Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, May 31, 1859, Image 3

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T oi H*«* Boar4 of Brokers. f l Jlr Culler, in n letter to "The i BnnnJiiBtbc Ganulet I drop of blood, would b« tbe sentence of death JooGludsou. l>f lbeTc . xaa I ~ n 8 e ” once | to us both. I most run—for I have travelled that same road oncer before, and know how to take all advantage. The same God that look ed down and protected me then, and has stood a ns in the fight to-day, will save me now. will dull the knives of the savages, and paralyze their arms. Tm sure of succeas-^so not nnother word, but trust in a protecting Providence.’ "Before the hour was terminated, the chief had assembled his warriors, now numbering scarcely thirty, and arranged them in two lines deployed from tho base of the rock, over tbe prairie to the mezquite. Each warrior was naked to the waist, and armed with his long knife, held dagger-wise over his head. They stood with the right foot extended, and within four feet of each other, face to face. Through this narrow laae, with the warm sun beams glistening from those murderous blades, raised for his heart’s blood, was the brave man about to run. It was indeed a run for life. “Never, so long as life endures, shall I for get the calm, dignified confidence of that no ble soul, lie was as cool, and even joyous, •llBnrr’r," gives the lollowingno- “treed by Indians.” as be called it, upon _ ' " h.' paid to the Brokers’ Board with rock (situated in the middle of a largo prairie; ' 1 ' some thirty feet high and "perpendicular on in an out-of-the-way hall back of j all sides bat «•»*. and that plaguy hard to "hr, in a place as difficult to get in- climb.” His only companion in this prcdica- I- Aladdin's csve. In the lobby ment was an itiiesrant preacher named Lang- ! vs, and apple women, and a busy i worthy, who wan a bravo man and a dead shot. \nding telegrams up through a tube Fivo of their coir rades had been killed by the ".j„n to Boston. Philadelphia, and Kioways before they could reach the shelter l i„ moment a sale takes place wi- > of the rock. Jon and the preacher bad plen- Mercury hints the fact hy light- ty of powder and about fifty bullets each; for ;' j,j,,i.liers three hundred miles off.— provisions they had a couple of wild turkeys ,; r iiie Board-room, we an- saluted by which Langwortby had shot a little while be- , ; ar of voice*. Be find about one fore; and tbeir fortifications consisted of a 11wentv gentlemen assembled (with breastwork of loose stones erected around the , lik, the English Parliament) in a summit of the rock. The way in which they . .tiivi* hall. Kacli man lias his desk, defended themselves against the Kioways I ,; .its until some call of a new stock , will give in Gholson’a own words, as he told ui«. a"' 1 th,' n he runs out townrd the it to a company of Bangers before their biv- f tin- r ,»mi. shaking his finger violently ouaefire. After a few “preliminary remarks.” 1 , rating, ‘1 Jl take.you up, ‘seventy-1 th«? old Ranger went on as follows: il„- let.' •tl'» t ' ,n . v * >,<l ’teller thirty „| t wnH not ) on g before we discovered that , .. , „ , many of tho Indians had gone to their camp, > ■ -re • •• excited men all sbouting an ,j wcrc now r3 t urn i nj ; moU nted. In a lit- .mil ,.;:.cu!at ,o nsas the above, lo ua j tie time they were all on horseback, and bc- •ni'-'' 0 " '"fT.h Al the bids andsale-e p , an to mab,, n wide circuit about ns, which aiHL-vs to cat, |,e niii.-t.lv culls ,be - v gradually diminished, till when they were ' ' Tlie?Hhe' President—a well Jl Hft* , 8 ' ,0t ^Unec. they threw them- >t. 1,11,11 % . _ solves upon the outer side of their Aniraftls« so ‘ r ' a "r n T l en stmks whh nobiT a * “> cover their bodies. In this "£Sjiike strikes some ‘specula^ P«*>‘'on ‘bey would fire upon us, from under .,Vilie Mail,’ or’New York j It! “» ata »R»- Thick and fast that he str kes some -specula- £•“'<>» ‘bey trould fire upon us, from under -"' Se VCcific Mail,’ nr Now York ‘he neck, of their mustangs. Thick and fast '• tl ' there is an explosion of ex- i ‘he arrows fell upon ns; some falling upon the K3 ' : ; , m their feet, fingers nix.?P ot where we .tood, and other, sticking into kick and forth, and the «“ ® f ° ur bread-works. M !*' , li ning. The ursa major of ,,ut al | ‘ h,a *•?»« we were not idle. The , \„,l i. a ,-, lebr.ited broker whom j parson watched his char cc, and when an arm m . Ilis financial fame is world- °r foot of our enemies h as left uncovered, he speed, on an ordinary holiday occason ; and bis features wore an expression of god-like beauty and grandeur, which I had never be fore beheld in any human face. “My faith, however in the result, was not like bis; and when the chief beckoned to him to descend to the fearful ordeal,—I could not look upon him; but turned away my head to hide my bursting grief. Bat 1 was rivetted to the spot; and lie had no sooner reached the ground, than I was forced by an irresistible iiiiiimmi .u.i.s , , — impulse to gaze upon tbe fearful exciting [ ,he bills are made, the workings | P'"!» ed a ‘hot into it, and sent the owner , scene. i . „„ v remind us of Brougham in y« ll,n R ‘ r °m the ring. Now and then one of; ‘‘The brave man had stripped off his doth- ! l.'i.k lie steps out from his desk ; J®® 1 ® would receive a mortal wound, and turn- ing to bis drawers, and tightening his belt, ill-tin.,er toward another broker, hie from his horse; and when his comrades ; stood forth a tall, but perfect specimen of vig- -I'll take vour lot at thirty days.’—gathered about him to bear liim from thc.orous manhood, and awaited the signal to I j . Mlv (Vi, mi. -by that simple op-' ground, wo would both pour into them as rap- j start; and when the chief gave it, he dashed • I'lv iti’xi-aiid dollars"cliangt-,1 hands.’, *dly ns we could load and fire. In this way | forward like an arrow from a strong bow.— lit dashes into our mind—w hut a no. wc soon disposed of cqjht or ten of the red Down glanced the shining blades, and tbe 'ii ili ii would build, lo fact, w e should rascals ; when they withdrew again to the' deadly files pressed closer upon each other, ,u than the avails ofu single mo- edge of the timber, and held another council! while in their wild excitement, the savages ,-mtion, to build therewith a church j war. Whatever their decision was, they filled the air with their fierce yells, and slash- I,' ifi.it would gather and gladden anl not attempt to renew the fight that night. 1 cd at the dying victim, with all the fury of ,J,| souls on God’s Sabbaths. . “Fortunately for us; it was a calm, moon- j their revengeful natures. ; noticeable things to us ill the light night j and, though at a distance, wc "But he skilfully eluded their blows; now ,1 were the intensity of excitement could perceive that mounted patrols continn- - throwing up their murderous bauds and now 1UCOY PRICES CURRENT COI SXCTXD WllUtllilSUi WIXGrilLD A BAGGING—lieu tacky India. Boll BALE HOPE—Kentucky... Northern BEEESWAX CANDLES—Sperm Star-.....-—• Tallow Patent... — . — COFFEE—liio — Java I-aguira. CORN Meal FEATHERS KlSlt—Mackerel No. 1 — “ No. a “ No. a FLOUR—Superfine Extra Family ..... GUNPOWDER IRON—English Sweden—.. Sheet.............. LIME THE BAPTIST CHAMPION.! M0NTY1XE SPRINGS. TMN., GEORGE I V NDER the above title the subscriber will be- i »r * _! Wilk/AhU A gin, at an early day, the publication of a semi-monthly periodical. The caption is not to be construed as indicative of a war-like attitude bat simply as a guarantee that Bible principli ’ d. % SYRUP P g' 50 ti 60 NAILS Pk t * a 4| OILS—Linseed.......... .... P 90 a 1 00 Train PK’ 55 it 60 Sperm 1 60 «- I 75 Imitation Sperm Pg'i' 1 25 • 1 50 Winter Blea'd Whale Pglj 1 00 1 15 Lard—....... Pgl 1 15 a 1 25 PROVISIONS 4’ 5» •• Beef—Mess P lb 12J w 15 Prime......■ P it* d Bacon—Hams............. P lb n » Ml Sides P lb 1 12 9, 13 Shoulders P lb & 101 Pose—Mess P bl 20 00 « 21 00 Prime.............. P M 00 00 9 00 00 bits P tb 12 3 14 Butter—Goshen P !b 30 ii 33 Country P lb 20 3 25 Cheese.................... P lb U* 3 14 SALT P 9k 1 25 9 1 25 SHOT t‘ ! , 2 15 3 2 25 WHISKEY—Rectified l* S. 33 9 35 Pike’s P 37 9, 40 Monongahela... P 0 60 9 1 50 SPIRITS TURPENTINE.... P K 1 65 9' 75 SUGAR—Brown P tb 9 9 10 Clarified P tb 10 II 12 Crushed P tb 12 9 13 RICE P tb 41 9 5 TALLOW P lb 9 9' 10 HIDES P !b IS 9 14 FOR SALE, M V BOUSE and LOT, one of tbe coolest, most pleasant and healthy locations in or about Macon. Good water. Fruit, Ac., in abundance. Terms easy if application is made soon, may 31—It GRENVILLE WOOD. NOT E LOST.—Caution. L OST, a certain note of band given toS. S. Don- lap, or bearer, by John J. Allen, tor tbe sum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, dated about 23d of December, 1838, and payable one day afterdate.— i ; it°r of the Index by giving thi as payment has been stopped, and I have applied 111011 ? payment L_ for a renewal, may 31— 3t S. IS DUNLAP. CAUTION. V^LL persons are hereby cautionedagainat Ira- - - , . , = . J dashing the , ,i. .,1-I, :,in engines. The strokes can- where I obtained an armful of dried limbs, cited warriors right and left, till at length, [,i an inexperienced eye there wilh.which I returned to the rock, and kind- with a desperate leap lie cleared full twenty ;irl; but lire accomplished eye sees ling a fire, we regaled our empty stomachs j feet beyond the goal. lie was saved, and wi lling results with vast rapid- with one of the parson’s turkeys, cooked up- ' kneeling there with the disappointed savages i the inun who lives in such u on the embers. This comfortable meal, though yelling and gathering about him, with furious ting -oimils. and draws his *dai- without water to wash it down, was of great j gestures—still threatening his life—the good, .ui'h a hot oven of excitement.—— benefit to us, as it enabled us the better to en- brave man poured his grateful thanks into the strong and resolute religious prinri- dure the anxious aiid dreary watch of that long listening car of Him, whose true servant he i.,.; to one’s moral moorings when night. ! was. gales of selfish temptation arc'eon- “At length, however, the gray streaks of; “In another hour, we had recovered our hor sing the canvas. A man ought to jnwn streamed up from the horir^n, announ- ses, and had left behind us the scene of our ristisn lwTorohe becomes a broker, cing the approach of another day, in all prob- late excitement; bnt when we were miles a- iir-ei- true. A broker mav be a ability the last we had to behold, when a fierce way, the baffled Kioways were still engaged *'tliy ‘ hnstian. and prolonged yell from tho timber warned us , in depositing their dead warriors beneath the *** . . of the apprqach of our enemies. : grass of the prairie.” of llie lllini'l iu tin; South. “They had collected their pack horses, cov- j . i ri.ily alluded, some weeks ago, to the ered them with tents, tent-poles and other Peaches in Ahkaxsas.—The Little Rock \ ilv iil using camels to advantage in the paraphernalia of their encampment, and lmv- ! ])c mf}C rat asks for an exchange of apples for l. pirtnicnts of labor noir occupieil by ing fastened them together by their heads, p eac i, CSi an abundant crop being promised iu , mule and ox. we felt somewhat in- started them out upon the prairie, themselves ! t | la ^ gec tion of the State, though killed in the i the subject, and addressed a letter to keeping close behind them, on foot. At first nor thern portion. If peaches are abundant M. Woolscy, «>f Alabama, who hail they drove them directly towards us; but soon an y where on earth this year, out of reach of I a munlx-r of the animals, and was changed their course to the right, and made a market when ripe, we advise their owners to ntiug with (hem on his plantation, whle circuit about us ; always keeping the an- care fuIIy preserve every peach by drying, and na. He has eourti ouslv replied to our • imals between us and themselves. Thus they t | ien gent j t | icm | ierc \ n t | ie Fall, and exchange , . and his Ivitcr, which will he found proceeded till they reached the western side, every pound for two pounds of raisins or three ill Ik- read with interest: when they turned their horses’ heads again to- poun( js of sugar. Dried peaches arc always ; Near Selma, May ward us. We now divined their intention, which j n demand in this city, at high prices, and it .-mnali IU publican: * was no other than to assault us on that side, * * t the 17th instant reached here on the under cover of their novel breast-works. Il was a strategy worthy 0 f more enlightened jl e dtl,at beautiful Grove, near my Foot! a Pleasure Garden for the accommodation of vbit- I have employed an experienced hand in *uuh I and practices wiU be advocated and defende,.. An outline of plan can not at present be given, but the Champion will exercise itself in occasion al reviews, criticisms, and exegetical disquisitions on moral and religious subjects ; glance, now and then, at domestic manners and customs ; chroni cle important events; sustain the most feasible plans for propagating tbe Gospel in all lands;— keep a vigilant eye on the movements of the sects and the varying aspects of the religious world.— Besides a tireless attention to each general topics, it will aim to restore to their primitive simplicity, the customs and habits of practical Christianity ; find a just balance between the sound exposition of Bible principles, and the erratic interpretations of personal ambition and local or sectional inter ests ; attempt to induce such changes in the ster eotyped routine of business at associations and conventions, as shall allow talent and solid merit to cope successfully with the magic power of ti tles and position, and to turn tho minds of pastors aad private Christians from an adoration of 1’anl, ApoUos, or Cephas, to Christ and his Gospel. Furthermore, it shall be the design of the Bap tist Champion to correct, as far as may be practi cable current abases, and in still in the minds and hearts of its readers, the spirit of true godliness. Tbe paper will be issued in a quarto form of eight pages on the first and fifteenth of every month, at one dollar per anmii/i, paid invariably in advance—no money, however, will be required, (unless the subscriber shall prefer to send it,) un til on the receipt of tbe first number. This periodical, though small, will contain a large amount of reading matter on a variety of subjects, and by avoiding, from necessity, long ar ticles, prolix book notices, and objectionable ad vertisements, will, as tbe publisher believes, be a beneficial and welcome visitor to its patrons. It is undertaken at his own expense and on bis own personal responsibility. In the language of a dis tinguished Senator, “solitary and alone, lie pats this ball in motion.” He flatters himself that there arc hundreds of his personal friends in Virginia, Missouri, Alabama, and thousands in Georgia, who will avail them- selves of the opportunity to subscribe when the price is so small as to allow them still to continue any other paper. For one dollar they shall have one of the roost useful and interesting sheets that zeal and energy on the part of the editor can pro- duce. A specimen number will be issued on the first of July, and be will be glad to receive names WATT, LANIER & CO., Owners and Proprietors, —ALSO.— Owners, mainly, anil Proprietora of Exchange Hotel, Montgomery, Ala. (S.Laniir A Soxs, formerly of Lanier House, Mo- con. Georgia.) WHOLESALE A DRUGGIST And State Licensed Apothecary, MACON. GA. I S happy to inform his friends, patrons and the public generally, that his Stock is now full and Travelers on the Knilrond from Dalton,! complete, which comprises every articlethat ihould Da., to Knoxville, Tcnn., reach these WA-j be found in a F irst Class TBRS, the present season, by taking tbe STAGE | Drug anti Chemical Sttorc. LINES cf D. I> I'XX Sc Co., either at PH I LA- : Weekly arrival I of the Savannah Steamers ena- DELPniA. LOUDON, or KNOXVILLE .—from ! bles him to replenish his Stock Weekly, with each of which points, STAGES starting at SIX o’-1 FRESH AXD CHOICE GOODS, clock a. m., ran in connection with tbe TRAINS to j which are bought with great attention to purity.and MOJVTVAI.E, about twenty-four miles distant, sold as LOW as at any Drug Establishment iu Oeor- reaching the latter at ONE o’clock, p. m. i gia. MONrvALE , 're ed of SfiowTttbagtive j PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS WATERING PLACES in the country, have, since Compounded at all hours with care and neatness, last Summer, added several new GOTHIC COTTA-1 His stock consists iu part of tho following articles«I GES and other buildings, together with other vain- able improvements the GROUNDS are in beau tiful condition—the ro.ada near the SPRINGS put in the best order—a good cellar ol Ice has been saved. All the accessories to comfort and pleasure of the best WATERING PLACES, trill be found hen. fejf'As to tbe care of diseases bv the MONT VALE MINERAL WATERS, see large’ Montvale Pamph let—especially as to DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC DI ARRHOEA, DROPSY. CHRONIC LIVER COM PLAINT, NEURALGIA. NERVOUS HEAD ACHE. DERANGEMENT OF NERVOUS SYS TEM. CHILLS and FEVERS, Ac., Ac. S. Lanier A Sons have been engaged in Hotel Keeping for TWENTY YEARS, and will continue to make every effort to please tbe public. May 1st, 1859. WATT, LANIER A CO. S. Lanier, S. C. Lanier, / A. P. Watt, W. U. Lanier. ( (may 3) PARIS NOVELTIES JUST RECEIVED AT BOSTICK,KEIN&CO'S “HEAD QUARTERS.” T HE subscribers are now prepared to exhibit their 3d Stock of Dress Goods FOR THE SUMMER TRADE, to which they respectfully ask tlio special atten tion of the Ladies of Macon and the surrounding country. GRENADINE ROBE DOUBLE JUPF.S, GRENADINE ROBE 2 VOLANTS, ORGANDIE ROBE 2 JUPES, ORGANDIE ROBES. ORGANDIE ROBES, immediately so that he mav know how large an j BAREGE ROBES 2 VOLANTS, edition to send out. BAREGE ROBES 2 JUPES, Letters containing remittances, or | barege bdbes^ R0BEg relating to the paper in any way, should | Paris printed jaconets, be addressed to Rev. Joseph Walker, pab,s SpeS^aconeto Macon, Georgia. ORGANDIES, 8t JOSEPH WALKER. muslins, ^ Will the Southern Press oblige the ed-' lLacc mantillas. LAWi c ' 18 ODO inser-' Persia, Grenadineand F’reneh Lace Mautillasjust received, iu the latest styles. ROXTICK, KEIN A CO. SPUING GARDEN. Bibb SIicrilTMortgage Sales* W ILL be fold on the first Tuesday in July next, between the usual hours of sale, in the city of „ . Mscon, before the Court House door, »11 that trict or 1 dins’ f° r * note made to me by J. B. \ W. A. | parcel of land about one and a half miles from tbe . Ross, for One Thousand Dollars, dated 1st May, 1859, i cify of Macon, on the east side of the Houston Hoad, and payable on demand, said note bavin? been lost j adjoining tbe lands of lftzekiah Thompson, Kliza- or mislaid. P. J. MULLINS. beth Taylor, Henry Ball and others. Levied on as may 31—at* the property of Nancy B. Kosser, and Jas. S. Dukes, Trustee for Nancy B. Kosser, to satisfy a Mortgage fi fa from Bibb Superior Court, in favor of i’oe, Grier A Poe, use, Ac. vs. Nancy B. Kosser and J. S. Dukes, Trustee of Nancy B. Rosser. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. Also, at tbe same time and place, two undivided thirds of tbe following described lots of laud lying in Bibb County, and known as the Moore place, and also all the undivided interest Willis 8. Breazeal may have in the other third, to-wit: Lots numbers 209, 229, 229, 234,250, 251, 256, 257, 271, 272 and 273, containing each 202J acres, and fraction number 274, containing 13'Jj acres, fraction 276, containing 57 j acres, and 10$ acres of lot num ber 252, and all in the 4th District of said county, all • levied on aa the property of Willis S. Breazeal, to satisfy a mortgage li fa from Bibb Superior Court, t.. c..........1*/ i\ c...,.i.o wi11• ,g Breazeal ~~~ Levy, made by may 10 ,, ^t iiirally, tho film | all the tli'inamls madr upon u-ls have proviil I warriors, and one likely to prove serious to ns. p upon them.— “ ‘Now, my friend,’cried the parson, as lie in demand in this city, at Infill prices, and it ri„ J. 0_ „ satisfy a mortgage h fa from Bibb Sap J. is probable the price next Winter will be high- 11C6 Ol GcUlli OOuct lAf 3,161 ■ OCC >“ favor of Ovid G. Sparks va. Willis S. i er than ever before. A. 1. '1 ribune. T WOULD announce to tbe public that I have open- \\^’alUrdy, n fonuer Deputy Sheriff. 6 ... i J. ed tliat beautiful Grove, near my residence, as ; ma y31 ED. G. JEF’FEKS, Dept _ , _ i , - - Depty. Sheriff. Foot I’bixts.—Under the title of ’ ,. ’ .. , . ... .... ... , Prints Across the Continent,” IJishop Pierce ^ »■•*«* Stole, mnnfcal’8 Sale. I..... on my plantation lor-tl,.- p.i>t examined the condition of h.s rifle, ‘now comes > has commenccd a scries 0 f lcUcr s to the New Hm?y Sy^!£ brin*g^j£!d Jid?VV ,LL ^ *° ,d More the Court I,on *f , and furry mg burthens to my en- the tug of war. Hut our shots must first be o rJeans Christian Adtocale, descriptive of a beverage ina style not lobe surpassed by any bouse VV the city of Macon, on the tat Tuesdaym Ju- , lion, though I have not been able to directed against their moving breast-works. . . , h , ut to make, with his I in this city. ly next, between the osuai hours of sale, the follow- Low Prices for Cash. JEW STOBE-JEIV J CUM. i it (Baines, | * SECOND STREET, 2 a TRIANGULAR BLOCK, MACON,GA.\ -o n Would invite the attention of , ” Q CITIZ ESS, M E It C II A X T S g | 1 axn flastkhs, ^ a. | To their largo Stock of — " Boots, iSHoes, ** 5*1 LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Z Selected expressly for this market, and ^ * : comprising a ® ONE OF THE LARGEST _ ^ AND ' 2 a I Fl N S S T A S S O R TME N TS I "2. j IS Tin: STATE, ' o Which they offur at i * LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Examine our Goods and Prices before . buying elsewhere, march 29—ly Try us, and you will be suited. Drugs, Chemicals and Medicines, Dyes, Paints, Oils and Colors, Gfassware, Syringes, modern styles, great variety. Window Glass, Putty, Artists Tools. Mechanical, Artificial and Natural Leeches, FYesh Hops and all other Herbs, Surgical Instruments and Medicine CheslsT ' Family Soaps, Fine Starch and Geletines, Fine Castor Oil for Family use, Wines and Liquors for Medical nse only. Perfumery, Pomades and Toilet Articles. Gold and Silver Leat, Gnliland Tin-foil and Artificial Teeth, IlAtR.TooTn and Naii. Brushes, White Wash, Paint, Cloth and Flesh Brushes, TRIPOLI,a great article for cleaning Metal and Glass, Grass and Garden Seed, and all tho patent Nostrums of the day. Corner Mulberry street and Cotton Avenue, Macon. apl 21 ’ Watches! Watches! C ELEBRATED ENGLISH MAKERS-James Hoddcll A Co., It. tc G. Beealey, Josh Toleman, Josh Olarenshaw, Edwards Robinson, and the cele brated American Watch in Gold and Silver Cases. SWISS MAKERS—Eugene Brnquet, Breithing Laderiet, Edouard Favre, Brandt and others too numerous to mention, by DAY A MACSSENET. Clocks, Clocks, Clocks. The Marble Clock, running three weoks without winding—striking hour and half honr. Also, Eight Dav, Marble and Marbleized Iron, Bronze, Wood and Marine Time-pieces, with audwithoutthealarm. DAY A MAUSSENET. F'ino setts of Jewelry. DAY A MAUSSENET. Diamond Pins, Finger Rings and Ear Rings. DAY A MAUSSENET. F'ob, Vest, Chattalanaand Guard Chains. DAY A MAUSSENET. A line assortment of Necklaces, Crapes, Medalions and other Trinkets, by DAY A MAUSSENET. Silver Table, Tea, Salt, Mustard, Berry, Sugar and Cream Spoons. Also, Desert and Pickle Forkes. Cups, Goblets, Waiters, and sundry other silver ar tides too numeronsto mention, by DAY A MAUSSENET. Musical Instruments. Violincelos, Violins, F'lntes, Fladgeolete, Fifes, Banjoes and Tainborines. also a fine assortment ot Italian, French, and English Violin Strings by DAY A SIAUSSENET. Gold, Silver, Steel and Plated Specks with the Scotch Pebble Glasses, by DAY A MAUSSENET. FANCY GOODS—A large assortment, by DAY A MAUSSENET. JEWELRY REPAIRING done at tlie shortest notice and II the best possible manner, WATCHES, Magic and Hunting Cases, Gold and Silver Hoildell WAT c IIE s, for sale by oct 16 DAY A MAUSSENET. :<®. !£. §sfnj|cckrj Corner 3d and Mclberut Sirikts.S MACON, GA. DEALER IN CHOICE DRUGS, SELECTED MEDICINES, PURE C HEMICAIJS, mil improper feeding since their and again wc fired, each time killing or wound- them to a free State. With the exception of mIucciI the camels very much, so ing an animal, anil throwing them into consid- one that he has left at home, because he was i, ill.' too poor to work. With crable confusion. Still, however, tbe Indians a vicious boy, and whom he was afraid tocar- .. i proper lilting harness, I hazard continued to approach, and soon began to re- r ., w j t j, |„ mi they were reluctant to go, conse- ,, ing that a grown camel will draw turn our fire; and in a few moments diseharg- q u Cn t|y, were carried off against their wishes. our two horse prairie turning c ,i a rapidly falling shower of balls and arrows j$ eVt . ra ’| 0 fhi* negros, whom he wished to carry, i it",v breaking out cotton middles „p 0n I am certain wo did not lose many re f 0iC< t positively to march one step, sayiug „1 -n,-ep of 24 inches from wing to shots, and in less time than it takes to tell it t | lat they were satisfied with their condition, ; m. 1 poor and with two years of we hud killed and disabled two-thirds of their | am | p re f erc d death rather than freedom, star-! lv hi™- mustangs and a good number of the savages,, vatioii and misery, in a free-soil State. They ‘ _^«, no ntlinw clioltne (lion (lin 1'ivltAa ' a • « a. J — -%r_. I servants, may rely upon every attention being paid them, as the whole will be under the immediate su pervision of myself and family. may 31 AMOS BENTON. City papers copy. STRONG & WOOD, UAlentn BOOTS & SHOES, may 31 JAS. .U. SP1LLOCK, V. S. Marshal. THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND LIFE INSURANCE COFiPAN -NT. OFFICE r,0 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL £2,000,000, or $10,000,000. ...... ■■■ ■■ ... “V , , . . . ■ | vauma hhu wisp—y, ■— — w———4 1 LCStllCr* Il3tS & Cni)S, • c*— —■ .a ;i-t M’nt twelve bushels ol corn IK)W with no other shelter than the bodies havo cerU i n i y 8 hown good sense.—Ahrierry .. J^cond Street T^nntr. Noplace in alt the 8out». po*. »!«• ground, on the same camel.— strewed along the prairie. The parson was a g u „ m i A ‘ ‘ h0 " 01,1 ®“ nJ on Second street, upi>o. ite , vp(aea more ^cimfes, or mor e peculiar_« Montpelier Farm School, MONROE CO., GA. u „ Ifnplin r*ID L’P CAPITAL, SURPLUS AXD RESERVED FUNDS uIVSTS-2£iSS« ! FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, XJ. scat ot learning, Mr. Martin has trahsftrred [ 800,000 invested IS THIS COCSTRV. thilher his FA It31 SCHOOL Wlilar’a Balsam of Wild Cherry. placed upon a saddle, weighing better ahot than 1, and I preferred to leave ! iIn- camel driver, 1(10 lbs., making the Indians to him while I continued to fire I tirinh ,!, — * P> °' 1 m ' n ” " B ' ,,1>0n . ,* hC P er. ked h0t f CS ’ , r „ , u a 1 From the Principal of the Fredonia (New York) »». « think. “About fifteen or twenty of the Indiaus had Seminary, at which camels can be soUlhcre, now succeeded in reaching within about one Fredonia, July 17. r iinjr to the ape and size. The ex- |, un( i rct | yards of tliorock, when raising a wild j Dj . w y on \^ ■J 5 4 ? 0 * . „ • .a - .i whoop, they sprang out from behind the cov- p ear sirFrom my yrtU ,h i | lftV e been subject to i will cat almost anj thing Umt the cro f their remaining horses, and charged fu- } complaints. In February last 1 took cold, a . ot rt ; fus 5* . ^he> are fed in the ( a- rioU8 j y towards us. At first we received them : aet i n> i expectorated freely, but the roucoun Ison harle\ straw and l»arle\ cliatl, n ,< r r ido8. hut wo hnd no time to reload j «»,«. rironlv D1RRCTOICN IN NKW VOBK. JAMES BROWN. Esq., Chairman. FRANCIS COTTEN, Esq., Deputy Chairman. GEORGE BARCLAY, Esq. EUGENE DUTILH, Esq. JOSEPH FOWLER, Esq. JOSEPH GILLARD, Jr., Esq. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. ED. F. SANDERSON, Esq. WM. 8. WETMOltE, Esq. approved short credit, as any Shoe establishment in -v-rr ANTED TO HIRE—A good Washer and ! EDWARD M. ARCHIBaLD. Esq Georgia. They solicit a continuance of the liberal \V Ironer. Apply att bus Office. 1 President Secretary, ALFBED PELL, Esq peculiar advantages,: BOSTICK & KEIX, i than does this, for the successful education of youth. I MACON ... ............. GEORGIA, ! The Fall Session will commence ou tho 25th of L h d7uh 3r"ghc ? information, address the President, at of all the different styles of workmanship and wear, Georgia, and which will be sold on as good terms, for cash or | —_ ~ patruuago so long enjoyed by Iho firm, may 31—ly j , „ ,1... "htill we remamea unimri, ana wnen tney i lbe hitter part of April, I tell home, intending to Iru'vJne.i.vIiv in JKhanii rol- rcached tho lower edge of the rock we dropped - travel awhile, and.lf possible, escape by that means 1 ‘ ;V Zw on fa i. old whcrolt our rifles and 1 * url ‘ ' 1 tbe s,oncs of our breasl * fro™ present danger. Mine luxuriating upon weeds Lri- ’ rorka J 0 "" 11 tbe ™ w ' tb * uch crashing When I reached Buffalo, my coagh was consider ”1 and murderous effect, that they were forced to »bly aggravated A friend there advised me to try i d - 'I „ ill 1,,. retain.-.! In- me fall hack again, dragging their killed and i the “Balsam «C WiM Chony.” but 1 told him 1 had sr -,m m-dbvJ \ M.-n linlo ami for wiminleil with then to the rear of their horses, j swallowed medicine enough. The next day my , r)~.c r.'.r Iwianm .,n Mr,bile Now the firing CCiifCil; and after a few mo- friend urged me again to try “Doctor Wisfar," and .^rahlo inalx mofti?r i ">onts apparently rccupie.1 by tbe Indian, iu , t 3 p. m., I was willing to try any thing, tor leengn- parobk in six montijs. 'consultation, to oi:.r surprise, one of their num- M constauily. l procured a bottle, drank of it. con Mr. Machado to bnng these inn - stripping from his person a white shirt, tinned taking it from th»Y bottle one week, and when purpose of satisfying mj self if a 'j’ % th , ; cnd ^ hi , B „„. e ,iek. hold- „,o n »i,.m was gone my cough and pain, were 11 ‘ilri’nioh" "haveno 1 ? ^^‘t^rmr- ■ nrtvanfed toward us, and in very good Span- ; gone, ai.d I have not coughed since. ,1.although 1 have not yet DOT i & | nqnired Jf wc gonld have a short talk with Respectfully yonrs, " agon. ,-vi-ent them. To this we assented, not, however, F. A. REDDING TON, !r cWUnsVho immense! with the hope of making favorable terms with , None genuine, unless signed L BUTTS on the ' U> ' ' k ‘ ® v Zibi ‘hem ; but we wore, in fact, almost destitute wrapper. and of ammunition. Wc had done them too mnch ; ton W Cm Proprietora.-| BELDEN & CO. STRAW GOODS, AT COST FOR CASH. No Humbug:. W K have jost received an extra supply of Straw Goods, consisting of Panamas, White and Brown Leghorns, White Senates, Slate and purple Canadas, may 2t FOR SALE. T HE subscriber will sell the house and lot at present occupied by him, about one mile from tbe city, ou the Houston Koad. Tho lot contains five juid a half acres—is susceptible of great im provement. There is a small dwelling and kitchen oh the premises, and a first-rato well of water, may 24—2t J. W. GREEN. Notice to Planters. H AVING purchased of Mr. Thomas Ilagby his ei “ " . . ** . ntire interest in the Negro Trade, in Macon, For Boys and infants, every variety of Hats; and I take this method of informing those who wish to Flats of everv stvle. _ i purchase or sell Negroes, that ttu» iihaslowiiioe con- These Cocas MfiT b# sold as Yuon as pouibiv, j *k« A td stand, next door to Adams A Rey- and to Cash customers we can offer great induce* 1 Mold's Ware llnuiw>, dr Poplar Street, where can b( inents. BELDEN A GO. found at all times a likely lot of Maryland and Vir- Counsel of the Board, A. HAMILTON. Jr., Esq. AVERS, WINGFIELD A CO., Agents, klacon, Ga. apr 26 A«Q©IL!JILir(ia!M!L IMPLEMENTS. H" may 31—it "T X 7" q vciVi mn q o AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS MACON, GA. •;!lu iS *ex- damage to hope for any term, short of death., Sold by their .genu *v«ywh^ | ttave COATES & W00LF0LK i giuia Negroes at fair prices. I will also pay liberal prices for all young and likely negroes offered for sale. .JAMES G. NOEL, j March 29, 1959,—Cm. FOR SALE! M V PLANTATION sitnated in the counties of Bibb and Monroe. It contains il or 12 hun dred acres of Land CARHART & CURD AVE in .tore. Grant's Clinton's A others make —all rizes FAN HILLS. Emery's, Winship’s, Georgia and other SPIKE XmCESIIEUS. , Emery's Railroad, Bogardus's, 2 and 4 horse, * HOUSE POWERS. Grant's and others make 5 and 6 fingered GRAIN CRADLES. ! Scythe Blades, Grass Blades, Grass Syckles, Scythe i Stones, Corn Shelters, and Straw Cutters, ALSO, \ Wire Cloth, Bolting Cloth, Leather Belting. Rubber i Helling, Mill Spindles, Miil Cranks, and ail kinds of MILL IRONS, ith a full assortment of Builder's and associated together, and occupy the new J *1 Tin Roof Warehouse uow being erected op posite Messrs. Hardeman A Sparks. Liberal advances made on Cotton when asked for. 1 ” Ord-ra for Bagging, Rope, Groceries, Ac., shall 1 reaches this pint, I sliail feel Kioways. and that their chief, “‘Tv'a?*’ I for the outlay of lime, money and (Biff Bully), prmmsed. if wc wonld surrender mar at- Iain now doing to ascertain it without farther fighting, to spare our l ea , -i-vrp p rn t T T 7 J] 13 g I have our personal attention. \j,t ritm-nu thiN fir it mav bo proper and as we were big braves, we should be kind- ±* ±L* JrO X A. -L-i X ^-1 JiLi We hope, by prompt attention to business, to mer I. ; SSSS? I “«re.‘ed. sand j it a liberal share of P* 1 ”*”WOOLKOLK, may 31 N. COATES. 1 .won roe. 11; contains it or 1* j Together with a full assortment of Builders and J re ®i^*r aD< * H ,c ^ or y , ,,d .„ Carriage Maker’s material, and everything usually is only 16 miles from Macon. 1 will | | re p( \ u their line, all of which will be sold at the low- lr niul triDiwild it diKinul I’nvinonta t * ... «• alio sell stock and utensils it desired. Payments t . s t u iarket rates' Call at made easy. March 29.1859. ANDERSON COMF.R. CARHART & CIJRO’S. $50 Reward. may 17 GENERAL AGENCY’. I3r l'lie undersigned respectfully auuouucea to j PASSMAN’S B ROKE JAIL at Irwinton, Ga., on the night of the 13th insf., MERIDITH HONEYCUTT, alias Dick Honeycutt, alias Dick Leathers, who was charged with the offence of negro stealing. Baid M. DKASON, Jailor. •I'hil the tiw or unwilling or intmcUble. of some of their own wanors whom wc had UMun, let inc say, that the above is j killed. . . . ; fni -V «1« rations with "the animal of, "I rc P b ^’/!“^. CO ,?i“!' J "5 n ,*. e the i’ Planters and othen interested, that they are con- TTnOUCl A TVfTI TTPQ I Honey^utiU abou*“25yeare^‘ord?frir'skT.n^i. fight * up to tins time. I will write you that WC could not think ot accep p .tantlvreceiving direct from the Islands, and from 1 HIJJ.M JaUUiTiI) ilil 1) xXJulk^i hair, weighs about 130 pounds, has a down look >• 1 «>» In iter posted. , term., and added on my own account that one » 8 followi MOST APraoTID 5 when spoken to. and is n.tarally a mean looking lmantiine, with the warmest wishes of us. pointing to my companion, was a great tbe KO „ ^ wa> M o{ wbM , have been F0R COTTON BALES. man Iheatove reward w.ll be paid for hi? arrest |>M-|wriiy and happiness. ; medicine man, wliowas possessed of n charm , uJ ..Ustactoiily tested, viz: | Price C cents per pound, 2o per cent, less than so esn geUnm ,l *' ar Mr - yours truly, which would not fail to save ns yet. <- j p cruv ian Guano, . Rope Br.xj. M. Woolsky. i “Tlie Indian returned with our reply, and - ... • forthwith they recommenced the attack. Still bomhrero Guano, . xr Am ,,05-Col. Jcrre Clemens,! wc continued to defend ourselves, till at length , Rhodrf Super Phosphate of Lime. Senator from Alabama, and now edi-' my bullct-pouch being empty. I was forced to Xational Fertilizer. .... ' . •!.. ——“n MU. f ;roaB d Planter. These srtieles, wbieb will have ,-ur hraud, aud he guaranteed as genuine, wo shall, at all times, be prepared to furnish iu amounts required, and at tho lowest prices. The “Soper Phosphate," and “Fer tilizer,'' at manufacturers' rates, with ezpenses of Save Freight and Commissions. Carhart & Curd transportation s^ten * MILLER. Savannah, May a—l.v |»-Tbere is no medicine gaining inch rapid rep utation as WILLIAMS' COMPOUND 8YBUP of sale and Retail at the Drug Store of may 24—2w (3) ‘ ZE1LIN * HPKT. WADaWORTH'S LINIMENT cares sore throat ; Mempiiis Knonirer, in noticing the | throw aside my weapon, as the by accident ofGideonJ. Pillow, Jr., would not fit the barrel. a ^ er .,“ h ■Iwntlv to Ins father: i more discharges he. also, discovered that fie 1 not know young Pillow, but wc had spent his last shot. 'am p!a;c in our heart for his father, “Now tndeed wo were at the mercy of oar ly Ivin S with him in hi. he- foes, who immediately understood onr ..tua- W'hatevcr may be onr political tion. But wl.ili the supply of loose stones Lc are recollection, of the past, i r.hould hold out. they dareSnot again trasault ion, of the present, which make! our strong position. Agmnthe whiteflagap Hat overtakes him. a source of proached and offered a talk. This fme we ill,. When he was promoted from were willing to come to terms, and mqu.red ^ ; Major General, our regiment wb f* was Ki^tTaro 0 ^ wolves, and they ! SARSAPARILLA. »nd IODIDE of POTA WIUM I to his division, and wo speak of The ), r nve« ’ said the In- ia the cure of a numerous progeny of diseases that when we aay that a truer sol- k?ow how to respect groatWro, swdtte oriein to n Mralnu0 „, Di , thesis Serofu a sword in bit country’s cause, dian. ‘Wo wt :l not kll ! j°“’. , 5 ?. { of lou , Ulnt j n tho constitution and in tho blond, such -i cf Chepnltcpec an incident occur- made tb* prrirui grow rad with »h® blootiot ^ T Sor( , B Syphilitic ; > Gr.,i!m otta Bom... day. wonld our best warn**. J* w.l^roy~.dmnce >n<1 ^ aUeMeB of , he ritinm.dbtaod. his name immortal. He was I for your lives, find let j xh,.. relUblo remedy, and can bo had at Whole- h »Mc leading on tl»c9tl. InfanL-y «n ' your med.eme man. Look I and^the Indan : "'ti nners ’’ Clias. J. Sprague poiuted to a solitary mezquite tree standing iud of the Dth. ran up to him and Sent two hundred yard, from the rock. Let Fiat can 1 do for you General ?■• j your big medtane l*”^. V **• b »ef and stern, “Take the Cas- he run. the km fe S uantl f‘ ^Vrent Sdrit has la (lie i liilst of the agony ho was be escape# uidiarmed, the Great Spirit nas ke thought only of his country and willed it so, and you shall both depart in peace, \ «f Iu, command, and from that honr j the word, of a Ktoway are true: Macho loro i ^*1 uu officer in tho **old Ninth’* hw ■•id it. ... , • » i u Pill.-w could not name a friend, j “ ‘When ahall the trial be made ! inquired r of tl ese callant spirit* arc scat- the preacher. _ _ .. I* /tain Maine to California, but wlier- “ ‘In one honi-, answered the fthem ,o be found, wc venture to “ ‘So be it ; say to yonr ch.ef that I a«*P » wuiilil bca dangerous thing for hi. term, and will be in readmes, forthe race. [ tu ‘«y unkind words of Gidron J. And tiic good preacher, turning to me. clasp- * presence In his difficulties with ed my hand tightly in his own, xwhslo his face 11 »<• took no purt. Both had been, lighted np with a bright plow of '®“ bd ®"£ e ' P our tri“ndw!and while we deeply I ‘My good friend.’ be excl.,med,-ntvas iflacky r’k. eitrtngement of two such men, thought in you nkind Provi- ^ « woulU be unbecoming to n» to! man, fori can see the band ° f _ a Houstou SlicriH Sale ,^10 conUcmnation of cither. Hia- denccinit I f a ? 1 lives will be safe; VS TILL bo sold before the Court Houseidoor in 'k* justice to both, although the rots* without a scratch, and our perry, in sain county, between the usual •Sos who. u we sincerely believe, for I have heard much of Mucho Toro-and H |he m Tnraday in August nezt. a “ we 6,nccrc, J rj that he will keep bis word. n,med Mrgil, levied on by Alozandei ,f 22*^ m# y etCUpe eVCD %hC n °' ^..fp.Z.n Lan-worthy.’ aafd I, ’you shall not K5MKS .,f«uKounty. ty virtue of a mort- ^*11— I run KtflCrTaa run tti. fesX'SSa'ST.S M«Mf 0 fi r r *« ar p 'J iat E< ^',q'ut tut, man!—yon don’t know what Sm&’LmSs* ^psr^^pSaSToi*.** Sf ifid Z ? f cb ^ ge ’ “5; 1 ar T “’ Kemember, lotix our lives are de- ^ r 0 ^. fi fa. jJh/s&ITH. D. Sheriff, i pending upon the result, and a failure, crea.| may *■ Any one conelderiog the advautage* of Iroa over Rope at a material for biuding cottou bales, will be 1 cnnirised that it baa not been Adopted long since.— ! hi w security against fire, there is an overwhelming 1 reason for its adoptioo. The presses in the seaport cities have been the main cause of its not being generally adopted ; but ISTOTICE To Persons howling Bonds of the \ now iu store, and sold at their prices—no freight ad MiD©iyiiLT(y)^L Machinery&Implements GRAIN CRADLES. Wood and Wire braced, 5 and 6 fingers. Price 3j to 5 dollars. SCYTHE BLADES, English Patent, American Silver Steel. Price toe to SI 15. SICKLES' REAP HOOKS, Grass blades. Scythe Stones and Rifles. WHEAT FANS, Grant’s Patent, Excelsior, he. Price 18 to 10 doitars. THRESHING MACHINES, Brown’s Virginia, Wheeler’s and Georgia made.— Price 33 to 50 dollars. HORSE POWERS, Sinclair's and Whitman's Lever Powers, one and tiro horse R. Itoad Powers. Price $\00 to 8HD. STRAW CUTTERS, Slinck and Fodder Cutters. Price 5 to 30 dollars. CORN SHELLERS, Various sizes and Patterns. Price 8) to 15 dollars. WEEDING HOES, S jovil's, Collins', Weed's, Brades’ Patent, Clement’s iron anil Wood Straw Rakes, Cultivators, Harrows, Plows, Corn Mills. Churns, Wheelbarrows, Ac., Ac. All for sale at the lowest prices, by NATHAN' WEED, april lfi Macon, Ga. SIKGK'AL INSTRUMENTS, WINDOW GLASS, PEEFTLMEB’ST, SOAPS, ! PAINTS, l| j 1 OILS, \ PATENT MEDICINES, >; ) j FRESH GARDEN SEED, i j Merchants and Physicians wno mini tbiusilvis ON DEALING in ARTICLES OF THE - - - —I FIRST QUALITY, And at low Prices, if AY RELY UPON BEING SUITED. j mar 1 j Orders Promptly attended to. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR! rKKPAKED BV DR. SANFORD, Compounded entirely from <Bunis, TS ONE OFTHE BEST PURGATIVE AND LI-' I. VER MEDICINES now before the public, that acts rs a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more ef fectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the sto mach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus ac complishing two purposia effectually, without any of the painful feelings experienced in the operations of most Cathartics. It strengthens the system at the same time that it pnrges it; and when taken daily in modorato doses, will strengthen and build it up with unusual rapidity. The f.iver ia one of| '—effecting a radical the principal regulators . cure, oi the human body; and sul Billions nttneks when it performs its rx are cured, nml, what functions well, the pow- i* better, prevented, ers of the system are Jr by the occasional use fully developed. The Ei| of the T.irrr Invigo- slomach is almostentire - J rntor. ly dependent ou the jjj One dose alter eating healthy action of thoLi-.^J ia sufficient to relieve rrrfor the proper per QS'the stomach and pte- formanee of its func- JT vent the food from ri- tions; when thestom- Q sing and soaring, aehis at fault, the-j. Only one d;«e taken consequence of one or |b| xightinnrc. gan-the Irtrcr-hav- 0nIy one dos8 uken ingoeased to do ltsdu- at n - 1({htf i„ oseng the ty. hor the disease of |ap bowelsgcntlyandcures that organ, one oftheg^ Costive.,cs». ili^tX i-practice M , One dose taken after of more than twenty cure years, to find some re- aJ e , medywhorewith to W ( STOnedose of two counteract the many CJ w L 1 i derangements to which ways relievo Sich is.Ua Cr*_ Ilcauncnr. l * . .. One bottle taken for lo prove that this u female obstruction, re* remedy is at List foaod*! ■ moves the cause of the anv person troubled |b| dig eaget an d makes a with Liver C o m- perfect cure, plnint, iu any of its _ Only one dose imme- terms, has but totnr a (f2 diately relieves Cfaol- bottle, and conviction | c ^ w hii e is certain. Qoo <lose olten re- These Gums remove peated is a sure cure for a 11 morbid or bad mat- |Zj ('Xsolcrn Jlorbum, ter from too system, p. and a preventive of supplying in their place W Cholera, a healthy How of bile, VVg Only one is needed to invigorating the atom- throw out of the sys- roR ( ach, causing food to di- gj tern the effects of medi- gest well, purifying ” jcine altera long sick- , ! the blood,giving tone ^;ness. Jrairbank S Scales, i and health to the wholej^JJ C3F*One bottle taken machinery, removing'JQ forJTnuudiceremoves A full assortment of Counter and Platform Scales i the cause of the disease, all sallowness or unna- ^ OR EH E AD'S MAGNETiG PLASTER 1THE GREAT STRENGTHENER AND PAIN DESTROYER. T HE best and cheapest Household Remedy in tho World. Simple and pleasant in its application, certain and effectual in its results. A beautiful, sci entific, external Curative, applicable for the relief ofpain at anytime, in any place, in any part of the human system, and under all circumstances. If yon pnt this Plaster any where, if Pain is there, the Plaster will stick there nntil the Pain has vanished. The Plaster magnetizes the pain away, and !*ain ennuol exist where this Plnstri-is applied. Rheumatism, Lameness, Stiffness, Weakness, De bility, Nervousness, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Coughs and Colds, Pains and Aches of every kind, down even to Corns, are IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, and, with a little patience, PERMANENTLY CD RED, by the magical influence ot the MAGNETIC PLASTER. It ia the simplest, sorest, safest, pleas antest and cheapest remedy in existence. Its ap plication is universal—equally to tho strong man, the delicate woman, and the feeble infant. To each and all it will prove a Balm and a Blessing. Its use is agrees tie, and without annoyance or trouble.— Its price it within reach of all—rich or poor; all may have it, and shonld have it who are sick, and suffering in any way. PLANTERS should be always supplied with the invelnablo PLASTER. It will be the Good Phy sician on uny Plantation, ready at all times, and st instant notice. Put up in air-tight tin boxes. Each box will mako six to eight plasters, and any child can spread them. Price 25 cents a box, with fall and plain directions. I>. C. JIOKEIIEAD, M. Ml., Inventor end Proprietor, 19 Waikerst.. New York. MOUEHEAD'S MAGNETIG PLASTER is sold by all Druggists in every City, Town and Village of the United States. Nov, 23. Macon, Jan. 4ih, 1858. Tho subscriber will make cash advances on cot ton consigned to George Parsons h Co., Savannah, and agree to hold the cotton forty-five to fifty days from date of shipments. ISAAC SCOTT jan 5 Imsui-ancc Agencies. OF XEC -AVC U£TA IN0UHAN0E & RANKING CO. AND TEE ALABAMA EIRE & MARINE INS. CO. AT THE OFFICE OF LANIER & ANDERSON. Agt's. 1858 tf Macon, Ga. SOLE AGENTS WADSWORTH'S LINIMENT cures Rheumatism; WADSWORTH’S LINIMENT cures Neuralgia; WADSWORTH'S LINIMENT cures back aches; WADSWORTH'S LINIMENT cares all pains. Sold wholesale and resail by may 24-*w Z.KILIN * HUNT. M w ABN I N <3-. LOOK. OFT. T HIS is to forewarn all persona from tradiog for a note given by John McDonald to M. Fits- i-erald dated April 13. 1859, as the consideration of SfettS-" -“j&nsssnsr may 31—*>* STATE OF GEORGIA. Tiieasi kv Depaktbext, > Milledgevillc, Ga., May 18th, 18511.) now that^ection i^emoved geMijrtly and the HEUF at pre5< . nt . Urge surplus in the Orleans Press, She largest in New Orleans, gives it I TrMsnrv „ s f Sl , tc . - n d there being bnt long experiment; tooombU.. thejrroatiaq nrorns m j 1|onds ofthi , stllte which are not due. and that any simplicity and facihlyof applies °“ e : p erso n or persons holding tho Bonds of this State made, ltis so prepared as ta require no change for ^ w[li( .h bear seven per cent interest, will receive re-compresaing. Thus obviating the only remain- j. Bonds at par, by presenting them at ing difficulty at the leaboard cities. .' the Treasury of this State, or at the Bank of Savan lhe hoops am sent of any length, fromeightot uU , ora , , h -f G(M)rg u ltlU Road and Banking Corn- ten feet, trad a fuU guarantee given that neither the 0 ftbia State, at Augusts, at any time previous lies nor Hoops shall break And further, that all, P , J Jn , neI , j u trIPPE. cotton bound iu them shall be received on the same "4—3t Treas'r. terras, at tho Orleans Press, as rope bound cotton.— ' J " The weight per bale ia about tbe same aa rope, not GLEET, one pound more or less. , ,, .... . . , To show the opinion shipmasters have of it, we ! There is probably no disease that haAso often bal- givo the following, among numerous commends-1 fled the skill of the wisest heads in the Profession, as lions we have; the above mentioned disease—a disease, which at The undersigned masters of vessels, having had times, would seem to defy any and every treatment cotton compresred with Passman’s new Iron Hoops that may be instituted. The great difficulty in effect and Ties, htreby recommend the tame. The hales : ing a cure, however, has been, first, the want of a being well compressed, and the buttons or hoops,; proper selection in remedies, and second, in the ad- nevtr breaking when thrown down in the ship** i ministration of stimulating remedies when the dis- hold, or when stowed. L. L.Condoy, Captain of ship Mosea Davenport. charge was occasioned by Stricture. Gleet arises 1st from a Chronic lufl-imuiatory state I of the mucous membrane, of lhe uretha, brought about by Gonorrhoea—the discharge arising from I the relaxed statu of the secreting vessels; 2d, from ulceration of that membrane—the ulceration arising from tbe severity of the specific inflammation, Gon orrhoea ; 3d, it may, and very often does arise from i causes entirely unconnected with Gonorrhea: the The pries’of Hoops and Ties at New Orleans is 6 secreting Ttawels of tbe part haying from various cents per pound, and all orders will receive prompt causes lost their tone ; 4tn, from Stricture.. w rs I J. a— s _ ..MSsr.Mafnllw Inaai 4 h r, fieet tliPnil v-iFI A. Robinson. Janus Thomas. A. Talbot. John Dean. John C. Wilner, II. Kopenholdt, L. P. Merit!, Madras, •• Henry, “ Hareaaeeket, “ James Flint, “ Mulhouse. “ Ella A. Clatk, Bark Kimball. attention. Liberal deductions made to merchants for city acceptance, by F. BELCHER, Agent, may 31—6m 12) Commercial Place, N. O. Bibb SlicriUT Sales. W I LL be told on the first Tuesday in July next before the Court Uonse door, in the city of Macon, between the usual hours of sale, Part of lots Nos. I and 2, in square 71, in the city of Macon, the same being the place where John A Hoge now lives; levied on as the property of John S. Hoge to satisfy a fi fa from Bibb Superior Court, in favor of Cohen h Hertz vs. John S. Hoge. Pro perty pointed out by Plaintiff*s Attorney. Alsot ai the same time and place, Jim, a boy sbont To successfully treat tbe first three varieties, re course must be had to reliable remedies, whose par- ticnlar action will be upon the liniug membrane of the Urethra; and for the last variety, the same rem edies should be made use of, but in connection with the use cf the Bougie; asa remedy in the first three rarieties, there is no remedy so peculiarly adapted to bring about a speedy euro as “lti»lry’» Com pound Pluid Extract of Ilurhu,” a remedy that is probably more frequently made use ot w the cities ot New York, Philadelphia, Charleston, oa- varo.ali. Mobile and New Orleans, than the entire catalogue of the other boasted remedies—a remedy which, if used according to the prescribed direc tions accombanvimr tin medicine, will not tail to at- tural color from the skin. Onn dose token a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food digest well. One doso often repeated, cures Chronic Dinr- rhira in its worst forms, while Mtiminrr and ■to wi-I complaints yield almost to tho first dose. One or two doses cares attacks caused by worms in children ; there is no surer, safer, or speedier re medy in the world, as it nzvas vails. ty A few bottles cures Drop»y, by exciting the ded. Orders for Railroads. Warehouses,’and other large Scales taken, and will see them put up. may 17 anotTi ek wan dekeu negro. $100 REWARD. I \ViLL give Fifty Dollars for the apprehension and ^ •afe delivery to me of my min JullX, who lias I absorbents, been “a wanderer ” for the last twelve mouths, and \y 0 take pleasure in recommending this medicine an equal amount for the conviction of any white man as a preventive for Fever nml Agnc, Chili Fe- who harbors him. John ia about 45 years old, of V er,and all Fever* of a Billion* Type. Tt op- dark complexion about five feet nine inches high, is ■ erates with certainty, and thousands are willing to stout and muscular,has a very heavy chest.and weighs • testify to its wonderful virtues probably 180 lbs. There ia a considerable sized ir- j A li who u*e it arc «iriu^ their nunuimoua regular scar on hia back, (caused by a fall.) But ho tcNtinaouy in iu fin or. may he identified by slight marks indicating the from (ynix water in the mouth with the In- which an extra finger (having been attached points vigorntor, end .ivalloiv both icgcilicr. by a mere cuticle,) was clipped from each hand du T . T . ring his infancy. It is probable that he h lurking in JLllG JLlVCl* InVl^OifltOr the vicinity of Macon, but he may have been decoy* i IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and ed off to some distant section by a white man. ; is daily working cures almost too great to believe. apr ad, 1819—tC. WM. LUNDY. It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving JFor Mule OU Loitsr Credit ; benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required T OFFER for sale, on long credit, at a fair price, the 1 “T °» f* 1 ”' 1 Plantation six miles from Americas, formerly w ® rst J “ Qnd ‘ ce ° r . D > s Pf,P sb ' ‘°. * common Hexd owned by T. L. HOLT, containing six hundred and i i c ] ie * nU of " 1 " ch are the resoU of “ D,,ra,Bl seven acre*. Two hnndred ar.d fifty acres cleared. : I * , 'T. r '_ There are ail the necessary buildings on the place. < I RICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Negro Cabins, Gin Hooso and Screw, and a great DR. SANFORD, Proprietor, trade will be made. Apply to T. M. h URLOW «u ■ a. *. Fsq., at Amencns, or to the under.sicrned, oct 5 185® tf JAMES \V OR Houston Lands for Sale. V order of the Ordinary of Houston county, will 335 Itroailwai, JYcir York. Retailed by all Druggists. Sold also hy ZEILIN & HUNT, GEO. PAYNE, may 10—ly E. L. STROHECKER. Plantation for Sale. 3?orfM fin %mmnn HARTFORD, CONN. Incorporated A. D. 1810. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital SI,000,000 Capital Paid in soo.ceo Surplus, 300,000 ASSETS JANUARY 1, 1859. Cash on hand and in Bank 043,455.22 Cash in hand of Agents and in transit 54,827.09 Real Estate nnnecumbered, (cash value,). 15.000.00 Bills Receivable, amply secured, 73,171.55 2,404 Shares Bank Stock in Hartford 230,413.00 2,202 •* •• “ New York,... 197,750 00 710 “ “ “ Boston 74,620.00 100 Shares Bank State of Hiaurari, 10,000.00 State and City Bonds, 6 per cents, 74,245.00 u.a n. ..a na;ka, io,ao..o. United States’ Treasury Notes, 14,035.00 •803,769.88 DIRECTORS. H HUNTINGTON. CHARLES BOSWELL. ALBERT DAY. HENRY KENEY, JAH. GOODWIN, CALVIN DAY. JOB ALLYN, JOHN P. BRACE, CHARLES J. RUSS. H. HUNTINGTON, President WM. N. BOWERS, Aetnaiy. TIMO. C ALLYN, Secretary. C. C. LI MAN, Assistant Secretary. This old and reliable Company,’established foi nearly FIFTY YEARS, continues to Insnre against Loss or Damage by Fite on Dwellings, Furniture, Warehouses, Stores, Merchandise. Mills, Manufac tones, and most other kinds of property, on its usu al satisfactory terms. Particular attention given to Insuring Farm Pro perty, consisting of Dwellings, Barns and Out Buildings connected, and Furniture, Lire Stock Hay, Grain, Fanning Utensils, Jcc., Ac., contained in the same, for a term of three or five years, at lt>- rates of premium. Applications for Insurance may be made to 11,- undersigned, the duly authorized Agent for Macea and vicinity. • Losses equitably adjusted at this Agency, and paid immediately, upon satisfactory proofs.iu funds current its the cittes of New Yotkor Boston, as tho » sored may prefer. E. J. JOHNSTON, Agent. Macon, Ga. Feb. 15—ly Rook and Tract Depository of tlie Georgia Conference. T HE Committee of tho Conference met on the 16th inst., and have permanently located n Depository at Macon, Georgia, where ai' the Booh of our Catalogue will be furnished at Nashville wholesale and retail prices, and as low as they cim be bought elsewhere. Catalogues famished free of expense, bv mail it desired. A large stock of Religions, Sabbath School, ScL- ,-1 and College Text Books, always on band. Al»-. Blank Books, Stationery—such aa Foolscap, Leti< >, Note and Bill paper. Envelopes, Visiting Cards, l a per Cotters, Gold, Steel, and Quill Pens, Ink, P- cila. Slates, Wafers, Ac., Ac Soldaslowas they can be purchased anywhe,,- We respectfully ask fora liberal share of patrons ,;c Ordera promptly filled. JOILt IV. BURKE, Agent, apr 12 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Go GOLD PENS, WITH GOLD AND SILVER PENCIL CASKS. At Wholesale Prices, And a Premium with every Pen, varying in value from 1 50 to 30 Dollars. Our Pens are stamped with onr trade mark, ae,l warranted perfect in every respect. Our Prtmi ums consist of Gold and Silver Watches, and thc latest styles of Gold Jewelry. Our reasons for of fering these unparalleled inducements, are first, !<> more thoroughly introduce our Celebrated PENS. Secondly, to encourage Cash Trade. Thirdlv, we prefer doing this to selling our goods to the Tr olt- on time, and having to stand the consequent losses. Send for a Circular containing Price List of Pens, and Catalogue of Premiums, which arc sent free to any address. AU commnnieation: shonld be addressed to METROPOLITAN GOLD PEN CO. 175 Broadway, and 2 Conrrland Street, N. Y. may 3—lm . „, HABRAL, RI8LEY A KITCHEN. Bonytr. Property pointed ont by Plaintiff's Attor-. Importers and Wholesale Druggists, ,6 Barclay at. ney. I New York, maysi E. G. JEFFERS, D. 8. j may 24—2Sv Ml ford a most speedy relief, ami hrin- about a perms- convenience required to make it a healthy, agrees- nent cure. For sale by all Druggists- : hie and pleasant family residence. ' *' EP"Terms on the day of sale. PHILIP T. WOODSON, WM. H. WOODSON, T> l order oi me urdinarv < 13 be sold on the first Tuesday in August'next, j before the Court House door in Perry, in Houston -- . , ^ , , . . county, all the lands belonging to the estate of Dr. UP HE “U<le>'«K ne d offers for salp bis plantation in Creed T. Woodson, deceased A Monroe County, containing #00 acres. 11 miles These lands comprising eight hundred acres (be- j Macon, on the Road to Forayth and half a mile ing lots Nos. 219, 230, 196, one-half of 198, aud one- fr°“ the Macon and \\ < stern Rail Road, half of 199) situated in the upper Eleventh District' The place is well improved, with 8)0 to 330 acres of Houston county, one portion being Pine, and the ' of woodland, about loo ot swamp, half of which has other. Oak and Hickory, form one of tlie most pro- I been ditched and 111 cultivation, daelive plantations for both Cotton and Corn in the 1 . Tmy is one of the moat desirable farm residences county of Houston, and ia now in a high state of cul- in Middle Georgia. tivation and contains every buildiug necesaary lor j ” e 80l< * * ow * or caMi or credit aa may be a cotton plantation—in good repair, and is well snp- j prefered L. N. WHITTLE. plied with running water for stock, &c. And in ad- j april 19 2m Macon, Geo; TTiHOM this date we will >< 11 COAL at co*t to dition, thia place lies in one of the most convenient nln , i IT t^r\r> tts\/\t\ nirrnmni X* close ont tho consignment, Xow is the time to and elii'ihh- „f lh„ ennntv f n, «-ho„.s and ! SEAMLESS IIOOP SI\iETS! ^ 5“^* S *“ d «“ ’wINT'ER A CO sa watch Spring: Steel. I — i ~Z~7i 1 n n JUST RECEIVED and for sale at S3 50 by SWaHH) Laild IOr Sale. 1UU may 10 BOSTICK. KEIN & CO. TpiUHIV-ONEaeTesoi ‘ JCj miles below Macon- ‘he balance heav by TENNESSEE COAL. 97 65 per Ton. may 84 ExTa of Dr, Creed T- Wood-ion, dec’d. j f) (j00 ^RD3 Printed Lawn.; for -lab* at balance heavily timbered, and cover* -1 With • -LUjvULi 12| cents per yard, by Cane, for sale by 1 N. BA8S- may 10 BOSTICK, KEIN & CO. | f,b»