Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, June 07, 1859, Image 3

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fthi» |f0 n in Genoa—Scours at and B«cakin R horses In South America, j forth. The paroxysm passed bv. Washington VlTER THE LANDING. When we wish to "dcmaiT a horse—that is,! •g" n **t down on the sola—he was silent—ap- ' m.v 12) Correspondence of London to conquer, or render him obedient, (wliat you, parently uncomfortable, as if conscious of the ' “break him,) we first place a narrow band i ungovernable burst of passion which had over- or ribbon of Bilk through his mouth, behind his him. “This must not go beyond this teeth, draw it down geutly, and fasten it under ” “ !J tf the chin. We are very careful not to hare it interfere with the teeth, nor in any manner wound the lips, tongue, or gums. The inten- * *“ him pain, much less to over- , doubts, ^ ‘-/“i actual arrival of Napoleon III. to take i of the forces he has so rapidly thrown 1,1 country. Long before any vessel ^ ibis port, half Genoa, warned by a gun . tion is not to giv _ from the lighthouse battery, and the j power him by- a sudden exercFse'of ’cneat force, i uicoler floating ont from the sm.ud j his to give him his first feeling of^mstraiot. out on foot in the streets, or hoed This band is left in its place Tor some time, r , r bich runs round the port ns far as |°*~Lg place on the west side of our har- V n ,;l for so many days successively. * jilted the appearance of a disturbed , . beehive, crowded as it has been daily Ij.irousered bipeds, each armed with , V, |bat Austria is soon to feel. T^lisheJ myself early in a good position p >oUt b, and enfilading all the west side of already lined with expectant heads, r° rmf'i with n ”' ce umbrella, an opera .ml a pack of sandwiches, filled up my - * UU . • _ <L ....1 .sill ...1 ? the cenira of attraction. ’ r src day for the boatmen; many a Li i'ble eitixen avoided the dust and crush toilsome walk by chartering one of the I, ill nbenies, which the rower aceins to lalon" *n ea-dy. standing up and looking L . jtheport below me was thickly dot- r: h , uc h pleasure parties, shooting rapid- L-kwanl* and forwards across the mouth *' L.bor, and moving more slowly and Line more do>rly near the point where ^Jorclrd shifs would cast anchor. J*. 'I. the Heine Ilortcnsc—^origin- H, ; y,npt ror's own yacht, but given by T?Prince Najiolcon ou the occasion of the , marriage—slowly steamed in, and, to amid the thunder of royal salutes while he is allotred his customary liberty of motion. He is at the same time, o'ften spoken to in tones of gentleness, and thus gradually accustomed to the sound of his masters voice, *. n . P atte ^’ un< * fondled, as far as his degree of timidity will allow. The band round bis jaw, w after a time, drawn rather tighter, and he is, afterwards, gently led a little by a short rein attached to it, while the same practice Is con tinued. A light, simple, smooth bit is afterwards in- lllu _, . trodneed into his mouth, free from every ap- k. watching the crowd still pouring on pendage which might wound, irritate, or greatly 3 - —compress his lips or tongue. Then a bit, of a larger kind ana different form, is substituted; and finally the Spanish bridle, with its powerful appendages, is applied, but without the exertion of Its levers, or even the intention of resorting to the use of the tremendous power of which they are capable. Only in extreme cases of need is the long curb ever touched. That, and the parts on which it may be made to operate, are regarded rather us ornaments, like the large rowels of the spurs. The horse is actuated by attachment to his master, in his docile and en ergetic movements; and.of this abundant evi dence could lie found, in facts within my know ledge, and l»y those known to almost every south American. I will givo a single instance, in confirmation of what I liave saidr \\ hile I resided in .Philadelphia, I trained a 3? town, her Majesty’s steam frigate ' “'P 1 * 11 . • «ml several large Freuch transports » y ? un K Nortb American horse in our South ^iito T Ss3kupS:? m j r l r": ‘f e rz™ re - r—,«» — •;»«"«: i SSST3 SSiSSS.’&K *®°ke blew away , or lifted here and , an d vicinity. Ono day a friend offered to pur- ii opened 'd»t as ° f ® a "“Jj d rd * a “ d . chase him, and with much hesitation I sold him. , draped in flags from truck to hnll nnd ( n c thought the horse an extraordinary one, but « *Pfk« ^ f? attributed his docility, speed, uncommon gaits b»wls and handkcrchiefs-whilc the deep a nd attachment to me, to his nature, and pre- :■>')• thousand voice* welcomed Napo- | sumed that, by buying the horse, ho should be hind he comes to free. come possessed of them all. 1 assured him that room,’ said he at length, in a subdued and al tered tone—there was another and a longer pause; then, in a tone quite low, “General St Clair shall have justice," said he. “ I looked hastily through the dispatches; saw the whole disaster, but not all the particulars. I will re ceive fate without displeasure; I will hear him without prejudice; he shall have full justice.” ■Washington had recovered his equanimity. ‘‘The storm," we are told, “ was over, and no sign of it was afterwards seen in his conduct or licard in his conversation.” How well he kept his word in regard to General St Clair, will hereafter be shown. The Lord’s Prayer---An Acrostic. Oca Lord and King who reigns enthroned on high, Fatbxr of Light! Mysterious Deity! Who art the great I AM—the last, the first— Art righteous, holy, merciful, and just— Ik realms of glory, scenes where angels sing. Heaves is the dwelling place of God oar King. Hallowed the name that doth all names transcend. Be Tbon adored, oor great Almighty Friend. Tht glory shines beyond creation’s space, Named In the book of justice and of grace; Tht kingdom towers beyond the starry skies; Kingdom Satanic falls, but thine shall rise. Com a let thine empire, O, thou Holy One! Tht great and everlasting will be done! Will God makeknown bis will, hia power display7 Be it the work of mortals to obey. Dose lathe great, the wondrous work of love. Os Calvary's cross he died, bnt reigns above. Earth bears the record in thy holy word. As heaven adores thy love, let earth, O, Lord! It shines transcendent in the eternal akies. Is praised in heaven—for man the Savior dies. Is songs immortal, angels land hia name. Heaves ahonts with joy and saintsbis love proclaim- Give us, O Lord, our food, nor cease to give Us proper food ou which our souls may live. This be our boon to-day and days to come,’ DaT without end in our eternal home; Ob n needy souls supply from day to day, Dailt assist, and aid ns when we pray; Bread though we ask, yet Lord thy biersing lend. Wheeler A Wilson's SEWING MACHINES. Of- —r “ 9° si 1 WATT, LANIER & CO., Owners mod Proprietors. —ALSO,— Owners, mainly, and Proprietors of Each Hotel, Montgomery, Ala. From a Xashville Paper. A Great Remedy—Wo Humbug. Tho humbug of I’atent Medicines is well nigh ex ploded. and all except those who make money out of their worse than useless nostrums, are heartily glad of it. Out of hundreds of various kinds of worthless trash thrown upon the world bvthe cupid ity of uns trupulous quacks and individuals, it is dif ficult to glean that which is really entitled to merit from its helling properties, unless we know trom personal observation its beneficial effect* upon some of our acquaintances. Of this last 1* one which wo can speak of confidently and with pleasure. We re | ferto Williams' Sarsaparilla snd Iodide of Potassi um. We have seen it used by numerous persons in j our midst with the most happy results, and we can lhiuc ii.-.-t in which, alter everything else had . been tried without «Taii. it performed a remarkable ! XE)V" AND VALUABLE IMPROVEMENTS { WATERING PLACES in We have no faith in Patent Medicines in i central. but this is an exception that we moke with T HESE Machines are the best ever offered to the public. They are simple and durable, easily kept in repair; work without noise ; sew with P®** rapidity; make an even and firm stitch on both sides that will not rip; economize thread, and are applicable to every purpose and material com* mon to the art in question. 15?*A. reduction of $25 00 lately made in price. J. B. Jc W. A. ROSS. Agents. Send for a Circular Macon, Ga. MOXTVAIE SPRINGS, TElffl,| GEORGE PAYNE, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DRUG-GIST And State Licensed Apothecary, MACON. GA. (S. Lamer A Soss, formerly of Lanier House, Ma 1 TS happy to inform his friends, natrons and the con. Georgia.) I public generally, that hit Stock is now full and Travelers on the Batlroad from Dalton, complete, which comprise! every urliclethat should On., to Knoxville, Tenn., reach these YVA- be found in a hirst Class TERS, the present season, by taking the STAGE Drug; aild Chemical Store. ' — - -•-*■ ‘ ‘ Weekly arrival i of the Savannah Steamers ena bles him to replenish his Stock Weekly, with “ OD3, pleasure from a sense of justice to the proprietor, who has given to the world such an invaluable rem edy for several of the worst diseases to which flesh is heir. We trust its sale may be large and wide, for it is really deserving and will bring relief to ma ny unfortunate sufferers- Forssle by jane 9—gw (X] XEILIX A HUNT. ty Plantations, as well as private families, should not be without a few bottles of “Wadsworth's Lini ment j" it is a prompt remedy for Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, pains of the face, jaw-sche, back ache, ana sore threat, and any other pain. Call at ZEILIN & HUNTS and get a supply—6 bottles for $3 SO. june 7—2w (S) nature, aml nre- i AsD mtke “ K r ‘ tefaI wh «“ ‘begifts descend. ■SO III, should 1,0. J-oRoiva our sins, which in destruction place r.-mtral effect of the arrival once obaerv- iutniwd into n boat nnd hurried to the j, to which a pass admitted me, that I ' M tL: Emperor “set his foot upon the t ’..swa*' f I n i I IT fln/sL’A.'] Knnt o nnrl he never could take my plaee in tho animal's affection; and that the" process of gentle and kind training, through which I hnd brought . . him, had inalienably attached him to me, so ml thorc. Gaily decked boats and j that his early impressions could never be oblit- (ircstril in dags, formed a road wbicli crated. iJc might become fond of another nias- I, Alton the Mole to the mouth of the ter, and certainly would be, if treated properl v, G, and along this, as I approached, was but in my opinion, the first attachment of a horse) » handsome barge, bearing, by the ; when strong, is nover equalled by a second ftirurrtad, what appeared to be a large ■ an, evidently on its way to meet His Li Majesty. The arsenal itself present- irilliiut eight. The Imperial Guard were r„„M’ssioii. filling the edge of the water 1 a* die battlements with their tall fur )-. cpt at the landing place, which, ns thn mor. was held by the Genoese Militia, line of chairs on the eastern side were by ladies, apparently vicing with Us — the vile rebels of s rebel tace; Ocn follies, faults and trespasses forgive — Debts which we ne’er cau pay or tbon receive. As we, O Lord, our neighbor's faults o'erlook. We beg thou'dst blot our's from tby memory's book; Forgive our enemies; extend thy grace. Oun souls to save, e'en Adam's guilty race; Debtors to thee in gralitude snd love, Asd in that duty owed by saints above. Lead us from sin, ana in thy mercy raise Some time after my friend called to me, in I u * from ‘he tempter and his hellithways: one of the street* of Philadelphia, and with ex- NoT in our owu - *>“‘ *“ tby name, who bled, pressiona of the highest satisfaction, spoke of |kia|^r’ -uw*- —— ---> his horse, assuring me that he performed even better than lie hail expected, on rides and jour neys, and that he was obedient, trustv and grate ful in an extraordinary degree, lie was con tinued in his opinion that his excellencies were the effects of a most uncommon nature, believ ing that not one sueh horse could be found As for bis attachment Isro thine ear we poar oar every need. Temptatios's fatal charms teach us to abnn. But may we conqoer through tby conquering 8on. Deliver us from all which can annoy Us in this world, and may our souls destroy; From all calamities which men betide, Evil and death. Oh torn our feet aside. For we are mortal worms, and cleave to clay; Thine 'tis to rule and mortals to obey. Is not tby mercy. Lord, forever free 1 The whole creatiou knows no God but thee. Kingdom and empire iu thy presence fall; FERTILIZERS. GENERA I* A G ENCY. rae-The undersigned respectfully announces to Planters and otberr interested, that they are con stantly receiving direct from the Islands, and from the manufacturers, the following most arraoTEn Fertilized* sow uhowk, all of which have been thoroughly and aatislUctorily tested, viz: Xo..l Peruvian Guano, Sombrero Guano, Rhodes’ Super Phosphate of Lime, National Fertilizer, Ground Plaster. (Copy) Macon, May 31,1839. Messrs. J. B. A W. A. Ross. Dear Sira—Tins is to certify {that (the Wheeler & i Ison's Sewing Machine, bought o! you some eight een months since, has given entire satisfaction.— Having repaired those of other makers snd careful ly examined them, ljbeliuve Wheeler &. Wilson’s for neatness and strength of work, superior to any now in use. Tours, very respectfully, THOMAS DOUGHERTY, Master Machinist, Macon & Western Rail Road, jane LINES of ». DUNN & Co., either at PHILA DELPHIA, LOUDON, or KNOXVILLE :-from Each of which points, STAGES starting at SIX o' clock a. m., run in connection with the TRAINS to JIOitTVALE, abont twenty-four miles distant, reaching the latter at ONE o’clock, p. m. The undersigned, being determined to mskv JNTVALE one of the MOST ATTRACTIVE WATERING PLACES in the country, have, since last Summer, added several new GOTHIC COTTA GES and other buildings, together with other valu able improvements The GROUNDS are in beau tiful condition—the roads near the SPRINGS pnt in the best ordere-a good cellar ot Ice has been saved. All the accestoriei to comfort and pleasure of the beat WATERING PLACES, rill le fimnAhere. iy As to the cure ofdiseasesby the MONTVALE MINERAL WATERS, see large Montvale Pamuh let—especially as to DYSPEPSIA. CHRONIC 1)1 ARRBXEA, DROPSY. CHRONIC LIVER COM PLAINT. NEURALGIA. NERVOUS HEAD ACHE, DERANGEMENT OF NERVOUS SYS TEM. CHILLS and FEVERS, Ac., Ac. S. Lanier A Sons have been engaged in Hotel Keeping for TWENTY YEARS, and will continue to make every effort to please the public. May 1st, 1839. WATT, LANIER A CO. WATT, LANIER A r, t A. P. Watt, W. B. Lanier. ) (may 3) S. Lanier, S. C. Lanier, ) r .{ SPRING GARDEN. 1 nnn HUSH. CORN. 800 bnsh. Bran, 1UUU 500 bush. Oats. 100 bales Hay. for sale by june 7 Al'RKS. WINGEIELD A CO. RISLEY’S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHTJ 1 As a Remedy in Nocturnal Emissions, and all Improper nod Debilitating Discharges i from the Sexual Organs, which have blasted thein- ; teuectual facilities of so many thousands, and in fre quent instances consigned them as outcasts tosocie- fl. rendering them slavering idiots or inmates of a These articles, which will have our brand, and be > lunatic asylum, is not only reliable, but prompt in guaranteed as genuine, we shall, at all times, be : effecting a speedy cure. For diseases under consid- prepared to furnish in amounts required, snd at the * ggjgf IfL e „ r ? ’r“ l no If li * bl ? P re P*r*\}° a “■>«• *h<» ; I . _. 1 . „ , j remedy was introduced; and during the many years lowest prices. The “Super Phosphate,” and “Fer-! it has been before the people, thousands probably, tilixer,” at manufacturers'rates, with expenses of have experienced its remedial influences, lhere transportation added. i * re probably no diseaies which Jiave so much taxed FATTEN & MILLER. the skill and' Savannah, May 3—ly : of the 1st of June, by been swept from timo to eternity from their destrnc- homas J. Mehaffey. to , tive consequences, and in ail probability thousands his city. ; of others will share the same fate, yet none who are city, by Rev. 8. Lan- | in reach of this preparation need lor a moment fear ma Miss Alice T. Per- any socb disastrous results, for if it be taken regn lariy and its nse persevered in, its remedi * - _:..t in the splcmlor of iheir parasols, .among ten thousand. R large vessel opposite heeled over, ns 11 you, lie said, ’’theanimal has transferred it 1* n Thames steamers do. with its freight i a " t0 me , j ust as I expected.” Ti Ety, mauv a toilette fit for the most ox- “ Vou arc entirely mistaken in that,” replied; K 'alon being mercilessly exposed to the *. “•nd I ean easily prove it to you the first i Tin King Eternal reigns the King of all. . Marred rope und n struggling crowd. 1 him.” “There ho is,” replied my Power is with thee—to thee be glory given, Iv nfier my arrival renewed shouts friend, “standing in my gig by yonder tree. Asd be thy name adored by earth and heaven, itsofthe Emperor’s approach,andat ten ; Xo ' v - vou ' na - v ,r i | U '.V experiments with him Thi praise olsaints and angels is thy own: past two the barge I hnd before ob- . vou I1,a - V P loa - sc ; 1 k,low ho will show that lie Glort to Thee, the Everlasting One. passed on towards the landing place. better than you.” “Untie the rein j Fouiver bothy triune name adored. Irowdcil wiib uniforms and decorated ^ >s }j; r \ t ‘ < l hnn, replied f., *r.n! Uo*Annfth! Bles««d b« the Lord! The Emperor sat where the steers- ”W»>y should Ido that? inquired he. “Be-, «* i-uld do in an ordinary boat, between cause do not w.sh o sec him break it, I an- Cavour and the PrinJe Carrigan. and s " cr; . ,L I will call hun,«nd he will surely repeatedly in acknowledgment of the '°! m ’ as us ‘‘ L ; 1,car |S ™c >n smte of every attic Shouts which greeted hi. appear- ,h ' n fy. * ' " , ‘. c w ‘ n ml broke out again at the instant that ".° o t . >l,r : , . f „ I stand hy him, and order him to touched Italian soil. From the arsenal s «• i cc- i i . *d at once by a covered bri.lge which '*•' ll, s ‘ ,me a ,lbcr of fncnds and stran : the Carlo Alberto street to the Royal K‘rs ha,1 stopped to hear n..r conversation, and m Stradn llalbi, which belonged for- ' K '., . ■ Girolamo Durazzo. tho last Dodge of thr ±°Zr Z lC 'l- * noro * ' rc fi ucst /<>“ t0 displaced by Xanolcon I. in 1805. and ’" 'V -‘ h “ T re ,‘ r ‘ th ° tr ^f , t0 , prC " .a by his successors to the crown of Sa- ! "“f A- /nlTri C. j • , raa m a moment. I will risk tho rein: replied ;ore tins palace your unfortunate eor- f , ioml .. on ,“ Hc thcn went t0 •A was wedged in by an placed htoacTf a little distance behind the gig, WuV” "■ “• «- <• ..ace the’ landing of their allies the j | (j len .stepped into the street, wlierp tlic ani- ktmed thoroughly excited, and for a [ Illa i ~ ou j,i sce n)ei without approaching ,o,t that nnpassivcness they have [ him, called his name, with a word or two of ougliont, .which some say is caused Spanish, in which language I had been aceus- aiCnctivc mistrust of war natural to a , t omcl to speak to him. lie started, pricked up al city; others by perfect satisfaction j ),;* carSi looked at me, and made a siight motion ursc events arc taking. They cheer- j forward, as far as Ills rein allowed. .“Whoa!” . oped up nnd down to sec, and clap- j cried his new master; “stand still, you rascal!” and pushed for places with an j I repeated his name in a louder voice, with a instructive enough to ouo who ob-. few more Spanish expressions, and the rein was t among the most enthusiastic were J tightened, stretched and strained to its utmost, iluit party which but a few months ago j 1 raised my arm, called him to “Come! come! their present hero’s life. Let Napo-j your master calls you!” clapping my hand upon 7 his word, if be would go dowu a! my thigh, and forward hc pushed, with all his ireJ man to tho grave, nnd seek to i force; snap! went the reins and on. came the French rule in Italy, for the pre- j joyful animal, drawing the vehicle after him at ■asm springs from the hatred to j a dashing rate, rattling over the pavement, until Ha—not love to tho Gaul, ami the ; hc reached me, when ho stopped, gently ex \-.ich threatened hint, though sheath- j tended his neck, laid his head on my shoulder rp as ever. | to be caressed and fondled, like an nffectionnte reets from the l’iazza Acqunvcrde to j child. za Carlo 'Felico were lined with sol-1 “Huzza! huzza!" roso from the crowd of ,stly Zouaves, Grenadiers, and Artil- i .specURors, who pressed around me, to learn the lie Guard, and a splendid show they j history of the animal, nnd my mode of training 1 lmrdly know which regiment I ad-1 him. In my imperfect English I endeavored to t; perhaps two batteries of horse ar- j express what r have now more fully explained ned with tho new brass rifled cannon, I in writing. vc have heard so much, but which to j Will my reader he induced to reject the false s eye : s much like any other field ;in, i criIcl ideas too common in the United Mm men and horses seemed just what : Slates of tho nature and capacities of horses Mil) be for hard service. Along all this a “ (1 >0' die more reasonable, humane, and sue- ro miles or more-llags hung across the training and treatment of those ifolooni at every few yards, and the j n . obl t e a mmals which we adopt in South Ame- vi-rc hung with gay drapery as is ! r,ra • • riat religious occasions, while the; ~ *»—- .vrined living hedges all the way, j From Irving's Life of WaMiiuKtoo. i fipeet tho Emperor’s passage thro’ i Towards the close of a n inter’s day in I)e- ; but tlivre is no iiieaus of ascertaining cemlier, an otiiccr in uniform dismounted in nneJiate intentions arc. Some say front of the President's house, and giving the at the theatre to-night; others, on j bridle to his servant, knocked at the door. He arr, that ho will dine at Alessandria, , was informed by the porter that the President not think impossible. was at dinner, and had company. The officer _. i was not to lie denied; hc was on public busi- be Territory of Arizona. n08S » hc broo S ht dispatches for the President. 3 . A servant was sent into the dining-room to coni- riwp-'iidtntof theSL Louis Republican municate the matter to Mr. Lear. Tho latter Mows concerning the Territory of i | c ft the tabic and went into the I tall, where the shout which so much has liecn said officer repeated what ho had said to the porter. v«sr <>r two |<nst: Mr. Lear, as Secretary of the I’resident, offered itTUnry is a collection of rugged nioun- j to take charge of the dispatches and deliver them hills, and sandy gullies, with a hard \ at the proper time. The officer replied that lie ‘il. upon which the rains of heaven rare- had just arrived from the Western army; liis '«l Tile Gila is the mast reliable stream ! orders wi MARRIED, In this city, on the evening the Rev. Mr. Parks. Mr. Thomas Miss Emma McGuire, all of this On the 1st instant, in this cil dram, Mr. George Burdick, am _ cevaL all of Macon. lariy and its nse persevered in, its remedial effects On the 5th Inst, by Rev. S Landrum, Mr. John f r ® Let afflicted try it; it cer- Ruffand Mis* Martha E. Avant, aU of Macon. t,unl y oehooves them, if they value existence, to i try some remedy, and certainly no preparation has ■ - a greater notoriety or more ot a reputation for its in - trinsic worth than has this. It is found at all Drug ■ | Stores. HARRAL, RISLEY A KITCHEN, Importers and Wholesale Druggists, 76 Barclay ft New York. ! june 7—2 it 18] Ice Cream, Soda Water, &c I WOULD announce to the public that I have open ed that beautiful Grove, near my residence, as a Pleasure Garden for the accommodation of visit* era. I have employed an experienced hand in such matters, and ladies and gentlemen visiting the Gar den may rely upon being served with this cooling beverage in a style not to be surpassed by any house in this city. Open from 10 o'clock in the morning until 11 at night. Ladies and gentlemen who desire to while Sias4!a=£?lS5ttt^M 1 bythosub- pleasant and 'deration, and although thousands have ^‘ntowbo desire to send their children out with servants, may rely upon every attention being paid them, as the whole will be under the immediate su pervision of myselt and family. may 31 AMOS BENTON. City papers copy. i certainlv so destructive to tho health, happiness mid "V*. hv der consideration, and although thousands have j i4k.i-.uu FRESH AND CHOICE GO which are bought with groat attention to purity, and sold as LOW as at any DragE.stablishment in Geor- PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS Compounded at ill hours with care and neapiess. His stock consists in part of the following articles* DrugS) ClicmicaliS and medicines Dyes, Paints, Oils and Colors, Glassware, Syringes, modern styles, great variety, Window Glass, Putty, Artii-ts Tools, Mechanical, Artificial and Natural Leeches, Fresh Hops and all other Kerbs, Surgical Instruments and Medicine Chests, Family Soaps, Fine Starch and Geletines, Fio« Castor Oil for Family uso. Wines and Liquors for Medical use only, Pcriumery, Pomades and Toilet Articles. Gold and Silver Leal, Gold and Tin-foil and Artificial Teeth, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, White Wash, Paint, Cloth and Flesh Brushes, TRIPOLI, a great article for cleaning Mets.1 and Glass, Grass and Garden Seed, and all the patent Nostrums of the day. Corner Mulberry street and Cotton Avenue, Macon. apl 21 MACON PRICES CURRENT. CORRRCTin WEEKLY BV ATRES, WINGFIELD A CO. j CANDLES—Sperm.... Star Laguira ! CORN Meal Extra Family......... GUNPOWDER IRON—English Swedes........... Sheet LIME MOLASSES SYRUP NAILS OILS—Linseed Train.... Sperm Imitation Sperm.... Winter Blea'd Wlial Lard.............. PROVISIONS Bees—Mess Prime....... Bacox—Hams Sides Prim#. Lard Butter—Goshen.... Country... Pike’s RICE TALLOW HIDES 7 50 8 00 9 00 7 00 s oo 37j 60 ‘1 1 00 60 1 73 1 50 1 15 1 23 is ill 13 10J Foreign News. The Hungarian and Hammonia bring one day later accounts from Liverpool, but no material intelligence, either commercial or general. The cotton transactions of the last three days including the 18th, established a de cline of one eighth. Middling Uplands were quoted at 6jd. Accounts from Manchester unfavorable and some talk of short time. General Intelligence.—The Piedmon tese women and children are compelled by the Austrians to labor on their works of defence. Several of the Sardinian Mayors, who have refused to meet the contribution levied on their towns by the Austrians, have been imprison ed. In consequenco of the incessant rains, the rivers had risen, and this will account for "the inactivity of the opposing forces. The Paris correspondent of the London Times says that tbe confidence in the success of the army of Italy is so great, that prepara tions will soon be made at Notre Dame for a Te Deum and thanksgiving for an expected great victory, and that the programme will be announced in the coming week All the officers of tbe regiment of sappers, to be commanded by Priucc Napoleon, left Paris on the 1-lth inst. for Toulon. A train of siege artillery had also been dispatched to Italy. It is rumored that arms have been sent to Hungary, and that tbe Hungarians abroad are actively employed in fomenting an insurrection in their country. It is reported that Louis Napoleon, before leaving Paris, addressed a latter to Queen Victoria, repeating bis promise to take no step daring the war calculated to compromise the interests of England. The Austrian Government Loan of 75,000, 000 is to be at five per cent., payable in silver, and will be issued at 70. Piedmont, Mayl-1.—An official bulletin says that the Austrians have withdrawn to-day from Robbio. but a second still stronger recon- noitering force has pushed forward towards Vercelli. Louis Napoleon and Canrobert rode through the streets of Alessandria on horse back, and were everywhere received with great demonstrations of joy. The German Diet was closed on the 14th by the Prince Regent in person, who said that Prussia had determined on preserving tbe bal- | situated near the Virginia and Tennessee Flirniw anti wniilri st-ind nn Ra * 1 Ho »d> from which there is a Rail Road to the ance of power in Europe, ana would stand up j door of , he Ueception Hoojei and ia equidistant be- for the security, protection and national inter- j tW een New Orleans and New York. cats of Gcrmauy. It was expected that the There will be a Daily. Lino of Four Hone Coach ... P.y 1 .. 9 t* V 1 15 3 >:■ i! 13 3 p n » ■ »> n 9 9 V R 25 a PI! 40 a t* ir 23 a t> IT 16 a .. i* it 58 u p it n a .. p tr, 1? a * n 14 a 4‘ hi •)0 C .. i> b] 95 d t* It. 45 a P hi 18 00 a i* b! 16 00 a *► bl 12 00 a *’ hi 7 00 a Phi 7 50 a *» bl 8 25 a t’kg 6 50 a\ P tt> 31 z P It a P lb 8 a Phi 1 75 a Z< ] ? K 1 33 a 50 a ,>kp 4 a Pgi Ps’! 90 a 55 a £<! f R 1 1 €0 9 1 25 9 le I’gl 1 ou a Pgl 1 15 3 i» Si Plb 12J • F‘ lb • f lb 11 »! * lb 12 9 lb 9] » » bl 20 00 3 2 . * 1.1 to 00 ao r tt> 13 > lb 30 *! . > !b 20 a\ ► lb "i 91 * <k 1 23 9f ’bg 2 15 * . ’S’* 33 »j ’S’ ! 37 9, . i’lg-i 60 *, - 65 a ■ * lb 9 a . 1 * lb 10 • ! . 1 !b 12 a i lb 41 a 1 lb 9 1 »! .♦> lh 13 9 I3i STRONG & WOOD, Dealers in BOOTS & SHOES, Leather, Ilats A Caps, At their old sStand on Second Street, Opposite BOSTICK & KEIN, MACON GEORGIA, MH AVE now a full supply of Goods in their Hue, to which they are makioc constant additions, pleasant And healthy locations in or about ! of all the different styles of workmanship and wear, Macon. Good water, Fruit, &c., in abundance. i and which will be sold on as good terms, for cash or Terms easy if application is made soon. approved short credit, aa any Shoe establishment in may 31—*It GRENVILLE WOOD. ‘Georgia. They solicit a continuance of the liberal NOTE LOST.—CaufionTi FOR SALE. T OST, a certain note of band given to S.S. Dun- ]NJ~ Q r P I Q~Pi One Hundred'and'Fifty DolUni^Ated* about w” of j V© Persons Holding Bonds of .He December, 1858, and payable one day after date.— STATE OF GEORGIA. All persons are cautioned against trading for said: n ■ note, or receiving it for any valuable consideration, . TREASURY DEPARTMENT, £ as payment has Deen stopped, and I have applied Milledgeville, Ga., May 18th, 1859.) fora renewal. S. S. DUNLAP, j ypHEIlE being at present a large surplus in tho J. Treasury of this State, and there being but j 845,000 of the debt of this State due this year, I am instructed bjr his Excellency, the Governor, to give Watches! Watches! C ELEBRATED ENGLISH MAKERS-James Hoddeli & Co., R. &. G- Beesley, Josh Toleman, Josh Olarenshaw, Edwards Robinson, and the cele brated American Watch in (told and Silver Cases. SWISS MAKERS—Eugene Bruquet, Breithing Laderiet, Edouard Favre, Brandt and others too numerous to mention, by , DAY & MAUSSENET. Clocks, Clocks, Clocks. The Marble Clock, runnfcg three weeks without winding—striking hoar and half hour. Also, Eight Day, Marble and Mnrbleizcd IfM. 1> muz**, Wood and Marine Time-pieces, with and without the alarm- DAY & MAUSSENET. Fine setts of Jewelry. DAY & MAUSSENET. Diamond Pins, Finger Rings and Ear Rings. DAY & MAUSSENET. Fob, Vest, Cbattalans and Guard Chains. DAY & MAUSSENET. A fine assortment of Necklaces, Crapes, Medalions and other Trinkets, by DAY & MAUSSENET. Silver Table, Tea, Salt, Mustard. Berry, Sugar and Cream Spoons. Also, Dissert and Pickle Forkes. Cups, Goblets, Waiters, and sundry other silver ar tides too numerous to mention, by DAY & MAUSSENET. Musical Instruments. Violincelos. Violins, Flutes, Fladgeolets, Fifes, Banjoes and Tamborincs, also a fine assortment Italian, French, and English Violin Strings by DAY k MAUSSENET. Gold, Silver, Steel and Plated Specks with the Scotch Pebble Glasses, by DAY A MAUSSENET. FANCY GOODS—A large assortment, by DAY A MAUSSENET. JEWELRY’ REPAIRING done at the shortest notice and in the best possible manner, WATCHES, Magic sod Hunting Cases, Gold and Silver Hoddeli WATCHES, forsale by oct l c DAY * MAUSSENET. Corner 3d and Mulexrrt Struts,£ MACON, GA. OESXIR IK CHOICE X3HlXTGfS = SELECTED JIEDICIXES, PURE CHEMICALS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, WINDOW GLASS, PERFUMER'S - , SOAPS, PAINTS, OILS, PATENT MEDICINES, FRESH GARDEN SEED, Merchants and Physicians WHO PRIDE THEMSELVES ON DEALING in ARTICLES OF THE FIRST QUALITY, And at 'ow Prices, MAY RELY UPON BEING SUITED. Orders Promj tly attended to. may 31—3t CAUTION., notice that he desires to redeem 8100,000 of the Bonds of this State which are not due, and that any person or persons holding the Bonds of this State which bear seven per cent interest, will receive cash for said Bonds at par, by presenting them at the Treasury of this State, or at the Bank of Savan- _ r - . l l n *h’ or at the Georgia Rail Hoad and Banking Com- Montpelier Farm School, r 0 *? 5 y t ^ , , i y s ^’ ,,, Al,SU8,s ' MONROE CO., GA. may 24—31 Treas’r. A LL persons are hereby cantioned against tra ding for a note made to mo by J. B. A W. A. • j Ross, for One Thousand Dollars, dated 1st May, 1859, ' and payable on demand, said note having been lost or mislaid. P. J. MULLINS. may31—at* Kev. Carlisle F. B. Martin. Prcs’dt. TILE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON H A L^ot P ie.^“^Mr 0D ffi*i^5K&23I 1'IRC AM) LIFE INSURANCE tbilber his I ABM SCHOOL from Henry C'onntr. No place in all the Sooth pos- r eases more facilities, or more peculiar advantages, i i than does this, forthe successful education of youth. | The Fall Session will commence on the 25th of I IJiUvnexL - _ 1 Fur farther information, address the President, at (Montpelier, Georgia. I >“»y -1 W ANTED TO HIRE—A good Washer and Irener. Apply at this Office. NOTICE. j T HE undersigned have this day formed a part- : nerebip under tbe firm of NEWCOMB & PATTERSON, and are prepared to administer to the physical and artaiTi'aL wants of aU their old customers, and jnne 7—It A. PATTERSON. MONTGOMERY White Sulphur Springs, Montgomery County, Va. T HIS Watering Place will be open for the recep tion of visitors, on the FIRST DAY OF JUNE, 1859. Ample arrangements have been made for the ac commodation ot One Thousand Persons. FOll SALE! M Y PLANTATION situated in the counties of Bibb and Monroe. It contains 11 or IS hun dred acres of Land—is free Oak snd Hickory land— lies well and is only 16 miles from Macon. 1 will also sell stock and utensils if desired. Payments made easy. ANDERSON COMER. March 29.1659. BEL DM & CO. STRAW GOODS, AT COST FOR CASH. j No Uumbugr. many new one* as fee) disposed to call at “THE W J J - - have just received an extra supply of Straw GEORGIA." B. S. NEWCOMB, VV Goods, consisting of COMPANY, | OFFICE 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. AITUOIUZEU CAPITAL £2,000,000, or $10,000,000, PAID Ur CAPITAL, SURPLUS AHD RESERVED FUNDS FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, 800,000 INVESTED IN THIS COUNTRY. DIRECTORS IN NEW YORK. JAMES BROWN. Esq.. Chairman. FRANCIS COTTEN, Esq., Deputy Chairman. GEORGE BARCLAY’. Esq. EUGENE DCTILH, Esq. JOSEPH FOWLER, Esq. JOSEPH GILLARD. Jr.. Esq. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. ED. F. SANDERSON, Esq. • WM. S. WETMORE, Esq. EDWARD M. ARCHIBALD. Esq. President Secretary, ALFRED PELL, Esq. Counsel ofthe Board, A. HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. AYERS, WINGFIELD & CO., Agents. Macon, Ga. apr 26 !r^ @ 0 © HD iL IT GJJ K !r\ [L IMPLEMENTS. MTCtyJLTTiyMIL Machinery & Implements GRAIN CRADLES. Wood nnd Wire braced, 5 and 6 fingers. Price 3J to 5 dollars. SCYTHE BLADES, English Patent, American Silver Steel. Price 75c to 81 is. SICKLES REAP HOOKS, Grass blades. Scythe Stones and Rifles. WHEAT FANS, Grant's Patent, Excelsior, See Price 18 to 40 dollars. THRESHING MACHINES, Brown’s Y’irginia, Wheeler’s and Georgia made.— Price 33 to 50 dollars. HORSE POWERS, Sinclair’s and Whitman's Lever Powers, one and two horse R. Road Powers. Price 8100 to 8140. STRAW CUTTERS, Shuck and Fodder Cotters. Price 5 to 30 dollars. CORN SHELLERS, Various sizes and Patterns. Price 6j to 15 dollars. WEEDING HOES, Scovit's, Collins’, Weed’s, Brndes' Patent, Clement’s Iron and Wood Straw Rakes, Cultivators, Harrows, Plows, Corn Mills, Churns, W heel barrows, Ac., Ac. All for sale at the lowest prices, by NATHAN WEED, april 19 Macon, Gi Panamas, White anil Brown Leghorns, White Senates, Slate and purple Canadas, For Boys and Infants, every variety of Hats; and Misses’ Flats of every style. Tb.aa Coods must be sold as soon as possible, and to Cash Customers we can offer great induce ments. BELDEN A CO. may 31—4t CARHART & CURD TX/"q on oo AM) COMMISSION MERCHANTS MACON, GA. been completed. Prince William Frkdrick wonld be commnndcr-in-chief. Tbe China mail, with Calcutta dates to April 8, and Hong Kong to March 28, had ar rived. Tbe French troops had captured a place of considerable strength in Coehin Chi na. The trade of Canton was suffering con-! sidcrnhly from the exactions of tbe Mandarins. : mountain scenery, to thn Salt Sulphur, Greenbrier White Sulphur, Sweet Springs, and other Y’irginia YVatering Places. This is the nearest route from tbe Y’irginia and Tennessee Rail Road to the Salt Sulphur and Green brier YVhite Sulphur Springs. ' ROBERT II. MOSBY, june 7 Proprietor. COATES & W00LF0LK H AY E associated together, and occupy the new Tin Roof Warehouse now beiug erected op posite Messrs. Hardeman A Sparks. Liberal advances made on Cotton when asked for. Orders for Bagging, Rope, Groceries, Ac., shall have our personal attention. We hope, by prompt attention to business, to mer it a liberal share of patronage. JAS. H. VVOOLFOLK, may 31 N. COATES. H AVE in store, Grant’s Clinton's A others make —all sizes FAIV .HILLS. Emery's. Winship’a. Georeia and other SPIKE THUESIIEKS. Emery's Railroad, Bogardus's, 2 and 4 horse. HORSE POWERS. Grant’s and others make 5 and 6 fingered GRAIN CRADLES. Scythe Blades, Grass Blades. Grass Syckles, Scythe Stones, Corn Shelters, and Straw Cutters, ALSO, YVire Cloth, Bolting C.'oth, Leather Belting, Rubber Belting, MiliSpindles, Mill Cranks, and all kinds of HULL IRONS, Together with a fall assortment of Builder's and Carriage Maker's material, and everything usually kept in their line, all of whieli will be sold at the low est market rates ~ Call at CARIIART & CURD’S. may 17 THE LIVER INVIGORATOR! PREPARED BV DR. SANFORD, Conipouuded outirc-Iy fmm Gums. I S ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE AND LL VER MEDICINES now before tbe public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more ef fectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liter to eject its morbid matter, then on the sto much nnd bowels to carry off that matter, thus ac complishing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful feelings experienced iu the operations of most Cathartics. It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strengthen and build it up with unusual rapidity. The I.ivcr is one of. '—effecting a radical tbe principal regulators . cure, ot the human body; and Billion*, nttneka when it performs itsM are cured, nnd, vvlint functions well, the pow- in better, prevented, ers of the system arc ws- by the occasional use fully developed. The p| of the Elver Invigo. stomach is aimostentiri " . rntor. Iy dependent on the One dose after eating healthy action of iheLi-. _ J is sufficient to relieve ter for the proper per BS tbe stomach and pte- formance of its func- Jj? vent the food from ri- tions; when the stum- sing and soaring, ach is atfa u It .the Only one dose taken " *“'01; berure retli lur prevents consequence of one or W Niahtmnre^ gan theEiver . hav-^ Only ono dose taken ingceasedtodo itsda_|*» at ni( i hti ]oosen9 the ty- Forthe dueueofbowelsgentlyandcures that organ, one of the jf, C o.iivenc«. proprietors has made it u „ , , his study, in a practice W °.ne dose taken after of more than twenty Save Freight and Commissions. Carhart & Curd From the Georgia Telegraph Extra, June 4. Bibb'SlicrilT Sale. orders were to deliver the dispatches promptly hut in the summer time comes very j to the President in person; hut that he would in? up. At ordinary stages, the river | wait his directions. Mr. Lear returned, and in - inches to one loot in depth, and from a whisper communiratcd to the President whatP Governor has appointed the follow-1 aw/n, be sold before tbe Court llouae door in virtu wide. The water is dear, but had passed. Washington rose from the table . j n g name d Gentlemen a Committee to attcud > f * the city oi Macon, county of Bibb, and State impregnated with alkali; in some places an d went into the hall, whence hc returned in „ la miiintion of the Classes in the Univcr- : Georgia, on the first Tuesday In July next, the lilt’ n l IT tils* anil' en ,1.1. 1 owl *.- -fTn it — .. f *1.^ IvAiraiml* AVOrKplITfl I the river, the only arable land is occii- ofit One ofthe company, however, overheard j- Hon . Henry H. Jackaou. of Chatham; Col. 'uLnnl’.r^' , bin '' as 1,0 ,ook IT scat ’ u, “ ttcr ‘-° h,m ^ I I < ’ L W "i: Solomon Cohen, of Chatham; Col. Yelverton uawrn 1 the river, the bottoms are nar- an ejaculation of extreme impatience, I knew K - of Greene; Col. Henry H. Cumming. 1 fight, sandy, and covered with ad j it would be so!’ ... j of Richmond; Col. Thomas L. Cooper, of Fnl- J sorts, larrantulu*, snakes, *>'us bugs, and ferocious Hie; in tiie world ; and they, com-; alone rrmaineiL 1 ’*><■ lust, dust and had water, are 'Jlie General walked slowly backward and ''•’km a person of tho Gila in n very j forward for some minutes iu silence. As yet Jr d mi far have had that effect. . ' there had been no change in his manner. Ta p'd land anil water were abundant, : ting a seat on the sofa by the fire, he told Mr. ' isolated, almost inaccessible, trav- j Lear to sit down: the latter had scarce time to •Khans, and in (act, never can be of no ticc that hc was extremely agitated, when he rlf rpt for its minerals, if any should • broke out suddenly: “ It’s all over!—St. Clair's ‘ufliriently valuable to pay men for defeated!—routed: the officers nearly all killed fjw liu-s in one of the most desolate i—the men by wholesale: tho rout complete: W'-rli’. In the winter season the too shocking to think of, and a surprise into 'I” tiils valley is extremely cold, t he bargain!” All this was uttered with great P* and biting winds. Or game, vehemence. Then, pausing and rising from the r 1 ? little; fish are found in the upper 1 sofa, he walked up and down the room in silence, 11 irifiiitarics, hut they are coarse, Hub- j violently agitated, but saying nothing. When • n 'fir warm season as soft as mud. ! nea r tbe door he stopped short; stood still for [fr* the only fish in Arizona, that is in j a few moments, when there was another terri- r^Koper of Arizona. Around Mount; blc explosion of wrath. '•«’tv i, a little patch of iand that might I “Yes,” exclaimed he, “here, on this very “• >t will probably be needed for Igpot, I took leave of him. I wished him suc- u Koervauon. So much for the Gila ' cet « and honor. ‘You have your instructions which has been mentioned as a par- j f rom the Secretary of War,’ said I, 4 1 had • * Sfrden spot of the world. It is a strict eye to them, and will add but ono word, deware OF a smrBisB! You know how the Indians fight us. I repeat it, beware or a sir- two and a half aerts, mor« or leas, number not re collected. adjoiuing tbe lands of John Hamlin and Henry Newsom, iu tbe Warrior District. Levied ou as thepropertv of Kobert Hamlin, to satisfy a ti fa issued from Bibb Superior Court in favor of 8te- ben Slocum vs. Kobert Hsmlin and John Hamlin. phen Slocntn vs. Kobert llsmltu and Job Property pointed out by Kobert Hamlin, jnne 4-T. W. BRANTLY, Sheriff. “'t humbug/ ago a baby was taken to church , prise.’ He went off with that, my last wam- and his little brother was pres- j n& thrown into his cars. And yet!! To suffer w,| )i tlie utmost astonishment in his ‘ *> *' ”et if it don't tale the first time T that il ljtti e Charley’s rulo was in **ould he a great many re-baptisms. Punch. thing ex while Yvorsc his him— the curse of widows and orphan*—the curse of heaven!” ■■ . . Mr. Lear remained speechless; awcu into breathless silence by the appalling tones in Macon, G» which this torrent of invective wn* poured | jun. ’ Tax Receiver’s Notice. T m HE Tax Receiver of Bibb County hereby give. notice that bo will close his books on the first nfjuly next. All persons who have not given in their taxea will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. I'ntil that time he will be at Martin Hall's Cherry Street, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Fridays of each week. Jnne 7—2t CHAS. II. KITCHENS. WAR! WAR!! WAR!!! ON tlian Hoyt, of Clhrk.--.fVc/. Union. Victimized.- -A Broker, in New York, lias been victimized singularly by a swindler, who obtained from him |3,00tl for a bag of brass fil ings, palmed of by slight of hand for gold. The person who sold it to him did it in a lager beer saloon, under pretence of privacy being requi site, because the gold had been won at a gamb ling table. A rogue wl>o was in the secret, put on a policeman’s star, and blackmailed the bro-, k ™^' ra ?, Ca T r y i . n K g : I .EING obliged to repair our Store, we have com- of $800 by alleging that the gold was stolen. , yy m enced a general warfare of extermination of The police afterwards detected the entire gang | prices ou our Goods. j r_ *1-- — 1 ♦*.»»« — Wo are now selling the balance of onr stock of Goods at DRY GOODS, kAT E. EINSTEIN’S. concerned in the affair, and arrested them.— They implicated a respectable broker as the principal. Oxygenated Ritters. Worcester, Jnne 27, 1854. Gentlemen.—After suffering much for two years ( past, from Dyspepsia, I was induced to purchase of j your agent in YVorcesttr, a bottle of yonr “Oxygen- ! atod Bitten,” and after a trial of lest than two hot- i ties, I find myself radically cored. I have nut the least hesitation in recommending , them to all who are afflicted with this distressing j complaint. Yon are at liberty to use this as you j Sew York Cost, To make room, among which will be tound a bexn- . titul Stock of French Lace Mantles and Points, Double Jupe and two Flounced Silk Robes, Doable Skirt slid two Flounced Barege Robes, Orgsndies and Ja conet Double Jape Robes, Figured and Striped Fancy Silks, Plain and Fig-’ ured Black Silks, Swiss and Ja- * - conet Collars sad Sleeves, Embroidered and Lace Setts, Kid Gloves, Ladies&Misses Hosiery, think best to farther the sale of this exceUent me-! Hoop SPirts.MusUns ofsjjkindx. Men’s snd Boy’s v „r«trnlv IOHV GRAY wear. Bleached and Brown Sheeting and Shirting, dicine. * ours truly, JUH* uka i. , IrUh Unens . Tab le Damasks, Linen Drills and tar- Any individual suffering from weakness and de- i mer - 8 .Satin, Ottonade, Ac,, Ac. nmgement of the stomach, nervousness or debility f^Call and see for younf.fveso in mmj l\*nn. can be cured by thia medicine. Skth \V. Fowls & Co. Boston. Proprietors.— J 8 ” 6 " Sold by ir “u’tntaeverywhere^ CONSIGNMENT. ELIAS EINSTEIN, Cor- 2J ht. and Triaognlar Block. ZEILIN A HUNT. J13] OfY 1Y A/Y LUB - . OU.UUU for sale by | jOne 7 AYRES, ■W ^ IR, 3NT I 3NT Gr. LOOK OUT. T HIS is to forewarn all persons from trading for a note given by John McDonald to 31. Fitz gerald, dated April 13, 1859, as the consideration of said note has failed, and I will not pay it unless com pelled by law. JNO. MCDONALD, may 31—4t* FASEiHIAIV’18 IRON HOOPS AND TIES, FOR COTTON BALES. Price fi cents per pound, 25 per cent lest Utah Rope. Any one considering the advantages of Iron over Rope as a material for binding cotton bales, will be •urpriaed that it baa not been adopted long sinoe.— In is security against fire, there is an overwhelming reason for its adoption. The presses in tlie seaport cities have been the main cause of its not being generally adopted; but now that objection is removed generaBy, and the Orleans Press, the largest in New Orleans, gives it the preference over rope. TheFassman Iron Hoop nndTie is tho improvement of one ofthe proprietors, and is adopted from the fact, that it is found, after long experiment, to combine tlie greatest merits in simplicity and facility of application of any one yet made, it is so prepared aa to require no change for re-compressing. Tims obviating the only remain ing difficulty at the seaboard cities. The hoops arn sent of any length, from eight ot ten feet, and a full guarantee given that neither the Ties nor Hoops shall break. And further, that all cotton bound in them shall be received on the same terms, at the Orleans Press, as rope bound cotton.— Tlie weight per bale is about the same as rope, not one pound more or less. To show the opinion shipmasters have of it, we give the following, among numerous commenda tions we have: Tbe undersigned masters of vessels, having had cotton compressed with Passman's new Iron tumps each meal will cure years, to find some ro- ad, , . medywtaerowith to W , E^Onedose of two coanteract tbe many M teaspoonfuls will at- derangements to which J** ways relieve Sick it i. liable 8»s *—*■«*» His liable. pi Gno bottletaken for To prove that thi« female obstruction, re- — moves the cause ofthe MAGNETIC PLASTER (THE GREAT STRE.VGTHEXER AND PAIN DESTROYER. T HE best and cheapest Household Remedy in the World. Simple and pleasant in its application, certain .ind effectual in its results. A beautiful, sci entific, external Curative, applicable for the relief of pain nt anytime, iu anyplace, in any part ofthe human tystem, and under all circumstances. Ifyou put this Piaster any where, if Pain is there, the Plaster will stick there until the Pain has vanished. The Planter magnetizes the pain away, and l?nin cannot exiat where this Plaster la applied. Rheumatism, Lameness, Stiffness, YY'eakness, De- bility, Nervousness, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Coughs and Colds, Pains and Aches of every kind, down even to Corns, are IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, and, with a little patience, PERMANENTLY CU RED, by the magical influence of the MAGNETIC PLASTER. It is the simplest, surest, safest, pleas antest arid cheapest remedy in existence. Its »p- plication is universal—equally to the strong man, the delicate woman, and the feeble infant. To each and all il will prove a Balm and a Blessing. Its use is agreeable, and without annoyance or trouble.— Its price is within reach of all—rich or poor; all may have it, aod should have it who are sick, and suffering in any way. PLANTERS should he always supplied with tho invsluahle PLASTER. It will be tbe Good Phy sician on any Plantation, ready at all times, snd at instant notice. Put up in air-tight tin boxer- Each box will make six to eight plasters, and any ehild can spread them. Price 25 cents a box, with full and plain - directions. D. V. 1IOREUEAD, .VI. I*., Inventor and Proprietor, 19 Walker sh. New York. MOREHEAD S MAGNETIC PLASTER is sold by all Druggists in every City, Town and Village of the United States. Nov. 23. Macon, Jan. 4th, 1858. The subscriber will make cash advances on cob ton consigned to George Parsons A Co., Savannah, and a; ’ ’ ” ' ” — ’ from < jan uuusi^uuu iu uoui^oi AIOUUS U. V/U*| OdY UIIIKUi , l a^re 9 to hold the cotton forty-five to fifty days oi dat*3 of shipments. ISAAC SCOTT Insurance Agencies. OF HE AUGUSTA INSURANCE & BANKING CO. AND THE ALABAMA FIRE & MARINE INS. CO. AT THE OFFICE OF LANIER A ANDERSON, Agt’s. 1858 tf Macon, Ga. SOLE AGENTS Fairbank’s Scales. A full assortment of Counter and Platform Scales now in store, and sold at their prices—nofreight ad ded. Orders for Railroads, Warehouses, snd other large Scales taken, and will see them pnt np. may 17 and Ties, hereby recommend the same. The being well compressed, and tbe buttons or hoops, never breaking when thrown down in tbe ship's hold, or when stowed. L. L. Condey, Captain of ship Mooes Davenport, A. Robinson, James Thomas, A. Talbot, John Dean. John C. Wilner, H. Kopenholdt, L. P. Merili, “ Madras, “ Henry, “ Hareaaeeket, •* James Flint, “ Mulhouse. “ Ella A. Clark, Bark Kimball. The price of Hoops and Ties at New Orleans is 6 cents per pound, and all orders will receive prompt attention. Liberal deductions made to merchants forcity acceptance, by F. BELCHER, Agent, may 31—6m 12] Commercial Place, If. O. Honey Blade Grass Heed. K. WEED, Macon, Ga„ A GENT for the sale of the Honey Blade Hunga rian Grass Seed, warranted to grow it any cli mate, and stand aU kinds of weather. Price *3 00 WINGFELD A CO. |P*r•»»# aprill# A NOTH lilt YVASDEREK lY’EGKO. $100 REWARD. I Will give Fifty Dollars for the apprehension and •afe delivery to me of my man JOHN, who has been “* wanderer ” forthe last twelve months, nnd an equal amount forthe conviction of any whiteman who harbors him. John is about 45ye*rs old. of dark complexion about five feet nine inches high, is stout and muscular,has a very heavy chect.and weighs probably 180 lbs. There is a considerable sized ir regular scar on his back, (cansed by a fall.) But he may be identified by slight marks indicating the from which an extra finger (having been attached points by a mere cuticle,) was clipped from each hand du ring his infancy. It is probable that he i* lurking in the vicinity of Macon, bnt he may have been decoy ed off to some distant section by a white man. apr 29.1859—tf.WM. LUNDY. remedy is at last foud, ■■ m0 ves the cause of the any person troubled H disease, and makes a with I.. v c r C o n.-- perfect cnre . plaint, in any of its Only one dose imme- fonns,has but to try a HI diately relieves C'kol- bottle, and conviction j c# w jJiie is certain. Qdo do»e often re- These Gums remove ^ peated is a sure cure for all morbid or bad mat Cholera Dlorbni, ter from t n e system, i and a preventive o f supplying in their place Cholera, a healthy flow of bile, Only one is needed to throw out of the sys- ™ i tem the effects of medi « cine altera long sick- ness invigorating tho stem ach, causing food to di gest well, purifying the blood,giving tone aod health to the whole machinery, removing the cause ofthe diseasej I-’or Sale on Lon;? Credit. X OFFER for sale, on long credit, at a fair price, (he Plantation six miles from Americus, formerly owned by T. L. HOLT, containing six hundred snd seven acres. Two hundred and fifty acres cleared. There are all the necessary buildings on the place. Negro Cabins, Gin Houso and Screw, and a great trade will be made. Apply to T. M. FURLOYV Fsq., at Americas, or to the undersigned, ont 5 1858 tf JAMES \\T • GRIFFIN. Houston Lands for Sale. T) V order of the Ordinary of Houston county, will jj he sold on the first Tuesday in August next, before the Court House door in Perry, in Houston county, all the lands belonging to the estate of Dr. Creed T. Woodson, deceased. These lands comprising eight hundred acres (be- inglots Nos. 219, 230, 196, one-half of 198, snd ono- ha!fofl99) situated in the upper Eleventh District of Honstou county, one portion being Pine, and the other, Oak and Hickory, form one ofthe most pro ductive plantations for both Cotton and Corn in tbe county of Houston, and is now in a high stato of cul tivation and contains every building necessary lor a cotton plantation—in good repair, and is well sup plied with running wafer for stock, Ac. And in ad dition, this place lies in one ofthe most convenient snd eligible sections of the county for schools aod churches; and having been the residence of Dr. Woodson and family, has every iifiprovement and convenience required to make it a healthy, agrees b!e and pleasant family residence. EyTenns on the day of sale. PHILIP T. WOODSON, YVM. H. YVOODSOX. may 24 Ex’r* of Dr. Creed X- Woodaon, dec’d. ft . t^TOne bottle taken (H| forJniiniticc removes jail stllownesaor unna tural color from the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite, snd makes food digest well. One dose olten repeated, cores Clirouic JOiar- rhera iu its worst forms, while -Summer and Bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cures attacks caused by worms in children; there is no surer, safer, or speedier re medy in the world, as it ttivis fails. CSfA few bottles cures »rop.y, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medicine as a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill Fe- vrr.aed all Fcrcra ofa Billiou. Type. It op erates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtue*. All who use it are giving Iheir unanimous ictiiHony in itsfnvor. Kr’.’tix water iu the month with the In- rigorntor, nnd .wallow both logciher. Tho liver Invigorator IS A SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY’, and is daily working cares almost too great to believe. It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, snd seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kindot Liver complaint, from tbe worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia, to a common Head ache, all of which are the result of a Diseased Livrr. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. DR. SANFORD. Proprietor, . 335 Broadway, New York. Retailed by all Druggists. Sold also by ZEILIN A HUNT, GEO. PAYNE. may 10—ly E. L. STROHECKER. Plantation for Male. T HE undersigned offers for sale his plantation in Monroe County, containing 900 acres, 11 miles from Macon, on the Road to Forsyth and half smile from the Macon and YVestern Kail Road. The place is well improved, witli 800 to 350 acres of woodland, nbout 100 ot swamp, half of which has been ditched and in cultivation. This is one of the most desirable farm residences in Middle Georgia. It will bo sold low for casii or credit as may bo prefered L. N. WHITTLE, april 10—2m Maoen, GO#: 33nrtfnrii #'ire 3nstmnn (£u., HARTFORD, CONN. Incorporated A. D. 1810. Charter Perpetual. Authorised Capital, 81,000,000 Capital Paid in 500,000 Surplus 300,000 SSETS“JANUARY 1, 1859. Cash on hand and in Bank 843,455.23 Cash in hand of Agents and in transit 54,827 09 Real Estate unnecumbered, (cash vaiue,). 15,000.00 Bills Receivable, amply secured, 73,174.53 2,404 Shares Bank Stock in Hartford 239,413.00 S, 80 ? “ “ “ New York,... 197,750.00 710 “ “ “ Boston 74,620.00 100 Shares Bank State of Missouri 10,000.00 State and City Bonds, 6 per cents, 74,243.00 Rail Road Stocks, 16,250.00 United States’ Treasury Notes, 14,035.00 8603,769.86 DIRECTORS. H. HUNTINGTON, CHARLES BOSWELL. ALBERT DAY’, HENRY KENEY, JAS. GOODWIN, CALVIN DAY’. JOB ALLY’N, JOHN P. BRACE, CHARLES J. RUSS. H. HUNTINGTON, President WM. N. DOWERS, Actuary. TIMO. C ALLYN, Secretary. C. C. LY’MAX, Assistant Secretary. This old and reliable Company, established for nearly FIFTY Y’EARS, continues to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Dwellings, Furniture. W arehouses. Stores, Merchandise, Mills, Mannfac* toiies, and most other kinds of property, on its usn- al satisfactory terms. Particular attention (riven to Insuring Farm Pro perty, consisting of Dwellings, Barns and Out- Buildings connected, and Furniture, Live Stock, Hay, Grain, Farming Utensils, At., Ac., contained in the same, for a term of three or five years, at low rates of premium. Applications for Insurance may be made to the undersigned, the duly authorised Agent for Macon and vicinity. Losses equitably adjusted at thia Agency, and paid immediately, upon satisfactory proofs.in funds current in the cities of New Yoikor Boston, as the as- sured may prefer. E. J. JOHNSTON, Agent. Macon, Ga. Feb. 15—iy Book and Tract Depository of the Ceortfia Conference. Catalogue will be furnished at XashviUel wholesale and retail prices, and as low as they can be bought elsewhere. Catalogues furnished free of expense, by mail if desired. A large stock of Religious, Sabbath School, School and College Text Books, always on hand. Also, Blank Books, Stationery—such as Foolscap, Letter. Note and Bill paper. Envelopes, Visiting Cards. Pa per Cutters, Gold, Steel, end <iuill Pens. Ink, Pen cils, Slates, Wafers, Ac., Ac. Sold as low aa they can be purchased anywhere. W e respectfully atk fora liberal share of patronage Orders promptly filled. J«H» IV. BURKE, Altai, apr 12 Cotton Avenue, Msoon, Ga. GOLD FENS, WITH GOLD AND SILVER PENCIL CASKS, At Wholesale Prices, And a Premium with every Pen, varying in value from l 50 to 30 Dollars, Our Pens are stamped with our trade mark, and warranted perfect in every respect. Our Premi urns consist of Gold and-Silver YVatches, and tlie latest styles of Gold Jewelry. Our reasons for of. feriog these unparalleled inducements, are first, to more thoroughly introduce onr Celebrated PEN8. Secondly, to encourage Cash Trade. Thirdly, we prefer doing this to selling our goods to the Trade on time, and having to stand the consequent losses. Send for a Circular containing Price List of Pens! and Catalogue ofPremiums, which are sent free to any address. AU communications should be addressed to METROPOLITAN GOLD PEN CO. 175 Broadway, and 2 Courrland Street, N. Y’. may 3—lm SEAMLESS IIOOP SfiMS! 32 Watch Spring Steel. TENNESSEE COAL. $7 65 per Ton. 1 7*ItOM this date we will sell COAL at cost to close out the consignment. Now is the time te r 1 AA JUST RECEIVED and for sale at $3 50 by IUU inaylO BOSTICK, KEIN Jc CO. YARDS Printed Lawns for Bale at i n nnn yAKDS 1 Av/jUUU X2| oecta per yard, by may 10 BOHTICK, KEIN & CO. Swamp Land for Sale. L' iGtt 11 -o.N E acrea ot choice Swamp Lsuu. two JLx miles below Macon—42 acres in cultivation, the balance heavily timtered, and covered wi*> Cane, for sale by X. BASS, fsbl J