Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, March 31, 1860, Image 3

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0n\ (tfS0 «.r *o» Tnra r*rK«. i P.4VS LATER EUROPE FKOW BAGGING—Kentucky none yard.. BALE ROPE—Hand ipgn... Machine 'jV’S ft" BA(X)N—Side?, Ribbed m n»" ** Shoulders..... jjf n>'" ntat....... w lh ’ •* Qinvae?e < l..,V..^ Tenn.Clear rides....%> m . Shoulders.:... , 0 p the steamship Arabia. I MurrER-GoshS?!?; " 1 . Wcitero. Mgyon1»rt fc e£Ca rrent .| Y !1 l, ia1)1ft House & Lo - _ . Weitort. March 30.—The stewnship Ara- J ^ 'lAtfpooi» u, “ p° rt arrivod l °- d *y ^^ool.Utcsto Saturday tl.olTth inst fbr j*CUM Martel, Friday, Marth ^eflhctrcek «0,000 bales. Market quotatiooa are:—New Or- ■ .I 1 , yijaiiug Orleans. OJd; Fair Mobile, ► W Mobile, fljd; Fair Uplands, 7d; ' rl«K 6\d. Stock ofcottonni Li bales, of which, 678,000 are Market—Breadstuff* were steady. t*** u ,a-t Martel-—The money market more stringent. Consols were quo- _ N < jJlS!m^The Senate weired T^n’munictionstotbe Naval office™ U nspeclingthe capture of tbeMexi- s «m«s. The SavylVpact^t approve. i'^tbebdlrcbtingto tin. return Xlfcrhl'er* te.be irriterawM passed- Adamantine. • Sperm..,.... CHEESE—Wc-tcrn Northern COFEEE—Rio.. Xagufra.... Java Mocha CORDAGE—Manila Cotton. . Julc. FEATHERS ’ CEMENT— r._ FISH—Mackerel, No. 1 ’• No. a. “ No. S FLOUR—Superfine lowered™ Standard Extra „ for sale p 111 - imdcrrlgncd offers for sale that < legist Ilonac 1 and erounds, situated on tfu Hiltln Maeon. Ga.; and ““'"K the late rcr (dance of Dr. M A. FRANKLIN, t o any one who has ever been in .Macon, it Is useless ? Js-ecrlj.tiuu ortho property; all things consid- is believed to be the most elegant residence in l. ;» ■» i «od Grounds are large and highly Improved 5* 2 ( '. is In all respect, and It la seldom that an opportunity la ** *8 © S3 offered to bny such a place. i i Should it be desirable, a larcc part money may remain on interest for a nu For terms Ac,, apply to L. N. Whittle. T MART L. FRANKLIN, , „ „ Executrix of Dr. M. A. Franklin. MM | Macon, Ga., Feb. 30,1300.—d-lm »2m 19 ao Choi co Extra.... GRAIN—Com : Oats HIDES.. Rye., Who heat ,,,, - y *» 13 &«)•••: t looibs.. in GUANO—Pcuvian."T!!? 1001b*!. 315 American, or Jarvis tof the c purchase of years.— NEW GOODS! JXJST OPENED AT Elias Einstein’s. , JA& market. * Also, a large lot of DeBege^for trareUIng Dresses. LACE POINTS. Lace MaotUlas, Barege Mantillas. Barege and Linen Dusters, Silk Mantillas, Ac. u C«Uln Damasks, Lace and Embroidered Window Cur- 13 .|.A0?l>Sf*n5 Dearth hogs of Ml kinds. Pant Stuffs, Ctdl- , ,1 | icoes. Bleached and Brown Homespuns, Sheetings of all GUNPOWDER. .' HAY—Northern Eastern * IRON—American Swodea ........ Castings H MtRSBtlk; Cotton Marhots. LARD—In barrels...,.I March $0.-720 b*h* sold. Mar- Thomas ton & Shelby.. nah, March 30.-Sales 1000 bales. Im — JfjjlAfttl , York, March 30.—Sales of the day 700 Market depressed. aou March 30.—1 COO bales sold. Mar- ;0M M E RCIAL. jiCON COTTON EIAUBXT. WEEKLY REVIEW. Txutonarn Ornci, I I Friday Morning, March 30, UK), f L ytalsr.was dated March 13rd, and since then hern received at the Warehouses by wag- ,4< country and railroads. On Friday, 60 bales; , ubales; on Monday, 03 bales; on Tucs- fi,; on Wednesday, 1» bfilei; on Thursday, Canada and Bohemian, have arrived ,-,-i'idwu'S the week. The latest news was to Queenstown, and dated tho 13th. Tbo ;.rtj , dull market, and sales of the week sub a decline on nil qualities of Vd.* A de- PH MS to '-.'1 »»* also reported by tho Bohe- teket doted rtcadf and sales of five days 41,000 TV market here ha. undergone but little change, •crxllj dull during the week. AD grades below ‘ur neglected, and » isdifflcnlt to find the J cotton In the market to suit the buyers, and L warn- Eos' ot'he cotton purchased has been FuTtwohojcT*. The saw* Of tho week were as - ooVtVdx St hatev, on Saturday, 57 bales; on r s laic; on Tuesday. 1» bales; on Wednesday, Is and an Tlmxhy, W lw*w, making an aggre- f yt| hales, Jf the f.Jwaiue jurtlculars; I, 3aUV.tr «< * 1 at 7,v, 3 at 10,6 at 10* and P number suld, 31 bales. cor, sal B, audh'ato.v; number sold57bales. Dr, satSerats. at.)its, JalSV, 4 at 7, 8at 8,18at 8*, 48at r,-„3ai IV- 31 at 9*. 9 at 10, 4 at 10*, 8 at boat 10V: number sold, 199 bales. ,. y ,T. * 1.:. e Si b*. 0 at 9*. fiat 10,43 atl0*< LhV: number sold, 133 bales. ■ t t rtii1 at 7*. 5 at 8,1 at 8*, Sat 9,14 at R',. and 6 at lo*; number fold, 137 bales. ■aeon Cotton IKIarkot. Tcuuiiurit Omcc, I Friday, March 80th. I kr.sqnlct and prices generally unchanged, a-o-r, show an increase in the transactions uaisbhvcding. . -hr Warehouses, 100 halos, c-rt- IoV.esine are the particulars of to-days it 4 UMV-10 st 7,1 at 7*. 1 at 8,40 at »*, 153 »v and 1 at 10*. Total number sold 3191«ales. pi Indipcndenl, Now York, July 13,1800. car adn-rtisiug columns contain some testi- DSMaiurol anew article known as -Spald- fw*d(.lue," useful to houickoepers for mend- 1 It 1* prvpansl with chemical*, hy which V vn-;-er condition for immediate nsc, * ' aporut lug aa soon as It It applied, leaving Inlsnlrn. We ran aasnre our readers that this nccllcut phrenological quality of “large I " ldlh 'i Linens, Marseilles I Damasks Scotch Diaper, Towels J . Hoop Skirts, Embroidered Collars and Bands, 1 I and Insertions, EmbrolderedHandkcrehlcfs, Laos Mil Hosiery, Kind Lisle. Thread. Gloves, and Gauntlctta. Cloiliing! Clothing! A line lot of SUMMER CLOTHING Just opened. Call gentlemen and sec for yourselves. HLIAS EINSTEIN, ■”»rehlOw Trtangnlar Block, Macon, da. High Tarifi’ for tho South ! CAUTION! — * S OME time in An made two pro:: and Fifty Dollars, i interest, and the ot— __ Uka conditions; both In f crop. New..; ) In hogsheads...' I NAILS 7 NEGRO SHOES OIL—Sperm Tanner's Linseed " boiled POTASH Concentrated ' Rnssct's Southern. PORK—Mess...., Romp. .f. PLASTER—Calcined... andplasf -Eating.. WMitWr PAINTS—White I^aa, pare.,:. jf lb Zinc RICE SALT—Liverpool... Alnm..- —_— Table, large sacks....... sack.... 350 SPICES—Pepper.. “ SUGAR-Fa^.' ”!" " " IH .'i Prime. 1 Choice. 1 Clarified Loaf i SOAP— Turpentine ' Family I STARCU—No. 1 1 SYRUP—New Orleans 1 Georgia \ SHOT—Back Bird.....:. _ WHISKEY—Pike's < (gallon.. WOOL HATS doz.... 800 or May, 1859, tho undersigned notes, ooe pf Eight Hundred — twelve months from date with . of Eight Hundred Dollars, with being Informal were refhsed by Montgomery Jb Co., bnt hold aa security untiLbankable paper could be substltnb I ®d, which eras done, and bankable notes on the Bank of lfUl l^vsonah remitted; bnt nevertheless tho said Montgom- I ery * Co., still held and rotate to surrender tho original ‘notes. And now as tho consideration of said notes/both Informal and bankable, has entirely failed, we are de termined not to pay them unless compe lled by law. The Informal notes were signed by II. Herrington, William Herrington, and James W. Henderson; the bankable notes wfcre signed by Wm. Herrington £ Co-, and en dorsed by H. Herrington. n. H. HERRINGTON, WM. HERRINGTON, _ . ' JAS. W. HENDERSON. OolqnlU, Miller Co., Ga., March 7,1860-mar 10w-4t ENTERPRISE W0RKS. M#C0N, GA -"nousacn fitch a e..„ D. B. & J. W. WOODRUFF, ^H»^« (^r nr - Gum ’ I ^1^- p , t p B ° P I* 1 E T O R S. Wardrobes of Rose Wood, Mahogany, Walnul and HATS, CAPS, Trunks and Bags, and Gent’s Furnishing Contractors for any stylo of Buildings and Manufac- Pine. Safes of all Patterns. | Goods. - . I . tutors of L TABLES. Anns Ike Christian Advocate A Journal, New. York, Aug. 4, ’59. .' Tin IIousrKjtxrxn's Fuikxd—SraLntxo's PnxrAncD Grant.—Small conveniences for general family nee are often of more value than what are called “great Inven tions." It is estimated that in the United States there „ are at least fire millions of households, in all of which liu I the annoyance of squeaking, rickety chairs, so Iks. tables, 10* «tc., U constantly experienced, and so long at furniture at I Is In this condition there is always danger of a “smash- np.’’ The experience of the city housekeeper, with May-day before her eyes, will readily suggest the value and convenience of a reully trustworthy prepared glue. /•'I EORGIA—HOUSTON COUNTY: Uf Whereas, Edmund A. Pollock applies to mo for let ters of Administration of the estate of Thomas Pollock, deceased, with the will annexed : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, to bo and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in May next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letter* should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 37th March, 1*0. - W. T. SWIFT, Ordinary. march39 • > ital. Tho want of such an article la aa constant snd nnl versal as the family, and hitherto it has been a want nn- snpnlled. This, however, can be truly said no longer.— Spalding's Prepared Glue seems to be all that has been desired In this direction. It is kept soluble by chemi cals, retains Its strength and tenacity, ia convenient and always “ np to the sticking point,” Is put np in a bottle with a brush, and sold at twenty-five cents. No house keeper in city or country can wen afford to be without a bottle of Spalding's Prepared Glne. It Is just the thing for the library and schools, where books are constantly In noed of repairs. - . gt IlOSTPONKD UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE, 1 Will he sold before the Court House, in tho city o* Macon, Blbh County, on tho first Tuesday in May next' between the usual hoars of sale, the following Property FLota No. 18 and SO, on Society street In the city of Ab | »tn^“i8obT ono‘gtven‘by JMEk Morcan-to W. bany, together with tho Imwovemraita thereon; levied A Melson for nine dollars and four cents, dnoltoeombcr 1 135th, 1*6, W. A. MELSON, Lost Notes* A LL persons arc hereby warned not to trade for the following promissory notes, as I hare lost or mis laid them, viz: One given by Jones McClendon, Tho-. Raines security, to \V7A. Kelson, lor two hundred and ninety-six dollars and forty-five cents, due December 25th, 1859; two given by Persona Walker to W. A Kelson, for twelve hundred dollara each, one due December 25th, 1800, the other December 25th, 1881; one riven by Al bert ilorn to W. A. Kelson for one hundred and eighteen dollars and forty-live cents, due December 25th, 1859: one given by W. C. Sibley to W. A. Kelson for $280. doe 12th January, 1800; one given W. C. Sibley for one hundred and sixty-three dollars and fifty cents, due . ■—«-■- ’ " " to W. GRANITE HALL!! | MACON BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OPP. LANIER HODSE, Macon, Georgia. B F- DENSE, (Laic of the Floyd House,) March J PROPRIETOR. dry good merchants. GEORGE IV. PRICE, r ASSH STOItE—Triangular Block, Macon, Georgia— Dealer In Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, In every va- I riety, at Cash Prime. IV. 8. PKDDEiV A CO P EALERS in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, under Granite Han, Mulberry ' * ” Granite Hall, street, Macon, Oa. ELIAS EINSTEIN. riMHANGULARBLOCK, Maeon. Ga., Wholesale and. A Wist! Dealer in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Cor. t-ecoud Street and Cotton Avenue. DEI GOODS, DEY GOODS, • GRANITE BLOCK, MULBERRY-ST. N. S. Prudden & Co Grateful for the liberal patronage of last year, now prepared to exhibit for tho Fall and Winter Trade A large and select Stock of Fancy &Staple Dry Goods, Confident of not being excelled either in beauty ""style or price. A choice variety of rich DRESS GOODS! Velvet and Silk Robes. Broche and Bayadere Silks Foulard Silks, DeLaine and Merino Robes, Robes de Chambre, Poplins, Valencias, DeLaines Merinos, FISHER & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Dry Gfoocls, NOTIONS AMD CARPETS, 327 BALTIMORE St 4-42 GERMAN St BALTIMORE, MD., TTAVING largely increased our usual stock of DRY GOODS, and added thereto » complete stock of Cloves, hosiery, white goods and notions, we are now prepared to offer to the SOUTHERN and i _ __ SOUTH-WESTERN TRADEone of the largest and most I A. ITI. Is LACKS HEAR A CO., attractive »tock* of goods to be found in tide country.— | T'VEALERS In Men's and Bovs* Clothing and Furniah- Viewing Baltimore as the legitimate market for Southern U Jug Goods. J ° trade, we have procured a stock particularly adapted I — . . _ — ; to that section which wc arc determined ;to offer to CHAN. XI. ISAIBD, . ^ prompt i*iginn trade, at price*, as low aa can be had at I KJEALER In stylish Goods of every description, for I is complete. Irish Lienns, Towelings, Napkins, SHS^oT reputable standing In any of the ckies s J^Sltric ^clc^h BrildhS' fife CI ° ths ’ Table Dftmask . PHlow C^ng, Sheetings ^^MenUmpaUloonier^ tob n-w ly j vS^aj UP * Tclegraph WeUh ShAeMmd Ratent Flapnels, and all the d.f- E. 8AUL8BURY - I STAPLE GOODS A T the new Brown Front Store, opposite Lanier House, I -O. Macon, Ga. Clothing manufactured to order in the i required for the trade, which we offer on tho most latest stylo—fine ready-made Clothing and Gentlemen’s I favorable terms. Berectaries and Book Oases, Desks and Book Cases. ,*&!*& <*°*- Z— ' -* N. 8. PRUDDEN * CO. BoreausofRosc Wood. Mahogany and Walnut. | E. WIWSHIP. - | 8e P X. J. SWANSON, wf BOI-KiAT'K and retail dealer In Staple and Fancy V y Dry Goods. Orders from the country respectfully solicited. Cotton Avenue, Mocon. Ga. W.jw. PARKER A CO., | VV 3n ^ Retail Dealers in all kinds of Fine Cashmeres, a large variety of SHAWLS, now styles \V Dress Good., and Plantation Goods. Velvet rad Cloth CLOAKS; Misses and Children’s CLOAKS, TALMAS, and SACKS, Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, Empress Hoop .Skirts, a superior article, [ warranted best quality. Our assortment ot Goods for Family Hse CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS. Fine Furniture. F3?«ssssr w ~’ SprrotnHi-4 IW»t (Vimm TViilca and Rook OlSffii. I . . - *—- — . - - - — — - J. sxicvii 4 v. r I Window Sash, Blinds, Panel L^frsouare RotS2’S OTT ’ PtaC ' Extcn8l0t1 ’ Po!d&c ’ /"APPOSITE Lanier nonse, dealer tn Gentlemen’s and Doors, Brackets,'ITIOJildiHgS, &C., Mattre.-sos’of Hair! Cotton, Moss and Patent Spring. the F ’\7'iflK nga00d ®’ 0rderafrom I AI1 ™ado from the best of SEASONED LUMBER Feather Beds, pillows and Bolsters. I the country respectfully solicited. ' I and warranted to give satisfaction. We also keep FloeMireors, common Looking Glasses, Looking Glass I joitsr i„ joxi:n, | on hand and for-sale^ a large assortment of * TYEALER-ln ready made aothtag, Tranks, Umbrellas Window bhadcs ana Fine Cornices.- _ I JL/ xud Furnishing Goods, Mulberry Street, Macon, Buckets, Tubs, Dippers, Brooms, B er Dusters, Foot Mats, «fcc., for mjuo able terms. Fcath i the most reason- Georgia. L U MBER which we will sell at the lowest MARKET PRICE pgjgg -I FOR CASH. Persons in want of any of' the above Lumber taken in exchange, or L<unber madcap In tho I ]l MERCHANT TAILOR and dealer in Gentlemen's Fur-1 work, will do w^U to give us a call, or address ns by most fashionable styles of Fnmithre to order. ill nishing Goods. Cherry Street. Macon. Ga. I letter, and we will forward onr Circular, with list of We have one of the largest stocks of Fine Furniture In 1 —» —-— ; r I prices, Ac. the State, and wo are constantly manufacturing, and WM. K. ARNOLD, I 300,000 LatllS OU hand. wish to soil. Call and see ns. I v f EBeniVT Tmon a.,. ’ . . ’ feb 35 w-Iy COFFINS. OSE WOOD, Solid Mahogany, Velvet Stained, i Cheap Veneered Mahogany Coffins. Also New Style Metallic Cases superior to the-old styles. ■Old Pattern Metallic Cases at lower prices. febSSw-ly WOOD, BRO. A CO. L _ WOOD, BRO. A CO. M^^Utri^Sh^V^tta^ *? » rticl0 . aDd tor sale in lots to-soit :-pur- > Furnishing Goods constantly on hand. | Si iase3- . —I.. . „ - . ■ • . - . =f Dressed Flooring for sale, Sawing BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. | ■ and PLANING done to order: P. S. Plans and Specifications, fttmished for any New Firm! t. l. nmcknocsE, e, r. ekickuocse, t.-j. hcst. I style of Buildings it desired. D. k.. BBICKIIOC8E A CO., • I Agents for Anderson A Sons Improved Patent As- HOLESALE and Retail Dealers in Boots, Shoes, I phaltic Roofing Felt, alight, clear, economical- and , Tranks ' Blacking, Ac., Trlan- I durable Roofing. Samples may be seen at onr office, gular Block, Macon, Ga. | Also. -Ageuts for \Vood A Pcrot’s Iron Works, Philadelphia. We can furnish RAILINGS, BAL CONIES,IRON VERANDAHS, STAIRS, &e. We W 1 ! BEAKDEN, GAINES & CO., I TYrnOMNALR«nd DDnlora in Ttant<iiml I VJSKAKDA11S, STAIRS, CCB. VV© \^KS8R8T.AG.yDOD hare this day | W Hats, Caps, Sdteul Findings^ ’ h » ve » very great variety otDesigns, which we wiU associated wlthjhem in the man- | — — ■ —— — I take pleasure m showing to our customers. 1?IL\ *V KlKTLAi\D, aug30 D. B. & J. W. .WOODRUFF. TXT HOLES ALE and Retail Dealers in Boots and Shoes, I wT Z ST“ Guano, Lime, Plaster, Ac ntacture and sale of Furmtcue, SETH G. WOOD. The business will be here after conducted In the firm name of . WOOS, BBO. & CO i K Saw., Macon G; «a- I Ga. NOTICE. T HE undersigned are agents for the sale of Reese’s Manipulated Guano, are now prepared Ia. X. STRONG & SONS, I to supply planters Tn any quantities at tho same cost ring associated with ns In tho Far-1 WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers In Boots and Shoes, I as if ordered by themselves. Are also agents for uiture business, Seth G. Wood, we arc I T Hats, Caps, leather and Findings, Macon, Geor- the sale of Mapes’ Nitrogenized Soper Phosphate particularly desirousi of closing np the old bulnros as ' — of Lime. WIU also have alarge supply of the gon- J WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS. | i£ e J Macon, 2d January. I860. * * febSSw-ly j AYBES, WINGFIBLD A CO., . Nov . 8 AYERS, WINGFIELD A Co. D EALERS in Groceries, Staple Dry Goods, Bagging, I tCOPY t Rope, Twine, Liquors, Tobacco, Scgare, Lime, Co-1 A . _ . „... . * Waster, Provisions, Grain, Ac., Maeon, Ga. | _ ... Mostizusia, Oot.-4th, 1859. ——■ "—z I Sfetrrt. Avert, WtugSeM 4- Co. .- , DeabSibs—Yours of the 13th inst., has been re- G -S2?wl I ceived, its contents noted, Ac. In reply to your en- . (j!, imlenian * b P art:3 Warehouse, Third I q U ; r y regard to the Reese’s Manipulated- Guano direct from France. All kinds of fine Liquors and Wines | ^ — — | as a fertilizer—I am well pleased so far as I have J. Confectioneries A Groceries. H. DAMOUR, at his old stand No. 140 Mulberry Oil, Ketchups, Sauces, Better, Cheese, Crackers, Cakes, I tiop, Macon, Ga. | _ res “- ,™ product.of the field where the Guano Dried Beef Tongues, Pig Hams. Potatoes, Onions, Cab- 1 ~ 33 bages, and many other articles in that line too numerous mention. march 10 w-ly HARM KM AN A3 (.III II’IN, from the Ah Circuit Court of the United States for the I ipjuya Prattsburg, Talbot Co., <5a. U. S. Dep. Marshal. F 1 El RTILIZERS GENERAL* AGENCY. Bryan’s Tasteless Vermifuge. SATXD! SAVED 1 Physicians In vain came again and again. The dear little angel grew worse, “ 'Tls a Altai disease, and we can’t give her ease,” Said tho doctors to mother and nurse. Bnt the nurse In plain terms said, “tls nothing bnt worms,” And a cmv polai-J »V0»t i Tlryan’t Vermifuge mild, then they gave to the child. And behold I Sho was well the next day! Sold In bottles—Price S* dimes. Sold by E. L. STROHECKER, mar 3f w-lm Macon Ga. at lu- a HHiihlng Syrup for children teeth- - pratljr fadllates the process ol teething by Atpus*. n-daclnf aD Inflammation—will allay at u atm lo rt-gulats the bowels. Depend np- Aes. it will give rest to yourselves, and relief 2 la tour infante. Perfectly safe tn all case*.— ■ol iu another columu. mar24w-tf Southern Dealers! [.A.MSOM&CO., r to J.II. Hansom & Co«> |0l’HTL.4XD AND 39 DEY STREETS, R’??*' I „ ( Dauics W. Gian, I New-York, ■< Ronxnr II. Born, |TA X VFACTV R E R S lOLKSAI/E DEALERS DTS & SHOES, ■ clanlly on hand a LARGE STOCK NEGRO GOODS, expressly for the P’mil-, which Miey will sell at the lowest ■’ rt for cash or approved credit dkwly erican Guano FROM 4‘ itakcr’s Island. 131 desirous {hat every Cotton :, r diould try this celebrated the present season; and to 'Within the reach of all, I ™ "• in any quantity desired, ty/tc (i’i) Dollars per foil, ■4 atWcj, payable out of the top, by a Draft on any of the •ibBses in this City, or Savan- iwalde 1st November next t’ 1 _ ll J‘ in new Rice Tierces, - 1 <50 lbs. each, in fine order charge for the tierces. ::i '‘ use of this Guano, the lunils of Georgia can be 'produce Cotton equal to Vie •jjipi Bottoms. The pub- ' ertificates of ,Tas. Gardner, editor of the Augusta Con-' ra ^jft and of the Southern * Fireside, and Gen. Hamp- “• Carolina, both of whom, *»«f 200 lb& of this Guano ^ increased the yield of their Crop over 1,000 lbs. per ^‘Uicr with many others ^periments were equally as vH ^aves no room for doubt ‘‘ n e one of the greatest far- . rnown. * j'Uano should be api>lied in ^» just under the seed; it ” ln jure the seed if they come 2* contact with it, and it can j oven the dag before plant- * In »y he applied succcssful- ,'' ri l in die nill, at ang time ; e Corn is planted. orders will be promptly at- and the Guano sent at a notice. Planters using other Fertil- )l4 forficularlg requested to ' tVeu though in small quan- . eompare with that which ^ Using. ^ If V,! j00M ’ A, J ent - ■ March 9, 1860. ry-The undersigned respectfully announces to Planters and others interested, that they are con stantly receiving direct from the Islands, and from tho manufacturers, the following most ArmovED Febtilizeb* how kkows, all bf which have been thoroughly and satisfactorily tested, via: No. 1 Peruvian Guano, Sombrero Guano, Rhodes’ Super Phosphate of Lime, National Fcrtili«r, - Ground Plaster. These articlei, which will baveonr brand,and be guaranteed asgenniuo, wu shall, at all times, be prepared to furnish in amodnta required, and at the Dr. Jas. McClintock'.s Pectoral Syrup I lowest prices. The “Super Phosphate,” and “Fer- Conqnera the most inveterate diy congh, relfrves the tilizer,’ at maimfactnrero ratea, with expenses ot throat of the tough mucus which obstructs the breath-1 transportation a^deA lug and sooths the; Irritated longs, promotes healthy per spiration, and Inevitably cures in their early stages, con sumption and bronchitis. Frico $1.00. Sold by E. L. STROHECKER, mar 31 w-lm Macon, Ga. PATTEN *V DULLER. Savannah,M»y 3 —IV ' - '' . Dr. McClintock's Congh and Cold IHixtnro Consists of a variety of vegetable specifics for pulmo nary Irritation, combined in oiw InfalliUt antidote, by a physician acknowledged by his professional brethren to have “no tuftrior." It diaaipatea immediately the most distressing symptom of cold, cough or sore throat, and remove* It entirely In an Incredibly abort time.— Price 95 cents. Sold by E. L. STROHECKER, mar 31 w-lm Macon, Ga. r. CULVEBHOCSK, F. A. ASHLEY, Cnlvcrliousc A Ansler* attorneys at law, KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA, W ILL practice in Crawford find the adjoining counties. All bnsiness promptly attended to. jan It Dr. McClintock’s Asthma Remedy. There Is no disease more distressing than Asthma. It murders sleep,” and Induce* a fear of death by snflhca- tlon, that Is perfectly horrible. Now, here Is a specific which forthwith remove* the most painful symptom, which always In the end effects a cure. Not to resort to its madness. For whooping congh It Is also Infalli ble. Price 50 cents. Bold by E.L. STROHECKER, mar31 w-lm if*mn Ga. From the New Yorker, July 30,1860. FOUNDED 1852. cnAKTEHED ISM. • LOCATED COIUTZn or BALTIMORE AND CHARLES STREETS, BALTIMORE, MD. rTMIE Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished, and Popular 1 Commercial College In the United States. Designed eapressly for YonngMen desiring to obtain a, Thorough Practical acsiNEss Education in the shortest possible time and at the least expense. _ .... A Large and BautlftU Ornamental Clreubw, containing MJJUXfP. *Tid a — P w , n M ever made In this country) representing the IntcMon view Among desirable article*, we may names* foremost 1 0 f the College, with Catalogue sUtlng Terms, Ac., Will the want of a useful glue, easy of use, and of general and I be MU to every Young Man on application, of —’ eraal application to the repalrof furniture, crockery, I chabo*. . •work and other servlenbl* and ornamental pnrpos- Write Immediately and you will receive tho package by The prime qualities of a good glue are Immediate I return mall. Address, readiness for me stall time* and reliability a* a hold-1 i*n 17 ly fast. And this Is the article which Mr. II. C. Spalding 1 ^ -- has been so fortumte aa to Introduce. In convenient battles with s handy brush; Spalding's Prepared Glne requires no day's preparatory softening in water; no heating for use, and no tedious delays to secure iu Junc tion and cohesion—being held in rotation chemically, and capable of being applied instantly, and to every va riety of work and requirement. Spalding's Glne thus I W^n^^ri^^e^Iu^A given It a trial, and we have fonnd It quick as hunger In I pjuxts also the AMOSKEAG, a new Print, which cx- taklng hold, and firm as death tn bolding fost. I cc | a cre — print in the country for perfection of cxecn- march 31 w-9t . | t | OB and design in tall Madder Colors. Onr prints are cheaper than any in market, and meeting with extern! ve tale. Orders promptly attended to. feb 4 w-ly E. K. LOSIER, Baltimore, Mil, DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO., DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. 80 and- 82 Chamber SL, N. Y. A ramily Necessity. The following jutement speaks for Itself:—(.SzfnKf) In lifting the kettle from the fire It caught and scalded my band* and person very severely—one hand almost to a crisp. The torture was unbearable. It was an awfo> sight. » „• * The Mustang Liniment appeared to ex. tract the pain almost Immediately. It healed rapidly and loll no tear of acconut. Charles Fost**, 490 cle. It will cure any case of swelling, Barns StiffJoinU' Eruption* or Rheumatism. For Hones, it should never be dispensed with. One Dollar's worth of Mustang has frequently saved a valuable horse. It cure* Golds, Sprains, Ringbone, Spavin and Founders. Bnrort. <f Imitations. Sold in all parts of the habiUblo Globe. BARNES & PARK. Proprietors, uar IT w-lm Now York. A Private Residence near MACON FOR SALE. T OFFER for sale the place where Benjamin Davis for- 1 mcrly lived, containing 20 acres or more of land, ly ing near the mills known as McCall's Mills, about 3 miles from Macon. The Dwelling is a good one story '■ —"’ -™„r.«.ni.„, ltum* fMtirJnlnt*'I . | ^ person wishing a residence near the ’it, with a 1‘lcnly Jriond water, wood and other conve niences not to be fonnd in a city, will do well to exam ine place. Address mo In person or through tho Post OfllcC EldlsHA UAVIS. Ordinary of Mac® 11 County. Tbo friend* of W.1I. WILLIS, announce his name for election as Judge of Ordinary, Election to be held on Monday, the 9th day of April, to fill the present vs- , march M w 9t NEW YORK PIANOS. T. H. CHAMBERS’ piano fortes. ESTABLISHED IN 1828. T. II. Chamber*, Piano Manufacturer, (Formerly Dubois H Stodart, and Dubois, Bacon A ' Chambers.) „ Wartroomt in Ou“MUt Ommf'tor. 8IA SU «ft 4« Atom, NEW YORK CITY. This Is a reliable plaro to purchase^ Oriw^by Icfiff N. B.—Send for * and schedule of prices. march 91 w-Sm “COMPETITION Is the Life of Trade. Another Hardteare Store in Macon. JOSEPH E. WELLS coonU7 T8 now receiving and opening a weft selected Stock v V(fl 1SH * AMERICAN HARDWARE & CUTLERY, zSiSsSS ksttsts; iSESfiw Sffro 8 ” limth*» t'arrisge ifiti rials, all kinds; JRSSUnKle^cnts. dl kinds; S so and 62 inch Cirrolar Saws, Musical Instruments, I'fiuUaroinAVIolin^triDgs! Fancy Ss iu < . ,,’Ire GuitarandViolin renrive iiml beautiful variety at march 21 d BURGI1ABDS'. IDIL. W'lSTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. GEORG I-A TEST IM ON Y. CtrtlJeaU cf Mr. E. Mmutmet, a s«0 tonnea and highly TttptOMteUUen^ Macon, Ca. . Macon, Ga., M*rchl9,1800. M ESSRS. S. W. FOWLE & cp.:—<Hntlmn*n>-pe. y^hssmfzss&ssss&si SrjssxsssJtists"i-ssttK and obstinate ooagb,-wa« restored br it, after otherrem- You«reroccttalljr. MAussENET The sbovo ia bnt a moderate expression of the estima tion in which this remarkable throat and lung remedy 'V^b^mXM ever reached to so dxtend- tom hit the writUn *1 printed one of the PnXk. other Is vile and wort&e The Trade supplied by WUlar>iBat- I Butts” and the on the outer wrapper; all Z El LIN * HUNT, Macon. Suld also by K. L. STnonxcKcn, and by Druggists and >untry meniants generally. mar 94 w Middle Georgia Medical College. T urn COURSE OF LECTURES In this Ins 1 itntion will commencethe first Wednesday In October next, and riosh with the commencement on the last Wednesday tn January. FACULTY: r I UAUvncns, M. B., Protestor of Anatomy; Johk T. Banks, M. D. ^^ Rlt. llintlSK* MT rrofessorof “s. BL SacniieSI id. D„ Professor.of Medical Jurispru- d< p^o’. DannsU-t, M.D, rrofessor of Physiology and TjI'Sisnf. A.M.M-D., Professor of Medical Chcm- Knott, M.D., Professor oTIostlUite* and Prae- U T M. D.. Professor of Obatetrica; M. J7 ii.vnikl, M. D., Professor of Disease* of Women “ n ? Vr’roNNAU.T. M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy, ma^b Sl w C™ S. II. SAUNDERS, Dean. MARCH, I860., REMOVAL! MRS, HOWLAND W HOLESALE GKOCERS, corner of Chcpy and Third I about 400 lbs. per acre. My mode of applying the Streets, Kqcon, Qa. •* * ~ I Guano was by depositing it io the drill before bed* was applied is over 800 lbs. of seed cotton per acre, The same kind of land without the Guano produced TU091A8 J. LANE, ding np the land, I have not tried its use on corn, TX7H0LESALE and Retail Dealers in Bagging,Rope, | bnt have no doubt but it will succeed well. >shall V T Bacon, Lard. Flour, Heal, Sugar and Coffee, Molaa-1 use it pretty extensively on my next crop. . scs and Syrup, all kinds of Liquor*, Tobacco and Cigars, I Yours Respect fu’ly, Dry Goocfe, Ac., Third Street. ! (Signed] REUBEN WRIGHT: |TINNERS & HOIJSBrFURNlSHERS. | B. A. WISE, RyuoMvii.r,E, Oct. 20th, 1859. IVmifJicltl 4* Co., Macon : ’ inipu ‘ - )’8, I Broshes, Brooms, Duster*, Hat Stands, Shovel an*i • Coal OU Lamps, Tin, Japanned and Brittannia Ware.. I giderable per cent. I shall continue the use of it. W. J. HcBLROY, ro;„ n „a, Be8peCtfaUyy0nr! ’' W H BYROM T HIRD STREET, Macon, Go., Manufacturers or every l>»«nedl W. H. ISiKUM. description. Tin, Sheet Iron and Conner Ware— I noy 8 where i*he is now receiving a fine new stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods. Tbo bnsiness at* tho old store, on Cotton Avenne, will by condustod by Mis. Prelaw. mafoll 19 w-tf , t tvboTesaJe'deaTer toStovoS. Housc Furnishing and Ja- Millinery Goods. . i p * nncd Warc - '’““w- 4c > 4c - rffoTc I HARDWARE MERCHANTS. .above line for Spring and Summer, | • I wuf receive cvenr wee»t»jr Dtuimsr oaiiiiaiit a CVRD, Ornaments, Shawls, Mantillas, Hoop ■ Skirts. Caps, Ilr.ul Dresses, Briilal Veils and Wreaths, English Straw Bonnets, Mt SPRING NOVELTIES FOR 1860 for past favors, hoping her friends and customers will NATHAN WEED, D EALER In Agricultural Implements, Iron,Stecl, and | Hardware of all kinds, adapted to the nse of Plant era. Smiths, Carriage Makers, Mechanics, &c. rafi and examine hergoodsbeforepurehasing elsewhere. WATCHAT ATCERS & JEWELLERS. .REWARD & BUKGIIARD, ara "*T , % gns - rara r\ TN ft I l AHAI.GIbS !n Watcht*. Clocks, Jewelry, Diamonds, | 0 I xJ Silver Ware, Musical Instramcnts, Fancy Goods, :., Macon, Ga. PUBLIC SALE! T HE undersigned having nearly completed his Rail Road CoturacU, and being unable to find other work for his hands, will offer for sale at Public Outcry IN Fort Valley, Houston Co., Ga., ox WEDNESDAY, MAY 2ND, 1860, His entire force of Negroes, Carts, Wagons, males and I II other article* necessary for a fores of 300 hands. _ DAT A JIIAUSSENET, W ATCH-MAKERS and Je^rilcra, Mulbciry St., Ma-1 arc now receiving from all tho foreign markets, con, Ga., have on hand a fine assortment of Watch-1 jan 10—3m Cushing, King & DeGraw, NO. 392 BROADWAY, NEW VORIt. Importers and Jobbers*of Silks AND FANCY DRY-GOODS! In all their variety. Will be pleased to see their friends.at their new and commodious ware rooms, feeling assured they can give increased satisfaction in the many RICH and BEAUTIFUL fabrics they IIELUBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS and warranted. DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARIES. all other articles necessary for The negroes are all choice and select hands and believ ed to bo the most valuable lot mr offered ip any State; via: 183 Nc las/ the The 33 Moles are"also lu-gtCyoSng and In good condl-1 1>crtumcr Y’ Broshes. Combs, Ac. MENARD .V CA8TLEN, ffog«,os,of whom 70 me — »Jr I D^n^S^fS^ho&^S^S lmlanre consisting of ^tvovs, women and cbll- j ^ , n pmg,. Medicines, Paints, Oils, Patent Medicines, tion. Txnm —Tho above property will be sold on a crodit, cirTty“ u F^m7Jftrril5feSao^ppir‘^UTTiralrfi*; W'lai^HarfdiJ'liuo’te^^rFnic-nii?'^ at Macon, or the undersigned at I Brashes, Perfiuncry,. Surgical and JJeutal Instru- flMrgtloivn, Oa. Ffb. a>. 1«0.—dciw-!d. . -J-SSS _ _ ■ MAKTURE, Super-Phosphate of Lime, ISTO. 1, EXTRA. JfcSr^ plo '* r PRETAUZD BY TUB cs. Clocks, Jewelry, 8ufer and Plated Ware, Musical In- strumentg. Fancy Goods, Ac. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO., D EALERS in Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fancy Of Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Goods, Guns, Cutlery, Pianos, Musical Instruments, I T1STHACT THIflfTTI [ IMS A*-** — at “*^ J A A- s « v a is .• i v I jJaiids, and alt diseases of the Sexual Organs, . -A. 9.9- tlliulA. 1 Arising from Excesses and Imnrudencics in Life, and P IANOS Guitars, Violins, Flntes, Strings, Sheet Mu- romoving all Improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kid- sic. Watches, Jewclty, Silver and Plated t\ are, I neys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing iu [ Spectacles, Ac. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired, | MALE OR FEMALE • From whatever cause they may have originated, AND NO MATTER OF HOW LONG STANDING, Citing Health and Vigor to the Frame, and Bloom to the ffi J-atid Cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED!!! It cores Nervons and Debilitated Suffers, and removes all the symptons, among which will bo found loaiiDOiitioa to Exertion, Loss of Tower, Loss of Memory, cral Weakness, Horrorof Dis ease, Weak Nerves. Trembling, Dread ful Horror or Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness ofVision, Langor, Univer sal Lassitude of the Muscular System, often Enormous Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptons, Hot Hands,* Flushing of tho Body, Dryness of the Skin, Palid Countenance and Eruptions on the Face, Pain in tbo Back, Uca- • vineaa of the Eyelids, Frc- . qucntly Black Spots Flying before * l *' p » * ^ i tho Eyes, moerry bt I w ith Temporary Suffusion and Loss of Sight: Want of At tention, Great Mobility, Restlessness, with Horror of Society. Nothing is more Desirable to such Pa- tleets than Solitnde, and nothing they more Dread for fear or themselves; no Re pose of Manner, no Earnestness, no Speculation, bat a Hurried Transition from one question toan- - other. These symptons, if allowed to go on—which this med- ZEILIN A HUNT, CONFECTIONERS HXNBY X. ILLS. CHAI. V. SLL8.' * II. IV. ELLS & 1,0., TXTHOLESALE and Retail Dealers in selected Family T V Groceries, West India Fruits, F|ne Liquors and Wines, Nut*,- Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Oysters, Fish, . . . * Penn City Manufactring Compy. | r .. Ili;FEdonrsl)LllowTt , K , ?rJ1)hBuiiJiif , c cirvSti au J chemkal Works - oib»u£rssi N recommending this 8u;>crinr Fertilizer to the atten- Ac. ice in any quantity. — tion of fanners and others interested in agriculture, - we claim forlt the advsntoge of being perfect reliable, K. IMA ACM A: IIIEO’M, . -■ ■ (much superior to any other article told under the name /CONFECTIONERY 'and Restaurant.-Wholesale and ltd®® invariably removes—soon* follows LOSS OF ' Lime.) and one that the farmer lteuu Dealers in Foreign Fralts/WlnesBrandv I i’OWElt, FATUITY, AND EPILEPTIC FITS—in one n «..h.> If. i.™. onmorts No I .... - ■ - 1 of which the patient may expire. Who can say that these cxcesses_arenotfr ' " ’’ ’ I Sf^I&M 1 AsTjCUMS, and tho most melancholy deaths by CONSUMPTION, bear ample witness to the of ib of Super-Phosphate of j . ... ,„, vu MR depend upon as being what Its name purports. No. I etc . etc., Cherry street, Maeon, Ga. :nu Article; this Company, owning the entire Pat- ? * - RJght (gran^.by toe & Stotost^P.^1? | - DAGUERRE AN-ARTISTS. bling them to produce a | 1 Extra ei|!„ free Arto^lwhieh’hrthclndispensablenatrlmentofall plants) instead of Sulphuric Add or OU of Vi trot, (to heretofore nsed.) It is therefore a mnoR H4»i»or «»d more reliable manure, and one that will not only do more good at flwt. - tbanaoy <4bcr manure, but will fast longer in the soil. ‘JPes, Ambrotypos, Ac. This artide Is prepared by a formula furnished by Dr. F. A Genth, (all materials used in its composition are sss pnffrooiu ral cog& s ™ s I_atnr*t|^ T1 J[ , *{^ ; Oj^ 1 , < r ]^ u> S nl P“> Ivorytypes, Dagucrco-1 cvcr T iaits it.^^huuld a sound of the voice occur, it is flrat ansitoed br hlm)uodcr tho personal snperinten-1 -pREjfyuM Photograph aud Fine Art Gallery, Trlangn-1 Debility la moat terrible I and baa brought tboaaa dence oTSUteneit A croasaaie. I A lar Block, Macon, Ga. Entrance ou Second Street I upon thousands to untimely graves, thus bla-ting the SKm2?.’ VTonatnn ft, o. . Nor. SO. 1859. nd Co»nn Avenue. bUlon of many noble yontfis. It can bo cured by WuxBoans’ Muxs, Houston Co., Ga., Nor. 20, lUffl. Moan. Zdlin A Hunt:—Gentlemen—Since gathering in my cotton crop, I am well pleased with the result of my experiments made with the Supcr-Htoephate, pre paled by Mitchell & Croasdale. I rod quite confident FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. ttetlt winoireftnm ninety to one hundred per cent, on I • J t w '* D> FINDI.AY, i Try U and bo convinced of its efficacy. . my form. My fond Is what might be termed a kind of *|f ANUFACTURERS of Steam Engines, Boilers, Clr- BEWARE or QUACK NOSTRUMS, QUACK DOCTORS, sandy loam. This year being myfirst experiment, I was | Itl cnlsr and Upright Saw MUls, PbUer’sPatcnt Iron | wh0 biseiy boest of abilities and references. Citizens know and avoid them, and eavo Long Suffering, Money and Exposure, by sending or calling Tor a bottle of this Popular and SPECIFIC REMEDY. rarely articulated. “With woeful measure wan despair Low sullen sound* his grief Beguiled.’’ ;ht thousands am- nse of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If you are soffering with any of the above distressing ailments, tho FLUID EPTRACT BUCUU will care you. Try it and bo convinced of its efficacy. * MCHOFIHl.O & BROTHER sandy loam. This year bey^mrtrm exjwrlmcnt.lvas xta cniax anil upngnt bawMUts, Fnlltr sPateut Iron I wh0 fidscly boast of abilities and references. Citizens not informed what amount should be put on to the acre. Railing, Sugar Mills, Gin Gearing, Syrup Boilers, Ac., j c00w and avoid them, and save Long Suffering, Money In using the four tons I bought ot you last Spring, I pot Ac. ■ ■ s= ™ ; • •*” on at the rate of one hundred and thirty pounds per acre, and am of the opinion that about oao hundred and fifty pounds would pay much better for the labor bestowed in the cultivation. The manner or using was to layol cotton rows with a Scatter Plough: plow pretty deep,. and let hands follow after and scatter the Phosphate, and others with ploughs, and bed on, as part of It wpa sown along the tarrows. I want yoato send me nine I tons mme tor next spring; 1 think tho prospect very good to sell a large quantity in Houston among my neighbor*. • * ' I am with sincere regard. Truly your*, Ac., • Jacob Fudgb. Sole Agents, ZEILIN A nUNT. Druggists, Opp. Telegraph BuUdlngTMacon. racked in Barrel* of about 901 pounds each, feb 16 d-2m MISCELLANEOUS $50 REWARD xv negro man named SAM. about 65 years of age, weighing about 100 pounds, slightly yellow in complex- ion and speaks intelligently for a negro. Sam formerly belonged to Jesse J. Bull late ot Twiggs county. On., nowraeeused, and was brought from near the residence I OQ Glass, of every dcsralptlon.'ImDrov^ Coal oABdzf I ct * Dle - , llufi^CmnphincmtAl^Sr 0 , Is prepared directly according to the Rules of FHARAMACY AND CHEMISTRY, with thb greatest accuracy and Chemical knowledge and care devoted in its combination. Seo Professor DE WEES" Valoablo Works on tho I*ractice of Physic, and’ nost of the late Standard Works of Medicine, crsioo^i * One hundred dollars will be j>aid to any physician who can prove that the Medicine ever injured a Patient; aud the testimony of thousands can bo produced to prove that it docs great good. Cases of from one week to thirteen years* standing have been effected. The mass of VOL- ATX. anuu.es, bdu H utci au K.nas o. worn aone R mar-. tiNTABYT^IMONY h^o»»don>rthe Proprietor, blc, cor. Third.and numb Streets. Ortcrs from the | ^.rawcU^n^to pOWera ' 18 .. - SCIENCE AKD^FAKEra BOLSHAW cV IIEBZOG, | of^SlplS^' d HKL5hToLil JT. J. KILLER, * A UCTIONand commission Merchant, Macon, Georgia, iL willgiveparticnlarattention to thepublic and pri vate *ale of Merchandize and property or every descrip tion, and will prompt returns for the same. JT. B. A IS TO ft**: & HOIY, Cutlery! Cutlery! I ROGERS’ TABLE KNIVES, WOS- TENHOLilES’ & ROGERS’ POCK ET KNI\’Ei> A SCISSORS, Frederick, "Ward & .Co’s Pocket and Table Cutlery! O F my own Importation, which I can sell at low er prices than ever before offered in Macon. I now have on hand n large supply of GRATES, MOOTS' INVINCIBLE COOKING - RANGE, the most desirable Patent of Cook Stoves. A large assortment pf Hol low Ware, Enameled Brass Kettles, Ironing Stoves, Cooking Utensils, and n general assortment of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. TOILET SETTS, STEAK DISHES, PLATED CASTORS, : FORKS & SPOONS, Furnished to Hotels or Merchants on ACCOMMODATING TERMS. Returning my thanks to my friends, Ctutomers and the public, for the very liberal patronage here tofore received, and trusting that experience will better enable me to meet their wants, I hope to mer . it a continuance of the game. 1 B. A. WISE, jan 3 ‘ * Cherry Street. Maeon. FALL MB WINTER CLOTHING; A Large and very Choice Stock, Embracing all qualities for both Men and. Boys, Together with a LAEGESTOCK of Furnishing Goods, now offering at Extremely Low Prices, by A. M. BL6CKSHEAR 8 CO., Mulberry Street, Macon..> Oct, 11 As accidents tciU happen, even in well-regulated families, it is very desirable to have some cheap and con venient way or repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, etc Spalding’s Prepared Glue meets all such emcfgencies, and no household can afford to bo without it It Is always ready, and up to tho stick ing point- There !s no. longer a necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, snd broken cradles. It Is Jnst tho article for cone,' shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with ladles of refinement snd ate. . This admirable preparation Is used cold, being chemi cally held In eolutlon, and possessing all the valuable qualities of the beet cabinet-makers' Glue It may be used tn tho place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE."' N. I>.—A Brush accompanies each bottlo. Price, 25 Cents. Wholesale Depot, No. 48, Cedar Street, New York. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING A CO., ’ Box No. 3.600, New York. Put up for dealers la cases, containing four, oigb and twelve dozen—a Itcautiflil Lithograph Show-Cat accompanying each package. A single .bottle of SPALDING S PREPARE «LUE will save ten times Sold byal 1 r “'^ at Stationer*,, Druggi»ts, Uardu afo —(Vnrilifun; Dealers, Grocers and Fancy Stores. Country msrehants should make a note of SPALD ING’S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their list. It will stand any climate. • . jan 31 SAM’I. n. tnvix. GREENLEE CUTLER IRVUT Sc RT7TLSR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Albany, Georgia. - * - PRACTICE in the Superior Courts of the"S<rath-West- cm Circuit,—in Tefrell, Randolph and Eafly Coun ties, in the Pataula Circuit—in Worth and Macon coun ties, in the Macon Circuit—in the United States Circuit Court at Savannah—and by special contract, in any coun ty in Southern Georgia. Ja nuary ls^ I860. j jan 17 Alkalied Bone Atnmonialed Super Phosphate of lime, - -MANUFACTURED BY MITCHELL & CROASDALE, PHILADELPHIA. N recommending this superior fertilizer to the attention of farmers and others interested in ag riculture, we claim for it the advantage of being per fectly reliable, (superior to most other articles sold under the name of super phosphate of lime) and one that the farmer can depend upon aa being what its name purports, an •*■ Altcatied’Bone Ammoniatcd Su per Phosphate of Lime;” being prepared largely from ground hones, with jnst enough sulphuric acid used to make them soluble, without burning them «p. and thereby destroying a great part of the fertilizing qualities; in addition to which we add Peruvian guano enough to furnish ammonia for the growinf: crop, which ammonia is also fixed by the acid, ant thereby does not evaporate in the atmosphere, bnt is absorbed by the plant; which uot only uses the ammonia so given to it, but also obtains more or less from the atmosphere during its development, partic ularly if it is strong and vigorous. It is packed in Barrels of about 4150 lbs. each, and is furnished to purchasers at 950 per Ton of 3,000 lbs., (31 cts.perlb.)-no charge for barrels. Wholesale and Retail, by .ZEILIN & HUNT, Druggists, a“SoieAg oct 18 ’ Macon, (ja“ 5 Agents LEAVITT, TOLER & CO., Successors to a TT.IN. LEAVITT & CO. Importers and Jobbers Of ei'.try Description oj Staple and Fancy DRY-GOODS, Nosl 31 CbambetsA 7 Reade Streets, rear of City deo 31—ly* ^ [Hall. NBW YORK. MRS. WINSLOW N experienced Nurse and Female Physician, present* to tbo attention of mothers her SOOTHING SYRUP, . FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reduciug nil inflammation-^will allay all pain and spasmodic action, and is sure to re gulate bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourseltej, and relief and health 'to your in fants. We have put up and sold th,_ article for over years, and can say, in confidence and truth of (t, nxs». Winslow”, •Soothing Syrup, ver been.able to ; medicine: Never i "inalo mstanoe, when Timet, we know an in- isfaction by any On the contrary, with its opera- in terms of com wbatwe have ne- pfauv other it failed, m a effect a cure, used. Never 6ic stauco of dissat- ono who used it. all are delighted tious,and apeak ----- mendation of its magical effects and medical virtues. Wo speak in this matter “what we know,’’ after ten years’ experience, and pledge our reputation for the i ulfilraent of what we here declare. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be round in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. 1’his Ivauable preparation is the prescription ot io of the most experienced and skillful Nurses in Now England, and has been used with never failing success in thousands of caseq. it not only relieves the child from pain, bnt invigorates the stomach and bowels, correots acidity, and gives tons and energy to the whole system. It wil [ almost instantly re lieve griping in the bowels, and Wind Colic, and j convulsions; which, if not speedily reme nd in death. We be- C !?. iStaljedicr, Corner 3n and JluicianrStreets,_ ' ' MACON, GA- . DEALER IK, CHOICE DRUGS,' • • • - ‘ ' ;. ’. f | . SELECTED MEDICINES, C-T-- • ' PURE CHEMICALS, SURGICAL IASTRUMEXTS, WINDOW GLASS, PE 3RT?XTIv!CE! KTZ-, v • . -' soads, PAINTS, ‘ OILS, PATENT MEDICINES, FRESH GARDEN SEED, Merchants and Physicians WHO PRIDE THEMSELVES ON DEALING in ARTICLES OF THE FIRST QUALITY,. And at low Prices, MAY RELY UPON BEING SUITED. Orders Promptly [attended to. BROWN’S HOTEL. OPPOSITE THE KEW RAIL ROAD DEPOT, MACON, GA. E. I'l. BROWN, Proprietor Meals Ready on the Arrival of every IxaiD apl 15 THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE A IXT’^T" OFFICE 50 WALL STREET, NEW* YORK. . AUTHORIZED CAPITAL £2,000,000, or $10,000,000. ’PAID UP CAPITAL, SURPLUS AMD RESERVED PCXES FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, 800, 000 INVESTED IN THI 8 CO^STBY IDIRECTOR8 IN NEW YORK. JAMES BROWN, Esq., Chairman. FRANCIS COTTEN, Esq., Deputy Chairman. GEORGE BARCLAY, Esq.l EUGENE DUTILH, Esq. JOSEPH FOWLER, Esq. • JOSEPH OILLARD, Jr., Esq. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr., Esq.’ ED. F. SANDERSON, Esq.l WM. 8. WETMORE. Esq. EDWARD M. ARCHIBALD, Esq. President Secretary, ALFRED PELL, Esq. Counselofthe Board, A. HAMILTON, Jr.,Esq. AYERS, WINGFIELD ACO„ Agent*.' Macon, Q«- ” ~ apr 26* For Sale. . A VALUABLE PLANTATION in Clinch connty, Ga., about a mile and a half from Carter’s Bridge onr tin* Alapaha Hirer, one mile from the Main Trnnk liail Hoad and about four miles from and on the same side, of the Hirer with the River Depot on the Main Trunk Hail Road: tho Road having jnst been completed to raftlDe pot. The care ran daily to and from Savannah by the place.and there will shortlybe rail road communicatipn with Brunswick. My Plantation contains .from 3.700 to 3,800-acres of Lana, or which nearly four hundred acres are cleared and •good fence, ana about seventy under fence not clear- ny Land is well adapted to tac production of long and abort staple cotton, com, sugar cane, rice, oats, po tatoes, peas, Ac.; there is a comfortable dvr riling house, ' fin houses, negro house, and other necessary build- __ n the place. Itia as healthy a place as. any in Southern Georgia: it is a good range for hog*b sheep and cattle, and m finely timbered body oMand as any on tnc globe, the timber alone being well worth the money asked for the place. Price $5 per acre cash, or *6 per acre in- two installments, or $7 per acre in three install ments. Address DR. U. A. RICE, march 17 w-f>m Marehallvllle, Macon Co., Ga. Journal Jfc Messenger copy tor * SV lSHkT ” * - * THE LAST AND [18«1 GREATEST INVENTION; Of the Hoop Skirt Manufacture THOMSON’S PATENT CORRUGATED steel SPRINGS. Reducing the Weight and increasing the Strength of Skirts nearly one half. W. S. arc. H. THOMSON & CO. offer the above, asthc la- test novelty, and the most importa&t improvement hi Skirts since Hoops were invented—giving this favowte rment a lightness, flexibility and strengtlvnever before ;Own. Every lady in America who values comfort- hoAitu, and truo elegance in costume, should have one of these admirable garments. Inquire for THOMS 0N’S CO R RU GAT ED^ 3KJRTS. by ns, tjow form a part of Which are offered this season in improveff styles, shapes and manufactured, as follows; THE DOUBLE TRAIN SKIRT, THE PARISIAN BELLE SKIRT, THE GOSSAMER SKIRT: (THE IXDESTUCTIBLE SKIRT, THE WOVEN SKIRT. THE EXPANSION SKIRT. For Sale, throughout the Union, hy the principal Job- -bers and Retailers. Sec that both our names and the croton arc stamped on every skirt. None others are gcu- ’re. - W. S. & C. H. THOMSON * CO. Manufactures of the Crown Skirts, New York. Jan24Smc. oi w. GRAYDON M'CREERY t CO., IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN : oreign ■& Domestic Dry Goods, FANCY GOODS, &C. iV^. 4.1, Barclay and V 4G Park Plate, ‘ill remove in July ^ xt ^to tho Appleton buildings, S^f22xa\3^ kUR stock will be complete by the 1st February, and KJ under the supervision of onr Mr. M cCrecry (recently Shepherd & McCreery, Charleston, So. (ij will com prise every description of Goods in our line, adapted to the Southern and bouth-Weettm Trade. Mckhants visiting New York arc respectfully invited to give ns a calk jan 81 w-ly »eriy -. T o, n Cotton Avenne. Macon -Ga Inturovcd Cool I dal f swurodova say, that his Wparation cofltalns nc Dcionpuw (OK,.,™ mt. 1.‘ S I '«»“). Ga., I <jll Lamps, China, Glass and’ Crockery, Eii'-raving Narootio, Merrary OTtnjnrloaslJrug; but are purely veg IonGfos ?l of eTery dSrij.to^'Cp^l^d Oif^Urr? | ^ WM. P. HIBBARD, . CIIAN. T. WAI1D& CO., ' • J ' . * Aldennau. A f ANUFACTURERS of a nd Dealers in Carriages and PniCE $1 rzn Bottle, ok Six Bottles roitJJ, Beliveh- 1V1 Hockawavs, Buggfcs, Harness, Whips, Ac., opposite «n to akt Adduess. Floyd House, Mnlbcrry street, Macon, Ga. Accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificates ■ _ * J from Professors of Medical Colleges, Clergymen sndoth- I»- C..HOPCKHI8 & SON, ■- lers. VYANUFACTURERS and dealers in Sporting Artldo* I ITcparcd and Sold by H. T. IIELMBOLD, • iiA of every description. Improved Firo Arms of every , lYacUcdl and Analytical ChemtsU v^rietT.FlsUng Tackle and FUcs, Caps, CuUcry, Brash-1 jfo. 52 South 10th SL, belovv Chestnut, Assem bly Huitdins, Philadelphia. WOOD, DUO. dk CO. I. To;bc had of E. L. STROIIECKER, Wholcsah! and Re hood. I will give the above reward of Fifty Dollars to iy person who will apprehend the above rnn-away and dge him in jail so that I ran get him. WILLIAM A. DANIEL, Talbotton, Ga.. Fob. 15th, 1860—w-8t Van Haagen & McKeone!s Oriental Detersive Soap. O NE pound of this celebrated Washing Soap will g° as far as three pounds of Common Rosin Soap. It „ as for as three pound* of Omnium tares half the time and labor; dothes need no boUlng ‘VTANUFACTURERS and dealers In Sofa.-, Tete-a-tet or rubbing on a washboard, and it is warranted to give (IvA Bureau-, Bedsteads, Wardrobes, Chairs, Card, C< entire satisfaction, or the money wtn he autan^sfo - j treanfiKxtouafanTshtoe.ton^M Van Haagen & McKeone’s ,1>[ N nTICK—Person" tndebu-d to the estate of Edmund nilberi tale or Btbb county deceased, by note, are Mann a^RSl... lkmdru & Adereen^amf ^C.le the name. JOSEPHUS GILBET, frb 13 w-lm Exccntore. ■c superior lo apy other oimflar soaps made in the U. S. Our prices will be found lower than those of any other [anaMcturcre in the couatnr. Circulars and other information furnished ir.g tho f*ole Agents, JTHAIN & Mcl No. 22 and 24 South Wharves, Philadelphia, march 10 w-3m CIIA8. II. STONE Sc BROTHER, ATS, Gaps, Straw Goods and Umbrellas, opposite Lanier Mouse, Macwn Ga. B. AJ. W WOOBKUFF’fl :on,Gcor- I Saw and J Door Blinds, tail Agent for Macon; and of all Drnggista and Dealers throughout tho United States, Canada* and British Prov inces. «£- BE WAKE Or COUNTEKFEITri. Ask for Hclmbold's—Take No Other. CURES GUARANTEED, jan 34—d&W ly; \ ’ overcome e d, e lieveit the best 4 wmr * **^>dhiQitidw> dy-in the world, : ~ . r.z in air cases of Dysentery and : Diarmea in chil dren, whether it ; . “* ; arises from teeth or any other cause. f e would say to every mother who - has a child suffering from any of the foregoing, complaints—do not let yohr prejudices, nor the prejudices of others, stand between your suffering child and tho relief that will be sure—yes, absolutely sure—to follow this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac simile of CURTIS A. PERKINS, New York, is on the* outside wrapper. W y Druggist* throughout the world. luclpalOffice, No. 13 Cedar-st., N. Y. gep 6 1859 ly Price only 25 cents per bottle LAW PARTNERSHIP- JIILL. A HILL, Successors to late firm of Stubbs and Hill, ang 30 B. HILL, J. R. HILL. B. STRIPLING’S MILLS. particular notice Factory. STRIPLING. llshcd by address* T?NTERPRJSK WORKS—CTierry Street, Macon, A McKEONE. wnff*"** 0 ?, " ,M > BuHdera—StramSav ’hUadclphia, IS. I 0t '' e SSI B ISAAC II AIIOOAV ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLINTON, GEORG I_A . inly 7 ly O. C. DUNCAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, mar 17 w-ly* PERRY, GA. DR. R. II. mSRET. O ffice on Cherry Street, over Meiurd & Burghard’s Jewelry Store, Residence oa tho Hill iu front of the Asylum for the Blind. janTl IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES! SAPONIFIER! The Ready Family^Soap Maker! W ITH which every family, with their ordinary kitch* n grease, can make all their Soap with little nr no trouble—HARD, SOFT* or FANCY. It will make hard water.soft, clean paint, remove grease, Ac., to perfection. Abundant testimony in favor off tho Saponifier, with FULL and VALUABLE receipts for making different kinds of Soap, sent free, by addressing ' OFFICE OF THE COMPANY, No. 300 Penn Street, Pittsburg, Pa., or LEWIS JAMES & CO., Agents, Philadelphia, Pa. 1^* Bo sure you get the original and patented article, manufactured by tho Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Co., East Tarentum, Alleghany Co., Pa.jan 3—3ft * NEW LTLJRJM:. STEM SASH, BLIND S DOOR Factory. H AYING purchased Mr. John Knlght’4 Steam Facto iy lnttusc’ 8 ----- XL iy in this city, we are prepared to furnleh tjash Blindi*, Doors and all other work done at similar Houses at short notice. * - We will pay particular attention to the business, per. sonally ana punctually, and promise to strive, at least to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor us with their custom, both In regard to the quality of work done, and prices. Flooring. Ceiling, Weatherboard, £c n worked and prepared to order. Give us a call. R. C. WILDER A CO. Macon, Feb. 40th, 18G0-w-ly > JKT OTICBj T DESHtE to can tho attention of SOUTHERN COT- 1 TON and WOOLEN MANUFACTURERS, to myv;3- tablishmcnt in Baltimore, Md., for the manufacturing of Cotton and Woolen “Card*,” being tho only estab lishment South of Mason & Dixon's Line. I also manufacture Leather Band* with Patent Ma chinery of my own invention. , t4 , # .. Also, Leather Hose of superior qualKy made of tho *st oak tanned Leather, and warranted equal to any -ado North. Always on hand agvneral assortment .. articles used by Manufacturer*, Machinists, Rail Roads Locomotive Banders, -vc„ ^gjgJ „ nASKELI , No. 35 South Entaw St., Baltimore, Md.