Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, October 29, 1869, Image 5

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$■ ■' ', „ ^ • 4 • ■\~X > * .• *t Tnr- npup HE TELEGRAPH. '—7 ■*^qR iY —— —•*•—— — 1 ~■ The Greoreia ^W'eekly Teles:raiDh. <400N FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 18G9. upon the Material Condition r ** 7 of Georgia. statement of the Albany News, that CoL * t - ixjctETT will gather seventeen bales of ,1 weighing 500 pounds each, from six rualizes, to a great extent, some of our olitions of lftSt 6nmmer ^pon the actual This ire capacity of an acre in cotton. *^7li; pounds lint cotton to the acre, or three * 0 f 472 pounds each. It is making six do, according to the general average of /jsbioned Georgia planting—that is, of four to tbe bale—the work of seventy-two and we think it would puzzle almost any srto put upon six acres the expense of M d manuring which would bo required in .. »!one to fence and cultivate, in tbe most [50* and draggle-tailed method, seventy-two in order to produce the samo eighteen • so f white, short and lustreless stuff which been tbe product under the oldfonr- je.bale sjsiem. Ve'aaf. ll>* n » i{ Co1 * Lovett ebttll ex- Lh this product of six acres at the Fair with . be wiU have established, beyond contro- w that high culture and heavy manuring it be the economical method of producing fttetb n , s crop of six acres is worth, at 25 pgj pound, §2,125, allowing it to be only jit it must be—a superior growth of a com- varietyof abort staple cotton. But as it is ^hable that bis crop was raised from choice , tD d tbe staple being improved by heavy inring and nice culture, we presume the ,may be worth 85 cents a pound, or §2,975 pass. ANNOUNCEMENT OF DR. HUNTER’S APPOINTMENTS. "joi let ns compare snch a crop with an ordi- ’ hir crop, say of eighteen bales to fifty-four or three acres to the bale, worth say, ac- I&igto the first valuation, $2,125—what has ,pared and what lost? Allowing the labor ; breaking up one acre well was equal to treat- •tlree aeres in the common way, he saved (breaking up of thirty-six acres. In tillage, am! me culture of forty-eight acres. In (ijj. be saved the fencing of forty-eight jb. In picking, he saved absolutely one-half iWorof gathering such a crop off of fifty- c tens—because the same crop on six acres present to tho picker the cotton almost ^d-in large, heavy bolls—so that we be- t tbe band in the six acres would gather w times as mnch in the day as a hand in the ;.four acres. it*, if we were to admit thAt Col. Lockett ieren forty dollars’ worth of fertilizersto jiicre of this cotton, wo would still believe ike saved tbe entire value of the fertilizers {..1 in the labor of cultivation and gathering )tt. That strikes ns as tho philosophy and my of high culture, and we believe it is as able to cotton os to a bed of cabbage or cMowers. Ibis is now the drift in Georgia. A Spirit of nest enquiry and improvement pervades our Je farming interest and nothing has awaken- ifocmch attention as these “brag acres” or ffriments in high culture, which have been iported in our papers from time to time. And a so in other 8tates; for we have had letters rm all parts of the Sonth making anxious ta mes shout progress and results. YVo Love -id-day from Shngualak, Mississippi, if any th knows where that is, about Mr. Gnstin’s agicie. We undertake to say theresnlt of ‘ik Lockett’s experiment will arrest the atten- m of tbe whole cotton growing region and tbe thoughts of people anew from great ws to close and careful culture, fast after the close of the war we were dis tal to think that our plantation economy aid be changed into that of small farms and iiplied tenants. But that does not seem to bo tendency. The disposition everywhere ttos to be to concentration and enlargment of > operations, and we shall probably see, in !ew years, even greater individual crops pro tect than were ordinarily shown in tho days iiUvery. The planters seem to be anxious to rtesse their landed possessions, and somo of ta are massing tracts of ten to twenty tbou- acres. Ihny of these planters say it is better to cull ispots here and there and raise their cotton 1 them than to mannre. But that is a falla- vbich they will discover, we hope, in time to Georgia from such a skimming, and we riit My, dinning process, by which, in a few •w, their vast landed possessions would bo heed to so many unsightly wastes—fenceless, —el tad weedy tracts, disclosing in equal pro- :rtions a growth of broom-sedge and scrub- ; md pine—tho picture of desolation and bad raring. Tho prosperous planter, on the other whether large or small, will show his com- t vell.fenced farm—his green meadows and «r fields—his sleek stock—his land all free gullies and washes and everything neat and ?-’Jy about him. will resume our gossip on tho next occa- lest we should exceed the limits appropri- dor to-day. ALBANY, FROM OCTOBER 25IH TO 31ST. AT BARNE’S HOTEL. THE GREAT YITALIZER. This title may be fairly given to a restorative which has taken preference of all other tonic and alterative preparations for a period of nearly twenty years. During that long interval HOSTETTEB’S STOMACH BITTERS may be truly said to have en joyed unrivalled popularity, Many preparations have been got up to compete with it, but they have all fallen into its wake or sunk into oblivion for lack of patronage. From the first, this now world- renowned Vegetable Tonic has been both medicin ally and financially successful. Every year has added to the number of its friends, and the demand for it, based solely npon the experimental proofs of its excellence as a preventive and curative, seems to have no assignablelimit. The medical profession sanction and approve its use, and it is now at the head of the class of medicines to which it belongs, the admitted, undisputed, Soveeeiqx Toxic of the Age. The statistics of tbo United States Revenue Department will verify the statement that it stands alone and unapproached in the magnitude of its sales as compared with those of any other proprie tary remedy advertised on this side the Atlantic. The Explanation of this fact may be comprised in a few words. HOSTETTER’3 STOMACH BIT TERS is at once the pnroat, the safest and the most potent of all Vegetable tonics, and the best antidote to every variety of malarious disease. Henco it is especially adapted to tho present seaon of chilling dews and unwholesome vapors. JUDGE OF US B7 TEE PAST. ADAMS, J0NE8 & REYNOLDS OULD respectfully say to the Cotton Planters of f».. Southwestern andMiddleGeorgia.whomithas been their pleasure to serve the past season so satis factorily. that they will find them fully prepared an( ready to receive,store, ship or sell to tbe very beet advantage, all Cotton consigned to them daring the coming season; while to those who have not he eto- fore tried us, we would say we know we can please you. We offer the usual accommodation to our patrons on their growing crops, and wii take pleasure in fill ing their orders for supplies promptly and at lowest market rates. Call and see us at tho PLASTERS’ WAREHOUSE, . . _ ■ Opposite Brown’s and Byington’a Hotels. iuly3-diw4m J. P. WHEATON, F. W. SIMS & CO., COTTON FACT0R8 GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SAVANNAH, GA. Consignments solicited; Reroit'ancos made promptly: Advances ol Provisions. Bagging, lies and Rope made to persons sending ns Cotton for sale. septl6-d&wiSm EEniVIVUS! The S. $. S. of 1861, JOSEPH FtHEOAN, JAS. B. PASHA KOBE, J. BUTLEDGK FINKGAN. Or Dr. JEUSON’S Original SoraiEr.N Soothing Stepp fob Children Teething, is again resusci tated! It is a Uorriycnl of the Bowrl disorder* contingent upon this period; a grateful Carmina tive ; a nutritious Syrup ; and a gentle Anodyne, inducing calm and refreshing repose, without the pernicious and distressing reactionarv disturbance of the nervous system that results from the exhibi tion of most preparations—erp rc.vly made for chil dren. Its use in the Southern States, as far back as 18G2, established its reputation as a Southern In stitution, and, as'a medicine unrivalled, and as be ing the best and safest preparation for children teething, ensuring best to mothers and nurses and relief and strength to their infants. It is therefore no new medicine, and needs no advertising where it is best known. Every precaution has been taken to preserve and protect it from fraudulent counter feits. It is manufactured only at the iMboratory of Coite, Tompkins <fc Hurd, members of and suc cessors to the old established Southern Druo House of Haubal. Rislev A Kitchen. 141 Chambers street, New York, to whom all orders should be ad dressed, and is for sale to the citizens of Macon by Harris, Clay & Co.; Ethridge & Davis, Eatonton, Ga., and all respectable Druggists, septl-deodiwtf. JOSEPH FINEGANS CO.. COTTON FACTORS & COMMISSION BAY STREET, - - SAVANNAH, GA. T IBEKAT, ADVANCES made on Cotton consigned JLt to os or to our Correspondents in New York and liiverponl aug5-d&w3m* J. W. & f. A. McLYTIRK, Cob. ?t. Julikn, Betas and Jefferson Streets, SAVANNAH, 04., D EALERS in Griceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Wines, Liquors, and Country Produce generally. Highest prices paid for Country Produce of all kinds. augl8-d&w3in an— WH. H. TI80S. VX. W. GORDON. TIS0N& GORDON, COTTON FACTORS Mrs. Grant Letter Branded as a '•««.—The New York Times, speaking by it is to be presumed, says: “But toand the letter and the extracts from the w as forgeries. No such letter as that which Grid Ring gave to the public yesterday was fr written by Mrs. Grant. Not a line erer 'seeded from that lady or from the President, tty manner recognizing or directing gold or ? alter speculations. Any letter which is al- i to have been written by either, of the na- t *d that which has been published, is a base ricked fraud. It is a forgery, and one in fet keeping with other measures resorted to ic gold conspirators.” Ic us Given Up.—The Radicals have given 1 k***, as will be seen from the following hiington dispatch to the Tribune: Juts.* advices received here to-day, both from 4 *ri and Conservative sources, seem to indi- election of Hamilton as Governor over Davis. It is stated that the rebels and P* Democrats and Conservatives are doing mtaost to secure the success of Hamilton, '•y because the administration and the peo- 7-I 'he North prefer Davis. The campaign Davis is managed with great energy and Vi while the Davis party are not so hard at ANSERICUS, FROM \OVEJUiER 1st TO 7th. SPECIAL NOTICE. At the earnest solicitation of his patients here and for the advantage of many in different parts of the State of Georgia who had made appoint ments by letter for personal consultations, Dr. Hunter has twice extended the period of his visit to Macon. He now begs to state that he wiU positively close his office on Monday evening, October 18th. Before returning to New Orleans, Dr. Hunter will visit Eatonton and Albany by special re quest of his patients and others residing in those towns. All letters addressed to P. ©. BOX 115, MACON, GA., wiU receive prompt attention. Janes A. Hunter, M. D., Macon, Ga. From James Gordon Bennett, Editor New York Herald, as to the success of Dr. Hunter’s Practice in New York City, and its Happy effect in bis own ease. MODERN PROGRESS IN THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. 5riaiM Superior Court.—The Sanders- T'yeorgian, of the 27th, says the following ^•Jfions were had during the late session; vs. Ephraim Brantley, colored— larceny, fonnd guilty and sentenced to Months in jail, and to* pay a fine of $50 K of suit. Rotate vs. Samuel B. Murphy—Retailing JJtoW liquors without license—plead guilty *100. .7. ^'a!o vs. Aaron Powell, colored—Bur- convicted of larceny from house, and ,to twelve months in jail and to work by the Ordinary for that time ‘ ‘i'ate vs. Eason Hales, colored—obstruct- -7?*' process—plead guilty, and waa sen- twelve months in jail and to work by the Ordinary, or to pay a fine of bn* Haines has been removed to other 11 for safe keeping. ^ i - s M. Stanton is the most prominent ^ date for any vacancy that may be neceasa- in tbe Supreme Court, and the Presi- 11 w said, is not averse to his appointment. Syanaoooue.—The Israelites in Col- :ire about to construct a new and benuti- .’‘'Pie of brick. By the way what has be- 'be ne* Synagogue ta Macon J “The public have lately had presented to them rather a novel feature in the journalism of the day, in the shape of elaborate scientific treaties on medical subjects, appearing in con secutive chapters, in the columns of the daUy and weekly newspapers of this city. The arti cles are from the pen’of Dr. Hunter, the weH known practitioner in pulmonary and bronchial a?haama« j and are distinguished by their thorough acquaintance with the subjects treated of, the simplicity and clearness of their language, and the demonstrative force of the argument em ployed. * * * * * “ We 7taee had personal experience of the happy remits of the Doctor's mode of treatment, and can vouch for its success. Owing to the se vere drudgery incident to our pursuits, and that tendency to bronchial disease with which the peculiarity of our climate afflicts such a large portion of our population, we have been suffer ing for several yeans past from a throat affec tion, which all the medicinal remedies that we had formerly applied had faded to cure. We CAN TRULY SAY THAT WX HAVE FOUND MOHR RELirJ- and greater hope of orrnm bid of tub malady, fbom Db. Hunter’s mode of treatment, than fbom that of any other medical man to whom we had previously submitted our case." Be Beautitul. If you desire beauty, you should use Hagan’s Magnolia Balm. It gives a soft, refined, satin-like texture to the Complexion, removes Roughness, lied ness.Blotches, Sunburn, Tan, etc., and a tinge of Pearly Bloom to the plainest features. It brings the Bloom of Youth to the fading cheek, and changes the rustic Country Girl into a Fashionable City Belle. la the use of tho Magnolia Balm lies the true se cret of beanty. No lady need complain of her com plexion who will invest 75 cents in this delightful article. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 96 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, - - - GEORGIA. B AGGING and ROPE or IRON TIES advanced on Crops. , l * t^rops. Liberal Cash advances made on consignments of Cotton. , ronago in — • tinuance of the samo is respectfully solicited. sept2-d*w6m Lyon’s Katliairon is the best Hair Dressing in nse. octlOdeod&wlm. LA1IDS! LANDS! CITY BANKING COMPANY pEBSONS wishing to dispose of thcir Lands, either OF MACON. CASH CAPITAL, $200,000 W. P. GOOD ALL. Cashier. C. A. NUTTING. President. directors: W. B. JOHNSTON, 3.3. GRESHAM, W. S. nOLT. J. E. JONES. _ Plantations or Wild l ands, would do well tocon fer with either Col. 1>. IV. Lewis. Secretary of the State gricnltural Society, or myself, os we have very superior facilities for telling during tbe present Fall and Winter. The S ate Agricultural Society being in direct correspondence with at) State and local Socie ties North and Wc«t, and through them with the members of these societies, notifying them that theoi- fiee of this State Agricultural Society is a medium through which lands can bo purchased. It is to this office t- at perrons attending the Fair from beyond the limits of the State first apply for information and to make purchases. Persons, therefore, wishing to sell would do well perhaps to place tbeir lands in my hands. J- K. HARMAN, Real Estate Agent, Macon, Ga. sept23-2tawdfewl m SS~ Will do a General Banking Business in all its Details.-** tJUIE .Stock of this Company is ail_ owned in Macon and vicinity. Having no circulation to protect, lurityol tbe whole capital is guaranteed for tho security Depositors and Patrons. augl2-d*w3mo Notice to Tax-Payers of Bibb €o. tpHEboeks are now open for the collection of State _ and County Taxes for 1189. Remember to come, all. both white and colored. To those who have no property, and only pay a poll tax. I hope will come and pay. nsitisonty ooedollar The law mokes it a duty for the Tax Collector to no tify and collect your taxes from > our employers if not paid—which is n unpleasant duly for me. I wish all to come and pay their own taxes. I hope employers will notify tbeir hands to that effect. To all freedmen that can read, notify their color to come and pay without being forced. F. M. HEATH, Tax Collector for Bibb County. octlO dtwtf.) rpRUSTEE’S BALK.—Will be sold beforethe Conrt A House door, in Perry, Houston county, under an order from tbe Chancellor, on tbe fust Tuesday in December next: l.ot of land. No. 44. in the tenth district of said county. Sold for distribution among the , arties entitled to the^ronerti. T^nscash. oct28-wtds)Trustee. SITUATION WANTED. A THOROUGH ENGLISH and CLASSICAL TEACUKlt, of several years’ experience, wishes to obtain asitnationfomextycaras principalofsome village or good country Academy. Most satisfactory references or testimonials can bo given, if required. Address TEACHER, oct24-d2t*w4t) Care of Mr. J. M. Boardman. Macon, Ga. 20,000 AGENTS WANTED. A SAMPLE pent free, with term?, for any one to clear $25 daily, in three hours. Business entirely new, light and desirable. Can be done at B heme or traveling, by both male and female. No gift enter- prise or humbug. Address, H CHIDESTER- 267 Broadway, New York, oct23-w2t) W. E. TANNER. ALEX. DELANEY METROPOLITAN WORKS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, Corner of Seventh and Canal Streets. mr.iu county, win oe sold belore tbe Court-house door of said county, on the 1st Tuesday in November next, during the legal hours of sale, the following property .belonging to the estate of Judge Abner P. Powers, deceased: Eighteen Shares of the Stock of the Macon & Brunswick Railroad Company. Alsou wood-lot on the Fort) th road, near Macon, in Bibb county, containing 26 acres. Terms cash. Also, will be sold before the Oonrt-hons i door in the county of Dougherty, on thalst Tuesday in Decem ber next, daring the legal hoars ofsrie, the Plantstion belonging to the estate of Judge Abner P. Powers, deceased, situated in the Second District of Dougher ty county. Georgia, consisting of Lots Nos. 176, 177, B3.184. 185. 217 and 218, and containing seventeen hundred and fifty (1750) acres. Also, at same time and place, two City Lots in the city of Albany. Georgia. Also, on the next day. at the Plantation above ad vertised, 17 mile* west of Albany, all the peri-hable jTopeTty of said estate, consisting of Wagons. Farm- i»g Utensils. Mules. Cows, Oxen, Corn. Fodder. Cot ton Seed, Cotton Gin, etc., and every description of farming appurtenances. All the above described property sold for the pur poses of distribution and for the payment of the debts ofsaid estate. The Plantation will besoldfor half cash; thobal- anctiat twelve mo *th? f with increst and approved steurity. Tho perishable property will b? sold for o«h. JOHN P. MANLEY. oct26-tillDec7) Executor. A DMINISTRATOR’S 8At,E.—WiU bo sold before the Court-house door, in Macon, on the first Tuesday in December, 1869, by virtue of authority from the Court of Ordinary Of Bibb county, the fnl city of Mac>.n. a Also, acres of Land on the Hcus- county, deceased, for the benefit of hi* heirs nndcrcd- Uw. J. MONROE OGDEN. oct2&-40d Administrator dc bonis non. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE—By virtue ofan order from tho Court of Ordinary of Quittnan county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December. 1869, at the "ourt-house doorofsaid county, between the legal hours of sale, all the real estate—after reserving the widow s dower-of Ichabod Balkcom, deco.-ssd, con- ristina of Lot of Land No. 187, and part of Lota Nos- 184,185,1-6. Kid. 193 199. 200 and 201-all in the 8th Dis trict of, originally. Lee, now Quitman county. Bold of disti” “ “ for the purpose of distribution. Terms cash. oct26 40d* vJBWNRY L- BALKCuM, Administrator- MRS. F. DESSAU 1.3 NOW RECEIVING THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS, CLOAKING, FURS, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES, BEAL LACES, Ete. MOT’ AT.T. nonvoa nnAuntrT w imuDimvn ira —* . .. ’*• , « ‘ A. > J v* * * TXT O. oet!9d*w2m ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. • «e MDIiBBaRT STR.BBT. B)i. m:\Kv woods, form fient jnd mu coflra|r a ’ Bay Street, : SAVANNAH, GA. * : a ^GENT FOR REESE’S SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. Is ptepared at aU times to advance liberally- on ConsignmeiU for sale in Savannah, or for shipment to his correspondents in New York and r ’ iT «~ 0,>l - «ugl.t-w6m* ' ’ * . CHTUL CITY CflIIIITIH POWUERS Slorses,Mules,Cattle. Hogs, Sheep and Ponltry A Reliable Medicine for Diseases Incident to all Kinds of Stock. ——0 ., j fJEoRGl A - JONES COUNTY—OaDlKAKY’s Office VJ said County, at Chambers. October 2S, 1869.— ** herea“, John W. Simmons, Guardian of John R. me for dismission: Simmons, ntinor, applies to It is ordered, that all peisons concerned show cause, if any they have to the contrary, on or before the 1st Monday in December next, at this office. W ltmss my band officially. R T. ROSS. 0st27-w3m) Ordinary. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.-Will be -old bef.re XX the Court house door in Jasper eou ty, on tbe fir.t 1 uesday in December next, 66 acres of Land, more or less being the wi ow’s dower in the laid be longing to the estate of Fdward Warren, in saidcoun- ty of Jasner. Terms cash. B. T. DIGBY, oct27-40d Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue ofan or der from tho Court of Ordinary of Bibb county, will be sold before the Court-House. (City ilall) door iu the city of Macon, on the first Tuesday in Decem ber next, the following property belonging to the estate of Dunon McCalium, late of said county, de ceased: lot of land No. 54, in tbe fourth district of originally Houston now Bibb county. Terms Cash. G. W. BARFIELD, oct21-40d) Administrator. /' EoRGIA.JONES COUNTY—Ordinary's Office. \Jf at Chi '■ — Chambers, October 14,1869.—Whereas, Ma riam Moore applies to meforthe Guardianship of the two minor children 01 Ephraim Moore, deceased, Levin and Annie P. Moore. These are to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they have, on the first Monday in De cember r.ext, why the same shall not be granted. Witness my hand officially. R. T. ROSS. ortljj-wSO.i)Ordinary. (~S UARDIAN’S SALE.—By virtue of an order from VJT the Ordinary Conn of Marion co _ county, will bo sold before tho Court-House in said county, on the first Tuesday in December next, half of lot No. 42, in the fonrth district of said connty—the same being the property of Warren Rtddock and Georgia Ann Mur phy, minors, etc. Terms cash. W. B. SPINKS. octl9-w40d (Printer's fee $6)Guardian. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold before the Court-hou-e in Marion county, on the first Tuesday in December next, sixty-six acres, more or less, of lot of Land No. 131, id the Thirty-second Dis trict of said county. Sold as the property of George W. Mayo, deceased. Terms cash. H. C. WATTS, octl9 w40d Administrator. (Printer’s fee $5.) DMUNTER /CONTINUES to treat all private diseases. Syphilis 1 j in all its forms. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Str cturc. Orchitis, and all urinary diseases, and tho effects ot murcury are completely eradicated: Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness, resulting from self-abuso or other eauses„and which produce* some of tbe follow ing effects: As blotches, bodily weakness, indigestion, constipation, aversion to society, unmanhness, dread of future events, loss 0 f memoiy, indolence, nocturnal omissions, and finally prostration of tho vital powers, can be fully restored to health. Persons afilieted with this, or any other delicate, intricate, or long standing constitutional complaint, should give the Doctor a trial. He never fails. The Doctor publishes a medical circular that gives a full exposition ef venereal and private diseases, that can be had free at his office, or by mail for one stamp. It gives a cleaT delineation ot all the diseases and conditions resulting from tho infringement of the moral laws, excesses, indulgences, exposures, and im prudences in married or single tile. Every sentence contains instruction to the afflicted, and enabling them to determine the precise natnre of thoir com plaints. The establishment, comprising ten ample rooms, is central. When it is Dot convenient to visit the city, the Doctor’s opinion can be obtained by giviDg a written statement of the cose, and medicines can be forwarded by mail or express. In some instances, howeTer. a personal examination is absolutely neces sary, while in others, daily personal attention is re quired, and for the accommodation of such patients there are apartments connected with the office that are provided with every requisite tbat is calculated to promoterecovery, including medicated vapor baths. All prescriptions are prepared in the Doctor’s own Laboratory, under his personal supervision. Medi cal pamphlet at office free or by mail for two stamps. No matter who have failed, read what he says. Office No. 183 Third street, between Green and Walnut streets, near the Postoffice. Louisville, Ky. Office hears, 9 a. v„ to 7 P. M.; Sundays, 10 a. h„ to 12 m. inlv3-d*w1v LAND FOR SALE. OFFER for sale my VALUABLE PLANTATION I in Stewart connty, Ga., lying on Hannabatchie Creek, six miles above Florence and three from Chatr tahoochee River. The place contains 885 acres up- I ~aely wards of four hundred are in the woods and fine , timbered—the remainder is clearcdand in afinestate of cultivation. It is finely situated, well watered, and has one of the best mill seats in the country. A good mill is much needed in the neighborhood. excellent screw. T tionable. Churches, Snnday Schools, etc., are conve- Blent* Any party desiring a first-class plantation can be suited. I will sell mules, stock, agricultural imple ments, a year’s supply of corn and forage, if desired. Title* perfect. Terms cash. ta""-- W. A. J. METCALF. scpt24-dlawlmtw4t* WM. £. TANNER & CO., Stationary & Portable Engines, SA.W MILUS, BOILERS, BRIDGE BOLTS AND CASTINGS, IRON AND BRASS WORK. r tON and WOODEN TRUCKS for Cars. IM PROVED MACHINERY of all kinds built and repaired. Also, Agent sin tho Southern States for BMe’s Patent Stene & Ore Breater H. R. BROWN, Agr’t, sept4-d*wly No. 62 Second >t. Macon. Ga. gOUTHSB.1T STITLZI Carriages and Harness, C OMPRISING COACHES. SIDE and END SPRING BUGGIES. FamllyBOCKAWAYS of all stele*,' Harness, great variety. Largest assort- men CALVli»^WITTY'8 Immense Carriage Ware-rooms, Nos. 654.636 and (38 Broadway—Nos. 164.166and 168Crosbystrect, NEW YORK. bIDK-SPRING BUQGIB.S from SS5 to 6100, all warranted—such a* are usually sold by drummer* and “‘otherrtyVeVof*CARRIAGES proportionably low. AU Carriage* and Baggie* warranted togivesati*- fS 0rd«rs by mail promptly attended to. Refer to: General J. B. Gordon, Savannah. Ga-. Mayor.Collins, Macon, Ga.; S. W. Wight, Savannah, °N. B.-CALVIN WITTY. W-Sole owner of Let ters Patent, No. £9.915. granted November 2), lSi»- covering the combination and arrangement* or tne Sn of all TWO-WHEELED VELOCI- PEDKS.-C* Great Redaction in Prices: A #150 VELOCIPEDE. gC.nTxd; i|S •* - soW rpHIS brand of LEAD is w abb anted. Satisfaction JL guaranteed or the money refandetl. Try itl Prove itl J. H. ZEILIN & C0. aug29-2tawd&w3m Agent* for Maeon. floina Cotton Seed. J WILL ditpose of a limhed quantity^ofthe above olific variety of upland long-staple Cotton. RHEUMATISM CURED. LYNCH'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC POWDERS I WOULD respectfully urge upon those afflicted with RHEUMATISM to try this GREAT REM EDY’, which I am now prepared 10 put ui> of the best material, remodeled and improved in efficacy, a* at tested by the following: Ccthbkbt, Ga., October 18,1869. Dr. Gibson— * * * My wife has about got through with your Linch s Rheumatic Powders, and sir, I am prond to say to you they have done more good than all the medicine she ever took, all pnt to gether. * * • Your* forever, W. A. STUBBS. Cuthbebt, Ga., October 8, 1869. Dr. J. G. Gibson—Dear Sir— * * * I think your medicine has benefitted me very mnch. I have beet ince I com' improving slowly, hut steadily, ever «: menced taking it. * * * Yourstiujy, BROOKS. Wixohesteb, (S. W. R.,K}a., I October Dr. J. G. Gibson—Dear Sir— • * * Rev. J. W. Marshall applied to yon for some of this medicine for his son, who had Rheumatism for twelve years. The young man took it by direction, and since tbat time he has had noaymptom of his old and painful disease. * • Yours respectfully, JNO. D. WADE. Address the undersigned at Eatonton, Ga., giving a full description of the case, and enclosing #5 00; and if not cured, or greatly benefitted, I will return the money on application. J. G. GIBSON. oct26-dlaw*wtf IOSADALIS! •jpHE GREAT AMERICAN .HEALTH Restorer, purifies the blood and cure* Scrofula, Syphilis. Skin Diseases, Rheuma tism, DiseasesofWomen,and allChroni; Affections of th< Recommended ,, many thousands of our the testimony of Physicians and patients who have used Kosadalis; send for our Rosadalis Guido to Health Book, or Alma nac fer this year, whioh we publish for gratuitous distribution; it will give you much valuable information: Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says—I take pleasure in recommending your Kosa dalis as a very powerful alterative. I have seenituiedin two cases with happyresults: one in a case of secondary syphilis, in which tho patient pronounced himself having taken five bottles of The THESE POWDERS will strength- cn the stomach nnd intestines, cleanse them from offensive mat ter, and bring them to a healthy- state. Thoy are a sure privcntive of LUNG FEVER, * • V And » certain remedj for ail Die— ea-es incident to tho HORSE, such. GLA'DERS YELLOW WATER DISTEMPER FOUNDER HEAVES, SLAVERING COUGHS. FEVERS, loss of Appetite and Vital Energy, FOB MILCH COWS. By actual experiment it has been proven that these Powders will increase thequanti'y of MILK AND CREAM 20 PER CENT . And make the BUTTER FIRM AND SWEET. In Fattening Cattle it gives then an appoti;e. loosens the aide, an! makes — them thrive much taster. FOR HOGS AND SHEEP. For ail diseases of those animals— such as COUGHS. UL KRS IN THE LUNGS, HOG CHOLERA, and the ROT IN SHEEP—these Powders are invalu able. They will cure mange, and pro mote the growth of stunted t igs. FOR POULTRY. These Powders are a certain Cure and Preventive of CHOLERA and other diseases of CHICKENS. TURKEYS. DUCKS, etc., and will improve the condition of ailkind9of FOWLS. > . * These Powders are offered to the public with a guarantee of practical usefulness to ail who have stock oi kind. All Druggists have them for sale, at FIFTY CENTS per box. Full directions accompany each box. The trade supplied at a liberal discount by the Sole Manufacturers, L. W. HTJJNT *8* OO., DRUGGISTS CHERRY STWKET. MACON. OA. HARDWARE.IRON*. STEEL, CARHART & CURD. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, CARRIAGE MATERIAL, AgrMM IiMits, Circular AND HILL, SAWS, MILL STONES, BOLTING CLOTHS Beltim, etc., Faints, Oils aii Site. SIGN OF GOLDEN PADLOCK, Cherry Street, : : Macon, 6a. oct26-d&w3m cured after I have carefully examined the formula y which your Rosadalis is made, and find illi ■ * * it an excellent compound of alterative in gredient*. Dr. Sparks, of Nicholasville, Ky.. says he ha* used Rosadalis in cases of Scrofula and Secondary Syphilis with satisfactory re sult*—a* a cleaner of the Blood I know n. better remedy. Samuel G. MoFadden, of Murfreesboro, Ten n., say*: I have used wren bottles of Rosadalis, and am entirely cured of Rheumatism; send me fonr bottles, as I wish it for m brother, who has Scrofulous Sore Eyes. Beniamin Bechtol, of Lima, Ohio, writes: I have suffered for twenty years with an inveterate eruption over my whole body; a short time since I purchased a bottle of Rosadalis and it effeoted a perfect cure. OSADAXi X IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. M^r terms for those Seed, (and ^guarantee them to be what I say they are,) sacked anddelivered at near est railroad depot or express office, as parties ordering may direct, are as follows: One Single Bushel - - —16 00 Two Bushels or more — — 5 00 Orders filled from and after November 1st. Remittances may be made by express or post-office oct9-d eod sawlm Colaparchee. Ga. « m m i m atO THB WORKING CLASS.—We are now nre- 1 pared to furnish all classes with constant employ ment at home, the whole ot the time or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Per sons of either sex easily earn from 50c. to #5 per even ing, and a proportional sain by devoting thoir whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send m send »ito pay lor tne iroumo or. writii particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to com mence work on. and a copy of fjM Peo^k\lUerarv Cb, mpemion—one of the largest and bes t family papers ibltibed—all sent tree by mail. Reader, if you want muest, profitable work, ectK-dawSm j *A-Laboratory, No. 61 Exchange Place. Baltimore. Drs. Clements, Rives to Co., _ . . Proprietors. For sale by J. h, zxmzxr & co iulyS-tf Plantation for Sale. TTTILL.be sold before the Court-house door in Per- JX.K VLtJ. Houston county, Ga., on the FIRST TUES DAY IN NOVEMBER next, the PLANTATION belonging to the estate ofQreene Hill, deceased. The place consists of thirteen hundred acres, well watered and well improved in every particular, and is noted as one of the best cotton plantations in that section of the State. It is healthy, convenient to schools and churches, and good Bociety.and is situated in a section where an abundance of steady and reliable labor can be obtained. Terms—Half cash, half 12 months, secured by mort gage on land. On the day following, wilt be sold on the place, 314 ble property ot eve estate. Terms ewh. The said sales will he made for distribution among tbs heir*. The ■ale if desired. place may be pureh rehared at •'rivals JAS.A. HILL, A. F. HILL, S&SBSnSt ma *3&gi.Mi. ERNEST PESCHKE, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER* MANUFACTURING JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, NO. 1 SECOND STREET. A LL KINDS AF SPECTACLE GLASSES FITTED AND ADJUSTED by an OPTIMETER. WATCHES and JEWELRY repaired and warranted Name Stencils for Marking 1 Linen Cnt to Order. aprill-tf WARREN, LANE & CO., NOTICE. COTTON FACTORS, 1 VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, Warehouse aniConiissiottMercliaiits Augusta, Georgia. GUANOS: KETTLEWELL’S ’’A A" MANIPULATED "A” AMM0NIATED ALKALINE PHOSPHATE AMM0NIATED SUPER-PHOSPHATE COTTON C0MF0UND. The Cotton Compound is composed of ■ 100 lbs. Peruvian Guano, 160 lbs. Dissolved Bones, 75 lbs. Land Plaster. . . 75 lbs. Salt, Put up in barrels containing 350 pounds, and guar anteed to come up to the standard in every inatanco. The above manures are prepared by Messrs. G. Ob bb 3c Sons, Baltimore, M. D., whose reputation for ea- paclty and integrity have bees established beyond a doubt, and the high standard of their preparations are largely and favorably known throughout the South. We refer to the following well known planters of Putnam (Aunty, as to the value of these prepara tions : r ' ‘ Wm F Little, R J Wynne, E W Baines, Robt Jenkins, JT Dennis, TJ Maddux, Wm Dennis, Jos Webster, R 8 Nisbet. J M Adams, KDLitile. J Pinkerton, Z Edmondson, John Cowles, Joseph Mosely, J Knowles, J O Rosser, And many others. We would advise all planters that expect to use these manures to hand in their orders as early as pos sible to secure prompt delivery. We also offer to our friends the best grade* of Peruvian ao.no, Dls.olred Bone., Laud Platter. Dr. R, H.NISBBT.of Eatouton, is our duly author ized agent for Putnam county, and orders given hist will he promptly attended to, end Guano* furnished at the same prices as at our office. Our agent will keep a supply in store In fcatontoa. WARREN. LANE A CO- ; O N BIG POTATO CREEK, Pike county, Georgia, five miles from Baruesville, on the road leading from Barnesville to Zebulon. Also. Wheat. Corn, Fodder. Farming lmpiemeats, etc., Mule., Milch Cows, Cattle, Hogs, Wagons, Carts, Buggies, Household and Kitchen Furniture—wiU be sold c L on the Tenth Bay of Xffovember rest. At the residence of WM. 0. KENDRICK, late of Pike county, deceased, the iollewing proper ty, to-wit: 450 Acres of Band in One Body, On Big Potato Creek, about 275 acres cleared, the balance in the woods and heavily, timbered; and 75 aeres cf first-class bottom land in cultivation and un der good fence. There is on the place two settlements—one large Dwelling Home, Gin House and Screw. Bara, Stables, Wood and Blacksmith Shop, and all other necessary out-buildings, in good repair. Also, at the same time and. place, 100 acres of Pine Land, with some improvements. Also, one-half interest in the Brick Store, in the town of Barnesville, now occupied by Skaggs k Btas- ingame. Also, three fine Mules, one Colt, two yoke of Oxen, one single Ox, five Milch Cows and other esttl*. Also, twenty-five hea^ of Hogs, one new Cart, one Dray, one two horso Wagra, two old Buggies, one get of blacksmith’s and carpenter’s Tool*, and a large quantity of seasoned wagon timber of all kinds; on* iron Syrup Mill and Kettles, and a great m»nv other things too tedious to mention. Sal* to continue from dav to day till all is sold. Sold for a division among the hem. The land can be bought privately- Terms Cash. MARY ANN KENDRICK,'] WM. M. KENDRICK. P.H. BUSSEY. „ , R.N.J. WILLIAMS. oct8 w4t V Heim. ocl-wtf Augusta, l A Chance to Boy a Tan Yard, W ILL be sold in Buena Vista, Ga.. on the Sret Teeadav in December next, before the Court house door, the Tan Yard Loti to the highest bidder. Terms cash. T. W. HARVEY, octEHrR* 1 TDTT8 VE6ETABLB LIVER FEU Curas diseases of the Liver and Stomaehr Tun’S EXPECTORANT, A pleasant sure for Coughs, Colds, ete. TUTT’S SARSAPARILLA £ QUKKI’SBEilflB* The great Alterative and Blood Parificv TUTT’S IMPROVE! Bill BTK, Warranted the beet dye in n*e< These standard preperaUeas are lor sale by , HARRIS. CLAY A CO.,, V ■' • . I , /* .'** •. b * V, v •V * ,* 6 -V *. • *i * . * •< % • • • 4 V9* ' ll ' 7 , %-M >» *. 1 — - —- —■