Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, June 18, 1869, Image 5

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rT~|~^v Idea* from Europe. presden correspondent of tha Journal of Am writing last niontii, ffpJlii . T , f . tv Titcre ore no fields, ; aa with n»—xoo.enolos- planters to raise enough com. aw^qtffer; grain.,: to do (hem. But it wont pay to raise com in the cotton belt of Georgia, all yerar arguments to the contrary notwithstanding. ?&£•mthfe; business of a planter is. to make. money; and when.it will not pay to raise any particular erfrolo lintvflVAr nin(*h n-n mom mn A is fa . fence or hedge ; . bnt one crop :1a • eulti- tobacco; ■ r to another, and to the edge of the or later, . „ , «it® ” -«' r^-r'- 2L these lands for the eepecial pnrpohe of raising ■clothing for the woildj-and, therefore, all'efforts to divest them; to.:other- -.uses* will only recoil, upon him who attempts to~do -so— [in what pwt of Kevelatw&ffoijjjivfindffrat,"Grafton.] In .order to ,elugidate-. and make. plf»n toe broad assertion that planting .and endeavoring! to raise! com upqri cotton Tahds'wiU hot pay, the following, little table is snbmitted: *. , . “Upon one acre of medium cotton land atleakt 200 pounds ef cotton-can be raised, worth,-at 25 cents per pound,.§50.--. :TJpoh.:an adjoining, acre you cannot; in the most rfavorahle: season, get over l.5 bushels of com,• worth*.-at)* l Jjo per bushel, $17 25,. Add io th^, $2 25!^»jr!iodder, etc., and you havei.'$20 ^or your odih acre. .And here you have'a clear loss pf $301 JBut yodjmay further add $5 for ^freight 1 for hauling from de pot, etc., and yon still have a loss of SO’pir dent. • : Any one can plainly see from these, facts-*;- facts known to every planter in the cotton.-belfc —that planting com won£ do. It is all. very, well to dream of raising everything we want, from a bushel of potatoes to a silk'dress—but let us un derstand once for aU.Heavdnhais diversified soil and made 'oire portion for one thing and another for another. - 'Who doubts what this portioh was made-for? i- a;:- .- :- = i-rr; :.: .•*:} m We-would soon get allthe moneyin existence, and leave nobody else any, if we -conld only raise enough bacon, com, salt, coffee, tea, su gar, syrup, drugs, clothes, hardware and whis ky, to do us, besides raising our usual amount' So ground islpst'in stone ’waffs f en oes on any farm land on the continent, ** 9 ray travels have extended.. Cattle- arc ^.bfre seen without an attetidanty 1 except in' j^lhind where the canals are a sufficient bar- ! * r ' . j, e gays i “SChe popular use x&-- beer. ' - - th-'- Germans has almost overcome the ^ "of gmnkeness which was once so .common, ^'to he hoped that the prohibitionist in pur not prevent a reformation so prac- ^ILdsomuch needed in America.” _ ^ wo‘her idea is suggested thus: * ‘One is hard- ur annoyed hereby mosquitoes, flies.or.any •* flving insect,; and perhaps- the universal veftion of tfirdS has something to ; do ■rtitfi •jes fact." „i —sli.i*-T«.r. ; From Washington: Connly. f It » Sandersville Georgian comeb to us in -T.ing for the murdered Flournoy who was ' Ct idolized in that county.. -In am eloquent ^ a , e t0 jus memory the Georgian says,'he 1 graduated with distinguished honors, at vlethorpe University, inl8C0, ?hen only eigh- ' vears old, and much against bis will was Rented and elected to the State legislature- : s The necro who killed him, had been of cotton. But the great l Am hasnot ordam- ■jil fl ** lne • - ,? ..7c ed matters to work m that style. If it were so, . J {rom the penitentiary by tffa/gratuitous trviees of Col. Flournoy as an. advocate when tL’s negro was under indictment and trial for , n Y,, CoL Flournoy was buried with Masonic and a feeling and appropriate eulogy jeliwred over his remains by CoL Evans of “, county. The people, were overwhelmed Kit zrief r.t this deplorable occurrence. From Brunswick. , The Appeal of the 12th says,, that in the evan- (jl - ^ nth instant, Mr. John 17. Hutchinson, add and highly esteemed citizen, died very dJcriv of dropsy of the heart—passing •itn short minutes from usual, health; into the nnknown future, i"i Mr. J. B. Arnold plated upon ohr' table this a large onion, 13’inches ini circumference, ■jom w> Cumberland Island . by Mr. W. H. ftafty. Who beats it ' •--•■' ■■•■•» • .1 fljMtfT was given ’ on Friday by the blocks »lie white population of Brunswick, for the jnpowof raising funds for a colored church difte. The Sunday-schools had a grand, pic 1 yc «a Wednesday. Important additions are 'ring made to the Ocean House. r. FromStewartaii.fi Randolph. Dr. Wills, who has just returned from a visit :oth«e counties, reports every thing in fine weitioa They have had timely rains, and •ioeghthe cotton is perhaps a little more backward iia amal at this season, the opinion was ex* jttssed that, on the whole, crops have not been aore promising at any time for twenty years pif. than they now are. The negroes are .quiet, iadastrkwa, well-behaved, and the relations be tween the races every way satisfactory. The people are all in good spirits arid hard at work, .Heading to the crops. So may it ever b$.. ; r; . : ! i i :• From Jasjvvr County, v Col. Thomas Jordan, of Jasper, in our office yesterday, reports fine' rains all over that coun ty and from his place to Macon, a distance of d-ont thirty miles! The com .on the red lands ;{Jasper is almost as good as it con. It looks Ae a dark cloud. Cotton isknee high, healthy nd full of promise.’ Mr. Jordan says the' gu- uoed cotton looks about three hundred per itBL Utter than the other. . . .. • , From Ike Ancient Capital. , . MilledgeviUe had a splendid-rain on Mon- hr. which was good for crops but not fpr Ames’ C'jcut The Federal TJniqn says 3|pssrs. It, Ay. Loans & Co., have on.exhibition a white mbek- ajtirdwitli pink eyes—an ornithological Albino, lie same paper speaks of th'e following. >' ■ Lsege Yield of Wheat.—Mr. M. E! Edwards Junks he raised forty bushels of wMfwio itre, on two acres, just outside the ' borporate haits of this city. The land was nofc measured, 1st he says it was the best wheat he eveif sayfr. Milledgeville is getting ready for a big Ma- wnic celebration on the 24th. The ladies are t iring their harps and voices to join in foil chorus. : . , A " X ! ./V/., The Federal Union has conversed .with p4n? :ers from various parts of Baldwin and the coun ties adjacent, and they report the wheat' crop good and the prospect of corn and cotton as very promising. . . ”* , Travel Yorth and Sontln , ' A Washington dispatch to the Nbw York- Time* of the 10th, says: tr..i ! ::t> Yew York hotel proprietors and railroad men turn others in this city remark'that thri travel from' the South to the North has been foFthe last few *t*t s at any season; eirice the close' w the rebellion.' Neariy all these people' are of ■ Vw” 5 -’ an ^ pleasure se'eMng class, •uni ashington is merely a resting place oil the v ui various points of' interest 5n the : 'orth.' This travel between the’two s^ctions is •*>«d npon as an evidence that the South has, iJ ? v me “eeenre, recuperated from the' effects u the war, and that prosperity is again retum- ?? to her. The number of businesspeople rind speculators going'Sonth is also bnthein- f tase , and several reS estate agencies herb are ;! a 8a profitable business • id the sale' and ex- of Southern property.; :i ' ’ ^ t ’ lai Kiguo F.r Ti~.rnTT.rrv Cikk.—The Atlanta ■“'ijgencer contains tho opinions.of Justicps. -levaand McCay, a synopsis of-which has giftn. As it is probable oiir readers will ^‘Meto slefp withi^qt becoming pos- of the detailed news .of .the Court on this W will, for oiur pwn,conyenience,.. postr ^ publication .till tp-morrowy -when we will, liliih also thp dissenring.jopjnto^pf Judge and dispose of. the whole subject. „ JJ>; IooM, this world would be a very one-sided ^affair in a few years, -t ■ suit Hear the fable of the peacock and the mock ing bird : The peacook, complained to nature that she had bestowed a glorious voice upon the mocking bird, and given it’ a horrid one. "Whereupon, nature reminded it that 'she had given it a beautiful plumage, and the mocking bird it had bestowed a fine voice nylon, in- or der to distribute her gifts equally. • ' -•: r 5 - So it is.with the-divisioris of the -world:. Yir-t OFFICE DALLY TELEGRAPH. ' > .'arrauan r-JmtE: i6-*Eveffing; ;i8o9: f i ! ■ The wholesale and jobbing, trade of the city ha* been ratlier.quiet the paet;week and: prioee, except Flour, markefc'bkre-of'Toil-'grade*; aupUrfine <5 00; double extra6,37>- ; treble -extm 6 50. Com, .White 1 QO. Oats 7l(g72. Bran 115..,.Hajvprime JgjpO. r jBm F4ri’ 32_75; u! Bacon, ^otridefs ■If review, caused.by,the steady-upward tendency'nfi th* raw. material in ilUbft leading markets of. the. Wotld.-j’JVeqjiotei., • «l- -no. .r-iooirt ed DoMEsnoe—3r4 ppr, yasd, ;-I3.nS naem Shiktixg—7-8 pervard ...13 @,14 .- 4-4 ffjnrLL»e--*Heavy Brmrti per ymd;-.16 @ 2(i ”, HeavyGeo!rBiaBtrjpes;.ijt..:.c-4.8 @21. OsS-ABmaGs-Nq^^pz. .^.y. ,?3-.© -25 ■^b No. 2, 7 oz 19 @ 2J,.. :j;t, Richmond 19 @ MiiledgeTiUe. No. Vt-jii... CW■; .-A .22 “’ ’’ Flint River. 4o..l..vf-f:..o-..;--:.iiift4 .j ■SgarxEr— .-.Mosttitgfigm FwAsmill-Gur-riioney-'ri&rket continues easy and quiet. All A1 paper finds ready accommodation at qUofed-rates: ' 1 n The Stock- and bond market bas marirfeetrid a lit tle, more life the past week than it has-"‘Before for piontW. There is now atorjr fair demand for s6me of the leading securities in this market arid we have heard Of several lively transactions 1 within'the past few days, ! -”We'append carefrtflyrevised quo|ati(5ns ■ ■Buying.-.-.-..-// ! .*:: ~ :".‘l.. 11.prem- Selling an I. -A.;-. .^prem- •..nsrrED STATES CUBBEJfOX—LOANS, tv- :!V - P’ehmQnth*:.. <.. a. .x.-*iy&S&9W cent "’ :r , OOIiD. AND'SU.VEE. t.iid ■Buying rates for Gold ,v... -w- .$1.35. Selling 40 Baying rates for Silver.-. ‘ '. v.. V:. 1 20 jti ; 25' Belling..v:a.si. A-.. AAA.-.A.A130@l ! 35^ RAILEOAD STOCKS AND BONDS."' -T/,.* b Central Railroad Stock aA-.’K 1 . aa.c..;123 Central Railroad Bonds >... 101 Macon & Western Railroad Stock.. AT. . .140. Southwestern Railroad Stock 102@105‘ SoutweateraRailroad Bonds.’.. f}M‘...;.'.100 'Macon .t Brunswick Stock,. 35 Mricon & Brunswick Railroad Endorsed Bonds... .90 Georgia Railroad Stock .105 Georgia-Railroad Bonds::: -A..-.. ■! :-‘P.. v...-: .v.-. 100- Muscogee.Rrilroad Bonds:vi.i..ia.:.. .-a. A 95 Atlantic & Gulf Railroad -Stock, S0<535 Angusfa'i Waynesboro Railroad, gtqek.! r . v ..... 90 lavESFOOL, 'Jtiio 16,‘-nobu.B-Cottbri sales lSibbd 1 -hales; uplandsJJ$£j:P*le»os 12; muketnottvec: : ::-Ijvei^ol. June ITaf t ei-noop,—Got toij; salea-20,-! rt ,. .. . Xiveepooi,, Jma:16.R’an —Cotfdn side* 20.000 20 T. ; np^n^s I2,}.Qri.e«m.l23i.l:»Mk«li.actiM.: ' toNDox. 'june lO. noon-prGonspls- ^^. Roods, qmetatSOK- ----- . Loudon, Jane lfi; •sltkrii(i6n.'h*-|}efaktiB' > 9SHE Bends,qfriet., ici umtoni .'nJlnwt.' nun ..Havbe,’ June l|5.^Cotton 1 -olosed,5ft3ier%.f)nspQt : I«;afioatl3SK. , . , til;; tun ”,ffoAT-LimfcHuto.— 1 Thenewpleasuieboat, “2ff- lab,” which “Thb lnnoceiits” have,' afterirtuch trib- ' ulation: prodtirad from 'Charleatoni''halving-' bceri- thDroughly;- overhauled and repainted-iii the’- most tasteful manner, wiU.be launched; oh Thursday af-r i)w< femoon at5 o’clock, from-the- heach (f) ai the foot qf ’ Second street,.. ,, , Xl i i , !U j : . ,Th® ^‘‘Zillah’.’ is. a boat, of beanffttff mpde^jqd -■^^one pf the fastest of her. jd.aSjS m Charjestqn,- .harbor.; She is built for either sail or ops', being Schooneir rigged arid pulling four fotriteen feet’oars, lor’ eight dt : less' - fcoridSabld' fitiaSetoiis. 'gfie &W tect long and four feet nine inches beairi.-ahtf will draw when'fuRy loaded, 'aboutten 'or twelve Iribtfek of water, . Her proper rriew.- uc fivc men, but'she’ Will easily awssommodate tlrirteem .-Tinlio vrchiii lYe «ue glad to sea a boat of this class introduced to our waters, and hope the success pf -tho '‘Zil[ah”. may bq an. inducement to q|hers toimimtate ffie ex-, ample of tiie '“Dmocerits.” We know of no pastime .which id so'tnvtgorating to 1 the' pllysicaJ, anil at" the game tlmd sb-inriocent in^its’bijeratioris upon tim moral tmn'. j!: -’ ;;: •>< rwiatto i ! We have the foSori-ing communication on this sub ject which speaks.for-itself:: : •• (.-■: r:- «a:-‘./:* o ■ o ' : < .: vrr. r.':; i'llAUm!Janeil4,18fi9c -i ' Mn. Local.—We frequentei^ of-the "brin; were “t mfc'JS’iz ..; u RICES. • ui! )--in -B. -i.' 45050 giriia produces tobacco; Kentucky meat, IffL-. -SonthCarolma RailroatlStockA ..^ nois com, California gold, Pennsylvania irop. Cctton States Life Instirancc Stock... A i '. A A .105 ” " ~ V ' " * * ;•- ■- -^ STATE AND CUT STOCKS AND BONDS. Macon Gas.Companr Stock.. a a-a .. m. v: -.': ...140 Macon Factory Stock ,>.-,..,110. City of Macon Reserve Mortgaged Bonds. ,'., 75078 City of Macon Endorsed Bonds.'!.A'.:, a". .100 State of Georgia new 7 per cent. Bonds A*.. vv l A 94 while Georgia sends forward cotton to ' clothe these States. "Why don’t Illinois raise her own’ cotton, and why don’t all hands in Southwestern Georgia qnitthe cotton patches, and'commence digging for gold-?- It won’t pay t •” i.- • Gbafton. i: .Quad erat demonstrantl’Mi. It is an old; old •stoiy. Twenty-five years ago we saw the thing 'figured out just as ' well—and, what is’mort ? we . y 01 ™ saw the two. policies practicaRy^^ mtistrated:^] 6 toe-week-driding-’this? eveUng '190 There were two counties side by side. M, a nch. baJea . 8aleB 207; shipped-250-showingan increment * " " of receipts of the past, week. Over that of the week before of 90.bales; decrement of sales 167.. State of .Georgia, old. 7 per cent- Bond«.R..>-^<;> 93 State of Georgia old 6 per cpnx.. Bon^s... 82 Cotton. —/Receip'ts ’to-driy'36 bales ; sales 78 V t connty, as to soil, cultivated by the most, intel ligent planters we ever saw—within ..twenty .miles of the Gulf coast—in easy and cheap com- . The demand has-beenfair during the entire week tmder review, anc} prices have, advanced. steadily tounication, through Now Orleans, -with .the Western granaries. Why should she raise com (from day .today. jf The,business of. the week would, arid meat, when an acre of com was worth only so much and an acre of cotton was worth three times as much? Why raise cprt 1 ^ 'figures’ showed it to be stupid’!. '", .Now T. was a county just above —— poorer as to soil, bat, tiffed by men who wentin for. raising everything they required for food, and quote: did it. Result: L. was bankrapt in a few years, T/ had less morrinnek—for she gotto be so rich as to have hi4avy' sufplusseri, aridSterit intffusu- ry' and note shaving, which corrupted, the people. There was scarcely a planter in that county who had not a lqrge money capital pntoide.ffis plant ing operations, rtodonbt, have been very heavy if thoofferinga had -been on.a coirespondmg scale, In. fact, It is the scantiness of the supply .generally in. the South that has caused the steady advance in Eastern and European markets., ,-Ihe market; .closed.firm- this evening at an ’advance of about pne cent on yes- terday]a,figures yithno gmiples qntbqboards.- We Ordinary..26^, Good Ordinary .28I£ Low Middlings Middlings../.’ 2;s; A.:.......A....a..... a .»l .U0- ■ - alACON COTTON STATEamSt.’- ! • • ' Stock .onband.Sept. 1,:186b—bales.,:. .- 1,325 Received to-day 36 ,. Received previously..,.............. ,.58,092^-53,128 59,454 ;• What right ha# Grafton t^, base ctqtWlritioiMjawu^i '!■,!!! none Shipped preyioualv.,... Stock on band this evening;-:-/ GKOCEKIfc'.S A.VP PROA’ISIOXS. Trade in this line has been quiet if not rather dull during the ^vbole ivqqk,, except in the-single article of bacon; for which there lias been. a fair demand arid prices have advanced fully,or% ofri cent per pound sipco thp datp of onr.lasi weekly review, ■r- Other articles baye been very, quiet,at, unchanged bn cottop at 25 pento and corn at $,115?. ..,paye we not seen, Qottcm at three cei^s anff. com at three dollars ? That is the mischief of thq,busi ness. .The farmer plants on such, figures, but in ’process of time he is tripped np and ruined. He can’t eat cottop, and he can’t,sell it for enongh to-give him a surplus to buy corn!. Bqt he must have com and, meat, ..,Hpnger drives him po the usurer’s, andbeirigoqenp-,jggisfttmtipdTpanl it iuririt. enough ijor..a,.planter to. stake his .-figm-ea. Quotations.'teff tho.rest:.. ilnek on one.country, bpt here, .fee bets oq,tjvoi BACON—Clear Sides (smoked).... Land the coiton-price beside.. Suppose the, .... O^KbSides (erimlito).. worms eat .his. cotton. Suppose the Western com crop faffs. Suppose cotton prices faff to. a low point, and,this is very, apt to happen when the grain crop fails, where, then, w he?”; What shall save him from rpin? . . . ,m -;.-i If bis. meat-h,oupes and com criffs ,were.Cuff he might wear ojd clothes, and, atiff, be fat and. healthy.. Bat .if ffo has raised nptbing to cat,, his case is .pitiable. And who is .to guarantee against such contingencies in thq course of years? , The farmer who risks them is bound to be overtaken and caught .in a snap every now andtheq.;!- t u> ii .The QrJy.pmderit.conrsc rs.f°r. every planter, to draw from his land, as far as possible, all his own sustenance and that of his laborers and stock. This should be the 1 -first care. Next, raise such a cotton crop di yOri can cleverly manage!'rind let it be your study every year to make this a profit crop. Let it show the clerir money results of your operations, arid with! it' lay by your profits arid provide in adyance for such family and pereorialsupplies tisyoix 'cajanot, produce at home. This is the road, to security, abundance and happiness '; but the fanner who .58,720—oS,720 Isi Gtassis getting a new, start and flours Uy.MV.ll n»» i Of Doctor pf ^ivipity wits- conjten;ed np- ” ^ r -Landrum at theilate arinnad. coinmence- '"•»f Georgetown College;’ifenfucky. . • -■—;—,.—lor- uii «r»* »->»« ®' -'‘tEANr 1 -Nfiws CoinCS • to ; bs ‘brigrit as of’ plundenngi iffe. gtoqfef} doji,, goods A i:ii. t ({i'c-' , ' 1 *n»1 iir.‘ w.-.w >:i A county that,tbe.j.sqaaous; liayo ,,bqqn "■ the crops arein splendid ooudition, it - Go,”’" ' I ; W Ol' IWiiTMu'.—nv/>n lipt.M-1 jj *®i June ,16; 18G8j,\ras 1404;-. and cotton Ws in- Kew Y6rk.‘“Gold-yesterday' was } N1 cotton- ,«tor- mhSuBm: ? cotton'33’teerilS. — :c;iyi iMjimiW w.c* 1 find the^Ameticdii EfOinBej Bbs'-' ,-f-2 T St coave “ en ! ^oppin&placeJ. Now-' Lj,-, “ 6(i - '«th passenger elevator, cafe, bil-' -•*.*’ f<ff, y rooms cn mite, Ao., this- hotel ““Pasta high rnti'k l '-' l ‘ < . «• P^'.’ " — ,! --'I MPL •llHOOUa -'laps: raises cotton to buy his meat and bread has to' risk too much. He is iq, perpetriri. danger fji CtRIT&.AA.-a.... OATS. a. ...... „ T.qruedKu>ffffiix. , .,wi The recent-performances of the-negroes-in Washington, and other part* of • the ’ 'country,' seem to bato knocked dowii African, poh^icil stock pbpnt twerity-ffve per.cent. ,. The,Ntew York Herald, which has been giving ns all along a world of good counsel about harmonizing arid WHEAT—Per bushel fraternizing with th6 Badical negroes,.tariff..caiff pet-baggers, gets out, of all .patience,, and,, boils over TOrthe llih.:;.-Says he: v<- A NeObo ObAtob iNtrrrs'a- SO' OtTbage:—We publish an "abstract-''Of a speech recently’ Uveredhy A negro orator in Mississippi TtrtdeF the auspices <if the’ white Radical Executive Committee. The fellow had the effrontery id acknowledge that he was anj‘emissary” arid an . ‘‘incendiarythat he was gaid'fqr coming, ad vised the negroes to stop working’for white 'r^bels, 'and otherwise fridted the black popula tion to' riot rind'outrage., H. thW.FdddralTOm- manders in the rinreconstiricred State*'caimot *.«- i i?T(ui-"It.il *1 ItLl-A'— J Kits 3 00 @5 00 Codfiahperponnd,..,-....;* :r- I0 y@, 12% SALT—Liverpool per sack...,...., 2,75. @ 3 00 . ■Virginia..’....:'. 1...' 2 50 0 .. WHISKY—Common I^e.'A 1 :....: 1 20 @ 1 50 Fine..:.....-:-.;....... aa 2 50- @ 5 00 Coni'.• — 1.15 1 35 Bourbon....,, 3 50 @ 5 00... ,ALE—Per dozen.......:.':,..:'..,. 3 00 @'4 00 TOBAOCO-^Low grades per pound 50 - @ • 55 Medium .-.',i60,j:@ :;70-- Good... ’f- @ «'• Fright Virginia.............. 85 @ 1 CO Fancy.at....;.....L l‘-25- @1 50- FLOUR—Liuperfino per bbl.i.;,. 8 00 .@8 50 , • Extra 9 ,50 @10.50 FamilV...:..............l. il 00 "@12 00 Fancy Family Brands. : :"AVT3 GO ‘@14 00 ,: New per 100pounds....... r.\ 0 00' @. • New'Yokk, Jnne' lfe,' noon.— Florir firm for shipping grades. Wheat less active. Com dull, 1® 2 lower. Mess Pork 32 75.1ard quiet; steam 10% '@19%. Turpentine drooping at 43%:' Rosin firm; strained2-45..« Frt^btt-nnm'. : -u'i' -u"' : locMica Rain 1 —Iri 'Wektefri Georgia they tion to' riot ririd’oritrage.V. the ;reuerm <»m-fririsetffed. 'Mmojj': active at 7, hb,,. . -a r.r -®L manders iri the nnreconstirictfed State4'»|^ipt with commission. Berlins 9^. Q<ft&87%. gvio bege£tt,ng too. nwph.mn. ,-?& -ihok^bff'th&e'nl^er 13828 22^. North:Oarohnas,-new 55a Vhginias, Snn ; say?, that on..Sundaymight,.;;in ’.fte icMcs'take ttiM in heijidandthefiiW 'at-coupoM5gg; “wgX*_Temeese«j^^upons •^a°M of the city,lots wereavierflown. If^^these- tnariwrecfi'ettuciltcai/jheictiiK.'’^'.^ t ‘’ v ’ ' ! ;i ; We. ad^se, the.Heraid!to,keep lufiiempcr.TTr ^jjp^g ( Henry jiayson, ihe “colored orator” referred to, -475(85x0. .. pours out a stream of blacdigtuir.d^Blasphemous, I -filthy and indecent,^tjfff.C .ffpon '^xe,. Spqthep ' peopiuifrqin^-etod'tbr'..tiru ffoux7,„hnH ifc scarcely rivals the-regular discharges of the so- ! ment.an^jt<), ‘;thur,dwuneff !-vjhito rebel- scoundrels,” he did. not advise rthsm to set tire to the cOuritry and burn np every ; „j lourvery ( hbns9;^.if;fo#'ten^eyro!^j^^>H^ 1 ^.^p8e r military to ‘‘call off the dogs' 1 -who aro at-the . and ninhnliam .which they can prodace. .^j -no mi on——-■•*«► — .- Fibs'p WATmiHLON.—Out thanks to Mrt. arid ,iri, iee pcTOty- - u: i ‘ > i & >: ' ' f iI.Ata fashionable .wedding is St-Louis last week, tha officiating clorgyman,- the. Rev. Fath er F.-M. Keilty,(inlia address- to tha -groom, said • ‘‘You are:the man, and -the man; must be the ruleiv Any idea tlotfiring -to - woman- as being theiraler ». a: perversion of Scripture;. Shoulders... I.:-:. Hams (country) Hams (sugar-cured), .-.th PORK—Mess Prime Mess.....'..''..';... •itu Romps;:..aV:-vtv.A’.v.. BULK MEATS—.deer Sides;..:... ‘ •' Clear Rib Sides...., " Shoulders;.'..". COFFEE—Rio. A!; Laguayra: ..c.;-. Vi:. Java,.-,.;. 23 25 19^@. M 21 #• 20 @ 35 00- @ 33 06 @ 80 00‘ ! -@ • -(at 22 ' -30 @ S3 43 @ 4 5 10 @ 12% •19 15% 26- 9’ @ 11’ 150 @ 2 00 Green .v.-3.-2 00 @ 2.60 BUTTER—Goshen -— 40 . @ 50 UJ1 Tennessee Yellow.... ..-.SO @ 40 m;‘. Country 25 @ 80 CHEESE—According tO quality . :. " 25 @ 27 TATm— A;........ I 21 @ 23 StlGAR-rAccortlingto grade...,., .,18 ,@....21. MOLASSES—According to grade., . .65 @ .70 FISH—Mackerel', bbls, No. 1. 2, 3. Iff 00 @24 00 (1 ' G(t,AIIS’ ANDfffV-,. CORN—Yellow, Mixed and White. 1 12%@ 1 ; 15 . 1 15 @ 1 2 ft 1 30 @1 40 •1 05. @ 1 10. 1 70 @ 2 OQ ... ; @T45 HAY—Northern.A"V' - Tenne9se (Emothy.-... J Herds Grass.• - Tennessee,.... 2 00 @ 2 25' 2 00 2-00 . 2 00 @ ', j^TEST MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH; -r.i.. ’ i> om esttc’Mark its.' luuixo nvu _ l ' new62^|. Lp$s}jmfa 70)^ : ; leyeeaC6yf. j | * j jnfl'e iff, evening.—Flour, firm for ides''; other grades heavy; 6riperfino 475@5l0.' Wheat'*'Shade • filriier, With a good export demand. • Com dull, 2@3 lower. Mess Pork a shade firmer at 3275. Lard quiet; kettle 20(8203^.1 Whisky firm at 103. Rico easier ; r Carolina 8@9, Sugar quiet' '■ Coff o’e' fflttrii • Molksses'dull; Mosto' vaao 47:: -m >.!' c "• ' ■ u .iv»wa.. ! ' Cotton saleB 4800 bales ; market^ifinner with, a jgdbd demand at 33. . ,-»i,_ -> - Governments cldsed strongerIS ems firm. Money relaxed after 3'tt.ii.; "frdely of fered at'6@7, . Sterling firmer at 0%. Gold acUve ; at,33. -.Stocks.poasotUad anda, ; shado stronger. mBaumobb, Junqlft^TCoiton; very .firm at S3.- Flour very dull arid favors buyers. Wheat firm nt -unchanged. Com, white 102; yellow 93. Mess prk 83 50, -Bacon active vsffotuders 153^ hams l%(ii22i .Laid.firm at20. Whisky firm at l;01.. ji . old^^^lud., 1866s 5|5K ; bid. N(}rth - Charleston. June 16.—Cotton sales -250 ;fcales;: receipts 140; exports coastwise 560r-msrket firmer; middlings 31;Mt; tKCT rV'( ? llF'Rnic.'.tUil ■ ATOrBTA,. Jiineil6;—Cotton eales;446 bales;.re- ceipts 58.;.mArkeVffrni;.5uping8 31- . .. • LoukvIiae, June 16.— Provisions firm; Bacon, riwaldera Lkrd'19; Wlus- hBLoi <jj: t-omrt to i.-'ilf 1 -‘Zll —..tc St. Loris,, June ^C^.WMsky : 94@9«^.... Pror, 14K;' dear sides 18)4. Lard,kettle 10: keg Zo. ''ttNtmwaW, Jtoe-16. Ai’Whisly'OS.' -Mess Pb'ri- bdd at 33O0-; closing dnik -iBacon-.:fimr;: ahouE denliX; dear sides 17M@18. Lard heldjiff 19K r ,no- sales. ^ it'ICottoa' 'nalefe 606 ; : receipts 62?! market bare with active-demand’; e very much incensed by ari' article whic^i lat^ appeared-;in the local- oolnmnOf the'Journal-anil" Messenger, jn.whjcb. after.nnticing .ffie arrival Of our new boat', the “Zillali." lie .‘alludes to us as the ‘'innocent boat-'club.’"' Now. against this we'ear nestly protest, as it would thus appear to the: pub lic that wp are. altogether innocent of any knowledge of boat-craft;- whereas!'w* wish it to be understood that our real-name, t‘Tho Innocents,’’ is 'ineint-to' be indicative i of, the character of .each individual, whohas'the'hunor fobe ’ , fi.l:- i.::. i.Ojjeof^'The Innocents.” 'f " •-'■ v . -i-■?■>-»> ;.i »’ -d-:i ntt EcFAtriA AheadfA-We:were pleased to ineefr yes- ierday, on his way home. Mr. William A. Shorter, son of-Hon. ElbSlShoitor. of Eufanla. This yotmg gentleman has juBt achieved • k' brilliant victory infa contest for the annual .-speaker's prize-awarded at jEmory and Henry College, Virginia,;in a conttst be tween four seniors and three juniors at that insti-, tution. lit is but proper to .add that Mr. Shorter was one of the latter class and has been only.ope year, at College. Wo predict a bright’and nseful career for Mm." '■ No &8M.—Gen.' l/e'wkij'^fiiieifrreedmen’s* Bureau, offered for sale yesterday, at public outcry, on the premises, whateverdaims'fheBureaumighthave npr on the Armory traffdings near {hi* city, jt was tffought by Gen: : Lewis that the claims 'would' bring several thousand dollars, but -he ’ could riot get a better tad than c-1625. -arid he withdrew the'claims arid : sfoppe!d the sale.: The -bidding 6h0wed-what is thought of- the strength or legality.of the claims; t-:«l m . . 'R. A. .Wise & Co,’s ; advertisement in yesterday’s paper, .to which we omitted to qall attention, ,speaks for itself. Double wall eilver plated Ice Pitchers, at only five dollars'. Rogers’ Table Knives, Coyere anil Forts at a less price tbili tbe American articles and a greatdeiilbetter.- Choking 1 Stoves by the rftth gle one, or the hundred. With'a Stock of silver plated ware, house furnishing goods andafirst clasB : tin ware factory, .turning out goods for the thousand demands from the trading public. .- Their attentive Mr. Truman Mid Mr. Grimes, the;new .partners, hold the business -well in hand, and will chalk down prices so lowy-pu will be compelled tq^ny,. Give ^Ijem a tiiaL Orders will be prpmpffy 'ffffed, ‘ Foe tnE Stmteri CAiiriAioii;—L. W.‘ Hunt'A; Co:',' pur popular Cherry street druggists, are calling at tention to their well assorted stock of goods iri their- line of business, while they continue-to sell to- all classes of buyers on such terms-as cannot fail to.be. satisfactoiy. Those who come og send, to Maqon to make purchases r| in tiieir, i iine f will find pq better place to buy their gqoda. fi ' \ .. ;]J ; cotton states XIFE INSURANCE " n coiiaciE*J±X3"sr. -,|J. il ,1101. .. :t:;:;ii!-? PRINCIPAL OFFICE, -MACON, GEORGIA. . r.y i t -ft iwili It-:! .r.;t• 7 i Ulli-n 'to Authohized Capital f2,000.000 GCAKAhTBEO 'CAf-ITAL;*::......;.....-.....’..;............500,000 Deposited with the State Comptroller . , .FOB SECURITY OF PoLICY-HoiDEBS 100.000 „W* 3-J0HN5I0N.rPaE3iDEXT. }y. $,.HOLT, Yjce ffaEsiDEXT...,,, , GEO. S. OBEAr, Secretary, .. _ • "J.' Vf. BURKE;'GenehIl AoEst. :;: '" ll ''' : ■ ;.! ' C. F. McCAY, Actuart. ' i\ J. MERCEE GREEN, M. D.; Med.Ex. ••'-tint • viti T HIS ffampafiy issues a^'llie various kinds of Policies, and thes are all NON-FORFEIT ABLE after two fall payments. They.give a loan of fifty her cent, on all premhnns amounting-tb over Fifty Dollars. Bit ,tteuutuv:»utv-.-> .jr - •»*•• r A SOUTHERN COMPANY, ’ ii t- .■.•i:rlj(i'l:nn ■ C And erery Southern man-is interestedip/keepingthe large accnmulations of Life Companies at h'dttie. In Fire Insurance the premium* are mostly re'tnnied: to ineet losses; but in Life Insurance they are accumu lated to meet the deaths at old age, and only returned ‘••The^tnbney^retamed here will bring better interest, and thus.swell, the profits of a. mutual'company; and benefit.the insarcd.in many other ways.. ’ Every Southern 'inau wilt fie sure to assent'to this, and favora Southern; Company if jtia safe.-.We offer him precisely the same security as the Northern Mu tual Companies,* thtf ftccu'mulated premiums Of the ' in- .ntot .JlitJi off IJ lp't> tt’.-A JBli j teMJJUti 1 .*. -I ea.iiurt ■/( i.-jliu'iiuo.-aai .ujjrimr Four Hundred iCoobinr Stoves, - ^ 1 Four Hundred Cooking Stoves, (: ' r Fqur'Sdndfed' Cooking f 8tffii^i'ii«' Four Hundred Cookinl Stovesl Fobs Hundred Cooking Stoves,’ Four Hundred Cooking States; Four Htfndred 'cooking Stores, ,. uri ih-vf-rttro ui xml nwiiat>r( mi iitc The.';BESt. uty. ^inrc».«T*’ o our. xntoMniiiij -u:i c " THE JffESW FATTDRNS, ,iu:rw i :. ; ii ■ c THE:-BEST: PATTERNS,- tif «:< •if>«.’ jubttij t-’Trfk BUST ,!UmT ’ ,u,,: L "’ :r c- - .'i'.-i ffTtE -BEST, PAFYLRNS,: ; -j. •tciii ::ir. .THE BEST PATTERNS',- nviu ncr .oinH mli i: myrii.'iroi iv.l:: i:it. orm'.? .iipiartiriiiri-fo uu.-m pitcnv nil ia>: ATT L<W r PKICES ! ? •:! (f JX£: »Ji! 'ftl ui jjjjnjlK ;:m:ni t> • .l.ATiLO.W.PRICES.u.ujiJi .ip -AT LOW'KRIOES.'' i.LOF PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. *>:« iiiii-L-O til! } }li*.';».v jjji tjii iv:n: I .’silXTif ? Me. ;rn V i ptifdiv V 7Ti!~i:u(Vt)(uiTi?' mi u ' :i ' CAepry,street, Xlaeon, C». 1 ; ’ u' ;ri!XL'i';rfii i Tirm." mi:- Io-two:! if. -i. Kir;'- il ,uu, ,i»u*vro *;t u i '•ii. t’li ".in <i.'-‘ .-.i' * 'iifui o iroria x:>:>n .iuin-.i •» ruil'ii? *'n ;u ' ° ■iiu.’.aziv'. ,i: ut »1« ’iliinr l;>:u*.v sn,VEB-piAT?D'. ;: . .Mu'V • ui lr-i .KujriL *.';ii«!. ztii iruinaui ICE BITCBtERiS / ui (•».£:; i »'i: iij.hu* *» ijlv u j.v t: 1 1 siLt2ii.pzj.TEi), iQE.pircMEBS, SIL ViEB-PLATED ICE PITOHERS,,>■ ; i: ‘ SILVER-PLATED 'ICE PITCHERS, ‘ * 1 SIL VER-PLATED idE PITCHERS? 1 SIL VER-PLAT&Pt ictf$tt , QH$iSi ) 4 i *:•? »• mi AT ONLY:, 'it.- ! I— ■■o-i.A.. ar.-Aiir«i' r - txrcutff t , , AT. ONLYiPIVE'DOLLARS, ■: .:-o' -at ohly■ fiyedolzArs, ■ SMmm 2 : AT--ONLY FIVE DOLLARS, w. uv -;ri'.:>ii:i »jt«.-tr u:.t i SP»I .eial; Mil ml o : .’.':u*L<m:ui i;.- . j.u't .‘ urn .-> ltK'in -:rr-. ... Jivr j. ,u.JD mil:.: i a: : mi ICE CREAH-CHURNS, tn.-u” •mrlOE CREAM CHURNS;-"^ ! -:i WE'CREAM CHtiRNSi ’ lli '::iCE cEifAti;Vwjtt$L'::: ! .:?! iCE CREAM CSCRNS. i-lu? .ii.if s' ' t c;uc:*»r j/cy/r !^kj:.*5 :-.r .rv * 1 ‘ * r. l -:.ir£«tp who met tvfth, such Unparalleled Success while in our City a few montffs. . V :f*i .-srrti zi. ,Si®6C| *..j v v..i 't« luciM ..U'U—r jr (PROFESSIONALS' - -niifUHi?: *itr. SSI >.*■ V-Uir/i •>!.* v'.-Jii j. •'Man «• iujLK.A-l vU a:;UJ Ism ZL ». ft; w" j£i)ijMUrfH|r:iiT >310 -,v ml yjt: sjis,iuzr. oj m iptv. vr: ; -s .-v. »• ur;ii/i niC . • ... cxsfsit***s 'ttTLLf'AT THE EARNEST' SOLICITATION OF A LARGE* NUMBER OF*" HIS PATIENTS,'AGAIN.- A - " - - * fwcotted < JL :~.o ns, i t. . :T ; cr-r.;nilTfcO xm* ci a; .aiuiiitc wit imt. •■:tsar. iic;-: lc*. t-r.---..- - \_LL.-i -. .ten ixuferS iiulu vtfl tour ft -.u*t<>t» *c; o -aai mr : xLiz i'lsiv z'.j ii; :» tatiir 7* • REFRIGERATORS. •j: u * . .a .1 v iwil'ivs.yn -.-v .'•fjxum.- osHjj •> 'wiriiui::.'. • r "tttFOB BA-LE ATrrr" • r.v B.d.WISE&C0.’$; ii: Yil-'UlUiV QUART TIN FRUIT ■"! uvflt. pitot u :i ' 1 QUART"TIN FRlST ! i'CANS, :: ' , / ': , ' r '\ ’ ’ ‘ QUARi? TIN ; FRUlT!!C^ i i’.‘'- < ".' -!j, . QUART TIN FRUIT CANS;-! i! 1 *’ QUART-TIN FRUIT CANS,".'’” ’ ‘ QUAR!ff .TIN FRUIT ...” - >u piiiiitLIlxiSi .:. i.u>!>*' ** :;;i!;iiilw*(f :- At $125 PER DOZEN. .vi: .* .i.:>::i j.’Lm'.vimunm >•? ,-t ait ui_.--i;.jr. r-i.'htri ti t ;-r ; : ,i AT $125,PJER,DOZEN, .ij(, ; ■ i:.■■ -m > AT $125 PER.DOZEN,iiiiri"!'.iui<: " ii: "' AT $125 PER DOZEN, T*-- 25; PERDOZENul .'* *,•: Li AT.T. SIZES, In :a:l B. A. W1S&&C0.’S, vxiyin* mil ?' 'j.:u Niip2« nil X'Si'iZVii 1 ~ ::fiuw n:\tstroAmiai T *nnuir »»!r i uii—ffiftniiitiM • rtr ui:c.r orjt i uj' » ii T EGLECTIG PHYSICIAN • si **’. ii?- 3m*? si*: t itxtx. ~ >}lii ZLjlr *-V 3B&SMSl£ niAL U*iiv:’ %:nui Waves* walz nit fu’.0-'9T«r^ hfcijib 03931 1M, S luiia.T *dX *jic u :*.»,mnr;iggi re's -;tr zulL tr. z# zzii&ncci* rsvr 'fTtzhz-i* v* J! «3JL V> t x$.* ‘-.•■•v : r: eisii »lu t. .vjtizzd? jrA z.HSs^ 5d? c T&OCC-v dr VfiJi ivy, ;u:i rtili uu* -critt. /ui. *ji: uijyurr/r mu j; uiin « jjutn; J : .KoifMirrtnj ‘asi: xa r;r Iutr;n;: I.-t Jits ry ucrirr r> ivH:nzw ~. u- a sf —tjhv.7c:n u rrun5 /mrituiCt:?:*•/ 3-u^MSts jut wit: *i)iisiizTisnsI' r)i;wl uzszlhz. •coin -tin :m\r i; u?tufur*.r jjtil -jjfrrrsiif: is: VISIT MACON, GA. :>r;: a;:»*:?•‘AK.D OCCUPY A SUITE OF ROOMS AT rXAll JU>: . \ r J - f » ; BYiasrGToisr’S r r June 21st, to Mitoy Nijrit, July 12th, 1869x»?} nclo: llrr si'. -.-xt i zsr-.iitjic i a.-ZilK. -hir a*»? .v-«j :*itri n> < At thjH ECFA0L1 H0I(SE, froni Wet|ifiesday iTfttrnlngfJttly 14th,:ie ’ • l-,7 u: n.I* day Night, jniy 2344 1849. - ^ _ ui. lr.jji.i r*:n:si r -ai*.K -UTT'-UT11.’;» C G-a.i L'LaX.r ja-ar aj<T. n. " AihuM .L ia' ;- - *~ -i^ T^Ufattfr •zii ear rut t.i -}..r£ vr-vier eW - i.r. k- -stvao arft V- i.-nd i-zt# -Plti z. r.r.i :T»f; ^.^'nesday Night, August 41h, 1S69. rr sz?*3ic us •• i'OsTi!7:J •• r:. } <. . -.j,-.*:. ^ _:tw.; :.^i J-.zi L&r.:. tost At the P£RRY HOUSE, from Saturday Morning, July 24th, tu Wedpt-ovd -r ri:.-::- iza r .fnfiai at r-ir T -.-rv ,.z -i-ato ahil xim: ir.*.**-. oi;j !■!:.• ncicr-x - ri r.x.i..* ^k. * £ - el^aass.; an »»,r.aaa ii I'.-ri i-i-ill 'u .•m:i:n.i xaikl: rdv.iLJ . -U. , v *■!_• '•! f»t£ «F sS&aHEM&CS'•!!« oi 11 Htuxtsville, ^Vlri., |t EftSTLB¥ ? S HOTEL, from SalurdAy Morning,-August' Tib, te Snhday^^: 'i: -m m: m Night, ^AugUSt 15th, 1869. “ «X Ja»df Stmt > , jxmQC-d^.ayy4W’^4w.. » , - , ♦ f : . U'itS th ikIv FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MACON. I. C. PLANT,...:.:.! WxWiXVRIGLEYi..;. HUK" Cashier. . s:nl vlliTri _ x'T’ tiiea Corner Second and Cherry Streets. TilSCOUNtr, DEPOSIT AND COLLECTION. 1 / Exchange-Bought and Sefld.r't" * "•Liberal advances made on shipm any good Northern or European 'hon ;. Collections promptly attended it,.. DIRECTORS: j£ L. Jewett, Wri T. Liahtfoot. GIK Hazlehriisf, W. .T*“ H.Ross, Wm.B.Dins»orei H: B. Plant. may3-6m* / rt ,..^ ti[ made on shipments, of Cotton to. houses. I. 0. PLANT & SON," -' - Bankers and Brokers, /OFFICE In the First National 1 Bank 'Building, on V Cherry street, second door from the corner, of Second street. Will receive'Deposits. Buy Sight and Time Exchange on the .North; Savann and other points, make liberal advances ou Cotton in Store in Macon, or on shipments* of Cotton to good Northern or European houses^-or .on. Bonds. Stocks or other good securities. Will purchase and seil 6' h’uca-vi-is ''SILVER,"'- and make investments for parties as they may direct. , i mayS-Bm* ,-;-*:i,.;-- -,-T — , , ngusta ; Can we not learn wisdons and use orirmeiins'fo e'n- 8500,000. Surely this m a'kes it tofe .* and if so, let every, man INSURE AT -HOME-!-:: , THEN PREFER THE’COTTON STATES' LIFE - : - INSURANCE.COMPANY: - 1. Beoauseitis-aMutual Company: 1 :: 2. Because it is a Southern Company. . . .... 3. Because it'has a large Guaranteed Cardial. Agents for th'i -Cotton States'Life lri'sur- Cojnpany: — -<<■.. n W J-Magill. Special Agent; Atlanta, G*i;ii »•* wMSfedawte- H : R IFFoMmanf «k CbjSavannah; Gd.' ’ Samuol W Mungham; Giriffia; Gaw'iJ •“ »> I W.y ; WAUiain§, : Awrugta, Ga f ^ Vi :»i H R Thomas, lAawson, 64U > John McKinpe» M#dville f ’Ga< . Jonn ^icivinpe, ^j^avu>e,’iNa< *»>•: Irr* jmr SWSa&BSftfU.’-''”" •" - - J • YO RuSt. Albany. Oft.’ ^ M > W™ . H M;Anderson, Borne, Ga,.:- siuy. .1 iirmv.* j wfeawawBP*^’ - • Thomas J Cater, Perry, Ga. jel.3-2tawlm mw l JMB81?; JSSW eoop;!! gQ StirfXBigM Jrjjin, 1 50: Sacks Rio Coffee.- 1 tolOiit:!—.-ftrtasaKiiTO i il.1 --:c.i.-T.-rt c JHUuJJlu qaii ui: >.“V««n-v nut. „ 25.BaKelsGqldeni£yxup. r ,.„ OTV . ; n-inwK -mr 1 Car load Bolted MeeJ, r i lr '"' '■'* SWJ-SasJtaSnjjerfine.Fltmr, ntrun xittunn:: 12Sr;B»ckiiExteairanne«e*.'Flour;- aken.M Vi. uW oi: 150 Sacks Choice XSSX K n ->.i *i. gmnvGJl rj- .tvxn-dri’irirtyL ut t<. We ftraeeUisff low ibr owfc. . • 't'«tiUi?rA , rrTi* put's /ittliiJi i riis7 jiuj’iuiu : . Tiwr-wAiqB, TZH-WA&B, TZN-WARE, TIN-WARE, TIN-WAKE, , ;w . tih-walrb, vmMA&n, TIN-WARE, TIN-WARE, , ' .uu’ir-iiail: •*: sm rc. At Wholesale, ’:^ 1 . At Wholesale, At Wholesale, 1 .itijlimt!*:' ui: v —i i.- ’.ti At Wholesale, jiti: M*r:tas:& »n: n 7*uv vnctuij —m* ):aimrr:u''r CherrjriStreetj'Kacon^.-Gau'ici ANOTHER large arrival ,.. • •ssm mC ..- 5._ ... *.* T;J 3P x INE liquors. . . »« 3% casks of fine Port and Sherry ‘Wanes; i ; ,.j* 5U cases St. Jnlean Medoc Claf*t. -n,;_:.. . ■ ,., 5.cases “Liqueurs,” .‘.IMarachiao.” "Cuiracoa,” " „ ,. ..VAnnes^ette 1 '|and A.bSjntn'e. 1 , ^ .»•••• r - - Also,’a well selected assortment of •-jj.*- ...BRANDIES,,- 6IN,;RUM, ALE andPORTER.. ' The attention of “Bars” is called to the above list- nf LitiuorJ. -’NoKObdliar is withont them whom they:, can got them. - *!i: *i-:-r--* JNQ- W• O'CONNOR.^ ml • AMUttdek Uii*hSiiew : ‘ :l •• - , *' v Bacon; Flbnri Sugar, CeffW,: Teas,:.Vinegar. Soap,*: Candles, Statth..Wrapping Paper,Twine, . Candy,Blacaing, etc., . Which I will sell very Cheap for Cash. Call and see A’ :mabefofeyOupurcliMeelsewherjO::ic;^ ::t. xuti. :WmB ,-,ir ui:*vif! aroi -wpii-' JNO»'Wk,O CONNGftiiu 9, ; Under Plant ns’ Hotel, No. 60 Cherry sf. “ •ftWU” jJXIIfil uticwr ui: n nar «t mi ui”' .Httutrt; ihiv -Mil .K ite Tle.BEST 6HTLSEY, WariaiteS, t *£, -i; reT. nominal liw v»r. fi'rtil.v *i*iiiiar BEST CUTLERtr^WARRANTED, j;*r* tTKE-BESTrCUTLERYi- WARRANTEDf TflE BEST- CUTLERY, WARRANTED, ■fHE BEST "CXJTLERY, WARRANTED. -DIBS SHERIFF’B,SALE,i--Will-.be.sQld.,before r> the Court-houseuo6r, inthe ciWof Macon, be- tween ; the leral hours of sale,' on the First .Tuesday in: 4Rfly next,rt®.following described property to-wit: luld'Parts df lots ofie and *two; square* forty; fronting aboutithirtyfeet.pn Second street, and-running back to'an alley on the west; the lot being about 2(S feet, boing’beumlcd dn theWeet by the said.alley, on the: south.by tha lands of Findlay and Seymour, .on. the, north by th#lands or Jacob Dinlrter, and distant on the south:sid»: about JL10- feet* om* Poplar .street; ■■ and to satisfy two tax fi- fas.^. ■V Jin. rig- C0.W ™ u ' .i r •n?' .iKn:;-iL'i,r.(i ,ji *o> jiL'umm lrtlrt! inaiAT-BirAV W£8B'<&> COi\8,.irr: rtf- * ■jzi AT >Bi"A:'WISE & CO?Sf* ‘A- ‘ 4 Tw Tm. %mAThB. a. WISE dt rGO.’B, ' «>';”• i(i:*'i*i ml ,v n f )!W *nt nw" ft nit ill: Cherry Street, Macon, Ga; BoJna* afn.fhin.1 n mit>tirti.li v:r lOiit-.v s.u -' CHEER Y 'BTREET, v MAC6N? HA? ' 'CHERRY STREET, MACON, GA ’ CHERRY STREBTrMAOON, GA.' I tmjjthJ *nti 'it' JiBntHisqmKtoxy «ror*£i USUZlffiiiV itorpooi hd London::, -u. 1 ::i ::o;cn “TaHO - :- ncaqwa vm: t GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY! CAPITAL, OYER SEVENTEEN MILLION “•'« DOLLARS, GOLD. . * .l i - ISSV&E COiiON. WBRCBANTriSE. STORES,; , T.r-1 i : i'i j)WELZISOS, Xte. -i' - tun T HE UNDERSIGNED - HAVING BEEN AP POINTED :Agentof* the abeye named;popular and highly responsible Company, is prepared.to issno policies onasfirt-oraHetermaas^thebagwibiM iuithia city. v . I. C. PLANT, Agent. • X«ept8-xy '. . .. - - - OEOtlG-lA MUTUAL FIRE AND LIFfe IKStJEAirCE COMPANY. " rich ourvelves and beautify our homes T 3 - pt*». levied on by virtue of and ' to satisfy two tax fi. fas.,, issued by F. Tm TOllector^vs-T.^J. Ftint, iiijoneMdr. n-=i:vfli- =‘-,h.,: ;ih.t ... ShenfL B IBB'SHERIFF'S SALE.-Wni he-sold-before the -Cpnr.t-house door, in the city of Macon, be- of sale, on the first Tuestay f Ween . . _ July uekt, the following perroaal property, to-wit: One large sorrpff horse and bread.-wagon, the proper ty: of Mark Isaacs, to satisfy a frYa.; issued from-Bibb' Superior vor of At and Emani..—_^ AAI1 j S MA RTIN. . june?-td ' Sheriff. ELI WABEEN. ' V. L. ORICS. WARREN & GRICE, ATTOR^HYS; A T LAW, perNyga.-- ■\XTH/tpfoetiee in the eonatiee of the'Waccn an* • VT. Southern Circuits, and in the Diatriot and Cir cuit Courts at Savannah. -T*. AIino-tf .kH Dr T W Keen. Salisbury, Nc ' • - r r.. Mai W M Robbins. Attorney-at-Lair, -Salisbury, N C Col C F Low, Merchant. Lexine . N-C 7 .. -dngtpn*l James Sloan, Esq;Merchant,Greensboro,N C“* * 1 Hon E.GReade, bnpreiue Court Judge, Roxboro, N-C.- , :; *. 5 Hoa C S Wingtead~Rox'ooro.~N C * * s B P WiHiamson; Wholesal* Grocer, Raleigh. N C- ■-■nod J P Dillingham, Newbern,NC Robert Thompson, Esq.'Wholesale Grocer, Nashvillei* * * ‘ • * Tennessee Hon John Erskin, Judge U S GourtiAtiahtav Ga . .wcH je6-tf. .... . .1 A ,C.O*F:F.* CX AXa ],-« Executive Dipaetmeb»-. : Atlanta, Ga.. June 12,1869. * v^O X5& ar: ;ter 41; exports-Ca ? i m«TKe« Dare wjwi active oexnauu; ^ ... «- .»: »•;.« n ii . toic ttur tiit. TW , T7«g!gt , TOT! TtiiKrTZirttmirj Jk»‘; M* m ;pun voiTO -a* oavaaaaiie , ; * Ar/r, •; •T-... j. secretary weeut iasqB^UtHCSj itid'iitoS 8 30>ji . jell-tf SEXMOVEi TINSL^X A C$>«i;*.Vni ctft' i»ss> ianwnrise* ■•irin qtwL-. . .iMfJ-dto ;. ; * at-ansucs;- car -' ■ , r ufftf .-cm*-:- -i i-- •* >'•) rituff •-‘■ ••x - " . ,»;o:u n- «uiK cihaeinC* , -iti&Hheair * ;oiartafee»sr » v :-t aF»«aKr HTtignin«tse * iuc aiTtbC Aqtffi riff.irijixmftrrgf •’*" r 1 1*"'-. • .iwnnuu rua-.’■.•jiiiuUL Miisrtsutti uieritnr iqml atbrif vasd-jAf *y*eeg-‘ . Aowy-t q a .'baita • . « - ' . ^ . - k . -t. . . . ... . J.. , _ Ordered, That Hon. James Johnson,ofthe county*' * of Muscogee; be, and be is hereby appointed JUdgeef -• - the Superior Courts of tHs State, in and for the Chat- .red tahooohe*CSro«it.fr<mi-aR<i after July 1st, next; and to , ,: s hold said office, until hiseueeueorahaUbe appointed; and that he be commissioned accordingly. Given under my hand and the Sea] of the Exeen- « " • tive Department, at .thajCapitoi inJttlMta, the ' -X': day and yew first above written,. . . , _. r .« B.BULL0CK. _ r * _ ‘ Gurerndr. By the.Qoronior; j •. * r r, • Ecsr jib Davis, .. " . Secretary Executive Department. rRWV j ». uxw -' '.-.* '. it*.. riH «:■ iv, J.-aA- .- cri’-.-.cii a Jr Z.i tosl H AVING fully organized onr Company on a euroi--ri: and permanent oasis, and having the Comptrolr. ler’s authority, we present to the Southern People * —‘ where every dollar invested -will remain iri our miSst!*’ 2 '^ The galaxyof names, given as directors- and referees^. - m .i u a sufficient guarantee' of itself of tb* fidelity with : which this institution wiU be managed. The capital T lyl denttf loved ones, our homes and our country. “ * . Hundreds oF.thonsands- of dollars. are yearly ab*-. Ants. stracted.from the pockets of our people, and carried . . to foreign parts-to enrich strangers who have but-lit- * 9tl? tie sympathy for us. - 1 '.--.i-rv »rfT Wo will try audplace^in every locality, polite and, r.; w efficient Agents to transact the bnsiness of the Com-- “-x pany. And we cordially invite-all desiring agencies in this Company to call on the Officers, at the office- .'/ building, near the Passenger Depot, in front of the’ tiro hotels, ou Fourth street, where all matters of de-x: tail will be cheerfully given.. ...... . ... The profits Will he entirely mntuahafter paying"- "“** six per cent. Jto.the Stockholdtrs.for amount of .6toek • - ftrd guaranteed. w, - * W. J. LAWTON. President '. : -! xxs J. C: McBURNEY,:VicePresident(. v.-!aaD:a R. J. Light foot, Secretary.^—--——— :. U - , BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ^ ~ -‘ -IW ASHER AYRES, Fertilizer, Macon.Ga. *->a.*l . .’ 7Y3 T. C. NISBETi Iron Founder, Macon.Ga. .. h H. T. JOHNsdN Johnson, Campbell k Co., Whole- JACKSON DlUoACHE^cffriage'^Depository, Mb- m-. i: eon:CM.“ ' •- *-•• - - rt>. J. C. McBURNEY. Macon,Ha. . .. WrALAWTON, Lawton «fe Lawtoo, Macon, Gai. * * T\ftT.V.T()M DI.hSa. Vaf/inlon DAVID T. SINGLETON, Planter, Eatonton,_Gv sj-ije* RICHARD HOBBS, of.Crugfir Jf.Co,, Bankers/Al- DR. JAJiESF. BOZEMAN, Presh Georgia; Home.'-' 1 ! Insurance Company, Columbus. Ga. . , .,..t.r a -WALLACE CUMMANGrBanker. Savannah, Ga. J -a»-«A - .. :~tl ista.Ga. ens, Ga. . - - 1 :...2r<ra 'Zmi'XZLt. *T3-W \ii' hr. -iihsij -it szth »jsr vd t .rJx Hairriss A Howell, Wilmington, N C Gen Augustus Young, Charlotte, N C _Wm B Wright, Fayetteville, N C* Jno C SJocam, Soldsbero. JrC r z— ■ ,i-tr , cT-r>f> ,Wm M Lawton, Charleston. S C , . Y Jas P Boyce. President Theological Institute! Green- C.'i . T)U9|‘pCa - ' - : - , R Furman, D D."Newberry UourFHouse, S C"' -XJ Md :*asq S-TAikin, Knoxville, Tenn *Jno McNabb, President Eastern Bank of*Eufanla, 'ana Eufaula, Ala — TheodoreHarrisipresident Louisville Insurance and-- -T - Banking Company, Louisville, Ky _ WmD Miller,Lynohburg, Va- : .:~.'-voO Ij-L Warren, President Falls City National Bank;i-lt I Louisville, Ky -Gordon, Owens & Stokes. AbbeyjUe, Ala P.H Popper k Co, Mobile. Ala ... Josiah Morri3, Banker. Montgomery. Ala Hugh MeColkCoramiseioner, New Orleans,La-* r Wood, Low &Ludwigsen. New Orleans,' La ~ - 4a r ~“ Noble A: Brothers, Iron Workv.Rome. Ga : . .; -zi. zz ti* Gen A R Lawton, Savannah, Ga„ • Gen A H Colquitt, Baker County, Ga . . . „ - _ .Thos H Wilfinghain.Dougherty County, Ga’* taxi., u James Callaway. Atlanta, Ga - ; Col Luther J Glenn, Atlanta, Ga- **