Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, July 02, 1859, Image 3

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; — ,-J~dZitioon of the Supreme the following, which p^^d^ely effecting the ralue * •SlS Cowt-G«'»****>T* m '* ippa* Bo°* KV,[tT - K^er and Samnel RCaUwell j,a *t>Ll of Georgia, The Amen- Kji other*. The object ■•*■»<*•■ ^ u,ty I"'*’ *\?JfJom a liability incurred by J*T. bill of exchange, accepted . allege. °n the faith of apro- v * cotton which, it u couce- r n0 dispute th* 1 *•»« de- would be perfectly available W:l*rr tad agamat any holder of The Marine Hank of and it* correapondent, The JG^ritank of New York, who r w defendant*. inaiat in aub- l* f vV.«vuDy thepofition of bona Tile Zoiinvcs and the Turrov Krom Co The t*trspaper correspondents from Italy, I The Eapiaoa’a vT.Tv'^ ° f thoTim “- and Pans story tellers, give us all sorts of rc- ris, Sunday, June V> n n ‘ R °5r l5,AT «>x.—Pa- sion caused bw the _ ,, ’ - r — 1 suenrst imprcs- COR * ICTrD w«««lt nr araai. wiaerotu. ft co inns’ and to 'the amyoflM.?? “ to , tl | e ItaI ' BAGGING—Kentucky the Bourse vesunlav , Posted up to “Monitcur” of to-day ' ta y' C ports and anedotes about the Zouaves, the Tur- oob, and other new species of troops now in Italy. The Zouaves at 1‘alestro, they tell us got their bagged trouser legs so wet, and there fore so heavy, in crossing some low lands, that . . when ordered to the charge, they cast ofT their I it may be attributed ic J.„V° * hateT faousere and ran to the Austrians, bayonet in ever may be the motke ^ r " 0 ^- huid, bare-legged. The corps has been so wild, and white, a declaration f c ' a 7® l JP w m btock ^ 80 Ht0e "■wJW of i««tm self that be dra no mb“ heF i mpcr ? r him ‘ and torn,that the Emperor summoned a certain sooal ambition orto ®* ther '1 0T P er : numbw of them and told them he would order' France." All HklJSE^ t fJT t °7-° f them bade to Africa and to France, if anything fluence,” and not “S ™ ^ fe JP*»; whereupon* it is moral influence ^ MACON PRICES Ct'BBEST. behaviot" <T * e ^ children, and promised good ! free one from Africa. '^'without notice, and that the | day the first acroutUfromUicm r^gaimt theui, therefore, should »—*»- r josidef the cate of the Marine r ' tint he made out against tho r ** ii in cu<i of the suit aa to both k^ rr iilece—that is, the Marine I ^L aUe&unted the bill for Munu, “*2[ .„;,) hi* check* in antioipa- :, S|Ji..unt. on the assurance that I'-' 1 accepted by the plaintiffs, i jiubaequently, after acceptance kt”\ tj^ni, °n their cndoracment, ’“' . Eichange Hank. Aa mat* | ^jteoieut. it appear*, it not nlTatlie ilcfeudant’a own witnes- I ;*St) that the bill was drawn Jirfpaying to the Marine Bank itbe drawer’*) open account ** iJchlednea*-’’ Tho Judge at ' y ;r dingly found (fol. -18-1) that P ' u * tf j by the Marine Hank, in mil that it vm I «. o„, or .ho f&rSKfg&rigs r Tlle ncw «“ of in the Eu-! withX^^^n'^i^,^ 1 ',® s- ” 0t in lt fl 7 ropean field of battle, or at least not there seen .Were;™ 1 ‘ ^conceived system to dispossess the atid known since the days of Hannibal, who led will.” XlA SLS DukTof ’T thC Sjf natireapf Africa, about | D “* c «*» n tlm flnlil e.f man a 1 e heard of this divtbn^'^nH ^), 1 ,'™.^ 1 ! 2 th "T ,Te "’ in perfect security; and he them Ml fnrlmil th a w !l eP ? * etv< s ^ liberty to choose their own ru attacked the Austrians protectetl by their can non. “Like tigers,” says the writer, “they precipitated themselves upon the Austrians, erv- ing ‘victory,’ even before they had discharged their guns." The attack is said to hare exhib ited one of the strangest and most terrible spec- A. m ,t ^ W ‘ r ' ^ Tu r c0S threw themselves Aa mat- upon the enemy like the savages of Cooper, without mercy or quarter. Soon a horrible melee occurred. The voice of the cannon even was drowned by the savage cries of tho Tureos— cries not the chaunt oT victory, nor the plaints of the dying and wounded. All the language of Mahomet.can master of imprecations broke lorth from them in isolated groups where one /cat debt* tw 1 that it waa tlircy or four Austrians. When the Austrians ^ »wep‘ for * P ort ’' on of ,lie *- ran >, all<1 the strife was over, the spectacle was , plained, a valid security ,,ot less strange. The fanatic conquerors rolled upon the earth, and under the inspiration of both in law and fact we ; s° m o African war song, they danced the most it would seem not to, frantic species of dances, amidst bursts of laujrh- r' to hr either of tbo defen- ter, and frightful erics that startled even their ktW‘P ,N ’• companions tn arms. Some of them had forced • .-(I settled, that the payer t 1 hcir pnsoncra to sit beside them, and upon ,, _ j negotiable paper, like the iP°° r prisoners at first tliey glared, as the ^T^hrrcboaein action, takes it '. on upon its prey; and then, with a spe- l^jLditit*. unb*» he baa paid or j * 8C,n * tlo ?Y M tf they pitied the poor EUamaMMthing of value upon c ™*tures now wtUiout means of defence. In -jsTt^ fcr. othcr P* 1 * 18 . of ‘ho field they lay down upon tho ^ tavever. have received a- • f'7 0 . un< -oxhausted with fatigue, and recovering ^ed. of other .hi,.- j thclr « tTOT « th _ ^drawer over and above oth- A W ord to GiHs a„a Bovs. Jstjoo thrm% they admit tuat i vwm \r \ vvrma * relief againat the bill of j GOOD MANNERS. BStny. except to the extent j Xoung friends, are you polite, genteel, well- VTj nbout ttiWIO. everywhere? at all times? in all socie- —..jtion is, can the Exchange tles • .Good breeding is a fortune already made VwrVuuuUuce, be compelled to ! — »n independent fortune. Courtesy, kindness, first, to the endorae- ( a noble, dignified, heavenly deportment paves Btt® .. l | the way to eminence, stations of honor, wealth, KanU baatworemedie., one ' rcapectahility, to glory imperishable. _ j one against the en- 1 . "*®t y°, un 8 reader, how is this excellence to few’ll the acceptor* and the '' 1,c . re th « stnrting point? In K£L _» have seen, ought to 1,fe - at , llome ’ ln the domestic I* i; 1. m enforce oavnient. c,rc ‘ c ’ MOund 1,16 fl TOld ®- The very moment r ^t not to enforce p ynent you ,, , single syllable audibly' begin to .eathein, the equity of the courtesy . Bc kind , nd ^ t ,f your fce, thee, any difficulty | 1TU, B parents, brothers, and sisters, your superiors, Lt-iiul the Exchange Bank? 1 ‘ in r—ion, sL tl..t ittex »their hwM to Juy nan.- ,„4 tnic benevolence Is politeness. Wlien these itiuit- Thry have only to charge l habits of oourtesy or good behaviour are thus bo** 18 to the Marine M q u ; rcd #t home—exhibited on all occasions— fhi» rftuU accompiislieu. ^0 luTfiino ImiKplinlil trnrtlc mgv Aimillnr mo | i the touU 'u accomplished. ->o | they become household words, easy, familiar as pn of secuiitiea ii necessary. 1 be ; |jf e Then, when you go abroad, mingle in so- l vhich. at of . l “® I ciety the high, the low the rich, the poor, you CVC r, probable tbit the debri, of the troops un Iwre ebonet m acUou, have since are du , y prepared. Politeness of manners is der ■ ” lers ; which I presume, is wl.at is meant by the phrase that he ** will place no obstacles to the free manifestation of their legitimate wishes." This manifestation will doubtless bebv “univer sal suffrage.” Universal suffrage has given free dom to France; why should it not do the same for Italy ? Makseili.es, June 11, p. m. Yesterday morn ing the c uriosity of the Marseillaise was vividly- excited bv tho announcement of the arrival, at an early hour, in the old liarbor, of the steam transport Loire, with the remains of General Rspinasse and eight hundred Austrian prisoners on board. The coffin, covered with a funeral pall, was placed on tho quarter deck of the steamer, which was moored stem on to the Quay SL Jean, alongside of Her Majcstv’s steam sloop Coquette, which came in in the afternoon from Maples. At 3 o'clock the Loire hoisted the na tional colors half mast high, and the coffin was carried round the deck between the crew, mus tered in their ranks, and followed by the officers. Ttw» eight hundred prisoners -were landed at ten o’clock in the morning, and were marched between double files of soldiery, preceded by drummers beating a march all along the quavs, up the Cancbiere, and up the Ru do Rome, to a suburb called Mompenti. Details of the Battle of Magenta.—Vien na, June 10. Some few details relative to the battle of Magenta liavo been received, but the retreat of the Austrians to the Adda has been so very rapid that no one in the camp lias had time to forward to this city a connected account of what happened on the 4th and 5 th. It is im possible to say which party displayed greater valor, but it is certain the Allies had more killed and wounded than the Austrians. It would ap pear that the battle was more than once lost and won, and that the Austrians would have been ultimately victorious, had they not been com manded by Gyulal As usual, the Hussars greatly distinguished themselves; and in one charge which was made by four squadrons (eight troops) on a French regiment of the line, a major and four senior captains remained dead on the field. The French prisoners state that three regiments of the guard were completely annihi lated. The rifled gun was raptured by the third battalion of the regiment “Kaiser” Jagers, which formed part of the division commanded by that gallant officer Lieutenant-General Baron Reis- chach. The rifles of the French Infantry did great execution, hut the Austrians still speak somewhat slightly of the rifled cannon. On the Ctli insb, the thunder of cannon was heard in the direction^ Milan, hut it is not yet known what troops were engaged. It is, how- India.... Koll BALE ROPE—Kentucky.... Northern.... BEEESWAX CANDLES—Sperm Star.—....... Tallow........ Patent COFFEE—Kio Java........... Lagnira. CORN Meal FEATHERS FISH—Mackerel No. 1 “ No. 9 •• No. 3. FLOUR—Superfine Extra Family........ GUNPOWDER IRON—English Swedes Sheet............... LIME.. MOLASSES SYRUP NAILS OILS—Linseed.............. Train Sperm Imitation Sperm Winter Blea'd Whale Lartl . PROVISIONS Bur—Mesa Prime.......... Bacoh—Hams Sides Shoulders ... Pork—Mesa Prime Lard Butter—Goshen.... Country........ Cheese SALT 8HOT WHISKEY—Rectified Pike's Monongahela... SPIRITS TURPENTINE — . 8UGAR—Brown ... Clarified Crashed RICE TALLOW I HIDES P lb CROCKERY, 60 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE! T WO miles from the Court House, on the Colum bus Road, out of the reach of City Taxes, Mus- ketoes and Dust, and supposed to be the most desir able location in the vicinity of Macon. These Lots will be sold on a credit of one. two and three 1 and money loaned thepurchaser to build with' There is a Lumber Yard on the ground. Macon. June22,1859. G. B. ROBERTS. GEOKGE PAYNE, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DB.TJGGIST And State Licensed Apothecary, MACON, GA. I S happy to inform hia fri.-mi-i, natrons and the public generally, that his Stock is now full and ISTE'W $10 Washing Machine! "YTTARR ANTED to give satisfaction, or the mo V V ney refunded, or salFe by Macon Cotton Statement. r Receipts in June, 1839 Bales. 403 “ “ IBM 969 Increase............... 141 Stock July 1, 1859 -. 8,393 “ ” 1838 2,030 Increase 3,873 Total receipts to Jnly 1,1839 90,391 us » - « •• 1838 rasas w 5 gas Er.msBWi asffli'YsAUEri" 1 HAVE just returned from EUROPE, where I bought the Isnrgcat noil Fin rut .Stock of Fancy, Gilt, and While CHINA, ever ia this Mark, t. Also, a Urge Stock of Common and White GRANITE WARE, of the best patterns that come to this country. I would call the Attention of .tlcrclmut. to my Samples, now on hand, which I am sure are pre ferable to any thing in this section. I have a good Stock, now on hand, of WAITERS, in setts. CASTORS, CHINA TEA SETTS, cheap COAL OIL LAMPS FLUID LAMPS. GOBLETS, TUMBLERS, Ac., Ac., Ac. I hare a fine lot of COAL OIL, No. 1, to be here in a few days. All t{ie above Goods offered cheap, to make room for Stock coming in. Macon, June 98,1339. R. p. McEVOY. g-GIFTS, SI-LENDID GIFTS TO PURCHASERS OF BOOKS! - AT THE ORIGINAL- . AND STTHE OKTLV^l OT B#0X Established In 1854. Will be sold on a credit of one. two and three years, j complete, which comprises every articlethat should Drug 1 and Chemical Store. Weekly arrival i of the Savannah Steamers ena bles him to replenish his Stock Weekly, with FRESH AND CHOICE GOODS, which are bought with great attention to purity, and sold as LOW as at any DrugEstablishment in Geor gia. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS Compounded at ill hours with care and neatness. His stock consists in part of the following articles: Drugs, Chemicals nud medicines, Dyes, Paints, Oils and Colors, Glassware, Syringes, modern styles, great variety. Window Glass, Putty, Artists Tools. Mechanical, Arttgy.I »*.t Natural Leeches, Fresh Hops and all other Herbs, Surgical Instruments and Medicine Chests, Family Soaps, Kino Starch and Ueletines, — c, - — - -- june 28 B. A. WISE. House Furnishing Store. Macon, Ga SELF-SEALING G-LASS JARS. A LARGE assortment at a reduced price. ‘ B. A. WISE, june 28 Cherry Street Jones’ SlicrifT Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House Door, in the town of Clinton, on the first Tuesday in August next, 1839, the following property, viz: One Iron Gray Horse, one Buggy and Harness, one Negro boy named Frank, some 8 years old of yellow complexion, very likely—levfod upon by virtue of one Mortgage Fi. Fa, returnable to Jones Inferior Conrt, in favor of Anderson J. Middle- brooks remit John A. Childs. Levied upon as the property of John A. Childs, to satisfy said fi. fa. Property pointed nut in said fi. fa. also by Defendant. JAS. G. BARNES. June 21,1859. Sheriff. * A A S' O It Ik • S LIVER INVIGORATOR NEVER DEBILITATES. T is compounded ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, and has become an established fact, a Standard Med 36.967 YOUNG AMERICA FIRE COMFY No. 3. T HE members ofthis Company are hereby order ed to assemble in full uniform (white pants) at the Council Chamber, on Monday, July 4th, at 8 o’ ting Inch lependence. J. D. VAN VALKENBUKGH. Foreman. S. W. Walker, Secretary. july 2 HENRY’S Extract Jamaica Ginger, A CERTAIN, safe and effectual remedy for Dys entery, Diarrhoea or Looseness, Cholera Mor- —; . . ,„j ._j -I -v y--I-—— — — ——— i ucr the command ot Clam and I.icktonstein, rc- rwtoTd to csth inhsmi. Anual , uppermost; itflows out spontaneoasly. There- treated in the direction of Milan. Authentic "c # d!So ircl.4“ yS ft? "«!"«been recared that lien. Urban uuma- liktnl svstem of the code, aa no a can result, J think that mere it be dispensed with. We can _ ^ iutiiitnow exists, that as to the j girj fecj that tiiey cannot lYefiave to taiit them- 1 Eidunge flank upon the Murine ; delves in the presence of company. They are ’ the cash is now'in hand awkward, clownish, rough. They feel timid. !., ", “7 “ *-> “ wn-nunuing Oi news has been received that lien. Urban wana- Iife. An excellent writer, touching on this . gd to retreat by way qf Uassano, which is op- question of good manners, says : I positv TrevtaUa. °n the Adda. A fuw days ago “ ' 0Un K fo'ks should he mannerly. But how troqps were sent from Milan to Bergamo, between the Adda and the Serio, where they probably still are. By the Times of the 7th insL we see | jiii obvious, I think, that the Ex- l titbough put forward as a prin- (.laaoresl interest in this con- cashier, in his testimony, r addressed to him by the Ma- bashful and self distrustful the moment they are addressed by a stranger, or appear in com- pray. There is but one way to get over this feeling and acquire graceful and easy manners; that is, to do the best they can all the time, at iibcb the presideut of the lat- j home as well as abroad. Hood manners are pot tot siting too much, w e would learned so muefi as acquired l^v habit. They wist, that you instruct Messrs, i grow upop us by use. YVe roust be courteous, id Titus to sue it (the bill) in i agreeable, civil. kind, gentlemanly and woman- ?; bring n.iKjnsible to you for 'b' » l l>°'ne, and thep it yyill beepme a ktqd of dcuI. '\\ t are not aware ^ c b nd mature tq he ?o cyerj whprc. cqarse, * of testimony i* required. ~«Eh 1WW « homo l^geta a roughness _ tbs scccptanre.” Aid ac- i wh,ch wc < * nnot 'V 0 *’ ,f w * trj ’’ w ^, en fitomivs for the Marine appear | strangers. The most agreeable people £, ,C |Wn d uuder 1 Se cir-1 ^^^XbSt'thirST’ ^ ff isw?j wqi ' vw hced Ft? tint ami ■<* tnnoli af t It a «nn. I * * a 44*suit, and so much of the con- lu the plaintiffs have real-! kibipmenu actually made; that k. In the account between them Uauk. bc charged by the deficiency; that the plaintiff* i of the suit, in irtil Ihoie of the l< tktir cm \ and that upon a com- 'he defendants with these terms, so i to them, in ten days, the bill of ( delivered up to be cancelled; ^eat appealed from be so modi- m out these d/reclioDi, the form to |* notice. J. S. HARBOUR, Reporter. E Jf. HcOejice, it the request of the writer, a '•citingforth the claims of this "■Democratic nomination for 'Third Congressional District. ■* understood a* taking a po- fuy one pyer other* pf the for the nomination in the he endorse, however, every *apoudent, concerning the u- ^of Dr. McGehee as a party .**• Senate during the seuion 'itai repeated opportunities to ^•toriil combats with the la- J»d the clear headed and sa- « bore himself handsomely in stalest with the Opposition in n - they resorted to every kind *"• the election of the Uni- no man in the rank* 7 did more to foil the en^my *?* »},ose merit* rad servi- to acknowledge! if Pr. the Democratic nominee, JT*0;)petition, from the stump; ."tbe best man thejr can hriog *•*7 iort of a discussion. t Ptm- ^tU fliukl Thara. Xuxtvau Si'kikus, Tcnn. ( June 18, 1851). ) T-laniyed at (has placp on T*th«hope of being bencfltted ' t.W Springs, and all my hopes b-aliied, and expect in a ** able to return home perfectly 1 time about forty visitors, Arkansas, Alabama, 7T Among those from Geor- 1‘. from Twin* county, I”tnore amvals tnis evening PJ There were abolrt 400 rtf-ngs hat season, all pf whom Scan. HlnB. The present complications in the European Courts, viewed relatively to tho immorality of some imperial and royal personages, are curi ous enough. Louis Napoleon, Emperor of the French, i* said to have had only a putative father in; Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland for a short time, vfbile hia real father is reported to be a Dutch Admiral. His principal Minister, in I whom he places moat implicit reliance, is Count De Moray, whoso fath :r was that same Dutch man, while hi* mother was no less than Hor- 1 tense Beaubaraais, Ex-Queen of JIolland-T- Thus, at any rgte, Kopolean ill. nnd Count De Moray haye the sam 3 mother. ' The Coupt, it may fie recollected, acknowledged himself father of pne of Rachel's children. Another pillar of fho Napoleonic dynasty, is Cpunt \Valewski. son of the first Napoleon, Uy a polish lady of hjgn rpnk qnd much beauty- one pf the fow persons who remained true to him when he abdicated at Fontainebleau. » 1814. There has long existed a belief, in Germa ny, that the present Emperor, Francis Joseph, instead of being sou of the Ardiduke hrancis Charles, by the Princess Sophia, of Bavaria, his wife, claims a different paternity, Butler saya, The child whom many fathers share, Will never know a father’s care. Francis Joseph, however, has been well cared for, and was elevated to the imperial throne of Germany while yet in hj. tcep*. on the abdication of fhe Emperor Fertfnuft bis uncle. Viennese gossipba* forked ont into two channels respecting his birth. One ac- count declares him to be the son pf Count It- tcrbprgf ex-Crown Prjnce of Swedep. This gentleman's real pamc was Gustayas \a*p. and his father \yas pustavus ., who was de posed in 1812. and died in Swilxerland in 1837. T|iis young Frjnce travelled through Scotland and Ireland in the year J8J0, and eventually entered the Austrian service, where he obtained command of a regiment at \ icn- na, and a Chamberlainship at the Impcnal Court. The other putative father of his “His Imperial Majesty. Francis Joseph. Emperor ofAustria." and so forth, is sa.d to bc none other than Napoleon II. better known as the, Duke d.- P.cichstadt, ex-King of Koine, who , 'lied in July. 1832. aged 21. Francis Joseph, it inav bc recollected, was bora in August,) »nl during tbia season, ^^hwniuade fur the accommo- w^ ‘, v °«r worthy host, Messrs. LIT . Lanier House, Macon, iu"** ^ s )noiiymous with kind | t .f*' 1> '“>d good living; and kiT**?! groans under a load of iw aill ‘ n K the invalid as well as . ***** classes do them- the board. [w »le situated between two ran- about 25 miles south- I » ddightfol accnery, ^ ’" e properties for various SjaVKaatrr ^ ( ** ,sc ** e have ever ap- W| wout finding satisfacto- WfckJ K ** ort stay here, I liavo iTT f a*ngt8 in all the invalids, tliat the report of the allies having returned to the right bank of the Ticino on the titli insL was forwarded to England. The news proceeded from-an official source, hut it did not appear in iny correspondence, os its correctness was posi tively denied by the highest niijjtary authorities. The fact is, thy French myd? preparations for a retreat, hut remained where they were when they found that Gyulai did not intend to molest them. A widow lady named Day. having married a gentleman named Knight, a wag perpetrated the following parody at her expense t “I’ve lost a Day !” the widow sadly cried ; And took a Knight to comfort her beside. Linrs fqr the Ilk of July, All bail the day which gave the nation And ranked her ’mong the mighty of the earth! L.t tb'ice tun millionbearts pulsate with joy. To welcome once again onr anniversary! All hail the land which boasts a Washington— The gallant chief, who led our armies on! Tried Leader, Ruler, Counselor and Guide, Our country's glory and Mount Vernon's pride! Mechanics with our merchant princes jolu; Farmer* y onr sickles leave and join the joyous throng, Yonr voices raise in one erand jnbilee,'’ All bail, Colombia ! the chantry of the free. Macon! July 1st, 1839. W. A. R. Fayette, Miss., Nov. 1,1838. Mr. J. F. McAvoy.—I havo beeu using the prepa ration of Sarsaparilla and Iodide of Potash, made by R. F. Williams, of Nashville, extensively in quf. practice, and have purchased from yo^rri;*l do- ren formy own practice. My ppinion of the medi cine Is still the isms': having a knowledge of the ingredients and the mode of preparation, I do not see why it will not accomplish all that is claimed for it. If there is any virtue'io the herbs that compose it, or the iodide Potash, W» hare fr In ihl* prepara tion. Did | not kppw the composites and the sc- tinn of iharemedv. I would not lend iun»o»u««i but with suoh knowledge, have no reluctance in pro posing It to my brethren of the medical profession as a valuable assistant in case* to which It is appli cable. Very respeotfnlly your*. 3 * JAMES BROWN. M. D. Sold by ZHILIN A HUNT. July 3—9w* bus. Summer Complaint, Cholie, Griping Pains, Sour Stomach. Sick and Nervous Head ache, paiu or sickness of the stomach, wind in the stomach and .bowels, hysterics, cramps, nervons tremor* aud twitching*, sea sickness, fainting*, melancholy and lowness of spirits, frettiug and crying of infants, and for all aonrsL arrxrrioKs and kkrvovs diseases — Made from the Jamaica Ginger Hoot, in a superior mauoer. and being composed of Ginger, auu that alone, carries ronvirliou at once to the mind of an intelligent people, as to its efficacy in all the dLeas es above enumerated It is no Patent or Secret remedy, being much used aud highly recommeuded by ibe Medical Faculty. Prepared by ZHILIN .V HUN I. Druggists. Price SO ceuls a bottle. Macon, Ga. _ jelyj Houston SlicrifT Sales. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in Perry, Houston county, hetweeb the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday In Augu.-t neat, 31 Steel Breast Chains, 9a Silk Guards, 29 Maiu Springs, 41 Watch Keys, 5 Gold Hooks, 22 Lap Rings, 1 sett Silver Smith Tools, 1 small hand Vice, 1 pair ol old boots. 1 Trank and lot of old clothiug, I Razor and Strap. I Shoe Brash, and 338 Crystals, levied uu as the property of Julins Doering, to satis fy a fi. fa in favor of Col. W. Rollins vs said Julius ltoering. ALSO, at th« same time and place. Lots of Land Nos. 26, 17 and 18, in the Twelfth District ofliou*. Ion county, and No. 5 in the Thirteenth District of said county, and parts of Lots Nos. 59, 60 and 95, iu the Twelfth ULtnct of said county, that ia to ray, all Of salt! lass mentioned lota of land that llaln Houston oounty. in all, containing about 1.000 acres, well im proved, including the Steam and Saw Milts, Engine and Mill fixtures, and tbe following named negroes to wit i Mary, a woman about 93 years old; Sarah, about 10 years old; Tilda, about 8 years old; Mary Jane, about 3 years old, and an infant child named amy, all levied ou as tbe property of Samuel L>. Bolton and Wm. G. Powel. to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor ot Cuitis Leary, against said Samuel D. Bolton and Wm G. Powel and oue 6. fa. iu favor Of Amos Cbancey, Administrator. Ac., against Wm. G. Pow el, said property pointed oil by Wm. G. Powel, one of the Defendants! ' JOHN SMITH. jaljrO Deputy Sheriff. HEAD QUARTERS • Oil THE UNITED STATES, AT THE PUBLISHING HOUSE i?3 Gr. WS jg§ Gr. 3317'fit, if J39 Cheanut Street, r, 4 Philadelthia, Peek. : S H CATALOGUES SENT FREE. PI Editor’s Ccrliflcalc. A CUBE BY OXYGENATED BITTERS. Burlington. Vt„ Nov. 12,1854 Gentlemen.—I suffered for about a year previous to last Spring, from * derangement of Ibe action of the heart, which like most others similarly *ffiieta4. gle bottle © n ** re eoccee*. The dU»|jree«ble eymptoin# fpeedilj disappeared* and I have never had any recurrence ®f 'heffi. which opinion J am happy to know that | agree with many intelligent physician*,) I bsve no bestlatiop in permitting this certificate to be used in spy way that promote its mere *' ^ A u ‘“ TANSOim , Editor of the Bnrlingten Courier. Seth W- Fowl* A Co. Boston. Proprietor*.— Sold by their agents ”' er ^ b " e STUOHKCKE1( . Macon, Ga. i-iyi ZHILIN A HUNT. 1«» For Rheumatism, use Wsd.worth a Liniment. Forbore Throat, use Wadsworth's Liniment For Pains in the Face. «ae Wadsworth a Unf 1 ment. llhy Napoleon III, and Frances Joseph L / # ^ wboleM „ , n d rot.U-M ct.. a bottle. l‘‘'*‘- I July 9—3w Wnr.TIovciuenf-Hvopo.nl. lor • The limes Paris correspondent says it ted that two of the most i.itluentml r utral i Powers ment after me *i..'-H-, the B y •*irv. intittine upon the adoption of it ; tiiree belli'-eunta, on the following principles- 1st. That the territories guinea by the v c- Shall be accepted by all the l u of a Congress French into tnif'snnnorted bv a popular manifeUtion. shall btfeonsidered by tire European 1 owers | a, a"convincing proof of the disapprobation » Itnlv of tbe Austrian policy. itd. Tbe neutral l’owcrs will insist on an arnistie while eraffress ^assembled. 4th. Tbe extension i 21*t alt . at hU residence in U.oou Conn. It- 4-0. ttt VlTSSSrSr niA- have agreed tn proposing *>» ; ^^! ^^KchilA snd ma UT tbe first great battle, and. tf ««*• ! * fri J nds .heir William. torious party shall be accupi*^ “L"" ,. * * »,j s i>fi4cur>- ropora lowers as the basts ^ . J uIt . otvngnj, “d. That tlie entry of the l th ! Mtk V Sle^p* ivect dear Willi**#, Kor ih«* time’* not Iodk beiore L your friend, Mu>t follow:. A Houston county. M Xhuriiuy* sy. I^lijssli Echeridtff, in fhh Coal Oil “ W.fSSv’ol ^ Dividend No. 10. it aytTFACTOKEE'S BANK, j Vt+rf in all the invalids, “4th Tbe extension of the Kingdom of bar- • - M.con, July 1. ism. J k returned home material- dini , will be deemed essentia ; the Dachieiof C. : of I’arma and Modena, with the lortrcss ^ it ». -■=<••• \” , 1 ‘* l “?f.m“ths. payable on ae- irc to be added to it. 1 Jj,. Merafiras ofU k. BOND. President. •' Eoro 'M'ran Diplomats, j ^'5'^ ^ w ill be proposed to form in.— impression here bardolVenelian ffiom into a state distinct 1 j. "•>Crr Wi,h ‘ h ^r-l on >»tic from the Austrian Empire, hu. g ‘•‘tttaraL. thc 8°»en»mcnta in nn Austrian Archduke. NKA't •"“■gj.kH«rris'Btarsa. »wnr feSSSSMSr.: i I -gfertt&gS*««***• bacon. IN ALL DISEASES OF THE URINARY AND UTERINE ORGANS. RISLEY’S Compound Fluid Extract Q( Biiclin Will be found a sovereign remedy, tn Debility vf Sexual Organs; ' Nocturnal Emissions; Improper and Debilitating Discharges; Lcucorrho-a or Whites; Pain in Back-and Loins; Irregularitfe* *pd Obstructions; tTironio t ionorrha-a and Gleet; Burning in .Urinary Passages, Dropsy and Gravg). foe., it will be found to exert an immediate han^tet.l1 im. —o fi-u won a speedy cure, no matter how severe tho case msy be. or how stubborn or long .landing, providing the directions are complied with and its use persevered in. Retail Price, 81 00 and found at all Drag Stores. HARRAL. UISLKY A KITCHEN. Importers nnd Wholesale Druggists, 76 Barclay St New York. july 2—9w r»5L Bibb lUoriguge Slicrift Sale. W ILL be sold on tbe first TUESDAY in August next, between the nsuat hoars ot pie, before the Court House doof, in the t?lty of Macon. Bibb County, all that tract o* ,arce! of land containing one halt acre, more or less, Wing psrt of lots Nos. 1 and 2, in square twelve. In tho city of Maoon, and bounded ar follows: fronting Jefferson Street one hundred and five feet, and running back two bun- dred and ten (2101 feet, levied on as the property of Heujsmiu M- Pnlhill, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa from Ilibn Superior Court, in fsvOT of Alary L- Franklin, Kxscntor, Ac., and Isaac Scott, for the use of Isaac Scott V*. Beniamin M Polhill. Property pointed cut in mid mortgage fi fa- E. G, JEFFERS, Pep. S. june 30 X3r. J- -A.. Olopton T REATS effectuslly. Cancerous Affections, Tu- mors. Scrofula, Fistula Strictures, Piles, Ac. CURES GUARANTEED. DR. ULOFTON is now in Macon, and will re main opto the 3th insL, at the LANIER HOUSE, where ho may bo eonsultafo in regard to the above, lie refers to tho following, among numerous certifi cates in his possession Society Hill, Alabama. May 24,1859. Dr. J. A. Uloplou —I most cheerAdly snd sinrere- )y certify that your wonderful and invaluable oint ment pioved successful In curing the ulcers on my wife's arm and neck. She bad been afflicted about six years—had tried many celebrated Physicians of Alsusm* and Georgia; and. in fact, some of every description, none of whom did her any good at mil.— I feel under everlasting obligations to you for the cure of my wife, and hope your days ou earth may be lopg and prosperous. Your most sincere friend. JOHN W. JOINER. The ease of Mrs. Joiner extended from her shoul der to her hand, and one on her neck end breast as large as a breakfast piste—one of the most distress- iug cases I have ever met with. J. A. C Judge Wilev Phillips,ol Monticello, G«, suffered for 23 years with Tumors on hit face and breast, re sembling. iu he removed in medics, leaving no soar or any the parts perfectly natural, jnly 8—tt Since I originated the Gift Book Enterprise. I have repeatedly called the attention of the public to my large stock and liberal oilers, to which they have al ways warmly responded. I can now, with more sat isfaction than ever, call attention to my largely in- created indneements to purchasers. Being very heavily engaged io publishing, I exchange my own publications tor those of other houses, and am ena bled to procure all my books at tbo origioal cost of making, snd thus cak and do supply tho majority of the other houses engaged io the Gift Book Trade, with their books, cheaper than thet can procure thorn from other publiabere. I can, also, by my hea vy purchases of Watches and Jewelry, for cash, fur nish them with their Gifu at lower rates than they can buy them from themanofactnrers. Having such an advantage in buying, I can insure my enstomera better Gifts with their Books than any o:her house, and can give my AgenU a larger com mission. A valuable Gift will be delivered with each book at the time of sale. Gifts worth 8300. at the lowest wholesale prices, will bo impartially dis tributed with every 81,000 worth of Books sold. Send fora Catalogue, which will be mailed free to any address, containing the most valuable collec turn of Standard productions in Literature. Philoso phy, History, Geography, Travels, and the Sciences, with mil thc favorite work* of Fiction and Romance, and et cry other department of Literature, classified ms described below. Send for it. for if you don't wish to order Books, you will obtain m very valuable book for relereuce, aa it contains all tbo desirable books iu priutraod will cost you nothing. Particular attention ia requested ta the List of my Pnblicatious, which will be fuuod in the latter part of my Classified Catalogue. It contains a large number of deservedly popular works, by various authors; amoug which are ail ofT. S. Arthur’s best works, well known asamoral, instructive and pleas ing author, interestiug biographies, travels, Ac. Classification of Books. AGRICULTURAL—This department embraces all standard Works upon general Agriculture, Cotton Planting. Flours. Gardening. Farm Implements. Horses. Sheep Cattle, Bees, Ac.. Ac. ALBUMS.—Ladies’ (a great variety) Floral, Cap Unarto. Royal Cap, Demy Quarto, Autograph, Ac ANNUALS.—Annuals for 1839—a Urge aud elegant assortment. BIBLES.—A splendid assortment of Pocket, Pew and Family Bibles, iu every style, from 81 to 830. PRAVEH BOOKS.—A complete assortment, iu ev ery form and at all prices. HYMN BOOKS—As used by the different denomi- nations. BIOGRAPHICAL.— Works ol Irving, Headley, Weems, Sparks, Bancroft, aud every other stao dard author. BOTANICAL—By Comstock, Gray, Lincoln, Dar by. Wood. Ac., Ac. COOKERY—Receipt atl4 Cook Books, by Mrs, Hale, Leslie, Widqifield, McKenzie, Ac. GERMAN —Standard German Literature. DICTION ARIES.— Webster's, English, French, German, Spanuh, Latin, Greek, Italian, Ac. 1 CYCLOPEDIAS—All the standard authors. GEOGRAPHICAL—The Utest and most approved School and other Geographies, Maps and Travel er's Guides. GEOLOGY —The works ot Hugh Miller, Harris, Hitchcock. Lyell and others HISTORICAL—By Prescott, Irving, Bancroft, Ro- bertaou, Huute, Gibbous, Macautey and others. HUMOROUS.— Embraces a World of Fan. JUVENILE—Every description of Illustrated Hooks fur children LAW AND MEDICINE.—The Standard Works of these professions. MECHANICAL AND SCIENTIFIC.-The most *1 proved works on Mechanics, Architecture andtl exact eeieue-a. POETUYi-Eugliah and American. Octavo snd Lit erary editiousof the Standard Poets; Pocket and Cabinet editions—plain and illustrated, bound in •very style to suit the taste of all. WORKS OF FICTION.—By Scott, IrviDg. Coop er, Dickens, snd all the approved writera- SCHOOL AND CLASSICAL. TRAVELS AND ADVENTURES. GAMES, SPURTS AND PASTIMES, RELIGIOUS. BIRLICAL A THEOLOGICAL. MUSICAL AND GLEE BOOKS, ODD FELLOWSHIP AND FREE MASONRY. MISCELLANEOUS,—Our Miscellaneous Depart ment embraces everything not included in the above classification, ofau inturesting or instructive charac ter, that ia in prim. SCHEDULE GIFTS. The gifts consist of Guld and Silver Watches, Gold Chains, toadies splendid black and plaid Silk Dress. Patterns, Parlor Time l’ieces, Silver-plated Ware, costly sets of Cameo’s, Mosaic, Florentine, Corel, Uaruet, Turquois and Lava Jewelry, Gold Lockets, Poos and Pencils, Ladies Neck ana Chate laine Chains, Gouts Bosom Studs and Sleeve But tons, Pocket Knives, Port Monaies, and A THOUSAND VARIETIES of Uifti of use and value. Agents Wnntcd Kvrrywherr. To Agents I can give more liberal inducements than can be afforded by any other boose. In addi tion to larger commissions, it is much easier to gt t subscribers for my enterprise than any other. The peculiar advantages t-u— 1 A larger Stock and better ( mtalngues to select from. A better assortment and quality of Gifts. Morn punctuality and correctness in filling ordeis. By acting as Agents for me. Persona wishing a valuable Library can procure it gratia. Those seeking an easy method of earning a liveli hood ran find it. Any one desiring a good Watch can obtain it For full particulars send for a Catalogue. Icina known A approved and is now retorted to diseases for which it is It has cared thousands who had given up all numerous unsolicited sion show. The dose must be ad .p- of the individual taking lilies as to act gently on Let the dictates of your tbe use of the L1VCR it will core I. iver Com tacks, Dyspepsia, _ Nu 111111 or Complnint, ^ Spur SHomncli, IIu Cholic, Cholera Cholera lufniitiiiu, dice, IVninle XVcnk- ed successfullyas an Or icinr. It will care tbe ACII It (as thousands ■uinulrs if nro or arc token at the com All who use it Jirr in its favor. Mix WATER in the mouth WITH THE INVIG ORATOR, and SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. [3?“ Price One Dollar per Bottle. —ALSO— SANFORD’S 1?” r»jc :■ bc-s -w CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and -pul up in Glass Cases, Air-tight, and will keep in any Climate. The Family Cnth- . nriic PILL is & gen tle bat active Cathartic, y) which the proprietor hae used in hia practice morr "z chau twenty years. >-4 intf demand from those j PILLS, and the satis- iu regara to their use, by all that have used it, with confidence in all the recommended, within the last two years hopes of relief, as the certificates in my posses ted to the temperament it,and used in such quan the Bowels. judgment guide you in JWICOHITOK, Sc plaints, Bilious At Chronic Dinrrhccn I>) »<’HI4 1} , I>14> bitual CoftfivcncsM, Cholera .TIorbus, I-' Z :t 1 si I «* it «-«■. .111 tin- nesses, and maybe us ilinnry Family ITIciI- s C ( 8v II 1: A I> - can testify) iu twenty three **•« 1 mencement of attack, giving their testimony The constantly increas who have long used t!Tt faction which all express has induced me to place of all. The Profession well thartics act on different The FAMILY CA- has, with due reference fact, been compounded rest Vegetable Extracts, part of the alimentary safe in all cases where such as Dcraugcraent i»»«•■•*, l*nill* in I!»a tivrucss, Fains and whole Body, from a quently if neglected ends ver. Lom of Appetite, of Cold over tlie Headache or weight them within the reach know that different.Ca- a- Y portions of the bowels. ^ TIIAKTIC PILL To this well established Lm from a variety of the pu- ** which act alike on every 2S canal, and are good and ■a Cathartic is needed, of the Stomach, Sleep- —« Back & IxoiiiM, Co— Horen ess over the xudden cold, which fre- in a long course of Fe- it creeping sensation ' Body, Restlessness, _ *' in the Head, all Iu flnmmntory Diseases, Worms in Children or Adults, Rheumatism, a great Purifier of the Blood, aud many diseases to which flesh is heir, too numerous to meution in this advertisement. DOSE, 1 to 3. PRICE 30 CENTS. The Livjcr Invigokator and Family Cathartic Pills are retailed by Druggists generally, and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. *. T. W. SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, 335 Broadway, New York. Retailed bv all Druggists. Sold also by ZE1LIX Jc HUNT, GEO. PAYNE. may 10—ly E L STROHECKER. SELLING OFF AT COST WATERMAN’S. H E will sell his ENTIRE STOCK of Summer Dress Goods, 8ilks, Bereges, Tissues, Organ dies and Muslins; also Mantillas, Talmas, Shawls, Dusters, Ac., strictly at N. Y. COST FOR CASH ! Berege Robes for 89 00, worth $12 50; Berege Robes for $12 00, worth $15 00; Beautiful Silks from 810 to 815, worth $18 to 820; and other Goods in proportion. Rich Silk Side Striped Robes, at HALF PRICE. Ladies! this is a Golden opportunity. Avail your selves of it before it is too late. J WATERMAN. Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. june 21 Fine Castor Oil for Family nse. Wines and Liquors for Medical use only. Perfumery, Pomades and Toilet Articles. Gold and Silver Leaf, Gold and Tin-foil and Artificial Teeth, Hair,Tooth and Nail Brushes, White Wash, Paint, Cloth and Flesh Brushes, TRIPOLI, a great article for cleaning Metal and Glass, Grass and Garden Seed, and all the patent Nostrums of tho day. Corner Mulberry street and Cotton Avenue, Macon. apl 21 Watches! Watches! C ELEBRATED ENGLISH MAKERS-James Hoddell 4k Co., It. tc G. Beesley, Josh Toleman, Josh Olarenshaw, Edwards Robinson, and tbe cele brated American Watch in Gold and Silver Coses. SWISS MAKERS—Eugene Bruquet, Breithing Laderiet, Edouard Favre, Brandt and others too numerous to mention, by DAY ft MACSSENET. Clocks, Clocks, Clocks. The Marble Clock, running three weeks w ithout winding—striking hour and half hour. Also, Eight Day. Marble and Marbleized Iron, Bronze. Wood and Marine Time-pieces, with nnd without the alarm. DAY Ic MAUSSENET. l’ino .eft.-, ,.rJewelry. DAY ft MAUSSENET. { Diamond Pins, Finger Rings and Ear Rings. DAY ft MAUSSENET. Fob, Vest, Chattalansand Guard Chains. DAY ft MAUSSENET. A fine assortment of Necklaces. Crapes, Medalions and other Trinkets, by DAY’* MACSSENET. Silver Table, Tea, Salt. Mustard. Berry. Sngmr and Cream Spoons. Also, Desert and Pickle Forkes. Cups, Goblets, Waiters, and sundry other silver ar ticles too numcrousto mention, by DAY ft MAUSSENET. Musical Instruments. Violincelos, Violin,, Flutes, Fladgeolets, Fifes, Banioes and Tamborines, also a fine assortment of Italian, French, and English Violin Strings by DAY ft MAUSSENET. Gold, Silver, Steel and Plated Specks with tbe Scotch Pebble Glasses, by DAY ft MAUSSENET. FANCY GOODS—A large assortment, by DAY ft MAUSSENET. JEWELRY REPAIRING done at the shortest notice and ia the beslpotiible manner, WATCHES, Magic and Hunting Cases, Gold nnd Silver Hoddell XVATCIIKM, for sale bv oct le • DAY ft MAUSSENET. j<£. Stomjfthfr, Corner 3D and Mulberrt Street; MACON, GA. DEXLER IN CHOICE DRUGS, SELECTED MEDICINES, PURE CHEMICALS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS* 1 WINDOW GLASS, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, PAINTS, PATENT MEDICINES, FRESH GARDEN SEED, Merchants and Physicians WHO PRIDE THEMSELVES ON DEALING in ARTICLES OF THE FIRST QUALITY, And at lovr Prices, MAY RELY UPON BEING SUITED.; Orders Promptly attended to. SPRING GARDEN. ceCream, Soda Water, &c WOULD announce to tho public that I have open ed that beautiful Grove, near my residence, as Pleasure Garden for tbe accommodation of visit ers. I have employed an experienced hand in such matters, and ladies and gentlemen visiting the Gar den may rely upon being served with this cooling beverage in a style not to be surpassed by any house tbia city. Open from 10 o’clock in the morning until 11 at night. Ladies aud geutlemen who desire to while away a pleasant hour of a sultry afternoon, will find the S1>RIXG ts.li:ui:\a very pleasant place of resort; and no pains will be spared by the sub scriber and family to make their visits pleasant and agreeable. Parents who desire to send their children out with servants, may rely upon every attention being paid them, ns the whole will be under the immediate su pervision of myself and family. may 31 AMOS BENTON. City papers copy. Low Prices for Cash. —SEW HOODS. earkit & (habits, SECOND STREET, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, MACON, UA. W ould twite tho .ttoortoo Ol CITIZENS, MERCHANTS XND PLANTERS, To their large Stock of Boots, Shoes, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, Selected expressly for this market, and comprising ONE OF THE LARGEST axi> FINEST ASSORTMENTS IN THE STATE, Which they offer at LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Examine our Goods and Prices before buying elsewhere, march 29—ly Try us, and you will be suited. THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE 3T. OFFICE 56 WALL STREET,.NEW YORK AUTHORIZED CAPITAL £2,000,000, or $10,000,000. ram up cariTXL, surplus and reserved funds FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, 800,000 invested in this country DIRECTOR.*) IN A Ii W YORK. JAMES BROWN. Ksq., Chairman. FRANCIS COTTEN. Esq., Deputy Chairman. GEORGE BARCLAY. Esq. EUGENE DUTILH, Esq. JOSEPH FOWLER. Esq. JOSEPH GILLAKD. Jr.. Esq. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr, Esq. ED. F. SANDERSON, Esq. WM. S. WETMOKE, Esq. EDWARD M. ARClIIIi \ i n E-q President Secretary, ALFRED PELL, Esq. Counsel of the Board, ft HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. AYERS, WINGFIELD ft CO.. Agents. Macon, Ga. apr 26 Lost ISTotes. A LL persons are cautioned against trading for the following notes, which were mailed by me to James Seymour, Macon, tia., from Glasgow, Thomas county, and have been lost or mislaid, and I shall proceed to establish them according to law: Three notes made by W. N. L. Crocker, each for 81000, dated in the Summer or Fall of 1858, and due 1st Jsnuarv.J8G0.1861 and 1862, and bearing inter est from 1st January text, une note of 82500 made by Thomas T. Ellisson, dated about tbo same time, and due firat January, 1860. Tbe makers of said notes are hereby cautioned against paying either or all of said notes, to any per son except myself. WM. STEGALL. Macon, June 14. appearance, a large red Tomato, which in 1859 by the nse of J. A. Clopton's re- ing no scar or any trace of them, but iTIacon A Wcstcra Kail Road Co. MACON. June 20, 1839. T HROUGH TICKETS from Macon, Ga, to Vir ginia springs and New York. Fare to New York, $33 25 East Tennessee and Virginia route, via Atlanta, Dalton, Knoxville. Bristol. Lynchburg, Richmond, Washington City, Baltimore and Philadelphia, jnnets— lm A. L. TYLKlt, Sup't. TO RENT. ,ruble Bed Room, well venti isn a llnrris' Stores, f or fur- ,ur peter, tho coin* UK- . Keni ^'t '»almost impossible , chant’s Magazine enumerate aobtoey - iT!?»l re .c-. • IT >n I subsUinces w hich are employed to gi'«- I >oU .''. - • N OTICE.—Sixty days after date application will be made to tbe Court of Ordinary of Crawford county. Ga, for leave to sell all the lands and ne groes belonging to the estate of Jo-iah Goodin, do* ceased. JOHN H. GOODIN. R. L. GOODIN. June 28 Administrators. "! d Uul t in such . Georgia—Crawford County. N OTICE is hereby given to all persons having demand!) against Josiah Goodin, late of said county deceased, to present them to us properly made out, within the time prescribed by law. And all persona indebted to suiu deceased are hereby're- My large capital, together with my long experience in the business and consequent familiarity with all its details, gives me an almost incalculable advan tage over all other parties All I ask is a trial. Send ino order, and you will be convinced that there is nu exaggeration. Do not forget to tend for a Catalogue, peruse veiling the city are requested to call nnd exatqine for themselves. G. G. EVANS Head via art era, 139 ChesnutSt. Philadelphia, Pa. IUIANCII STOKE, 43 Cornhill, Boston, Mass. SPECIAL NOTICE TO BOOK BUYERS. As there are parties of doubtful responsibility ad vertising Oih concerns, and some are making many large promises, under fictitious names, without the intention or ability to fulfil them, hoping, through the popularity of my enterprise, to deceive and plun der the public, a strict sense of duty compels me to warn all against them. And if any are deceived and cheated by them, they should not Uo an upju*t as to condemn me along with th*-m, for they are base im itators ot an enterprise that has cost mo an immense amount of time and money to place it iu the position which it now occupies, commanding nn extensive and increasing trade, approved and endorsed, with the mo%t entire freedom and confidence, by the lead ing Publishing Houses in tbe Union, whose letters of approval and endorsement aro in my possession. an«l will be produced and shown at any time, with the greatest pleasure. G. G. EVANb. june 28—6m Savor, consisted and othcr dcsirahh qualities, a jgBri 50-2SpM ac5 Sll*'i.*ii*s | c , Tenuuaavf Bacun ju quirvil to make Immediate payment JOHN H. GOODIN, R. L. GOODIN, Jan, 28 Administrate!-*. | CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE! T HE STOKE-IIODSE and LOT, on the corner of Cherry Street mid Cotton Avenue, now pc- cupied by A. H. CHERRY ft CO. Apply to either of tbe under»i|tned. ROBERT A. SMITH, O. L. SMITH. Maoon, Ga., Jan, Did, 1859, AYALUABLE1STEM0N G-vut-ta, Ferclia NEVER-FAILING ROOFING. N EITHER time nor weather, after several years use, seems^to work a Chemical change, or af fect the material In the least. GOODALE & BATCHELLER Having purchased tbe right of Macon, and an ad joining county, with extended privileges, arc pre pared to contract and envern ourselves accordingly, for tho covering of buildings with Cement and Gra vel, or Sand. This roofing is pliable—does not check or crack—rno or drip down—is impervious to water —fire proof—inodorous, hot or cold. In short, we fee! that a test will convinne a reasonable mind of its superiority. Those wishing for a good rocf at a satisfactory price will please address june 21—3m GOODALE ft BATCHELLER. BARGAIN! BARGAIN! T HE subscribers, desirous of changing their bu siness, offer for sale on reasonable terms, their PLANTATION, lying on Walnut Creek, Crawford county, near Hopewell, and about five miles north of Knoxville. Tbe settlement of land consists of Thirteen Hun dred aud Fifty acres, Eight hundred of which is under good Fence, and in a high state of cultivation. The Wood land is heavily timbered withOAk, Hick ory aud Walnut, and is not surpassed bv any land in this section, for its fertility, health and advantages of Water. On tlie Plantation aro two fine, comfort able Dwellings, together with all other necessary Out-buildings, such as Negro Houses, Stables, Gin- houso and Screw. Any person, desirous of purchasing, can call on James Lockett, or the Overseer; either ot them will take pleasure in showing the premises. Tho stock of Mules, Cattle, Hogs, Farming uten sils &c., will be sold with the Plantation, if desired. Harness Maker Wanted. A GOOD Harness Maker, (either white or col ored) wanted, to whom good wages and a situa tion until next Christmas will be guaranteed.- Ap ply to FLOYD A. FINCH, june!4—4t Mariou, Twiggs co., Ga. Augusta Constitutionalist copy 4t and forward ac count as above. NOTICE., T HIRTY days atter date, will be sola at Auction in Macon, the following Furniture, stored by W. J. Rice, Henry £. Ball and others with Patten, Collins A Co., now the firm of J. Collins & Son, unless expenses are previously paid: 1 Mahogany Bed Stead, 1 Sofa, 1 Rocking Chair, 1 Trunk and contents, 1 Bureau 1 Wardrobe, 3 Ot tomans, 1 Cane Bottom Chair, 2 Wash Stands, 1 Fea flier bed, l Mattrass, 1 Tray, 1 Pillow, 1 Bolster, 1 Oil Lamp, I Writing Case, for W. J. Rice. 1 Bureau, owner unknown. For H. E. Ball, 1 Table, 1 pair Andirons, 1 Work- Stand, l Counting Room Writing Desk, 3 Chairs. 1 Wardrobe, owner unknown, june 14—lm J. COLLINS & SON. MERCEK UNIVERSITY. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES, 1859. . C! UNDAY' Moaiiiso, loth—Commencement Sur. Ju mon, by N. M. Crawford, D. V. Sunday Ni^ht—Sermon before the Y'ounj; Men’s Missionary Society, by Rev. Win. D. Atkinson. Monday Morning, 11th—Sophomore Prize Decla mation. Tuesday Morning, 12th—Junior Exhibition. Tuesday Evening—Address before the Alumni Association, by W. L. Harris, M. D. \V ednesday Morning, 13th—Commencement. U. W. WISE, Penfield. June 14—3t Sec. Fac. WESLEYAN Female College. mBE Examination of Pupils in the LITERARY 1 DEPARTMENT begins on *Monday, July 4tb, and ends on Thursday, ?th. Commencement Sermon, by Rev. Joseph S. Key Sunday, July 10. Junior Exhibition and Examination of Pupils in Ornamental Department on Monday, July 11. Aunual Meeting of Board of Trustees, on Monday, Julv lltli. Commence ment Exercises on Tuesday and Wed- - _ . it/j reheadi*. MAGNETIC PLASTER (THE GREAT STRENGTHENER AND PAIN DESTROYER. T HE best and cheapest Household Remedy in the World. Simple and pleasant in its application, certain and effectual in its results. A beautiful, sci entific, external Curative, applicable for the relief of pain at any time, in anyplace, in any part of tbe unman system, and nnder all circumstances. If you put this Plaster any where, if Pain is there, tbe Plaster will stick there until the Pain has vanished. The Plaster magnetizes the piun away, and Pniu cannot cxiat where tbia Plaster is npplird. Rheumatism, Lameness, Stiffness, Weakness, De bility, Nervousness, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Conghs and Colds, Pains and Aches of every kind, down events Corns, are IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, and, with a little patience, PERMANENTLY CU RED, by the magical influence of the MAGNETIC PLASTER. It is the simplest, surest, safest, pleas antest and cheapest remedy in existence. Its ap plication is universal—equally to the strong man, tbe delicate woman, and the feeble infant. To each and all it will prove a Balm and a Blessing. Its nse Is agreeable, and without annoyance or trouble.— Its price is within reach of all—rich or poor; all may have it, and should have it who are sick, and suffering in any way. PLANTERS should be always supplied with the invilualile PLASTER. It will be the Good Phy sician on any Plantation, ready at all times, snd at instant notice. Pot np in air-tight tin boxes. Each lrox trill make six to eight plasters, and any cbild can spread them. Price 25 cents a box, with full and plain directions. 1>. C. ICOKEnilAU, JI. I*., Inventor and Proprietor, 19 Walker st.. New York. MOUEHEAD S MAGNETIC PLASTER is sold by all Druggists in every City, Town and Village of tlie United States. Nov. 23. Macon, Jan. 4th. 1858. Thc subscriber will make cash advances on cot ton consigned to George Parsons ft Co., Savannah, and agree to hold the cotton forty-five to fifty days from date ofshipments. ISAAC SCOTT jan 5 Insurance Agencies. OF HE -AUGUfiTA INSURANCE ft BANKING CO. AND THE ALABAMA FIRE ft MARINE INS. CO. AT THE OFFICE OF LANIER ft ANDERSON, Agt's. 1858 tf Macon. Ga. 23nrffnrii fm tanronre €n., HARTFORD, CONN. Incorporated A. D. 1810. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital 81,000,000 Capital Paid in,..r. 500,( 00 Surplus, 300,000 “Assets January 1, 1859. Cash on hand and in Bank 843,455.22 Cash in handof Agents and in transit 54,827.09 Real Estate unnecumbered, (cash valne.). 13,000.00 Bills Receivable, amply secured 73,174.53 2,404 Shares Bank Stock in Hartford, .... 330,413.00 2,202 New York,... 197,750.00 710 Boston 74,620.00 100 Shares Bank State of Missouri, 10,000.00 State and City Bonds, 6 per cents,..' 74,245.00 Rail Road Stocks, 16,250.00 United States’ Treasury Notes 14,035.00 8803,769.86 DIRECTORS. H. HUNTINGTON, CHARLES BOSWELL, ALBERT DAY. HENRY KENEY, JA1S. ooomvis, CALVIN DAY, JOB ALLY'N, JOHN P. BRACE, CHARLES J. RUSS. H. HUNTINGTON, President. WM. N. BOWERS, Actuary. TIMO. C ALLYN. Secretary. C. LYMAN, Assistant Secretary. This old and reliable Company, established for nearly FIFTY Y’EARS, continnes to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on Dwellings, Furniture, Warehouses, Stores, Merchandise, Mills, Manufac tories. and most other kinds of property, on ita usu- * ’ satisfactory terms. Particular attention given to Insuring Farm Pro- >erty, consisting of Dwellings, Barns and Out- iniidinga connected, and Furniture, Live Stock, Hay, Grain, Farming Utensils, ftc., ic., contained in the same, for a term of three or five years, at low rates of premium. Applications for Insurance may be made tn the undersigned, the duly authorized Agent for Macon and vicinity. Losses equitably adjusted at this Agency, and paidjmmediately, upon satisfactory proof*.in funds current in the cities of New Yak or Baton, as the as sured may nrefer. E. J. JOHNSTON, Agent. Macon, Ga. Feb. 15—ly Rook and Tract Depository of Hie Georgia Conference. T HE Committee of the Conference met on tbe 16th inst„ and have permanently located a Depository at Macon, Georgia, where all the Rooks of our Catalogue will be furnished at Nashville wholesale and retail prices, and as low as they can be bought elsewhere. Catalogues furnished free of expense, bv mail if desired, A large stock of Religions, Sabbath School, School and College Text Books, always on hand. Also, Blank Books. Stationery—such as Foolscap, Letter, Note and Bill paper, Envelopes, Visiting Cards, Pa per Cutters, Gold, Steel, ana Quill Pens, Ink, Pen cils, Slates, Wafers, ftc , ftc Sold as low as they can be purchased nnywhere. We respectfully ask for a liberal share of patronage. Orders promptly filled. JOHN W. BURKE. A|sa|, apr 12 Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. Terms, favorable. Citizen copy, tf JAMES LOCKETT, REBECCA LOCKETT, Hopewell, Crawford Co., Ga. inne 28. 1ST otice To Planters and Hill Owners* W ANTED, by ft competent Engineer, a situa tion to run a Stationary 8teain Engine—can keep it in good running order. Enquire for JOHN J. KELLEY, jan 21 At the Office Lanier Houae, Macon, Ga. NOTICE. P ERSONS that ride in the RIDING PARK will PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that they must NOT drive oil'and on the track,at only osz placz that is next to tho River. Some have been driving off and on at any place, and it keeps me filling up after them all tbe time. H.N, ELLS. JHBS 24, lm ANOTHER WANDERER NEGRO. $100 REWARD. ll give Fifty Dollars for the apprehension and J. safo delivery to me of my man JOHN, who has been “a wanderer ’’ f >r tho last twelve months, and an equal amouut for the conviction ofany white man who harbors him. J ohn is about 45 years old. of dark complexion about five feet nine inches high, is stout and inuscnlarjiasa very heavy cheskand weigh* neadaj. Jute 13th’ and lath* doaing with a literacy 1 probably 180 ibs. There ia a considerable< aised ir- Address by Rev. Dr. P. P. Neely. regular scar on his b ick, (caused by a fail) .But he Parents and Guardians are invited to attend the! oientified by Might marks indicating the Examination of Pupils in the Literary Department,} points from winch «J» extra finger (having beeu al and the public generally, nil the other Exercises. ! a ™. er ® cuticle,) Was clipped from <b*cj& 1 H •'rtf typ.vtrv C.- ; du hand ring his infancy. It is probable that he is Macun, Jum>2l — 4t. 1L STANLEY’, Sec. lurking in the vicinity of Mucou, but he may have ! beendecoy ed off to tome distant section by a white WM. LUNDY'. W areliouse For Sale oil JLoiik Credit. , man . T OFFER for sale, on long credit, at ft fair price, the ; apr 22,1839—tf. X Plantation six milns from Americus, formerly | owned by T. L. IIOLT, containing six hundred and ! seven acres. Two hundred and fitty acres cleared. • ^ . There are all the nr r senary buildings on the place., A \ J) (J()M MISSION M EllCIIAA TS Negro Cabins, Gin Hpuso and Screw, nnd a graat I U JltamjLLil.it iij trade will be a made. Apply to T. M. FURLOW. j MACON", GA. Fsq., at Americus, or to the undersigned. — oct 5 1 858 tf JAMES YV GRIFFIN COATES & W00LF0LK Swamu Land for Sale. j 1GHTY-UN £ acres ot choice Swamp Land, two TTAVK AMociumd together, and wilt ^occupy the XI new Fire Prouf W arehouse now being erected les bel the balance heavily t Cane, for brio by i opposite Messm. Hard 10,000 may 10 res tn cultivation, j bored, and covered with 0tdBn for Bagrfare Hope. Groceri I have our personal attention. We hope, by prompt attention to business, to raer* N. BASS- A Sparks. ide on Cotton when asked for. shall YARDS Printed Lawi 12j cents per yard, by BOSTICK, KEIN ft CO ale at it a liberal share of patronage. I JAS. H. YY'OOLl OLk, may 31 N. COATES.