Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, October 01, 1869, Image 7

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60. . 1870. EW JALE college, :IJ j B 3ERT, OBOROIA. If 11, amiouxcejikst. •i^n toft bis old and popular Institution in announce that it will enter upon its ^ ; * ^0AY, October 4, 1869. FACULTY: "r , foref of Teachers too much cannot ;'lhs5* re wel * ^ nown in H* 0 -"* 1 ** Florida ^iVa^McNULTY. A. SI.. ^tHYD OLIVER. 15m IB ALLEN, ^vmiRIDA fort. STOCK , jwa B. RUSSELL. ESebe'x’A TAVLOB. and L'Tb.sukridan. • XW-- 1 — / * * konsectabian. t(tAw repr <"t FOUR DIFFERENT 'iCHM. pISCIPLINE. t ■ .inline of tbe Colleen Is mild bnt firm. It £ sensed. Thjro w perfect order and sys- the establishment. COUBSE OF STUDY I ...A rhoreatb in all ihedepnriments—equal UoIIece in America. f,,rfiofiyinc Music—vocal and instrn- Ti istia Orseb. French, German. Italian, fes «at Mathemato - i-i..tin desiring IQ can adopt a course of stndy | u farsueil by young m- nin our first-class ] •' may enter an irregular class, ffSidltOWMMthey prefer. OrnKain.il' [El#they can, as hitherto, pursue a 1 Ipatsetl study, and graduate therein. [ r3E BOARDING house 1 j-e-j tad neatness, comfort and nfTWlrXIs I'aej/iarl and good water, ample play-grounds I'„;< c lpromenades, is unsurpassed in any sec- | ;-'.. l ,uth. Being under the immediate super- I '.Ttiel’re-ider.t. Barents and Guardians nat- rj*;« department may rest assured that their fviiti ward* will find a Home in every way r.. -Mirconfidence and respect. I, HlllEKlNE H. DUNCAN, who. for eight Liurt. ba» served as Us Matron, will still act in Lety. [jEBJIS OF TUITION AND BOARD wtbaa those of most Institutions of similar >»icf out Extras, a Vouog Lady may cn- ..(■jjs in the regular College Coutse, and in PVinvore Hoard—everything found, including J. V.- fnr $'-’73 «*> ner Scholastic Year. Payments g*QlARTBBLY IN ADVaNCE. i ii-Young Ladies are charged from the date [PHYSICAL TRAINING. Leh.ted LING SY8TEM or PHYSICAL |3!Sii. for Girls and Young Ladies—particu- lirtuer* feeble and delicate—will be faithfol- i:h r >nxbly taught. Besides giving a perfect Instruction in this department Liffuth double the charge for Board. Will bureau five ita trial? There is no such fak LOCATION. •JBEbf. for good health, fine society and pure } ascot he surpassed in American, philter particulars address A. L. HAMILTON, tiUttiR President. IBB SHERIFF’S SALE—Will be sold before the Court-house door, in the city of Macon, between thelegai hours of sale, on tbe 1st Tuesday in October next. 1889. the following described property, to wit— The Plantation in Bibb county embracing three thou sand (3900) acres of Land, more or less, on Tobe-ofkee creek and kpown as the Scotls Mill Place. Levied on by virtue of. and to satisfy a fl.fi,. issued from Bibb Superior Court, returnable to May Term. 1863 in fa- vorof Alexander Burnett vs. Harriet B.Fnlton Trus- tee; Also said land to satisfy a.fi. fa., returnable to May Terro. lrH). to fa/erof .Little, Smith A Co.ts. Harriet IS. Fulton and Harriets. Fulton. Trustee. Also said land .to sausfy a fi. fa in favor of W. A. Hqff ve. Hornet B. lulton, Trustee and Guar- dian. nod J. R. Branham. Also laid land to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of officers of Court vs. Harriet B. Ful- top and Harriet B. Fulton. Trustee, etc., and other fi. ins. in my hands. JAMES MARTIN. septo-30d . Sheriff. B ,IBB SHERIFF’S SALE.-Will be sold beforo -—I. the Court-house door, in tho city of .Macon, be tween tho legal hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in October, 1S69. the following described property, to On* hundred acres of land, more or lesi. lying on Tobraofkee Creek, on tho west side of tbe road leading from Freeman’s or Fulton’s Mill to Bethel Meeting House, adjoining lands of Newberry, Brewer and others. Levied- on by virtue of and to satisfy a ii. fa. issued from Bibb Superior Court, returnable to November Term. 1858. in favor of Jas. N. Seymour vs. Harriet B. Fulton, Trustee, eto , JAMES MARTIN. - Sheriff "TD IBB SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold before the AJ Court-house door, in the city of Macon, between the legal hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in October, 3sCJ. the following described property, to wit: Ail that tract or pared of land lying and being in said county, on tbe south side of Tobesofkce ('reek. ar.d on the east side of the road leading from Freeman’s (formally Scott’s) Mills ont by and to Bethel Meeting House, containing 2000 acres, more or less. Levied on by virtue of and to sati-fy afi. fa. issiied from Bibb Superior Court, returnable to November Term, 1867, in favor of J. W. Fears A Co . vs. Harriet B. Fulton, Trustee, and other fi. fas. in my hands. JAMES MARTIN. septfi-td Sheriff B IBB SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold before tbe Court-house door, in tbe city of Macon, between the legal hours of sale, on tho 1st Tuesday in October, 1869 the f allowing described property, to wit: Fart of lots 7 and 8. in square 21, with improvements thereon, fronting 27 feet—more or less—on Cotton Avenue, the lot, basement and store now occupied by M. B. Rog ers. Also, an undivided third interest in and to tbe second and third stories of the buildings known as - — — 'sdonasf ie of and _ Court, i Term, 1869. in favor of C. T. Ward. Ordinary: use of the heirs ^of Thompson Cherry vs. Samuel 3. Vir gin, administrator, and Jonathan A. Virgin, security. Property pointed ont by plaintiffs’ attorney. , JAMES MARTIN. sep7-td Sheriff planters, Look Here. iHH to procure a good paying situation for 3S70 jMrimendent of a farm. Having devote 1 my Uitttkifbusiness, and supervised succors: ully, J-;l„ uii-factorily. several of tho largest fat ms |n«rt clarity, and would do business there - has wish a better paying birth than can be had it. mjnative county, 1 propose to go to South- sdtoriis, or sny part of the State that will lilt treated inducements. I claim to show ns 11 word si any man reared in Hancock, in tbe »I propose doing, and will give references of '«t character in the State. I prefer taking Mia the crop as compensation for ray scr- I tit moneyed wages, if parties deeldadly |irw- fttonld command my attention. Any person an employ me, can address me at Louisville, M jaunty, and parties wishing information as zttgrity, capacity, etc., can address the foliow- '.iraen: Judge Linton Stephens. Hon. B. T. xlloa. T. J. Smith and others. Sparta, Ga. Respectfully. ktf SOLOMON OLIPHANT. B IBB SHERIFFS BALE.—Will be sold beforo tho Court-house door, in the city of Macon, between tbe legal hours of sale, on tbe 1st Tuesday in October, 1859. the following described property, to wit: Part of let No. 4. in square 91, with improvements there on, in the city of Macon, fronting on Second street, in ssid city. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from Bibb Superior Court, re turnable to November Term, 1869. in favor of Daniel Bullard vs. Geo. A. Dure. JAMES MARTIN. sep7-td Sheriff. TJIBB SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold before X> tbe Court-home door, in the city of Macon, be tween the legal hours of sale, on tho 1st Tuesday in October. 1869. tho following described property, to wit: All that piece or parcel of laud containing two acres—more or' less—with improvements thereon, bounded on tho south by an alley, on the west by a thirty foot street, on the north by J. Smith and on tbe cast by H. B. Page, (or Michael Daly) lying in said county west of the Oemulgeeriver. Levied on to sat isfy two tax ft. fit*, issued by F. M Heath. Tax Col lector. vs. C. W. Gruber. Jr., and C. W. Gruber, Cr. I will sell so much of said land as witlmako their State and County tax for the year 1868. JAMES MARTIN, sep7-td Sheriff. J ONES SHERIFF’S SALES.-Will be sold before the Court-house door, in the town of CliDton, Jones county, on the 1st Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours of sale, the following named property, to wit: One hundred acres of laud—moro or lc‘s—it being the south bait of lot No. 87. in the 6th District of originally Baldwin, now Jones county, ad joining lands of Bryant Balkcom, Mary Ann Moore aqdothers; all of said Jot lying on the sautb side of the ran of the Long Slash. Levied on as the prop erty of Cyrus E. Parrish, by virtueof a fi. fa. obtained in the Inferior Court of Jones county, in 1863, in favor of Bryant Balkcom. administrator of Benj. James, de- . ,,, In , r ... ... ceased, vs. Cyrus K. Parrish; said land now in po— i A lNISTRATOR*S_bo &o!d» Jot sra-ion of Mrs fieviler Parrisb.the widow or relic of - Cyrus E. Parrifh. Property pointed out by B.Balk- A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold, for cash, before the Court-House door, at Vi cuna. in Dooly county. Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November n^t, within the legal hours of sale, 5u0}4 acres of lana; belonging to the estate of Kli' Peavy. deceased. The same being lots of land Nos. 180.205, and the north half of tot of land No. 181, all in the 3d district of Dooly county. BYRD Y. PEAVY. and , f JESSE J. PEAVY. Adm’rs. of Eli Peavy. deceased. «sentl5-td* . com, administrator, etc. &ug20 w3fid H.D. CHAPMAN. - Sheriff. cash, before the Court-House door, at Vi cuna. in Dooly county. Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, 4'5 acres of land, belonging to tbe est«te ol Jno. P. Mote, deceased. The same being lot of land No. 163, and the west half of lot ot land Nos. 164-in the 9th district of Dooly county, and west half cf lot of land No. 17, in tho 1st district of Dooly county. JOHN W..MOTE. Adm r. of John P. Mote, deceased. septl5-td* O.EORGU—J.1NE3 COUNTY.-Ordinast’s Op- .VVJicn Silt) CoBXTY, At Chahbkb8. September 13.1869.—Whereas, Jeremiah Lowe, Executnr.of Wm. Johnson, dee’d, applies to this Court for release of said estate from the guardianship of Mary E. John i A P ^. B b5OTl Q aT tourt~House be dnor!’ f at A aTe * at m ^ er *^l rm v icnna. in Dooly county, Georgia, on tho first o;i^ hy ,t h0 saB l e Eranted ‘ Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of Given under my hand officially. sale. 4'<5 acres of land, belonging to the estate of Jas: R- T- RO^S, Ordinary, j Hightower, deceased. Tho same being lots ot land - tc P‘lo-td ; ; 1 Nos. 255 and 256. in the 7th district of Dooty county. JAMES >1. PENNY. Adm’r. of James Hightower, deceased. /"GEORGIA—JONFS COUNTY.—Oblinary’s Op- A-A pics Said Cocntv, At Cbambers, September 13, 1869.—Whereas, it appears to the Court that Martha W. IIarkin3 and Thomas J. Dame, minors, having an interest in the estate of John B. Dame, deo’d., are withnnt a legal guardian. And in accord- ance_with the law tho guardianship of said minors sept!5-td* trary. Given under my hand official!?. R. T. ROSS. Ordinary. septl5-td T'kOOLY SHERIFF SALES.—Will bo sold, before JLf the Court-house door ia tho town of Vienna, Dooly county, between the nsnal hours of sale, on .... ,. , ~y;,=T— g-r——>, , the firitTue?day in October next, to-wit: One black will ho vested in the Cierk of the Superior Conn or i Horso and Buggy. Sold as the property of E. C. other person, at the November Term next of j Youngblood, to satisfy a Superior Court fi» fo* in favor this Court, unless good cause be *hown to the con- : of Sarah Sheffield vs* Nathan Youngblood. Executrix of E. C. Youngblood. Property pointed out by plain tiffs attorney. i Also, at the tatno timo and place, the one-half un- I divided interest of the House and Lot in tho town of QHPitTPP’C q at o ny;i« l ..ij l-tapd Vienns, known us the KoIUm snd Fleming Store* J Pn.irMf £p IL. l }\ „ *r rv ^ 0U i e * containing one-fourth ot an acre, more or less, £ PmIuJU Sold to satisfy a Superior Court fi. fa. in favor of JL- eulUJBK&fJirw ext * James F - Leonard vs. Whitfield Parmore and David ing 0 Ge°a r ;rl V evild n onw"tSetTer^ beWng”^?^ j 1 ’ roperty I ' ointed °“ tby F ‘ Leo * S^mm f IW?« m Ni?nT?nVT’ e nJrr de ; : n%^. , i- t nf 1 Also,atthe*anietimoandplaee,thefollowingprop- t? ! erty. to-wit: Lots of Laud in tho Third ltistrict »T md eour^wid traasfered to S. B. Glawson vs. 0 f Dooly county. Numbers 217, and 248. Sold as tho Thrnt. F. Garrell. Proporty w in^po v ;wipn_of M. C. property of Hardy ^bcelof. tosatiffy :i JusticoCourt . fi. fa. in favor of John Bernbry vs. Hardy Wheelos. ; Property pointod out bv plaintiff. TONES SHERIFF'S SALE.-Willbesold before the: tf Court-house door, ia tho town of Clinton, Jones sept 3-wood Sheriff Dooly County. White. septl-td H. D. CHAPMAN. Sheriff. county, between the legal hours of sale, the following, p , , property, to wit: Ono hundred acres of land—more flHGRGlA, DOOL\ COUNTY.—Wh,rras, Charles orless—belonging to Archibald T. Thurmond, adjoin- : V , w - C. Varnadoro applies for the Guardianship ing tho lands of Daniel J. Newby. Levied on to sat- of . Iho Person and property qi fharles B. W. E. Mims, isfy n fi. fa. from Jones Superior Court, obtained at m 'P, or and orphan of W m. H. Mims, decoaspd, October Term. 1867. in fa?nr of Leonidas Smith, ad- The f° ««. therefore, to one and admonish all con- ministrator on tho estate of Robt. Berry, deceased, vs. cerned to be and appear at my office on or before tho u oi n>i —j Property pointed out by fi**t Jlonday in September next, toen and thereto • - - - 1. if anyth ‘ M| show cause, if any they have, why said Guardianship should not be entrusted to s id applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this August 2,1869. WM. H. DAVIES, ang7-w30d Ordinary. P ostponed sheriff’s sale.—wm bo sold before the Court-house door, in tho city of Macon, between the legal hours of sale, on the 1st. Tuesday in October next, 1869. the following described property, to-wit: All tnat piece or parcel of land containing 5 acres—more or less—with improvements thereon, sit uated in the Maeon Roscrve and known as Sltones’ Distillery. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Bibb Superior Court, returnable to November Term, 1869, in favor of Charles J.Strohcrg vs. Andrew J. Simmons. Property pointed out in fi. fa. JAMES MARTIN. sept7td - -; Sheriff. Notice. WE is hereby given that, with tbe consent of I'inibu.d. I shall, from one month aftor this b5«n, become a public or freo trader. BRIDGET SULLIVAN. (a.Q».. Sept. 9th, 1869. illhit my wife, Bridget Sullivan, of Bibb '.G ..umy become a public or freo trader. 4It*»St« CORNELIUS SULLIVAN. bibb coTunrir. pTWiVS SALE.—By virtue of an order fr---.n 1. :' T :i:..-rv of Bibb county,will be sold VktTr ” fttteificret. Also, part of Lot No. 214. contain- J - . r 11 - -. AI-m, part of Lot No. 198. i'jlei75seres, more or less. Also, part of Lot ■ ’.eontaiaing 80 acres, more or less. All lying • rontta Diitrict of originally Houston now Ifjjnytfht privilege? ot the Toll Gate situated »wpropfflj,wi11 beso 1 d atthesamo tims. Terms O.M. WILEY. Executor. A. G. WILEY. Executrix. I? LWR’S SALE.—By virtue of an order from Tl* r’ l l rt , 0 f Ordinary of Bibb county, will be Ldr, ‘ Toesjayin November next, during rnt ioan of tl | Ci tho City Hall, (Court- Jt)i| portion of two lots of land Nos. 197 and 193. l"i“*»«•! side of the branch, known as the -orscea, tbe whole containing 250 acres, moro tuIUf *“* being in tho fourth district of orig- Bibb county. So id as the prop- utofje Meath, ijsra. late of said county. .PATRICK KERWIN, Executor. jUtDJAh 3 SALE.—By virtue of an order from ;.i 2 rto1 Ordinary of Bibb county, will bo --eSrit Tuesday in November next, daring *1! of sale, at tho City Hall. (Conrt- hiS® ' 0 ** Nos. 3,4 and 6. in Square 9i. front- P^btlreet, and running through to Oak street: acre, more or less, with three dwellirg L2 ’be same. Tho property of Arthur B., J Frank W. Prndden. AMELIA H. PRUDDEN. Guardian. MRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an ,, Jlrem the Court of Ordinary of Bibb coun- [rjitM on the first Tuesday in November ’S'Uthe legal hours of sale, at the City Hall, I"«*l«e) all that tract or parcel of land, ly : ng l*P5 district cf originally Houston now Bibb i : ran* lots Nu.t.liiOand 211. being 4(0 ae.-es. Also, par*, of lot 206. in tho same dis- |—tifty aerea. more erics-. Also, all thepf-r- tTwr of every description. Sold ns the »«Luther R. Johnson, dcc’d. Terms cash. R. A. JOHNSON, Administrator. > tJTOK’S SALE.—By virtue of an order from «JVW of Ordinary of Bibb county, will be |i;*}4nt Tuesday in November next, during Soars of sale, at tho City Hall, (Court- JJolots of land Nos. 136 and 169, containing . mmch; and part of lot 137, containing 72 tanrl lying and being in tho fourth ■jaentinaljy Houston now Bibb county. Also, T’JW property of every description. Sale to -kt-a day to day. on the Plantation, until all ■ »I4 as the property of Travis Huff, deceased. km W.A.1IU FF. Executor. JJOtt’S SALE.—Georcix. Bibb Cousty.— •rioeofan order from the Court of Ordinary liSJty. will bo sold before the. Court-house Il county, on the 1st Tuesday in November KT^Ithe legal hours of sale, the Plantation ItetheEstate of Judge Abner P. Powers, in tbe Second District of Dougher- -•'.’’(Tcia, consisting of Lots Nos. 176, 177, ‘.’■,717 and 218, and containing seventeen M fifty (1750) acres. Al’o at the same time VWshieea Shares of tho Stock of the Macon Railroad Company. Also a wood-lot on ^j^roaj. near Maeon. in Bibb county, con- sold before the Court-house door in the ^uoilherty, on the 1st Tuesday in Novem- l of sale, all the Stock i. Farming Utensils, i Cotton Gin t and alt the r of even '^iscripuon upon the ■tion <tk«j Cue.mribMproperty sold for tne pay- of said Estate and for distribution. •Sa* • JOHN P. MAN LBY. Executor. fi^tBIBB COUNTY.—Whereas . aptrliea- • etn made to me to open a public Road, PCuS Point on tho Perry road about four I- 'd i-i'rJf 1, 0n the lines between the lands of kAfr 11 ''haries J. Harris, and passing through liiSfdMwd, Charles J. Harris. Allen Bid- ..“on J. Ri| e V, trustee William M. Riley, ; T ‘ 'tnas M. Faurb.-ough, deceased. Henry ^ yAicus (7. Holt, J am os W. Knott. Henry ■C^lchardF. Woolfolk.J. H. R. Washing- I — y?' patnuolP. Bailey. Asa Earnest. James ■ oud Warren B. Riley, entering the a,i ‘»t or near The Laboratory. Haviugap- »*25''*">ners a? directed bylaw, ard they 1'itei, ,b * ''Pening ,.r said Road, no f‘»i f t’tvon, rrqalriug all partios interes’ei ■ ' : ‘-r ,.’? r ;l! toy ’illico on or before the 2nd d.i I'aijESiio* I : :: ,u «» ■ • oj ttl‘1 Ot he l>- npl tiny hand .,fii iiiiy. ■ 1 — ..... day if any they have, wby 0. T.'iVARD. Ordinary- P OSTPONED SHERIFF’S SALE.-Will be sold before the Court-house door, in tbe city of Ma con. between the legal hours of sale, on the 1st Tues day in October. 1869. the following described property, to-wit: Tbe undivided interest of J. B, Smith, it be ing the one-fonrtb in and to ten acres of land, with improvement? thereon, lying in the Macon Reserve, near the city of Macon, and known in the plan ofsaia Reserve as Lot No. 1. and formerly known as Sboncs’ Distillery Place. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy afi. fa. issued from BihbSuperior Court, returnable to November Term, 1869, in favor of Dennis J. Mur phy vs. R. B. Clayton and J. B. Smith, JAMES jlARTIN, sept7-td Sheriff. Archibald T. Thurmond. plaintiffs’ attorneys, and now in possession of de fendant. H. D. CHAPMAN, aug20-w30d bheriff. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an order, from the Conrt of Ordinary, of^ Jones j County, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Novetn- ; rj^WO months after tho date hereof tbe undersigned ber.1869, at the Court-House door in said county, be- 1 will apply to tho Ordinary Court of Dooly coun tween the legal boars of sale, five hundred and seven- I ty, for leave to sell ail the lands belonging to the es- teen.acres of land, more or less, situate in said county, tato of James Hightower, deceated. for the benefit of adjoining tbe lands of Leroy Singleton, Caswell Had- ! the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Juno 30, dock, James H. Blonntand others, and belonging to j 1869. JAMES M. PENNY, the estate of John W. Finney, late of said county, : Administrator of the estate of James Hightower, de deceased. .... . i ceased. july3-w2m* This land is convenient to churches, schools, and I 7~T~.——7~—T"! „ railroads—its furthest point not two miles from tho i ThjOTICE.—All persons indebted to the estate of site selected for a depot on the Macon and Augnsta : As JaatesHigbtowcr, lateofDooly county,deceased. Railroad. j are hereby required to make immediate payment to The land will be sold in two lots: ono of these lots ! tho undersigned, and all persons having demands containing one hundred and sixty acres, is good farm- ■ against said deceased are required to presen t them to ing land, well timbered and watered, and has ono of ! the undesigned within tbe time prescribed by law. the handsomest country residences in Middle Juno30.1869. JAMES M. PENNY, Georgia. * J Administrator of tho estate of Jame3 Hightower, de- Tho other lot of three hundred and fifty-seven j ceased. july3-w<i0d* acres is not so well improved, but is good farming land and a desirable plantation. Terms cash. Purchasers to pay all charges of con Teyancing. WILLIAM A. CHAMBERS, Administrator de bonis non estate of sept22-td John W. Finney, dee’d. G EORGIA, DOOI.Y COUNTY - Whereas, Elisa beth Adkins applies to me f >r Letters of Admin- i Duration upon the estate of William Adkins, deceased. ! These are therefore to cite and admonish all concern- , ed to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in November next, there and then to show j cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted said applicant. G eorgia, jonescodnty.—obdikary’soppick i “At,: said County, at Chambers, August 18, 1869.— ! it,! q'"! 1 !!!h Whereas, Francis 5. Johnson, Jr., Guardian of Wm. j "JJptll-^aOd’ A. Griswold, applies to me for Dismission from said i Guardianship. These are to cite ail if any they have to tho contrary, this office on or before the 1st Monday in October next. Witness my hand officially. ROLAND T. ROSS. aug20-w30d Ordinary, WM. U. DAVIES, Ordinary. G eorgia, jasper county.—'wnf b* sold, ‘during the legal hours of public sale, at the Court-house door in said county, on the First Tuesday in November next, the lands belonging to the estate of Uriah Hatcher, late of said county, deceased, lying and being in said county, adjoining lands of J, M. Darden, Job Tyler, Bird Bryant, and others, contain ing one hundred acres, mere orless; sold for distri bution. Terms cash. l’UEOPIIILUS WILLINGHAM, G.W. DAWKINS. sepI2 w6t • .. Admm’rs. /"I BORGIA, JASPER COUNTY.-Will he sold, VJT during the legal hours of sale, before the Court house door in Monticello, on the First Tuesday in November next, the lands belonging to the estate of William Phillips, deceased, to-wit: One hundred acre*, more orless. known as the Wright place, ad joining lands of Thomas McKessack, J. W. Holland, and others: two hundred and two and a half acres, more or less, known as the Stephens place, adjoining lands of BeDjamin Barrow, H. V. Standifer, and others; one hundred acres, more orless. lying on the right o'the road leading from Montic-llo to Falling Creek Church, known as the Ingram place, adjoining lands of James Speights, Floyd Freeman, and others; a parcel of land lying on the left of said road, number of acrc3 not known. Sold for distribution. Terms, half cash and half credit. RICHARD B. PHILLIPS. sepl2-w6t Admin’r. J ASPER SHERIFF’S SALE.-Will be sold beforo the Court-house door in tho town of Monticello, between tho legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in October noxt, the following described property, to wit: Onehundredandeightyacresofland.known as a part of the Stringfeilow Place; and a part of the Whitteker Place. lying about one mile from Monti- cello, on the northwest side of the road leading from Mon icetlo to Forsyth, bounded by Green Loftin and others. Levied on to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from Jasper County Court, in favor of John D. Butts JB Bros. vs. Wm. F. Jordan. B.T.DIGBY, sep7-w30d Deputy Sheriff. J ASPER COUNTY SHERIFF SALES.-Will bo sold before the Court-house door in Monticello, on tho first Tuesday in October next, 202J4 acres of Land, moreorleff, situated in said county. Levied on as tho property of Theopilus Pye. and known as tho old James Adams Place, adjoining lands of James H Roberts and others, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Jas per Superior Court, in favor of David M. Langston v?. Theopilus Pye and Hartnon W. Pye. Property point ed ont by plaintiff. B. T. D1GBY, sept2-30d Deputy Sheriff ("\ EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY—Whereas,Thomas VJT J. Alexander and Benjamin L. Holland makes application tor Letters of Administration de bonis non, with the will annexed, of the Estate of George Clark, deceased, lateofsaidconnty. These are there fore to cite and admonish ail persons concerned to showoause. ifany they have, on or before the first Monday in November next, why said Letters shall not issue to said applicant*. Given under my hand and official signature. thisl5th day of September, 1869. M. H. HUTCHISON. sept!9-w30d Ordinary. a EORGIA. JASPER COUNTY.—Will be sold be tween the legal hours of public sales, before the Court house door at Monticello, on the 1st Tuesday in November pext. tbe Lands belonging to tbe estate ofS. J. Shy, deceased, adjoining lands of Ransom Harwell. C. P. Akins, the estate of Isaac Walton and others, containing twelve hundred acres, more or less. Sold for distribution and paying the debts. SAM'L C. SHY, sept!2-w6t Executor. G EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY.-Will be sold be tween the legal hours of public sales, before the Conrt-house door at Monticello, on the 1st Tuesday in November next, the Lands belonging to the estate of Joseph Jones, deceased, adjoining lands of J. W. Kelly. John P. Fears and Joseph Binfi’rd. Sold for distribution. Terms cash. SAM’D C. SHY, septl2-w6t Administrator. "MOTICE.—Four weeks after date application will it be made to the Court of Ordinary, in and for Jasner county. State of Georgia, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Robt. Brown, late of said county, deceased. ISAAC LANGSTON. ang27-w30d Adm’r. G "a“hli lat’MondS? in October inonR. Calhoun..applies to me for tetters of dismis sion from said estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all con- cerned to be and appear at my office on or before tho first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any , they have, whv said letters should not be granted. EORGIA, JONEf- COUNTY—Obdinaet’3 Office j Given under my hand and official signature, this 2Sth 4 DMIN 1STKATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold, for cash, before tbe Court-House door, in the city of Macon, on the first Tuesday in November next.with- in the legal hours of sale, four thousand acres ol'Iand. moro or less, well known as the Carter or Ilcird lands. Also. 103 acres, more or less, lying in Eche- conneo swamp. AH situated in tho third district of originally Houston now Bibb county—belonging to the estate of Green Wilder, deceased—number not recollected—adjoining tho lands of Taylor Burkett and others- C. A. THARPE, Adm’r. scptlS wlOd* of Green Wilder, dee’d. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Four weeks after I date hereof, application will bemadetothe Court of Ordinary of said connly for leave to sell tho real property belonging to the estate of John P. Lamar, late of said county, deceased. _ _ A. B. ROSS. sept2-30d Adm’r, de bonis non. G 1 EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Four weeks after date hereof, application will be mado to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell tbe real property belonging to the estate of Duncan Mc Collum, late ol said county^decgased. ^ aept2-303 • ‘ Adm’r. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY —All persons indebted to the estate of Duncan McCallnm, lato ot said connty. deceased, are required^ to make immediate payment, and those bavins: claims to render them in terms of the law. G. W. BARFIELD, sopt2-40d Adm’r. Q EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas. Ann Stubbs, Executrix upon theestato of Peter Stubbs, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission, . . .. . These are. therefore, to cite nnd admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my offico on or before the first Monday in September- next, to show cause, ifany they have, why letters should not be granted. Given under my hand officially.^ ^ WARD jnnc3-w3mo Ordinary. FTLEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, Jordan *Jr Brown, Administrator on the Estate of Turner Brown, lato of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dimission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and cred itors of said dcccascd,to be and appear at my office an or before the first Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why Letter* should not be granted. Given under my hand officially. . ; | & T. WARD. jn3-3m Ordinary. said County, at Chambers, August 18, 1869.— Whereas*. H. L. cmith applies to mo for dismission of Administration on the estate of Augustus Roberts, deceased, and for release from the Guardianship of Francis E. Roberts, minor of said deceased, and also deceased. These are to cite all persons concerned to show May, 1869. jel-w6m WM. H. DAVIES. Ordinary. QEORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.-Whereas, Robert _ . Cox, administrator of Aaron Cox, applies to me fur letters of dismission from said estate: — —-— , ... —- . These are therefore to eito and admonish all eon cause, tf any they nave to the contrary, by filing the t cerned to be and appear at my office on or before the same in this office on or beforo the 1st Monday in Oc- ; first Monday in December next, to show oause, if any tober next. '" ' Witness my hand officially. aug20-w30d R. T. ROSS. Ordinary. n EORGIA. JONES COUNTY—Ordinary's Office Ur said County,'ac Chambers, August 18, 1809.— w fcereas, G. T. Pursley applies to me for dismission .from the Guardianship of James D. Godard. These are to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they have to the contrary, by filing the same in this office on or before the 1st Monday in Oc tober next. eber Witness my hand officially. auc20-w30d R. T. ROSS. Ordinary. J ONES SHERIFF’S SALE.-Will be sold before the Court-house door, in Clinton, on the 1st Tues day in October next, 1800 acres of land—more or less- situated in said county. Levied on as the property of Wm. S. Mouzhon, and known as his Walnut Level Place, adjoining lands of Joseph Olawson, Mrs. M. L. Lamar and others, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Bibb Superior Court in favor of Bust. Johnston & Co. vs. Wm. S. Moughon. Property pointed ont by plain tiffs’ attorney. Property now in possession of de fendant. . HENRY D. CHAPMAN. aug!3-w30d • Sheriff G EORGIA. JONES COUNTY.—Ordinary’S Office said County.—At Chambers. June 27, 1869.— ■Whereas, Leonidas Smith. Administrator on the estate of Jeremiah Miller, deceased, applies to mo for dismission firom said administration. These aro to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to show cause, if any they have, on or by tho first Monday in October next, why said dismission shall not be granted. Witness ray hand officially. ROLAND T. ROSS. jnnc30-w3mo Ordinary. they have, why said letters_should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, thl May, 1869. » WM. H. DAVIES. jet-w6m Ordinary. G EORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—Two months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary ot said county, by the undersigned, for leave to sell ail the lands belonging to the estate of John P. Mote, latoofsaid county, deceased. JOHN W. MOTE, Adm’r of junel2-w2m* John P. Mote, dcc’d. 3ML&RXON COUNT?. M arion county sheriff sales.-wui h 0 so'd. before the Courthouse door in Buena Vista, between the legal hours of sale, on the 1st Tnesday in October next, the following property, to-wit: West half of lot of Land No. 226in tbe Fifth District of Ma rion county. Levied on as the property of Beverij Cooper. Executor of George H. Cooper, to satisfy a n, fa. in favor ofZaehariah Booth vs. Beverly Cooper. Ex’r, etc. Levy made 4th August. Also, lots of Land 22 and 23 in the Thirty-first Lis'rict of Morion coun ty, as the property of James L. C. Kecrfand have giv en James W. Wiggins, tenant in possession, notice of tho same agreeably to law.) to satisfy two fi. fas. in favor of William M. Brown vs. James L. C. Koer. RUBlN HAMILTON, ang29-lt Deputy Sheriff. /'■'t EORGIA. JONES COUNTY.—Ordinary’s Office VX said County.—At Chambers, June 27, 1839,— Whereas, Caswell Haddock. Administrator on the es tate of Jno. W. L- Messer, deceased, applies to mo for dismission from said administration, These are to cite and admonish all persons com cerned to show cause, if any thoy have, on or by the first Monday in October next, why said dismission shall not be granted. Witness my hand officially. m ROLAND T. ROSS. june30-w3m Ordinary. lEORGIA, JONES COUNTY.—Ordinary’s Offico ■ said County.—At Chambers, June 27, 1869.—I ■herca*. Wm. (1. Butler, Administrator onthees-l tate of Bcnj. Ilcarndon, deceased, applies to me for dismission from said ad ministration, ri; Wh- F'tEOBGIA, BIBB COUNTY—Whereas, William VX Stripling, Administrator upon the Estate of Alonza W. Jones, late of said county, deceased, ap- plie> to me for Letters of Dismission. These are there fore to cite and admonish all and singular, tho kin dred nnd creditors of said dcceased.to bo and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in September next, to show cause, if any thoy have, why Letters should not te granted. Given under my hend offi cially. C.T. WARD. ju3-3m . Ordinary. F*1 EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, David M. lx Flanders, Administrator upon tho estate of Wm. L. Hart, late of sail county, deceased, applies tome for Letters of Dismission, _ .... , These are, therefore, to cite nnd admonish all nnd singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ana appear at my office on or before the first Monday in September next, to showcause.if any they have, why letters should not be granted. . Given under my hand officially. • ' .0, T. WARD, june3-w3mo Ordinary. G 1 J EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—A1I persons indebted ■v^,' to the Estate of John P. Lamar, lato of said conn ty, deceased, are required to make immediate pay ment to the under.-igned. and those having claims to render them in terms of the law. A. B. B0;S, sept2-40d Administrator de bonis non. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an or der from the Ordinary of Bartow county, will bo sold, on the 1st Tuesday in November next, before the Court-house door in CartersvillO, Ga.. within the legal hours of tale, the Plantation formerly occupied by Dr. Robert H. Patton, situated in OLD CASS COUNTY, on tbe Western and Atlantic Railroad, two miles west of CASS STATION. This is ono of the best upland Plantations in the county—contains about three hundred and fifty acres, two hundred of which are cleared. The soil is good, the location is healthy, within two miles of ti^o post-offices and three churches, and in the midst of good aeishbors.' On tho plice is a comfortable frame Dwelling oont&’ning niDerooms; also, Kitchen, Servant's House, Cribs, Stables, etc. , V . , ‘ ' V , . ', The undersigned being authorized by the heirs to sell the above property at PRIVATE SALE, can be inquired of at ATLANTA, for price, etc. ' . . The premiseswiU he shown to parties desiringto purchase, by William B- Patton, who is residing on thesame. JULIUSM. PATTON,. Adm’r of Rob’t H. Patton, Cum teitamento annuco. septl6-d 1 awJtw3t* ■ • ■./j shall not bo granted. Witness my hand officially. - . „ , ROLAND T. ROSS, jnne30-w3m * ^ Ordinary. IIONC G EORGIA, MARION COUNTY.—Whereas. John F; Smith has applied for tho Gnatdiansbipof the persons and property of. Eugenia D. and Emithie.J. llowell. orphans of Hillery Howell. ..... AH persons interested aro notified to filo their ob jections to the same within tho time prescribed by low. Witness my hand officialJ^Au^istlftASffii. ang22-w30d Ordinary. G EORGIA. J0NE9 COUNTY.-Ordixap.t’s Office said County, September 2,1869. at Cham bers.—Whereas, Samuel T. Bragg applies tc me tor ration on Estate of Mary W. Putt Admit,i sfiratfon* on Estate of Mary W.'Pattcrson, de ceased, of this connty. These are to notify all porsons concerned to show cause at this offico on or by tho first Monday ia next month, ifany they have, why the same shall sot bo granted. Witness my hand officially, Scptomber2.1SG3. , R. T. ROSS. sept! w30J Ordinary. QUxsazAiar -\ ' ' ° tJ! COUNTY. /X EORGIA, QUITMAN COUNTY.—James Harri- VX son. Administrator of James B. and MaUio J. Harrison, represents to tho Court, in his petition, that ho has fully administered said estates. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive Jotters of dismis*icn from both estates on the 1st Monday in November, 1S69. W. P. J0RBAN, julj22-3m : Ordinary. N OTICE FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND.-Onthe 1st Monday in October next application will be made to the: Court of Ordinary of Quitman connty. for leave to sell the lands belonging to tho esta'e of Ichabod Balkcom, late of said connty, deceased, for distribution. This Septembers, 1869. HENBYL. BALKCOM, sep7-law4t* . Adm’r. A DMINISTBATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold, at publio outcry, beforo the Court-house door at Brunswick, Ga.. daring the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next; a body of Land in Glynn county, of said State, containing five thousand five hundred and thirty-one aeres. more or less. Said Land is a solid body and the property of the estates of Alexander Mitchel and S. Z.‘Collins. Said Land is about six miles from the city of Brunswick, touching Fort Barrington road on tho northwest, and Six Mile Swamp on the southeast, and is boanded by thelandi* of John Barnet. U. Dart and R. Grant, and near tho M, 4BR.R. Titles perfect. Terms mado known on day of sale. |M» J. MITCHEL, Ex x* septlS-diUwtd* S. M. COLLINS, Adm’r. G eorgia, twiggs county.—ah ®«rsons,in- dehtedtothe estate of Washington Fitzpatrick, deceased, are requested to make payment immediate ly, and those having claims against tbe said estate are notified to present them only authenticated as the l»w directs, g;FITZPATRICK, Adm’rx. »u«25-w40d J. JEL FITZPATRICK. Adm’r. E XECUTOR’S SALE—Will be sold before the Conrt-Housa door, in the town of Irwinton. Wil kinson county. Ga..-on tbe first Tuesday in November noxt, the following described lot, vir: One hundred, one and a quarter (lulJi) acres, being part of lot No. 8S • oilo hundre i one and a quarter (101J4) acres, being part or lot No. 83; and forty (40) acres, being part of lot No. HI—in tho third district of said county-con taining in all two hundred and forty-two and a half (filfi’/ll acres; adjoining lands of'lhr.s. W. Dupree, C. C. Stokes, and others., Sold for distribution among a porfionofthe heirs of Joel Butler, deceased, late of said county. Term, cash.^ jj UT lER, Executor. «entl9-w6t : ' . E XECUTOR’S SALE.-Will be sold in the town ot Perry, Houston county, the 1st Tuesday inNp- vember next, one House and Lot in( the town of rort Volley, containing* about four acres; known in the plan of said town oa Lot No. 1. Block Aj3Q» m Oglethorpe, Macon county, on the same day, ono lot of land, containing 202V< aCrca—more or less--No; 54, in tho 16th District, originally' Hnu.ton county, now Macon connty. Sold as the propertyot Henry Brown, deceased, for a division. any31-td - f * Executor of Henry Brown, dee’d /"'t EORGIA, MARION COUNTY.-Whcrea*. Wil- VX Ham M. Brown has applied for the administra tion dchonit non with tho will, etc., of James Perry man, late of said county, deceased. All persons interested in the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to filo their objections to the same within tbe time prescribed by statute. Witness my hand, Sep tember 10th, 1869. JAS. M. LOWE. sepl2-w4t Ordinary. orpnan, unaer lourieen, 01 ueorgo u. unapman, uo- ceased. All interested are hereby notified to file their obiections to said application, on or before the ... ,., TT . r ™ m, n-n t First Monday in November next. Witness my hand. EVERY if A CIII2s E WARRANTEE JAS, M, LOWE, sep!2-w4t Ordinary. A DMINI-TRATOBS’ SALE OF WILD LANDS. jfM—■By_virtne of an order from the Conrt of Ordi- By virtue of an oroer from the Gonrt ol ' Marion County. Georgia: Will be sold bofoi ;, Fo the Court House door, in tho town of Cumming, sytn County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in Novem ber next, within the usual hours of sale, -if not sold County, known as Wild Lands, containing forty acres, more o less. Drawn by John Kemp, and sold as tho property of John Kemp, late of Marion County, de ceased, for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said deceasod. Terms cash. September 6th, 1869. MORGAN KEMP. Administrator. ADALINE KEMP, Administratrix. sept8-wtd r\EORGIA. MARION COUNTY.-Whereas, L. W. VX Wall. Administrator of Solomon Wall, deceased, has applied for leave te sell the lands belonging to the said deceased. All poisons interested aro notified to file their ob jections to thesame within the timo prescribed by law. Witness my hand officially, August 4.1869. JAS, M, LOWE, augl0-w4t . Ordinary. ri EORGIA. MARION COUNTY.-Whereas. Henry VX C. Watt, Administiator, etc., of Geo. W. Mayo, deceased, has applied for leavo to sell the real estate ofsaid deceased. All persons interested in said estate will show cause, if any, why leave should not be granted the administrator to soli. Witness my hand officially August 4,1869. JAS. M. LOWE, augl0-w4t ... Ordinary. /GEORGIA. MARION COUNTY.-Whereas. Wm. VX B. Spinks, Guardian of Warren Reddock and plies for leave to sell ans. file th fir oiyect ions. if any, to the samo within the time prescribed by law. Witness my hand officially, cugl0-w4t. Ordinary, Mayo, deceased, has pel said county for dismission. .... .. - — -. A11 those interested in the estate of said deceased are notified to file their objections, if any, to thesame within the time prescribed by law. Witnesa my hand officially, August.4,1S69. JAS. M. LOWE, augl0-w90d •Ordinary, c! EORGIA. MARION C0UNTY.-L. W. Wall, ad VX ministrator, de bonis non, of John G, Heath.de. ceased, has applied for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased. ... . All persons interested in the estate of said deceased are notified to filo their objeetiom to the same within the time prescribed by law. Witness my hand officially. July 1,1S59. JAS. M. LOWE, juiy4-w2m ,.i. Ordinary. /~tEORGIA,MARION COUNTY—Whereas,Perry VX B- Jones, Administrator de bonis non, etc., of John B. Thaggard, dee’d., has applied for leave to sell the land of said deceased., ; All persons interested are notified to file their ob jections to the same within tho time proscribed. Witness my hand. S«P‘«“^^f- L0WE> sept22-wS0d Ordinary. G EORGIA. MARION COUNTY.-Whereas, L..W.' Wall. Administrator ot Solomon Wail, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the wild lands belonging %o said estate at private sale.. All persons interested are notified to file their objections to the same (ifany) on or before the 1st Monday in October next. ■ l ■ WltneSfl my ^ july 17> 1S S 9 AS. M. LOWE. july21-w2m Ordinary. DMIN(STRATOR'S SALE.-Will be sold before A- the Court-House door, in Marion county, on the first Taesdayta November next, between tne legal hoursof sale, one house and lot in the town of Taze well. -aid eounty—belonging to the .state of John G. Heath, late of said e -unty, deceased. Bold for the : QEORGIA, TWIGG8 COUNTY.—All persons hay-- ^ ing demands against J. H. Meadows, late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified to present them, E roperly attested, to me within the time prescribed y law,'or they will not be settled; and all persons JTun>ose'<)f payingthe de'btVol said d-eeaied. Terms indebted to said deeeaeed are hereby requig^tomake L. W. WALL. Adm r. uumediatepaymenL PAUL MEADOWS «ptl9-w40d *ug26-*«d Executor. N OTICE.—Four weeks after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Jasper County, for leave to sell the Lands belonging to the estate of JAMES H. MONTGOMERY, lato of said County, deceased. August 12th, 1869. WM. S. MONTGOMERY. augl5-w4t Executor. N OTICE.—Four weeks after date application will be mado to the Court of Ordinary of Jasper County, for leave to sell tho Lands belonging to the estate of FRANCIS M. KINARD, late of said County, deceased, August 12th. 1869, JAMESM. WILLIAMS. augl5-w4t Administrator. $25.00 THE $25.00 BUCK-EYE SEWING MACHINE BAS XIQBT DISTINCT ADVANTAGES OVER ALL OTHER SEWING MACHINES EVER MADE. I T IS the simpiost Shuttle Machine made. It has less wearing parts. It has no grooved cams, ball joints, or compound It is better adapted to a large rrango of work, with- ont change, than any other machine in existence. It has less pieces of machinery than any other machine. , It is less liable to break needles than any other machine. Its shuttle will wear longer than that of any other machino: and lastly. It has the best feedingdovico which will never wear out, get out of order, break needleB. feed unevenly, slip on starched cloth or pucker the seam, or vary the size of its stitches, as all other feeds will do. Another very important fact must not be lost sight of: THE STITCH MADE UPON THIS MACHINE IS ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES OF THE CLOTH. IT WILL Hem, Fell, Tuck, Cord, Bind, Braid G-ATH E XX ! FOR THREE TEARS. Each machine is furnished with a full set of needles, one shuttle, clamp, screw-driver, oil-can, wrench, hammer, printed directions and is threaded for immediate use. tSr Every lady who has examined these machines, and seen the work they execute, pronounce them by far the best they have ever seen. They/will be cheerfully exhibited to any who call at No. 66 Mulberry street, whore they are in constant The public are invited to call and examine aug26-w3m XUoticc to Debtors and Creditors. A LL persons having demands against the estate of W. C. Cleveland, deceased, will present them in terms of the law, and thoso indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. W. C. CLEVELAND, aug5-w6w* Executor. SALE OF LAND. \XTILL he sold before the Court-house door in tho TT town of Clinton, on the First Tuesday in Oeto- ext. between the usual hours of sale, FIVE DRED ACRES OF LAND (more or less)adjoin- ber 11 l:N DR ing lands of Dr. Little, Frank Freeman, Mrs. Mary Lamar, and others, and being tbe land conveyed to the undersigned by Robert Woodall, by deed datef December 24,1868. This land is sold for division. Title good. Terms Cash or credit until the 25th of December next. JAMES F. BARRON. ROBERT V. HARDEMAN, Jb.; CasWELL HADDOCK.Guardian; LUKE B. MESSER. Minor; F. T. BRAGG. A dministrator; M. W. PAT rilRSON. deceased. Clinton. Ga., AugustlG, 1869- aug!8-w40d. 7 . DROMGOOLE & CO.’S ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS Cures married and single females. Cures old chronic female complaints. Cures irregular uterine actions. Cures ail diseases peculiar to females. Cures because Doctors indorse it. . Cures eases of ten > ears’ standing. Cures because prepared by Physicians. Cures after everything else fails. Cures everybody Veickly wife. Cures young chlorotio girls. Cures old hysteric and nervous females.- >'■ Cores palpitation and melancholy. Cures all monthly pains and suffering. Cures by arousiDg and restoring to health; Cures pains in the head, side and back. Cures cold feet and hands. Cures Editors’ and Doctors’ wives. Cures Farmers’ and Merchants’ wives. Curesat a very small price. L. W. HUNT Sc CO.. fwt . . at Macon, sell it. ENCOURAGE HOME PRODUCTIONS. A MOST DELIGHTFUL TONIC. A MOST DELIGHTFUL TONIC. . A MOST DELIGHTFUL TONIC. OLD CAROLINA^BITIERS, A SOUTHERN PREPARATION, VALUABLE AND RELIABLE. G-ullet’s Steel Brush Cotton Gins, Dan’l Pratt’s Eureka and Swinging Front Gins, S. Z. Hall’s Cotton Gin Feeder. A new and valuable machine,-worthy t!|e attention of Plenum. ten- Circulars, giving testimonials in great numbers from person* well known, furnished on application. Samples oh exhibition atW. A. HUFF’S, corner Cherry and Third.Streeta. Address june2S-dJtwtf F, S. JOHNSON, Agent. Mecca, Georgia. MRS. F. DESSAU HAS OPENED. AND IS CONSTANTLY RECEIVING. THE LATEST NOVELTIES in MILLINERY, DRE^S GOODS TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, POINT LACES. EKPBOIDERIZS, etc. 88 MULBERRY ST., MACON, 6A. •VV ■ e . 1 *• 1 . I ♦ V *9“All orders promptly attended to. apr2-dtw m E. CARVER COMPANY T?QUAL if notsupericr to any B : ttere in the mar and at a much less price. Curts Dyspepsia, j of Appetite, Chills and Fever, and is, without do Here in the market, ~ ' , Loss ^ „ Jonfife the best Tonio Bitten in use. GOODRICH. WINEMAN k. CO.. Manufacturers and Proprietors, and Direct Importers [&imu\ctiirer8 Murropn6tow. And Direct iicpon of Choice Drugs and Chemicals, Charleston, 8. C, For sale by ■ julyll-w6m GEO. PAY! And P.H. WRIGH HKVMV liOf rpHE undersigned is Agent for the sale of this UNRIVALED GIN, the manufacture of which wac commenced by E. CARVER, at NACHEZ, Miss., more than, sixty years ago, and became the study of his life. Thousands have since been in use in the rich Cotton Districts of the South and West. It is b«- leived that This Gin has no superior in the world for Simplicity, Strength, tightness of running, Speed, durability • and the Beauty of the sample it produces, in fact in all the qualities required to constitute a Perfect' Gin. A good stock of No.49, £0 and 60 9A.W GrXTSTJSI on ; and, and 70 and 80 Saw Gins ordered as wanted. DUPLICATES OF SAWS, GRATES. BRISTLES. BOXES and every other part of the Gin kept at the Agency for sale, and can be applied with the utmost facility on the plantation. The Price is 8B4 Per S.A.'W, 9BLIVIS3.SO AT IBB STORB OF TBS tJSffBBRSXGRTBB. They also furnish to order, tho “E. CARVER COMPANY ” PEELER GIN, which is specially adapted to ginning the Peeler and other varieties of long stapled upland cottons. ■ V* tf r .-.•ft innc27-w5madlsw HENRY L. JEWETT, No. 64 Second St., Macon. Ga. ERNEST PESCHKE, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, MANUFACTURING JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, NO. 1 SECOND STREET. j^LL KINDS AF SPECTACLE GLASSES FITTED AND ADJUSTED by an OPTIMETER. WATCHES and JEWKuKY repaired and warranted. Name Stencils for HXarking Linen Cut to Order* . 7 cUcix. •7 •ujoj iS •ol aprill-tf Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, FOB PURIFYING THE BLOOD. The reputation this ex. ccllcnt medicine enjoys^ is derived from its cures, many of which are of * truly marvellous char acter. Inveterate cases of Scrofula, where th# system seemed utterhr given up to corruption, have yielded to this com pound of anti-strumous virtues.' Disorders of a scrofulous type, and af fections which are merely aggravated by the presenco of scrofulous matter, have been radically cured in such numerous in stances, in every settlement in the country, that the publio do not need to be informed here that it is in most cases a specific and absolute remedy.. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of tho organism undermines the constitution, and invites tho attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, it seems to breed infection throughout tho body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into ono or other of its hideous forms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tuber cles may bo suddenly deposited in tho lungs or heart, or tumors formed in tho liver. These facta make the occasional U3e of the Sarsaparilla as » preventive, advisable. '■ It is a mistake to supposo that so long as no erup tions or humors appear, there must be no scrofulous taint. These forms of derangement may never occur, and yet tho vital forces of tho body be so re* duced by its subtle agency, as materially to impair tho health and shorten the duration of life. It is a common error, also, that scrofula is strictly herecli- tary. It doe3, indeed, descend from parent to child, bnt is also engendered in persons bom of pure blood. Low living, indigestion, foul air, licentious ” id tho depressing vices gen- ions, where not judicious care, are peculiarly liable to it: Yet the robust, also, whoso turbid blood swells the veins with an appar ently exuberant vitality, are often contaminated, and on tho road to its consequences. Indeed, no class or condition can depend on immunity from It, nor feel insensible to the importance of an effec tual remedy. In St. Anthony’s Fire, Bose or Erysipelas, _- *- ^ jgly tjf QUEEN OF THE SOUTH PORTABLE GRIST MILLS. CORN HEAL, WHEAT FLOURING AND Stock Feed, Bolting Apparatus, Smatter* and Mill Work Generally. Our Mills are bnilt-frora choice -• Bur Blocks, selocted at the Quar- rics in France ly Isaac Straub himself. Send for Descriptive' , B -, Pamphlet containing treatise on Milling, sent by mail free. Address . • ISAAC STRAUB A CO., Cor. Front and John sts.,-' J-: xxj Cincinnati, O. .* to;it goptl7-w6m diseases caused primarily by the scrofulous infection, tho Sarsaparilla is so ef ficient a3 to bo indispensable. And in the more concealed forms, as in Dyspepsia,Dropsy', Heart Disease, Fits, Epilepsy, Neuralgia, and other affections of the muscular and nervous systems, the Sarsaparilla, through its purifying power, re moves the cause of the disorder and produces aston ishing cures. The sarsaparilla root of the tropica does not by itself achieve these results. It is aided by the ex tracts combined with it, of still greater power. So potent is this union of healing virtues, Syphilis or Venereal and Xereurlal Diseases are cured by it, though a long time is required for subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. Deueorrhoea or Whites, Uterine Ulcerations,, and Female Diseases in geueral, are commonly soon relieved and ultimately cured by the invigorating and puri fying effect ot our Sarsaparilla. Rheumatism and Oout, often dependent on the accumulations of extraneous matters in tho blood, have their remedy also in this medicine. For Diver Complaints, torpidity, inflammation, abcess, etc., caused by rankling poisons in the blood, we unhesitatingly recommend the Sarsaparilla. This medicine restores health and vigor where no specific disease can he distinguished. Its restora tive power is soon felt by those who are Danguld, Listless, Despondent, Sleepless, and filled with Nervous Apprehensions or Fears', or who are troubled -with any othor of those affections symp tomatic of weakness. Many, after taking it for General Debility, have written us of the youth ful vigor imparted to their nervous system, which seemed buovant with that prolific life they thought. had departed on the advance of age. Others, whose fountains of life were always sterile, acknowledge their obligations to it for an obvious change. SAULSBira?, CHERRY & BLASINGAME, WAXIX2SOT7BZ! COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MACON, GA., (At the Fire-proof Warehouse formerly occupied by Adams, Jones St Reynolds.) L IBERAL advances made on' Cotton lit store or upon the growing crop. Assistance rendered in the purchase of supplies. Orders strickly observed in the sale of Cotton. We do not buy on oar own ac count, nor have we any favorites to sell to. Our weights ore warranted to be satisfactory. Agents for pure prepared Raw Bone and Raw Bone Superphosphate. augl8-w3m ,\U ! .iJii ■r»qiv2 u V 'tf ■ i Vt-J . •lints . MM THE SYMPTOMS OF LIVER Complaint are uneasiness end pain m the sido. Sometimes tbe pain is in' the shoulder, and is mistaken lor rheumatism. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness, bowels in general costive, sometimes alternative with lax.: The head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, con siderable loss of memory; accompanied with painful sensation of baviDg left undone something which onsrht to have boon done. Often complaining of weok- ness, debility and low spirits.— ' I | Y H I Sometimes some of tha above n at other times few of them: bat edt fit the Liver wfth Simmons’ Regulator, and all will he well. xm. SIAXMOM'S’ LIVER REGULATOR, A REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES CAUSED BY. A DEmANUED STATE OF THE LIVER. Ayer’s Ague Cure, For Fever and. Agne, Intermittent Fe ver, Chili Fever, Remittent Fever, Buell Ague, Ferlodicul or Billoui Fever, dec., and Indeed all the affec tion* which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. As its name implies, It does Cure, and does not • fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Blsmnth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous snbstance whatever, it in nowise injures any patient. The number and importance of its cures in the ague dis tricts, are literally beyond account, and we believe without a parallel in the history of medicine. Our pride is gratified by tho acknowledgments we re ceive of the radical cures effected in obstinate cases, and where other remedies had wholly flailed. Unacclimated persons, either resident in, or travelling through miasmatic localities, will be pro tected by taking the AGUE CUBE daily. l or Liver Complaints, arising from torpidity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating tho liver into healthy activity. Prepared by Dr. J,-C. Aver & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and sold allround the-world. DIt ICE. $1.00 FEB BOTTLE. Sold by L. W. HUNT St CO., J.H. ZEILIN k CO- and all the Druggists in Macon. AIM. all druggists and d«*teniinMedtein*swsrywhow. IBKGULATOK. 1 Dyspepsia. Headache, Janndics. Cnstivenc8s, Sick Head-achef Chronic Diarrhoea, Affections o' the Bladder^ Camp Dysentery, w.o uLuuvi, vauiy l//BCU,*r/, Affections ot tne Kidneys, Fever, Nervousnes*. Chills, Di#eases of tbe Skin, Impurity of tbs Blood. Melon- choly, or Depression of Spirits, Heartburn,-Colic, or Pains in the Bowels. Fain in the Bead, Fever and • Ague, Dropsy. Boils, Vain in the Back and Limbs, Asthma, Erysipelas, Female Affections, and Bilious Diseases generally. V. ' T •-'• sa >• *:-Vp J. H. ZEILIN Sc CO- * I ' Druggists. Macon, Georgia. 4 For sale by all druggists. Frio* SI per package. By mail SI 25. A preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to bei strictly vegetable, and can do no injury to any one. It has been med by hundreds, and known for the last twenty-five years as one of tbe most reliable, efficacious aud harmless preparations ever offered to the suffering. If taken regularly and persistently, it is sure to effect a cure. • , The following highly respectable persons eaa fully '* attest to the virtues of this valuable medicine, aim -t; to whom we most respectfully refer: Gen. W. 8. Holt, President S. W. R. R. Company : • Rev. J. R. Felder. Perry, Ga.; Col- E. K. Spsiks. Al bany. Ga.; W. J. McElroy, Esq., Macon, ha.; George J Lunsford. Esq.. Conductors. W. R. R..- C. Master- son, Esq., Sheriff Bibb connty; J. A.Butts, Bsin- bridge. Ga.; N. Binswanger, Esq.. Macon. Ga.; Dykes A Sparhawk, Editors “Floridian.” Tallahassee; Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon. Ga.; Virgil Powers, Esq- Su perintendent S. YV. R. R • Daniel Bullard, Ballard’s Station, M. Sc B. R. R- Twiggs co- Ga.; Grenville YVood, Wood’s Factory, Macon, Ga.; Rev. B. F Easterling Wooley, J Mi Factory, Macon, ua.; nor. js. r P. E. Florida,Conference; Major A. V. gstoD. Ga. apr2-wU . J A *uT£ D AUEXTS FOB HOMSa FORTUNES AJfD I N the bonndlees West and Sunny South. It speaks to the young man of a home and fortune, and tails him why. where and how to seek it; it tells the cap italist where to invest: the laborer, to find-good wages; the farmer, the best lands; the merchant, th* manufacturer, the professional man and the mechanic of tbe great ehanees open to them; it toil* everybody just what they ought to. know, about, tha vast re sources and wonderful progress in svefy part of tMk great aountry. New, froth, interesting and popular. iSSl Z*'aBrnSknmoMrn