Newspaper Page Text
]}y Joseph Clisby.
_ Wasliin^lou Fashions.
11TEB.V0M. AT 8, P, M.
.. f-TtCjlur.» ?«■ oheoys i» AArmer.
TronTu.r Journal of Commerce.
# Fever at Hie South.
* ig ! 4 juctionof P»»o into the South
Z7„r> a marked impulse to agrj.
section, vithin the past fwe
, . ,nd earned attention m y^ boisg di-
“f5.1t only to
..-ration, but
,,m-oui tracts.
vi^c’t v f i a I has\hoSwnK nt ° f ** ^ W ^
.° frCm f, rk : ** » ecneral thing, however, | % possessed of a mania, not
universal. It is
members of the
P symptoms are ex-
mbitcd among all classes, from the members
down to the roughest hod carrier or the black
est chattel in tho district. It is what I call a
pocket-mania—tor instance, if John P. Hale
gets up to address the Senate, both of his hands
iB ^ into his pantaloon piockets; he takes
I should sav that the tZ■Y^SW 00 “ possessed of a mania, not
, . y .,. . 10 feeling was against the like the National Hotel epidemic, for its effects
£XIdn^r m rc at! ,°V° TuSCan >-' and - aro serious, but--
1 hfe Ifiwv v rCm ?f k ^ '} SM ™ as thou S h P reTa 'ont chiefly among the
his Majesty in this matter had no time. | Senate and House; but the s'
from baltimoke; ’
Correspondence of the Daily Tell
Baltimore, March 20
mill 1 HIM* 10 SIWW Ul* I A . » ■ o u l' 1
to the opening of now lands fair t^mal^short w£k r «f D ?h? “ chanD ’ •**££» go down
»t to*’ reofamation of old I doekrf,"^ STEFS? I MllC <
!■■■ . L appointment took every onebut.he 1°“; ° n l°f C f iona ! l y for the PttT*** of gesti,
I *, nr ? r ^ e ’ *£ d w * s received at first with | ,?H on ' _^ do .' Vi } ® G°e s again. Fat Prcsl
and huge body
arm chair, sits on his
f °!i, V,1, lone been convinced of the !“ acl »<!Uaati»f»ction. Bat already has pnblin opin- I King, with his full-moon
N , , jts agricultural system, I L oa »SH?5? d ' -a ? d fr°® the energy with which- be I which overlaps His large 1
proved to fhoni that guano cmneoneSf tEe mfSt^ml^Vf Jud^? r *n I mw ^ f< ?l ^tended
r 1 r inmorUMitserriev in effecting it.— I P>« of sessions, be baa dispatched more business I tho depths ofhis capacious pockets; Mason’s
■■taw. heretofore shown a disposition , I h »“ w " wont to be done in as many terms by hands have disappeared; Seward walks back-
m,U from the fertile soil of the , “2£: 0 , wi th»l, proved a singed cat wark and forward, with both hands behind;
Jafmost wholly uuon 12.75Lt“?- W jL 0 £?I. e Pr«nmed upon h.s pof.Ucsto Toombs, one hand cone: Anthonv. both—and
1 hand
so I-might go on
I gone; Anthony, both—and
through the’whole list .In
dependalmost wholly upon I g? EStaEH
' nl l i,niiiuclirciiess, instead of aiding I nly repudiated the taking of St~w Biil. and shot 1° - - D - —.
... ) frjhuiis* Hv tillage and the employ-1 down on that enterprising individual, Johji IIinf.s- I 1,10 nearly every member has the disease,
jk When long use had occa- I oJii, tb® Attorney and Clerk I confirmed; and of tho poisons one meets in the
- 1 of yg_ Co . g P- th ,*» no Bail Uuo be ukea out of Coart | street possibly eight of every tan ik.nnn,;,
- - 0 f being affected by it It
.... „„„ , - T —„ RHP. »rc scarce, and pockets are
Virginia and other . h ■*""» *he Bailer s1 property. Ho bas, in the mad c to serve the purposes of economy and
lands that were once I YY w^lck he has presided, taken from I convenience as well ns warmth. But how it
I **■» you noticed the manta m New
j.ieunauonof theory the deficit was p^Uim^i r^, 2“°4
i to the addition of acres, and at last hon. fide bad must bo received, or none: and Thu b’ C i y ? ,p 1 t0mS
v ■ , altogether abandoned tor new m caaea of forfeiture. Execution most issue forth- ma -\ bc tllat gloves
. n . ... . . , . ir ih atm nit (Iia a lor’a U. 1 .1 I miflo frs enrro
Hus "e find in Virgin
srras of waste lands that were once
weiaetivc (arms, and for like reasons I portant case of robbery by Jurj'—continuing the vJ-ki ,n ^ C 'T
V Florida planters recently abandon- trial during the whole day until a verdict was ob-1 V* r k • or is it confined to V aslungton ? I
.JA,location* in that State, for more I *‘ ,ned Ali hnnorthen to the young Judge, and may l observe that strangers are immediately at-
V ,J_ J „ I be never weary in tbe good work lie has so well be- tacked by it, and have it very badly after a few
,>'b in Georgia. In New England, on K „ n .
1 t-lly inferior land has been madc I An extensive cordon ot horse thieves has just I
• . /nerons tribute to tbe farmer by I been broken np, and several of tbe parties arrest-1
/ . rotation of crops, ami the use of T . h «y have been operaling tn the counties ol |
■t ami ibaTamn farm, mav Anne Arundel, Howard.^redenc Carroll. I
Singular Jlnrdcr Case.
Wo copy the following from tho last South
.,,.1 I —one—ruunei, non aru,xreaeno, t.arrou, Halt., and I ” » uw rouon ing ire
j:sif I'gvots, and the same farms maj 1 Harford, and have stolen, ran off and sold some I Western (Amcricus) News-
U^kad (or a century. • | thousand dolltoi worth of.hdrsto, a»dd!es 1 _4c., frpm | Webster Superior Court.—The State tt
an of the Peruvian, and deemed more I other marks painted so as todisguiie them. Is ter SuDcrior (’<i«riTaKt'w«dr* ,teb-
it within the means of all.— I A shocking case of burning occurred on last San- *s tbk
Tort have already been landed at d»ynl«ht,.A youngwomans clothing having taken Li: c itimic onstde™hfr, ^ a , nJ
, and found immediate <nle I *>«• from the explosion of scampbme lamp, which I e ‘ lc, ung considerable interest in the county,
J jorts, ana lou lm i t J - she was nitempting to fill whilst burning. She ran wc propose to give a very brief history of the
,r P uano has been tried, the results into t he street with her clothes enveloped in flames, circumstances,
gotod most sstislaetory,—the yield of I Somegeutlemcn ran to herald, and pulling off their It annenrs that <bimnnl rtttlo «-l.o m.o
rsore being more than double that over-coaU, wrapped them abont her person and „ c o 1 .0^. c 7
' us ,.,l The introduction of I ‘““tbwed th«flames; her life was thus saved, yet^ exoe lle n t cirizcn^, had employed John Uender-
Clsj.irWJs i , . nr innl I she was horribly burned. I Son, a cousin of his wifo, to livo with him and
rrtilumnmst ultimateh proie of inral-1 The Annivenay of St. Patrick, was celebrated at work on his farm. Deceased was a brick mason
■ benefit to the booth, not only by en- I the Eutaw Honae on Saturday evening, with much I by trade, and was frequently absent from home
s the value of its lamb, and increasing spirit. A very .arge number were assembled at the ci -i,„ 0 S? , ^ Dsent lrom home
: ,' I, "1,, u. but in supplying that f «»‘—« d tbe entertainment was one of the most im “ r together. 1 here was but one
uuUuralyrod . s PI J 5 .. I posing ever got np on alike occasion. Tho Messrs, the house, and no one lived there but deceased, of laborers wliuh is tell there, wrif I golemsn, who have but recently taken charge of his wife, and defendant
uue number of fleld-hanas can produce I the Eutaw. it is said, have in this instance far eclip-1 On the evening of the 3rd of January las. de-
- au»nl\l.y of cotton, it is In effect in- I sed any thing ever before attempted, of the kind, in I cc1sc .i ... cnt 1.° )t ; n t hn rmninS/p. 1.
„/tbeTuiorec in a like ratio. I “»U city. Smce the connexion if these gentlemen cU V- °, me , te J" 1,16 ^ e " ln g fr0I “ Prcs ;
'" S I with tho KaUiw, the business of tbst magnificeLt | place lie resided one unle and
— r “ ' I Hotel, has largely increased. I a half. On tho next morning about one o’clock
ulng oflb'’ French Legislnliirc. j Mr. Thomas Gardner, who was wounded in a ren-1 the neighbors were summoned to the place, by
•Corps consists of two hun-1 oftaeTegtalatare^has been’brought on to^his^nme I , d< ^’ ? nd ^ ^ toand deceased
i,l in-tiro members who arc elected in thu C1 fy t ud £ slowly recovering from bis inju- !i’ in S dcad » few feet from the gate, his body
. Tears, if universal sulimge——one deputy I ries. * *" T ' i h»mn» cawia a.wiw ’•
loosed ’to every 35,000 electors. Its ,
t snd Vice President are appointed by I [communicated.]
New York on “Personal Liberty”
The speech of Mr. Callieot, a good democrat
in the New lork Assembly, makes us cognizant
Correspondence N. Y. Herald.
Connecticut Election.
Hartford Affairt— tVide Awake Clubs—Slave
Pens and Free Xigger Cabins—The Re
publicans on the Defensive. . . , . ,. , --
Being thp home of the respective candidates I a lact ” “ ,c " ma y be equally new to the rea
for the gubernatorial chair, Hartford is just now | dcr ' wit: That New York already by statute
probably the most politically excited locality liberates every slave brought into that State
While I write, knots of men are “underany pretence whatsoever." Her statute,
gathered in the streets and upon the corners, las cited ha Ur rumJ ’
earnestly talking over the prispects of the up. , Calhcot ' , runs thus =~
proaching election. The rival headquarters are °, pcr 7 n T® **• stave shall be imported,
tilled with people; and halls, offices and club _ , duCed or brought into this State on any
rooms throughout the town are thronged by f retence . „ atc V. er - * * * Every such
those interested in the result 2V large num-1 P® r?on ^ ia ’ be free.. Every peTson held as £
her of Young Men’s Clubs have been organized h “ cen *’ Iltr oduced or brought in-
on both sides, and the busy note of preparation |,-° t „ cobtrary to the laws in force at the
is every where heard, and the “working” aspect I Um f shaU “ a f ree -
of things indicates the approach of one of the Two exceptions to the operation of this stat-
most .determined contests ever fought in (Jon- utc which existed prior to 1841, were revealed
neeticut In the opposition they have wliat is \ during thatvear '.
called a “Wide Awake Club,’’ whose numbers I rpi7 e ? " ..
wear a uniform, and are thoroughly drilled and 2. P™ Tlddd , persons
practised in the use of their midnight lanterns, I .“ Into , and . V nn g'Dg with
which are so constructed that the illuminating person lawfully held in slavery in the
part can be detached from the staves; and the „ wLend0 th °y emigrated, might retain
atter bo used as dubs. They have also adop- f“?n Pf i f 30ns ’. n ° l / u laT «S but as apprentices,
ted'anew style of cheering, called the “wi^ a ^^“‘ l ? c a ^ oftwont F ^ The
awake cheer;” but the New Haven Register Un inhddtant of^ an ^ P 61 ^ 0 ".,Vemg
suggests that it only differs from the usual of "ho shouldbe trav-
aWi^inn1.„: „r.i ‘Jr I cling to or from, or passing through the State,
might bring with him any person lawfully held
by him in .slavery in the State from whence he
an immense amount of enthusiasm, and hardly | su<dl person with him
a night passes when an “army witii banners,” SdTol t it * S °
headed by a band of music, is not seen wend- _ " ot res '. d . c or C0 . n V. nue l n thl 7
Yolume XXXiy.—IsTo. 25.
. Bl
ebullition in being “out of the wrong side of the
Both democrats and republicans have got up'
of music, is not seen wend- . mofc Uian njne raonthSi - and“if7Jch' 'r^i^'co
was continued beyond that time such person
I should be free.' '
having some sixty shot Wounds, from the neck
down to the abdomen. In the house, upon tho
... bed, were found a shot gun arid rifle. The rifle, who convokes, adjourns and dis- The Shame of the South! Bribery I seemed to have been discharged sometime. The
I shot gun had been fired and reloaded.
ot gun hail
Of all the tricks and contrivances on.the parti. ,® e?end V ,t , t £‘ t he w “ the slayer
the North, to snnessc and conciliate the just- of deceascd ‘ U ®. ? vcs how eyer the following
antpwpleoftheSouth, ® : |P^ naUon - wh,ch * s corroborated by Mrs.
|,i Ibotmperor- and it cannot alnend I ti«'in*^ne UiT n^sp^pcre'afewd.avssin^ .. 1Ie r ^ 8 ^ was quite ill with cramp colic when
.ul,. 1 ..iiiininf ri«i«v .nm«..i i ., . . . o y|j cw y or j. gfaen I Mr. Little came home on the evening referred
; ; ami in va.*' of dissolution, a new one
^E,convoked within six months. Its pow-
»’“ b,r . Iilni, 7 1 ’ , L doe ?,. no J, I of i*e~NortYto appe^^and'conciliate' the just-
them from the Councd of , y out.mgod and indignant ’ ’ ’ ~ ’
a iKoly appointed by and presi- ^ havt caused moll ‘
tEameror; and it cannot amend Uce in one ofthe new
HMthe Council of State a approval, that some merchants « x— u T ^ , .. - ....
ami agrees to or rejects the bills om ofth « Choices in Atlanta, Ga.^ an oTgan, J Mr ’ - Lltde c " q . u, f cd , , f to »?■« «>ndi ion,
■ ranr. as wefl as the taxes^ It sitaonce wd 8itlCe then, that tho same “ Good Samari- f nd be(ar f f?'. n e to bed, told him if he got no
yana sessions continue three months, or other8 like them, had* presented a L bet ^^ ,e , 1 h,m , “w, and he down
— AA lime the members receive a salary Churcb in Richlnondi Va.?with a like instru- 861 •" ad ,° c r t ° r ; ^ ^
Israeli. 1 he membera ofthe corps me nt, even more elegant thkn {he firaL Worse beento bed some time, defendant grew worse,
W by let into seven bureaux, or grand than \ h!8 it t fae Churches in Atlanta and and “ 1, ® d d ^? a ed i td e° fo . r a Phys'C'*n- D*-
.(s. »«me one of whom the prehmt- R ichm ond have accepted, and I doubt not, most ce ? sed “«•»* hl ? ho ^ e > rode off and was gone
- Jinlion of every measure presented ohsonuiouslv' aeeentei the Droffcred boon a few mlnutes when Mrs. L. having occasion to
,-cil of State is referred. .\\> minis- Lle-tbr us a bribl f^TcerJrinly stc P out thc back door - she discovered a man
>1 »ra,W of the Corps Legislatif, “J J £«5K "ear the well in the back yard. She
;ow ran be addressed to it Its, sit- Now in all honesty and common sense, wliat JiT 1 "? ^““’,”1^“ anJr roswn^c.
'finally public—place* beingprovi- is the can ing of this? Why as I read it, simply The individual beckojied to her several times.
,• itotrssion for about twenty persons ,1.., Southern neorilc have for thc oust lew ran ,nt0 the house, told Henderson, there
s*Uus are not allowed to be reported mon ths. talked cvcrfmore and louder than has was a man out (here who refused to answer,
Urfabstract being given at the^to. ^
bg£f ,0n ri f ° r PUW,CatI ° n ' n ^Ihavetidkedheretofore. Xon^uKcu* trade
is in the mouth of every man, and a few, per- b Tho ha(1 b this ti t to tbe front
haps, have put on what they thought was a Defendant called three-or four times to
homespun cirat; albeit, manutacturod in some fiSr who was there, and^naUy sSId, ™f“ou
Black Republican factory The North ever & ak j wil 'f make you L>„
wont to act more, and talk I® 8 ? w«. be- tba t he flreA Allcr waiting some time for
comes alarmed—U may be, feels her Southern L ; ttle t0 retunii tbcy (Mn ° L, and defen
trade somewhat dnn.mshcd for tihe tune-and dan wcnt over ’ to ^ Smit j 1Si tb ^ brother-in-
what does she do ? ^hango her poliUcal views la w, of Mrs. LitUe, and got tiiemto come over
and aims? By her elections lately held, show ^ s(kj wh was ’ KOun h dc(l or kUIed . w)lcn
any disposition to put sounder men m office ; A wcnt tbe dead
or to grant us more of our rights, so long deni- . A. rj,., Th
ed? Not at all, just the reverse. But she does ™Jl r - ™
this State
ing- its way toward some public hall,
addresses are made by their respective speak
crs - _
In fact, such is the-unprecedented feeling I It will thus be seen that New York Occupies
here that no room in thc city can accommodate a most offensive attitude on this subject, having
the crowds, and a couple of large wooden struc- thrown off all tho obligations ofcomity to’the
fer “r^r’-TT'n:
two or three thousand persons each. That of “’ endI > nations—denied the slaveholder all
the democrats has been named by their fratem-1 belter and hospitality, and provided for depriv-
al opponents, “The Slave Pen;” and they in ing bim of his servants by violence, if driven
turn call the republican -establishment “John into her waters by stress of weather or by any
«*•> s-w
a variety of other superlatively expressive terms.'I °^’ ,
Thc character of the present contest in this J The “Personal Liberty Bill” she is now pro-
. [comjlunicated.] J Congressional.
Correspondence'of the Georgia Telegraph. I Are «-c a Gullible People ! Washington, March 2C.—In the Senate tho
Baltimore, March si, i860. I ^ ear fe° m “Sa word obout tile Italian Opera I bill for supplying the States with arms was pas-
The Charleston Convention—The Exchange Troupe, and the question wiil bo settled. In re- S ed.
and the New Judge—Jail Delivery—Stern vlewln S the musical festivities of thc past week, In the House llr r,m.«„nr . . . .
Jdstice—Panic among the Plugs - ' ve arc seriously indignant at the imposition . «arnett of Virginia intro-
There seems tote quitea fluttering muon- I P r ^ i , ccd upon us, and feel annoyed at the in-1 Uuce - d a *> d i to enable citizens of other States
tiie camp followers and ]o™ rollers, on°aceoimT audl b‘° sleeve-cacliinations in which tho Troupe to carry their slaves to Kansas. .
Of the apprehended high "rates at wliich they I ar o now doubtless, indulging at our expense. A resolution offered to instruct tiicjudiciarv
arc Jo be charged at Charleston whilst attend- , Tb e ^Opera ^which we anticipated so long, and Committee to report a bill interdicting slavery
ing the Convention Ouerv would not their fr °m which wo expected so much, was, ou the I n . V uucruicung slavery
entire exclusion better serve the public good, Not e.spec:ally from a V ant by
than their presence ? The city of Charleston U °f talent ih the corps cither, but from an inexcu- tort > slx
surely not so bare of public houses as to bo I saljIe ind 'ucrence to please, and a mistaken idea COTTON. MARKET.
unable to accommodate a few hundred'members I °^ thc miisical capacity of the Maconitcs. It is Aususta, March 20. Sales toAaySSO halos.
of a Convention; and the idea of changin'- the tr „ uc > . 1 \ ve hav ® not > a11 of us been habitues .Market quiet but steady
place, which has been deliberately chosen as of ‘ he 4® a( W Music ! or been so fortunate Savaknah vr arch o 6
the place most suitable fqr.the purpose, merely “ to . s,t und f thc musical droppings of the , j ’ ^ a h - “ G ;7 S ™ 345 bales.—
to accommodate the swarms of tricksters wire- star sln S crs i but we do pretend to know good ilar kot quiet, and generally unchanged,
workers and thimble riggers, who attend such n ' usicfrom bad, and to feel slight, nervousness, Charleston, March 26.—Sides 1,000 bales.
places to advance their own private interests I when man orchestra of six performers, no two of I Market drooping. Political news of little inter-
or plunder the unsuspecting; must be regarded th ew instruments accord; and such was fre- est
as ridiculous. Five hundred persons arc as 3 de 7|Y (be case. The singers were often sad- Charleston, March" 24.—Sales of Cotton to-
many as. arc likely to have any legitimate busi- ° h, - a * !d . ’T° =f c >f?bl«j-from tho . G(M) b l t h ] -
ness at tho Convention, and should all over that f aC ‘ kat th ^ "'? re “ doubt instrument da { f P “ Q > a
number be excluded, tho business of the Con-1 to X™ ow -. Signora AIaimo, was shocking alto-1 Mobile, March 24.—Sales of Cotton to-day
rention will bo much quicker and better done, r '. with one single exception. The prayer | 2,500 bales, at irregular but unchanged prices,
and the success of its candidates more certain. u? l \ S u r °ndered beautifully and faithlul-1 New Orleans, March 23.—Sales of cotton
Tho Baltimore Exchange, which has been the !f» but she has indulged in exc^sivc trcmola of j today 7 500 b | t - , U nchan<-r'd
leading, and really, the most effioient nancr in hcr „ v0icc ' untl1 she IS “capable of making a [ . i ’ 7 at and unchanged
bringing about a reform in tho citv and in cf- P cr fe ct an d full tone. She would do to warble P nces - bugar steady at 6| a cents. Floug
fecting the removal of Judge Stump’ is rather in .. a wood— ' sole songstress—where she could 'cry dull. Freights and exchange unchanged,
stultifying itself, by its unwise opposition to the , and , n , Utt 7, ad j'bitum ; but on the stage, NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION
appointment of the new Judge it is endeavor -^^uncled with guiding instruments, notes and ... “7 . 'WjttflilU*.
ing to disqualify liim'on the°scorc of a want of mc ? SureS and conductor’s baton, she fails. Her Washington, March 26.—The National
residence in the dtjv Judge Bond has resided I actlng was 6 ood » yeT 7 beautiful in the role of I ^cmocraUc Executive Committee will issue a
in the city all his life, and has a country seat where her symmetrical figure, arm call to-day for a meeting on the 5th of April, in
but a few hundred yards outside of the .city an ?,. 1 . ,® , “ d have fair and fascinating play, reference to the Charleston Convention, but it
limits, where he. resides during the summer abnglia had a good tenor, but in a prolonged I ; s thought improbable tbat the place of meeti iv
months—and upon this quibble the Exchan>-e u PP er note i when the house would come down . **. ' , , P *. 8
would destroy all the^ood it h?s done anTde! withapp lause, it was imperfect and shrilL . ^ changed. pressure against
prive the city of one the very, very best Jud-es I ■ Cnones- bantone was very fine, and gave I Charleston continues, and there is a talk among
which has ever sat upon the bench of the City I £ cncnd ^satisfaction, but poor Barili’s throat I some Of the delegates here of calling on the
Criminal Court The whole city is in ecstatics se l emcd fi ! I< ! d ?? th husks and cobwebs, and no State delegations to confer with the committee
at the admirable manner in which Judge Bond where but m Macon, could he make a sensation. on tbe su bj e ct
is performing his duties—never before has thc A P f S A I ^ n TT Ut t e f - W0 l , WOuld pay to Pro^F and IS , BF j ,, . n qprvtpf TO HAV 'NT \
business of that Court been dispatched with I modest bttje Hattie Brown; she captivated all ISABEL MAIL SERVICE TO HAVANA,
such promptitude, nor with moreeven-handed hearts — not onl y b y her sweet American voice, 'Washington, March 26.—It is currently re
justice to all—all without an exception, rejoice I b^t her interesting manner, her drooping eye-1 ported here that a majority of the house postal
at the wonderful changes, and none, but those !, 5 a , P°“t ,n B bpjL No wonder boquets from co mm itteo favor the restoration of the mail ser-
*- whom the law is a tenor, have a word of | “ e j£ r ? U?tte greeted tar appear,no “ 80 ^ I rice to the babel Company.
State is a little peculiar. For the first time in posing to pass, takes the further step of declar- complaint. ” “ ^[quentfr!
the history of the organization the democrats ing all fugitives free, and of punishing the claim- Under the new administration the Jail which But Par °di, wasof course, the eclipsing star I - A. T. STEWART OF N. Y. INSANE
I CpUb J?n 1S ^ inB ° n a "t or master by fineand imprisonment It is has been filled to overflowing, is fast being de- of , t - ho Troupe, and redeemed everything. Her New York, March 25,—Mr. A. T. Stewart,
^ — 0t ? er , T ^ follows P Jeered of its expensive inmates; and underthc a ®‘ ln «; ^ted b y an extremely changeable ^ heayy ^ goods mercbant> wa3 ^ £
pclun 0 the most swecpm 0 charges against which I . . . ; * » . ^ . .. . _ I just rules of the Court, the whole of the former I aad expressive.face, was splendid throughout 11 , ,
a party ever had to contend. These are that |. ^l ac c “?„ seCUre frCCdom t0 n " pcrsons w,th " I trickery to gain time and ultimate immhffity ,' Vc ,' verc , disa PP ointcd “ her role of Norma, to an insane asylum.
from punishment, has been prevented, and the kut hav ' e lca «i cd sihce, she was too much in- LATEST FROM CALIFORNIA,
class of ruffians and rowdies, who have so long dls P°? ed °n that evening, to make a necessary New Yore; March 25.—Tho steamship Bal
been depredating upon the community—seeing ® xertlon - Sho _ r haa a ma gmficent organ, and H b arrived fron , Asninwall She brines a
that justice will be meted out to their villianies hcr . rodnd ’ perfect - contralto ton ®s fe» most nas amveu irom ^spinwaii sne n.ingsa
—are flying from the city. Why then should musically and refreshingly upon us—especial- sma11 shipment of specie which is cansed by
a party ever nau to contena. lnese are that . W.rr
the mass of the black republicans of Connecti- ln ° , .
cut, aside from tbcplatform they occupy, which j .5 people oj the Stale of i\«io York, repre
is but the white wash that covers their prin- I s / enle “ tn Senate and Assemby, do enact as fol-
ciples, are at heart ultra abolitionists or the “"S*'*' ,* -. , i, ” '
brass mounted school. That it is the party I. bee. 1. Every person who shall come or be
which has carried oat the bloody programme (brought into this .State shall be free.
. | the Exchange, upon Vmere quibble wish to dc" | ly 'T hen in contra ; st . w,tb the unsatisfactory | heavy investments in thc Washoe mines.
a ’ —ive lis of the source of so much good ? * I ^ er . rendition of the part of tho Gip-1 — ; —
In the circuit court of Baltimore county |? y A z ncena m II Trovatorc, on the last even- Important from Mexico.
t ^ ’ j* • • found I ! n ^’ was uneaualled; and certainly the duett I Suspension of Hostilities—Miratnon. reported
* to the |b etween Sbriglia and herself, in the prison I as taken Refuge on the Frtneh Fleets-The
brother | sce ^ e * charming geta. ^ And s6 there were | Capital Pronounced against $t:.
gated by its leaders for the last four’^rare. | slavein °ny form, or underany pretence, or for |
That inst^id of denouncing “a cold Blooded,
heartless murderer.” the organs, of the party
have eulogised John Brown -as a Christian I thSTte^vcare^and shalMlso^e liahl’e tn I is ” ow senring a term of ten years, for I ma j?3 r ? ther 6 em ® to be allied from the rubbish, I New Orleans, March 23.—The "schooner
martyr asaint a stem old Puntan a second ^ par ty aggrieved for daman'es in the sum of the mur d er of Cronister, their brother-in-law. I f s ^tance, the Brmdesi m Lucrezia Borgia, | Emily Keith amVod to-day with advices from
M aslungton; and that .noetmgof sympathy ‘Z ffianTdollars. 6 “ ° f Wc are in the midst’of another cold snap, , by HatRe Brown.; the choruses in II Poliuto; I Vera^uz to the 14th instant
have been assembled^ beUs tolled, and honors 3 Tbi t ^ ’ u . ^ which has chilled business as well as bodies — the D pn Peunero, in Sonnambula; tho nWng | Miramon bombarded Vera Cruz on the 18th,
paid, as if he were a noble patriot worthy ot 3 " lft,badt bha “ takecffect immediately. Thtre are # smaj . t sprinklinK of ne „. m e n bere scene in Lucia, as sung lu- «w; 5 ita; the duett but very little damage was done,
immortal memory. 1 hat the republican leaders Non as eicn Seward, in his late manifesto from the Southern s P utc ,t u °i, o are - in Norma-J •itners. So, on account of these A detachment of Miramon’s troops from Al
to the number ot one hundred and eight have (in the Senate, admitted that the Constitution of market • of course thev 1 V -| and the dearth of musical entertainment with | ’ ' • -
cndnrswl .nnil rpf’fiminnndiHl “Hplnpr’t! itnnnnd. I TTnltn.l A. _ . I v ^
varado was attacked and completely routed by
sent to Jaurcz, which
of hostilities. A mili-
c.,• , 1 wmucu. uuiung mum, wno are aciuaieu ratner | ' '—~—tr—'j v.. • iary congress, composed of the chiefs of the two
ly i I . Bfech alluded to, speaking of more by a f ear 0 f New York creditors, than ha- ond ‘[ ate smgers, and think they make very armies and tho representatives of foreign gov-
and finally, that the republican party has dc- the compromises on slavery adopted by the tred to Black Republicans. I sma11 exertion to please, and therefore this Par- emments, met the same evening, but the re
nounced and misrepresented Southern people Framers of the Constitution says:— HOWARD. thian arrow at their backs. suit had not transpired.
shed, if it cannot bo effected in any other wa;
man, it was found to
well was not more than
the back door. The
c-nvr past one (when I was beginning
xi laving stood for two hours ami
*q»oe just largo enough for my feet,
[to crinoline enclosing a lady in front
1 f»l bourgeois on either side), tire
from the platform announced
Mice." Uverybody who was not stand
xml »\l turned their faces toward the
J the V.nqiTcss. S\ie entered a moment
,t>U with the ladies of her household, and
'•led by ilic Princess Clotilde and thc
MstbUde. She was dressed very
in Mack silk and a white honnet—the
• lying yet quite out of mourning for
of the (•rami Duchess Stephanie, of
® d * never saw her look so lovely. As
teJ « Joud shout of “Vive L’lmpcra-
xv inuu die entire hall; and I do not
Nrv was one’thcro who did.not inward-
l >d bless her—thc kind hearted, gen-
minutes, following, expectation,
no! of the assembly, was, of course,
At twenty-five minntes past one,
live farther entrance of the hall an- won id hnh the cries of her child with a stick I a**« prisoner waa oeieu-
I (car me, wiU, appease our mdignation. bhall I jj,e jury failed to agree, and the matter was
wc come to this at last ? Shall we thus bo fool- coniproillised by a pi^ 0 f guilty of manslaugh
ed and cheated. If so, let us givo up at once, tcJ> . dc f cndanL }j 0 W as sentenced to ter
and come to her terms with something liko dig-1 year ' s imprisonment in the penitentiary.
the public | j obn Sellars, was convicted of forgery,
iv tho Grand Chamberlain and
pamlieriains, and immediately I'ol
•v Prince Napoleon, thc Emperor
• ■ sir. As ho passed along the mid-
ly, by the different bodies
^':cl the body of the hall, the cry of
T ’frreur" was raised, and the chapeaus
:. and the loudness of tho response
• houtiness with which thc cheer was
AwadiDg thc platform, tho Emperor
moment, and bowed his ac-
'.frits, while one of the chamber-
him a roll of manuscript, the
*!f speech. He then commenced
Tile speieh itself you will of course
■ ‘Muriv Ow ordinary sources. It was
"'•m xid distinct, though not a loud
"■Jlliout slightest degree ofhesi-
f^jHUousnes,. and thc delivery was
' •■•‘irrupted hy cliecrs, tho Emperor,
T 7» P T *n, lowering the paper and
G ,‘ e V4sl “'Miublago before him,
1 “ la ® n ™ sc was completely subsided
■'••veiled. During the reading the
•if 11- P rt ' va 'le<li and I never reali-
-'v. . rce of tl '° vxpresaion, “You
■*Wii*p m drop ” as then. Thc
«d it was a loud one, was given at
'-Mint sen tern c: when theEmpcr-
r®** he sinccrt-L’dcsired peace and
nothing to maintain it Thc
'■•vii he declarec: that Italy was on
ntatituting itscL'frce, and this was
7J) d,e Ursl His declaration that
• fo.luw the jvolicy of Sardinia in
locally and the Romagna was re-
-fpuuse, for wlpch he evidently
*Wch he evpccted, but which was
*»ny given daring the delivery of
Jfrwh. ■
of tbe audience was reserv-
declaration ofthe Emperor
it his duty to claim for an-
the French dope of tho Alps.
5*oed with ‘ bravos," and long, loud
4 :Tf 1 Finporcur." thc closing of tho
to the commercial alliance
*m also loudly applauded, mid
ofthe speech literally “brought
. *> the enthusiasm living been
. ‘ts highest limits, and the shouts
L.jf'jw” continued for several min-
*M^«aty had finished reading,
fe' reading one of tho officers
fr * household read an order stating
Ky^puld now receive tho oath of
., "delitj from thc members 61 the
Legislatir who liad been
’ lh”' l * d s ‘ nco t ^ >e opetuog of the
‘ht names of these persons were
■ r °n«, and, aa cadi one was
V was formally declared
q>erer rose and descended
procession going oat in the
l^l^tered, his Majesty being
«e a,] nce Repdeon, who, during
H J" s P»«ch, was seated et the
V* v-^rretod with sliouta of “Vies
w tt “ f fimpress soon followed him,
t^7 A *“ < *bly moved away, tiie
fitaunv” 1 j ** ln ®°f the entrance
fieperture, having occu-
L”TV-ei*ht minute*. An hour af-
ea r xvoi at all, just me rcreroe. nui sue ura ■ , . from
dowhat costs her much less, and! fearisprized front ti W as about.the same distance from
as high, ifnot higher by the South She holds ^ fr ^ t door . It was a brilliant moonlight
£5 ffSTSS ss; sispxr.
butcom^^d^todrolw^BtackRfr Mr& L rd tSSRaSe^.„,e ^1
pubheans and Abolitiontatsdouhtiess being Nothi e ’ vcr wbispcrcd aganst lady - a cllar .
numerous. Hermerchantaalmoat kill*8outh- actcr b n enderson, liad raided in WeWtcr but
w,» fill-1 good,. But more tl»» »11. „ prl «„„i„ n datum b, tba Sol,
she seems determined to subsidize us directly iL „r
by paltry presents to quiet our cries, and buy | ” cnera *i Hawkins, of Amcricus, \\ omll of
and also sent to the penitentiary for ten years.
nity; not distracting and disturbing the public
quiet, and above all, not further exposing our
selves in thc eyes of the world, by mere bluster
and talk. Or shall wo prove ourselves men, T
true to ourselves and to our heritage ? Know- Phactical Illustration .of the Irhipkes
ing, as Mr. Toombs said in his lato speech in SI »*; E Militia Company Duband-
tho Senate, “that liberty in its last analysis, is cdfor Fidelity to the.Unum.—An extraordinary
but the bli^d of tho brave, wo are able to pay a «i>r bas just occurred in Milwaukee, Wiscon-
the price, and win the .blessing;” shall we in »», which shows the progress of the .rrepressi-
>o,l earnest pay down tiie price ? Which ever blc conflict in that region of the Northwest It
tentative wc ^ay elect, in the name of deccn- a PP“™ ** a «ptain Barry, of the Union
cj- let us receive no more gifts of organs to be Guard, which ^represented as one of the finest
trumpeted abroad as these were; but if wc are companies in the Wisconsin State militia, ex-
too poor to buy and pay for them ourselves, Pressed an opinion iripnvate ronversatiom tluit
let uVdo os our fathcre .lid-praise God with- »" case of a conflict between the United States
out-and if the North has sucti abundance that authorities and those of the State in the Booth
she has enough and to spare, let us point her «s®. be would order out h.s company in obc-
io her thousand suffering operatives, now out d *enco to the former, cons.denng as he did the
w mr uioutj* * * , . f Uj-j claims of the country paramount to those of tho
of worked ,t seems,to bo out ortwxL being catecliiaed by the Adjutant
Oh VtiEiHtal Oh Gwrgta ! States ai my G^^^Captoin Burry admitted that he con-
birth and b°™c, ho descendants! ecivcd such orders coming from the Governor
but tbit ffie chivMrv wd prodcnce of the man would be illegal, anil should not be obeyed, in-
is louMlvcxtinct-tltat the voice and influence f^b os it would mean supply a command
is equally cxunci ii» T TT ,, _ nnnt to commit thc enme of treason, for which he and
° r the honw and manly hU mcn wou id be subject to, and would de
now be heard and tor around whmh thc penaIty of ( i cath . fn tho course of
to rally and make1 a• stan ■_ J biB rcp i y to tbe Adjutant General, CapL Barry,
j^rte, even of hm own >«««*■who iS l graduate ot West Point, said:
position and dcc ’“?. f ? r p ® J, 0 .. . : “Tiie members of my company are principal-
_“.t once induced hm Pansh to separate frem an(J nQtcd „ plc f / r tbcjr , oyaIty .
the others, formed a distinct^pohtiial1 eommu J do nothing at my bidding that will in
nity, applied to be Emitted tatotb*Ccofed«^ theleast impair their name as E <Sk1 and loyal
tion entered into by tiie other colonies, passed - u but obey all lawful authority when !c-
resolutions of non-intcrcourso with Savannah, required.” ^
only to obtain the necessaries of life, so long as . b Lponthis admission of fidelity to the United
remained under royal authority, and organize Stot * authorities, tbo Black Republican Gov-
•X -amtnillMig t/l ffllTV ftJlfli* D*tlT- I . - , r , I X «
otic and dedsivo measures into effcct^^^^
Found Bead.
Th* remains of a human being was found a
short time sinco in what is gene
a* the “Hudson Pond,” near the li
erty and Worth counties, and from tho dreum- s j 0D .
- . « .* _ 1 * Tiimv aT InAimcl I .C .
ernor of Wisconsin at once disbanded and dis
armed the Union Guard, os a portion of the re
gular militia of the State.
= Revolving Bracelet.—A New York letter
erally known describes a piece of jewelry which is destined
’ine of Dough- t 0 make a sensation among the “female persua-
m tho dreum- siori.” It Is a strap bracelet of fine link chain,
stantiaUcstimony before the Jury of inquest, 0 f a quaint Venetian pattern. The centre, set
(Coroner Wade presiding) it is supposed that j n a drcular head, is a duster of diamonds,
the deceased was drowned by his own act— having an outside waving edge of black enamel,
The iurv represent, from circumstantial evi- divided into twelve compartments, each nestling
dcncc that theskdeton is tho remains of a citi- a dazzling brilliant Between the edge and tho
zen of Putnam county, by the name of John M. central glory is a vine of fine gold, in, what
IHilv It has been further suggested that it sailors term, ‘fround turns, each turn cmbrac-
was oVrecent occurrence, inasmuch as the Pond ing one of this duster of diamonds, and from
was .lrv during the past fall. No papers or this vino buds or fine diamond burst into light
inoncv'was discovered to identify thc person of But in the center of all are two wheels, set in
the deceased. black enamel ground, each having eight arms,
mo uecease . , 1 arm t wdvc diamonds. These wheels
a. , ;—> — . —— Good Riabok Vt' 11 v.—J»mos. 0 ‘‘V a ’ , a . „ a co mmon axle, the hub being thelarg-
rat, W.J f^SJslator answering to it Abandoned hU consulate » ^. ent "| hcr0 to gather ,. c t diamond of all, and by an ingenious piece
" M r ' t g « up i righ ^ ha i n< ’ mateitati fo5 a novel of Veneiian history but find- 0 " f Ina(b inery which is wound up with a key,
-A'.rai ’ (i s^eer it;) and "lien . tI t thtj streets were all canals, nnd tart j 16 t i 1C3e wheels are made to revolve in opposite
-Wn J p Ctcd ‘ the Senate and {."“id not introduce that solitary horseman of his. ' . ‘ ® for tw0 i, ours . Ima-inc the effect of
.. “My was fnrmallv declared » b andoned tho place In <h.. K ust. ■ , h ^ ,...r 0 teclini<- display in a brilliantly lighted
A Bear pays a Visit.—The edit . c ^ ® f /Ltered saloon with a fair plumparm beneath it, if you
(Peon ) Veil,-crat says' and seizing La n « ’ Wliat admiration it would command
__ ... .. houae—seiifd 1 in tlio counties abovo Augusta, the peaches
unon ta7op%°rto y uUyto bar the door upon therough bav( , becn mostly killed by the late cold wcath-
inCder wClle be chanced to be on the cr . They have received no material injury m
Offended animal, being thus shut out from further ^ |(n ** far a* W* *a»loarn.
.port, retired Ic U'.s home in th. weed.. I W
and Southern institution*, ani in a worth is lit-1 They compron,^ agail ^ ^ dedded ^
tie else than an organization whose olyccts can \ no bcld t0 hbor b r s ^ n . icc in ono Stafc
^t , sr^«^ eex r“ ofthew
Ali this the rcpublican party havc lnul to c £ l d from suc ^ ,' abor or scrTfcc , shab be
ineet, mnl the result is that they have become dclivcrcd upon daim to th ’ whom
alarmed. Their strongest men arc the sucb Iabor £ scrvjce sball b
ranks disgusted. The old line Clay and Web-1 m. »*i a j
ster wings, who have vot
or four years past, and
their main stay, have become nauseated with | Black Republican **loyally” to the country
Baltimore, March 22, i«A. , JftssRs . Editors-GdWicmen :-An experi-
It was reported that Miramon had abandoned
the siege, deserted his army and taken refuge
board (he French fleet nis communication
New Iron Steamer—Democratic State Conven- j Gncw i mnitarv* man hna .mid« .. . • 1 *» wBHi. rnaicu mm. xtts ewauiuumueu
tion—Deathfrom Burning—A Case Saved, rogart i to iU ay.;!!.n.'.°^. a T .i.^. 1r J with the interior is entirely cut off, and the
’5- panics of tinyEtateTlIe proposes the formation “P 1 ** 1 " 18 saidK > Jave declared against -
ihe splendid ncwjron^ Steamship, Ben De- \ f nto Batbditms, Regiments and Brigades.— I H,s .
Advices from Tampico to tho 11th state that
General Garza had returned and resumed the
f* “ h« Ta^day tat, ,„d ta£ bSS
tad heretofore have becn of the Constitution, and illustrates that & Miner’s Transportation Company, and will i ?Ttw„ Ka , e >. quiet Tho U. S. Marines were still there.
Railroad ItKccung! In Jones.
spitsthe nationality, and conservatism oPthe I it bj acts of nonJnteroonrsei sequestration, or I burthen 1,200 tons,lengthoFmJn^dei 2201 ™ ®* rket ?{ a '| T
country. Business men are beginning to ob- whatever else may drive her merchandize from feet, breadth of beam 30 feet, with 1G feet denth S2- i ' 1 -if Ul ♦ ?v ^ onven . , '? nc ^ tl1 ^ P.wp? e ; In obedience to notice previously given, a por-
serve that their interests are affected and their I our territory. I of hold. Her engines are of 600 horse nower i- • ®H an Wl11 a uniformity|of dnll and tion of the citizens of said county convened at
serve that their interests arc affected and their I our territory,
welfare endangered; workingmen are looking! 'Tin. mriicein
at the issue as one of most vital consequence Tbe Suto js c&nvu ked in the death-struggle | lia s been built for passenger travel and trans-1 {TmTiiuMtivetoarL'^Tthisorganization^ I to a Railroad Convention, to bo held
wavering who on tiie soeond dav ofAnrfliiext between the Abolitionists and Democrats for Pgrtafaon, and will accommodate comfortably, a t once adopted No doubtour next Legislature I in the city of Augusta on Wednesday, the 28th
wavering, who on the second day of Aprilnext | SUDremacv Aside from the I <5 passengers. She is ono of the most com- | wiu mak can appropriation to forage the troops, inst When upon motion of R. W. Bonner,
VOLUNTEER. James M. Gray, Esq., was called to preside over
Mr.- Clisbv—Dear Sir:-You -trill please ®“ d mect!n S, and A. J. Barron, requestea to
A -V :. r . ? .L . supremacy. Aside from tho common impres- P^engers. one is one ot the most
will doubtless decide the fate of tho black re- sio P that the result there will settle tho ques- plctc Ktc f mcra 1,1 a]1 respects, which has ever
publican party for at least four years to come. Uon of al reactionary feeling in the New Eng- a PP carcd "MP ou . r watcl ?.- S ' lc F^terday made
It istmic that thc jrarty te in a measure , and stat ^ sinco tbe J of Black R f, an excurs.on to Annapohs, having on board a , ,
retraced their steps, and declared by resolutions pubIicanism in Brown’s raid, it seems also to be lar fe number of merchants and business men, publish the following Post Office regulation for act as Secretary.
(bat rSmtrn wa- a incite b.'ino. ceAnnHret I Emitted as pregnant with the fate of the Pres-1 and . ber^pcrfonnance was the admiration of all the guidance of those persons publishing or con- The object ofthe meeting being briefly ex-
that they never harbored tilgl/of disunfi ‘toe q^S Stt JfcftjTSS an^tens^e ^mplating thepublishmg of advertising sheets, plained by theChairman, the following Rcsolu-
and generally that they are the most disinter- w ^ther fhey ^“offerany he p to tho &iuth lea 1 t !‘ cr dea, ® r , of our dit F. a « d oneof the most E. LSTROHECKER, P.M. adopted ^
ested patriots that ever lived |, bnt the nigger is in tho dcath-throUlo with fanatidsm, and. there- p ublm spirited^ merchant^ as weft as best of A dvcrtIsii.g SUects-P. O. Kegula-f. lst Thatwefecladecpandab.d-
m the woodpile yet, and all the ventilation and f whether thu Northern delegations j n men, of which we can boast. He has risen TION. mg interest in the success of a Railroad now in
purgation to which they may resort will never Charlcston wiU represent available forces or from the obscurc posltlon a journeyman cur-1 n..,.L
clear him out. •
List of (lieHungarian's Passengers.
The agents of tiie steamship Hungarian give
pMlwwiwp twiV. - u « - -1..
when she left Livclpool, namely:
From Liverpool, crew eighty; cabin passen-
i rt-i ’ttsjzszjszs. i *1 ««i j==aigr i g:
laMond. .hataofCoaa^cuUvmbaasavcro ™SrfSKSSES ^" 1
citizens. This line has been t
Publications borrowing the name, having the contemplation between the cities of Augusta
Iluus „, uuu i rmandsomo ofthe characteristics of a News- and Macon, and wiK not only subscribe to tho
,, , M P , . i now one*of our shrewdest and mort intelligent I papE v’ ^’gratuitous circulation, and tie- same, but will use our influence to procure tiie
set back, notonly to tbe prospects of their fa- ‘‘F.’ a .. intelligent pcnJmg on th c i P advertiswnenta for ... ■ / - .
■ " ^ * ‘ ""” Pn0 Th ‘ s ,m " W ’ ,PP " eotten up to acr ^ mio r b ^ e nt by mail gratuitously to peS n Bbte,f-way upon the most favorable terms;
ic-SL^MUfffig I KfcjffiW mtemAtl* .SHkcribera .u|o„ the J ShaU embBWe th ° t0Tm ° f *
2nd. Resolved, That we will send three dele-
gers thirty ; steerage forty; from Queenstown, | B^^dra h^-'e™u"foiwaidabie speechcs^but l UomocraticStato Convention, met to-day I ca«aa a-—.—•=— I 53103from tlUS COUnty ' to rtprescDt tb is meet-
a.' aLaKHaaIoIo j l at 12 " ” IV — * “ J
vorite, but a piepe of iU-fortune they must re-
Presidential TTgAt - titlier W5y tlm rdffit in *■ “SJ* pau . u ‘“B" u
Connccticut will generally be regarded as omin- 'ytth the public spint of those
ous, and-therefore not a stone is left unturned.
cabin passengers .fifteen; steerage do. forty; | the' Abolitionists have an unlimited command
total two hundred and five. ’
o’clock. There is a large attendance,
The Pennstlvania Delegation.-TIio Phila-
C ““ 17 ‘ b. la a,7«
of money. Wc are not hopeful about the result. or PJ^ a JeJ at the organization. Dr. Joseph Jones, of the City of Aulmsta, I‘ A ‘ u ^ usta » on ^ e * lcs ^3 r ^ 28th inst, and
. Gen. llammont, of Howard, was chosen tempo- j having been appointed - Chemist to the Conven- tbat at said Convention, they are hereby in-
Compliment to Seward. I 1-blic Istructod to make known our wishes in regard
delphia North American says that the Pennsyl- T1)at amiable genffeman Wendcl Phillips, ^ " " dMted'pr^enT and after Il? tlCC ot - tbc { a0 , L Por3 °. n3 wb< | ma y require to the location of said Road, and the conditions
vania delegation will go;to Charleston fajie {^m.d^iouantl Abolitionontpour." 8 ^o^’pSl^h^le'con^ taTOif^ ““ him | upon which we wUisubscribe stock thereto.
ofher^uring^hci^sta^havhmchartered^her Mr. Sewa’nl regards the slave clause. Do A^ntsL thesaieof Fertilizer, ^in'form- 3rd That we are wflhngsaid Road
„ W !!! I* 0t f-.the love | Hall of the .Maryiant] Institute, which Was I i with
wrote down to inquire for rooms, received are- of millions that liang upon his lips; not for ten crowded by the citizens during the session
ply asking twenty-five dollars per day. | thousand times a more gorgeous bubble than | There will be some sharp shooting between
planters by the Convention.
.» or some other point, that will secure the build-
Itema from the Albany Patriot.
Hclancliolly Accident.
Wc learn hy passengers that on Tuesday last | p j a ml
the up passenger train from Albany to Macon, j ; s only fair, it is only a deserved compliment, I "body, whoeverhe may be.
ran over a man near Anderson station, _ while f or ^ t 0 pay to our greatest statesman, that The young lady, Miss Anna Nukum who was
asleep on the track, and severed boJ.h his legs when he swore to support thc constitution he so "dreadfully burned on Sunday night, and who
from his body. lie spoke but few words. Let- intended to commit perjury. I am not exag- was rescued from instant death, whilst envelop-
ters found on his person represented him a* a gerating. If I stood here to night and affirmed c d in flames in the street, by some gentlemen I Clarksville on Thursday last, with a • bottle of I tw!w
Mr. Henry Turner. Heito conveyedJoOglc-1 in y0U r presence that the great statesman ofthe passing by, died last night in great agony.— Whiskey. Tho ball took effect in tho latial U, y
to give this notice one or"|
HOWELL COBB, President.
Positively’ Shocking.—A man was shot in I
s was carried off by
contemplated Road, and that wo will
upon the conditions
first resolution.
On motion, It. W. Bonner, Jas. F. Barron and
Isaac Hardeman, were appointed delegates to
the Augusta Convention.
The meeting then adjourned until tho first
in April
JAMES M. GRAY, Ch’m’n.
A. J. Barron, Sec’y.
record of his life, and by tho testimony of his | list of tho hundreds who liave. lost their lives-1 1ST* John Pass, aged about forty years, and |
We learn that Lieut E. T. Jones of tho Alba- f ® Uow citi “ ns > that \ vhen he swore to support from the same cause. a printer by trade, was found dead -in bed at 2
. n I..A „<r. 1 n_ I that very constitution—which ho has done Harlan, the man v' ' - " V
Mr. Cobb’s Withdrawal,
Which we copy from tho Federal Union of
ny Guards, has offered Gen. Houston, of Tex-1 lual Te £F. constitution—winch ho has done | Harlan, the man who was found guilty of | o’clock yesterday morning, at tho risidence of j yesterday, is a document wo looked for, bnt
as, forty active, energtic and reliable volunteers | scorcs of times—that constitntion which he aiys tho burglarious robbery and murderous assault | his'sister’s husband, Mr. ShiraCunningham, in are sorry to see. Wo have had no special favor-
for the defence of our Western frontier. This ““f frau 'divine—thathe inten- upon Mr., —.the milkman, was to-day sen- the Warrior District, twelye miles from Macon. itcs amon „ thc “talked of” for Presidenor
the mere commencement of what he will ^ ded to commit pcijury. • | tcnced by his Honor, Judge Bond, to a term of The night before he was under the influence of , ° . , . -*
able to offer from this section. One hundred Further on Phillips says he “would vote for nine years and three months in the Penitentia- liquo# and hissudden death is attributed to that anU arc reaay t0 support an F ueccnt man who
reliable mcn is worth a regiment of inoperative Win. H. Seward for the Presidency to-morrow.” ry. Tho Jud»o is creating a perfect stampede cause. He was an excellent compositor and had ma F be nominated, in pure singlet-hearted devo-
substitutes. We heartily 3 applaud the bravo H* is, tliercfore, competent to speak for Seward among the evil* doers. His Honor, "(in a mo- been employed formerly in thisand other print- tion to the cause. Tho Democratic candidate
spirit of the movement *s w«ll as for himself; and beyond any reason- ment of forgetfulness,- no doubt,) let off a littlo »ng’ establishments in this city. for tho Presidency this year will concentrate
„ — " , able doubt his candid avowal of penury does of the quaint humor, for which he is noted, in — ►*. ili AnmShSAA.i inniw
•r th ° ' roman ' who brt «* ta« fingera of no t go beyond the actual and well understood the course of the sitting to-day. ‘j * Piccolomini is riot married after all. The ... . . r "F^y untry, and
*. | facts of the casein regard to all the leading ( -The case of a noted scoundrel and pick-pock-1 wedding story was a canard. Bachelors may I ^rtU, therefore, nnd us one of his most earnest
hundred and twenty Black Republican politicians. They know they ct was called for trial, and his counsel being ab- b°pe. again. * ' supporters, whoever he may be.
orgia Penitentiary at commit peijury every time they swear to sup- bent, another member of the bar stated to the * —“ '•»' .... - ..
Millcdgeville, up to the 19th instant Before port thc Constitution of the United States, and Court, that the absent counsel had requested Sales of Fertilizers last Week,
the end of the Sppng term of the Superior they mean to commit it Does any body doubt him to ask a'postponement, should the-case bo | By Messrs. J. B.*& W. A. Ross—2 tons Pe-|
her gloves!
tyriiere were two
three convicts in thc Geoi
Courts, this number will be increased a few I tbat all thc members of the General Assembly | called; his absent friend had requested to do so, | ruvian Guano.
But among
I all the Southern men mentioned in connection
with the nomination, wo believe -Mr. Cobb has
a greater amount of Northern popularity. He
.. | . j is regarded in that section as pre-eminently a
more. - | of New York, when the/ vote for that Personal | to save the ease. His Honor’s eye twinkled in | _ By Messrs. J. H. Cherry A Co.,—675 lbs. I judicious, prudent and patriotic man, and his
Direct Trade rrith France A vessel was to Libei ty Bi \ conuni ^ a conscious peijury ? R moment, and he informed the counsel, that as Penman Guana general course at tho head of the Treasury de-
n Jt? > «•« -• 1 ~ * 4 ^ X "~ X ~~ J_ i -By Messrs. Bowdre & Anderson—2^ tons I partment has given him g^roat strength wii the
American Guano. " I mercantile and business classes. Tho with-
tween those ports. Amonr tho eraisitmmpnts I ,n £ P tr J u “-'“ ‘“““"a ‘•“u country ? • | so, by going to trial, which was proceeded with | By Mr. F. R. Bloom--63 tons American Gu-1 tlrawal of Mr. Cobb, therefore, is the loss of one
three druggets of Norfolk, to the possibility ^ our office the otbcr expressed great surl
of opening a trade with that city. I priso at their extent and character. He had
oil fmm K v,„;„ v^ VW „ n .|,„ I Did Senator Toombs, then, utter a word amiss bis friend had left"the case in his .bands to'bc I
llituVls the pioneer irahe f <lirect fradobc- i n h5s wh , en .u® t3XCd t tllC , m vith bc ‘ sdr ^ hc . should , haT0 a ? opportunity of doing J
i ween tl,n=e nnrt^ Among the consignments ,n8 traitors tojho country 1 . a tbo ^ whlch was P rocceded with I
flaoons of medicine from an | Speaking of_ the stocks^of Dry Goodq in-| be, wS found guilty
1 & Croasdale’s Super Phosphate of Lime.
By Messrs. Ayres & Wingfield—501-5 tons
prise at tneir extent and character, lie had I Wisconsin has abolished the system of col- I J {ecsc ’ s Manipulated and Peruvian Guano.
Qczkchim Thirst.—Nearly a hundred years I betta examining that ofthe Parkers’ particular- Acting debts by an execution. This State must I By Messrs. Fears & Pritchett—2 tons Amer-
— *• J — / that ly, and said that as handsome a wardrobe could hpreafter ho considi
ilOWARD. | By Messrs. Zeilin & Hunt—5 tons Mitchell's | opinion.
of the most available candidates, in our honest
ago. Dr. Lind suggested to Captain If niieno th<T |*Ti .
thirst might bo qaenebed at aea by dipping tbe do-1 be purchased in tbat store as could be selected
The Heaven of Debtors. ... .. JH
Wisconsin has abolished the system of col-1 Beese’s Manipulated and Peruvian Guano,
-tinn. d»bts by an execution. This State must . By Messrs. Fours & PritehnH—a (•>-= «•
be considered the heaven of debtors. ! Guano.
, - li- ‘ tQat rt® re ascoulUbeselMteai So says an exchange paper; but wo think
by any body in the whole city of New lork.— Wiscons!n wi ii be , Vcrv W nbm» for drh.nm
Fire at Uncolnton.
We learn from a friend that quite a disastrous fire
occured, at the village of Lincolnton, on Friday
morning la -1. The tire bmke «.iit abt»ut‘J o’clock A.
M., in a store-house occupied by Maj. Gibson, ad
joining Mrs. Lunsdell’s hotel. The hotel was saved
with great difficulty, but one of Maj. Gibson’s stores
ing! thev m»y be wetted’whUeon. tvro or three times Constitutionalist, when tho beautiful and high-
daring the day. C»pt*in K. goe* on to sty: “After ly aromatic, but dangerous, yellow jessamine
these operations we nnifonnily fonnd that the vio- I flower is in bloom. Parents, and mothers par-
ticularlF, should infonn theirchildren that these
our clothes, while we found ourselves as much re- I : ‘°'y crs are poisonous. A\ e have on forn,er OC-
freshed as if we hail received some actual nouriah- I casions called attention to this matter, and have
ment." The barepoasibility ofthe trulh of theatatc- neard of many children wlio have died from
a'widetinbficity, aSSfflJZSfffZZZ&EZ flowers - Ifthi3 fact is 6®n® raU F
in any hundred who may not go to iea and be ship- I ^ nown lt ! n ?y save many a fond parent pre
reeked. j mature grief over loved offspring.
informed how the tire was supposed to have ori-
amount of loss sustained.—Augusta
that no bad debts will be made ; no citizen can ^. r Bobert Peel, Lord Wellington and Queen not informed ho
afford to violate his contracts; for tbe very le- * lctoria ’ lr 0' cstminster Abbey, on thetlay of nor the
gal helplessness of thc creditor will arouse ; n b° r co f° natl on, nnd would have seen Louis Phil-1
his be halfa publicopinion, which wiu brand the ,lppe > " ad “®* bf cn for the death of his son Another Trans-Atlantic Voyage P^oaed
defaulterinw debtor with tlio mark of Pain at the time. This is indeed verv remarkable, ~ In tho Common Council of Boston on ..londo'. a
“ ^btor with the mark of Cam. and ^ cha]]cngo thu St ^ yca> > ren thc rnitC( j communwanon was received i^^on to Se
Shipments per Central Rail Road to Savan states, to present a lady who has seen so many ! ln aerial voyage to Londonin tlui im.uth of May or
nah, March 23, 1860—190 bales of cotton and °‘ tbe learned and distinguished men both of June next, provided the «nm of^toooisraisedto de-
one horse. March 24—64 bales cotton and England and America.—Chester (S. C.) Stan-1 fra F necessary expense*. ^^“TX’.'tta'nnfTh"
■•r«handize. Mar.h 26-388 bale* oottom. | ^trd. | ^ e , f «rth of Jaly.