Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, October 15, 1869, Image 3

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Weekly Telegraph. ^SBUBT, CHEERY & BLASINGAME, 3 WARBECOtjaB COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MACON,: GA., ,v. Fireproof Warehouse formerly occupied by Jit" 1 ® 1 Adams. Jones A Reynolds.) inFRAIi advances made on Cotton in store or tho growing crop. Assistance rendered In *°Ir$iaso of supplies. Orders strickly observed ■f",,l„ of Cotton. We do not buy on our own ac- te t*f eor have we any favorites, to sell to. Our re warranted to be satisfactory. pure prepared Raw Bone and Raw Bone .phosphate. • auglS-w3m BIBB OOUBST. LAUDS! LANDS! _ c cn\S wishing to dispose of their Lands, either P Bifetations or Wild bands, would do well to con- .nhei'her Cel. D. W. Lewis. Secrotary of the fct.rri cultural Society, or myself, as wo hare very facilities for selling during the present Fall n 'i e ir;ntcr. The State Agricultural Society being in 0®?linrre*pondeneo with all State and local Socie- ^^Sth and West, nnd through them with the & rfioftbesesoeictios, notifying them that theof- this State Agricultural Society is a medium If® ..v *bich lands can he purchased. It is to this #5®*??.* persons attending the Fair from beyond Tamils of the State first apply for information and 1 _.ke purchases. Persons, therefore, wishing to JJlVouId do well perhaps to jlaee theiHands la my Real Estate Agent, Macon,’Ga. rt ,t2t-2tawd*wlm ■ "D IBB POSTPON ED SHERIFF’S SALE^-Will be JL> sold before the Court-house door, in the city of Macon, between the legal hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in November next, 1869, the following de scribed property, to wit: All that piece or parcel of land lying In the Thirte-nth District of originally Monroe now Bibb oounty, containing, five hundred and five (505' acres, more or lees, and bounded as fol lows: On the north and east by lands of A. M. Lock ett, south by lands of B. F. Howard and 8. B. Hunter, •nd west by lands of John Sanders. J. A- Cox and E. Issuer. Also,.two hundred (200) acres of land* more or less, adjoining the aforesaid land and commonly called, the Academy Place. Said lands will be sold with improvements thereon, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued ;K?. Superior Court returnable to May Term, 1868 m favor of E. C. Granniss vs. Thomas N. Mims, A. M. Lockett, Administrator. J. W. Kendrick, Ad ministrator. JAMES MARTIN, ooto-td Sheriff. T>IBB POSTPONED SHERIFF'S SALE.-Will be JL» sold before the Court-house door, in the city of Maoon, between thelcgalhoursofsale, on thelst Tues day in November next, 1869, the following described iroperty, to wit: The Plantation owned and occupied >7 Needham Mims, late of Bibb county, deceased, ly ing in the Thirteenth District of originally Monroe, now Bibb county, bounded on the north by lands of A. M. Lockett and E. Lesuer, on the east by lands of Benjamin Howard, on thesouth by lands of S. B. Hun ter, and on the west by lands of said Hunter and oth ers, containing about eight hundred (800) acres, more or legs. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a fi. fa. returnable to Bibb Superior Court. May Term. 1862, in favor of J. B. &1W. A. Ross vs. Need am Mims. . w • JAMES MARTIN, ocl5-td Sheriff. .... T- jtWMT* .HOMES FORTUNES .h. boundless West and Sunny South. It speaks lAiheronng maa of a home and fortune, and tells _-hr where and how to seek it; it tells thecap- 4'htre to invest; the laborer, to find good thefarmer, the best lands: tbe merchant, the * f.ftorer, the professional mm and the mechanic ■[KJJ: neat chinces open to them: it tells everybody , .V»ket they ought to know, about the vast re ft 1 ”Aisirl wonderful progress in every part of this ivioDtry. New,fresh,interesting and popnlar. P. ,"ll ascription, terms to Agents, etc., send for •wir PEOPLES PUBLISHING CO.. ‘’•JjySiwkn* 611 Arch at., Philadelphia, Pa. B IBB SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold before the Court-house door, in tho city of Macon, be tween the legal hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in November next, '69, the following described property. Jo-wit: The Southwest half of lot No. 5, in Square Thirty-six (36,) fronting ono hundred and five feet on fifth street and running back the same distance. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Carhart <fe Curd vs Freeman Sc English. Said property to be sold at the risk of a punchi er at a former sale. DOOLY OOUWTO. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will ho sold, for c .;h, before tho Court-House door, at Vi- in Dooly county. Georgia, on the first - :.';ir in November next, within the legal hours of it, Sn'i acres of land, belonging to the estate of riWvy, deceased. Tho tame being lots of land 190.396, and the north half of lot of land No, 181, In in the 3d district of Dooly county. uin BYRD Y. PEAVY. and JESSE J. PEAVY. Adm’rs. of Eli Peavy, deceased. «ril5-td»: B ibb SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold heforotho Court-house door, in the city of Macon, between thelcgal boars of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in Novem ber next, 1869. tho following described property, to- wit; The undivided two-fifths’ interostof T. J. Sc J. W. Woolfolk in partof lot No. 1, Square 19, (known as Grier Sc Masterson's livery stables.) Also, four acres of land, more or less, with improvements there on-lying on the east side of the Ocmulgee River and known as Fort Hill tor Fort H nwkins;) said improve ments consist of one large brick dwelling and out houses—as the property of J. W. Woolfolk. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Bibb Superior Court, returns bl eto May Term. 1867. in favor of Daniel F. Gunn, Guardian, vs. Thomas J. Wool- folk. James H. Woolfolk, and John W. Woolfolk, se curity. . . . JAMES MARTIN, cct5-ta Sheriff. I DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold, for A cash, before tho Court-House door, at Vi- Jjm. in Dooly county, Georgia, on the first Ttesiav in November next, within the legal hours of nit 4(6acres of laud, belonging to the estate ol Jno. i Mote, deceased. Tho same being lot of land No. je gad the west half of lot of land Nos. 161 in the it.. j«. n*Ai« half cf lot of wptl5-td* county. I Adm'r. of John P; Mote, deceased. T>IBB POSTPONED SHERIFF’S SALE —Will he JD sold before the Court-house door, in tho city of Macon, between thelcgal hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in November, 1869, the following described iroperty, to-wit: Part of lot No 2, Square 23, front mg on Cherry street, containing about one-third of an acre, more or less. Levied on by virtue of and to sat isfy a fi. fa, issued from Bibb Superior Court, return able to May Term, 1869, in favor of McCallie & Jones vs. Emanuel Isaacs. Property pointed out by plain tiff’s attorney. JAMES MARTIN. oet7-td Sheriff. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will bo sold, for cash, beforo tho Court-House door, at ana. in Dooly county. Georgia, on tho first Ticwlay in November next, within the legal hoars of B le. 4'15 acre* of land, belonging to the estate of Jas: icMnwcr. deceased. The same being lots of land Xoi.£5and 2c6, in tho 7th district of Dooly county. JAMES M. PENNY. Adm’r. of James Hightower, deceased. septi'i-td* /JtOKGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—Whereas, Eliza- U both Adkins applies to me for Letters of Admin- iitralion upon the estate of W illiam Adkins, deceased. Jte-eare therefore to cite and admoniih nil concern ed to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in November next, there and then to show nii-e, if »ny they hnve, why said Letters should not be granted said applicant. Gircnundor my hand and official signature, this 17th September, 1869. WM. H. DAVIES. teptif- -w30d Ordinary. GEORGIA,DOOLY COUNTY.—Whereas,Simeon VJT L.Taylor, administrator on the estate of Ray- non K. Calhoun, applies to mo for letters of dismis- linn from said estate : These are therefore to cite and admonish all con mncl to be and appear at my office on or before tho first Monday In December next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given tinder my hand and official signature, this 28th H»y, 1869. WM. U. DAVIES. jel-w6ui Ordinary. V0TICE.—Sixty days after date, application will it bo tuado to the Court of Ordinary of Dooly motr for leave to sell tho lots of land Nos. 21 and S, and north half of lot No. 20, in the 13th district of Leeronnty,containing five hundred acres, more or leu. belonging to the minor heirs of James Chastain. JOHN F. PUWELL. oet3-w60J* . Guardian. p EORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—Whereas, Robert IT R. Cox. administrator of Aaron Cox, applies to me for letters of dismission from said estate; These are therefore to cite and admonish nil con cerned to be nnd appear at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they bare, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 28th May. 1869. WM, IL DAVfES. jel-w6m Ordinary. MEAXLXOZY COUNTY. T)AILR0AD STOCK AT ADMINISTRATRIX’S IV SALE.—Will he sold beforo the Court-House in tbe town of Bncua Vista, Marion county, on the first Tuetday in December next, as tbo property of the late George W. McDuffie, three fbares in the Southwestern Railroad. Terms cash. S, A. McDUFFIE. oet3-49d Administratrix. GEORGIA.MARION COUNTY,—Whereas, Wil- VJT liam M. Brown has applied for the administra tion tU boats non with the will, etc., of James Perry- pan, late of said county, deceased. .All persons interested in the estate of said doccased are hereby notified to file their objections to the same within the timeprescribed by statute. Witness my hand, Sep tember 10 th, 1S89. „ JAS. M. LOWE. iepl2-w4t Ordinary. nROROIA, MARION COUNTY.-Whereas, Wiley VI Bird applies for the guardianship of Jasper, orpun,under fourteen, of George M. Cbapman.de- Jfwsk All interested are hereby notified to file their rt actions to said application, on or before tho xwtMcnday in November next. Witness iny hand. JAS. M. LOWE. Mnli-wlt Ordinary. A DMINI-iTRATORS’ SALE OF WILD LANDS. JV—By virtue of an order from the Court of Ora i- nsryof Marion County, Georgia: Will be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Cumminr, For- fytn County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in Novcm- bernext, within the usual hours of sale, if not sold prin ely before that time, one forty-acre lot, number !wl)sixhundrPd and eighty-one, in the Fourteenth JUisirict and First Section Cherokee, now Forsyth County, known as Wild Lands, containing forty ac tnoreo less. Drawn by John Kemp, and sold as Property of John Kemp, late of Marion Connty, de- <«ised, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of niddeccascd. Terms cash. September 6th, 1869. MORGAN KEMP. Administrator. AD ALINE KEMP. Administratrix siptS-wtd (N EORGIA, MARION COUNTY.-Whcreas. Jas. s»s L.Btkor applies forthe Administration of tho estate of Osborn Edwards, deceased. This Is therefore to cite all and singular the creditors and heirs at law of raid deceased, to show cause within the time rre Itribod why letters should not be granted the appli- tint- Witness my hand September22d, 1869. JAS. M. LOWE. rept28-w30d Ordinary. a EORGIA,MARION COUNTY.—Whereas.Charles Womack, Sr., Administrator of W.F. Kelley, de ceased, npplies for leave to sell the real estateof said deceased. All interested will show cause why leave should not be granted on the 1st Monday in October next. Witness my hand, September 22,1869. ___, JAS. M. LOWE, iept28-w4w Ordinary. HLEORGIA. MARION COUNTY.—All persons ln- VT dobted to the estate of W m. M. Butt, late of said county, deceased, axe requested to make immediate Payment, and those having demands against the es tate of said deceased, will present them for payment. 1.. M. A. BU'AT, aept28-w6t Administratrix. •'laro, deceased, has petitK said county for dismission. ... „ All those interested in the estate of said deceased are notified to file their objections, if any, to the same within the time prescribed by law. Witness my hand Officially, August 4,1869. JAB . M . L0 WE. jwgl0-w90d Ordinary. QEORGIA, MARION COUNTY.—Whereas. Perry VT B. Jones, Administrator de bonis non, etc., of John B.Thaggard, dee’d., has applied for leave to tell the land of said deceased. ... .. , , , All persons interested are notified to file their Ob jections to the same wit bin the time prescribed. Witness my hand, September 18,1849. JAMES M. LOWE. «ept22-w^d Ordisary pXKCUTOR’S SALE-Will be sold before the •fi-J Court-house door in the town ofCanton, Cherokee county, v-lthin the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, one hundred and sixty acres of Land, being Let No. 45 in the Twelfth District, lfourth Section of said Cherokee county, belonging W the estateof HearndonPatterson,late of saideouu- */i deceased. Said Lands are valuable. Sold for di»> inbution. Terms cash. SAMUEL T. BRAGG, H.H. PATTERSON. oct8-w40d Executors. \T0TICB TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS—All Vt persons having demands against the estate of Andrew J. Wood, deceased, are hereby notified to pttaent them in terms of the law to the undersigned, ® n 4 all who are indebted to the same are requested to make immediate payment. ... WM. H. I. WOOD. ~pct6-w40d . Administrator. (GEORGIA, BIBB OOUNTY—Four weeks after 4-* the date hereof, application will be made to the Lourt of Ordinary of satd county, for leave to sell all real property belonging to the estate of H. A, aroutman, 1418 of said oounty. deceased. »ct7-wa0i John k Troutman, Adm’r, T. E. TROUTMAN. Adm’x. bibb comm, s /^EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Whereas, the es- ta e of william Freeman, late of said county, is unrepresented, notice is hereby given requiring all parties interested to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary on the first Monday in November next, to show cause, if any they have, why Letters of Admin istration should not be granted to A. R. Ross, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. - Given smder my hand officially, ... ■ C. T. WARD, octl-JOd Ordinary. /^EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Whereas. William y W. Chapman applies to me for LetteT* of Guar dianship of the rerson and property of Tnllula B. Chapman, minor child of Ambrose Chapman, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite all persons interested to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary on the first Monday in November next, to show cauBe, if any they have, why said Letters of Guardianship should not be granted the applicant. Given ondermy hand officially. octl-SOd C. T. WARD. Ordinary. /^.EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, the estate VX of John Hollingsworth, late of said connty, is un represented, notice is hereby given requiring all par ties interested to be and appear at my office on the „„ first Monday In November next, and show cause, if 1 Terms, half cash and half credit. JASPER COUNTY. G eorgia, jasper county.—wm be sold, during the legal hours of publie sale, at tbe Court-house door in said county, ontheFirstTuesday in November next, the lands belonging to the estate of Uriah Hatcher, late of said county, deceased, lying and being in said county, adjoining lands of J. M. Darden, Job Tyler, Bird Bryant, and others, contain ing one hundred acres, more or less; sold for distri bution. Terms cash. T HEOPHILUS WILLINGHAM, G.W. DAWKINS. sepl2w6t Admin’rs. o EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY.-Will be sold. VJT during the legal hours of Bale, beforethe Court house door in Montieello, on the First Tuesday in November next, thelandg belonging to the estate of William Phillips, deceased, to-wit:. One hundred acres, more or less, known as the Wright place, ad joining lands of Thomas MoKessack, J. W. Holland, and others: two hundred and two and a half acres, more or less, known as the Stephens place, adjoining lands of Benjamin Barrow, H. V. Standifer, and others; one hundred acres, more or less, lying on the right of the road leading from Montieello to Falling Creek Church, known as the Ingram place, adjoining lands of James Speights, Floyd Freemim, and others; a parcel of land lying on the left of said _ road, number of acres not known. Sold for distribution. any .they have, why letters of Administration, de boms non, should not issuo to A. B. Boss, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Given under my hand officially. _ C.T. WARD, octl-30d Ordinary. fN EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, the estate vJ of Mary L. Hartl v, late of l M oct5-td JAMES MARTIN. Sheriff. O.EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY.-Will be sold be- vJ tween the legal hours of public sales, before the Court-house door at Montieello, on the 1st Tuesday In November next, the Lands belonging to the estate - T--— —r-— . ofS. J. Shy, deceased, adjoining lands of Ransom on the estate of William M. Riley, late of said, coun- : Harwell, C. P. Akins, theestate of Isaao Walton and ty, deceased. All persons interested are required to others, containing twelve hundred acres, more or less, bo and appear at tbo Court of Ordinary, on the first ~ --- Monday in November next, to show /GEORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas. John J. VX Rilqy applies to me for Letters of Administration cause, if any they have, why letters should not bo granted the ap plicant. Given under my hand officially. C. T. WARD. oct!-30d Ordinary. G EORGIA, JASPER COUNTY.—Whereas, Berry T. Digby applies for Letters of Administration on the estate of Thomas Littlejohn, of said county, dci'cascd These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per- cello to Forsyth, hounded by Greer, Loftin and sons concerned to show cause, if any they have, on others, levied on to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from the or beforo tho first Monday in November next, why Connty Court in favor of John D. Butts and brothers, said letters shall not i sue to said applicant. ! vs. Wm. F. Jordan. B. T. DIGBY, Given under my hand and official signature this ootS-td Deputy 8heriff. 2Sth day of September, 1869 M. H. HUTCHISON, octl-w30d Ordinary. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, tho estate of T. R. Bloom, late of said county, deceased, is unrepresented: notice is heroby given requiring all parties interested to be nnd appear at the Court of Ordinary on tho first Monday in November next, nnd show cause, if any they have, why Letters of Admin istration do bonis non shonld not bo granted to A. B. Ross, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Given under my hand officially. C. T. WARD. oct5-S0d Ordinary. G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Four weeks after date, application will be made to the Conrt of Ordinary for leave to sell the real property belonging to the estate of Margaret Groce, lato of said county, deceased. H. F. WILBURN. oet6-w4t Executor. JONES COUNTY. rtEORGIA-JONES COUNTY-Obdinaet’s Of- VX Frcg Said Cotr.vrr, At Chavrkrs, September 18.18G9.—Whereas, Jeremiah Lowe, Executor of Wm. Johnson, dee’d, applies to this Court for rclea«e of said estate from the guardianship of Mary E. John son. minor: These are to cite all persons concerned to show cause if any they have, at the November Term of this Court, why the same shall not be granted. Given under my hand officially. R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. septtS-td /■N EORGIA—JONFS COUNTY.—Obdisabt’s Of- kJ fice Said Codstt, At Chambers, September 13, 1869.—Whereas, it appears to tho Court that Martha W. Harkins and 'jihomas J. Dame, minors, having an interest in tho estate of John B. Dame, deo’d., are without a legal guardian. And in accord ance with the law the guardianship of said minors will be vested in tho Clerk of the Superior Court or some other person, at the November Term next of this Court, unless good cause be shown to the con trary. Given under my hand officiallv. R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. sept!5-td A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an order from tho Court of Ordinary of Jones Connty. will be sold on the first Tuesday in Novem ber, 1869, at the Court-House door in said county, be tween the legal hours of sale, five hundred and seven teen acres of land, more or less, situate in said county, adjoining the land3 of Leroy Singleton. Caswell Had dock, James H. Blount and others, and belonging to theestate of John W. Finney, late of said county, deceased. , , This land is convenient to churches, schools, and railroads—its furthest point not two mites from tho site selected for a depot on the Macon and Augusta Railroad. _ , , The land will be sold in two lots: one of these lots containing one hundred and sixty acres, is good farm ing land, well timbered and watered, and has onp of the handsomest country residences m Middle Georgia. . ■ The other lot of three hundred .and fifty-seven acre3isnotro well improved, but is good farming land and a desirable plantation. Terms cash. Purchasers to pay all charges of con- eyancinff. WILLIAM A. CHAMBERS, Administrator de bonis non estate of sept22-td *John W. Finiiey, dee’d. -VTOTICE FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND.—Notice lx is hereby given, that thirty days after date ap- plicatisn will ho made to the Conrt of Ordinary of Jones connty for leave to sell ono lot ot land in said county, belonging to the estate of Thog. W. Stewart, deceased—tho remainder of lands of said estate in said county. JOS. D. STEWART. sept27-w30d Adm’r., etc. A DMINISTRATOR’S BALE.—Willhe sold beforo ^CjL the Court-house door in the town of Clinton, Jones county» between the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in December next, three hundred and fifteen acres of land, more or leaf, ei/uated in Jones countr, near the Oemulgee river, adjoining lands of Joseph Smith, Middlebrooks. Hidlcyand others, veir little Improvement thereon, and has some good wood land thereon. Sold as the property of F. M. Adams, deceased, for distribution. ^^bROOKS. oct8-w48d Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will bo sold before the Court-house door in the town of Clinton, Jones county, within tbe legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday m December next, one hundred and fifty seres of Land, more or less, adioining lands of Jcr°“ iniah Lowe, Wm. Denning and others^ Said Lana has pretty fair improvements thereon, is situated one mile from the Central Railroad—has plenty woodland for fencing snd other purposes, fcold ns the property of Ephraim Moore, deceased, for dbtribution. octSTwlOd h * V-^RYANT BALK COM, Adm’r. QUITMAN COUNTY. Q UITMAN SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will he sold be fore the Court-house door in Georgetown. In said county, on the 1st Tuesday in October next, between the legal hours of sale, thofollowine property, to-wit: One House and Lot in tho Town ofGeorgetown in said county, known as the old store of John N. Webb.it being Lot No. 1, in the plan of said town.. Levied on to satisfy sundry fi. fas. from the Superior Coort of said county—Carhart & Brother vs. JohnN. Webb, ' D Also? Lots of Land No. S81and such parts of Lots Nos. 2S0.265 and 248 as make up tho settlement of P. N. Causey, consisting of402 acres, more or les«. lying in the Eight District of said county. Levied on to satisfy sundry fi. fas. from the Superior Court of sa;d county—James Thompson and others, vs. said P. N Also]?north half of Lot of Land of No. 124, in the Twenty first Districtof said county. Levied onastbe property of Alexander Goodwin to satisfy a fi. fa. from a justice Court of said county~L. L. Tilley vs. Alex ander Goodwin. Levy made and returned to me by ^AIso. Lot of Land No. 258, in the Eighth, District of said countyfexcept ten acres in N. K. coiner of said Lot.) Levied on to satisfy afi. fa rom the Superior Court of said eounty-Wm.A. tawson va. James C. Christian, guarnasbee. , , . . Also. Fractional Lots composed of fifty acres e-ch, Nos. 61 and 62, in the Eighth District of said county, and whereon James Ray now lives-to satisfy afi. fa from the Superior Court of said county— Zachari.au Gay vs. James Ray. Property pointed out bvplain- tiff's attorney. . WM. J. BKD vvn, oct6-td •Sheriff- Q UITMANMORTGAGBSALfiS.—Will be sold be fore the Court-house door in the town of George town in said eounty, on the 1st Tuesday in December next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Lots of Land No. 1<0 and 186, m the Twenty-firstDiatrict of said county. Levied’on.as the property of Charles L. Mathews, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county— Thomas W.Sandersand Early Vsrner,Administrator, vs. Charles L. Mathews. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi. fa. WM. J. BROWN, . ■ oct6-w30d Sheriff. G EORGIA, QUITMAN COUNTY.-Jamw Harri son, Administrator of James B; and Mattie J i Harrison, represents to the Court, in his petition, that he has fully administered said estates. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they <»n, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission from both estates on the 1st , Monday in Jiovember, 1869 W. P. JORDAN, juiy22-3m Ordinary. ■I - il I'r G eorgia, Q 1 . —, , -j=,—^_ . Methoin. AMmiantrator of Daniel B. Metboin represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed, that he has fully administered Daniel B. Mcthoin’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persona concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged, and receive Letters of Dismission on the first Monday in January. 1870. W. P. JORDAN, oct3-3m* Ordinary. 'll sep!2-w6t RICHARD B. PHILLIPS. Admin'r. FOE SALE AT $20,000. 820 ACHES Rich and Well Improved Land, la Old Cass, now Bartow County, Georgia. SUPERIOR, large and we!! arranged dwelliug- O house and outbuildings. Can be well seen on the road from Cartersville to Stilesboro and Van Wert; located directly on Richland Creek, six miles from CartenTille Depot, and in sight of the beautiful Etowah River. It is one ot the most aecessibleand valuable planta tions and improvements in Bartow county, or in Up per Georgia. * J '• The dwelling house has all the modern improve ments. and newly furnished; handsome yard, with beautiful evergreens, vines and shrubbery. *- Fine orchards of apples, pears, peaches, cherries, m and small fruits, and a good grapery. The land is rich and productive in com, cotton, wheat, clover and tobacco. The finest cotton land in the county. PRICE. $30.000—half caah. This valuable and desirable place adjoins the lands of Major Rowland, Wm. H. Lucas, Charles T. and P. 8. Shellman, and near Col. Ryals. For further and fall information, address john B. walker, Madison, Morgan county, Georgia. sept30-d4Uwlt- c1 EORGIA. JASPER COtTNTY—Whereas,Thomas \JT J. Alexander and Benjamin L. Holland makes application lor Letters ot Administration de bonis non, with tho will annexed, of the Estate of George Clark, deceased, late ofsaidcounty. These are there- ,— ofsaidcounty, deceased, fore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to is unrepresented, notice is hereby given requiring all show cause, if any they have, on or before the first larties interested to be and appearatthe Court of ; Monday in November next, why said Letters sh&ilnot Ordinary on the first Monday in November next, and issue to said applicants. - ■ j show causo, if any they have, why Letters of Admin- J ’——■' ——•>*-— mUff 1 * Istration de bonis non. should not be granted to A. B. Ross, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Given under my hand officially. C. T. WARD. ootl-3d Ordinary. S-25.00 Given nnder my hand and official signature. thisl5th day of September, 1869. M. fl. HUTCHISON. sept!9-w30d Ordinary, Sold for distribution and paying the debts. _ „ SAM’LC. SHY. septl2-wCt Executor. T>0STP0NED SHERIFF’S SALE.-Will be sold X before tho Court house door in the town of Montieello, between tho legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in November next, the following de scribed property, to-wit: 180 acres of land, being a part of the Whitaker place and a rart of the String- fellow place, lying about one milo from Montieello on I the northwest side of tho road leading from Monti- G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas.Middleton Johnson has applied to me for Letters of Admin istration on the estate of Henry Johnson, lato of said county, deceased : All persons interested are required to be and appear at tho Court of Ordinary on the first Monday in November next, to show cause, if any they have, why letters should not be granted the appli cant. Given under my hand officially. C. T. WARD. oct3-w30A Ordinary. G EORGIA. JASPER COUNTr.—Will he sola be tween the legal hours of public sales, before the Court-house door at Montieello, on the 1st Tuesday in November next, the Lands belonging to the estate of Joseph Jones, deceased, adjoining lands of J. W. Kelly. John P. Fears and Joseph Binford. Sold for distribution. Terms cash. SAM’L C. SHY, septl2-w6t Administrator. E XECUTOR’S SALE.—Will be sold before the Court-House door, in tho town of lrwinton, Wil kinson county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in November next, tho following described lot, viz: Ono hundred one and a quarter (10Ij^) acres, being part of lot No. — iiuema- w j. 8S; ono hundred one and a quartor (101J4) acres, being the estate of H A Ful- part lot No. 83; and forty (40) acres, being part of ler, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. lfiif Theso are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin- w guiar. the.kindred and creditors of said deceased to bo C „ S 2 ^ 2 l, n e t®? jiSSm, JTl? and appear at my ofiicoon tho first Monday in January S T ° £ next, to show cause, if any they have, why Letters -Ll 1 iJut cr ' deccasc “* late °* should notbo granted the applicant. Given under my said county. Terms cash. v . hand officially. C. T. WARD, j „ nMQ G - BUTLER, Executor. t Septiy-NDt XI EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.- Whereas. 0_ F. VJ Stubbs, Administrator on the * Ordinary. r\ EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY. — Whereas. John V!X Campbell has applied to mo for Letters of Ad ministration de bonis non. on tho estate of Dominie Cratie, late of said county, deceased, all persons intcr- A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an or der from the Ordinary of Bartow county, will bo sold, on the 1st Tuesday in November next, before the Court-house door in Cartersville, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, the Plantation formerly occupied —.—, ’ i — - . ” • “r—* , - v * _ n,oi uuuio us cuic. mo a lautitiitm luiiucuj u ested arc required to be and appear at tho Court of by Dr. Robert H. Patton, situated in OLD CASS Ordinary of said eounty on the first Monday in No- COUNTY, on the Western and Atlantio Railroad, vember next, and show cause, if any they have, why - “ ■ ~.. . letters should not be granted tho applicant. Given under my hand officially. C.T. WARD, oct3-w30d Ordinary. E XECUTOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an order from tbe Court of Ordinary of Bibb comity, will be sold on tbelstTuesdayin November next, during tbe legal hours of sale, at the City Hall, (Court-house,) tho fol lowing Lands, viz: Lots No. 215 and 196. each con- t taining202% acres. Also, part of Lot No. 214, contain ing 195 acres, more or less. Also, part of Lot No. 193, eontaining 75 acres, more or less. Also, part of Lot: No. 197, containing 60 acres, more or less. Also, Lot' No 164.20214 acres. All lying in the Fourth District of originally Houston now Bibb county. Tho privi- ■ leges of thoToil Gate situated on said property, will be ! sold at the same time. Terms cash. C.M. WILEY. Executor. ' scpt21-td A. G. WILEY, Executrix. two miles west of CABS STATION. This is one of tho best upland Plantations in the county—contains about three hundred and fifty acres, two hundred of which are cleared. The soil is good, the location Is healthy, within two miles of two post-offices and three church cs. and in the midst of good neighbors. On the place is a comfortable frame Dwelling containing nine rooms; also. Kitchen, Servant’s House, Cribs, Stables, etc. The undersigned being authorized by the heirs te sell the above property at PRIVATE SALE, can be inquired of at ATLANTA, forprico. etc. Tho premises will be shown to parties desiringto purchase, by William B. Patton, who is residing on the same. JULIUfJ M. PATTOn, Adm’r of Rob’t H. PattOD, Cumtcslamenlo annixo, sep tlC-d 1 aw&w3t* BM-EYE SEWING MACHINE HAS BIGHT DISTINCT ADVAKTACE8 OVER ALL OTHER SEWING MACHINES EVER MADE. 'T IS the simplest Shuttle Machine made. It has . ies3 wearing parts. j It has nogTOoved cams, ball joints, or compound cranks. It is better adapted to a large r range of work, with out change, than any other machine in existence. It has less pieces of machinery than any other machine. It is less liable to break needles than any other machine. Its shuttle will wear longer than that of any 1 other machine: and lastly. It has thebeat feeuingdeviee which will never wear out, get out of order, break needles, feed unevenly, slip on starched cloth or pucker the seam, or vary the size of its stitches, as all other feeds will do. Another very important fact must not be lost sight of: THE STITCH MADE UPON THIS MACHINE IS ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES OF THE CLOTH. IT WILL Hem, Fell, Tuck, Cord, Bind, Braid o-^.TJsxm EVERT MACHINE WARRANTED FOR THREE TEARS. . f“ Each machine is furnished with a full set of needles, ono shuttle, clamp, screw-driver, oil-can, wrench, hammer, printed directions and is threaded for immediate use. AS- Every lady who has examined these machines, and seen the work they execute, pronounco them by far the best they have ever seen. They will bo cheerfully exhibited to any who call at No. 66 Mulberry street, where they are in constant operation. The public are invited to call and examine them. aug26-wSm ^DMINISTRATOR’S SALE._-WiU be sold, at JgXECUTOR’S S ALE.—By virtue of an order from public outcry, beforo the Court-house door at Brunswick, Go., during ihe legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, a body of Land in Glynn oounty, of said State, containing five thousand five hundred and thirty-ono acres, more or less. Said Land is a solid body and tho property of the estates of $ i J Ata hi m! am j c fi nil: —. „ HaU t am j 2m tho Court of Ordinary of Bibb county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, during the legal hours of sale, at tho City H*ll, (Court- _ House.) a portion of two lots of land Nos. 197 and 198, Alexander Mitcbel and S. Z Collins. Said Land is lying on the west side of the branch, known as the about six miles from the city of Brunswick, touching ollins branch, tho whole containing 250 acres, more i Fort Barrington road on tho northwest, and Six Milo Swamp on tbosontheast, and is bounded by thelands or less—lying and being in the fourth district cf orig inally Houston now Bibb county. Sold as tho prop erty of George Meath, dee’d., late of said county. PATRICK KERWIN, Executor. sept2i-td X8 UARDIANU SALE.—By virtue of an order from vX the Court of Ordinary of Bibb county, will bo sold on the first Tuesday in November next, during tbo legal hours of sale, at tho City Hall. (Court- House) three lots Nos. 3,4 and 6, in Square 94, front ing on Arch street, and n containing 2 t acre, more _ houses on tho same. The property of Arthur B., Willio and Frank W. Prudden. AMELIA H. PRUDDEN. sept21-td Guardian. of John Burnet. U. Dart and R. Grant, and near the M. &BR. R. Titles perfect. Terms made known on day of sale. 1M. J. MITCHEL. Ex’x, septlo-dit&wtd* S. M. COLLINS, Adm’r. E XECUTOR’S SALE.—Will bo sold in the town of Perry. Houston county, tho 1st Tuesday in No vember next. one House and Lot in the town of Fort .. . . .. . . Valley, containing about fonr acres: known in the 3.4 ana fi, in nqu«w tw. tront- p ] an 0 f sai( j town ^ L ot No. 1, Block D- Also, in running through to Oak street: ; Oglethorpe, Macon county, on the same day, one lot a? 6 ? STmd* of land, containing 2f)2l4 acres—more or less—No. 54. ' in the 15th District, originally Houston county, now Macon county. Sold as tho property ot Henry Brown, deceased, for a division. Terms cash. WM. R. BROWN, auy3l-td Executor of Henry Brown, dee’d. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Bibb coun ty, will bo sold on the first Tuesday in November next, daring the legal hours of sale, at the City Hall, A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.-Will be sold before the Court-Honse door, in Marion county, on the first Tuesday in November next, between the legal Court-House) all that tract, or parcel of land, ly;ng j hours of sale, one house and lot in the town of Tazo- in the fourth district of originally Houston now Bibb we ]j t Fa ;q county—belonging to the estate of John G. county, known as lots Nos. 230 and 231, boing400 acres, more or less. Also, part of lot 206, in the same dis trict. being fifty acres, more or less.. Also, all the per sonal property of every description. Sold as tho property of Luther R. Johnson, deo’d. Terms cash. R. A. JOHNSON, scpt21-td Administrator. E XECUTOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Bibb county, will be sold on tho first Tuesday in November next, daring tho legal hours of sals, at the City Hall, (Court- House) two lots of land Nos. 136 and 169, containing XXPA acres each; and uart of lot 137, containing 72 acres; all of eaid land lying and being in tho fourth district of originally Houston now Bibb county. Also, the personal property of everv description. Sale to continue from day to day. on tho Plantation, until all is sold. Sold as the property of Travis Huff, deceased. W. A. HUFF, sept21-td Executor. E XECUTOR’S SALE.—Gkoboia, Bibb Codstt.— By virtue of an order from tho Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold before tho Court-house door of said county, on tho 1st Tuesday in November next, during tho legal hours of sale, tho Plantation belonging to the Estate of Judge Abner P. Powers, deceased, situated in the Second Dif trict of Dougher ty county. Georgia, consisting of Lots Nos. 1<6, 177, 183, 184, 1S5. 217 and 218, and containing seventeen hundred and fifty (1759) acres. Al-o at the same time and place, eighteen Shares of the Stock of the Macon A Brunswick Railroad Company. Alsoa wood-lot on tho Forsyth road, near Macon, in Bibb county, con- taining 26 acres. Also, will be sold before the Court-house door in the connty of Dougherty, on thelst Tuesday in Novem ber next, during tho legal hours of sale, all the Stock of every description — Wagons, Farming UtensilB, Corn. Fodder. Cotton Seed, 1 Cotton Gin, and ail the other personal property of every description upon the above described Plantation. . ,, Lots in the . county—belonging Heath, lato of said county, deceased. Sold for tho purpose of paying the debts of said deceased. Terms cash. L. W. WALL, Adm’r. sopt!9-w40d A DMINISTRATRIX’S SALE-Byvirtueofanc XX. dcr from the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs con or- ty, will be sold on tho first Tuesday in December next, at the Court House door in lrwinton, Wilkin son county, Georgia, during the legal hours of sale, 1200 acres of land, more or less, situated near Gordon; is known as the Graves place, and adjoins the lands of Jndgo Whitehurst, B. Bridgers. F. Newby, and others, and belongs to the estateof John Fitzpatrick, lato of Twiggs county, deceased. Tho land will bo sold in small lots. Sold for distribution. Terms cash. ELIZABETH G. FITZPATBICK. oct2-wGt Administratrix. G EORGIA, TWIGGS COUNTY.—All persons hav ing demands against J. H. Meadows, late of said indebted to immediate aug3S-w4< cy 1 , —_ j said deceased are hereby required to mak payment. PAUL MEADOWS, !0d Executor. All the above describedproperty sold for the pay ment of the debts of said Estate and for distribution. Terms cash. JOHN P, MANLEY, sept23-w40d Executor. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, applica tion has boon made to mo to open a public Road, beginning at a point on tho Perry road about four miles from Macon, on the lines between the lands of Jas. Lloyd and Charles J. Harris, and passing through tho lands of Jas. Lloyd, Charles J. Harris, Allen Bid- dingfield, John J.Rubv, trustee William M. Riley, deceased, Thomas M. Faurbrough, deceased, Henry J. Lamar. Thadeus G. Bolt, James W. Knott, Henry M. Bailey, Richard F. Woolfolk, J. H- R. Washing ton, deceased, Samuel P. Bailey. AsaEarnest, James Hall, Virgin, and Warren B. Riley, entering tho Forsyth road at or near the Laboratory. Having ap pointed Commissioners as directed bylaw, and they having recommended the opening of said Road, no tice is hereby given, requiring all parties interested to be and appear at my office on or before the 23d day of October next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Rond should not be opened. Given undermy hand officially. ■ scpt23-w30d C. T. WARD, Ordinary. G EORGIA,BIBB COUNTY.—Thirty day* afterthe date hereof, application will he made to the Court of Ordinary of tho connty of Bibb for leave to sell the real and personal property belonging to the estateof Mathew B, Peters, late of said county, de- ceased. B. B BEST, oct2-30i Guardian and Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.-Will be sold, for cash, before the Court-House door, in the city of Macon, on the first Tuesday in November next,with in tho legal hours of sale, four thousand acres of land, more or less, well known as the Carter or Heard lands. Also. 100 acres, more or less. Tying in Eche- connee swamp: All situated in the third district of originally Houston now Bibb county—belonging to the estate of Green Wilder, deceased—number not recollected—adjoining tho lands of Taylor Burkett and others. c A. THARPE, Adm’r. septlS-w40d* of Green Wilder, deo’d. WARREN, LANE & CO., COTTON FACTORS, Warehouse anfl Comission Mercliants Augusta, Georgia. GUANOS: KETTLEWELL’S “A A” MANIPULATED .. „ A „ AMMONIATED ALKALINE PHOSPHATE AMMONIATED SUPER-PHOSPHATE COTTON COMFOUND. Tho Cotton Compound is composed of 100 lbs. Peruvian Guano, 100 lbs. Dissolved Bones, 75 lbs. Land Plaster, 751bs. Salt, Put np in barrels containing 353 pounds, and guar anteed to come up to the standard in every instance. Tbe above manures are prepared by Messrs. G.Obkb G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY-—All persons indebted to the estate of Duncan McCallum, late of said county, deceased, are required to make immediate nayment, and those having claims to render them in terms of the law, G, W. BARFIELD. sept2-«0d Adm’r, Sc Boss. Baltimore, M. D., Whose reputation for ca pacity and integrity have bees established beyond a doubt, and the nigh standard of their preparations are largely and favorably known throughout the South. We refer to the following well known planters of Putnam County, as to the value of these prepara tions : Wm F Little, R J Wynne, E W Baines, Robt Jenkins, JTDennis, TJ Maddux, Wm Dennis, Jos Webster, R B Nisbet, J M Adams, K D Little. J Pinkerton, Z Edmondson, John Cowles, Joseph Mosely, J Knowles, J O Rosser, And many others. We would advise all planters that expect to use these manures to hand in their orders as early as pos Bible to secure prompt delivery. We also offer to our friends the beat grades of Peruvian Guano, Dissolved Bones, Land Plaster. Dr. B, H.NISBET. of Eatonton, is our duly author ized agent for Putnam county, and orders given him will be promptly attended to, and Guanos furnished at the same prices as at otfr office. Our agent will keep a supply in store in Eatonton. WARREN. LANE Sc CO., octl-wtf Augusta, Ga. Planters, Look Here. /"'I EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—A11 persona indebted I . , VT to the Estate ofJohnP. Lamar, lato of said coun- < T WISH to prooure a good ty? deceased, are required to make immediate pay- j X aaaupenntendentof a fa meDt to the undersigned, and those havmg claims to render them in terms of the law.' ' A. B. ROSS, sept2-40d Administrator de bonis non. paying situation for 3870 . farm. Having devoted my entire life to th is business, and supervised successfully, as well as satisfactorily, several of the largest farms in Hanoock county, and would do business there again but wish a better paying birth than can be had in that, my native oounty, I propose to go to South western Georgia, or any part of the State that will offer the greatest inducements. I claim to show os good a record as any man reared in Hancock, in the business I propose doing, and will give references of Hie highest character in the State. I prefer taking EMOVED to No. 59 West Forty-second street,- ■ an interest in the crop as compensation for my ser- " — — • " ’ " w York City: i view; hut moneyed wages, if parties decidedly pre- New York; Bishop fared it, would command my attention. Any person - ~ ' ‘Lowsvilio, MRS. EDWARD B. WHITE’S ENGLISH AND FRENCH BOARDING" SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES R EMOVED to No, 59 West Forty-second opposite Reservoir Park. New York City: Refebekcrs: Bishop Potter, VnrV. College; Prof. Davies. Now York ;W.GilmoreSimms, South Carolina; Prof. Bartlett, West Point Military Academy. •antfi M|1 augl8-d6t*w6t IU| RCUUDIUV1I. w UUQW aisu tvu v. Hama, Hon. T. J. Smith and others, Sparta, Ga, B ’“ P ' SOL^&Oir OLIPHANT. *ep9-wtf B. A. WISE & ft THE IsmMoxs’l THE SYMPTOMS OF LIVER Complaint are uneasiness and pain in the side. Sometimes the pain is in the shoulder, and is mistaken tor rheumatism. Tho stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness, bowels in general costive, sometimes alternative with lax. The head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, con siderable loss of memory: accompanied with painful sensation of having left undone something which nnght to have been done. Often complaining of weak ness, debility and low spirits.— Sometimes some of the above symptoms attend the disease, and ■ at other times few of them: bnt generally the organ most involved. Cure tho Liver with Simmons’ Regulator, and all wUl be well. 33X1. SXRffnXOMTS' LIVER REGULATOR, A REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES CAUSED BY A DERANGED STATE OF THE LIVER. Dyspepsia, Headache, Jaundice^ iinniTT inAD I Onstivancofi, £3ioK ITead-aCHef REGULATOR. I chronio Diarrhoea, Affections o ■mhbm the Bladder, Camp Dysentery, ffections of the Kidneys, Fever, Nervousness, Chills, Diseases of the Skin, Impurity of the Blood, Melan choly, or Depression of Spirits, Heartburn, Colic, or Pains in tho Bowels. Pain in the Head, Fever and Ague, Dropsy. Boils, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Asthma, Erysipelas, Female Affections, and BUious Diseases generally. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Druggists, Maoon, Georgia. For sale by aU druggists. Price Si per package. By mail $125. A preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to be strictly vegetable, and can do no injnry to any one. It has been used by hundreds, and known for the last twenty-five years as ono of the most reliable, efficacious and harmless preparations ever offered to tho suffering. If t-iken. regularly and persistently, it is sure to efiect a cure. The following highly respectable persons can fully attest to the virtues of this valuable medicine, and towhom we most respectfully refer: Gen. W. S. Holt, President S. W. R. R. Company : Rev. J.R. Feld or. Perry, Ga.; Col. E. K. Sparks, Al bany, Ga.: W. J. McElroy, Esq.. Macon, Ga.; George J Lunsford, Esq., Conductor S. W. R, R.; C. Master- son, Esq., Sheriff Bibb county; J. A. Butts, Bain- bridge, Ua.: N. Binswangcr, Esq.. Macon, Ga.; Dyl & Sparhawk, Editors “Floridian.” Tallahassee; R . J. W. Burke, Macon. Ga.: Virgil Powers, Esq., Su perintendent S. W. R. R.; Daniel Bullard, Bullard's Station, M, & B. R. R., Twiggs cOj. Ga.: Grenville Wood, Wood’s Factory, Macon, Ga.; Rev. E. F Easterling. P. E. Florida Conference; Major A. F, Wooley, Kingston, Ga. apr2-wtf QUEEN OF IHE SOUTH PORTABLE GRIST MILLS. CORN HEAL, WHEAT FLOURING AND Stock Feed, Bolting Apparatus, Smutters and 91111 Work Generally, Our Mills are built from choiee Bur Blocks, selected at the Quar ries in France by Isaao Straub himself. Send for Descriptive Pamphlet containing treatise on Milling, sent by mail free. Address ISAAC STRAUB Sc CO., Cor. Front and John sts., Cincinnati, O. Septl7-w6m Notice to Physicians, Druggists and She Public Generally: VTTE. the undersigned, practicing physicians in the TT city of Columbus, Ga., beingially advised of tho superior excellence of “Epping’s Compound F Extract of Buchu.” now being manufactured am fered to the public by Messrs. L. Pierce Sc Co., take great pleasure in certifying to all of our profession— and to all druggist and all persons who may need an Extract Buchu—that this Extract is by far the beet article ever used; so much so that we give it great prominence in all thoBe diseases in the treatment of which Buchu is useful. . - _ Jobe E. Bacon, M. D., T. W. Grimes, M. h- J. A. Billing, M, D„ Wm. K. Schley. M.D., E. J. Colzey, M. D„ T. J. Wood. M. D., Elisha J. Kukscey, M. D. Columbus, Ga., April 20,1869. Wholesale Agency at L. W, HUNT A CO’S, sep2-w3m - 82 and 84 Cherr yet., Macon. Ga DROMGOOLE & CO.’S ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS Cures married and single females. Cures old chronic female complaints. Cures irregular uterine actions. Cures all diseases peculiar to females. Cures because Doctors indorse it. Cures cases of tenyeara’ standing. Cures because prepared by Physicians. Cures after everything else fails. Cures everybody’s sickly wife. Cures young chlorotic girls. Cures old hysteric and nervous females. Cures palpitation and melancholy. Cures all monthly painB and suffering. Cures by arousing and restoring to health. Cures pains in the head, ^e and back, Cures cold feet and hands. Cures Editors’and Doctors’ wives. Cures Farmers’ and Merchants’ wives. Cure* at a very smaU price, . „ L. W. HUNT A CO., . fwt at Macon, sell it. ENCOURAGE HOME PRODUCTIONS A MOST DELIGHTFUL TONIO. A MOST DELIGHTFUL TONIO. A MO ST DELIGHTFUL TONIO. OLD CAROLINA BITTIRS, A SOUTHERN PREPARATION, VALUABLE AND RELIABLE. the best Tonio Bitters in use. GOODRICH, WINEMAN A CO., Manufacturers and Proprietors, and Direct Importers ot Choice Drugs and Chemicals, Charleston, 8.0. For sale by julyll-w6m GRO. PAYNR, And P.H. WRIGHT. Druggists. EVERY COTTON PLANTER SHOULD HAVE A ii i+ilsi PLANT f AND HERE. IT IS B. A. WISE & CO, Keep them constantly on hand, of all sizes. Also the IRON WITCH, QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, DELTA, GOOD SAMARITAN,; AND OTHER NOTED FAVORITES. FOR FIFTEEN DOLLARS they will putyou up a STOVE, handsomely furnished, and warrant ft to cook welL For ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS yon can take your choice among four hundred, and they will fill your wagon with Furniture to fit. A good assortment of Grates, Box-Stoves and Parlor Stoves, (For Wood or Coal.) A large Stock of .• ' J HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS * AIWRjo vj> builds 49-OrAvr eelieitoA and pfoiaptfr AlUA, _ * 4 TBRMS CASH. MRS. F. DESSAU ! IS NOW RECEIVING THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN MILLINERY, CLOAKING, DRESS GOODS, FURS, GLOVES, »"*S TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES, REAL LACES, Etc. NTO. ootl9d*w2m ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.-W eb MtrxiBxmav btrbxit. ERNEST PESCHKE, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, MANUFACTURING JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, NO. 1 SECOND STREET. J^JJa KINDS AF SPECTACLE GLASSES FITTED AND ADJUSTED by an OPTIMRTKR. WATCHES and JEWELRY repaired and warranted. STame Stencils for Marking Xiinen Ont to Order. . aprill-tf ~~ . " ~ ‘ - - E. CARVER COMPANY 'J3HE undersigned is Agent for the sale of this UNRIVALED GIN, the manufacture of which was commenced by E. CARVER, at NACHEZ, Miss., more than sixty years ago, and became the stady of his life. Thousands have since been in nse in tbe rich Cotton Districts of the South and West." It is he* leivedthat ... . rX This Clin has no superior in the world for Simplicity, Strength, Xdghtnett of running, Speed, Durability, and the Beanty of the sample it produce*, in fact in all the qualities required to constitute a Perfect (Ha. - A good stock of No.40,50 and 6Q T9 rfh ’lfW 1 OrlDJS en band, and 70 and SO Saw Gins ordsred as wanted. * • DUPLICATES OF SAWS. GRATES. BRISTLES, BOXES and every other part of the Gin kept at the Agency for sale, and can be applied with the utmost facility on the plantation. The Price is 8B4r 3?er SAW, OBUTBSS9 AT TBS STORE OT TBS DBDSSSXOSrSD. They also furnish to order, the “S. CARVER COMPANY ” PEELER. GIN, which is specially adapted to ginning the Peeler and other varieties of long stapled upland cottons. iunejff-w5m*dlaw HENRY L. JEWETT, No. 64 Second St., Macon. Ga. WJH. HENRY WOODS, COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL COMMISSION MlRMf, Bay Street^: SAVANNAH, GA. A GENT FOR REESE’S SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. Is prepared at Ml times to advatace RbwiQp on Consignments for sale u Savannah, or for shipment to hie eerrespooadosds la New York and Uvetpeel. awD-yta* grt* • ** W. v-v;*v. l W-ii r—i I,.,- r. r * * ‘ s&.W^ t| % t| l ■