Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, July 19, 1859, Image 4

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United States ?lui>liiil*s Sales. VI TILL boeold before the Court Home, in the I ' 2 ^ * N I S B E T, £{, I Founder and Machinist F_ riKDLAT, SB..... J. K. T1KDLAT....C. O. FINDLAT. y in Airut Ike following property, viz : LiU Sm. ii, <• and 48, on eaat aide of Broad St., in tba city of Columbia, containing 70 feet front on Broi.d Street, and running back 147 feet 10 inches, being the premises formerly occupied by Sikes, Happoldt and Halle, aino the lot next north of the above, baring a frout of 85 feet more or leaa, with the building* thereen, except the aecond story of the Store House now Handing on the last mentioned lot. Levied one* the property of John C. Huso and Richard Patten, to satisfy a 8 fa from the Sixth Cir- ■ 'nited States, fo - - - unit Court of tbc United 1 , for the Southern Dis trict of tieoiuia. In favor of David Goddard, vs. Jno C. it use and Kicbard Patten, Property pointed ont Also parts oflots Nos. 319 and 220, in the city of Columbus, commencing 135 feet south of the north line of lot No. 819 on Oglethorpe street, and running through to Jackson street, to a point on Jackson street 135 feet sonth ofthe north line of lot No. 220. Also, lot No. 339, in the city of polumbus, contain ing one half acre, lying on Jackson street, all levied on as the property of itichard Patti n, to aatisiy a fi ta from the Sixth Circuit Court ofthe United Mates for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of Da vid Goddard. vs. Jobu C Kuse and Kicbard Patten. Property pointed out by Plaintiff's Attorney. Alao-apartnflotNo. 177, in Columbus, beginning 50 feet north from the north corner of said lot, and ruiiniug north «u Oglethorpe street 93 feet to the house owned by D. D. Kidenhour, Trustee, from thence due west the w hole depth of said lot 147 feet 10 inches, thence South 83 feet, thence eaat to the place of starting. Levied on as the property of Jno C. Kuse. t o aatisiy a fi fa from the Sixth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District ofGeorgia. in favor of David Goddard vs. John C. Kuse and Kicbard Patten. Property pointed out by Plaintiff*a Attorney. JAMES M. SPULLOCK, U. S. Marshal. By THOMAS L. BOSS, junn 14.1859. U. S. Deputy Marshal. The above Screw took the $25 SILVER a XT IP at the last ANNUAL FAIR. Sugar Millofruui $30 to $1911, Horse Powers, new and improved, $75. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Castings and Machinery in General, may 3 JSTEW From the tieorgiA Telegraph Extra, June 4. ISIlib Sheriff Sale. W IL be »o|<] before the Court House door io the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of ttoorgi** on the lir.-t Tuesday in .^u^ust **<*xt, the following property, to-wit: One lot of land containing (-02]) two hundred and two and a half acres, more or le»a, number not re collected, adjoining the lands of John llainlin aud Henry Newsom, in the Warrior District. Levied ou aa the property of Kobert Hamlin, to satisfy a ti fa issued from Hiob Superior Court in favor of* Ste uben Slocum vs. Kobert Hamlin and John Hamlin. Property pointed out by Kobert Hamlin. jnne 4— T. W, HKANTLV, Sheriff. DEPARTMENT. MACON, GEORGIA. Klbli illorlgugc Mioi ili Stile. W ILL be sold on ilie first TUESDAY in August next, between the usual hours ol sale, before the Court House door, in the City of Macon, Bibb County, all that tract orfarcelof land containing one-hall acre, more or less, being part of lota Nos. 1 and 2, in square twelve, in the city of Macon, and bounded aa follows: fronting Jefferson Street one hundred and five feet, and running baek two hun dred and ten [2101 feet, levied on aa the property of Benjamin M. Polhill, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa from Bibb Superior Court, in favor of Mary L. Franklin, Executor, Ac., and Isaac Scott, for the use of Isaac Seott va. Benjamin M. Polhill. Property pointed out in laid mortgage fi fa. E. G. JEFFERS, Dep. S. Jnne 30 FINDLAY’S IRON WORKS, MACON, GA. Steam Engines and Mill Machinery, Cotton Presses and Screws, Horse Poweis, Cane Mills and Kettles. IRON RAILINGS, COLUMNS, MILL STONES, GIN GEER, Grist and Circular Saw Mills, PULLEYS, WHEELS, SHAFTING, Ac, Ac. R, FINDLAY & SONS. Feb. 1. A. McQUEEN, 4 4 4 ) SCHOFIELD & BROTHER, MU .Huron. Georgia. JOHN S. SCHOFIELD, JOSHUA SCHOFIELD. W» are prepared to Manufacture STEAM ENGINES, purebwrs cannotfail to be suited. ©0R©!UJ[LAK SiOIHLIL©! MILL AND GIN GEARING, Sugar Mills, BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, OF BVEKT DESCRIPTION. IRON RAILINGS AND VERANDAHS. Having the most complete assortment of Iron Rail ing! in the State, which for elegance, neatness, dura bility and design, cannot be surpassed, and are suit able for the Fronts of Dwelling., Cemetery Lot., Public Mqnnres, Church Pence, aud Bnleouie.. Persona desirous of purchasing RAILINGS, will do well to give us i, call, as we are determined to or- fer aa good bargains aa any Northern Establishment. CySpeciinens of our Work can be seen at Rose Hill Cemetery, and at various private reaidenres in this city. nov 30 ly Macon, G-a., M ANUFACTURER of Wrought Iron BAILING of every description, And for all purposes, viz: 1VJL or every description, s aml for all purposes, viz: PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL, from the lightest scroll Iron up to the heaviest Bail- ’ ’ Having an endless variety of designs. Lanier St Amlcison, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA., P RACTICE in the counties of the Macon Circuit, and in the Counties of Sumter, Monroe and Jones; also in the Federal Courts at Savannah. The v have also recently become the Agents of the following Insurance Companies: The Augu.ln Insurance and ItRnkiug Coin puny of which W. M. D’Aktigsac is President aud C. F. McCar is Secretary. And the Alnbnma Fire and .Harinc Insu rnnee Compuu). Montgomery, <>f which T. H. Watts is President and A. Williams is Secretary. Fire risks and risks on slaves taken at usual rates. ■- apl 20 ' PETER S. IHLHPIIKIES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PERRY, GA, WILL practice in all the Courts of the Macon District, and also in the Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. |aug 17—ly Ueing entirely of Wrought Iron, their strength annot be questioned, and for beauty they cannot be surpassed anywhere. All kinds of Fancy Iron Work made to order. Particular attention paid to making all kinds of Geometrical Stair Railing. ty Specimens of Work can be seen at the Resi dences of T. G. Holt, L. F. W. Andrews, and Wm. J. McElroy. Esqi, Abo, to enclosures in Bose Hill Cemetery.jnly 12 »■ B IMPLEMENTS. CAKHART & CURD T HE Subscribers, from the increased demand for Iron Railings of their mannfactnre. have TTAVE in store. Graufs Clinton's A others make XX Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold, on the 1st Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of sale, tort, re the Court House door in Perry, in the county of Hous ton. two negroes belonging to the eatate of Pinkney J. Pollock, deceased, iste of ssid county, one a ne gro man abont 20 years old, and the other a boy about 9 yean old, said property to bo sold tor a dis tribution among tbe heirs of said deceased. Terms made known at the sale. ISAAC WOODARD, Jr., june 14 Administrator. lloustou Shcrsfl Sale. W ILL bo sold before the Court House door in Perry, in ssid county, between the usual hounof sale, on the 1st Tuesday in August next, a negro man named Virgil, levied on by Alexandei Lee, late Sheriff of said county, by virtue of a mort gage fi fa from tbe Inferior Court of Decatur county, in favor of Thaddeiis G. Holt, and Pulaski Holt, as signees, vs. Peyton C- Holt, Administrator of Fow ler Holt, deceased. Property pointed nut in said mortgage fi fa. JOHN SMITH, D. Sheriff, may 31 Houston Sheriff bales. W ILL be sold before the Coart House door in Perry, lloiston county, between the ususl hoars of sale, on the first Tuesday in August next, 31 Steel Breast Chains, 29 Silk Guards, 29 Main Springs. 41 Watch Keys, 5 Gold Hooks, 22 Lap Rings, 1 sett Si.ver Sindh Toob, 1 small liuitd Vic 1 pair o( old boots. 1 Trunk and lot of old clothing, 1 Kazor aud Strap, 1 Shoe Brush, and 536 Crystals, levied on as the property of Julius Doering, to satis for of Col. fy a fi. fa. in favor of Col. W. Rollins vs. said Julius Doering. ALSO, st the same time and place. Lota of Land Nos. 26, 17 and 18, in the Twelfth District of Hous ton county, and No. 5 in the Thirteenth District of said county, and parts of Lots Nos. 59, 60 and 25, in the Twelfth Dial oct of said county, that is to say, all of laid last mentioned Iota ofland that liein Houston county, in all, oontaining about 1,000 acres, well im- proved, including tbe Steam and Saw Mills, Engine and Mill fixtures, and the lollowing named negroes to wit : Mary, a woman about 25 years old; Sarah, about 10 years old; Tilda, about 8 years old; Mary Jane, about 3 years old, and an infant child named Amy, all levied on aa the property of Samuel D. Bolton and Wm. G. Powel, to aatisiy a fi. fa. in favor oi Curtis Leary, against said Samuel D. Bolton and Wm, G. Powel. and one fi. fa. in favor of Amos Cbancey, Administrator, Ac., against Win. G. l’ow el, said property pointed out by Wm. G. Powel. one of the Defendants. JOHN SMITH, july 3 Deputy Sheriff. been encouraged to make that branch of their ■age works a special department, possessing superior fa- cilities for the mannfactnre of IRON RAILINGS, tor any and ail purposes oi tbe most approved de signs, either plain or ornamental. They are assured in saying to the public, that in point of variety and rk. ' substantial work, together with moderate prirea that they are determined to please. In addition to all tl,e uaual styles of this class ol work, they are making Fuller’s Patent Railing. This is a new article, possessing extraordinary strength by a combination of Wrought Iron in its structure. Ail of which will be warranted equal to the best made in tbe Union. feb 1 K. FINDLAY A SONS. A NEW G-U N SMITH. ■bseriber, having just arrived in Macon, openeda NEW SHOP tor the purpose of repairing GUNS and PISTOLS, offers his services to tbe public, and guarantees to do all work in his line in the best manner, and at iricea to suit hb patrons. DOUBLE BARREL GUNS. RIFLES AND PISTOLS, made to order, and Stocked at short no tice. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. iy Store under tbe Floyd House, opposite Dr. Thomson's. WM. MAKKWALTER. feb 8—ly Late of Augunta. Os. all rises FAN HILLS. Emery's, Winship’s, Georgia and other SPIKE TIIICESIIERS Emery's Railroad. Bogardua's, 3 and 4 horse HOUSE POWERS. Grant's and others make 5 and 6 fingered GRAIN CRADLES. Scythe Blades, Grass Blades. Grass Syckles, Scythe Stones, Corn Shelters, and Straw Cutters, ALSO, Wire Cloth. Bolting Ciolb. Leather Belting, Rubber Belling, Mill Spindles. Mill Cranks, and all kinds of HILL IRONS, Together with a full assortment of Builder's and Carriage Maker’s ante: is!, and everything usually kept in their line, a,- which will be sold at the low est market rates. Call at CARIIART Sc CURD’S. may 17 Save Freight and Commissions. iart & Curd ; STONE’S * HAT EM PORIUM. 0PP. LANIER MACON C A . m ■3 SPEER A HUNTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON. GEORGIA. QJke m Triangular Block. Corner of Cherry Street and potion 'Are rive. W E have associated aa partners in the practice ol law in the counties of the Macon nnd ad joining Circuits, and elsewhere in the State by spe cial contract—also will attend tbe Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. ALEX. H. SPEEB, mar 3 SAMUEL HUNTER. T, G. HOLT, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. /"VFFICE in Ralston's new block on Cherry Street, O first door above entrance to Concert Hall. ang4 a. r. culvikhousx, r. a. ansi.it. Culvcrliouse A Ansley, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA, 'VT7’ILL practice in Crawford and the adjoining V V counties. All business promptly attended to. jsn 11 WASHINGTON ULOCK Invite attention to their Stock of Spring A Summer i. L. SEWARD. A. H HANSKLL. SEWARD Sc IIANSELL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, GA. A LL claims forwarded to us will meet with prompt attention. Wc shall practice in the connties ol . . vp, Xotjplplaiitlpljia, If.!)., fee. |MENARD & BURGHARD. H • ITMi» JI* I HER >' FE-OJVE SAVANNAH a n<l CHARLESTON. CABIN PASSAGE STEERAGE ........... »5 Excursion Ticket* good to return until Janu- uary 1,1860 j 25 Thewcll known first class sMe-wheeTsteamVliipf Keystone State, CAPT. C. P. MARSIIMAX. and State of Georgia. CAPT. J. J. GARVIN, 9 Now form a Regular lane for the North. leaving t ^ rle *i»°“ Savannah alternately, as follows t The State of Georgia from Savannah every alter nate Saturday, May 28th, Jnne llth and SSth July S£d™edtSc&y. hiUdelPhU The Key Stone Stmte will resume her trips from Charleston about July 1st,of which due notice will be given. having superior STATE iiUUAio, these Ships are not surpassed by any on the coast. One hundred miles of this route on the Dela ware River and Bay—two nights at sea. FOR NIAGARA FALLS, THE LAKES & CANADA SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. M Tills Line connects at Philadelphia with the Great Northwestern Railroad Route through to Niagara Fails or Buffalo, in 18 hoars from Philadelphia. Through tickets, with tbe privilege of stopping at Philadelphia and intermediate points, tor sale by the Agents in Savannah. Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, #22. Elmira. *20 to Canandaigua, *21. C. A. GREINER A CO., Agents at Savannah. , T -G. BUDD, Agents at Charleston. A. HERON, Jr., Agent at Philadelphia, mar 22—3m «F e welei,*s H A\E just received and opened a large and splendid assorti^ent of Goods in "heir line, consisting in part of the following articles, GOLD AND SILVER yr atche s'. Independent 2d, *c., for Gen Hunting Magic Ca: tlemen. 23«&S slSK«S» nt , '“■"swiiys from tbe Store of • ' *t. ^Opposft, T-Bill, NKLVEK PLATED WAKE, su;h as Cas tors. Egg Boilers, (with Gold Plated Gold Cups and Spoons,) Fruit Baskets. Pitchers, Can do Sticks, Waiters, Ac. REMARK^ Astounding an^' JEWELRY, Consisting of Diamond and Gold Rings, Pins, Ac. Ac., sparkling and bright. Musical Instruments, I ONF P 7? C\ hr xr Such as Violins, Flutes, Guitars, Banjos, Tambo- ! ^ 2 'SPRINGS! AT THIS EARLY- Gold Pens, and Pencils. Guitar and Viol m Strings. ' and a varied assortment of I CUaugc ot Schedule* SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON STEAMPACKET LINE IN CONSNECTION with the CENTRAL and North Eastern Rail Roads. fJIHE splendid and Fast Running 4;f« Fancy Goods, Music Boxes, too numerous to particularize in i advertisement. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon them, since they commenced business, they solicit a continuance of the same, and will spare no pains to give satisfaction to their customers, bo:h in style » n d quality of their Wares, and in price. Watch and other repairing executed with dispatch and on reasonable terms. MAR octs _ AND ONE FROM DIRECT IMP® FREE TR1 © IP R D N© S/i! SAILORS’R| ( thT BAZA Alt OF I*] TicI'U JVIPJ Slimmer Trade. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. H AVE in addition to their former stock received and made recent selections of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER & SILVER PLATED WARE, fancy goods, cutlery, .lc., &c. G ?? D « IV ’ Harden, Commander, I eaves Sa van- , nah for Charleston every Sunday and Wednesday .cl- „ . , - ? — | afternoons at 3 o’clook and connects at Charleston Mak . ID S . one °J the largest and most elegant assort Thomas, Lowndes, Irwin, Telfair, Berrien, Colquitt, I with the tram ofthe North Eastern Rail Road poin? me J Dt * of goods to be found in ttie Southern cities. Clinch, Ware, Decatur and Worth. I North; returning, leaves Charleston every Monday an ? °? fere o on the most moderate terms. j defy comDetitln.^l'T" , ° au . uer *i , J ” * ... ..... J 30 - and emieful nmnparison Equalities „f / iuat andc!,?: r " d spectfully solicited. Threl door. | assertions f?enerou, f' ,, W'>fi>t* ''va nioavaunan eariy the lollowingmorianga. * By this route Passengers can obtain through tick- SEWARI) * IIANSELL. Thomasvllle, Nov. 3rd, 185*. nov 4 THE SOVESEIGNor. for georq, *N© SEALED BILLjTod DISPLAY, Tb Ireland, France xJ THESE are the colors and«w I Pnmnuiitl , iu • V-l EJ. JOHNSTON, mar 22 G. S. OBEAIt. Hats Sc Caps, The following comprise a few of their leading styles: Gent's Barrilla Style Mole Hats. - New Orleans Style Silk Hats, •* Bebee •• “ « M Everett “ •• “ “ Black, Drab, and Pearl Fasb. Cassimeres, “ Superior Freuch Felt of all colors. And an endless variety of Boys and Children's Straw and Leghorn Hats and Caps. * We iUso have something very superior for gen tlemen's wear in the Straff line, English Dnnatables, Straw and Leghorns of every variety of color. We invite particular attention to our Stock, and promise to sell aa cheap aa any honse in the city or State. C. H. STONE A BROTHER, apr19 0. A. L0CKRANE, ,,, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW I C.V.ll'„ d " r * u "' hi , =7 illacon, Ga. I,. H * vin ir» thnmsh freight arrangement with the ^ w -TianOS - F INDING mv circuit practice interferin'- with I! . Centl ?,! 1 *M llllo * ,1 * n “ itscCDnec,ioo *,*ll freights ( ) h carved Rosewood, and a J the piain- my officXshless in Gils'cUyT'lhave ^!h Georgia fon-' M er received and for isle ™ drawn from the Firm of Loehrane it. Lamar, and I ^f t hdisCatch J2d FRFFnf 01?!^ forwu will hereafter be found at my office nearthe Meehan-1 j p of CHARGE. »i and professional a,ten-1 UfI^I'^‘^.LTharieston Important to Planters! ics’s Bank, to give personaf and professional atten tion only to litigated and criminal case business C laced iu mv hands. The business of the Firm will e attended to by both the partners, Lamar nnd Loehrane, to whom letters may be addressed, may 24 sorgia con-1 v * . varieties, just received and for *ale on the forwarded & , . , E - JOHNSTON A Co. S^Old Pianos taken m exchange, mar 22 jan 19 Silver Forks, Spoons, &c., &c R ECEIVED by late arrivals, making the largest and best sfock ever offered in Macon. War- PXTER J. STKOZIXR JOHIS T. GLOVIR STKOZIEK A GLOVE 11, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, DAWSON. GA. WILL practice in the Counties of Terrell, Clay, SCHEDULE ON THE South-Western R B OVER WHICH PASSES THE P — lmU3a] E J- JOHNSTON ' “ great new yobk and new orleaks mails. I Hair Work to Order, ! COME LADIE* One and all, and examine thepT?* Gems that beautify our Store Call for our imported styles of and see that we can exhibit therirJl ingenuity can afford, or fancy ^ In Ladies’ Goc of all kinds, onr Departments u . , geons, eliiciting the admirstion of.il with a call. In oar I O VER 250 designs from which to make selection by (mar33) E. J. JOHNSTON Jc CO. Chat-JtDoohee, Webster, Randolph, Early and Stew- Two Daily Trains between Macon If Columbus MILLIARD BALLS, Cue Lealhera, Wax, Ac, tsr All business entrusted to them, will receive | OK ANI) after Jlir.v mu, I ma/22 nd and „„ prompt and unremitting attention. Jan. 4.—ly. ON AND AFTER JULY 29th, , Leave Macon at 11.45 p. m. aud 9.45 a. m. Arrive SOLE AGENTS LAW FIRM. T HE undersigned have formed a partnership in the practice of Late, in the Firm name of Ruth- * T TT* T> CJ/^VT T TTAAT) I 5. r . ford and Hil1 * The ) r wiU practice in the Macon I Arrive at Daw JL IN \T.Till.p\ / | a | a XJ-V-ZvyJ. S rcu ,ft* and * n the Counties of Monroe, Jones and I Leave Albany JCWilkinson—and by special contract in any other 1 * 1 *“ at Columbus 5.35 a. m. and 3.45 p. m. Leave Columbus 4.00 a. m. and 3.45 p. m. Arrive at Macon 9.50 a. m. and 9.18 p. m. r Daily between Macon, Albany and Dawson: ^eave Macon 11.45 p. m. Arrive in Albany 6.25 a. m. “* Dawson 6.00 3.00 p. m. Lea r e Dawson 1.40 p. m M mar 22 -\ershj AM PIPES, warranted genuine, fo sale by E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. mar 22 F ANS in large variety. Traveling and Reticule Baskets, Leather Satchels, Ac., for sale by ~>*r 22 E.J. JOHNSTON A CO. -^yATCHES and Jewell -Fiffl ed by mar 22 K. . 3HMSTON A CO. Fairbank’s Scales. CROCKERY, A foil assortment of Counter and Platform Scales j now in store, and sold at their prices—no freight ad ded. Orders for Railroads. Warehouses, and other’ large Scales taken, and will see them put op. may 17 IYp.2 J^OTICE ia hereby given to all persons having i demands against Solomon Philips, late of Craw ford county deceased, to present them tc me. pro periy made oat, within the time prescribed hy law. All peraons uidehted to said deceased, are hereby required to make immediate payment. july 13 OLIFF PHILIPS, Adm'r. > C. H. Freeman Sc Co. .VA'.I ^ y COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA., . , Arrive in Macon 9.18 p. u.. portion of the Stale. I • Tri-Weekly ri Also, in the Federal Conrt, »t Savannah and Ma- Down: M nday, Wednesday and Friday- -Ip: Tues- “““"•■“‘•-"OTB'lfflikRFo.D. s^|3ft^ u .,.|WatchMi, Jewelry, &e Macon, Jan. 17. 59 JOHfl It. HILL. •) Leave Albany 6.30 a. m. Leave Dawson Ar- J 'I' MW I rive at Macon 9.11 p. , , , , . ATTORN BY AT LA W, BSSS 11 *™-. »«."«■,. 1 | *®ssTSsssss*fejs^a:^Rs£ssas " a 7"' k “- Baiubridge, ThomAsville, Ac., daily; also, tri-week- ^ oodi * c . onilecte< i w >th that business. We invite ly from Dawson to Cuthbeit, Fort Gaines, Ac. | J®® to give us a calk and in return will assure von feb 1—ly* ISAAC IIAKDEJTIAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLINTON, GEORGIA. inly 7 ly Carpet Departm-J It is useless to say that orientfij magnificence is brpagh: to th,, 1 array and costly fabrics. In Laces, Mantillas, La FxTori.l Robes Almeda, Robes Magic:,ns, trice. Illuminated Organdies, fid Robes Flenris, Robes Suluint f. Chinons, Toil Du Nord, Rob, Simulee, Grosd’ Epsoure, Miltnu— Chaliies, and a thousand variefi- J tbe patience to read I Their assortment purchased euro:-;| by orders given in Novemberlu consisting of styles so bewik language fails to portray iu wr ing unhidden sentiment, “Ob: look here!” “Arn’t this besm'/bj'] tones so sweet and feeling, :hu A stirred even beyond the neiaafi, did natnre. I MEBCUAJIij from the surrounding Towns uf a well to call and examine onr Sn i.hportiid nouua, u , goods aa low as they can he boirt Philadelphia or Boston. To our Pa FAMILY GROCERIES. Mr every description and of the beat quality, fresh ! v / and good—being constantly in receipt of new supplies from the Northern Markets, Spices, White Fish, Citron. Herrings, Green Fruits in cans. Hams, Condiments. Lard, Sauces, Flour, Cheese, Batter, Mackerel. Pork. ——AND—— IRON COTTON TIE. I N all the heaviest Cotton regions of the grea South West, the 1NGEUSOLL HOOP LOCK UW CAltB. T. P. Stubbs, b. Hill, Stubbs Sc Ilill, ATTORNEY SAT LA W, Macon, Ga. apl 20 Imp ded every other method of securing the Cotton Hale. Time and space would fail us to give the nuinerons i And Other articles too numerous to mention, com- i certificate! of Cotton Planters, Brokers, Warehouse nviainn tl,o w,l.o1~ ri— , mpll. Iiuurpni. Cnmnrptfipni init Shmnttrw ghinvinrr N OTICE is hereby given to all persons having ifemauda against'James E. Bryce, late of Craw ford county, deceased, to present them to me pro perly made out, within tho time prescribed bylaw, an aa to shovr their character and amount. All per sons indebted to said deceased, are hereby required to make immediate payment, jnly 13 LUCIUS G. EVANS, Adm'r. ^ OTICE.—Two months after date application will be made to the Conrt of Ordinary of Jones enuaty, Ga., at the first regular Term after expira tion or taro months trom this notice, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of William H. George, late of said county, deceased, for tbe bene fit of heirs of said deceased. R. W. BONNER. ISAAC HARDEMAN, jane 14— Executors. -\TOTlCE.—Sixty days alter date application will _L\ bejnade to the Coart of Ordinary of Crawford i made to the county. Ga., for leave to sell all the lands and nn groea belonging to the estate of Josiah Goodin, de ceased. JOHN II. GOODIN. It. I,. GOODIN. June 38 __ Administrators. Georgia—Crawford County, J^OTICK is hereby given tonsil persons having demands agsinst Joaiah Goodin, late of said county deceased, to present them to us properly made ont, within the time prescribed bylaw. And all persons indebted to said deceased sre hereby re quired to make immediate payment. JOHN II. GOODIN, K. L. GOODIN, jnne 38 Administrators Jones' SlicrifT Sale. W ILL be told before the Court llonse Door, in the town of Clinton, on tbe first Tuesday in August next, 1859, the following property, viz: One Iron Gray Horse, one Buggy and Harness, one Negro boy named Frank, some 8 years old of yellow complexion, very likely — levied upon by virtue of on- Mortgage Fi. Fa., returnable to Jones Inferior Court, in fsv. r of Anderson J. Middle- brooks versus John A. Childs. Levied upon as the property of John A. Childs, to satisfy ssid fi. fa. Property pointed ont in said fi. fa. also by Defendant. JAB. G. BARNES. Jnne 31,1859. Slieriff. “13(0222 A©A2i3P [ HAVE ju«t returned from EUROPE, where I bought tbe I*urgent nn«! Fincut Stock of j Fancy, Gilt, and White GHJNA, ever in this Mark* t. Also, a large Stock of Common and White GRANITE WARE, j of the beat patterns that come to this country. I would call the Attention of .Tlrrrbnnt* to I my Samples, now on hand, which I am sure are pre. : ferable to ai.y thing in this section. ’ I have a good Stock, now on band, of To which WAITERS, in setts. CASTORS, in Ibeseartioles. CHINA TEA SETTS, cheap COAL OIL LAMPS FLUID LAMPS. GOBLETS. TUMBLERS. Ac., Ac., Ac. I have a fins lot of COAL OIL. No. 1, to be here in a few days. All tbe shove Goods offered cheap, to make room for Stock coming in. Macon, June 38,1459. If. V. Mfi£VOY. prising the whole range of Family Grocery supplies. CANDIES- Wo particularly invito tho attention of dealers and others to oar Urge and complete stock of Can dies manufactured by ourselves, of the very best material* mA «■—•—•***.*» to r«t*in tu»;» •**«! brilliancy, while the imported Candies soon lose both and become worthless. We offer unrivalled inducements to purchasers. CARES, Ornamented and Plain, Ofeve-y variety and made of choice materials. Families and parties snpplied at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh FISH, IN THEIIt SEASON. We shall keep constantly on hand dar ing the Fall and «xr:..>— an*,,, Fresh Oysters and Fish, native and imported, of the best qualities ana re lall be f pcctfully invite orders, which shall Choice Tobacco and SogarS; »which we invite the attention of Connoia faithfully Connoiaoeura oct 5 men. Insurers, Compressors and Shipper*, showing beyond a doubt, that the days of Rope binding are numbered, and the immense advantages of the lloop Lock and Iron Tie. Their economy wherever tried, has been conceded in these points: 1. They aare twenty to thirty dollars cost in DnunK niHirrmi r»««y «u« nuunrou Rag-. 9. The fastening is much more expeditiously ap plied, and much more convenient for the compress. 3. It is a perfect safeguard against loss of Cotton from the hale. 4. Hi- nn nlmo-t nb-olute -renrity ngnin-t Fire. Fire applied to bales thus bound, as shown by actual experiment, art// smoulder without flame, twenty hours without spreading, and allowing plenty of time for easy extinguishment. 5 It i- nu ub«olufely -ecure fastening. In actual experiments made in Montgomery, bales thus bound, were pitched down forty feet per from a house-top, upon a brick perceptible effect. perpendicular ; pavement, without *. It is perfectly simple.*j t d requires no machinery at all iu the application. Any common hoop-iron of proper width and thickness, (which is about | inch wide, i * ‘ * ‘ - SAN point’s LIVER INVIGORATOR A'KVKK 1>U lllLITlTKH. j T is compounded ENTIRELY FROM QL'MK. aiid has become an established fact, a Standard Med- Houston Lands for Sale. 1)1 order ofthe Ordinary of Houston county, will D be sold on the first Tf b. sold on the first Tuesday in August next, in P< fnesda. iWore tho Conrt Honse door in Periy, in Honston countv. all tbe lands belonging to the estate of Dr. CreedT. Woodson, deceased. These lends comprising eight hundred acres (be- , 830. 196, one-half of 199. and icinekuon-n A approved and is now resorted to diseases lor which it is It has cured thousand* who bad given up all numerous unsolicited sion show. The doseijnust be adap of the individual taking lilies as to act gently on Let the dictates of your tho use ofthe LIVBB^ it will cure l.iver Com _ tnrha, »|eprp»in.; Summer Complain:, Hour Htomncli, II:i- Cholir, Cbolrrn, Cliolrrn Infantum,] by all that have nsed it, with confidence in all the recommended, withio the last two years hopes of relief, as the certificates m my posse*- ted to tbe temperament it.and nsed in each qiian tbe Bowels. H. HORNE’S CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT STORE, And Pastry Bakery, at his new Store, next to Ayres, Wingfield tf Co’s, CHERRY ST., MACON, GA. T>AUTIES, Dinners and Suppers furnished with JL everything ornamental and delicious, in the la test styles. Bridal Cakes, dressed iu unsurpassed styles.— French Pastry of every kind. S3 q-eil aa all kinds of Desert made to order, among thru) many newadisbea. Freucl. Chocolate, Cream, etc. Oramrna. Pineapples, Bananas, Learnes, Apples, Raisins, Dates, Figs, Currants, CUrtn, Nuts of all kinds. Preserves, Crackers, Begsrs Cider, eto, WINES AND A BANDIES of undoubted purity. T<ys, Bardinas, Lobsters, le. and a scant sixteenth of one iuch thick,) and of any requisite length to suit the bale, is taken iu the hand, one end passed through tbe opening, from the under side, of oue end of the under part of thelock to the leugth of abont one inch, and then bent over tbe end ofthe lock. The other end ol the hoop is then psssed round the bale and drawn through a loop or opening in the opposite end of the lock, and tnen bent in the same manner ss tbe other. The' I T T I j R \T 1? V C A rr button is then turned back to its place over them, 1 A v.* IIJV n 1 u A X YViu.K. dcGrnfreiiricfl, A T T O 11 N EY AT LAW, MACON, GA. OFFICE, third door belov Lanier House—above Damour'a oct 27 ABNER P. POWERS. I ARTHUR DICKINSON Powers Sc Dickinson, ATTORNEYS AT LA.W, MACON, GEORGIA- Hacks ruu six times a week from Fort Valley to f * ir * IU - h,,Jest dealings ut all times. Perry, Haynesville and Hawkinsvilt.-, and trUweek- , Wntclics and Jewelry ly to Kuoxvilie, Ga. clewed and repaired by a faithful and experienced Passengers for points below Fort Valley, should wor kman, and warranted to give satisfaction, take the Day Trains from Augusta and Savannah to E - S.—Having purchased the Goods belonging to avoid detention in Macon. For other points take ei- Barnes, at a great discount from the cost, we ther Train. |offe them at First class steamships leave Savannah for New th°e r c.b“u ^5 d Stte d r‘ie«6 d S “ Urd * y8 ' P * SM « e in I Jhe Goods mostly are No. T quality, and at the follows: Montgomery *26: Columbus *23 ; Albany 01 **■ D BARNES, *24 85. VIRGIL POWERS y I opposite tbe Lanier House- mar 23 Superintendent- n, word mo r e .- ‘J? 611 we * ra done for this time.— — — | To those who visit Stviimah we invite to call at MACON Sc WESTERN HAIL ICO A D. v - w - SKIFh'S JEWELRY STORE, (in that Ci- y',) opposite the Pulaski Honse, where they will nna a large assortment of Jewelry and Inmj Articles, we would say that we shall dailv Sr Northern and European Marktii - can please the eye or captint- tk combining in one grand and onpr-_ a Stock st all times unrivalled it i preeminent in its courtly inaguim KOSS, COLEkJJ april 12 L. NT. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY' AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne s Drag Store. jan 6 p Leave Macon at 10 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 4.00 willbe* carefully attend^ u»u»do to order. Orders left at the store in Macon, or Savannah, J. U. MILLER, AT/ORNEY AT LAW, MILL TOWN, BERRIEN COUNTY, GA„ TILL practice in the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT A Jj® ave ^Banta at 12 night. Arrive at Macon 7.15 p E ®* ve Atlanta at It A. M. Arrive at Macon 5.00 Tbe night train will not be run on Snndavs. The 1* night train from Macon connects with the Geor- Wf.5- Bond for Augusta, at 10 A. JL, and Atlanta * W eat Point R. K. at 12.15 A. jj. Respectful! .. - V* Macon, Ga„ Feb. 15— V. W. SKIFF A CO. INUE'VV FIILlvd:. W : . . comprising the following counties, Ware, Wayne, Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee'and lntoshof * “ , The 10 day train from Macon, connects with the A occupied by If M. Linds KL UIT I Western and Atlantic Rail Road for ChMUnooga ? rrj 'J"? on o? “ mo “ “« branches. Glynn, I Dalton,Knoxville, Nashville, and Memphis. stS , ( ’ 3 ^. eepp b»etons,Carnages, Buggie ^** nd ?S?^aB..K. at K.00 nighfJS at At “ j**™ s TITHE undersigneff having taken the Livery Btab'e JL formery occupied by If. M. Lindsay, intend Charlton, also Mel i of the Eastern. mays We shall lanta & West Point R. R. at 12.15 A. M. The completion of the Virginia and Tennessee Kail Road, makes this the most pleasant and direct route to the gKO. 3. KOUISSd.N... CHSS. ROBINSON G- S. & C. ROBINSON, Attorneys at Law, i Virgin! el Springs. . CUTHBERT, GEORGIA I Through Tickets to which may he had at Macon, TT71LL give prompt attention to all business en-1 for *33 00, and to New York for #35 25. . y V L? ,he “, >» Randolph. Clay, Early, Mil-1. Further information in regard to this route can be lets Calhoun. Terrell, Stewart and Quitman counties. I b * d *t the G“neral Ticket Oftice, Macon. March 1, 1«59. tf I . ALF'-^D L. TYLER. KI.lIIiKOLGII ,V BASS, I _ _ _— " > Superintendent. and the hoop is fast on tbe bale, and tbc bale may be ; Gxo. Kimbrough, parity. Try», . Pickles, Sauces, Salmon,longues, Cheese, Cabba ges. Cranberries, etc. All goods warranted to be first class articles, and sold aa low aa can b- bought in Macon. TERMS—Cash, for «*i not nolding Pass books. H. HORNE will attfiid personally to superintend the setting of tables fir Weddings and Parties, either moved if desired. 7. It holds the package in one-fourth smaller com pass than rope—thereby rendering it easier to han dle, and cheapening freight. These facta and advantages are certified to by leading Warehouse men. Planters. Shippers and Bro kers IU testimonials too numerous tq be Clteq or g Starkviile, Lee co., Ga mar 8 E. S. Bass. LAW-BOOK BINDING. Dawson, Terrell I TACKSON BARNES manufactures to order every o. t Ga. I O description of blank account books, and bixds 115. desired, Magazines, Law, Music and I Miscellanec ~ '* * ^ Su ‘rh’ir.Xt.r.^r^ ^tlpntgfqnery!**the “ VinUVilk '' leading Brokers and Buyers, after the most satisfac-1 __ a- J. wraKWK smith, —ING PHYSICIAN, nir IVII r* uni m, —I —”*-v**«neous Books, clkrks' record and docket Os*- wlH. 1* IIOLl I looks,with or without printid roRMs, and arrsr, ttend Drmnntly all nail* l.f* hi* I ed best quality paper. • Powdre ft Anderson's Store, or | „ t^.F-KiueeA pronie r _ r .. ... English drawing to any length or width. All orders from the country promptly and careful ly attended to. Office on Cotton Avenue oue door below Ross and Coleman's. apl 13 and Hors- . — We have also the most, ample accommodations for Drove Block. We would say to th pub e ..at \ . ii„. ien the Bit into our moutl iu ear .tand< ualw be found with opr harnrti on r<. iy to serve yo 1 w: intend by keeping ttraigij ,!! gue, pulling Aei and by oucklmg town clou to siness. to sue e o: break a trace. We shall never tire feUowt iu hitch ing up for you NO long as you come up to tbef.c* log and settle. Now if you want us to wag-on fi lock- a way and not to be rnlky, in fact if yon don -ant to see us cneii. ■ to dose, put your shoulder the wheel, give tis a share, and if you find a ting tract of lngratita-ie you may halter us. Vo-v Respectfully. ADKRH Fancy an<fSti| DRY-GO NEW ST0(1 W E liave just opened » Urge of Goods in one of tbe New GRANITE HJ Mi it Selected rilh great care to suit tie; and adjoining country—amoug SILK ROBES A LEZ, SILK -tOBES DOUBLE Jt?E.^Pli tl SILK ROBES VOL ANTES, or! FANC f SILKS in great tuiSi PLAIN and FIGURED BLACK EVENING DRESSES. DiLAiNEand MERINO KOBEii PLAIN and FIGURED DtLAi: Plain and FIGURED MER1N VALENCIAS, POPLINS, PL FOIL 31 CHEVRES, J10UI oua other styles of edit. aid • . _ . ID D ft JKt KS. Opposite the Passenger Depot, and near . room's apr 26 d-tf J. CLKQHQRN.. Embroideries, Real French : Collars, Setts. Handkerchiefs, Ac. Valenciennes Collars and Sr Linen and Pique Collars ui Mourning Collars and hettt Illusion Berthas, Real Thread and Vslenc Hosiery and Gmv •, great a Dress Trimmings, Ribbons Cloaks, from Brodie s, SHAWLS—Nett, Stella, Long, Mot varieties. A full assortment of tSTAPLE GOOi] Which *re offer to sell on as favortbl House in tho Sutf. STPLEASE CALL AND EXAMI-j N. 8. PRl UKf ■ oct!9 Granite HsBBIsdf .GKO. SMITH judgment guide you In i Countht* -. ., stirtment^of Confe/iionwdea at my“ l lironic Di'^hwV. I ** ^ « W where , Dyurntrry, DropMj-, bilunl ('oMiynir.M, Cbolrrit JI o r b u » * charts will find a good as r establishment, else in the City. dice, Fcmnlc Wrnl*w. ed sucressfullyas an Or 2* It will cure the - icinc. ACHE (as thonsands| miiintm if t h nrr inkrn atthecom-| All who n»r it a in its favor. Lafest ftewlhytHf F^, , I rt"nre , . a Jnuu-’ j Telegl^pfe' To nil witoiu it may concern. neu»cn 9 and may be us dinnrr Fnmily .llrd- * I V K II K A D- can testify) in Urrnijr llirrr Trn*MpoonfulM menrement of attack, giving thoir testimony Ttis is to notify the public that Isaacs is at Home Again, , And I log lota Nou. 319, half of 139) situated in the upper Eleventh District of Houston county, one portion being Pine, and the other. Oak and Hickory, form one ofthe most pro ductive plantations for both Cotton and Corn in the county of Houston, and is now in u high state of cul tivation and contains every building necessary tor a cotton plantation—in good repair, and is well sup plied with running wster for stock, ftc. And in ad dition, this place ues in one ofthe most convenient and eligible sections of the county for school! aud churches; and having been the residence of Dr. Woodson and family, has every improvement and convenience required to make it a healthy, agrees hie and pleasant family residence. rateTerms on the day of sale. PHILIP T. WOODSON, WM. II. WOODSON, may 34 Kx'ra of Dr Creed T- Woodson, deo'd. Notice to Planters. ■ VTnU purchased of Mr. ihouias Hagby hi. intire iutereat in the Negro Trade, in Macon, this method of informing those who wish to aae or sell Negroes, that the trade will be con- ISO or KM iirgrtiCB, luM mo imun w*i* ow i:»s: at the old stand, next door to Adams ft Key ■l me mu ■imuu, nc*s uim-i iv ounsss* w *WT- Ware House, on Poplar Street, where can be at all times n likely lot of Maryland end Yir- S’egmea at fair prices. I will also pay liberal for all young and likely^ negToea^oflen^l^for •h 39,1959.—«m Montpelier Farm School MONROE CO.. GA. Hcv. Carlisle I*. If. .tiniTtit. f'rcs'tll. I r A VINO purchased Montpelier, that celebrated X I. seat oi learning. Mr. Martin has transferred thither his FARM SCHOOL, from Henry Couuty. No place in oil the South pos sesses more facilities, than does this, ' acilitfes. or more peculiar advantages, Dan aoes inis, forthe succeuful education of youth. The Fall Session will commence on the 35th of Jl 'l&r'fijrther information, addreia the President, at Montpelier, Georgia, msv ot swainn Land, ior Sale. K j,; 11 | \ -i >.\*h |crc > "! • .. i« i-;. i.d, t WO miles belotr Macon—42 acres in eultivalien, the balance heavily Umbered, and ooveredwith Cane, fur sale by ^ BASb fab* to assure his patrons that bis SALOON is Mix WATER in the mouth WITH THE INVIG-! not a tlAig ofa day. Citizens and the traveling pub- ORATOR, and SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER, lie wIRnnd the establishment open not for the sea- tar Price One Dollar per Bottle. i son ony, but at all seasons of tho year, and those ^LSO rallirg upon us will at all hours find our Larder sup- w k X' Dfi *p 1UW ■ nliudwitn all tho delicacies that the New York aud • ‘ j otlgr markets will afford in the way of eatable*, and * ®- i aioiething good to drink, and six days out of seven rtimn I n m T/T nil I Ct then can be found in aay other honse in town. LA J fi All 1 lL 1 lLijt3,!T3. Isaacs Brotlier, COMPOUNDED FROM 7 COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in Glass Cases, Airtight, and will keep tn any Climate. Under KnlsioH’a Hall* Cherry 9t. We, tbe undersigned. Cotton Brokers aud Buyers, of Montgomery. Ala., agree and give notice that we will pay full prices for Iron Bound Cotton, if fasten ed with the INfJEItSOI.I, IIOOP LOCK, al though we are aware that it will weigh 1 j lbs. mure per bale than Rope-tied Cotton. HARRIS ft JOHNSTON C. C. FOSTER. J. 8. BYINGTON. M. A. CHISHOLM From Savannah, we copy the following engage ment made with the Compress Establishment of Mr. Lamar : Savannah, July 22d, 1858, Messrs. fnjtpyxK ft Roaxar*. Macon. Ga; Grate.—I have agreed with Aty. Uejutje, Agent for Ingersoll’s I(oop Lack, that I will compress Iron b ouud Cotton, fastened with said Lock, upon the same terms is Rope tied C»tton. This arrangement to last for one season and longer, unless I give notice of my wish to dlsoontinue the arrangement. Respectfully, ftc, C. A. L. LAMAR. .IIACOIIT, GEORGIA. W ILL attend promptly to all Professional calls made on him, either at his Office or Residence, by day or night. OFFICE—Over Jlenard ft Burgbard’s Jewelry Store, on Cherry Street. RESIDENCE—At Mr. J. B. Rosa', jan 18 Tlie Ceorgiu Iron Lock Coiupauy, comprising the undersigned, respectfully invite the :d in Colton growiug, or the id import: attention of all engage: _ _ nw Cotton trade, to this interesting an? important sub tion may be made to the Sei-rel ■ wr particufi T. a!*hauris. The Enmity Cnth< tie but active Cathartic, nsed in his practice more The constantly increas- who have long used the faction which ail exprese baa induced me to place of all. The Profession well thirties act nn different The FASIII.V CA- has, with due reference fast, been compounded rest Vegetable Extracts part of the alimentary safe in all casse where such as Derangement ■ neas, Enins in thr tiveness, Enins nud », hole lloili , ; 111 . qucntly if oegleeted ends ver, l.oss of Appetite, of Cold over the Hrndnrlic or weight _ netic Eli.I* is a got •c which the proprietor b,s than twenty yexrs. —* ing demand from tkise ^ I'lI.l.N, and the satii- ^ in regara to their use, “' them within the reach Ilia bill of fare will every day Be just the thing for little pay. And those who at their place may eat* Will find in it all things complete. And going once, they then will know That iSA ACS' is the place to go. know that Jiilereii! Ca- e portions of the botrels. ^ TIIABTH’ Eli, I. to this Well established L* from a Viriety <>f the pn- * which aet alike on every 25 canal, and are gsod and . A Cathartic i» needed, ofthe BtseisshJI eep w Rnck A- I.oins, Cos. Horencss “ver the tudden col<L * in e long com < ncrccpings Body, Kestl “ in the If end itch fre- i of Fe- ■ sntion «.iic*«, ■ It In WE shall be happy to see our friends, assnring them that it will be onr unremitting careto please iu every respect, as we flatter ourselves we have doue till now. If It may not be generally known that we have to meet the wiyhes of the Medical Faculty, import ed by ourselves a very superior quality of Pale Bran dy, fine Old Port, Sherry and Madeira, possessing all the medical qualities so tr.nch desired by them. Look at his Bill of Fare, and choose for yonnelf i Oysters From New York, Savannah and Brunswick, in the flninnintory Pi*ra*r*, Worm* In Il|i|drci; or Ail ut:., llhruuinii.nl, a great Esrfller of the Itlooil. and mauy diseases to which IJsh is heir, too numerous to mention in this sdvcrtisfient. DOSE, I to 3. PRICE .TO CElTS. Tho Livkk iNvicoHATonsnd FajuitIatiurtic Pills are retailed by Druggists general, and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the largo torn*. N, T. W. SANFORD- h. D., Manufacturer and Eliprietor, 333 MrondWny, New Vor.. Retailed by ail Druggists. Sold sl«<f y ZEILIX ft iUNT, GEO. PAYTE. wist 10—Iv E L. STRXHECKEB. i%K\V UOTULi At Sliomasvrlio. rnlll- uudersigaed having opened tl: McBAIN L HOUSE, for the reception of the pblic, Invite tho People generally to give them a etl. No pains will be spared to make teir Guests comfortable: and their table will be applied the best the market affords, jan 1 e-tf AliANDA L. LITTE ft SON. shell or by the messare, raw, fried, stewed, in any way you want them < ALSO. Shrimps and Crabs, Wild Game of every variety, Venison and Beefsteaks. Mntton Chops and Veal Cntlets, Ham and Eggs, > Periled Ham and Deviled Terapins, Monntain Oysters, Turtle Soup, ftc., ftc., ftc. Wood-cock, Grouse, Monntain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Ducks, Fish, and anything that an epicure wants, can always be bad when in season. Coufcciioneries and Fruits, ISAACS also keeps constantly on hand a good as sortment of Confectioneries, Oranges, Apples, Bananas, Pine Apples, Vartons description of Nats, Cakes, ftc., ith All of which can be pnrchssed st low prices for CASH. Be sure and call st oct 12 E. ISAACS ft BROTHER. J. F. WINTER, DUNLAP ft HARRIS, | FREEMAN ft ROBERTS T- A. HARRIS.Secrutary. Macon, Aug. 3,1858. Iy all. It. Freeman, J/, If., H AVING returned to Macon, offers bis Proles- sional services to its citizens, and those ofthe surrounding country, and is prepared to treat their various diseases with innocent vegetable remedies. Slid hopes that in consideration of the fact that he gives no poison, draws no blood, and neyer destroys the const(tntions of his patients, he will be liberally patronized by the afflicted I3p"Particular attention will be given to Planta lion, and other couutry practice. tyOffice at the Drug Store of Dr. M. 8. Thom son, to whom he refers. jan 11—ly PIAXOS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, M. W E are now offering a new and select Stock of elegant PIANOS from Nunu’a •V Clark, and other makers, war ranted to please. Guitars, Violins _ _ Flutes, Accordeons and all other small Instruments kept in our line, hirings. Instruction Books, Sheet JIusic, ftc. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Ofthe most approved makers JEWELRY * FANCY ARTICLES, Silver Forks and Spoons, equal to coin. Watches snd Jewelry Repaired and warranted. March 1. 1859. ’ J. A. ft 8. S. VIRGIN. -A- ISTIE'W' $10 Washing Machine I! ■\T7AKRANTED to give satisfaction, or the mo- V V uey refunded, or salFe by Drs. McDonald and Van Geisen Dentists. OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK MACON, GEORGIA. Electricity used in Extracting Teeth. j\/T C DONALD’S Tooth Paste always on hand and tor sale. Dentists can be supplied with the finest style ot TEETH, also Goltf Foil, Gold and Sil ver Plate apd Wire, Lathe Fixture#. Ac., also with any kmd of (nstrumeut* or Materials on abort notice, oct 12 DE. A. PIERCE. HOMCEOPATH OFFICE IN WASHINGTON ICI.UCK. Medicine Cases and Books on DomeMic Practice for sale. Macon, July 13—tf. Or. C. J. Kooscvelt, IIOMCEOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN OFFICE AND RESIDENCE— Comer ot Third and Walnut Streets, Macon, Ga. nn 11—ly New Dres».illaking jnne 38 B. A. WISE. Honse Furnishing Store, Macon, Ga. ESTAB LISH MENT. A/TISS GRIFFIN has taken Rooms directly over J.VA 'ho Store of Mrs. Howland, where she is pre pared to carry on Dress-Making in all its branches. She respectfiul" ” aprils illy solicits a share of patronage* SELF-HEALING GKLt^VSS A LARGE assortment at a reduced price. B. A. WISE. june 88 Cherry Street NEW GOODS. C. Campbell & Son, NEAR THE LANIER HOUSE, U AVE juat received their Fail and Winter supply of KERSEYS, HEAVY BLANKETS and Jona/tlxa-ii Oollins, (Late Patten, Collins ft Co.) NT7TLLcontinue the lVarrllon.r unit Coin- _V» mintuoii Hu.in,., at tho Fire Proof Build- ing occupied by them in this place, in connection with his son, W. A. Oolljns, He respectfully solicits the business of the patrons ofthe late firm and Plant- in generally, pledging their undivided attention to all business confided to their care. Advances made on Lotton and other Produce in store, and orders carefully filled. JONATHAN COLLINS, july 6—tf paper maae trum tko.best BOOTS AND SHOES. A TTHE SIGN OFTnE BIG BOOT, No. 3, Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers _ would return their thanks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of th same. Wehave now in store a large assortment ofe BOOTS AND SHOESo mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of ail the different styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our stock, aa we are prepared to sell as low ss any house in the city or State. Sept. 28. MIX ft KIRTLAND. CLEGMOltiM & SMITH. Manufacturer - of. and Dealera in Saddles, Harness, LEATHER, I^OOTS,—A full assortment of Gents’ fine French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and waterproof, of various kinds and qualities, both soled and pegged. Just receivedand for sale low by Sept. 23. JIIX ft KIRTLAND. THER, WHIPS, • RUBBE.: BELTING, SADDLERY, Hardware, ftc., ftC . ftc. OPPOSITE E. It SB's STOKE, . . Chxurt Street, j* n Iy Macon, Ga. Patten & m A. CARD. T HE undersigned feels it his duty to render thanks to the citizens of Honston and adjoin- ing counties, for their liberal and extensive patron- 1 JR®- While he begs a continuance of their tavors, he will state to those who do not know him, that ma ny years practice in the principal cities ofthe South aud a complete Dental Laboratory, enable him to make as elegant and perfect Dental substitutes of the moat approved and latest style, as can be furnish ed by any Dentist in the State. A WORD ABOUT THE “CHEAP STYLE OF WORK.” Persons needing DenUl Operations or Artificial Teeth, and not aids to pay me ray regular prices, PLANTATION BROGANS.-Xow instore I the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we' “5 rket ' .““j* doubIe | m *y feelasjuredThYt l £ifl rethw share my profi'ts *? 1 « d P^“ dD "* ed bl»ck and rnssetts: do. heavy 1 with them than •■accommodate" them with a cheap. Bffik and^rthli 1 1“' S5HSK2S:! “>«* ** ^ give« black and nissetts, all of which we are seUiug very I isfaction, and is the dearest at the end ow ' Sept. 38, MIX ft HIRTLilND, All persons desiring my services will please call at DOTS AND SHOES.—Men's, Boys and *- my Ee » U enoe. in Perry, where they wifi find all the Youth's fine oaif and kip Deu'd Boots comforts ofa first-rate Dental Office. Families liv- (late raTTXtt, hcttos k ( COMMISSION MEfiCH SAVANNAH, GA G. PATTIN aug3 ^ Hardeman & ARE NOW RECEIVING! FA ILL STOC AT I'HEItt OLD M'A T HEIR Stock consist in part o GOODS, to which they invi« HIcrchmifN nud Pl> 50 bales Gunny Cloth 300 coils Richardson Rope 1000 pounds Baling Twine 150 bags Coffee, Java, Porto I guira 10 chests Black and Green Tc« | 73 barrels A B ft C Sugar 25 barrels crushed and Powd® 5 boxes Loaf Sugar 15 hogsheads fine Porto Bico As Liverpool Salt Men’s stout kip hunting and muifBoots; Gents last- ins di,t * nc ® m *y procure my services by giving ing Gaiters, Monterey, opera'and tics, and fine call Brogans; Gents, boys’ and youths’ patent and enam elled Brogans: Men’s, boys’ and youths’ Cidifornia kip Brogans, a large assortment. oopt- 2d. MIX ft KIRTLAND. J UBBEK SHOES.—A Urge assortment., . .V of Gents and boys Rubbers. Also. I,i. WHS dies slipper and sam oys Rubbers. Also, La- dal rubber Shoes of Goodyear’s Dentists will find a large assortment of the best materials, for tilling Teeth, ss well as for risking ar tificial sets, at Northern prices. DR. FREDERICK GARKE, oct!9—ly Surgeon Dentist. NEW BOOKS celebrated patent. Just received and for salt) low by a ; ti a , — _ tept- mix ft kirtland. At .Doardman s Book Store. Will you go North, whi n y OU can 4lo hotter South 2 -MANUFACTORY St REPOSITORY, FORSYTH, OA. H AVING purchased the entire in- .iff i Bk'jJ, terest of tbe late firm of Banks, Wilder ft G’o„ 1 invite the attentinnX.-y ; ~~V*J of the citixens^of For.ytli and surrounding counties NEGRO SHOES at the lowest market prices, aud Planters would do well to call and examine before . - purchasing. , REFERENCES.—M They also continue to keep a general stork o GROCERIES at the old stand, and do not intend o be undersold for Cash. Macon, Oct. 13, 1853. I f e b S3 POST * MEL, Commission Merchants, 64 Poydkas Sthkkt, New Okleans, La. to my extensive arrangements for manufacturing Top and no Top BUGGIES, KOCKAWAY8, CAR- It I AGES, PILETONS, 4c.. ftc. I am constantly receiving additions, not from the North, hut from my Work-Snop, to my stock on hand—of three or four u ,ui, buggies per week—which combine elegance and °lGreece; Spsrrow Grass Papers; Lord llontn--»'s CauA with Ughtnasstrength mid dura/nhty, Orders tWXJ P-lt. James ; The Three Beaution by for any sort of yehicle^-Harness *o„ are mo.t re- Mrs. Sonthworth : Ventillation in American Dwelf- A MEKICAN ELOQUENCE in 2 vols.; a new Cy- clopedia of Commerce; Burton's Cv< lopediaof Wit ft Humor: a Handy Book on Properly Law; .. liliam the Conqueror, by Gen.'Sir Charlie Napier; Dor ‘ or J, hor “‘ ! ; *,' new edition of Edgar A Poe’s works; The Preacher and the King, The Priest and the Huguenot: Lord George lientiek, by D’lsraeli • Beatrice Cenct Debit ft Credit; Major Roger Sher’ man Potter: Douglas Jerrold’a Wit; Belle lirittim °?fh t0 i< r , ; blfa * ud .Time3 of Hugh Milltr; Cruise ofthe Uetsev; Testimony 5>f the Rocks; f efferson’s 'J g*«« Bulwer’s Novels complete; Grot: ’s llistor/ 300 | 100 sacks Alum'Salt 150 boxes Adamantine CandW 40 boxes Sperm Candles 75 boxes No. I 8osp 30 boxes Family Toilet Sotp 30 boxes assorted and Fancy C 135 kegs Nails 50 boxes Starch 100 jars Snuff 50 whole, half and quarter x«f on n.. A k .1 n.aJsr “S , . , ! ^ r “ nce , Holland, Beigiiun. and up the Rhine; Repairing done at short notice and all work war- ” orthern Seen*.. Als» a large aasertment of aug S1838. 1 yr line Family Bibl« ; Sept. 21, 1858. J. M. BOARDMAN. WANTED T AM still buying Military bounty Land Wa J. and will always pive the highest cash pri< Mimon uly98 ly arrants rice. n J RTaAKB i*. J. 13. & W. A. Ross. Hardeman & Griffin. Light foot A Flanders. Elijah Bond, Ksa. Joseph Clisby, Esq. GRANITE HALL £**,f’°S*TE THE LAMER HOUSE. I 'T U ‘ E subscriber will open the above Hall about T-fV )T-? O \ T li' I nr iw™* neIt ’ f °rthe accotrmodation l 1 V / .LL O-AJjili I * r^ 8 ’,T Day ^ 0Kr ders nud Transient Custo Y PLANTATION situated in tbc countie, of iaf *** orto P' 11 or 13 him- ‘utcl in the couth, and from :t.- *i Hickory land— ;„8 r& oc aUon, Ua large and airy rooms, offers great l inducements and accommndailnr - " 30 cans Duck-shooting Pool* 100 bags Shot 100,000 Segars, various brands 50 boxes Tobacco 30 cases Magnoliaand Cotsbi ■20 bales Osnaburgs and Strip® 5 cases Homespuns, bleschn 10 bales Georgia Kerseys 5 bales Northern Kerseys 15 bales Blankets, a-1 sixes 60 baskets Piper’s Hridsick 75 cases Ginger sad Blackb: Brandy ... 50 barrels Ry* and Corn IVduH 10 barrsls Extra old Bourbon 50 barrels Sin, Rum snd Brtd 10 casks Madeira, Port and b» j 10 cares London Dock Gin 15 Men Boker’s and Stongntst Is cases Lemon Syrup 20 casks Ale and Porter iO boxes Ginger Preserves, 30 boxes Assorted Pickles 20 boxes Super. Carb. Sods 30 barrels aud boxes Sods *** 25 boxes Herring. „ „ 5 sacks Ashton's Tab's Salt 10 dosen Well Buckets 5 cases Ashton’sTsbleSsit 35 dozen Blue Buckets 10 nests of Tubs 30 d oseWool lists 30 boxes Leverit Axes —, 10000 pounds White Lead ana " 100 barrels Linseed Oil 10 K-rrehi Tanners’ sadM* c "7 10 barrels Tanners „ also, a nxs ' 0 y ; CHROME GREEN. YELLOW. * ( TERRA DE SIENNA. BBHM PAINTS AND VARNISH, W> 1 ' TOOLS Ma.-.m, 8ePt.38.1858. For <>« l ‘°"~ M yi Bibb and Monroe. It contain* ll or 1*-’ hun j JT OFFEK for sale, on | Plantati owned by T. seven acres. j . UBpLT.o dred acres of Land—is free Oak and Hi< lies well and is only 16 miles from M»u u. *, jransiFnt nersnna tk, , ,. i ’ sell stock nud utensils it desired. Payments House all^the lm-nri ^ 0 P^hc may expectfronitlm j Ne^ro Cabins, Gi:i H° u ;* , v I0 1 !D.viRit anv-mhfiVX*fi UXUrioS and com <orts to b i found 11. I trade will be made. Appb .... anyother hotel. b. b\ DENSI5, : Fsq„ at Americas, or to - Late ofthe Floyd House. | oct 51353 tf i made easy. | March 29 f 1659. AXDEKS0X CO.MEK, PjOvy I mar 2