Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, June 25, 1869, Image 5

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-•iflrpf -V' , -wsTwr 'ssu- ■w mm rhb hbbmhhh ■ '■■ .. " ■ . ••■ gjmS&L ■ 'p&'S ' ... , ]'$:■'. ' ^^SHSSH5SSBiSfiHB9BSi8j^SS^(^fcR^I^88J pf£ TELEGRAPH- financial and commercial. -^^^FRIDAY, JUKE 25, 1869. ~ Weekly Review of the Market. -^TcHbinet and tbe Cabans. ^tcordmg to the Herald, General Grant fa- Cubans and would be willing to give OFFICE DAILY TELEGRAPH. 1 Jcxe 23—Evening, 1869. j The wholesale and jobbing trade of the city for belligerent rights, but is held in check by '' W -l inet. Secretary Fish, who sympathises ^ ®. fcbans, has great dread of a complies- ateJ - v S°°^ demand at quotations given below. «nr1 of anv course bv the oov- 1110 stock “? 1)01111 ■“**“* continues to itr with Spain, and of any course by the gov. I * w hieb would be inconsistent with its I • on op 0 ® Alabama claims. Attorney I f^*Vj Roar, who does most of the thinking cabinet, is down upon the Cubans, and ■° r ^ est 0 f the Jnnta in New York is due to ' f ** secretary Boutwell goes with Hoar, for Strictest enforcement of neutrality, andKaw- f- Cos. Cresswell and Borie are more or less -'f, ’ t The Massachusetts part of the bolds the reins. The AH Pervading Darkey. The Herald laments that with every day’s de- ; ent the eternal negro question is popping r ' W Mid cropping out of everything. Trades’ everything. I ^^Twe now to be torn a11 to pieoes by it, j | )QS iness confused in every department by ' sunabbles about the color of the laborers ’Viie pertinacious efforts of the man and 'i,. r to prove his color just as good as any Iva The Herald says the difficulty is likely extend and evolve a sentiment respecting a Jifference of race which will intensify as it Just so. Bnt we hope the Georgia vLae Court decision wiU arrest the social .aditf nonsense for* time in this State. The Negro Members. Ibt Constitution of yesterday, treating upon wgro^iWvsays: It is true that the negro has been pronounced • tilde to office, and we bow to its imperative tmisthe law of the land, but it is equally ^Ttbat the negroes excluded from the Legis- “ cannot be restored. Their case has been t a ^ L , They are out, and out forever from Inresent body, though under the law they can elected to an-.l take seats in the next Gen- «] tssembly. To reseat them would be a pal- violation of law. The only solution of %j troubles lies in this theory; and we press it ' 3 on r contemporaries as the law of the case, jn Under, certainly good authority against, if ■ x for the negro, claimed it in Congress; and « propose to give the debate on the question so our readers as 6oon we can get it. Rat this cannot be the law of the case we jai we have abundantly shown. Whatever Sen Butler may have said or may now say, he j j) jo wthority for the people of Georgia, ad mil be foremost in pressing a vindictive Ljcj «gainst Georgia should the Legislature ,j continue to withhold from the negroes their aits in the Legislature which the Supreme Coot of Georgia has declared they are legally titled to. Illinois Corn Crop In Danger. A telegram to the Western Press says the con- I cold and wet weather is becoming a seri- .a eanse of alarm to the Illinois fanners.— Fdf as there is a change soon, the com crop in N’orJiern and Middle Illinois will come near j:roving a failne. This is bad news to such of u Georgia planters as have their com crops rated np in that region. It is time for them :o begin to pray for sunshine on their com in IBinois. Laying the French Cable. lie Great Eastern is now employed in the work of laying the French Trans-Atlantic cable. | The splice to the shore end at Brest was made I early last Monday morning, and the whole expe dition pat to sea at daylight, the Great Eastern | paying ont the cable with great ease and rapidi- Dispatches to the latest date show that all I ess going on well. Prouxo his Loyalty.—The Bristol News says I Andy Johnson went to register as a voter in GnariBe last week, and had to li prote his loy. y which put Andy to his trumps—inasmuch | uhhadstolen nothing—always kept white com- :aiy—a clean face and whole breeches—could :?ad and write, never stoned his mother or | Ktad bis wife out of doors. The Commissioner i registration decided that ‘‘the fax was agin I an," and it took all of Johnson’s tactics and f-.Ujonmess to work through. But he did it, ^d is now recognized as a legal voter in East Tennessee. Conors ejujj on Tuesday night in Macon, and I nrinity. The earth is well watered. Com, ad all kinds of vegetation, are booming. Temperature about ninety. Air elastic and tihny. Thunder rolling in the west, and we i nay have more showers soon. Tan Sen’s Eclipse aim the Tennessee Elec- T10s *—Both of these occur on the same day— August 7th. We are unable to say whether the sun veils his bright face in mere shame of the so-called election, or the Tennesseans selected such a at occasion for an imposture and a deed cf darkness. In either event the co-incidence i appropriate. Peogbess in Auericos.—The Americas Conr- learns that eleven new brick buildings are aider contract and in process of erection. The cly continues to grow and if some of the cap- .nLsts would erect dwelling houses to rent, the timber of inhabitants would largely increase. Tar Florida Senate last Thursday agreed to -Tport the United States Government against r * lt Britain in a demand upon the latter for j" indemnity for the Alabama spoliations.— ■‘tafact gives new confidence to Secretary Fish '•Hr. Sumner, and will make the British Lion ‘ifiwith rage. Tsi Campaign in Waeeexton.—Two compa- 7 s °f United States troops lately quartered in ctUdei of Warrenton, which is the Court Square, have been withdrawn to the main Outside of the town proper. They are ^^for the fig, peach and water melon sea- then the slaughter will be dreadful. Hamilton sent a note of regret to a silver in Illinois in which 6he said: “When ’*! bis stayed married twenty-five years in IHi- rJV 1 suppose it is worth while to ring the bells ^1-' Pray consider that I touch the ropa J none the less heartiness because I am a hlin es away.' ^'tstem paper says that half the business courts in Illinois seems to be to satisfy / ^geance of women because they can’t get f many them, and the other half to ^***omen to get rid of men who have mar- H- Hulbebt, Superintendent of the the week ending this evening has been compara tively dull and quiet. The leading articles in dry goods and grocereis have, however, been in moder improve and there is now a fair demand for all the best se curities of this class. We give carefully revised quotations: * exchange on new toes. Buving...... .. ; || prem Selling. • .% prem UNITED STATES CUBEENCT—LOANS. Per month per cent GOLD AND SILVER. Buying rates for Gold SI Selling 1 Buying rates for Silver .1 2001 25 Sellling .1 80@1 35 nAXLBOAD STOCKS AND BONDS. Central Railroad Stock. 120 Central Railroad Bonds 102 Macon & Western Railroad Stock 133 Southwestern Railroad Stock 107@110 Soutwestem Railroad Bonds 101 Macon & Brunswick Stock 35 Macon A Brunswick Railroad Endorsed Bonds... 90 Georgia Railroad Stock 105 Georgia Railroad Bonds 102 Muscogee Railroad Bonds 95 Atlantic & Gulf Railroad Stock 35 Augusta & Waynesboro Railroad Stock 95 South Carolina Railroad Stock 45@50 Cotton States Life Insnrance Stock 105 STATE AND CITY STOCKS AND BONDS. Macon Gas Company Stock 140 Macon Factory stock.. 110 City of Macon Reserve Mortgaged Bonds... 75@78 City of Macon Endorsed Bonds 100 State of Georgia new 7 per cent. Bonds 96 State of Georgia old 7 per cent. Bonds 93 State of Georgia old 6 per cent. Bonds 62 Cotton. — Receipts to-day 2 bales ; sales 18; shipped 30. The receipts for the week ending this evening, the above included, were 46 bales; eales for same time, 179; shipments 214—showing a falling oS in the receipts - of the past week from those of the week before of 144 bales ; falling off in sales, 28. The market during the week has been a little ex cited at irregular prices. On the date of our last review middlings were quoted at 30c,with an upward tendency, and on Friday last they reached the high est figures of the season—31c. On Saturday the telegrams from the Eastern and European markets checked the advance here and the market closed very quietly on that day at 30 cents for middlings. Since then prices have manifested a drooping ten dency and buyers have operated with caution, upon extremely light offerings. The market closed this evening quiet and doll at nominal rates as follows: Ordinarv 26 Good Ordinary 27% Low Middlings 29 Middlings 30 HA CON COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hand Sept. 1,186S—bales... 1,326 Received to-day 2 Received previously 63,172—53.174 59.500 Shipped to-day 30 Shipped previously 53,904—58,934 Stock on hand this evening. 566 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Trade in this line has moved along rather slowly the last week, and except in the articles of com and bacon we have nothing to report of an interesting nature. The demand for com is still good, and prices have advanced fully 5c per bushel during the week under review. Bacon continues firm and prices have advanced fully a half cent during the week and still look sharply upward. Flour is in little request and prices are declining. Quotations, as carefully revised this evening, tell the rest: BACON—Clear Sides (smokes').... 5 @ Clear Bib Sides (smoked)... @ Shonlders Hams (country) 21 @ Hams (sugar-cured) 23 FORK—3Iess 35 00 Prime Hess 33 00 Rump* 30 00 BULK MEATS—Clear Sides <3 20% 20 16% 23 25 © Clear Bib Sides Sl.atUJenj COFFEE—Bio © Laguayra 30 © Java ... 43 © DBIED FBUH, per ponnd 10 © BICE per pound 9 (H @ 19% 19 16 25 33 45 12% Gieen ; 2 00 BUTTER—Goehen Tennessee Yellow. Country CHEESE—According to quality... LARD— SUGAR—According to grade MOLASSES—According to grade.. FISH—Mackerel, bbls. No. 1, 2,3. 15 00 Kits 3 00 Codfish per pound 10 SALT—Liverpool per sack 2 75 Virginia 2 50 WHISKY—Common Rye 1 20 Fine 2 50 Coro 1 15 Bourbon 3 50 ALE—Per dozen 3 00 TOBACCO—Low grades per pound 50 Medium Good Bright Virginia Fancy FLOUR Superfine per bbl Extra Family Fancy Family Brands 12 00 New per 100 pounds. 6 00 @ 2 50 @ 50 @24 00 @ 5 00 © 12% @ S 00 60 75 S5 1 25 7 50 9 00 10 5C @ 1 50 @ 5 00 @ 1 35 © 5 00 @4 00 @ 55 @ 70 @ 80 © 1 00 @ 1 50 © 8 00 @10 00 @11 00 @18 00 GRAIN AND HAY. CORN—Yellow, Mixed and White. 1 17%@ 1 20 MEAL 1 20 GRITS 1 35 OATS 1 05 WHEAT—Per bushel 1 60 FIELD PEAS HAY—Northern 2 00 Tennesse Timothy Herds Grass 2 00 Tennessee 2 00 © 1 25 © 1 45 @ 1 10 @ 1 75 @ 1 45 @ 2 25 @ 2 00 Domestics—8-4 per yard Shirting—7-8 per yard © 14 4-4 14%@ 15 ■DttTT.T.TN-n—Heavy Brown per yard 18 Heavy Georgia Stripes 18 Osnabuegs—No. 1,8 oz 23 No. 2, 7 oz 19 Richmond .19 Milledgeville, No. 1. 22 Flint River. No. 1 24 Sualley—Cnthbert, per yard 30 © 20 @ 21 © 25 © 21 jv' Atlantic Railroad, has reported to orernor that he has Daid twenty-five thou- . —r that he has paid twenty-five thou of the earnings of that road for the cf Ray j n { 0 {]j 6 state Treasury. Hj — Female College.—A reference to jj, Te rtisiing columns will inform the reader ^ a Pproaching commencement exer- ^ Monroe Female College. HwjL , onsa nd German workingmen marched % TaeJf 10n ‘trough the streets of New York ‘"--i r ; • acd riltetn thousand enjoyed a tied L,v lc Jones’ Woods. Lager beer Iw ,.p ont bnt good order prevailed. 5*nm^ e ,i ub i Uee ,” is.said, war origi- by Mr. Gilmore to be held in Wilder bn ” 411 at city gave him the cold °^^l-et rBixcenU New was brought bv ’ksn-* i .i- preu Company to a lady in Hartfori *eek. LATEST MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Domestic Markets. New Yoke, June 23, noon. —Flour 10020 better, for eln'pping grades. Wheat, spring 2@3 better. Com l<a2 better. Mess Pork steady at 32 62%. Lard doll. Turpentine drooping at 41©41%. Rosin favors buyers; strained 2 35@2 40. Freights firmer. Cotton dull at 33. Stocks feverish. Money active at 7, with 1-32 commission. Sterling 9%. 1862s 22. North Caroli- nas 58%; new 55. Virginias, ex-coupons, 56%; new 61. Tennessees, ex-coupons 62%; new 59%. Louisianas, old 72; levees 67. New York. June 23, evening.—Flour, brisk ship ping demand: superfine 51005 60; common to fair extra Southern 6 60(57 00. Wheat closed lees active at noon's advance. Com closed dull at noon's ad vance. Mess Pork lower at 32 50. Lardheavy; kettle 19%@20%. Whisky heavy at 1 02. Turpentine 41 ©42. Freights firmer. Cotton dull and heavy; eales 600 bales at32% Governments closed steady; 1862s 22%. South erns weak. Money eased after bank hours,and boun tiful at 7, for currency. Sterling 9%. Gold 37. Stocks closed firm. Baltimore, Juno 23.—Cotton weaker at 83. Flour active with full prices. Wheat firmer; prime valley 75. Com dull; white 90@91: yellow 82. Bacon, ehoalders 15@15%. Lard firm. Whisky unchanged. Virginia 6s, old 48%. Savannah, June 23.—Cotton market firm; mid dlings 31; sales nominal; receipts 112 bales; ex ports 472. ArorsTA, Jnne 23.—Cotton market quiet but irregular; middlings 30%(@S1. Charleston, June 23.—Cotton dull; sales 250 bales; receipts 153; exports coastwise 741; mid dlings 81. Wilmington, June 23— Turpentine steady, 38. Rosin quiet. 185. Crude Turpentine steady, 2 65© 3 00. Tar steady at 2 25. Louisville, June 23. — Provisions firm; Mess Pork 83 50. Bacon, shoulders 14%; dear sides 18%. Lard 19%. Whisky weak at 9a. Cincinnati. June 23. — Whisky 94. Provisions quiet; Mess Pork 33 00. Bacon, shonlders 14% ; clear sides 18%. Lard held at 19%. Mobile, June 23. — Cotton sales 115 bales; re ceipts 30; low middlings 29%@S0. New Orleans. June 23 Cotton dull and easier; middlings 31%;. eales 170 bales; receipts 47; “Sold 37%@37%. Sterling 50%. New York Sight % premium. Flour, superfine 5 90; double extra 610; treble extra 6 37. Com dull at 92%. Oats 71. Bran 97© 1 00. Hay 26 00@27 00. Mesa Pork held at 35 00. Bacon, slioulders 15; clear rib sides 18%; dear 95097%. Foreign Markets. London, June 23, noon. — Consols 93. Bonds steady at 80%. Sugar quiet and steady. Liverpool, June 23, noon.—Cotton sales 10.000 bales; market quiet; uplands 12%; Orleans 12%. Wheat buoyant: Red Western "Said. Flour quiet at 23e6. ' Liverpool. June 23. afternoon.—Cotton eales 12.000; market active. Red Western Wheat 9s3d. Havre, June 23.—Cotton active: on spot 146; afloat 144%. OBITUAKY. Departed this life inVineville, near Macon, on the morning of the 7th nit., after an illness of twelve days, Mrs. Florida E. Groce, wife of F. L. Groce, in her 23d year. Ten months since she, with many of her relatives and friends, followed the remains of her father, John Hollingsworth, to their last resting place—to-day she is lying by his Bide, in the cold grave. We know not what a day may bring forth, and how earnestly we should strive to como to Jesus, that when the monster, death, enters our threshold, we will be prepared to leave for that mansion pre pared not by hands. During her sickness, she bore her suffering with much fortitude. In her last hours, when her dear relatives and friends gathered around her bed-side, and when asked if it be now the will of our Heaven ly Father to separate them on earth, was she pre pared to meet death? she calmly replied: ‘Ttlam taken from this world, I feel prepared to meet my God.” She bid her relatives and friends to meet her in Heaven. Oh, how sad to think one so lovely, so pure and good, should be taken jnst in the prime of life. While her beloved husband, mother, broth ers and sisters, are grieved with sorrow, yet they should remember that the Lord givetb, and he taketbaway, blessed be the name of the Lord. She was a member of the Methodist Church for many years. She lived a true Christian, a devoted wife, an affectionate daughter and sister. She leaves behind a beloved husband, mother, brothers and sisters, with many relatives and friends, to mourn her loss. May our last hours be like her’s. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold before the Court-house door, in the city of Macon, Bibb county, on the 1st Taeerfar in A ugust next, between the legal hoars of e»le, five-sixteenths undivided in terest Known nnd distinguished as the town of New Macon, Southwestern Commons, containing sixty lots, saving and excepting Lots No. 55,56.57 and 58, which have been sold. One undivided sixth part of land, containing 483 acres, adjoining Winship and others, and formerly belonging to Wm. James and Sallie Rice. Five acresofland, partoflotthree hun dred and fifty-five, adjoining lands ot Brooks, Smith and Cason, in Howard’s District. One Wharf Lot— known in the plan of the town of Macon as No. 1— situated on the western bank of the Ocmnlgee river. One tenth undivided interest in Lot and improve ment* on Court-house Square, known os the Way- Siue Home. Sold as the property of Thurston & Bloom, deceased. W. M. RILKY, joneZ4 wtOd* Administrator. KENTUCKY MILITARY INSTITUTE (Six Miles South of Frankfort.) Col. R. T. P. ALLEN, Superintendent. Assisted by an Able Faculty. T HETwenty-fourth Academical year of this Insti tute will begin on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1869. Tekms—Three hundred and fifty dollars (5350) per Academical year of forty weeks. For special information, address Col. R. T. P. Allen, Superintendent, Farmdale, Franklin county, Kjg june23-eodfcw2m COTTON STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, MACON, GEORGIA. Authorized Capital $2,060,000 Guaranteed Capital.....™ 500.000 Deposited with the State Comptroller for Security of Policy-Ho .dees ..... ICO,COO W. B. JOHNSTON. President. W. S. HOLT, Vice President. GEO. S. OBEAR, Secretary, J. W. BURKE, General Agent. C. F. McCAY) Actuary. J, MERCER GREEN. M. D„ Med. Ex. T HIS Company issues all the various kinds of Policies, and they are all NON-FORFEITABLE after two full payments. They give a loan of fifty per cent, on all premiums amounting to over Fifty Dollars. It is . A SOUTHERN COMPANY, And every Southern man is interested in keeping the Urge accumulations of Life Companies at home. In Fire Insurance the premiums are mostly returned to meet losses; but in Life Insurance they are accumu lated to meet the deaths at old age, and only returned after many years. The money retained here will bring better interest, and thus swell the pro Sts cf a mutual company, and benefit the insured in many other ways. Every Southern man will be sure to assent to this, and favor a southern Company if it is safe. We offer him precisely the same security as the Northern Mu tual Companies, the accumulated premiums of the insured, paid b the young, to meet the amounts in sured when they grow ol 1 and die. and in addition thereto, a capital commencing with 8300,000. Surely this makes it snfe; and if so, let every man INSURE AT HOME! THEN PREFER THE COTTON STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY: 1. Because it is a Mutual Company. 2. Because it is a Southern Company. 3. Because it has a large Guaranteed Capital. 4. Because it bas Liberal Policies. 5. Because it? Policies are all Non-Forfeiting. 6. Because it does not restrict Traveling. 7 Because it has the best Plans of Insurance. S. Becauso it will always have 8100,009 deposited with the Comptroller General for the special security of Policy-Holders. For further particulars, address GEO. S. OBEAR. Secretary, or JOHN W. BURKE, Gcn’l Agent. Agents for the Cotton States Life Insur ance Company: W J Magill, Special Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Dr H Marshal!, Atlanta, Ga. W T Davenport. Americas, Ga. R H Footman & Co. Savannah. Ga. Samuel W Maugham, Griffiu, Ga. W T Williams. Augusta. Ga. James M Bivins. Columbus, Ga. W J Anderson. Fort Valley, Ga. H R Thomas, Dawson, Ga. John McKinne, MidviPe, Ga. Young H Wynn, Athens. Ga. W H Reese. Marsballville, Ga. Y G Rust, Albany, Ga. H M Anderson, Rome. Ga, G W Stallings. Buena Vista, Ga. W T Young. Eatonton. Ga. Thomas J Cater, Perry. Ga. je!3-2tawlm BKOZTROB FEMALE COLLEGE, FORSYTH, GA. COMMENCEMENTlixERCISES, 1869. MUTUAL m AD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. H AVING folly organized our Company on a sure and permanent basis, and having the Comptrol ler’s authority, we prceent to the Southern People what we believe to be oneof the safest and best Life Insurance Companies eve* established in the South ern Country. The Home Office is in Macon, Georgia, where every dollar invested will remain in onr midst. The galaxy of names, given as directors and referee?, is a sufficient guarantee of itself of the fidelity with which this institution will be managed. The capital is sufficient to meet all losses in every contingency. We earnestly appeal to our citizens everywhere to build np with u* thi3 structure for the benefit of our loved unes. our homes and our country. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are yearly ab stracted from the pockets of our people, and carried to foreign parts to enrich strangers who have bnt lit tle sympathy for us. Can we not learn wisdom and use onr means to en rich ourselves and beautify our homes ? We will try and place, in every locality, polite and efficient Agents to transact the business of the Com pany. And we cordially invite all desiring agencies in this Company to call on the Officers, at the office building, near tbe Passenger Depot, in front of the two hotels, on Fourth street, where all matters of de tail will be cheerfully given. . .The profits will be entirely mutual after paying six percent, to the Stockholders for amount£f Stock guaranteed. W. J. LAWTON. President. J. C. MoBURNBY, Vice President R. J. Ligetfoot, Secretary. . BOARD OF DIRF.CTOBS: ASHER AYRE-i. Fertilizer, Macon, Ga. T. O. NISBET. Iron Founder, Macon, Ga. , H. T. JOHNSON Johnson, Campbell & Co„ Whole- „. sale Grocers, Macon, Ga. _ JACKSON DeLOACHE, Carriage Depository, Ma- _ _ con, Ga. J-C. McBTlRNRY. Macon, Ga. W. J. LAWTON, Lawton A Lawton. Macon, Ga. DAVID T. SINGLETON. Planter, Eatonton, Ga. RICHARD HOBBS, of Cruger& Co., Bankers, Al bany. Ga. DR. JAMES F. BOZEMAN, Pres’t Georgia Home Insurance Company, Columbus, Ga. WALLACE CUMMlNG, Banker, Savannih, Ga. M. P. STOVALL, S'ovall & Butler. Auguita, Ga, F. ADAMS, Cashier National Bank, Athens, Ga. X. M. FURLOW, Americus, Ga. references: Harries Sc Howell, Wilmington, N C Gen AneustU3 Young, Charlotte, N C Wm B Wright. Fayetteville, N C Jno C Slocum, Goldsboro, R C Wm M Lawton, Charleston, S C Jas P Boyce, President Theological Institute, Green ville, S C R Furman, D D, Newberry Court House, S C JOB Dargan, D 1», Sumpter, S C S T Aikin, Knoxville. Tenn Jno McNabb, President Eastern Bank of Eufaulai Eufaula, Ala Theodore Harris, President Louisville Insurance and Banking Company, Louisville, Ky Wm D Miller, Lynchburg, Va « T C S Ferguson, Lynchburg, Va D H Baldwin A Co, New York Golthweight, Bice A Semple, Montgomery, Ala Ex-Gov JG Shorter, Eufaula, Ala L L Warren, President Falls City National Bank, Louisville, Ky Gordon, Owens A Stokes. Abbeville, Ala P H Pepper A Co, Mobile; Ala Josiah Morris. Banker. Montgomery, Ala Hugh McColl, Commissioner, New Orleans, La Wood, Low & Ludwigsen. New Orleans, La Noble A Brothers, Iron Works, Rome, Ga Gen A R Lawton, Savannah, Ga Gen A H Colquitt. Baker County, Ga Thos H Willingham. Dougherty County, 3a James Callaway, Atlanta, Ga Col Luther J Glenn, Atlanta, Ga Dr T W Keen. Salisbury, N C Mai W 51 Robbins. Attorney-at-Law, Salisbury, N C i*inj >V AODQ1DS, All Orliej -ai-AiHW, ca Col C F Low, Merchant. Lexington. N C James Sloan, Esq, Merchant. Greensboro, N C Hon E G Reade, Supreme Court Judge, Koxboro, N C Hon C S Winstead. Roxboro. N C B P Williamson, Wholesale Grocer, Raleigh, N C J P Dillingham, Newbern. N C Robert Thompson, Esq, Wholesale Grocer, Nashville, Tennessee Hon John Erskin, Judge U S Court, Atlanta, Ga je6-tf. THE GREAT CHILL AND FEVER EXPBLLER LIPPMAN’S PYRAFUGE IT IS, IN FACT. A MOST WONDERFUL FEVER CTJUE, FRIDAY. JULY 2o. „ , Examination, with Rhetorical Reading, by Freshmen Class. SUNDAY. JULY 4th. Sermon by Rov. G. R. McCall. Hawkinsville, Ga. MONDAY. JULY’5th. , „ , Examination, with Rhetorical Reading, by Sopho more Class. TUESDAY, JULY 6te. Examination and Junior Exhibition. CONCERT, Eight o'clock, f. m. WEDNESDAY. JULY 7th. Senior Exhibition and an Address to the Graduating Class, by Hon. Ciucinnatus Peeples, Griffin, Ga. Eight o’clock, p. an Address before the Alum- naean Association, by Col. A. D. Hammond, Forsyth, Ga. 43-Fall Term begins Monday, August 2d. S. G. HILLYER, President. R. T. Apbcry, Secretary. [june24-d2t-eod] FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MACON. I. C. PLANT. ™.Pribidbnt. W. W. WRIGLEY, Cashixk. Corner Second and Cherry Streets. D iscount, deposit and collection. Exchange Bought and Sold. Liberal advances made on shipments of Cotton to biiiii (Elections promptly attended it. 1 • DiaXCTOBS: H. L. Jewett, Wm. T. Lightfoot, G. H. Hazlehurst, W. H. Rom, Wm. B.Di ” may3-6m* r, si Jinemore, H. B. Plant. On account of thi3 Instant Remedy making a LASTING AND PERMANENT CUBE. NO CASE. HOWEVER OBSTINATE. CAN RE SIST ITS HEALTH-GIVING PROPERTIES. Creates an Appetite, Brings Color to the Cheeks of the Emaciated and Strength to the Feeble. EVERY BOTTLE SOLD IS ACCOMPANIED BY A GUARANTEE OF ITS EFFICACY. The Proprietor of the Pyrafugo challenges every case, no matter of how long standing, to try this Great Chill and Fever Cure, and then deny its wonderful curative properties. ASK FOR LIPPMAN’S PYRAFUGE, And get rid of that miserable disease, Chills and Fever. For sale, at wholesale, by the Sole Manufacturer for the United States, by \ JACOB LIPPMAN, PROPRIETOR OF Lippman’s Wholesale Drug House, SAVANNAH, G£. KAYTON’S OIL OF LIFE —CURES ALL PAINS AND ACHES. AND IS THE GREAT RHEUMATIC REMEDY!! KAYTON’S PILLS Ca — m HEADACHE i and all Bilious Diseases. aprl7-tf LIFE-SIZE FAMILY PORTRAITS TKB SIX GREAT REMEDIES , - . . * r- v \ OP THE AGS- PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! ODBLEFS S1RSAPARILLA, IODIDE POTASH. O F ALL the remedies that have been discovered during the present age for the “thousand ills that flesh is heir to, none equal this preparation. Only 15 years have elapsed since the discoverer (who spent a decade in studying, experimenting and perfecting it,) first introduced it to the public, and it is already recognized by the most eminent physicians in all parts of the country to bo tbe most surprising and effectu e remedy for certain diseasesof which they have knowl edge. All other Compounds or Syrups of this Root have hitherto failed to command the sanction of theFacul ty, because on being tested, they have been found to contain noxious ingredients, which neutralize the good effects of the Sarsaparilla, and oftentimes injure the health of tbe patient. It is not s j with Hurley’s preparations. This is the pure and genuine extract of the root, and will, on trial, be found to effect a certain and perfect care of the following complaints: Affections of tbe Bones, Habitual Cositlve* ness, Debility, Diseases of tlie Kidneys. Dispepsla, Kryslpelas, Female Irreg ularities, Fistula, jail Skin Dl.eases. btver Complaint, Indigestion, Piles, Pul monary Diseases, Scrofula, or King’s Evil. Sypbtlls. and all Imparities of tbe Blood. Hurley’s Ague Tonic. PERFECTLY RELIABLE. The only remedy for Chills and Fever, or Agne and Fever, that is or can be depended upon, is HUR- LEY.S AGUE TONIC. There have been thousands cured by using it who have tried the ussal remedies without benefit. WORTHY OF ATXBXfZXOZar. A : , , over. I am prepared, at all times, to fill orders for those, as well as all the smaller styles of Photo graph Likenesses. I am making a specialty of the better class of Pictures, and those wanting something superior will find it to their interest to call on J. A. PUGH, Artist, Triangular Block, m&vS-ct Maco Ga. CORN, BACON AND FLOUR. L ARGE ARRIVALS DAILY, and will besoldat lowest figures, by SEYMOUR, TINSLEY Sc CO. SYRUP, SUGAR AYR MOLASSES. A luge lot of Choiee and Common Syrups and Mo lasses, and all grades Sugars: which will besold under the market, to close consignments. jnnel8-tf To Hr. Thos. A. Hurley: I hereby certify that during last year I was attack ed with the Ague whilst in Vicksburg, Miss., and used several popular medicines with but temporary relief. On reaching homo the disease returned in a worse type, if possible, when my medical attendant ordered Qui nine in large doses— frequently as high as sixty grains per day. and which must have cost me nearly 8100. I consulted Dr. Smith, of Louisville, and found he prescribed quinine and arsenic combined, which I refused to take, preferring to let the disease take its course. I was almost bloodness, extremely exhausted, and pronounced with large Liver and Spleen. About this time the advertisement of Hurley’s Ague Tonic appeared in a city paper, and I determined to give it a trial. I did so, and have no reason to regret it. One bottlerestored me completely, and since that time I have seen nearly a hundred caseB in which it acted with equally happy results, and would certainly recommend it as preferable to any other tonic before the public. JAMES MARTIN, Engineer. Louibville, Ky., June 15,1865. FOR SALE BY L. W. HUNT & CO., MACON, GA. HURLEY’S Popular Worm Candy. As this is really a specific for Worms, and the beet and most palatable form to give to children, it is not surprising that it is fast taking the place of all other preparations for worms—it being perfectly tasteless, and any child will take it. Messrs. James Rnddle A Co.—Gentlemen: It gives me pleasure to say, after using all the other worm remedies known to me. with but partial relief to my children, thatM was advised to try Dr.T. A. Hurley’s, and since using it, my children have become quite well and healthy; the children would eat it all the time, it is so pleasant, if we would let them. It is my belief itis one of tbe best and safest remedies known, and as such, recommend it to one one and all. JAMES TRAVIS. Locisvills. Ky., July 3,186S. NOTICE TO MOTHERS. SR. ftfiABROOS’S Infant Soothing Syrup. Use in the future, only SEABROOK’S. a combin&' tion quite up with the advancement of the age.— Pleasant to take, harmless in its action, efficient and reliable in all cases. Invaluablein the following dis eases: SUMMER CO .v PLAINTS. IRREGULARITIES OF THE BOWELS. RESTIVENESS. TEETHING. Etc., Etc. Gives health to the child and rest to the mother. Nashville, Tens., February 12,1868. James Huddle & Co., louiseiUe, Ky.: When living in your city I used several bottles of Dr. Seabrook’s Iniant Soothing Syrup, and found it to do my child more good, and it would rest better afterusingit.thau any other remedy ever tried. lean say with confidence,itis the best remedy for children at E resent known. I wish yon would get the Druggists ereto keep it. If any onedoes, pteaseletmeknow; if not, send me one dozen by express, and I will pay for it at the office here. Write me when you send it, and oblige MRS. SARAH L. RANDOLPH. Forsale by L, W. Host A Co. HURLEY’S STOMACH BITTERS, For Hebdity, Loss ef Appetite, Weakness, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Want Of Action of the Liter, or Disordered Stomach. There aTe no Bitters that compare with these in re moving these distressing complaints. Far sale or can be had at any drug store in the United States. JAMES RUDDLE Sc CO.. Proprietors, Louisville, Ky. To Jas. Huddle <ft Co., Louistdle, Ky.: Gextleuex : This is to certify that I have been for years a sufferer, land have tried all the tonics I have heard of or seen advertised, with little or no relief from any of them. I heard your Hurley Bitters high ly spoken of, and tried a bottle, with little faith in it before I commenced, and, to my surprise and joy, be fore I finished one bottle, I felt a great deal better, and firmly believe that on one or two occasions it was tbe means of saving and prolonging my life. I con scientiously recommend them to all sufferers as the best Bitters known, and advise them always to ask for Dr. T. A. Hurley’s, and have no other. You can use this as you thing proper, if it will benefit others, lours truly, etc.. - ~ „ , John W. DISBONi Louisville, Ky., December 10.1S6S. DB. SEABBOOK’S RE evidences of a high state of culture the world |]| Xer 0 f Pyrophosphate of IrOB and Callisaya This elegant combination possesses ail the tonic properties of Peruvian Bark and Iron, without the disagreeable taste and bad effects of either, separately or in other preparations, of these valuable medicines. It should be taken iff all cases when a gentle tonic im pression is required after cocvalesence from Fevers or debilitating diseases, or in those distressing irregular ities peculiar to females. No female should be with out it, if liable to such diseases, for nothiDg can well take its plaec. James Ruddle & Co., PROPRIETORS. LABOBATOBY NO. 41 BULLITT STBFiET, LOUISVILLE:, KY. All the above Goods for sale by D. W. HUNT A OO., , Maeon, Ga-, and all Druggist*, SEYMOUR, TINSLEY Sc CO. maj9-suAth (Mitt; Foot Hundred Four Hundred Fonr Hundred Four Hundred Four Hundred Fonr Hundred Fonr Hundred Cooking Cooking Cooking Cooking Cooking Cooking Cooking Stove*, Stoves, Stoves, Stoves, Stoves, Stoves, Stoves, THE BEST PATTERNS, THE BEST PATTERNS, THE BEST PATTERNS, THE BEST PATTEKNS, THE BEST PATTEBNS, THE BEST PATTERNS, THE BEST PATTEBNS, THE BEST PATTEBNS, AT LOW PRICES ! AT LOW PRICES, AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. AT LOW PRICES. B. A. WISE & GO., Cherry Street, Macon, Ga, SILVER-PLATED ICE PITCHERS SILVER-PLATED ICE PITCHERS, SILVER-PLATED ICE PITCHERS, SILVER-PLATED ICE PITCHERS, SILVER-PLATED ICE PITCHERS, SILVER-PLATED ICE PITCHERS, AT ONLY S5. AT ONLY FIVE DOLLARS, AT ONLY FIVE DOLLARS, AT ONLY FIVE DOLLARS, AT ONLY FIVE DOLLARS, AT ONLY FIVE DOLLARS. ICE CREAM CHURNS ICE CREAM CHURNS, ICE CREAM CHURNS, ICE CREAM CHURNS, ICE CREAM CHURNS, ICE CREAM CHURNS. BATHING TUBS, BATH PANS REFRIGERATORS. -FOR SALE AT B. A. VISE £ CO.’S QUART TIN FRUIT CANS. QUART TIN FRUIT CANS. QUART TIN FRUIT CANS, QUART TIN FRUIT CANS, QUART TIN FRUIT CANS, QUART TIN FRUIT CANS, At $125 PER DOZEN. AT $1 25 PER DOZEN, AT $1 25 PER DOZEN, AT 81 25 PER DOZEN, AT 81 25 PER DOZEN, AT 81 25 PER DOZEN. MASON’S GLASS JARS, ALL SIZES, B. A. WISE & CO.’S, Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. TIN-WARS, TIN-WARS, SXH-WARS, TIN-WARS, TIN-WARS, TIN-WARS, TIN-WARE, TIN-WARS, VXCT-WAXIB, TIN WARE, TXH-WAILS, TXN-WARB, it le. At Wholesale, At Wholesale, At Wholesale, At Wholesale, At Wholesale. B. A. WISE & GO., Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. Tie BIST CUTLERY, Warranted, THE BEST CUTLERY, WARRANTED, THE BEST CUTLERY, WARRANTED, THE BEST CUTLERY, WARRANTED, THE BEST CUTLERY, WARRANTED, At B. A. WISE & CO.’S, AT B. -4; WISE & co:s, AT B. A. WISE <6 CO.’S, AT B. A. WISE it- CO.’S, AT B. A. WISE & CO.’S, AT B. A. WISE & CO.’S, Cherry Street, Macon. Ga. CHERRY STREET, MACON, GA. CHERRY STREET, MACON, GA. CHERRY STREET, MACON, GA. «S-ORDERS SOLICITED. iunekrtf TWO HUHDBED BARREL* Whiskies, Brandies, Vto, Gins, etc. fob sals sy L. W. RASDAL, 53. THIRD STREET......... AS CHEAP AS ANY^HOdJfjE SOUTH OF CZBT- All Liquors cased and elegantly labelled, with oak extra charges for trouble. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. wiah U to“buy See CHKAP. 1 ,0 " ° A8B Cc9 ™«»- apr!7—3m L. W. RASDAL. M. KETCHUM. A L. HABTRIDGS Of New York. . Late of Hartridge A Ne£. KETCHUM A HABTBIDGE, . . S0BTBBA8T BOOM KXCHaKGB BUILD 1X8, SAVANNAH, GA.,. D EALERS in Domestic and Foreign Ecxhaog*. Gold. Silver and uncurrent Money. Bay and sail Stnck8,'.Bonds. etc. ... . Receive deposits, allowing fonr per cent interas*” per annum on weekly balances of sSOO and upwards. Collections mode in this .city and all the principal towns of Georgia and Florida. . . _ _)Y|U make advances on consignments of Cotton. r Rice. etc., to ourselves, or to our Northern ana Kttro—' re in correspondents. deoBP-6fl> VAX TAYHRS OF BXBB. I AM receiving Tax Returns at the Store of JT W, Bloun . head of Cherry Street, and would urge na>- on all interested t ot to delay making their returoo. Always at precincts on Saturdays R. A. BENSON. T.B. je9-d2taw4wAw4t PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP C0.’& THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND XAPACT. ! TOUCHING AT MEXICAN PORTS. AND CAR RYING THE U. S. MAH. / Through to California iu Twenty-tiro Dayat- CONNXCTINO ON TBS P*— GOTO WITH TEJL Steamships on tbs Atlantic: | COLORADO; ARIZONA, HENRY OHAUNOEY, - CONSTITUTION, NEW YORK, - 7 GOLDEN CITY, OCEAN QUEEN, - - - SACRAMENTO, NORTHERN LIGHT, - GOLDEN AGB* COSTARICA, - MONTANA. One of the above large and splendid Steamships wiif leave Pier No. 42North River, foot of Canal Street, at 12 o’clock, noon, on the 1st, 11th and 21st, of even month (except when those dates fall on Sunday and then on the preceding Saturday), for ASPINwALIi, connecting, via Pannma Railway, with one of the Company’s Steamships from Panama for SAN FRAN CISCO, touching at ACAPULCO. Departures of the 1st and 21st connect at Panama with Steamers for SOUTH PACIFIC and CENTRAL AMERICAN PORTS. Those of the 1st oueh at. MANZANILLO. , , The Steamer of June 11th, 1369, connects closely with the Steamer GREAT REPUBLIC leaving San Francisco July 3d, 1869, for Japan'acd China One Hundred Pounds of Baggage allowed to eaeV adult. Baggage-Masters accompany baggage through, and attend ladies and children without male protec tors. Baggage received on tbe doak the day before sailing, from Steamboats, Railroads, and passengere-. who prefer to send down earl An experienced Surgeon hoard. Medicine ana attendance free . . For Freight or Passenge Tickets, or further infor mation, apply at the Company’s Ticket Office, on the Wharf foot op CANAL STREET. NORTH BlVEB^ NEW YORK. mayl0-3mo F. Re BABY Agents W. E. TANKER. J. OTTO KHBETS. ALEX. DKLANKT, METROPOLITAN WORKS RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. Comer of Seventh and Canal Streets. TAMER, EHBETS & DELANEY* Stationary & Portable Engines^ SAW MXXjXjS, BOILERS, BRIDGE BOLTS AND CASTINGS IRON AND BRASS WORK. J RON and Wooden Trucks for Cars. Improved To bacco and other Machinery of all kinds built and repaired. 4 ^ Also. Agent in the Southern States for Blake’s Patent Stone & Ore Breaker feb21-tf H. K. BROWN, Ag>t, No. 62 Second st., Macon, 6h». Sow to Utilise the Oak Forests of Georgia. TpHE undersigned is now ready to grant licenses or 1 to dispose of territorial rights for the use of hi* improved appliances for converting the astrinf e&t properties of Oak Bark into an imperishable extract* for Tanning and Coloring purposes, requiring there for a small royalty per gallon, or a reasonable con sideration for Factory or Territorial rights. The cost of a Factory, With all the requisite ap pointments (less motive power) capable of producing 50 barrels every twenty-four hours, will not exceed 88000. whilealactory of the capacity of 25 barrels par twenty-four hours will not exceed $5000. Three thou sand dollars will—where lumber is cheep—meet tha • entire cost of a factory capable of producing from SZ J to 15 barrels per day. (less the motive cower) which may he of steam or water, and of from 15 to 20 hone power. These estimates iuclnde the cost of buiktiag, tanks, (which are of wood) mill, condensing apparatus and every requisite, save the motive power, required? in the manufacture. These new devices, for manufacturing concentrated extract, are in practical use. and are pronounced by good judges to be the most perfect, simple and the cheapest in use. Competent men will be provided for putting these factories in operation for those to whoae . licenses are granted. AU particulars may be learned by addressing THOS. W. JOHNSON, Station H., New York City- mari3 3mo ' ALP’D H. COLQUITT, I JAMES BAGG8, I HUGHH. COLQUITT. Baker Co., Ga. ! Newton. Ga. I Savannah, Ga.' COLQUITT & BAGGS, Cotton Factors&General Commission MERCHANT*, BA Y STREET, SA VANN AH, GA. S PECIAL attention to the sale of Cotton, Lumber and Timber. Liberal advanoes on Consignments. apr9-tf I. G. PLANT & SON. Bankers and Brokers, O FFICE in the First National Bank Bnilding, ex > r* * ... .. * _ Cherry street, second door from the comer of Second street. Will receive Deposits, Buy Sight and Time Exchange on the North, Savannah, Augusta and other points, make liberal advances on Cotton in ' Store in Macon, or on shipments of Cotton to good-. Northern or European house*, or on Bonds. Stocks- or other good securities. WiU purchase and sell BONDS, STOCKS, GOLD, SILVERi* and make investments for parties as they may direct,— may3-6m* LIVERPOOL ASD LONDON —ASI>— . GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY! CAPITAL, OVER SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS, GOLD. INSURE STORES. T he undersigned having been ap pointed Agent of the above named popular and highly responsible Company, is prepared to issue policies on as favorable terms as other agencies in thi» - city. I. C. PLANT, Agent, sept*-ly FIRE-PROOF COTTON WAREHOUSE FOR RENT. T HE large and commodious Fire-proof Warehouse, in Albeny. Ga.. heretofore occupied by Rut. Johnston & Co, will be offered for rent at Public Out cry, in Albany, Ga.. at the Auction House of Meters- Cooper A Co., ON SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1869. The renting to he from lit August, 1869, to 3sfc- August, 1370. A flue opening for a splendid bosines* is offered to Cotton Faotors. For particulars apply to either Or RiCH’D^foBBS. june23-td Trustees for Mrs. W. P. Jecnlngs^ LIBERAL ADVANCES! Tt CADE to Planttai on their growing Crop*' by-* ' X L C. PLAS* * E01C j.9-2m •r•>%-Vie 1 niaiAiifh-1 *