Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, April 07, 1860, Image 4

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I I wifnii ■iiiimniwipnii | niiiin' ^ii ■jiuJiLiw nui imnmm From the New Orleans Crescent “ Only a Boggor." glowlv and darkly the weary day failed iutn the silent past: Tlie lelcle glistened upon the spray . That shivered with cold In the hurrying Blast Tlie lighted lamps or the city’s street-* Glowed Hite a tlend’a eyer through the But And with thousand tongues the pltileaa Meet '* Like a brood of sorpents lomlly hissed. In a dark allov. away from the cold, . Homeless and friendless the womair crept; Ko one to care for her, now she’s old— On tte bare stones was the bed where she slept. No one to look with a pitying eye. No one to notice the fast falling tears, •hr the careless traveler hurrying hy. Said “only a beggar," with laughter and jeers. Sleeping, she dreamed of that happier time. When hones were high in her youtbfhl breast— Of her childhood’s home in a fairer dime. When a parent’s kiss on her brow was pressed; Dreaming, perchance of her husband's love. Of her rhtlilreh’s prattle and jhyous laugh ; God only kdows. and the angels above. What a cup of sorrow was her’s to quaff. -There were sounds of joy in a mansion near, Twinkling of feet in the mazy dance; Ilearts that knew nothing of care or fear, .die* mad with rapture at Bcanty’s glance. Tree flowed the wine, and the happy shoot. Went up as the merry Jest was told: Little recked they, in the noisy root. That a woman was dying that night in the cold. Tea, freezing to death in the midnight air. In a city whoso chnrch spires darken the aky: Dying with no one to murmur a prayer. No one to dose np the quivering eye, ’Tis a curse on humanity, bitter and deep; A shame on ns Christ ians, whose faith is divine. If we sntTer our charities idly to sleep, Aud give beggars the ices when we've drunk off the i - wine. And thou too, O Dives, whose coai ala mode . Would be soiled by the tonch of poor Lazarns’ band, How will you answer a righteous God, 'When before his judgment seat yon stand ? When you pray him to graciously pardon and bless. Ami name the subscriptions yon ve headed of old, , ne'll »ay, •' You’ve not on yonr wedding dress. And you're only a beggar, despite all your gold." The Macon Telegraph adopts the cash system after the first of June next It is right; it is * folly to credit nil through the country to the amount of two dollars. Subscribers to news papers ought to pay cash always.—S. W. Newt. ■ An English View or the Impending Crisis. —An English editor enlightens his readers upon the subject of American affairs in the following strain: "The boastful Republic so much vaunted by vainglorious Yankees seems on the brink of precipice, from which retreat will be disgrace and advance destruction. The very wisest of American statemen—Boflner, the Smith brothers, Aaron Burr and others—are wrang ling in tho House of Parliament in the Colum bia District, over a little volume called the Tin- pending Crisis,’ written hy an octoroon named Heifer, in which tho author proves that unless tho Slates south of tho State of New Orleans agree to abolish negro slavery, the Xorth will supply them with no more shoe-pegs, and utter financial ruin will bo the consequence. The members of Parliament who quarrel over this singular book betray all tho’American charac teristics in their savage abuse of each other, and sometimes they even come to blows. The Hon, Charles Sumner, one of their number, was re cently fired upon by a man named Hooks; and just before die Asia sailed it was reported that a member named Asking was detected in the net of throwing away a heavy rifle, which he had previously managed tg carry in a pocket made expressly for it Though we have no particular faith in the stability of what tho Americans call their re publican institutions, we are sorry to sco- our eottsins working their own ruin with the edge- swonl >f political imeompatibility. As free born Englishmen, we are hound to sympathize with the so-called ‘abolitionists’ of the Northern States of Georgia, Nashville, Harper’s Virginia, etc., in their efforts to free the negroes from bondage Some of tho greatest men now living in America are blacks—the famous James Brown was a negro, therefore the governor of Harper’s Ferry hung him. Horace Greeley, die famous journalist, is a ne^ro ; their great sensation preacher, Henry Wood Beecher, is said to be a quadroon. Vet 'despite such evidences of the African's natural cqudity with the whites in intellect as well as in everything else, the South ern members of Parliament, led on by a Mr. Slypi, arc threatening to dissolve the American 'Union if they nrcuct allowed to hold their slaves in New York.” Dcgal Notices—Bibb Counts. ■VTOTICE.—All permit indebted to the rotate of Dr. W. j.> Home, late ol Bibb county detested, are requested to make payment to the undersigned, and tboee having claim* against aatd estate, are notUied to present them within the time prescribed bv law. , march 10 JOSEPHINE nORNB. Acmin x "VTOTlCB TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS—All Per* - \ aoaa havin'* demand* against Fiances M. Hughes late of Bibb Countv deceased, ate hereby notified Mid ^as'iSstri ,o aK£ sons indebted to wild deceased are hereby required to n-keinunediau-paymeat^omenad^gnei^ inarch S Adm’r Com testameato annexo. * LL persons Indebted to Daniel Tonne, late of the State of Tennessee, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims upon his estate to present them in term* ofihe tow. - The payment may be made and the claims presented to L. N. WhittleTEsq. ARTHUR FOSTER, Adm’r. mars VTOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.—All per i.1 son* indebted to Charles Campbell, tote ol. Ribb county, deceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment,'and those haring claims npon hi* estate, to pre sent them in terms of the law. TIIOS. K. CAMPBELL,) V»_.„ match 8 CUAS. E. CAMPBELL, f AQm ~ £rgal 2Cotifts—5oncs Cduntp- _£cgal Notittfl—fjattflton Counta. /GEORGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Monday, August 1st, VX 1859. The Court of Onllnarv met this day agreeable to Latr- Present Charles Macon by, Ordinary. To file Ordinary of Jones County. The Petition or Lake Roberts, surviving Executor of Reuben Roberta, deceased, showetb that be baa faithful ly discharged the duty assigned to him as such Adminis trator, and therefore petitions the Court for a discharge from said Executorship. LUKE ROBERTS, Surviving Executor and Petitioner. On hearing the above petit ion it was ordered that cita tion be issued, and that aU persons concerned be and they are hereby required to show cause, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in February nexE why said Lake Roberta should not be discharged from his admin istratorship, and why Letters dismissory should not be granted to him. And it is farther ordered by the Conrt that this citation he published in one or more public'Ga- zettca of said State, (or the space of six months. hB Court or onpctaKT.—January Term i860. Whereas at the l*»o August Term of this Conrt thepoti- tfon and order for dismission by Luke Roberta from the Executorship of Renbcn Roberts’. Jr., Estate, which petition and citation having been published in the State Press, at Macon, and said Pres* having closed sometime before the expiration of six months, aa required by Law to be published: It la now ordered thst raid petition and citation be published ia the Georgia Telegraph, of Macon, S TATE OF GEORGLX—BIBB COUNTY. Two months after date hereof, application wil made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for ] to sell fractional lot of land So. 980, in the 4tn District of originally Houston now Bibb county, being part of the red estate of Peter Stnbbs deceased, for tnu benefit of the heir* and creditors of said deceased. ANN STUBBS, Executrix on estate Pi Stubbs. febSTw . - 1 l LL person* indebted to James B. Ayers, tote of Bibb f V county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims upon hi* esffito to present them in terms of the law. ■ march 8 HENRY O. CUTTER, Adm’r. Choate’s Coolness.—At tho time of Mr. Choate's great speech for Buchanan in Lowell. Mass., thcro was a sudden settling of the hall where they were. A Lowell gentleman, Hon. Benjamin F. Butler, well known as a iawyey ami politician, volunteered to go out and ex amine the supports underneath. Ho did so; and, to' ins horror, he found them In such n stats that if there should ho tho least rush of tho audience they would inevitably give way, the roof and floor would go together, and all * would be involved in a common ruin. With great fortitude he went quietly hack, and to prove there was no danger, walked the whole length of the' crowded hall tip to the platform where tho speakers and presidents were. As ho passed, Mr. Chcatc leaned down and asked him if he found danger. The gentleman, keening Ids face perfectly unmoved, so as not to frighten others, whispered into Choate’s car with characteristic abruptness, “If wo can’t get this crowd out quietly, we shall all bo in h— H in live minutes.' As might have beeft expec ted from so blunt and terrible a communication. Mr. Choate’s face became ashy pale; but be .centrolled himself and sat perfectly steady. The gentleman mounted the stage, assured the people there was no real danger, but to guard against the rocro possibility of. danger, ho advised Ahem to withdraw quietly, very quietly, into tho open air, where the speech would' go on. In five minutes the hall was dear. 9 Dreadful as had been the moment’s shock fo his feelings, Mr. Choate’s humor did not even desert him; for as he stepped from the him self, he said to his friend who had made the announcement to him* “Ami Hid YOU real lx think, my Mend, just now, that I was bound for tho same ptoo with you ?” Singular Restitution.—Tho Lyons journals have the following : M. L , a wealth mer chant at Lyons, France, lost abont three years • ago, a pocket-book containing three thousand ■ francs, and though he offered a liberal reward for its restitution, he could not hear anything about it He soon forgot the matter^ bftt some days ago he received a box containing 3,450 francs, in notes and gold, and this letter: “Sir It was I who three years ago found your pocket book. I was then a poor fellow, in search, like Jerome Paturot, of a sodal position. I at first thought of giving it up to you; but I reflected ’ that (he money would not make yon richer than you are, whilst it might enable me to prosper -. uvlifu, and sol capitulated with my conscience. But I promised myself to repay you in the event of God crowning my efforts with success. This i* what I now do. Here is your rnonxy. and the interest it would have procured- you if in vested. I am now tolerably well off. having prospered in business., I am married, and have a child six months old. I havo given your Christian name to tho little fellow, for though you havo unwittingly been my benefactor, I do not the less feet indebted to you, and I blcsa your name every day." B m IBR MORTGAGE SHERIFF SALE.—Will bo sold before the Court House jloor in tho city of Ma •Bibb county on the first Tuesday in Msy next, the lowing property to-wit: ..... Pan of Lot No. (4) fonr, in block No. nineteen, TO) containing ii of an acre, more ariose, of the SOutb-West common of the city of Macon; levied on to satisfy A mortgage II to in favor of Henry M. Bsiiy v*. Theodore (EYom.? T, W. BRANTLEY Dcp. Sheriff. March 2d, lSGfa G eorgia—bl . _ ..... Whereas, Arthur Stotesbury.Execatorortho will or Louisa Stotesbary deceased, applies to the undersigned for letters dismissory from his Executorship: Therefore all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause (ft any they have) why said Executor, on tho first Monday in September next should not bc.dit- charged. Gi\ cn under ray band and seal of office, this March auW WM.M. RILEY, Ordinary, march 3 R ULE NISI.—Court or Ordixart, Match Term. IS00.—It appearing to tho Court by Die petition of Stephen Collins, that Peter Stubbs, late of said county, did in bis lire time execute to said Stephen Collins his bond conditioned to execute titles in ice simple to said Stephen Collins, for lots of Lauil numbers 959.970, the south half of :MS, the north half of *19; the south half cf 219, (frfictlou) fraction number 978, in the fourth District of originally Houston now Bibb county; and it further appearing that the paid Peter Stubba departed .thU life without executing titlpa to rajd lot* of Land or by will or otherwise providing therefor. And it further appearing that the raid Stephen Collins has paid the fulUmountof the purchase price of said lot* of Land. And taf& Ste phen Collins having petitioned this Court to direct Ann Stubbs, Executrix on the estate of said Peter Stnbb* de ceased, to execute titles to him to said lots of Land in conformity with saia bond. m Therefore al! persons concerned are hereby noti fied and required to file their objections, if anj they have, in my office, within the time prescribed by law, wby said Executrix should not be orocred to execute ti tles to said lots of land in conformity with said B6ud.-» And it is further ordered that a copy of this rule be pub lished !u the Georgia Telegraph newspaper and at three or more public places in said county, for the term and pace of tnree months* _ .. „ „ True extract from the Minnies, this 5th March, lbCO. inarch ti-Sm WM. M. In February next, and show cans* why said Executor should not be dismissed. A true extract from the minutes, Jones Court of Ordi nary, January Term 1S00. jan It - Charles Mac art ut. Ordinary. 7i EOROli—JONESCOCNTY; ’- VT . Court or Ormn-art, March Terra,*1.^0. * The petition of Richard W. Bonner. Administrator of Elizabeth Findley deceased, respect folly showeth that he has honestly and’faithfully discharged the duties Confid ed to him as such Administrator, and’therefore petitions the Court for a discharge from said Administration. . - it W. BONNER Petitioner, Jtc. Upon hearing the above petition it is ordered that ci tation be issued and that all persona concerned be and no‘t be granted him. And it Is further ordered by the Court that citation be published in-one or more public gazettes of this State for the space o! six months. A true extract from the Minutes Jones Court of Ordi nary. CHARLES MACARXHY, Ordinary, march 10 • G EORGIA-JONES COUNTY. • Whereas, Thomas J. Gibson applies to roc foj ters of Administration on the estate of Reuben G i therefore to cite and admonish all and sin* tetP Given under, my hand and oKu signature this tho 15th of Feb., 18bo. . CHARLES J. ZtACARTHY, feb 18 w Ordinary. G eorgia, Houston county : Oedix art's Omc* TOR SAID CorKTT: Whereas, Elias Adams applies to me for letters of ad ministration on the estate of David Adams, tote of said county deceased. These ore therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred awl creditors of Mid deceased, to be and appear at my ofllce within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they hare, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand in odice, this March Slst, 1880. apr 8 W. T. SWIFT. Ordinary._ i * KORG1A—HOUSTON COUNTY, u OnniNAUT'a Oerter, Feb. jsth, i860. Whereas. John T. Sandifer, the Administrator of Wil liam Stripling tote of said county, now deceased, repre sents to this Court by hit petition duly tiled in this office that he has frilly discharged the duties or his said trust, and pray* for dismission therefrom. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause, if any they have at or before the September Term next of the Court of Ordinary for said county, wbv Letters of Dismission from said trust should not be granted to said petioner. Given under my hand the date above written, feb 15 w-6m _ W. T. SWIFT, Ordinary. G 'EOJMUA HOUSTON COUNTY.—Conrt of Ordinary, March Term, 18H0.—Present his honor. W. T. Swift. Ordinary.—l iMin the petition of Daniel C. Fudge and Watkins Laidler, Executors of Solomon Fndge, decea sed, representing that they have fully discharged the du ties of .their said trust, and pray for dismission there from. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all persons Concerned to show cause, If any they have, at or before tbe October term next of this Court, why letters of dis mission should not be granted to them. Given under my hand, and official Signature this 5th, day of march I860. W. T. SWIFT, Ordinary. . S TATE OF GEORGIA—HOUSTON COUNTT: To the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of county; The petition of Thomas Pollock, Administrator upon the estate of Riwlon Smith Utc of Mid county deceased, «lioweth that your petitioner U now about sixty-three year* of age and that hid health id ho infirm he tccl* incapable of rendering that attention to the interest of »aid enlate which St id constantly demanding, and fhrther, that he is ready to give notice of this application in such public gazette as this Honorable Court any direct. Whcrefotfc, your petitioner prayn that he may be al lowed to resign hid trust a* aforesaid, after said citation or notify * hall have been duly published, and-your peti- tioner will ever prav, Ac. JAS. A. CRINGLE, Petitioner'd Attorney.. Houston Cornr or Ordwaky, In Vacation, \ Feb. 2Sth, lbtt). j. On hearing the above petition it id ordered that notice bf aaid application be pnblished in the Macon Telegraph for thfc space of two month*. By Che Court. JAS. A. PRINGLE, Petitioner'll Attorney. A true extract front tnc Mirinte*, Houston Court of imanrj. - vv. x. nwii'i'. Ordinary, march 2-€0ds ’ — Ccgal iN’otttiS—Crawforli Comiti). LjTiI EORGIA. CRAWFORD COUNTY.—-Whereas Ethel- dred Wilder applied to me tor letters of Guardian ship of the person and property of James D. Robison, minor and orphan child of Janies \V, Robison, lata of said county deceased; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and friends of said minor, to behnd ap pear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters of Guar dianship should not be granted tbe said applicant, Ethel dred Wilder. Given under my hand at office, this Slst January, 1SC0. JAMES J. RAY, jan 31-w Ordinary. f^EOnoIA—CRAWFORD COUNTY. VA To all whom it may concern—Daniel McArthur hav ing in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of Administration, with the Will annexed, cm the estate of Allen McArthur, late of said county deceased. This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kindred of Allen McArthur to be aud appear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw and show canse, if any they have, why permanent letters of Administration with the Will annexed, should not be granted to Daniel McArthur on Allen McArthur's estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this Feb. 13th, IStt). JAMEri J. RAY, Ordinary. feb 18 w 'VTOTICE.—AU persons indebted to the estatoof JO IN nuthuu Mclzcndon, late of Crawford county, Ga., deceased, are requested to come forward and make im mediate payments, and those having demands against said estate are requested to present their clafms legally authenticated, otherwise they will uot be settled. WASHINGTON C. CLKAVELAND,. feb 9 Administrator. . RILEY, Ordinary. B ibb SHERIFF SALE—WUI be sold before the Court bouse door in tbe city of Macon, Bibb county, on the first Tuesday in May next, within the legal honreoreole, the following property, to-wit: One negro man named Billy, about 50 years of agc.and a negro woman named Eliza, about 40 years of age. Kith of dark complexion; levied on as the property ofMrs. E. W. McLaughlin, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Bibb Supe rior Conrt, in favor of Asher Ayres, vs. Mrs* E. W. Mc Laughlin. T. W. iiRAXTLV, PepL-Sh'fr. 3TICE.—Two months afler date*hereof, application _ . will be made te the Court of Ordinary of Bibb coun tv, for leave to sell oil tbe real estate belonging to George Horne, late of sakl county, deceased, for the benefit of Georgia—Jones County. Monday, November t, T HE Gnut of Ordinary of said county met this day, agreeably to lair. Present Charles Ma- carthy. Ordinary. To the Court of (Jrdinary of tQtd Con nty : The petition of Joseph C. White, Executor on the estate of Mrs Elizabeth H. White deceased, respect fully showeth to the Court that hOlias fully disebarg ed the dnty assigned him as such Executor, and therefore petitions the court for a discharge from said Executorship. JOSEPH C. WHITE, Ex’r. On hearing the above petition, it is ordered that ci tation he issued, and that all persons concerned, be, an'd they are hereby required, tozhow cause, if any the/have, on or before the first Monday in May next, wby the said Joseph' C. White should not be discharged from bis Executorship,'and why letters Dismissory felloald not he granted him. And it is further ordered by the Court, that this citation be nblished in one or more public Gazettes of tbi» tate, for the space of six months. ‘ A true'extract from the minutes of Jones Conrt bf Ordinaiy, this lth day of November, 1859. nov 8 CHARLES MACARTHY, Ordly. rarat mv oiuco Wiluiu wv iuhl- uj ww J4.JU low cause, if any they have, wby eahl letters should jt be granted the said applicant, Ja«*. C. Taylor. % Given under my hand, this 8th day of March, ItitiO. * - w T SWIFT, Ordinary*: i ilicsHoxne for let! | Isaiah l*ritcbett. C' EORGLV BIBB COUNTY: U Whereas, Dorothy Pritchett appl tor* of Administration on the estate oi late of said county, deceased; These are therefore to cite and admonL-h all and sin- gulAr, the kindred and creditors of said Uoccased,-to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why>aia letters should not be granted. Given trader ray band in office, this March 29th, 18G0. mar 31 WM. AL HILEY, Ordinary. —Illll SHERIFFS MORTGAGE SALE.—Will be sqjd j before the Court House door in the city Of Macon. [Bibb countv, on the first Tuesday in June next, within tbe legal hours of sale tbe following property to-wit: ■One negro woman by the nanv>A>f Sarah about thirty- Lundv, Administrator, Ac,, vs. John II. Kilpatrick.- " march 31 T. W. BRAXTLY, Dep. Sberiff- B JBB .SHERIFF SALES.—Will be sold befoer the Court House door in the city of Macon. Bibb coun- ty, on the flrot Tuesday in.May next, within the legal hours of eale the tolloyiniftract or pared of land; One lot ©r Land No. eighty-three, (8J> containing one hnmired arms more of loss, ,ving in Godfrey's District, Bibb county, and the place \Vn8feon. minim «r. John son now resides; levied on as,the property of WU llamJ. Johnson to sat itftr a Ufa issued .from RibbSu perior Court in favor of Patrick n. Cray, Executor of Benjamin n. Gray deceased, vs. William J. Johnson. Will be sold at the same tlriic and place, ] negro man hythe name of Stephen, abont thirty years of age. of rlirkscopper complexion; levied on as the propertv of Chesly C. Daniel, to satisfy a fl fa issued from Bibb Infe rior Court In favor ofLIghttoot & Flanders vs Chesly C. Daniei. . T. W.BRANTLY', Dep.Sheriff, march 31 * TJOSTPONED UNITED STATES MARSHAL’S SALE WU! he sold before the Conrt Bouse, in the city, of Macon, Bibb County, bn thefirst Tuesday In May next, between the nsual hours of sale, the following Property, viz: m - Lot* No. 18 and 9(1, on Society street In the city of Al bany, together with the improvements thereon; levied on as the property of Henry A. Scott, to satisfy a fl fa from the 6th Circuit Court id the United State* for the Southern District of Georgia in favor of John Jackson v*. Henry A. Scott and John J. Allen. ^Property pointed out hy John J. Allen. THOMAS L. 1:088. , march 39-td C. S- Dep. Marshal, G eorgia—bibb county : •Whereas, Volnev Pierce, Administrator on the cs- U»e of Leonard W. Gibson, tote of said county deceased, applies to th« undersigned tor Jettera dismissoiy from his administration, ■ • . • . , . Therefore all peraona concerned, are hereby required show oiu?e< ir any they have, why saidadministrator, on the first Monday in October next, should fiot bo dis charged. . . Given under my hand and seal of offleo. thU April 2d, 18C0. iapr 5-6m) • WM. M. RILEY. Ordinary.- ■ VittniNiA DwAttrs,—The Atlanta (6a.) Con- fcderacy tells of a famtljr of dwarfs from Wythe county,' Virginia, who are on exhibition in tjyvt city, possessing the following peculiari tics: The father and mother of tho interesting family were above tbe- ordinary size. The motlier, who is still living, in tbe 60th year of Jjtyr age, is a hale, healthy woman. There are oight children in the family, consisting of six girls and two boys. Four of the girl* arc above tho mediutd siac.of ladies. Tho other four, two girls and two boys, tire the celebrated Virginia Dwarfs. ' Major Hiram Walters, the oldest of the dwarfs, " * is *« ycarsofnjrv weighs 53 pounds, and ia 42 Inches in heighth. Captain William Walters % 36years of age, weighs 30 pounds, and 4I.incbes in height Miss-JfnxAnna Walters is 40 years of age, weighs 30 pounds,’ and is 3G inches in bight Miss Catharine Walters; the youngest ia 38 years of age, 40 inches high, and weighs 40 pounds, * Tub Victoria Binnnic.—The fire companies of Montreal have voted to turn out in full farce, on the occasion of the Victoi is bridge celebra tion, to offer prizes far the best engineers, and have a torch light procession and ball. Two 'companies are expected from the Cuitcd States, with steam lire engines. New Route to Columbus by Steamboat. - The Bainbridge Argos learns that the steamer C. J. Munnerlyn, is again making regular trips from Apalachicola to Columbus, the damage re cently done her having been speedily repaired. There is now a direct weekly lino of steamboats between thatfaiiit and Columbus. The steam er J. Cv Calhoun, Capt Bryan, leaves Bain- bridge query Tuesday morning, and arrives every Sunday evening, making a regular con nection with the Munnerlyn, Capt McAllister, at Cii.'Uiahoocbee, going to and from Columbus. —-Colunbu* Sun. *• ■■a G eorgia—bibb county : ■ „ Whereas, B. G. Lockett and James W. Tinsley, Ex ecutors or tpc Will of Wm. Lockctu deentod. Me of said eAnjitrTnnrOr fo me for letter* dlsffliseorv from tko'r Executorship, • Therefor* all pcrsons^concerucd, archereby required ih<*first Monday In'octuixT next, should not be dls-: C -lJlvcn under my hand and seal of office, this April td, I860. (apr 5-t’ai) WM. M. IUijSY. Onlliuiry. Georgia—Jones County. IliONDJT, Nov. 7, 18.7S- ITiHE Court of Ordinary for said County met this X dar pursuant to Uqr. Present, CHARLES MaCARTHY, Ordinary. To ike Court of Ordinary of sqid County : Tbe petition of Joseph* C. White. Administrator on the Estate of Tabitna E. Cargill, deceased, res pectfully showeth that he has fully discharged the duty assigned him as such Administrator, andthere- fore'ietitons tho Court for a discharge from said Ad-„ minisfralorship. JQSEPII C. WHITE. Adm’r. On bearing the above petition it is ordered that citation be issued, and that aU. persons concerned, be, and they are hereby required, to show cause,'^ any they have, ou or before thb first Monday in Hay. pext, why tho said Joseph C. White should not be discharged frotn bis Administratorship, and why letters Dismissory should not be granted him. And It is furf& er ordered by the Ooarf„thnt this citation be published in one or-morejrabjic Gazettes of this StatCj for the space of six inunt fia. A true extract from the minutes of-Jones Court of Ordinary, this 7th day of November, 1839. nov «' CHARLES MACARTHY..Ord'y, '* Georgia---‘Jones County. ' . MdxPAT, October 3, 1859. T HE Court of Ordinary tor aaid county met this day agreeably to law. Present, CUAHLBd MACARTHY,Ordinary. The petition of Robert P*ul* Guardian of Lucy * -ill * * 1 Paul, respectfully sbow^th to the Cocrt that he has fully discharged the duty assigned him as such Guar dian, and therefore petitions the Court<oi a discharge from said Guardianship. * * ROBERT PAUL, Guardian and Petitioner. Oh bearing the above petition, it is ordered that citation be issued, and that all persous concerned be, and they are hereby required to show cause, if any they have, on or before tbe first Monday in De- ccmW«sai,4i-liy ilu* .LudHotK-r? Paul should not be discharged from said Guardianship.and Letters Dismissory granted him, and ft is further ordered by the Court that this citation- be published in ona or more public Gazettes of said State, for tbe space of forty days- *• A true extract from the minutes of Jones Court of Ordinary, October Term, 18.19. CHARLES MACARTHY, Ordinaiy. nov 15 r* * •" i~ECRGIA—HOUSTON COL'NTY: lies to r , — property« chard minor and orphan child of J. E. Borchard late of said county deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu- lar, the kindred and friends of said minor to be and ap-- pear at my offleo within the tjne prescribed by law and show H |h m 1 fij nH *' ji not Giveu march 10 30da C fSEORG LA—HOUSTON COUFTY. T Cocut op OudinabY, FcVy Term; I860. J*re«ent, his Honor, W. T. Swift;.Ofurinary.—Upon tl petition of Drury W. Ta\qor v Guardian of John S. Po. and Tabitha E. wife of James A. Falllngtoa of mi county, representing that he has fully discharged the. duties of his said trust aud praying to be dismissed there-, from. • . * These are therefore to cite and aanfonfeh all persons concerned to show cause, if any they have, at or liefore the May Term next of this Court, why Letters of # Dis- mDidon should not be granted to him. Given uuder my baud aud official signature, this 13th day of Feb., 1800. - W. T. SWIFT, feb Um Ordinary. G eorgia Houston county.—two months after u date application will be made to tho Ordinary of said County, for leave to seH real Estate of Jacob Slurah late of the said County deceased. EPHRAIM. SHIRAH Administrator march S fiOd S ^TATE OF GEORGIA—HOUSTON COUNTY : Clerk’s Orri^x Interior Court, Marrchl9.1860.. Whercreas, Lavina Sullivan, claiming to be a free wo man of color, applies to mo tor registry as such; all per sons interested are hereby notified aud required to file their objections (if any there be) in my office within tho lime specified by law, otherwise a certificate of Regis try will be issued to the applicant. Said Lavina Sullivan is*29 years of age, 5 foot high, and weighs about 329 pounds, of bright complexion, wav born in Columbia county. Geo., resides In the county of Houston, and is by ocqppatiou a cook and washer woman., Cnas Ml Mc Coy is her Guardian. Giveu-under mv hand aud official signature, marrh 21 w : *t THOS. M. KILLKN, Clerk. the Ordinary of Crawford county tor leave to sell the lands and negroes belonging to the estate of Jonathan ficLendon, of said feb 9 • said county deceased, * WASHINGTON C. CLEAVELAND, * Administrator G EOROLV— CRAWFORD COUNTY: Whereas, Stephen L. Wilson applies to me tor let ters of Administration upon the estate of Am<^ San- difur, late of said county, deceased: * • , , These arethercloreto cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased; to.be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, aud show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should uot be granted to the said Stephen L. Wil son, the applicant. Given under my hand at office, this March 19th, 1SG0. march 22 JAMES J. RAY, Ordinary a EORGIA-UPSON COUNTY; . Two months after date application wilLbe Rjade to the Ordinary of said county for leave towel] the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Duncan C. bteele late or laid comity, deceased. DAVID KENDALL, april = • -Administrator. l. iv. whittle; ATTORNEY AT LAW, . i MACON, OA. • . Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne’s Drug Store. * jzn 6 D. C. HODGKINS & SON, 2v£a,con., <3-a>. rNVITES the --figs# laroo selection of DOUBLE GUNS. HJFLES PIS- TOLS, POCKET AND SPORTING CUTDEUY. FISHING TACKLE^ WALKING STICKS, FOR EIGN AND DOMESTIC AMUNITION, and every article found in a FIRST CLASS ^ Sportsman’s Empornim, NORTH OR SOUTH. By careful attention to the business, and beeping the nest GOODS in our line, we expect to receivo r continuation of past favora. lCt'pnirxiig carefully attctnlrd son, Iiereto- Oct. 26. Core. “MRS. S. AUDOIN, . AS just returned from New. York with a beauti ful and well selected Fall and Winter Stock, Parisian Hats of every variety ; Leghorn and Fine Straw Bonnetst French Flowers: Fancy and Os trich Feathers: Hoad Dresses: Bridal Wreaths and Veils; Net and Grecian Caps; Ornaments for the Hair; Shell and Ornamental Tuck Combs; Real Lace Coiffeurs and Veils; beautiful Lace .Sets and French Embroidery; Misses Leghorn, Plush and Beaver Hats -, Boys Hats and_ Cans; Dress Trim mings; Zephyr Yarns for Knittingand Enfbroydery; A. McQUEEJNf, I -■= - • r P r, jSSwk and^i f IRS DRUGS .1 v .1 e therefore invite you t0 > 1 BF Surgical Instrumenf; k . an- all articles required for PW U ' Cr ’«»<) * Wholeealery HAWAII 1 EES fsALCKDO^ Import IVLgars, keep eonstamlv on Inn? selected stock of the bit hJJS.'O*! brands from S3 to inoo ptrtl.or* »* £!*' ryStreet and Cotton nngUj—ly* -h tedious to mention. Please cal! and examine tor yourselves before, purchasing Thankful for past favora and solicits a continuance of. the same. All orders promptly nt- tendedto.. . - fcep 27—tt Gtuxls, E-ifles, <S&c., - ^ Manufactured by MARK WALTER & MORSE aycaft.co3sr, g-a.. rp 11E subscribers having formed a co-partnership 1 forthe purpose of Manufacturing ICiflcs, OoiiliIc-lSarrcIIcd Guns ami 3? I S T O I* S-, They are now prepared to make the 18e»i Kiflcx manufactured iti theTJnitedStates^upon Mr. Morse’s entirely new pirfu. auns Rc-Stochcd and Bepfured on the most rea so liable te^ms, at short notice. The undersigned being Practical Workmen, guar antee all Work entrusted totheir pare, and invite the public* to give them a trial, at the FJoyd House, op posite Dr. Thomson’s Drug Store.' WM, JIARKWALTER, Late of Augusta,-G a. T. MORSE, Guano, Lime, Plaster, &c. ^ M ^ Ga - T HE undersigned are agents forthe sale'of i»isxiliitiou of Coparfnci’Sllip. Reeses Manipulated Guano, arenow prepared rtTKOXiJ A WOOD hereby give notice, that their o-ft ‘im Macon, G-a M ANUFACTURER of Wrought Iron RAILING of every description, and for all purposes, viz: PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL, from the lightest scroll Iron up to the heaviest Rail ing nsed. Having an endless .varictv of designs, purchasers cannot fail to be suited. . Being entirely of Wrought Iron,, their strength cannot be questioned, and for beauty they cannot be surpassed anywhere. Ail kind, of Fancy Iron Work wade to order. Particular a'.tenlion paid to making all kinds of _ ’ . Geometrical Staii’ Railing. •^■Specimens of Work can be seen at the Bcsi- denees of T. G. Holt, L. F\ W. Andrews, and Wm. J. McElroy. Esqs, Also, to enclosures in Rose Hill Cemetery. ju[y 13 BOOTS AND SHOES. A TTIIESIGN OFTHE BIG BOOT, No. J, g Cotton Avenup, opposite Washington I Hali Lot, Macon, Georgia.—The subscribers ^=9 would return their thanks for the very liberal and long continued patronage extended to them, and would most respectfully solicit a continuance of th same. Wehave now in store a large assortment ofc BOOTS AND SHOES* mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly SATIN, additions will be made, of all the different styles I |S«LS^ Triangular liloek,over Ciinmbe]!*71a -y* 18 lv Carriage Repository! -0. T. WARD ill MANUFACTURERS * (Opposite the Floyd H MACON, W E would call the attention NEW STOCK. emnpStoSJll fiockaways and Bqzgies of the iomw^T ish. from celebrated builders North *'*** EP* Genuine B UA l’XLEB0H0 _ (aar 13*^ stantly on hand. Mts*rs. Ayers, Wingfield Co.: Sik - ° — luuriuu vuuuit, » 11li- ill the Ie^al hour.- of tale ou the first- Tuesday ut*May next, the foliofiring property tonvit: The one-elcvcuth. interest of Lot of Land No. uot known, but known as the Jacob Shira plaice, in the Tentli District of Ilourito’n younty, the «ame being ull the inferezt of Oli'arlca Shira, one of the heir* at law* of, Jacob Shira deceased;* levied on aa the property of Chat>. Shin^ to’sktisfy fi ti fa issued fr*>m Dqply Inferior Cdurt in favor of \Vn». H. ltyrom va-Cliarles Shira aud Alexan der Wright. ~ . - AIdO, at the tame timeandplace, one Negro W*bman named MatUda, about fifty year* old, dark complexion; levied on at* the propety of Christian J, Staley, to *01 My Bundry Justice OourUfi vs. aaid Stale}*: Levy made and returned to me by Tillman Dow-ua,‘Constable. JOHN SMITif, Sheriff. Ferry March 23d, 1SG0—tda. < KOItGIA—llUl sTON COI NTY : to supply planrers in aby quantities at tbe same eost as if Ordered by -themselves. Are also agents for tbe sale of Mapes’ Nitrogenized Super Phosphate of Lime. Will also have a large supply of the gen uine Peruvian Guano, aU of ^which will be sold as low aw parties -esn lay it down in this market. AYEBt?, WINGFIELD & Co. • Nov. e [COPY.J Montezuma,,Oct. -4th, 185fr. ^geld.Co _ ua—^Yours of tbe lath inst., has been re- -ceivdd,ils.oontents noted,-Ac. In reply to your en quiry in regard tojhe Reese’s Manipulated Guano as a fertilizer—I am well ’pleased so far as l have tested its use. I applied about lOQjbs. per acre on land that was badly worn, and not if the best when fresh. -The - product of the. field where the Guano was applied is over 800 lbs. of seed cotton per acre. The same kind of land without the Guano produced about too lbs. per acre.' My mode of applying the Guano was by depositing it in the drill beiore bed ding up tbe land, I have not tried its use on corn, but have no doubt but it will succeed well. I shall use it pretty extensively on iny next crop. Yourf Kespectfu'ly. - .. |Signed]. RKl’BEN WRIGHT.. . ’-BTReMviiE*, Oct. 5oib, 185p. Mi-ar*. Ayer*. Hiag/?fW A’ Co..Macon; Dear Sihs—Tho Manipulated Guano bought of you last Spring (Reese’s, I think it was,)/I approve of very mitcb. At Ihi* Jime, as tlie erop.is not ga thered in, I cannot say as to what per cent/it will pay, though the use of it on poor land pay* a con siderable per cent. I shall continue the use of it. Respectfully yours, > [Signed 1" - . ’ W. H. BYllOM. noy 8 ■. --■'*. -• ~ . GEORGE PAYNE, firm was dissolved this $ay by mutual consent. Either party is. authorized to use the mamerof the late firm fn settlement ot Its ‘affairs. Those indebt ed will make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement at once. LEWIS P. STRONG, CHARLES V. WOOD. Macons January 2, 1«BC0. * jan-3 3m J NEW_FIRM. Jm L?p. STRONG & SONS L EWIS P. STRONG tenders his grateful thanks forthe liberal patronage extended to him for the last twenty lem years, snd respectfully an- nouuces that he has associated with him in the fur ther prosecution of the business, his two sons, ED'- GAR P. SLRONGand FORRESTER W. STRONG, underthename,firmandstyleofD P. STRONG* SONS, and will coniiuue to keep on hand and offer, a largp and select assortment of Boots, Shoes and Leather ofall kinds, and Findings for Country manufacturers He respectfully asks for the pew linn, a continuance of tbe liberal favor extended to the old, Macon, January 9, i860.ly jan 3 and patterns usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing'to purehase.fo call and examinoour stock, as we are prepared to aeU as low as any house in the oity of State. Sept. 28, . MIX * KIRTLAND. B OOTS.—A full assortment of Gents’ fine S French Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and H waterproof, ofvarious kinds and qualities, both ^*f soledaud pegged. ’ Justreceivenandforsalelowb Sept, 28, - MIX A-KIRTLAND. J DLANTATIONJiROGANS.-Now instore ^4tia jL the best assortment of Negro Shoes, ve*^> have ever offered in this market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed blapk and rnssetts; do. heavy single soled blaok and mssetts; do. boys and youths black and rnssetts, all of which we are selling very low. Sept. 28,. MIX*KIRTLAND. B OOTS AND SHOEg.—Men’s, Boys and .^7, Youth’s fine calf and kip peg’d Boots■ Men’s stout kip hunting and mnd Boots; Gents last ing Gaiters, Monterey, opera-and tics, and fine call Brogans; Gents, boys’ and youths' patent and enam elled Brogan;; Men’s, boys’ and youths’ California kip Brogans, a largo assortment. Sept. 28, ~ MIX-* KIRTLAND. SCHOFIELD & BROTHER, "... 1' ,11acon, Georgia. J. IiKASHAM. Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GA. W ILL practice in the Macon Circuit, and inthei counties of Monroe. Putnam,-Wilkinson and Sumter. - * . Office in Washington Block, next to Boaidinkn’s Book Store. * ' * . . (ocL23) jVTew Firm! CARPETINGS' FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, MATUV, 1 . AND MATS!! ' S A „ LA H GE S , t . 0e '‘,’ * D . d a peat vine; J Z Atbe above Goods, just received, sold at far lower figurei, aud give - lection from the Viest stock ever off'- f A I, HO, 1 DeLAWE, LACE and MDSIS WINDOW CURTdJ WINDOW SHADES, G1LTC( BANDS in great variety. Purchasers will consult their own j Emining my stock before buying. aog .’i -ff R UBBER SHOES.—a large aa of Gents and boys Rubbers, i dies slipper and sandal rubber ShoaiX celebrated patent. Just received at(!.a Sept. 28. MIX ingl IMPLEMEJJ CAEHAET&, H AVE in store, Grant s Climon'i -ail sizes - ’ FAN MILLS. Emery’s, Winsbip's, Georgia mdeWi SPIKE TIlItESlIEHS, I Emery’s Railroad. BogardafaiigJ HORSE POWERS, Grant's and others make 5 and 6 finc-w GKAIN CRADLU Scythe Blades, Grass Blades. Grass SaJ Stones, Corn Shellers, and 8Vraw Ckii ALSO, Wire Cloth. Bolting Cloth, Leatke>l_ Belting, Mill Spindles, Mill CranWi MIX.fi IKONS, Together with a full assortment tils Carriage M&ker'a material, and t-v- kept in tbeir line, all of which wii] be. CScorgitt—Jones Comity, Ilosoar, Dec. 5.J859. T HE Court of Ordinary for aaid county met this ■ day agreeably to law. Present, CHARLES MACARTHY. Ordinary. The petition of Francis S. Johnson, Adnupistra- r on the estate of Henry W. Dorsey, late of said county, deceased, respectfully showeth, that he has honestly and faithfully discharged the duty assign ed him assuch Administrator, and therefore peti tions tbe Court for a discharge frt m said Adminis tration. X S. JOHNSON. Adm’r and Petitioner. On hearing theabove petition, it is ordered that citation be issued, and that ail persons concerned be, and they are hereby required to show cause if any they have, on or before the first Monday in June meat, why the said Francis 8. Johnson should not be discharged from his said Administratorship, and why Letters dismissory should not be granted him. And it is further ordered by the Court that this ci tation he published in one or more public Gazette* of theStato forthe space bf six months. A true extract from themindfc-s of Jones Conrt of Ordinary. CHARLES MACARTHY, Ordinary, dee 13 X’OTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.—All per- i\ sons haring demands against Robert Findlay, Sr., deceased, toto pf Bibb county, are hereby notified and re- S lired to present them properly attested, to the under go ed within the time pfescribcd by tow, and-ad per sons indebted to Mid Deceased, are hereby required t make immediate payment to the under.lgucd. apr s-io , C. D.q-TNPLAY, Adm’r. them property attested, to the unde tlmo prec-rribed by law,'and all )*c I said deceased, are hereby required j Adm’r, £egal Notices—Jones County. t DMIXISTRATOR’^ SAtE.-Br MftUe or an order of Ordinary of the county of Jones. Str* gia, will be sold cm Tn^^tay in Juiy: tkoCouit iiowt*© aooVm the toiraoi HialijViiiw, v H .wa county, lot of land Number ,*17, in Uie 16th district, ccmuinlim ICO acres, more or less; aold an the ^property of the estate of Henry W.Doracy; deceased, And for divi- •ion among the le^aieca. Terms otsh. ^ F. 8. JOHNSON, Adm’s. a EORGIA—JONES COUNTY: '. Court or Obdmast. Aran. Tow, Guardian of Ptnin*,- Richard. Harauck Martha and Calbeilne Blow, minora of Richard Blow, deceased; shewetblhat he baa acted as sneliGnhrdlan fofthespaco of ffra yeara-tbat he has removed to the county of Brooks in said State, so that proper attention cannot .be given to tbe Interest of his said wards; and therefore pray* that citation may be fasrod «^jn^ ros^-h^shimld *W be 1 hit srld 1 milted to-resign h tecs of dismission th.refrom^^ ^ ■■ 0u , rtUpj by Ms Attorney, R. W. Bosxzu. On bearing the abort, petition, it is ordered.tb*t cita tion be issued, and that aU person* eoncoancd, be. and not iw dis- they arc hereby required on or before tbe first Mi Wm. A. 1 Ue first Mondi ty in June next. Guardian, as aforesaid, should charged from said Guardianship, and why lettFn iistnis- sory should not la- granted him. And it is ftirtherorder- ed that this elution be published In some publicGazetth of this Slate, for Iho space of forty day*. A true extract from the minutes of Jones Court of Or- inary. C11ARLE3 MACARTHY, Oidlnary, apr 5-10 d . per R. T. Rp«s, Dept’y.. G eorgia—jones county: ■ ■Ooukt or Oamsanr, Arnn. Tzbr, 1880. To tte Ifonora’dt, thi Court of Ordinary for taitl county : The petition of Abner Hammond respectfully shewetb, that be hat been forthe last three years, acting as Ex ecutor of the tost Will and Testament of Reason Will- roxson, late of said county deceased; and tbat from are and infirmitr, he la unable longer to attend to the bnsl- nesa of the esute of said deceased, andprarsy our Honor to issue elution for Ms dismission from Hfd estate In terms of the law. WM. T. MASSEY, Pet. Att’y." On bearing the above petition, it la ordered that bu tton be Ironed, and that aU person* concerned, be, and they are hereby required to show cause. If any they have, on or before the first Monday In October next, wby aaid Abner Hammond should not be discharged from said Ex ecutorship, and why let I era dismissoiy should notbc granted him. And It Is farther ordered by the Court, that till* elution bepnblished In one or more public Gazettes of this State for tbe space of six months. A tnu extract from the minute* of Jo see Court of Or dinary. CHARLES MACARTHY. Ordinary. - porR.T.Boa*,DepV apr 6-*m G eorg la—Jones Corn* or OmirnanT, Ait.il Trr.v. 1800. rTOe petition or James V. Wooton, Administrator of IsCanrery F. Carmichael, deceased, sheweih that he has \ tntor ' Di ' b r&&$v On hearing the above petition. It i* ordered that clta- tj^^ron^^^toatal^ereoo^nrerneA they are hereby required to ahowooi cause,If anyt beforethe flint Monday in October next, why the araesV. Wooton ahoqld not be dlhdiarged. and raid James .. JHHPPHVH vrtiyletter*dlamiteoryebonM notUanetoWm. Andltis farther ordered by Ibe Court, that thla citMlun be pub lished In one or more public Gazettes of tbit State far tbe apace of six months. A truo extract from the minutes .Tones Conrt of Ordin ary. CHARLES MACARTIUL Ordinary, apr 5-tm At aarni, uruniaiy, per R. T. Ross, Dept'y. Georgia-ioncs Comity. - UoRDSY, Doc. a, 1S50. T HE Conrt of Ordinary for aaid county met thia aimy «Slcc«Mr t*r litre. iVreeur • CHAS. MACARTHY, Ordinary. Tho petition of Richard H. Hutchings, Trustee of Mary Grave* ami her minor children, respectful ly showeth that hn has honestly and faithfully dis charged tho d uly assigned him as Mich Trustee, anil therefore petitions the Court of Ordioary lor a dis charge from said Trusteeship. RICHARD H. HUTCHINGS, Trust«e. Onhesring tbnliboTe petition it ia ordered that citation he issued, aud that all persons concerned; beard they araJierehy required to show cause, if any. they have, <m or before the first Mondav in Juno next, why tbe said Richard II. Hntcbings should not be disdbarged from his said Trusteeship, and why- letters dismissory should not bo granted him. And -it is farther ordered by the Court tbat this ciution. be published in one or more publio Gazettes of this State, for the space of six moiillu A true extract from tbe minutes of'Jones Court of (Ldinary. CHAS. MACARTHY. Ordinary, deo 13 KOItGIA—JONES COUNTY; “ T" : 7 . Court or Oudisart, March Term, 18G0. The petition of William Moreland, Executor of John Po\r«udt»i>cd, *howeth that he has honestly and Csitb- full v (liM-har-c l the duties assigned him as such Admin- iftroior. .uul therefore petitions the Conrt fora dischaivc from raid Executorship. WILLIAM MOUEEAND, Executor Jb Petitioner. Upon hearing the above petition it is ordered that ci tation be issued and tliat all persona concerned be and they arc hereby required to show cause, if any they have, pn or before the first Monday in September next, why sold William Moreland should not be discharg'd, and why letters dffimi**ory*honld not be issued to him. And itfs Amber ordered that this citation be published In some public Gazette of this State for the space of six . m AmIe extract from the Minutes Jones Court of Ordi nary. CHARLES MACARTHY, march 10 - ' Ordinary. G l tyiiDixART'a OrricK for Said County. Whereas, Alexander.Smith applies to me for Letters of Administration De bonis non upon the estate of Ris- don Smith, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to ctt€ and admouish all and. sin gular, the kindred aud creditowof said decsased^lo be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, fo show cant-e, if any they have, why raid letter* should not be grouted. * . Given under my hand in ofllcc. this March 23d 1S00. nihrchdi * - W.T. SWIFT, Ordinaiy’. /VeoKUIA-HOCSTON COISTY:' VT . court or Obdinabt for said County. • Whereas, Avner Burnam having tiled his petition for dismission os Administrator of the estate of James Bouse deceased: .These orerhereforo to cite all persons interested to be and appear at my office by the next October Term of the Conrt to show cause, if any they have, why raid Letter* of Dismission should not bo granted. Given under my hand at office, ibis 22a day of March, IStiO. W. T. SWIFT, Ordinary, march 20 — f 'I G "EORGIA—HOUSTON'COUNTY. _ ." Ordrjjr'b OrncK, Feb. 13th, 1660. . Whereas, James G. Pollock; the Administrator of Jes se F. Pollock, late of thii* county now deceased, repre sents to this Court by^is petition duly filed in thia of fice, that he has full v discharged the duties of his raid trust and prays for dismissioirtberofrom. These are therefore to cite and admdnish all persons concerned to show cause, if any they have, at or before the September Term next of the Court of Ordinary for county, why letters of Dismission from said trust should not be granted to raid petitioner. “ Given under my hand th- feb 15 W-6m ho date above written. W. T. SWIFT, Ordinary. county, within the legal hours of raTb, on the first Tues day in May next, the following property, to-wft: - The one half interest of the Benjamin Gray river plan tation. adjoining J. W. Baseit and Mrs. Smith, in the 5th district of Houston county. Levied on as the property of PatrielyGray, to satisfy a fi.fa from Houston Superior Court, m favor of Wm. Ii. Parker, vs. Patrick Gray, prin cipal and Clinton L. Varner, endorser.’ * mar $1 JOHN SMITH, Sh’fr. H ouston sheriff*bale-—wm be sold before the Court House door in Perqr, Houston county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in May next, within the usual hours of sale the following property to-wit: The one-half interest pf Tot of Laud No. 2® in tbe Tih District otHonston county; levied on as the property of 1 - 1 —| Miil v ~~Tiniq. f~ r—i% Jiiatlfr. C'lillit l> -la are f- —- of Samuel Gunn vs. John McDonald. Levied on and re turned to me" by a Constable. - - J. A. AVARA. march .31 • ' Dep. Sheriff. G EORGIA-HOUSTON COUNTY: | Whereat?, Edmund A. Pollock applies to me fpr let ter< of Administration of the estate of Thomas Pollock, deceased, with tho will annexed:. Thera are therefore to cite and admonish all aud sin- gnlofc to be ami appear at' my office, ou or before tlie first Monday in May next, to show cause. It any they’ have, wby raid letters should not be granted. Given under my haud and official signature, this 27th March. 1969. * ’ -W. T..SWIFT; Ordinary, march 29 * * * * NOTICE#—Sixty days afterdate application will be xx made to the Honorable, the Court of Ordinary of lion don county, for leave to sell the Lands of the iniuon of Wm. F. Postal of raid county.* March Cth, I860. WM. F. POSTELL. Guardian. march 10 GOds The petition of Rasco Lippey, Guardian of the minors of Dhain Dinkins, late of raid county deceased, sheWcth that he is a non-resident of this county, and prays for dismission from his raid trust. April 2nd, I860. BASCQ LlPSEi^. Court of Ordinary, April Term, 1«C0. " Ifrcsent, His Honor, W. T. SwirT. Ordinary: Upon the foregoing petition of liatco Lipsey, Guar dian of the minors of "ham Dinkins, deceased, praying to be dismissed from his raid trust, . It is ordered that ail persons concerned, do appear at or bafore the next June term of thin Court, and show cause. If any they have, why tbe prayer of raid petitioner should not be granted; and that this citation be publish ed-in terms of tho law. * A true extract from the-minntes Houston Conrt of Or dinary, (apr S-t0d)- W. T. SWIFT, Ordinary. /°i EORGIA JONES COUNTY.—-Monday January 9th, To tfa Ordinary of Jones County. Tbe petition of Awnatb K. Woodall as Administratrix of Jefferson F. Woodall, deceased, ■ “ “ m that she has fiilthfally and honestly confided In her ns such Admint-trntriX', _.. . . titiqns the Court for a discharge from Mid Administra tion. ' ASKNAT1I K. WOODALL ' Admiu’zofJ. P. Woodall, dee. - On hearing the above petition, it was ordered that elu tion be issued, and that mil pcrsqpa concerned bo and* they a re. hereby required io show cause, if anythey have, on or before the first Monday in July next, why the Mid Asenarh K. Woodall should not be discharged from her aaid Administratrix*hip, add why Utter* dismissory should not be granted her, and it Is farther ordered by the Court, that thia ciution be published In one or moitf of tbe public Gazettes of aaid State, for iho .spaqp .of she. -months. A tree extract from the minntea. Jones Court of Ordi nary, CnAUUta MaeaKTHT.' jan 17. ’ ’Oidlnary afear.tfsS’ ?^ dcr - mr ^ frh^andthereforepe-' ^e^^—es^—fawMBi C t EORGL\—HOUSTON COUNTY I - Whereas, CharieaAf. Dinkins applies Jo me for let- gular, the kindred and friends of safd minors, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant. Itgal Unliirs—311onm anil Cmigga. Y-rONROE COUNTY—ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE ill Ail persons indebted tuthc estate or EHiah May nard tote of aatd county deceased, are -notified to nuke immediate payment, aud all turtles bolding claims agaiifat tbe same must present them duly authenticated, within legal tiipe, or this noliec will - bo plsced in bar thereof. WILLIAM T. MAYNARD, Adminlstrator.- feb IJ * fl EORGIA—JONES COUNTY: » VI Coi-*T or Oam*abt.Marrh TermJffiO. The petition of Isaac Hardeman Guardian of Eugene 8. Henderson showeth that be has discharged tbe dntles confided to him at such guardian, and thereforepetitions , . march 9 w-tjl the Court fora discharge from raid guardian-hip. - - ISAAC HARDEMAN Petitio - - On hearing the-abo*»petition ft is ordered tion be lulled and that all persons they are hereby required to show can VOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDmiKS —Persons i\ indebted .to thc Estate of Henry Faulk, deceased, late of Twiggt* Gounty, are roqae«ted to make immediate payment: And all pewons holding clahnVor demands a- gaintt raid Estate ate hereby notified that they must present them, duly authenticated, within the time pf^- scribed by law, or this nortec will beplead In bar there nt • CEUNA FAULK, Adm'rx. i Petitioner &e. _ ordered Uuf cita- J concerned be and , tcgal Notices—Saglar’ Cloautn. IbeyareherebTrequiredto show cause, if any they have, on or before tbe first Monday in Mar next, why said 'v'OTICE.-SixtrdaT* after. date appHeation wUl be 1«« Hard'raau. Tf u) , u “ ”°i. be iN made to the brd/naryof T^lor“oim!y for leave to disebargod from aaid guardianship, and why letters■ dl»-i *11 the Negro property belonging to Ac estate of missoijshooW not be granted him And it is farther JjlInc , m lch< .ir b,c of Jones county dfccascd. ordered that this citation be published In some pobli, ^ j cuLRERT, H " J * ’w. if. montfort. Oszette of this State for the space of forty days. A ttoe extract from tbe Minutes, Jones Conrt of Cfrdi- naiy. CHARLES MACARTHY, Ordinary. march IQdQds. A dministrator s sale.—By virtue of an order of the Ordinary ofihe county of Jones, State of Ga^ will be sold on tbe first Tuesday in July next, beforethe Lumpkin county, lot of land No. Butler, Taylor Cg., Feb. 2S lfiOO-w Administrators. Court house in the town of itohlone ofie third part in the north half ofc *99, Uth district, said lot ountainfi T H AYLOP SHERIFF SALE.—WHI Ire sold beforethe ■ Court house door in the town of Butler, Taj ion coun ty, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tncolsy in Mav next, tbe following property, to-wit: ~ I •* *’-* of land No. 1S1, in t The South half of lot trictof i 4b« 14th dis- \ as the Taylor county, as r a .Superior dourt fills __ , said lot containing 40 sem, more or property of John Turner, to satisfy a Superior Court I feta; aold aa the property of the estate of Henry W. Dor-1 from Taylor Superior Court, itrfavor of John Uieton, vs. - ■ ■ -ud for division among the legatees.— i John Turner and other fi fa* ii my hands. Property F. S. JOHNSON, Adm’r. I pointed out hr Plaintiff’* Attorney. tnar Si . JESSE STALXINGS, DepL Sh’ff- ■TOTICKTO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.—AH per- i * ton* indebted to Joseph L Holland, late of Jones prerent.hcmduly.njlmmiea^.o- BEN J. L HOLLAND, f Adm ”- inarch 15-ewi* ' VOI a.\ Gi .TOTICE.—Persons indebted to the estate of Edmund ilbert, late of Bibb county deceased, by note, are ned to call at Bowdre * Anderson's and settle the .vine. J- C. GILBERT, JOhEPDl’S GILBET, fab 18 w-lm Kxeoutori. . WHOLESALE A RETAIL DH.UGGIST Y , , . ' ■ ousiaeasaducir oiuowtuu, n uenj w<y wm uv yiuajyu And StHrtO Liconsca ApOtllGCJiry, I to seethe frieods^ofthookl Finn, acd-as many new MAfifiN-’GA ones as mavfavor us with a call. 1 S happy to inform his friends, patrons and the ; „ . d S ’ SiiIS * ( ' 0 ’ 1 public generally, that’his Stock is how full and ! Macon. January TO, 18S0.-3m- complete, which comprises every articlethat should Mb found in a Find L’ia'ss e Drug: and Clicmical Store. Weekly arrival • of-the Savannah Steamer ena bles him toroplenish his.Stock Weekly, with FRESH AND CHOICE GOODS, which are bought with great attention to purity! and sold as LOW as at any Drag Establishment in Geor- EiAi . ’ . . " T - PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS I TTAVING purchased the Stock of the late firm of j XiCurhart Jc Hoff, we will continue the Grocery Business at their old stupa, where we will be pleaded ALL THE NOVELTIES * -M FURNISHING GOODS, • - VERY LOW,. At Baird’s. MEDICAL CARD. Ca-npoinided at all hours with care and neatness: TAlt. JOEL * P. A.-BRANHAM, having located Ills stock consists in part of tbe following articles ’ i J in Macon, tender tbeir Professional services to Drugs? Chemicals aad ^Ictlicincs, , its citirehs and.thovicinity. Theold friendsofDr. Dyes, Paints, Oils amTCoiora, ' . . ‘ . . ^ Joel Branham, - ^ Glassware, Syringes, modem styles,great.variety Window GlassrPatty, ArtlstsTools, Mechanical, Artificialaud Natural Leeches, Fresh Hops and all Other Herbs, Surgical Instruments and Medicine Chests, Family Soaps, Fine Starch and Geletines, at a distance, can avail themselves I of his services in critical cases. - - | Office No 10, Cotton A venue, first door above the i Methodist Book Depository, (up stairs.) I * dec 6—3m , * . Fine Castor OB for Family use Wines and Liquors for Medical use only, Perlumory, Pomades and Toilet Articles. Gold and Silver Lent, Gold and Tin-foil and Artificial Teeth, Haik,Tooth asd Nail Brushes, White Wash, Paint, Cloth and Flesh Brushes, TRIPOLI, a great article for cleaning Meta) and Glass, Grass and Garden Seed, and all the patent Nostrums of the day: Corner Mulberry stmt aud Cotton Avenue. Macon. apl 21 ENTERPRISE WORKS. MACON, GA. D. B.&J. W. WOODRUFF, . I’ROPiJIKTORS. Contractors for any style of Buildings aud Manufac turers of Window Sash, ¥2iinds, Panel Doors, Brackets. Moiildln&^Ay.a. Air made from tho best of SEASONED LUMBKR apd warranted to give satisfaction. We also keep -mm ksseiA mtl for b*I«,ti large assortment of r LUMBER, ; which we will sell at tho lowest MARKET PRICE FOR CASH. Persons in want of any of the above work? .will do’wei) to give us a call, or address us by letter. and we will forward our Circular with list o! prices, Ac. r 300,000 Laths on hnutl, an excellent article, and for sale in lota to suit -pur chases. Dressed Flooring for sale, Sawing and PLANING done to order. P. S. Plans and Specifications, famished for any style of Buildings it desired. Agents for Anderaon * Sons Improved Patent As phnltic Roofing Felt, a light, Clear, economical and durable Rooting. Samples may be seen $1 our office. Also, Agents for Wood * Perot’s Iron Works, Philadelphia. Wo can furnish RAILINGS, BALA CONIES, IRON VERANDAHS. STAIRS, *c. We ha vein very great variety of Designs, which we will take pleasure in showing tt> our customers. aug3B 1). B. A J. W. WOODRUFF. loro, S. XOB1XSON - ....CH»S. ROBINSON G. S. & C. ROBINSON, Attorneys at Law, ? * 1 CUTHBERT, GEORGIA. W ILL give prompt attention tc all business en trusted to them, in Randolph, Clay, Early, Mil ler. Calhoun, Terrell, Stewart mnd Quitman counties. March 1,1859- tf JOHN S. SCHOFIELD, , JOSHUA SCHOFIELD. We-are prepared to Manufacture STEAM ENGINES, GWiUiLAR Ifc^lOLL^ MILL AND GIN GEARING, Suga-i* Skills, -bti *ttt x Tyr n ttt BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, JtLi. W I JN S El OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. IRON RAILINGS AND VERANDAHS, Having the most complete assortment of Iron Rail* inga in th© State, which for elegance, neatness, dura bility and design, cannot be surpassed, and are suit able for the Frants pf „ On-riling*, Cemetery IjOifi,5nb!ie Squares, Church Fence* uuil ISalconie*. Persons desirous of purchasing- RAILINGS, will J 1 TJJ ^ 17 2 S £2! 2 27 ff SC C\ do well to give us a call,« *eare determined toof* fer as good bargains as any Northern Establishment. * IdP’Specimens 01 our Work can be'seen at Hose Hill^Gemetery, and at various priv.nte residences in this "city. - •nov .30 iy, LATEST NEWS BY THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. TO ALL WHOM.IT MAY CONCERN. est market rates. Call at CABU.4RT4 may 17 FINE CLOTHDl Save Freight and Commissions. Oarhart & Curd SOLE AGENTS Fairhank’s- Scales. A full assortment of Counter aud Platform Scales 3c°l “briefs large Scales taken, and will see them put up. may 17 ’ Checks on New York . FOE SALE BY THE liNUFACTUHEBS’ BANK mar 9 NEW YORK PIANOS, nggrrm T. H. CHAMBERS’ {pHR/l FI^ISTO FORTES ESTABLISHED S.V ISiS. jf’. II. Chambers, Piano Manufacturer, (Formerly Dubois Jb Stodart, and Dubois, Bacop Jb Chambers.! WarcroomsintAe -‘Bible ttme,” cor. Silt St. d ltti Arenue, ; NEW YORK" CITY. ’ and schedule of prices. description of i march 31 w T nE COURSE OP LECTURES in this Institution will commence the first Wednesday in October next, aud close With tho commencement on the last Wednesday in January. ... - - FACULTY: L. L. SacwDEBd, M.T>., Professor of Anatomy; Joint T. Banks, M.-D., Professor of Surgery ,- R. B. CiAiiDXcn. M. D„ Professor or Materia Medic* and TUcrupcuticcs: 8. il. SauXDXOs.'Sf. D., I*rofcssor of Medical JnriSpru deitcee' F. O. Dkxxsu.Tr M. D., Professor of Physiology find Pathology; * L J. RokEBT, A- M. M.D., Professor of Medical Cheln-' istiyt E. F. Kxott, M.D.,- Professor of Institutes and Prac tice of Medicine; S . M. Dabnail. M. D.. Pniffssor qPObstetrics r . J. Daxiel, M. D., Professor of Diseases of Women and Children; . ' J. U. CoxXAivr, M. D:, Demonstrator of Anatomy. inarcH 21 w Cm .. S. II. SAUNDERS, Dean., Fine Furniture. ' 7MNJJ Parlor Setts, Rose Wood, Mahogany and Geor gia Walnut Furniture. Secretaries and Book Cases, Desks and Book Cases. Bureaus or Rose Wood. Mahogany and Walnut. Sofas, Tcle-a-Tetes, Divans, Sociables, Oitomnhs in Huir Cloth, Flush, Brocai.vtc. . ' lair Cloth. Plush. Brocatei, Cane, Split Bottom, and gv- csjr kind-of Chair known to tho trade. USD STEADS. Rose Wood, Walnut, Maple, Mahogany, Bqccb, Gum, ic.. High, Low, French and Cottage. Wardrobes of Rose Wood, Mahogany, Walnut and Pine. Safes of all Patterns. TABLES. Mahogany, Walnnt, Cherry, Fine, Extension, Folding, Leaf, Square, Round, Ac. Mattresses of ilatr. Cotton. Moss end Patent Spring. Feather Beds, Pillows and Bolsters. Fine Mirrors, common Looking Glasses, Looking Glass Plates, Picture Glass. Window Shades and Fine Cornices. Buckets, Tub., Dippers, Brooms, Brush Brooms. Fcath er Dusters, Foot Mats, Ac., for sale on the most reason- able terms. • Lumber taken in exchange, or Lumber nude np in the most fashionable style* of Furniture to order. We bate one of Ue largest stock* of Fine Furniture in the state, and we are constantly manufacturing, aiul wish to sell. Call ami see us. feb *5 w-Jy WOOD, BR0. & CO. I KlMBROtlGU & BASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Geo. Kimurovgh, (S. S. Bass, Starkville.Lee co., Ga- ' Dawson, Terrell co„ Ga. mar 8 _ A. B. 3UEEEIE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MILL TOWN,BERRIEN COUNTY, GA., W ILL practice in the BRUNSWICK CIRCUIT comprising the following counties, Glynn, Ware, Wayne, Appling, Camden, Clinch, Coffee and Charlton, also, McIntosh of the Eastern. may* Hardeman & Sparks W aro House And commission merchants,- .llacon, G» W T\LL continue to give prompt attention at their VV FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, outlie cor ner of .td and Poplar streets, to all business commit ted tc their charge.’ With their thank* for past favors, and a renewed pledge of faithfulness to all their friends and cus tomers,they hope to recoive their full share of pub lie patronage. ' V Liberal advances made on Cotton mid other pro * duce-wheu required. * ' - -GP*Planter’* Family Stores, also Bagging, Rope Middle Georgia Medical College. »»«»rates. T»I03. HARDEMAN, sep 7 Honua HIANUFACTtrilS. Y\ J F are prepared to raako to order and repair, at short > > notice, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac., Ac. Also, Sewing Machines repaired, and new parts made, and machines adjusted, by a practical and experi enced workman.. Public patronage rcspcctfally solicited. . * jan 17 . il J. JonbSTON A CO. • Messenger and Citizen copy. SPEEK * IIUSTEK, ATTORNEYS AT LA AT, MACON. GEORGIA. 0§.cc on Triangular Block, Corner of Cherry Street and Cotton Arenue. W E have associated as partners in the practice df Hw in the counties of the Macon and ad joining Circuits; and elsewhere in fbe State by spe cial contract—also will attendibe Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. ' ■ - ALEX. St. SPE^ftf, SAMUEL HUNTER. Cocobs, Coeds, Hoabsexess and Ixtec- EXZt, lRBiTATtox, Sobexess, or any af- fbetion of the Thro.it CURED, the Hack- I txo Cough in CoxscrkmoK, Bnoxcmr- is, W boopixo Cocon. Astuba. Catabrh RELIEVED by BROWN’S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, or Couqu LoZEXuES. AOmpU and elegant eoaMnationJor Cocons, Ac. Dr. O. F. Bigelow, Boston. Tliis is to notify the public that • Isaacs is at Home Again, And be£8 to assure his patrons that his SALOON is not a thing of se day. Citizens and the travelling pqblio will find the establishment open not for the season only,' but fit all seasons of the year, and those calling upon us will, .it all hours, find our larder sup plied with all the delicacies that the New York* and other markets will afford in the way of eatables, and something good to drink, and six days -out of seven more than can be found in any house in town. E. ISAACS & BRO, UNDER RALSTON’S HALT., CHERRY ST. • His bill rtf fare will every‘day Bo.just the thing for little pay. And those who at their place may eat, Will find in it all things complete. And goingonce, they then will know That ISAACS’ is the place to go.' WE shall he happy to see our friends, assuring' them that it will be onr unremitting care io plea.'G) in every respect, as we flatter ourselves we have done till now. ty It may not be generally known that we have, to meet the wishes of the Medical Faculty, import ed by ourselves a very superior quality of Pale Brandy, fine Old Port, Sherry and Madeira, possess ing all the medical qualities so much desired by them. _ JavriL-** him mu «#P«ro rto>1 chowoo fr»«* yourself ; ail of which can be purchased at low prices for CASH. Be sure and call at nov 59 E. ISAACS * BROTHER, FAMILY-CARRIAGES. PL ANTS Old Stand, opposite the Post Office. A FULL and extensive assortment of fine Car riages, Harness, Ac., from the best and most reliable Manufactories, consisting of the latest and most approved style of CALECHE & BERLIN COACHES, which arc muetiadmired, and for a family Carriage are comfortable and. convenient,— with Phaetons, Rockaways, Bretts, top, slide seat, jump seat, and no top Buggies, offered aa. the best of work on the most reasonable terms for Cash, or approved Notes. sep 0 J. C. THORNTON * CO. NEW ST0EE. LARGE STOCK of CHEAP GOODS BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Caps, Leather Findings, &c., &c. T HE undersigned have opened a large stock oi Goods, selected with great caro from the best Manufacturing Establishments in the country, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the public, and solicit an examination beiore purchases %re made elsewhere Our determination is to sell good stock cheap, and give satisfaction in all cases. . Call at the . New Boot, Shoe, and Ilat and Cap Store, Triangular Block, BTRepairing promptly executed, sep20 BEARDEN, GAINES Jc CO. stock of Fine Clothing, manulM tured in the best style and with preal j care. He buys his goods in the piece M and has them manufactured under hi;If own supervision. lie will have a laree 1 Spring Stock to exhibit early this He continues to sell the artholf Set ring ,Va The simplest and most durable 3 GOLDEN HILL SHD) The-ncatoutfitting and lvcst madefitetrt A good stock always on hand, feb 1 wly. SA TH F O R D LIVER INVIGI NEVER DERIV.IT.4t I T is Compounded ENTIRELY FRO^l has become an established fact, a Si icine known Jc approved! *\by aU thnt f and is now resorted t; X with confix diseases for which it i- a rtwommeMl It has cured thousands ** within thriif who had given up all Lm hopes of r numerous • unsolicited *“ certificate sion show. ^ The dose must be adap ^ ted to lie J of the individual takiug — it.and en tities as to act gently on ^ flu* 1!^ I Let the dictates of your w fl the use of the XatYER ^ IN VIC#* it will cure fairer Com 1 pining# tackfi, I>>»*prpMin.'. C’hronit J l’Uclfri| ' Fin fairs* ne«»r«.o dinarjf» - * E Cf fl cau testcy three I' 3 "| :nenct2^* s | ■iiriiif I | k# > t urwHi iirrCoinpl.-iinr,,^ gfyarmh ^iour Stomach, lIa- ^,bitunV Cholic, C’ hoi rrn,I Cholera Infantum, dice, Female Wrsk.I ed 8nccessfallyas an Or |— ieime. It will cure tbeL-% ACHE (aa thousands]— miuntca, if tw nre laUcnatthe All who use it arc!” in its favor. (—■ Mix WATER in tho mouth WITH' ORATOR, and SWALLOW BOTH {y/'rt>< One Dollar pom —ALSO— _ | SVIVEORD’S JET' JA- j»jc ■ CATHARTIC P - COMPOUNDED FB Pure Vegetable Extracts. «*Ap l rr J Casts, Air-tight, and iciil nrfir W ■fie* The' Family Cnth- tie but active Cathartic! used in his practice mort The constantly iucreas who have long used the faction which all expres.- has induced me to place of ail. The Profession well thartics act on different The FAHUiV ca- has, wUh due referenc* Fact, beeu compounded J rest Vegetable Extracts part of the aTimenUrj •mf© in all cases where such as Dcrnn^rinriu incsR, Pniufa in thi livt’iu*****, Pninw attd FALL AND WINTER TRADE whole 1 «*=5C3i T o«o quently if neglected emi.- looe. AoOUa v*.-r,I.o..orAppuftii- E. J. JOHNSTON & CO, H AVE just received and offer for sale on the most favorable terms, the most elegant, extensive and varied stock of Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Solid Silver and Silver P.lated Ware, Fancy Goods, Musical Instrumects, Gas Fixtures, Fans, Cutlery, «kc., &c„ ever offered in this market. A call, either for pastime or to purchase, and care ful comparison of qualities, styles and prices is res pectfully solicited. Mulberry Street, 3d door above Lanier HoasA Macon, Georgia. E. J. JOHNSTON. G. S. OBEAR. nov 15 - ^ ri.sn t-^ — itijJ™ - p| 1.141 m in regrtl m them know ti^ >. nortio^ —' TH 1 * — toils*' L l'r'K ,r :J . whi.'ri | — - 1 A — .iosl-' of. Cold over Ibr ' llrnilarbr or wqlghi llninuiiilory Di»r,«»i or.lilnlfn, KhcaiuniisiOt the ltrooil, and many disease’ too numerous to mention in <»“ ... tW* j DOSE, * lo 3- ISAAC HArtttfcWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLINTON, O EORGIA. july 7 |y The Liter Ixviooritoe* Pills «re retailed by Drugri*" . wholesale by the Trade m S. T. XV. . I 33S B«ade»ft Betaiied by all Druggists tl Ot'O-Ij” may 10—ly ^ hufl) COMMISSIONw MACOV^, COATES & I TTAVE aseooisteJ togrthrt „iT H flew Fire ProofW«r^^M opposite Messrs. I Liberal advances «“*L- Orders for Bagxwj: 0 /* , j haveoarpersouiila<' e!1 ‘ t io*w k . ) Wehope.bypromptattw : it a liberal share ofpatre"*^ CARRIAGES, HARNESS, &C„ &C. T. II. rtanCtdd Stand, oppotiu (He Pott Office, Alacon, Cn. !f. co*l: may H ■ Q fr Con/ccMonertc* lrecommend tbeir uee to Fctblic SrEiKEK.-.' Rev. E. H. Cbafix, New York. “ Most solutaryreliff in Bitoscums.” Rev. S. Seiueried, Memstoum, Ohio. “Beneficial when comixlted to epeak, suffering from Cold.” Rev. S. J. P. Axdebsox, St. Louis. ” Effectual in remocing Hoarseness and Irritation of the Throat, so common iriiA Speakers and Singers.” rror. M.STANCY JOHNSON, LaGrange Ga. r r TOnSwroxaro . , , ” Great benetl ichen taken before and after pnaebli, y, M T l. THORNTON ACO^ dealers ia and mannlheunsre i iBJSoto i,™ fits*present Itoarsenets. Prom their past effect, Itti- i f 'Lurn..", <tr.,no%v lmve on hand an ex-1 ficture, and they wStbe of permanent adrantetge to me." tent\s andchotcc stock of the various styles in use.' Macon that impirt 8 y, jr J J Rev. k. Rowlet, A. M. 1 In* 1 « U ii bocuni!t ? ntlyre P , cnI»hcd from tho Iwst aud lUrect from Fr.in best * President Athens College, Tenn. , niamifactnrers, and consist of the most' choice Havana ra R»i Sold by aU Druggists, at 25 cents per W. of ' chides, wlficb far ITegmcc, Light-; pies, and other I c S3mw«...plaiP Bilious Auctions, A.. Carnage Bunairing at bhort notice bv superior work- l>ag<r=. a^d many ‘ 1 * • men in jra t-urlons o. 1 i . .. i . .....orlrtn jsu 31-wSm men in ii* various branches. feb'fidJy wOm | ornwuioii.