Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, May 31, 1859, Image 4

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[{it>l> *»li« , ri»r Sal«‘. ,1 ;ll,Lb* aold. WontlM Courthouse doc^.ii. ■V V the city of Macon, Hibb County, on the firs:. ■ jradav in June nest, within the legal hours of sale, ,,, following property. to wit: One lot aaddweliin;,' -ias opposite the Central Kail Road. and attaining > of Mrs. Sarah McCall, levied on as the pro Fancy and Staple DRY-GOODS. . riant, at, ,-ertr of llepj- Daria. to satisfy a Mortgage S la on 'ler I'oroloaure of a Master Builder,and Painter’s lieni F I N D L A Y’S IRON WORKS, MACON, GA. ,iacon&westernK41 LROAin. important to Planters! PTJ be amb rssvesss: r JL,anicr & Anderson, attorneys at law, Cliiangi: of Scltedttle- SAVANNAll AND CHARLESTON J3 O- M A Ts> STEAM PACKET LINE iSSf 1 * W ILL be kept constantly ..... most desirable article i 0 ..surd from Bibb Inferior Conrt, in favor of Lev, Simpson, t r. Herd. Davis. 1’ropert v pointed out by plaint ill W. it. BUSBEE, mar S3 Deputy Sheriff. NEW STOCK. wsssissaffisssaissi 8 "? ; s,eam Er, p nes and 11111 Machinery, j ..-i> O N and after Thursday, 15th July, the Trains will be ran as follows: Leave Macon at 18 night. Arrive at Atlanta T.13 A. M. Leave Macon at 10 A. il. Arrive at Atlanta 4.00 INGERSOLL HOOP LOCK, mill'd Mati-w jTIitrslial'ai Salt’a. W ILL bo eold before the Court House, in thu city of Macon, Bibb county, on thefirst Toes day in June neat, between tbe usual hours of sale, the following property, via i logs Noa. 4i. 46 and 48, on east aide of Broad St, ,i. the city of Columbus, containing 70 foot front o::i Broad Street, and running back 147 feet 10 in-shot, oemg the piemiaes formerly occupied by Sikes, llappoldt and Halle, also the lot next north of the above, having a front of 85 feet more or lets, wit ii the building* hereon, except the second story of the Store House now standing on the last mentioned h>t. Levied on as the propet ty of John C. ltuso and Kidiard Patton, to satisfy a fi fa from the Sixth Cir cuit Court of the United States, for the Southern Dis trict of Georgia, in favor of David Goddard, vs. Jno and IT - - -- - C. Huso and Diehard Patten, Property pointed onl by Plaintiff*.Utoroev. ‘i Xos. Also parts of lots Noe 919 and 230, in the city of Columbus, commencing 135 feet south of the norU line of let No. 310 on Oglethorpe street, and runnie, through to Jackson street, to a point on Jackets street 133 feet tooth of the north line of lot No. 990, Also, lot No. 333, in the city of Columbus, contain ing one half acre, lying on Jackson street, all leviec on a* the property of Hichard Patten, to satisty a £ fa from tbe Sixth Circuit Court of the United State:- tortile Southern District of Georgia, in favor of Da vid Goddard, vs. John C. Hnse and Hichard Patten. Property pointed out by Plaintiff a Attorney. Abo, a part of lot No. 177, in Colambns, beginning 30 feet north from the north corner of said lot, ant! running north uu Oglethorpe street 83 feet to the bouse owued by D. D. Hiaenhonr, Trustee, from thence due west tlie n hole depth of said lot 147 fee: 10 inches, theaoe South 83 feet, thence east to the place of starting Levied on as the property of Jno C. Huse, t o satisfy a fi fa from the Sixth Circuit Court of the United States for tbe Southern District •(■'Georgia, in fsvormf David Goddard vs. Jobu C. it use and Richard Patten. Property pointed out by Plaintiffs Attorney. JAMES M. SPULLOCK, U. S. Marshal. By THOMAS L. ROSS, May 34,1953. U.8. Deputy Marshal. LeKuteee’ sale yylLl be sold at the Court House door in Perry, Houston county, on the first Tuesday in J one next, Morrire, a slave, about forty-five years old. and Dave, -limit fifty years of age. Sold as the pro perty of the estate or David Jackson, deceased. Terms on lb* day of sale, may 24 BV THE LEGATEES. Iloiibtou SlicritT Sale. W ILL be sold before tbe Court House door in Perry, Houston county, within the usual hours of sale, on the Aral Tuesday in June next, the following property to wit: one negro man by tbe name of Isaac, about thirty-five (33) years of age, levied on as the property of Robert A. Crawford, aud Sarah J, Crawford, to satisfy the following fi fas: •me in fitvor nt McKinley, Darden & Duffer, vs. Sa rah J. Crawford and Robert A. Crawford; one in favorof John Drakeford A Son, vs. Sarah J. Craw- lord and Robert A. Crawford; one in favor of A. M. Allen, vs. Robert A. Crawford; one in tavor of Frank M. Ruse, for officer* of Conrt, vs. Robert A. Crawford, and one Tas fi fa, va. Robert A. Craw- lord. Property pointed out by Warren A Goods, Plaintiffs Attorneys. JNO. SMITH, D. Sb’ff. may 3 granite hall, i Selected with great care to Kit the trade of Macon, ; lln “ adjoining country—among whirh are: SILK llOHKS A I.EZ. SILK ROHES DOUBLE JUPK, SILK ROBES VOLAXTES, or 8 FLOUNCES FANCY SILKS in great variety, PLAIN and FIGURED BLACK SILKS, EVENING DRESSES. DcLAINEan-i .MERINO ROBES A LEZ, PLAIN and FIGURED DaLAINES, PLAIN and FIGURED merinoes, VALENCIAS. POPLINS, PLAIDS. FOIL »k CHEVHES. MOURNING, aud van ous other styles of ©Kg©© ©®©[§)© a Embroideries, Real French Cambric and Swiss j Collars, Setts, tfaudker. liiefa, Ac. Valenciennes Collars and Sells, Linen and Pique Collars and Setts, Mourning Collar* and Setts, Illusion Berthas, Real Thread and Valenciennes Laces, Hosiery and Gloves, great variety. Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Cloaks, from Brodie’s, SHAWLS—Nett, Stella, Long, Mourning, and othei varieties. A full assortment of STAPLE GOODS, Which we offer to tell on as favorable terms as any House in the State. lyPLKASE CALL AND EXAMINE. If. N. 1'RIJDDBf A CO., Mtlt Cotton Presses and Screws, Horse Powers, Cane Mills end Kettles. IRON RAILINGS, A. M. Leave Atlanta at 11 A. M. Arrive at Macon 5.00 ! P.M. The night train will not be run ou Sundavs. Tbe lSnighttrain from Macon connects with the Wes tern and Atlantic Road for Chattanooga, Knoxville, MACON, GA., P RACTICE in the counties of the Macon Circuit, and in the Counties of Sumter, Monroe and Jones; also in the Federal Courts at Savannah. oE&£i2i&2'E2^2r o " ,e A - em50, ' thH r r HE FastKunnin " nr CONN'KS0BON with the CENTRAL and North Eastern Rail Roads. following Insurance Companies The Awgmla Insurance aud Hawking Coin- puny of which W. M. D’Antic.vac is President and C- P- -MeCar is Secretary. And the Alabama Fire nitd .llnrinc In lr . r-.rvKr-B GORDON, K. Bari- n. Command :r,leaves Savon- Watt* A tR vR el7, ° f ' T o 1Ch 7' H ’ nab for Charleston every Sunday and Wednesday "AT 15 J*. 1 resident and A. \\ ili.iam. is Secretary, afternoons It .1 o'clock and connects at Charleston COLUMNS, MILL STONES, GIN GEER,jJ Grist a ml Circular Saw Mills, PULLEYS, WHEELS, SHAFTING, Ac., Ac. R. FINDLAY & SONS. Fab. 1. SCHOFIELD & BROTHER, ■ .Augusta, l I Point H. It. at 10.15 A. M. Tbeio A. M.train from Macon, connects with the Western t Atlantic U. R. slliliP.lt., and Georgia . K. R. at 13 night; and Atlanta* West Point It. j at 13.5 A.M. I The completion of the Virginia and Tennessee ‘ Rail Road, makes this the most pleasant and direct | route to the Fire risks and riaka on slaves taken at usual rates, apl 20 PETER S. HUMPHRIES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PERRY’, GA, WILL practice in ail the Courts of the Macon j ■ •Inal and iilan an ilia Padaval Pnneii- ni .1, I wllUli ***• with the train of the North Eastern Rail Road going J North : returning, leaves Charleston every Monday an. 1 Friday night at 81 o’clock latter the arrival t of the cars of the North Eastern Ii. Road.) and ar rives at Savannah early the following mornings. By this route Passengers can obtain through tick- eta to and from Savannah, G»„ and Wilmington, N. District, and also in the Federal Courts at Savannah . and Marietta. [aug 17—ly m Huron, Georgia. Virginia Springs, Through Tickets to which may be had at Atlanta, for $36 25, including Stage fare, $7 Op, and to New aug 3 ; JOHN S. SCHOFIELD, JOSHUA SCHOFIELD. | Atlanta. * We are prepared to Manufacture STEAM ENGINES, ©M8©(!MLAGS ©AW MOLL©* MILL AND GIN GEARING, BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. a I t"l ^ IIILtIHI 51 York for *33 oo. 1 Farther information may be had in relation to this Rente, on application to the General Ticket Office, IRON COTTON TIE. JN si) the heaviest Cotton regions of the gre* SPEER A lllJiMEK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON. GEORGIA. I OJf.ce on Triangular Block. Comer of Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue. Having a through freight arrangement with the the Central Rail Road and its connections, ail freights between Charleston and the interio r of Georgia con signed to tbe agents of this line will be forwarded with dispatch and FREE of CHARGE. J. 1*. BROOKS, Agt, Savannah. E. LAFITTE A CO., Ag ts. Charleston. jan W ALFRED L. TYLER, Superintendent. New Goods E. SAULSBUEY’S. H E ia now receiving a very large and well assor ted Stock ofSPRING CLOTHS, ted Stock ofSPRING CL'OTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, of the latest Importations. He has also received tbe report of Fashions lor o™n.nnn«-i. »•—.c. Hardeman & Griffin ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR Dwrllioj;*, Ccmrlery Lotn, PaMie Hqanrra, Shirty Collars, Ties, Gloves, Handkerchief*, Ac.- IF A IL IL AN© WO MTIMK* STOC AT I’llRIK I1LD hTAXll " 1'o.lponrd Hibb HhrriflT Hast.. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June next before th. Court House door in Maoon, Bibb county, within the legal bonr* of sale, a House and 1 Ait in the city ot Macon, number one, in Square number three South Western Common. Levied oi a* the property of William B. Hyde, as Trustee, ftc. to satisfy a fi. fa. >a favor of Daley & Fitzgerald va. William U. iiyde. Trustee, Ac. Property pointed out in said fi. t». apr 36 E. G. JEFFERS, Pep. S. JUiliD Mltcr-ifT Sale. yy ILL he sold on tbe first Teeaday in June next. before tbe Court House door in the city Macon, Bibb County, between the lawful hours sale, the following property to-wit > Seventy five (75) sores, more or less, being part of lot adjoining Ransom Avant on the North, Hsfua Rabnn on the West, and Rigdon Thomas on tbe South, and adjoining that portion of said lot which was assigned to Polly Goss as her dower, and well known as part of the plantation of Thomas G. Goto, deceased. Levied on ae the property of Thomas G. Goes, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Stubbs and Lester, from Bibb Inferior Court. Property pointed out by Daniel Skipper. E. G. JEFFERS. D. Sh’ff. JSBL~ Administrator's Kale. I J Y virtue of an order of -Ae Court of Ordinary of lj Jones county, will be sold before the Court House door in Ciintou.on the first Tuesday in Jane next, the following slave* ; Lewi*, George, Betsey, Emily and Child, belonging to the estate of Wil liam J. Card, decease -. Re-sold for the purpose of be purpose effecting titles. JAS GREEN, Adm'r de bonis non ot Wm. J. Card, deoeaaed. april 5 Uuanliau’s Stale. |^Y virtue ot au order of tlie Conrt of Ordinary of Jonee county, will bo eold before the Court llouao door in Clinton, ou the first Tuesday in Juno next, a negro man named Ephraim, belonging to Thomas J. Wimbiah, one of tbo minor bein of Wm. M. W bullish, late of said county, deceased, bold for the benefit of said minor. Terms on the day of sale. ’ ELIZABETH A. C. WIMBISH. apr 13 Guardian. SIXTY 1 day* alter date application wiU no made N to the Ordinary of Jonoa county, for leave to sell ten slaves belonging to the estate of Lovel Smith, 1st oof said county, deceased. EMELIXE SMITH. apr 19 Administratrix. MlXIlf Days after date application will bo made O to the Ordinary of Houston County, for leave III sell the negro property belonging to tbe estate of Pinckney J. Pollock, late of said county, deceased, april 5 ISAAC WOODARD. Ju. Adm’r. N OTICE.—All persona indebted to the Estate of Jona* W. Hail, are requested to make imme diate payment; and all persons holding claims or demand* against the said estate, must present them i i> legal form within tbe time prescribed by law, or this notice wiU be plead in bar. SIMEON THARP. apr 19 Administrator de bonis non. N OTICE.—All persona indebted to the Estate of James C. Hail, late of Twiggi County, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment: and all person* holding claim* or demands, against said es tate most present them in legal form within tbe time inwHbrt by law,or this notice will he plead in bar SIMEON THARP, •Ifftn !• RHuiikteMM... VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE IN UP- no.X COUNTY rpllE subscriber offur* for salt his Plantation in A Upson County, distent from The Rock 3-4 of a mile, known a* the Hiutkly PJantatiou—through which passes the Zebulon road. Of said Plantation, about roar Hundred Acres cleared, and in active cultivation—all under good feaee; about Four Hundred Acres still in the woods. The improve ments are good, consisting of a genteel dwelling with fire rooms, together with ail nsoeasary out house*; Gin House and Screw; health of neighbor hood unexceptionable; water inferior to none; so ciety most desirable, with Church, School, and Rail Road facilities all closo at hand. Persona desirous to examine the premises and enquire as to terms, which will be liberal, will enquire of Mr. McCreary on the place, or to the subscriber near Talbottom april 5—tt JNO. E. BARKSDALE. ATTHEIK OLD STAND. T HEIR Stock consist in part of the foilrwing GOODS, to which they invite the attention of ,|,j g c j, y Merchants ami Planter*: SO bales Gunny Cloth 900 coils Richardson Rope 1000 pounds Baling Twine 150 bags Coffee, Java, P.irto Rico, Kio and La . gnira to cheats Black and Green Tea 75 barrel* A B -t C Sugar 35 barrel* crashed and Powdered Sugar 3 boxes Loaf Sugar IS hogsheads fine Porto Rico 300 sacks Liverpool Salt 100 sacks Alum Salt ISO boxes Adamantine Caudles 40 boxes Sperm Caudles 75 boxes No. I Soap 30 boxes Family Toilet Soap 30 boxes assorted and Fancy Candy 133 kegs Nail* 50 boxes Starch 100 jars Snuff 50 whole, half and quarter keg* of Powder 30 cans Dock-shouting Powder 100 bags Shot 100,000 Segara, various brands 50 boxes Tobacco 30 cases HagnoliaandCombination Tobacco SO bales Osuaburgs and Stripes 5 cases Homespuns, bleached 10 bales Georgia Kerseys 5 bale* Northern Kerseys 15 bales Blanket*, all siaea 60 basket* Piper’s Heidsick Wine 73 eases Ginger and Blackberry Wine and Brandy 30 barrels Rye and Corn Whiskey 10 barrels Extra old Bourbon 50 barrel* Gin, Ram and Brandy 10 casks Madeira. Port and Sweet Wine 10 eases London Dock Gin 13 cases Boker’a and Stoughton Bitters 10 oases Lemon Syrup SO casks Ale and Porter to boxes Ginger Preserve*, Prunes and Fig* ( 30 boxes Assorted Pickles 30 boxes Soper. Carb. Soda 30 barrel* and boxes Soda and Butter Cracker* ! 35 boxes Herring* 5 sacks Aahton'a Table Salt 10 doxeu Well Buckets 5 oases Aahton'a Table Salt 35 dozen Blue Buckets 10 nests of Tuba 30 d ozeWool Hat* SO boxes Levent Axe* 10000 pounds White Lead and Zinc 100 barrels Linseed Oil 10 barrels Tanners’ and Machiue Oil also, a nxx lot or CHROME GREEN. YELLOW, PRUSSIAN BLUE ^ Clanrrh Fence-* anil Halcouira. Persons desirous of purchasing RAILINGS, will call and examine. do well togivo us k call, as we are determined to of- m * r 1 fer as good bargains as ady Northern Establishment Handkerchiefs, . All of which he invites hi* friend* and customer* &c. r as good bargains as any Northern Establishment tt t- , l -y i S3?"Specimen* of our Work can be seen at Hose \\ (ItCllGS, J GWGU'V Hill Cemetery, and at various private residences in - . _ ,, , , «; " nov 30 iv up HE subscribers would inform th X Macon and vicinity, that they have taken tbe 1 store formerly occupied by Mr. M. D. Barnes, where ; they intend eanrying on the H. HORNE’S CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT STORE, And I'aHry Balery. at hit new Store, next to doodo connected with that huainea*. t. At, you to give us a call, and in return will Ayres, 11 mgficLi if Cel’s, L; r J ho ne»t dealing* at all times. CHERRY ST., UACUN, GA. Jewelry Bttsiuess and will keep a neat and well selected assortmentof We invite assure you honest dealing* at all times. Watches and Jewelry V Y ARTIES, Dinners and Suppers furnished with ; cleaned and repaired by a faithful and experienced *■’ “■ t. * ’ * "■ U0 X everything ornamental and delicious, in the la- | test styles. Bridal Cakes, dressed iu unsurpassed styles.-- j French Pastry oT every kind, as well as all kinds of : Desert made to order, among them many new dishes. French Candies Chocolate, Cream, etc. Oranges, workman, and warranted to give satisfaction. P- S.—Having purchased the Goods belonging to : said Barnes, at a great discount from the cost, we . offer them at Great Bargains, Pineapples, Bananas, Lemuns, Apples. Hsiaina The Qooda moaUy are No.,1 quality, and at the Dates, Figs, Currants, Citron, NutTof all kind* ; Preserves, Craekera, Segara, Cider, etc. WINES AND BRANDIES for those in waut of any thing in tlie way of Watch' esand Jewelry, to make their pnrehaaes at the of nndonhted pnnty. Toys, Sardines, Lobsters, < .. OLD STAND OF M. D BARNES, Pickles, Sauces, tJmonVongucs. Cheese. Cabba! gw, CninlwnH^ etc. ty All goods warranted to be first class articles, * I South West, the INGERSOLL HOOP LOCK with the common Hoop Iron Ham!, has snperse* ded every other method of securing the Cotton Bale. Time and apace would fail us to give the numerous certificates of Cotton Plauters. Brokers, Warehouse men, Insurers, Comprcssers and Shippers, showing beyond a donbt, that the days of Rope binding are numbered, and the immense advantages of the IIoup Lock and - Iron Tie. Their economy wherever tried, has been conceded in these points: i YX/’Ehave associated as partners in the practice j ... .. r i . . - VV of law in the counties of tho Maconundad- i'll V J 1 iVlIflUClll Mtll. iJ . vYC. joining Circuits, aud elsewhere in the State by spe- . ~ ^ 1 l r‘ *” oial contract—also will attend the Federal Courts at -vtf-, f T~fk-m Shrannah and Marietta. ALEX. M. SPEER. SAMUEL HUNTER. FROM SAV.4XIV.1II anti CIIABLESTOX. CABIN PASSAGE «I3 STEERAGE 83 T. G. UOJL'r, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW, herever tried, baa been conceded in tuese points.- i . M A C O N. G A . Excursion Ticket* good to return until Janu- 1. They »uvc twenty to thirty dollars co-,1 / \F t ICt in Ralston a new block on Cherry Street, narv 1 18G0 " I baling material on every one hundred : W firet door above entrance to Concert Hall. I _ in bnling Bags* 2. Tlie fasteninjj is much more expeditiously ap plied. and much more convenient for the compress. 3. it ia a perfect aafegnard against loss of Cotton from tbe bale. j A 'V (\ 1> Y F* V S AT I A W 4. Ill* xm almost absolute arcurity against A A ' Jl lx 1 u jA. J. h A I> , P. Cn.VERHOlSE, . r. A. AKSLEr. Culvcrliousc A Ansley, Fire. Fire applied to bales thus bound, as shown by actual experiment, trill smoulder without flame, twenty hours trilhoyt spreading, and ” * ' of time for easy extinguishment. 5 It in an absolutely urcarc actual experiments made in Montgomery, bales thus bound, were pitched down forty feet perpendicular from a house top, upon a brick pavement, without : perceptible effect. KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA, The wdl known tirst class side-wheel Steamships K.©3 r stone State, CAIT. C. P. MARSHMAX. a.,d State of Georgia CAPT. J. J. GARVIN, Now forma Regular Line for tbe North, leaving SEWARD <* IIAASELL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE. GA. rpIIK Subscribers, from the io tTrt . 1 for Iron Railings of their mat - encouraged to make that foJH a special department, cilities for the mannfactnrc of j ; the intermediate Saturdays. The Key Stone State will resume her trips from j TTJtf’sfhT /I TT — Charleston about July lst.of which due notice will 1 AZAlljIIYOH be given. ; tjyany and all purposes ol the m* 6. It is perfectly iimple.and require* no machinery IDLE, GA. For safety and comfort, having superior STATE ; aigna, cither plain or ornamental nl fl at all in the application. Any cornmou hoop-iron of A ROOMS, these Ship* are not surpass-dbyany on the ! in saying to tlie public, that inrsW proper width 'aid tbicknes*. (which iaabcu"t J inch W.^hUI U the uagnggg. handed Si of tefs^Te^tti Dds" i .ubSS.1 '%£££ wiu wide, and a scant aixteenth of one inch thick,) and : Colquitt, w , re Kiver , nd Bay-two nights at sea. that they are determined to pica: „.«e. and a scant sixteenth of one inch thick,, —.... „ , of any requiaite length to suit the bale. Is taken i Clinch, Ware, Decatur and Worth, iu tbe bund, one end passed through tbe opeufng, from tbe under side, of one end of tbe under part of the lock to the leugth of about one iucb, and then bent over the end of the lock. The other end ol the SEWARD A IIAXSELL. Tbomaaville, Nov. 3rd, 1856. nov I 0. A. L0CHRANE, they are determined to please FOR NIAGARA FAILS, THE LAKES & CANADA Id additioa to all the -,ii*l *tv: SHOR TEST A.\U CHEAPEST ROUTE. |f w 2g- ‘W *re asking This Line connects at Philadelphia with the Great; Tvillloi' Q Pa fp-nt Tfjnft; Northwestern Railroad Route througli to Niagara! X ° O-LCXIL MdUl k—k.i. .n.18—I 3 : ' Falls or Buffalo, in 18 hours from Philadelphia.—: This is a new article, poaaessia. hoop is then passed round the bale anddjawn through ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Through tickets, with the privilege of stopping at strength by a combjnation of WroajLt a loop or opening in the opposite and then bent in the same manner as the other. The button ia then turned hack to ils place over them, TENDING my circuit practice interfering with the hoop ij fust on the bale, and the bale may be my office bi * * * * - - Macou, Oa. and moved if desired. 7. It holds the package in one-fourth smaller com „. ;n hereafter be found at my office near the Meehan Philadelphia and intermediate point; tlie Agents in Savannah. . Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, $22. Elmira, $20, usinens iu this city, I have with- to Canandaigua, $21. C. A. GREINER A CO., Agents at Savannah. T. S. A T. G. BUDD, Agents at Charleston. drawn from the Firm of Lochrane A Lamar, and tor sale by I structure. AH of which will be virnitd • the be*t made in the Union. feb 1 R. FINDL4Y J Wheeler & Wilsons SEWING MACHIf One word more, then we are done for this time.— Tt> those who visit Savannah, we invite to call at j and roid ..low a. can he bought in Macon, Y. ^JH*** ^ W ST0K , E ’ C ,V, 1 TERMS—Cash, f-r all not holding Pass hooka. ‘**6 Rn*“k' Honae, where they wiU H. HORNE will attend personally to superintend “ aor,n,ent oi personally lo *upei j the setting of table* for Weddings and Parties, either in City or Country, i ET* Col-ntkv M kkciiast* will find a good as sortment of Confectionaries at my establishment, made to order. Jewelry ami Fancy Articles, of the latest styles, and at prices to suit the times.v Hair Jewelry and Ornaments of every description and the prices as low as any where else in the City, jan 23—ly Order* left at the store in Macon, or Savannah, will be carefully attended to. Reapectfnllv, V. W. SKIFF \ CO. Macon, Ga- Feb. 15— C. H. Freeman & Co. ‘OLD MAGiYO TERRA DE SIENNA, BURNT U.MHKK, Ac , Ac. PAINTS AND VARNISH, BRUSHES AND SASH TOOLS. Macon. Sept. 28,1838, FliENCirS HOTEL, On the European Plan, CITY OF NEW YORK. Single Rooms .TO els. per Day. City Hall Square, corner Frankfort Street. (Opposite City Hall) COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA., orraa, as usual, at vHxm oli> stand, a ciiuick ASOKTMINT OF FAMILY GROCERIES. O F every description and of the best quality, fresh and good-— being constantly in receipt of new supplies from the Northern Markets, Sugars, Spices, White Fish, JSyraps, Citron, Herrings, Coffee, Green Fruits in xmns. Hams. The quality of thU Whisker known *o favorably in Ig* the slmth, for the part eight years, will always he J Xu*,* ?' ** uce *’ * lour ’ mHE undersigned offer for sale tlie above stan i dard brand of fine RYE WHISKEY, ot tbeir own distillation, in barrels and half barrels. kept up to its former high standard, Sind purchasers * i'a^kSel. yor'C' "1 i And other article, too nniero... to me.,ion. com- kers in testimonial* too numerous to be cited or spec- ified in this advertisement. It, Montgomery, the leading Brokers and Buyers, after the most satisfac tory experience and tests, unite in the following a- • Lochrane, to whom letter* may he addressed. * may 94 Joint I.;nii:ir, greemeiit, whirh will leave no doubt on these points: A - i»«| -q-r. \r-p.-y We, the undersigned. Cotton Bn>kera sod Buyers, | MACON, GA. of Montgomery, Ala., agree and give notice that we OFFICE—on Second SL, near Mechanic's Bank. will pay full prices for Iron Bound Cotton, if fasteu ed with the INUKItsoi.I. 1IOOI* LOCK, al though we are aware that it will weigb 1 j lb*, more per hide than ltope tied Cotton. HARRIS A JOHNSTON C. C. FOSTER, J. S. BYINGTON. M. A. CHISHOLM. From Savannah, we copy the followiug engage- May 33 -A-rtlmr IDidzinson, South-Western R. R. : ___ OVER WHICH PASSES THE LA.W, GREAT NEW YORK AND NEW ORLEANS MAILS. JZSffflpgr " “h ;sg::-ii ■•.y"-"-" EJB Two Daily pains between Macon Sf Columbus ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON GEORGIA ON AND AFTER JULY 29th, Leave Macon at 11.45 p. in. and 9.45 a. m. Arrive at Columbus 5.35 a. m. and 3.45 p. m. Arrive at OFFICE—in Washington Block, over E. Sauls- , Leave Columbus 4.1)0 a. m. and 3.45 p. jn bury’s Clothing Store. Macon 9.50 a. m. and 9.18 p. m. oct 12 : Daily between Macon, Albany aad Dauxon: men, made with the Compress Establishment of Mr. pktfk j. sthoziik John t. gloves ’ Arrive at Dawson 6 Lamar: Savannah, July 2-2d, 1838. Messrs. Fkkeman A Roberts, Macon, Ga; Gent,.—I have agreed with Mr. Beattie, Agent for IogersoU’s U< r b ouud Cotton, same terms to last for _ . _ of my irisli to discontinue the arrangement. Respectfully, Ae, C. A. L. LAMAR STKOZIEIC A GLOVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, DAWSON. GA. Leave Macon 11.45 p. m. Arrive in Albany 6.25 a. m. 1 Leave Dnwson 1.40 p. m. Leave Albany 3.00 p. in. Arrive in Macou 9.1$ p. m. Tri-Weekly. ! NEW AND VALUABLE IMPft Prices P2.edu; ^ ■ T HESE Machines are the bf«t <»r< the public. They are simple easily kept in repair; work without n - . even asdfir economii- purpose and a Tlie Georgia Iron Lock Couipnuy, L-Ak'W FIRM. T HE undesigned have formed a partnership in ^ the practice of Laic, in the Firm name of Ruth- ! BainbriTiiomaaviTlX**Ap*" dsil attention of all engaged m Cotton grow'ing, or the erford and HUL They will practice in. the Macon : | y f rom to Cuthbeit, Fort Cotton trade, to this interesting and important sub- Circuit, and in the Counties of Monroe, Jones and Hacks run six time* a week from non . rniey *o ject. To the Cotton planters, particularly, they be- 4V ilkmson—and by special contract in any other , p err y, Haynesville and Ilawkinsville, and tri-week- lieve they are presenting a matter of peculiar inter- portion of the State. j jy f 0 Knoxville Ga. eat and value, and either of them will be glad to fur- # Also, in the Federal Court, at Savannah and Ma- ! J Passengers for points below Fort Valley, should pure RYE WHISKEY, distilled underonr ownjper-1 Gr^e^rop^uS. sonal supervision, and entirely free from any del terious substances which render made up wll CANDIES. eo objectionable. ' We particularly invite tbe attention of dealers Always having a large stock of the above, and and others to onr large aud complete etock of Can- other fine Whiskies, in New Y’oik as well as Phils- j dieanunufactured by onrselves, of the very beat delphia, we are enabled to ship goods from either ci- - materials and warranted to retain their hardueaa and ‘r direct. FREEMAN A .SIMPSON, Phanix Distillery. OFFICE—lM8o. Front St., Philadelphia. • 4 96 Wall St., New York. octlS—ly brilliancy, while tbe imported Candies toon lose NEW BOOKS At Boardman’s Book Store. inducements to purchasers. CAKES, Ornamented and Plain, Of every vsriety and made of choice materials. Famili es and parties supplied at tlie shortest notice aud on the most reasonable terms. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh FISH, IN THKIR SEASON. A merican eloquence in 3 vot* ; a new cy- clopedia of Commerce; Burton's Cyclopedia of! Wit A Humor.- a Handy Book on Property Law; 1 Man u|»on the Sea, by Goodrich; Romantic passa- i Hi- ‘ We shall keep constantly on band dur ing the Fall and Wiuter, Fresh Oysters and Fish, -- . , ; .nan upon Uih Sea, l>V UOOUIICII; Komantic pajssa- ,ntl iimwirtwl of the li^t nnalitie* and re- Meals, *• they may be ordered in tbe apacioni Re- 1 ge*in South Western History ; Life beneath tlie Wa- 1 (actopr.^ There is aHarber’a Shop and Bath Rooms j tens; The Hand but not the Heart, by T. S. Arthur, ^cctfully invite order., which shall be ra.lhratly William the Conqueror, by Gen. SirCharlw Napier; attached to the Hotel. N. B.—Beware of Runner* and Hackmen who Doctor Thorne; a new edition of Edgar A Foe’* say wa are full. R. FRENCH, *— ** 1 r ‘— Tl - — 1 . Proprietor BOOTS AND SHOES. A TTHE SIGN OFTHE BIG BOOT. No. 3, tt Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington m Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscriber* would return their thanks for tbe very liberal and mg continned patronage extended to them, and oiud most respectfully solicit a continuance of th Wehave now in store a large aazortment ofe BOOTS AND SHOES, ostly of onr own manufacture, to which weekly addition* will be made, of all the different styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell aa low i any house in the city or State. Sept. 29. MIX k KIRTLANP. ■fted. Choice Tobacco and Sogars, -urka; 1 be Preacher and the King; The Fries, and To which we invite the attention of Connoisseurs the Huguenot; Lord George Bentiek. bT D'lsraeU In these article*. mot* Beatrice Cen.-i Debit ft Credit;' Major Roger Sher f nrm , An — a' nrt h ivha*aa won wan “faction, and ia the dearest at tbe end manPotter; Douglas Jerrold’s Wit; Belle Haitian > 0,1 ,OH C ‘ ,U All peraons dciviug my services will please call at on a tour; Life and Times of Hugh Miller; Cruise „ 4lO heller Soutll . my Residence, iu Perry, where they will f do belter South I of theBeteey; t estimony ollheitm ke; jeffereon’e ISIiiSiSS’lSSS ofGreecel'sparrovr'Graas ^pers*; * Lord MmdagiYs MANUFACTORY & REPOSITOBY, page, by G. P. It. James ; The Three Beauties, by Mrs. Southwortli: Ventillation in American Dwell- FORSYTH, GA. TTAVIKQ purchased the entire in- ings; Derivation of Family name,; Wisdom, Wit JJ terest of the late firm of Banks,*£ and Humor; Steps towards Heaven; Deu’s Moral Wilder ft Co., I invite the attention)^ Theology: .Mizpah. a Prayer Book: Wayside Pic- of the riliaena of For.ytb and surround ' TOOTS.—A fail assortment of Gent*’ fine . J French Calf Boots, pomp sole, welted and waterproof, ofvarions kind* and qualities, both soled and pegged. Just received and ferrate tow by Sept. 38. MIX ft KIKTLAXD. PLANTATION BROOANS.-l.ow instore X th* best assortment of Negro Shoe*, we* Ss&^m^nafid’EiiMr sat ruaaetta; do. heavy single' soled black and ruaaetta; do. boys and youths black and ruaaetta, all of which we are selling very ,Sn>. low. 8ept, 88. MIX ft KIKTLA> . ^ w _ _ _ mg counties t* ir es 'i rTi'r* nee, 1 ! I oil and, llelgi umTar'd up'the Rhine; to my exteiiaive arraiigemeuts for manufacturing Wild N.trtlieru Scenes : Also a largo aeaortment of Top and no T.»p BLGOlKs., ROCKAWAYS, CAlt- RIaGES, PHXnONS. ic., fte, lam constantly receiving additions, notfrom the Forth, l.ul from my II'ork-Shop, to my stock on hand—of three or four buggies per wetk—which combine elegance and tfniek with light nett, xtrenglk and durability. Orders for any sort of Vehicle, Harness ftc., are most re- fine Family Bibles. Sept. 21, 1838. „ J. M. ItOARDMAN. Latest News by the Atlantic Telegraph- To all whom it may concern. This is to notify the public that Isaacs is at Home Again, not a tiling of* day. Citizens and the traveling puh* plied, and all engagements for work punctually met, I have constantly on hand a large assortment of liar* Repairing done at short notice and all work war rant'd. J. II. BANKS aug 6 , 858. I yr Valuable Plantations for Sale. D KNIRIXG to m«r« my planting interest *29, west. I offer for sale two valuable PLAN *C TATJOX3. One situated in Maoon county within three miles of Winchester, on the South-Western Rail Road, containing 8,403 acres of level Oak and Hickory Land, with good improvement*, and be tween thirteen and fourteen hundred scree in enlti vatloa, a considerable portion of wliich ia fresh land. The other plantation I* situated in the 14th District of Lee, on Flint River, at the month of Cboekeeli cliikee Creek, and contain* (.474 acre* of Land, about two-thirds of which is Oak and Hickory land of the beat qaaJity. and tbe remainder good Pine Land, with abaat thirteen hundred acre* in cultiva tion, nearly ail of which is freah land, and as produc tive as any land in Sooth-Western Georgia, and la finely watered, and substantially Improved. My over- ’ ’ to any one wishi roars will show these places to any on* wishing to examine them. My terms wiU be liberal and pay ments easy. For Anther particulars, address tlie undersigned at Macon. N. BASS. Jaly 27—tf POST Ac nEL, Commission Merchants, 64 Potokas Strict, New Orleans, La. REFERENCES.—Messrs. J. B. ft W. A. Ross. - Hardeman ft Griffin. Lightfoot ft Flanders. Elijah Bond. Esq. fel, 93 Joseph Ciisby. Rsq. .hassey’s IRON COTTON PRESS TWIGGS COUNTY ATTENTION! mHE undersigned have purchased the Patent X Bight for Twiggs county, of MASSEY'S POR TABLE IRON COTTON SCREW, and are prepared to sell said right to any perron wishing to buy, a* tho Presses cannot he legally made or nsed in Twiggs county, except by purrhsse ■ibere. This Screw is a great im- from tho subscriber*. _ , _ provemeut on the old wooden Screws, in its power and convenience, ease of raising, taking down and removing, if need be; aa the whole Screw can be carried ia oae wagon load. One of tbee* Presses, t np and ready ter use, can be teen at Elder C. A. ’ Stone CreMt Church, Twiggs county. JOSEPH ’ll I ARP, april 19—8m* 0. A. THAITP. K OOTS AND SHOES.—Men’s, Bovs and Youth'* fine calf and kip peg’d Bouts Men’s atont kip hunting and mud Boot*; Gents Inst- ing Gaiters, Monterey, opera and ties, and fine call Brogans; Gents,boys’ and youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans; Men’s, boys’ and youths’ California kip Brogan*.»large assortment. Set * " lie will find the establishment open not for She ae*' son only, bat at ail season* of the year, and those calling upon us will at all hours find our Larder sup- plied with all the delicacies that the New York and other market* willaffurd in the way of eatables, and something good to drink, and six day* out ot seven more thnn can he found in any other house in town C U T L ER V! JOSEPH RODGERS & SON, SHEFFIELD. ENGLAND. ”2 TABLE KNIVES & FORKS. 6 Biaded Pocket Knivea. rive at Macon 9.11 p. m. _ Trans to Colambcs form a through connection to Montgomery, Alabama and Augusta, Kingsville Wilmington, Savannah, MilledgeviUesnd Eatonton. Post Coaches run from Albany to Tallahassee, ily; also, tri-week- >’ort Gaines, ftc. from Fort Valley to oo lately nut: J. B. ft W.-A. nos? Send for a Circular feb 22 MENARD & BURGE IT .i'i'MJslF.lMhFA were) AND r.isb any further information, or particular applies tion mav be made to tlie Secretary. J. F. WINTER. | T. A. HARRIS, DUNLAP ft HARRIS, I FREEMAN ft ROBERTS T. A. HARRIS Secretary. Macon, Aug. 3,183e. ly netta. Office over tlie Manufacturer’s Bank. JOHN RUTHERFORD, Macon, Jan. 17. '59 JOHN R. HILL. & e & 1 g :\°Z take the Day Trams trorn Augusta and Savannah to T1 AYE just received and opened i j \ha<l avoid detention in Macon. For other points take ei- Xi splendid assortment of Goods it JUgvT A CAR.X>. T HE 'indersipued feels it his duty to render thunk* to the citizeus of Houston and adjoin- i ing counties, for their liberal and extensive patron age. While he begs a continuance of their tavors, he will state to those who do not kuntv him, that ma ny vears practice in the principal cities of the South and a complete Dental Laboratory, enable him to make os elegant and perfect Dental substitutes of, the most approved and latest style, as can be furnish ed by any Dentist in the State. A WORD ABOUT THE “CHEAP STYLE OF WORK.” rereons needing Dental Operations or Artificial Teeth, and not able to par me my regular prices, may feel assured that I will rather share my profits with them than “accommodate’’ them with a cheap, orfrrferlor style of work, aa such will never give sat- J. T. MAX’, A T T 0 R N E Y A T L A \V, BITLEK, TAYI.OR COUNTY, GEORGIA, feb l—ly* • ISAAC lIAfttOEIHAIV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLINTON, GEORGIA. jnly 7 ly r points take tber Train. First class steamships leave Savannah for New! Y’ork, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Passage in the Cabin 815, Steerage 86. Through Tickets can be procured from Kail Road | Agents at Montgomery, Columbns *nd Albany : Savannah to New Y’ork, by Steamships, iu Cabin follows: Montgomery 826; Columbus 823 ; Albany 894 85. VIRGIL POWERS mar 23 Superintendent. w LAW CA1CD. T. P. Stubbs, B. Hill, Stubbs A Hill, A T T O li NETS A T L A W, . Macon, Ga. apl 30 S 3 a, a a a Worth of Premiums Awarded. A Prize to every Purchaser. my Residence, in Perry, where they will find all tho comforts of a first-rate Dental Office. Families liv ing at adistauce may procure my eervices by giving me notice. Dentista will find a large assortment of the best materials, for tilling Teeth, as well as for making ar tificial sets, ut Northern prices. tii> L'Drnc Will. K. dcGrnflVnrictl, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. .... OB’FICE, third door below Lanier House—above University, Philadelphia. Damour’a oct 37 L. IN . WHITTLE, A T T O R N E Y A T L A W, MACON, GA. T HE above aum will actually be given away I with 30,000 copies of the foUowing works : WOMAN— Her Structure, Functions, Diseases. ,)•<•., 4-r. This is a work of 600 pages and 130 illustration*, by Dr. S. Pancoast, Professor of Physiology and Microscopic Anatomy in Pennsylvania Medical University, Philadelphia. This work is written in a chaste, clear and prac- j tical manner, while tbe illustration* cannot be ob- Music. Boxes, too numerous to part ; jectionabie to tbe most refined and. circumspect of I advertisement. .the ladies. The volume is complete in every de-1 Thankful for the liberal patronage b.i 1 partment, and present* all tbe information so ur-1 them, since they commenced bnsiuess. -■ splendid 1 con*: sting in part of the following art:. GOLD AND SILYI T C H ** | Hunting Magic Case, Independent 2d.il I tlemen. GOLD WATCHES for Ladies,r!4 tiful. SILVER WAKE, snub as Sioou j lets, Ac. SILVER PLATED WARS:.-RB| tors. Egg Boilers, ( with Gold Plated Spoons,) Fruit Baskets, Pitchers, Col I Walters, Ac. JEWELK] Consisting of Diamond and G M K:,.-'. j J ftc., sparkling aud bright. Musical Iiistruium f Such aa Violins. Flutes, Guitars, Bl. j | lines. Goid Pena, sue. Pencils. Guitar and Vi. sortment of Fancy Goods, and a varied i oct!9—ly DB. FREDERICK GAKKE, Surgeon Dentist. ^- — | J* B. JIILLER, $3.0 °°0 CasH! ATTORNEY AT LAW, valuable Plantation mill town, berrien county, ga.. lim, yyrlLL practice in tlie BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT . ROHINSOS CHtS. ROBINSON G. S. & C. ROBINSON, Attorneys zit liaw, CUTHBERT, GEORGIA. W ILL give prompt attention to all buainesa en- f * “ E ept. 38, MIX ft KIRTLAXD. Isaacs & Brother, I’adrr ICalaton’a Hall, C berry Nt. I) UBBEK SHOES.—A Urge asrortincnt It of Gents and boy* Robbers. Also, diet slipper and sandal rubber Shoes of Goodyear’s Celebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by ‘ Sept. 38. MIX ft KIRTLAXD. j Aycr-s Cherry Pectoral. For the rapid cure of Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Whooping Congh, Asthma and Consump tion, ia universally known as the beat remedy ever yet discovered for every variety of Pulmonary dis ease. So wide is tbe field of it* usefulness and so numerous the ceeei of ita cure*, that almost every section of tbe country abounds in persona publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lunge by ita use. When ouce tried ita superiority over every other medicine of its kind ia too apparent to escape obser vation, and where it* virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate wbat antidote to employ for the [ery Scissor*. Pocket And other Patents. Ka/orti! (Cazor* ! OF THE GENUINE JOS. HODOEKS ft SON’S Make. 1 IIAVKjnst received direct from Joseph Rodgers A Sou. SlieflielJ. England, a large and splendid va- WE shall bebappy to see our friends, assuring riety of the above goods, and[most respectfully so .l . •. sii i * * i liftif th* natmtiaifA Him mihlltV T IN HOUSTON COUNTY > OR SALE. | VV comprising the following counties, Glynn, HL undersigned will sell for Ten Thousand Dol- Ware, Wayne. Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee and lars cash, the Plantation in Houston coucty; Chariton, also McIntosh of the Eastern. mav 4 spectfully solicited, which shall he promptly sup- known as the Ben Gray place, containing THIR- j —— — — TEEN HUNDRED Acres of Lapd. This Plantation olco is fourteen miles from Macon and lies in one mile of the South-Western Rail Road, said road passing through one corner of the Land. There is between six and seven hundred acres of Land cleared, and in tine condition for making a crop auo*her year. The dace is well improved. Having Frame Negro looses with brick Chimneys to accommodate Fifty audi'raw** ns ~ i% ~**— ° These Lands are level and well adapted to the pro duction of Corn or Cotton, and instead of wearing out,« ‘ " “ " judirJ The place will be sold on a credit of one, two and three years, for a sum equivalent to ten thousand dollars cash. Any further information desired, will be furnished by audressiog the undersigned at Busbay ville. Hous ton County, Georgia. D. F. Macon, Sept. 28. 1858. Office next to Uoucert'llauT over Payne’s Drug j K en,1 >- desired by all classes of females. Price 82; 1 continuance of the same, and will spar* J ore. ^ ian6* by mad, 82 30. By tho same author, a work for ff lv ® satisfaction to their customer*, i Guardians, Parents, aud young men, entitled * n d quality of their V nres, and in p: - | BOYHOOD PERILS, ftc. 1 Watch and other repairing executor This is a work of 225 pages, 12mo. illustrated with | and <>" U>** onable teems. nine flue lithographic plate*. It has received the , highest encomiums from the press, and has passed through two editions in 6 months. Price $1 25; by moil, 81 45. j-isi of tiifis for eqct> dOork- To the purchaser of a copy of the first work, one — folio* trusted to them, in Randolph, Clay, Early, Mil «><••*-*— —J Qultmau euuntles. tf KIMBROUGH Oc It ASS, •nonoi worn or wonon, ana msieaa oi wearing I t rn m r\ vy \- -p v r< \ m t \ , get more productive aa they grow older, nnder -Y i 1 v/ it 1‘, 1 o Ai LA W . ieious cultivation. j Gao. Kiubrodoh, E. S. Bass, Starkville, Lee co., Ga mar 8 Dawson, Terrell co., Ga. Sportsmen Knives, Kmbroide GUNN. Ilia bill of fare will eve-y day lie just Ibe thing for little pay. And those who at their place may eat. Will fiud iu it all things complete. And going once, they then xi ill know That ISAACS' is the place to go. TO PLANTERS AND MERCHANTS. very accom- DK. WM. F. HOLT W ILL attend promptly all calls left either at his Office, over Bowdre ft Anderson’s Store, or I a, his residence in Yineville, opposite Maj. Comer's, mar 8—ly* otthe following artieles will be given, which may .; deselected when ordering the boot: Ladies’ Gold Pencils, Retail Price, 83 oo MILLINERY GOOIJ £ 1 IMIS© ibamoi Gold Tooth Picks, Ear Drops,... Gold Rings, chtned or plain, j J JAS just received a large assorting J Lof the above mentio Gold Lockets, Ladies Gold reus wttu extension cases. . Mosaic aud Flomntiae Brooches, Ladies Cuff Pins, Ribbon Slidau Gold Crosses, Cable Chains. 2 00 2 oo 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 •z oo ceive weekly, during the season, theta quality, such as Straw. Lace, Crape asd m NETS, also Children and Misses' HA1S4 Ribbons, Flowers, Head Dresses, Hair Of Curls, Braids. Lace and Muslin Setts, Bt.’J Capes, Lace Mitts, also many other s Fancy Goods too numerous to mention, all of wMA r To eachjcopy of second Work any one of the fol- 2 q,j j chased at reasonable prices, either bj V W E offer the following articles modating terms; mar 23 them that it will be our unremitting core to please iu licit tbe patronage of the pubta* every respect, as we Hatter ourselves we have done BAM till now. fy It may not be generally known that we have - to meet the wishes of the Medical Faculty, import ed by ourselves a very superior quality of Pale Bran dy, tine Old Port, Cherry and Madeira, possessing all the medical qualities so much desi red by them. Look at his Bill of Fare, and choose for yourself: Oysters From New York. Savannah and Brunswick, in tbe distressing and dangerous affections of the piiimo- shell or by the measure, raw, fried, stewed, in any nary organa which are incident to our climate. By . way yoo want them its timely < aeiy use many. nay almost all attackaof disease , upan the Long* or throiit,' are a ires! ml and tbns are ! Shrimps and Crab*, saved many thousand* every year from aprematore grave. No family should be without it, and those who do neglect t rovide themselves with a reme dy which wards off tbit dangerous elass of diaeaaea will have cans* tc deplore it when it it too lato.— Proof* of the surprising efficacy of the Cherry Pec toral need not be given to the American people,— they have living proof* in every neighborhood.— But those who wish to read the statements of those whose health baa been restored and whose lives have been saved by ita use, will find them in my A- mericau Almanac with the agent below named aa to furnish gratia for everr one. Prepared by JAMES C. AYER, Practical and An alytical Chemist, Lowell. Mass—And sold by all Druggists and dealers in medicine tbmoghont this section. mar 15—3m. ALSO. NEW GOODS- C. Campbell & Son, NEAR THE LANIER HOUSE, TTAVE jus, received their Fall and Winter supply i XX of KERSEYS. HEAVY BLANKETS and I NEGRO SHOES at the lowest market price*, and | CASH. wild Game of every variety. Venison and BeefSteaka, Mutton Chops and Veal entitle, Ham and Eggs, Deviled 11am and Deviled Terapius. Mountain Oyster*. Turtle Soup, ftc., ftc., ftc. Wood cock, Grouae, Mountain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Ducks. Fuh. and anytbiug that an epienre want*, can always be bad when in neuron. CouTcciioucrics and Fruits. ISAACS also keeps constantly on hand a good as sortment of Confectioneries, Oranges. Apples. Bananas, Pine Apple*, Vanoni description of Nut*. Cake*, ftc.. 1000 roils Gunny Bagging, 1000 Sacks Salt. 33 barrel* Potatoes, 410 bales heavy Gunny Bagging. II00 coils Richardson’s Green Leaf Rope, 1000 pound* Twine, 175 barrels Sugar, 300 tacks Coffee all qualities. ISO boxes Candles all qualities, 100 do Soap, 75 boxes Starch. 100 boxes Candy, 100 do Soda, 133 kegs Nail*, 130 bales Osnaburgs, 50 bales Georgia Kerseys, 25 bales Y’arua, 100bales Brown Sheetings and Shitting*,* 85 hhds. Molasses, 30 barrels Syrnp, Large Stock of fresh and new DR. J, DICKSON SMITH, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, .7IACOIY, GEORGIA. yj^TLL attend promptly to alt Professional calls made on him, either at his Office or Residence, by day or night. OFFICE—Over Menard ft Burghard's Jewelry Store, ou Cherry Street. RESIDENCE—At Mr. J. B. Hass’. j*n 18 lowing articles may be selected, which cannot be ■ ,ilT Ur ' purchased for less than 81 00 at Retail: Pocket! .I Knives, Gold Studs. Gold Watch Keys and Seal*. | * c00 ’ Gold Pens, with Pilf iKinn Ptutp.4 Hicisf Pins Retail. !3^*Orders will be promptly ajkI / March 8—3m Gold Pens, with extension cases, Breast Pins, Sleeve Centra!, Racou A Westi waufed in every town. ,« whom Commia- SOUTH-WESTERN RAI1® sions will be given in books or money. Those get ting np a Club of IS subscribers for each work, and remitting the amount, will receive a copy of each work and a gold Pencil worth 85 Oil independent of *1F. II. Freeman. ,11. IF., JJAV1NG returned to Macon, offers hia Profes- Dry Goods, rill sell at living aional services to its citizens, and those of the surrounding country, and is prepared to treat their various diseases with innocent vegetable remedies, and hopes that in consideration of the fact that he gives no poison, draw* no blood, *nd never destroy* the constitutions of hi* patients,- he will be liberally patronised by tbe afflicted. Ep-Purtieular attention wiU be given to Plants- tion, and other country practice. ^Office at the Drug Store of Dr. M. S. Thom son, to whom he refer*. jan 11—ly the gift to each subscriber. For 30 subscribers to each work, au additional copy of each work and a Cameo Set, (Pin ft Drops) worth 8 U 00 For 100 subscribers lor each work an additional copy and a Gold.Watoh worth #40. For 500 subscribers for each work a Gold Watch and Chain worth 3150. Address aU orders DR. S. S. OSBORN, Mar29—3in 916 Spring Garden st Phil. Pa. G UANO, will for the present, beutsii the Central Railroad to Macro. “ tion on that and the Eatonton Road, in I. toany Consignee, at 82 00 per ton ofVJ over the Macon ft Western, and Sostb 5 Roads, or to sny Station on either of 81 00 per ton of 2,000 !bs„ provided marked with consignees name. GEO. W. ADAMS, Gen ISnp'tf ALFRED TYLER VIRGIL POWERS, Macon Papers copy. IU* tfcU It: GIFTS! GIFTS! Daily receiving in Storn* which we j rates, consisting of the following : 20 case3 Prints, 15 eases Ginghams, jnsiro? D “ l *‘ ,e *’ Sh » 1| y‘ ni1 Drs. McDonald and Van Goisen, I with o M HraM^SSS 1 1300 dost OUpHOy. . . TN J* - J. .. ’ With One Hundred Varletlea One Hundred Varieties of Gifts! Melvin’s Improved Gift Book Sale. Melvin'* Improved Gift Book Sale, Melvin's Improved Gift Book Sale, Meivin'a Improved Gift Book Sale, Melvin’s Improved Gift Book Sale, 333 Chestnut St., Philadelphia— j 333 Chestnut St., Philadelphia— 1 333 Chestnut St., Philadelphia— 333 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia- 333 Chestnut St., Philadelphia— 1 II.IAUJ) H.l llfllli J) W K are now offering a new and . Stock of elegant PIANOS fretn-'n ft Clark, and other makeo sf-^ranted to please. Gr-' n 4 sl< 1 ’'lutes, Accordeons and ftteoi I instrument* kept in our line-. String*. ’fees^|i U ‘ Music Books, Sheet Music, ftc. 1 GOLD AND SILADR WATCHES. Of the most afprC JEWELRY A- FANCY i] Silver Forks end Spoon*, equal Ic co;- Watches an i Jewelry Repaired aad c March 1,18.9. J. A. ft S. S Dentists. 25 boles Marlboro and other domestic Stripes, 10 bales Ticking, 10 cases Llusey.s. 10 case*Flannel*. 535 piece* Satinets and Jean* , OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK 150 piece* Cauimeres, 30 pieces Fancy and Black Silk*, eoo dozen Handkerchief*, 1300 piece* white Mn*lins, Also, a large Stock of Clothing and Hal*, with 330 MACON, GEORGIA. ■ Electricity used in Extracting Teeth « rp nnv A T TVC Dau»o -1 i i M C DONALD'S Tooth Paste always on hand and ■ for sale. Dentists can be supplied with the (vlis nt TKRTH aluft flnl.l Vml fl.,1.1 ^ — .1 Utt cases of Shoes of all kinds, and 1060 Negro Blankets. I tinest style ot TEETH, also Gold Foil, Gold and Sii We respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. | ver Plate and Wire, Lathe Fixtures. Ac., also with Oct 26 tf * Y II h W A DnCiir I anv Irlrsrl s\f Inatmmanti ra*» XIafasn.la #>„ abort J. B.ftW.A. ROSS. Planters would do well to call and examine before purchasing. r^,ONNOISEURS^?A^'ire^^E?ted to examine, 1 I) f] JIOIKtK I Y SOY 1 O Specimens now on exhibition at Pugh'a Fine Art I' 1 A • llUl/UlVlitU tt OV/ls* Gallery, moet of which are life-size Photographic ~\/Ta r*r-iTi Portrait*, and one full length, painted oo a landscape- XVJ.CLOLJJ.J., V_3TcL. , background, by Mr. Poindexter, and said to boa TMITij the , of which can bo purchased at low price* for master piece by all who have soon it. *■ attention of £ tmnPCt si» u 1 We can furnish better and more elaborate worka. * “ * Sporting of Art, than can be obtained in Macon, and onr spec-11 ublie and ot h- itnena will corroborate wbat wo aay. Ambrotypea, i ra, to t b • i r any kind of instruments or Materials on short notice, oct 12 Be sure and call at E. ISAACS ft BROTHER. groceries''-I FINEST FAMILY GROCERIES ^ DE. A. PIERCE, HOA1CEOPATH OFFICE IN WAHniKOTOX BLOCK. Medicine Cases and Book* on Domestic Practice for aale. Macon, July 13—tf. Or. C. J. Uooscvclt, at tlie old stand, and do not intend o be nnderaold for Cash. Macon. Oct. 18. 185*. ' Checks on New York POE SALE BY TIIF. MANUFACTURERS’ BANK put up ou Thorp’*, i BOOK BINDING. I ACK?ON IiAliNKS manufactures to order every J description of blank Accoutre books, and binds in anv style desired, Magazine*. Law, Music and Miscellaneous B loks, clikks’ nrcmtD and DocitKT iiooaa.with or without ratxTiD roRMs, and warrant ed best quality |»pcr. esr Kn.-.n. • i s' protlo paper made from tlie l>e*t Eoguab draw ing L> any length or width. All,,r,ii r» ir. in the country promptly and c*i rful ly Kttrndrd to. Office on Cotton Avenue ona door j mate, aud stand all kinds of weather. Pries 83 00 Runaway F ROM tho aubscriber, abont the 9th of Jaly, '50, a negro man, EDMOND, about 6 feet high. and weighs about 180 pounds; about twenty threo years old. ne ia of copper color, face long, and ; quick spoken. He has been seen in Bibb, Jones, : and Twiggs, and 1 will pay 8100 for him to be put { in any sale Jail where I can get him. may 17—7t* JOHN HEARN. Honey Blade Grass Seed. N.'WEED, 31 if con. Ga., A GENT for the sale of the Honey Blade Hunga rian Grass Seed, warranted to grow in any cli- below Ro»s aud Coleman's. apl 13 1 per bag april l® For 1859. ACKER XIERRALL t CO., IVo. I!t2, Chambers Street, Cor. of CoUege Place, (Opposite Hudson River Rail Road Station,) NEW YORK. Dsalebs tx FINEST WINES. FINEST BRANDIES, FINEST SEGARS, FINEST TEAK FINEST COFFEES, FINEST SUGARS, FINEST BUTTER, FINEST HAMS, i specimen* on exbibition,tak«m at my Gallery. .Maoon. Jaa. 17, 1859. .1. A. PUGH. NEW FlPtlvr. lhomeopathic physician EIOX AND DOMESTIC AMl’NITION, and every T H E undersigned having taken the Livery Stable P formery ‘ {article found in a FIRST CLASS Sportsman’s Emporium, ! NORTH OR SOUTH. By careful attention to tbe bnaioesi, and keeping | tlFFICE AND RESIDENCE Corner ot Third and Walnut Streets, Macon. Ga. Wn 11—ty ,1 "J vaieiuiuut I1UUU lo lue OHM lie.-IUU Keeiuu| I • ^ b fi ^ tlie Wst GOODS in our line, wee vpec, to receive* carrying on the same in all it. branches. Weiball, con , inu »Uon of p*st favors. Kcpniriug rnret'ully ntlcndrd Iona herclo- alwaya keep Phaetons, Carriage*, Buggies aad flora- es, to hire on as good terms as any bod. Wo have also the most ample accommodation* for Drove Stock. We wonhl say to the public that we have taken the Bit into our mouth in earnest and can always be Oct. 96. Patten & Miller, (LSTK PATTKJI, UITTOX ft CO.,) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, fore. break a timer. We shall never tin Jellort in hitch ing up for yon so long as you come up to theLot 1m A NEW Gh U 1ST SMITH. FT1IIE subscriber, having just arrived in Macon, 1 and opened a NEW SHOP for the purpose of ' repairing GUNS and PISTOLS, I G. FATTEN.. . . I aug 3 SAVANNAH, GA. A. J. MILLER. FINEST TONGUES, and SStttt* Now if yim want ns to wagon to Rock ,h ? P“ bl! , e ’ a , nd K n » r 6 n 'ee» ’ * na noray and not to be sulky, in fact if you don’t want io . M work to his hue in the best manner, and at to foe u» cheek up to close, put your ihoulder to the ( fJSSlf??ninlm“^iTVo l-o wn wheel, give u* a share, and if yon find a sinrl* trace D0LBLL BARREL GLN^, IwIFLKb AAD of ingratitude vou may holler ns. ° — J ‘ ’ .. -o . — Very Respectfully. ADERliOLD ft JEFFERS. __ J Opposite tbe Passenger Depot, and near Brown’s . Thomson’s. I Hotel. apr 86 d tf FINEST FAMILY GROCERIES, of every description, pnt np for Shipment to all parts of the Worid. JonatliarL Oollins, (Late Batten, Collins A Co.) ^ylLLeontinne the Ware Ilonne anil Coui- iou KiuiiMin at the Fire Proof Build ing occupied bv them in this place, in connection with his son, \V. A. Collins. lie respectfully solicits the business of the (introns of the latefirm and Plant ers generally, pledging their undivided attention to i _ all business confided to their care. Advances made PISTOLS, made toVwdvr,' I^dBlooked at short no- on Cotton and other Prednoe in store, and orders lice. Your patronsgc i* l e-Dectfully soliciteil. caretuily tided. JONATHAN COI-LINS. With One Hundred Variolic* With One Hundred Varieties With One iiuudred Varieties With One Hundred Varieties Of Valuable and Useful Gilts ! . Of Valuable and Useful Gifts ! Of Y’alualile and Useful Gifts ! Of Valuable and Useful Gifts! Of Valuable aud Useful Gifts ! Conducted on an Entirely New Plan. Conducted <m an Entirely New Plan. Conducted on an Entirely New Plan. IKEW HOTEL, At TixomasVi T il E, under signed having opened fi llOl'SK, for the reception of the? the People generally to give them I No pains will he spared to make" comfortably ; and their table will be * the best Qm n arket afford*. _,r« AMANDA L. UTTUl jan 18—,f Mrs. S. Audoift ^A Vat aa We Gift with Every ltook Sold. T T AS returred from New York wi*' a- 4 } 0 *?! 8 W !'? f: ver i r ?°° k Soli Ii assortment of f?*A A atnable Gift with Every B.mk Sold.' entmin a wm err Catalogues Sent Free. Catalogue* Sent Free. Catalogues Sent Free. By addressing SPRING AND SUMMESf Consisting of ail tho Newest and style* of . ITroncli Ha* i of every variety. Also, many rich M* j R. MELVIN, 333 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Yp. B^*New Catalogues, just issued, containing all j cles, beautiful Embroidery, ele;'stt Lsffi the Popular Works of tlie day; and a List of One ! dour Lace Setts, Hair Ornaments • ffS Hundred Varieties of Gifts. When orders of Twen- Grecian Curls, Side and Back Brai^ .1 ty-Five Dollars and upwards are reoeived, a receipt 1 ftc. Call and examine for your**i"*T for the same will be sent by return mail. chasing, as it will be much to your Receipt* token for every package sent by Ex- thankful for pis, favors, and solicit* press. 1 . , liberal patronage of our thrinog city L-ff Tbree Plant of Commission for Agents, of ing counties. Term* Cash which they can take their choice, and each more — rr liberal than ever offered. —’ —“ .You Drcss-MaKin* I Agent* Wanted iu Every TownJ r PT J n | ICSjMEI Agents Wanted in Every Town. L O I A D L I O n I" Agents Wanted In Every Town.! jt CIS8 GRIFFIN has taken Boon*, Addre! 5.. K-nffiLVIM, , iu the Store of Mr*. Howland.*^ — rw* j 133 St„ Philadelphia, Pa. , pared to carry on Dress-Making»» 4 ;.; 1-4 "* tihe respectful ly solicits a share of Book Binding*. april 5 . GRANITE HAJJ DLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS made to> :\i,rfor — ....... ■ x> Courts aqd Counting House, and the numbers OPPOSITE THE LAAIL** printed on tte pages without extra charge. rrtltE snbscriber will open the » W V\ MAGAZINES, MUSIC AND LAW BOOKS, I the first of APRIL next, forthJ“2; rithout extra charge. the ah*’] bound in neat and cheap styles. DAVID ROSS, Cor. 3d and Chtrry Streets; of Families. Day Boarder* *od mers. Tbi* House is now offer 6 " »* other First Otsa Hotel in th* . Catalogue* will be furnished apon application. mar 39—Jm patronage ia respectfully ty Store under tho Floyd House, opposite Dr. VnL MARKWALTER. | feb 8—ly Late of Augusta, Oa. T 1 IP july 6—tf j KKlIViAN uud .Mauipulated Guano for sale by instructed, apr 5 AYHJCL. WINGFIELD 4c_C0 | feb 1 feh 1 Ov’er George T. Rogers Son. central i^atioZitVb^r.nT.iry ^ IIL Biibacribep Las purchased the Kigbtto Row- inducements s.nd uecommodationi w aI, ti * Patent Carriages and Springs for Blank Transient persons The public yP,* Account Books, which he will put on work when House, all iht luxuries and comf^V- ....ft j DAVID HOSS. “ any other hotel. * mar t b.f.de ui« «f*» w