOTS.—A fall assortment of Gents* fine French Calf Boots, pump role, welted and U MON COUNTY. rpIIE subscriber oftera x» —w u. n.Mul.in la; L Upeon County, distant from Tbe Rock 3-1 of L Upson County, distant from The Bock 3- I of i mile, known as the Bunkly Plantation—through which paaaea tho Zebnlouroad. Of said Plantation, •boot Four F cultivation- water, soled and proof, ofvarioui kinds and qualities, both -A* and pegged. J ost received and for aaie low by *- “* MIX * KIKTLAND. NEW BOOKS At Boardman’s Book Store. A MERICAN ELOQUENCE in 3 vols.; a new Cy- rlopedia of Commerce; Burton’s Cyclopedia of Wit fo Humor< a Handy Book oa Property Daw; CANDIES- We particnlarly invite the attention of dealers and otiicra to oar largo and complete stock of Can dles manufactured by ourselves, of the very best materials and warranted to retain their hardness and brilliancy, while the imported Candies soon lose both and become worthless. We offer unrivalled inducements to purchasers. CAKES, Ornamented and Plain, Of every variety and made of choice materials, i Families and parties supplied at the shortest notice • and on the most reasonable terms. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh FISn, IN THEIR SEASON. We shall keep constantly on hand dor- ing; the^ Fail anil Winter, Fresh Oys t ers and Flab., Man upon the Sea, by Goodric^ ;Rom^c paras- nttiye , od imported, of the best qualities and re- uiaouthWCTtCTnJ^tor^jJ.ffe^eyathye.|5a-, ^ratfully invite orders, which shall be faithfaUy ' Charles Napier; i * William the Conqueror, by Gen. Sir Charles Napier; . , „„ Doctor Thorne; a new edition of Edgar A Poe’s ChOlCO TOtftCCO and SCgafS, works; The Preacher end the King; The Priest and . To which we invite the attention of Connoisseurs the Huguenot: Lood George Bentick, by Disraeli; - -, n these articles. oct 3 Beatrice Cenci Debit * Credit; Major Roger Slier i ^PmurTA,^ J^a wr"B^BAtra Will yon go North, Wl.cn you can on a tour; Life and TIaea of Hugh Miller; Cruise do belter South ! hr «V reonbdie to suit tiie bile is taken Clinch, Ware, Decatur and Worth. jA-rtliiir IDickinsorL, from the under side, of one end of the under of the lock to the length of about one inch, and then bent over the end of the lock. The other end cl the hoop is then passed round the bale and drawn through a loop or opening in the opposite end of the lock, and tnen bent in tho same manners* tbe other. The button is then turned back to iu place over them, and the hoop is fast on the bale, and the bale may be moved if desired. 7. It holds the package in one-fburth smaller com pass than rope—^thereby rendering it easier to han dle, and cheapening freight These fscU and advantages are certified to by leading Warehouse men. Planters. Shinned and Bro- iSd in ’taiiMsdv^rt^nent 6 * 0 !^ ’MontgoinelyMhe i f'h* ri3 h :>< H : l ,e ®' Webster, Bandoipb, Early and Stew ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON. GEORGIA. OFFICE—in Washington Block, over E. S.auls- bury’s Clothing Store, oct 12 PETER J. STROZIER- JOHN T. CLOVER STROZIER A GLOVER, ATTORNEYS AT LA TV, DAWSON. GA. WILL practice in the Counties of Terrell, Clay, i r nt pijtlniklpfjtn, IS. 11., &c. ofiroim: SAVAIYIVAII a ltd CHARLESTON. CABIN PASSAGE, 613 STEERAGE 63 Excursion Tickets good to return until Jann- uary 1,1860, —925 The well known first class side-wheel Steamships Keystone; State, CAPT. C. P. MARSHMAN. and State of Greorgia, CAPT. J. J. GARVIN, * m rpHK Subscribers, from the i i for Iron Railings of their encouraged to make tint | Now forma Regular Line forth* North, leaving . Charleston and Savannah alternately, as follows: The State of Georgia from Savzt.nah every alter nate Saturday, May 28th, June llth and 2Jtb, Ja], . .. , ffiL. 9th and 23d, 4 c., leariug|PbUadelpliia for Savannah , work* a special department, the intermediate Saturdays. antics for the sasnalsctare of Ur Th* Key Stone State will resume her trip* from Charleston about July 1st,ofwbich due notice wifi be given. For safety and comfort, having superior STATE ROOMS, these Ships are not surpassed by any on th« coast. One hundred miles of this route on the Dela ware River and Bay—two nights at sea. TOR NIAGARA FALLS, THE LAKES 4 CANADi IRON RAIXJjyd " R2S R“M«| all purposes ot th-E> ; , mgaa. cither plain or ornamentufl z> saying to tbe pabiic, that in patj rahifValisl work, together withmj that they are determined to please i- to all tlie usual styltitlfi SHORTEST ASD CHEAPEST ROUTE. Q *2^,7 leading Brokers and Bayers, after the most satisfac tory experience and testa, unite in the following a- greement, which will leave no doubt on these points; C5>* All business entrusted to them, will receive prompt and unremitting attention. This Line connects at Philadelphin with the Great' TT-nl ] pr'c Patprif Northwestern Railroad Route through to Niagara * U - LLCA ° A Falls or Buffalo, in 18 hours from Philadelphia.— This is a new article, possetsiag Through tickets, with the privilege of stopping al strength by a “““t” ~ f — Philadelphia and intermediate points, for sale by the Agents in Savannah. Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, $22. Elmira, $30 to CtDtndiuiruA, #21. C. A. GREINER 4 CO., Agents at Savannah. T. S. 4 T. G. BUDD, Agents st Charleston. A. HERON, Jr, Agent at Philadelphia. bination of WrocrVl AU of which will be i * 1 de inthe Union. R- FINDIail YVItccler * lVi/souv SEWING m v< We, the undersigned. Cotton Brokers and Bayers, of Montgomery, Ala., agree and give notice that we will pay full priees for Iron ‘ with 1 L.A.-W F-I SCHEDULE ON THE South-Western R. H. OYER WHICH PASSES THE GREAT NEW YORK AND NEW ORLEANS MATT,?. i Bound I the IsVdL'IISOLL 1IOOI* I Tthe name^rURuth-; ^ Daily Trains between Macon if Columbus •. * nrfnnl earl Hill TKoo wtll nraoiion an tiro If.iron though we are aware that it will weigo 1J lbs. more ^ for< ?“ d . H “*- .JW **“ *be Macon - - - - * Circuit, and in the Conntiea of Monroe, Jones and 2 £ per bale than Hope-tied Cottoo. HARRIS 4 JOHNSTON C. C. FOSTER, J. S. BYINGTON. M. A. CHISHOLM. From Savannah, we copy the following engage ment made with the Compress Establishment of Mr. ON AND AFTER JULY 29tb, Wilkinson—and by special contract in any other Leave Macon at 11.45 p. m. and 9.45 a. portion of tbe State. _ | at Columbus 5J3 a. m. and 3.45 p. m. m. Arrive Also, in the Federal Court, at Sava&uah and Ma- Leave Columbus 4.00 a. m. and 3.43 p. m. Arrive at rietta. Office over the Manufacturer's Bank. JOHN RUTHERFORD, Macon, Jan. 17.'59 JOHN R. HILL. J. T. MAY, Savannah, July 22d, 1858. Messrs. Fkxzuan 4 Roberts, Mscon, Ga; A m T 1 T? X T U* V A T TAW Gents.—I bare agreed with Jlr. Beattie, Agent for ai iUllAul A i a A It , Ingersoll's Hoop Lock, that I will compress Iron fastened ‘ b bond Cotton, fastened with said Lock, upon the same terms as Rope tied Cotton. This arrangement to last for one season and longer, unless I give notice : of my wish to discontinue the arrangement. Respectfully, Ac, C. A. L. LAMAR. ! HITLER, TATLOK COUNTY, GEORGIA, feb 1—ly" Mscon 9.30 a. m. and 9.18 p. m. Daily let reen Macon, Albany and Darsons ; Leave Macon 11.45 p. m. Arrivein Albany 6.25 a. m. : Arrive at Dawson 6.00 Leave Albany 3.00 p. m. Leave Dawson 1.40 p. m. Arrive in Macon 9.18 p. m. Tri-Weekly. I Down: Monday, Wednesday and Friday—Up: Tues- Thoreday and Saturday. XEW AND VALUABLE DfPEu| IPric.es PLeduciH T HESE Machines are the bet < the public. They are sitayh ■ easily kept in repair: wojk without. The Georgia Iron Lock Company, ISAAC HAKDEMAN, ATTOKXEY AT LAW, CLINTON, GEORGIA. inly 7 ly LAW CARD. comprising the undersigned, respectfully invite the T. P. Stcsbs, B. Hill, Stubbs & Hill, ATTO Ii XEYS AT L A W, attention of all eugsged in Cotton growing, or the j Cotton trade, to this interesting and important sub- : great rapidity; make an even both aides that will not rip; econn Leave hi scon 7.12 a. m. Arrive at Albany 4.32 p. m. are applicable to every purpose ig Ar al onto the art in question. iyA reduction of $35 00 latrlra J. B. 4 W. A. H'Ost Send for a Circular fob 22 eet. To tbe Cotton planters, particularly, they be- ' ieve they are presenting a matter of peculiar inter est and value, and either of them will be glad to fur nish any farther information, or particular applies- : tion may be made to the Secretary. f. Winter, it. a. Harris. DUNLAP 4 HARRIS, j FREEMAN 4 ROBERTS T. A. HARRIS, Secretary. Macon, Aug. 3,1858. ly apl 30 Macon, Ga. A CARD. T HE •indersigued feels it his duty to render thanks to the citixens of Houston end adjoin ing counties, for their liberal and extensive patron age. While he begs a continuance of their larors. Win. K. deGralTenried, ATTORNEY ‘AT LA W, MACON, GA. OFFICE, third door below Lanier House—above Damour's oct 27 Arrive at Dawson 5,20 p. in. Leave Albany 6.30 a. m. Leave Dawson rive at Macon 9.11 p. m. Tran* to Columbus form a through connection to Montgomery. Alabama and Augusta, Kingsville Wilmington, Savannah, MilledgeviUe andEatonton. , _ Post Coaches ran from Albany to Tallahassee. [VT r. A T? T) R? "RTJT?( Bainbridge, Thotnasville, 4c., daily; also, tri-week " ly from Dawson to Cuthbeit, Fort Gaines. 4c. Hacks ran six times a week from Fort Valley tc Perry, HaynesvRle and Hawfcinsville, and tri-week ly to Knoxville, Ga. OSltM End r , let t be will state to those who do not know bim, that ma- ’ gj c ^ e ny years practice in the principal cities of the South i 1 and a complete Dental Laboratory, enable him to make as elegant and perfect Dental substitutes of ' and lati L. N. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON. GA. Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne's Drag jan 6 the most edhy approved and latest stale. IT Dentist in tne State. J. B. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MTLLTOWN, BERRIEN COUNTY, GA, YT7TLL practice in the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT VY comprising the following counties, Glynn, , _ . , ,, . Ware, Wayne, Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee and ling Dental Operations or Artificisl Chariton, also McIntosh of tbe Eastern. may 4 Fable to pay me my regular prices, > -— ad that I will rather share my profits CEO. *. A WORD ABOUT THE “CHEAP STYLE OF WORK Persons neuiwnj Teeth, and ndbal may feel assured with them thanuaccommodste'’ them with a cheap, or inferior style of work, as suck will never give sat- | iafaction, and is the dearest at the end AU persons desiring my services wUl please call at my Residence, in Perry, where they will find all the comforts of. first-rate Dental Office. Families liv- YV . P™” 0 ?. 4 ^* ent . ,< ! n . to > U hnimess YV trusted to them, in Randolph. Clay, Early, KOBINSON CHSS. ROBINSON G. S. & C. ROBINSON, Attorneys at Law, CLXUBERT, GEORGIA. ing at .distance may procure my services by giving ;. * K “ doI 9** 1 D?»y. Early, MU- me notice. R j ler, Caihonn, Terrell, Stewart and Quitman conntiro. Dentists wiU find a Urge assortment el the best i March 1,1859. tf *•" “ for "■! KIMBROUGH & BASS, tificial seta, at Northern priceV DR. FREDERICK GAKKE, fine Family Bible*. Sept 21.1858. l large J. M. BOARDMAN. Lop BUGS. MnpH RIaGES, PI1.KTONS, 4c, 4c. I am constantly receiving additions, not from the North, but from my Latest News by tlic -A.tleun.tic Telegraph.. To nil wliorn It may concern. to my stock on band—of three or four buggies per week—which combine, elegance and fnssh with tight mess, strength and durability. Orders for any sort of Vehicle, Harness 4c, are most re spectfully solicited, which shall be promptly sup plied, and all engagements for work pnmctually met. I have constantly on hand a large assortment ofllsr- P LANTATION BROGANS.-Now U store tbe best assortment of Negro Shoe*. vt‘ — ntmorea Acres croaroa. oneiu stuvei^, eTer offprrd in t hi, market. Men* double -all under good fence; about l our I n . Urd black and raisms: do. heavy Hundred Acres still in the w with five rooms, together with houses; Gin House and Screw; health of neigh bor- hortd unexceptionable; water inferior to none; so ciety most desirable, with Chareh. School, and Hail “ * jlaoli.lpegandnaibillii.k. and raaeetta; do. Heavy wood*. The improve- iSnK i/£ied black and re«e»u; do. boy. and youth, of a ffcuteei dwelling yiack and raaeetta. aU of which wo are telling very , ,U .| low. Sept. 28. MIX 4 KIKTLAND. T> DOTS AND SHOES —Men’s, Boy* and Mhrr J 13 Youth’s fins cslf tad kip peg’d Boots; Itoa'd facilities all olose at haad. Peraona desirous I Men’s Root kip banting and mad Boots; Gents latt ice* and enquire as to forms, I ing Gaiters. Monterey, opera and ties, and fit will eoqaire of Mr. McCreary I Brogans; Gents, boys’ and youths’ patent and to examino the which will be liberal • -u tho place, or to tbe sabocriber near Talbottom april .1—tf JNO. £. BARKSDALE. fine call Notice to Planters. I elled Brogans: Men’s, boys’ and youths* California I kip Brogans, a large assortment. 1 Sept 28. MIX 4 KIKTLAND. Q UBBKK SHOES.—A largo assortment I r A VINO purchased of Mr. Thomas Bagby hi* JLL or Gents aad boys Robbers. Also. La" i»; II entire Interest in tbe Negro Trade, in Mlicon, dire sbpper and sandal rubber Shore of Goodyev • I take this method of Informing those who wish to celebrated patent Jurt received andforralelow by purchase or toll Negroes, that the trade will be coo tinned at the old Mud, next door to Adams 4 Rey nold's Ware Home, on Poplar Street, where can b* Sept. 2$. MIX 4 KIKTLAND. This is to notify the public that Isaacs is at Home Again, And begs to assure his patrons that his SALOON is not a thing of a day. Citixens and the traveling pub* it (.pennotfo, the see-' of the ; Repairing done at short notice and all work war- aug 61858. 1 yr J. U.BS1IES lie will find tbe son only, but at aU CUTLERY! year, and those, JOSEPH RODGERS & SON, SHEFFIELD. ENGLAND. calling upon cs will at all hours find our Larder sup plied with all the delicacies that the Sew York and __ _ TABLE KNIVES & FORKS. more than Sibe ftZdin anyothrehouro in town. <’ Bladed Pocket Knives, octl9—ly Surgeon Dentist. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Geo. Kirrrocch, E. & Bass. Starkville, Lee <-o, Ga Dawson,Terrell co, Ga. mar 9 15 .1Tif.lf.lK AND ' Passengers for points below Fort Valley, shoulc . \/\7“ C L G take the Day Trains trom Augusta and Savannah to XJ AYTE jast received and^opeeri avoid detention in Macon. For other points take ei- j H ther Train. First class steamships leave Savannah for New York, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Passage it, the Cabin $15,Steerage *6.. ~\JiT A HP P TT Through Tickets can be proenred from Bail Boat. 1 V\ xV _L V-/ Jtj. Agents at Montgomery, tkdnmbus and Albany Sis. Hunting Magic Case. Indepeadrat! Savannah to New York, by Steamships, in Cabin, a: tlemen. follows: Montgomery $26; Columbus $23 ; Albany 1 624 25. VIRGIL POWERS mar 23 Superintendent on- in Ma splendid assortment of Goo consisting in part of the following vtiffi GOLD AND SILVi S 30,0 tf V Worth of Fremixuns Awarded. A Prize to every Purchaser. T HE above sum will actually be given away j with 20,000 copies of the following works: WOMAN— Her Structure, Functions, Diseases, 4-c, 4-c„ 4’C. This is a work of 600 pages and 130 illustration., by Dr. S. Pancoast, Professor of Physiology anc Microscopic Anatomy in Pennsylvania Medira GOLD WATUIIEN for Lsdit* ' tiful. SILVER WAKE, such as ?p : ; lets, 4c. .SILVER ELATED WARE j tors. Egg Boilers, (with Gold Plated Spoons,) Fruit- Baskets, Pitchers Waiters, 4c. JEWELS' Consisting of Diamond and Gold Ac., sparkling and bright. Musical Iustnnnraij Microscopic Anatomy in Pennsylvania University, Philadelphia. This work is written in a chaste, clear and prac focal manner, while the illustrations cannot be oh (actionable to the most refined and circumspect of advertisement. tiro laJSaa Tl.. « *- 1 _S * _ . . » Ttlont-fl.! Such as Molina, Flutes, Guitars, i lines. Gold Pens, aad Pencils. Guitar naif and a varied assortment of Fancy Goods, Music Boxes, too numerous to pufi-I the ladies. The volume is complete in every de ! pertinent, and presents all the information so ur gently desired by all classes of females. Price $2 Thankful for the liberal patronigr them, since they commenced beslua.^ continuance of the same, and will s $10,000 Oaslil Valuable Plantation IN HOUSTON COUNT Y FOR SALE. VY71LL attend promptly all calls left either at his rp HE undersigned will sell for Ten Thousand Dot-1 » “ Office, oyer Bowdre 4 Anderaon's Store, or i larsc&sh, the Plantation in ilonston coacty; | *1 ““ residence in Yineville, opposite Maj. Comer's. OK. WHI. F. HOLT mar 8—ly* known as the Ben Gray place, containing THIjJ- j TEEN HUNDRED Acres of Land. This Plantation TVD T HTWOAIT OH/TTOITT is fourteenjniles from Macon and lies in one mile of JL/JtCa J • 1/lvXiuUPl oil!JL JL XL* 1>R Af'Tii’FVi: Dirvcrcriv 7 the South-Western Rail Road, said road passing ‘hrough one comer of the Land. There is between ycand a PRACTICING PHYSrCIAN, .ll.VCON, GKOltGIA. W ILL attend promptly to all Professional calls made on him, either st his Office or Residence, by day or night. OFFICE—Over Menard & Burghard’s Jewelry Store, on Cherry Street. These Lands are level and well adapted to the pro- RESIDENCE—At Mr. J.' B Ross*, dactionof Corn or Cotton, and instead of wearing 1 jan 18 out, get more productive as they grow older, under j ——— — judinona cultivation. .If, It. TpCC 111(111, .If, If. seven hundred acre* of Land cleared, aad in mavtnjaerop anotaerye.r. The place is well improved. Having Frame Negro Houses with brick Chimneys to accommodate Fifty Gin House, Cotton Screw and E. Isaacs & Brother, Cndcr ISaWfou’a Hall, Cherry 81. Ayer’s Clierry Pectoral. fnand at ell times a llkely'h t of Maryland and Yir-1 BronehKKY^hooSnw > CmS*Att£n!aan?COTsumm I .a " TTi T 1 " ~ ;—Ir -"7^ irinla Nerroes at fair Dricre. i — i:k»—11 Bronctutia, hooping locgti. A.:nma ana uonsump- them that it will be our anreiaittiog care to iihw in licit the patronage of the public. • i*tr pticre. J will also pay liberal | tlon . u anir er,aU 7 known re tho b«d remedy ever rrepect. re we flatter ouraeWre we hive done I BASIL A. WISE, .. J - - ■> ^ p Cherry SI.. Macon. Ga Sportsmen Knives, Embroidery Scissors, Pocket And other Paterae. Kazors! RazorN ! OF THE GENUINE JOS. RODGERS 4 SON S Make. I HAVE just received direct from Joseph Rodgers 4 Son. Sheffield, England, a large and splendid vs WE shall be happy to toe our friends, assuring t riety of th* above goods, and most respectfully so- ti... is :!i k.‘. _.i i <l. » si. ..UU u-aracasn - i „ services to its citizens, and those of the n of the “ ‘ Hit bill of fore will eve-y day Be just tbe thing for little pay. And those wbo at their place may eat. Will find in it all thing* complete. And going once, they then will know That ISAACS’ is the place to go. —tbe cates - f its cures, that almost every to meet tbe wishes of the Medical Faculty, import- ofPaleBran- r »ii: March 29,1850—«m. by addreasiogthe undersigned at Busbavrille. Hous ton County, Georgia. D. F. GUNN. Macon, Sept. 28.1858. TO PLANTERS AND MERCI-i^ISrTS. and hopes that in consideration of the fact that he gives no poison, draws no blood, and never destroys tho constitutions of his patients, he will be liberaUv j patronised by the aflieted. ^-Particular attention will be given to Plants tttp nffortliA f.iiimrmi. ■ - , i U*Office at the Drug Store of Dr. M. S. Thom- YV“ °««f.therfollowing articles on very accom-1 spa, to whom he refers. jen U-Iy FOR SALE 1 I section of tho country abounds in persons publicly PLANTATION situated in tho oounti . Bibb and Monroe. It contains 11 or 12 hun dredacre, ofLand-U lresOak and Hickory land- ^55^5 | known, who hare boen restored from alarming and ^ OId ^ lr.Vjr. deeperato diserere of the lttog* by its »**• I the medicalqnslitiesso muchde*S3£ythtmu R ?_! f Wlmn nnce tried iu reperiority over every mher Lo,^ u h^Bill of Fere, end choose for yonrsell lies w«U and is only 16 miles from Macon. I will also Mil stock and utensils if desired. Pa; no longer hesitate what antidote to emmlny r blic I the usd* easy. Msrah 22, ] ‘^ 14 distressing and dangerous affections of the pnhno- shell or by the n ANDERsON COMER. I nary organs which are incident to our climate. By way you want tb< Oysters From New York, Savannah and 21 rasa wick, in the Valuable Plantations for Sale. its timely aae many, nay almost all attack* of disease I n K.IRIM; to mere my planting Interest SM I _w**». I offbr for aaie two valuable PLAN ^JC upon the Lsnre or throat, are arretted and thus are aaved many thousands every year from aprematare grave. No family should be without it, and those who do neglect t rotide themselves with a reme- TATIONS. One situated in Macon county wnnm I dy which ward* ofi this dangerous class of disreare three miles of Winchester, on the South-Western I will have cause to deplore it when it is too late.— sue. raw, fried, stewed, in any I ALSO. Rail Hoad, containing 2.405 acres of level Oak and I Proofs of the snrpriaing efficacy of the Cherry Pec- lUoknry Land, with good improvements, and be I torsi need not b* given to the American people,— ‘ *■ * ‘ —' I they have living proofs in every neighborhood.— fif.-t-ii thirteen and fourteen liundrud arrc-« in culti vat iso. a considerable portion ofwbich is fresh land, ffiut those wbo wisV to read the statements of those lbe other plantation is .touted in the 14th District I whoa* health has here restored aad whose lives of Loo, on flint River, at the month of Cbockeefi-1 have been uMU^to rfaikoe Creek, and it«J by its use, will find thorn in my A 2,474 acres of Land. I mencan Almanac with the agent iMlownameduto about two-thirds of which is Oak aad Hickory land I furnish gratis for every one. »f the best quality, aad t Land, with abonttMrteea tbe remainder good Pine in cuitiva- Prepared by JAMES C. AYER. Practical and An alytical Chemist, Lowell Mass—And sold by all i tw, nearly ail of wMeh ia fresh land, and re prodne-1 Druggists and dealers in medicine throughout this live re nay lead in South western Georgia, aad It I section. mar 15-3m. ny lend WWWWWWBWWWWWWB finely wwlsrt lead■nbefsnBellyimproved. My over- ■aausjn. Suumu.UtfgufU* My ■neats easy. For fi 1st Mscon. will jaly 27—tf w N. BASS. POST ffi: MEU, Commission Merchants, fid PoTDkAS Stkeet, New Otutn, La. K E FERENCES.—M> li. 4 W. A. ltosj. Hardeman 4 (iriEn. I.i,-htl ot A 1.X5U r-. Elijah Bond. Esq. Joseph Clisby. Esq. ■junfH I RUN COTTON PRESS TIVIGGS COUNTY ATTENTION! mHF. undersigned have purchased the Patent J. Mtoht for Twiggs esaa*y, sHUffilBfMftlJ TABLE IRON COTTON SCREW, NEW GOODS. C. Campbell & Son, NEAR THE LANIER HOUSE. TTAYE jast received their Fall and Winter supply 11 of KERSEYS, HEAVY BLANKETS and NEGRO SHOES at the lowest market prices, aad CASH. oct 1 Shrimps aad Crabs. Wild Game of every variety. Venison and Beefsteaks. Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlet*, Ham aad Eggs. Deviledflam and Deviled Tenpins, Mountain Oysters, Turtle Snap, Ac., 4c., Ac. Wood-cork, Grouse, Mountain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Decks, Fish, aad anything that an epicure wants, can always be bad when in season. Coufectioiirrips and Fruits. ISAACS also keep* constantly is hand a good as sortment of Confectioneries, Oranges. Apples, YY mmisting terms 1000 rolls Gunny Bagging. 1000 Sacks Salt. 25 barrels Potatoes, 410 bales heavy Gunny Bagging. 1100 coils Richardson's Green Leaf Rope. 1000 pound* Twine, 173 barrels Sugar, 200 reck* Coffee all qualities. 150 boxes Candle* ail qualities. 100 do Soap, 75 boxes Starch, 100 boxes Candy, 100 do Soda, 125 kegs Nails, 150 bales Osnaburgs, 50 bales Georgia Kerseys, 25 bales Y’srns, 100 bales Brown Sheetings and Shirtings, 25 hhds. Molasses, 20 barrels Syrup, Large Stock of fresh and new Drs. McDonald and Van Geisen, Dentists. by mail, 22 30. By tho same author, a work for give satisfaction to their castomai and qnality of their Wares, and iu p Watch and other repairing execit Guardians, Parents, and young meo, entitled BOYHOOD PERILS, 4c. . _ ., . - This is a work of225 pages, liimo. illustrated with ; "“Ton reasonable term--. nine flne lithographic plates. It has received the cfta highest encomiums from the press, and has passed through two editions in £ months. Price $125; b - mail,81 45. just of Stiffs for eqch ■Jfiorl}. To the purchaser of a copy of the first work, om of the following articles will bu given, which may be selected when ordering the book: Ladies* Gold Pencils, PeUil Price, $2 00 MILLINERY for m m &. i Aito'DAKi H AS just received a large as of the above mentioned articlta j tly, du , qaaSty, such re Straw, Lace, Cn, 2 00 NETS, also Children and Misses' 1 2 0O | Ribbons, Flowers, Hesd Dresses, Bui Ear Drops, 2 Gold Rings, chased or plain, Gold Lockets, Ladies G<4d Pens with extension cases, 2 00! Curls, Braids. Lace and Muslin Sots, r“f?* el!ne Brooches...... 2 On ’ Cepes. Lace Mitts, also msuy otha I SI Fancy Goods. Gold Creeses, « On numeroua to mentiou. til of wt Cable Chains, a oil* chased at reasosiable prices, either ty To each copy of second Work sny one of the fol l *" n RetaiL lowing articles' may be selected, which cannot'b<< I td^Orders will be promptly tad purchased for less than $1 00 at Retail: Pocket; t . tnivea. Gold Studs, Gold Watch Keys and Seals i Mac0 °’ March#—3m . Butto^ n 4c Wi ^ eX ‘ e “ i0nC “' !S ' Bre ”* Pi, “ ,Sle "" Central, Macon ffi Xf Buttons, 4c., 4c. Agents wanted in every town, fo whom Commit■ j SOUTH-WESTERN RAH T 1 work and a gold Pencil worth 25 00 independent If! to any Conmgnee. st $2 00 per ton gf over the Macon A Western, and So*> OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK, MACON, GEORGIA. Electricity used in Extracting Teeth. M C DONALD'S Tooth Paste always on hand and for aaie. Dentists can be supplied with the finest style ot TEETH, also Gold Foil, Gold and Sil ver Plate and Wire, Lathe Futures. Ac., also with any kind of Instruments or Materials on short notice, oct 12 DR. A. PIERCE, Ury Groods, HOMOEOPATH the gift to each subscriber. m HL For 30 subscribers to each work, an additions. i-®ooJa. or to any Station on eithera* copy of each work and a Cameo Sot, (Pin 4 Drops •* 00 P er *®n of 2,000 lbs., prorifol worth #15 00 For 100 subscribers for each work ax “tarked with consignees name. J additional copy and a Gold.Watch worth #40. Foi 500 subscribers for each work a Gold Watch anc. Chain worth $150. Addrersal] orders DR. S. S. OSBORN, 1 Mari»—3 m 9(6 Spring Garden st. PhiL Pa j GEO. W. ADAMS, GenlStiJ ALFRED TYLER ” , VIRGIL POWERS, •• ’’ 1 Macon Taper* copy. |f«*! GIFTS! GIFTS I runs, mens, jew yU® *r* now offering a »ew nij Jo > now offering a l Stock of elegant PEAN0S t Daily receiving in Store, which we will sell at living «» WMMOTOII BLOCK, rates, consisting of the following : Medicine Cates and Books on Domestic Practice for 20 cases Prints. 6 Pine Apples, Various description of Nats. Cake*. Ac., AU of which can be purchased al low price* for Be sure and call at E. ISAACS 4 BROTHER A Q A T3-TN lC^a^5iSfiSS5SSSSSB»;D.. C. HODGKINS & SON,!* 15 cases Ginghams, 1000 pieces Merinoes, Delanes, S hall r and Alpacas 1200 doxen Hosiery, 25 bales Marlboro and other domestic Stripes, 10 hades Ticking, 10 cases Linseys. 10 cases Flannels, 525 pieces Satinets and Jeans 150 pieces Caasimeres. 50 pieces Fancy and Black Silks, 800 dozenJIandkerchiefs, 1900 pieces white Muslins, Also, a large Stock of Clothing and Hats, with 350 cases of Shoes of all kinds, and 1000 Negro Blankets. We reipect/nlly aoUeit the patronage^of the public. Macon, July 13-tf. Dr. C. J. Roosevelt, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN OFFICE AND RESIDENCE— Corner ot Third and Walnnt Streets, Macon. Ga. ■an 11—ly Patten & Miller, Plasters would do well to caU and examine before 32»5SS*.fi3£ft£.?£i FINEST FAMILY GROCERIES o be undersold for Cash. Checks on New York FOR SALE BY THE MANUFACTURERS’ BANK Runaway •ml are prepared to sell said ri^bt to any person wi.duug to buy, the cmxmot W legally . insde or u^ed iu Twiggs rounty, exorpt by purchase I ftom the MilM»»*riber«*. This Screw »«►• gpsgft im- J *12 conveuioxu c. »*.iso sfnltinjr, tAkiog dvira snd j Honei T Blade Ci rass Seed. F ROM the subscriber, about tbe 9th of July, *54, a negro man. EDMOND, about £ foet high, and weighs about 180 pounds; .boat twenty-three years old. lie is of copper color, face long, and quick spoken. Ho has been aeon in Bibb. J ones, and Twig,—, snd 1 will pay $10# for him to be put in any sate Jail where I can get bim. may 17—7t* JOHN HEARN. nr.*.l l>^ a., the whole Screw ran be :i one wagon load One of these I’reuses, 1,1 resdv for use esn be seen at Elder O. A. spril 12—5m* rli. Twig JOSEPH TH8 C. A. THARP .V WEED. Ylarou, Ga., GENT for tie »a!r of the Honey Uisti- liuigt- of IT' Price 03 april 12 A < , RH nm Grass !food. wurranted to crow in an For 1859 ACKER MERRALL A CO., No. 132, €liaiubcrs Street, Cor. of College Place, (Opposite Hudson River Rail Road Station.) NEW YORK. Deslem is FINEST WINES, FINEST BRANDIES, FINEST SEGARS, FINEST TEAS, FINEST COFFEES. FINEST SUGARS, FINEST BUTTER, FINEST hams, FINEST TONGUES, and FINEST FAMILY GROCERIES. dasrripltou. put up for Shipment to all L'.re-l.f nS/Tacon, <3-a. Gallery, most of which are life-size Photographic Portraits, and one full length, painted on a landscape, background, by Mr. P indexter, and said to bo a TNVITEStho. matter piece by all who have seen it. A attention of * X, M e can funu?h betur and more elaborate works tho Sporting '■ of Art, than can be obtained in Macon, aad our spec-1 Public and oth tmena will corroborate what we say. Ambrotypee, (LATE raTTES, HUTTOS & CO_) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GA. rsmy. jl j. mill? ang 3 ; Clark, and othern . rated to phase. _ J Flutes, AreordeooJ set# : instruments kept in our liae. 8tnt' Books. Sheet Untie. 4c. GOLD AND SILVER WATCE l Of that JEWELRY ft FANC1 One Hundred Varieties of Gifts! Melvin’s Improved Gift Book Sale. Melvin’s Improved Gift Book Sale, Melvin’s Improved Gift Book Sale, Melvin's Improved Gift Book Sale, Melvin’s Improved Gift Book Sale, 333 Chestnit S;_ PhUaJ.rfphia- 333 Chestn ut St-, Philadelphia— 333 Cheafoxit St., PhQadeluhia— Silver Forks and Spoons, equal to tf 333 Ckettn zt St, Philadelphia— Watchea and Jewelry Repaired to 1 333 Chestnut St, Philadelphia- I * ’ ’ = With One Hundred Varieties * With One Hundred Varieties' With One Hundred Varieties With One Hundred Varieties With One Hundred Varietieo Of Valuable and Useful Gilts Of ValuaUe and I’seful Gifts M.ircb 1.1859. J. A. -k r ' I N i: \\ BIOTI l J At Tiiorru I milt undersigned-havingopestt■ i IlOrSE. for the reception of tkl . X HOUSE, for the reception of tbi | the i’eople generally to give them ‘ 8 gf k&i: si as Of \ al sable and Useful Gifts Of Valulile and Useful Gifts Conducted on an Entirely New Plan. Conducted on an Entirely New Plan. Conducted on an Entirely New Plan. the beat the market affords, jan 18—tf . AMANDA! C***A Valuable Gift with Every Book Sold. • iyA Valuable Gift with Every Book Sold, j I t**A Valuable Gift with Every Book Soli! rs, to their Catalogues Sent Free, i Catalogues Sent Free. I Catalogues Sect Free. ! By addressing R. MELVIN. EIUN AND DOMESTIC A MUNITION, and every article found in a FIRST CLASS hewfirm: rrit'h ruv? Sportsman’s Emporium, ~ uA.'L.'l LXeLA. NORTH OR SOUTH. Jonathan Collins, (Late Patten. Collins 4 Co.) ’ W ILL continue the Warellon.e .-indCona- nsisnisa K nsi a at tbe Fire Proof Build- I mg occupied by them in this place, in connection w.ikhtas.n, \\ A.Collins. ller.spectfuUysolicits — tbe bnatness of the patrons efthe late firm and Plant-. the Popuh art generally, pledging their andivided attention to ! Hundred V uaa> „ uon ,, rut „ OI „ ^TO*«• roared,aroeelpt * ry.Ntw 333 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. on ot *** r Frofimm >n store, and orders ; for the s:ane will be sent bv toiarn malt carefully^filled. JONATHAN COLLINS. > Receipts taken for evjry package -tf every package sent by Ex- UpHE unda»aignadhaving tsket. the Liver'-Stable X ftwmery occupied b- “ gf carrying on the fame ” alwavs ki Yr% k V'V; ... remro piT« ‘r^ Sifter continn»tiou of past favors, y deacnotion of blank accocnt books, and binds ■oepPhMlsw.CMnAses, and How- gpi ia »ot style desired, Ma^zines, Latr, ^insicand P A ' ? f orr ^ J ^ M ? •-< i I i.m;; book BINDING.ifigagwattajaas*- Mrs. S. Aurioi: H AS returned from New Y< aesortment of SPRING AND SUMMESj Cos sating of all tho Newest saf 1 Frcncii tvy variety. Also, many richl lery, tlep* i i Ornais—t- ! __ ! Back Bru* Cali aad examine for voaiero" liberal patronage pf our thriving ro? ' * ities. Terms Cash. \\\ A NEW aooEa.with or without rai.vTxn roupf.and warrant ed b—t quality paper. , C^ Enginrei s’ profile paper made from the beet also the most ample accommodsties* for Drove; Stock. I my to too public that wo have taken i —, -v- -r w , .. __ _ _ t r r.agsmnmr annua paper mare in h* i S Js^ I T H. Entriisb drawinjr tS any len^h or width. .>»uxiv» w i..i oor Am -at m rrsdy tost-rveyon mHL .-ubaeribk-r, hxxluz just arrived in Macon. *‘ l —■—■ e 41 - - intend by keoping -ro.-gif tongue, pulling together X and opened a XEW SHOP si. ; by . ... <g dev-s ciMi-to buduess. to succeed or repairing break a trace. V> e shall u. vcr tie■ jcUors in Lit.Ji- ing up f.-r you so long as you come up to thefiri; log _ ,. aad settle. Now ifyoti wrantn< to ..sg-on to Rock- “■“‘W •re* and not to be t , in t if v. j don’t want to Me us fieri up to close, put your .-boulder to tb GUNS and PISTOLS, All orders firem the country promptly and careful- lor the purpose of | ly attended to. Office on Cotton Avenue one door below Ko&s and Colemsn*s. apl 13 ezis Wanted Ageni ... ... Ev «ry Town, anted in Every Town. IX. HE I. VI S', Philadelphia, Pa. New Drcsv-'l ;lki "j ESTABLISH^ M l services to the public, and guarantees to j.• — xnd at • put yc wheel, give us a .-hare, and if you find a smgi of iurralitu-fe you may halier ua. Hespectfnilv. ADKRHOLD A JEFFERS mate.sud stAod s!l kinds of westhc HTkl* pnrts of tho Wood i'AtaivV’UoB will be fumish«td upon spplirstion. do all work in his line- i u *the b«-»t m.-ini. prices !<• #ui: J.i.s patrons. m-e IH.U BLK BAKIiKL GUNS, RIFLES AND For Sale on Louk Credit. T OFFER fornktOQ long credir, at * fairprice, cho X rimUtioa oix miles from Americus, f-rmurly owned by T. LROtT* coataUrcfixbondredanii Two iiuiidred and drty acres cleared. Book Binding’. OLAXK ACCOUNT BOOlvS tr.auto tourdurfor -L/ Courts and Cfitattng House, nnd the numbers prmtt-d on the j igea without uitrx oharru , MAGAZINES, MUSIC AND LAW' -s ghiui iv ■ HMIM of Mrs. Hoi pared to cany oa Urnsihl She respect!oily solicits ash april I GRANITE HAj OPPOSITE THE U> 11 i 1ia next and « PISTOIsS, made to order, and^to<'ked at short no- Thurv srp* n ! th*’ ::^ot-?sarv builciiiJs on tht- phice. tl.ro Vftnr IMteAn..., ^ .-.II I >- . rv- t iv v v - . . 1 Opposite I Hotel. the Passenger Depot, and sear Browns Thomsons. lour patronage i- respectfully solicited C?" St ore and — * — - — apr <£d-tt fob »—ly riovil Mouse, oppqsi WM. MARK WALTER Lat* of Augusta, Ga. Negro C’sbms, Gin Ho and Screw, and a grek' Apply to T. M. FURLOW, A j Fiq , at Americus, or to the'uDdersi^ned feb 1 fjt HE subscriber h Co T he sub-, - b r , the first ofAPRH&nexl o# Fimili.a, Day Boar ■ ■ uiers ini? House ' th-r First Cbi-s 11 JAMES Vi. GRIFFIN. DAVID ROSS, and Cherry Street Over Gnrge T. K,,jer- A Sen. cer:.-sl !oc as purcha-ed :he Right to Row- inducement' i, p *dent Carriages ..nd Springs lor Blank ount Bookr, which he ai.lpntun »er-: shec DAVID K08S I instructed, fob 1 lrau.-ient perseu>. House, ail the j sny other hoteL mar 2 “ B. Lat*