Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, July 12, 1859, Image 4

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United States Klnrslml’s Sales, TT TILL be cold before the Court House, in the \V city of Macon, Bibb county, on the first Tues day in August next, between the usual hours of sale, tha following property. tIs Lots Nos. 4t, to and 48, on cast side of Broad St, in the city of Columbus, containing 70 feet front on Broad Street, and running back 147 feet 10 inches, being the premises formerly occupied by Sikes, Happoldt and Halle, also tha lot next north of tha above, having a front of»5 feat more or less, with tha buildings thereon, except the second story of the Store House now standing on the last mentioned lot. Levied on as the property of John C. Kuse and Kichard Patten, to satisfy a ft fa from the Sixth Cir cuit Court of the United States, for the Southern Dis trict of Georgia, in favor of David Ooddard, vs. Jno C. Kuse and Richard Patten, Property pointed out by Plaintiff's Attorney. Also parts of lots Nos. 219 and MO, in the city of Columbus, commencing 135 feet south of the north line of lot No. 818 on Oglethorpe street, and running through to Jackson street, to a point on Jackson street 133 feet south of the north line of lot No>eao. Also, lot No. 338, in the city of Columbus, contain, ing one-half acre, lying on Jackson street, all levied on as the property of Kichard Patten, to satisfy a fa from the Sixth Circuit Court of the United State_ for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of Da vid Goddard, vs. John C. Ruse and Richard Patten. Property pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney. Also,a part of lot No. 177, in Coiambus, beginning 30 feet north from the north corner of said lot, an< running north on Oglethorpe street 83 feet to the boose owned by D. D. Hidenbour, Trustee, from thence due west the whole depth of said lot 147 feet 10 inches, thence South 83 feet, thence east to the place of starting. Levied on as the property of Jno C. Ruse, t o satisfy a fi fa from the Sixth Circuit Court of ti e United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of David Goddard vs. John C. Ruse and Richard Patten. Property pointed out by Plaintiff's Attorney. JAMES M. SPL'LLOCK, U. S. Marshal. By THOMAS L. ROSS, june 14,1859. V. B. Deputy Marshal. Prom the Ueorgia Telegraph Extra, June 4. mills filterin' Male. W IL be sold before the Court House door in the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the first Tuesday in August next, the following property, to-wit .- One lot oflaad containing (202J) two hundred and two and a half acres, more or less, number not re collected, adjoining the lands of John Hamlin and Henry Newsom, in the Warrior District. Levied on as the property of Robert Hamlin, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Bibb Superior Court in favor ol ien Slocum vs. Robert Hamlin and John Hamlin, ited out taf Robert Hamlin. ft . W. BRANTLY, Sheriff. Bibb Mortgage Sitcriir Male. W ILL be sold on the first TUESDAY in August next, between the usual hours of sale, before the Court House door, in the City of Macon, Bibb County, all that tract or parcel of land containing one-halt acre, more or less, being part of lots Nos. 1 and S, in square twelve, in the city of Macon, and bounded as follows: fronting Jefferson Street one hundred and five feet,jmd running back two hun dred and ten jaiol feet, levied on as the property of Benjamin M. Polhill, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa from Bibb Superior Court, in favor of Mary L. Franklin, Executor, Ac., and Isaac Soott, for the use of Isaac Scott vs. Beqjamin M. Polhill. Property pointed out in (aid mortgage fi fa. E. G. JEFFERS, Dep. S. June 30 Afliuiuistrntor’s Male. W ILL be sold, on the 1st Tuesday iu August next, within the legal hours of sale, bemrethe Court House door in Perry, in the county of Hous ton, two negroes belonging to the estate of Pinkney J. Pollock, deceased, late of said county, one a ne gro man about 20 years old, and the other a boy about 9 years old, said property to be sold lor a dis tribution among the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known at the sale. ISAAC WOODARD, Jr., june 14 Administrator. Houston MUcrift Mole. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in Perry, in said county, between the usual hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in August next, a negro man named Virgil, levied on by Alexander Lee, late Sheriff of said county, by virtue of a mort gage fi fa from the Inferior Court of Decatur county, in favor of Tbaddeus G. Holt, and Pulaski Holt, as signees, vs. Peyton C. Holt, Administrator of Fow ler Holt, deceased. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. JOHN SMITH, D. Sheriff. »»7« N OTICE.—Two months alter date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Jones county, Ga., at the first regular Term after expira tion of two months from this notice, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of William U. George, late of said county, deceased, for the bene fit ofheirs of said deceased. H. W. BONNER, ISAAC HARDEMAN, jane 14— Executors. ounty.Gs roes belonging to the estate of Josiah Goodin, de ceased. JOHN 1L GOODIN, R. L. GOODIN, june 98 Administrators. <;corRln—Crawford County. N OTICE is hereby given to all persons having demands against Josiah Goodin, late of said county deceased, to present them to us properly made out, within the time prescribed by law. Ana all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby re quired to make immediate payment. JOHN H. GOODIN, • It. L. GOODIN, june 28 Administrators. Jones’ Mlicrni Male. W ILL be sold before the Court House Door, in the town of Clinton, on the first Tuesday iu August next, 1859, the following property, vix: One Iron Grey Horse, one Buggy and Harness one Negro boy named Frank, some 8 years old of yellow complexion, very likely — levied upon by virtue of one Mortgage Fi. Fa., returnable to Jones Inferior Court, in favor of Anderson J. Middle- brooks remix John A. Childs. Levied upon as the property of John A. Childs, to satisfy said fi. fa. Property pointed out in said fi. fa. also by Defendant. JAS. G. BAltNES. June 31,1859. Sheriff Houston Lands for SaleT B Y order of the Ordinary of Houston county, will be sold on the first Tt * Georgia-—Jones County. Monday, February 7,1859. T HE Court of Ordinary or said county met this . day, agreeably to law. Present—Charles Mc Carthy, Ordinary. To the Honorable the Ordinary of Jones County.— The petition of William A. Lane, Administrator of Mosee R. Draper, deceased, showeth that be has ful ly discharged the duty assigned him as such Ad ministrator, and therefore petitions the Court for a discharge from said Administratorship. Willi ax A. Lam, Petitioner. On hearing the above Petition, it is ordered, that citation be issued, and that all peisons concerned be end they are hereby required to show cause, if any they have, on or before the 1st Monday in August next, why the said William A. Lane should not be discharged from his Administratorship, and why Letters Dismissory should not be granted to him.— And it is farther ordered by the Court, that this cita tion be published in one or more public gaxettes ot said State, for the space of six months. A true extract lrom the minutes of Jones Court of Ordinary, this 7th day of February, 1859. march 1 CHARLES MACARTI ARTHY, Ord. Georgia Jones cutiuiy. Monday, March 7tb, 1859. T HE Court of Ordinary of arid County met this day, agreeably to law. Present Chaules Ma- caktht. Ordinary. To the Hon. the Ordinary of Jones County: The petition of Jesse C. Smith, Administrator de bonis non, on the estate of Moses Taylor, deceased, showeth that be has tally discharged the duty as signed him as such administrator, and therefore pe titions the Court for a discharge from said Adminis tratorship. Jesse C. Smith, Petitioner. On hearing the above petition, it is ordered, that citation be issued, and that all persons concerned be and they are hereby required to show cause, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in Sept, next, why the said Jesse C. Smith should not be discharged from his Administratorship, and why Letters Dismissory should not be granted to him. And it is further ordered by the Court, that this ci tation be published in one or more public gaxettes of arid State, for the space of six months. A true extract from the minutes of Jones Court of Ordinary, this 7th day of March, 1859. CHARLES MACAltTHY, Ord’y. Georgia—Jones County. Mokdat, June 6, 1859. T HE Court of Ordinary of said county met this day. agreeably to law. Present—CHAS. MA- C ARTHY, Urdinary. Toths Honorable the Ordinary of Jones County: The petition of Kob't P. Harkins, Administrator on the estate of Lydia Harkins, dec'd, showeth that he has tally discharged the duty assigned him as such Administrator, and therefore petitions the Court for a discharge from said Administratoiship. Robert P. Harkiss, Petitioner. On hearing the above petition, it is ordered, that citation be issued, and that all persons concerned be and they are hereby required, to show cause, if any thejUiave, on or before the 2d Monday in January, next?why the said Robt. P. Harkins should not be discharged from his Administratorship, and why let ters Dismissory should not be granted to him. And it is further ordered by the Court, that this citation be published in one or more public Gazettes of said State, tor the space of six months. A true extract from the Minutes of Jones Conrt of Ordinary, this 7th day of June. 1859. june 14 CHAS. MACARTHY, Ord. R. rtSDLAT, SR.,... J. R. riMILAT,...C. D. FINDLAT. FINDLAY’S IRON WORKS, MACON, GA. Steam Engines and Mill Machinery, Cotton Presses and Screws, Horse Powers, Cane Mills and Kettles. IRON RAILINGS, COLUMNS, MILL STONES, GIN GEER, Grist and Circular Saw Mills, PULLEYS, WHEELS, SHAFTING, 4c., Ac. R. FINDLAY & SONS. Fab. 1. SCHOFIELD & BROTHER, HERS & MACH •Hacon, Georgia. JOHN 8. SCHOFIELD, JOSHUA SCHOFIELD. We are prepared to Manufacture STEAM ENGINES, ©0K©(yi[L^K MDILLDp MILL AND GIN GEARING. Susnr Mills. BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. IRON RAILINGS AND VERANDAHS. Having the most complete assortment of Iron Rail ings in the State, which for elegance, neatness, dura bility and design, cannot be surpassed, and are suit able for the Fronts of Dwelling,,, Cemetery Lots, Pnblie Squares Church Fences and Balconies. Persons desirous of purchasing RAILINGS, will do well togive us a. call, as we are determined toof- fer as good bargains as any Northern Establishment. ty Specimens of our Work can be seen at Rote Hill Cemetery, and at various private residences in this city. nov 30 ly TO PLANTERS. i J s' J IMPLEMENTS. T. C. NISBET. founder and Machinist. CARHART & CURD H AVE in store. Grant’s Clinton's A others make -all sixes FAN MILLS. Emery’s, Winship’a, Georgia and other •PIKE s: Emei TIIKESIIEKS. The above Screw took the $25 SILVER CTJIP at the last ANNUAL FAIR. Sugar Mills from $30 to $150. Horse Powers, new and improved, $75. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Castings and Machinery in General, may 3 NEW inr’s Railroad, Bogardua’s, 3 and 4 horse IIORSE POWERS. Grant's and others make .5 and 6 fingered GRAIN CRADLES. Scythe Blades, Grass Blades. Grass Syckles, Scythe Stones, Corn Shellere, and Straw Cutters, ALSO, Wire Cloth, Bolting Cloth, Leather Belting, Rubber Belting, Mill Spindles, Mill Cranks, and all kinds of MILL IRONS, Together with a full assortment of Builder’s and Carriage Maker's material, and everything usually kept in their line, all of which will be sold at the low est market rates. Call at CARIIART & CURD’S. may 17 Save Freight and Commissions. iart & Curd aax SOLE AGENTS 5 and 6 Finger Grain Cradles, Patent Scythe Blades, Silver Steel Blades, Scythe Snaths, Scythe Slones and Rifles, Sickles, Gras* Hooks. €j -g’lH - a .« Grant's Fan Mills, CHnton Ifheat Fans, Excelsior Fan. — Cherokee Spike Thresher, Emory Patent Thresher, Wheeler's Overshot Thresher, Baltimore Open Cylinder. *3 li 1 Horse Rail Road Power, 2 Horse Rail Road Power, Sinclair’s Lever Power, IWhitman's ti Horse Power, Baltimore Horse Power. IH -05 gs Self Sharpening Straw Cutters, Sinclair's Patent Cylinder Straw Cut- - ter, Daniels Feed Cutter, Universal Shuck Cutter. Sf| ScoviCs Celebrated Hoes, Collins' Warranted Hoes, Brades' Patent Hoes. -1 Weed's Cast Steel Hoes. SLj £ ^25 5 ~!>3 „ <££ a ^ C*1 *5! Cl Bolting Cloth, IFire Cloth, Grain Riddles. i Lanier A Amlerson, ATTORNEYS AT L AVt MACON, GA.. P RACTICE In the counties of pie Macon* Circuit, and in the Counties of Sumter, Monroe Jones; also in the Federal Courts at Savannah. They have also recently become the Agent a of following Insurance Companies: The AnguHta luxuriance aud Banking Com pany of which W. M. D’Antionac is President C.F. McCay is Secretary. And the llnbmnn Fire and .llnrine Inau ranee Company, Montgomery, of which T. I Watts is President and A. Williams is Secretary. Fire risks and risks on slaves taken at usual rates, apl 20 Macon. June 14. WASHINGTON BLOCK Iuvitd attention to their Stock of Spring & Summer Hats & Caps, Fairbanks Scales. The following comprise a few of their leading styles: Gent’s Burrills Style Mole Hats, “ New Orleans Style Silk lists, “ Beliee “ “ •• “ Everett “ “ “ “ Black. Drab, and Pearl Fasb. Caasiraeres, “ Superior French Felt of all colon. And an endless variety of Boys and Children’s Straw and Leghorn Hats and Caps. something very superior for gen tlemen’s wear in the Straw line. English Dunstables, Straw and Leghorns of every variety of color. We invite particular attention to our Stock, and j PETER S. HUMPHRIES, ATTORNEY AT LAW PERRY*, GA, WILL practice in all the Courts of the Macon District, and also in the Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. (aug 17—ly SPEER A HUNTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW MACON. GEORGIA. OJice on Triangular Block, Corner of Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue. W E have associated as partners in the practice of law in the connties of the Macon and ad joining Circuits, and elsewhere in the State by spe cial contract—also will attend the Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. ALEX. M. SPEER, mar 2 SAMUEL HUNTER. T. G. HOLT, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON. GA. O FFICE in Ralston's new block on Cherry Street, first door above entrance to Concert Hall. aug4 a. r. coLviRHOosx, r. a. anslet, Culvcrliouse 4 Ausicy. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, • KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA, W ILL practice in Crawford and the adjoining counties. All business promptly attended to. Jan 11 J. t. SXWARD. A. H HASSELL. SEWARD & IIANSELIi. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, GA. A LL claims forwarded to ns will meet with prompt attention. We shall practice in the counties ot Thomas, Lowndes, Irwin, Telfair, Berrien, Colquitt, Clinch, Ware, Decatur and Worth. SEWARD 3c HANSELL. Thomasville, Nov. 3rd, 1858. nov 4 0. A. LOCHRANE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Macon, Ga; F INDING my circuit prmctioe interfering with my office business in this city, I have with drawn from the Firm of Lochrane A Lamar, and will hereafter be found at my office near the Meehan w attended to by both the partners, Lamar and Lochrane, to whom letters may be addressed, may 24 PETER 1. STROZIER JOHN T. GLOVER STROZIEK A GLOVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, DAWSON, GA. WILL practioe in the Counties of Terrell, Clay, Chaftahaochee, Webster, Randolph, Early and Stew art. IS'’ All business entrusted to them, will receive prompt and unremitting attention. Jan. 4.—ly. L..A.W firm:. T IIE undersigned have formed a partnership in the practice of Late, in the Firm name of Ruth erford and Hill. They will practice in the Macon Circuit, and in the Conntiea of Monroe, Jonea and Wilkinson—and by special contract in any other portion of the State. Also, in the Federal Court, at Savannah and Ma rietta. Office over the Manufacturer's Bank. JOHN RUTHERFORD, particular attention to our Woclc snd j Macon, Jan. 17.’39 JOHN R. HILL. promise to sell as cheap as any bonse in the city or - State. C. B. STONE A BROTHER. A full assortment of Counter and Platform Scales now iu store, snd sold at their prices—no freight ad ded. Orders for Railroads, Warehouses, and ol large Scales taken, and will see them put up. may 17 apr 19 other j Copartnership Notice. I HAVE this day associated with me my biothe Frank li. Stone, for the purpose of continuin [ the Hat and Cap business. J. T. MAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bl’TLEK, TAYLOR COUNTY, GEORGIA, feb 1—ly* C. H. Freeman &Co.U^^^ l jy; o r dU0todher ^ er “ der CHAS. B. STONE A BROTHER. The subscriber, thankful for the liberal patronage extended to him tha past year, would most respect fully solicit a continuance of it fur the new firm. They wilt keep constantly on hand a superior stock of Hats and Caps, which they will sell as low as any house in the cit^ or State. esdayin Augmt next, ■ in Pi before the Court House door in Perry, in Houston county, all the lands belonging to the estate of Dr. CreedT. Woodson, deceased. These lands comprising eight hundred acres (be ing lota Noe. 219, 330,198, one-half of 198, and one- half of 199) situated in the upper Eleventh District of Houston county, one portion being Pine, and the ether. Oak and Hickory, form one of the most pro ductive plantations for noth Cotton and Coi n in the county of Houston, and is mw in a high state of cul tivation and contains every bnildiug necessary lor a cotton plantation—in good repair, and is well sup plied with running water for stock, Ac. And in ad dition, this place flee in one of the most convenient and eligible sections of the county for schools and churches; and having been the residence of Dr. Woodson and family, has every improvement and convenience required to make it a healthy agree.- ble and pleasant family residence. rjri'erms on the day of sale. PHILIP T. WOOL SON, WM. H. WOODSON, may 34 Kx’rs of Dr. Creed T- Woodson, dec’d. ©rglu--Jones County. Mondat, January If, 1859. T HE Court of Ordinary of said county met this day, agreeably to law. Present Uhsiii.es Ms. cartht. Ordinary. To the Hon. the Ordinary of Jones Ciunty.— The petition ot Green G. Gunn Adminiixator of JsmesGnnn, deceased, showeththathebaa tally di* charged the doty assigned him as such Administra tor, and therefore pe title ns the Court for a <t ischarge from said Administratorship. Green G. Ginn, Peti loner. On hearing the above Petition, it is ordered, that citation be issued, and that all persona concerned be and they ore hereby required, to show cause, if any they have, on or before the first Monday It August neat, why the said Green G. Gunn should n->t be dis charged from his Administratorship, and t hy Let ters Dismissory should not be granted to hi a. And it is farther ordered by the Court, that this citation be published in one or more public gaxetti s of said state, for the space of six months. A true extract from the minutes of Jones Court of Ordinary, This 10th day of January, 1858. jan 33 CHARLES MACARTHY. On inary. Georgia—Jones County, Monday, March 7tb. 1859. T HK Court of Ordinary of said County met this day, agreeably to law. Present—Cm xle» Ma earthy. Ordinary. To tbe Honorable the Ordinary of Jones County The petition of Berry E. Lynch, Admlnii rator on the estate of Amy Wimbuah, deceased, aho’ retb that he has fully discharged the dutyasaignel him as such administrator, and therefore petitions • he Court for a discharge from said Administrators)! i >. Berry E. Lynch, Pet tioner. On bearing the above petition, it is orde ed, tin citation be issued,snd that all persons con< erned be aud they are hereby required to show cau ie, if any they have, on or before the 1st Monday in Septem ber next, why the said Berry I- Lynch all >ulo not be discharged from bis Administratorship, and why Letters Dismissory should not be granted :o him.— Aud it is further ordered by the Court, that this cita tion be published in one or more pnblio G» settes of said State, for the spnoe of six months. A true extract from the minute* of Jones Court of Ordinary, this 7th day of March, 1859. mar lS CHARLES MACAKTHV, Ord. Georgia—Jones Count j. Monday, January t), 1859. mUE Court of Ordinary of said county met this X day, agreeably to law. Present Cua ales Ma caxtht, Ordinary. To the Hon. the Ordinary of Jones Crunty.— Tbe petition-of Daniel Leslie, Administrator ofKich- ard M. Scroggins, deceased,showeth that lie has ful ly discharged the duty assigned him aa such Adrain- istrator, and therefore petitions the Court for a dis charge from said Administratorship. Daniel Leslie, Petitioner. On hearing the above Petition, it is ordered, that citation be issued, and that all persona concerned be and they are hereby required to show oauie, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in August next, why the said Daniel Leslie should not be dis charged from his Administratorship, anil why Let ter* Dismissory should not he granted to him. And it is further ordered by the Court, that this citation be published in ouo or more public gazette* of said -■-it,. i,,r the .-piii" of six months. A true extraut from the minutes of Jones Court o ftrdmarv ibis loth dsy of January, 1859. S* CHARMS M.U’Alil HY. tlromary _ SwamD Land for Sale. K Hill 11 -ONb- m-rci. "I ohuie-- hwamp i mat, two miles below Macao—42 acres in cultivation, the belsia i- heavily limbered, aud covered with Cane, fur sal* by ftb* T HE Subscribers, from the increased d< for Iron Railing* of their manufacture, have been encouraged to make that branch of their works a special department, possessing superior fa cilities for the manufacture of IRON RAILINGS, tor any and all purposes ot the most approved de signs, eitherplain or ornamental. They are assured in saying to the public, that in point or variety and substantial work, together with moderate prices that they are determined to please. In addition to all the usual style* of this class ol work, they are making Fuller’s Patent Railing. This is a new article, possessing extraordinary strength by a combination of Wrought Iron in its structure. All of which will be warranted equal to the best made in the Union. feb 1 R. FINDLAY A SONS. ANEW GUN SMITH. T HE subscriber, having inst arrived In Macon, and opened a NEW «HOP /or tbe purpose of repairing GUNS and PISTOLS, offer, bis services to the pnblie. and guarantees to do all work in bis line in tbe best manner, and at prices to suit his patrons. DOUBLE BARREL GUNS. RIFLES AND PISTOLS, made to order, and Stocked at abort no tice. Yonr patronage is respectfully solicited. LaT"Store under the Floyd House, opposite Dr. Thomson’s. WM. MARKWALTER COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA., OFFER, AS USUAL, AT their oi.o stand, achoicx ASORTNEST OV FAMILY GROCERIES, O F every description and of the best quality, fresh and good—being constantly in receipt of Dew supplies from the Northern Markets, Spices, White Fish, Citron, Herrings, Green Fruits in cans, Hams, Condiments. Lard, , Sauces, Flour, ! Cheese, Butter, Mackerel. Pork, And other articles too numerous to mention, com- • prising the whole range of Family Grocery supplies. CANDIES- We particularly invito the attention of dealers • •ud others to our largo aud u,u r lo, «..»!. -f c«. . dies manufactured by ourselves, of ths very best i materials and-warranted to retain their hardness and ' brilliancy, while tbe imparted Candies soon lose I both and become worthless. We ofier unrivalled j inducements to purchasers. CAKES, Ornamented and Plain, | Of every variety and made of choice materials. - Families and parties supplied at the shortest notice ; and on the most reasonable terms. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh | FISH, IN THEIR SEASON. R / \ We shall keep constantly on baud dur- j -2j/ # V in S * n<l Winter- \Jjjr Fresh Oysters and Fish,>S£”E£ native and imported, of the best qualities and re-! peettally invite orders, which shall be faithfully j Choice Tobacco and Segars, To which we invite the attention of Connoisseur* in these articles. oct 5 ISAAC IIAKDEJIAIV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLINTON, GEORGIA. juiy 7 ly apr 19 STONE A BROTHER. LAW CARD. T. P. Stubbs, B. Hill, Stubbs & Hill, A T T O R N E Y S A T LAW, Macon, Ga. apl 20 Important to Planters! * • THE INGERSOLL HOOP LOCK, JY<r.7 Win. K. deGralTenricd, 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. OFFICE, third door below Lanier House—above ! Damopr’s oct 37 ARNEU P. POWERS. | ARTHUR DICKINSON Powers 8t Dickinson, ATTOBNBTS at la it, MACON. GEORGIA- june 21 Jot*p{)tla5/;tolna,N.n., MENARD & BURGHARD. 3 II .ITitnilulKEMl? 4iir SA VAN.YAIX -ii II a CHARLESTON. CABIN PASSAGE, STEERAGE ..‘.'.Y.ll'.l'.l ’ 8J Excursion Tickets £ood to return until Janu- uary 1,1880,. The well known fin i class side-wheel Steamships Keystone Stato, CAPT. C. I-- MARSHMAN, and Stalio c»f Gr©opaiB CAPT. J. J. GARVIN. Now form a Regular Line for tbe North, leaving Charleston and Savannah alternately, as follows : The State of Georgia from Savannah every alter nate Saturday, May 38th, June 11th and 25th, July 9tk and 83d, Ac., leaving Philadelphia for Savannah the intermediate Saturdays. The Key Stone Stato will resume her trips from Charleston about July 1st,ofwhich due notice will be given. For safety and comfort, having superior STATE ROOMS, these Ships are not surpassed by any on the coast. One hundred miles of thisronte on the Dela ware River and Bay—two nights at sea. TOR NIAGARA FALLS, THE LAKES & CANADA SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. H This Line connects at Philadelphia with the Great Northwestern Railroad Route through to Niagara Falls or Buffalo, in 18 hours from Philadelphia.— Through tickets, with the privilege of stopping at Philadelphia and intermediate points, for sale by tbe Agents in Savannah. Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, 823. Elmira, *20 to Canandaigua, *31. £' a" CO " A sents at Savannah. A T -f- * T. G. BUDD, Agents at Charleston. A. HERON, Jr., Agent at Philadelphia, mar S3—3m • J"e w elers n *AVE just received and opened a ler^e and splendid assortment of Goods In tleir line, consisting in part of the following articles, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Hunting Magic Case, Independent 2d, Ac.. for Gen tlemen. GOLD WATCHES for Ladies, rich :ind beau tiful. SILVER WARE, such as Spoons, Cups, Gob lets. Ac. SILVER PLATER WARE, such as Cas tors, Egg Boilers, (with Gold Plated Gold Cups and Spoons, i Fruit Baskets, Pitchers, Candle Sticks, waiters, Ac. JEWELRY, Consisting of Diamond and Gold Rings, Pins, Ac. Ac., sparkling and bright. Mnsicn.1 Instruments, Such aa Violins. Flutes! Guitars, Banjos. Tambo- lines. Gold Pens, aud Pencils. Guitar aud Violin Strings, I and a varied assortment of Fancy Goods, Music Boxes, too numerous to particulr advertisement. Thankful for the liberal patronage best! them, since they commenced business, thev solicit a continuance of the same, and will spare no pains to give satisfaction to their customers, both in stvie and quality of their Wares, and in price. Watch and other repairing executed with dispatch and on reasonable terms. M. A B. octs Macon rot- w^fficasasaJ medicines, s ° tCiy PHARMACUTICAL CS SADDLE BAGS, Iwi/Kti from the Store of PERFUMERY, e store of Opposite Telegraph b > »t. • U P‘ Change of Schedule- SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON STEAMPACKETLINE IN C0NNNECTI0N with the CENTRAL and North Eastern Rail Roads. f£lHE splendid and Fast Running MOM© GORDON, F. Barden, Commander,leaves Savan nah for Charleston every Sunday and Wednesday afternoons at 3 o'clock and connects at Charleston with the train of the North Eastern Rail Boad going North : returning. l*av«* Clmrlooton every Atm,dap and Friday night at 8J o'clock (after the arrival of the cars of tbe North Eastern R. Road.) and ar rives at Savannah early the following mornings. By this route Passengers can obtain through tick- eta to and from Savannah, Ga., and Wilmington, N. Carolina. Having a through freight arrangement with the the Central Rail Road ana its connections,all freights between Charleston and the interior of Georgia con signed to the agents of this line will be forwarded with dispatch and FREE of CHARGE. J. P. BROOKS, Ag’t, Savannah. E. LAFITTE & CO., Ag’ts, Charleston. jan 19 Summer Trade. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. H AVE in addition to their former stock received and made recent selections ot WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER A SILVER PLATED WARE, FANCY GOODS, CUTLERY, AC. AC. Making one of the largest and most elegant assort ments of goods to be found in tne Southern cities, and offered on the most moderate terms, osn inspection and careful comparison o: qualities and prices, respectfully solicited. Three doors above the Lanier, Macon. Ga. E J. JOHNSTON. G. S. OBJJAB. mar S3 REMAEKABtJ- Astounding and Star 2 SPRING STOi AT THIS EARLY DAT) ONE FROM NEW AND @!p3H FRQMEUMi DiEEcTBiPoiifu FREE TRaDj SAILORS’R|q H | THE ~ “BAZAAR OF PASf TBnjMPHAjjj I THE SOVEREIGNOPTBrl FOR GEORGIA. SEALED BILLS OF (jjgJ DISPLAY', Finn l Ireland. France A THESE- ere the colors nader »ikV„ , defy competition, and appeal to the e'., of a just and generous public for the r.. assertions. Pianos O F elegantly carved Rosewood, and all the plain er varieties, just received and for side on the best terms, by E. J. JOHNSTON A Co. ldST*01d Pianos taken in exchange. SCHEDULE ON THE South-Western R. R. OVER WHICH PASSES THE G^^TNEW YORK AND NEW ORLEANS MAILS. Tw° Daily Trains between Macon Columbus ON AND AFTER JULY 29th, Leave Macon at 11.45 p. m. and 9.45 a. m. Arrive at Columbus 5.35 a. m. and 3.45 p. cl Leave Columbus 4.00 a. m> aud S.45 p. m. Arrive at Macon 0.50 a. m. and 9.18 p. m. Daily between Macon % Albany and Dawson; Leave Macon 11.45 p. m. Arrive in Albany 6.25 a. m. Arrive at Dawson 6.00 Leave Albany 3.00 p. m. Leave Dawaon 1.40 p. m Arrive in Macon 9.18 p. m. Tri-Weekly. Down: Monday, Wednesday and Friday—Up : Tues Thursday and Saturday. Leave Macon 7.12 a. m. Arrive at Albany 4.32 p. m. Arrive at Dawson 5.20 p. m. Leave Albany 6.20 a. m. Leave Dawson —. Ar rive at Macon 9.11 p, m. Trans to Columbus form a through connection to Montgomery, Alabama and Augusta, Kingsville Wilmington, Savannah, Milledgevflle and Eatonton. „ ?°? t .}' oac,le8run from Albany to Tallahassee, Bainbridge, Thomasville, Ac., daily; also, tri-week- "from Dawson to Cuthbeit. Fort Gaines, Ac. Hacks run six times a week from Fort Valley to Perry, Haynesville and Hawkinsville, and tri-week- " to Knoxville, Ga. Passengers for points below Fort Valley, should ke^he Dag Trains from Augusta and Savannah to “ For other points take ei Silver Porks, Spoons, &c., &c R ECEIVED by late arrivals, making the largest and best stock ever offered in Maco n War- 1 of sterling quality, being 925-lcoothn fine, y « fine lot of warranted-U. 8. Coin,” at to ranted Also, a fine lot of warranted--C. 8. Coin,” at low prices. [mar 22] E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. Hair Work to Order. O VER 250 designs from which to make selection by (mar 32) E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. B ILLIARD BALLS, Cue Leathers. Wax, Ac ,a ways on hand and for sale at low prices mar 33 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. ]\YEERSHAM PIPES, warranted genuine, fo 1V1 sale by E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. F ANS in large variety. Travelling and Reticule Baskets, Leather Satchels, Ac., for sale by ma* >19 L* T TAUVCTnkT i. AA E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. W ATCHES and Jewelry repaired and warrant ed by E. J. JOH1 ed by mar 22 DHNSTON A CO. take the . avoid detention in Macon, her Train. First class steamships leave Savannah for New lork, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Passage i ‘he Cabiu *15, Steerage *6. Through Tickets can be procured from Rail Road Agents at Montgomery, Columbus and Albany via Savannah to New York, by Steamships, in Cabin, as follows: Montgomery *26; Columbus *23; Albany *24 25. VIRGIL POWERS ■nar 23 Superintendent C. HODGKINS & SON, 2vTa,con, (3tsl. L. H. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. I Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne’s Drug 1 Store. jan 6 feb 8—ly Late of Augusta. Ga. ' CUTLERY! FROM JOSEPH RODGERS & SON, SHEFFIELD. ENGLAND. TABLE KNIVES & FORKS 6 Bladed Pocket Knives, H. HORNE’S CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT STORE, And Pastry Bakery, at his new Store, next to Ayres, Wingfield If Celt, CHERRY ST.. MACON, GA. 7} ART IKS, Dinners and Suppers furnished with X everything ornamental ana delicious, in the la test styles. Bridal Cakes, dressed iu unsurpassed styles.-- French Pasuy of every kind, as well as mil kinds of Desert made to order, among them many new dishes. French Candies, Chocolate, Cream, etc. Oranges, Pineapples, Bananas, Lemons, Apples, Haisins, Dates, Figs, Currants, Citron, Nuts ot all kinds. Preserves, Crackers, Began, Cider, etc. WINES AND BRANDIES of undoubted purity. Toys, Sardine*. Lobsters, Pickles, Sauces, Salmon, Tongues, Cheese, Cabba ges, Cranberries, etc. (V* All goods warranted to be first class articles, and sold as low aa can be bought in Macon. TERMS—Cash, for all not bolding Pass books. li. HORNE will attend personally to superintend tbe setting of tables for Weddings and Parties, either in City or Connf IRON COTTON TIE. a City gr •fry. Country Mekchast* will find a good sortment of Confectionaries at my establishment, and the prices as low as any where else in the City, jan 25—ly Sportsmen Knives, Embroidery Scissors, Pocket “ And other Paterns. Razors! Razors ! OF THE GENUINE JOS. RODGERS A SON’S Itlnfcc. I IIAVEju.t reccired direct from.Tn.enh Rodgers A Son. Sheffield, England, a large and splendid va riety of tbe above goods, and most respectfully so licit the patronage of the public. BASIL A. WISE, mar 29 Cherry St., Macon, Q Notice to Planters. flNQ purchased of Mr. Thomas Bagby in Mac H AVING purchased entire interest in the Negro Trade. his _ aeon, I take this method of informing those who wish to purchase or sell Negroes, that the trade will be con tinued at the old stand, next door to Adams A Rey nold's Ware House, on Poplar Street, where can be found at all times a likely lot of Maryland and Vir ginia Negroes at fair prices- I will also pay liberal prices/or all young and likely negroes offered for aide. JAMES G. NOEL. March 29, 1859.—6m. Montpelier Farm School. MONROE CO., GA. Rev. Carlisle P. B. Martin. Frcs’dt. H AVING purchased Montpelier, that celebrated seat orlearning, Mr. Martin baa transferred thither bit FARM SCHOOL from Henry County. No place in all the South pos sesses more facilities, or mors peculiar advantages, than does this, for the sue cental education of youth. The Fall Session will commence on the 25th of July next. For tarther information, address the President, at Montpelier, Georgia, may *4 Latest News by tlie , _A.-tlan.tic Telegraph.- To all whom it may concern. This is to notify the public that Isaacs is at Home Again, ■ that his SALOON is his patrons ng of a day. Citixen* and the traveling pub- A. NEW $10 Washing Machine!! W ARRANTED to give satisfaction, or the ney refunded. orsalFe by 1 june 28 ^B. A. WISE. House Furnishing Store, Macon. Ga. N. BASS SELF-SEALING OLASS JARS. LARGE assortment at a reduced price. II. A. WISE. june 3* Cherry Stree t Y.UiDS Printed Lawns for ^alo" at 1 A Afin XAnus i'nnted ijiw; XUjUUU 12] cents per yard, by And not* _ lie will find the establishment open not for the sea son only, but at all seasons of the year, and those calling upon us will at all hours find our Larder sup plied with all the delicacies that the New York and other markets will afford in the way of eatables, and ■nmetluag good to drtuk, and ala days out of seven more than can be found in any other house in town. E. Isaacs & Brother, * Under Rnlatan’a Unit, Cherry tit. His bill of fare wiil eve-y dsy Be just the thing for little pay, And those who at their place may eat. Will find in it all things complete, And going once, they then wiil know That ISAACS’ is the place to go. WE shall be happy to see our friends, assuring them that it will be qur unremitting care to please in every respect, a* we flatter ourselves we have done till now. It may not be generally known that we have to meet the wishes of the Medical Faculty, import ed by ourselves a very superior quality of Pale Bran dy, fine Old Port. Sherry and Madeira, possessing all tbe medical qualities so much desired by them. Look at his Bill of Far*, and choose for yourself: Oysters From New York, Savannah and Brunswick, in the (bell or by tbe measure, raw, frjpd, stewed, in any way you want them ALSO. Shrimps and Crabs, Wild Game of every variety. Venison and Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets, Ham snd Eggs, Deviled iltm and Deviled Termpins, Mountain Oysters, Turtle Soup, 4c., 4c., &o* Wood cock, Grouse, Mountain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Ducks, Fish, and anything that an epicure wants, can always be bad when in season. Confectioneries and Fruits. ISAACS also keeps constantly on hand a good as sortment of Confectioneries, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Pine Apples, Various description of Nuts, Cakes, Ac., All of which can be purchased at low prices for I N all the heaviest Cotton regions of the grea South West, the INGERSOLL HOOP LOCK with the common Hoop Iron llniul, has superse ded every other method of securing the Cotton Bale, lime and space would fail us to give the numerous certificates of Cotton Planters. Brokers, Warehouse men, Insurers, Compressor* and Shippers, showing beyond a doubt, that the days of Rope binding are numbered, and tbe immense advantages of tbe Hoop I«0fk and Iron Tie. Their economy wherever tried, bss been conceded in these points: 1. TUer sure twenty to Ibirty dollars cost in bnling inntrrinl on rvery one liuudred Bags. 3. The fastening is much more expeditiously ap plied, and much morn convenient for the compress. 3. It is a perfect safeguard against loss of Cotton from the bale. 4. His nn almost nbsolntr security ngninsl Fire. Fire applied to bales thus bound, as shown by actual experiment, will smoulder without fame, twenty hours without spreading, and allowing plenty of time for easy extinguishment. 3 It is ns absolutely secure fastening. In actual experiments made in Montgomery, boles thus bound, were pitched down forty feet perpendicular from a house-top, upon a brick pavement, without perceptible effect. 6. It is perfectly simple,and requires no machinery at all iu the application. Any common hoop-iron of proper width and thickness, (which is about J inch wide, and a scant sixteenth of one inch thick,) and of any requisite length to suit the bale, is takes in tbe hand, one end passed through the opening, from tho under side, of one ena ot the under part of the lock to tho length of about one inch, and then bent over the end of the lock. The other end ol the hoop is then passed round tbe bale and drawn through a loop or opening in the opposite end of the lock, and then bent in the same manner as the other. The button is then turned back to its place over them, and the hoop is fast on the bale, ana the bale may be moved if desired. 7. It holds the package in one-fonrth smaller com pass than rope—thereby rendering it easier to han dle, and cheapening freight. These facta and advantages are certified to by leading Warehouse men. Planters, Shippers and Bro kers in testimonials too numerous to be cited or spec ified in this advertisement. In Montgomery, the leading Brokers and Bayers, after the most satisfac tory experience and testa, unite in the tallowing a- greement, which will leaveno doubt on these points: We, the undersigned. Cotton Brokers and I of Montgomery, AU., agree and give notice tha't we will pay tall prices for iron Bound Cotton, if fasten ed with the IJV4J■■soilI, HOOF I.OCK, al though we are aware that it wiil weigh 1} lbs. more per bale than Rope-tied Cotton. HARRIS * JOHNSTON C. C. FOSTER, J. 8. BYINGTON. M. A. CHISHOLM. From Savannah, we copy the following engage ment made with the Compress Establishment of Mr. J. U. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILL TOWN, BERRIEN COUNTY, GA„ W ILL practice in the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT compruing the following counties, Glynn, Ware, Wayne. Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee and Charlton, Also McIntosh of the Kastern. may 4 oko. s. KOU1NSON.. CHAS. ROBINSON G. S. & C. ROBINSON, Attorneys at Law CUTHBERT, GEORGIA. YT/ILL give prompt attention to all business en- V V trusted to them, in Randolph. Clay, Early, Mil ler. Calhoun, Terrell, Stewart snd Quitman counties. March 1, 1859. tf KIMBRQUGII «V BASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Gao. KiManopoH, E. S. Bass. Stark villa, Lee CO. Gs Dawson, Terrell co., Ga. mar u OR. WM. F. HOLT W ILL attend promptly all oails left either at his Office, over Boware Jc Anderson's Store, or st his residence in Vineville, opposite Maj. Comer*; mar 8—ly* DR J. DICKSON SMITH, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, .HACON, GEORGIA. W ILL attend promptly to all Professional calls made on him, either at his Office or Residence, by day or night. OFFICE—Over Menard A Bnrghsrd’s Jewelry Store, on Cherry Street. RESIDENCE—At Mr. J. B. Ross', jan 18 *?/. JR. freeman, *11. If., H AVING returned to Macon, offers his Profes sional servioes to its citizens, and those of the surrounding country, and is prepared to treat their various diseases with innocent vegetable remedies, and hopes that in consideration of tbe fact that he gives no poison, draw, no blood, and never destroys the constitutions of his patients, he will be liberally patronised by tbe afflicted. [^Particular attention will be given to Plants tion, and other country practice. lyOffice at the Drug Store of Dr. M. S. Thom- son, to whom he refers.jan 11—ly I cash. Be sure and call may 10 BOSTICS, KE1N A CO. 1 oct 12 S. ISAACS k BROTHER Savan.i.ui, July 23d, 1858. Messrs. Frexmak k Roberts, Mxcon, Gs: Gents.—I have agreed with Mr. Beattie, Agent for Ingersoll's Hoop Lock, that I will compress Iron b ouud Cotton, fastened with said Lock, upon tbe same terms as Rope tied Cotton. This arrangement to last for one season snd longer, unless I give notice of my wish to discontinue the arrangement. Respectfully, Ac., C. A. L. LAMAR. The Georgia Iron Lock Company, comprising the undersigned, respectfully invite the attention of all engaged in Cotton growing, or the Cotton trade, to this interesting and important sub ject. To the Cotton planters, particularly, they be lieve they are presenting a matter of peculiar inter est and value, and either of them will be glad to tar nish any further information, or particular applies-' tion may be made to the Secretary. J. F. WINTER, I T. A. HARRIS, DUNLAP Jc HARRIS, | FREEMAN tc ROBERTS T. A. HARRIS, Secretary. Macon, Aug. 3,1858. ly Drs. McDonald and Van Geisen, Dentists. OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK, macon, Georgia. Electricity used in Extracting Teeth. M C DONALD'S Tooth Paste always on hand and for sale. Dentists can be supplied with the finest style ot TEETH, also Gold Foil, Gold and Sil ver Plate and Wire, Lathe Fixtures, Ac., also with any kind of Instruments or Materials on short notice, oct 12 DE. A. PIEECE, HOMOEOPATH OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK. Medicine Cases and books on Domestic Practice for sale. Macon. July 13—tf. Public and oth- rs, to their ifjK e „ sel ^ Hon £L DODBtE guns, riflesTpis- TOLS, POCKET AND SPORTING CUTLERY, FISHING TACKLE. WALKING STICKS. FOR- KIGN AND DOMESTIC A MUNITION, and every article fonnd in a FIRST CLASS J Sportsman’s Emporium, NORTH OR SOUTH. B v carefal attention to the business and keeping the best GOODS In our line, we expect to receive a continuation of past favors. Repairing carefully nttrnrird ton* faercto- Oct. 26 fore. Jonathan Oollins. (Late Patten, Collins Co.) ? W ILL continue the Ware IIoumc and Com mixniou Euniiu<m» at the Fire Proof Build ing occupied by them in this place, in connection with his son, W. A. Collins. He respectfully solicits the business of the patrons of the late Arm and Plant ers generally, pledging their undivided attention to all business confided to their care. Advances made on Cotton and other Prodace in store, and orders carefully filled. JONATHAN COLLINS, jnly 6—tf Watches, Jewelry, Ac T HE subscribers would inform the citizens of Macon and vicinity, that they have taken the sto.-e formerly occupied by Mr. M. D. Barnes, where they intend carrying on tne Jewelry .Business, and will keep a neat and well selected aasortmentof goods connected with that business. We invite yon to give ns a call, and in retarn will assure yon fair and honest dealings at all times. Watches and Jewelry cleaned and repaired by a faithful and experienced workman, and warranted to give satisfaction. P. S.—Having purchased tlie Goods belonging to said Barnes, at a great discount from the cost, we offe them at Great Bargains. The Goods mostly ars No. X quality, and at the prices we shall offer them, it is a good opportunity for those in want of any thing in the way of Watcb- esand Jewelry, to make their purchases at the OLD STAND OF M. D BARNES, opposite the Lanier House. One word more, then we are done for this time.— To those who visit Savannah, we invite to call at V. W. SKIFF’S JEWELRY STORE, (in that Ci ty.) opposite the Pulaski House, where they will find a large assortment of Jewelry and Fancy Articles, of the latest styles, and at prices to snit the times.— Hair Jewelry and Ornaments of every description made to order. * Orders left at the store in Macon, or Savannah, will be carefully attended to. Respectfully, V. W. SKIFF A CO. Macon, Ga., Feb. 15— COME LADIES. , One and all, and examine the count!,, I Gems that beautify our Store. ' * Call for our imported styles of Euro - and see that we can exhibit the rarest iSL ingennity can afford, or fancy and tasted In Ladies’ Goods of all kinds, onr Departments tre ett,, geous, ellicitiog the admiration of all, with a call. In onr Carpet Department I It is useless to say that oriental stvl** magnificence is brought to the sense’bi array and costly fabrics. In Laces, Mantillas, La Favorite, 1, ftobes Aimed a. Robes Magicienne, Y r i trice. Illuminated Organdies, Robes iL Robes Fleuris, Robes Sultaine, Gray Chinous, Toil Du Nord, Robes Simulee, Grosd’ Epsoure, Milanaise. i Challies, and a thousand varieties thr the patience to road. Their assortment purchased directiji, EUROPE, by orders given in November last, artife consisting of styles so bewitchiisglv 3 language fails to portray in writing, t™ ing nnbidden sentiment, “Oh! t’hsi look here!” “Arn’tthis beautiful? b. tones so sweet and feeling, that aa a, stirred even beyond the measure of hiiq did nature. JIERCIUiVTS from the surrounding Towns and well to call and examine our * I.TIPORTED GOODS, as i goods as low as they can be bought h Philadelphia or Boston. To our Patrons we would say that we shall daily n Northern and European Markets preeminent in its courtly magnihceact . ROSS, COLEMAS april 12 KJKOWiST’S jHOTJEJL. OProSITK THK NEW RAIL ROAD DEPOT, MACON, GA. E.E. BROWN, Proprietor Meaia Ito.xuv on tho Arrival or every Train, apl 15 BOOK BINDING. J ACKSON BARNES manufactures to order every description of blank account books, snd binds in any style desired, Magazines, Law, Mnsic and Miscellaneous Books, clerks’ record and docket books,with or without printed forms, and warrant ed best quality paper. ty Engineeis’ profile paper made from the best English drawing to any length or width. All orders from the country promptly and caretal- ly attended to. Office on Cotton Avenne one door below Ross and Coleman’s. apl 13 BOOTS AND SHOES: ^TTIIE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. No. 3, Cotton Avenue, opposite Wi Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The snbscril would return their thanks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of tb same. Webavo now in store a large assortment ofe BOOTS AND SHOESp mostly of onr own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the different styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and wonld invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine onr stock, as we are prepared to sell as low ; any house in the city or State. 8ept. 28. MIX & KIRTLAND. B OOTS.—A full assortment of Gents' fine French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and waterproof, of various kinds and qualities, both soled and pegged. Jnst received and for sale low by Sept. 23. MIX ft KIRTLAND. PLANTATION BROGANS.-Now instore A the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we' have ever offered in this market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed black and rnssetts; do. heavy single soled black and rnssetts-, do. boys s,pd youths black and russetta, all of which we are soiling very MIX ft KIRTLAND. low. Sept 38. Dr. C. J. Roosevelt, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN OFFICE AND RESIDENCE— Corner of Third and Walnut Streets, Macon, Ga. ian 11—ly FUNS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AC, W E are now offering a new and select Stock of elegantPlANOS fromNann’s ft Clark, and other makers, wa ranted to please. Guitars, _ _ _ Flutes, Accordeons and all other small Instruments kept in onr line. Strings, Instruction I Books, Sheet .Mnsic, ftc. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, 11: tf..- l,11,>t iii'iiruved makers JEWELRY i FANCY ARTICLES, Silver Forks and Spoons, equal to coin. Watches and Jewelry Repaired and warranted. March 1,1859. J, A. ft S. S. VIRGIN. MASSEY’S IRON COTTON PRESS TWIGGS COUNTY ATTENTION! T HE undersigned have purchased the Patent Right forTwigga county, of MASSEY’S POR TABLE IRON COTTON SCREW, and are prepared to sell said right to any person wishing to buy, as the Presses cannot be legally made or used in Twiggs county, except by purchase from the subscribers. This Screw is a great im provement on the old wooden Screws, in its power and convenience, ease of raising, taking down and removing, if need be; as the "liolo Screw can be carried in one wagon load. One of these Presses, put up and ready for use, can he teen at Elder C. A. Tharp's, near Stone Creek Church, Twiggs county. OOTS AND SHOES.—Men’s, Boys and Youth’s fine calf and kip peg'd Boots; Men’s stout kip hunting and nuicl Boots; Gents last ing Gaiters, Monterey, opera and ties, and fine call Brogans; Gents, boys’ and youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans: Men’s, boys’ snd youths’ California kip Brogans, a large assortment, sept. 28. MIX ft KIRTLAND. KTIE'W FIR,]VET T HE undersigned having taken the Livery Stable tannery occupied by H. M. Lindsay, intend :— — .«. :—t, > ■- We shall jes and Hors- rying on the same in all its branches. 'We shall always keep Phaetons, Carriages, Buggies and Hon es, to hire on as good terms as any bod. We have also the most amplo accommodations for Drove Stock. \\ e would aay to the public that we have taken the Bit into our month in earnest and can always be found with onr harness on ready to serve you; we intend by keeping straight tongue, prilling together aud by buckling down close to business, to succeed or break a trace. We shall never tire fdlotcs in bitch ing up for yon so long aa yon come up to the Lot lot and settle. Now if yon want ns to wag-on to Rod a-way and not to be sulky, in fact if you don’t want to see ns cheek np to close, put your shoulder to the wheel, give ns a share, and if yon find a single trace of ingratitude yon may halter us. Very Respectfully, ADERHOLD ft JEFFERS. Opposite the Passenger Depot, and near Brown's Hotel. apr 26 d-tf J. CI.roHORN. ..OIO. SMITH CLEGHORN & SMITH, Manufacturers of, and Dealers in Saddles, 6^ Harness, LEATHER, WHiP.S, RUBBER BELTING,. SADDLERY, Hardware, ftC., ftC.. ftC. OPPOSITE E. BOND’S STORE, Cherry Strut, jan 4—ly Mscod, Gn. Fancy and Stapli DRY-GOO NEW ST0CI W E nave just opened a Urge and of Goods in one of tbe New Stcaa GRANITE Selected with great care to suit ticti and adjoining country—among vUd SILK ROBES A LEZ, SILK ROBES DOUBLE JUPE. SILK ROBES VOLANTES, or ii t ANCY SILKS in great variety, I PLAIN and FIGURED BLACK Sill EVENING DRESSES. [ DxLAINEand MERINO ROBESil PLAIN and FIGURED DaLAlNEil Plain and FIGURED KEBHTOM VALENCIA S, POPLINS, PLAID: f POIL dk CHEVHES, MOURNIN' ous other styles of Embroideries, Real French CaoVrirj Collars, Setts, Handkerchiefs, &c. Valenciennes Collars aud Setts. Linen and Pique Collars aad>&j| Mourning Collars and Setts, Illusion Berthas, Real Thread and ValenciennaJ* Hosiery and Gloves, great vari<! Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Cloaks, from Brodie s, SHAWLS—Nett, Stella, Long, Mou. varieties. A full assortment of , STAPLE G00i)3 Which we offer to sell on as favorable u House in the State. Eff*PLEASE CALL AND EXAY/AT| N. 8. PKPDDKJ h _OCtl9 Granite H-llB.'cl.j Patten & Mi (late pattyk, ntrrro.v A < COMMISSION MERCBJ] savannah, ga. O. FATTEN *n*3 I-- !•:; f I Hardeman & GJ ARE NOW RECEIVING IF ALL Am WS S TOO A CARD, rilHE undersigned feels it his duty to render J. thanks to the citizens of Houston snd adjoin ing counties, for their liberal and extensive patron age. While he begs a continuance of their tavors, be will state to those who do not know him, that ma ny years practice in the principal cities of the South and a complete Dental Laboratory, enable him to make as elegant and perfect Dental substitutes of the most approved and latest style, as can be tarnish ed by any Dentist in the State. A WORD ABOUT THE “CHEAP STYLE 0E WORK.” Persons needing Dental Operations or Artificial Teeth, and not able to pay me my regular prices, may feel assured that I will rather share my profit* with them than "accommodate” them with a cheap, or inferior style of work, as such will never give sat isfaction, and is the dearest at the end- All persons desiring my services will please call at my Residence, in Perry, where they will find all the comforts ofa first-rate Dental Office. Families liv- ing at (distance may procure my services by giving me notice. Dentists will find a large assortment of the best materials, for falling Teeth, as well as for making ar tificial sets, at Northern prices. cctlO—ly DR. FREDERICK GARKE, Surgeon Dentist. li tJliltLie SHOES.—A large assortment XV of Gents and boys Rubbers. Also, La-! dies slipper and sandal robber Shoes of Goodyear’s celebrated patent. Jnst received and for sale low by Sept. 28. MIX 4 KIRTLAND. april 19—3m” JOSEPH THARP, C. A. THARP. IVew Dress-Making ESTABLISHMENT. M ISS GRIFFIN bus taken Room, directly over the Store of Mrs. Howland, where she is pre pared to carry ou Dress-Making in all its branches. She respectfully ioliolts n share of patronage, aprjll Will you so iYorili, wlicu you can 4lo better South! & HLfcffissiBfle MANUFACTORY & REPOSITORY, FORSYTH, GA. H AVING purchased tbe entire in terest of the late firm of Banks,, Wilder «Sc Co., I invite the attention NEW BOOKS At Boardman’s Book Store. A MERICAN ELOQUENCE in 2 vols.; a new Cy- clopedia of Commerce; Burton’s Cyclopedia of Wit & Humor: a Handy Book on Property Law; Man upon the Sea, by Goodrich; Romantic passa ges in booth Western History; Life beneath the Wa ters ; The Hand but not the Heart, by T. S. Arthur • William the Conqueror, by Gen. Sir Charles Napier; Doctor Thorne; a new edition of Edgar A Poe’s works; The Preacher and the King, The Priest and the Huguenot; Lord George Bentick, by D'lsraeli • Beatrice Cenci Debit A Credit; Major Roger She/ man Potter; Douglas Jerrold's Wit; Belle Brittan I on a tour; Life and Times of Hugh Miller; Cruise! of the Betsev; Testimony of the Rocks; Jefferson’s works; Bulwer’sNovels complete; Grote’s History of Greec e; Sparrow Grass Papers; Lord Montagu’s P- U. James ; The Three Beauties, by Mrs. Southworth : Ventillation in American Dwell ings; Derivation of Family names; Wisdom, Wit j and Humor; Steps towards Heaven, Den’s Moral Ai THEITTOLDMAjifl T HEIR Stock consist in part of a GOODS to which they invite ‘J Klcrchmits nncl PH 50 bales Guuny Cloth 200 coils Richardson Rope 1000 pounds Baling Twine 150 bags Coffee, Java,Porto! gnira 10 chests Black and Green Tel 75 barrels A B ft C Sugar I 25 barrels crashed ana Powders | 5 boxes Loaf Sugar 15 hogsheads fine Porto Rico 300 sacks Liverpool Salt 100 sacks Alum Salt 150 boxes Adamantine Candle* 40 boxes Sperm Candle* 75 boxes No. I Soap 20 boxes Family Toilet So»» 30 boxes assorted and Fawj C* l-v> kegs Nails 50 boxes Starch 100 jars Snuff SO whole, half snd quarter kep * 20 cans Dnck-ahootmg Powdrt 100 bags Shot 100,000 Segars, various brands 50 boxea Tobacco 20 cases Magnolia and Comb 20 bales Osnaburgs and Strip** 5 cases Homespuns, bleached 10 bales Georgia Kerseys 5 bales Northern Kerseys 15 bales Blankets, all sixes 60 baskets Piper’s Hcidsick' 75 casee Ginger and Blackbenj Brandy 50 barrels Rye and Corn n 10 bamila Extra old Bourbon m 50 barrel* Gin, Ruin and Bi*»“. I 10 casks Madeira, Port and S* ■ 10 cases London Dock Gin JF 15 cases Boker’s and Stougbw'-j :o cases Lemon Syrup 20 casks Ale and Porter 10 boxes Ginger Preserves,* 11 ' 30 boxe 1 Assorted Pickle* 20 boxes Super. Carb. Sod* . 30 bsrrelS'and boxes Sod* «» 25 boxe* Herrings , - „ 5 sacks Ashton's Table MUtl pyt 1 of the citizens of Focsytb and surrounding counties to my extensive arrangements for manufacturing I Theology;’Miapah, a Prayer Book'; 'WavsidePioT RIA rEs'Vll'S • \ A d '“"S in France, Holland, Belgium, and up Sis Rhine; LIAG1—, PILLTONS, ftc., ftc. I s™ constantly Wild Northern Scenes ; Also a large assortment of receiving additions, not from the horth, but from my line Family Bibles. Work-Shop, to my stock on hand—of three or four, J. m BOARD.M \N buggies per we. k—which combine elegance ana 1 Sept 21. 1938. bmsh with lightness, strength and durability. Order- for any sort of Vehicle, Harness ftc.. are most re spectfully solicited, which shall be promptly sup lied, and all engagements for work punc/oii/ly met. have constantly on hand a large assortment of liar- Repairing done at short notice and all work wa ranted. J. H. BANKS aug 6 1859. 1 yr WANTED. AM still buying Military bounty Land Warrants GRANITE HALL OPPOSITE TIIE LANIER HOUSE. : rplIE subscriber Will open the above Ilall about X the first ol APRIL next, for the accommodation oi Families, Day Boarders aud Transient Custo mers. This House is now offered as inferior tom j other First Class Hotel in the South, and than its "entral location, its large and airy rooms, offers great 10 dozen Well Buckets 5 cssee Ashton sTsoleSslt 23 dozen Bine Buckets 10 nest* ofTubs 30 d oieWooinrts 20 boxes Levent Axes ^ 10000 pounds White Lead sod 100 barrels Linseed Oil 10 barrels Tanner* *““ f. r o(J also, i;'«Aa _ | OKROME GREEN. 1LLU', I I TERRA DE SIENNA. IH PAINTS AND VABNIbH,B» TOOLS. Macon. S-j C „ ,1 For fait’ <»< 10 T OFFER or sate, onto-' ; • ! 1 Plantation six nnie* i" ;", owned by a’. L .HO! I.i . - j j „.— seven acres. Two hundred •_ .-I ouoenients and accommodations to Families anu There are a.l lb-- ' ' ‘ transient persons. Thepubdi may expect from this Negro Cabins, Gin IL-c--' House, all the luxuries and comforts to be found ii. trade will V made. Ai.i -. T A.M still buying Military bounty Land Warrants House, all the luxuries and comforts to be found i: trade will be mad. j J and wdl always give the highest cash price. any other hotel. B. F. DENSE, Fsq , at Ainericus, c I Macon Ga, uly28 ly G.J.BLAKE | mar 2 Late of the Flcyd House. oct518J3tf