Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, November 08, 1859, Image 2

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.. Uj.mU TEy/a. jLl»t jvr^ooisr, GhA.., BROT 1 Jddrcs Tuesday Morning, November 8 town nesting to bo held on are Si’*wr..\tATivrJ: co, <u obedience to tbo popular gv Ijocsaotn here, uni took upon o*»aud aespotusUil* duti, > i.\ run ibe executive of our beloved luro looked dark and;per-, gldhtn Burned to restjopoq Fir-Governor’? McssagQIt c Hit page* eukt^qf prosperity, tbo country bad. » t,twvw Vi IUU tVUiUl t f, bcehprcclpitatcdinto n fearfu l^ortos. iloet oT our Hanks bad ’suapci Democratic Musa Fleering. Vj&An r^iuesjpd to givexx$i<*pit a m Sthc tic Part* ef B|bb co< Court lftu»c in tblscit; in this ina|ith, for the I canjiid!|r«JJw £oun»^ It}' and berejfs such srccommcn trill he lake d to redeem tbeir , is'they fisdloV led Organization of the General As hen pro cjmjly corffracfod to do. TUc cfqflitot was press- ins ittcnisiitoC, who bad not \be means Will) which to pay.. Our, commercial interest] were almost T r <*.“t..i<jjL uqg distant and ..depression prevailed - m cvci v f##i ef rta f-iate. Iff tins state of ihl:)i.v, as tie Executive, I was t jlifd noon totSueoifuter grave rcnqo.-IWimc.-pmd Opto Jci afoix 'yuesdStxi • of much magnitude, wten * great Jlnjsiiy of opinion existed. 1 did not Iies- * '"TtiteTo wot lboao responsibilities, and to di et .1 . my daty, uccardiug to my own conscien tious convictions of rigbt,^ Tbe correctness rf my ou.-ipl condmions was repeatedly called into queg- ; ,Vi, 4ml my ftUcJal acta were doiely scanned and - -A- 1 this 1 dill pot .complain, . -1. I v.as '4yb'g Jor the people to pronouuec their . u.-uict aipou my admuiialnsion, at tbo proper tlmo - hnv ta4bo proper, way. — Th toMrhnnoh.a! i\-rm for which I was elected .semXc to/-'. . haabeai) pronounced, and in accordance with it, l now appear before the General AtMnbly, for llie porpotOol' taking tbe oath prescribed by tbe Coa- taitrtkm and lawa of the Slate, preparatory to ca- Mring epon the discharge of tho duties of another i in the Executive office. Before doing to, I feel that I may justly con gratulate you, and tbe people whoso representa tives you arc, upon the present condition, and brigbiat.ieg future prospects of our npbie State.— Etiwceo the louics; peak of tbe mountains which rap*) along her North Eastern boundary, where until June, (lie bud has scared? swollen upon tbe clWf, Trticre tbe Earle belldfher nest; and the a (grope, widen -blooms almost perpetually fu r ocean bound limits, Georgia contains a ■variety'of roll nod climate, with" an almost ss diversity of valuable productions, rhills, valleys and plains, ore inhabited by an iptclligcnl, industrious and prosperous people, no ted arSc for their lionesty of purpose, and their .integrity of character. ' Ucr surface is almost .checkered with Uailroads,whicU arc in a’prosperoas - coi'.iiitiuu. affording the means of rapid tranapor- latiotl and’travel, from one extreme portion of tho tftate to tho otlier. All kcr great agricultural in- ■. terefts, Including her cotton crop, which is worth inillioc- of dollars annually, exhibit flattering ovi- diticfis ot prosperity. Her manufacturing inter ests are valuable aud growing. Her oommercial The Legislature organized ou the 2nd instant In tl* Senate, on tlic first ballot for President, Dr. MeGebev, of Houston, • received 34 votes; Theodore L.Gary, of Quitman, ill 5 Jbha Bil lups, of Clark, 25, Two of the candidates hav ing withdrawn, on the 2nd ballot Mr. Gary ro-, coivevl 63 votes and was declared elected, l'or to-day, will strike the reader as an eminently practical, common sense document, distinguish ed aliko’for the amplitude and clearness of its information and the soundness of its sugges- will deepen the public impression of bility, .rouhd judgment, in js independence of charac manifest propriety and force in ttioms, that hardly-an dkception^ -v to any^p of tfitna,'unlesirit may be thatan r^gjrcnce’to making bank sus pension cOncltWivewidenee of fraud, and pun ishablc by five years’ hnprisonment in the Pen' g21ten]H sion fraudulent and or, and it may bc.questioned whether any bet ter salygua^d wjjl be furnished by a more per emptory declaration aiul'increased penalties— The public safely will be better consulted-in abating the banks, than in piling up penalties against mismanagement, lie this as it may, (.earned. Secretary of the Senate, Mr. .1. U.-.rr!-. of Thomas, revived 01 votes, and JIr. Went, of • however,.Urn message is a capital .document, and dues great credit to the Governor. It dis- Lo*s 00. On tho fourth ballot, -Mr. West receiv ed cy/yqtas anil was deelfred'clccted. Junes A. Pringle, Esq., of Houston, is Assistant Sec retary. - 3r£OT -OI SC- . „ ! In' tlio House, Isbiah T. Irrift, of IVllkts, was elected Speaker, by a large majority, on the fi*3t ballot. J. J. Diamond, of Dc IQiib, was elected Clerk;. Jesse Odin, of Colib, MoESonger; and Mr- Adkins, of Ogletiiorpe, Door Keeper. Fdr tho lutter ofilca, some fifteen or twerfy eentli- dates were announced, and tlic entire afternoon session was occupied ia balloting for a choice. Gox'crtior’s C Fla:, Nov. 4, 1851k Tho IVinter season-has set seems, in good earnest The wea- ad bright, but tho winds anti keen! Wt have recently had several] rostjj -which have kfiled tender dfad. ; Cane as yet remains dd—lioweyer, the planters were not without- fear that it would suffer from the chilly breadrof “Jack Frost” There is a fine crop of Cane made throughout this whole coun try' this year. 11 is also unusually well matur- lw already dSIareVMn' •i-Mj*VOtyJ«ga^tU«*t,.ailwm -«m- , . ^ * sequent! v yield* £rqit deal of Sugar and Svrup. dindtctobleasamisdeaean- j findtllc , UO£ lofthciK-Usof CoUo.,, from Al bany to Monticcllo, quite white with Cotton, and some of the fields were heavily laden with unopened bolls, but I ween they are cut off by the cold. So far as I havq been able to ascer tain, the Colton crop will’ be on average one. There is a total failure, this year, of. the stnall grain crop. The fatal epidemic—-putrid sore throat—which has Keen ravaging your State, has not yet made its appearance here. Tinra is nothing of interest here for me to write—the chief topic of conversation being the iate' insurrection of Virginia, which has been discussed till'ail bauds aro weary for something else to talk about. I will close aud beg yobr pardon for occupying thus 'much of your valuable time. Yours liesp’y, <bc., ■“Colt.” -quare 1 : : Cull plays a thorough acquaintaincc with and a vig- if4nt attention to every public interest, and in its clear and satisfactory.exposition of the man agement and business of the State Itoad, what a commentary docs it offer upon the slanderous charges which have been preferred against tlic Stato Adm'u.ittration 1 - Vo hope it will be wide ly circulated pad read by every intelligent vo ter in the State. - • . Official Canvass and 1NAUGUKAL. The roaolt of the Official canvass of votes for Governor, was reported bn Friday, as fol lows : -’J Jfffi Total number of votes polled 105.G1-1 Of which, were cost for -Jos. E. Itrown <J3,7d4 And for Warren 3\kin 41,830 The favor of our poetical correspondent must bepospoued to next week. Majority for Joseph E. Brown 21,054 The Inauguration took place on the same day'in the Hall offhe House, where, in the presence of tbe Legislature and a crowded nu-' ditory, the Governor took the oalli of office and delivered the Inaugural address which .wc publish in another column. It is an excellent speed)'. Wc say amen with all our heart to the Governor’s position on Federal questions. • im. rear ore ■ Increasing in importance, and lier Cotton Burned on tbe fttacoti and ” WESTERN RAIL ROAD. . We understand a cottou freight train on the Slacon & Western Rail Road, took fire :rs are being rapidly developed. Her sow as sound aa that of any of her i iwicre'bankhigis tolerated. These- vast resources ^smia-jf ta <wv '.3i-:er S:ata» v- iicie banking is tolerated. Thcag- greg.itc wealth of her people probably exceeds sev- eu knadrad wilhona of dollars. Her public Or State pscpeisy', including the Western k Atlantic K8flrw.4,-ivw0rlb over seven millions of dollars, irinie'Ker pnbrie debt is but . litds over two .and u mu: mtmor.i. )-.a deb: li* b,ea promptly paid #3 it fell due, •and An wniitgiefl thousand dollars of her bonds which v.-cre cut due, have been purchased at par, l<y l cr proper nuthortilcs, during the past , % L.r--o amount of Tlic New York Election . Comes off to-day. Will it rebuke black re publicanism and Brown's outrage t We. fear not Tlic Scwardttes seem to be more active than tho Democrats, and liavc put forth Iler- Cuican efforts since the Harper’s Ferry disclo sures. Tom Corwin, of Ohio, and some of the best speakers of the old Whig party have been in daily service for tho past three weeks. The fiercest if thoir chxuipions boldly applaud the Harper’s Ferry invasion, while enough of a dis claimer of complicity Is made to qpict the more scrupulous. We sec no reason to believe that any great re-action in public opinion has taken place. But let us-wait the result.' • Tho regis trar's books in the city now show 100,000 votes, against 80,000—the highest number hcretbfore polled. « i - . ' property exempt near Barncsvillc, last Friday, and out of six ear loads of cotton, only thirty baldp were saved, and about 200 feet of the track was burned. A sitnnlar mishap occurred the week before on the same road , by wbieh 22 bales were lost. Wo understand that the highest premium fro.n taxurir>:i. ilia sk.no tax.-phid by her citlxens 1 for the best Coal Oils was awarded by tlic late t’li jsar, . ifv-s-x aqdw-half cents* upon tho one J Pennsylvania State Fair to the Hope Oil Com ijiiri—a'l-nli ui taxable property ownodl - smmh pany of Philadelphia. See Hubbard & Son’s jry, ,-*w 11-- oil qxpcn.-i«« and - repairs/ovor four Jtgotd iltiu^ini do’-lfts jpr annum. Tlie amount Tor (lidK-ihutlon among the counties for educational purpo-ra, wtrieh h.t* heretofore boon about thiyy lli . dollars per amuim, has been increased vliU yr.ir to about ous hundred and fifty thousand ^ tfijTL rj._ Jf.-r resources will justify a still further - utihiad increase, uuiil flic aiuouut ia a. few years, niiii priideuf legislation, will bo amply sufficient . for iuu education of all the children of the State, both rich aud poor. The accomplishment of tbi:- crand i--j.-yl.tnay well excite the highest ambition of Georgia's most honored and gifted statesmen. They also Her Colleges, both male and female, arc in a flour i.'.iing condition, sad arc • annually, affording to buuflrc 1 cf young gentlemen and ladies the ad vantages of- a collegiate education ; , School houAss nud .academies aro nnaji to her free white children Aud 1* advertisements in another column, manufacture Railroad Greases. The Harper’s Ferry Insurgents. , Brown tind Qoppce, two of tho insurgents, have tjccn convicted of Treason, Insurrection, and Murder, and are sentenced to bo bung on Friday, the 2J of December next. IJazlott, ar- resttll near Carlisle, Pa., was* Mirrehdcrcd on requisition of Gov. Wise, last'Saturday. Cook was brought before thp Jragistrate’s Court on the 2d, and waived an examination.’ Shields Green, one of tho Obcrlin free negroes, is now aiion; while her 1 on irialj'.'ind tho cases of Oopulflndanil §tcvcps 1 '!? ! win next come tip in tfie order named. The' X. E . . .1 v . 2 ! v««i. it.mIj ,.r(i,A 0.1 tuaI... mi t.i I ii it hot devoutly to be hoped, that but fen-' York Herald of the 3d has a Richmond dispatch more years will hare passed, until she shall have ' ’ Sffij"' ” " “ ‘ '' amply endowed her Coiversit.v, and shall liavo buut up aa iuiriluiiu.i, whose India will be crowded flow to tell a Northern Democrat. MR. GREELEY’S RECEIPT. In 4hc yearly proclamation of Ilornoe Greeley through the New York Tribune of tlie 23th ult. on the cvc of the State Election, to the “Men and BrcthrA” of tlic Black Republican Party, he gives a receipt for . distinguLsfiTn ^ Nbrlhern Democrat Tho reader will find it in tho extract published below, tuul wc beg him to noticcjiartlcjilarly bow Mr. Greeley says you toll a Northern democrat “in a moment T’ Sonic of tho Georgia “Opposition’’ prints say tliat it is by “Humihing for, Squatter Sovereignty’ —by claiming to bo better abolitionists than Seward—hot t]iat Is not the way Greeloy dis tinguishes Northern democrats “in a moment.” Read his receipt:— : The infamous use made of Old Brown and his raid by the Pro-Slavery politicians anil Press ought to bring whatever of intelligent honesty and fairness remains in the Democrat ic ranks over to onr side. Thonsands of voters have hitherto been rejiclicd from onr cause by the cry—“O, neither “party is really Anti-Sla very, and each is as bad “as the other.” It Deoils only at this crisis that we should open hts eyes anil lie' must rcalizc that this js an er ror. You can tell a man’s politics in a moment by simply saying to him “Old Brown." A Democrat, in "the party sense, is one who re gards Human Slavery as right, wise and benef icent, and strives to strengthen and exteud its termed the Solfcri- c vampau; n. “With the Opposition rl «~'i£ed—<ui aggregate majority .. e State—eviry Congressio al district in thoStato gii’iog a majority fa? Brown,'and with-•nearfir tlircc to one taaji in the Legislature; well may the Old Lino ocratssay, “nowlct thy sirrantidepart inp Under.thesc circumstance we may well to inquire the object of party association as wi miover ‘?“Pf5® , ' !: ^ 4 toWhtai beoa'killed x oaf bur mothers apd I recommended a wives imd daughters secured the country iur, jpoadav next, as a contrast to the congloinara- q'>*= 1 «-•-•*{! ::n 1 - lln-r 1 . -f r: - to t:d tin- y"- t t 0 . 1 0 f ro.vdics which assembl 1 m 1 pie of that Territory In that same 0;l Wednesday night last. It will b three hundred and odd children ot Ma-tsachu-. u J y v , , rharoeter and setts soil yi63 like dogs in a kmncl in ourown j whQlming demcnstrotioi 1 “ ‘ ‘ A .* aims-housi . while w were weening over'the' number: of those who “'tup y 1 • imagiuariWrongs o[ J of refort::, aud will, by its moral aspect' part,e !d ’ - have, for stouter .par,**.-:-, encouraged lho|, -- tjio Tei-^ph. j rowdy spirit jtere-/ r.’ ROST"YV 0 an "nly Wcit.that.not the ^ect'ed. from ;thc city authorize^ Wc are aui&oiized K. HILL,' Eaq„ to inaonac. B&fOPl . dpteforOBDINAB 'ensaing Jaaurt-y Uedioa. Biitk rowdy Ipirit ) oa ^ 18i9. ,rim.that.not t- r*kk and the 1 s yg^tt jt aid is fb be exocefed from ’the ci as its results, end if wc. ascertain tjiat thifooe gwarnicd in and around the Georgia StadtHQuso, has hetn'arcon.plishcd anil the other attained, Tftffing the past week, and up tothis date, many xttftiiiaw gntltllilftl ptgtung' stHl-Bfige nwtwd the broken vase of their fondest political and pecuniary hopes. It is bad enough to.be ah witk l.t r own generous youth, und those of her aistrr States, iu pursuit, of the higher and mere CltaO’ dng hr tnelics ot learoing ; where the devo tee of .-tieace may range its illimitable field, with as much pride and pleasure 'as he could do hi any - Lnnterriiypti enrlii. stating that it is tho intention to by <£ok In “ tho United States Districtt’ourt; for that I)is-! ^ m TanlTand anlblnriffi^Pacific^Raifroa'd trict, with a view to compcl'tiio attendance its | and anti-iiailroad; but jslavery is the Aaron’s witnesses of outsidem,. like Grodey, TTilson. Seward, Halt,' and others, who -are suspected of complicity in tho crime. Tho intention is lo summon every individual who has been named ! olives, who aro protcuted iinih, and ag-.inxt cruel treatment, by her own liu- mans, wise and wholesotnc laws, who enjoy more Jiappitiess, and are more civilized, more Christian ized, aud more derated in the scalo of being, than the iiko number of their own race on any portion of vU« Globe, -except in our Soiithermsialcr States, whore in.Rtutlous are identical with our own. Ifer Luaatic'Asylvai, tier Academy for the Blind, anil her jLaatrtmion lor tho education of the Deaf and Dumb, are monuments to her greatness and to the noble Christian charity of her people. Nowhere beyond hor limits U thereto be found *-purer /■» 1 n.iul'nry, than is ip be. seen in her midst; nervous with teWor—rofusirig to talk upon tjic subject, as J*e is going to bo indicted. As Ixrkovzmext.—d\”c bare heretofore Idl ed to call tho attention-, of our readers to the enlargement and elegant refitting of Messrs. E. .J. Johnston.£ Co.’s Jcwehy Store on Mulbtr r7 Street With their new and elcgaiit Fall Stock thly are making a display thu't would be an ornament to the far-famed Broadtfav-. See aud nowhere is the power and influence of Divine - their new card in another column. ..... k f-1. A T„ taC 1 ‘ rod that swallows up every other public, ques tion. BLAKELY, Nov. 3ft, 1880. Hr. Editor: Sir—In your paper of July 12:1), you give or pretend to give, the opinion of Judge Lumpkin as delivered iu Gie case of Mulligan vs Bailey. In the commencement of your notice, you say that the record shows that I was a “quar ter horse racer.” This rtatement is false! The re cord discloses no such tiling, and if it did, it would be untrue. It is also false that I was “full of tricks or 6liarp devices.” You ray “it seems that I had a quarter-race mare,” which I called by several names—“Old rhmhe,” “Sa)(J Hatch,” •“ Fanny Clay,’’and other taking titles. This also-Is false! The mare which I sold Bailey, was named “Sally Hatch” and nothing eke. She was well known by that name, and never went by any other while 1 owned her. This I can prove by the testimony of as reliable gentlemen, as yourself, Judge Lumpkin or any body eke. More thau this, I diiprcve it by these witnesses at the trial. Also, that Bailey knew her by that name two mouths before tlic trial; and bnt for the strong prejudices of eotae’of th« jury and the still more besotted prejudice of the “learned Judge,” who seems to have such a. holy horror of vice, fiiat he loses all sense of- dis crimination in passing on tlic question of its exist ence—I should have recovered a verdict in the ease alluded to. There are hundreds of respecta ble and responsible men in the county where tlic trade was made, who are perfectly astonished at the result of my suit against Bailey. These men arc familiar with the facts, and more than that, they lcnow _me—which neither yourself nor the learned Judge” do. TI10 lattor I k now is a fine talker and writer, uml especially “hones” himself on his qualifications iu this respect. But that does not prevent him from forgetting what Is due to pri-1 rate character. • I have not yet seen liis writ ou j opinion on this else, nor any report of his Spoken opinion, except the one given by yourself.. When do see it; I shall lio able to’assign to each of you your respective shares in tlie scandal" which you have perpetrated against me. Bnt h now take occasion to pronour.eo the vcr.-iou given of the facta of tho case in your l»per, a contemptible and maIicion3 falsehood and defamation—let who will be responsible for it. I wish you, as aa act of justice, to publkk this communication. JOHN B. MULLIGAN. ; I Wc always like to give an aggrieved man a fair showing; but Mulligan should recollect that the Reporter of his case knew nothing of him personally, and therefore the charge of “ma licious falsehood," &.c., is absurd Eoitob. objects Without going hack farther Jhan^the la^t ^diton a Congressman, oif a chunnqr-swecft or twenty years, we will toe all the leading okjiits aiy ofitifr ipuf Jid secvjtnf; i'ijt -to ibf a candi- of tho Dawpcraijc’party acqoiqjjishetL .. ’H|e -**'•* i^ *4—fl^t.'A—k .i.„ United States Baiik-unished—tliaSub-Ti’iitiryi established on a sure footing—the Mexican War upon and flatter and fasten by the button every successful—a large Territory added to tho'U- M^mljcras he turns the comer—this istkejow- nion, and the Territorial policy of the' govern- est depth of degradation to a : pfond man. But ment aud the slavery' question settled as far as fhe General vVsscuibly is now fairly aud fully it is in-the power of tiny--party to (CtOe-tlpf isf argAnizod—IVeshleriJknr^ Spaakeryirc able, ex perienced and coiu teoua gentlemen—tlie Secrc- X glorious retrospect indeed it is; and if the r tary and Clerk, understand tlieir business-yr.nd Democratic party was now blotted out, itnecdsc the p«lt Week will by full of interest. . no ninrn illiistrimis monument than thrive ser- 1 " 'f; K . B n absorbing questions now arc tlie oleq- authorities.- Tho acting mayor himself, being a member of one of the most'oatrageoug’clubs comprising jnurdeaci'3. (hicros und vniamB or the most terrible notoriety..Tn tins emergency, it will devolve upon -the- ckfagns to-protoct themselves, ami many wift no doabt^go.armed to tbopoJU j -and if wolestoj. '.wHLojwot down the villains who may attempt to st^> thorp " "with awls, of Otherwise prevent their voting, briflge, JW., ■ ■ 7 ^ Mcsars.Sisii«v vices ren dered to. tlio’coimtry for tho past to on- ty -ycars. But has not tho mission of the Deni; ocratlc party bccn accomplished ? With the Op position silenced, with no attainable object aDat- tained, what object can be gained by keeping up party distinctions in our midst ? Is there any difference in principles ? Look at, the' leading guished Democratic Senator, during the recent campaign, to co-operate with them on the ground of congeniality of principles. What is there’ in the mere personal ambition of men worthy to distract the people with parly distinc. tionsV Nothing! nothing! There Ls not a re spectable man who is disconnected with the “five loaves and two small fishes,” who does not feel it a degradation to stoop to such con tests. Then why have them ? Why not for tiofa of U. S.tienator and J gage, of the Sujiretr.e Court Judge Iverson,. Gov. McDonald and ’Gov.- Johnson, aro entered in the roc* fbr Sena torial honors; but doubts arc entertained as to the propriety of bringing on the election by sotnO, and hero is the first fight Tho people anil press certainly took it for granted that this members of tlic Opposition inviting a distin- -question Wofild he softlcd at an early day; at least it is fair so to presume, front the ventilation which the press gave the. candidates, and tlie expression of sentiment by'the people in their Primary Meetings. I think the election will come on, but of that nous yerfonsfas Father Kitcbic usbd to say. I can ohly give you the general opinion as to the strength of the Candi dates, and that is decidedly' in faVo’r of Gov. Jolmson; lie is generally thought to be the strongest, but you know how unreliable counts Our city Bail Road is now in full operation through the, whole city, .fronTeasf to wqst, and doing a good business. The proceeds of the first day’s running was devoted to thb aid of the Poor Fund and yielded a handsome sum. Thp Road Is very popular, and the means by which tlie charter was obtained havo been lost sight cf ia the enjoyment of its convenience; an appeal has been carried to the higher courts, 'require a-Bieilicli^fu-r it! in the injunction case against it. A strong ef- _ . 3 i fort will be made in the next Legislature to once ignore all party, and in .our next election j are, as to the vote of Legislative bodies. for municipal qilicers select men for tlieir qual ifications and not for their party affiliations t I am not now proposing a compromise, for this recognizes the existence of parties, but what I propose is to select citizens without reference ot party. The people of Savannah may be said to have done this in their late municipal elec tion. It is true that the successful ticket were all Democrats, but tho Democratic party being largely in the majority in the city it was thought best to put up Democrats, the more effectually to break down Democratic rule, which was an other name for tbe tyranny of caucus mid place Iiuuters. Who It there among its that, would not rejoice at such a state of things ?• lira short tithe the people of Macon will be oyerburthenefl I send you tycopy of Judge Denning’s reply to Mr. Dougherty's appeal.“to .the creditors of tlieBroken Banks" of-Columbus. It has cre ated some excitement here, and the general opinion is that the Judge, has strengthened him self by the statement . Judge Stephens has. no opposition, but Mr. Lyon, of Dougherty, is out as a candidate f r J edge Benriing’s place. It Is a source of regret to all true friends of tlie Court Gist this most unpleasant controversy eaunot be finally settled. The dneinnatus Aeademleus, as a wag once called that venerable assemblage,thcSenatus Ac- adcmicus, was iu session on Friday last, and a long report, from Mr, Thomas R. R. Cobb, re commending important and radical changes in with taxes Iiko her sister cities. If the present; Franklin College, was adoptfcd. state of things continues, who cannot see that it is impossible to diminish, tbe expenses of tlie Ci ty and provide for the economical administration of-h<_r lir.anaeaV ' Place-men' anil pkco-huritciw struggling for power must be rewarded and if the present prosperity of tho citywill enable it to overcome these'disadvantages it will not al ways be so. Men attracted by the growing bu siness of tlic city will be deterred by increased taxation from making ' such improvement,-: as will be an ornament, and will put up instead • Col. Henry K. Jackson, of Sav-anuab, Las been clceted President, and if ha accepts, we predict old Franklin will, rise to a proud and other of the parties, supposed to be accidental obtain a charter, and the Rail Road Co. and Lottery interests, are using all the money and moans in their, power, to elect members who are pledged to support their respective "in terests. The weather is.now quite cool, aud we shall probably have an.carly and prolonged winter. Our city, is at present rather dull. The exhi bition of tfie Maryland Institute will in a few days close. It has not met with os much en couragement as was dbsired. The absence of the Agricultural exhibition from the city, has operated against its interest this season.— Tho Theatres are but poorly encouraged, and business is rather flat. The all absorbing sub ject of interest now, is the election; when that is over, aud should it resuit favorable to Re form, things will look up again, and a general feeling of confidence will be restored in the community; should it, however, fail, our peo ple will despair of.evcr again seeing Baltimore what it has been. _ October. 31st. P. S. A most distressing case of accidcn tal, or rather reckless shooting, occurred last night, (Sunday) at the police Telegraph office, hy which the acting Mayor of the city was dangerously, if-not fatally wounded. It ap pears that one of the reporters of a daily pa per, went to the office to inquire the news of the day, when a difficulty occurred between him and a telegraph operator, supposed at first to bo merely in jest. Pistols were drawn and presented, and a struggle ensued, during which a pistol was discharged by one or the quested toxqnountfe ^ are date for Bees':v,u-.-«r Tax lUt<* ; AT at Jim Clcctiiiiin January n -^ ofaaouiinatiaif Cpaveat’on, if,„ . sep 87 f' *' S A i’i D S’ S A RS A 3sho. Asjninmiating Of thousands ia favor of tho supm..n‘ of this preparation forthe-Baro ens, Eruptive discatck; fcc., is 3.,., tho tnost-despalriiig uaqi'uwt kj V "J m- flowin'*ia : 'I Oer.tkl.-.tri—fe-y Aj ■Traa'afllfctojfora lonV time Wipj ejjl Eyes, and by nsiair your.S asap* * " cared, otliyr ■ inodioints : asii ing fate*-to reSteyo. her. .aaviu. teateil ita efficacy, I. c'ot coalke it iti prefer®oco to any oUmj£,s s „ , propertits nut contaiaud la spy and I f lie that porsous oftar tUr ruriabl f want tlio saiaa xrtiale ataa,a ' Preparer! and sold by A. B.AD. jto gists. 100 Fulton Street, New Yod." For sale tiy ■ GEORGE* honorable position under' hts administration. As yet no discussion lias been had on the fliany important suggestions contained hr. the able • MuLjntercsting Message of Gov. Browti, hut wc gspeqt to see the fur fly when some of them, are brought up for consideration. Tbe. Committees have not been appointed, but are expected to’bS announced on Monday. An such only as will answer theif purposes.- " TV! 10 effort will be made to do more work by Corn- then is for a “Reform Ticket” in the next 11m- r mittee than usual. nicipal election ?_ Are you, fellowkritiztn's, pro,! Since the - last session lhe_ Penitentiary has traih more fi ll or uuire respected. Ia view of these, aud alt tho other evidences of her grcatncSs, who, that I* a citizen of onr noble Etetc, is not proud to shy, at home or abroad, I am a Georgian ? . Aaudsnbis iiigli career of prosperity, If we cast our eyas, around upon tbe firmament, ull is scrcnc- v ly 'brlgliL cfcopt upon onr Northern horizon, v here a cloud bangs, which, I fear, portends evil - iir future. Oar fathers consented to outer the CoiitaaiNNwj wf diw ( 01.1 y opou terms -of perfect cquaUQr; and wc, a.< their sons, would be wvoriay 0- our fires, if wo consented to rcmflii . iu the Wnfederoqj a day. longer than this pritici- pie of equality !• rocognized. I’rompicdqy afo- ople of tne res in* 1 a ,:rc-tlcctiomtl poiitieal party, which BJyiBe-iiea .*:• equality in'the Union. This /Ifepirffiiexn pirtv is now struggling hard for the reins of gowmiuebt; Its success would make sthc hoertg-f <)»e sturdiest patriot tremble. Hut s dbstaelriwattfis in .(he way of its triumph.— The Baltimore llloeiloa. ; Our IStltftnfir* eorrc^iomknt will have to ac cept whatever unfortunate ami tfiscSwdhnble conciu.sioiis lie has predicated upon an unantic ipated triumph of Jho rotrdjts ut tiie late elec tion in that city. The •‘Reformers” made a feeble effort to secure fair play in Ute morning, but they were driven efflihe'shcep nnd Wiihml cil and slaughtered to the nurobt-r of about thir ty- Before night the rowdies tnil/ntl nos-y? sion ol the city and no decent man dare put u:s head out of doors. Tlio victoiy-' of the. cldLs was cohiplcte; and if, as he says, there are more honest men than ruffians in the city, u,e must admit the ruffians showed most plutk. Balti more is overwhelmed with disgrace. Tho N..tk>;:ul bi'inOsnatic. Dirty, like some noble T : T jJeiejit [.eraiinJ, with tlio’.Oonslitution for its ba*e, and its tiinuuit risitig 'towsrda Heaven, lias long stood, ssauBiRiny- Gibraltar, against which the , waves ui fimatkisiu bsvo lashed their fury, and t . been biuken and driven back. Some of its lead- . ere, lmvynI tunes, proved treacherous; and like nu armv with UMfniiliful Generals, its columns have iAbeeu uttoai. and its anomies have pointed to its *. eonfu.-r ! 11'ijis, and .iojously proclaimed its de- ctforJ. )D:it «> toou as iur massos could be heard at the' ballot-box, they have repudiated •H-«|ftttkta«4?i'icuo.JWld' unfaithful* leader^ and have -s L:i, power; while, plitunix-likc, tlic I. in - agujo risen from its own ashes, and stood cruet, v, uA teuuosd power and splendor, the cliam- pm* to t&jppsotfus'ionabri^iw of evory station l? the I'j-tis. -'.I'tal, ' J Tiu) greut eouteit of JSCG, which may decide the pi thp 1 hi to he fought between tliot W«*y»w*v-w w -•- «••«■«<•? BtaeU R'-dMlrewli)' ahd' tfi'tf National Democratic Balaton’s Hall, bow entirely refitted and uiut.h ntru-w. Hircreltoi la iHugutas tbo- laet • ihdra h Mamm ^mHM m -feS t v r.e tbird pnrty of pewcr J^tweCH thg _t«(o, Advcrtisciucnts.; Sec advertisement of new delicacies at Moro’s —the Sen ef St. Crispin at Brickhouse’s—die large stock of Groceries by Hardeman & Grif fin—Kerosene Oil without odor by Zcilin & Hunt—A norel sale of Blooded Stock in bin- con—and niany others too numerous toepccify. Yoons Hen’s Christian Association Tho third Convention of tho Young Men’s CliristiatrAssociations of the 8th District, will be held iu this city, at the Young Men’s Asso ciation Hall, on Friday, November 11th, at f04 o’clock, A. M. ’ Arrangements have been made with the fol lowing rodds to pass-delegates to and from the Convention for jone fqre. vir: Western & At lantic, Rome, Georgia, Augusta &. Savannah, Central, Muscogee, anil Southwestern.. Dele gates wiH pay full fare coming to the Couvdh- tion, and return free ou certificate of the Pres ident of tha Cimvention of tliair-atfendanee ns delegates.- Chrankle Jr Seniiht L Sad iecMeni—A IVurniug to Boys Me. . Eeirott :—-Ou. Saturday Merniir. . September Kith,; J. N. Taylor, Jr., a lad aged Iff, left bis-suther’s residence, near Marshall- villc-. Gco./toshoot ducks in the pond near try. lie was in the bateau witi»a eomqmiion; when, being in a proper distance for shooting, he seized his gunby^he muzzle and drew it sud denly, when unfortunately the hammer struck the cross piece/of tho boat, discharging tfie contents of.tlio gnu Info the. left side of tlie '-I'Ml-GAl. .ml eirtli ribs, tearing the lieart and its' appendages saiinqjgrr trie blood gushed in the boat—he only bad time to say “Oh me," when his spirit fled to God. lie was buried nezt day with military hon ors by the Governor’s Guard, of which compa ny he had lately bccolne it member. May the sad end of this high-toned aud very intelligent Arrival of lUe America. The America brings Liverpool dates to tho 22d ult. ' The sales of cottou iu Liverpool during tlie week ending the 20th Oct., were 57,000 bale?, of which speculators took 2,500. Middling qualities of New Orleans and Mobile are arid to have improved id , and the’ftmrket clbscd with tin advancing -tendency fof ull, clean descriptions of cotton owing fo^fbeir scarcity. The sales ou Friday Were 8,000 hales, ef which-speculator, end exporters'took 2.000 balesfaud the market closed steady, at thp following quotations : ' Fatr -Orleans, 7Jd.; .Middling Oceana, poped to forego four small ambition; and to ; been improved and enlarged; and spacious first place such men in your Council as >.y;ll look to j class apartments prepared for the reception of ,1 . 1 , - . - n it, . 4 V«. - A \ 1 ' ,T. . i! T f'nne.) youth, he a wanting to boys wlgt are learning to shoot: * W.J.S 23-IGd. -Fair Mobiles; Fad.; Afiddlffl^ Mo- "biles, 7d. ■ Fait Uplands, “id.; JCdcfiiug Up- landfl. iTU-lGd. • , The stock of. cotton at Liverpool was 510,- 000 hales, cf-jvuieh 372,000.were'American. Stale of Trade.—Manchester advices, were unfavorable aud had a itbclining tendency for •India goods. Latest.—Liicrpocl Saturday, nflemooif OcL !.—Sales of Cotton to-day 8,000. bales, of which speculators arid exporters took 1,400 bales, nud the market closed steady; Bread- stuffs wasujoief, but prices -steady. - Hrovis- ions closed doll. * ’ Tbe departure otthc Great Eastern stoam- ship for Aifcerica, has beet indefinitely post poned:' ‘ She will ptobshly "hot leave England this year. details of the anffsupw iirav cation of the^Tila Franca agflecoicutt The--rights of tho Grand Dukes arc reserved In it. The Electricians have eommeneed atA'alcn- lit their experiments, oii the Atlantic cable, ‘ " ■■ ■ wr the best interests- of.tho'City, ar.d mk tdliSw.j diatinguLhed occupants. I suppose these iin- they shall best stfeure the fulpre socc#ui qf-^^J prorcaicnte and additions have been made un party? if sa, you wflljmifst with^cerefa! co-op ’ der the expectation• that Gov. Brown's Bank orator in- 'aS Old ';L$ut wpujd go iato immediate operaticnj and -■\Y.'.8I!1NGT<.>Ni Hi, (D. 0,,) (• Central lias tlie stHped -suits uosy makingup . . .. Zi 80thf!lS5t>. • to fit certain guntlemeu well known in financial Dcar’Telegraph r—It is- an iateresliug fact circles: That portion of Goy. Brown’s Message .that’tiiis tvorid is ever n:eying.ony.-ard. - . , receives uo favor, and as a friend of his I regret In scientific researches and wondcrfiil disco”- that-lie mado the Hug|;estioii. erics,.tlie-prjent’ age cuitajj the preeminence . I visitpd tlie Lunatie Asylum op Friday last- iu cclipadn;.; ali-other periods o^otjr lilstct-y. In R i^'ariolile'frro'ntniu'nt of our'charity. F corrobbratii) <-f.t^tia *xv.t, witness tlic grand display cf uwchanisni :-.nd nrt in ever)' J/art of - or.r country. Fortcvdral nights past, the City iff Vt'ashingtoufir-s boon hig!dy"'critortaincd, l>y an exhibition, of Dr.'Beale’s wonderful PaSop- ric-ox. It was a perfectly .true picture of thfc Sepoy robciiion 'that occurred in India a Year or-two since. Some pqrtimis dl the panorama have never keen equalled. Tlio first reene pre sented, was a magnificent view of Calcutta, sit uated in sight of the sea, where vessels appear ed iu brilliant colors, landing reinforcements to tho British Army. Tlie regularity with which the ship of war moved; the real issuing cf the smoke out of Hie funnels, and the uniform mqvcmcnt of tho paddle wheels, al! wonderfully eripmted to the eye the beauty of a panoramic will give You all thepoMjs next week. Yotlre, . . ’ * --'3“ . A FLY. C.-irreeptnior.e e. of tlib'TelefiTaph. treaty rocemiy adopted IIIU nui nbinimu.. u-.. f - . and with rather eueeurbging resuli The English press eontirme to draw.attcii- ioti to the immense.armauiPnts building in nrd-reirty ot power between inq ti It, racy.er sLaC she dtttdojier stren, givf'iaeiuental'ati! to her enemies Hedical College. The. 21st. Annual Session of-tbe Reform Medical College, Macon,, commenced yester day with a large attendance of students! Prof. Locbrnno delivered the opening address. T'licalrical. A not* from Manager Flemming, aniiounqcs ills ii-.tcntioi) to open tlic Macon campaign .at Fire in Hew Orleans. -; : Nkw. Oi:i.ea.ns, Nov. 4.—The fire in tiie fourth district of this city, yesterday, destroy ed sixty dwellings. •_ The loss is‘estimated at a quarter of a million of dollar*. France, particularly ;it TouJofl. where there are wVw twenty-two rhip3 iu. preiess of'coin rtTnettoh. There is a rumor iu circulation that Ihcrtj had been a revolutionai-y 'movement in Pa'.erniQ, aud that one hundred and fifty rebels had been killed. **■ Pf. , . ensmjeal , aalTit :E;ocratic party, as the I. Irepe of tin UajAB. Dcr,tr«* its ietegrity, alui "tre priociplcs.- and tocrotis ' e riglitaof llic SoiBh bo . iip%n of Sreimred to r.ul;c every reasonable lor T jUdjiqs noty )- rejHMSf.!c i.-s pnnoip; ‘'* S-."ipSta<-**.a:.Uo;v»l-kvpe for Urn rl ' -n Atr^SvJrt^ri IpyRtoo Stater, unTnui piviwrcd to nuke improved, next Monday Evening, with a strong (O'.upany, iucluding'Mfes Adah .Mats Menkcri, whose great histrionic abilities and personal at tractions, liavc elicited universal commendation from’t}|qJrp*5. £ Gold Pens-lBcssra E. J. Jolilisioii &CO., ” j Macon, Ga., Nov>;xnttt, JSfifi. tin ilfAti of 1:1-,’. retire' heutlu iiot tlioolJ the u. .1 tavee.ictoyor-diatad'fovo.the rights of the I 8o::!h m.'.v, nUd .10. pitpatea to defend the a, ;:4 to stauil uiiitcd with the •, So lore; as they continue to si id ip ivreMcft them im the Cr ' a,oe broken down, dapitaLeml bor cqu _ I wouldthcu adfUo,; idi'pfhdcncc onto! tho Tin to each other -“ tlieir lives, th <taocrcd honor.” NeTcr toft fi~ e?:kiroih>.-'fit!'Ttuinphr.nl success shall' i-iilKrWftftdri'riWfts; ' My-frrvant prayer mighty 4 aizneessfity may bo aver that wisdojpj-mofltratlon and Ml Edited -Telegraph-Dear SirThe Mcasts. L. TV. Frlrchild, A. Cq-. have desired ns to ‘place at your dmjpoavl one of their Gold Desk Pens, for.which they etfum 'great superiority. tVo bkve them orijSelc aud if upon triarycu find.theft ■'worthy of [ 7 of notice, any you may fool disposed.to give them will, he duly apprecia ted.-., Very.Jtesptelftilta* . - F’ I ’..Should tho m call aud czch not auit vour Land, Tlr asa ige-it x- E. J. J. Si. Cq. ; Accompanying the forgoing was a cn;ttuu- . taining n bolder and par. the delicacy and flexibility cf which would'jusii^yjray'amqujit ' of mtoonimn. It ahoHltl. claim, the notice of ks and bwinessreca.Tut es to; e market Keports CuARMisTol*. Nov. 4.—Sales of cotton 1,1)00 bales. After the America’s news was receiv ed. thc.talds were made at full prices SavAXXAij,- Nov.- 5.—Tbo Cotton murket was firm to-dfly, with sqles of 1,130 bate. Quotations, were stiffer, but generally changed. • i. ’- •New Obleans, Nov. 4.—Sales 18,000 bales, and closed firm; Middlings lfii cents. Sides of the week 73,000,'and receipts 70,500, against 00,000 bales Stock 2S6.000. New York, ' Nov. 3.—The cotton market was easy to-day. with sales of 1,500 bales, in cluding 500 bales of transit cotton, of strict Middling Uplands, at 11 eenta, with 3-10 freight. .. New Yobk, Nov. 4.—Tbe. cotton market was steady to-day, with sales of 1,500 bales. Flour heavy, sales 17,500' barrels ; southern $5 SO to $5 70. Wheat firm and scarce; with sates of'22,000 bitsheis. Corn firm-; sales 7,500 bushels, yellow $1 to $1 Ti5. Sugar firm at j cent advance. . ' ' New York, Nov. 5.—-Tito Cotton market was firm to-day, with sales of 5,000 bales.— Middling Uplands at US cents. Tbefaieshi- cludo 4,000 bales in transit, of Middling Or leans nt Uicents, with9-lGd. freight..-Flour heavy ; sales of iq,QOO barrels ; :declined’5 a 10 cents-per barrel- Southern unchanged.— Wheat nominal; • declined 2 a 5 cents per bushel. Corn heavy; sales of 4LOOO bushels. Yellow at $1. Sugar buoyant; Orleans at 7} a 8 cents. TWo hhds. new ht 8| -cents. Na- vals qi;i . . .. . The Ipsurgenu' Correspoiidchcu. Most of the letters-n re written in an intelli gent style, tho use of the 'jnahoues by. many of the writers indicating' thatfthey were mem bers of the Society. of Friends. They illus trate the 'morbid feeling and fanaticism which unhappily, cxists.'iii certain' portions of the -Union, 11 pen n subject wifi) which the writers are but imperfectly- acquainted.' One of the letters contains sown verses, “respectfully ad dressed to him by his friend, tlie author,’’ Es ther L. Lewii, dated Newark. N. J., July 3, 1850: -V, ^tlxradmtk^ntof E.'j. Johnatbs.' iu Coi., whose old aud important establishment, has re cently been enlarged—refitted in. beautiful “ - j-j style, and contains a Itcck of goods in tl;e line <. Jewelry, Silver t.-i 1 e.-im neutnl^ar.;-, ; cuti-.-rv, cad a V;. ..... -tv - v m .I- The Governmunt House in Calcuttti, was hibited as a splenuiaT structure. l"ho next Sene we saw; wqa the marching of tho English ‘—--r- v Vtnlta T^uur trrmed- SO ItaturaJ ill every atep that was made, with thcir^rmiskots oh thefr shoulders, one would have been por- suadad to believe, that they wcruactualiy real. - ■ Baltimore, Oct. 29tb, 1851). The coming Election, which is to lake place on Wednesday next—has, since the excitement of the Harper’s Ferry Emeulqhas subsided— again assumed its place in’the public mind. To the law abiding and respectable citizens of Baltimore, this election will be of more im portance than any which hare ever preceded it. There is no principle involved in it in the remotest degree connected with the general politics of the country. So far as the election of city officers, or -the members of the Legis lature is concerned, the contest will be be tween honest and honorable men, mid -villains of tlio blackest dye; and the only questlon-to be settled is, whether ft is city is to continue in a state of anarchy, and ail law and order, and common decency, as well as common jus tice, sot at defiance, and trampled under foot* Whether lawlessness shah'in future, be rc- and the kall entered the thigh of the actiug- Mavor, (Mr. William McPhail) who was pres ent with somo twenty other persons in the of fice. The wounded gentleman was conveyed to his home and. attended by. Physicians. It was feared that the femoral artery had been cut. But it is no w hoped that such is not the case. He, however, lies very low, and is suffering much pain. This is oneof the results of. the present wreckless practice of carrying arms, and the foolish use and display made of them since the inauguration of the present state of things in this city. . HOWARD. From C. C. Trowbrid PRESIDENT MICHIGAN Dethmt, Asguti Du. Geo. ib Gezzs: Dear Sir-m- 1 great sufferer from Dy?pc],tia, i cared, sa I believe, by your most cheerfully attest their efficacy, a bad one. In tire space of four a ; j strength, aad forty-seven pounds ofl. pelted to abaudon business, and; fid for fifteen months.' Traveling .ij fice duty, had done something for 11 seemed tittle probability of a emit,., take the Bitters. Iu one week I vase od, and in three weeks I wasperfectlya since regained thirty pounds of Hah.) liberty to use this, if it will at all fa, »blo purpose of dilTuriiig this valoablij Respectfully Yours! C. c. TEOW Such certificates as tho above, are t tained in favor of a Medicine destikh j are only given upon the most satUfi: their efficacy and success. Sr7n W. Fowl* A Co. Boston.. Sold by their agents everywhere. •- - " 11- L. 87E0I Macon. Ga. EEILIS; nov 8—It FEBTI-LI2J GENERAL AffEJi. Extreme Illness of Mrs. Douglas. WAsmsaTox.Nov. 3.—Mrs. Scnalor Doug- las is not expected to live. She has‘received extreme unction. m“The undersigned resneciiuju Planters and others intere.ttd, fiat! stant?y receiving direct from tr.slfu the manufacturers, thn ftiiowiuy let FrRTiLiEr.ns sow Knows,'all of via tborotigbiy and satisfactorily teita,u No. 1 Peritvian. Guano, Sombrero Guano, Rhodes’ Super Phosphate u; . National Fertiliztr, Ground Plaster. These article*, which will blivet, j guaranteed as genuine, we shall,, prepared to furnish in amounts re; lowest prices. Tho “Super IV-jp! tilizer,” at manufacturers’rates, 1 transportation added. PATTEN & 1 gavawah. May 3—ly - . Harried. At Midway, oil Thor..,;, y -. t . I Bev. J. M. Curtis. Arthur f. V 1 ..: . asville, Gx, to Miss' Eliza, lecead i J. S. Thomas. Irrels The Ixsi'roexts’ Cor.REsroN'DEtfCE.—A jiu'mbor of the papers brought from the insur- gents’ camp at Harper’s Ferry, and in posees- aion of the Government, were published on the 2oth inst. All of them are signed “John Smith.” in the handwriting of one of the sons of Ossawnttomie Brown, and endorsed in that of the father. The documents show the con-* spiracy extended throughout a portion ■ of Ohio, New-York, New England and some towns in Pennsylvania Onq, letter.Bays: “Our hands, so far, arc coming forward, probably better than Ilex pectcd, a3' we have called on them.” Some of the papers giyc The number of pick-axes and shovels, aud attioles of personal comfort, to gether with thfe balls for the same: wluleoth ers'aslt for money. &c.' “F. B. S.,” of ConcordoN. H.,. Subscribes 855. ^A-letter dated OApber 1st, is among them, in which the writer says he was in Ash tabula county, Ohio, and “met with some suc cess. Our old friend, J. R. G.,. took stock to the amount of $300.” DIED. In Midway, Ga., at tbo reside*-A Esq, on tho Morning of tbe All: .Id Henry B. Jc-mison, eldest son of 5«q C. Jtmiso.i, in tbe seventeenth y :.'i died remote from his home aud i:,s; but alt that kindneps^love ahd iftaril arrest bis disease was done. Bum: mysterious v.-as its lie id, both npor W that alt eArtblyh-eseadies were ultw.'l Henry was a noble,-ii)tvui„eu; tai a! clothed in tlie Christian's, ^rn-.or, . r met tlie King of Terre;God \ may be like hiB. fcjLi; Pur -sis I . £ i-Jx it ' V ‘ | 'lit; 'Vh ii i OCEANS OF NEW I Tlie'iiext fhat, was seen of tho British, they stralne d. Whether any gradeof crime, when were engaged in a terrible conflict with tho committed by t)fc rowdies, shall be punished “Go, brother ta thy Vineyard; Sbt, -l Go labor with thy mig In thy chosen field of bljoy, - Till wrong yield unto right-”. “JStewell; tbe tio that binds tie, - Affection’s cord, is string; ' But duty calls thee from us, To battle with the wrong.” uaar turned a drove < tiinfUt one j tics, in ;.!-V • ui _ New < •: . Ifh’tr’jA • to-nse l’uk at pretty taiu ; i-cope aud epportuuitj liters-, kc.—Tl:cChattanooga Ad- li inst. soya : “We nre not wc state'that there are not Logs in this and adjacent were ouo year ago. Wc si. who a rbort time since dred into a corn field to fatten, and on visiting the field, two weeks afterward: s, could find only some 10 or 12 liv c-ut of '—all had died of bog tn A : - . .* I--1 '.but v.-ii! g,,v(?ru the* hog market, we are unahlc to give definite j j^y laud roll able ini ri.iaiiott. •'«) know of one rt *1 par bundrad, 5, :Yuo: SKHyRn9|mw)(Nilop^^H^^HH nSmiTRperimSarea, gross. .Thffld^Wf* arc the only lots that we have kuowa pur - excel kind OUtef [ iitrs who like j f ; find mnple Another letter from, Ai«a. dated July 22, 1859,^oys: ‘‘The time draws near that fyc arr to part, perhaps never to meet again on tioi* mundane shores. I appreciate the fetlingthat- prompts thco to take thy life in lliy hindsd|id go boldly forth in such a‘haaaT^otia Underta king in that cause that lies near tlry heart.. I have been thiuking of the great responsibility that rcstsupon thee in thccomrnanu ofotllera; may-1lion do it with wisdom and discretion. Benpble.be digpified, and'always see tliat the rights of .women ajo respected, and protec ted. J'want you to. make a bargain that’if smythinghappeus to either of our friends,'the ono that is abJo shall inform us .of* the partic- ulars,” &c.. .. - - . There is another-from Sarah‘G.-Wattles, Newark; N:' J 1 ., Aug. 14, 1859. a school teach er, encouraging him iu his enterbrise. —•There arc other tetters, exhibiting all of a mother's love, addressed to “My*'Hear child, Charles.’*; 1 One of them, dated Jtpriugdale, Iowa, August, 80, 1859, signed • C. Tarne.y,” say»: “ft thou art Bnared, wilt thou retum.to us again!" If bis name baa not been con- foupided with others; the delmied victim of ab olitionism, who stained liis bauds with the , blood of his fefiow-ioen. lies buried am the | bankh qf this Sbenahdoph. I in1h lady’s hand; is ■Mfpddt j lias y. u t V nief.of 1 or even noticed by the authorities. Whether any man’s personal, rights are to be respected, his person protected from injury, his property secured to him, or any redress is to be vouch safed to him for the wanton infliction^of any description of wrongs. • In order to rescue the city from its present state of degradation, and once more restore to the citizens tho rights which these miscreants have by a species of brute-forcc-^ievcr before attempted—entirely deprived teem of, the Reform Movement was inaugurated. Those who compose the committec who have made the nominations of candidates, aro known ,tp lie tho very best of citizens, and have labor ed hard, and devoted their time ever since their appointment, assiduously to the procurement of the most unexceptionable gentlemen as can didates. Selected to repics^pt all classes and professions, and of different political opinions, these candidates are men of strictly moral character, and also have a personal-anj ^6^ cuniary interest in tho peace and well being of the city. In opposition to these worthy gen ' ffnSuirectiopists at tlcmcu, the clubs havo set up moi^rwho arc . ii-Etatcd in the pa- entirely devoted to their cause; and who, if 1 1 in ..., elected,'will entailupon" Baltimore the rale of the clubs, indefinitely. The result of an electron, with free accesj to- the ballot box-; and such an issue joined,^ip saue-man ceuld doubt! Baltimore must eontain at least about 1,000 de cent men for every 100 scoundrels, ..and; the majority in fovoY ot tho Reform * ticket, if it can he ascertained, will be jn about thfit pro* portion. The rowdy bands aro thoroughly organize^ and on last YFcduesday'ajght they made a grand demonstration of theie forces, and.a.,display of the, means jnteniicd'.to ho usedt-to intimidate and-keep.voters frem the pQliS. : . .t" "‘j ■** '' ': ; •" The nppearance of the- gatherings of somi* Sepoys it a small town not faV distant from Delhi The former caftc off victorious, having left the battle Add covered with the" dead and wounded. ' A scr.tincrthen appeared on, fho' ground, levek'd hia rifle, drontjt again, raised it to his shoulders and fired at the fi -eing Se poys. A-horse wad sect) aftegwards'tu rise ltav-' *tng been wounded in'tlie battle, stretches and shaked himself, then laid down hr tho side t of his master. Tho next view, was of-the palace ef the great -Mogul, presenting a beautiful work of art; and in this scene, eastern life was finely depicted.' We next saw the king’s palace,illu minated by night, tlmn the sunset on the moun tains of DelhU after-wTiieh wo witnessed the recapture Of Delhi by the British. Tim can nons boomed, the musketry rattled—presfint- fo the eye, a pei-fect.sceqc of battle. Final ly—tho ill-fated ship Ava, was seen going down beneath tho boisterous wav«; of tlie Bay of Bengal,jw jiilc the natural pbeiK^iuaiaofa thun der stdrii^ are'Otjiponied with' lightning, dark cloud:-, .fee r‘ wjis pictured to life. . * A good deal of Interest seems’ to be manifes ted now.in.tWtrial oft Chariest jVn, Virgin ia, pens, tbit Governor Paela-rp-oi Pennsylvania, Hus• ordered Cantam Cook anil-fTn•?.!nit tlir A Cheap Govcnnsciit. The tax upon property which the people of Georgia pay for the protection Of thirState Government, excepting the' tax upon Railroad and Banking capital, is 61 cents ou the§106. A comparison of this sum with the amounts levied in tliercveral States, will satisfy them of the lightness of the burfieb. The Comptrol ler- General, ijlio has investigated the subject with considerable industry, furnishes tbe sta tistics for us. In a not# appended to bis re port, he thus speaks of the comparison in this respect, toa large number of tho Southern States: . LADIFS, MISSES AND CHILDH - of all styles and qualitici. BOYS’, rODTHS AGE-NTLEMEXS -; . BOOTS & SHOE A v LAliGE portjoa of ourpoDos' x\. in Norfolk, Virginia, where ire« tlie manufacturing of BOOTS A SKOI also a very largo stock of NEGRO. SHOfSI VTo very respectfully ask tlio eiht* andpubiic generally, to cal!and er»? before purchasing, as wo arc 'aaifiO small advance on cost, at the I Cash Boot, Shoe <fc HVouk E'4 L. L. BRICKHOlSJ Triangular Block, next tod nev S i. Corr . Ble I i ■ I r- m r “ It wilt, therefore, be seen, that while tbe tax in Texas wants but 4 cent on'tFe $100 of l;Chptain Cook and Hazlett, the fov- -Wi\w_I»i was jjtnpris'onc-^ at Cltata- rfnlo i^c L-rtfie-' lias bfld‘ mcuslpiiy at.Cnrli.de prison, to he dotvered up-l thorilies of-Vir-dni: 1 . Tor trial. The Hon. AYGwin, .Unfted /States Srii- ator from California, arrived In tiiis city yester day afternoon^ after.an absence of pevefal moutlis. The ue-.ys-0/ ti^u gr^toGuiarnatoi-ial Victory in Gcoi-g'a^ has^ee;i received’asa' bril liant triumph'by the democratic. prc.q«s <0f ■Washington.. - Whreo. cheers for-thn Empire State of the South. ; . J.’B. £.!' iUassucitusoUs PliUantliropy. i -In u late speech Bt Chri-lcstov.-n, Massaeiju- setts, Geuoral Butler, of that State, showed . that the average ntnnbar of paupers, in th* ried and painted on thair tranaparcncies, were Massathnsetbahr.s-hous*.', in 1858, wan (wdii- chased. .(Jii'rvli ■(L ,,, fn? and dated n 8th month', llih,' 185T”{ year old. Tluee out ot a hu: o.ljt 6 : o::. By your in j-«||>" - '*e .. -! t.-elv U . . . . G 1 lug Ui - bong yi iibe. ty-seven.hundred.; in that yeai-nX ljuudred and sixtyrsix .died. Every fourth person who went iato-.tho.-a xlnn.houa weat’tilfcre to djte. Of these, tlir.ee hundred and forty . were dpl^ dren undei^fivti years of dige, aud the -physi cian of ofio of-the houses informs Gen. Batter _ that bndoes not expefct to'rear but ttiree-’per gent; "of tua'cliildreo brolight there under one d- Three out ot a hundred l bole commonwealth.” exclaimed Gen. ' i-'l . tvUtr.l ; i CLe-.-.a.i- t. 1 io:r.v.5 f'-p-.n’l ii, 1.1 Kun a-) f. .1 .a or eight ‘brutes, in the shape of met), who composed the procc3eion, fjtd tbcpatpienxB ainlmottocs.oar. ried imd painted on thair trunsparoncies, ; wcrc of such au.indcceat and beastly, .'character as to preclude description or repetition in npuhSc print-; anifhtrt' toop!ainly ( *pdieate'd tfio'faeans to be rc^iea upon to carry tho"election- ;,The display, howerer, will only-render the mast of ordsr-lolring voters . the morb 'ddt'erihin " the Ttllaimjus hands, Xvrs ducomh The Refdfm eonttfiitft^hjtvripubfisb.ed, nn ad-1 dress, and an appeal to tl & cituens, to ket as j who prize their liberti- . .uul | being double onr tai, the' one per cent, tax in the various other Southern Stntep above named is more than double that of Georgia, while Ala bama and Iventacky aro more than tiircc times larger; Louisiana is more tbaft four timeslar- ger, and the per cent, tax in Virginia is more thau sir times larger than it is in Georgia.”— In comparison with the Northern States, he shows the difference to be still greater. Thus the ratio which the tax in Georgia bears to the tax in New Hampshire and Maine is as 1 to 3; In Pennsylvania, as 1 to 4; in Minnesota, as J to 4; in Oliio, as 1 to 5, aud imlllineis, as I to 10. Surely the citizens of the Empire State of the South will pay with cheerfulness, the pit tance that is required of them. Ax U.vtucKr Stkamboat.^-TIic steamer Jouit C. Calhoun, recently built at Cincinnati or Pittsburgh, and intended as a packet be tween Apalachicola, Florida, and Columbus, Ga., has started under rather unfavorable cir cumstances. - The first news which wo had of her was a telegram from Louisville, gating that she was agrenhd on the Falls of the Ohio opposite that city, and thattahe would probably bo lost. She succeeded, howover, in getting off by lightning, and came down safely tothis city. Arrangements were made for going over to Apalachicola, and another steamer, the Mtm- derlin, destined for the same place was lashed to her, and the twain started under charge of coast pilot Ashby. But even before the onV perilous portion of the "trip was encountered, thO boats got into trouble. About thirty miles below the city they were run into the bank and so much' damaged that they were obliged to return and go into the deck and be repaired. They have since started, and ^whether the Calhoun intends carrying oat the ill luek with' COAL! COAL! COi . wool njuin W E have on.haml about one huiiil ■oir ■ of Tennessee Goal, which n o nS| ont the hit) at Eight Dollars (is/ pit Depot. MILLER A v.' nov 8 I notice; ■YT7E are constantly recc-ivi:u’<- I VV cription, to which we invite in* 1 p lent of J buyers,-as they win be sold at Aucto J •MILLER k WAT* nov 8 A I tascrill loft; ®due COAL! F OE Blacksmithieg purposes, forrf Dollars (47) per To “ nov 8 bn at Depot, hjl MILLER * Wl THE JtlLSlCAI. A NEW Volume of Instruction.* isl ■M for Schools and Classes. By Sir Price 50 cts. Published by nov. 8—It OLIVER, DITSOVt t 1 | g yetf I Ms be| erry, j riuj.i Just Arrive A LrKELY lot of MARYLAND J IA NEGROES, Plough Boys - a few good Washers and ironers. .".o J lives are insured one year, ami for,i‘j able terras, at NOEL’S BK1CK - j Poplar Street. 21s?" City Papers copy. Jobe ( X JUST RECEIVE® A FINE lot of Catawba Grai’Ci A r Bananas, Sweet Orange* and - ’ Northern Apples, at nov 8—2t II.- HORKK -S A PURE article of MAPLE SW -wheat Cakes, just Koceivei' A wheat Flour, aiid fresh Yeast lo Cakes. For Saleat .1 nov s-ySt H. IIOKN’E'£i9I FRESH ABKlVJfl cf\ SPLENDID REEF 0\JJ ’ ■ Beets, Cauliflowers, small Pig Hama, extra r„. <■- ^ kmd,) «ktra flu'o'Tablo But I nov 8—5t H. HOHNKV G et some ofihat Peru Wins f _ —but little left—all say i: it nov 8—fit ; i Guano, T HE undersfgnml Heese's Manipulated to supply planters in any ijura-ta"- aa if ordered by thornsf-lvt-J- Af*. the sale of Mniies’ Nitrogfois -o- of Lime Willals*> have a nine Peruvian Guano, ail of» --1 low as.partiet ran ley ffdowa Nov.8. [COIT-J i ill I in l MACON COTTON M YRKET Macox, October 8.-Ih e demand for Cotioii Prices stiff—say 8A fo-IOJ-. iJenioeratic JlYccfnig. — ® $*******■ Hoilalon county are’re No- .:.-*7 w * t0 WoetJnPony, c-n thoSd Saturday jomBcr nnrt c p<»r tM^ftpbaB of noinfinatK fy officers, to be elected at tho approochireJai.--. ary election. ; . K ‘ Nov. I, loss. • ■ . : - ,- - : - ‘ , Mo-rrrLW®^ Mates. Jeer/, tVlngfeUTr Cf- : , Deab bras—Tours of the ceivod, its contents noted. 5.e. » -. quiry in regard tolha Reef^J! as.s ffrtUutr-I'ara w«! i-lf-f, tested its use. IbpplitJ a** 1 ‘ laud that was badly worn, tujdwf * fresh. The product of :1 e was appiiodis over sxi lbs. o> *•* Tfco 'samo kind of hind abatit 100 tbs, par aero. Guano was by depositing ding, up the laud, I haveu« e-_ but ho ve no doubt butitwd** tan itprettyi cxtaMivfcy o=*f Tours Kw>poeiiulj> r ,r* Slgnodl .... Wu are authoruted to u .EY\a ca-.ijdate for tl LVk nuuuco WILLIAM i . - •’•- ,/i : ;r .. cou*^, at the ensuing January eiention! ’ i ave the courage to liuicnd thfin. ihej' have * HMitaft j Ported for that office by r lease annoiince jEr -•“•i-t • ton Sheriff of ISbb ben ho will bo j you last Spring 0» very much- At t“* / i thtred in. I cannot s*y » [MOfiiftonafe the -is* 0* “ . :,srrcoct. *jia .Mi V,rEf;i