Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, July 26, 1859, Image 4

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l ulled Stairs Aiar.hurs Sales. ILL be *o!d b«for« the Court HoaMt la Um ' T ’ C - NISBET. Founder arid Machinist. s. nnur,ia,.»i. ». nnur,...t. o. TiaDLAt. August neat, between the usual bonn of tale, i. ■-clawing property, via: ■ .Vox. 44, 46 and te, on east side of Broad St , j i. the eity of Columbus. containing 70 feet front on i Broad Street, and routing back 147 feet 10 inches, onug tbe presnixea formerly ooenpied by Sike* I (Uppoldt and Halle, also the lot next north of th: .hove, having a front of 25 feet more or leu. wtt# I the buii.tinftetbtaeoB, except the aeeond atory of the 'tore Honae now steading on tbe but mentioned lot. levied on aa tbe nropeity of John C. Hate and 1Uchord Fatten, to aatufy a fi fa from tbe Sixth Cir cuit Court of tbe United States, for the Southern Dis- rict of Georgia, in favor of David Goddard, v* ino se and Richard Patten, ■ Property pointed out bv F.ainlifTa Attorney. Alxo pans of lota No*, 2l» and 220. in the city of Columbua.commencinft 135 foot aouth of tbe north line of lot No. 210 on Oglethorpe street, and runniog through to Jackson atreet. to a point on Jackson .trtet 135 feet aouth of the north line of lot No. 920. . ..... e_._ , Alan, lot No. 330, in the city of Columbus, contain. . men e Screw took the mg one hallaoM, lying on Jackson atreet. aU levied , &25 SILVER OTTI? on as the property of uichard Patten, to satisfy a fi ^ ». th „ ..-vrii x-aiR fa trom the Sixth Circuit Court of the United States I“ ,he ““ l A1K ' l,,r rbe south rru District of Georgia, in favor of Da- ^UgUT Mills from $30 to $150. vid Goddard, ▼* John C Base and Richard Patten. ’ Horse Powers, new and improved. $75. Property pointed ont by Platntir* Attorney. ,rr i u rvcrvri! iv-n Doirrnc AU»,» p«rt of lot >o. 177, id Colamboj, becinnioj? STEAM ENGINE*) AND BOILERS, M feet north from the north comer of said lot, and j Castings and Machinery in General, running north on Oglethorpe street e3 feet to tbe 1 , house owned by D. D. Kidenhonr. Trustee, from! , . thence due weal the whole depth of said lot! 47 feet IV" IV \V in inches, thence South 93 feet, thence east to the' place of Starting. Levied on a* the property of Jno <\ Ruse, to satisfy a fi fa from the Sixth Circuit ('••urt of the United States for tbe Southern District of Georgia in favor of David Goddard vs. John C. lCu.e and Richard Patten. Property pointed out by Plaintiffs Attorney. JAMES M. SPULLOCK, P. 8. Marshal, liy THOMAS L. ROSS. jane 14,1*52. U.S. Deputy Marshal, f rom the Georgia lelegrapu luatra,June 4. Bibb SlierilT bale. It/'ll. be sold before the Court House door in I I tbe city ot Macon, county of Bibb, ami Slate of Georgia, on the first Tuesday in August neat, the following property, to*wit: line lot ot land containing(C02J) two hundred and - i wo end a half acres, more or less, number not re- ■ ollected, adjoining the lands of John Hamlin and Knirv Newsom, in the Warrior District. Levied FINDLAJ’S IRON WORKS, MACOX, GA. Steam Engines and Mi 1 ! Machinery, Cotton Presses and Screws, Horse Powers. Case Unis and Kettles. IRON RAILINGS, COLUMNS, MILLSTONES, GIN GEER, Grist and Circular Saw Mills, PULLETS, WHEELS, SHAFTING, Ac., Ac. R. FINDLAY & SONS. Fib. I. A. McQUEEN. k 4 4 A Lanier Ac Am ’ >, rson ATTORNEYS A T LAW, MACON. GA . .1. „ P RACTICE in the counties of • s Macon Circuit, and in the Counties of Su nut, Monroe and Jones; also in tbe Federal Courts « Savannah. They have also recently become fee Agents of the following Insurance Companies: The Angnvin In.nranre and RsnkiagCoin ynny of which W. M. D'Aw'Ti' Kac is President and ! C-F. McC.iv is Secretary. And the Alabama Fire nud .’larinr Inin, ranee Company, Montgomery, of which T. H, I Watts is President and A. Willis Jts ia Secretary. Fire risk* and risks on slave* tak ?n at usnrtl rates. apl 20 PETER S. HUMPHRIES? ATTORNEY AT LAW, PERRY, GA, WILL practice in ill the Coarts of the Macon District, and also in the Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. l*u* 17—ty SCHOFIELD & BROTHER, f i ^ 1 i * & 2 | g ,1 [ O ' f M l 2 I Ph l H S* | irttmj *-■ • mm! l 1 « 9 ♦ « ♦ IttttttIi ■IWTTTTi k l^OOOOOOOOOOOOO^XXX^OCO^l .Huron, Georgia. JOHN ^SCHOFIELD, JOSHrA SCHOFIELD, j We are prepared to Manufacture i Macon, Ga i A r ANUFACTCREtt of Wrought Iron RAILING 1>± of every description, and for all purposes, vix.- PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL, from the lightest scroll Iron up to the heaviest Bail ing used. Haring an endless varietv of designs, purchasers cannot fail to be suited. STEAM ENGINES,.. ©3K©2H!LAK ©AW M0L!L© s nr,, riTiSTinro " surpassed anywhere. All kinds of Fancy IronWork DBPARTUBVr. MACON, GEORGIA. • •it ' tht: property of Robert Ilamlin, to satbfy ah i t i**>u»*d from Bibb Superior Court in favorof 8te- pin u Slocnm va. Robm Hamlin and John Hamlin, j 4*r<>p<-rty pointed out by Hubert Hamlin. June 4— _ '1'. W. BRANTLY, Sheriff. , Uibb MorigaKe Mit-rill bale. YY/ILhl>e sold on the first TUESDAY in August \ 7 next, between the usual hours ot sale, before the Court House door, in tbe City of Macon, Bibb County, all that tract or (arcel of land containing one-halt acre, more or less, being part of lots Nos. I and 2. in square twelve, in the city of Macon, and bounded u, follows: fronting Jefferson Street one hundred and five feet, and running back two hun dred and ten [2101 feet, levied on as the property of Benjamin M. Poll,ill, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa from Bibb Superior Court, in tavor of Mary L. Franklin, Executor, Ac., and Isaac Scott, for tbe use of Isaac Scott vs. Benjamin M. PolhilL Property pointed out in ;aid mortgage fi fa. E. G. JEFFERS, Dep. S. June 30 .VriuiiuiMrator's Male. W ILL be sold, ou the 1st Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours of sale, !>-'• ie the Court House door in Perry, iu the county of Hous ton, two negroes belonging lo the estate of Pinkney J. Pollock, deceased, late of said county, one a ne gro man about 20 years old. and tbe other a boy about» year* old. said property to be sold tor a dis tribution among the heirs of sail' made known at the sale. ISAAC WOODARD, Jr., jUito 14 Administrator, Houston Sltcrin bale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in Perry, in said county, between tbe usual hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in August next, a negro man named Virgil, levied on by Alexander Lee, late Sheriff of said county, by virtue of a mort gage fi fa from the Inferior Conrt of Decatur county, in favor of Tbaddeua G. Holt, and Pulaski Holt, as signees, vs. Peyton C. Holt, Administrator of Fow ler Holt, deceased. Property pointed out in said mortgage ti fa. JOHN SMITH, D. Sheriff, may 31 Houston Sheriff bales. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in Perry, Houston county, between tbe usual hours of sale", on tbe fin: Tuesday in August next, -1 Steel Breast Chains, 22 Silk Guards, 22 Main Springs. 41 Watch Keys, 5 Gold Hooks, 22 Lap Rings, 1 sett Silver Smith Tools, 1 small hand Vice, 1 pair of old boots, 1 Trunk and lot of old clothing, 1 Razor and Strap, 1 Shoe Brush, and 536 Crystals, levied on as the property of Julius Doering, to satis fy a fi. fa. in favor of Col. W. Rollins vi.said Julius Doering. ALSO, at tlm same time and place. Lots of Laud Nos. 2G, 17 and IS, in tbe Twelfth District of Hous ton county, and No. 5 in the Thirteenth District ol said county, and parts of ' the Twelfth District of aa of said last mentioned lots oflandthat lie in Houston county, in all, containing about 1,000 acres, well im proved, including the Steam and Saw Mills, Engine and Mill fixtures, and the following named negroes to wit: Mary, a woman about 25 years old: Sarah, about 10 years old; Tilda, about 8 years old; Marv Jane, about 3 years old, and an infant child named Amy, all levied on aa the property of Samuel D. Bolton and Wm. G. Powel, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor ot Curtis Leary, against said Samuel D. Bolton and Wm G. Powel. and one fi. fa. in favor of Amos Chancey, Administrator, Ac., against Wm. G. Pow- el. said property pointed out by Wm. G. Powel, one of the Defendants. JOHN SMITH, july 2 Deputy Sheriff. MILL AND GIN GEARING, S-cigrftxr IMCills, BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. IRON RAILINGS AND VERANDAHS. Having the most complete assortment of Iron Bail ings in the State, which for elegance, neatness, dura bility and design, cannot be surpassed, and are suit able for the Fronts of Dwelling., Cemetery I.ots, I’nblie siqunres. Church Fence, nnd Bnlronir.. Persons desirous of purchasing BAILINGS, will do well to give us a. call, as weave determined to of fer aa good bargains as any Northern Establishment. £7*Specimeiu of onr Work can be seen at Hose Hill Cemetery, and at Srarieus private residences in . this city. dot 30 ly . _ iere. Alt kinds of Fancy , made to order. Particular attention paid to making all kind* of Geometrical Stair Railing. iy Specimen* of Work can be seen at the Resi dences of T. G. Holt, L. F. W. Andrews, and Wm. J. McElroy, Esq*. Alio, to enclosures in Rose Hill Cemetery. july 12 T HE Subscribers, from the increased demand for Iron Bailings of their maonfacture. have been encouraged to make that branch of their works a special department, possessing superior fa cilities for the manufacture of IRON RAILINGS, lor any and all purposes of the most approved de signs, either plain or ornamental. •They are assured in saying to tbe public, that in point of variety and substantial work, together with moderate price* that they are determined to please. In addition to all the usual stylet of this class ol work, they are making Fuller’s Patent Railing. This is a new article, possessing extraordinary strength by a combination of Wrought Iron in iu d deceased. Terms structure. All of which will be warranted equal to the best made in the Union. feb 1 B. FINDLAY A SONS. A@880eiULTiyilSAL IMPLEMENTS. CARHART & CURD 9! b 4 H STONE’S HAT emporium 0PP. LANIER MACON Ca. N ► a ffi! SPEEU de HUi\T£K, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, • MACON. GEORGIA. Offer on T'riaugular Block, Corner of Cherry Street and Cotton Arcane. W E have associated as partners in the practice of lew in tbe coontios of the Macon and ad joining Circuits, and elsewhere in the State by spe cial ooutraet—also will attend the Federal Courts st Savannah and Marietta. ALEX. M. SPEER, mar S SAMUEL HUNTER. -fotflllilnJicliiliirt, X 11., &£. MENARD & BURGHfiRD. auc„ II DRUG XTa ! To-- mir’AS SAVANNAH and CHARLESTON. ® G 1 G X" SI CAUIN PASSAGE.... -, , TTAVE just received and opened a large and STEERAGE * “ sv ** splendid assortment of Goods in their Hue, Rxeunion Ti. —I"."— eonsistinein part of the followiaw article* Excursion Tickets good to return until Jana- uaryJ.1860, The well known first class side-wheel Steamships Keystone State, CAPT. a P. iIAR.SHM.VX, and * State of Q-coraia. CAPT. J. J. GARVIN. ™ Now form a Regular Line for the North. leaving f C ^1 £ aV “- n *? a “? atel F. follows : ! Tfie State of Georgia from Savannah ev-rv alter- "a*. e Si^day. May 2?th, June 11th and 2Jtf„ July tors, E, and 23d, Ac., leaving Philadelphia for Savannah Spoons intermediate Saturdays. • j Waiter •ting in part of the following j GOLD AND SILVER ~W _A_ T C H E S. Hunting Magic Case, Independent 2d, tee., for Gen tlemen. COLD WATL-IIES for Ladies, rich indbeai tifnl. SILVER WARE, such as Spoons, Cupt, Gob lets, &c. SILVER PLATED WARE. Sod asCaS- 'V'h' Boilers, (with Gold Piated Gold (hi; The State of Georgia from Savannah ev- nate a -‘—‘— * 9th a the intermediate Saturdays. ' ’■ I Waiters, Ao. The Key Stone State will resume her trips from' tttittttti -t- tj-vt- aarleaton about July 1st. of which dne notice will v» JhJ—iJbi JL , be given. I Consisting of Diamond and Gold Binge, Pins, 4c, 4c, sparkling and brighL IMnsical Instruments, Such as Violins, Flutes, Guitars, Ilanjo*, Tambo- W IL m L o££ e MEDICINES, PHARMACUTICAl' peep. I SADDLE BAGS SPICK MEDICO^ fromUieStore^ 1 '^^^ Oppose Teiegr^hB^tj FE R, TILT 2^1 - GEXERAiTagexcy lyrhe undersigned respectfmi. ^ and Planters and others interested, thj? stsntly receiving direct from the I?? the m*nufactiir*r« ♦».** am - “ T. G. JtOl/JL\ Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. O FFICE in Ralston's new block on Cherry Street, first door above entrance to Concert Hall. o. r. cclvibhoosi, r. a. xnslkt. Culverliousc & Ausler, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA, W ILL practice in Crawford and the adjoining counties. All business promptly attended to. jdn 11 C. B. STONE & BROTHER, WASHINGTON BLOCK TTAVE in‘ftore. Grant’s Clintons 4 others mike j Invite attention to their Stock of Spring 4 Summer "‘“Van niLu. Hats & Caps, Emery's, Winship[s, Georg is and other M ’ SPIKE TIIKESHEKS. The following comprise a few of their leading Emery's Railroad. Bogardoa's. 2 and 4 horse, *fy|es HORSE POWERS. : Grant’s and others make 5 and 6 fingered CRAIN CRADLES. Scythe Blades, Grass Blades. Grass Syckles, Scythe „ Black, Drab, and Pearl Fash. Cassimeres, Stones, Corn Shellers, and Straw Cutters, .. Superior French Felt of all colon, ALSO, i And an endless variety of Boys and Children’s Straw Wire Cloth. Bolting Cloth, Leather Beltiog. Rubber I and Leghorn HaU and Caps. Belting, MiUSpindles. Mil! Crank*, and allkinds-of , Me also have something Gent's Barrilla Style Mole Hats, ~ New Orleans Style Silk lists, " Bebee •• " •• . “ Everett something very superior for gen- A NEW G-U N S 3VE I T KE. T HE subscriber, having just arrived in Macon, and opened a NEW SHOP lor the purpose of repairing GUNS and PISTOLS, offers his services to the public, and guarantees to do all work in hie line in tbe beet manner, and at prices to suit his patron*. DOUBLE BARREL GUNS. RIFLES AND PISTOLS, made to order, and Stocked at short no tice. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. GF*Store under the Floyd Honee, opposite Dr. Thomson's. WM. MARKWALTER. feb 8—ly Late of Augusta. Ga. CROCKERY, Administrator's Sale. W ILL ho sold on Saturday, 30th day of July, a the late residence of J. G. Stiles, a lot of lloga and other Stock, sold as the property of J. G. Stiles, deceased july l» G. B. ROBERTS, Adm’r. J. G. Stiles, deceased. \ OT1CK is hereby given to all persons having IN demands against ’Solomon Philips, late of Craw- fotd county deceased, to present them to me, pro perly made out, within the time prescribed by lew. All persons indebted to stid deceased, ere hereby required to make immediate payment. |nly 12 PUFF PHILIPS, Adm’r. v'OTICK is hereby given to all persons having 1V demands against James E. Bryce, late of Craw ford county, deceased, to present them to me pro perly made out, within the time prescribed by Isw. | so as to show their character and amonnt. All per sons indebted to said deceased, are hereby required to make immediate payment, july 12 LUCIUS Q. EVANS, Adm’r. - 3^ fij TIIEE IRONS i tlemen’* wear in the Straw line. Together with a full assortment of Builder * and EnB«*h DuDst*bles. Straw and Leghorns of ereiy Carriage Maker's material, and everything usually ariety of color, kept in their line, all of which will be sold at the low- " * 11 est market rates. Call at CARHART & CURD’S. may 17 iart & Curd invite particular attention to onr Stock, and 1 promise to sell as cheap as any boose in the city or State. C. B. STONE 4 BROTHER. *prl9 Fancy and Staple J. L. SEWARD. A. H MANSELL. SEWARD & IIANSEEE.* ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, GA. A LL claims forwarded to us trill mfic-t with prompt attention. We shall practice in the counties ot Thomas, Lowndes, Irwin, Telfair, Berrien, Colquitt, Clinch, Ware, Decatnr and Worth. SEWARD 4 HANSELL. Thomaaville, Nov. 3rd, I85«.* nov 4 0. A. LOCHRANE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Itlacon, Ga ith with r, and wdl hereafter be found at my office near the Meehan- ica's Bank, to give personal aod professional atten tion only to litigated and criminal case business K laced in mv hands. The business of the Firm will e attended to by both the partners, Lamar and i Locbrane, to whom letters may be addressed. msy 24 tiff* J. sraozitta johx t. clqvf.r STKOZIER A GLOVER. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, DAWSON, GA. WILL practice in the Counties of Terrell, Clay, Chirtahxichee, Webster, Randolph, Early and Stew- C7* AU business entrusted to them, wUl receive prompt and unremitting attention. Jan. 4.—ly. ware River and Bay—two nights at sea. FOB NIAGARA FALLS. THE LAKES & CANADA SHORTEST ASD CHEAPEST ROUTE.n •* /hiUdeiphia with the Great Northwestern Railroad Route through to Niagara Falla or Bunalo. in 18 hours from Philadelphia — Through tickets, with the privilege of stopping at Philadelphia and intermediate points, tor aale by tlie Agfents in Savannah. J Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, *22. Elmira, «20. to Canandaigua, S21. S’ GREYER A CO., Agents at Savannah. A T- HPBriv B ? DD ’ Agents at Charleston. A. HERON. Jr^ Agent at Philadelphia, mar 22—3m Change ot Schettule* SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON STEAMPACKET LINE K CONXXECnOJf with the CENTRAL and North Eastern Rail Roads. fJHIE splendid and Fast Running GGRDOIV, F. Barden, Commander, leaves Savan- nah for Charleston every Sunday ahd Wednetiay afternoons at 3 o'clock and connects at Charleston with the train of the North Eastern Rail Road going rioru: rOf 11 miner lhowoa Ok.Uo.. s r * n Gold Pens, and Pencils. Guitar and Violin String* and a varied assortment of Fancy Goods, Music Boxes, too numerous to particularize in an advertisement. Thankfnl for the liberal patronage bestowed upon them, since they commenced business, they solicit a continuance of the same, and will spare no puna to give satisfaction to their customers, both in style and quality of their Wares, and in price. Watch and other repairing executed with dispatch and on reasonable terms. M 4 B oct5 rives at Savannah early the following moninj By this route Passengers can obtain through tick- C«oiiM d fr ° m G » - s°d Wilmington, N. . frei f!“ an-angement with the the Central Rail Road and its connections, all freigha between Charleston and the interior of Georgia con- Mgned to the agenu° ft hia line will be forwarded with dispatch and FREE of CHARGE. J. P. BROOKS, Ag't, Savannah. . LAFITTE &. CO., Ag’ts, Charleston, lan 19 LAW IFTIFLlVl. D vi TT />*i r~V tTtHE undersigned have formed a partnership in Jtv Jl “ (j V_J () j J 1 J the practice oflar, inthe Firm name ofRulh- SOLE AGENTS c^®Fairbank’s Scales. NEW STOCK. ! eriord and HiU. They will practice in the Mscod i Circuit, and in the Counties of Monpoe, Jones and Wilkinson—and b7 special contract In any other portion of the State. _ Also, In the Federal Conrt, st Savannah and Ma- W E have just opened a large and elegant Stock ! ” nlm" „ .. of Goods in one of tbe New Stores under Office over the MaunfarturCT’sBank. GRANITE HALL, j Macon, Jan. 17.’59 JOHN R. HILL. Selected with great care to suit the trade of Macon, ! _ L ®. MAY, A fall assortment of Counter and Platform Scales and adjoining country—among which are: now in store, and sold «their prices—no freight ad- SILK ROBES A LEZ. JUBL ded. Orders for Railroads, Warehouses, and other large Scales taken, and will see them put up. may 17 ATTORNEY AT l A W, SILK ROBES DOUBLE JUPE, J lAH-OK poixyr, (iEORora. SILK ROBES VOLANTE8, or 2 FLOUNCES, 1 “ l> 1 ly va vpv fiif .va * ^ ^ BMCONAWESTEBJiRAIEROAD. O N and after Thursday. 15th July, the Trams ,Till be run as follows: A ^» ve 13 night. Arrive at Atlanta 7.15 P *M* Te ** 4con ** 10 A ‘ Arrive at Atlanta 4.00 A I M* VeAtI * nU *t 12 ni * ht Arrive M Macon 7.15 Arrive at Macon 5.00 ©IPI^ 0 ASD Summer Trade. £. J. JOHNSTON & CO. H AVE in addition to their former stock received and made recent selections of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER 4 SILVER PLATED WARE, FANCY GOODS, CUTLERY, AC, 4C. Making one of the largest and most elegant assort- menta of goods to be found in the Southern cities and offered on the most moderate terms. An inspection and careful comparison of finalities and prices, respectfully solicited. Three doors above the Lanier. Macon. Ga. E J..JOHNSTON. O. S.OBEAR. mar 32 the manufacturers, the follow?^ Fertilizers vow Know*, aQ of T.i thoroughly and satisfactorily tested, ? No. 1 Peruvian Guano. “ Sombrero Guano, Rhodes’ Super PhosDhate of [v I National Fertilizer, Ground Plaster. These articles, which will have oar u, guaranteed as genuine, we shall, lt J? prepared to furnish in amounts re’qaiTl lowest prices. The “Super Phoiph,-.* 1 tiliaer,” at manufacturers’ rates wifi,' ' transportation added. 5 PATTEN A yji, Savannah, Mav *—lv ™ Pianos O F elegantly carved Rosewood, and all the plain er varieties, just received and for sale on the nest terms, by e. J. JOHNSTON 4 u*. IdDTOId Pianos taken in exchange, mar 22 Silver Forks, Spoons, &c., &c- T> ECEIVED by late arrivals, making the largest XVe and beat stock ever offered in Macon. War ranted of sterling quality, being 925.i000ths dne. Also, a fine lot or warranted “17. S. Coin/’ nt low pneea. [mar 22) E J. JOHNSTON *‘c CO. IRON HOOPS AWE Ti TOR C0TT0X mi.es ■ Price 6 cents per pound. 25 p tT cehL . Hope. Any one considering the tdvantaiwi,, I Rope as a material for binding coull i.,1 surprised that it has not been adorned l In is security against fire, there is « * reason for its adoption. The presses in the seaport cities L, mam cattse of its not being geuendlr , now that objection is removed eenenJjl Orleans Pres., the largest iu New o?l the preference over rope. The K.w,3| and Tie is the improvement ofoueTf^Tj and is adopted from the fact, that itt’fil long experiment, to combine the er.*zi simphcily and facUity ol'spplicatioiL ofTj made. It is so prepared a- io . l C. H. Freeman & Co. (COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA., orris, as usual, at thxix old arsxn, achoicx ASOUTMKNT OS FAMILY GROCERIES, FANCY SILKS in great variety, PLAIN and FIGURED BLACK SILKS. EVENING DRESSES. DxLAINEand MERINO ROBES A LEZ. PLAIN aod FIGURED DxLAINES, PLAIN and FIGURED MERIXOES, VALENCIAS, POPLINS, PLAIDS, FOIL DE CHEVKES, MOURNING, and vali ISAAC IIAKDEitlAtt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLINT OK, GEORGIA. jnly 7 ly /"VF every description and of the best quality, fresh , ou * 'iif _ _ UdeuiHtsssas&r*;" ~j.. ®5L E «? Sugars, Syrups, Coffee. Teas, Sweetmeats, Nuts. Rsisins, Spices, Citron, Herrings, Green Fruits in cans, Hama, Condiments. Lard. Sancea, Flour, Cheese, Butter, Mackerel, Pork, N OTICE.—Two months after dste application will be made to the Court or Ordinary of Jones county, Ga., at tha first reguUr Term after expira tion of two montha trom tbia notice, for leave to sell the land* belonging to the estate of William B. George, late of said county, deceased, for the bene fit of heirs of said deceased. K. W. BONNER, ISAAC HARDEMAN, junelt— Executor*. X ' (IT ICE.—Sixty days alter dato application will 1> he made to the Court of Ordinary of Crawford county. Ga., for leave to sell all tbe landa and ne groes belonging to tha estate of Josiah Goodin, de ceased. JOHN H. GOODIN. B. L. GOODIN. jnne 2s Administrators. Georgia—Crawlortl County. N OTICE is hereby given to all peraona having demanda against Josiah Goodin, late of said county deceased, to present them to us properly uisde out, within the time prescribed bylaw. And all persons Indebted to said deceased are hereby re quired to make Immediate payment. JOHN H. GOODIN, R. L. GOODIN. june 28 Administrator* Jones' Slieriir sale. \X 7TLL be told before tbe Court House Door, iu \ Y the town ot ClinKiu, on the first Tuesday iu August neat, 18.V9, the following property, via: One Iron Gray Hone, one Buggy and Harness, one Negro boy named Frank, some 8 years old ol yellow complexion, very likely—levied upon by virtue of on* Mortgage Fi. Fa., returnable to Jones Inferior Court. In favor of Anderson J. Middle- brooks rerun* John A- Childs. Levied upon a* the property of John A. Child* to satisfy said fi. fa. Property pointed out in said ll. fa. also liy Defendant. JAB. G. BARNES. June 21,1859. Sheriff Houston Lands for Sale. B Y order of tbe Ordinary of Houston county, will be sold on the first Toeaday in August next, before tbe Court House door in Perry, in Houston county, all the lands belonging to the estate of Dr. Creed T. Woodaou, deceased. These lands comprising eight hundred acres (be- Jnglota Ncs. 219, 2.iu, 190. one-half of 198, and one- half of 199) situated in the upper Eleventh DiHtrict of Houston county, one portion being Pine, and the other. Oak and Hickory, form one of tbe meet pro ductive plantations for both Cotton and Corn ia tbe county of Houston, and is now in a high state of cul tivation and contains every building necessiuy lor n colton plantation—in 4bod repair, and is wel; sup plied with running water for stock. 4c. And in ad dition. this place lies in one of the most convenient nnd eligible sections of the county for echoole aod churches : and having bsen the residence of Dr. Woodson and family, has every improvement and convenience required to make it a healthy, agreea ble and pleasant family residence. rTTerms on the day of sale. * PHILIP T. WOODSON. WM. H. WOODSON, may 84 Kx’ra of Dr. Cr*»d T- Woodson, dec’d ssiaig isjujan 33 I HAVE just returned from EUROPE, where I bought the I.nrggol nml Fin rat Stock of Fanci/, Gilt, and White CHINA, ever iu this Market. Also, a large Stock of Common and White GRANITE WARE, of the best patterns that come to this country. I would call tbe Attention of Jlrrrhnnla to my Sample* now on hand, which I am sure are pre ferable to any thing in this section. I have a good Stock, now on hand, of WAITERS, in setts. CASTORS. CHINA TEA SETTS, cheap COAL OIL LAMPS FLUID LAMPS. GOBLETS, TOMDLLtCS, 4c., 4c., 4c. I have a fine lot of COAL OIL. No. 1, to be here in a few daya. All the above Goods offered cheap, to make room for Stock coining in. Macon, June 28,1359. R. P. McRVOY. White Fish. ! .. Embroideries, Real French Cambric and Swiss Collars, Seta, Handkerchiefs, 4c. Valenciennes Collars and Setts, Linen and Bjaue Collars and Seta, Mourning Collar* and Spttg, Illusion Berthas, t Rest Thread and Valenciennes Lacs* And other articles too numerous to mention, com-1 prising the Whole range of K, m My Grocery supplies. 1/ a f< JJ J. ah 3- i SHAWLS—Nett, Stella, Long, Mourning, and other »' e particularly invito the attention of dealers i varieties, and others to onr large and complete stock of Can- 1 A full assortment of dies manufactured by ourselves, of the very best om/ITITTV nnrvnn materials and warranted to retain their hardness and n I A rl,r. (jUUl/lii ^ l ' i “7-» hile ,h « importedOndies soon lose Which we offer to sell on aa favorable terois as any both and become worthless. \\ e ofier unrivalled House in the State 1 CARES,’"ornamented and Plain, | iyPLEASE * co Ofavery variety and made of choice material,.! „ tl9 . Qranft? Hrtl Bll^k LAW C'AIII), T. P. Stubbs, B. Hill, Stubbs A- Hill, ATTORNEY SAT LA W, Macon; Ga. apl 20 Leave Atlanta at 11 A. M. P.M. The night train will not be run on Sundav* The is night train from Macon connects with tlie Geor- gta R. Road for Augusts, at 10 A. M„ and Atlanta 4 West Point R. K. at 19.15 A. M. The IQ day train from Macon, connects with the ” estern and Atlantic Rail Road for Chattanooga. Dalton, Knoxville, Nashville, and Memphis, at 5?00 A. M., with Georgia R. R. at 12.00 night and at At lanta 4 West Point B. R. st 12.15 A. M. d completion of the Virginia and Tennessee Rail Road, makes this the mast pleasant and direct route to the Virginia Through Tickets to which may be had at Macon, f°c *23 00, and to New York for *35 25. Farther information in regard to this route can be had at the General Ticket Office, Macon. . ALFRED L. TYLER, _ J(uyl2 ^ Superintendent. SCHEDULE ON THE South-Western H. R. OVER WHICH PASSES THE Hair Work to Order. O VER 250 designs from which to make selection by (mar 22) E. J. JOHNSTON ,c CO. B ILLIARD BALLS, Cne Leathers, Wax, Ac , a ways on hand and for sale at low price* mar 22 E. J. JOHNSTON 4 CO. "jlXEERSHAM PIPES, warranted genuine, fo 1V1 sale by E. J. JOHNSTON 4 CO. mar 22 F ANS in large variety. Traveling and Reticule Basket* Leather Satchels, Ac., for sale by repare re-compressing. Thus «bvUtingfi£7h| mg difficulty at the seaboard eitits J l Thehoopa arn sent of any length t'-,L ten feet, and a full guarantee given tbuZM Ties ncr Hoops shall break. And cotton bound in them shall be ■ I terms, at the Orleans Press. as r „ p ; boouH The weight per bale is about thes»m r ! ■ one pound more or legs. To show the opinion shipmaster, h»v. give the following, among numerous r-, tionswehave: The undersigned masters of vessels, hj cotton compressed with Passman's newi3 tnd Tie* hereby recommend the same ' bung well compressed, and the button, never breaking when thrown down - - hold, or when stowed. L. L. Condey, Captain of ahip Moses Di J A. Robinson, James Thomas. A. Talbot, John Dean, John C. Wilner, H. Kopenholdt, L. P. Uerill, , 4c., for sale by E. J. JOHNSTON 4 CO. •YT/ATCHES and Jewelry repaired and warrant VV ed by E. J. JOHNSTON & C Watches, Jewelry, «fcc. sro.e iormerly occupied by they intend carrying on thi Jewelry Business, and will keep a neat and well selected assortment of goods connected with that business. We invite ; rou to give ns a call, and in return will assure you fair and honest dealings at all times. Watches and Jewelry cleaned and repaired by a faithful and experienced 'vojhman, and warranted to give sxtisfactiot. GREAT NEW YORK AND NEW ORLEANS MATT.a P""*"ed the Goods belonging to | $ e d * ««•* d “‘ fr™ «=>•*• w YY r m. K. deGraircuricd, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACOX, GA. OFFICE, third door below Lanier Honae—above Daroour’* oct 97 . asicty Families and parties supplied at the shortest notice [ ■oyste»rSbt Stohup*. Fresh . Hardeman & Griffin FISH, IN THEIR SEASON. A£E NOW RECEIVING THEIR We shall keep constantly on band dur- j FAiLAMJ WOMVdK ABNER P. POWERS. | ARTHUR DICKINSON Powers 4 Dickinson, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA- june 21 L. 11. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT L A YV, MACON, GA. Office next to Concert HaU, over Payne's Drag Two Daily Trains between Maeon Sf Columbus ON AND AFTER JULY 29th, Leave Macon at 11.45 p. m. and 9.45 a. m. Arrive at Colombo* 5.35 a. m. and 3.45 p. m. Leave Columbus 4.00 a. m. and 3.45 p. m. Arrive at Macon 9.50 a. m. and 9.18 d . m. ing the Fall and Winter, I t ll V TCif- Fresh Oyat era and Fisb,>SE!UaS> »—-» -M- ^ Jtl^s native and imported, of the best qualities and re- mnviD ail ™.ti sTk e Trll' , „ pectfully invito orders, which sb.U be faithfuUy Merchants and Planters; sited. Choice Tobacco and Segura, To which we invite the attention of Connoisseurs in these article* oct 5 S A .Y F O R D ’ S LIVER IiWIGORlTOR H. HORNE'S CONFECTIONERY, rKUlT STORE, And Pastry Bakery, at his new Store, next to Ayres, Wingfield fy Co's, CHERRY ST.. MACON. GA. P ARTIES, Dinners and Suppers furnished with everything ornamental and delicious, in the la-! ! test styles. Bridal Cake* dressed iu unsurpassed styles.— French Pastry of every kind, aa Well as all kinds of ; Desert made to order, among them many new dishes., i»p mv it a French Candies Chocolate, Cream, etc. Orange* j .M.ti.ic UI.tm.ITAU.s Pineapples, Bananas. Lemons. Apple* Raisin* 1 TT is compounded ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, and Dates, Fig* Currants, Citron, Nuts of sU kind* 1 has become an established fart, a Standard Med- Preserves, Crackers, Segsrs, Cider, etc. ' byallthrt hsve Madit, WINES AND BRANDIES . . ° * * I of andoabted purity. Toys, Surdiues, Lobsters, wfthio^’e hug two years j ^ mon ’ Cb *“*- C * bl “’ c«5?4c°t * inm v 8 i BP* AU goods warranted to be first class article* certificates in my posses-1 nnd sold as low as can be bought in Macon. *o ' TERMS—Cash, for all not bolding Pass book* tod to the Umperameot j, h0 RNE will attend personally to superintend hSBowris “ q ! ! te fkftiog of tables for Weddings and Parties, either lodgment guide you in QT CoUkTBT^ifilBCHaSTS wiU find a good as ?V, : j sortment of Confectionaries at my establishment. Chronic DinrrhM “ d tfae P rioe411 low as any where else in the City. Dy.cntrry, Drop.,’ 25—ly bilnnl Coativrnr.. Cholera Jlorbua. avs, Porto Rio. Rio and La- Candy icine known 4 approved and is now reported to diseases for which it it It has cared thousand, who bad given np all rnmerons unsolicited sion show. The dose mnst be adap- of the individual taking titles as to act gently on Let the dictates of your the use of the LIVER Z it will cure f .iver Com _ tacks, Dj. pepsin.'’ .Summer Complaint., stour Silomnrh, If n- s' Cholic, CkoUm.l^ Cholera Infantum. •tier, Frnrolr Wrsli. ed successfully** *n Or — icinr. It will carethel.. ACIIE (as thousands;—* minnlcs, if t wo orj rr taken at tha com All who u«c it arc! in its favor. |—| Mix WATER In the month WITH THE INVIG- . . . . ORATOR, and SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. ’On only, but stall teaton* of the year, and those CS*Price One Dollar per Bottle. > caUIng upon ua will at all hours find onr Larder tup- also— plied with all the delicacies that the New York and SlYFOItD-S i otb<T markets will afford in the way of eatables, and I’lnlnlrnrc. Jans- nr.tm, and may be ns- dinar. Family JIrd. HICK HEAD, can testify) in twrnty three Ten* spoon fkla lent of attack, giring their testiuony Latest Mews by tlie ■A.tla.irtio Telegraph.. To all wlioiu it may concern. This is to notify tbe public that Isaacs is at Home Again, find begs to assure his patrons that hit SALOON is not a thing of a day. Citixens and the traveling pub lic wUl find the establishment open not for the tea CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED PROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in Glass Cases, Air-tight, and will keep in any Climate. The Family Cntb.| . orlic Pit.1, It S gen tle but active Cathartic.Ur which the proprietor baa used in bia practice mort " than twenty years. •* ing damand from those ; PU.I.S, and the satis- in regard to tbair use, them within the reach i something good todrink, and six daya oat ot seven more than can be found in any other honta in town. E. Isaacs & Brother, I’ndor ISalhtoH’fi Hall, Chrrry St. Notice to Planters. H AVT.NO purchased of Mr. i'liomaa Hagby hi* entire interest in tbe Negro Trade, in Macon, I take thi* method of informing those who wish to purchase or sell Negroes, that the trade will be eon- tinned at the old stand,-next door to Adams 4 Rey nold’s Ware House, on Poplar Street, where eaa be found at all times a likely lot of Maryland and Vir ginia Negroes at fair prices. I will also pay liberal prices for all young and likely negroee offered for sale. JAMES G. NOEL. March 29.1859.—6m FOR SALE! » *-y PLANTATION situated In the counties of i\i. Bibb and Monroe. It contains 11 or 19 hun dred acres of Land—is tree Oak and Hickory land- lies well and ia only U miles from Macon. I will also sell stock and nteoslls il desired. Payment* made easy. March W, 1659. ANDERSON COi The constantly increas- wbo have long need the faction which all express J has induced me to plac of all. The Profession well know that different Ca thartics act on differentportions of tha bowel*. The FAmi#Y CA-l w ’THAItTIC PILL ha* with dne reference!** to thie well established fact, been eompoundedlL* from a variety of the pu- VegataMe Extracts.(V which act alikeon every part of tb* alimentary 2Sjoanal.and are good and ante in all easas where! Ja Cathartic is needed, snehaa Derange Iiirnir^ of the Wtomitrb,.MIrcp- incss, Pais, in Rack A- I.oins, Cos. livrnrss. Pains nmi;“ Soreness over the M bolc Itody, from sw'sadden cold, which fre quently if neglected endsT^ jin a long course of Fe ver, lanes of Appetite, a creeping sensnf ion of Cold over ilie." Itody, ISrstlrssnras, Ilrndnrbeor ivelgbl| in the Ilend, nil In- llnnitiinfory Di.ra.r,, Worms in Children or Adults, Rheumatism, * great Purifier of the It I ood, and many diseases to which flesh is heir, too numerous to mention in thi* advertisement DOSE, 1 to 3. PRICE .TO CENTS. Ibo Livir IxriooBATOBand Fahilt Cathartic Pill* are retailed by Druggist* generally, and sold wholesale by the Trade in all th* large town* S. T. VT. 8A5FORD, M. D„ Manufacturer and Proprietor, 333 Rroadtrny, IVcir York. Retailed by all Druggists. Sold also by ZEILIN 4 HUNT, GEO. PAYNE, rosy 10—ly E L. 8THOHECKER. NEW HOTEL . . est. Wilt find in it all things complete. And going once, they then will lipoy That ISA ACS' it the place to go. WE shall be happy to toe onr friends, assuring them that it will be onr unremitting care to please In every respect, as we flatter ourselves we have done till now. IsT It may not be generally known that we have medieal qu&jra so much desired by thi Look at his Bill or Faro, and choose for yonrself: All of which can be purchased at Joy prices for SO bales Gunny Cloth 200 coils Richardson Bopo 1000 pounds Bali 150 oatra gnira in chests Black and Green Tea 75 barrels A B 4 CSngsr 25 barrels crushed and Powdered Sugar 5 boxes Loaf Sugar 15 hogshead* fine Porto Rico •TOO sacks Liverpool Salt 100 sacks Alum Salt 150 boxes Adamantine Candles 40 boxes Sperm Candles 75 boxes No. 1 Soap 20 boxes Family Toilet Soap 30 boxes assorted and Fancy 125 kega Nalls 50 boxes Staroh 100 jars Snuff 50 whole, half and quarter kega of Powder 20 cans Dock-shooting Powder 100 bags Shot 100,000 Segars, virions brands 50 boxes Tobacco 20 eases MagnoHaand Combination Tobacco 20 bales Osnabnrgs and Stripes 5 cases Homespun* bleached 10 bales Georgia Kerseys 5 bales Northern Kerseys 15 bales Blanket* all sixes 60 baskets Piper’s Heidsick Wine 75 cases Ginger and Blackberry Wipe and Brandy 50 barrels Rye and Corn Whiskey 10 barrels Extra old Bourbon 50 barrels Gin, Rum and Brandy 10 casks Madeir* Port and Sweet Wine 10 cases London Dock Gin 15 cases Boker’s and Stoughton Bitters 10 cases Lemon Syrup 20 casks Ale and Porter 10 boxes Ginger Preserve* Prunes and Figs 30 boxes Assorted Pickles 20 boxes Super. Curb. Sods 30 barrels sod boxes Sods and Batter Crackers 25 boxes Herrings 5 sacks Ashton’s Table Salt 10 dozen Well Backets 5 oases Ashton's Table Salt 95 dozen Bine Buckets Id nehtaOfTub* 30 d oatWool Hats 20 boxes Laverit Axe* 10000 pounds White Lead and Zinc 100 barrels Linseed Oil 10 barrels Tanners' and Machine Oil also, a rtaa lot or CHROME GREEN. YELLOW. PRUSSIAN BLUE TERRA DE SIENNA. BURNT UMBER. 4c„ Ae. PAINTS AND VARNISH, BRUSHES AND SASH TOOLS. Macon. Sept 28,1858. and 9.18 . Oaily bctvtsu Macon, Albany and Damon: ~eave Maoon 11.45 p. m. Arrive in Albany 6.25 a Arrive at Dawson 6.00 Leave Albany 3.00 p. m. Leave Dawson 1.40 p. m Arrive in Macon 9.18 p. m. * Tri-Weekty. Down: M nday, Wednesday and Friday—Up: Tuet Thursday and Saturday. Leave Macon 7.12 a. m. Arrive at Albany 4.32 p. m. Amve at Dawson 5.20 p. m. Leave Albany 6.20 * m. Leave Dawaon . Ar rive at Macon 9.11 p. m. Trana to Columbus form a through connection J?,.“ 0 . nt ? 0m ® r y. Alabama and Augusta, Kingsville Wilmington, Savannah, MiUedgevflle and Eatonton. Post Coaches run from Albany to Tallahassee Bainbndge, Thomasrill* 4c., daily; also,tri-week- ly from Dawson to Cnthbett, Fort Gaines, 4c. ^ Hacks run sU times a week from Fort Valley to Ferry, Haynesville and Hawkinsville, and tri-week ly to Knoxville, G* Passengers for point* below Fort Valley, should take the Train* trom Augusta and Savannah to . _ _ Avoid deientionui Maoon. For other points take ei* SCO. s. RopjNsos chas. robixsox ther Train. G. S. & C. ROBINSON, | Yo^o^et^^rS^STpi^ Store. jan l J. B. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILL TOWN, BERRIEN COUNTY, GA„ TT7-ILL practice in the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT V V comprising tbe following counties, Glynn, Ware, Wayne, Ai Charlton, also Me. ', Camden, Clinch, Coffee and of the Eastern. may* ys at Law, THBKRT, GEORGIA. Attorne Cl ... iT e r*^ M tentlon to all bualuess en- trotted to them, m Ranaoipu, ci« y . Earlv Mil ler, Calhonn, Terrell, Stewart and Quitman counties. March 1,1859. tf KIMBBOUGU A BASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Gxo. KiMDROur.il, E. 8. Bass, StarkviJle, Lee co., Ga Dawson, Terrell co- G* mar 8 tbe Cabin #15, Steerage 66. Through Tickets can be procured from Rail Road Agents at Montgomery, Columbus and Albany via Savannah to New York, by Steamships, in Cabin, as follows: Montgomery #26; Columbus 623: Albany * s -, VIRGIL POWERS m * r 23 Superintendent- Will you go North, wlien you c?»» Great Bargains. The Goods mostly are No. l quality, and at the pnero we shall offer them, it is a good opportunity for those in want of any thing in the way of Watch- e* and Jewelry, to make their purchases at tlie OLD STAND OP II. D. BARNES, opposite the Lanier House. One word more, then we are done for this time. To those who visit Savannah, we invite to call at V. W. SKIFF'S JEWELRY STORE, lin that Ci ty,) opposite the Pulaski House, where they will find a large assortment of Jewelry and Fancy Articles, of the latest styles, and at prices to snit the times.— Hair Jewelry and Ornaments of every description made to order. Orders left at the store in Maoon, or Savannah, will be carefully attended to. Respectfully, V. W. SKIFF 4 CO. Macon, Ga. Feb. 15- Madras. “ Henry, HareaMttgJ James Lai “ Mulhci. I “ Ells A. c:J _ , - Bark Kimball The pnee of Hoops and Ties at New oJ cents per pound, and all orders wil! r«- K J attention. Liberal deductions made to J for city acagptance, by F. BELCHER| may 31—6m 12J Commercial Plsce,.'! SELLING OFF A T C O Sl§£ WATERMAN fm to H E will sell his ENTIRE STOCK ofE si Dress Goods, Silks, Bereges, Tint *, k- dies and Muslins; also Mantillas. Tilmn^^^™ Duster* Ac., strictly at I N. Y. COST FOR CAM Berege Rohes for 89 oo, worth #12 ;• I Berege Robes for #12 00, worth #1: Beautiful Silks from *10 to #15, worth and other Good* in proportion. Rich Silk Side Striped Robes, at UAli Ladies! this is a Golden opportunitv. Ai selves of it before it is too late. J. WAT! Cotton Avenne, Macon, Ga. ISTE'W' FIPilS/E. DR. WM. f. ill clBs left W 4L te P oiW/ro^ left either at his • Anderson’* Store, or at his residence in Vineville, opposite Mai. Comer's, mar 8—ly* DR. J. DICKSON SMITH, PRACTICIXG PHYSICIAN, MACON, GEOItGU. W ILL attend promptly to all Professional calls made on him, either at his Office or Residence, by day or night. OFFICE—Over Menard 4 Burghard’s Jewelry Store, on Cherry Street. RESIDENCE—At Mr. J. B. Ross’, jsnlB off. j(, Freeman, * fJ, IJL, H AVING returned to Macon, offers his Profea- aional services to its citisen* and those of the surronnding country, and is prepared to treat their varions diseases with innocent vegetable remedies, and hopesdhat in consideration of the fact that be gives no poison, draws no blood, and never destroys i the constitutions of his patients, he will be liberally j patronised by the afflicted. . •repository;' PORSYTH, GA. H AVING purchased the entire In- .Jnf g_. terest of the late firm of Banks, Wilder 4 Co. I invito tha attention' Gy of the oitiaens of Forsyth and surrounding counties to my extensive arrangements for manufsetnring Top and no Top BUGGIES, ROCK AW AYS, CAR- i RlAGES, PHASTONS, 4c. 4c. I am constantly receiving additions, not from the North, but from my U ork Sbop, to my stock on hand—of three or four ■ buggies per week—which combine elegance and finish with lightness, strength and durability. Orders for any sort of Vehicle, Harness Ac., are most re- carrying _____ always keep Phaetons, Carriages, Buggies and Hors es, to hire on an good termYas anybod. Vie have also the most ample accommodations for Drove Stock. I’Ve would aay to the public that we have taken the Bit into onr mouth in earnest and can always be found with onr turners on ready to serve j on; we intend by keeping straight tongue, pulling together nnd by buckling daw* dose to business, to succeed or break a trace. We shall never tin fellows In hitch ing up for yon m long as yon cone np to thf lick log and settle. Now if yon want us to wag-on to Jtock- a-may and not to be sulky, in fact if yon don’t want to lee as check up to dose, pntyonr shoulder to the wheel, give us a sure, and if yon find a single trace of ingratitude you may halter us. Veiy Respeetfullv, ADERHOLD be JEFFERS. Opposite the Passenger Depot, and near Brown's Ho* 61 -apr 26 d tf ness. Repairing done at short notice and all work war ranted. J. H. BANKS. aug 6 1858. 1 yr J. CLEGHORX GEO. SX1TH CLEGHORN & SMITH, Manufacturers of, and Dealers in Saddles, Harness LEATHER, WHIPS, RUBBER BELTING, SADDLERY, Hardware AC. AC., AC. OPPOSITE E. BOND'S STORE, Chxrut Street. jan 4—ly Macon. G* A VALUABLE INVE.N] G-Titta. I- 5 ercha NEVER-FAILING ROOfj N EITHER time nor weather, after *eiq use, seems^o work a Chemical chiJ feet the material in the least. GOOD ALE & EATCHEL Having purchased the right of Y cor, joining county, with extended privilege,. J P*red to contract and govern oorselvcaac -J for the covering of building with Cemeot^ vel, or Sand. This roofing is pliable—d^e* ■ or crack—run or drip down—is impervKisa 1 —fire proof—inodorous, hot or cold. In 1 feel that a test will convince a retsombltl its superiority. Those wishing for * £0<xi| sttisfjictory price will please address june 21—3m GOODALE & BATC New Goods AT E. SAULSBUR H E is now receiving a very larre ted Stock of SPRING CLOTHS, tnd VESTINGS, of the latest importan t* He hts also received the report of Fiai this Spring, with a vviety of new tnd elera His Stock of Fine READY MADE CL? will be replenished with the changes of th? from the best houses in New York. His FURNISHING GOODS comprise^ thst is new tnd desirable, in the vij of Shirts, Collars, Ties, Gloves, Handkercii* All of which he invites his friends tnd css! ctll tnd examine, mar 1 tin I $10-000 Cash! mm: undersigned^ feels it his duty to render Valuable Plantation iiooiaA&, 0 L H d a S^i^^; A CAFtn. IN HOUSTON COUNTY FOR SALE, rn HE undersigned will sell for Ten Thousand Dol- ■— .. -. „ , ' ,r »cash, the Plantation in Houston conrty; . ty Particular attention will be given to Plants-; known as the Ben Gray place, containing THIR. tion^ndother country practice. ; TEEN HUNDRED Acres of Land. This pFautation Br^Office at the Druff Store of Dr. M. S. Thom- is fourteen miles from Macon and lies in one mile of son, to whom he refers. jan II—ly j the §outh-Western Rail Road, said rotd pissing T)rq MrDnrmlri anH Von * throarii one corner of the Land. There is between urs. mcuouaia ana van ueisen, sixand seven hundrei acres of Land cleared, and in Dentists. OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK, MACON, GEORGIA. Electricity used in Extracting Teeth. A. NEW $10 Washing Machine!! W ARRANTED to give satisfaction, or the mo ney refunded. orsalFebr B. A. WISE. Honae Fare! june 28 ishing Store. Macon. (J* CASH, oct 19 Be tore and call at K- ISAACS 4 BROTHER. POST 4 MEL, Commission Merchants. 64 Potbras Street, New Orleans, La. REFERENCES.—Messra. J. B. 4 W. A. Rots. - Hardeman 4 Griffin. “ Light! .ot 4 Flanders. Elijah Bond, J Uond, Eaq. ClisbyTEaq. Checks on New York FOR SALE BY THE . MANDFACTUHEBS’BANE £ mar 9 • J uAt Thom asxrilio. r£lHE undersigned having opened the McBAIN soeption of the poblie, Invite > give tb— HOUSE, for the the People generally to gfve them • call. No pains will be spared to make their Guests comfortable; and their table will be supplied with tbe best the market afford* jan is—tf AMANDA L. LITTLE 4 SON. NEW GOODS. C. Campbell & Son, NEAR THE LANIER HOUSE. TTAVE inat received their Fall and Winter sunnly ±1 of KERSEYS. HEAVY BLANKETS and NEGRO SHOES at the toweat market price* and Planters would do well to call and examine before purchasing. They also continue to keep a general stock o GROCERIES at tbe old stand, and do not intend o be undersold for Cash. Maoon. Oct. 12. 1858. BOOK BINDING. TACKSON BARNES manufaetwes to order every •J description of blare Account aooxs, and birds in anv style desired, Magazines Law, .Music and Miscellaneous Book* clerks’ record and dockit ROOKS,with or without trikted fsrms, and warrant- ed best quality paper. CT Engineers’ profile paper trade from the best English drawing to any length or width. All orders from the country promptly and careful ly attended to. Office on Cotton Avenue one door below Rosa and Colemsn’e. apl 13 ver Plate and Wire, Lathe Fixtures. Ac., also with any kind of Instruments or Materials on short notice, oct 12 fine condition for making a crop another year. The S lace ia well improved. Having Frame Negro loose* with brick Chimneys to accommodate Fifty Negroes, 8tables. eys to accommodate Fifty and Frame Gin Honse, Cotton Screw and These Lands are level and well adapted to the pro duction of Corn or Cotton, and instead of wearing ont, get more productive as they grow older, under jadicions cultivation. The place will be sold on a credit of one, two and three years, for a sum equivalent to ten thousand dollars cash. * n g~\ r~\ T C A IvTPi CUAPtt Any_ farther information desired, will be furnished dUU I O AND OriUtb. by addressing the undersigned at Busbay ville. Hous- a TTHEfimviiVTur urn boot x*- •» “ “kSS^pt^lW »• *'• GUNN. - ,oj iiiMnr*D<i;i'. C. HODGKINS & SON, era- same. Wehave now in store a large assortment ofe ! J attention'of ** w patron- age. While he begs a continuance of their tavor* he will state to those who do not know him, that ma ny years practice in the principal cities orthe South ana a complete Dental Laboratory, enable him to make as elegant and perfect Dental substitutes of the most approved and latest style, as can tie furnish ed by any Dentist in the State. A WORD ABOUT THE “CHEAP STYLE OF W0HK.” Persons needing Dental Operations or Artificial Teeth, and not able to pay me my regular price* may feel assured that I will ratber share my profits with them than •‘aocomm'date 1 ’ them with » cheap, or inferior style of work, as such wm nerer give sat isfaction, ana is the de>rest at the end. All persons desirinf my services will please call at my Residence, in P<*ry, where they will find all the comforts of a first-i*te Dental Office. Families liv ing at a distance stay procure my services by giving me notice. Dentists wiK find a large assortment of the best materials, for hlli»g Teeth, aa well as for milking ar tificial sets, at northern prices. DR. FREDERICK GARKE, octl9-iy Surgeon Dentist. JSTEW books WANTED. T All still buying Military bounty Land Warrants 1 X and will always give tbe highei! i a.,h i.rice. Macon Ga. ulyiiS ly G. J.BLAKK Book Binding 1 . n LANK ACCOUNT BOOKS mate toorderfor Courts and Counting Honse, ani the numbers printed on the pages without extra charge. * MAGAZINES, MUSIC AND LAW BOOKS, bound in neat and ebeap styles. DAVID ROSS, Cor. 3d and Cherry Streets, feb 1 Over George T. Rogers 4 Son. T HE subscriber ha* purchased the Right to Ki.w- and’* Patent Carriages and Springs for Blank Account Book* which he wiU put on work when instructed. DAVID KOS'J. fab 1 BOOTS AND SHOES,, the sprung mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be mad* of all the different styles and patterns usually called for iu a shoe store, and ould invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as any honse in the city or State. Sept. 28. MIX 4 KIRTLAND. TJOOTS.—A full assortment of Gents' fine B French Calf Boot* pump sole, welted and waterproof, of varions kinds and qualities, b”th ■oledand pegged. Ju.-treciivedandforsnlelowby Sept. 98. MIX 4 KIRTLAND. It Boardman’s Book Store. A MERICAN LLOQUEXCE in 2 volt.; a new Cy clopedia of Commerce; Burton's Cyclopedia of re--., Wit4 Humor: a Handy Book on Property Law; Public and oth- I - -**** Man upon tho Sea, by Goodrich; Romantic passa- rs, to their ges in bouth Western Historv; Life beneath the \Va- Iarge selection of DOUBLE G»NS, HIKLES, PIS- ters; The Hand but not the’Heart, by T. S. Arthur; TOLS. POCKET AND SPIRTING CUTLERY, I William the Conqueror, by Gen. SirCharle* Napier; FISHING TACKLE. WAKING STICKS. FOR- I Doctor Thorne; u new edition of Edgar A Poe’i EIGX AND DOMESTIC AMCNITION, and every i works; The Preacher and the King; The Priest and article found in a F ll; - 1 1 L.\>s I the Huguenot; Lord George Bennck, by D’laraeU • Sportsmpn’s Emporium, | TJt.VNTATlON BROGANS.-Now instore A the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we' have ever offered in this markft. Men’s doable soled peg and nailed black and russetts; do. heavy single soled blackand rus-’-ttsdo. boysardyoutlis black and ru.ieiu, all of whi' 1 '‘ low. Sept. NfvCTH OR SOUTH. By careful at«“*i°R to the business, and keeping the Dest GOfOS in our line, we expect to receive a continuatio- of past favors. Erpnir’JS unrcfully alien,I, ,I , 0 i OcL T- tore. B i in 1 S AND SID IKS — M, ii .. i; • Youth a tine calf and kip pe^’d Boots;' _ , Hen’s stout kip hunting and mud Boots; Gents hi-f j - intf Gaiters. Montert-y, opera xnd ties, and fin« ci»* Ir»- PIAiOS, WATCHES, JEWELRY) &C, “''-iSi? !VS;A Clark, and other makers, war- 11 a flr — — 4 Clark, and other makers, war- ranted to please. Guitar* Violin., Hut--,, .\ec-rtb-nn, and all other ,mall _ rey, opera and ties, and fine cp* Instruments kept in our line. Strings, Instruction Brogans; Gents.boys’and youths’ patent and enpn- Hooks, She-t Music, 4o. ailed Brogans .Men’s, bovi’ and youths’ CaUfrtnU | GOLD AM) SILVER WATCHES kip Brogans, a large uasortment. bept. 29. MIX 4 KIRTLAND. cn a tour; life and Times of Hugh Miller; Cruise of the Bets, y ; Testimony of the Rocks; Jefferaon’a Works; Bulwer'sNovelscomplete; Grote’sHistory of Greece; Sparrow Grass Papers; Lord Montagu’s page, by G. P. R. James : The Three Beauties, by Mrt. bouthworth : \ entillation in Americtn Dwell- ing-s iDerivation of Family natnei; Wislom, Wit and Humor; Steps towards Heaven; Den’s Moral theology; Mizpah, a Prayer Book ; Wavside Pic- r ? nce ' Holland, Belginm, and up jte Rhine; t> ild Northern Scenes; Also a large assortment of fine bamily Bibles. _ J. M. BOAHDMAN. Sept. 21, 1858. To Southern Deafen J. H. RANSOli k fl 32 COl’RTLAND AND 39 D1!Y STBif NEW l'OBK. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealeni BOOTS & SH0J HAVE constantly on hand a LARGE j OF FINE and NEURO GOODS, eipr,' J Southern Trade, which they will sell i market prices for cash or approved c jan 18 CARPETINGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, j AND MATS!! A LARGE Stock, and a great variety Jl the above Goods, just received, - sold at far lower figures, and gi ro purdi lection from tbe best stock ever offered ii ALSO, SATIN, DeLATNE, LACE and MtrSlJN, WINDOW CUHTAI WINDOW SHADES, GILT CO* BANDS in great variety. Purchasers will consult their ov amining my stock before buying. I ins _baJ Hardeman & Spa Ware Hous| AND COMMISSION MERC .Hacon, Ga., W ILL continue to give prompt FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE, ner of 3d and Poplar streets, to all bus;"-’] ted to their charge. With their thanks for past favor*. u>“‘' iledge of faithfulness to all their trie* omers, they hope to receive their full * lie patronage. La band advances made on Cotton • dnee whan reqoired. Planter’s Family Stores, aleo I Ac., furnished at the lowest ms'-ket rii«- THOS. BARUXMAK. sep 7 Enmls for Sale. T HE Subscriber, desirous of moriar'l feting for sale his Plantation in Ij^J K L 11HEK Sil(>h>.—A lar u '- :'t:-'* !,: — of Gents and boys Rubbers. Also, La-1 BEOAVN’S HOTEL. OPPOSITK THE IIW RAIL ROAD DEPOT. MACOX. GA. E E. BOOWH, Proprietor • Metis Ketdy on the Arrival of every Train. tplU j Silver Forks and Spoons, equal to coin. j. j / - -—■— i, 0 j . Watches and Jewelry Repaired and warranted. dies slipper ami sandal rubber Shoes cf v»ood>ear s March 1.1«?59. J. A. Jc S. S. VIRG1N- celebrated patent. Just received and for sale low by Sept. 2". MIX A KIRTLAXI). Coal Oil J l'ST received and for «ale 41 25 per gallon, by july 2 K. P. SlcEVOY. . Trm _ . GRANITE HALL nr ti„. . IiES ’ , '' OPPOSITE T1IE LAMER 11 OUSE. JEWELRY & FANC^ARTICLER s “ b30ri ber will open the above I all about f it ... L . T 1 . 1 I <b*first of APRIL next, for the accommodati-n of knmilies, Day Boarders and Transit nt Custo- In .i' r *' H°us-‘ is now offered as inferiortonv “toer 8 irst Class Hotel in the South, an. from it? ' e ? tTal location, its large and airy rooms, offers great , inducements and accommodations to Families ana , l'’"’ 10 '''"'perroni. The public ir.av eapec t from thi- nse, all the luxuries and comforts to be found ii. any other hoteL B.P. DENS3, nur3 Late ofthe Floyd House. Screw, Granary, and a large number ofe ing* every honse needed on a farm ,i tion, with fencing in good order, Springs. The place has been reinsrasy and lies on Walnut and Echecoa*** j miles from Hopewell, and twenty-tvo ' Grain, Stock, 4c., can be had with Terms to suit the purchaser. ^4 , Address JOHN .A-DA^t apr 12 Russelville P- O- SwaniD Land for T>IOHTY-ONKseres of cloio«W"J JIt miles below Macon—4- f oij the balance heavily timbered, * Ba Cane, for sale by fiebi SELF-HEALING GLASS JABS. A LARGE assortment at a reduced price. B. A. WISE. june 28 Cherry Street DENTISTBF G. IV. EldCBSOlt; Dentist*. Office over A. M. Blackshcsri l StrecL Macon, C* $ inly 19—'ly' "udq