Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, September 10, 1869, Image 5

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_ MMW*- eelcly" telegraph. CfiTES COMSnfeSIOSKR’B Coubt—This h*** ',, c a at 10 o'clock yesterday—Hon. W. I . Riding. Hon. John C. Milledge. TT. Attorney; Depnty Marshal Cox; Maj. ‘ Hewy S. Fitcli, Judgo Anderson, Col. ^ * ‘-.g »nd other membera of the Macon the Court Commieeioner Mor- P .tbefoUowing: I ,,,„ Kr j m t' lliirenco of the death of the I y itawiins, Secret ary of War, there will Durness in tliis Court to-day. Bat in f lisve those present, charged with viola- /'U! Neutrality Laws, by enlisting to serve Sa ^Jjnst a people with whom the *,«ite3 aw «t peace, it will bo sufficient for 1*7 t w state that its intention regarding these |r“® re ' ie j v s the parties so charged on their r wJintl* sum of fivo hundred dollars to e in the futnre, ami to abstain, either ^directly from violation of the Neu- ^tsws of the United States. & ,1^ Court may sympathise in the sorrows •tilnms spirit that induces any to assist those ^telkre*** oppressed, in so doing they cannot h'violation of those laws, adopted by all na- . being founded on those principles of equity W .nppoeed to govern all governments in | # * l J^toun* with each other. It is therefore, ** .. thoso parties charged with being ” tainedto go beyond the limits or jnria- ^ ° r Hbe United States, with intent to .enlist as ” 11 • the terries of a foreign colony, in insur- ..diera ^ government with whom the United **■ neue. in giving the bond above de- « r Jested from arrest. The Marshal will '' .^puiieeench facilities as maybe thought ?* to procure such bonds. The Commissioner of3ce during the day to receive and r 'l ort the t*® 6 - rml Join c - Milledge then announced that he i ciintd the professional services of Col. John . _ — on behalf of the Government, in what- ^'I'.iiiess might be brought before the Court on * Vision, after which Hon. Henry S. Fitch, * r 8. District' Attorney,) from Savannah, by ^jcioa of the Court, hereupon introduced a, [^ato discharge. The Hon. District Attorney !-■—<*d the gcntloman and moved to dismiss L^e against ”Thos. Robinson,” the female re- jjiode real name is Mattie Fayson Palmer, t Fitch claimed the discharge of the persons -the ground of an illegal arrest having been -je, br the U. 8. Marshal, who arrested the par- „ Chewalla House, Enfaula, Ala., out of ^pieiiction of this Court and out of the State. Weems differed from Mr. Fitch in his views, £ t -„ z ha belief that a warrant could be served ■tfthre. it merely for commitment. Srt the Marshal, still retaining the custody of prisoners, adjourned the Court till 10 o’clock jamming. jaacm or Mosey.—Tho great scarcity of money . dw market at the present time, when large axels are required to move the rapidly incoming rjofootton, is the subject of general complaint ’gs- >11 classes. Not only is the ecardty of ^resource of much complaint, butitisparalyz- s mi hampering trade in all branches of business, cljmdocing a stagnation when there should be ft, rigor and activity. The splendid price at which 3-on is now selling, and the large sales, in propor «to the offering stock, which are made daily, ftgld start an abundant flow of currency. But the usUe is, the banks have loaned oat nearly all of Ss capital, and until it is recalled they will not be Me to extend that accommodation to cotton buyers itseh they are disposed, but have not the ability to k We are assured, however, that this state of things till not last much longer, and that there will hi «a ample supply of money here, in a few days, to mwtiD legitimate demands of trade. Wo hail Us caning with delight, sb we confidently anticipate ibe liveliest business season this fall and winter cat Macon has experienced for many years. Her mhuts are now receiving large and magnificent ■dtl of goods, wbilo many of them are building jut business houses, and others enlarging and ren- siting their old ones for an extensive business. JStidy wo notico strong indications of the opening ithe fall and winter trado, and it there was only (fidency of money to meet the present demands, stie would bound along with extraordinary vigor nl impulse. We are glad to announce an improved state of to weather. Evidently things are working. A. REGULAR HABIT OF BODY liihsolutely essential to physical health and dear* ms of intellect. Nor is this all. Beauty of per ns cannot co-exist with unnatural condition of the bowels. A free passage of the refnse matter of the rstem through those natural waste-pipes is as nee- nesry to the purity of the body ae the free passage of the offal of a city through its sewers is necessary to the health of its inhabitants. Indigestion is the primary cause of most of tho dieeaeee of the discharging organs, and one of its most common results is constipation. This com plaint. besides being dangerons in itself, has many disagreeable concomitants—such as an unpleasant breath; a tallow skin, contaminated blood and bile, hemorrhoids, headache, loss of memory, and gen eral debility. HOSTETTEIt'S STOMACH BITTERS remove all these evils by removing their immediate cause in the digestive organs, and regulating the action of tbeatestines. The combination of properties in •hia celebrated preparation is one of its chief mer- ha It is not merely a stimulant, or a tonic, or an •atj-bdiou* agent, or a nervine, or a blood depnr- *#t, or a cathartic, but all these curative elements Jiiioously blended in one powerful restorative. h*ds activity and vigor to the inert and onervatod switch, relieves the alimentary canal of its ob- •huctione, and gives tone to the membrane which •we it, gently stimulates the liver, braces the Wve, and cheers the animal spirits. No other ^aedy possesses such a variety of hygienic virtues. &*to those characteristics that it owes its prestige household mcdicino. Experience has proved ®<tt is as harmless as it is efficacious, and hence **u popular with the weaker sex as with tho •*»*«. HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS is sold iw'«« only, and tho trade-mark blown in the glass tl engraved on the label, with our steel engraved •‘nemo stamp over tho cork, is the test of genu- Wots*. Beware of counterfeits. 1» tho ladies but knew what thousands of them constantly relating to us, we candidly believe we-half of the weakness, prostration and distress (5 P«ienced .by them would vanish. James Marsh, H.159 West 14th street, New York, says, “ho **• three children, tho first two are weak and puny, Laving been unable to uutbo or attend Planters, Look Here. I WISH to procure a good paying situation for 1870. as superintendent of a form Haying devotes my TESTIMONY COMPLIMENTARY TO DB. JAMES A. HUNTER, OF NEW ORLEANS. From his Patients in Atlanta. Prettv Women.—A comparatively few Ladies monopolize the Beauty as well as the attention of ijL as supei - Society. This ought not to be so, but itis; and will eDtirelifetothisbuslnesi. »DJreiiervi»eds|rocMstulIjr, . ^ a* well as sati-dactonly. several of the m?e>t forms he while men are foolish, and single out pretty faces in Hancock county, and would do basinets there for companions. ' again but wish a better payipx birth than can he tad _ , , „, , ‘ ia that, wy native Cuuntx* I propose to go to fcoutn- Tliin can All bo changed by usingSagan a Magno- western Georgia, or my part of the State that will lia Balm, which gives the Bloom of Youth and a Be- offer the greatest inducement*. I elnim tnfhowaa fined sparkling Beauty to the Complexion, pleasing, . lad wilUirere^enre^ powerful and natural. -*# the hiKhest character in the State., X prefer taking No Lady need complain of ared, tanned. frecUed bn? moneys'^agi.^n^iM'deoidldty pre- or rustic Comolexion who will invest 75 cents in Ha^- fered it, would command my atteation. Any person gan’s Magnolia Balm. Its effects are truly wonder- to MSPloy me aMre^mc. at^Lommlfo. luL • To preserve and dress the Hiur use Lyon’s Ka- tharion. septSdeodiwlm TJ1BB SHERIFF'S SALB.-Will b. sold before the JLj Court-house door, in the city of Macon, between the leg*' hour, of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in uetobev, 1809 toe following described property, to wit: Part of lots 7 aad 8. in square 21, with improvements thereon, fronting 27 feet—more or less—on Cotton Avenue, the lot, basement and store now occupied by M. R. Rog ers. Alio, en undivided third interest in and to the seoond and third stories ef the buildings known as Concert Hall. Levied on as the property of J. A. and 8.S. Vircin. by virtue of and to satisfy" a ft. fa. issued from Bibb Superior Court, returnable to Noyember Term, 1869. in favor of 0. T. Word. Ordinary; use of the heirs of Thompson and Cherry rs. damsel 8. Vir gin, administrator, and Jonathan 1. Virgin, security, 'roperty pointed out by plaintiffs’attorney. ' • . - r- JAMEb MARTIN* sepT-td Sheriff. REDIVIVUS! The S. S. S. of 1861, Or Dr. JEUSON'S Original Socthebn Soothxsq /-\NE two miles from Rome and one and one-balf ■oa CmuDBEN Teetheco, is again resuaci- w mile* trein S., R. A U. R. K. . .. . . 7. ... „ , . two hundred and ee v enty-Sve acres of good land, anc tated! It is a Corrigent of tho Eoiccl disorders wf p improved. contingent upon this period; a grateful Carmina- This place was settled by Col. iVndo S.Cothran. 7 ” ^ F J J , j and the dwelling and out houses are all neat. Tbo live; t. nutritious iiyrup; and a gentle Anodyne, dwelling ia two stories .and contains seven large inducing calm and refreshino repose, without tho room*. A splendid well of water and elegant orchard. “ r -* J ’ .... This is one of the most desirable residences near tho pernicious and distressing reactionary disturbance ^(y of tho nervous system that results from tho exlubi- T he other place is on the Calhoun road, and fou .. . ■ /•-_ -j,;; nults from the city; was settled by Mr. John Mann tion of moet preparations—expressly made for enil- and welJ j. jrruTe ,j. Dwelling contains seven dren. Its use in the Southern States, as far back comfortable room?.. , , , . „ a „ r„ This farm contain* 200 »cres of land, and is well as 18o2, established its reputation as a Southern In- watered: water can bo brought to the house, threugh stitation, and, as a medicine unrivalled, and as he- pine?, from ani elegant sprinc . • .T ' , , ... In taymg that ihese two places aro rot surpassed mg the best and safest preparation for children, in location, by any farm* n»ar the city, I knowthatl teething, ensuring best to mothers and nurses and do not ezagerate. .B^th places in sight of tbo Selma, It is therefore relief and strength to their infants. no new medicine, and needs no advertising where it is best known. Every precaution has been taken to preserve and protect it from fraudulent counter feits. It is manufactured onlg at the Laboratory of Coite, Toktkiss & Hurd, members of and suo- cSssors to tlio old established Southern Drug Houre itr \T\Tro °p Hamfor, RmnET A Kitchen, 141 C\rambera METROPOLITAN WORKS Btreet. New lork, to whom all orders should be ad- . dressed, and is for sale to the citizens of Macon, by Wo have much pleasure in expressing our high appreciation of Dr. J. A. HUNTER’S skill and ability, as a physician in diseases of the Head, Throat, Lungs and Heart and consider his methods of treating these diseases superior to the means ordinarily employed. Wo speak from personal knowledge and ex perience, and believe his efforts here will sup ply a want long felt in this part of the country, and recommend those who may require his ser vices to give him a call. R. W. Fuller, Pastor of First Baptist Church. Wm. D. Ellis. W. B. Cox, Cox & HiD, Peachtree street. J. A. Smith, House of Moore & Marsh. Greet B. Roberts, Southern Express. Jobs G. Greoo, Manager W. U. Telegraph Office. J. Herrick, Telegraph Operator. From the Atlanta Daily Constitution: Comtjmestaet to Dr. Hunter.—We publish a card in another column, complimentary to Dr. Hunter, signed by several of our best citizens, who aro under his professional care for affec tions of the Throat, Lungs or Heart. , Dr. Hunter comes from New Orleans, where he has a large practice during the winter months and has been in onr midst only about one month, yet, within that brief space of time he has established on enviable reputation, both as a physician and gentleman, and we believe de serves the confidence of the public. He has undoubtedly, by improved methods of treat ment, conjoined to a long and active experience, succeeded in successfully combating a class of diseases hitherto believed to be incurable, and we trust that those who avail themselves of his professional services during the remainder of his stay here, will.experience equally happy results. Jefferson ennnty. and parties wishing information as to my integrity, capacity, etc. t can address the follow ing gentlemen: Judge Linton Stephens. l»on.B,T. Harris, Hon. T- J. Smith and others, bparta, Ga. ReSre SOLOMON OLIPHANT. *ep9-wtf TWO VALUABLE PLANTATIONS fob sale. Romo and Hal ton Railroad. The growing crop, stoc 1 ; and farming implements will be sold with either place if desired. Roth of the above places will be sold at public out cry, on the first Tuesday in October, if not disposed of before that time. JOHN SCASLIN. sept2-dlaw4w&w4t. W.E. TANNER. ALEX. DELANEY. Harris, Clay & Co.; Ethridge & Davis, Eatonton, Ga., and all respectable Druggists, eeptl-deod&wtf. SOLOMONS’ BITTERS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, Corner of Seventh and Canal Streets. for bale by L TO. BUNS & CO., Druggists, Nos. 82 and 64 Cherry Street, aug31-tf MACON, GEORGIA. LAWTON & LAWTON, ! COTTON FACTORS FOURTH STREET, MACON, OA. t H AVING thoroughly refitted our Warehouse, and having anple storage for all Cotton consigned to us. wo again tender onrrervi-e* to ourfriendsand tho public as Cotton Factors and Warehouse men. Wo take this occasion to return our thanks to our patroos of the past sea'on, and assure them that we shall en- fi s B IBB SHERIFF’S SALE.-Willbesold before the Coort- bou?e door, in the city of Macon, between the legal hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in October, 1589. the following described property, to wit: Part of lot No. 4. in square 91. with improvements there on, in the city of Macon, fronting on Second street, in satd city. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a mortgage 6. ft. issued from Bibb Superior Court, re turnable to November Term, 1869, in favor of Daniel Bullard vr. Geo. A. Dure. , JAMES MARTIN. «ep7-td • sSiiiff.' J. S. SCHOFIELD, B ibb SHERIFF’S SALK-Will be sold before tho Court-house door, in the eity of Macon, be tween the legal hours of sale, qn the 1st Tuesday in October. 1869. the following described property, to wit: All that pieco or pares] of laud containing two acres—more or less—with improvements, thereon, bonnded on the south by an alley, on the west by a thirty fontstreet, on the north by J. Smith and on the cost by II. B. 1’age, (or Micbael Daly) lying in said eeunly west of the tjsmulgeeriver. Levied on to sat isfy two tax fi. fas. issued by F. M Heath. Tax Col lector. vs. C. W. Qruhcr, Jr., and C. W. Gruber, Cr. I will sell to much of said laud os will make their State and County tax for the year 1868. JAMES MARTIN, scp7-td Sheriff P ostponed sheriff’s salr-whi be sold before the Court-house door, in the eity of Macon, between the legal hour? of sale, on the l*t Tuesday in October next, 1869. the following described property, to-wit: All that piece or parcel of land containing 5 acres-more or less—with improvements thereon, sit uated in the Macon Reserve and known as Shones’ Distillery. Levied on by virtue of and to satiefy a fi. fa. issued from Bibb Superior Court, returnable to November Term, 1869. in favor of Charles J.Stroberg vs. Andrew J. Simmons. Property poinfod out in fi, sept7td Sheriff P ostponed sheriff’s sale.—whi be ?oid before the Court-houso door, in’the cily of Ma con, between the legal hours of safe, on the 1st Tuos- day ia October, 1869, the fel'owing described property, to-wit: The undivided interest of J. B, Smith, it be ing the one-fourth inand to ten acres of land, with improvements thereon, lying in tho Maeon Reserve, near the city of Macon, and known in the plan ofsaid Reserve as Lot No. 1, and formerly known a* Shones’ Distillery Place. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Bibb Superior Court, returnable to November Term, 1S6P. in favor of Dennis J. Mur phy vs. R. B. Clayton and sept7-td Sheriff N OTICE FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND.-Onthe 1st Monday in October next application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Quitman county, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the esta*e of Ichabod Balkeom, late of said county, deceased, for distribution. This September 3,1869. HENRY L. BALKCOM, . sep7-law4t* • Adm'r. WM. E. TANNER & CO., seavorin the future, a? we havo done in the past, to , v ■»,*—p,., „„ secure for them the best prices that can be obtained Stilt I0I1H1V w I Of til 1)1 C IjIlS/»ItC§i in Macon, which we deem, all things considered, one j J y s-a/w ivrxxAXae/ JXS cuueiuci cut uua j of the very best ootton markets. To those who bave j not tried u?. we simply refer to our formeT customers, 1 / m.aTcc and promise to use our best efforts to serve all who BOILERS, BRIDGE BOLTS AND C//t>TINGS, ’ve us the benefit of their business. Our place of; IRON AND BRASS 'WORK. usiees3 is at the old stand of LAWTON & LAWTON. sep9-d&wlm Fourth street. JUDGE OF US BY THE PAST. ADAMS, JONES & REYNOLDS I RON and WOODEN TRUCKS for Cars. IM PROVED MACHINERY of ail kinds built and re A!)o? Agent sin the Southern Statosfor IMe’s Patent Steee & Ore Breaker XX. XL. BBLOWN, Ag’t, sept4-d*wly No. 62 Second st., Macon. Ga. W OULD respectfully say to the Cotton Planters of . Southwestern and Middle Georgia, whom it baa , been their pleasure to serve the part season so satis- • factorily. that they will find theta fully prepared an( i ready to receive, store, ship or sell totheveir wit; advantage, all Cotton consigned to them during the ; coming season: while to those who have not be r eto- j fore tried us, we would say we know we can please : you. , . We offer the usual aceotninpda*ion to our patrons on their growing crops, and wil take pleasure in fill ing: their orders for supplies promptly and at lowest market rates. Call and see us at the PLASTERS* WAREHOUSE, Opposite Brown's and Byington’s Hotels. jqiy3-rlAw4m PLANTERS COTTON P33 ATiERB 3 W E wain tender you our services as Cotton Fac tors and Commission Merchants, at our old stand on Third street, and pledge ourselves to conduct strictly a Commission Business, and shall give special care and attention to ail badness entrusted to us. We return our sincere thanks to our old patrons for past favors and solicit a continuance of the same, and would request Planters generally, to give us a trial, as wo make tho sale of cotton aspeciality. Shsll be prepared to Tender the usua accotnmoda- JOXATIIAN COLLINS <fc SON, r IS brand ol LEAD is wskrasted. Satisfaction guaranteed or tho money refunded. Try it! Prove it! L. W. HUNT & CO., 1 aug29-2tawd£w3m Agents for Macon. COTTON FACTORS, iuly4-d*w3m MACON. OA. but ulio has taken PLasr-vnos Botees for ( hit two years, and has a child now eighteen 0oa tis old which sho has nursed and reared her- xnd both are hearty, sancy and well. The •'Ws is invaluable to mothers,” etc. Such evidence might be continued for a volume. beat evidence is to try them. They speak for ^selves. Persons of sedentary habits troubled weakness, lassitude, palpitation of tho heart, of appetite, distress after eating, torpid liver, ^Upatlon, diabetes, eto., will find speedy relief i Bitters. Mxoxolu Waxes.—Superior to the best imported '■titaan Cologne, and sold at half the prico. *Pt 5-eod & wlw. A PirvsiciAX whose skill’can bo relied npon is a Ie *®g to any community. This Is eminently true fir. Hunter, of Louisville, Kentucky, who treats ^ frivate and special diseases with unparalleled •*«ae. Tho Doctor baa made private and chronio ^stses tho study of his life, and from his , large ■Retire, which extends throughout the whole of the J*** South and West, must have acquired great and treatment. Any one so desiring, by call- the doctor’s office or sending a full statement . “ :cir disease by mail, will receive his opinion as ‘ !<s nature, probabilities of a cure, time required, etc., free of oharge. We doubt if any phy- -tii in America, laving so large a practice, makes ■Hioeral an offer. Read what he ways in his pam- J j a work of forty pages, v.-bmii should bo in tho , * of every young man in America Sent to any frew on reeaipt of two staiojie. Jnlo^JW-dAwtf .•'■f ‘ - i ' i . v *; ■ - *.• :V/ " . .v iV SPECIAL NOTICE. Db. Husteh can be consulted at his office in Macon, No. 70 Mulberry Street, (opposite La nier Hon^e) upon all diseases of the Head, Throat and Lungs, embracing Chronio Catarrh and Ozeena, Bronchitis, Aasthma, Consumption, loss or impairment of hearing or sight, etc. ■ ejit GrEOn&IA ■ ! MUTUAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, j H AVING fnlly orznniicd onr Company on a sure | and permanent basis, and having the Comptrol- i ler’s authority, we present to the Southern People what we believe to bo one of the safest and best Lite Insurance Companies eve* established in the South ern Country. The Home Ofico it in Macon, Georgia, where every dollar invested will remain in our midst. Thegalaxy of names, given as directors and referees, is a sufficient guarantee of itself of the fidelity with which this institution will be managed. The capital fo sufficient to meet all losses in every contingency. We earnestly appeal to our cititens everywhere to build up with us this structure for tbo benefit of our loved ones, our homes and our country. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are yearly ab stracted from the pockets of our p-.>ple, and carried to foreign parts to enrich strangers who have but lit tle sympathy for us. Can wo not learn wisdom and use our means to en- rieh ourselves and beautify our homes? Wo will try and place, in every locality, polite and efficient Agents to transact the business ot the Com- pany. And we cordially invite all desiring aguneies j in this Company to call on the Officers, at the office j building, boot the Passenger Depot, m front of the two hotels, on Fourth street, where all matters of ae- J tail will be checrfullv given- . A . ! The profits will be entirely mutual after paying six percent, to tho Stockholders for amount oi Stock j guaranteed. LAWTON. President. J. C. McBURNBI, Vice President, j R. J. Ligbtyoot, Secretary. BOARD OF DIRECTORS I ASHER AYRES, Fertilixer. Macon, Ga. T. C. XISBET. Iron Founder, Macon, Ga. I H. T. JOHNSON Johnson, Campbell & Co., Whole- , sale Grocers, Maron, Ga.. I JACKSON DkLOACHE, Carriage Depository, Ma- . con. Ga. J. C. MoBUHNEYj Macon, Ga. , r „ W. J. LAWTON. Lawton It LawtoD, Macon. Ga. DAVID T. SINGLETON. Planter, Eatonton. Ga. i RICHARD HOBBS, of CrugerA Co., Bankers, AI- , DR. J b A>FKS°F. BOZEMAN, Pxes’t Georgia Home Insurance Company, Columbus, Ga. WALLACE CUMM1NG, Banker, Savannah, Ga. M. P. STOVALL, Stovall & Butler. Augusta, Ga. F. ADAMS, Cashier National Bank, Athens, Ga. T. M. FURLOW, Americns, Ga. R 0 S A D A L I S OSADALIS! 'PHE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH 1 Restorer, purifies the blood and cures Scrofula, Syphilis. Skin Diseases, Rheuma tism, Diseases of Women, and all Chronic Affections of the Blood. Liver and Kidneys. Recommended by the Medical Faculty and many thousands of our best citizens. Read the testimony of Physicians and patients who have used Hosadalis: send for our Rosadalis Guide to Health Book, or Alma- nao for this year, which wo publish for gratuitous distribution; it will give you much valuable information: Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says—I tako pleasure in recommending your Rosa- dalia as a very powerful alterative. I have seen it used iu two cases with happy results; one in a case of secondary syphilis, in which the patient pronounced himself cured after having taken fivo bottles of your medicine. The other is a case of scrofula of long standing, which is rapidly improving under its nse, and the indica tions are that the patientwill soon recover. I have carefully examined the formulae by which your Rosadalis is made, and find it an excellent compound of alterative in gredients. _ Dr. Sparks, of Nicbolasville, Ky..sayshe h&s used Rosadalis in cases of Sbrolula and Secondary Syphilis with satisfactory re sults—as a cleaner of the Blood I know no better remedy. „ Samuel G. McFadden, of Murfreesboro, Tcnn., soys: I have used seven bottles of Rosadalis, and am entirely cured of Rheumatism; send me four bottles, as I wish it for m ; brother, who has Scrofulous Soro Eyes. ■ Beniamin Beehtol. of Lima. Ohio, writes: I havo suffered for twenty years with an I inveterate eruption over my whole body: a i short time since I purchased a bottle of ' Rosadalis and it effected a perfect cure. KOS A D AIs X S IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. AB-Labcratory, No. 61 Exchange Place, Baltimore. Drs. Clements, Hive* A Co., Proprietors. For sale by » J. S, ZJBZLIN A CO inlyS-tf A DMINISTRATORS’ SALE OF WILD LANDS. —By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi nary of Marion County. Georgia: Will be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Cumming, For syth County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in Novem ber next, within the usual hours of sale* if not sold privately before that time, one forty-acre lot, number (681) six hundred and eighty-one, in the Fourteenth District and Fir?t Section Cherokee,, now Forsyth County, known as Wild Lands, containing forty acres, more less. Drawn by John Kerap.and.sold as the property of John Kemp, late of Marion County, de ceased. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms cash. September 6th, 18i*9. MORGAN KEMP, Administrator, AD ALINE KEMP. Administratrix. sept8 wtd J ASPER SHERIFF'S SALE.—Will be sold before the Court-house door ia the town of Monticello, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in October next, the following described property, to wit: One hundred and eighty acres of land, known as apart of the Strinsfellow Place; and a part of the Whitteker Place, bing about one mile from Monti- c«*llo, on tbo northwest side of the road lending from Mon icello to Forsyth, bounded by Green # Loftin and others. Levied on to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from Jasper County Court, in favor of John D. Butts Bros. vs. Wm. F. Jordan. _ _ B. T. DIGBY, sep7-w30d Deputy Sheriff. A PROCLAMATION. $1000 REWARD G-EOFIGIA. By It. B. Bollock, Governor of said State. Wheeias, Official information has been received at this Deportment, that a murder was committed in the county of Coweta, on the 27th day of July, 1869, upon the body of E. Rainey by J. A. Corley, and that said Corley has fled from justice, I have thought proper, therefore, to issue this, my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of One Thou sand Dollars for tho apprehension and delivery of the sa<d Corley, with proof sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said county and State. And I do, moreover, charge and require all officers in this State, civil and military, to be vigilant in en deavoring to apprehend the said Coriey, is order that he may bo brought to trial for the offense with which he stands charged. Given under my hand and the great Seal of the State, at the Capitol, in the city of Atlanta, this 6th day of September, in tbe year of our Lordone thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and of the Inde pendence of the United States, the ninety-fonrth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. Governor. By the Governor; David G. Cottikg. Secretary of State. DESCRIPTION: The said Corley is about 45 years of age, 5 feet 11 inches or 6 feet htgb, dark hair, blue eyes, dark skin, and weighs 145 or 150 pounds. . sept8-d3t A wit ADJOINING- PA9SENGEB DEPOT, ft, * •’*! MACON, GEORGIA, sti we ■ ah Proprietor* *- * % r ‘JCUd ?****£& * f.ti lolJfg; s* SC H O FIEL D * S PATENT GOTTON PRESSES, SUGAR MILLS, GRIST MILLS, SAW MILLS, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, MACHINERY and CASTINGS of all kinds. BittC : H. - ;Vt dki SCHOFIELD’S PATENT COTTON PRESS. HIS PRESS mu-t commend itself^tb the cotton pi»nter* of^ the Southern 8\*t-*s_for_its durabilUy^rtm- edTn^he ^ ’pHcity^ofoonstruction, and easewith which itean Ee operated by cither hand, horse, water or steam power.' . : change from one to the other being effected in a lew minutes. A great advantage tan Frees no’iereea. M the change from —.... that it occupies for hsnd power only Qln House, thus avoiding the nerescity kind of weather; the Press being * as* lull oi wcaiuer; me jrreee uuiut, m iuc uuuoc, ‘•“ij r•* ,Vn w ’ wooden screws. Another advanUge i?, when you get Pchofield's.Press, you have a 2I [ rrtt not liable to decay or breakage, as is the ca<e with the old wooden screws, and most other iron screws ana presses This is evident from the fact that the screw is iron, either wronght or otst, and the framesi ape wrought iron, and no part of the Press liable to decay touches the ground. The frames may ds made of^^ wood, at the opt ; on of the planter. Planters may purchase cither the screw andnut alone,and put tke fraaie and box of wood to it themselves, or may purchase the screw, nut and iron frames, and put the wooden pox to it. or they may purchase the Press complete, w*th screw, nut. iron frames and hox t mating toe mosi com** i .: ti ** ' na loot ..a in >nnva m “ “ ” ““ pon getting a Press that is ail I c aim for U. * ' 1 \ . L. «ii hindR T Jlaving th»i most extensive Iron W orks in tbe city, and the greatest variety of patterns Of all Xinaa, 1 able to furniah parties with any kind of mschicery or castings at short notice. * jf** ar. 0. sosoi’iHUD. HAND POWER .•it r,l JR A m 1 f>J'- a **■ JtiamT 'i.'fi Saq*. . .i.vjet 5o > ?: A itf* t Wt twW VlM'i ridjRrit \±ik.<P r-uir h! ,■?;.) «fr -i -iV for woritin* by W •V • « four hands. ordinary bu... r . . - half an hour, and put up again m little over that time. mzos FOR BAWD POWDA: Wrought Iron Screw Prese, complete $165 00 J Wrought Iron 8erew.....^M..u M . Wrought Iren Screw* with Iron Frames 150 001 Cast Iron Screw..............*..*....^ HORSE POWER PRESS. i->eAt .£90 00 .. 70 if taV .ftVtH *• M fiiHin afemlrtsi REAL ESTATE AGENCY AMERICU3, GA., CALLAWAY & WHEELEB. REFKRF.NCE8 5 Harries & Howell, Wilmington, N/5 Gen Augustus Young, Charlotte, N C Wm B Wright. Fayetteville, N G JnoO Slocum* Goldsboro, k C Wm M Lawton, Charleston, B C. * ... _ Jaj P Boyce, President Theological Institute, Green- R Furman, DD. Newberry Court House, S C j TATE are Baying, Selling or Renting Lands lying in S T Aikin*Knoxville 1 Te'nn' 3 ° I Promplnc?? anS^atisisction guaranteed iu every teSb&ltr**. EasternEank u \ Eu&ttls ’! Theodore Harris. President Louisville Insurance and j to the duriOJitionofCilyProperty. Banking Comrany, Louisville, Ky ' Labor secured for thofe desiring it. , Wm D Miller, Lynchburg, Va •’ >1 I Confer with us now. for many ara wishing to sell DH S Bafdmn°ACo! E New U Y r o'rk ft j “if^u^ll leave* idim and description of yonr Ooltbweight°Uice A Semjle. Montgomery, Ala I place with us we will exhibit to land hunters free of Ex-Gov J U Shorter, Eufoula, Ala ' ‘y j ohargo. L L Warren, President Falls City National- Bank, j Louisville.Ky, ... i Gordon, Owens A Mokes, AbhenHe. Ala 1 PH Pepper* Co. Mobile. Ala ,, • - Josiah Morris, Banker. Montgomery, Ala Hugh McColl, Commissioner, Now Orleans, La Wood, Low * Ludwigsen, New Orleans. La Noble * Brothers, Iron W orks, Rome, Ga Gen A It Lawton, Savannah, Ga Gen A H Colquitt. Baker County. Ga Thos H Willingham, Dougherty County, Ga MERREL CALLAWAY^ inly28-dtwl G. M. WHEELER. , CALLAWAY. • ^Attorney .at Law Hardeman & Sparks, TN tendering their services again to their pUnting Talbot county in one l friends af WAREUOUSK AND COMMISSION suossi n miiiusu, James Callaway, Atlanta, Ga Col Luther J Glenn,Atlanta, Ga DrT-W Keen. Salisbury. N C ; MERCHANTS, deem it wholly unnecessary to make promises as to thair willingnees and ability to serve - .• them ftithfully aud, advantageously. ' ... 1 Their longexpenenceftDd tbe large patronage which has ever been extended thehonse. is proof conclusive Mai WM Robbins Attorney-at-Law, Salisbury, N C hasever been extonded the bouse, u proof conclusive ^TC FLow M wcTian t.Lextagton.ic ^ • that they deserve the confidence of the pljntta* oom- MeiihanL Greensboro. NC -' • munity. and by prompt and honest attention to their h“k G Heade,Supreme Court Judge, Roxboro.NC interest tbev Intend, to “f "l, 1 ?. the Plt ' J P Mltalw’Newb^N ” • est Market Prices, and thammal facilitiM extended •• .h»rt Thompson. Esq, Wholesale Grocer, Nashville, to those who ecu u:t their bu-onc^wiUMi,. H r.TuIrr US Court, Ati.cta.Ga x! HARDEMAN, Ja, [OFFICIAL.] Executive Department. 1 Atlanta, Ga., September 6,1869. J The following communication has been received at this Department: ‘’Louisville. Ky., August 16, ISC "To nis Excellency tile Governor oj Georgia : “Six—We have the honor to submit for your infor- “mations the resolution of the Memphis Convention, “and to request that you will appoint delegates in “conformity to that basis of representation, to attend “the Convention to be held in this city on the I2th of “October next. “The subjects to be considered are those which will “most readily resuscitate the drooping interests of the “Southern States, and both in their commercial and “national significance, they merit your most earnest “consideration. , . , “Yonr* truly, “Blaktos Duxcam, Chairman.” Theresolntion of the Memphis Convention, fixing the basis of representation, aerabove referred to, is as follows: “That tho Governor of each State and Territory “shall appoint a delegation at large, not exceeding one “for each Congressional District.” In putsuanco of the above request, and in accord ance with the resolution quoted, I hereby appoint as delegates at large for and in behalf of tho State of Georgia: ■ ;•■> . Fit For the First Con groEeional District—Aaron Wilbur, ofSavannah. For the Second Congressional District—David J. Vason, of Albany. For the Third Congressional District—R. L. Mott; ofColnmhn*. For tho Fourth Congressional District—A. D. Nun- nally, of Griffin. For the Fifth Congressional District—William E. Jackson, of Augusta. For the Sixth Congressional District—John White, of Athens. Fortbo Seventh Cdngressional District—'William E, Phillips, of Marietta. Given under my hand and the Seal of the Executive Department, at tho Capitol, in Atlanta, the day and year first above written. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. By tho Governor: ”* R. Paul Lkstsr, •’« ’ Secretary Executive Department. sep9-d&wlt , - . PROVIDENCE HIGH SCHOOL, T70R GIRLS AND BOYS, near Pleasant Hill, Tal- JC bot county, Ga. The next session of this Institution will commcnco Wednesday, September 8,1869, and oontinue Sixteen Weeks. Kates of tuition for the session: Primary Department. S10; Classical Departmcot. 320; Sur veying and Civil Engineering, extra. $10; Grammar Department, 315; French, extra, 310; Music,Instru mental, $25: Vocal Music 31 per month. Theeonrso of Instruction embraces all that is contained in a collegiate conrsoinour male and female colleges.— Young men will be prepared for any class in college they may desire to enter; or, if they are satisfied with a thorough collegiate course of instruction, withouta diploma,they canfinishtheireoursehere. The build ing is new, large and commodious, and is situated at Providence Church, opo mile west of Pleasant Hill. Talbot county, iu one ef the healthiest sections of country in Middle Georgia. The oommunity is known far and wide for tho high tone of its morality, and the associations surrounding pupils will be elevatmg in their character. The government is .mild but firm, and nopapil will be allowed to remain in the school wh. will not Implicitly submit to such regulations as the teachers may.think necessary to establish. Our motto is, “Perfect Lessons and Perfect Order.”— Board can be obtained iu the vicinity at $12 per month. W. H'. WOODAL'U ‘ } Prindpa!s ’ Rieerwces.—Hon. K. H. Worrtll, Major T. A. Brown. O. D. Gorman, Talbotton: Isaac Cheney, J. T. Oweni D. G. Owen, 8. B. Owen, G. W. Evans, J.D.. "TqodalLT. H. Mahone, Pleasant Hill. aoff27-ae»d33)*w ' . * .Tv with threo inch i being prrferablo. u. „— -- -- -——- r , . - up complete at tny establishment, they do notdifier from the Hand Power only m pitch of thread of screw, - and different kind of levers for working. One horse can pack five to eight hnndred pounds on this Press. , ,' PRIOS FOR BORSS POWER : •Z*+**t Wrought Iron ScrewPress, complete .$165 001 Wrought Iron Screw 90 06’ Wrought Iron Screw, with Iron Frames. .150 00 I Ca t iron Screw................ <0 This Press tb run by water power, for which I furnish the necessary additional machinery. $50 extra. t V v / ’ ' ’ '^* artr ; - . ' • .’Mi. s-. r -t! *r.\ •„ ,m *h - SOHO FT : KJ- X> ’ S SUGAR CANE MILLS AND KETTLES. These Cane Mills have been too long used by the cane-growers of Georgia to need any recommendation other than planters using them. They aro put up in the best style and of best quality of iron, a and each Milt. -* turned. Parties wanting Mills can bo furnished, tho b98t, by sending ma their orders, or calling and ex*sa~ ( * • ining for themselves. P R £ O.S S urieH »* V brOf Eighteccn ineh Cano Mills - Fifteen inch Cane Mills .$65 001 Twelve inch Cane Mills....'. 50 CO I Eleven inch Cane 41 ills. #8 no tir 1 * SYRUP KEII L E S. .MT 30 Gallon, 40 gallon, £0 gallon, 60 gallon 80 Gallon, 10J gallon ,..„..30 cent* per galiaa.- .25 cents per aallon . 8 feet Gin Gear, with Gudgeons and Bolts...., 8 feet Gin Gear, with Bolts 8 feet Gin Gear and Pinion - 9 feet Gin Gear, with Gudgeons anti Bolts... 9 feet Gin Goar, with Bolts 9 feet Gin Gear and Pinion aug5-eod*w2ui m M v. .Ai M«* Mr j&iSP* • &'9?F ..326-50 110 feet Gin Gear, with Gudgeons and Eolts.... .. 20 (X) 10 feet Gin Gear, with Bolts ... .. 18 00 110 feet Giu Gear and PiniOD IB I .2 28 60 j 12 feet Gin Gear, with Guddeons and Bolts....... 37 60 .. 22 CO 12 feet Gin Gear, with Bolts..... - i Lnj . t | 38 50^' .. 20 75 1 12 feet Gin Gear and Pinion 27 25 SIOOO RBWAHI3 Georgia. ' ’!. '7-e* By E. 3. Bullock, Governor ofsaid State. „ _ . —“ . ,, ’ g i Orchitis, and all urinary diseases, and the effbeta Whereas, It has been officially communicated to murcury are completely eradicated; Spermatorrhea this Department that a murder was committed in the l or Seminal Weakness, resulting .from self-ataw* city of Covington, county f Tuesday, the31stof August, ultimo.uljon theperton . constipation,aversion to society, unm»utinees. dread * * ’ ~ * "—k*|-* **— —' n —-—*— - CA -‘ — —* — Indolence,nocturuarb of tbe vital power*.? Persons afflicted , ’ intricate; 1 ori Itegv standing eonstitutionid complaint, should tin tka Doctor a trial. He never fails.. The Doctor publishes .a medical circular that alvei a full exposition of venereal and private diseases, that, can be had free at his office, or by mail for one stamp, i It gives a clear delineation of all the dieeaeee and conditions resulting from the infringement of the moral laws, excesses,indulge*ces,exposures, and lm- k prudences in married or single life. Every sentence contains instruction to the afflicted, ana enabling' official duty in attempting to arrest the said Jim Brown on a warrant for Jarcenoy; and + Whereas, It is further reported to this Department, that the Sheriff of said county of Newton has used every mean3 in his power to apprehend ’the said Jim Brown and bring him to just&e, bat without avail; Now, therefore, I have thought proper to .issue this rny proclamation, hereby offering a reward of One Thousand Dollars for the apprehension and delivery plaints- of the said Jim Brown, with evidence sufficient to ...comprising ten ample room.. convict, to the Sheriff ofsaid count7 of Newton. - And I do moreoverohaige and require all offioersin this State, civil and military, to be .vigilant iu en deavoring to apprehend tifo said Jim Brywn, iu order that ho may he brought to trial for the crime with which he stands charged. J Given under my hand and the great seal of tho State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this 2d day of .Sept,, in the year of our Lord Eighteon Hundred and SUty- Nine, and of the independence of the United States of America the Ninety-Fourth. ■“* , RUFUS B. BULLOCK, A* i-vtf iri-ii vhaq wlT Governor. By the Governor i . rt, \ > ■ , r\Ji MocAttMMi Ditid 5. Cottixo.. . .-| . r ^. Secretary of State. . ’ ’Kjat reMTCra Inapn v-v DESCRIPTION: - The said Jim Browns, about 25y ear. of age; nearly jet blank; 5 feet 6 or 10 inches high; weighs about 150 pounds; his face, which is rather long, presents the appearance ofhavingbad a lightcase of email po*r. septl-dStwH .nei :* is:central.. When itis not oonveniant to vifit tha. city, the Doctor’s opinion can be obtained by giving * a written statement of the case, and madietnt Mftfo forwarded by mail or express. In some instonoe*. „ however, a personal examination is aisoluwly fine. • sary, while in others, daily personal quirea, and for t^o accommodation oi there are apartment, connected wititl are provided, with every requisitq.thatts oaicnlatqdk to promotetccoverK'feclQdinf mediwrteatipbi'wtw/^ Ail prescription are prepared in the tir** ia> n Laboratory, under his personal supervision. Madf: rat pamphlet at office free or by mail for »*e ~nBiifgT Ho matter who bare failed, read what b# says. • m OEoe No. 183 Third street, between Green an(T WaJnnt streets, near the Po'itotfiea. Louisville, K*g«' i? 0ffico hours^A, to , ?. *.; M&f ,v , -U s- t’ ,v‘ j ubliestioa. become a pabjiaur free trader. ^ . s *h*^sw.«klSPW M, *«m-- . Ireurent that mv wifia ->*Wz*t 9ulliTa»< of IMt. AT-