Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, August 02, 1859, Image 4

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United States ITIarslial’s Sales. W ILL be (old before the Court Home, to the city of UtroB, Bibb county, on thefiret Tnee- iUy in Aoputt next, between the usual hour* ofsale, the following property, via: <e> Nos. 44. 46 end 48, on emit eido of Broad St., • n the city of Columbut, containing 70 feet front on Bro»d Street, and running bach 147 feet 10 Inches, Dumg the premises formerly occupied by Sikes, Uappoldt and HaUe. also the lot next north of th • above, baying n front of *5 feet more or less, with the buildings thereon, except the second story ol the Store House cow standing on the last mentioned lot. Levied on as thepropeityof JohnC. Bose and Richard Patten, to satisfy a fl fa from the Sixth Cir cuit Court of the United State#, fcrtheSouthern Dis trict of Georgia, in favor of David Goddard, va. Jno C. It use and Richard Patten, Property pointed out by Plaintiff's Attorney. 'Also parts oflotslfos. 919 and 990, in the city of Columbus, commencing 135 feet south of the north line of lot Xo. 919 on Oglethorpe street, and running T. C. NISBET, Founder and Machinist. a. rixnLAT, ix,...j. r. fisdlat,...c. d. fikdlit. through to Jackson street, to a point on Jackson street 135 feet iioulh of the north line of lot Xo. 990. Also, lot Xo. 339, in the city of Columbus, contain ing urn- half acre, lying on Jackson street, all levied on as the property of Richard Patten, to satisfy a fi fa from the Sixth Circuit Const of the United States lor tho Southern District of Georgia, in favor of Da vid Goddard, va. John C. Bose and Bichard Patten. Property pointed out by Plaintiff's Attorney. Alsn.a part of lot Xo. 1*7, in Colambtu, beginning * ' ' ' - ' ’1 Jot, and 50 feet north from tho north corner of aald running north on Oglethorpe street 83 feet to the house owned by D. D. Rldenhour, Trustee, from tbenco due west the whole depth of said let 147 feet 19 iuehi-a, thence South 83 feet, thence east to the place of starting. Levied on as the property of Jno C. Ruse, t o satisfy a 0 fa from the Sixth Circuit Court of the Uuited States for the Southern District of Georgia in favor of David Goddard va John C. Ituse nod Richard Patten. Property pointed out by Plaintiff's Attorney. JAMES M. SPULLOCK, U. S. Marshal. By THOMAS L. BOSS, june 14.19.19. U, 8, Deputy Marahal. From tfu- neorgia lelegrapu r-aira, June 4. Jllbls .Sheriff Sale. W JL be sold before the Court House door in thu city ol Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Gonrgia. on the first Tuesday in August next, tho following property, to-wit: One lot ol land containing (902}) two hundred and two and a half ncri-s, more or less, number not re- •-ollected, adjoining the lands of John Hamlin and Henry Xeasom, in the Warrior District. Levied on :■ i’the property of Kobert Hamlin, to satisfy a fi la issued from Bibb Superior Court in favor of 8te- plo-n Slocum va. Kobert Hamlin and John Hamlin. pio-n r Propel roio-rly pointed out by Kobert Hamlin. i une 4— T. VV. BBANTLY, Sheriff. Bibb Mortgage sheritl MBi Vt TILL be sold on the first TUESDAY in August \ V next, between the usnal hours ot tale, before . . ext, I n-t ween the usual hours ot sale, be! the Const House door, in the City of Macon, Bibb Coutily, all that tract or [arcel of land containing one-hail acre, more or leas, being part of lots No*. I and 8. lu t<tnare twelve, in the city of Macon, and hounded as follows: fronting Jefferson Street one hundred and five feet, and running back two bun. The above Screw took the $25 SILVER OIT3? at tho last A NX UAL FAIR. Sugar Mills from $30 to $150. Horse Powers, new and improved, $75. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Castings and Machinery in General, may 3 NEW FINDLAY’S IRON WORKS, MACON, GA. Steam Engines and Mill Machinery, Cotton Presses and Screws, Horse Powers, Cane Mills and Kettles. IRON RAILINGS, COLUMNS, MILL STONES, GIN GEER, Grist and Circular Saw Mills, PULLEYS, WHEELS, SHAFTING, 4c., Ac. R. FINDLAY & SONS. Feb; L SCHOFIELD & BROTHER, J01I1RS&MACHINISTS, *llacon, Georgia. DEPARTMENT. MACON,... GEORGIA. JOBS s. SCHOFIELD, JOSHUA SCHOFIELD. We arc prepared to Manufacture STEAM ENGINES, ©Bft©(yj(LAft ©AW MMLiLS, MILL AND GIN GEARING, Sug;ax* ’ Mills, BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, Or EVERT DESCRIPTION. IRON RAILINGS AND VERANDAHS. Having the most complete assortment of Iron Rail ings in the State, which for elegance, neatness,dura bility and design, cannot be surpassed, and are suit able for the Fronts of | Dwelling., Cemetery Lot., Public Hqtjnrc. Church Fence, mid Dnlconie.. Persons desirous of purchasing RAILINGS, will i do well to give us a call, as we are determined tool- I feral good bargains as any Northern Establishment. t7*Specimens of onr Work can be seen at Rose I Hill Cemetery, and at various private residences in this city. nov 30 ly A. McQTJEEN, I ' 4 I I immmmnmm • v.rcv.*. - •.•-•assgats--S Lanier 4 Anderson, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, __ . ™ MACON, GA., J J ItACTICE in the counties of the Macon Circuit, -L and in the Counties of Sumter, Monroe and * ,so in ,lie Federal Courts at Savannah h », ve also recently become the Agents of the ioiiowmg Insurance Companies: The Augusta Insurance and Banking Com- ^ a J?7;of which \V. M. D'Antignac Is President and pany C. F. McCar is Secretary. And the Alnbninn Firo „ ud .flnrinclnau. rnnee Company, Montgomery, of which T. H. Watts is President and A. William. i s Secretary. Fire risks and risks on slaves taken at usual rates, apl 20 JutJpljUahelpliia,N. 11., &£• jMENARD & BTJRGHARD 1 } ^ ^ I IV ATHMJULERS AND J ewelers H AVE just received and opened a lar^e and splendid assortment of Goods in their line, ]>qoooo<>ooo<>OsX^qoo^>o«o<-| M- Macon, G-a., ANUFACTURER of Wrought Iron RAILING of every description, and for all purposes, viz: PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL, from the lightest scroll Iron up to the heaviest Bail ing used. Having an endless varietv of designs, purchasers cannot fail to be suited. Being entirely of Wrought Iron, their strength cannot be questioned, and for beauty they cannotlie surpassed anywhere. All kinds of Fancy Iron Work made to order. Particular attention paid to making all kinds of Geometrical Stair Railing. tySpecimens of Work can be seen at the Resi dences of T. G. Holt, L. F. W. Andrews, and Wm. J. McEIroy, Esq,, Also, to enclosures in Rose Hill Cemetery.jaly 19 ^a A@K«eil!ILT8JIBAiL IMPLEMENTS. « H- STONE’S j HAT EMPO^JUftf 0PP. LANIER MACOnVa. 8 ► PETER S. UCJXPUKIES, ATTORNEY AT LAW PEBRY, GA, _WILL practice in all the Courts of the Macon District, and also in the Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. |aug 17—ly SPEER A HlJIVIiilt, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON. GEORGIA. Office on Triangular Block, Corner of Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue. "VryE have associated as partners in the practice of law in the counties of the Macon and ad- joining Circuits, and elsewhere in the State by spe cial contract—also will attend the Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. ALEX. M. SPEER, mar 9 SAMUEL nUNTEK. T. «. non, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. O FFICE in Ralston's new block on Cherry Street, first door above entrance to Concert Hall. ang4 O. r. CULVEKHOUSE, r . A. ASSLEV. Culvcrliousc & Ausler, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA, W ILL practice in Crawford and the adjoining counties. Alt business promptly attended to. jan 11 * m CAEHART & CURD T HE Subscribers, from the increased demand for Iron Railings of their manufacture, have H AVE in store. Grant's Clinton's A others make -all sixes Executor, Ac., aud Isaac Scott, for the use of Isaac Scott vs. Ueqjamin M. Polhill. Property pointed out in raid mortgage fi fa. _ _ E. G. JEFFERS. Dep. S. iuue 30 . FAN MILES. to make that branch of their I Emery’s, Winship’s, Georgia and other department, possessing superior fa- SPIKE THRESHERS, m&nnfacture of | F IRON RAISINGS, tor any and all purposes ot the most approved de era's Railroad. Bogardns’s, 9 and 4 liorse, HORSE POWERS. signs, eitherplain or ornaments!. They are assured . in saying to the public, that in point < Grant's and others make 5 and 6 Angered GRAIN CRADLES. variety'and I Scythe Blades, Grass Blades. Grass Syckles, Scythe substantial wot£^ together with" moderate'prices! I Stones, Corn Shelters, and Straw Cutters, ALSO, class ol Wire Cloth, Bolting Cloth, Leather Belting, Rubber ting Cl I Belting, Mill Spindles. Mill Cranks, and all kinds of MILL IRONS, 0. B. STONE & BROTHER, WASHINGTON BLOCK Invite attention to their Stock of Spring A Summer Hats & Caps J. L. SEWARD. A. H HAKSilLL. SEWARD A HANSELL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THOMASVILLE, GA. A LL claims forwarded to us will meet with prompt attention. We shall practice in the counties ol Thomas, Lowndes, Irwin, Telfair, Berrien, Colquitt, Clinch, Ware, Decatnr and Worth. SEWARD A HANSELL. ThomasviUtf, Nov. 3rd, 1856. nov 4 Jf'Urw'r. ntoxvc _3H SAVANNAH aud CHARLESTON CABIN PASSAGE. 815 STEERAGE......................... $5 I QQ^istingin part ofthe following articles, Excursion Tickets good to return until Janu- uary 1,1860 835 The well known first class side-wheel Steamships Keystone State, PiPT n T> MAPKUMiV J GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. CAPT. C. P. MARSHMAN, and Hunting Magic Case, Independent 2d, Ac., for Gen tlemen. State of Georgia, I GOLD WATCHES for Ladies, rich and beau CAPT. J. J. GARVIN, tiful. uch as Spoons, Cups, Gob Now form a Regular Une for the North, leaving Charleston and Savannah alternately, as follows : The State of Georgia from Savannah every alter nate Saturday, May 2?th, June 11th and 25tb, Jul 9th and 23d. Ac.,Ieaviug Philadelphia for Savanna) the intermediate Saturdays. The Key Stone State will resume her trips from Charleston about July lst.ofwbich due notice will IILVEB W ARE, lets, Ac. SILVER PLATED WARE, such as Cas- . I glli 1 ML IV Mr uA E JE> 19 *v Jl. ■% lx. a UCU »S tso3- v I tors, Egg Boilers, (with Gold Plated Gold Cups and j, Spoons,) Fruit Baskets, Pitchers, Candle Sticks, 1 Waiters,&c. JEWELRY. Consisting of Diamond and Gold Rings, Pins, Ac. ■or safety and comfort, having superior STATE I 4c " sparkling and bright. ROOMS, these Ships are not surpassed by any on the Musical Instrumeuts, coast. One hundred miles of this route on the Dela- Such „ Violins. Flutes. Guitars, Banjos. Tambo- ware River and Bay—two nights at sea. rines FOR NIAGARA FALLS, THE TAXES A CANADA 1 Goid Pens, and Pencils. Guitar and Violin Strings, SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE. 0 and a varied assortment of This Une connects at Philadelphia with the Great r-.,„p V GnmU Northwestern Railroad Route through to Niagara * ’ Falls or Buffalo, in 18 hours from Philadelphia.— Music Boxes, too numerous to particularize in an Through tickets, with the privilege of stopping at advertisement. Philadelphia and intermediate points, lor sale by Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon the Agents in Savannah. ) them, since they commenced business, they solicit a Fare to Niagara or Buffalo, 822. Elmira, 820, continuance ofthe same, and will spare no pains to to Canandaigua, $21. give satisfaction to their customers, both-fn stylo C. A. GREINER A CO., Agents at Savannah. and quality of their Wares, and in price. T. S. A T. G. BUDD, Agents at Charleston. A. HERON, Jr., Agent at Philadelphia, mar 22—3m Watch and other repairing executed with dispatch and on reasonable terms. M. A B. oct5 Macon w most desirable artict£ I**;-- 1 medicines. an ‘ CI «miiC;> PIlARMACUTlCAI on 2 SADDLE BAGa PEKFruvr.V.^E Or& - . PERFL'ilERy T C SJ1 from tee Store of ze r- 4 .'" £ 1 IRON HOOPS ABli F.IR COTTOX Price C cents per pound, 2c, Rope. Any one considering the adv... I Rope as a material for bindi“I- t HuJ Change ot Schedule- SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON STEAMPACKETLINE IN C0XNNE0TT0H with the CENTRAL and North Eastern Rail Roads. rpHE spfr-ndid and Fast Running DM© Summer Trade. E. .1. .I01L\ST0.\ & co. H AVE in addition to theirformer stock received i GORDON, F. Barden, Commander,ieavesSavan- Land made recent selections of | WATCHES. JEWELllY, SILVER A SILVER PLATED WARE, FANCY GOODS, CUTLERY. AC„ AC. attemooS’af^o’clock 6 mid connects at SSiSgS of the.argestandmos, e.egant assort- 0. A. L0CHRANE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Macon, Oa. Adtniuitiirator’s Sale. ... ... - . W ILL be sold, on the tat Tuesday in Anguat th f*‘J*, 8 /,,?™ ^ ete ™i ned .... next, within the legal hoars of safe, before the I*'^ition to all the tuual styles of this Court House door in Perry, in th® county of Hous* are m*ldn£ . ton. two negroes belonging to the estate of Pinkney Fuller S Patent Railing'. , J. Pollock, deceased, into of said county, one a ne- P I Together with a full assortment of Builder's and variety of color gro man shout 20 yean old. and the others boy Thu is a new article, posanstng extraordinary Carriage Maker's material, and everything usually Weinvitenar about 9 years old. said property to be sold tor a dia- 1 " ronght Iron in its kept io , he ir line, all of which will be sold at the low- Dr „ mi £ j trihution among the heirs of said deceased. Term* I structure. All of which will be warranted equal to eat market rates. Call at ’ p IO 8811 * The following comprise a few of their leading styles: Gent’s Ban-ills Style Mole Hats. “ New Orleans Style Silk Hals, “ Bebee “ •• •• “ Everett “ “ “ Black, Drab, and Pearl Fasb. Caasiuieres, '• Superior French Felt of all colors, Aud an endless variety of Boys and Children’s Straw and Leghorn Hats and Caps. We also have something very superior for gen tlemen's wear in the Straw line. English Dunstables, Straw and Leghorns of every interfering with have with- . Lamar, and will hereafter be found at my office near the Mecban ics'a Bank, to — —-* —*—’—’ tion only to placed in my hani be attended to by both the partners, Lamar and Locbrane, to whom tetters may be addressed, may 24 made known a: the sale. ISAAC WOODARD. Jr„ ,une u Administrator. Houston Sheriff Sole. the best made in the Union. feb 1 R. FINDLAY A SONS. \T71LL be sold before the Conrt House door in Yv Perry, in raid county, between thensual the 1st Tuesday in Augnat next, a I ^ opened. NEW Virgil, levied on by Alexandet "Payoff Perry, hours of sale, • negro man named „ . Lee, late t-hcrilf of laid county, by virtue of a mort gage fi fa from the Inferior Court ofDecetnr county, in favor of Tbaddeua G. Holt, and Pulaski Ilolt. as signees, vs. Peyton C. Holt, Administrator of Fow ler Uolt, deoeaMHl. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. JOHN SMITH, D. Sheriff, may 31 A NEW 0-U3ST SMITH. fjpHE subscriber, JravingJust arrived In Macon, | may 17 CAIUIART 4 CURD'S. : State. aprli* jticular attention to our Stock, and cheap as any house in the city or C. B. STONE A BROTHER. iOP lor the purpose of Save Freight and Commissions. Caniart Sr Curd GUNS and PISTOLS, offers hi* services to the public, and guarantees to do-all work in his line in the beat manner, and at pricee to suit hia patron*. DOUBLE BARREL GUNS, RIFLES AND PISTOLS, made to order, and Stocked at abort no- tice. Yonr patronage is respectfully solicited. , . tyStore under the Floyd House, opposite Dr. ILL be sold before the Conrt Home door in I Thomson i. 1151. MARK WALTER. feb 8—ly Late of Augusta. Ga. Houston Mu-lilt Males. W ILL bn sold before the Conrt Bonn Perry* Uotatnn county, between the usnal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Allgnat next, 31 Steel Breast Chains. 29 Silk Guards, 29 Main Spring*. 41 Watch Keys, 5 Gold Hooka, 25 Lap Rings, 1 sett Sliver Smith Tonis, 1 small hand Viee, Fancy and Staple DRY-GOODS. SOLE AGENTS Fairbank’s Scales. NEW STOCK W E have just opened a Urge aud elegant Stock j ofGondsinone of th.* Xevr Stores uuder GRANITE HALL, PETKK J. STKOZIKR JOHN T. GLOVER STUOZIEU 4 GLOVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, DAWSON. GA. WILL practice m the Counties of Terrell, Clay, Chattahoochee, Webster, Randolph, Early and Stew art. All busiueas entrusted to them, will receive prompt and unremitting attention. Jan. 4.—ly. FIRM. T HE undersigned have, formed a partnership in the practice of Laic, in the Finn name of Ruth- erford and Hill. They will practice in the Macon Circuit, and in the Counties of Monroe, Jones and Wilkinton—and by special contract in any other I portion of the Stale. Also, in the Federal Court, at Savannah and Ms ) rietta. Office over the Manufacturer's Bank. JOHN RUTHERFORD, Macon, Jan. 17. ’59 JOHN R. HILL. A full assortment of Counter and Platform Scales now in store, and sold at their prices—no freight ad- dtd. Orders for Railroads. Warehouses, and other I Iar * e * a ® ceD » se ° ^ en> p ut °p* 1 pair oi old boots, 1 Trunk and lot of old clothing, 1 Razor and Strap, 1 Shoo Brush, and 536 Crystals, levied on as tho property of Julius Doering, to satis* »r of Col. . W. Hollins vs.said Julius fy a fi. fa. in favor Doering. ALSO, at flic same timftand place. Lota of Land No. vc, 17 and 1*. in the Twelfth Diitrict of Hous ton county, and No. 5 in the Thirteenth District of Haul county, and parts of Lots Nos. 59, 60 and 25, in the Twelfth District of said county, that is to say, all of said last mentioned lots of land that liein Houston i all. containing about 1,000 acres, well im- county, in nil, containing about 1,000 acres, wen im- proved, including the Steam and Saw Mills, Engine and Mill fixtures, and the following named negroes to wit: Mary, a woman about 25 years old; Sarah, about 10 years old; Tilda, about 8 years old; Mary % about 3 years old, and an infant child named j nil levied on ns the property of Samuel D. Bolton and Win. G. Towel, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor ot Curtis Leary, against said Samncl D. Bolton and "Wm. G. Towel, and one fi. fa. io favor of Amos Chantey. Administrator, Ac., against Wm. G. Pow- ei, said property pointed out by Wm. G. Powel, one of the Defendants. JOHN SMITH, j uly 2 Deputy Sheriff. C. H. Freeman & Co. J. '1'. MAY, Selected with great earn to suit the trade of Marnn, A ’I' T O li NHY A T I A W and adjoining country—among which arc: ' J ^ 1 _ ^ XJ-rt.11, SILK ROBES A LEZ, SILK ROBES DOUBLE JUPE. SILK ROBES VOLANTKS, or 2 FLOUNCES, FANCY SILKS in great varietv, PLAIN and FIGURED BLACK SILKS. SUTLER, TAILOR COl-STV, GEORGIA, feb 1—ly* North; returnii and ofthe caraof the North Eastern K. Road.) ana ar-1 J .1,0 i r-. rives at Savannah early the following mornings. bove tho Lamer, Macon, Ga. By this route Passengers can obtain through tick-' E. J. JOHN STON. eta to and from Savannah, Ga., and Wilmington, N. /Viday'nSght 'at Vj 8 o’chick'(after tHe'arrivS I ins P 8ct * on » nd carefnl comparison of qoalitiea e^canonie North Eastern ILRoadf) andar-1 *? d pr - ice ?' respectfully solicited. Three doors urpriM-J that il has not been, --i In is security against fir. reason for its adoption. * uJ The preasea In the seaport ra, L main cause of iu not bring JJ*5 hW now that objecUon i. remoVS^>B Orleans Press, the largest i n vj^ the preference over rope. Th.r 0 and Tie is the improvement of on.*? . and is adopted from the fact, t hL 5'l tong experiment, to combine the ^*1 aimplicity and facility of»p p S£a| made. Itla so prepared a, m re-compmsing. thus obviafiS^f ingdifficntty at the «eaboarddS. tt, l The hoops am sent of any | M Z V J ten feet, and a full guarantee Ties nor Hoop* ahA break cotton bound in them shall he terms, at the Orleans Presa V/^'jl The weight per bale is about tLu.' on6 pound more or less. To show the opinion shinm give the following, among nna^l tionswehave: ri J The undersigned masters of, cotton comprested with FaMm.-yH and Tips (ippaIiv roAom^... > .! * **i and Ties, hereby recommend th»„ being well compressed, and the L never breaking when thrown hold, or when stowed. ^ ' fort’ L. L. Condey, Captain of skip R D< ^ H A. Robinson, “ tvs (6 James Thomas, “ H ' fiftee Hit| it? pot mar 22 G. S.OBEAR. Carolina. I Piflnns tbe^Cen°raf Rril ltoad'and Rs ccummlions, all7rcights cle e“ n ‘ l 7 carved Rosewood.and all the plain between Charleston and the interior of Georgia con- S', tnr^'hv^’ jaSt r p^jRiminviw* < i! ,ht signed to the agents of this line will be forwarded t ^=£nm’p- y . e , E - J - JOHNSTON Ic Co. with dispatch aud FREE of CHARGE. 13^Old Pianos taken in exchange. J.P. BROOKS. Ag't, Savannah. 25L2 E. LAFITTE i CO., Ag'ts, Charleston. ) Silver Forks, SpOOIlS, &C., &C K^CON&WESTEBNHAIUB'5iB:|R E ^ E d I bS?.to y c^ev^ff^d^ ranted of sterling quality, being 925-1000ths fine. Also, a fine lot of warranted “U. 8. Coin,” at low AN and after Thursday, 15th July, the Trains will I pnce8 ' I m * r 82 L E J - JOHNSTON * CO. vJ be run as follows: Leave Macon at 12 night. Arrive at Atlanta 7.151 H3.1T Work to Order, A. M. I r \ VER 250 designs from which to make selection Leave Macon at 10 A M. Arrive at Atlanta 4.00 Why (mar 25) E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. We Atlanta at 12 night. Arrive atM«con7.15 mar 52 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. A. Talbot, John Dean, John C. Wilner, “ •• \K? H. Kopenholdt, - « p,.*,- L. P.Merill, •• Barkfci The price of Hoops aud Ties ijS cents per pound, and all orders vaT attention. Liberal deductions a2 forcity acceptance, by F B£Lf j may 31—6m lSjCoramercifip SELLING OFF | the AT CO WATER] Leave Atlanta at 11 A. M. Arrive at Macon 5.00 F. M. The night train will not be run on Sundavg. The 12 night train from Macon connects with the Geor gia R. Road for Augusta, at 10 A. M., and Atlanta A West Point R. R. at 12.15 A. M. The 10 day train from Macon, connects with the V> estern and Atlantic Rail Road for Chattanooga. Tlffllnn K tin Vl'llln VaaltmllA .... ,7 If ammI.!. .a m aa Tk.fEERSHAM PIPES, warranted genuine, fo 1V1 sale by E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. F ANS in large variety, Travel.ing and Reticule ' ' Dalton, Knoxville, NasbviUe, and Memphis, at 5.00 A. M., with Georgia K. R. at 12.00 night and at At lanta A West Point R. R. at 12.15 A. M. The completion of the Virginia and Tennessee Baskets, Leather Satchels, Ac., for sale by mar 22 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. 'YY’ATCHKS and Jew. I by mar 22 elry repaired and warrant- S. J. JOHI INSTON A CO. H E will sell his ENTIRE Sl\_, Dress Goods, Silks, Bfr»M\ die*and Muslins; also Mantilla, f Dusters, Ac, strictly at N. Y.COSTkoih Berege Robes for $» oo, worth d Berege Robes for #12 00, worth i Beautiful Silks from 910 to £5.» and other Goods in proportion. Rich Silk Side Striped Robes, u - Ladies! this is a Golden opportd selves of it before it is too late. Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. 1 A VALUABLE OTI “'-“-"IWatches, Jewelry, &c. A/ lrglllla n te-«=x fTIHE subscribers would inform the'citizens of Through Tickets to which may be had at Macon r 1 , Macon , and vic - iD j t J’ have taken tht ... ■ - — -• . . •' - I ato.-e formerly occupied by Mr. M. D. Barnes, where COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA., |OrrXR, AS USUAL, AT THCIH OLD STAND, A C HOICE ASORTMENT Of FAMILY GROCERIES A IU J L I uJvUUXjJviLOi - ous other styles of VF every description and of the best quality, freak • fR\ ra re* a EVENING DRESSES. DxLAINEand MERINO ROBES A LEZ. PLAIN and FIGURED DxLAlNES, Plain and FIGURED MEUINOES, VALENCIES. POPLINS. PLAIDS. FOIL di CHEVRES, MOURNING, and vari ISAAC Il.VKDCMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAAV, CL INTO X, GEORGIA. july 7 ly 0 F a5i^^ 0 ^^ta^^ K o 7 f| mum ®@@m a supplies from the Northern Manets, Spices, Citron, Herring*, Green Fruits in cans. Hams. Condiments. Lard, Sauces, Flour, Cheese, Butter, Mackerel, Pork, And other articles too numerous to mention, com prising the whole range ofFamily Grocery supplies. CANDIES. I We particularly invite the attention of dealers I and others to our large and complete stock of Can- 1 1 dies manufactured by ourselves, of the very best materials and warranted to retain their hardness and AduiiiiisiraiorN Hale. W ILL be sold on Saturday, 30th day of July, • I the late reaideuce of J. O. brilliancy, while the imported Candies soon lose id I Stile*, a lot of both and become worthless. We offer unrivalled inducements to purchaser*. CAKES, Ornamented and Plain, Of every variety and made of choice materials. Hogs and other Stock, sold as the property of J. G. I - ■ ROBE 1 G. B. ROBERTS, Adm’r. J. O. Stiles, deceased. Stiles, deceased. july 19 ■VtOTICBU hereby given to »U penons having I FailCII, Gilt, and White CHINA. ll demands against Solomon Philips, late of Craw- , ' 1 ever iu this Market. Also, a Urge Stock of a®sag &.®JL2;2ri w |LTou?hr^r;^ o uS£!it^ e8hort “ tBotic * Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh FISH, IN THEIR SEASON. . ... . : Embroideries, Real French Cambric and Swias 1 White Fish, Collars, Setts, Handkerchief*, Ac. Valenciennes Collars and Sett*. Linen and Pique Collars and Setts, Mourning Collars and Setts. Illusion Berthas, Beal Thread and Valenciennes Laces, Hosiery and Gloves, great variety. Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Cloaks, from Brodie's, SHAWLS—Nett, Stella, Long, Mourning, aud nthei varieties. A full assortment of STAPLE GOODS, Which we offer to eell on ss favorable terms as any House in the State. tyPLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. W. H. PIH DDKX A Oct 19 Granite Hall Block. Macon,Ga JLAW CARD. T. P. Stubs*, B. Hill, Stubbs & Hill, A T T O R N E Y S A T LA W, Macon, Ga. apt 20 Wm. K. tlcGratTenricd, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. OFFICE, third door below Lanier House—above Datnour's oct 27 for 823 00, and to New York for 835 25. . , . . , - . Further information in regard to this route can be the ^ lnteI1 “ j?" bad at the General Ticket Oflice, Macon. ' ALFRED L. TYLER, jalylg Superintendent. SCHEDULE ON THE by J the Jewelry Business, and will keep a neat and well selected assortment of goods connected with that business. We invite you to give us a call, and in return will assure you fair and honest dealings at all times. Watches and Jewelry Gr-TAtta Fere! NEVER-FAILING BO N EITHER time nor weatttr.uhrl use, seems'to work a Ct-aicfi J feet the material in the least. South-Western R. H.\ cleaned and repaired by a faithful and experienced workman, and warranted to give satisfaction. P- S.—Having purchased the Goods belonging to said Barnes, at a great discount from the cost, we offe them at OVER WHICH PASSES THE GREAT NEW Y0EK AND NEW ORLEANS WATT.s GOODALE & BATCH! eK? Having purchased the right of U Ns that joining county, with extended pared to contract and govern non:, tor the covering of building* with C vel, or Sand. This roofing i* pliable, or crack—run or drip down—is ira; .*) —fire proof—inodorous, hot or feel thst a test will convince a mf its superiority. Those wishing furl satisfactory price will please addtiJ june 21—3m GOODALE A Bu Two Daily Trains between Macon Sf Columbus ABNER P. POWERS. | ARTHUR DICKINSON Powers 4 Dickinson, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. MACON, GEORGIA- june 21 L. ft. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. [ Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne’s Drug ; Store. jan 6 Great Bargains. The Goods mostly ara No. 1 quality, and at the prices we shall offer them, it is a good opportunity ON AND AFTER JULY 29th, I for th «se >“ want of any thing in th^bay of Watch- Leave Macon at 11.45 p. m. and 9.45 a. m. Arrive “and Jewelry, to make their purchases at the at Columbus 5.35 a. m. and 3.45 p. m. OLD STAND OF 31. D. BARNES, Leave Columbus 4.00 a. m. and 3.45 p. in. Arrive at opposite the Lanier House. Macon 9.50 a. m. and 9.18 p. m. One word more, then we are done for this time.— Daily between Macon, Albany and Daieton: To those who visit Savannah, we invite to call at jLeave Macon 11.45 p.m. Arrivem Albany 6.25a. m. V. W. SKIFF'S JEWELRY STORE, fin that Ci- Amve at Dawson 6.00 ty,) opposite the Pnlaski House, where they will Leave Albany 3.00 p. m. Leave Dawson 1.40 p. m find a large assortment oi Arrive in Macon 9.18 p. m. Jewelry and Fancy Articles, Tri-Weekly. ot the late*t styles, and at prices to suit the rimes.— DowniM nday, Wednesday and Friday—Up:Tues-1 Hair Jewelry and Ornaments of every description Thursday and Saturday. made to order. Leave Macon 7.12 a. in. Arrive at Albany 4.32 p. m. Orders left at the store in Macon, or Savannah, Arrive at Dawson 5.20 p. m. will be carefully attended to. I HAVE just returned from EUROPE, where I bought the I.nrgrat and Finest Stock of Hardeman & Griffin I demands against ford county deceased, to present them to me, pro-1 „ ever iu mis manui. suso, a large siorat ot perly made out. within tho time prescribed by law. Common and White GRANITE WjUvE, All person* indebted to said deceased, are hereby required to make immediate payment. ofthe best patterns that come to thiscountry. inly 12 CLIFF PHILIPS. AdmT. I would call the Attention of mt-rrhanti — I my Samples, now on hand, which I am sure ere pre- We shall keep constantly on hand dur ing tho Fall and Winter,. ft. Fresh Oyatersand Fi.-h. native and imported, of the best qualities and re- | pectfully invite orders, which shall be faithfully ft AJOTICE is hereby given to all penons having f er »btetoany thing in this’section. demand* against James E. Bryce, late of Craw- j haT . . soo j stock, now on ford county, deceased, to present them to me pro- WAITERS, In setts, < perly made out, within the time prescribed by law. CHINA TEA SETTS, cheap so as to show their character and amount. All per- COAL OIL LAMPS sons indebted to said deoeaaed, are hereby required band, of CASTORS, Choice Tobacco and Segars, To which we invite the attention of ConnoU, . _ , FLUID LAMPS, to make immediate payment. GOBLETS, TUMBLEHS, LUCIUS G. EVANS, Adm’r. 1 ... jaly l g N OTICE.—Two mouths after date application wT ' •' Ac., Ac., Ac. I have a fine tot of COAL OIL, No. 1, to be here ill bemadetothe Court ol Ordinary of Jonea I in a few days, An the above Goods offered cheap, countv, Ga., at the first regular Term after expira tion nV two months from this notice, for leave to sell the lands belonging to tbe estate of William B. George, late of said county, deceased, for tbe bene fit of heirs of said deceased. H. W. BONNER. ISAAC HARDEMAN, jnuelt— Executors. kTOTICE.—Sixty days alter date application will to make room for Stock coming in. Macon, June 98, IS59. R. P. McEVOY. 1 Suppers r ornamental ana deli linary ofC countv, Ga., for leave to sell all tbe lands and ne groes belonging to the estate of Joslah Goodin, de ceased. JOHN H. GOODIN, R. L. GOODIN. june 28 _ Administrators. Georgia—-Crawford County. N OTICE is hereby given to aU penons having demands against Josiah Goodin, late of said county deceased) to present them to us properly * • til ..... - ■ made ont, within the time prescribed bylaw. And all personsindebted to said deceased are hereby re quired to make immediate payment. JOHN H. GOODIN, R. I*. GOODIN. June 9* Administrators. Jones-’ Sheriff Sale. W/ILL be told before the Court House Door, in YV the town of Cliuton, on tbe first Tuesday iu August next, 1959, the following property, vlx: On» Iron Gray Horse, one Boggy and Harness, one Negro boy named Frank, some 8 yean old of yellow complexion, very likely—levied upon by virtue of one Mortgage Fi. Fa., returnable to Jones Inferior Court, in favor of Anderson J. Middle- brooks reruns John A. Childs. Levied npou as the property of John A. Childs, to satisfy said fi. fa. Property pointed out In said fi. fa. also by Defendant. JAS. G. BARNES. Jane 81,185th Sheriff SANFORD’S LIVER INVIGORATOR famished with delleions, in the Is- NEVER DEBILITATE*. TT is compounded ENTIRELY FR03I GUMS, and J. baa become an established fact, a Standard Med icine known A approved * by all that have_used it, ami ia miff rMnrffrd WntI Houston Lands for Sale. B v order of tbe Ordinary of Houston county-, will ioary be sold on t h# first Tuesday in August'next. ahdny _ before tlic Court'House door in Perry, in Honstoa county, all tbe lands belonging to the estate of Dr. Creed T. Woodson, deceased. These lands comprising eight hundred acre* (be- ugloti Nos. 519, ?.y. 198, one-half of 199. and one- a!f of 199) situated in the upper Eleventh District inglots _ half of 199) situated in the upper Eleventh of Houston county, one portion being Pine, and the other. Oak and Hickory, form one ofthe most pro ductive plantations for both Cotton and Corn in the lunty of Ilouaton, and is now in a high state of cul tivation and contain* every building necessary for n cotton plantation—in good repair, and is well sup plied with running water for stock, Ac. And in ad dition, this place He* in one ofthe most convenient and eligible sections of the county for schools and ,•Lurches ; and having been the residence of Dr. Woodson and family, has every improvement and convenience required to make it a healthy, agreea ble ami pleasant family residence. VV’Tcnas on the day of sale. PHILIP T. WOODSON, WM. H. WOODSON, may 24 Ex'ni of Dr. Creed T- Woodson, dec'd. and is now resorted to diseases for which it it It has cured thousands who had given up all ^ numerous unsolicited!* stoa show. The dose must be adap- of the individual taking titles as to act gently on Let the dictates of your tbe use of the LIVER it will cure Liver Com tncka, Dyaprpsin Mummer Complaint, Monr Mtomnch, lla< Cholic, Cholera, Cholera Infantum dice. Prmnlr WVnL. ed successfullyas an Or 7Z. ieiae. It will cure the , , ACHE (ms thousand*-^ minute*, if i »» o o, are taken at the com All ovha use It are ill it- IIV.T. confidence in ail the recommended, within the last two years hopes of relief, as tbe certificates in my posses ted to tbe temperament it,and used in such quan the Bowels. judgment guide you in INVIGORATOR, A plaint*. Bilious At- Chronic Itinr, liu-n. Dysentery, Dropsy, bitunl Costivrnr**, Cholera Jlorbua, Flatulence, Jann, nn>«, and may be us- dinnry Family iTIcd- MICK HEAD, can testify) in twrnly three Ten-spoonful* mencement of attack, giving their testimony Mix WATER in tho mouth WITH THE INVIG- ORATOR, and SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. J3TPrice One Dollar per Bottle. —ALSO— SANFORD’S CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and fut up in Glass j Cases, Air-tight, and will keep in any Climate. ' H. HORNE’S CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT STORE, And Pastry Bakery, at his new Store, next to Ayres, Wingfield (f Co's, CHERRY ST., MACON, GA. T)AUTIES, Dinners and A everything testatyles. Bridal Cakes, dressed iu unsurpassed style*.-- French Pastry of every kind, as well as all kinds of Desert made to order, among them many new dishes. French Candies, Chocolate, Cream, etc. Oranges, Pineapples, Bananas, Lemons, Apples, Raisins, Dates, Figs, Currants, Citron, Nuts ol all kinds, Preserves, Crackers, Segars, Cider, etc. WINES AND BRANDIES of undoubted Pickles, Sauces, ges. Cranberries, etc. U" All goods warranted to be first class articles, and sold as low as can be bought in Macon. TERMS—Cash, for all not bolding Pass book*. li. HORNE will attend personally to superintend tbe tetti ng of tables for Weddings and Parties, either in City or Country. ty Country Merchants will find a good as sortment of Confectionaries at my establishment, and the prices ss tow as any where else in the City, jan 25—ly purity. Toys, Sardines, Lobsters, es, Salmon, Tongues, Cheese, Cabba- LitteM Sens by tliu .A.t.lajrtio Telegraph.- To all irliom it may concern. This is to notify th* public that Isaacs is at Home Again, And begs to assure his patrons thst his SALOON is not a thing of a day. Citixens and the traveling pnb- lie will find the establishment open not for the sea son only, bat at all seasons of the year, and thorn calling npou ns will at all hours find our Larder sup plied with ail the delicacies that the New York and other markets will afford in tbe way of eatables, and something good to drink, and six days out ol seven more than can be found in any other house in town. E. Isaacs & Brother. (Jndrr Ralnen’i Dali, Cherry Ml. The Family Cath- tie but active Cathartic, used in his practice mort Tbe constantly increaa- who have long nsed the nrtic PILL is a gen y, wbichtbeproprietorbas , than twenty years. — ing demand from those 1 PILLN, and tbe satis- "'in .nnoen *A Sko!. nan faction which all express Y. in regard to their use, has induced me to place — ,,u - ♦**- of all. The Profession well thartics act on different portions of the bowels. The FAJIILY CA- w TIIARTIC PILL ha*, with due reference fact, been compounded rest Vegetable Extracts, ■tttlMHffHH Notice to Planters. H AVING purchased of Mr. i'liomas Bagby his eutire interest in the Negro Trade, in Macon, I take tliia method or informing those who wish to purchase or sell Negroes, that the trade will be con tinned at the old stand, next door to Adams A Rey nold'* Ware House, on Poplar Street, where can be tound at all time* a likely lot of Maryland and Vir ginia Negroes at fair prices. 1 will alv> pay liberal price* for all young and likely negroes offered for sale. JAMES G.NOEL. March 29.1859.—Cm F011 SALE! Iff PLANTATION situated in tbe counties of IVL Bibb and Monroe. It contains It or 12 hun dred acres of Land—is tree Oak and Hickory land- lies well and is only 18 mile* from .Macon. I will also sell stock and utensil* it desired. Payment* made easy. ANDERt-ON COMER. March 99,1859. Checks on New York FOR SALE Ur THE MANUFACTURERS’BAHX part of the alimentary ■afe in all cases where socb a* Derangement ness, Pains in the livenesM, Pain, and >• hole Hod) . frui:i i, queutlyifm-glected cuds ver, Lon of Appetite, of Gold over the a them within the reach know that different Ca to this well established — from a variety of the pu- * which act alike on every canal,and are good and , a Cathartic is needed, ^ oftheMlou.nrh.Mleep- w Bark 4k Loin., Con. Moren ran over Ike ■W [sodden col^. which fro* * ic a long coarse of Fe- <, n creeping sensation ^ Body, Restlessness, Hia bill of fare will eve-y day Rejntt tbe thing for little pay. And those who at their place may < Will find in it all things complete, And going once, they then will know tlSAI" That ISAACS’ is tbe place to go. WE shall be happy to Me onr friends, assnring them that it will be onr unremitting care to please in every respect, as we flatter ourselves we have done till now. U" It may not to meet the wishes ot be generally known that we have iefi of the Medical Faculty, import ed tor ourselves a very superior quality of Pale Bran dy, fine Old Port. Sherry and Madeira, possessing all tbe medical qualities so ir.uch desired by them. qualities so ir.uch desired by them. Look at bis Bill of Fare, and choose for yonnelf All of which can be purchased at tow prices for CASH. Be tore and call at oct 12 E. ISAACS A BROTHER. Headache or weight ,ia the Head, all In itiatory Diseases, Worms in Children or Adnlls, Rheumatism, a great Purifier of the Blood, and many diseases to which fiesh la heir, too numerous to mention in this advertisement DOSE, I to 3. PRICE 30 CENTS. The Livzn Invicoiutor and Familt Cathartic Pills are retailed by Druggists generally, and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the largo towns, B. T. W. SANFORD, .71. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, 333 Broadway, New York. Retailed by all Druggists. Sold also by ZEILIN A HUNT, GEO. PAYNE. may 10—ly E L. STROHECKER NEW HOTEL Tliomasvilie. fTIHE underaigued having opened the McBAIX 1 HOUSE, for the reception of the public, invite tho People generally to give them a call. No pain* will be spared to make their Guest* imfortable ; tutd their table will be supplied with POST At MEL, Commission Merchants, 64 Povdhas Street, New Orleans, La. REFERENCES.—Messrs. J. B. A W. A. Ron. ** Hardeman & Griffin. ** Li^btfoot & Flanders. Elijah Bond, Esa. Joseph (’Haby. Keq. feb 22 NEW GOODS- C. Campbell & Son, NEAR THE LANIER HOUSE. TTAVEinst received their Fall and Winter supply Xl of KERSEYS. HEAVY BLANKETS and NEGRO SHOES atthelowe-t market prices, aud Planters would do well to call and examine before purchasing. They also continue to keep a general stock 0 -1 ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR IFAL1L AM® WDMT S T QCK _ AX rllElit OLD dI'ANB. ^ ! q[q T HEIR Stock consist in part of tho following J GOODS, to which they invite the attention of j _ .Tlcrclianls and Planters: 50 ba)e„ ilim.y ototh 200 coils Richardson Rope 1000 pounds Baling Twine 150 bags Coffee, Java, Porto Rieo, Rio and La- guira 10 chests Black and Green Tea 75 barrels A B A C Sugar # 25 barrels crushed and Powdered .Sugar S' boxes Loaf Sugar 15 hogsheads fine Porto Rico 300 sacks Liverpool Salt 100 sacks Alum Salt ISO boxes Adamantine Candles 40 boxes Sperm Candles 75 boxes No. 1 Soap 80 boxes Family Toilet Soap 30 boxes assorted and Fancy Candy 125 kegs Nails 50 boxes Starch 100 jar* Snuff 50 whole, half aud quarter kegs of Powder 20 cans Duck-shooting Powder J00 bags Shot 100,000 Segars. various brands 50 boxes Tobacco 20 cases Magnoliaand Combination Tobacco 20 bales Osnaburgs and Stripes 5 cases Homespuns, bleached 10 bales Georgia Kerseys 5 bales Northern Kerseys IS bales Blankets, all sizes CO baskets Piper's Heidaick Wine 75 cases Ginger and Blackberry Wine aud Brandy 50 barrels Rye and Corn Whiskey to barrels Extra old Bonrbon 50 barrels Gin, Rum and Brandy 10 casks Madeira, Port and Sweet Wine 10 cases London Dock Gin 15 cases Boker's and Stonghton Bitters 10 cases Lemon Syrup 20 casks Ale and Porter 10 boxes Ginger Preserves, Prunes and Figs 30 boxes Assorted Pickles 20 boxes Super. Carb. Soda 30 barrels and boxes Soda and Butter Crackers 25 boxes Herrings 5 sacks Ashton's Table Salt 10 doxen Well Buckets 5 cases Ashton’s Table Salt 25 dozen Blue Buckets 10 nests of Tubs 30 d ozeWool Hats 20 boxes Leverit Axes 10000 pounds White Lead aud Zinc 100 barrels Linseed Oil 10 barrels Tanners’ and Machine Oil ALIO, A FINE LOT or J. B. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILL TOWN. BERRIEN COUNTY, GA. W ILL practice in tbe BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT comprising the following counties, Glynn, Were, Wayne, Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee and Charlton, also McIntosh of the Eastern. may 4 . KOBIVSON Cfl AS. ROBINSON _ Ch S. & C. ROBINSON, Attorneys ext Law. W CUTHBERT, GEORGIA. ILL give prompt attention w .n hu,i D ess en trusted to them, m Randolph, Clay, Eslrlyf Mil ter. Calhoun, Terrell, Stewart and Quitman counties. March 1, 1959, jf KIMBKUUGII 4 BASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Gxo. Kiubrough, E. 8. Bass. Starkviile, Lee co., Ga Dawson, Terrell co„ Ga. mar 8 Leave Albany 6.20 a. m. Leave Dawson . Ar rive at Macon 9.11 p. m. Trans to Columbus form a through connection to Montgosssrv, Alabama and Augusta, Kingsville \\ ilmingtou, Savannah, Milledgeville and Eatonton. Post Coaches run from Albany to Tallahassee Bainbridge,Thomasville, 4c„ daily; also,tri-week ly from Dawson to Cuthbeit, Fort Gaines, Ac. Hacks run six times a week from Fort Valley to Perry, Haynesville and HawkinsTille, and tri-week ly to Knoxville, Ga. Passengers for points below Fort Valley, should take the Day Trains from Augusta and Savannah to avoid detention in Macon. For other points take ei ther Train. First class steamships leave Savannah for New York, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Passage in the Cabin 915, Steerage 86. Through Tickets can be procured from Rail Road Agent* at Montgomery, Columbus and Albany via Savannah to New York, by Steamships, in Cabin, as follows: Montgomery $26; Columbus $23; Albany a®. VIRGIL POWERS mar 23 Superintendent' Respectfully, Macon, Ga., Feb. 15— V. W. SKIFF A CO. NEW New Gool E. SAULSBI H E is now receiving a very Isml ted Stock of SPRING CLOTflil and VESTINGS, of the latest imp-.-i He has also received tbe reports this Spriug, with a variety of new n. His Stock of Fine READY T 711 will be replenished with the chi from the best houses in New Yoi_ His FURNISHING GOODScoxfj that is new and desirable, in the i Shirts, Collars, Ties, Gloves, Hindi All of which he invites his friends u| call and examine, mar 1 pte 01 carrying always keep Phaetons, Carriages, Buggies and Hora- es, to hire on as good terms as anybod. We have also the most ample accommodations for Drove Stock. We would say to the public that we have taken the Bit into our mouth in earnest and can always be found with our harness on ready to serve you; we intend by keeping straight tongue, pulling toother and by buckling damn dote to business, to succeed or break a trace. We shall never tire feUotet in hitch ing up for you so tong as you come tip to the lick lor and settle. Now if you want us to tcag-on to Rock- a-iray and not to be sulky, in fact if you don’t want to see us check up to dose, put your shoulder to the wheel, give us a share, and if you find a single tract of ingratitude you may halter us. Very Respectfully, ADERH DR. WlH. F. IIOLT W ILL attend promptly all cells left either at his Office t over Bowdre & Anderson’s Store, or at his residence in Vineville, opposite Maj. Comer’s. mar 8—ly* DR. J. DICKSON SMITH, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, 7IACOIY, GEORGIA. Y^ILL attend promptly to aU Professional calls made on him, either at bis Office or Residence, by day or night. ' •■'FICE-Oi OKI Over 3Ienard A Burghanl’s Jewelry Store, on Cherry Street. RESIDENCE—At Mr. J. B. Ross', jan 18 *11. II. Freeman, nil. Iff., H AVING returned to Macon, offers hia Profes sional services to its citixens, and those ofthe - surrounding country, and is prepared to treat their ; various diseases with innocent vegetable remedies, : and hopes that in consideration of tbs fact that he i gives no poison, draws no blood, and never destroys - tbe constitutions of bis patients, he will be liberally j patronized by the afflicted. | CyParticular attention will be given to Plants- I tion. and other country practice. tyOffice at tbe Drug Store of Dr. M. 8. Thom son, to whom he refers. jan 11—ly Dre. McDonald and Van Geisen, Dentists. OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK, MACON, GEORGIA. j Electricity used in Extracting Teeth. M C DONALD'STooth Paste always on hand and for sale. Dentists can bn supplied with the finest style ot TEETH, also Gold Foil, Gold and Sil ver Plate and Wire, Lathe Fixtures. Ac., also with any kind of Instruments or Materials on short notice, oct 12 CHROME GREEN. YELLOW. PRUSSIAN BLUE TERRA DE SIENNA. BURNT UMBER, Ac., Ae. PAINTS AND VARNISH, BRUSHES AND SASH TOOLS. Macon, Sept. 28,1856. ^ NEW $10 Washing Machine!! W ARRANTED to give satisfaction, or the mo ney refunded. orsalFeby B. A. WISE. Dr. C. J. RoseveU, HOMCEPATHIC PHYSICIAN, OFFICE AND HESIDENCF., Corner of Third and Walnut Streets, Macon, Ga. jan 11—ly BOOTS AND SHOES. june 58 House Furnishing 8tore, Macon, Ga, A TTHE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT, No. 3, tt Cotton Avenue, opposite Washington Jff BOOK BINDING. TACKSON BARNES manufactures to order every r) description of blank account nooks, and binds y style io any style desired, Magazines, Law, Music and Miscellaneous Books, clerks’ record and docket rooks,with or without printed forms, and warrant, ed beat quality paper. ty Engineers’ profile paper made from the best English drawing to any length or width. All orders from the country promptly and careful ly attended to. Office on Cotton Avenue one door below Ross and Coleman’s. apl 13 Hall Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers L would return their thanks for the very liberal and tong continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of th same. Wehave now in store a large assortment nfe BOOTS AND SHOES, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the different styles and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to csll and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as any house in the city or State. Sept. 28. JIIX A KIRTLAND. Will you go North, when you can fio better South ? & is&jbsssss MANUFACTORY & REPOSITORY, FORSYTH, OA. H AVING purchased the entire in- U* . teresl of tbe late firm of Banks, teSEjgirr Wilder A Co., I invite tbe attentionXeSlZ^fil—. ofthe citizens of Forsyth and surrounding counties to my extensive arrangements for manufacturing Top and no Top BUGGIES, ROCKAWAY8, CAR RIAGES, PHsETONS, Ac., Ac. I am constantly receiving additions, not from the North, but from my Work-Skop, to my stock on hand—of three or four buggies per week—which combine elegance and 4 with lightness, strength and durability. Orders “ le, Hai To Southern Dtl J.H. 32 COURTLAND AND 39 Dill NEW YORK. [ Manufacturers and Wholculel .-Ma« pkc- th: i from nks fe not; nimls' ellion. (oreig- Icaties t pred or [qtartei 1 a let ntown, ets arc BOOTS & SJ tantly on OF FINE and NEORO GOOFB *. Southern Trade v which they»iS*<!• , market prices for cash or f jan 18 for juiysort of Vehicle, Harness &c., are most re spectfully solicited, which shall be promptly sup plied, and all engagements for work punctually met. I have constantly on hand a large assortment of liar- large assortment of H&r- OLD & JEFFERS. Opposite the Passenger Depot, and near Brown’i H°tel. . *pr 26 d-t.f • •GEO. SMITH J. CLEGHORN CLKGliOM & SMITH, Manufacturers of, and Dealers in Saddles, Harness, LEATHER, WHIPS, RUBBER BELTING, SADDLERY, Hardware, CARPETINC FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, MAT AND MATS!! A LARGE Stock, and a great tc the ebove Goods, jo$t received sold at far lower figures, and gift m lection from the best stock ever offr" Ale SO, SATIN, DeLAINU, LACE and M 1 WINDOW CYWYl WINDOW SHADES, 0U-T ! BANDS in great variety. Purchasers will consult their c«| amining my stock before bnyic;. aug 3—tf "Wheeler 4 Wff SEWING MAC« Repairing done at abort notice and all work war ranted. J. H. BANKS. ang 6 1858. 1 yr $10,000 Oasti! AC„ AC„ AC. OPPOSITE E. BOND’S STORE, Cherry Street, jan 4—ly Macon, Ga. A CARD. rpHE undersigned feels it_ his duty to render thanks to the citiiena of Houston* and adjoin- TTqI n Q T-\l £X "PlQ-n+Q+inn ing counties, for their liberal andextensive patron- V UiIUuiUlw Jl ACtll ud li-L DLL . age. While he begs a continuance of their tavors, IN HOUSTON COUNTY FOR SALE. T HE undersigned will sell for Ten Thousand Dol lars cash, the Plantation in Houston county; known as the Ben Gray place, containing THIR TEEN HUNDRED Acre* of Land. This Plantation is fourteen miles from Macon and lies in one mile of the South-Western Rail Road, said road passing through one corner of the Land. There is between six and seven hundred acres of Land cleared, and in begs a continuance of their tavors, he will state to those who do not know him, that ma ny years practice in the principal cities of the South and a complete Dental Laboratory, enable him make as elegant and perfect Dental substitutes of the most approved and latest style, as can be furnish ed by «ny Dentist in the State. A WORD ABOUT THE “CHEAP STYLE 0E WORK.” Persons needing Dental Operations or Artificial fine condition for making a crop another year. The Teeth - and not able to pay me my regular prices, place is well improved. Having Frame Negro ,n *y f eel assured that I will rather share my profits :.u 1—Im.: . , . with them th.n -‘nopommodAta" th.m with a rhnan evs Negroes, and Frame Gin lionse. Cotton Screw and Stables. These LAids are level and well adapted to the pro duction of Corn or Cotton, and instead of wearing out. get more productive aa they grow older, under judicious cultivation. The place will be sold on a credit of one, two and three years, for a sum equivalent to ten thousand dollars cash. Any further information desired, will be furnished y addressing the undersigned at Bnsbayville. Hous ton County, Georgia. D. F. GUNN. Macon, Sept. 28,1858. with them than “accommodate” them with a cheap, or inferior style of work, as such will never give sat isfaction, ana is the denrest at the end. All persons dos-Ving my services will please call at my Residence, in Ferry, where they will find all the comforts of a £rst-rate Dental Office. Families liv ing at a distance may procure my services by giving me notice. Dentists will find a large assortment of the best materials, for tilling Teeth, as well as for making ar tificial seta, at Northern prices. DR. FREDERICK GARKE, octia—ly Surgeon Dentist. D. C. HODGKINS & SON, Ivlacon, Gra. F TJOOTS.—A full assortment of Gents’ fine JD Fre J Book Binding 1 . nch Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and terproof.ofvarious kinds and qualities, both soled and pegged. Just received and for ssle low by Sept. 28. MIX A KIRTLAND. NVITES the A attention of t li e Sporting Public and otll- jOgWri i -. to t It •• i :• tgf* a large selection of DOUBLE GUNS, RIFLES, PIS TOLS. POCKET AND SPORTING CUTLERY'. FISHING TACKLE. WALKING STICKS. FOR EIGN AND DOMESTIC AMUNITION, and every article found is a FIRST CLASS Sportsman’s Emporium, NORTH OR SOUTH. By c-ftrefal attention to the business, and keeping the Wst GOODS in our line, we expect to receive a condonation of past favors. H«’pniring carefully aflrnfiled lo m Barrel /Oct. 26. fore. — • GRANITE HALL | OPPOSITE THE LYMEK HOUSE. T HE subscriber will open the above Hall about the first of APRIL next, for the accommodation of Families, Day Boarders and Transient Custo men. This House is now offered as inferior to no other First Class Hotel in tho South, and from its central location, its large and airy rooms, offers great inducements and accommodations to Families ana Transient persons. The public may expect from this House, all the luxuries aud comforts to l e found h. any other hotel. B. F. DENSE, mar 2 Late ofthe Floyd House. NEW AND VALUABLE OT DPrices Red'.] f|YHESE Machines are the } the public. They are.i easily kept in repair; workw great rapidity; make an t both sides that will not rip; are applicable to every purposes men to the art in question. l UP*A reduction of $23 00 J. B. iff.! " Send for a Circular. poff M B . 0re l (Copy) Messrs. J. B. A W. A. Ross. Dear Sirs—This is to certify,1 Wilaon’s Sewing Machine. booi^J eea months since, has given r Having repaired those of ly examined them, Tbelitve neatness and strength of workj' inuse. Yours, veg rag Master Machinist, Macon l june 7 Swamu Land j K 1GHTY-ONE acres of rhfT miles below Mscon-d- OLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS made toorderfo I ~P I “ VM TA'nONBBOQAN8.-Nowj„,tore ^ B court, and Counting Ho^ld the numbers | £.^dTthi! SEfSEfUrf. soled peg and nailed black and russetts; do. luavy printed on the pages without extra charge. MAGAZINES, GROCERIES at the old 0 b»* undersold for ('ssh. Macon. Oct. 12. le's. a ^ do not intend comfortable; the best tbe market affords. jan 18—tf AMAMDA L. LITTLE ft SON. WANTED. J AM ttill buying Military bounty Land Warrant# 1 I. and will always give the highest caah price. Macon Ga. ulyse ly Q. J.BLAJLk MUSIC AND LAW BOOKS, bound in neat and cheap atylea. DAVID ROSS, Cor. 3d and Cherry Streeta, feb 1 Over George T. Rogers ft Son. T HE subscriber haa frarchaaed the Right to and’i Patent Carriages and Springs fer Blank Account Books, which he will put on work when instructed. DAVID ROS*. ffcbl single soled black and russetts; do. boys and youths black aud russetts, all of which we are selli*# very low. Sept, i,*-. MIX ft KIRTLAND. s and B oots and shoes.—m™'.- Yoi BROW X \S l 1 ( >TKB- orrosiTX the srw rail road pefut, MACON, GA. E. E. BROWN, Proprietor. Metis Beady on the Arrival of every Train, apl 15 nth’s tine calf and kip peg d Boots; Men’s stout kip hunting and inud Boots; Gents last ing Gaiters, Monterey, opera and ties, and tine call Brogans; Gents.hoys’ and youths' patent and enam elled Brogans: Men's, hoys’ and youths' California kip Brogans, a large assortment. Sept,28. MIX A KIRTLAND. R UBBER SHUEs.—a large assortment of Gents anil boys Rubbers. Also, La- i dies slipper amt sandal rubber Shoes of Goodyear's celebrated patent Just received and for sale low by > Sept. 28. MIX A KIRTLAND. PIANOS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C, E are now offering a new^ and^select legant PIANOS from Nunn ft Clark, and other makers, war- ranted to please. Guitars, V __ _ Flutes, Accordeon.t and all other small Instruments kept in our line. Strings, Instruction Books, Sheet Music, &c. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Ofthe mofd approved makers JEWELRY ft FANCY ARTICLES, Silver Forks aud Spoons, equal to coin. Watches aud Jewelry Repaired and warranted. March 1. 185^. J. A. ft 8. S. VIRGIN. Coal Oil TUST received and for sale $1 25 per gu] O .m'v-R.*p. Me the balance heavily timb-rr-j Cane, for sale by feb 8 n. by vot DENTIST* Hardeman & Sparks NTVare House and commission merchants, Macon, Ga., W n &gS ti I ?2™?-K i r,? prompt attention attheir . hIR. rf PKOOb WAREHOUSE, on the eor !«; w. E.IIEBsH SELF-SEALING GrLASS JARS. A LARUE assortment at a reduced price. B. A. WISE. june 28 Cheiry Street —OUSE, on the cor ner of 3d and Poplar streets, to all business commit ted to their charge. YY it li their thanks for past favors, aud a renewed pledge of faithfulness to all their friends and cub- tomers, they hope to receive their full share of put lie patronage. r Liberal advances made on Cotton and other pro-' duce when required. (3?*Plan f er’s Family Stores, also Bulging, Rope Ac., furnished at tho lowest market rates. TH05. HARDEMAN. 0 . 3PARK3 sep 7 XDenti= Ofiice over A. M. J Street, M**] inlv 19—ly . A ANDGOMiliSSIOM MACO-V > I COATES. 4 ,?! mr-v ' - Messrs-Hartg^Cf nl orltrWlCeN i*. TO RENT. T HE Store occupied by J. H. YVaterman. Also several Rooms. Apply to FEES MAN ft ROBERTS, or ! 0P & advances ; K( july 19 A. B. FREEMAN. Orders lor tics | have our personal I Wcbopc bypn;^;,.-; d it a liberal sbar* 01 1 jh\.J St" mt j3i