Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, October 29, 1869, Image 7

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—Try—— -/■ ■ ■ t—f - > * 1 1 •" r ■ . ii ■>*.* (t/Tf'; nanrT 1MIMPRIPM0M pjMMMte The Greorgia. WeeRly Teleajrapii. J«A»IOW CO UN TV. <^vitTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue ot an or Ihe fourt of Ordinan of Marion coun- t>’*“Lin bo sold on the first Tuesday in Dc- —if*•, «iihinthe usual hours of sale, at the ilisedoor in said county, .the following de W,. lot of laud No. 185. ta the fifth district Is! 1 tii slusesaeo now county, well iro- rf a ‘|A lot No. 168, in the some district and r'l ih'tbe exception of the widow’s dower-his d&t-seid lands, which is laid off aud covers all itfwali'M lot except sixty-eight acres, Pi .Mr unrrovements thereon. All to be sold J^IHirtv of John Kemp, late of said county, i* 1 •''* - old f" r ,he binefit of the heirs and credi- *<*■., j*M.»«d. Terms cash. JJ^ddecea mqkgaK KKAfP, Adtn’r.. aDALINE KEMP, Adm’x. ^ir«IIS T RATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold, on the CtTsesday In Decembernext, before the Court M* \iiri->n ounty, all tha land belonging to ml® sf James Parker, dccoased, to-wit: No. 49, r ?i.> district of said canty, o' which there are lew* good wo d land, and the other in a P, ,r«te of cn’tivntion, with a good frame 'L g od nuthouses. Sold for tho purp :se “"T"* S. PARKER. ^jxetOJ (Printer's fee $6) Adm’r. LutVISTRATfiR’S SALE.—Will be sold on the i_.TeesdaT i» December next, before theCourt- Usrion e .unty, tho following .property, ns a . «• the realty ofSolomon Wall, deceased: One r«i!.kouse and two Lots, oci e D we 11 i n g and Store .fee Carriage Shop and Lot, ono Blacksmith dVi l «t.one Store and two Grocery Uou-esand f -T»i«*rll, sa d county. ia .tihe i 1 *®# time and place. the following i**L!5e.-Uof G n t : hi??- 192,162 flKo. 225 in the Fourh District, and Nos. it a in the Elever.'b Dwtr ict. Allin saideounty. ¥«Jrran order from the Conrt of Ordinary of Tens.cash. L. W.waLL. fu-alil ... . ... -Admi 'slrntor. fPrmter’g fee >12.) rTiLROAll RTper AT ADMINISTRATRIX’S ! i*LE-—Will be sold Wore tho Couri-liouse town of Buena \ ista, Marion couoty, ?k. tut Tuesday in December next, ns the of tk* «oorge.,\V. McDuffie, three K£ in th« southwestern Itatlroad. S. A. McDUFFIE. Administratrix. .tOBfllA. MARION COUNTY.-Wherea;, fUsia V.Bmwnhas applied for the admin ' J. Listi I ““ * " “ ~ . Wil- , —... inistra- ' limit so* with tho will, ete., of dames Perry- Vuts of ta>d county, deceased. AIL persons jLjgi jg the estate of said deceased are hereby Vj t.i fit* their objections to the same within thi J^o-eriocd by statute. Witness my hand, Sep JAS. M. LOWE. jjlj.fU Ordinary. MINT TRATORS’ SALE OP WILD LANDS, -i’j virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi- wLj tlsrion County. Oeorgia: Will be told before ,f art House door, in the town of Cummin?, For- IC- uuTy. Georgia, on tho first Tuesday in Novem- wit.wiibio the usual hours of sale, if not sold „,[j beiorc that time, one forty-acre lot, number liibutidrid aud cighty-one, in the Fourteenth 2nd and First Section Cherokee, now Forsyth .j known as Wild Lands, eontiiniog forty acres, less Drawn by John Kemp, and sold as the uftrof John Kemp, late of Marion County, de ni for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of . ■ .1. 1UM ■ i dvtd iBIllfilA. MARION COUNTY —Whereat. Wiley l Bird sprite* for tho gunrdianshit> of Jasper, Wtnier fourteen, of George M. Chapman, rie- All interested are hereby notified to file Exertions to .said application,on or before the jfon<lay in November uext^ ^ffito’H my^hand. giJ-flt Ordinary. Terms cash. '-entember 6th. 1869. MORGAN KEMP. Administrator. AD ALINE KEMP, Administratrix. p.RiilA, MARION COUNTY.—Whereas. Jar. 'LB le- applies for the Administration of the .«o: .-horn Kdward.■'.deceased. This is therefore ,*>1 »ni singular the creditors and heirs at law aii ktiiel, to show cause within the time pre- rwiwkj letters should not be granted the appii- fiars my band September 22d. 1869. JAS. M. LOWE. WdS-Wjdl Ordinary, It.MARION COUNTY.—Whereas.Cbarlcs |Vom*rk, -r.. Administrator of W.F. Kelley, do- rd.tpplies for leave to sell the real estateofsaid tu-rd. All intere-ted will shoa-cause why leave .Idiot bikerunted on the 1st Monday in October ! itiM my hand, September 22,1869. JAS. M. LOWE, Wt9 »lw Ordinary. UMBO I A, MARION COUNTY.-AU persons in- JdrhtrJ to the estate of W m. M. Butt, late of said mj *««fed, are rruuested to make immediate mmt. xnd those having demands against the es- l*f aid deceased, will present them for payment. M. A. BUiT. Sfty-vft Administratrix. WUN.8TRAT0R S SALE.—Will besold b. f-e he Court-Ilnuso door, in Marion county, on tb- dlorfday in November next, between the l<g»l in of isle, one house and lot in the town of Taxe- it'Kllc.iunty—belonging to the estate of John G. stb. lute of said county, deceased. Sold for the Bose of jiiying the debts of said deceased. Terms *. L. W. WALL. Adm’r. WiD-wdM JWR'UA. MARIOS COUNTY.-Whereas. Henry C. "'alt. Administrator, de bonis non, of Geo. \V. rt.ioceased, has petitioned the Ordinary Cou:t of isunty for dismission. Uthu.-e i- terestodin the estate of said deceased unified to file their objections, if any, to the same hatha time prescribed by law. Witness my hand etlly, August 4.1869. JAS. M. LOWE. julO-wpd Ordinary. BIBB COVMXT, B ibb postponed sheriff’s SAt,E.-win bo sold before the Court-house door, in the city o f Macon, between the legal honra of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in November next, 1869. the following-de scribed property, to wit: All that piece or parcel of land lying in the Thlrte nth District of or ginally Monroe now Bibb county, containing five hundred aoafive(5fty acres, more or leas, and bounded as fol lows: On the north and oast by lands of A. M. Lock ett, south by lands of B. F. Howard and S.B. Hunter and west by lands of John Sanders. J. A. Cox and E L'guare. Also, two hundred 1200) acres of land, more or less, adjoining the aforesaid land and commonly called, the Academy Place. Said lands will be sold with lmDroyements thereon; to satisfy a fi. fa. issued 52? • 1 r bupenor C- urt returnable to Mav Term. jfWVWjf E- C. QrannUs vs. Thomas N- Mims. A M. Lockett. Administrator, J W. Kendrick. Ad ministrator. jaMes martin. She octo-td Sheriff. B IB S POSTPONED SHERIFF’S SALE.-Will be sold before the Court-house door, in the city of Macon, between the legal hours nfs.ile, on thelst Tues day m November next, 1869. the f Glowing described property, to wit: The Plantationownedaud occupied by Needham Mims, late of Bibb county, deceased, ly ing in the Thirteenth District of oriRinaliy Monroe, uuwBtbb county, bounded on the north by lands of A. if. Baggett and E. Lcsuer. on the esst by lands of Benjamin Howard, on thesouth by lands of S B. Hun ter, and on tho west by lands of sail Hunter and oth ers, containing about eight hundred (800) acres, more or less. Levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a fi. fa. returnable to Bibb Superior Conrt May Term, 1862, in favor of J. B. AIW/A. Ross vs. Necdara Mims. , , JAMES MARTIN, MHI Sheriff, BIBB COUNTY. JASPER COUNTY. [tOROlA, MARION COU-NTY.-Wffereas. Po:r* Administrator do bonis n«in. etc., of n B Ihspf«ru. dee'd-g has applied for Joafo to titbtUad of raid de^OAsed. W Pisans interested »«re notified to file ’heir f»b- to the mw© within the time » r© crlbcd. my band* {September la, 18-i9. „ v JAMES M. LOWE. “('--•'’Oil Ordiaarr- BOOZiV COUNTY. lIORlalA, DOOLY COUNTY.—Whereas, Simeon ‘ if J,*i || r. administrator on the estate of Bay 's a. Calboan. applies to me for letters of dismis- o tom Mid estate: »re therefore to cite and admonish ail con us lobe and appear at my office on or before the XNomiuin December next, to show cause, if any Jbsre. ah-said letters should not l>e granted, !»« order my hand and official signature, this 28th 5' 1»». WM. H. DAVIES, ••‘••Ma Ordinary. lOTICE.—Sixty day* after date, application will '****«• to the Court of Ordinary of Dooly utj fot Itsve to soil tho lots of land Nos. 21 and *•« north half of lot No. 20. in th o 13 th d istrict of *i*5?ty.eontainlng fivo hnnired acres, more or aNHOfUg to the minor heirs of James Chastain. JOHN F. POWELL. Guardian. i^RGIA. DOOLY COUNTY.—Whereas, Robert :A u x. administrator of Aaron Cox. applies to lb*letters of dismi.—ion from said estate: “•exit therefore to cite and admonish nil con- •-nto be and appear at my office on or before the saoiSiy , D December next, to show cause, if any o» ,T x‘ Wlid letters should not be granted, ^fiwrtuy hand and official signature, this 28th WM. II. DAV/ES. "'*wn Ordinary. i^ROiA. DOOLY COUNTY.—By virtue of an i^ee from the Ordinair of Dooly county, Ga., LbeforethoCourt-housedoor in S'arksvillc, ■''-“•y. on the first Tuesday in December next, the lawful hour3 of sale, the following prop- Ovff W,t: Lots of Land Nos. 21 and 22. and north • “■""tNo. 20 in tho Thirteenth District of said ■">uatj, known as having been tbe Staley Place. !5j*.**Property belonging to ono minor and two of James Cha-tain. deceased. Tcrinseash. JOHN F. POWELL. Guardian. ^’PTOF.’S SALE.—Will bo sold before tho ''•anhou-o do >r in tho town ofCanton, Cbe okeo ■y. within tho legal hours of sate, on the first in December next, ono hundred and sixty JfUnd, beingL*t>0.45in thoTwclfth District, J 1 Section of said Cherokeo eoanty. belonging ,?atxte of Hearndon Patterson. late ol said cann- v^i-iMd- Said Lands are valuable. Sold for dis- P-Jot. Terms caih. SAMUEL T. BRAGG, „ H. H- Patterson. Executors pUCE TO DEBTORS AND CKEDITORS.-A11 . Mrstrtu having demands against the cstnte of 2*,? Wood, deceased, are hereby notified to 1 '*«# in farms of tho law to tho undersigned, U, J w ho are indebted to tho same are requested to immediate payment. >t. ... WM. H.I. WOOD. Administrator. &KJIA, BIBB COUNTY—Pour weeks after Xt?*, ? hereof, application will be made to tho iJ^'.hdinury of said county, for leave to sell all i..:.'. 31 property belonging to the c-.-tate of H. A. --on, late of said county, deceased. It*, JOHN Tltnuf.MAN. AdmV. *Wd T. E. TROUTMAN. Adm’x. ^ISISTRATRIX’S SALE-By virtuoof an or- ' the Court of Ordinary of Twiggs oonn- biuit °u tho first Tnesday in December Court Honse door in Irwinton.Wilkin- :ii,5^7- Georgia, during tho legal hours of sale, °f lead, moro or less, situated near Gordon; ijijir^tbe Graves place. a-:,l adjoins tho Jan.! - ?Jltehurst, II. llridgcrs. F. Newby, and air'i 11 ? “dongs to tbe citato of John bitzpatrick, K i *•'**» county, deceased. The lsnd will be ,n until lots. Sold for distribution. Terms m.,., ELIZABETH G. FITZPATRICK. *L ; Administratrix. 1 hfcH. lA ’ TWTQGS COUNTY.—All persons hav- -i-ir. L against J. H. Meadows, late uftaid Wri»TS****S or ® herebv notified to present them. .-reouirt PAUL MEADOWS. — Executor. —Will besold in the town of '- as t°o county, tho 1st Tuesday in No- r e^rP". 6 and Lot in the town of Fort °'f sabt t Din ® & hout four acres: knows in the Hi i4,e M. 0WU “• No ' h Block Dl Also, in I./,,.;.vi n on the tame day, one lot B IBB SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold before toe Coaft-nong© door, in the city of Macon, be tween th© legal hour* of gale, on th© l»t Tuesday in November next, '69, the followincr described property, to-wit* Tbe Southwest half of lot No. 5, in Square Thirty-six (36.) fronting one hundred and five feet on Fifth street and running back the same distance, kevicd on by virtue of and to satiefy a fi. fa. in favor of Carhart .v Curd vs Freeman k English. Said property to bo sold at the risk of a rureba er at a former sale. JAMES MARTIN, oct5-td Sheriff. ■ f,,r . i '’“Jt iuo Bttuic tlar, on© lOl > Xtt'A acr««—more or l»*s—No. 54. Houston connty, now 1 tl asthnpropcrty ol Henry Brown. • tor a ainsion. Tertn« ca«h. AlUi _ . WM R. BROWN. Executor of Henry Brown, dcc’d. BIBB COUNTY.-AU crinoT-rTLT "RIBS SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold before the JLP Court-house dijor, in the city of Macon, between thelegal hours off ale. on thelst Tuesday in Novom- ber next, 1869. the fdlowi'g described properly, to- wit;: The undivided two-fifthx’ intere«tof T. J. A J. AV. Woolfolk in part of lot No. 1, Square 19, (known as Grier k Mastcreon’s livery stables.) Also, four acros of land, more or less, with improvements there on-lying on the east side of tho Ocmulgee River and known as Fort Hill (or Fort Hawkins;) said improve ments consist of one large brick dwelling and out houses—as the property of J. W. Woolfolk. Levied on by virtue of and to sntisfy a fi. fa. issued from Bibb Snrerior Court, returnable to M >y Term, 1867. in favor of Daniel F. Gunn, Guardian, vs. Thomas J. Wool- folk, James n. Woolfolk, and Jehu W. Woolfolk. se curity. . , JAMES MARTIN, oet5-td , Sheriff. T>IBB POSTPONED SHERIFF’S SALE-Will be X> sold before the Court-house doer, in the city of Maoon, between thelegal hours of sale, on tho 1st Tuesday in November, RFB. the following described property, to-wit: Part of lot No 2. Square 23. front mg on Cherry street, containing about ono third of an acre, more or less. Levied on by virtue > f and to sat isfy a fi. fa. issued from Bibb Superior Court, return- ableto May Term, 1869, in favor of MeCallio A Jones v*. Emanuel Isaacs. Property pointed out by plain tiff’s atterney. „ . JAMES MARTIN. oct7-td Sheriff. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, tbo estate of T. R. Bloom, late of said county, deceased, is unrepresented: notice is hc r eby given requiring all 6 arties interested to bo and apjear at the Court of rdir.aty on tho first. Monday to November next, and show cause, if any they have, why Letters of Admin istration de bonis non should not be granted to A. B. Ross, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Given under my hand officially. 0. T. WARD. oct5-S0d Ordinary. EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Four weeks after VJT date, application will be made to the Conrt of Ordinary for leave to sell the real property belonging to the estate of Margaret Groce. late of said county, deceased. H. F. WILBURN. oct6-n4t Executor. A DMINISTRATKIX’S SALE.—By virtue of en i A BMINISTRITOR’S SALK.-Will be sold before •i-O- order from the Court of Ordinary ot-Bibb coun- TJL the Court-House door, in the town of Monticelto ty, will be sold on tho firstTuesday in Decembe'next, i Jasper county, or the first Tuesday in December next, between the usual h iurs of sale, before the Court- j within tbe usual hours of sale, one tract of land-the House (City Hall) door, the_ f.illowiog property, be- - property of the estate of John fi. Kinard, late of said longing to the estate of Amio Sherwood, late of sa'd J county, deceased—lying and being in said county of county, deceased, lots Nos. I and 2. and mrt of lots . Jasper, adjoining the lands of Job Tyler. Augasftu Nos. 3 and 4,' in block 19. (Nos. 2,3 and 4 h»»e small . W, Lriio. Abner C. Doxier, and others, the whole tract cottage houses on them.) Also, lot No. 1, Square 92. containing five hundred and eighteen acres, more or fronting on Arch and Second strests. Also.lot No. 4, less; one-half of which is set apart and assigned as Square 76, corner of Oak and Second streets. Terms dower to the widow. The whole ofeaid tract to be cas “. M. J. SHERWOOD. sold, including the widow’s dower. Sold for distribu- oel23 wot) . Administratrix. tion among the distributees of said estate. Term* —— : — — — . cash,. JAMES M. WILLIAMS. A DMINISTKATOR’3 SALE.—By virtue of an or- I oct’.0-td) Adm’r. -/-k- dor from the Court o! Ordinary of Bibh county. ‘.L_ * will besold on tbe first Tuesday in December next, A BALE.—Wdl * 3 ?w" ^,| >e ^ ) , re bifore tbe Court-House (City Mall) door, tbe follow {* the Court House door, in the townofMontieello. ing property, belonging to the estate of John P. £f;i? r ^ uutJ ’^ th ® fir V T ^ e3aa3 ' 1 ? D . t ?^?iV; r j ^ Lamar, fate of gaid county, deceased: within the usual h jure of sale t> one tract of land, the , All that tract of land lying in Pulaski counfy. and ‘ ,r £? erty ? ftke es,at S °, f ?»nci» M- Kinard late of known aolotii No. 244. 267,and oue-half oflot* Nos. ® a >d emintv, (Jccm-ed. lying xnd being in said oounty 213 and 268. the same boirg 590 acres, more or less. "f f ,J |? 3per: "djoimeg the lands of the Bob- and lying in the twentieth district of originally Wil- f r ? Brown, deceased. Georgo Long, and others, eon- kinton now Pulaski b ' 1 taming one hundred and thirty lcres. more or loss. Also, that tract of land lying la the tenth district T< ? b . e ?old 1 f ? r ot S, ayin « th 9 dcbu of the of Houston county, being lots No. 161. and part of lot M ato ' and for distribution. Terms cash,. No.^W2. being309 acres, more or less, all well im- octl2-td) Also, ibattrxctof landlying in the county of Bibb.’ TTt'XE UTOR’S SALE.-Will be sold before tbe and known ae the southeast part of lot N°. 331. of tbe J2l Courf-Honso door, in th. town of Monticello. tmrteentb disuict of originally Houston now Bibb Jasner connty. on the first Tuesday in Deoembernext, county. .t withintheusualhoursofsale.onetractofland.be- Alsq. that tract of land lying north of tbo Forsyth longing to the estate of Jame* H. Montgomery, late raau. in Vfnqville, being38 acres, more or less, and of said county, deceased, lying and being in said divided into building lots. Terms cash. county of Jasper, adjoining the lands of the widow ■ ,... , , . A. B. ROSS, Folds. Wm. R. Cheney. Emery Loyd, the widow Loyd oct-l-4-kl) Administrator de bonis nor. amt others, containing three h"ndr<d acres, more or le s. ^"Iil tor the pumose of paying the deles of said estate, and fit distribution amongst tbe legatees of said estate. Terms cash. WM. S. MONTGOMERY, octl2td) Executor, JAMES M. WILLIAMS, Administrator. /^•EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.— Whereas, the e*- u-l ta eof William Freeman, late of said county, is unrepresented, notice is hereby given requiring all psruos interested to be and appear at the Court o: Ordinary on the first Monday in November next, to show cause, if any they have, why Letters of Admin istration should not be granted to A. P. boss. Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Given under my hand officially. .. c - T - WaPD. octl-30d Ordinary. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE—Will be sold before the Conrt-houso door in tbe town of Monttccllo, Jasper county, on the first Tuesday in December next, within theusnal hours of sale, ono tract of Land be longing to tho estate of Robert Brown, late of said county, deceased, lying and being in said county of Jasper, adjoining tho lands of Michael Kinard, the lands of tho estate of John H. Kinard, deceased ,— — —of Guar- David M. Langston. John W. Burney, and oth- riinnship of the tenron nnd property of Tullula B. ers, containing three hundred and thirty (330) acres. Chapman, minor child of Ambroso Chapman, late of tnoreorlcss. Soldforthepnrposcsofpayingthedcbts said county.dcccased. These are, therefore, to cio of said sstete. and fir distribution amongst the ais- r/ffi*** interested to bo and appear at the Court • tribulere of (said t state. Trims cash. /^.EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Who-eis. William y_A vV. Chapman applies to me for Letters , of Ordinary on the first Monday in November next, to show cause, if aoy they have, why said Letters of Guardianship should not bo granted the applicant. Given under my band officially. „ C. T WARD. octl-30d Ordinary. oetll-td ISAAC LANGSTON, Administrator. G JEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Whereas. the estate « of John Hollingsworth, late of said county, is un- jpEOKGIA JASPER COUNTY.—Wheroi*.Richard U 8. Barrett makes application for Letters of Guar dianship ol the miDpr chitdreu of Nathaniel H. Ramey, dcco ’sed: these a e therefore, to cite and admonish all persons conce ned to show cause, if nny they have, „„„. p n or before tho fir t Monday in.l’ecember next, why represented, notice is hereby given requiring all par- said le ’ ,ers flmnld not issue t > said applicant. tics interested to be and appear at my office on the . in ' i : n un, J er »•? ha dand official siensturs flu* 8th first Mon lay in November next, and show cause, if day °f October. 18:il. M. H. HUTCHISON, K y they have, why Letters of Administra'ion.de octl3-wtd Ordinary, nis non, shonld not issue to A. B. Ross, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Given under my hand officially. C - T - WARD. octl 30d Ordinary. G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas, tho o tate of Mary L. Hurtle, I ri EORGIA, JASPER CO UNTY.-Notice is hereby VX given that Miller W. Pope has applied for exemp tion of personally, and setting apart and valuationof homestead, and 1 will pass upon tho same at 10 o’clock onthrfthdny of November next, at my office at Mon ticello. Given under my hand and official signature is unrepresented, notic’e'u^he^by'gfvt'n 'req'idrfng^li ^^1?'WuTCHISON. Ordinary, parties interested to be and appear at tho Court of Ordinary on the first Monday in November next, and show cause, if any they have, why Letters of Adniin- i«tra'ion de bonis non, should not be granted to A. B. Ross, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Given under my hand officially. , C. T. WARD. octl-3d Ordinary. /I EORGfA, JASPER COUNTY.-AU persons con- VT ccrnc • are hcreby notified that Wiley Peddy has made application tor exemption of petsonalty for his wi*e and children, and I will pass upon the same at Monticello. on tbe 26th day of October, 1869, at my offipo Given under my n’and »nd official signature thisl'th day of ustober. W. H. HUTCHISON, ...on j—Ordinary. oet20 d*\r2t be and appear at tbe Court of Ordinary, on the first Monday in November next, to show 'cause, if any they have, why letters should not be granted the ap plicant. Given under my hand officially. C. T. WARD. octl-30d Ordinary. JONES COUNTY. A DMINISTRATOR’S FALE.-Will bei-oMW.ro the Court-Hoosa door, in the town of Clinton, Jones counry. on the first Tuesday in December next, within thelegal hours of sale, one four aero lot, sit uate in the town of Clinton; said lot has akitcheu and barn on it, a good garden spot, ond some choice fruit trees. Sold ns the property of Robert R. Hutchings, deceased, for division. Terms cash. RICHARD H. HUTCHINGS. oet!5-w40d) Administrator. G eorgia, jones ''ounty-ord naby’s omr* said County x t Chambers. October 15th. 1869.— It appearing to the Conrt that a necessity c'ietg for a gmrdian tone appointed for tho m-nor children of E C Grier, these-re therefore to rite all per-onscon- cemcd to show cause, if a -y they have, at the De cember Term this Court why the guardianship of said children sh»H not be vested in the Clerk of the ruperior Court, or some other competent person of the county. Given under toy band officially, octl-i 30d tt. T. ROSS. Ordinary. f ’iEORGIA—JONES COUNTY.-Ormnary’s Of- • ~ Ftox S»i» Ciic.vty, At Cuaubrrs. September .3.1869.—Wbereaa, Jeremiah Lowe, Executor of Wm. Johnson det-M, applies to this Court for rclearo of raid estate frutu the guardianship of Mary K. John son. mi- or: The u are to cite all persons concern ed to show canse If any they have, at tbe November Term of this Conrt. why the same shall not he granted. Given under my hand officially. It. T. ROSS, Ordinary. teptlS-td GEORGIA—JONFS COUNTY.-Ormnary’s Of- V_T ficz Said County, At Csaubrrs, September 13, 1869.—Wherca-, It appears to tbo Court that .Martha W. Harkins and Thomas J. Dame, minors, having an interest in tho estate of John B. Dame, dco’d-, are wuhont a legal guardian. And i» accord ance with tho law the guardianship of raid minors will be vested in the Clerk of tho Superior Court or some other person, at the November Term next of this Conrt, unless good cause be shown to the con- trary. Given under my hand officioilv. R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. septlS-td A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an order from tbo Court of Oidinary of Ji-ncs Connty. will bo sold on tho first Tuesday in Novem ber. 1869, at the Court-House door in said connty, be tween tho legal hours of sale, five hundred nnd seven teen acres of land, more or less, sitnatein said connty, adjoining the lands of Leroy Singleton. Caswell Had dock, James H. Blonnt and others, and belonging to tho estate of John W. Finney, late of said county, deceased. ... This land is convenient to churches, schools, nnd railroads—its furthest point not two miles from tho sitoselcotcdforadepoton tho Macon and Augusta Railroad. The land will bo sold in two lots; one of these lots containing one hundred and sixty acres is good farm ing land, well timbered and watered, and has one of tho handsomest country residences in Middle Georgia- The other lot of three hundred _and fifty-seven acres is not so well improved, bnt is good farming land and a desirable plantation. ~ Terms cash. Purchasers to pay all charges cf con veyancing. WILLIAM A _ CHAMBERS, Administrator de bonis non estate of sept22-td John W. Finney, dec d. ■VTOTICB FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND.—Notice I v is hereby given, that thirty days after date ap plication will bo made to the Conrt of Ordinary of Jones connty for leave to sell one lot oi land in said county, belonging to tho estate of Thos. W. Stewart, deceased—the remainder of lands of said estate in saideounty. _„„ L JOS. D. STEWART. sept27-w30d Adm’r., etc. A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE.-Will bo sold before the Court-house door in the town of Clinton, Jones county, between the legal hours of sale, on the I-’irstTuesday in December next, three hundred aud fifteen acres of land, more or lea-, simated in Jones court*, near tbo Oemulgeo river, adjoining lands of Joseph Smith. Middlebrooks. Ridley nnd others, very litUn improvement thereon, and has soma good wood land thereon. Sold as tho property of F. M. Adams. deceased, for distribution. oet8-w49d Bash. WILLIAM BROOKS. Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will bo sold before A the Court-house door in the town of Clinton, Jones county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, ono hundred nnd fifty acres of Land, more or less, adjoining lands of Jere miah Lowe, Wm. Denning and others Said Land has pretty fair improvements thereon, is situated one milo from the Central Railroad—has plenty woodlar.d far fenc : ng and other purposes, hold *s tho property of Ephraim Moore, deceased, for distribution. Terms cash. . . octS wJOd BRYANT BALKCOM, Adm’r. Valuable Plantation for Sale. \ 1 TILL be sold beforo theCourt-house door in Clin- VV ton, Joucs county, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Novomber,1869, in accor dance with an order of tbe Court of Ordinary, and agreement of the Legatees, tixteen hundred acres of Land, ir.oro or less, in saideounty, a'joining lands of James M. Gray, James U. Finney. David E. I).»unt and other’, and within three miles of tho Macon and Augusta Railroad, being the plantation and late resi dence of Hearndon Patter-on, deceased. Tbo place is well improved with all necessary buildings ant un der good repair. Will be solddnlots of froml75to (Vsi acres. ■ ’ Terms—One-third cash: the balance on 23th of next December. / 8AMUBLT. BRAGG. oi.; ■^a HENRY H. PATTERSON. octfi-w30d Ts . Executors. EXECUTOR’S [•S SALB-' ■Will be sold.before tho Pi Court-House door, In the town of Jrwmton, Wil kinson county, t>a., on tho first Tue day in November next, the following described lot, vix; One hundred one and a quarter (IGVA) acres, being part of lot No. S3: onebundrod oneandaq'jsrier(101Jf)flcrcs.ban* part of lot No. 83; and forty(40) acres, being part of 1 r.t No. ill—in thethird district of said oounty-con- taining in all two hundred and forty-two and a half Wl't'acres: adjoining lands of Tho? W.Duprec. 0. C. Stokes, and others. Sold for distribution among a portion of the heirs of Joel Butler, deceased, late of ftuid county. Terms cmA.^ Ele cutor, sept!9-w6t ’ | • ’ A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.-Will be sold, at public outcry, before tbe Court-ho ise.doorat Brunswick, Oa., during ibe legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November next, a boa.- o! Land in Glynn c unty, of raid State, containing five thousand five hundred and thirty-one acres, mor _or less. Bald Land is a solid body and the Property of the estate? of Alexander Mitchel and S. Z Colffts. ba-.d Land is about «ix mile? from the city of Hr rwiek, touching Fort Barrington mad on the north remand Mk Milo fiwai p on the southeast, and is bonxded by thelaud? of John Burnet. U. Dart nnd R. Grant, and near the M. 4BR.R. Titles perfect. Terms made known on day of sale. is ■ |M. J. M IT(-HEL. Ex x, soptlS-dlUWtd* S. Sf.•COLLINS. Adm’r. G EOKOrA. JASPER COTTNTY.-Wherens. Berry T. Digby applies for Letters of Administration on tbe estate of Thomas Littlejohn, of laid county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all per sona concerned to show cause, if any they have, on or beforo the first Monday in November next, why said letters sbail not i sue to said applicant. •liven under my hand and official signature this 28: h day of September, 1869 M. n. HUTCHISON, octl-w30d Ordinary. scribed property, to-wit: 180 acres of land, being a part of tho Whitaker pi.ice md a part of the String- fellow place, lying about ono mile from Monttccllo nn the northwest fide of the road leading from Monti- cello to Forsyth, bounded by Greer, Loftin and others, levied on to satisfy two fi. f?s. issued from tne County Court in favor of John D. Butt* and brothers, vs. Wm. F. Jordan. B.T. DIGBY, oet8-td Deputy Sheriff. QUXTA&AN COUNTY. G B 'RGIA, BIBB COUNTY.-Whereas. aiiddleton Johnson has applied ro me for Lettersof Admin istration on tho estate of Usury Johnson, late of said county, deceased: All persons interested are required to be and appear at tho Conrt of Ordinary on the first Monday in November next, to show cause, if any they have, why letters shonld not be granted the appli cant. Given under my hand officially. C. T. WARD. oct3-w30d Ordinary. G eorgia, bibb county.— wberea*. c F. Stubbs, Administrator on th ’ o't.ite of H. A.Ful- ler, deceased, applies tome for Letters of Dismission. These nro there! re to cite and admonish all and sin gular. the kindred aud creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office on tho first Monday in January next, to show cause, if any they have, why Letters should not be granted theapplicant. Given under my hand officially. C. T. WARD, oct3-w3m Ordinary. G FORGIA. BIBB COUNTY. — Whereas. John Campbell ha* a plied to mo for Letters of Ad ministration do bonis non. on the estato of Domioio Q uitman sheriff’s sale.—Will bo soia be fore the Conrt-houso door in Georgetown, in said ounty, on the 1st Tuesday in October next, between the legal hours of sale, tho following property, to-wit: One House nnd Lot in the Town of Georgetown in said county, known os tbe old store of Johu N. Wobb, it being Lot No. 1, in tho plan of said town. Levied on to satisfy sundry fi. f»*. from the Superior Court of said county—Carhart k Brother vs. John N. Webb, indorser. Also. Lot? of Land No 581 and such parts of Lots Nos. 280,265 and 248 as make up tho settlement of P. N. Causey, consisting of402 acres, more or les». lying in the Eight District of said county. Levied on to satisfy sundry fi. fas. from the Superior Court of said county—James Thompson and others, vs. said P. N, Causey Also, north half of Lot of Land of No. 124, in the Twenty first District of said county. Levied on as the property of Aloxander Goodwin to satisfy a fi. fa. from a Justice Yourt of said county—L.-L. Tilley vs. Alex ander Goodwin. Levy made and returned to me by Constable. . , , Also, Lot ofLand’No. 258, in the Eighth District of said county (except ten acres in N. E corner of said Lot.) Levied on to satisfy a fi. ft rom the Superior Court of said count?—Wm. a. uwsoavs. James C. Christian, guarnashee. Also, Fractional Lots composed of fifty acres o cb. Nos 61 and 62, in the Eighth District of saideounty, and whereon James Ray now lives to satisfy a fi. fa from tho Snperior Court of said county— Zachariah Critic, late of said county, deceased, all persons inter- Gay vs. James Ray. Property pdnted ontbyplaln- ested are required to be and appear at tho Court of tifi s attorney. >VTM. RBOWN, Ordinary of said connty on tbe first Monday in No- oct6-td i ; horir7 vember next, and show canse. if any they have, why letters should not be granted theapplicant Given under my hand officially. C.T. WARD. oc!3-w30d Ordinary. E XECUTOR’S SALE.—vtrtno of an order from tho Court of Ordinary ot Bibb county, will be sold on tbe 1st Tuesday in Novembernext,duriogtbelegal hour- of sale, at the City Hall, (Court bouse.) the fol lowing Land?, vix: Lou No. 215 and 196 each con taining 202)5 acres. Also, part of Lot No. 214, contain ing 195 acres, more orless. Also, part of Lot No. 19S. containing 75 acres, more or less. Also, part Mf Lot No. 197, containing 60 acres, moro or Ie?s. Also. Lot No 16t. 202)5 ceres. All lying in tbe Fourth District of originally Houston now Bibb connty. The privi leges ot tbeTollGntesituatedonsaid property, will be sold at the same time. Terms cash. C.M. WILEY, Executor, sept21-td A. G. WILEY, Executrix. Q uitman mortgage sales.—wm be sold be foro the Court-house door in the town of George town in said county, on tho 1st Tuesday in December next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Lots of Land No. 170 and 186, in the Twenty firstDi3trict of said county. Levied'onastho properry of Charles L. Mathews, to satisfy o mortgage fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county— Thomas W. Sanders and Burly Varner. Administrator, vs. Charles L. Mathews. Property pointed out insaid mortgage fi. fa. WM. J. BROWN, oct6-w30d Sheriff. G eorgia, quitman coUNTY.-Thomas J. Methoin. AdmiHistrator of Daniel B. Methoin. represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed, that he has fully administered Daniel B. Methoin’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not bedi-chsrgcd, and receive Letters of Dismission on the first Monday -in January, 1870. W. P. JORDAN. oct3-3m*Ordinary. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an or der from tho Oidinary of Bartow eoanty. will be gold, on the 1st Tuesday in November next, beforo the Court-house door in Cartersville, Ga.. within the legal hours of sale, the Plantation formerly occupied by Dr. Robert H. Patton, situated in OLD CASS COUNTY, on the Western and Atlantic Railroad, ■ j- two miles west of CASS STATION. This is oneoi CAlvDIAN’S SALE.—By virtue of nn order from the best upland Plantations in tho county—contains V the Court ol Ordinary of Bibb county, will be about three hundred and fifty acres, two hundred of sold ?a the first Tuesday in Nove-.-ber next, daring which ore cleared. The soil is good, the location is E XECUTOR’S SALE.—By virtuo of nn order from the Court of O'dinary of Bil>b county, will be sold on tho first Tuesday in November next, during Hi* legal hours of sale, at the Citv Hull. (Conrt- House,) a portion of two lots of land Nos. 197 and 198, lying on tbo west side of tho branch, known as the Collins branch, tho whole containing 250 acres, more or less—lying and being in the fourth district of orig inally Houston now Bibb connty. Sold ns tho prop erty of Georgo Mcatb. dre’d., late of said county. PATRICK KERWIN. Executor. MPt2t-td thelegal hours of sale, at the City Hall. (Court- House) throe lota Nos. 3,4 and fi. in Square 94. front ing on Arch street, and running through to Oak street: containing ? A acre, moro or less, with three dwelling bouses on tho fame. The property of Arthur B., Willie and Frank W. Pruddrn. AMELIA H. PRUDDEN. sept21-td Guardian. healthy, within two miles of two post offices and threo churches, and in tho midst of good neighbors. On tbo . place is a comfortnblo frame Dwelling containing nine rooms; also. Kitchen, Servant’s House, Cribs, Stables, etc. i The undersigned being authorized by the heirs to • sell the above property at PP.lVAlE SALE, can be inquired of at ATLANTA, forprice. etc- ——~—— —— ; Thn premises will be shown to parties desiringto A DMINISTRATOR S SALE—By virtue of an purchase, by William B- Patton, who is residing on order from the Court of Ordinary of Bibb coun- i the same. JULIUS M. PATTOw, ty, will ba sold on the first Tuesday in November j Adm’r of Rob’t n. Patton, Cum testamento annixo. next, during the legal hours of sale, at the City Hall, i septl6-d 1 awArw3t* ; (Court-House) all that tract or parcel of land, ly'ng ■ In tbe fourth dlitrictof originally Honstonnow Bibb connty, kniwn as lots Nos.23Uand 231, being 400 acres, m»ro or less- Also, par*, of Jot 203, in the samo dis trict. being fifty acres, more orless. Also, all theper- tonal property ofeverv description. SoM as tho property of Luther R. Johnron.^de^d.^ Terms cash. septZl-td Administrator, E XECUTOR’S SALE.—By virtue of nn order from ■ the Court of Ordinary of Bibb county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, during thelegal hours of sale, at tho City Pall, (Court- Hnufo) two lota of land Nos. 136 and 169. containing 202)5acres each; and part of lot 137, containing 72 seres: all of said land lying and being in the fourth the conti personal property of every description, st.ue from day to day. on the Plantation, Sale until all G EORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-Thirty days ofterthe ■ ' date hereof, application will bo made to the Court of Ordinary of the county of Bibb for leave to sell the real and personal property belonging to the estate of Mathew B. Peters, late of said county, de ceased. - B. F BEST, oct2-30d Guardian and Administrator. Bill in Equity. GEORGE M. T.OG.AN, Surviving Partner, etc., WILLIAM p!' MASON. Administrator of W. J, Tooke, decerned, at «!■ Bill, etc., in Equity. dist-i;t of originally Houston nowBibb connty.__ Also, AY ADJOURNED TERM, _1869,_ BIBB SUPE- RIOR COURT.—It appearing that there is a fund in tho hands of R. S. Lanier, the Receiver an- coniuiUG iroin uay 10 uoji on i muiniuiu, uci.it uu • iuuu hi mo uuuus ui tj. jjauioii mo i»coci»ci ui<* issotil. Sold as tnc property of Travis Unff. deceased. : pointed in the above case, held for distribution, utider W. A. IK) FF, j an order of this Court, among the creditors of WM- J. sept2l-td E XECUTOR’S SALE.—Gsoboia, Bibb Cousty.— ■ By virtue of an order from tho Court of Ordinary of said county, will bo sold beforo tho Conrt-houso door of said eoanty, on tbe 1st Tuesday in November next, during tho legal hours of sals, tho Plantation belonging to the Estate of Judge Abner P. Powers, deceased, situated in tho Second District of Dousher- tv county. Georgia, consisting of Lots Nos. 176, 177, 183,184, 1S5. 217 and 218, nnd containing seventeen hundred and fifty (1750) acre?: A! oat the same timo Also, wilt be sold before tbe Conrt-hon3* door in the county of Dougherty, on thelst Tuesday in Novem ber next, during the legal hours ofs le, all tho Stock of every description — Wagons, Farming Utensilr, Corn. Fodder. Cotton Seed, 1 Cotton Gin. and all the other personal property of every description upon the above described Plantation. . . Abo. nt same timo and place, two City Lot* in tho city of Albany, Georgia, belonging to s ltd Estate. > All the above described property sold for the pay ment of the debts of said Fstalo nnd for distribution. Terms cash. JOHN P, MANLKY, sepfcj-w40J Executor. TUOICB, deceased, according to tho priorities estab lished by law. it is ordered by tho Court that all par ties concerned file their claims and mako themselves parties to tbo above bill, by or before the first day of the next term of thi3 Court: and that said bill be set down for a hearing and distribution of said fund, on Saturday of tbo first week of said term. It is further ordered that a copy of this order bo published dace in the daily Journal k Messenger, and daily -Macon TiiLEGBtFii, thirty days before said term, and nncca week for four weeks in tbe weekly issne? of said newspapers. LANIER & ANDERSON, Complainants’ Solicitors. A true extract from tho minutes of Bibb Superior Court. , A. B. ROSS, September 2Sth, 1S69- Denutv Clerk. sept29 dltw4t $26.00 TH E $26.00 BUCK-EYE SEWING . *•»... -i-.h rift ».*;•£• «-i *!».<| MT'-.tLj’eiUnicTMI.-rn’izl HAS WOHX DiatntCT ADVASTAOXa OVER ALL OTHER SEWING MACHINES EVER ;- /’i' - MADE. VP " V •« j I T IS the simplest Shuttle Machine made. ’ It has less wearing parts, j,. v »t — *| It hag no grooved cams, ball joints, or compound nnr< jtytSTif Jr,;-*: J . It is better adapted to a large Trange of work, with out change, than any other machine in existence, j It has less pieces of machinery than any other machine. It is less liable to break needles than any other machine. ' It? shuttle will wear longer than that of any other marhine.-aod lastly. It has the best feeding device which will never weir ont, get out of order, break needles, feed unevenly, slip on starched cloth or pucker tbe seem, or vary the size of its sti'che* as all other feeds will do. Another very important fact must not be lost sight of: THE STITCH MADE UPON THIS MACHINE IS ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES OF THE CLOTH. IT WILL Hem, Fell, Tuck, Cord, Bind, Braid QATBZIH! E VER Y. MA CHINE WARRANTED FOR THREE YEARS. 0F“ Eaeh machine is furnished with a full set of needles, one shuttle, clamp, screw-driver, oil-can. wrench, hammer, printed directions and is threaded for immediate ubo. ••Sf Every lady who has examined these machines, and seen the work they exeente, pronounce them by far the best they have ever teen. They will be cheerfully exhibited to any who call at No. 66 Mulberry street, where they are in constant operation. The public are invited to call and examino them. ' • aug26-w.7m MURFEE’S Soil Pulverizer and Deep Tillage PLO W, Patented as Sub-Soil Plow* PRICELIST: Oce-IInme Plow (with one extra point) .16 00 Extra Pol*. ts for same. each.... 40 Two-Horse Plow (with ono extra point) 9 ft) Extra Points for same, each 60 A liberal discount is allowed to the trade. Mer chants buying will sell at price list, with freight added. Porsons wishing to purchase the Viowswill forward their orders, accompanied by tho cash, in drafts or post office money orders, to Messrs. PALMER Sc T*'KPIN, 1526 Main Street, Kichmonu, Va. For further information, address J. W. MURFEE, Patentee, Havana, Hale county, Alabama. Or E. U. MURFEE. Agent for Georgia and South Carolina, Atlanta, Ga. Mttt-wlm ■.^. smugs’ THE SYMPTOMS OF LIVER j Complaint are uneasiness and pain in the side. Sometimes the I pain is in tho shoulder, and is iuis'aken tor rheumatism. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness, bowels in general costive, sometimes alternative with lax. The head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, con siderable loss of memory: accompanied with painful sensation of having left undone something which ouch* t» bare been done. Often complaining of weak ness, debility and low spirits.— Sometimes some of tho above symptoms attend tho di-ease, and at other times few of them: but the Liver is gent rally the organ most involved. Cure the Liver with Simmons’ Regulator, and all will he well. • • *| DR. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR, A REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES CAUSED H BY A DEKANGED STATE OF THE LIVER. Dyspepsia, Headache. Jaundico. Ciistiveness, Sick llcad-achcf Chronic Diarrhcua, Affections o’ _ the Bladder, Camp Dysentery, ■PHIR .m mo kidneys. Fever, Nervousness, Chilis, Di-eases of t'ae Skin, Impurity of the Blood, Melan choly, or Depression of Spirits, Heartburn. Colic, o: Pains in the Bowels. Pain in tho Head, Fever am. Ague, Dropsy, Boils, Pain in the Back and Limbs. Asthma. Erysipelas, Female Affections, and Bilious Diseases generally. J. H. ZKILIN k CO.. Druzsists. Macon, Georgia.^ Fmrifte by all druggists. Price $1 per package. By mail SI 25. A preparation of roots ar.d herbs, warranted to bo strictly vegetable, and can do no injury to any one. It has been used by hundreds, and known for the last twenty-fi<o years ns oho of the most reliable, efficacious and harmless preparations ever offered to tho suffering. If t ken regularly and persistently, it is sure to effect a cure. The following highly respectable persons can folly attest to the virtues of this valuable medicine, and to whom we most respectfully refer: Gen \V. S. Holt. President S. W. R. R. Company : Rev. J. R. Folder, Perry, Ga.: Col. E. K. Sparks, Al bany, Ga.: 5V. J. AlcElroy. Esq.. Macon, Ga,: George J Lunsford, Esq.. Conductor S. W. K. R.; C. Mastcr- .-on. Esq., Sheriff Bibb county; J. A. Butts, Bajn- bridge, Ga.: N. Binswanger, Esq.. Macon, Ga.; Dykes a r J. perintendent S. _ . ■ Station. M. & B. R. R., Twiggs co.. Ga.: Grenville Wood, Wood's Factory, Macon, Ga.; Kev. B. F Easterling. P. E. Florida Conference: Major A. F. Wooley, Kingston, Ga. apr2-wtf WANTED. A S FARMER, of twenty-five years’ experience in cotton planting and raising in Middle Georgia, (fifteen years of tbe time overseeing large planta tions.) desires a situation in Southwestern Georgia. Any rcfcrcncede-ired in Middle Georgia can begiven. For further particulars, address V. A. CREECH, oct!7-w5t*) i Bartow. No. 11. C. R. R„ Ga. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH PORTABLE GRIST MILLS. CORN UK&L, WHEAT FLOURING AND Stock Feed, Bolting Apparatus) .9mutters and Mill Work Generally. Our Mills are built from choice Bar Blocks, selected at the Quar ries in France by Isaao Ftraub himself. Seed for Descriptive Pamphlet containing treatise on Milling, sent by mail free. Address ISAAC STRAUB A CO., Cor- Front and John sts., Cincinnati, 0. sept!7-w6m G EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—'Whereas, applica tion has been made to mote open a public Road, beginning at a point on the Perry road about four deceased! Thomas M. Faurbrougb, deceased, Henry J I.ximr.Xhadeus G.Hrdt, James W. Knott. Henry M. Bailey, Richard F. Woolfolk. J. H. R. Washing ton d'ceased, Samuel P. Bailey. Asa Earnest. James Hail J— Virgin, aud Warren B. Riley, entering tha Forsyth road at or Mgr the.Laboratory. Hav-ing ap pointed Commissioners as directed bylaw, and they having re-ommtnded the opening of said Road, no tice is hereby given, requiring nil parties interested to be and appear at my.officc on or before |fte 23d day of October next, to show cause, lfany they have, why said Road should not neonenedr 1 ' Given under my hand ofiieiajly^.- n .i sept23-w30d . C. T. WARD. Ordinary. SATJLSBTJEY, OHERRY & BLASINGAME WA2133KCOTJB23 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MACON,: GA., tAt the FIxe-proof Warehouse formerly occupied by Adams, Jones & Reynolds.) L IBERAL advances made on Cotton in storo or upon tho growing crop. Assistance Tendered in ■ — Orders strickly observed Agents for pure prepared Raw Bone and Bono Snoerphosphato. J augl8-w3m DR0MG00LE & CO.’S ENGLhD FEMALE BITTERS Cures married and single females. Cures old chronic femalecomplaints. Curts irregular uterine action*. • ■ Cures all di-eases peculiar to femaJes. Cures because Doctors indorse it. : '' Cures cases ol ten > ear*’standing. Cures because prepared by Physicians. Cures after everything else fails. " ikly.i A. i cafh! before the"Conrt-Hotise door! in the eity of j' Cures young chlorotic.guts. on on the first Tuesday in November cext.with-; Cures old bystenc and nervous females. Macon, on tho first Tuesday u ransiw in the legal hours of sale, fourthousand acre* of land.. . more orless, well-known as the Carter or Heard ; lands. Also. 109 acres, more or less, lying m Eehe- connee swamp. All situated in'the third district of , originally Houston now Bibb county—belonging to . iLft t.»ft rvf 4? r«nn YViller ll Aflen—nua: her Dot the estate of Green Wilder, deceased—nun ber not recollected—adjoining the lands of Taylor Burkett and others. C. aI tHARPE, Adm’r! ■ ., eeptlS-wlOd* of Green Wilder, dec’d. Cures palpitation and melancholy. Cures all monthly pains and suffering. Cures by arousing and restoring to health. Cures pains in the head, side and back. Cures cold feet and baud*. Cures Editors’»nd Doctors’wives. .. . Cures Farmers’ and Merchants’ wives. CuresataverysmaUprice^^^^L* ; • fwt , *. atMaoon, sell it. • . , J \u. a mm. Wotico to Physicians, Brag-gists and Che Public Generally: W B. tho undersigned, practicing physicians in the city of Columbus, Ga., beingfolly advised of tho superior excellence of “Epping s Compound Fluid Extract of Buchu.” now being manufactured and of fered to the public by Messrs. L. Pierce k Co., take great pleasure in certifying to all of our profession— nnd to all druggist and all persons who may need an Extract Buchu—that this Extract is by far the best article ever used ; so much so tbit ire give it great prominence in all those diseases in tho treatment of which Bucbn is useful. . ■' . „ _ John K. Bacon. M. D., T. W. Grimes, M. D.. J. A. Billing, M. D„ Wm. K Schley, M.D., E. J. Colzey, U. D„ T. J. Wood. M. D-, Elisha J. Kuksocy.M. D. , <Columbus, Ga., April 20,1S69. Wholesale Agency at L. W. HUNT k CO’S, sep2-w3m 82 and 84 Cherr yst., Macon, Ga ENCOURAGE HOME PRODUCTIONS. A MOST DELIGHTFUL TONIC. . . ."A MOST DELIGHTFUL TONIO. A MOST DELIGHTFUL TONIO. OLD OiKOLIM BITTERS, - A SOUTHERN PREPARATION, VALUABLE AND RELIABLE, 17QUAL if notgnporiorto any B'ttersin the market, 111 and nt a much less price. Cures Dyspepsia. Loss of Appetite. Chills and Fever, and is, without doubt, tho best Tonic Bitters in use. GOODRICH, WINEMAN A CO., Manufacturers and Proprietors, and Direct Importers ol Choice Drugs and Chemicals. Charleston, tS. 0. For sale by • 1 jullll-wGai V- .&EO. PAYNE. Aud P.H. WRIGHT. >«!.• - <• *.*i'' Druggist?. ‘-FORTUNES I N tha boundless Rest and Sunny South. .It speiks to the young man of a home and fortune, and tells •him why. where and how to seek It; it tall? the cap italist where to invest; the laborer, to find good wages; the farmer, the best lands; the merchant, the manufacturer, the professional nunand the mechanic of the great chances open to them: it tells every body just what they ought to know, about the vast re sources and wonderful progress in. every part of this f reat ,'ountry. New, fresh, Interesting and popular. 'or fu’l description, terms to Agents-ete., tend for circular. PEOPLK8 PUBLISHING CO.. july23-w3zu* 614 Arch *U Philadelphia. Fa. B. A. WISE & • ■ - t rS' mk a EVERT COTTON PLANTER SHOULD HAVE A COTTON PLANTf AND HERE IT IS B. A. WISE & CO., Keep them constantly on hand, of all sizes. Also the all IR0\ WITCH, <lUEEi\ OF IHE SOBTI, DELTA, GOOD SAMARITAN, AND OTHER NOTED FAVORITES. ' ' ' ■ i . • FOR FIFTEEN DOLLARS they will put you up a STOVE, handsomely furnished,'and warranted to cook well. For ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS you can take your choice among four hundred, and the? will fill your wagon with Furniture to fit. A good assortment of Grates* ox-Stoves and Parlor Stoves* • . , . . -'.v. ,• ' . , .? .. / t Zi , ’ - (For Wood or Coal.) A large Stock of HOUSE - FURNISHING GOODS Always on hand. OS' Order solicited and promptly filled. TERMS CASH i.: - ' THE GREAT •3 ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN, ?/ uu -AND- CONQUEROR OF DISEASES, W HO HAS VISITED ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES IN THE NORTHERN. SOUTHERN, EAST ERN. and WESiERN STATES, and met with such UNPARALLELED SUCCESS in the treatment of all diseases, but more especially those of a CHRONIC NATURE, or of long standing, and wbieh have baffled the skill of all other physicians, will (Providence permitting) PROFESSIONALLY VISIT MACON, GA., And occupy a suit of room? at the SPOIIS WOOD (lately Bjiugtoa's) HOTEL, from THURSDAY MORNING, Nov. IStli, to TUESDAY NIGHT, Not. 23d, 1869. DR. PORTER will also visit the following places: SAVANNAH, GA., Marshall House, from Thursday Morning. October 14th, to Wednesday Noon, Oc- ^MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., at the Hotel, from Thursday Morning, October 2ith, to Monday Morning, NoTomher Rt. KATONTON, GA., at the Hotel, Tuesday Morning, November 3d, to Monday Noon, November 8th. FORSYTU. GA., at the Hotel, from Tuesday Noon. November 9th, to Thursday Night, November 11th. B ARNES VILLE, GA., at the Hotel, from Friday Morning, November 12th, to Monday Night, Novem- GKIFFIN, GA, at tho Hotel, from Tuesday Morning. November I6:h, to Wednesday Night, November 17th. FORT VALLEY, GA„ at tho Hotel, Wedneidsy Motaing, November 24th, to Friday Noon, November AMERICUS, GA., at the Barlow House, from Saturday Morning, November 27th, to Monday Night, November 29th. DAWSON, GA., at the Hotel, from Tuesday Morning-, November 30:h, to Thursday Night. Decimber 2d. CUTHBERT, GA., at the Hotel, from Friday MorniDY. December 3d, toSufcd.av Night, December .5th, FORT GAINES, GA., at the Hotel, from Monday Morning, December 6±, to Wednesday Night, Decem ber Sih. " EUFAULA, ALA., at the Eufaala House, from Friday Morning. December 10th, to Tuesday Noon, De* GO hUMBITS, GA., at the Kentucky House, from Wednesday Morning, Decomber 15th, bo Monday Noon, December 20th. MONTGOMERY, ALA., at the Hotel, from Tuesday Morning, De:ember 2lst f to Monday Night, Decern* ber27th. * , \ - j ^ ? The Doctor treats all direases. in their various forms and stages, without the use of CALOMEL or MER CURY in any form. Strychnine, Quinine, Arsenic, or any poisonous substance whatever: his remedies being compounded by himself, ond composed entirety of ROOTS. HERBS, BARKS, SEEDS, etc., purelyvegeta- ble and highly electrical—reincdie* that do not weaken or debilitate the system in the least, but strengthen, vitalize, and invigorate: neither do they prevent the patient from attending to his Or her every-day busi ness. Particular attention paid to . ..v • DISEASES OF T1 FIE III) EAR! The Dootor has visited many of the cities two; three, and four times over, anil has successfully treated more than 120) persons in the States of Georgia and Alabama alone, and moro than 2500,'if wo include Ken tucky and Tennessee, and more than 37tOinclu 'ing North and South Carolina—very many of whom were pronounced incurable by their attending physioian', and given up to (lie—bnt who to-day, thar.k God, are Still in the land of the liviatr, and in tho enjoyment of perfect healta, pursuing their usual .vocations. The Dootor does not make there stateme: ts because he considtrs himself moro skillful than thee* other physicians, but simply because he sincerely believes th-.ttha remedies which he employs will prove much more efficacious, and are more completely adapted to tho treatment ofdiscises, especially those of aCHRON- IC NATURE. — I AFFLICTED, READ CAREFULLY! SfeMR v -V w, V. Consider seriously and unprqjmdicially, and act immediately. Call at once at hit.rooms, o> the Doctor charges nothing for consultation and advice. .. r ... The Doctor furnishes all the necessary remedies at once to remove the oomplaint thoroughly and perma nently, at a very reasonable price. ‘ > - ’ The Doctor, if he can cure you, or even benefit you, will tell you so; but tl be oaasot, be will as inform you, and will not take your case in band- , • . .... . ..... Patients visited at their own houses from 51" 6 p. « . if Ibe Doctor is net otherwiw Wgatfod. • - Office hours from 7 o’clock ia the morning to9o’elook in tbe evening; on 8uviayt, from 8 to 12- tt tbe morning,and from 2to 6 in the afternoon. - . *9. For farther information, see Circulars, with a large number of re commendations, dit dwelling houses throughout this city and vicinity, and which also can be obtained at his l ccU5-dlaw*w4t • . »• < ’ - ■