Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, July 26, 1859, Image 3

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I Libertj Coontyjlcit**i from «l.r Ho«, D. E. Sickles. Personal Tralu of Chief Justice , outr,e«i by Judge W. fyrf ^n for Congress. «nd asya “ I «m «*- r «heJudgT* bould P^mit himself the Editor of the Herald. Xkw York, July 49, 1859. Through the course of sad events, which du- that the Judge »no f I t j, e I^t few months have brought so much used, and I hope that before the (upon my family i have ^ silcnt _ ^ of many day* he will retire from the j y 0 amount of misrepresentation affecting mv- misrepresentation affecting my- johx marshall. .'{'ll 0 -^5 W ^ uric Century publishes a commit ntMtion from Richmond, Virginia, giving an ex- f CC ^ mp f r-L- n i* rest * nE skc tch of the personal traits of Chief Justice John Marshall. We pub lish extracts which will, we think, at once prove yd- Tb“j U dge. ^ will b. aecn, ha. pock- j self only could induce me now toopen n,jl,p£ ; entertaining andTusZ’^ ,(Trent. and we will conaole him and j nor could I deem tt worth while under anycir- Somewhat more than twi L-^tbe attronu «**- cumsunces to notice what has been or can be ^•rtrieved correaponden ,, saidVh Journals never regarded as the sources ** this way it la not ao generally or the exponents of public'opinion, for in these it is too often obvious that only unworthy mo tives prompt the most vindictive assaults'upon the private life of citizens holding public sta tions. But the editorial comments in the Her- ■Id of yesterday, although censorious, (of which *attrd th* ••movement and I do not complain, whilst I read them With re !Ltlfboddy £Ttte domint i 1^*). differ so widely in tone and temper from an unpardonable indignity to be 1 pasted to Congress. - v . Medical Practice.—A new system of tol practice is lately h*>°K advocated. It 0*®*. .camenf mrt*. 11 and COOSH i «to a XrwYork paper! ■ ’T^er Institute, in Xew \ork city- entirely * Ct L of a severe attack of paralysis. The I* rifected by regular exercise, in four time, the patient having previously r ' C lefiaed to his bed. and pronounced m- m is take, into which you have been led by inac curate information, to pass without such a cor rection as will relieve others from any share of the reproaches which it is the pleasure of the multitude at this moment to heap upon me and mine. by other doctors. ‘ Referring to the forgivenes which my sense ,r.„.r in Ilreadstuffs.—The Milwaukee j of duty and my feelings impelled me to extend tinrl savs that some idea may be! * n ernn g and repentant wife, you observe, in ’ ■ If ihe extent to which wheat gambling “*® course of your temperate and dignified ar- i „ n w i,en it is known that for some ll “ e > **••*» “It is said, however, that the last ... .. phase of the afEur was brought about through the advice of his lawyers." This is entirely er roneous. I did not exchange a word with one <ome of the largest operators never counsel upon the subject, nor with any one I,”■ bushel of wheat. 1 else ' My wconcOhtion with my wife was my h'V j.t the reported sales have generally I rfi V.-.,,:n 1I1.IKNI toSU.000 bushels each day. ^ receipts seldom exceeded 15,000 , ,»s to let—Passing along the street a \ *-o. we observed in the window of a vacant house the following notice: l . - I r j.art of this house to let, contain- -.'rooms, a cellar, kitchen, and a back- own act, done without consultation with any relative, connexion, friend or adviser. tVhatev- more than twenty years ago, a stranger, visiting the City of Richmond, would nave been struck by a singular looking person age. perambulating the streets, bowing courte ously to everybody, and receiving in return, sa lutes, indications of the deepest respect and af fection. There was nothing in the external ap pearance of this person to explain such venera tion almost His figure was tall and command ing, it is true, but possessed neither symmetry nor grace. The limbs were ‘loose jointed” and angular. The head was too small in proportion to the body. The costume was anything but attractive and imposing. It consisted of a loose blade coat, with broad skirts; a long badly fit ting waistcoat; knee breeches of no cut in parti cular, and “dry rotted” flaxen or yarn stockings, ending in buckled shoes. The light-fitting hose defined limbs of remarkable slenderness—the narrow countenance was nearly lost to view be tween an ample white choker and the oversha dowing hat The movements of this personage were careless and unstudied. His gestures pos sessed no grace. At times he would dangle a- long, so to speak, with the air of a rustic used to plowed ground, and rough country paths.— And yet even before the amused stranger heard bis name, something would strike him, in the tall form, which had stepped out it would seem from the frame of some portrait of the last cen tury. There was a look of kindness and benevo lence in the small dark eyes which charmed you. The lips were wreathed with a quiet, good cr blame, if any belongs to the step, should fall , fc alone upon me. I am prepared to defend what humored smile. There was so muen simplicity i have done before the only tribunals I recog- in the countenance, so much heart in its expres- nize as having the slightest claim to jurisdiction sion, that you felt that this was a good, if not a _i j OTcr the subject—my own conscience and the very great* man. F< Cotton Ac vs. The North | bar of Heaven. I am pot aware of any statute, He was both. For theperson whom I have l before the effect of the Peace news lor code of morals, which makes it infamous to thus rapidly outlined, was John Marshall, Chief Cotton, however, had ndvun-, forgive a woman; nor is it usual to make our Justice of the United States—the man, as Wirt uplands were quoted at (! 13-1 d 9 m “ l ‘ c ,ife * subject of consultation with says, of “gigantic genius?” possessed of the ‘•su- " 1 : \ . .. ! friends, no matter how near and dear to us.— lUikd dosing firm. Sales oflast three t ,\nd I cannot allow even all the world combined ►."talcs Breadsturai and provisions J to dictate tome the repudiation of my wife, A-diain-- Manchester advices favora- ! when I think it right to forgive her, and re- v*nt and all quantities of good* i st °re her to my confidence and protection, >tk i 1 ™ w >• Ji ,1. Weather favorable for crops, j d J” < * iled comprehend the utterly pernatunl faculty” of penetrating to the core of the nottiest subject, and extracating the real truth, with the ease of a man amusing himself at a game. It was here in Richmond that the judge was most at home. lie always loved the place, and tlie people loved him devotedly. Everybody knew him, and he knew everybody. There position of an offending though penf- i•;//<•, Florida.—We regret j tent woman—the bopless future, with all its "ii mother calamitous fire took place in I dark possibilities .of danger, to which she is . ... , Kridav involving a loss of a- ‘ dooDOed "hen proscribed as an outcast—I can ! was such a hearty kindness in his manner that .•;." ia*i r •.. ” now see plainly enough, in the almost univer- I the humblest man felt at his case immediately sal howl of denunciation witn which abe is fol- j and could scaroely believe when he encountered , dales to the ‘20th.—Miramon ■ lowed to my threshhold. the misery and perils him for the first time that the unassuming old , i (,is Cabinet and policy and grant-1 from which I bare rescued the mother of my gentleman^in,his slouching attire, and apparent- ' , . ,.n Confiscation of Church child. And although it is very sad forme to ly so unconcious of his great position, was “Judge r*.- mm ; nre d and the Church ha.l i " cor ,be frie " ds “ d th r e reproaches MarehaU." He seemed to take asmuch pleasure i) had comm . , , . of many wise and good people, I shall strive -ifor Marquezs, who had robbed the to prove to all who feel any interest in me, going from (iunnajuata to Mn Bias, that if X am the first man who has ventured to viral thousand dollars. say to the world an erring wife and mother (,v,/ Speculation.—A party are or-1 may be forgiven, aud redeemed, that in spite jacatX * * Vork tor the purpose of goin g I o( r « b e obstacles in my path the good results Iuoinc0 to hunt for gold. It is said that | example shall entitle it to the imitation - h places have been discovered there, j tb e generous and the commendation ot the ^'•^fitt^'uiTanTa'party There are many who think that.an act of ; 1st of October. ; duty, proceeding solely from affections which Jadge p. E. Love's Acceptance. !freath*WTe Grass Krporter, Extra J WaazsBoao’* July 13th. 18j9. | can only be comprehended in the heart of a husband aud a father, is to be fatal to my pro fessional, political and social standing. If this be so. then so be it. Political station, profes sional success, social recognition, are not the v t • We have been appointed as a commit- only prizes of ambition ; and 1 have seen * tn'iaforo you of your nomination as the | enough of the world in which I have moved, mdidsteif tie Democratic party, to repre aod read enough of the lives of others, to teach rotthe First Congressional District. The ' me that, if one be patient and resolute, it is [ircumstMicM under which you received the the man himself who indicates the place he laomination. an 1 the owSdeoce repoaed iu you. will occupy; and so long as I do nothing woree aduced us to urge jour acceptance. than to reunite my family under the roof where Chosen, as von hive beta, without solicits- they may find shelter from contumely aud a cm vour part, as the standard bearer of, persecution. I do not fear tbe noisy but fleet- . Democratic party, conn s as an apjieal from ’ mg voice of popular clamor. The multitude it people to you to serve them iu tbe Con- accept their first impressions from a few; but of the United States, and presents pea- rin the end men think for themselves, and if I ui. which we hojie you will fiud too cogent kuow the human heart—and sometimes I think ~r*:sf. why yon should yield to tbe call thus that in a career of mingled sunshine and storm Lost Voice Recovered. New Bedford, August 10. Mr. S. W. Fowls —Having seen many certificates published in relation to “Dr. Wistar's Bafc-am of Wild Cherry,” I take this opportunity of offering a word in Us favor, which yon are also at liberty to publish. A few months since, my wife's lungs be- came so much affected by a aunden odd. that she loi; he- voice, and suffered severely lrom pains in the breast. Her situation caused her friends much alarm. Having heard vour Bslsamstrongly recom mended by those who hsd used it, I purchased s bot tie of your agent In this pises. Shs took it accord ing to directions, and it produced a wonderful effect. Before using one bottle, she had completely recov- ered her voice, tbe pains subsided, and her health was soon fully restored. Yours, truly, H. G. BRIGHTMAN. None genuine unless signed L BCITS on the wrapper. Sith W. Fowl* A Co. Boston. Proprietors.— Sold by their agents everywhere. E. L. STROHECKEB, ZE1L1N A HUNT. Macon, Ga. July at {*01 £l)c 3Ccro gork <£mes, A DAILY .MORNING AND EVENING NEWSPAPER, INDEPENDENJMN POLITICS. Its columns afford a complete resume of the World's Doings from d»y to dir; while its Corres pondence. Reports, Literary Contributions. Crib cions, aod Leading Articles, represent all topics likely to engage public attention. In the prompt! tude and fullness of its accounts of the GREAT ITALIAN WAR, The Nik York Tims has thus far eonfess dly out stripped all its contemporaries; a precedence, which with it* ample Editorial aud other Corresp'mdenoe at the Seat of War, it will unquestionably retain. Price by Mail, Six Dollars a Year. C|c ^mi-SSlccklD (Times, Is issued on the morning of every Tuesday and Fri day, and contains in addition to the bulk of intelli gence given in, the Daily Paper, A LITERARY DEPARTMENT, Embracing Standard Novels and Tales, and Miscel laneous Selections of the highest interest. With the issue of Tuesday, July 26th, the initial chapters of “The Good Fig-lit,'” An Original and profoundly interesting story of tbit unequalled Novelist. CH.JRZjES HE. IDE, Will be re produced from early London sheets, and vri 1 be continued through the volume. Back num bers can be supplied. The Agricultural Department it compiled from a variety of sources, many ofthem inaccessible to the American reader. TO FAKJIERS. O flA bales Heavy Gunny Bagging, 1.000 Rolls do. tl U VJ 100 Rolls Dundee Bagging, 3,300 Coils Sis- 1.000 Coils Hand Spun Rope, 4 OOO Pounds Twist. We offer the above on favorable terms july 26 j- B. A W. A. ROSS. DISTItLERI’. .«« 1. i SK I 9 50 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE! T WO miles from the Court House, on the Colum bus Road, out of the reach of City Taxes, Mus- Retoes and Duat, and supposed to be the most desir- able location t n the vicinity of Macon. These Lot* GEORGE PAYNE, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DRUGGIST And State Licensed Apothecary, MACON. GA. T S happy to inform his friends, patrons and the L public generally, that his Stock is now full and Old Magnolia Whiskey. T HE standard brand of Fine Whiskey is offered to the Trade, in bbls. and half obis It Is guar anteed as being a perfectly pure Whiskey, entirely free from deleterious substances, and possesses the premium merit of being Copper Distilled, from best Malted Rye, under our personal supervision. Hav ing a large stock of “Magnolia.” and other brands of Flue Whiskey in N»w York and Philadelphia, enables U1 to ship from either city without deten tion. FREEMAN A PIMPSON. PiHENrX DISTILLERY, .V-huylkill River. not... 11 M South Front Street. Philadelphia, Offices, £ g6 W|lU streett Ktw York Very respectfully. IV. F. Sami loan, l I A, II. Lawton, S. F. Kiuxer, j> Committee. C. *V. Stilus, I Jas. McDonald, j ’,Hon. P. E. Love, Thoi lasville, Ga. Thomasville, July 18th. 1859. 1 have sounded nearly all its depths—then I may reassure those wbo look with reluctant forebodings upon my future to be of good in chatting about stock or crops with a home spun farmer, as in listening to and joining in the bnlliant conversation of the brilliant men who were his intimate friends. It was at “Buchanan’s Springs," however, on the outskirts of Richmond, that the Judge and bis friends shone in all their glory. The old oaks, under the cool shadow of which the “Bar becue Club" used to meet, are still standing, and the Club exists to-day—but the choice spirits of whom I write have passed into tbe land of sha dows. How they chased the gay hours with laughter there, of old! how they pitched quoits, without their coats, and fastened on the roasted slioat, and drank moderate juleps in the days long ago! Of these innocent seasons of convi vial enjoyment, the Chief Justice was one of the brightest luminaries. With his coat thrown down, his eyes sparkling with pleasure, the crowd looking on eagerly, anxious for his suc cess, the Judge addressed himself with ardor to the real business of the day. This business was to overcome all his competitors in hurling the peaceful discus at the stake in the ground. His most dangerous opponent was a worthy clergyman, betweedwhom and tbe Chief Justice many struggles for the mastery took place.—, _ , .. . _ . . .... But the latter was the favorite of the bystanders. -J"”’ of " M °" r mvan.bly »n In measuring the distance of his own and his Price Three Dollar, n Year; Two Copir. to One Atldreai, Five Dollar.; Firet’opir. to One Aditrr.a, $11.33 ; Ten Copir. lo onr Addrci., £30. £lje Solffkln Cimfs, Appearing every Saturday morning, embraces a comprehensive digest of the news of the preceding week, with attractive Literary features, among which will be found Reticle’s Splendid Story. And other choice reading. It will also continne to furnish its valuable information for the FARMER AND GARDENER. A Department which has become highly popular. Price Two Dollars a year; three copies to one address. Eight Dollars ;’ten copies to one address. Twelve Dollars; twenty copies to one address, Twestt Dolleks. Any persou sending ns a Club of twenty or more will be entitled to an extra copy. #1,50. 100 BROWN LINEN COATS, $L50, WORTH TWO DOLLARS & FIFTY CETS. 100 do. At TWO DOLLARS, WORTH TmtEE DOLLARS. P RICES 7) F AL L CLOTHING REDUCED. TI1E ABOVE PRICES ARE CASH ONLY. E WINSHIP, July_ 19 BOSTICK, KEIN& CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fancy &Staple Dry Goods OPPOSITE STROXG A NVOOD, J JIacoii, Ga. A RE now offering their entire stock of DRESS GOODS at prices that will compare favorably with those of Any House in the State. OUR STOCK OF DJRESS GOODS Are all new and fresh, ail being of this setsons purchsse. Also a large and varied assortment ol HOUSE FURNISHING QOODS. We keep CONSTANTLY on hsnd. a Full snpply of Carpets, Rugs and ittattiiig, At a shade UNDER tbe usual prices. Call and see tbe Goods, and bear our prices. july 19 BOSTICK, KEIN A CO. wm oe sola on * credit of one. two and three years j ‘omplete. which co.nprisea every articlethat should j EDdmooey loaned thepurchaser to build with. be found in a First Class Ahere is a ■■txrtWr Yard oa the ground Drug and Chemical Store* ac«<a, une , o 0 9. q ROBERTS, j Weekly arrival* ol' the Savannah Steamers ena- • G. B. ROBERTS. GIFTjS.ja SPLENDID GIFTS TO PURCHASERS OF BOOKS! AT THE ORIGINAL MD BTTHE OBTLY^J <HfI ffiSTffiJSEi Established in lqj4. HEAD QUARTERS FOB THE UNITED STATES, AT THI PUBLISHING HOUSE G. G. SVAXS, 439 Chrannt Street, Philadelphia, Penh. | S =■ opponent’s quoit from the peg, the arbitrator would generally manage to declare in the Judge’s favor—in the favor of law, and against divinity. If cheating was necessary to arrive at this re sult, so much the more unfortunate, but that by •v -Tl cheer, for I will-not cease to vindicate a just : was alL Judge Marshal! was to be, under any claim to the respect of my fellows; while to circumstances, triumphant; for he was the favor- tbose motley groups, here and there, wbo look ite of all, the pride of the members of the Club, upon my misfortunes only as wespons to be ! the most despotic pet of them all. When he employed for my destruction, to those I say,, made a bad throw, or his quoit rolled away to a once for all, if a man make • good use of lus | distance, all faces became elongated; sadness en- 0,1, enemies they will be as serviceable to him as teredevery heat t.andhis opponent was regarded • TuiaiW note bearing date 13th bji triendi / ! with ill-cincealed hostility When, however. ^cmng me ot my nomina y be j q j et me a sk only one favor of ■ the quoit went straight to its place—above all, *T r ° Vi".'? ? i’n ?h. P n„rt f’oni»r.those who, from whatever motive, may deem when it “rung the meg,” that is, fell plump on e-r'jasi District in the next congress, necegsary or aKreea ble to comment in pub- top and encircled it, the enthusiasm of the crowd l"7 e - , As 1 am 0 V„,"Zu e .„ tX lie or privite upon this sad bi.tory; and that, knew no bounds. And the hero of this achiev- ..V rom home in order to hold an ad- th dr arrows at my breast, and ment himself was not destitute of eUUon. He *.’"“of Laurens .Superior Court, my for ^ gake of m . innocentchUd to spare her thrilled with all the delights ofvictory. Clap- •er nait be necessarily written hastily.- '' mo & er , whi i e .be seek, in sorrow ping his bands like a boy, he would''triumph . uy truly, nheti you say that the position tbe mcrcy ^ t i, e par d 0 n of over his foe, and mingle proudly in the general -.fj me wss unsolicited on f ' 11 ,Dd i Hj m to w h 0Bl wotr or W, we must all ap- ! rejoicing. To a stranger, all this might have «y add. that it my own repeated state-■ . : seemed undignified—unworthy of the Judges of :y. both privately and publicly made, are - Very respectfully, the Court of Appeals and the most famous coun- * believed, was undesired by me. I have Your most obedient servant sellors of the commonwealth. But it did not i repeatedly said, that it Col. Seward should DAXIEL E. SICKLES. so seem to their companions, nor long to such ice, 1 thought, ir. justice and fairness, the m j visitors from a distance as witnessed the scene, uidate should he choscu from the other side platform of Hie Opposition Part} - There was so much simplicity and esse in the hedistrict. lime, however, also said that. OFGEOKUIA- group, such unconscious grace in the most care- tht unioitunule divisions and schisms which ; Adopted i» Contention, at Macon, July 20th j less movements, that the picture was redeemed list in the district could not be healed with- 1859. i from the least touch of the ludicrous, it the use of myself and my name, and if it The Opposition Party of Georgia plants itself! Baron Guenet, a French gentleman, was in- “* thought that by such use this most desi- upon the principles of State Rights, equal privi-; rited one day, and informed beforehand that the de result could be effected, that I would leges in the Union, and equal distribution of its i Governor, the Judges of the High Court of Ap- !J my objections and accept a nomination, burthens, and the exercise, by Congress, only peals, and the Chief Justice, would be present stber from you r note, and also from letters of such powers as are specifically delegated In ; —to banquet with the rest in the open air and ■Mtcd lo me by members of the Conven- the Constitution and those dearly inferable from pitch quoits with the other members of the Club, that this was truly the cause and reason and inrident to the granted powers, and neces-; The Baron exhibited unaffected astonishment, ej nomination, and therefore, in accor- ' sary to carry out such granted powers. and asked “if it was possible that the dignitaries “1 »ith my promise, accept the position so 1st Resolved, That the Union, as established -v •*•— a-'—•'••''■ -gly teuuered me. For the last six j by the Federal Constitution, if the latter be believing that to mingle in politics was i faithfully carried out, is the surest guaranty of »vut with my position and duties as j the rights and interests of all sections of the I have not ouly avoided taking part country, and should be preserved. . • party issues, but I have studiously j 2d. Resolved, That, as the institution of Slav- ■ ..... . . >d to iuform mj’self as to what they re-! rv existed in the States of the Confederacy pnor i tering into the game with boyish enthusiasm ere. I sav this in face of the fact that to the adoption of the Constitution of the Lnt-1 kneeling down to measure distances, cryingout has appeared sad still appears as an ! ted States ; and as tbe right to bold darn as when they triumphed, »nd acung generally in of* political newspaper. property was conceded by the framers of the,, manner the most “undignified imagmable.- • »ucs are past aud gone, and I have CWitution and fully recognised therein, there- The good Baron was taught m lesson whtch he ■»l» revive them. “Let the dead bury ! fore slavery exists independent of the Const.tu- had never learned in Europe; his ideas were ex- Md.’ But there arc great principles, ition; and as slavery is recognised and sanction- pa „ded, and he ^declared with enthtmiasm that c the very fouudatiou^f our govern- ! cd by the Constitution, Congress, which denves , -he Itad never before seen the retd ° r ad which involve t he highest iuteresu I all itspowers from that instrument, cannot legis- j republicanism. Are there any intelligent Am ? yf " * . l . uere! "J i- f . ohthe subject of slavery except for xtspro- ericans at the present Urae who are disposed to ■ir ^ ‘°i ^assmssisms, .Mia,. h« i«i«. dtad«iiMSw. it It; ... i . . Y j- a De,ore wi ii ten d to no practical good to any portion . mean, and the slave of a silly “c vi hrl C « 8 t0,U, ° ord,3 f c “ ss ,hese f lh country antTshould therefore cease; re- j which thinks that John Marshall soiled the dig- KKtt greatFL v of the Dc ^Min^-ri^ple as settled, both by legis!.-! ni ty of his judicial ermine by joining in these a b ^. ,bc ^ rei * , ) of ,be De gve enactment and judicial interpretation, that: harmless sports with his neighbors. a,,J b ' v '': e |! u,y aound P°^- the^ people of the I'err,lories, when they come! To a criUc of this description all klWcracy North. Should I be “ gu(e ConsUtution, and at no other, ers of high character, of genuine dignity, might r"iJi i rcpre * ent U TV ,* 1 - ? f H ' time (by “unfriendlv legislation" orotherwise) gay; Friend, there is something nobler and more • «»cal lutcreats of the District, and i decide die question for themselves. Wc I beautiful than the etiquette of courts; a grace a*? if ffv P. ru,cl f l “. ,r ® br0 V, f T , "t furthermore repudiate the doctrine of “squatter beyond the hauteur of the courtier orthehang- -• i!:a1| be fouud a fearless, although | - t - j n a {| jts forms, as an insidious e rin in palaces—it is the unaffected s:mplicity *"•7 MM advocate for what ^ mo de of excluding the South from ' — '■ ' ftruth. \\ .th ,iel, 'fi h< ‘ 3 ‘ rc * M tiie common territory of the Union, and stand _ . Eonrention of which you are * i to oppoae, sternly and uncompromising- lor yoursdve* personally*! a jj w j lo advocate that doctrine; that the \ours. &c. territories aiw tbe common property of all the . states, and thereto**, the people have the nght J L -- r - ■. *^aford, A. K. Lawtou* S. F. Kel- to en ^, r upon and occupy any territory with send a herald before to dear the way tor tne U- n.Siiles, James McDonald* Commit- ^eir slaves, as well tu other property, and are j empty pageant! Ix>uis XIV. would have cheer- ! protected by the Constitution and "flag of the j fully died, I imagine, rather than take his «>» — country ; that Congress Las no right to legislate i coat off and pijch quoits with his brother mon- ^ Persons in Ohio.—An important | s i mverv j n to, nor exdude > from, a territory; | archs or his nobility, aod doubtl^s his views affecting the rights of colored people i i ,f,i hnld that the doctrine of non-inter-1 m»n the subject were correct. He was little Specimen numbers forwarded upon application. All letters to be addressed to the “Nxw York Thus,” New YorB city. r3’*The Times Bcildisg is situated opposite the City Hail, on Park Row, eprnce and Nassau Streets inly 9«-It MONTVALE SPRINGS, TENN., WATT, LANIER & CO., Owners and Proprietors. —ALSO.— Owners, mainly, aod Proprietors of Exchange Hotel, Montgomery. Ala. (3. Lakieb A Sosa, formerly of Lanier Honae, Ma con, Georgia.) Travelers on the Rnilrond from Dalton, On., to ICuoxrillr, Tens., reach these VVA- TKKi, the present season, by taking the STAGE LINES <f D. DClf.W A Co., either at PUILA DELPHIA. LOUDON, or K.NOXVILLE:-from each of which points, STAGES starting at SIX o' clock a m„ run in connection with tbe TRAINS to tlOUTVALE, about twenty fonrmiles distant, reaching the Utter at ONE o’clock, p. m. The nudersigned, being determined to make MONTVALE one of tbe MOST ATTRACTIVE WATERING PLACES in the conntry, have, since iast Summer, added several new GOTHIC COTTA GES and other buildings, together with other vain CATALOGUES SENT FREE. Since I originated the Uift Book Enterprise. I have repeatedly called the attention of the public to my large stock aod liberal oflers, to which they have al ways warmly responded. I can now, with more sat isfaction than ever, call attention to my largely in creased inducements to pnrehasera. Being very heavily engaged in publishing, I exchange my own publications tor those of other honses, and am ena bled to procure all my hooka at the origioal coat of making, and thnaeax and do supply the majority of the other booses engaged in the Gift Book Trade, with their books, cheaper than thet can procure them from other publishers. I can, also, by my hea vy pnrehases of Watches and Jewelry, for cash, fur nish them with their Gifts at lower rates than they can bny them from the mannfactnren. Having such an advantage in buying, I can insure my customers better Gifts with their Books than any oiher boose, and can give my Agents a larger com mission. A valuable Gift will be delivered with each book at the time of sale. Gifts worth *500, at the lowest wholesale prices, will be impartially dis tributed with every 61,000 worth of Books solo. Send fora Catalogue, which will be mailed free to any address, containing the most valuable collec tion of Standard productions in Literature. Philoso phy, History, Geognphy, Travels, and the Sciences, with all the favorite works of Fiction and Romance, and et ery other department of Literature, classified as described below. Send for it, for if yon don't w'ish to order Books, you will obtain a very valuable book for reterence, as it contains all the desirable books in print, and- will cost you nothing. Particular attention is requested to the List of my Pnblicatious, which will be fouud in tbe latter part of my Classified Catalogue. It contains a large number of deservedly popnlar works, by various authors; among which are all of T. S. Arthur's best works, well known as a moral, instructive and pleas ing author, interesting biographies, travels, Ac. of the land could thus intermix with private citi zens." Worthy Huron: He was destined to be still more confounded at what he saw under the oak trees. Tbe spectacle was nothing less than his Excellency the Chief Justice, and the Judges, and their great associates, all with coats off en- FRESH ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS. c\ c CASES PRINTS, 25 do Ginghams. 25 cases ^DPrinted Muslins, IS do. Stripes, 12 do Bleach r ed Shirtings and Sheetings, 5 do. Organdie and Ba- ! able improvements The GROUNDS are in bean regeRobes.2 do. Printed Jaconets and Swiss Mus t ful condition—tbe roads near the SPRINGS put lius. The above, with every other article usually i n tbe best order—a good cellar 01 Ice has been kept in the * .... DRY GOODS LISE. Having been recently purchased io New York, at tbe Package Auction Sales. To purchasers ofgo-ds by the quantity, we would aay, that our prices will induce you to purchase, as we are offering Great Bargains. (july 26) J B. A W. A. ROSS. FOR SALE. nrn BOXES CANDLES, 50 do. Soap, 100 do. ,6DU Soda, 20do Mustard, 20 do. Yeast Powderi, 20 do. Tea. 55 da Pickles, 75 do. Starch. july 26 J. B. A W. A. ROSS. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. 1 (T AAA LBS. Pure Lead. 5,000 do. Pure and 1 D.UUU No. 1 Zinc. 100 Boxes Glass, so Bar rels Oil, all kinds, with ail kinds of colors, for sale low by (july 26) J. B. A W. A. ROSS. FOR SALE. i Art boxeaJCANDY, 10 do. Loaf Sugar, no bsr- 1 UUrela Sugar. 900 sacks Coffee, loo boxes To bacco. 50 000 cigara. 100 Gross Matches. jSjsk J.B.AW.A.ROSS. FOR SALE. 1 ffifi sacks SALT, 50 hhds. Molasses, 250 lihds. 1 tj U U Bacon, 20 barrels Lard, 50 barrels Viiie gar, 25 dozen Brooms, 25 doaen Shovels and Spades 400 doa. Bucket!, 25 dox Axes. july 26 J. B. A W. A. ROSS. saved. All the accessaries to comfort and pleasure of the best WATERING PLACES, still be found here. ty As to the cure of diseases by the MONTVALE MINERAL WATEKS.see large Mnntvile Pampb let- especially as to DYSPEPSIA. CHRONIC III AKRHCEA, DROPSY'. CHRONIC LIVER COM PLAINT, NEURALGIA, NERVOUS HEAD ACHE, DERANGEMENT OF NERVOUS SYS TEM. CHILLS and FEVERS, Ac., Ac. S. Lanier A Sons have been eagaged in Hotel Keeping for TWENTY YEARS, and will continue to make every efiort to please tbe public. May 1st, 1859. WATT, LANIE&A CO S. Lanier, S- C. Lanier, ) •j(may 3) A. P. Watt. W. B. Lanier. OSNABURGS, YARNS, REUSE IS. i AC.. AC., AC. 1 CA bales No 1, Osnabargs, 95 do. No. 2 Osna- 1DU burgs, 175 do Georgia Kersejs. 100 do Macon Sheelng, 20 do. Ma<-ou Drilling, 26 do. Ma- I eon 7-8 Sliirting, 200 Macon Yarns, for sales at Fac toty prices, by J. B. A W. A. ROSS. july26 BOLTING CLOTII, • PIECES of tbe celebrated Dutch Anchor brands of Bolting Cloth, for sale at New Y’ora prices by (july -.6) J.B.AW.A.ROSS. 50b ■etui, and real dignity of the honest gentleman who is not afraid to be natural. Above all, should you respect and make your lowest bow to the great intellect and pure heart which relics upon the public respect and regard, and does not think it necessary to wrap itself in vain trappings, or • delivered last week in the Court of 1 1’icxs at Cleveland, by Judge Foote. : -• Joint was that of a colored tailor, 11. .Morris, whose vote was re- ’ fetrtit election. Judge Foote ren- "n in favor of the plaintiff, declar- law" of the State unconstitution- ' Pound that, under the Constitution Cl persons having more than half »erc declared to lie legally white. Cl, :.>iitutioti merely mentions “white *’thoui particular definition. The lias hut one-fourth negro blood Now is tbe cbance to buy Summer CLOTHING! AT COST ANTD LESS! FOR CASH ONLY. 1STO HUMBUG-! and that we hold that the dot trine of non-inter-1 upon the subject were'torrect He was little -?! 1 ! pobey la to hare a^ vention with the institution of slavery in the , ; n the midst of all his greatness, and compelled FJUESH STOCK EVERY SEASON. States, Territories, ortheDherictof Columbia, to guard his prestige. John Marshall was iof- q jj BAIRD does not, nor was it intended to, «onfliet with the tier. He was alwaj» great. As you knew hint - - - -- -- .C~ c |e, *er*on'» Speech at Grlfllu. ' u* '“v *hted to the courtesy of the edit- • * Lspire State for a copy of their »avxa ce , containing Judge Iverson's • "tiffin, on the 14tu instant. It ia a w l T cb ’ w ' ,b nothing new in it. It thi ° d 10115 P* st ■ u<1 present griev- ' “ * luture itmedy. Tbe suing now v *Union if m Black Republican ■ I'Cm*. • ,(d . Wonder if we can’t get (j . 3 rnion and put that in the Georgia b. ~ , s *he disruption plank. We think V r,t0 un,il rt comes to pass, and k, tir * e c »a fix on something further ttr »fr Slone. h^L**? TCB ' in the form of a man. “nee, introduced to a lovely ana *'zteco. He pressed her hand, ‘fcRibi* ‘“ nl, 'ng tone, that be thought the assertion of the power of Congress to protect the property of the citizens of tbe seversYyutes who may choose to settle in the severs! Territories. 3d. Resolved, That the recommend»i on of the President that Congress should amfwuron him tbe war-making power and aubjert th*. army and navy to his control, coupled wtth the demand of enormous appropriations of lbe P“hj lie money to carry out bis viewi, call for * deserve the most unequivocal and unqualified condemnation of the whole country. 4th. Resolved. That the reckless extrava gance of the preceediog aud present •*»»**- t rations of the Federal government, a “ d , es P® dally the unblushing corruptton which has marked tbe latter, by which the pubhe expen- ditures have btten increased from fifty one hundred millions of dollare per anuu ™' a deep wrong tlmt should be rebuked be corrected? We bold Congre« cqudl/ re sponsible with the administration for this ex- U 5 T th g Xrf«^. The present representation in the state Legislature, we regard as cum- brousfand an unnecessary tax upon the people, and inimical to wise and prudent legislation. We advocate a decided reduction, and at the earliest day practicable. Adopted unanimously- ProfesSOrtWp. The Board of Trustees of the Columbum Col- the ISth instant unanimously con imicd more familiarly, you loved him all the better. You saw that this’ man was one of nature's no blemen- that a childlike kindness and sweet- dks was in his heart. ty It u seldom wo call attention to an advertise- me»t setting forth the extraordinary curative quail ties ota patuR medicine. There are ao many * orth- less nostro ms paraded by glowing notices and flam- ing handbills, the *se of which is, in many instan ces, uaelsta, or wore, than useless, that it is unsafe to recommend them. Uccaalonally, however, when the evidences continually multiply of the merit, and beneficial el ects ot a partk a ] U ’ medicine, we are only doing a simple act of ju»ice to the proprietor, as well aa to the community, in .peaking of it with favor. Patent medicines of the later class are very few. but among them, we mention w<h satisfaction. .•Williams' Compound Extract of Sfcsaparillm and Iodide of Potassium,” which baa acbiey J a repots- ,inn that leaves no room todoobt its effic» v and tm- nortance in removing the dU^eafor w jicb itU mMuf-ctured and used. It is without douh one of !?* In0 *t potent and hsrmlets remedies that , u eT . wbeeudE^vred. For & ^ july is—*w t e i v IIATS! HATS! /? - CASES of Hats, all kinds, will be sold at cost 00 Merrhsnts purchasing by tbe esse, joly 26 J. B. A W. A. ROSS Fariucrsbfp Notice. T HE firm of Beiden A Co., in Savannah. Ga, at so in Macon, Ga., was dissolved on the ISth ol July. 1859, by thedeatb of D. W. Beiden. All per sons indebted to the late firm, in either city, will please make payment to theundersigoed Savannah, Joly 28 Wit. BELDEN. N OTICE.—The undenigued will continue tbe Hat business in Savannah and in Uaenn. Ga Ihe same as usual. W. BELDEN Savannah. July 26 TO MERCHANTS IN WANT OF RELIABLE AND UNIFORM BOOTS 86 SHOES. W E will not presume to assert that we can or do sell belter or cheaper Goods than any other bouse, bot do claim, that lor extent, variety, dura bility, freedom frtm poor and irregular goods, our stock is not surpassed. While we aim to keep only tbe best of their kinds and pay spec : al regard to baviug each kiud uniform in quality, onr assortment comprises nearly ever} variety of Sewed aud Pegged Boots and Shoes, from ibe finest down to where nniformity ceases. Our best sewed work is fully equal to custom made, fur service, and iaao regarded wherever it is known. Our stock of pegged work comprises a careful se lection of all kinds from tbe best manufacturers. Iu order to insure a quality of THICK BOOTS AND RUSSET BROGANS, which will give satis faction, we are now manufacturing these goods.— They will bear our trade mark, and be sold in oui market exclusively by us. We guarantee them as durable as any goods of their cost, and free from ev ery sort of deception, so commonly used to cheapen ihe price. » We are agents for tbe sale of Mitchell's Patent Metallic Tipped Boots and Shoes. WA SMITH BROWN & CO., NO. 26 CHAMBERS STREET, NEW YORK, Manufacturers an 1 Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Shoes. ESTABLISHED IN 1818. july 19—2m Wheeler & Wilson’s SEWING MACHINES. july 26 Telegraph Building. Truvering Agents Wonted, riixunv ixruixiiT. K NERGET1C young men wasted, who are willing to devote their whole time and talent, to travel and solicit orders for Smith and Weeson’s celebra ted Patent Revolvers. Salary. *40 per month, and expenses paid. Better tbau all other similar agen cies. For ennoitiuiia, aud instructions in the bnsi s. address with a stamp, L. M. HARRIS, jalj 26—6t Boston, Maas. YTOTICE.—All persons are hereby forewarned 11 from trading for or paying a certai promiasori • ota madepayable to Dempsey J Carr, and assign ed by James N. King, bearing date sometime in Jan uary, 1656, aaddne either on tbe 15th day of De- December, lt59.or the 1st of January, I860, for the amount of Forty Dollars, with a erecit endorsed ti the amoent of Twenty Dollars, bearing date the 16th of May, 1859. said note having been Inst by me on the 11th instant. DEMPsEY J. CARR. ■ Jaly 96—at* Take Notice. T HIS is to Certify that one T. J. H. Minis carried an-ty of me one blind bay horse and a baggy wagon. The said hone was about seven or eight years old Tbe wagon was fitted new for Chicken and Tin Pedling. with a water proof top to it; he also had some cooking ntensils aud bed clothes; al so one yellow cur dog, with IL teeth showing in front The said Minis left hereaoout the 10th of whom the Ee- • ; the \ :i ■ l.tiii, ,.l'" l’atl.o . > at.d the l raet.et • • • “ ' i L r — D B. A Y\. WJODRCrx, p*£dkSyjStolS; j made vacantly the resignation of Dr. G. Ty-| ^ ^ 3; _ 3L id at her house since. 1 Ion 7ry*The Hot Springs of Arkansas will cure Rheu but they are a good ways off, and the ex- — __ j ig to get there deters a good many. Wads- ,May last; left Albany, Dougherty couliv, about J rih'a Linimeut'BffiH c,re Rheumatism at a tn rte first of July, and from «hat we can learn, made jScit Ttylt. I«wiU ^ure all other kmffii of hhw^ to Morgan Calhoun co„ ana lrom th-.,. - “ " — ZEILIN A HLNT lo Cuthhtrt. Randolph county, Ga . an 1 arTrived in Columbus Jaly 17th, and had not any of the above property wuh him. and we learn that on the night -.f the lfth he there died. The said property be longi toLaware Harrison, of Macon. Ga., and will give Twenty-hive Dollars for the delivery ol the i 've it for sale, wh- inly If M eaale and retell—SO c. a bottle. NEYY AND VALUABLE IMPROVEMENT!; Prices Reduced. T HESE Machines are tbe beat ever offered t> the public. They are simple aud durable easily kept ia repair: work without noise; sew with greet rapidity; make an even and firm -stitch oi. both aides tbet will not rip; economize thread, and are applicable to every purpose end material com mon to the a-t in question. [T*A reduction of 625 00 lately made in price. J. B. A W. A. ROSS, Agents. Send for a Circular Macon, Ga. (Copy) Macon, May 31,1859. Messrs. J. B. k W. A. Rost . Dear Sir*—Tliu is to cei tify that the Wheeler A Wilson’s Sewmg Machine, bought ofyoa some eight een months dace, has given entire satisfaction.— Haring repaired those of other makers and careful ly examined them, Tbelievs Wheeler A Wilson’s for neatness and strength of work, superior to any now in use. Yours, very respectfully, THOMAS DOUGHERTY’. Master Machinist, Macon A Western Rail Road, jane 7 Classification of Books. AGRICULTURAL —This department embraces all Standard Works upon general Agriculture, Cotton Planting, Flowers. Gardening. Farm Implements. Horses, Sheep Cattle, Bees, Ac., Ac. ALBUMS.--Ladies' (a great variety) Floral, Cap Onarto. Royal Cap, Demy (Quarto, Autograph, Ac AN X U AL-S.—Annuals for 18J9—a large and elegant assortment. B1HLKS.—A splendid assortment of Pocket, Pew and Family Bibles, in every style, from 61 to 630. PR A l ER BO< IKS.—A complete assortment, in ev ery form and at all prices. HY’MN BOOKS—As used by the different denomi nations. BIOGRAPHICAL —Works of Irving, Headley, Weems. Sparks, Bancroft, and every other stau dard author. BOTANICAL—By-Comstock, Gray, Lincoln, Dar by, Wood. Ac, Ac COOKERY’—Receipt and Cook Books, by Mrs. Hale, Lealie. Widdifield. McKenzie, Ac. GERMAN —Standard German Literature. DIC1IONAR1ES.— Webster's, Englith. French. German, Spanish. Latin, Greek, Italian, Ac. CYCLOPEDIAS—All tbe staudard authors. GEOGRAPHICAL—Tbe latest and most approved School aud other Geographies, Maps aud Trave er's Guides. GEOLOGY' —The works ot Hugh Miller, Harris, Hitchcock. Lyeliand others HISTORICAL—tty Prescott. Irving, Bancroft, Ro bertsou, Hume, Gibbons, Macauley and others. HUMOROUS.— r.mbracts a World of Fun. JUVENILE —Every description of 11 lustrate d Books for children LAW AND MEDICINE.—The Standard Works of these professions. MECHANICAL and SCIENTIFIC.-The most ap proved workson Mechanics, Architecture and the exact Scienc a. POETRY’—English and American. Octavo and Lit erary editions of ihe Staudard Poets; Pocket and Cabinet editions—plain and illustrated, bound iu every style to suit the taste of ail. WORKS OK FICTION —By Scott. Irving, Coop er, Dickens, and all the approved writers. SCHOOL AND CLASSICAL, TRAVELS AND ADVENTURES. GAMES, SPORTS AND PASTIMES, RELIGIOUS. BIBLICAL A THEOLOGICAL, MUSICAL AND GLEE BOOKS, ODD FELLOWSHIP AND FREE MASONRY. MISCELLANEOUS.—Onr YTiscellaueons Depart ment embraces everything not iueluded in the a bove classification, of an interesting or instructive charac ter, that is in print. SCHEDULE GIFTS. The gifts consist of Gold and Silver Watches. Gold Chains, la&dies splendid black and plaid Silk Dress Patterns, Parlor Time Pieces. Silver-plated Ware, costly sets of Cameo's, Mosaic, Florentioe, Coral, Garuet, Turquois and Lava Jewelry, G>ld Lockets, Pena and Pencils, Ladies Neck and Chate laine Chains, Gents Bosom Stnds aud" Sleeve But tons. Pocket Knives, Port .uouaies,and A THOUSAND VARIETIES of Gifts of use and value. Agents Wanted Everywhere. To Agents i can gt*o atwi Cwtucements than coo be afforded by any other house, in addi tion to larger commissions. It is much easier to g, t subscribers for my enterprise than any other. Tbe peculiar advantages are — A larger Stock and better! atalngnes to select from. A better assortment and quality of Gifts. More punctuality and correctness in filling ordeis. By acting as Ageuts for me. Persons wishing a valuable Library oan procure it gratia. Those seekirg an easy method of earning a liveli hood can find it Any one reairing a good Watch can obtain it For foil particulars send for a Catalogue. bles him to replenish his Stock Weekly. with FRESH AND CHOICE GOOD^, which are bonght with great attention to purity, and sold as LOW as at any Drug Establishment in Gee-- PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS Compounded &t all hoars with curs and neatness His stock consists in part of the following articles: Drugs, Chemicals and Medicines, Dyes, Paints, Oils and Colors, Glassware, Syringes, modern styles, great variety, Window Glass, Patty, Artists Tools, Mechanical, Artificial and Natural Leeches, Fresh Hops and ail other Herbs, Surgical instruments and Medicine Chests, Family Soaps, Fine Starch and Geletines, Fine Castor OR for Family use. Wines and Liqnora for Medical use only. Perfumery, Pomades and Toilet Articles. Gold and Silver Lest, Gold and Tin foil and Artificial Teeth, Hare, Tooth akd Nail Brushes, ^itewash, Paint, Cloth and Flesh Broshes, TRIPOLI, a great article for cleaning Metal and Glass, Grass and Garden Seed, and all the p>tent Nostrums of the day. Corner Mulo^rry street and Cotton Avenue, Macon. apl 21 Watches! Watches! C ELEBRATED ENGLISH MAKERS—James Hoddell A Co, R. A G. Beejv, Vl Josh Tolemsn. Josh Oiareoshaw, Edwards Robinso. ju,d the cele brated American Watch in Gold andSih. r Cases. SWISS MAKERS—Engene Bruquet, BrtVthiog Laderiet, Edouard Favre, Brandt and others too numerous to mention, by DAY A MAUSSEXET. Clocks, Clocks, Clocks. The Marble Clock, running three weeks without winding—striking hour and half hour. Also, Eight Day, Marble and Marbleized Iron, Bronze, Wood and Marine Time-pieces, with and without the alarm- DAY A MAUSSFNET. Fine setts of Jewelry. D A Y A MAUSSEXET. Diamond Pins, Finger Rings and Ear Rings. DAY A MAUSSEXET. Fob, Vest, Chattslans and Guard Chains. DAY A MAUSSEXET. A fine assortment of Necklaces, Crapes. Medalions and other Trinkets, by D A Y A M A USSEN KT. Silver Table. Tea, Salt, Mustard. Berry. Sugar and Cream Spoons. Also, Desert and Pickle Forkes. "ops. Goblets, Waiters, and sundry other silver ar clestoonnmeroa8to mention by DAY A MAUSSEXET. Musical Instruments. Violincelos, Violins, Flntes, Fladgeolets, Fifes. Banjoes and Tamborines, also a fine assortment ot Italian, French, and English Violin Strings by . DAY A MAUSSEXET. Gold, Silver, Steel and Plated Specks with the Scotch Pebble Glasses, by DAY A MAUSSEXET. Ccrner 3d and Mulberry Streets,a MACON, GA. DEALER L5 FANCY GOODS—A large assortment, by DAY Sc MAUSStfNF.T. JEWELRY REPAIRING done at the shortest notice and i* the bettpoxsiMc manner, WATCHES. Magic and Hunting Cases, Gold and Silver Hoddell WATCHES, for sale by oct 16 DAY Sc MAUSSENET. SPRING GARDEN. -ve My large capital, together with my long experience in the business and consequent familiarity with all it* details, gives me an almost incalculable advan tage over all other parties All I ask is a trial. Send me an order, and yon will be convinced that there is no exaggeration. Do not forget to send for a Catalogue. Per»ons visiting the city are requeued to call and examine forthem-elves. G. G. EY’ANS* Head Quarters, 139 ChesnutSt Philadelphia, Pa. BRANCH oTOKE,45 Coruhill, Boston, Mass. SPECIAL NOTICE TO HOOK BUYERS. As there are parties of doubtful responsibility ad vertising Gilt concerns, and some are maki<>g many large promises, under fictitious names, without the intention or ability to fulfil them, hoping, through tbe popularity of my enterprise, to deceive and pluu- der the public, a strict sense of duty compels me to warn all against them. And if any are deceived and cheated by them, they should not be so unjust as to condemn me along with them, for they are b*se im itators ot an enterprise that has cost me an Immense imonntof time and money to place it in tbe position which it now occupies, commanding an extensive end increasing trade, approved and endorsed, wi h the most entire freedom and confidence by tbe lead ing Publishing Homes in the Uuion, whose letters of approval aod endorsement are in my possession, aod wi 1 be produced and shown at any time, with the greatest pleasure. G. G. EVANS, iune 28 6 m CHOICE DRUGS, SELECTED MEDICINES, PURE CHEMICALS, | SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, j WINDOW GLASS, PEBimiEE'S', SOAPS, I PAIN TS, || OILS, | j PATENT MEDICINES, FRESH GARDEN SEED, Merchants and Physicians WHO 7BIDE THEM SELVES ON DEALING in ARTICLES OF THE FIRST QUALITY, And at low Prices, MAY RELY UPON BEING SUITED. 1 Order* Promptly attended to. OR EH E AD'S MAGNETIC PLASTER IceCream, Soda Water, &c [ WOULD announce to the public that I ht ve open ed that beautiful Grove, near my residence, a* h Pleasure Garden for tbe accomm<Kli(tioii of visit ’-rs. I have employed an experienced hand iu snei matters, and ladies and gentlemen visiting the G«r den may rely npon being served with this co«i!ing bever»g*e in a style not to be surpassed by auy bouse in this city. Open from 10 o’clock in the morning until 11 at night. Ladies and gentlemen wco desire to while awav a pleasant hour «*f a sultry afternoon, will find the SPRING GARDEN a very plejtssnt place ot resort; and no pains will be spar d by the sub scriber and family to make their visits pleasant and agreeable. Parents who desire to send their children out with ervants, may rely up»*n every attention being pai< them, HSthe whole will be under the immediate su pervisiou of myselt and family. m«y 31 ' AMOS BENTON. City papers copy. THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE Y. OFFICE 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL £2,000,000, or $10,000,000. PAID DP CXPtTAL, fcCKPLUS AND RESERVED ECXDS FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, 800,000 tSVESTED tK THIS COUNTRY. DIRECTORS! IN ItHW YORK. JAMES BttOtVN. Ksq , Chairman. FRANCIS GOTTEN. Esq.. Deputy Chairman. GEORGE BARCLAY. Esq. EUGENE DUTILH, Esq. JOSEPH FOWLER. Esq. JOSEPH GILLARD. Jr., Esq. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. ED. F. SANDERSON. Esq. WM. S WETMORE. E*q. EDWARD M. ARCHIBALD. Esq. President Secretary, ALFRED PELL, Efq. c.w.ni *.r.tie Board. A. H A Ml L.TON .Jr., Eta. AYERS, WINGFIELD AcO. Agents. Macon, Ga. apr 26 THE GRE ATF EVER AXD AGUE R.EME3DY. THE GREAT ELIXIR THE GREAT ELIXIR IS WARRANTED TO CURE IS WARRANTED TO CURE FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE. THE GRENADA ELIXIR THE GRENADA ELIXIR IS WARRANTED TO CURE IS WAltBANTED TO CURE CHILLS AND FEVER. CHILLS AND FEVER THE GRENADA ELIXIR IHE GRENADA ELIXIR IS WARRANTED TO CONTAIN is warranted to contain NO MERCURY OR AKcENIC. NO MERCURY OR ARSENIC. The Grenada Eliji-is warranted to cure in ever} case where every other remedy fails, or the money wilt be refunded This Elixir is warranted to con tain nothing the least injurious to the S}Stem ana can be given in all cases aod under all circumstan ces wire perfect safety. Try a bottle and be con vinced that it is not ouly tbe Best but the CHEAP ESI remedy before tbe pablic. A 61 bottle has cared from 5 to 6 cases. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail bv PEMBERTON A CARTER. Colnmbns, Georgia ; Also, sold by all Druggists in the city ana through out the country. For sale by july 12—4m DR E L STROHECKER Valuable Plantations for Sale. same to him m Uncon, July Sff. H. C. CAFFEY. Gaard inn for E. Harrison. VALUABLE PLANTATION P0R SALE IN UP- SON COUNTY. T HE stbscriber offers for sale his Plantation in Upson County, distant from The Rock 3-4 of t mile, known as tbe Uonkly Plantation—through which pamea the Zcbolon road. Of said Plantation, about Fotr Hundred Acres cleared, and in active cultivation—»'l under good fence; about I onr Hundred Acres still in the woods. The improve ments are good, consisting of a genteel dwelling with five moms, together with ail necessary out- honaea; Gin Home and Screw ; health of neighbor- uood unexceptionable; water inferior to none; ao- cirty moot desirable, with Charch, School, and Rail Road faculties all close at hand. Persons desirous to examine the premises snd enquire as to terms, which will be liberal, will enquire of Mr. McCreary on the place, or to the subscriuer near Talbotton. spril 5—tf JNit. E. BARKaDALR. CONSIGNMENT. 30 000 L *''' Klt -' bcd Tennessee Bacon Sides 'june7 Rr AYRES, WINGFEID A CO. BAKGAIN! BARGAIN! T HE subscribers, desirous of cbaugitig their bu siness. offer for sale on reasonable terms, their PLAXTAriUN, lying on Walnut Creek, Crawford county, near Hopewell, and about five miles north of Knoxville. The settlement of land consists of Thirteen Hun dred aud Fifty acres. Eight hundred of which is under good Fence, and in a high state of cultivation rhe Wood land is heavily timbered with Oak, Hick ory and Walnut, and is p«t surpassed bv any land iu this section, for its fertility, health and advantages of Water. On the Plantation are two fine, comfort able Dwellings together with all other neces'ary Out-bnildiogs, such as Negro Homes, Stables, Gin house aud Screw. Any person, desirous of purchasing, can call or James Lockett, or the Overseer; either ol them will take pleasure in showing the premises. Tbe stock of Mules. Cattle, Hogs, Farming nten sils Ac., will be sold with the Plantation, if desired. Terms, favorable. J A M ES LOCK ETT, REBECCA LOCKETT. Hopewell. Crawford Co., Ga. Citizen copy, tf(one 28. j^ESIIttNG to move my planting interest j Insurance Agencies. OF HE AUGUSTA INSURANCE A BANKING CO. AND THE ALABAMA FIBE A MARINE INS. CO. AT THE OFFICE OF LANIER A ANDERSON, Agt’s. 1858 tf M«cn. Gn. Ikrtforii jfirc Humana iCtr., HARTFORD, CONN. ’ Incorporated A. D. 1810. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital, ............61,000,100 Capital Paid in, — .............. 590,>00 Surplus, 300,000 ASSETS JANUARY 1^ 1859. Cash on hand and in Iiauk 843.455.22 Cash io handol Agents and in transit 54,827.09 Rest Estate nnnecumbered. (cash value,). 15.bOO.CO Bills Receivable, amply secured 73,174.55 - 404 Shares Btnk Stock in Hartford 230,413.00 '<2x2 “ “ “ New York,... 197.730.00 710 “ “ “ Boston 74.6C0.00 100 Shares Bank State of Missouri lo.ooo.co •State and City Bonds, 6 per cents, 74.245.C0 Rail Road stocks, 16,250 00 United States’ Treasury Notes 14.C35.00 6603.769.6G DIRECTORS. H HUNTINGTON, CHARLES BOSWELL, ALBERT DAY. HENRY KENEY, JAS. GOODWIN, CALVIN DAY, JOB ALLYN, JOHN P BRACE, CHARLES J RUSS. n. HUNTINGTON, President. WM N. BOWERS, Actuary. TIJIO.C ALLYN. Secretary. C. C. LYMA>\ Assistant Secretary. This old ami reliable Conii-sny. established for nearly FIFTY YEARS, coutinnes to Insure against Loss or Damage by Fite on Dwellings, Furniture. Warehouses, Stores. Merchandise, Mills, Manutsc- oiies and mott other kinds of property, on its usu al satisfactory terms. Particular attention given to Inst ring Farm Pro perty, consist) g of Dwellings, Barns snd Oi t- tuildi-ga connected, and Furniture, Live Stock. Hay, Grain, Farming Ciensila. Ac.. Ac., contained in the saute, for n term of three or five years, at /ce rates of premium. Applications tor Insurance may be made to tbe undersigned, the duly authorized Agent for Macon aod vicinity. Losses equi ably adjusted at this Agency, and paid immediat rly, upon satisfactory proofs,.iti funds current in the cities of Xrsr Yoiho• 'Boston, as tbe as sured may prefer. E. J. JOHXbTGX, Agent. Macon Ga. Feb 15—ly HENKY’S Extract Jamaica Ginger, A CERTAIN, safe and effectual remedy for Dys entery. Diarrhoea or Looseness, Cholera Mor bus, Sommer Complaint, Cholic, Griping Pains, Soar Stomach. Sick and Nervous Head ache, pain or sickness of the stomach, wind in the stomach and bowels, hysterics, cramps, nervous tremors and twitchings, sea sickness, faiutings, melancholy and lowness of spirits, fretting and crying of infants, and for all town arracnoas and .nervous Dtsxaski — Made from the Jamaica Ginger hoot, in a superior manner} and being composed of Ginger, and that alone, carries conviction at once to the mind of an intelligent people, aa to its efficacy in all the diseas es above enumerated. It is no Patent or Secret remedy, being much usoi and highly recommended by the Medical Faculty. Prepared by ZEILIN A UUXi, Druggists. Price 50 cents a bottle. Macon, Ga. July* • CITY HOTEL, ffi TALLAHASSEE, FLA. J. L. DE.niLLY, Proprietor. Zf l h a Stage Officeiakeptat this HoteL jnl/ li aft west, l offer for sale two valuable PLAN ‘V* PATIONS. Oue situated ia Macon county an111. three miles of Winchester, on the South Western Rail Road, containing 2,405 acres of level Oak and Hickory Land, with good improvements, and be tween tnirteen and fourteen hundred acres in culti vat ion, a considerable portion ol which is fresh land I he other plantation iusituaiediu tbe 14th District of Lee. on Flint River, at the mouth of Cbw-keefi chikee Creek, and contains 2.474 acres of Liuu. about two-thirds ot which is Oak iuid Hickory lauo of the best quality, and the remainder good Pin* Land, with about thirteen hundred acres in cnltiva tion, nearly all of which ts fresh land, and as produc tive as any land in South-Western Georgia, and tr finely watered, aud substantially improved. ,<iy over seers will show these places to any one wishing to examine them. My terms will be liberal and pay ments easy For further particulars, address tht undersigned at Macon. N. BASS, july 27—tf Jlucou A Western Kail Road Co. MACON. Jane 20, 1859. T HROUGH TICKETS from Macon, Ga., to Vir ginia springs and New York. Fare to New York, 835 25 East Tennessee and Virginia route, via Atlanta. Dalton, Knoxville, Bristol. Lynchburg, Richmond, Washington City, Baltimore and Philadelphia, jnne 28—lm A. L. TYLER, Sup’E* HI con A Western Rail Road. T>ERSUNSde*iriog to spend the summer in tbe X up country can procure tickets to Atlanta to go and return till October 1st, at reduced rates. ALFRED L. TYLER, jaly 12 Superintendent. "V7" areliouss AND COMISSION MERCHANTS MAf OS, GA. COATES & W00LF0LK H AVE *sso-i*tvd rogt-thtr. and will occupy the new Fire ProofW*.rehouse new belog elected opixifite M»-ft*rn. Hard* mail Sc ^parka. Liberal «dva ices m de «»n 1 niton when afcked for. Orders tor Bagging, Rop«s Grocer****, dec., ah*11 have onr personal attention. We hope, by prompt attention to business, to m«r~ it a liberal share of patronage IA>. H. WOOLFOLK. * may 31 ^ N. COaTES CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE! T HE STORK-HOUSE and LOT, on the corner of Cherry Street and Cotton Avenne, now oc cupied by A. H. CHERRY A CO. Apply to either of the undersigned. ROBERT A. SMITH, O. L. SMITH. Macon. Ga, Jnne 22d, 1859. 2m FOR SALE, O NE piece 12inch Rubber BcitiLg, 53 ft. 9incizes _ long. One piece 10 inch do. 41 ft. 6 inches It Dg* This belting has been us-d a little, not enough to hurt it, and will be sold Jovr. Enquire at the Enter prise Works of £>. B. A J. VV. VVOODKLFF, july 19 TO PHYSICIANS. The Proprietors of RiSLEY’S Compound fluid Extract of Buclin W OULD sclicityour attention to that prepare- tion with a view to its trial io your practice. Country Pbyaii iana especially whose facilities are •imited for obt.lining at all times reliable prepara tions oi the kin 1, would do well to make atualof its remedial qu.iiitiea, and should it prove as recom mended, in ail the diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, and Urethra, it would be fouud not oulj a convenient remedy, ut an agreeable one to your patients The lormu- ia tor this preparation was auggrated by aeveral em inent Fh^aicians who felt the want of a reliable re medy, in a convenient form, for their own practice, and b) them aud hundreds o* others it lias been ua*-d for years, alwaya with tbe happiest results. In ail diseases of the Urin try and Genital organs, It is a remedy stfe, speedy aud effectual, and can be relied ou with tie utmost eoutid-nce. So also in all Urine Diseases. It wil bo found moat admirably adapted, and will very seldom, if ever ;ail, in effecting a speedy and permanent«ure. bold iu Colum bus by DR. D. YOUNG, _ aud by llruggisa aud Merchants generally. Pnce Si. Isold at wh >leaale by HARRaL, KIbLEY Sc KITCHEN, Importers and Wholesale Druggists, 76 barclsy bt. New York. joly lt-r-Uw TO KtIMT. nniiE St re occupied by J- H. \V term ut. JL sei july 19 Also r,ii KcoaL Ay ply to EKEE a.A.N i KOJB^RiS, ut A. it. JfKBEMAft, JTHE GREAT STREXGTHEXER AXD PAIN DESTROYER. T HE best and cheapest Household Remedy in the World. Simple and pleasant in its applies!ion, certain and effectual in its results. A beautiful, sci entific, external Curative, applicable for the relief of pain at ai.r time, iu anyplace, in any part of tbe human system, and under al! circumstances. If you put this Planter any where, if Pain is there, tbe Plaster will ( tick there until the Pain h&3 vanished. The Plaster magnetizes tbe pain away, aod Pniu mnot exi»t where thin Plaster ia applied. Rheumatism, Lameness. Stiffness, Weakness, De bility, Nervousness, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Coughs and Colds, P tins and Aches of every kind, down even to Corns, are IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, and, with a little patience, PERMANENTLY CU j RED. by th® magics* irfluenoe ot the MAGNETIC PLAS T ER. It is the bimple^t, surest, sefest, pleas antest and cheaoest remedy in ex : stence. Its ap- plication h* u:»iv*>rsal— equally to the strong man, the delicate s oman, and the feeble infant. To each and all it will prove a Balm and a Blessing. Its use is agreeable, ind w ; thont a-'noyanc^ or*roub'e.— Its pnce is within rea'h of a!*—riel, or poor; all ■nay have it, nnd should have it who are sick, and suff ring in any way PLANTERS should be alwavs supplied with the nvaluable PLASTER. It will b» t w e Good Phy sician on any Plantation, ready at all times, and at iustiint notice. Put op in a r-tifht tin hex®*. Each box will mak* six to eight pliateis, and any chi'd can spread them. Prce 25 cents a b<*x. w : th full and plain directions. I». C- JIOKEIIE.4D, .tl. U., Inventor and Proprietor, 19 Walk* r st. New York. MO EHEAD 3 MAGNETIC PLA3TEK is sold by a'l Druggiutsiu every Cty, Town and Village of the United Sates. Nov. 23. Macon, Jan. 4th. 165S. The subscriber will make cash advances on cot. ton consigned to George Parson Sl Co., Savannah, «nd agree to bold the cotton forty-five to fifty days from date of alnpments. ISAAC SCOTT jan 5