Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, November 22, 1859, Image 2

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I in; (JKOllGIA TKLK(iI.’-M’H. nvi^ooisr, QA., Tuesday Morning, November 22 Ot-iiiori-ntic Coniily Nominee*. f ttO.1l mi.LEDGt'VIt.Lr. Corre.'poniiuuci of if.* f'oio^raph Miu.np-1'vn)k. Not. ip, is.*;». My Dear TtU^rny 1 The oiliest inhahiunt mul the veteran-, of the lobby .-.ni.vilr to tin. present <o uer.il A' >'ors, the palm ltl.lv .11 It if pi ■ prole tier, dv moil nn^EsoT.4. •pens. M. a of the lieorxU Telegraph. ''I I'Ui, (Miv.) Nor. 11. 1S59. ell ha.' grown up u 11 Indian trading . list of these will be fouml in the published corum< ami strict J t(em minutes of tho meeting held last Saturday— one of the very largest ever assembled in Macon for that purpose. - AVc hope every democrat will acquiesce in tlio decision of tlic meeting and give the ticket a hearty support, it ought to be a matter of congratulation that a scram ble atm g mere personal candidates, wliieh al ways engenders strife and bad feeling, has been superseded by tlio action of a party meeting numerous enough to give its proceedings the stamp of Democratic authority. The whole tick et will be easily elected. Arrival of the Canada. Liverpool dates to the 7 th by the Canada, re port a steady Gotten Market, but quiet under the news brought by the Africa. BreadstuQs quiet. Consol’s Sfi,. General news of no in terest the country—all " In' of this grand council commend the quiet J « subjects before it Dw ee< a disease unknown, unless i tlu- House, anil they are n valescent after a very viol has not been even a sporadi. —and it is to 1h- hoped f country, that none will oe, i Very many important hi which you get daily informal and Recorder, ami of detail. Hie great topic of t! the Bill to pardon Che for good to the business of ttend the drill', rations f the Si.it,-, notice and rapid dispatch of the > oacoethes loqucndi U ■ss it be in two I 's in said to be eon- attack. The tv is.- in th.- Senate th« v .'.'.l of the i niation from the till bich 1 can not writ. present "rw baa l«-. a a convicted of murder /’*, > 1 Ills* city, wl since Is,*n, living at that time u post with t".> <1 time log hoii'.ts, now tains I I,000 inhabitants, i It is situated on a Milt:; I,’tii OI -.'.'O Tv. i ill'll'.- the Mississippi, on ■ a table of land about two miles in length and one mile in breadth, and another tabic about 1100 feet higher still, on the north side, making I this a locatioa for n city which in point of j beauty 1» excelled hy very few in the world. I l ,o main buaineso street follows the edge of (he lower blulf for over a mile. A great mis- iak> was mule in appropriating this street for I n i 'iipos. as ,i was ahogethet iinin-e.-s- ! -ary; had it been reserved fora promenade, or tyutevard, it would have been tlic most attract ive feature of this city, as the prospect from almost every part of this street, w here the view is not obstructed by buildings which have been erected on the outer edge of the bluff, is cx- FROU BALTIMORE. rorrespoodenoo of the Telegraph. Bai.timork, Nov. 1-ttli, 1859. Tub Laic Elkctips-—Since the Election i for each other i though occasionally in drink, was not drunkard, and i , and other palliating and it has become known that the friends , set forth to the Circus Coining. Levi North’s great Circus exhibits in Macon .... on the 29th. making a grand entry into town »'»st confess I was disappointed ,n the charac c ° _ a il.. .1 \lv Mill v Ml.irf «r«a n lino corner of the floor and gallery of the Senate was crowded to hear the “great gm»” talk. I hy the mnsic of tlio Calliope, which the bills •ay can bo heard ten miles. See advertise ment. Tlic Iliuiyiiii Tableaux. These splendid life-like scenes from the great Allegory of Bunyau, will be on exhibi tion during the week, at Concert Hall. Pai> i INQ.--See the advertisement of Messrs. Lovi & Burke, accomplished, house, sign and decorative painters. .To the Merchants anh Hi-iebsS Hh or Macon.—Wo commence the publication in this morning’s issue of a Directory List of tho Bu siness Houses of Macon. Wo see that the papers OT Augusta, Montgomery, Molule, and other places have started it, and thinkiug -.he idea a good one for all classes of business, we recommend it to the Business Men of Macon. Tho Telegraph will not only he a Business, Family, Political, and Commercial Journal, but also a Bysinc-s Directory o f Macon for all into wboso hands it may fall. There are many names of linns omitted, owing to not having their copy to put in type in time for this issue. The Theatre. The performances of Mr. Fleming and bis Dramatic Company, have given entire satisfac tion to the citizens of Macon, whose expectations were quite high in consequenoo of tho universal praise bestowed upon them by the Press in those cities where they have been. The acting of Mr. Fleming, in tho various characters of Hamlet, Richelieu, Sir Ilarcourt Courtly, and Claude Mclnottc, has strengthened tho impres- ted (o Jnakc his dcbut on this Uon sion created by I»,s Trite last season and stamp- am , aU ftn . mim to bcar , lim xho dcbate cd him a most vcrsatde and accomplished actor. I wi „ tw0 or thrcc days> and is lookcd to Messrs. Donaldson, W right, * uller Miss Em- wUh at intcrcst „ MtUin Uie of thc raons, Mrs. G rat ton, and, indeed, all tho lad.es | StMo M t0 ivi aid t0 gJlheJ* in Fulton Superior Court,mul of which 1 made I ceed,n S , y beautiful, overlooking the country, mention in my last The BiB was the apodal .ncludmg tho river, its islands and hlufls, to the order for Wednesday last and every nook and «»«* ° f th ‘ rt T "**■- 0n , thc Iab,e abovc this, a proper taste has been observed, as along its edge you see handsome dwellings, pictu resque cottages, Ac., with a wide street in front Among the fast cities of tho North-West thus has been one of tlio fastest, it being surrounded by a fine agricultural country, at thc head of navigation, and near thc confluence of the Min nesota and Mississippi, the immigration to this part of tho State being large, and depending mostly on this city for supplies; also having a large Indian trade, it must necessarily be a point of much Importance, and speculation has run high: lands which were sold three years since for $20 per acre, can now be purchased for five dollars per acre—city property has also depreciated about 75 per cent. Previous to 1857 nearly all classes were speculating in real estate; the merchants, mechanics and farmers llmling it bo much easier making money by speculation than by following their legitimate business, that nearly all the population became consumers, and none producers, being obliged to obtain tlieir supplies from abroad. After the revulsion of 1857, it was either work or starve, and the result has been, that this State is now sending large quantities of wheat and other pro ducts to thc cast There are many objects of interest connected with the history of tho Indians and pioneers of the North-West, in tho vicinity of this city. About a mile east of thc city is Carver’s Cave, which was a favorite resort of the Indians; it is situated at the lose of a bluff, and from its entrance flows a stream of thc purest water over a bed of white sand; the first arch within is about twenty feet high and thirty feet in width. I was surprised on visiting, this cave, situated within thc limits of a city, to learn that it had been explored only about 70 feet, as it is sup posed to be the outlet to a large subterranean lake, which with a small skiff might probably I ter of the debate. Mr. Hill’s effort was a fine one in somo respects, but more suited to thc ear of a petit jury than to the solid men of the Senate. Lawton of Chatham made a compact, clear and forcible argument upon the law and facts, and to my mind was the most fit and pro per speech of the day. Collier of Fulton made an excellent speech against the Bill, as did also Wallace of Taylor. I had intended to give you a sketch of the day’s events, but other matters of interest demand a place for notice. The Bill was passed by a close vote of 54 to 53, and is made the order of tho day in the House for Fri day, thc 25th. Many opinions are expressed as to its fate there, but the general belief is, that it will nnt pME, «»J >T it docs—tlic labor is not overcome—the fiery ordeal of tho Executive scrutiny must be met, and Gov. Brown will do his duty without fear, lavor or affection. Hartridgc and Harris of Glynn, the two ablest debaters in thc House, it is slid, arc ex pected to advocate its passage, and by their zeal and eloquence may carry it, but still I doubt On Monday next, State Aid is the order in the Senate, and preparatory to the grand fight, which lie intends to make, I suppose, Mr. King of Glynn presented and moved to print a min oritv report in favor of the Bill from the Com mittce on Internal Improvements. I send you a copy, and assure you it will re pay perusal. It is by far the strongest presen tation of facts and arguments I have yet seen on that sido of the question, and if untiring energy, ability, tact and discretion can win the fight, K ing will win it He lias a lion in his path, however, in the person of thc Senator from Chatham. Your Senator, Mr. Tracy, is .[ of order have a good working majority Legislature—tlu- public mind ha parativcly tranquil, and the subject of our late disfra great degree subsided, now warmly congratulati good time coming, when every man shall heal-1 (the Catholics I believe excepted, who do not lowed to walk up to the polls and vote liis sen- 1 generally unite in the frequent festivities of timents, and Ruffian?, and Bullies shall not their countrymen who arc not of their religious cawed the il te exclaim, “the U, t a>-.. J stand there to kill, cripple, or drive him away. : faith) had a splendid celebration of the cen- In spite of the efforts of tho Ctippertxdh its quid tennial birth day of tlieir J.ro qu o ally the Patriot, to whistle up tlieir Ion Thursday evening at the power of fertilization, and its comparative cheap ness. These facts have come to us in corre-i spondcncc from parties who have used other 1 like agents, and who give this by far the high est praise. * Wo have arrived at the conclusion, after con- things for ns, whereof we a-ekn7! These manifestations of HisA™ loving kindness, admonish ns 0 t 11 Disastrous Tire ill Grinin. 1 gratitude which we owe to theOrS^U On Thursday morning, between one and I cpntirae^possSeion two o’elo.-k, wo wore : i rotiaed from OOr atom-1 which he gave to our fathers. tniJ*nT ickly as I bmnbld and thankful and'to reafoisl The Reduction Bill has been before the Houses and gentlemen of the Company, havo proved themaclvis c,„al to thc various parts in which I and rc . considcrcdj and what its end wi)1 ^ they have bet :i cast-crcat.ng, upon each oc. I be forctoU . A large majority in each caston, a harmonious and effective picture.-j IIousc aro {n favor of Reduction, but tho chief With such a Company of Histrionic Artists, and i obstacle seems to be in adjusting a plan which a most beautiful 1 hoatre, our citizens can enjoy, .secure thc support of that majority. There a treat but seldom placed before them. Sir. , aro many members who look to their own chan- Ralston deserves tlie^thar.ks^of the community ^ 0 f return, rather than to thc good of the State—this class will vote against all plans of reform—others will vote against any plan which does not conform precisely to tlieir own views— and others are opposed to any change, believing that thc present system is the best 1 fear very mttch that amidst these conflicting views, this bill of paramount importance will be lost Mr. Speaker Irwin is a model Speaker, the best I have ever seen in the chair, and he gives universal satisfaction. He is prompt, courteous, Jow ,m.-y T-caYf-i-aS JXiil< jot nrJnls-Of order, and be reversed, and few, if any, appealed from. If any of your readers 'intend to visit thc Capital during thc session, I would advise them to come over during the present week, as many of the most important measures will be up lor consideration. Thc Governor's levee is to take place on Friday the 25th, tho evening of tho day on which Choice’s pardon is to be discussed in tho House. There will be a bril liant array of beauty anil Cushion in attendance, and all who wish to visit Millcilgeville, would do well to avail themselves of the gayeties of tho fourth week. The Sapremc Court adjourned on Friday last—but few cases were brought up for argu ment—Judge Lumpkin was detained at home by sickness in his family. Au revoir. A FLY. * for erecting bo perfect * Theatre, offering in ducements to a proper Theatrical Manager to ‘ pay ua an occasional visit, and affording enjoy ment of a high order to our citizens. This being thc only week that Mr. Fleming can possibly remain with us, all lovers of thc Drama should avail themselves of the opportu nity of witnessing representations superior to any that havo ever before been given in our city. To the Ladies we would call attention to the foot that the seat? are cushioned, aud e.xerx -entirely comfortable. Bibb Superior Court. Judge tVorrill presided during thc past week until Friday evening, and then adjourned thc Court until Monday. There is not a better Judge in the State, and tlic Grand Jury expres sed their appreciation of his services in a com plimentary vote,- which we will endeavor to pises before our renders in our next issue. During the week, large number of Civii Cases ware disposed of, but there arc many heavy causes to be tried, which will doubtless .occupy tlio Court for two weeks. One Smith was put on trial for larceny •convicted, and sentenced to the Penitentiary for two years. •Richard M. Mulhally was tried and convicted courage, it is amusing to notice the evident a- larrn of the bright particular stars of the “lest governed city in the world." They arc already vicing with each other in tlieir obsequiousness to those at whom they but recently turnod up their oflicial and consequential noses. They see the 'hand uniting” on the wall, and dread the day of retribution which is coming. It is now believed that nearly every one whose election has been carried hy violence and fraud, will be ousted, and a thorough and oflicial expose bo made of thc nefarious means hy which thc candidates of the Reform party have been de feated. THE CONDITION OF MAYOR SWANN. It is rumored that thc condition of thc mayor Ls very precarious. 11 is said his disease has ta ken an unfavorable turn, and that a permanent derangement of mind is seriously apprehended, and that it is doubtful whether lie will he able to resume the duties of his office again during the remainder of his term. Should these fears of his friends he realized, his condition will be calculated to call forth general sympathy. Thc friends of mayor Swann insist that ho has al ways been honest in his desire to check tlio rowdyism which has prevailed, but owing to a natural weakness of purpose, he has been over awed and over persuaded by thc parties who have surrounded him, from taking an indepen dent stand against wlial his own better nature revolted at His present illness has no doubt been superinduced hy the many CQtnplaints made personally, or through thc Press, of a will ful neglect of official duty and complicity with the dubs and tlieir supporters, lie committed a fatal error, both for the good of the city and his own personal happiness, by his public har angues to the assemblage of those who for their own base purposes proffered to be his friends. It was thc association thus formed with such parties, which has rendered him powerless for good, and which has in a great degree destroy ed ctcd his social position in thc city. This lat ter effect, it is thought, lias had much to do with his present unfortunate condition. OUR C1TT RAILROAD AND ITS PROSPECTS. This company is driving ahead and in time is likely to become one of the most lucrative of all the vast monopolies of this country. It ryland Institute. acterised by good order, and was a highly imposing demonstration and worthy of the ob ject which gave rise to it. After the toasts, speeches, and other ovations of respect to thc As quickly I to the scene, and found of the office of the ‘The Em- flamc the Masonic Hall l sett ‘ n K • , , , , | • i ii ,ic tni tile. wLvvnu ii'iv’i agriculture, than may thing else of thc kind we i budd ; ugi tbe 8tore of Win. K. Philli pS & Co. I occupying the first floor all ! Lodge the third. Thc ilatne to His Great name. To the end, therefore, that the,**., I may onite in* r-tarntag aUhwV?* 1 1 lie office I kiio.vledgiiKnts, I do issne tjii. j? 1 1 ionic Halid settinK anart Thursday, the 'ilk / ** ntj 'day of Tiuiiksjnyh!? * ity God. And l do earnest!?.* 1 ! [ ent raont.i, i Almighty God. •r. i . oj.at i .. v. - j hers by the alarm of l’ir rifted poet, Schiller,, sj derab i 0 experiment ourselves, and a careful j ib[c wp rcpa j ret - he ITall of the Ma-' search for the results of the trials of others, 1 tbe , vbo i c interior o; It was attended hy nearly , that Mapcs’ fertilizer has more of the property - e • enveloped in tl a thousand of his countrymen, and was chav- necdc.l in a general manure, in horticulture_aml j wag on Uie #6 cond floor of , ,,,, agriculture, than any are acquainted with. Rev. Sylvamis Landrum . We arc sorry to learn that thc popular and I ^ororw^h “was^occa^ed'hy Che'rr'y& I ^ ■*.*! n, n°f departed poet had been concluded, the com- able Pastor of the Baptist Church in Macon : i }r0 g M tis a Family Grocer, and the second hy 11„ ieWentpr’iyer forhUfatmeui 1 pany gave themselves up to general enjoy- has felt it liis duty to accept a call to ,thfrp«8- [Doyal & Campb^i L ment, and song and mirth, and a profuse and ♦i,„" I i uo tame the Masonic | f erDnt congregations composing, u soon spread, I nominations, of every name, in tlj. ; north, to the building of Cherry ,V Bros., first people of this State,to meet at th^rn be explored for miles. Had I the time to spare, has recently paid into the city treasury tho I should have endeavored to find some gentle- first quarterly installment of one fifth of its ever varying scene of heartfelt pleasure was apparent throughout tho large assembly What will be the next occasion for a fete is not known, yet it will not he long ere these disciples of social pleasures will find something by which they can be brought together, and again mingle their voices in song and quaff their simple beverage. MORE SHOOTING. A case of wanton shooting occurred onFri day night, on the causeway, hy which an in nocent young white womifli will in all proba bility lose her life. A number of negro men aad gathered in a grogery kept by a German, and from some cause one of the negroes fired a pistol, as is supposed at another for refusing to treat Ua. T’he hall however missed its in. tended victim, and took effect in the neck of a young white woman who was behind the counter, passing nearly through. The ball has not yet been extracted, and it is feared the wound may prove fatal. The negro was arrested and committed. % ANOTHER VICTiri. John Booklieimer, a German, and a man of excellent character, who had been beaten and shot on election day, for endeavoring to rescue a countryman from tho assaults of a gang of the Rough Skins, who were dragging him through the streets, died to-day of his wounds. Two of tho parties most immediately engaged in the beating and shooting of this man, were arrested to-day. Their names are John Bowers and George Loirman. They are members of the Rough Skin club and notorious rowdies. The deceased leaves a wife and three children. A DASTARDLY OUTRAGE UPON AN AGED MAN. One of those unprovoked and most dastard ly assaults, for which there is hardly a paral lel to be found, except amongst Baltimore rowdies, occurred on Friday night lastiu that pandemonium of vice the causeway. At mid night, whilst a man named Disney, was su perintending the peculiar business of his Call- ..... , "J ) in fervent prayer fur liia fiitnm •w Office and Aaron I ing that the Tangaageof DivjueinSfe room. The wall between p««pl« praise Thee, then shall torateof the First Baptist Church in Savannah, j Cloud’s counting room, m- »->■. 1 ^,7 WGod even o“ n rrI.V“': M, 4 and consequenUyTesigBedhii. charge in ^[Oicrry s and Leek, stopped the fire, so that ciiven underJiyfoSiSaud hitSS .. ~ ~ .1. _,! it went no farther in that directum.. On the I live Department, at tin ninntnA I tliii 1st day of Nov., i,! th-V^"L eighteen hundred and fuiy-u;,, *| pcndcnce ol the United Redd’s, where by I B ythe Governor: J °3EPai,|J II. J. tj. VVn.usxj,Uecy Ei.I,. Bryan’s Tasteless Ver*J Toll the bell for uri-rtv \V(^® All the household s pride ' U,c y. °‘wora»«, , Although with raed'cii* 'Twas Jalap, Mercury, and L That helped her to her But Bryan's Tasteless \ - rr'. I Saves thousands from the ii 1 Sold in Bottles. Price ill For sate by K. L. STKOHErtJ novS2—lm t "‘S| .... V. , , . , , 1 u went no xuriiicr in was direction, city. I ho Savannah people cannot bo blamed ^ si(Je of th(J ]r;lJli ^ firc communicated for getting thc best man they can find; butwc . j Q (Jheurmon &. Co.'s Store, thence to MeWil- would have felt personally obliged to them, Hams <So Roberts store, thence to .S. B. McAVil- and so would every body else in Macon, if they j liams and on to Farrar had turned tlieir attention elsewhere. Mr. Lan-; the praise worthy exertions of the citizens its drum is just such a man as cannot bo taken out | further progros was staid of a community, or Church, or any other rela- The sufferers are our neighbors of the Em pire State, who are burnt out in toto, books, tion in society, without leaving a fearful and i p a p ers and everything connected with their of- aching voice behind him. A man of genuine | fi cc . Wm. R. Phillips & Co., burnt out cu- and unaffected piety—kind and social disposi tion—frank and pleasant manners—great good sense and discretion—rare executive force and energy, and a learned and eloquent preacher— his success in Macon in building up a powerful and well appointed church from feeble begin nings, illustrates equally his capacity and fidel ity. May tho same measure of prosperity at tend the exercise of his high office in a new and larger sphere. The Savannah Church has been fortunate in securing his services. Pure Liquors.—Daly & Fitzgerald (see advertisement) show their faith by their works in forwarding ample samples of their pure liquors. We know they have too much res pect for tho Telegraph, to scad us anything not the very best of its kind. tirely, except such goods as they could carry out in thc few minutes allowed them. They saved their books and their iron safe contain ing their money and most valuable papers but such goods as they secured from the flames are so damaged as to be worth but little.— The Masonic.Lodgc lost everything in their room* ■ * ^ occupied - , Ml- oa from the first dose. by K. L STItOIIfc-(jj man in this city who had a sufficient love of earnings, towards the erection of a grand pub- adventure to join me in fitting out an expedi- lie park. The amount paid iu was $2,oG7 08, tion. On the bluff above this cave is a num- the amount of its total receipts during the I ‘“S’ wb * cb ^ necessary should be done at a her of mounds one of which is eighteen feet quarter being $12,880 37, and, with the ex- j ' ate hour of the night, he was without the high and about sixty feet in circumference. ception of five days during this time, it lias * ca31 - provocation or cause, set upon by a gang Strangers are much amused when thc half j been working at 3 cents the passenger, and I H u ® ans ' T bo were prowling around under breed Indians from the Selkirk settlement are! has had but 10 cars on theonly two routes then j lead of thc uotorious Alex, (alias) "Bud’ seen in tho streets. This settlement is situated hut partially completed. The next quarter’s j Eggleston, and inhumanly beaten and stamp- on thc Red River and was founded by the Earl! report will show an immense increase of its j cc * u l ,on ’ unt ‘' several of his ribs were broken of Selkirk in 1811. These Indians arc the off-! receipts, probably four fold over the last It | and ho was otherwise severely if not fatally spring of the intercourse oi French Canadian I will require perhaps a full year or more to fur traders with Indian females; they are ex- complete and stock the road with its fall com- pert hunters,- good boatmen, fine horsemen, and plement of cars, and it is believed,'that in two speak the language of both father and mother; | years from its commcuccmcnt, if not checked they formerly traded their furs to the Hudson’s j in its operations by the Legislature, .its re- Bay and North-West Fur Companies, but since thc advance of civilization has come within tlieir reach, they visit this city once or twice a year to sell their furs, also bringing gold with them, and purchase their supplies. They come ot whout. 600 carts of the or boxes to the hubs; to each cart is harnessed ccipts will amount to $1,000 per day and night—and should its presen t charter be rati fied, as granted by the council, and the city continue to increase in its past ratio—ten yars from tho time of its commencement will see it in the receipt of at least $10,000 per day.- AU enormously, at 3 cents thc passenger, and in- Ruuiorcd Attempts to Rescue tlic HARPER’S FERRY INSURRECTIONISTS. From thcr subjoined dispatches copied from the Savannah and Augusta papers, it will be seen that there is a possibility of a serious at tempt to rescue Brown and his confederates by a large party of Abolitionists. Let them come. Far manlier is tho abolitionist who perils life in the attempt at forcible rescue, 'ban the sneaking incendiaries who like Beech er, Wendell Phillips, Greeley, &c, sing hymns of glory over Brown at a safe distance. We are glad to see matters approaching a crisis. 1VW » ,-nu-r . C C1 i IIIO C k * ■ • J;A D * nnke ’ A , u ,r'7’ at La "\rt° SSK^jSSSSSLaSSSiSjS ; led the front room of tlic Lmpirc State cough, healing and «tren»theni B *i‘" ' office, lo't all his Books, Papers, Notes and ting expmtnratiou, and imlm-ini; s|L‘ Acccouuts and everything connected with his m ®? t frr « r »■>“ B —* J —- ■■' office. Lewis Hatton, tailor, who occupied the ' or front room of tlic Masonic Lodge, saved noth ing, Dr. M. J. Daniel, who occupied the I J>r. mcCliniockia «;ot,t aim TJ same room withDiamnke's Law office, lost his I *“ r *- Among the Cold and CosjJT entire stock of Mudicim-i.. A. R. Riudi.youqf tViie^afcri^cien^ man, clerking l.,r Win. I . I-amor,.ugh A' Co., | stands in the fore front of the profarJ who occupied the Law office ; saved nothing but the shirt an on, and his watch. Cherry A entire stock of Family Groceries, except such as were rushed into the street in a damaged, condition. Doyal & Campbell, Attorneys at Law, lost their stock of Books, and other pa- Asthma, removing the imskiceao/r J pers, with all their office'furniture, saving noth- restoring the regular and unobgm;rf«l mg but their notes and accounts. A- D. Nun-1 hut is also of inestimafcir i-ski ** _ ... —5 P?ofetfc» bed room, ms reputation on what lie offers to ij, J ants lie had ?!“* curative - Never has this jire; ' Cherry & Bios.. lost theirl^ Alarming aspect oi Adairs ill Vir- GINIA. Richmond, Nov. 19.—Davis telegraphs to Gov. Wise that a largo body of armed, men are approaching Charlestown from the direc tion of Wheeling. A regiment 400 strong left here by extra train to-day. Gov. Wise being among the passengers. More troops have been ordered. Harper’s Terry Excitements. Alexandria, Va., Nov. 17.—There is great excitement at Richmond, in consequence of a report of ah armed force being in thc vicinity of Charlestown, for the purpose of attempting to rescue Brown from jail. The military have ‘“ct was meu iivtLaauu <u.t,uums, a. d.aiuu- \ \ . , ; a» nally. Attorney at Law, was fortunate enough tojgetblp books andpapers outin time to save I For sale by ».A smBM them, He lost nothing but his office and fix-1 nov 22—i m > tures, Aaron Cloud lost all his notes and ac- n . __ _—' _ ——- counts, saving nothing that was in hiscounting y 1 * _ Naorrill, a Ski'ifa; room, Shennan & Co., were burnt out en- I (TAX OF NEW YOEKtjJ tirely except such goods a8 were hastily remov- I ' !■> his remarks on Dyspepsia, be ■ ed, all of which are seriously damaged. S. effectual medicine to improve tie a B. McWilliams, Dry goods merchant, saved of th'o Stomach, is that prepared kj _ only apart of his Stock, greatly damaged. I Green, and called the Ozygunstutfaj Farrar & Redd, were burnt out entirely ox- J would publish liiu receipeiyrp cept such articles as were hastily removed to »»hle medicine,if 1 knew -what it the Street. j not, I can only recommend its use. 1 These are all that were burnt out, but the to he improperly called “Bitters, -, Store house of J. A. Beeks & Co., was con- popular acceptation of that term, ii siderably damaged by the fire burning right I alcohol or other spiriti, and U rsti up to the wall, and other injuries from a hasty ter - Though here by the way, i a removal of their Stock of goods, such as break- eit) y caution the dyspeptic sufftra t ing of windows, doors, &c, and their stock oi l “bi’fers," the basie of which is slci goods is greatly damaged hy removal. F. M. dent spirits. They no mere imps Ison’s grocery and billiard Room, was consid- (he stomach, than a whip givtm erably damaged by the Fire and efforts to stop The stimulation which they eiti itthere. Tho windows and door frames are sear- ( r y, andsure to be followed by 11 ed and many other injuries to the building and ** n fcth will inevitably wear oat ( stock of Groceries. E. Sherman & Co., consid- medicine'of which I am speaking erably damaged by the removal of their goods. I objections, the cinders from thc burning ofthe Masonielfiill Seth av - Fowls A Co. 1 set on fire and consumed some five or six hun- Sol< * hy their agents every where. E. L. I one ox, the harness being im.de of djy hide, dccd , t be , jcvcd b 1 ^ • r ' cductioi ; tied together with thongs m lieu of buckles. I f 4l ^ . ,, . . lt a of thc farc to tbree cent3 > ' TOU ' d not at all dt- Dculiiie ot Augusta. The extremely limited business intercourse on an indictment for Whipping his wife, and ofAugusta, with other more important sections of the State, is daily illustrated hy the Consti tutionalist, which quotes tho money f tbe Banks of Macon and Atlanta at one per cent, discount, while those of Savannah are at par and exdiaugB on New York at a premium, Leaving their women- and children at home to take care of their crops, they commence their journey which requires, about six weeks each way, and. have what they consider a very good timc.H Eight miles above St Paul we come to Fort Snelling, situated on an angular table of land formed by thc junction of the Minnesota and Mississippi. This fort has been abandoned and the Reserve sold by the general government, which you prq^ahly recollect created eonsider- able excitement at tlic time. It is probably the only instance on record of Uncle Sam hav ing got the best end of a bargain; the property was purchased on speculation a short time pre vious to the late revulsion, with thc expectation of making immense fortunes by the operation, but the sudden depreciation of real estate in the West, particularly in this State, spoiled a number, of antioipeteJ fortuiuy, and oLiunod sentenced to imprisonment in common Jail for six month?. When lie gets out, he will have a better appreciation of domestic comforts. Josiah Flournoy Baa and John M. Stubbs, after a highly creditable examination, were ad mitted to Plead and Practice Law in ail thc Courts of this State, except thc Supreme Court We understand that these ycung gentlemen intend to hang out their shingles and commence the Rattle of Life in -Macon. Succosu is certain if they continue as they have commenced, and wa commend them to thc readers of the Tele graph, and the public generally, as entirely j State out of ner corporation limits, where j ful little waterfall which ono of our poets lias freight bills are not due, are rated at thc cost | given a world wide reputation: of collection, including the expenses of a spe cial agent for that purpose. It is lamentable to note such unmistakable evidences of thc decline of a once important mart of interior Augusta has a few freight hills to pay in Sa- for Unc,e 8“ a fcir P ricc for his P*>P«rty. vannah, anil some accounts for goods to settle Proceeding from Fort Snelling north, on the in New York, which enable her to par ac- prairie about fiv# miles, you come to a clump knowlcdgmcnts of indebtedness in those pla- of- trees which projects into thc prairie a little ccs; but her intercourse with the great pro- I further than those bordering the Mississippi ducing regions of Georgia is so slight and , above, and below. It is a spot in which you casual, that the notes of the best hanks in thc would little suspect Ls embosomed that beauti- thc noble profe worthy of patronage they havo embraced. On yesterday morning, Judge Lamar opened Court, and we are happy to say his health ap pears to be restored, lie will continue thc call of tho Docket, until all thc business has had ‘ trade, its day. ■ Half and Half. The latest figures of tlic New York Election seem to indicate that a portion—perhaps the whole, ofthe “’alf an’ ’alf” American Ticket is elected in New York. It will ho remembered that tlio American party of the Empire State made up a ticket for themselves by taking one half tho Democratic, and one half thc Black Republican nominees. Some jKiople laughed at their felly, Put m think tlu-ir action imbo- diod their true position in public affairs. With no place in politics, they took both sides—not knowing where to go, they went backwards and forwards—with no principles, each vote, by thia ingenious arrangement, was made a stand-off . In the ‘‘irrc-pref.sihlo conflict ’ against tlic South and the public peace, they mean to maintain neutrality—and accomplish it in an odd way, hv first lighting a little on one side— then « little on the other. Considering the real position of the American party in the public policy of tlio country, the New York arrange ment was a conception entirely consistent, be coming, and philosophical. Is it not so, Mas ter Brook ?. l’ardon of Choice. The trill fur the pardon of William A. Choice, convicted of murder at Atlanta, and under sen tence of death, passed thc Senate on Thursday, after a long and able debate, by 54 yeas to 53 nays. Empire Stale and IntrlliBenccr. With some disastrous personal experience ofthe kind, wo are prepared heartily to sym pathize with our confreres of the Grifiin Em pire State and Atlanta Intelligencer, whose establishments were lust week burned up.— We hope soon to sec them rising again like the fabled Rhu-nix, with increased vigor and prosperity. We have nothing from thc Em pire State since the disaster. The Intelligen cer iu an extra announces that one of tbe firm has started North for new material and mean while the paper will he published weekly until (he new arrangements are perfected. Georgia Academy for the Blind. We are indebted to the Principal, Mr. Wm. D. Williams, for n copy of thc Eighth Annual Report of this institution, wliieh numbers a Faculty of four, and twenty-six pupils. The current expenditures last year were ?i,5GG. The new building is now nearly completed, when this noble benevolence will at once enter upon a wider sphere of usefulness. It iaos mt faithfully administered by tlu-excellent Trustees and Principal. Upon some early occasion, with more spnee, wo will recur to the subject “ Stan in tbe silent night • Might be enchanted, Birds in their passing flight Be long detained. And by this scene entrancing, Angels might roam. Or make their home, Hearing in watery dsnring. Hid spray and foam, Minnehaha!” A small stream, thc outlet of two small lakes, gently (ailing over tlic bluff into an amphithe ater, forms this graceful waterfall The fall is about sixty feet, which drops in a slight curve until it reaches its lower level, when it play fully dances down a deep ravine into thc Mis sissippi. As you stand' in this amphitheatre you hear not thc thunder of a Niagara—you arc not struck with reverential awe as when con templating her sublimities, hut here you arc , captivated, enchanted like a lover who is cn- minish its current receipts, owing to the vast increase which it would bring to the number of passengers. Its chance with the newly elec ted Legislature, however, has been greatly damaged, by the belief in its complicity with the Lottery interests here, to pack that body with their conjoint friends. Had itgonc before that assemblage alone, and on the square, it might have succecdet/’, but under present cir cumstances, and in view of its identity with tbe clubs of thc city, and its employment of some of the most noted members of them os conduc tors of thc cars, and in other minor positions, its success is very doubtful. The average of passage during tbe first quarter, .on tlm dis jointed route, was with but lticars—5,51)0 per j day. There is now some 35 cars on the road, and they are crowded all the time, the ladies i cntercd a pu V 1C 1 J 0USC °“ nU » n “*" 1 without almost exclusively occupying the inside aud ^ knocked down an Irishman confining thc male gender to the platforms, |'>^<1 Michael Ryan, and beat him with Bil- where they arc compelled to maintain (for the 1 as . a ? SIun f I,ot ,lnt ; 1 llc " as be Augusta, Nov. Isr-Xotliing yet received to Sf“ a,s ’ Cotton under thesheds of tbe Ware justify the report thatalargearmedforceof Ab-1,pi sc , - olitionists is near Charlestown. Another large: ^f fim occurred last flight, and the imnns were c500,00Q to ^/J|OO0, about $30,000 of which fire occurred last night, and thc troops were called out expecting -an attack, but none was made. Three companies went up from Alex andria this morning, to strengthen the force al ready there. The' Government forwarded to- daVji^OOO ^pounds of powder and several hun- Apprehended Troubles at Clinrics- TOWN. Charlestown, Ya, Nov. 19.—Col. Davis has colled for more troops. A rumor says that let ters have been intercepted cheering Brown and his associated culprits, and giving assurances that they shall all be rescued. Thc property of several of thejurors has been burned. Troops leave Richmond for Charlestown in thc morn ing.’ There is considerable excitement here. was covered by insurance. Cotton Planter's Convention. Macon, Ga., Nov. ICth, 1859. extra session. t, Vr President- -theJ rv or subsidiary; if the body be Convention maun the city Hall. Hon. How- f element of disease, sickness me.- ell Cobb, presiding. The Constitution and rales were read by the The very best Reme*| l or I’m it' mu tin- Thc health of the human system i entirely upon the state ofthe bio zing fluid wbich pervades every t braue, fibre, filament, gland, or < injured. Tbe injured man is upwards of 65 years of age. The leader of the gong is one of the most notorious outlaws of the city, and has been indicted time and again, for murders assaults, &c, and has yet managed by some 8 w , „ „ ...... , _ means or other to keep at large and continue justify the report thatalargearmedforce of Ab-! ,p, ousc Reaped, but all in the yard was burned. jqAVrtC’ o i no ipi hi. depredations at will. He is one ofthe lead- 2^“="*- *— rbe cnt,rc loss 13 varlous1 ^ ***** at from | o A jN D fe A It b A FI ing members of’.the Rough Skin American club on the Point. He has again been com mitted, but will no doubt soon *find bail and be turned loose to renew his villainous assaults nnnn nonnalilo /-itirPnS. THE ACME OF ASSURANCE. A modest proposition was made in the city council on Friday, to appropriate an extra com pensation to the Judges of thc late election, a- mounting in the aggregate to some thirteen hundred dollars of the money of the people, for tlieir extraordinary services performed on that interesting occasion. This is in addition to the $4,00 per day which is their stipulated pay. This cool proposition was however met by thc men of integrity and principle who have been elected to that body by thc reformers, and laid aside for future reference. This is ominous that a check will be put upon this description of pickings, which has heretofore so shamefully prevailed, and hy which so many thousands of dollars of the people’s money has been wasted. ASSAULT AXD 1'ROflABLE MURDER. Yesterday a party of men of bad character, President, when an opportunity was extended ! existing in the blood to gentlemen to become members of the Con- qoence, and until tbe Cause of Discasa! are eradicstri, i| relief can be expected. It is here tkl T. vention f quite a number came forward aud ! re torinTnr rt - r signed the Constitution. U | manifested; its searching operstio causes of the disease, and the cures time being at least) an upright position. MOR): MURDERS. * dead, his skull was broke in several place, his nose and clicck-bone crushed and ln-olsen, nnd P „ , , , it is supposed his injuries will provo fatal.— Two more murders have been perpetrated I ScTeraI of the rorties Were arrested, since thc election, a man wasshot through the Tlic weather has suddenly changed. The head at a dance on tbe point, on Wednesday j thermometer having fallen 17 degrees in a few night and died instantly. Tbe affair occurred | hours, the ground was hard frozen last night in a general melee. Several arrests have been , i co formed and continued throughout the day, made, the parties were all Irish. 1 esterday ; Since thc substitution of the steam for the old an altercation occurred on Smith’s wharf be- hand Engines, and the paid for (for the Volun- tween two col’d stevedores, when one of the teer (Ire department, but few fires occur, and parties caught up a heavy club and mashed when they do, they are soon subdued. On Market Reports. Savannah, Nov. 19th.—Sales of Cotton to day, 330 bales. Thc market was quiet, but quotations were generally unchanged. New York, Nov, 19.—Sales of cotton to-day 3,000 hales; the market was steady. Flovj heavy; sales of 17,000 barrels. tVTteatheavy; sales of10,000bushels; White at $1 50a $1 53. Corn dull; ‘sales of 8,500 bushels; White at $1; New.at 89 cents. Sugar firm; Orleans at 7gpents. Cofledfirm; sale of 6,000 hags at lli a 124 MnU Mola.-.-ca firm, nt 02 CCntsT^-- Spirits of Turpentine heavy, at 45J a 4G cents. Rosin dull, at $1 29J. Rice firm, hut quiet. The Good Tilings of Hits Life C. II. Freeman Co., Cotton Avenue, are i snared hy the stniles ami pl ay fulne.?s of a lovely ginning to import fat Tennessee Fresh Beef maid hc re i„ ctant i v lca vcs her presence, hut 11 nftnltri' mtvit nn 1 1 i,l..nr... . .. . .7 ,* and poultry, nnd as an evidence, sent us down a Fat Turkey, a fine scrloin and stakes. Good Luck to them ! We hope now, as Winter lias set in, tlic hungry wayfarer, homeward hound, or the bountiful house wife may always he able to (ind at Freeman’s that never tin-some—al ways welcome joint or stake of well fatted ten der and juicy beef, ora bosket full of plump yellow poultry. Wc know of no public insti tution so much needed in Macon, as a well sup- tho skull of the other, from which wound he died at two o’clock. Several attempts to kill have also been made in the past week, in one of which the party, a negro man, escaped as by a miracle—tho ball from tho pistol of his would bo murderer, entering thc head in front and glancing around, came out near the tem ple, the strength of the skull preventing its penetrating to thc brain, aud thus saving his life. The party shot at, was a harmless ne gro, and thc assailant a rowdy, the cause—a yesterday morning, however, about 4 o’clock, a fire broke out in the establishment of Mr. Daniel Hays, on Leo Street, and consumed pro perty to thc amount of $10,000. HOWARD. Bibb County Democratic Meet ing. NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES. Pursuant to notice given in thc Georgia Tele graph, tlic Democracy of Bibb county assembled in large numbers at the Court House, at 12 M., refusal on the part of the negro togive money, [ on ^f urda T> instant, lor tho purpose of . - „ -_.Jcy;J; which was demanded hy the former. Tbe city r nom "'*“ n S candidates for the county offices, criminal court is in daily session, though hut < ! n lllcd ‘ on > CoL A. M. Speer Was called to pro- little of interest is done. A number of cnscs I s '^ c ’ and d ‘ *' indrcw * ,lct 38 Secretary. Brown Refused Another Trial. Richmond, Ya., Nov. 19.—The Court of Ap peals of Virginia refuse to award a writ of er ror to thc Circuit Court of Jefferson county in the case of John Brown. He (Brown) will,' therefore, be hung on thc 2d of Deeemt folldwLggJntiemen^wcro dclicdZnoraryI members, James A. Nesbit, George Logan, R. | prepared"^J y AB a D.. . Ehc President-then read his communica tion, containing many important items of in formation respecting our relation with the Con tinental Direct Trade Association of Europe; * and lie also read several very interesting let- tersfrom leading commercial gentlemen of! Europe. The communication, together with tho let- gists, 100 Fulton Street, New l’oii For sals by. GEOBUi 1 PER TI LIZ I GENERAL AGEXCT.I Great Eire m Atlanta. LO^ OF LIFE. From the American of Thursday last we copy thc following account of the recent destructive tiro in Atlanta, in which we heartily regret to sec our cotemporarics of the Intelligencer wefe involved as sufferers—tlieir entire publication establishment valued at $15,000 being a total loss with the exception of $4,000 covered hv! ment. • J rpu i 11 STThe undersigned respectfuUj* ters were rcrered to a Committee consisting of 1 p } An }. eTS an ? ptber' interested, th»:t iTam TTowpII PnltK T I’’ TnnA i n 1 -r° | stantly receiving direct from the iiom iioweil Cobb, J. v . Jones and Col. Jesse the manufacturers, the following iot .turns. Fertilizers now kiiown, all of wtid J. V. Jones read a very able and interest- thoroughly and satisfactorily testri^ ing report on Fairs, wliieh are proposed to be j Xo. 1 Peruvian Guano, held annually, # in the City of Macon, un- * Sombrero Guano, der the auspices of tbe Cotton Planters’ Con vention. Resolution by Col. Thomas. Itesclvcd, *1 hat this Convention appoint two gentlemen whose duty it shall be to visit tbe large cities and towns of Furope, engaged in I the manufacture of cotton goods of all des criptions ; and that they be requested to com municate their information upon the cotton t rade of this country, at as early a day as prac ticable.” e The resolution was laid on the table for the present. Col. Thoms* chairman of the Committee I on Lanks, then read his Report; which was adopted. Adjourned for dinner. Afternoonsession—met pursuant to adjourn- I uuiiutra aiuT cicven o ciock last nignt, jf V—. *• “ vv ujpmiun, uie our citizens were aroused by an alarm of lire i E e f obltlo “ was adopted by a unanimous vote, iginatedin a wooden building adjoining ! , ’ Howell Cobb and Col. J. S. Tkomaswere the impression lias been made, never to be ef- faced. What name more appropriate could the natives of the forest have given this beautiful watorlall tlian Minnehaha, or Laughing Waters f Five miles above this fall are the Falls of St Anthony. This fall was discovered by Father Hennepin in 1680 who named it after his pat ron saint, Anthony of Padua. The visitor who has formed his impressions of these (alls from plied fresh provision store, where a man willing llesori P tions S* ven b 7 t ar b' travelers and cx- to pay for something “ fitten ” for thc table, can he certain of getting it at any hour of the day. plorcrs will he much disappointed at tlieir pre sent appearance. Father Hennepin in his de scription stated that they were forty or fitly feet high, divided in the middle hy a rocky We give to-day a continuation of Senator, island. The falls now present tlic .appearance Kir. Douglus anil Judge Black. Douglas' Reply and Judge Black's rejoinder— both mainly upon thc same points of contro versy. The reader can hardly fail to he inter ested in the discussion, and to admire the ease and dexterity with which the Attorney General of little more than a succession of rapid?, partly tilled with mill logs, which have lodged on the rocky bottom, and a perpendicular fall of about ten feet on one side. There are a number Of mills anil manufactories in operation, ns they demolishes thc labored handiwork of the little hare a fine water power, and on each side of thc falls is a flourishing town. Thc falls have receded twenty feet the past two years. It is more than probabl Fort Snelling. I c< the Dakotahs in connection with these fall?, giant The newspapers state Judge Douglas was in the act of concluding yet another reply to the Attorney General, when attarked hy the sickness from which he is now convalescing, and sent it to press unfinished with thc remark, “I have been called, of parties for assaults and!' II,otion resoIvCll > 1 bat n majority of the petty larcenies, who have been laying in jail : " 10 0 numbcr ° r votes *Ml l*c necessary for several months, and thus arc generally dis-1 * 1 ,'V. 1 c ^ ccdon ‘ charged, in consequence of the non-appear-' ! c then proceeded to ballot for anec of the witnesses against them. The fact “ d the following results were se ts, that this long delay has been purposely ' tr '* ' annoan * procured, for tlic very object of getting clear of thc witnesses, nnd instead of trying them months ago, and saving tlic city the expense of their board, they have again been let loose to engage iu their usual vocation of robbery aud assault. A ease of considerable interest is set for trial on Monday next, it is the case of young Connery, for the shooting of liis brother—additional interest is given to it, from the fact of the lion. “Raver dy Johnson,” having been retained in liis defenec. Much anxiety is felt to hear the effort of this eminent! gentleman, who but seldom appears in that court I lie case is a most peculiarly distress ing one, aud the above distinguished Lawyer has been employed in connexion with Judge Mason and other able counsel, to preserve ’* possible, the life of this second son of mabl For Clerk of Superior Court, A. 15. ROSS. For Clerk of the In. Court, JOHN McMAXUS. For Sheriff, JAMES BARFIELD. For Ordinary, WM. M. RILEY. For Receiver of tax Returns, I- D. WRIGHT. For Tax Collector, J. P. COOPER. For County Surveyor,..... UTLLIS WOOD. For Coroner,.....: IAMBS 1LVILKY. I hc meeting then Ordered publication and adjourned, sine die. A; Mi'SPEER, Chairman. J. IL Andrews, Secretary. Manures. The Editor of the New York Weekly Day Book, in the issue of Oct. 29th, says: first discovered by Mr. Houghton, a portion of his apartments being enveloped in flames and and tilled with smoko at the time. Where it originated it is impossible to say with certain ty—as, when discovered it was*already consid erable of a fire, owing tp the inflammability of the building and - its contents—hut Is supposed to have first broken out in akitchcn in tlio rear, or in the Drugstore. Mr. Haughton had three children burned to death, atul himself and wife are badly burned He saved one hy throwing it from a window fo a Fireman below who caught it. His wife in trying to save her in fant fell upon the floor, and either from cxcitc- mieetor suffocation lost her presence of mind keimer, Agent, Dealer in Ready-Made Clothing, on the first floor, and Mr. Wins. Houghton and ■ his family on the second floor. The fli c w.v slia11 he to raise funds to defray the expenses a: a «... , . 0 f tbc delegation to Europe, and the said g Rhodes’ Super Phoquiatc of FI National Fertilizer, * Ground Plaster. Tin se articles, wbich will have oui* guaranteed as genuine, we shall, u*j prepared to furnish in amounts reoirti] lowest prices. The “Super Pho^rtu-1 tilizer,’’at manufacturers’ rates, vial transportation added. I PATTEN A ’ll*| savannah. May 3—ly 3IARKIED,| In Crawford county, G«„ hv .TOIIX W. DEXT to Alisa JAN'E JtSq Crawford county. In this city, on thc lfith ir.tt., til E-- . Air. IT. CHRISTOPHER to Ai 9 CANDLER, all oft is t v. In this city on thc 15th instant, drum, Gen. WM. L. GORDON', of U. T. LAMAR, of Macon. On the 20th ult. by Kcv.J. EfH T. SMITH, formerly, of Monlkcf.-, were GEORGIA SLACK, daughter of: of Covi'cgton, Ga. On the 17th iu.- t. by the Rev. i- his leisure, one gentleman from eacE''county OE?vr« I ??l5 n ^ Mscon ’ t# 111 represented in this Convention, whoso duty it ' 1ANK ’ ofLntonton. SALT w The resolution of. Col. Thomas was taken tlcman shall also be empowered to call county meetings, and use all laudable efforts to pro mote, in hi? county, the great object contem plated by this convention. Resolved, 24. That the President appoint a board consisting of himself, and all other offi cers of thc Convention, together with one dele- g.ntefrom each Congressional District, who shal l meet in the City of Macon, the early part of the next year, (the time to be appointed hv thc 1 resident) for the purpose of making lire linunary arrangcmeitts for the Fair, such us arranging a premium list, fitting out pro - gramme, Ac. 1 and relinquished her hold upon.it, and would By James West of Burke conntr. have shared its fa'.c herself, had not he crawled Rest Iced, That thc President re* me t or ■ through the smoke to where he had last more gentlemen, from those cotton counties seen her, seized her by the foot and then crawl- not repreAotcd in this Convention tn n-ntiho ]»£ backwards united lu r bet lbiv!ii<»>t alter people of those e ninth interested in the nh him. \\ e have been experimenting the past sea son with a quantity of .Mapcs’ Nitrogenizcd Soper- Phosphate of Lime as a general fertilizer, au est1 ' and have personally, with caution and method and aged father and mother, whose applied it, for the purpose of testing its capa- hearts aud the hearts of the amiable sisters of over quite a range of the rout and fruit that the fall was once at tbc,e unfortuuateyoung men have been wrung * J^°P‘ ^ lnan S potatoes and other vegetn- Fort Snelling. I could relate many legends of almost to distraction hy the sad and unnatu- “'V* ,,WU ' “T"' ,mV0 bec " * , . i _ , , . ircauii, -mu in as much as we hav ral event. I he murder was no doubt commit- considerably with manv popular tin the "'""i'll liinffiiiij- 11"in Hearh A IT***: Whitehall Street, to the Bank of Fulton on Ala- dolph. | bama street, w ere consumed hundred and twenty-fivi I one hundred feet on the * Whitehall, including These were all old wooden buildings. In tl meantime, the wind drove the' flames across Whitehall street towards the brick buildings of .Mr. Markman, which finally caught, and in short time the entire range on the west side of _____ Whitehall street, occupied by J. 11. C. II. Wallace and the Publication and Printirnr olli- ees of the “Daily Intelligencer'’ and J. L Mil ler it Co., to, and including, tHe three story hrick building of Mr. A. M. Parker, a distance fahout one hundred aud fifty feet on \\ liite- jects ofthe Convention, and to scud to our meetings. Resolution by Col. fanes of Ran- The lire spread with great rapidity until e wooden buildings from Beach & Root’s or he Bank of Fulton on Ala sinned—being about One! Resolved, That the nroee,.! • ive feet on the fcrmer, atul vention he published in the City nmw-° he latter street. East of by all papers in the slate fri’Sly ? 0 ?ll-Con eleven store tenements, vention. ^ 10 lI),b Loa ! VOR YTYP-j A\ OOI) S GrAl^j rip HIS is a n* u mi boautifal JL and is becoming ^ ery peoultf- r finish aud beauty ot coloring compare with thorn. PHOTOGRA ; of all siscs, as usual, colon.'-i ’ • AMBROTA I’lkS, DAGUER0T1 at low prices, and in the byt i nov 23 50 Negro Fellows W *T WII.L pay tbe biglu st caah ph I from 16 to 30 \ Macon, Nov. 2#.—2m Continental Insurant 1 - 0 . 1 Ofthe City of Cash Capital s500,000—As? c; '.' $905,001 84.—LiabBitk 5 - D Ut Annual Division to pdtey id lev- 2d .to do do ds J u l do do do do IKS'. ns am too feeble to write further, and here the con- and many thrilling inddents which took place tod by this young man whilst laboring under are prepared to make labbled , hall, and about one hundred on Ala! t, including seven troversy must rest fra while—perhaps force ever.” Here, too, we will leave the controver sy—for if it can he settled by right reason— Judge Black has put it to rest forever. in their vicinity at the time this part of the Xorth-'West was first visited hy the w hites, but -hall he. obliged to omit them. Very respectfully your*, C. I _ ... fair comparison. Wliy a fit of Mania Potu, as there had been nopre- this Nitrogenizcd Phosphate of Lime in our vious difficulty between them up to a moment *’ al " ' P roduccd r *' ubs °f t- 11 ' more satisfactory una, West ;tore tene-1 f I of Whitehall str meats. The extentof the burning, then, is one hum teethin^'by ioftcSi^Via ureil and twenty icet, or over, on earn side of ination-—w ■ in Juue^ext t0 ' n,ee ^ *2^0 oh the 2d Tuesday Ins re, Buildings, JMWMI f ' ' Trnurei Fo;,,. i.re. Rents,Leasts,s , property at the usual rates. . ITiree-Foorths of the net; r-'; of this Company .ire div'n. ' s,: :;. . ’•T its ]*.. cies ill - ip h/,: r:: - ■ ■ will be redeemed *3 rapufif'-'i ; • I lie prelitsaecmiugto tr- i ; i sam of 6.100,1)00. GEO- i- “ x H. H. Lamport, Secret**7; '„ T. ft. BLOOM,/-' A<Iiiii‘li“ ,, ' a, ° l . j I > V virtue ol an Owl- '.I L> f„r,UV-.mly.wi:; • i J Sure H0 ' VKL COBB. President. Ji. J. Sistrunk, Secretary. luucpendcnt Candidate lor cjoik 0F THB . INFERIOR court. i-SQ., are requested tor E. D. WILLIAMS, _ IDAT r for Clerk of ,, Court of Bibb County, at the i-loeii „ «mtl,e 1st Monday ,n January next. un Independent Ca tho Inferioi MRS, WINSLOW, "Udc physician, has a so* iiaiiu- (.1 oiuieco results ol far more saustaetory dred and twenty ieet, or over, on ea* U side of mati 01 r— wiUallav ail or- h T character than any fertilizer we ever used, we Whitehall next to Alabama street, arid about ’he bowels. Depend uiion it".,, .•nnliiitMilil tn tl,.. 1 .1 ,*.«• ... I .1 . ... ... . l i . 1 ... 1 lift., i*. a. .1 ... 1 1 . ./• FtiSt VAin-j.l.. . . ] .. . i .* .. . before the fatal act was perpetrated, and they cannot add to tho'length of this article to’.... _ v .. p „ r ha<l always evinced a great degree of affection j plain, but that it is decidedly with us Uie cheap- J Alabama street, and the value of the property j another colpm*' 1 x-1 two hundred and tiltv feet on thc soutl: ill t-xpc-rieuctitl mu st; :iuu „ , '“oug Syrup fur . liildr-n greatly facilitates the process of gums, reducing all inllam- i» sure to rogulate mothers * , rtstit 11, luothc.’fo it \v ; li L»iv** Mdu of Perfictly "satvin J ,'!r elief “ nd s heRlh to your infants, "operty j another coiiin*^ 11 1 CaSeSf beo aJv crtisemeut in Knoxvillr in - li’i of sale, all the lai estate of ISAAC oounty. Sold l«‘i Nov.