Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, April 07, 1860, Image 3

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I prices Current. ^*° n K ,.<u.V-V r^ji* 5 JUchWe fig Kaffb=f|-» iu»* yt tlll-llfl.. ] 15 ,,-ea. " y bushel. »5 V bushel. 180 yt |,u*hci. 110 ©125 I'l„»t.. V * M O M 5 KWhs.. ITS ©890 u bushel. no @iss JjJj'.'.. /'y lOOlbs.. 815 ©83U 885 @850 *Ubnd , , ji' V MU'*- 8W @SW : #&::: ftok?" ITS @ 1.90 "5 luOlb*.. 180 66S1IO • 5 » *«6» «M S * 4JU@ »X y »> »*.» 5 yysid.... 10 66 88 ;::.5 »> 18X66 is 'll lb 11 66 15 ■ I Uhds. .0000 660000 I bbl 8 00 66 8 35 ?...'..> » s t> io —<»1U mWOSK ynrtbO v 8»i! on - .y gallon., ■■h. i.i- - i' S3 @ 35 :u 66 85 83 66 81 _ _ 4 66 4*6 . y mir..,. 1 85 66 1 50 y gallon.. 185 66 1T5 .5 bbl 1380 661400 o nllon.. J.1 ©100 ,Vj y gallon.. SO 66100 l >“ k ‘ i »l 5. T 66 » , i », is © an ‘T-'/soiiihcrn .. 5 pair.... 1 40 66 150 „,, soldi*n> 1 { iW Mu0 (.^.jooo i bbl 0000 6.MI000 V bbl 300 ©350 ,t bbl 385 ©350 S bbl 3 85 66 350 y l.bi 8 75 ©3(10 y lb 8 66 10.V v::.v *>... r/»ho»*i ' L»B.|pU«ler... s-Kstlng llaoliat' nocU*ii,i«»i»| y lb 4X66 5 , . ..5 ««*.... 185 ©185 M y «ck. .. 150 ©175 . .. i, «ini» cr.tVl load Tiryaiinr r«mlj U-S"l p_s«« Orlc»a* totrste back ■ Bird HKV-Vikc*. iUl.1T> ,y wick. ...y *>.... ...y lb.... ...Y £> ■ Y * .. V J y bbl.... " y bbl.... y i»g.... ... Vbas.... y gallon. ' .y galbm. ,y^U«n.. y doi,.... 3 50 Cl 830 10 ft 15 » at ux 10 CC 10\ M* CARRIAGES. HARNESS, &.C., &.C T. II. PlanCs old Stand, opposite the Jhtel Office, Itlncon, Ga. -T £ 752Sm°2 ACO„ dealer. In and manufacturer. Ac- now have on hand an ex- iMMand Strength cannot bTexSdled ^ UcT&S£J“teo , ^ r „5i|? , “ 0n *°* tiring at abort noUoe -l branches. aw BUGGY MATERIALS. Bodlc. complete Scat*, Seat Arms, Seat Kalla, Carved anil.plain Running Parts. Wblflletrcca. Buggy Poles, n and Carved Shafts. Spring Hue Wb.-.L ts, Spoke* all alrc*, AA, Oak and Hickory Rlma, Seasoned llnba, Haah 1 mines In part* or whole, silver dated; Trimming* of all kinds, bumping Presses, Tire ron, Castings, Ac., Ac. For aale at New York prices, adding freight. - NATHAN WEED, Macon, Ga. march 30 d ... Wagon Materials. \ LARGE Hock of well aeaaoned Oak Spokea and 7 V Kims just received, also, Cart Wheel*, Axles Re fined Tire Iron, llnba, Ac., Ac. For anle by NATHAN WEED. Wheelbarrows. C iOMMOX BARROWS, Garden Barrow* with aide*. 1 Brick and Coal Baron a. Suae Track*. Barrel Track*, Dirt Scraper*. Counter Scale*, Fairbanks, Platform Scale*. Falrhank'*1*laifonnSealc*,Ttope Coil Chain. Ac For sale by NAT* arch 30 d (THAN WEED. n 13 (15 8 15 66 3 85 3 00 66310 35 66 37X 33 66 .35 33 66 34 COO 661350 IttACON COTTON MflRHET. Ti t.boai.ru Orncx, I Friday, April Clb. f It Itir fcr B«>8 rotton. Very little j,r.*r frail,'"Ifcrvd In the market. An extra M Qurter of a cent above regnlar quou- KECBHTS. ©hale*. SALES. „ ,, a r,‘ the I»rti rnlar* of the transaction*: ijs.ivat >V.» *1W. 4»atlOX, 85 at lOXaud DC bale* wild. WEEULY REVIEW. T«.r.on*pn Orncx, I Friday Morning, April 6, 1060. f ...• Friday. March 30th, the dale of our last s :. '. On Friday 106 bale*; on Saturday <«Monday4 bale*; ou Tnewlay 38 bales; on „ t;Silt, and on Tlmraday 03 bales. »wk, the arrival of only one steamship tsMtund from Liverpool. The Arabia reach- -tiatkc3nh ult., bringing l.lverpool date* lei Match, rcimrting sale* of the proceeding ■lalrt and market quiet and firm. Stock of spool *16,500 bales, of which 675,IKI0 bale* i-a Fair I'pland* 7d; Middling Upland* , . i ;,,i ir review ha* presented no materia] l Vttcr disposition 1* shown to sell the poor ■»„n*nd several lot* were sold at little bet- tba lould have been obtained for several : few lets of good cotton have changed Moraanded full prices; litis class i* still ve- Itb. t amounting to 071 bales were a* 10 bales; on Saturday 1 S3 bales. J oil Tuesday 107 liales; on Weilnes- n Tlmrsilsy 359 liales. ramtrutn or saxbs. , in at 7.1 at 7X. 1 at 8,40 at id 5 at MX. Total number sold 3 at f.'i, 4 at 7. IS at 8X, 40 , and 14 at li>' £ . Total number at s, S at 8X, and 5 , and 53 at 10X-— 7, 7 at 7X, 1 at 8, Sat 9, .84 and 1 at 10X. Number sold 76 SPRING NOVELTIES FOR 1860. Cushing, King £ DeGraw, NO. 303 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Importers and Jobbers of Silks AND FANCY DRY-GOODS! In all their variety. Will be pleaaed to see their friends at their nqw and eominodions ware rooms, fueling assured they can give increased fiatisfaotion in the many RICH and BEAUTIFUL- lahries they are now receiving from all die foreign markets, jan 10—3m - Van Haagen & McKeone’s Oriental Detersive Soap entire aatfstactlon, or the money vrill be refunded. Van Haagen & SXcIEeono's “Nol Soap " for scrubbing and rough washing, “Extra Pale," and Chemical OBve Soaps, for general house use, are superior to any other similar soaps made In the C. S. Ourjricea will be found lower than thoae of any eKber Mannla-.turer* In the country. OroLara and other Information furnished tnr address ing the ails Agents, TRAIN A McKLONl No. *3 and M Sooth Wharves, Philadelphia, marcl 10 w-3m EVERY LADY IN AMERICA WHO VALDES COMFORT, HEALTH A ELEGANCE; Should have one of Thomson's Corrugated Skirts, Jan 81 w-3m e. o. w. LIGHT, FLEXIBLE & STRONG, NOVEL AND BEAUTIFUL IN SHAPE, Approved by all. Inquirelor THOMSON'S CORRUGATED SKIRTS Jan 31 w-3m e. o. w. BROAVN’S HOTEL. orfomx THE 3XW KAIL ROAD DEPOT, MACON. GA. E. E. BROWN, Proprietor Me all Ready on the Arrival of every Train apl 15 We refer our readers to the adverstlsement of Messrs. CHURCH A DUPONT,-No. 409 Broadway, New Yprtc. The'Blood Food,'is one of the greatest medicines of the age, and Ik rapidly driving ont of theynarket all the quack nostrams of modem times. "Itie“ * and 1U superiority so Justly acknowlt „ . S/ found difficult to supply The immense and Increasing demand for the article. Dr. Eaton’* celebrated 'infan tile Cordial,’* medicine prrpsred'bya regular physician — ot eminence In his profession,'and one who has devoted his life to the peculiar pluses or Infiwtlle diseaaea. It Is do hnmbng, but a medicine which commends itself to those only who can appreciate it.”—AjxthlcJiicola, Flor 1\mu. See advertisement. — nit a medicine which commends Itaejf to Poe, I. C. Plant, Eso., Macon, da.: Hon. B. G. Cuboids*, non. R. P. Trippc, C. Sharp. Esq- For/uth, Ga.: Messrs. Scaring A Co., Sent OrUam. march 30 tv-6m FOUR THOUSAND SKIRTS PER D,<Y Requiring Foot seperate Factories, AND THE LABOR OP OXX THOUSAND HANDS Are required by the demandjor Thomson’s Skirts. jan 31 w-8m e. o. w. To Southern Dealers! W. A. HANSOM & CO, Successors to J. H. Hansom Sc Co., 33 UOURTLAND AND 39 DEY STREET?, Daniel Rax sox, W. A. Ransox, A. P. Ransox, >x, 1 (Dai i, j- Ncw-Vork, -j Roi Danina W. Geer, Robert H. Born, JI A Si II P A C T t K E It S u ii»it i:sali: dealkus BOOTS & SHOES HAVE constantly on hand n LARGE STOCK Oh FINE and NEGRO GOODS, expressly for the Southern Trade, which they will sell© the lowest nta rkof pracra A*l cmIi »»« •jipivTcdf n«di* J mi. 1,1860 ' dAw’{y° Groceries and Planters’ Supplies HARDEMAN & GRIFFIN Corner Third ff Cherry Sis., Macon. V RE daily receiving and keep constantly on hand, one of the largest and most complete assortment* of Groceries to be found in the State, which they offer to Planters at the lowest prices. The stock includes large [amoaaM of ■ Gunny Cloth, liotie, Bafins 1 Butter Crackers, iug Twine, Herrin**, *— *— , ‘--*oRlco, RIoAshtons Tsble Salt. Well Bucket*, • Bine Buckets, Tubs, . Goorgia Pine Bnckgts, Leveritt Axes, White Lead and Zinc. Tanners' and Machluo OH, Castor Oil, Linseed Oil. and —_—.. lack and Green Tea, A. Ik A C. Sugar, LoafSngar, Fine Port Rico, Liverpool Salt, Alntn Salt, Adamantine Candles. 9p Family loilct Soap, Roue < Aborted and Fancy Candy.Pcppcnninl Cordial, * Starch, Sewing Thread, Snuff, KnglUn Plcklw, Keg«* of Powder, Worccrtewhlrc Sauce. Ruck shoot mg Ponder Clear Bacon Sides, Shot . Ham a. Cigar*, various brandu. Shad, Tobacco, Mackerel,! Magnolia Jb Mt. Vernon To-Whito Fiib, lr»cc<», ft Salmon .... j, Mantatiou WhUkey, Phje Ap - ’ ” ’ S<ift Pecan Note, Brazil Xutrt. Anderson's Solace Tobacco, Mackerel, ne Apple Brandy, t Truar augur, It Shell Almonds," - ^Vruniit* the Exterior view of thli* 4M ait Sfacloas EsUblisbmrnt! '»* UIXist and BEST APPOINTED FS- USUMKNT : THE SOUTI-I! IP NOT IN THE •TE 1> STATES! t VA h O.V/i OF T1IF MOST R 1 (nd Interesing Places of KKSOltT IN MACON! tlinmerd with crowds of‘Delighted VISITORS. of PICTURES Is very large, embracing •*'*utn the Art, from the Smallest Ambro- “ffSUK lUHTliAlT. -'■»l'li. in Oil or I'nalnl. •~t or Hagnrrreotycs of deceased person*. -4niv,.v. waranted, as hundred* can tes- ■ VOItVTVPER. 'f.tiial style of Picture*, and can be had of A-vn„i in Licktl*, and Ilrea.tpin*. They A'r-.tnc-. of a plain Heliograph, combln- “i'b Of the most delicate miniature on Ivo- iil*“«iyat this establishment. - “t >ui hid still Plain Photographs, got np •UIBltoTVPES, as tuna!. »AGI EUREOTYPES. ? Soiluctng some SPLENDID PICTURES *-tbnv is a Flume** and Delicacy about &l&S&S £{7mMbll*hment, Is » ««» OFclcf • to My move, but be «Mur- mo |«trunlzc Wood, will, me heretofore, ^Krtect »4tbfact ion. U’chlcni lCnil Hoad Bonds. s oCTx \Vxmcxx Ran. Road Co., 1 V - tw. .“.‘.^i Guo-Feb. 9th, I860, f SiJk ,v uWrr ’ uf the bonds of this C.unpa- lb* Central Rail Road* Rankins . WUag due in the years iNtil and W. on their face, convertible into P^npiitcd to convert their bond* into ithK *° the 1ft day of July, 1800. Af- M/ Hrt Bonds will not nc converti- Ostuahwr^s and Stripes llonitKpup.JMivirlHHj, _ avorgla |Kcn»cy, Northern " Blanket!*, nil prices, IMpcr’f llcldflrk Wine, Ia Ferle Wine. Cabinet Wide, . Ginger at Blackberry Wine Prime Fre-h Butter, ami Brandy, Prim* Fre*b Lard,i Rye and Corn Wl»ii*kcy. Corn Speller*, Kxtm old Bourbon, Broom*, din. Rum and Brandy, Common Matchca, Madcria, Port Jt Swcetwinc, firman “ I.«md4»u I)ock Gin, . New Cider,* Baker »t Stoughton Bitteri*, Blacking, I.einou Syrupy Cotton Cardf, Ale and Torter, Yeast Powder* J Ginger Preserve*, Prnnca Ground Painta In Oil of all and FI"?*, colors. A—ortnifnrlring. •’* febldly THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AM> LIFE I.\StRA\rE OOMPA3STY, OFFICE 56 WALL STREET, SEW YORK. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL £2,000,000, or $10,000,000. paid* op capital, surplus and rcurved funds - FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLAIIS, 800,000 INVESTED IN THIS COUNTRY DIRRCTOItN 5N NKW YORK. JAMKS BROWN. K^q., Chairman. FRANCIS GOTTEN, Esq., Deputy Chairman. GEORGE BARCLAY, Esq. EUGENE DUTILlf, Esq. JUSEPII FOWLER, Esq. JOSEPH GILLARD, Jr- Esq. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr- Esq. ED. F. SANDERSON, Esq. WM. 8. WBTMORE, Esq. ' EDWARD M. ARCHIBALD, Esq. President Secretary, ALFRED PELL, Eaq. Counsel of the Board, A. HAMILTON, Jr.,Eaq. AYERS, WINGFIELD A UO- Agents Macon. Oa. apt 86 Thomson’s Corrugated Skirts . THE DOUBLE TR.UN, THE PARISAN BELLE, THE GOSSAMER, THE WOVEN, See that onr Name, and tba Crown are stamped on ev- ery Skirt. Jan XI w^m r. o. w. |pl31i& arc dally speaking In the praise of DR. EATON’S N FANTILE CORDIAL, ssysasstfisr ffasn/isr. trial will convince yoa that what we aay It contains IDE,. WXSTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. G.E0 It GIA TESTIMONY. Certiorate of Mr. JT. Mauuaut, a ictU knenen aiHUghlg . • rrepectaUe citizen o/Macon, Ga. »' Macox.Ga-MsitUW.IxX). AfESSRS. 8. W. FOWLS « eO.'-Gentleencn ;-B Jl licvlng In the great vlrtneofyonr renowned Bal aam of Wild Cherry, I cheerfplty eomply with the request of yonr travelling agent In adding niy•testimony to the -maay which yon have already reeeivud. I have been ac quainted with this medicine for many yean and have always heard it spoken of In the highest terms. A brother- in-law, who at one time was much reduced;with a severe and obstinate congh. was restored by It. after other rent edles had failed. I have also used It for myself and children for obstinate congh* and cold* with an uniform and happy result, and therefore recommend It .confidently aa the oc*t lung medicine within iny knoffledg^. Vonrsre»pectm^, MAu ^. NET The above Is bni a moderate expression of the estima tion in which this remarkable throat and lung remedy la held by the thousands who have need ik “ Probably no medicine has ever reached to so extend ed a popularity in this coon trrorhas accomplished so irr«>at an amount of j^ioo.' Caution to Purckafcr*—The only ffemOnt II utart Bal- uxm hart the written signature of **1 Butts and the printed one of the Proprietor* on the outer wrapper; all " ThVT^eratpH^^’zEILIN AHPNT, SDcon. Sold also by E. L. Stroheckih, and by Druggist* and country merchant* generally. maru THE BEST PROOF YET, fplIAT STEINWAT makes the best Pianos,-wo _JL from the Boston Musical Tires, March Tits nrtr l>n!rnt C or ru g n trd M p p i n g» REDUCING THE WEIGHT OF SKIRTS - AND INCREASING THEIR STRENGTH • * NEARLY ONE-IIALF, - • are pound onlt is Thomson’s Corrugated Skirts- Jan«I w-3me. o, w. - - - . • Bryan's Tasteless Vermifuge. . - 'saved!saved 1 - * Physicians In vain came again and again. The dear little angel grew worse, - „ “ 'Tis a Ihtal disease, and we enn’t give her case,” Sald'thc doctors to mother and nurse. _ «’ But the nnrscln plain terms sald,*‘.‘tls nothing but .' worms," *-■- And a curepointed out right away; Bryan't Vermifuge mild, then they give to the child. And behold! She was well the next day. -* Sold in bottles—Price 3X dimes. Sold by ' E. L. STROHECKKR. ' mir 36 w-lni Macon Oa. Dr. Jas. DIcClintocL's Pectoral Syrup Conquers the most Inveterate* dry congh, relieves the throat of the tonghmoen's which obstructs the breath ing and sooths thc.Irritatcd lungs, promotes healthy per spiration, and inevitably core* In their early stages, con sumption and. bronchitis. Price $1.90. ' Sold by E. L. STROHECKER, .marSl*w-lm ■ . * Varnn. (la. Dr. BXcClintock's Cough and Cold Mixture Consists d! a variety of vegetable specific* for pulmo nary irritation, combined in one infaUiUt antidote, by a physician acknowledged by his professional brethren to have “fh>. eujkrior." 'It dissipate* immediately the most distressing symptons of cold, congh or sore throat, and removes it entirely In an Incredibly short time.— Price 85 ctnts. Sold by E. L- STROHECKER. mar3Lw-lm Macon, Ga. Dr. McClintock's Asthma Itemedy. . There is no disease more distressing than Aathma. It murders sleep,” and induces a fear of death by suffoca tion, that Is perfectly horrible. • Now, herq 1* a specific which forthwith remove* the most painful symptons, which always In the end effects a cure. Not to reoprt to Its madness. For whooping congh it is also infalli ble. Price 50 cents. Sold by E. L. STROHECKER, mar 31 w-lm Macon, Ga. LEATHER! FATHER!! Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. French, German and American Calf 8Wn*. French, German and American Calf Skins. French. German and American Calf Skins. Morocco, Kid and Patent Leather. Morocco, Kid and Patent Leather, Morocco, Kid and Patent Leather. Bindings, Linings, Lasting*, Ac. Bindings, Linings, Lasting*. Ac. Binding*, Linings, Lasting* Ac We invite Country Merchants and Manuthctnrers to examine onr stock of Leather. Shoe Findings, Trim mings, Ac.. which we offer at Wholesale or Retail for cash or good paper at the lowest price*. All orders fsith- fttlly exScntedL MAYNARD, ELY A ROSE. No. 46, South Calvert 1st mar31-wct Baltimore, Md. SOUTHERN MADE C J-. O T H I N G ! THE I’SDERSKiXED HAS IN STORE A LARGESTOCK SOUTHERNMade CLOTHING! From material Manufactured in the Sooth, which he guarantees to aell (at a profit j as low a* any one profes- lxyj to sell at New York cost. - “ E. S.\rLSBURY. 44 If Demcfrfns, and the crdff*mcn which are with him, hare a matter against any man, the Law is open and there are deputies: let them implead one another.— Acts XIX, CiS. GEORGE wTnORMAN, Attorney at Law, Hamburg, Ashley County. Ark., ' TfAVHfO removed to Hamburg, Ark., will continue JUL to practice Law in Ashley and the adjoining coun ties in South Arkansas, also in any other county in the State when the business will authorise it. References.—-Hon. E. A. Nesbit, Hon. Washington MACON BUSINESS DIRECTORY.iGRANITE HALL!! DRY GOOD'MERCHANTS. ^ | OPP. LANIER HOUSE, C ASSH STORE—Triangular Block. Macon, < Dealer in Fancy and Staple Dry uooda, in every va- rictr. at Cash Price,. H. S- PBt'DEiy A CO-, D EALERS In Fancy and Stapla Dry Goods, under Granite Hall, Mnlberty street, Macon, Ga. [ Macon, Georgia B- F- DENSE, lLate of the Floyd House,) PROPRIETOR. March 3—w EUAS E1KSTE1N. q>RI ANGULAR BLOCK, JIacon, Ga- Wholesale and x Retail Dealer in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Cor. Second Street and Cotton Arenac. Valuable House <fc Lot FOR SALE. IE undersigned offers for sale that elegant House r.9 w , . —- uud grounds, situated on Vie Hill in Macon, Ga.: and T. J. SWANSON, I being the late residence of Dr. M. A. FRANKLIN. ’lY/'HOLESALE and retail dealer in Staple and Fancy I To anyone who has ever been in Macon, it is u* » V Dry Goods. Orders from the country respectfully If description of the property; ail things co solicited. Cotton Avenne, Mocon, Ga. I *• believed to be the most elegant re&Tdcm 1 i ■ ■ ■ I the State. XV •* XV * PARICEK & CO., I. The House and Ground* are large and highly improved WWHOLESALE and Retail Dealer* inallkind* of Fine I “L* 11 an . d it i« seldom that an opportunity ia >V Dress Good*, and FlantnUonGoods. lotendtobny simhaplace. 1 I Should it be desirable, a large part of the purchase money may remain on interest tor a number of year*.— For terms Ac,, apply to L. N. Whittle. MARY L. FRANKLIN,- Executrix of Dr.M: A-Fprakliu Macon, Ga- Feb. 30, lSUO.—d-lm w-3m CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS. A. n. BLACKSUEAR & CO., T^EALEl^ln Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnish- CHW. II. 1IAIBD, O. r. CULVERHOUlt, . F. A. AKSLET. Culverliousc A Ansley, TTORNEYS at law, KNOXVILLE, GEORGIA, W ILL practice In Crawford and the adjoining counties. All business promptly attended to. Jan 11 ' Gentlemen's wear. Cloths, Casetmeres and mgs, made up in dutingeie style, Telegraph Buildings, Macon, Ga. E- NAULNBDUY A TthencwBrown Front Store.oppoaiteLanierllousc, tl Macon, Ga. Clothing manufactured to order in the “^tstge-dirercady-made Clothing and Gentlemen’s E. WINS HIP. TXEALER in fine ready mado Clothing andGent’aFnr- JLA^nishlng Goods, Second Street, next doer to Strong WANTED! A T-the Chalybeate Springs, throe or four laborers and ZY a good bricklayer and stone Mason. Geneva. Ga- March 31 w-tit - RaDaway—$20 Reward. .. T> ANAWAY, about two months since, from the plan- AV tation of the subscriber, near Gri*w<ddville, Jones county, negro woman Fanny, yellow complexion, about 84 years old, • little short of medium height, down look —has relative* in Columbus, and mav have gone The New York correspondent,'speaking of a Concert at the Academy of Music, says: • “Laura Keene's brigade failed to appear inthe after- nooh, and in the evening, Messrs. Mills A Saar, (the best artUt in N. \.,) rrfamltoplay, because the rtguUAions of the how, forced a Chicltnmg Piano on them, when they prtfered a Steixway." m • v We are the only Agents of STEINWAY’S PIANOS. • : mar 31 JOHN C. SCHREINER A SONS. Lost Notes- , - A LL persons arc hereby warned not to trade for the xA following promissory notes; as I have lost or mis laid them, via: One given by Jonea McClendon, Thos. Raines security, to W. A. Melson, lor two hundred and ^-•ix dollar* and forty-five cents, due December 25th, Walker to W. A. Melson, for * - . _ each, one due December 25th, J360..V*' °tl*er Dreembei 1 S5th, 1861; one given by Al- belt Horn to W . A. Melson for one hnndreda ml eighteen dollars and fortr-flve cents, due Derember 85th, 1856; pven by W. C. Sibley to W. A. Melson for $MD, duo 13th January, l.s«D; one given W. V. Sibley for one hundred and aixty-thfre dollars and fifty cents, due December 35th, 1869: one given by J. B. - Morgan to‘W. A. Melson for nine dollars and four cents, due December 35th, 1856. W. A. MELSON, march lT3t Praftabarg, Talbot Co- Ga. From tho Independent, New York, Jqly 38, I860. Glue.—Onr advertising columns contain some testi monies to the value of anew article known a* “Spald ing's Prepared Glnc,'! nsefttl to himsekeepera for mend ing furniture. It is prepared with chrmieals, by which ItTskept inthe proper condition for immediate use, the chemicals evaporating as soon as it Is applied, leaving the glnc to harden. We can assure onr readers-that this article has the excellent phrenological quality of “large adhesiveness.” iw~ MRS. WINSLOW, an experienced nnrse and fe male phvaician, has a soothing Syrup for children teeth ing, w hich greatly fkclliates the process of teething by sofrening the gums, reducing all inflammation—will allsy all |M»!a, «nd r.i.»wtva.Wi>u Ut.liww^n-Unaw* on It. mothers. It will give rest to yourselves, and relief and health to your Infants. Perfectly safclu all cases.— See advertisement in another coIhmn. marl4w-tf From the New Yorker, July 30,1859. Among desirable articles, we may name as foremost the want of a useful glne,' easy of use, and of general and universal application to the repalrof ftirnlture,crockery, shell-work and other servleableand ornamental purpos es. The prime qualities of at good glne are imqiedlate readlnesafor use at all tlmra and reliability aa a hold fast. And this is the article which Mr. H. C. Spalding has been so fortunate aa to introduce. In . convenient ■ ■ ‘ ~ ~ * Glne tion and cohesion—being held in eolation chemically, and capable of being applied Instantly, and to every va riety «r Work and requirement. Spalding's Glne tbns proves Itself to be a true household Friend, and will be welcomed heartily in all parts of the country. We hare given it a trial, and we b»ve found It quick aa hunger In taking hold, and firm as death tn bolding fast, march 31 w-3t A Family Necessity- The following statement speaks for Itself:—(firfroef) In lifting the kettle from the fire it canght and scalded my banda and person very severely—one hand almost to a crisp. The torture was unbearable. It was an awftt sight. * * * The Mutang Liniment appeared to ex tract the pain almost Immediately. It healed rapidly and left no rear of account. Ciixiu.es Fostkb, 430 Broad Street, JWadelpMa. It is truly* wonderful aril, cle. It will cure arty case or swelling. Borns, StlffJoints, Eruptions or Rheumatism. For Horses, it should never he dispensed with. One Dollar's worth nr Mustang has frequently saved a valuable horse. Jt cures Galds Sprain*, Ringbone, Spavin and Founders. Beware ef ■mitatlom. Sold In all part* oftbe habitable Globe. BARNES St PARK, Proprietor*. ■sr IT w-lm New York From the Ouietian Adcocate A Journal, New York Aug. 4, '59. Tax HucsxxEErxu's F»ixxd-Sf*ldix(»'» Prepared Glue.—Small convenience* for genera) family use am often of more value than what are called “ great inven tion*.’' It 1* estimated that in the United State* there are at least five millions of households. In all or which i t he annoyance of squeaking; rickety chairs, sofas, tables, etc-1* constantly experienced, and so long a* furniture is in this condition there Is always danger of a “ smash- on.” The exi-erlence of the dty housekeeper, with May-day before her eyes .will readily suggest the value and eonvtalence of a really trustworthy prepared glue, that can belnstaAtly brought to- requisition where re pairs to furniture and other household warns are need- hi. The want of such an article Is as constant and unt- rersal as the family, and hitherto it has been a want uo- ^B'ied. This, however, can ho truly said no longer.— Ilf's Preo'red Glne seems to be *11 that has been ed?n thhi direction. It la kept soluble by chemj- cals retains to strength and tenacity, is convenient and always “up tc the sticking point,” is pat up in a bottle itli ahrush, trail sold at twenty-five cents. Nohonse- 2*»lndtrjnroonatryxnn wdl Utordtobe wlthoqta .ttle of Spa Wing's l’ri pared Glne. It Is Just the thing ,r the library and schools, where books are constantly i need of repairs. - . dt NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE h.-*. .. , ,■ ,,,, r , f., r « P'lDfUfi If MMHff tAS OUT llWtv.* " f W f rour rhiia i f ./«-/■/'"»»•:/ it* iUft- NibtwMkind omnweek ji ,..’min- ii'i' i'- > •»- —lU JuJjr Sat, nSStaSESSfiSll!'' for Children Tccth- a ihe minute*. JNO. T. BOIFE1 '’'I'Lov.n i:.\r *th?“!- A XP ALL l:\PFN-r- Nn.7y**lnnv*g wx-Jmtlcslar*, adi V'J^toriandB ^•t'Waao. >ttCa 8 - uuarpHumg ' ? ll-t., <, . VI . 1 . ! •• 11 1 • i. 111 - t ouiii iri uiui Mftricttft in r, Uiarmana, r u T Bowels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wtnd, Cold in the Hoad, ' I Croup, • / For Sale. » VALUABLE PLANT.\TION in Clinch county, Ga., \ a bont a mUe and a half from Carter** Bridge on the Alipaha lii\ur, ooemiie from the Main Trunk Rail Road ftm i about four mile* flat and on the f:»me side of the River with the River Depot on the Main Trunk Rail Ro i<l: the Road harinff ju*t been comj»lett <l to said De- i»t*t ¥he ears run daily to and from Savannah by the nUrc ami there will fhortij be rail road communication with Brunswick. Mv l'laiitation contains from 3.700 to S^OQmcrea of . hlch ncarlv four hundred acre^ arc cleared and J fence, ami about ?event v uuder fence not clear- adapted to the production of lon^ cane, rice, oats, po- High Tarifl’ for the South! * CAUTION!- OME time in April or May r 1^59, the undersized > made two promfssoi^ notes, one of Eipht Hundred and Fifty Dollars, payable twelve months from date with interest; and the other of Eight Hundred Dollars, with like condition*; both in fa tor of W. Montgomery A Co., of Now. York, for Steam Machinery: The above notes being informal were refined by Montgomery A Co., but held a* security until bankable pap?r could b« snbstitt ed, which wa* done, and bankable notes on the Bank ~. Savannah remitted; but nevertheless the said Montgom ery A Co., still held and refiisft to surrender the original note*. * And now as the consideration of said note*, both informal and bankable, has cntirelj failed, we are de- ermined not to pay them unless compelled by law. The nformal note* were signed by Ii. Herrington, William Herrington, and James W. llendersop; tlte baukfiblc note* were signed by Wm. Herrington A Co , apd e®- * irsed by II. Herrington. * .* II. H. HERRINGTON, WM. HERRINGTON, 4 V JAS. W. HENDERSON. Colquitt, Miller Co. f («a., March 7, mar I0w-4t Super-Phosphate of Lime, ^STO. l, EXTRA .. .. rntPAHED ax Tnc p enn City Manufacturing Comp’y. penn City Chemical Works: N recommending this Superior Fertilixer to the atten< _j-t|onof fimners-and others interested in agriculture, wc claim for it the advantage of being perfect reliable, (much superior td any other article sold under the name br Super-Phosphate of Lfme,) and one that the farmer in depend upon a* being wha* its name purports, N< Extra Article; this Company; owning the entire Pa «»*-•-* 7 -ranted by t|»Q l nited State*) for.produciug a ite Acid, thereby enabling thenrto produce a ‘pbatc ot Lime by the addition of Phosphoric i hich is the indispensable nutriment of all plants) instead of Sulphuric Acid or Oil of Vitrdl, (as heretofore used.) It is therefore n much richer and more reliable manure, and one that will not oulv do more good at first than any other manure,' but will last longer in the soil. This article is prepared by* formula furnished by Dr. f. A Genth. (all materials used in its composition are first analized by him) under the personal superinten dence of Mitchell A Croasdale. Hear the evidence ; Willborxs' Mills, Houston Co., Ga., Nov. 20,1850. Messrs. Zeilin A HuntGentlemen—Since gathering • ' “ " * ‘ ’ i result of HORACE FITCH A CO., NEW GOODS! JUST OPENED, •* 7 AT V . Elias Einstein’s. J. STUAIIAN, • . /^VPPOSITE Lanier House, dealer in Gentlemen** and V/ Boys’Clothiug and Furnishing Good*. Orders! the country respectfully solicited. ityloi | market. * ' Also, a l^rge lot of DeBege, for travelling Dresses. DACE POINTS. JOHN 1^. JONEK* I'XEALEIt in ready m*da Clothing, Trunks. Umbrellas JL/ and Furnishing Goods, Mulberry Street, 3 la cun, Georgia. Orders from I Lace Mantilla?, Barege Mantillas, Barege and Linen I Dusters, $Hk Mantillas, Ac. Curtain Damasks, Lace and Embroidered Window Cur-* tains,. , * Carpet and Hearth Uape © fall kind*. Pant Stuffs, Cali- icocv. Bleached and Brown Homespuns, Sheetings of all widths. Irish Linens, Marseilles Quilts, Dimity, Table MERCHANTft K • I \f LliCHANT TAILOR and dealer In Gentlemen sFur- Land Insertions, Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Lace fiitts, nishtng Goods, Cherry Street, Macon^Ga. | Hosiery, Kind Lisle. Thread. Gloves, and Gauntlctts. Clothing! Clolhii)? 2 * A fine lot of SUMMER CLOTHING just opened. Call gentlemen and sec for yourselves. • . EUAS EINSTEIN, march 10 w Triangular Block, Macon, Ga. - WiTIfi R. ARNOLD, A TERCHANT TAILOR—Coats, Vests and Pants made AvA the latest style. Cloths, Vestings and Gentlemen’s furnishing Goods constantly on hand. BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. I~ L- BBICKHOUSE, . C. P. BmCKUOCSE, T. J.' BCST. 1.. I.. UltlDKIiai'MB & TVHOLESALE- and Retail Dealers in Boots, Shoes. It Umbrellas,W “—‘ ~ • - - —- gular Block, MacOu, vMY GOODS. GRANITE BLOCK, .MULBERRY ST. • ranu iteian jjeaiers in uoots, shoes, I - —J T — , — n -—I Leather,-Tranks, Biackfo.-, Ac., Trian-1 N. S. PrUddeil & CO., BEARDEN, GAINES .V CO., Grateful for the liberal patronage of last year, are now prepared to exhibit for the YlfBOLESALE afld Retail Dealers inBootsand Shoes' >> ow P7«P»rea to exmoit tor tne u i is t .,^Lea.he^d^.di^^—i—I Fall and Winter Trade, Ga. A large and select Stock of Shoe Pegs, Findings, Ac., No. 3 Cotton Avenue, 3Iacon| | Fancy &Staple Dry Goods, Conhdent of not being excelled either in b'eauty style or price. A choice variety of ricli DRESS GOODS! j Velvet and Silk Robes, Brocho and Bayadere Silks WHOLESALE RETAIL GKOCERS. I Poulard Silks, DeLaine and Merino Robes, Robes 1 deChainbre, Poplins, Valenciaa, DeLaines Merinos, “ * * * ' ■' "VL8, L P. STRONG A: SONS, \v HOLES ALE and Retail Dealers in Boots and Shoes, f T Hats, Caps, Leather and Finding*, Macon, Geor- g**- ' - • ■ ~ A VIS ES. WINGFIELD Sc CO Cashmeres, a large variety of SHAWLS, new styles Velvet und Qloth CLOAKS; Misses and Children's CLOAKS, TALMAS, add SACKS, Dress Trimmings, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, Empress Hoop Skirts, a superior article, pared by Mitchell A Croasdale. I reel quite confident that it will pay from ninety to one hundred per cent, on my form. My land is what might be termed a kind of saudy loam. This year being m v first experiment, I not informed what amount should be put on to the t In using the four ton* I bought of you last Spring, I put on at the rate of One hundred and thirty pounds per acre, and am of the opinion that about one hundred and fifty pounds would pay much better for the labor bestowed in the cultivation. The manner of using wa».to lay off cotton rows with a Scatter -Plough; plow pretty deep, and let bands follow after and scatter the Phosphate, atod otherft with ploughs, and bed on, as part of it was —«»•» 4»i4to»« iImn furrowj;^ I want you to send me nine tons more for next spring; 1 flunk me pnnpcct very good to sell a large quantity in Houston among my neighbor©. I am with sincerercgani, — Truly yours, Ac:. • '-a * . JacobFvdgs. ZEILIN A HUNT. Druggists, Opp. Telegraph Building, Macon. Backed in Barrels of about 2U) pounds each, feb 16d-2m F E RTILIZ E RS GENERAL* AGENCY. Sole Agents, Q^The uinlcraigneJ respectfully announces to Planters anti others interested, that they are con stantly receiving direct from the islands, and from tint manufacturers, tho following host accroved Fertilizers row Known, all of which have been thoroughly and satisfactorily tested, vix: , No. 1 Peruvian Guano, Sombrero Guano, . _ Rhodes’ Super Phosphate of Lime, National Fcrtiliwr, Ground Plaster. * These articles, which will have onr brand, and be guaranteed as genuine, we shall, at all times, lie prepared to furnish in amounts reunired, and at the lowest prices. The “Soper Pbospnste,'’ and “Fer tiliser,” at manufacturers' rates, with expenses ot transportation added. PATTEN & JIlLLBIt. Savannah, May 3—1, A ORKAT POLITICAL WORK! Cluskey's Political Text Book or Encyclopedia. BY \V. JT. CLUSKEY, JVanhiiigton, D. C. It contains among otker tktmgt: ■ 1 The various partrplatforniK chanan'a Letter* of Ac- ITte American. RltuaL ccptance. The- Kansas Legislation of Meesr*. BnchAan'* and Congress. Williams' Letters on the GovrraeraGeary, Stanton, Bargain and Intrignc and Walker’* inaugural Charge. Addresses. Jlr. Calhoun's Port Bill Ad- Senalors Green, Douglas, dress, and CoDamcr’a a Messrs. President Jackson's Proc- Stephens and others' Re- lamatlon against Xullifl- i on Kansas. cation. " \ The Mayaville Road Veto. A Ilutotyof Party Convcn- Report of Mr. Daviit, ot S. C- on the Political Pow er of the Supreme ConrL Mr. Buchanan's Minority Report on the same sub ject. Gov. Wise and Mr. Ctmttit ers’- letters against the American - Organization, and lion. A. 11. Stnart'i Letter*, signed “Madi- spn,” defending It. Land, of' um erpP^ .uni .’hurt stapla cotton, com, sugar rane, rice, oats, po] , -en-. .vc.; there U a comfortable dwelling hon-cj „i house*, negro hunre, and otln-r necessary bnlM- in-« on the place. It is as healthy a nlacaaa any in 'vmllicrli liconria: it i- a r .: _• it tiered body of land being well worth the money jm r acre cash, or $6 per ■ #7 per acre in three in-tall- DIL U. A. KICK, r-iiallvlllc, JIacon Co., Ga. CBtaOS Ik DUPONT, No. 499 Broadway. New York Dec. 6.1S51 THF Ll XDKY OF THE SEASON THOHMVS CORIilCUEtl SKIRTS, l'or Sale by the principal Retailer*. Jau 31 ff-ina O' w - of the Nebraska Bill. Lecompton, Topeka a Lea venworth Constltnllons. The Crlttendeo.Montgome- . ry, Senate a EnglUh blUs. The votes of the samC in each Rouse. Indeed, eve rything essential apper-, taining to the same, in cluding Presid’nt PlerecT Special Message, he Dred Scott CRae. he Constitution ol , United States. Articles of Confederation.. Washington's Farewell Ad- OnBmuices of ITUand 1787’. Virginia and Kentucky Re solutions ofl798 Jlr. Chur's Report L'of a Diatribotlo . Public lands, aim auie I'MocumeDU against it, gwith a tall history fif the President Pierce'* VetAof the Indigent Insane Land Bill. The Address of Mr. Faulk ner on the subject. A history of railroad grants by Congress, with the votes thereon- * ' President Plerce'aMrasage vetoing the River a liar- bor Bill. The School Land BUI, and votes thereon. The CU jtorfBal wer Treaty. Extracts from speeches for and against Slavery. Extracts from speeches ot noted Republicans* Abo litionist*. Jlr. Toombs' Boston Lec ture on Slavery. Messrs. Fremont and Bu nn of the s Speech la, in No add in N. Kenneth at Phifadi vember, lb C„ In 1833. A history o( with votes on, the various Tariffs. A history of the U. S. Bank and Abolition Petitions. Mr. Fillmore's 'Albany Speech and Etifi Gale Let ters. History of the Annexation of Tgxas. Opinion of pnblie men on the Power of Congress ovnr the Tecrritories.. ' - The Nicholson Letter. The NaahTQlc Convention and GeorgiaPlatforms. Missouri Oompromlte.wlth every rote thereon aec- tlooaBy classified. The Compromise Measures PEAKS & PRITCHETT. best quality. street, Macon, Ga. - .1 Our assortment of I. : Goods for Famil y use ' IT Tobacco, Cicars and Groceries of-cvciy - tfoscrip- r is complete. Irish.Liemis, Towelings, Napkins, Ta tion, Macon, Ga. - • * I ble Cloths, Table Damask, Pillow Cusiug, Sheetings . *V <.i:nri.\ - •- ;| Welsh Shaker and "Patent Flannels, and all tho dif- W IIOLESALE GROCERS, corner of Chenr and Third I ferent varieties of • * Streets, Macon, Ga. ’ / . STAPLE GOODS TlIO.lIAH.nV. itAA’K, I reqqirkd for the trade, which we offer on- the most TlfHOLESALE and Retail Dealer* jn Baling, Rope,* . • - . favorable-terms, t J Bacon* Lard. Flour, Meal,Su"arnnd Coffee, Aiolas-h • * N. aes and Syrnp, all kinds of-Liquors, Tobaccoand Cigars, Dry GOodr*, A<\; Thinl Street: Cutlery! Cutlery!! ROGERS’ TABLE KNIVES, WOS- TENHOLMES’ &. ROGERS’ POCK ET KNIVES Sc SCISSORS,J Frederick, Ward & Co’s P-ocket and Table Cutlery O F my own Importation, which I can sell at low- er prices than ever before offered m Macon. 1 now have on hand a large supply of GRATES, MOOTS’ INVINCIBLE COOKING RANGE, the mostdesirable Patent of Cook Stoves. A large assortment of Hol low Ware, Enameled Brass Kettles, Ironing Stoves, Cooking Utensils, and ageneral assortment of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. TOILET SETTS, • STEAK DISHES, PLATED CASTORS, FORKS & SPOONS, Furnisbcil to Hotels or Merchants on ACCOMMODATING TERMS. Returning my thanks to my friends. Customers and the public, tor tho very liberal patronage here tofore received, and trusting that experience will better enable me to meet their wants, I hope to mer It a continnance'of the same. B. A. WISE, jap. 3 Cherry Street, Macon. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING; A Largo and very Choice Stock, Embracing all qualities for both Mon and. Boys, - Together with a LARGESTOCK • . - or Furnishing Goods, # now offering at Extremely Low Prices, by A. M. BLACKSHEAR & CO., Mulberry Street. Macon.■ Oct. 11 sep 37 terms, i. PRCDDEN A" CO. TINNERS & IIOU£E FURNISHERS. | J. FISHER & CO., B A WISE ' " J hfponma akw jobbehs of ■* C HERRY STItKKT, JIacon, Ga.-, importer or TaWeand I | JT*TT ' i r'l cr~e Fqcket Cutlery, and dealer In House' Furnishing I _L y * vA W vL&j N0T10VS 1,1!D CABPBTS, . ' hJUCl VSU&KT^Maeon, Gar. Importer of Table and _ 'Qcket Cutlery, and dealer in House Furnishing Goods, Stoyes, Grates and Domestic Hardware^'cnder*, Brushes, Brooms.ilusters, Hat Stands, Shovel qjid Tong*, Com Oil Lamps, Tin, Japanned and Brittannia Wpre. \V. J. MrELROY, T HIRD STREET, Macon, Ga., Manufacturers of every description, Tin, Sh^et Iron and Copper Ware—* Who|e*ale dealer in Stoves, House Furnishing and Ja panned Ware. Pump?, d^c.,'Jfcc. h ‘ii accidents will happen, even in well-regulated families, it !* very desirable to have some cheap and con venient way or repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, etc Spalding’s Prepared Glue meets all each emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it It I* always-ready, and up to the stick ing point Theje is no longer a necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers* headless doll*, and broken cradles. It is Just the article for cone, shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation is used cold, being chemi cally held in solution, and possessing ail the valuable qualities of thu best cabinet-makers' Glue. It may be used in the place of ordiuary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. “USEFUL Hf EVERY HOUSE." N. B.—A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price, 25 Cents. Wholesale Depot, No. 48, Cedar Strce^Ncw York. -Address, HENRY C. SPALDING & CO., Box No. 3.600, New York. Tut up for dealers in cases containing four, eight, and twelve dozen—a beautiful Lithograph Show-Card accompanying each package. A single" bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE Vrill save ten. times its cost annually to every household. ‘ Sold by all prominent Stationers, Druggists, Hardware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers and Fancy Stores. . Country merchants 'should make a note of SPALD ING’S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their list. It will stand any climate. jan 31 HARDWARE MERCHANTS. .‘327 BALTIMORE St. % 42 GERMAN St. BALTIMORE, MD., - . H AVING largely increased onr usual stock of DIZ3T GOODS; aud added thereto a complete stock of GLOVIS, HOSIERY, WHITE GOODS'antTNOTIONS, . vs are now prepared to offer to the SOUTHERN and * ICIIUIART Sc €: UBD, SOUTH-WESTERN TRADE one of the largestand most I Hardware,Ac., I attractive stocks of good* tOjjy* CuundJn thi*Aoiu»*ry.—1 Third Street, Maeon, Ga. • = —f viewing Baltimore aa the legitimate market for Southern * -* trade, -wc have procured a stock particularly adapted to that section which sve are determined to offer to prompt jxtyint/ trade, at price* as low as can be had at any •llonso of reputable standing in afiy of the cities WUI. «hia feb 21-w ly NATHAN-WEED, TAEALER in Agricultural Implements, Iron, Steel.and XJ Hardware of all kinds, adapted to the use of l'UUit era; Smiths, Carriage Maker*. Mechanics, Jtc. . Corner 3d and MulberrtStkexts, MACON, GA. DEALER IS CHOICE XJ3.TTC3-S, SELECTED MEDICINES, PURE CHEMICALS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, WINDOW GLASS, IPEIR.IF'CnSiIEIVZ', SOAPS, PAINTS, PATENT MEDICINES, FRESH GARDEN SEED, Merchants aud Physicians WHO PRIDE THERSELVES ON DEALING in ARTICLES OF THE FIRST QUALITY, And atlotv Prices, MAY RELY UPON BEING SUITED. Orders Promptly [attended to. BAM’ED. IRVIK. ' .«REEXLEE BUTLER mvirr St btvsxjER, ATTORNEYS AT L A W. Albany. Georgia. P RACTICE in the Superior Courts of the South-West ern Circuit,-—in Terrell, Randolph and Early Coun ties, in the Pataula Circnit—in Worth and Macon coun ties, in the Macon Circuit—in the United States Circuit Conrt at Savgnnah—and by special contract, in any coun ty in Southern Georgia. ' „ w Ja nuar^ 1st, 18G0.‘ • jan — WATCHMAKERS & JEWELLERS. .TII’NA2»I> A BUIRHIAKD D IEALERS in Watches,H Silver Ware, Musical Ac., Macon. Ga. ^ Clocks, Jewclrv, diamonds, J \iOOD, Solid Mahogany, Velvet Stained, Instrument*, ‘Fancy Goods, A*’ Ch^P ' eneered Mahogany Coffins. Also New Style 1 Metallic Cases superior to the ord styles. Old Pattern Metallic Cases at lower prices, feb 22 w*ly WOOD, BKO. A CO. COFFINS. DAT & IUAUSSENET, W ATCH-MAKERS and .resellers. Mulborr)- St., Ma- con, Ga., have on hand afinea*sortmentof Watch es, Clock*, Jewelry, Silve r and Hated Ware, Musical Iu stmment*. Fancy Good*, Ac. E. J. JOHNSTON A CO., D EALERS in Watche*, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fancy Goods. Guns, Cutlery, Piano*, Musical Instruments, Ac.. Ac. The largest and finest Stock iu the State, at the best price*. J, A. & S.S. VIRGIN. P IANOS, Guitars, Violin*, Flntes, Strings, Sheet Mn-1 sic. Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacle*, Ac. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired, and warranted. DRUGGIST AJlD APOTHECARIES. MENARD & CAfiTLEN, T^VRUGGISTS and Apothecaries, Cherry Street, Macon, ±J Ga., under Ralston** Hall, wholesale and retail deal ers in Drags, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Patent Medicines, Perftimerj-, Brttshcs. Combs, Ac.’ Mew Firm! ulacture and sale of Furniture, SETH G. WOOD. The business will he here after conducted in the firm name of . . WOOD, BHO. & CO., . JIacon Ga. notTce. iavln“ associated with us in the Fnr- ’niture hnsiness, Seth G. Wood, we are particularly desirous of closin'; np the old business as soon as possible, aud respectfully request all indebted, cither by note or account, to call and make payments at an early day. T. & G. WOOD. Macon, 2d Jatmaty, 1S90. feb 35 w-ly ZEILIY .V HUNT. Tooth Brushes.Torfumery, Surgical t ments, Ac., Ac-' . . C O X F ECTION IS It'S. MARCH, i860. REMOVAL! MRS. HOWLAND H AS removed to the new store,.on Mulberry Street, .twoaoor* from E. L. Strohecker's comer and ad- A/kaljcd Bone Ammonialed Super Phosphate OF LIME, • MANUFACTURED BY MITCHELL & -CROASDALE, .’ PHILADELPHIA. I N reco'mmendiog this superior fertilizer to the attention of farmers and others interested in ag riculture, wo claim for it the advantaceof being per, fectly reliable, (superior to most other articles sold under the name of super phosphate of lime) and one that the-farmer can depend upon as being what its name purports, an “ Alkalied Bone Ammonialed Sit- oephai ,, ;m up, a thereby destroying.a great part of the fertilizing qnzIUies; in addition'to which we add Pornvian guano enough to furnish ammonia for thi growth crop; which ammonia is also fixed by the acid, an<_ thereby does not evaporate in the atmosphere, but is absorbed by the plant; which not only uses the ammonia so-given to it, but also obtaius more or leas firomthe atmosphere during its development, partic ularly if it is strong and vigorpus. It is packed in Barrels of about 260 lbs. each, and is furnished to purchasers at *50 per Ton of2,onolbs., (2J cts. per lb.) no charge for barrels. Wholesale and Retail, by ZEILIN A HUNT. Druggists, ~ SoteJ pet is tim Macon. Ga“ 3 Agents UEXT.T s. ELIS.- ■r. rtr. Rs.r.N a t-o CIIAS. W. ELLS. joining Day A Maul I where she is now rccei VlTUOLESALE and Retail Dealers in selected - ! amlly » T Groceries, West India Frails, Fine Liquor- and Wtara^nts,. Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Ov«ters,'Flsh, Ad IOE in «ny.quantitypntnpto order. Mu'' JIacon, Georgia..'. ssjnet’s iringaf 4 al be tty St corner and ad- Jewelry Establishment, line pew stock of • \ Millinery and Fancy Goods.' The business at the old store, on Cotton Atcnue, will be conducted by Misa Dillon. march 10 w-tf LEAVITT. TOLER & CO... - Successors to OATUN,.IEAVITT & C! Cl . . Importers and Jobbers Of every. Description oj Staple and Fancy DRY-GOODS, Nos. 31 Chainbeis A 7,Reade Streets, rear of City dec 31—ly* „ [Hall. NEW YORK. Millinery Goods. M RS. A. DAMOUR is now receiving her new supply of fine Goods, iit the above itnefor Spring and Summer, aud will receive every week by steamer tlte late st styles. Such a t Bonnet*. Jli- bon*. Ftoicir*. Glorct, EmbroiderU*.ltair Ornaments, Shawls. Mantilla*. Hoop K. IN l ACS A- XtICO’S' I Bn ttkirts. Caps, Head Dresses, Bridal Veils IpONFECTIOXERY aud Re*taSStf \vholesale and JlSn h r4T W i? nne !*’ eta.rte^ChS^TtoSt F ltacSS gT' ,S ’ WiDM ’ Br * ndjr ’ J Flats and Bata for Mi^VaX&.^&foi past fovora, hoping her friends and custom er* will JASPER F. GltEEft. , POPE FREEKtX. GREER Sc FltElMi 4 « T HREE doors below Telegraph Bn’Itlirs V. ci ry St. Macon, dealers ta Choice Fami’, Groceries, Fine Tobacco, Nats, Candles, Fruits, Pure Liquoi« Cigars, Ac. Ice In any quantity. DAGUEKREAN ARTISTS. a WOOD’S PHOTOGRAPHIC Gallery, opposite the Lanier House, J. Macon, Ga. Photographs, Ivoiytypcs,. Dagucrco- types, Ambrotypcs, Ac. ■ 1 pitch’s P REjnUM Photograph and Fine Art Gallery, Triangu lar Block; Macon, Ga. Entrance on Second Street nd Cotton Avenne. I call and examine her goods before pnrehasing elsewhere. I No. 138 Jlnlberry Street. - JIacon, March 10,1860 w-ly FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. XOCNDED .1853. CHARTERED 1854. LOCATED ' ; CORNER or BAErUIOBE AND CHARLES STREETS, BALTIMORE, JID. J. 1Y. Oe C. I*. FUVULAY, if Steam En Saw Mills, 1 ANCFACTUBERS of Steam Engines, Boilers, Clr- SlriSr, if! enter and Upright Saw Mills, Fuller's Patent Jron | ! Railing* Kiqpir Mill*, Gin Gearing, Syrup Boilers, v &c., KCUOFIEI.D & ]MtOTIIi::t. 'oaD" Men desiring business Education iu time aud at the least expense. I I ■ A Large and Beautiful Ornamental Circular, containing j upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET, with Specimens of pen ■ the shortest pos»U MISCELL A NE O U S*. lOBUl _ . . Man on application, free of Write immediately utd^yon will receive the package by jan.lTly ’ ^eI’k.'lOSIER. Baltfmore, Md. J. S. MILLER, A UCTION and commission Merchant, Jla6on t Oeorgia, I FOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO., &3g£§5SiE&M DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. — ■ « 1—~1 : 1 J ‘ -«n nod V- V : 80 and 82 Chamber SL,- N: Y. . JT. It. ARTOPE & .SON. AXUFACTURERS or Tomb Stone*. JlonnmcnU, . Mantles, and in foct ail kinds of work done in Mar-1 -7 -rr- 7—v - - -■—1 «*.- ble, eor. Thinl^and iqatnb_Streets. Order* MRS. WINSLOW A N experienced Nurse and Female Pbysicirn, il. presents to tbe attention of mothers Ker SOOTHING SYRHPV FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all infiammatidn—will allay all pain antlspasmodjc action, and is sure io re gulate bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and relief and health to yonr in fants. W e have put upland sold flu. article for over ten years, and can say, in confidence and truth of it. whatwe have ne- .»y of any other has it failed, in a to -effect a core, used. Never oi c stance of ttissat- one who used it. all are delighted tionS, and speak -lire. Winsloiv’M .-Soothing Syrnp, ver been able to medicine: Never single instance, when timely we know an in- isfaction by-any On the contrary, with its opera- terms of com- conntry respectfully solicited. BOLSUAW & HERZOG, I cheaper than any in market, and meeting with extensive | rale. Orders promptly attended to. feb 4 w-ly I -yro. 11 Cotton Avenue. Macan.Ga. Improved Coal -A Pflviilc Resilience Ileal* MACON FOR SALE. lag Fluid, CamphUe and Alcohol. . 1 . . . _ . • (IIA8. T. WARD & CO. ting 30 acres or more of land, ly- Itrn M Mprsll’tl Xfilla - .knot 1 D. Cl. HODGKINS & 80N, WilmotPro ■ With many other things. Ev, too numerous to mention. ■ subject Is fully and every vote in on any subject tion i« i,snillca K^t-as mtil^otor qm^-Uons. 0 Speaker folly on the 7knM,-— single Conit-. ML ClnbofSix *15 Jas. k sjAth a co pS£m. mar 21-itw PbiiadcJpda. te 1 *- A,!dree9 me ,npcn0 * o m.iSfi? D u , varlrty, Ftehlag TaSde nidYlles, Caps, Cotlcry, Bra.b- °S? r ' a ELISHA DJ es. Flasks, Fancy Articles, Ac. iberly lived, coal _ near the mills known as McCall's Mills, about 3 Id from JIacon. The Dwelling is a good one story of 5 rooms, having all the necessary out- JB lied, together with a garden, corn crib*, stables, Ac. Any person wishing a residence near the city with a plenty of good water, wood and other conve- _* not to be found in a city, will do well to exam- o. AAJ —fh ^ tlMPost Javis. mar 2 w-Ct WOOD, JtltO. A CO. $50 REWARD! M A Ite^uriS^l!rfr d .'rfro , hii?^rt^ r *(^5'*c™ "RANAWAY from the subscriber In December last, a i 1 *Wardrobes,Chairs,Card,Ccn-[ jt, negro man named SAM, about 55 years of age, weighing about 160 pounds, slightly yellow in complex- ion and speaks Intelligently for a negro. Sam formerly belonged to Jesse J. Bull lute ot Tw iggs county, (Ja.\ now deceased, and was brought from near the residence tremnd Extcn-ion Tables, Ac. CHAW. B. .STONE Ac ItKOTlIEH, W ATS. Capo, Straw Goods and Umbrellas, opposlta Lanier House, Jlacen tia. »• K. A- jr. IV WOODRCFF>8 K XTEBI’RISE WORKS—Cherry Street, JIacon, Geor gia—Contractors and Bnildcrs.—Steam Saw and Waning JURs. -Manufacturers of Sash Door Blinds, Moulding, Brackets, Ac. meiidntion of its magical effects and medical virtues. Wo speak iff this matter “what we know," after ten years experience, and pledge our reputation (by the fulfilment of what we here .declare. In almost every instance wherethe infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, refief will be foiind in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. This lvauable preparation is the prescription ot one of the most experienced and skillful Nurses in New England, and has been used with never failing success ill thousands of cases. It not only relieves the rhildfrom pain, hat invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to tho wjiole system. It wil|iUinnit instantly re lieve griping in the bowels, and Wind Colic, and overcome convulsions, which, if not speedily rcrae- died, end in death. VVe be lieve it tho best : -j : and surest reme dy in- the world, ; : in all cases of Dysentery and - ,T* VU * Diarrnea inchil- dren, whether it ; ; arises from teeth ing or* any other cause. We would say to every mother who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints—do not let your prejudices, nor the prejudices of others, stand between your suffering child and the' relief that will be suze—yes, absolutely sure—to follow this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac simde ot CURTIS A PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. O-^old bjr Druggists throughout the world. Principal Office, No. 13 Cedar-sL, N. Y. sep 6 1859 ly Price only 33 cents per bottle MOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION Of Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid EXTRACT BUCHU, For disease* of the Bladder, Kidneys, Grarel, Bropsey, Weakness, Obstructions, Secret Diseases, Female Cusn- jfaints, and all diseases of the Sexual Organs, Arising from Excesses and Imprndcncics in Life, and removing all Improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kid- ys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause they may have originated, AND NO JIATTEB OF HOW LONG STANDING, JOY TO THE AFFLICTED!!! It c^a Nervous and Debilitated Suffer*, and removes all t*' c *ympto:ifs among which will be fonnd Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memorr, Difficulty of Breathing, Gen- oral Weakness, Horror of Dis ease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dread ful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Lansor, Univer sal Lassitude of the Muscular System, often Enormous Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptons, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Paiia Countenance and Eruptions on the Face, Pain in tho Back, Hea viness of the Eyelids, Fre quently Black Spots Flying before the Eves, with Temporary Suffusion and Loss c _ tention. Great Mobility, llc&tleesness, with Society. Nothing is more Dc iirable to such Fa- tleets than Solitude, and nothing they more Dread for fear of themselves; no Re pose of Manner, no Earnestness, no Speculation, bnt a Hurried Transition from one question to an other. These symptons, if allowed to go on—^which this med icine invariably removes—soons follows LOSS.OF POWER, FATUITY, AND EPILEPTIC FITS—in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that these ‘ ^ " ‘” fuldis- >rds . st melancholy deaths by CONSUMPTION, bear ample witness to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most melancholy exhibition appears. The countenance is ac tually sodden and quite destitute—neither Mirth or Grief, ever visits it, Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulated. “With woeful measure wau despair Low sullen sounds his grief Beguiled.' 4 Debility Is most terrible! and has bronght thousands upon thousands to untimely graves, thus blasting the am bition of many noble youths. It can be cured by tbe use of this XNFAX«XaXBZ«X* ItEDIEDY. If you are suffering with any of the above distressing ailments, the FLUID EPTRAuT BUCHU will cure you. Try it and be convinced of its efficacy. BEWARE op QUACKNOSTRUMS, QUACK DOCTORS, who folsely boast of abilities and references. Citizens know and avoid them, and save Long Suffering, Money andRxposnrc^by sendingoreallingfor * ** ‘ far a bottle of this Popular ana srhuuriC * It allajs all pain and inflammation, is perfectly pleas- ant in its taste and odor, but immediate m its action. Helmbold’s Extract Buchu la prepared directly according to the Roles ot. PHARAMACY AND CHEMISTRY, and Chemical knowledge aud crsioojj One hundred dollars will bo paid to any physician who can prove that the Medicine ever injured a Patient k and the testimony of thonsands can be produced to prove that itdoes great good. Case* of from oao week to thirteen, years' standing have been effected. The mass of VOL UNTARY' TESTIMONY In possession of the Proprietor, vouching its virtues and enrativo powers, is immense, embracing names well known to SCIENCE AND FAME. Personally appeared before me, an alderman of the city or Philadelphia, U. T. UELMBOLD Chemist, who being duly sworn docs say, that his preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, but are purely veg etable. H. T. HELMBOLD, Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me this 23d day of No vember, 1851. WM. P. HIBBARD, , . Alderman. Price $1 rxn Bottle, on itex Bottles ron (5, DxuTEn- Accompanicd by reliable and responsible Certificates from Professors of Medical Colleges, Clergymen end oth ers.. Prepared and Sold by II. T. HELMBOLD, ■Practical and Analytical Chemist. No. 52 South 10th SL, below Chestnut, Assem bly Buildins, Philadelphia. To be had of E. L. STROHECKER, Wholesale and Re tail Agent for Macon, and of all Druggists and Dealers throughout the United States, Canadas and British Prov inces. • BEWARE 0» COUNTERFEITS. Ask for Helmbold’s—Take No Other. CURES GUARANTEED. jan 24—d&w lyj GRAIDON M CREERY & GO., IMPORTERS * WHOLESALE DEALERS IN oreign i Domestic Dry Goods, FANCY GOODS, &C. No. 41 Barclay St., and 46 Park Plate, [Will remove in Jnly next to the Appleton building*. Broadway,1 jETTjrrao* ■ercciEssas.o O CR stock will bo complete by the 1st February, and under tho supervision of our Mr. McCrecrv (recenDy Shepherd A McCrecry, Charleston, So. ( a.) will com prise every description or Goods in onr line, adapted to the Southern and South-Western Trade. Merchants visiting New Y'ork are respectfully Invited to give os a call. jan 31 w-ly IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES! S A P OlN I F I E R ! The Ready Family k Soap - Maker! W ITH which every family, with their ordinary kitchtn grease, can make all their Soap with little ornotroublc—HARD, SOFT or FANCY. It will make hard water soft, clean paint, remove grease, Ac., to perfection. Abnndant testimony in favor of the Sapohifier, ,th FULL and VALUABLE receipts for making different kinds of Soap, sent free, by addressing OFFICE OF THE COMPANY. No. 39A Penn Street, Pittsburg, Pa., or LEWIS JAMES A CO., Agents, Philadelphia, Pa. Lif- Be snre you get the original find patented article, manufactured by the Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Co., East Tarentnm, Alleghany Co., Pa. jan 3—3m LAW PARTNERSHIP HILL At MILL, Successors to late firm of Stubbs and Hill, ILL practice in JIacon and adjoining Circuits, Y * and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. GPOFFICE- nug30 13d Street. JIacon. Ga. B. HILL, . J. R. HILL. B. STRIPLING’S MILLS. T IIE subscriber’* Mill*, on Hoesr Creek, will' on and after the 1st of March next, grind for the ..i .e .v- .,_l.l * :n heretofore i fiend of the eighth, asha* been heretofore customary. Customers and the public generally are invited to take particular notice of the change. Mot-sr Creek, above tho fob*?- 4 * k* 9XUFUKG. hn Davis, Twiggs ^, lit is probable 1 hat he is at present in his old neighbor hood. I will give the above reward of Fifty Dollar* to anv person who will apprehend the above run-away and lodge him in foil so that I can get him. WILLIAM A. DANIEL. - Talbottou, Ga., Feb. 15th, ISOO-w-St C. O. DUNCAN, ATTOItiVE V AX LAV, mar 17 w-ly* PERRY, GA. DR. K. II. BUSBET O ffice on Cherry Street, over Jtenard & Burgharil’s Jewelry Store, Residence on tho Hill in front of tho Asylum for the Blind. jau? l NEW FIRM. STEAM SASH. BLIND & DOOR ITactory. H AVING purchased Mr. John Knight’s Steam Facto ry in this city, we are prepared to furnish Sash Blinds, Doors and all other work done at similar Houses at short notice. Wc will pay particular attention to the business, per. sonally ana punctually, and promise to stride, at least to S vo entire satisfaction to all who mav favor na with elr custom, both in regard to tbe quality ot work done, and prices. , , . Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherboard, Ac., worked and irepared to order. Give ns s call. JIacon, Fob. 40th, 18G0-w-ly IL C. WILDER A CO. NOTICE. T DESIRE to call the attention of SOUTHERN COT- i. TON and WOOLEN MANUFACTURERS, to mres- tabli*hment in Baltimore, Mil., for tha manufacturing of Cotton and Woolen “Card*,” bcln£ the only estab lishment South of Mason A Dixon’aLIne. I also manufacture Leather Bands with ratent Ma chinery of my own invention. ... . . Also, Leather Hose of euperior quality made of the beat oak tanned Leather, and warranted equal to any made North. Always or hand •general assortment o articles used by Manufacturers, Machinist*, Rail Loads Locomotive Builders, Ac.. 1IASKI;LI No. 3-i SouthEutO'.v fct., Baltimore. Md. fobj#fff»