Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, May 28, 1869, Image 7

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Valuable Athens Property for Sale n „E North-east Georiia Land and Settlement wf* i n<\ forsalfl tnft liandsnmft T uV \t rin-rncw ucuni* »<rency. Athens. Ga.. offer for sale the Handsome dun Mansion in Athens, known as tho Modern CRANK PLACE, ,, f(ie h e ad of Market street, adioimng Stephen ... Tho lot oontains two acres, and is oon- SSSio all the Churches. The house is of brick, T '?h ten rooms and cellar. Complete outbuildings, *‘C naliy brick, in rerfect repair-qncluding afivc- J5om servant's house. This attractive place must be ilace on Barber street, containing •a acres of Land. Ibis Is a *'* • MODEL FARM. n . -j,d as follows: Light acres in Park, seven in «evcn in Wood, two in variety Orchard and ^remainder under a high state of cultivation.— Vh.re is on tho place a Handsome Residence, with onthonse?. ot(* all new and in per- is on LI1U tv uauuvuruc nwi«v^v., 2£t lircc rooms, outhouse?, etc., all new and in per 2ii repair. This pl.ee is but three-quarters of a mile S*L r .C e Colleee, and adjoins Col. BiTnps, Hon. B. u Hill. Dr. Linton and others. An early applicant ,iU,et a bargain. g^'j^rYSON. Actuary. Or WM. MASON. Jb.. Gen’l Ag’t. Athens, Ga. This Agency has a quantity of Real Estate of every dfieription for rale. • may!9 d3teodwlt GEORGIA BYES 0EQU.4LED FOB BEAUTY AND SIMPLICITY PRIDE OF THE SOUTH, A BEAUTIFUL RED^for wool or silk. PRIDE OF YOUTH. An eiquisito purple, for wool or silk. PRIDE OF THE FARMER. A rich brown, for wool. EXCELSIOR. , ,i.Undid black, for wool; besides a Yellow, n‘ l .^ l ind Brown for cotton. All prepared by a Dver and wananted. Liberal discount to dSe»‘ Sampl“<>>' material dyed sent free on ap plication. " Ad WM-‘KING. Jb.. & CO.. n,ay33-w3m* Athens. Ga. CITY BANKING COMPANY OF MACON. CASH CAPITAL :::::: $200,000 tf. p. goodall. Cashier C. A. NUTTING. Pbksidkkt. DIRECTORS: W. B. Johsstos. w. S. Holt, j. J. Gbeshai:, J. E. Johks. will do a General Banking Business In all ” Its Details. ORGANIZED 1868. QUADRUPLED 1860. n-rv t COL. C. T. AMES’ NEW ORLEANS CIRCUS AVIARTI 'PHE °toek of this Comranj is nil owned in Macon I and vicinity. Having no circulation to protect •he whole Capital is guaranteed for the security of Depositors and Patrons. mayl2-cU wonro -Ih«CoughCOUGH REMEDY. .. WiM dHoar^nes c ,1ea T d A to dea^.^ H REM£Dy _ "For Croupe—Whooping Coushj rem EDY. "Costsr fays it is the best in tho wide world—and if He »T» »0—it* Trnc—its True—its True; and We say Twit-Try it—Try it.”—Morning Paper. Aug. 26th. •85*A11 Druggists in MACON sell it. THE GREAT CDUOSSAL AND LEADING EXHIBITION OF THE ASF, The aggregation pnr excellcnco of Beauty, Brilliant Exploit? and Nature's Wonder?, tho very acwoof undoubted Excellence and Si Superior Attraction?, The Procession of which, through the principal 3treets on the morning of their .Arrival, Is the most novel and imposing sight ever witnessed. presenting the heretofore unattempted and startling feature of Driving “COSTAR’S” Standard Preparations J ARE HIS BEAUTIFIER !! THE BITTER-SWEET AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS. ! LIONS, TIGERS, LEOPARDS and PANTHERS LOOSE Among the retinue of magnificently costumned Ladie* and Gentlemen: tho herd of Schooled nonets Ellin Ponies and Curs of confined Wild Beasts fol lowin'-- tfc-soul-stirring strains of the matchless CREaCENT CITY 11AN |j, the whole formiug the largest private entemriso procession ever witnessed. TUB COLLOSSAL CO VII IN A TION WILL ARRIVE IN MACON MON- JjA V. MA Y 31 »r, AN1) KXHIIUT One Bottle, 31—Three for 52. HIS ‘BUCKTHORN SALVE, 51 HIS “Costar’s” Hat, Roach, etc., Sater- j minators. “Costar’s” Bed Bug Exterminators. i “Costar’s’’ (only pure) Insect Powder, i MONDAY AND TUESDAY, Mfiy 31st and June 1st, COMMENCING AT ~'A and S O’CLOCK PRECISELY—Doors opening one hour before, thus vivieg our patrons ample time to examine the immense Zoological Collection before the commencement of the arcane exercises. “Only Infallible Remedies known.” “18 years established in New York.” •'2000 Boxes and Flasks manufactured daily.” "Ml Beware 11! of sporious imitations.” "All Druggists ir. MACON sell them.” Address “COSTAR.” 16 Crosby street. Now i -.rk, ; Or .tons F. IlntY. successor to Dkuas Babsks A Co., : 21 Park P.ow. New York. I Sold in M AC< iN.GA.. by J. II. ZEILIX & CO. »rn4-d-eo<Uw-eow L. AY. HUNT & CO. j COL. AMES, : LM5C. CHAMBERS. : Proprietor. Business Manager. THE ARRAY OF EQUESTRIAN, GYMNASTIC, ACROBATIC, ATHLETIC, PANTOMIMIC, COMIC & MUSICAL TALENT AZURENE! CONCENTRATED INDIGO For the Laundry.—Free from Oxalic Actl.—See Chemist** Certificate. r A Patent Pocket Pincushcn cr Emery Bag IX *1CH TWIXTY CIST BOX. For Sale by all respectable Grocers andUrngglsts. GEO. PAYNE, Macon, Go., And Depot 103 South Front Street, apr2T-w3m Philadelphia. PSO'FOGH.^lFSCSI J. A. WHIPPLE, P ROPRIETOR of the eldest and most extensive Photographic Establishment in the United State:, pays especial attention to copying, enlarging and coloring photographs, like oil paint'mg. from small daguerreotypes, tintype, and card pictures, true to life: takes Porcelains, Card de Visites, Imperials and every variety of photographs, guaranteeing most per fect satisfaction in every respect. Every one is in vited to call and see his extensive collection of in teresting photographs at 297 Washington street, cor ner of Temple Place, Boston, Mobs. may22-wlm BAGLD STOVE WORKS. (ESTABLISHED 1840.) ABEXDR0TH BROS., Proprietors lot* ill Beckman at., N-.wYork, Manufacturers of the Celebrated ‘COTTON PLANT” COOK STOVE, “QUEEN OF THE SOUTH” Cook Stove, "MAGNOLIA” Cook Stove, "GRAY JACKET" Cook Stove, "DELTA" Cook Stove, And other Stores, suitable for the Southern trade EVERY STOVE 18 WARRAN1ED, „ FOR SALE BY p. A. WISE, Macon,Ga., . L. WADSWORTH ft CO., Americas. Giu, ; )I1N a. DOUGLASS, Savannah. Ga., v’OHER, FEE A CO.. Columbus, Ga., .». L. WADSWORT U Ac CO., Rome. Ga., by tho Principal Stove Dealers throughout tne f jnlyl5-d&w6mo»] J- RANDOLPH HARDISOW, attorney at law, SPRINGFIELD, TEXAS, flPFICE for the present at Personville. Will prao- 5-' lice in all the counties composing tho Thirteenth "Micial District of Texas. Land claims carefully in stigated, and collections made in all parts of the rj*'®. Allbnsinees promptly attended to. Corres pondence solicited and information cheerfully given. -gi'ERKicEa:—Hon. J. M. Maxey, Huntavillo.Tex- General A. K. Allison, Colonel.I. B. Liken, Gal- .tston.Texas; J. M. Croson and J. L. Henry, Esqs., biTingjton, Texas: Hon. Sam. B. Wilson, Woodville, n uVir lmmom I A Davis. Thomasville, Ga.; Hons. ~l ^JUker * Wiik Call, Tallahassee. Fla. i^D22-w6m U4B1MA AND CHATTANOOGA Railroad company. A r5v5 nnu& ^„ me ® t,n * tha Stockholders of this {.W? the JAVills V&lley Railroad Com- tftnwT-V i'rr? “‘•."uii v*uey ivaiiroaa tom* i3 l 4 Sulphur Springs, in the oVImW on Saturday, the 29th inst., at 10 *-Jelect Directors for the ensuing year • before^Sie ~ n*h*t inuiness that may legally »«d. eotao ia uaeting. a... „ ' ALBERT F. THAYER." *<«*». MW111W89. [may!8 5tj 1 Sec’y. Has never been equalled in any single organization on the American Continent. England, France. Germany and America have contributed their most Beau'iful. Brilliant and Daring Artists, and congregated as they are in one assemblage, the effect of their combined efforts is erand and pleasing beyond anythingeverbe- fore witnessed. AMONG THE HOSTS WHO WILLAWEAR SCENES 0F FASCINATING THE BEYY OF BEAUTIES Mademoiselle Amelia, Madame Codona, Signorita Elia Eugenie, Kate Winston, Etta Cooke, Lizzie Howard, Madame Miaco, Rosa Lee. THE DUO OF Herr Elijah Lengel, RESOLUTES Mr. G. W. Johnson. THEE TEIO of I3STVI3STCIBLES, »Ir. H. Codona, Master Francis, Harry Sibbs. The Duo of Sensation Workers, ETr. ASFRED MXACO, Mr. THO STAS BAIiXi. 7- lie Quartette of Ckampions, JOHN, Sr„ 70S3T, Jr., afiOEGH AHD EDWARD HOLLAND- A LEGION OF GOOD ONES, T. Poland, J. Redden, E. Banter, TO. Carter, Willie Stokes, * Dad. Phelps and J. Johnson. 0733133 PAIR OS* BHIIiIiIAWT WITS, JOHNNY LAWTON AND CHARLEY SEELY. All of whom will appear at each entertainment in.efforts that have never been surpassed in Brilliancy, Reauty. Daring and meet. the wild animals Are reoriented by sneciraons ofneirly every interesting species over captured, and of WUely diversified gcograpHical range, varying in sire from tho huge Klophant or towering Camol to the petite Mico, and of as dScrent dispositions as the savage Bengal Tiger and gentle Garelle- Among then, are FOUR DENS OF LIONS, TIGERS, LEOPARDS and PANTHERS, dayed with, and even fed raw meat from tho FOUR SCHOOLED HORSES, t rjitci, ittit evnworivp .ml OATiB.V nT.TilS. that have no equals in sagacity, bean- RTOKEW*LL. ESMEUALDI, SNOWFLAKE and GARRY OLDIS, that have no equals in saxacity, beau- ty und training, togethe;- with tho ELFIN PONIES and their■ Alonkey jockeys and .he CO MIG tt MULE will be introduced at each entertainment, to five that .anety which is the spice of life. Children, - JW - ' oLi This Company will exhibit at GrifBn, Satnrday May 29th ; at Forsyth. Wednesday Jane 2d; at Barnesville, Thursday June 3d. AVFolito and attentive Usher* coastxoUy iu aitendasee •* • • • • v . 1 - -.J,' • Imay21-td) "glBB. POSTPONED 8HBRIFF’S SALE.—Will ba >v JD sold before the Court-house door," in the city of Macon, between tho legal hours of _sa!e, on the first Tuesday In June, 1809. the following property, to u w_it:_ AH those two lots or parcels of land in the cUy of Macon, in said county, known as IotsNos.29and more fully described in a deed for said two lots made more lully described in a deed, lor said two lots roadi by G. L. D. Rice to William S. Moughon, on i'ebra ary 1st, 1868. with all the rights, members and appur tances to said two lota in any way appertaining or belonging. Levied on by virtue^of and tosstisfy a mortgages, fix. issued from Bibb Superior Court.re- turnablo to November Term, J) Sessions vs. Wm. S. Moughon. Said property point- " | d now occupied by IVm.S. ed in inortgago fi. fa., aouuv. ,. m.s>. Moughon. Also said property to satisfy a fi-fa. issued from Bibb Superior Court, returnable to May term, 1509, in foTor of IV. H. Jeffries vs. W. S. Moughon. Also the aforesaid property to satisfy a tax fi.fa. issued by F. IL Heath vs. Wm. S. Mouehon. JAMES MARTIN, .. may4-td * Sheriff. A DMINISTRATRIX’SSALE.^-WiU besold on the first Tuesday in ; Ma.v next, between tho usual hours of sale, before the Court-house door, (the City Hall) to wit: Lot No". 1, corner of Bay and Gilmer streets: Lot No. 2 and improvements onGilmerstreet, " of said parts of Dots 3 nnd 4 a-.id improvements. All Lots in block 9. Also, one Lot block 9. Also, one Lot on Arch street and partof Lot’1 and 2. with one small frame building. Also, one vacant Lot on pecond street and part of No. 1. both in square 92. Sold a< the property of Ami F. Sherwood, deceased. Terms, half cash; the balance on tho 25:h Dccemb«r next, with interest from date. MARTHA J. SHERWOOD. mar23-40d* Administratrix. X5IBB SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold before tho AD Court-house door, in the city ofMacon, between the legal hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday in June next, tho following property, » wit: Part of Lot ho. 8. in square76, frcntiDg on third street, with im provements thereon. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a fi. fa. issued fre-m Bibb Superior Court, re turnable to May term. 1869, in favor of McCallie A Jones vs. Emanuel Isaacs. JAMES MARTIN. may4-td Sheriff. These are to notify all persons concerned to show msc, if any they have, why the same shall not be emute, granted, on the first Monday ia July nextl \\ itness my hand officially. 1A1 R. T. ROSS, may!2-40d Ordinary. G eorgia, jones county - orms.»*y’s Opfick said Codstt, At Chambers May 10th. JS-. -J.—hereus, Jeremiah Love, Executor on the Es tates William Johnson, deceased, late nfsaid county. applies to mo for dismission from aaid trust. _TheSe arc to cite and admonish all persons concern ed to show eauso to this Court, if any they have, why said dismission shall not be granted at ihe next Sep tember Term of tho Court. Given u r -dermy band officially, HU ; mayl24m* . R.T. ROSS, Ordinary. ,oov. « uerens. jc,i-iaueiu^;. tuns applies To me tor the guardianship of MarrE . Orie L.. and Irene M. Xufts, minor children of BeDj. M. Tufts, deceased. Thoco ova fry nrxtl fn nil » . _• L These are to notify all persons con'cerned”to show ^ if, H—’ ■ cause to this Court, if any they have, why said guar dianship shall notbegramedthe first Monday in July next* Given under my hand officially. “ ~ k.T, mayl2 30d* .ROSS, Ordinary. TONES SHERIFF’S SALE.—WiU be sold on the W first Tuesday in June next, between the usual hoars of salo, two Mules—one dark bay maro mule, v ,17’ *5* ?, ar ' t bay horse mule. Dave-the property 8. Moughon. Levied upon to satisfy one tax fi fii., issued from the Tax Collector of Jones county, fcaid sale to take place at the Court-house door in Hie town of Clinton. Terms cash. „ „„ L.T.WHIDBY, apr3Q-w30 Sheriff, pro, tem. OIBBSHERIFF’SSALF.—Will be sold before the JD Court-houso door, in the.ciiy of Macon, between the legal hours of sale, on the firet Tuesday in Juno next, the following properly, to wit: One undivided tenth part of mat tract or par cel of land, in said county, containing 133 acres, more or less, lying on the Oemulgee River, adjoining lands of Mrs. Rice, Mw. Clark, Messrs. Russell & Peter, being the tract of land conveyed to 8'amaol I. Gus- tin- by Wm. Bone, Trustee. Also, one undivided sixth part in and to all that tract or parcel of land in said county, containing 483 acres, more or less, ad joining VV instip and others, and being the same land sold and conveyed to Samuel I. Gustin. by Wm. C. Rice. James K. Kice and Sallie Rice. Leviedjon by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fi. fo. issued by F. M. Heath, Tax Collector, vs. Thurston R. Bloom. , JAMES MARTIN, may4-td Sheriff. ^^DMJX 1STRATOR’S SALE,.—By virtue, of an older from tho Court of Ordinary of Bibb comi ty, will be sold on the 1st Tuesday in July next, at the Oourt-hou-e, i:i said county, between the lehal hours of sale, the foil-wing described property: Lot No. 9, square 11, with tho house and improvements thereon, on Madison street, in that part of Macon know as Collinsville. Also, an undivided % interest in ten acres ofland, lying on the Macon Reserve, nor the city ofMacon, and known in the plan of said Reserve as Lot No. 1, and formerly used as a Distiirerv. Also, Lot of Laud No. 233. 6:h District, Houston county, containing 20-J4 acres. Also, an undivided oue-half interest in a Planta tion in Early county, known as the Wade Place, con- taiuing Lot* of Land Nos. 191.193. 168, 207 and that part of LotNo. 153. lying on the east sideof Spring Creek, all in the 6 th District of said county, being in all 12(0 aerrs, more or less. Sold as the property of John G. Gilmer’s estate, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. JAMES C. McBURNEY. SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold before the J Court-honsedooriin the town of Clinton. Jones county, on the first Tuesday in Jane next, between the usual hoars of sale, one' House and Lot, in the town of UintoD, tho property of the estate of Sarah D. Jones, deceased, .known as the late residence of said deceased. Levied upon to satisfy two tax fi. fas. issued from the Tax Collectorlof Jones county. Terms cash. L.T. WHIDBY, apr30-w30d Sheriff, pro. tem. G eorgia, j ones county.—oedix aby’s office said County, at Chambers. April 19, 1869.— Whereas, S. M. Culpepper applies to me for Dismis sion from Administration of estate of Abraham P. Ritchey, deceased. These are to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to show cause to this court, on or by the first Monday m August next, if any they have, why said Dismission shall not be granted 1 . Witness my hand officially. „ ROLAND T. ROSS. apr21-3m* Ordinary. (GEORGIA. JONES COUNTY—Ordinary'sOfpior VX of said County, at Chambers, April 16,1869.— jynercas. Amanda L. Miller applies to me for puar- diansbip of John, William, Fannie, Lula and Jesse Miller- rniao’s of Jeremiah Miller, deceased. These are to cite and admonish all persons concerned to snow causo, if any they have, why the same should not oe granted on the first Monday in Juno next. Witness my hand officially. J. T. ROSS. apr!7-w30d* Ordinary. J ONES SHERIFF SALE.-Willbosnld before tie Court-house door in the town of Clinton, on tbi first Tuesday in June, between tho ususal hours of sale, one dark bay mare mule. Levied on as tho properly of W. S. Moughon, to satisfy one fi fa. issued from Bibb Superior Court in favor of . in favor of Solomon Wax' elbaum A Brother vs. William S. Monghon. Prop erty pointed out by George Bird. LEROY T. WHIDBY, maj6-td Sheriff pro tem i-JEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Four weeks after VT date hereof application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell tho real and personal property belonging to the estate of An drew Dowd, late ofsaid county, deceased. EDWARD O’CONNELL. apr28-w4t Administrator. BORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Four weeks after ‘,1 date hereof application will be made to the Court of Ordinary ol said countv, for leave to sell all tbe real and personal estate of Robt. Findlay, late ofsaid county, deceased. J. MONROE OGDEN. apr28-w4t Adm’r de bonis non. SA EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Four weeks after vX date hereof application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said comity, for leave to sell tho real estate belonging to Eliza Daniels, minor orphan of Marth Daniels, late ofsaid cnunty. deesased. C.J. ROOSEVELT. apr2S-w4t Guardian. /^•EORGIA, BIBB ■COUNTY.-Four weeks after vT date hereof application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell part of tbe real property belonging to the estato of Mortimer Minchew, late ofsaid county, deceased. NANCY AY. MINCHEW. apr30-w30d Administratrix. /"N EORGIABIUB COUNTY.—Four weeks after date VT hereof application will be made to the Courtof Ordinary of said connty, for leave to sell tho real and personal property belonging to the estato of Lucy Higgins, late of said county, decea-ed. CHARLES CRAFT. apr30-w30d Administrator. rsEORUlA, BIBB COUNTY.—All person- in- VT debted to the estate of Martha A. Bradly, late of said county, deceased, are required to make imme diate payment to the undersigned, and those having claims to render them in terms of the law. CHAS. J. CABEY. apr21-2m Administrator. r-tEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Four week3 after VT date hereof, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell all tbe real and personal property belonging to the estate of Martha A. Bradly, late ofsaid county, dee eased. CHAS. J. CAREY. apr21-lm Administrator. /GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.— Thirty days after VJT date hereof, application will be made to the Or dinary ofsaid county for leave to sell all tho real and personal property belonging to the Estate of Thurston R. Bloom, Ute of said couDty, deceased. W. M, RILEY, apr<-w30d* Administrator. GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—All persons indebted VJT to the Estate of Thur.-ton R. Bloom, late of said county, deceased, are required to make immediate paymenttothe undersigned, and those havingclaims, to render them in terms of the law. AY. M. RILEY. apr7-w-10d* Administrator. n EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY—All persons indebted VX to the estate of Timothy Mullaney, late of said county, deceased, are required to nmko immediate payment to the undersigned, and those having claims to renderthem in terms of the law. JOHN CAMPBELL, mar30 40d* Administrator. /•'(EORGIA. BIBB COUXTY.-Two months after U the date hereof application will bo made to the Coart of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell th« real and personal property belonging to the estate of Andrew Dowd, late of said county, deceased. EDWARD O’CONNELL, apr7-60d Administrator. f't EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-AVhereas, A. L. vT Clinkscales, Administrator on the estate of T. M. Ellis, deceased, applies to me for Lotters of Dis mission, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or before tho 1st Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand officially, this 27th day of February, 1869. C. T. WARD, feb28-6mo Ordinary. f^EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-AVheroas. Mrs. V-T Eugenia T. Cochran, Administratrix on the es tate of A. E. Cochran, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, tho kindred aod creditors of said deceased, to be nnd appear at my office on or before the 1st Monday in August next, to show causo, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand officially, C.T. WARD. jan2S-m6m Ordinary. r3.EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-AVhereas, Milton vT Rape applies to be discharged from tho Guard ianship of Franklin T. Rape: This is to notify all par ties interested to bo and appear at the Court of Ordi nary, insaid county, on tho 1st Monday in June, 1S69. to show cause, ; f any they have, why letters should not be granted. Given under my hand officially. 0. T. AVARD, jan28-m6mo Ordinary. /"'tEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.- Whereas, E. T. \J Cochran, Administrator on the estate A. E. Coch ran,.late of said connty, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. Theso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular; the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in August next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand and official signature this 20th day of January, 1869. C. T. WARD. Ordinary. jan21-m6tn. fi EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, Henry M. VJ Bailey, administrator on tho estate of Robert N, Bailey, deceased, applies to mo for Letters of Dis- mfcsion. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and aopear at my offico on or before tho first Monday in July, 1869, to show cause, if any they have why letters should not be granted. Given under my hand officially. C.T. WARD, decSm-6-no Ordinary. MARY SHIPMAN. J Divorce-In Bibb Superior vs. r Court, November Term, J. A. SHIPMAN, j 1868. FT appearing to tho Court that tho Defendant is not JL to bo found in this county, nnd that he lives out side the limits of the State ol Georgia; ordered that he be served by publication in the Geobgiz Telegbaph in terms of tho law. " •-■to, 0. A.LOCHRANE, Attorney for Petitioner. A truo extract front tho Minutes of Bibb Superior Court. A- B. ROSS. • Depnty Clerk. January 15.1859.’ : i [mar3-lawl0w] JONES COUNTY-. \ y NOTICE. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. 1 Jones County, April 5,1669./ B Executor's Sale of Xiand^ >Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of k ' .Tryrina nonritv. trill hfi Bold. OU thft first TllM- l yirtueui uavruct uuuiuiovum.viuiuuj.o u, . . Jones county; will be sold, on the first Tues day in June, 1869; at the -Court-house door in said county, between the legal hours ofeale, all of tholand. ritun’edin Esid county, belonging torthe estate of Abner H. Bowen, late pf said county,deceased. Said land contains flvfc hundred acres, more or loss, and adjoins iands of Colonel A. S. Hamilton, Joseph Glan- son. James G. Paines Q B0WEy _ Executor A. U. Bowen, dec d. Terms cash. *pr2!-40d. ^ N OTICE is hereby giYen that all persons having claims of any kind against this county, must file a statement of the same in this office within thirty days from this date. AI1 claims not filed within this time will be rejected when presented for payment. — *■—1 officially. Witness my 1 apr7-30d* R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. G EORGIA, JONES COUNTT.-Clerk’s Office Su perior Court, A pril 7.18S9.—Notice is hereby giv en that the Honorable Superior Court of this county, by order of Judge P. B. Robinson, now stands ad- iourned until Tuesday, the first day of June next, at 10 o’clock, a. it. Given under my hand officially. HENRV S. GREAVES, api9-w5t Clerk Superior Court, pro. tem. fiEORGIA. JONES COUNTY. - Ordinary’s vjv Office, at Chambers, April 10,1869.—Whereas, E. T. Morton applies to mo for dismission from guar dianship of T. J. and James F. James, minors. These aro to cite all persons concerned that the same will be granted on the first Monday in June nest, if no cause be shown to the contrary. Given under my hand officially. aprl4-w40d* R. T. ROSS. Ordinary. DOOIiIT COUNTY-. /^.EORGIA. DOOLY COUNTY.-Wherc.is. John H. vT Fcnn. Administrator do bonis non. noon the Fenn. Administrator do bonis non. upon the estate of Henry W. Fenn, deceased, applies to mo for Letters of Dismission from said estate. These are. theretore, to .cite and admonish all con cerned to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in September next, then and thereto show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 1st day March, 1869. WM. H. DAVIES. inar5-m6cno Ordinary. D OOLY SHERIFF’S SALE.—Willbe sold before the Court-house, in the town of Vienna, Dooly conety, on the first Tuesday in June next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Part of Lot No. 52 and 53. in the 21 District of Dooly county, containing fifty acres, more or less. Sold os tho property of Edward Stoker, to satisly a Superior Court fi. fa. in favor of L. J. Garner vs. Ed ward Stokes. W L. GRAHAM, apr30-w30d Sheriff Dooly Connty. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. G EORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—All persons in debted to the estate of Wm. H. Mims, deceased, late of said county, will plca-e settle, and those hold ing claims against the same will present them accord ing to law. D. N. HIGHTOWER. Adm'r. Wm. H. Mims, dec’d. mnr23-40d* QUIT IVY AN COUNTY. G eorgia, quitman county. — Thomas Steadhnm, Administrator of William Parish, deceased, represents to the Court in his petition duly filed, that, he has fully administered William Parish’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, on the first Monday in September, 1869. W.P. JORDAN. inar3-wlam6m* Ordinary. JASFDR COUNTY. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold before tho Court-house door, in the town ot Monticello, Jasper county, on the first Tuesday in June next, within the legal boars of sale, the following des cribed land, belonging to the estate of Gen. John W. Burney, deceased: One tract of Land situated in said county of Jasper, adjoining lands of Mrs. M. B. Co mer, John It. Greer, S. C. Talmadge, and the lands of the incorporate limits of said town, known as the Zebb Tract, containing 2C0 acres, more or less. Sold for tho benefit of tho creditors n f said deceased.— Terms Cash. F. M. SWANcON, Adm’r. apr21-40d. Q.E0RGIA., JASPER COUNTY.—Whereas, Pey ton R- Shy makes application for Letters of oftb Guardianship of tho persons and property of the mi nor children ofHonry S. McBean, deceased. Theso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to show cause, if any they have, why said letters shall not issue to said applicant on the 1st Monday in July next. Given under my hand and official signature, this 3d day of May, 1869. M. H. HUTCHISON. may7-30d - Ordinary. N OTICE.—Sixty days after date application will bo made to the * _ . bo made to the Courtof Ordinary of Jasper coun ty. for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Uriah Hatcher. late ofsaid county, deceased. GEO. W. DAWKINS, THE0PHILUS WILLINGHAM. apr21-G0d Administrators. J ASPER MORTGAGE POSTPONED SHERIFF’S SALES.—Will he sold in the town of Monticello; on the first Tuesday in June next, the House and Lot now occupied by Wm. A. Kell, as a Grocery House, in the town of Monticello. Levied on as the property ofE.T. White, to satisfy o mortgage fi. fa. issued from the Superior Cpurt of Jasper county, in favor of Goldesborough and Yates. Property pointed out in said ii. fa. B.T.DIGBY. apr30-w30t Dcpnty Sheriff. . Notice to Debtors and Creditors. claims against the same will present them in terms of the law. - R.__B. PHILIPS, hilips. di feb27-w40d* Adm’r, etc., of Wm. Philips, deo’d. _ .. ifrjbrl belonging to the estate of Wm. Phillips, late of said county, deceased. May 7,1869. RICHARD B. PHILLIPS, mayl2-60d Administrator. SOUTHWEST GEORGIA. LANDS FOR SALE. G EORGIA, TERRELL COUNTY—By virtue of a decree from the Superior Court, of Bibb cc decree from the Superior Court of Bibb county, in the ca30 of Thalia Peters vs. E. F. Best, Guardian of Mathew B. Peters, a lunatic, I will offer for salo at tbe Court-house door in Dawson, on : the first Tuesday in Jane next, between the legal hours of sale, thehalf interest (4U0 acres) in the Plantation belonging jointly to the estate of the caidPeters and Knott & Hollings worth, containing Eight Hundred and Ten Acres, in cluding Lots Numbers : 101,1(®, 103 and 128inthe fDlstrictof Terrell county, formerly owned by Martha P..Kolbe. Ihe ‘ ‘ 1 onrth DL be whole Plantation may be _.tofT< .mi,.in* x. ivOlbe. bought if desired. . • . Terms—One half cash, .and. one-half at twelve months’ credit, with approved security. a" v. : .. r . BEST, may2-deodiwtd Guardian, ete. Handsome Case. Glass Cr i, tal. Steel and Metal Wor£; . watch size, warranted to ‘ White Enameled Dial, watch stse. warranted to de note correct time and keep in good order five years. Agents are making 5200 per month selling this won derful invention, bend *1 for timekeeper, or write for terms. O.R. STANFORD AGO.. •pi6-w4t* 138 State sL, Chicago, UL MRS. F. DESSAU -i - Mas OPENED. AND IS CONSTANTLY RECEIVING.' THE LATEST NOVELTIES in MILLINERY. DRESS GOODS TRIMMINGS, 8LOVSS, POINT LACES, EMBROIDERIES, etc. 4»"A11 orders apr2-daw2m «rAH oriersprompu, attended to 0g MULBERRY ST., MACON, GA. ERNEST PESCHKE, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, MANUFACTURING JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, NO. 1 SECOND STREET. A LL KINDS OF SPECTACLE GLASSES FITTED AND ADJUSTED BY AN OPTIMBTBR. Arw — WATCHES and JEWELRY repaired and warranted. MOf NAME STENCILS FOR MARKING LINES CUT TO ORDER. •pril 1 REFINED FAMILY LARD, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, FOB PURIFYING THE BLOOD. PACKED BY PROCTER & GAMBLE, CINCINNATI. your Grocer for our brand of L^rdjin^these Packages. Packed 3lb. 51b, and 10 lb Caddies; 60 lb Cases for shipment. Cheapest mode for selling Lard, send for Price List. t%.For sale by Grocers, Macon. Ga. mai21-w3m ARTESIAN WELLS Bored, Drilled and Dog. . HARBORS SOUNDED. P ARTICULAR attention paid, where pure Water is required in large quantities for Bleacheries, Paper Mills, Breweries and Factories. A speciality of our business is sinking large wells through bogs, vuicksand, etc., where generally it is considered an impossibility. In conjunction with an eminentGeolocist localities are visited and advice given as regards tbe feasibility of obtaining Water. Oil, Coal and .Vinerals. We have for sale 'fools of every description for pros ecuting the above work, and will send competent men to any part of the country to instruct purchasers of tools in the business. Steam Engines for hoisting, drilling and pumping purposes constantly on hand. Pumps of every description and aU capacities fur nished. Our Apparatus can be used by Hand, Horse or Steam power. First class references given. Terms invariably cash. Address G. K. & E. R. PIERCE, 22 State St., Boston, or 26 Bremen St., East Boston. may!6-w4t Cooper’s Old King Cotton Sweep. Midtille, Burke County. Ga., 1 . April 23.1S69. I WILL state to tho Farmers and Planters that I have succeeded in perfecting a Sweep for the cul tivation of Corn andCottun, that far surpasses any' other Sweep ever invented. It is strong and durable: simple in its construction, and not liable to get ont of order. Any boy can handle it with as much ease as he can the best turning plow. I will give a Silver Pitcher, worth $25. for a Sweep A will give a Silver i’ltcner, wortn 52>, lor a sweep that will do better work, nnd can be sold for less money, than COOPER’S OLD KING COTTON SWEEP. Price, complete. 57. Address G. W. COOPER, apr27-w4t Midville, Burke County, Ga. Branch of tbe Johnson Type Foundry. FRANKLIN TYPE, Stereotype and Electrotype FOUNDRY, 168 Vine Street, bet. ^th £s? 5th, CINCINNATI, Allison,Smith&Johnson, Manufacturers of, and Dealers in Book and News Type, AND PRINTING MATERIALS, , Of every description. Stereotyping and Electroiyping In all their various branches: BOOKS, MUSIC, : ' Patent Medicine Labels and Directions, Joss, Wood Cuts, etc., etc. iulySl t•' - ' QUEEN OE THE SOUTH PORTABLE GRIST MILLS. C ORN MEAL. WHEAT FLOURING AND STOCK FEED. BOLTING APPARAT US. SHUTTERS AND MILL WORK generally. . , Our Mills aro built from choice Bur Blocks, selected at the Quar ries in France, by Isaac Straub p A®-Send for Descriptive Pam phlet containing treatise On Mill ing, sent by mail free. Address Isaac Straub & Co., Corner Front and John sts., Cincinnati, 0.. feb2-w3mo DROMGOOLE & CO.’S ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS Cures married and single females. Cure? old chronic female complaints. Cures irregular uterine actions. Cures all diseases peculiar to females. Cures because Doctors indorse it. Cures cases of ten years’standing. Cures because prei.arodhy Physicians." Corea after everything else fails. Cares everybody’s sickly wife. Cures young chlorotic girls. Cures old hysteric and nervous females. Cures palpitation and melancholy.. Cures all monthly pains and.suffenng. Cores by aromingand restoring to health. Cures pains in the head, side and back, Cures cold feet and hands. .■ Cores Editors’and Doctors wives.. Cures Farmers’ and Merchants wives. Cures at a very small price, L. W. HUNT Sl CO., . fwt . ~ .V' at Macon, sell it. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. ritHE undersigned has taken charge of the well X known ’’ Chapman’s Livery Stables” in Mscod, opposite tbe passenger shed, on Plum street, where be will conduct a general Livery Business in all its branches. Anything you may want in the way of transportation, by horse or mule, buggy, carriage or hack, will be furnished on short notice and at reason- p*mi Vv U ) able rates. Drovers will find this an old, and popular stand at which to dispose of tbeirstoek. . febll-ly S» H. HOLMES, Agent- iii ‘ •’> V*'** 1 • ■ Tho reputation this ex cellent medicine enjoys, is derived from its cures, many of which are of a truly marvellous char acter. Inveterate cases of scrofula, where tho svstem seemed utterly given up to corruption, have yielded to this com pound of anti-strumous virtues. Disorders of a scrofulous type, and af fections which are merely aggravated by tho presence of scrofulous matter, have been radically cured in" such numerous Di stances, in every settlement In the country, that the public do not need to bo informed here that it is In most cases a specific and absolute remedy. Scrofulous poison is one of tho most destructive! enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of tho organism undermines the constitution, and invites the attack of cufbcbling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicidn of itspresence. Again, it seems to breed infection throughout the body, ana Jon throughout the body,: then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous forms, either on the surface or among tho vitals. In the latter, tuber cles may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver. These facta make tho occasional use of tho Sarsaparilla as a preventive, advisable. ' It is a mistake to suppose that so long a3 no ernp% tions or humors appear, there must bo no scrofulous taint. Theso forms of derangement may never occur, and yet tho vital forces of the body be so re duced by its subtlo agency, as materially to impair the health and shorten tho duration of life. It isa common error, also, that scrofula is strictly hereai- tary. It does, indeed, descend from parent to child, but is also engendered iu persons bom of pure blood. Low living, indigestion, foul air. lieentiooa anuthi habits, uncleanliness. and. the depressing vices gen- crallv, produce it. Weakly constitutions, where not fortified by the most constant and judicions.care, aro peculiarly liable to it. Yet the robust, also, whoso turbidblood swells the veins with an appar ently exuberant vitality, are often contaminated, and on the road to its consequences. Indeed, no class or condition can depend on immunity from it, nor feel insensible to the importance of an effeo- tual remedy. ' . . InJT| gMfftpnfr.TT-rj JRoso or^ErgslqeUis, for Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Tfea‘ ficient as to be indispensable. And in the more concealed forms, as in Dyspepsia,Dropsy, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilepsy, Neuralgia, and other affections of tho musotuar and nervous systems, tho Sarsaparilla, through its purifying power, ro» moves the cause of the disorder andproduces aston- ishing cures. The sarsaparilla root of the tropics does not by itself achieve these results. It is aided by theexi So or it, though a lo: obstinate] M cured by obstinate maladies by any medicine. Xeueorrhasa or Whites, Uterine Uleet'ations, and Female Diseases in general, are commonly soon relieved and ultimately cured by the invigorating and puri fying effect of our Sarsaparilla. Rhenmatlsnt and Gout, often dependent on the accumulations of extraneous matters in the blood, have their remedy also in this medicine. For Fiver Complaints, torpidity, inflammation, abcess, etc., caused by rankling poisons in the blood, we unhesitatingly recommend the Sarsaparilla. . This medicine restores health and vigor where no specific disease can be distinguished. Its restore- SPC -T- - >-g«TBv- -A - tire power is soon felt by those who are Jjanqul&+ Listless, Despondent, Sleepless, and filled with Fisuess, p pi m - .— r . Nervous Apprehensions or Fears 9 or who aro troubled With any other of those .affections symp tomatic of weakness. Many, after taking it for General Debility, have written ns of the youth ful vigor imparted to their nervous system, which . seemed buoyant with that prolific life they thought had departed on tho advance of age. Others, whose fountains of life were always sterile, acknowledge their obligations to it for an obvious change. Ayer’s Ague Cure, Forlerer and Ague, Intermittent Fe ver, Chill Fever, Bemlttent Fever, Ilomh Ague, Periodical or Bilioaa Fever, dec., and indeed all the affec tion. which' arise from malariooa, mar»h, or miasmatic poisons. As its name implies, it does Cure, and docs not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance whatever, it in nowise injures any patient. The number and importance of its cures in the ague dis tricts, are literally beyond account and we believe without a parallel in the liistory or medicine. Oar pride Is gratified by tho acknowledgments we re ceive of the radi ' le radical cures effected in obstinate cases, I and where other remedies had wholly failed., Unacclimatcd persons, either .resident in, or travelling through miasmatic localities, will be pro tected by taking the AGUE CUR JO daily. For Fiver Complaints, arising from torpidity of the Liver, It is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity. . Prepared by Dn. Si C. Ater ft COc, Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., anil sold ail round the world. ■ DEICE. $1.00 FEE ROTTFE- Sold by L. W. HUNT ft CO.. J. H. ZBILIN ft CO, and all tbe Druggists in Macon. Also, all dregtittat and dealers in Medicine everywhere. may5-d3tawiw4m THE SYMPTOMS OF LIVER ISIMHDNS’® Cojnplaint are uneasiness and pain in tho side. Sometimes the pain is in the shoulder, and is mistaken tor rneumatism. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness, bowels in general costive, sometimes alternative with lax. Tho head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, con siderable loss of memory: accompanied with painful' sensation of bavins left undone something which oneht tn here been done. Often complaining ofweak- " — “ ncSs, debility and low spirits.— Sometimes some of the above symptoms attend the disease, and . at other times few of them ; but the i-iver is generally the organ most involved. Core the Liver with Simmons’ Regulator, and aU will be well. z>a. siMMOiars’ LIVER REGULATOR, A REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES CAUSED Alf BY A DERANGED STATE OF THE LIVER. , IRKGULATOR. Dyspepsia, Headache^Jaundice, I Cnstiveness, • Sick Head-ache, Chronic Diarrhoea, Affections ox r the Bladder, Camp Dysentery, (.flections ol the Kidneys. Fever.Nervousness. Chills, niess. Chills, Diseases of tbe Skin, Impurity of the Blood, Melan choly, or Depression of Spirits, Heartburn, Colic, or Pains in tbe Bowels. Pain in the Head, Fever and Ague, Dropsy. Boils, _Pain_ in_ the Back and Lyjnba, Ague, Dropsy. Boils, fain In tne cacs ana hubm. Asthma, Erysipelas, Female Affections, and Bilious Diseases generally. j. H . ZBILIN ft CO.. Druggists. Macon. Georgia. For sale by all druggists. Price il per package. By mail 5125. A preparation of roots and herbs, yarranted to b«- . strictly vegetable, and can do no injnry to any one. It has been used by hundreds, and known for the ’ last twenty-five years as one of the most reliable, efficacious and harmless preparations ever offered to •* the suffering. If tiken regularly and persistently, it is sure to effect a cure. The following highly respectable persons can rally attest to the virtues of this valuable medicine, and f to whom we most respectfully refer r „ „ 1 Gen. W. S. Holt, President S. W. R. R. Company : Rev, J. R. Felder. Perry, Ga.; Col*K. K. Sparks, AV- bany, Ga.: W. J. MoKlroy, Esq., Macon, Ga.; Georg* . J Lunsford. Esq.. Conductor 8. W. R. R-: C. Master- son. Esq,, Sheriff Bibb county; J: A. Butts, Bun- - bridge, Ga.; N. Binswanger. Esq.. Macon, Ga.; Dyke* - A Sparbawk, Editors "Floridian. Tallahassee; Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon. Ga.: Virml Powers. Esq.. 8n- rerintemlent S. W. R- R«; Daniel Bullard, Enll&rd^i Station. M.ft B. R. R-. Twiggs CO^. Ga.; GrenviMa Wood, Wood’s Factory. Macon, Ga.; Rev. E. F. Easterling. P. E. Florida Conference; Major A.P. Wooley. Kingston. Ga. £ ,r- apr2-wtf Mrs. BOWARfi S. WBZCB’S ENGLISH AND FRENCH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 2 West 43d Street, - - Nxw Yoax City. T) EFERENCES: Bishop Potter, New York; Bish iv op Davis. South Carclini New Jersey; Prot Henry, Smites—— —- Wade Hampton, South Carolina; W. W. Washington, D. C.; President Middetea, College; Prof. Okas. Davies, N*w York; \ Simms, South Caroline; Prof. Bartiel Military Academy. oofapim ate -**-a