Weekly Georgia telegraph. (Macon [Ga.]) 1858-1869, November 05, 1869, Image 7

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p m Wf AlofegM'; mi Ha ^ I .HOARDS J5H r 3jl T 7\,]e to find readj-ma«fc fortunes for them lS?0 rhev scorned the huohlo and useful work li ,‘njMtion, which is tie basis of permanent ritr Thev had pjither skill nor patience r £icStnrfi! opemtfns, nor for mining, nor while tbJ Indians, whom they had i*P' worked ir mining for their enrich- ilmnqro artnally marched over the sil- ^'nountaiM of Potosi without knowing of t» r . odJ ho turned' back to fight with I he visible treasure of the Inca. Thus invaders overran almost the whole ,nd South America, in a few years,- Eldorado. To terrify their enemies ith them horses, and to sustain them. ;ook with them pigs. That indefat signer, the pig, boro au important 13 -In the Spanish conquest of America. Se- f'f „ j^il’dcazar, an officer of Pizarro, r Tv ,j no rtbward to the sources of the river stolen*? and reached the plateau of Bogota. Jrl r w uje ut the same time Quesada, who Shaded on the north coast and marched up river Magdalena and Nicolas Federraann, i! with a l*ody of German soldiers, at the iiiund of the Emperor Charles V., and at the iLnint of a German merchant, had come over ^ ._-ioin« from the oast, from the basin of lONSS COUNTY. within the legal hours of Sale, one four acre lot fit uate in the town <•! tlintor.; said lot has ekitchen and barn on it.agood garden sj-ot. ond some choice fruit trets. Snl.l a? the property of Robert K. Hutching?, deceased, for division. Term? ca«h RICHARD H. HUTCHINGS. Sole.’•dah •; Administrator. oot33-w40d) It appearing to the Court that a motsjitr oxiatsfora cu«rdian i° he appointed for the,m>nor obilrtren of - ^ j . ier v • ^ ‘re th ore fore i.o rite all persons con- .V a ,? s V f a have, at the He- vf.?l crin ^thur Court ■why the gil&rdiittiphip t>f said children shall not be vested in the Clerk of the . upenor Court, or gome other competent person of mo county. Given under my band offici-lly. octl5-30d R.T. ROSS. Ordinary. A- DM INISTR ATORM SALE—Will be sold before ■t -A- the Court-house door in the town <,f Clinton, Jones eotmty, between the legal hour? of sale, on the FimTnosday in Decembernext, three hundred and ntteen acres of land, more, or les . ti>nnted in Jone-c cou: to. near the Ocinulcoa river, adjoining lands of S. II. Durham. W. R. Ritchey and others, very little improvement thereon, and has soma good woodland thereon. Sold as the property of F. Af. Adams, de ceased, for distribution. Terms dash. WILLIAM BROOK^. Administrator nct8-w4M .A. the Cuurt-honse door In tho town of Clinton. Jones county, within tho legal hoar? of sale, on the nrst raesdnym December next.'one hundred and fifty acrfso^Band. more or less, adjoining Und< of Jero- miah Lowe, Win. Denning and other? Said Land has t'rctty fair lmjirovcmenLs thereon, in situated one mile troui the Central Railroad—has plenty woodland lor lenc-ng and other purposes, hold as tho property of lsphraim Moore, deceased, for dltribution. Terms cash. ectS-wlOd BRYANT BALKCOM, Adm’r. EoKflIA, JONES TOUNTY—^BDissav’sOppicr, AT Chsubibs. Octpbc * * *— ber M. jBfA.— Uhcreae, At» . .. it Chaubers, riam Moore applies to mefortheGtiardiaosbiooftlie two. minor children'or Ephraim Mcotc, deceased. Levin arid Aiiiuo P. M*;ore. There are to cite all person? concerned to show chase, if any they have, on the first Monday in Dc- eemner next, why the same hall not bo granted. Witness my hand officially. „„ „„„ R.T. ROSS, oetltl-wtX) 1)Ordinary. GEORGIA. JONES COUNTY-Ordixaby’s <tfick- VX MTU Coi'.iTT. at Chambers, October 21. I860.— ntiercav, John W. Simmons. Guardian of J..hn R. Simmons, minor, applies to me for dismission: It is. ordered, that all persona concerned ?how cause, if any they h iva to tho, comrary. on or before tbe.lst Monday in December next, at this office. witness my:hand officially. R. T. ROSS. oct27-w3m) . , Ordinary. RECEIVER’S SALE. LANDS, VALUABLE MILL AND WATER POWER SUFFICIENT TOSL 3LTJ$ri*X&G A FACTORY. f h BORGIA. MERIWETCKRC-HINTV.-Ey virtue VX of an order tiom the ibm. John S. bigbr, Judge of the Superior Courts ot tho i'allacoosa Cir uit. will be sold, jn the town of Oreenville in raid county, on the first Tuesday in December next, within tho leeal hours of sale, all the real estate, including the Mill Pr pertv. situated in raid county, belonging to tho estate of William Mitchell, deceased, consisting of tho following described property, to-wit: Lot of Land No. 160. half of Lot No. 187.00 the north side of Red- 0«k creek; and 10 acres off ofLot No. 188, lying nrth of raid creek, arid up to high water mark on thes.iurh side of said crepk.'ol: containing 312K acres, more or le-s. Also, two-thirds interest in a valuable Merchant Mill, together with mill and water privileges. And al-o, the remainder of the widow’s dower, con sisting of Lot ot Land No. ISO anil one-third interest iusaid Mill, together wth water privileges. ' All of the above described property is situated in tho Tenth Di-triet of the said county, about seven mile? north of Greenville and a bout throe miles south of Rocky Mount. The water power at said Mill is said to be the best in tho county, and capable of running a factory or other valnnble machinery. There has been no lack of water thero daring the recent unprecedented drought. Capitalists would do well to examine this JNO. WM. BOYD. Receiver. T?XE< -EjCoU county, within the legal -hear* of sale, on tho first Tuesday in December uext, one hundred and sixty acres of Land, being Let o.45in the Twelfth District, Fourth Section of said Cherokee county, belonging to the estate of Hearndon Patterson, late of said coun ty, deceased Said Lands are valuable. Sold for dis tribution. T. m* cash. SAMUEL T. BRAGG, II. H. PaTTERSON. octs w40i Executors. it* river Orinoco. By three simultaneous inva- fi*, ,i. e kiuudom of tho Muyscas of Bogota C ^Jiattetcd destroyed. Then tho three ’ roW 9 tood face to face, ready to decide jjjv* ^oflicting claims by a triangular battle, if '** tueW how to fight ona. But they wisely iVunitied to return to Spain, and submit their • 1 claims to the decision of tho Emperor. tl v 11 0 Francisco Pizarro, who conquered ' ,jj e jjre.dest leaders of hisimmediato time Valdivia, who conquered Chili to the **T. Reualcazar, who conquered Bogota to ' ’ rt h ; ami Gonzalo, one of the brothers of tv nc’rco* Pizarro, who, starting from Quito, v.r^rl the Andes, and be or bis followers ^or sailed down the whole coarse of the v .J tmazoii, from its source to its junction Jitl, the Atlantic. Gonzalo Pizarro is called, I rile historian Herrera, “a great enemy to re- !L." He took little pleasure in what was and known. The unknown, with its r.jiaWt* treasures, over lured him onward to I exploits. The country which tho Pizarroa Ljaonqnered anil over which they ruled, cx- ' 1 j from Quito to Cuzco, over fifteen de- 0 f latitude. But as they stood upon tha r! s. they looked down towards tho monsnre- C tains of Central South America, into which ismiijMy rivers ran from the mountains, with i^,,ag aud excited expectation. They could I -a liclicvc that the narrow strip of country be- j«tn the Andes and the Pacific was tho only jjjMj. cultivated district of South America, and jlit every other part was merely wilderness in- liWitd by naked Indians. Among forests and Borssses'they songbt for a new Pern, beforo ~\f\ Lad explored the wealth of that Peru over thicb they already ruled. During fifty years •ie x-piraiions of Europe had been directed I jnutds ihe West, but now the Spaniards tnrn- [ j their faces to the East; aud as Columbus ial traversed the soa in search of El Dorado, goinulo Piairro, with the same object, prepar- : j!v traverse an unknown arid almost equally abrasive laud. The means at has command nre far greater than those of which his brother uisposed, lint the direct result which he ! idiieved wns small. He marched from Quito nth 3.V) picked soldiers, among whom were 150 iorse-nien; and he took with him 4,000 Indians, xlUti) pig.--, sheep and goats, and 1,000 dogs. Alter two years of wandering and suffering he slanted to Quito, with a small handful of sick ltd weary men, clothed in rags. As he des- jeended the last spurs on the eastern side of tha Andes, he encountered one of those terfible fjrthquakes for which that region had acqnired n nnbappy notoriety. When bis army reached the plains, a deluge of rain for fifty days buried the entire face of the country in mud, so that they supposed they bad reached the great main sewer of the whole world. To the snow and ice d the mountains had succeeded suffocating wnntb and damp. But the courage of tho Spaniards only rose higher as they marched ou through fire and water, through cold and beat, into the wilderness. They questioned the poor iihahitants of the swamps and forests, and gathered from them, as they thought, that fur ther to the east were mighty and wealthy king dom?, with numerous populations and splendid cities, and ample means of satisfying the ever- burairg thirst for gold. They marched on un til they reached the river Napo, one of the I greatest of the npper tributaries of the Amazon. tad the natives informed them that it ran into I fie ‘‘Sweet Sea.” They were sure that, if thoy canid only reach the great river which bore this time, they would find rest nnd plenty. They built a brigantine and launched her on the Na- pi>, and Piztrro gave tha command of her to 11 knight named Orellana, and ordered him to sail down the N ipo to ils continence with the Amn ion, while Pizarro led the remnant of his army along tlie river's bank. Orellana reached the Amazon, abandoned his commander aud com rades to their fate, sailed down the Amazon to its month, and thus earned by treachery the honor of one of the greatest discoverers of that age of marvels. Pizarro and his comrades had among them no iron except their swords— nor even uny gold, which would have been a rerypoor substitute; so they could not build an other vess« 1. Through forest s and morasses and over mountains thoy struggled back to Quito, vhere eighty famished and ragged men, grasp- i-S swords scubbardlass and almost eaten away hy runt, and two leau dogs, appeared two years liter the departure from the same place of a splendid and boastful army. Along with Columbus, Cortez, and Francisco Piitrro, the .Spaniards reckon as the fourth of the chief A/tu/uiitadore# of America, Hernando deSito, who explored the month of the Missis- spriaud conquered, or at least fought nnd died to Florida. He was the son of a poor nobleman, std he began the world with nothing but his coat of arms, bis sword and shield. Ho served aider Pizarro in Pern, aud being sent to meet the Inca, his foaming and rearing steed struck the Peruvians with astonishment and terror. *?•» died on the banks of the Mississippi, and h» followers, dreading that if they buried him on land the Indians would desecrate his remains, loidvd his coffin with stones and sank it in the fiver bed. His funeral has been compared to th«of Alario the Goth, whose body the distant weestors of tho Spaniards cast into an Italian fiver; and, in truth, tho history of the Old world can hardly produce any name so mighty •hit the names of the conquittadores may not deserve to be placed beside it. The Spaniards that day were cast iu a heroic mould, but the wealth after which they craved, destroyed the virtues by which they gained it Happy was 'he fate of our own country, whose seamen were forbidden to approach tho tropics, and acquired laid polar ice a liardidood before which the •Weessoni of the coiiqnUtadore* quailed. In % years from the discovery of America the Twiards founded a far-reuching and magnifi cat dominion. In another fifty years the En- fihh shook that dominion to its foundation. From that time to the present tho energy of ®pain lias dwindled, and both the old country uid her colonies, or what is left of them, have !*en given over to decrepitude and decay. It t? Mill an open question, after a year of revolu tion, whether she has it in her to begin a new *ad vigorous life, and whether she has among «r leaders men capable of displaying the cour- •go and policy of the old conquistadores. Gorn Growing in the South. Upon the imperative necessity of raising com Applies in tho South, we clip the following sen- nble suggestions from tho Newnan Herald of *rtdny ; The Wheat Chop.—Nothing but the immense SH&ntity of wheat produced South as well as forth has prevented com from selling nt fam- prices. Hence the importance of this crop * seen and felt, and should be • appreciated. Mu not our famers, in sowing wheat, take this consideration—or will they become too tsonomieal of fertilizers, or devote none but haamted land to its production, to the injury ^themselvesand tho country? If the latter worse is pursued, they will be amenable to the nighty charge of “knowing their duty, but it not. . - . - . „ insist that cotton is a more profitable crop {mn W favSritra to° seTtorOm '~ iQ Coro- nrmmlnd /»nm trhonf. oMinn tp_ we j ff ht?a r o warranted to be satisfactory. **• .. . Agents for pure prepared Haw Bone and Raw Bone Superphosphate. ; • • aaglS-wdm BIBB COUNTY. ;. : -•?- XaSPSK COUNTY. property of J. Driskell. to, satisfy a fi. fa in favor of Braxton Ezell, aga.inst J. Garrett, administrator O'.4-, T7AECt;T0a’.S SALK.—Gzosor.*, Bibb Coosty.—I TASPER COUNTY SHERIFF’S SALE.-Will be JLj By virtue of an order from the Conrt of Ordinary eJ sold before the Court-House door, in the town of offaid county, will bo sold before the Court-house : Moaticello, between the legit honr?'of sale. on the doorof said county, on the 1st Tuesday in November 1 firrt Tuesday in December next, 1869. the following next, AnriaK the legal hours of sale, the following! property: Ninehundred aqd forty(WOiacres of land, property belonging to.the estate of Judge Abner P. ( mdroor less, adjoining the lands of John Hancock, e. Powers, deceased: Eighteen Shares of the Stock of' P.’Viacent. and D. K. Andrews. Levied on as the tho Maeon k Brunswick Railroad potni-aoy. : Also a ^ property of J. Driskell. to . satisfy a fi wood-lot on the Forsith road, near Maeon, in Bibb : Braxton Ezell, against J. Garrett, adn connty, conlniningtBacres.' rermsteadhf ■' T "''- ; ot Driskell. dreeased, issued from Putnam. Superior Also. wi;l be solo before the Court-bous -door in tho Court. March Term, 1863 Property pointed out by county of Dougherty, on the Jat Tuesday,-in Deoem-I plaintiffs attorney. . .. her next.during tbeieval hoarsofs.lo.thePIaniatpm Also, at the sutno.lime and place, will besold two belonging't» the estate of Judgo Abner P. Powtii, hundred and fifty-five 1255) aerrs, more or less, ad- deceased, situated in the Second District of Doarher- ■ joining the lands of Wester Pitts,' Sarah Alten, ChaS. ty c-nnty. Georgia. - . . — — * ‘ ‘ ,183,184. 135. hundred and fifty . . _. Al-o. at time or.d place, two City Lorn in the j ofthe Will annexed of J. C; Banks, deceased, issued city acAIbuny, GeonMt. r Eaaziwl Inuoonrl fr’-’m J«sp-r County Court. Semi-Annual S'ssion, Also, on thf next day, at the Plantation above ad- July Term, 1867. Property pointed out by the plain- vcrtised. 17 mile- west of Albaiiy.nJl the,periihablo tiff. ,1. it. PrJNN, i-rom-rty of ssid estate, consisting of Wagons, Farm-i oct29 tds) Sheriff ing Utensils. Mules, Cuws. oxen, Corn. I’oddcr. Cot- T1C „™ cnvi,TdBW esi p wtii \L ton Seed, C 'tt-.n Gin. etc., and every description of TAUjITJ SUERIFFo SALE Will be firming uponrtenaheos ll sold before the Court-House door, in Monttcello. All jhe ibove described property sold for tho pur- : on the first Tuesday in December next, within the Pomw fdisrributi n and for the payment of the debts i UmUhaurs of sale, one small lot in th° village of of said estate Hillsborough, containing three-fourths of an aore. The Plantation will bo s-ldf .r >-alf cash; thehal- -more, or less, known as the old grocew lot, and one rock at tuelve mo tbs with inerest and approved small framed house, occupied by Mr. Hsber as a shoe secarity The perUhabfe property wilt be sold for shop. Lev.td on ui he hr-’P^tyof M-rsh.-iU Ilole-. cash. JOHN P. MANLEY, sembsck to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from the Superior oct26-tillDec7) Executor 1 Court of.said county, in favor of P. W. Dorsett vs. . Marshall HolesembaOk, E. 8. Wynen and Wesley GooDbj-. Property pointed out by phiin^Uff.^^ j qct£9tds) ^Deputygheriff. A DMIXtSTRATRlX’8 SAI.E-By virtue of an or- . a. <t<-r tr-ro the C- art «f Ordinarv of Twieg* coun ty. will be «> *t on tho first Tuesday in December next, at the <’ urx House door in Irwinton, VVilkin- son county. Georgia, during the legal hours of sale, ta?> «c -■ ... laad. more or less, sitna’ed near Gordon; is k i-tva a- the Graves place, and adjoins tho land* of Ju lge Whitehurst, B. Bridgets F. Newby, and others, and belong? to tbe estaieof John Fitzjyftrick, l.vo of Twivtrs county, deceased. The land will be sold in >m<ll lots. Fold for distribution. Terms cash. ELIZ ABETH G. EUZPATRICK. oc-Q-ty o' Administratrix. r |tRl , 6TEK’l> SALK.—Will be sold beforethc Conrt I (louse door, in Perry, Houston county, nnder an order from the Chancellor, on the fi-st Tuesday in December next: Lot of land. No. 44. in tbe tenth district of said county. Fold for distribution among the : nrtie? entitled to the proptrtv. Terms cash. CHARLES S. WINv. oet2R-w»ds) Trustee. NOTICE. \ ViLlMBLK F.IRSI FOR S.1LE, O X BIG POTATO CREEK, Pike county, Georgia, five mili-s from Bamesville, on tbe road leading from Baraesville to Zebulon. Also. Wheat. Corn. Kudd-r. Farming Implements, etc.. Mule?. Milch Cow*. Cattle, Hosts, Wagons, Carts, Bugsies. Household and Kitehen Furniture—will be sold on the Tenth Day of November Next, At tho residence of WM. 0. KENDRICK, late of Pike county, doceased, tbe following property, to-wit: *350 Acres cf &and in One Body, On Big Potato Creek, about 275 acres cleared, the baiance in tho woods a d heavily timbered; and 75 aere? cf first-class bottom land in cultivation and un der good fence. There is on the place two settlements—ono large Dwelling House, Gin Uouse and Screw, Barn, Stables. Wood and Bhi-ksmith Shop, and all other necessary out buildings, in good repair. Also, at the game rime and place, 100 acres of Pine Land, with some improvements. Also, one-half interest in tbe Brick Store, in the • own of Bamesville, now occupied by Skaggs & Blas- ingame. Also, three fine Mule?, one Co*t, two yoke of Oxen, one single Ox. five Milch Cows and other cattle. Also, twenty-five hea ' of Hogs, one new Cart, one Cray, one two-horse Wngm. two old Baggies, one ?st of blacksmith's and carpenter's Tools, nnd a large •inun ity uf ?. nsoned wagon timber of all kinds; one ir-m Syrup Mill and Kettles, and a great many other things too tediou? to mention, •-ale to continue from day to day till all is sold. 8old for a division among the heirs. The land can be bought privately. Terms Cash. MARYANN KENDRICK, 1 WM. M. KKWDKICK. \ Heira _ oct8,w4t 8. H. BUSSEY, R.N.J. WILLIAMS. MALL’S ? {VEGETABLE SIGlLfAN 'HAIR jRenewer. RENEWS THE HAIR TO ITS ORIGI NAL COLOR WHEN GRAY. Renews thenutritivo mattcrwhich nourishes thehair RENEWS THE GROWTH OF THE HAIR WHE.VBALD. Renews the brash, wiry hair to silken softness. BE.UTIFIX MAIK DRESSING. One bottlo shows its effects. R. P. HALL A Co. Nashua, N.H.. Proprietor*. For sale by all druggists. oet31-eoddtwlm SAULSBURY, CHERRY & BLASIRGAME* WAREHOU0E COMMISSION MEECHANTS, MACON, GA., (At the Fire-proof Wnrcbouso formerly occupied by Adams, Jones Jt Reynolds.) . corn, provided com, wheat and cotton re- ®s>.n at present price3, but don’t any man of fainary mind know that if the production of , jra a nd wheat is abandoned, and that of cot- 0 atone engrosses the attention of farmers Jp Planters, tho prico of breads tuffs will rise • onco nnd that of tho staple decline ? Then we Tp 0 °ttf fanners not to believe that they can c T se coltoa while everybody else wfil produce *-a and wheat. Your neighbor has the same ? ‘o his interests that you have, and if you wil1 P°y you to cultivate nothing but Vm/, :e n,a y R will pay him. and he p f o'-low your example and famine will ensue. mce, we pnt in our petition in behalf of the J****** °f all, that an honest effort lie made J f-i’-se a large wheat crop. * I . ^ r " Halt, has a borealis theory, which is a -f truly. Ho thinks the Northern lights are font, 1 * eC i te ^- ra J 3 the sun, thrown back and tm-i it ^ 1 e i? e snow of the Arctic regions a ‘he clouds surrounding the pole. DE0MG00LE & GO ’S ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS Cures married and single females. , ' " V . Ceres old chronic female complaints. Cures i jar uterine actions.. »xnraroKu- I— Cores all diseases peculiar to females.. Cures because Doctors indorse it. Cures cases of teu y carsstartdiiy/- * * * . ’ * Cares because prepared by. YhynBUaw.o ■ j t Cures alter everytbinuel^diaiJs. t ' • ('ure 3 everybody’s sickly wife. Cures young chlorotic gins. ? Cures old hysteric and nervous females. Cures palpitation and melancholy./,- , .p Cures all monthly pains ajd auffenn*. _ Caret by arousing and restoring to^health. Cures pains in the head, side and backs - •> j Cores cold feet and hands. Cures Editors’and Doctors’wives* Cures Farmers’ and Merchants’ wives. Cusesatavrtysuullpri^^^ ^ fwt A DMI' ISTRATRIX’S SALE.-By virtue of an A order from the Court hf Ordinary of Bibb coun ty. will be •oldocthefirstTuesday inDecembernext, between tbe nsua) h nr? of sale, before the Court- House .'City Hall) door, the fallowing property, be longing tn the estate of Au.io Sbrrwonif, late of said county, deceased, lots Nos. 1 and 2. aud part of lots ..os.3and 4.in b ock "9. (\o?.2,3and 4 have small cottage houses «ii iheai ) Also, lot No. T, Square 92. frontingm Arch and ^erond street? Alto, lot No. 4. Square 76, corner of Oak and Second streets. Terms cash. M. J. SHERWOOD. oei23 w6t) Administratriz. A DM INI' I p A IOR’.S SALE —By virtue of anor- IA. der from tbo Court ol Ordinary of Bibb county, wili be si lcf un the first J uesday in December next, n for>-the Court Bouse (' ity Hall) door, the follow ing t.rori“Tiy. belonging to the estuo cf John P. L?m»r. late of i-aiii co inty. decsnscd; All tb?t tract of 1 nd lying iri Pulaski county, and kn. wn a? lot? M . 244. 267, and one-half of lotk No?. 243 and 269 thee ime hoing 500 acres, more or less, and lying in the i wuitieth district of originally Wil kinson now Pulaski. A’so, that true’ of land lying i.i tha tenth district of ll.i ston eonnty, being lots No. 181, and part of lot No. 1S2, bring :S0.'i acres, more or lets, all isell im proved. Also, that tract of land lying in the county of Bibb, a> d known as the southeast part of lot No. 331, of tho thirteenth district of originally Houston now Bibb county. A! -o. that tract of land lying north of the Forsyth road, in Vineville, being 18 acre?, more or less, and divided into building lots. Terms cash. A. B. BOSS, oct2i-49d) Administrator de bonis non. A D.MINISTR ATOR’S PA E.-Will be sold beforo ri the Conrt boose door, in Macon, on tbo first i Tuesday in December. 1869, by virtue Of authority | from the Coart of Ordinary of Bibb couoty, the fol lowing property, viz: One half of i .ot 8 in Block 23, of the city <>f Macon, joinir g John Doras ' Also Lots Nos. 5 andfi in “lock :’fi. of southwest common of the city of Mae n. Also. 2%.ncres of Land on tho Hous ton road, ono mile from Maoon, opposite tbe residence of Junes T. Wilkinson on B.ssett’s s’ill. Sold as the priperri of Robert Findlay. late of Bibb county, deceased, f- rthc benefit of hi? heirs and cred itors. J. MONROE OGDEN, oct26-40d Administrator de bonis non. A DMfNISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will besold beforo JtA tho Court bouse door in Jasper county, on the first Tuesday in December next, 66 acres of Land, more or ies?, being the wi ow’s dower in the land be- i longing to tho estate of Edward Warren, in said coun ty of Ja?i-?r. Terms cash. B. T. DIGBY, oct'J7-40d Administrator. • A DM INISTR ATgR’S SALE,—By virtue ofan or- tY dor from the Court of Ordinary of Bibb county, will be sold before tbe Conrt-Honse. (City Hall) door in thecity of Maeon, on the first Tuesday in Decem ber next, the following property belonging to tbo estate of Dune?n McCallum, late of said county, de ceased : lot of land No. 54. in tbe fourth district of originally Houston now Bibb -<mnry. Terms Cash. 1 G. W. BARFIELD. oct21-40d) Administrator. /"TK .RGIA. BIBB COUNTY.— Whereas, C F. Of Stubbs, Administrator on the estate of H. A.Ful- ler, deceased, applies t o me for Letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cito and admonish all and sin gular. the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my officeon thefirst Monday in January next, to show cause, if any they have, why Letters should not be granted the applicant. Gi von under my hand officially. C. T. WARD. oct3-w3m Ordinary. 4 DMINISTRATRIX’S SALE.—By virtue o# ; an jfi order of the Ordinary of Bibb county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Docemher next, during the legal hours of salo. at the City Hall, in Macoa, (the present Court-House.) the house and lot on Tat- nall Sonar.?, being the southwestern half of lot No.it, in Bloek 56, belonging to tho estate of A. E. Cochran, deceased. Terms of Sale—Ono-half cash, and balance a*, six months, with note, secured by mortgage on the prop erty. Purchaser to pay for title. E. T. COOHRAN. oct29-wtds) Administratrix. rA I0RGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Four weeks after vJT date, application will be made to tho Court of Ordinary for leave to sell the real property belonging to the estate of Margaret Groce. late of said county, deceased. H. F. WILBURN, uct6-w4t Executor. /'T EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Four weokv after ? JT tbe date hereof, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell all the real property belonging to the estate of H. A. Troatuias. lateofsai 1 county, deceased. JOHN . TROUTMAN. Adm’r, oct' wSOI T. E. TROUTMAN. Adm’x. skSAS-sosT eouriTY. A DMINI-TRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue ol an or- Jjl der from the Court of Ordinary of Marion coun ty, Georgia, will be sold on tbe first Tuesday in Do- ci tnber next, within tho usual hours of sale, at tho Court-House door in said county, the following de scribed lands: lot of land No. 185, in the fifth district of originally Musatgeenow Marion county, well im proved—also. lot No. 168, in the same district and county—with the exception ofthe widow’s dower—his life-time in said lands, which is laid off and covers all ot the last mentimel lot except sixty-eight acres, with valuable improvements thereon. All to besold as the property of John Kemp, late of said coanty, deceased, ’-old for the benefit of tbe heirs and credi tors of said deceased. Terms cash. MORGAN KEMP. Adm’r., ADA LINE KEMP, Adm'x. octl5-wtd TlfARION SHERIFF SALES—Wil! besold before !vX the Court-house door in tbe town of Buena Vi-ta, county of Marion, on tbe first Tuesday in December next, between the legal hours of sule. Lot of Land Nc. 215 in the Fifth Districtof Marion county.as the prop erty of Wm. Boynton, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Candler, Brown i Co. vs- Boynton A Bosworth. Also, atthe same time and place 20 seres, more or less,of Lot No. 2'0. in the Fourth District of originally Muscogee, now Marion county. Sold a? tbo property of James J. Arrington, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Samuel G. Hack vs. James J. Arrington. JOHN HANKS. oct31-30J Sheriff. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will be sold, ontbe jCA. first Tuesday in December next, before tho Court House, in .Marion county, ail the land belonging to tho estate of James Parker, deceased, to-wit: No.49, in the 31st district of Raid county, of which there aro about forty acres good wood land, and tho other in a tolerable state of cultivation, with a good frame dwelling and good nuthouses. Sold for tbe purpose of distribution. Terms case. E. S. PARKER. octl9-w40d (Printer’s fee $6) Adm’r. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Will besold on tho first Tuesday in December next, beforo the Court house In Marion county, tho following property, as a portion ol the realty of Solomon Wall, deceased: Ono Dwelling-hou?o and two Lots, ono Dwelling and Storo Honse, ono Carriage Shop and Lot, one Blacksmith Shop and Lot, one Storo aud two Grocery Houses and Lots in Tazewell, said coanty. Al?o, at the same time and place, the following tracts or parcels of Land: Nos. 189,197.161,196.192,162 and half of No. 225 in the Fourth District, and Nos. 237 and 61 iu tho Eleventh District. A11 in said county. Sold under an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county. Termseash. L. W. WALL, octl9-w40d . Administrator. (Printer’s fee $12.) T>AILBOAD STOCK AT ADMINISTRATRIX’S li SALE.—Will ho sold before the Court-House in tho town of Bncna Vista. Marion county, on the first Tuesday in December next, as the property of the late George W. McDuffie, three shares in the Southwestern Railroad. Terms cash. S. A. McDUFFIE. oct3-40d Administratrix. r* EOBG1A. MARION COUNTY.—Whereas. Jas. VX L.Biker applies for tho Administration of the estate of Osborn Edwards, deceased. This is therefore to cito all and singular the creditors and heirs at law of said deceased, to show uause within the timopre- scribed why letters should not be granted the appli- cant? • « Witness my hand September22d» 3SG9. __ JAS* hi* LOWE, £cpt28-w30d Ordinary. p EORGIA.MARION COUNTY.—Whereas, Charles VX Womack, Sr., Administrator of W.F. Kelley, de ceased, applies for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased. A11 intcro'-tcd will show cau3e why leave should not be granted on the 1st Monday in October next. Witness my hand. September 22.186?.^ ecpt2S-w4w Ordinary. /^•EORGIA, MARION COUNTY.—AU persons in- \X debted to the estate of » m. M. Butt, late of said county, doceased, aro requested to make immediate payment, and thoso having demands against the es tate of said deceased, will prarenyhem for^P.rt'ment. *ci>t28-w6t Administratrix. UARDIAN’S SALE.—By virtue of ah order from YX the Ordinary Coart of Marion county, will be sold before tho Court-House in said county, on the first Tuesday in December next, half of lot No. 42, in the fonrth districtof Raid countj—the same beingthe property of Warren Reddoek and Georgia Arm Mur phy. minors, etc. Terms caxh.^ £ spjNKS " octlD-wIffl (Printer’s fee $6) Gnardidn. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALK.—Will besold before A. the Conrt-hou ; c in Marion county, on tho first Tuc=day in December next; sixty-six ncres,- more or left, of lot of Land No. 131, id the Thirty-second Dis trict of said county. Sold as the property of George W. Mayo, deceased. Terms castu ^ WATTS, octl9-w40d . -V 'Administrator. (Printer a fee $5.) • * Jasper county, on tbo first Tuesday in December next, within the usual hours of sale, one tract of land-tbe property of tbe estate of John H. Kinard, late of said county, deceased—lying and being in said county <>t Jasper, adjoining the lands of Job Tyler, Augustus W. Lane. Abner C. Dozier, and others, tho whole tract containing Gve hundred and eighteen acres, more or less; one-half of which is sot a part - and assigned as dower to the widow. The whole of said tract to ho sold, including the widow’s dower. Sold for distribu tion among the distributees of said estate. Terms cash. JAMES M. WILLIAMS. oet'O-td) Adm’r. j A DMISISTRATOR’S SALE.-Will be told beforo /A tbe Court House door, in the town of Mootieello, Jasper county, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the usual h iurs of eale, ono tract of (and, the property of the estate of Francis M. Kinard, late of said countv, deceased, lying and being in said county of Jasper; adjoining the lands of the estate of Rob ert Brown, deceased, George Long, and others, con taining one hundred and thirty acres., mote or (o?s. To be sold for tho purpose ot paying tbe debts of the estate, and for distribution. Terms cash. JAMES M. WILLIAMS, oet!2-td) Administrator. TAKE UTOR’S SALE.—Will be sold before the JEj Court-House door, in the town of Montieello, Jasper county, on the first Tuesday in Decembernext, within the usual hours of sale, one tract of land, be longing to the estate of James II. Montgomery, late of said county, deceased, lying ond being in said auu otners, containing inreu u .uurni iiuw, minu or loss, bold for the purpose of paying the,debts of said estate, and fir distribution amongst the legatees of said estate. Terms cash. WM. S. MONTGOMERY, oct!2-td' Executor. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE—Will be sold before tho Court-house door in tho town of Montieello, Jasper eonnty. on the first Tuesday in Decembernext. within tbeusual hours of sale, one tract of Land be longing to the estate of Robert Brown, Into of said county, deceased, lying and being in said county of Jasper, adjoining the lands of Michael Kinard, the of said estate, and for distribution amongst the ais- tributees of (said estate. Tetms cash. ISAAC LANGSTON, octll-td Administrator. G EORGIA. JASPER COUNTY.-Whereas. James M. Williams, Guardian of William R. Jeffries, minor, makes application for Lettors of Dismission from said tru?t. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to show cause, if any they have, on or be fore the first Monday in January next, why said let ters shall not issue to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this 28th October, 3869. M. H. HUTCHISON. octtol-w3m • Ordinary. pEORGIA JASPER COUNTY.—Whereas,Richard \J S. Barrett makes application for Letter? of Guar dianship ol the minor children of Nathaniel H. Ramey, deceased; these are. therefore, to cite and admonish ail persons concerned to show cause, if any they have, on or before tho fir t Monday in December next, why said letters should not issue to said applicant. Given under joy hand and official sicnaturethis 8th day of October, I86S). M. H. HUTCHISON. oct!3-wtd Ordinary, QUITMAN COUNTY. Q UITMAN SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold be fore the Court-house door in Georgetown, in said county.on the 1st Tuesday in December next, between tho legal hours of sale, tho following property, to-wit: One House and Lot in the Town ofGeorgetown in said county, known a? the old store of John N. Webb, it indorser. i Also. Lot? of Land No £81 and sut-h parts of Lots i Nos. 280,265 and 248 as make up the settlement of P. i N. Causey, consisting of402 acres, more or les?. lying in the Eight District of said county. Levied on to ' satisfy sundry fi. fas. from the Superior Court of said county—James Thompson and others, vs. said P. N. Causey j Also, north half of Lot of Land of No. 124, in the : Twenty first District of said county. Levied on as the 1 property of Alexander Goodwin to satisfy a fi. fa. from i a Justice Court of said county—L. L. Tilley vs. Alex- ; nnder Goodwin. Levy made and returned to me by Constable. i Also. Lot of Land No. 258, in the Eighth District of raid county (except ten acres in N. E. corner of said Lot.) Levied on to satisfy a fi. fa rom tbo Superior Courtofsaid county—Wm. A. ?uwsonvs. JamesC. Christian, guarnsrhee. Also, Fractional Lots composed of fifty acres o eh. Nos- 61 and 62. in the Eighth District of said county, and whereon Junes Ray now lives to satisfy a fi-ffi from the Superior Court of said county— Zaehariah Gay vs. James Ray. Property p-inted out by plain tiff’s attorney. WM. J. BROWN, oetG-td Sheriff. A DMINISTRATOR’S S ALE-By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Quitman county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, 1869, at tho Court-house doorof said county, between the legal hours of sale, all the real estate—after reserving tho widow’s dower—of Ichahod Balkcora, docc.issd, con sisting ofLot of Land No. 187, and part pf Lot? Nos* 184,185,186,165.198.199,200 and 201—all in tbe SthDis- triotof, originally, Lee, now Quitman county. Sold for tho purpose of distribution. Terms cash. HENRY L-BALKCOM, oct26 40d* Administrator- Q uitman mortgage sales.—^wm bo sow be fore the Court-house door in the town of George town in said county, on tho 1st Tuesday in Deeem icr next, between the legal hours of sale, the follow nr property, to-wit: Lots of Land No. 170 and 186, in the Twenty-firstDistriet of said coanty. Levied ! on'as the property of Charles L. Mathews, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. issuedfrom the Superior Court of said county— Thomas W. Sanders and Enrly Varner. Administrator, vs. Charles L. Mathews. Property pointed out insaid mortgage fi. fa. W5I.J. BROWN, oct6-w30d Sheriff G eorgia, quitman couNTY.v-Thomas' J- Methoin, Administrator of Daniel B. Mothoin. represents to the Coutt in his petition, duly filed, that he has fully administered Daniel B. Mcthcin's estate. This is, therefore, to cito all persona concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why said administrator should not be discharged, and reeeivo Letters of Dismission on the first Monday in January. 1870, W. P. JORDAN. oct3-3m* . Ordinary. $25.00 •It -H is .7c(/l-Pr*T t $25,00 BUCK-EYE Slit J'jtSM MB OkV) li (*lel?3qqa ctotl Jtffiw >ifit itasoed :«.v ul / 1 Wiui it bob wear distinct zdtastiqzs 4o»: odr iio[ Lea .Lslurvlii. OVER ^ALL OTHERSEWIEG MACniNES EVER. « '■/ -idad* 10 MADE.' -»"? jkd JJiioa vt/ii/mt 7<: t.v:' littA V y -I •; : . I T IS the simplest Shuttle Machine made. It has less wearing parts. It has no grooved cams.'ball joints, or compound cranks. ’ ' • * ’’ 1 ' , ' It is betteradapted to a larger range of work, with out change, than any other machine in existence. It has less nieces of machinery than any other mxchine. It is less liable to break needles than any other machine. ,, 0 t,,; . It? shuttle will wear longer than that of any other machine: and lastly. It has the best feeding device which will never wo r out, get out of order, break needles, feed unevenly, slip on starched cloth or pucker tho se»m, or vary the size of its stitches, as all other feeds will do. • Another very important fact must not be lost sight of: THE STITCH MADE UPON THIS MACHINE IS ALIKE ON BOTH SIDES OF THE CLOTH. —it wini,— Hem, Fell Tuck, Cord, Bind, Braid <3- AT £C£TL EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED FOR THREE YEARS. t3F~ Each maohineis furnished with a full set of needles, one shuttle, clamp, screw-driver, oil-can, wrench, hammer, printed directions and is threaded for immediate use •6S* Every lady who has examined these machines, and seen tho work they execute, juonounro them by far the best they have ever t een. They will bo cheerfully exhibited to nnywhocal! at No. 66 Mulberry street, where they are in constant operation. The pubtio are invited to call end examine them. aug26-w3tn MURFEE’S Soil PulYerizer and Deep Tillage PLO W, Patented as Sub-Soil Plow. PRICE LIST: One-Horae Plow (with one extra point) $6.00 Extra Points lor same, cacti 4(1 Two-Horse Plow (with one extra point) 9 f» Extra Points for same, each™ 60 A liberal discount is allowed to the trade. Mer chants buying will sell at price list, with freight added. Persons.wishing to purchase the Piowswill forward their orders, accompanied by the cash, in draffs or post-office money orders, to Messrs. PALMER A TURPIN, 1528 MainEtreet, Riobmona, Va. For further information, address J. W. MURFEE, Patentee, Havana, Halo county, Alabama. Or E. H. MURFEE, Agent for Georgia and South Carolina, Atlanta, 11 a. oct24-wlm ' enz ER THE SYMPTOMS OF LIVER Complaint are uneasiness and pain in tbe side. Sometimes tbe ____________ pain is in the shoulder, and is mistaken tor rneumatism. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness, bowels in general costive, sometimes alternative with lax. The head U troubled with pain, and dull, bcavy sensation, con siderable loss of memorjr; accompanied with painful sensation of having left undone something which onghrtn have been done. Often complaining of weak ness, debility and low spirits.— Sometimes some of tho above symptoms attend thedisease. and at other times few of them: but the Liver is generally tho organ most involved. Cure the Liver with Simmons’ Regulator, and ail will he well. 33X1. ailMCMOTirS’ LIVER REGULATOR, A REM EDY FOR ALL DISEASES CAUSED BY A DERANGED STATE OF THE LIVER. Dyspepsia. Headache, Jaundice. Costiveness. Sick (Icad-achef Chronio Diarrhoea, Affections o‘ _ the Bladder. Camp Dysentery, —ffections of tnc Kidneys, Fever, Nervousness, Chills, Diseases of the Skin. Impurity of the Blood, Melan choly, or Depression of Spirits, Heartburn, Colic, or Pains in the Bowels. Pain in tho Head, Fever and Ague, Dropsy. Boils, Pain in the Back and Limbs. Asthma, Erysipelas, Female Affections, and Bilious Diseases generally. J. H. ZEILIN A CO., Drngeists. Maoon, Georgia. For sale by all druggists. Price 81 per package. By mail 8125. A preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to bo strictly vegetable, and can do no injury to any one. It has been used by hundreds, and known for the last twenty-five years as ono of tho most reliable, efficacious and harmless preparations ever offered to the suffering. If taken regularly and persistently, it is sure to effect a cure. The following highly respectable persons can fully attest to the virtues of this valuable medicine, and to whom wo most respectfully refer; Gen. IV. S. Holt, President S. W. It. R. Company : Rev. J. R. Felder,Perry, Ga.; Col- K. K. Sparks, Al bany, Ga.: IV. J. MoElroy, Esq., Mac on, Ga.; George J Lunsford, Esq., Conductor S. W. R. R.; C. Master- son. Esq., Sheriff Bibb county: J. A. Bntts, Bain- bridge, Ga.: N. Binswangcr. Esq.. Macon, Ga.: Dykes & Sparhawk, Editors “Floridian.” Tallahassee: Rev. J. Tv. Burke, Macon. Ga.; Virgil Powers, Esq.. Su perintendent S. TV. R. R.; Daniel Bullard, Bullard’s Stalion, M. & B. K. K., Twiggs co.. Ga.: Grenville Wood, Wood’s Factory, Macon, Ga.; Rev. E. F Easterling, P. E. Florida Conference; Major A. F, TVooley, Kingston, Ga. apr2-wtf WANTED. A FARMER, of twenty-five years’ experience in cotton planting and raising in Middle Georgia, (filteen years of tho time overseeing large planta tions.) desires a situation in Southwestern Georgia. Any reference desired in Middle Georgia can be given. For further particulars, address V. A. CREECH, octl“-w5t*) Bartow, No. 11. C. B. R., Ga. DOOZ.Y COUNTY. D ooly postponed sheriff’s sales.—^wm bo sold, on the first Tuesday in Decembernext, between the usual hours of salo, before the Court- House door, in the town of Vienna. Dooly county, the following property, to-wit: Lots of land No?. 247,248, in tho third district of Dooly county. Sold as tbo property of Hardy Wheclos. to satisfy a Justice’s Court fi. fa. in favor of John Bombry vs. Hardy Wheelos. . . Also, at tbe same time and place, tbe undivided one-half interest in and to one thousand acres of land, more or loss, the numbers not known, but known as the Plantation where Mims’ mills are situated. Lovied upon as the property of William 11. Mims, to satisfy a Superior Court fi fa. in favor of James M. Jones vs. Mims. Pitman and Brown, the same being and lying in the ninth district of Dooly county. Also, 100 acres in the seventh district of Dooly, number not known, bnt known as the Eli Williams Place. Property pointed outby j] 1 e q r^IIA M 9 ’ oct29-tds) Sheriff. J^OPLY_SHERIFF’S SALK.—Will be sold, on the first Tuesday >f sale usual hours of tho town of Vi* in December next, between the - - • - Hi the town of Vienna, the totiow Lots of laud Nos. 54,55,42 and 10, ' Si 0, before the Court-House door, in the following property, to-wit: _ 55,42 and 10, in the second_dis- trictof Watkin fitvorof SNMI M —5 - -_ dry other fi. foB. in my hands for collection—contain ing in all, more or less. 810 acres—known as the J. D. Watkins Plantation. ■■■!' * “ tiff’s attorney. oct29-w30d) iet of Dooly county. £old as the property of J. D. atkins, to satisfy a Dooly Superior Court fi. fa. in vor of George H. White vs. J. D. Watkins, and sun ny hands for collection—contain, ess. 810 acres—known os the J. D .. Property^ointed^utbytdain- Sheriff of Dooly County. G EORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—Whereas, Simeon L. Tasdor, administrator on the estate of Ray- monK. Uainoun, applies to me for letters of dismis sion from said estate: , _ . , ,, These are therefore to cite and admonish all con cerned to be and appear at my office on or beforo the first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any "ley have, whv said letters should not be granted, iven nnder my hand and official signature, this 28th May, 1869. ' WM. H. DAVIES, jel-w6m Ordinary. N OTICE.—Sixty days after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Dooly eonnty for leave to sell the lota of land Nos. 21 and 22, and north half of lot No. 20, in the 13th district of Lee county, containing five hundred acres, more or less, belonging to tho minor heirs of James Chastain. JOHN F. POWELL. nct3-w604* Guardian. N otice to debtors-and creditors.—ah personsharing demands against the estate.of Andrew J. TVood, deceased, are hereby notified to present them in terms of the law to the undersigned, al ldull who arc indebted to the same are requested to make immediate Payment. W1LH «et6-w40d Administrator. /'! EORGIA, DOOLY COUNTY.—Whereas, Robert V3T R. Cox, administrator of Aaron Cox, applies to me for letters of dismission irom said estate; These are therefore to cito and admonish all con- eerned to be and appear at my offioe on or before tbe first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they havo, why said letters should not be granted. Given nnder my hand and official signature, this 28th May, 1869. WM. H. DAVIES, jet-w6m Ordinary. r'fEORGIA. DOOLY COUNTY.—By virtue of an TJX order from the Ordinary of Dooly eonnty, Ga., will be sold before the Court-house door in Starkaville, Lee oounty; on thefirst Tuesday in December next, between the lawful houn of sale, the following prop erty, to-wit: Lots of Land Nos. 21 and 22. and north half of Lot No. 20 in the Thirteenth District of said Lee county, known as having been the Staley Plsce, but now as property belonging to ono minor and two other heirs of James Chastain, deceased. Termseash. oe&Q-td* JOHN F. P0WBLL, Guardian. QUEEK OF THE SOOTH PORTABLE GRIST MILLS, CORN MEAL, VVHBAT FLOUUING AND Stock Feed, Bolting Apparatus, Smuttera aud Mill Work Generally. Our Mills are built from choice Bur Blocks, selected at the Quar ries in Franco by Isaac Straub himself. Send for Descriptive Pamphlet containing treatise on Milling, sent by mail free. Address ISAAC STRAUB <k CO., Cor. Front and John ets., - CtKCIltNATr, O. ?eptl7-u6m Notice to Physicians, Druggists and The Public Generally: W E. tho undersigned, practicing physioians in the city of Columbus. Ga., beingfully advised of tho superior excellence of "Epping’s Compound Fluid Extract of Buchu.” now being manufactured and of fered to the public by Messr?. J,. Pierce A- Oo„ ta> e great pleasure in certifying to all of our profession— and to all druggist and all persons who may need an Extract Buchu—that this Extract is by far the best article ever used; so much so that we give it great prominence in all those diseases in the treatment of which Buchu is useful. John E. Bacon, M. D„ T. W. Grimes. M. D.. J. A, Billing. M. D.. Wm, K Schley. M.D.. E. J. Colzey. M. D., T. J. Wood. M. D., Elisha J. Kukscey.M. D. Columbus, Ga., April 20,1869. US- Wholesale Agency at L. TV. HUNT & CO’S, sep2-w3m 82 and 84 Cherr yst., Macon, Ga B. A. . • » «* * Ol T< iiavD ’■ Of***! j EVERY COTTON PLANTER SHOULD HAVE A a AND HERE IT I $ fan mJ k o4 B. A. WISE & CO., Keep them constantly on hand, of all sizes. Abo the IRON WITCH, OF TUI SOUTH, DELTA, GOOD SAMARITAN, W AND OTHER NOTED FAVORITES. u , , ' ; . ... . -,-|»* • it ' . • ’ri*- ■ '-i FOIt FIFTEEN DOLLARS they will put you ’up a STOVE, handspmely furnished, and warranted to cook well. For ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS you can take your choice among four hundred, and they will fill your wagon with Furniture to fit. A good assortment of Grates* ox-Stoves and Parlor Stoves, (For Wood or Coal) A large Stock of ■. HOUSE - FURNISHING GOODS Always on band, W Order solicited and promptly filled. CARHART & CITR7D, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, CARRIAGE MATERIAL, Agricultural limits, Mar Am) MILL SAWS* BILL STONES, BOLTING CLOTHS Belting, etc., Paints. Oils am! Glass. . SIGN 0*;..’< ‘ GOLDEN PADLOCK:, Cherry Street, : : Maeon, 6a. ENCOURAGE HOME PRODUCTIONS A MOST DELIGHTFUL TONIC. A MOST DELIGHTFUL TONIC. A MOST DEUGHTFUL TONIO. OLD CAROLINA BITTERS, A SOUTHERN PREPARATION, VALUABLE AND RELIABLE. the best Tonic Bitters in use. GOODRICH. WINEMAN A CO.. ManufacturersandPronrietors, and Direct Importers ol Choice Drags and Chemicals, Charleston, S. C. For sale by GEO. PAYNE, julyll-w6m j - And P.-EL WRIGHT. Druggists. \Ni»* T£D- AGENTS t'OJt HOMES "“FORTUNES N the boundless West and Sunny South. It speaks to the young man of a home aud fortune, and tells mm why. where and how to seek it; it tells the cap italist where to 'invest; the laborer, to find good wages: the farmer, the best lands: the merchant, the manufacturer, the professional man and the mechanic of th* great chances open to them; if tells everybody just what they ought to know, about the vast re sources and wonderful progress in every part of this great country. New, fresh, interesting and popular. For full description, terms to Agents, etc., send for circular. PEOPLES PUBLISHING CO.. Iy23-w3m* 614 Arch st., Philadelphia. Pa. Horses, Males,Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Poultry A Reliable Hedicino for Diseases Incident to all Kinds of Stock, THESE POWDERS will strength; en tho stomach ond intestines, elear.se them from offensive mat ter, and bring them to a healthy state. i ... . ■ They nre a sure preventive ot LUNG FEVER. And a certain remedy for all Bis- * ea-'es incident to the HORSE, such as GLANDERS ■ ♦ YELLOW WATER DISTEMPER' FOUNDER' HEAVES. SLAVERING COUGHS, FEVERS, -Loss of Appetite and Vital Energy. FOR MILCH COW8, ' By' actual experiment it has been proven that these Powders will increase the quantity-of MILK AND CREAM 20 PER CENT.. And make the BUTTER FIRM AND SWEET. . „ , A In Fattening Cattle it gives them an appeti-e. loosens the hide, and makes them thrive much fester. FOR HOGS AND SHEEP. For all diseases of these animals— such as COUGHS. UL’-BBS IN THE LUNGS, K0G CHOLERA, and tho ROT IN SHEEP—these Powders aro invalu able. They will cure mange, and pro mote the growth of stunted Bigs. FOR POULTRY. T I h .^2,|’ 0 w < ief? are » certain Cure and Preventive of CHOLERA and other diseases of CHICKENS, TURKalS, DuCKb. etc., and will improve the condition of all kinds of FOWLS. These Powders are offered to the public with a guarantee of practical usefulness to nil who h*Te Block of anv kind..: AU Drugarets have them tor eale, at FIi^TY CKNTS per hex. Full directions accompany each boxc Ihe trade supplied at a liberal discount by the Sola Manufacturers, w. HUNT Sc CO., oct21-diw3tn DRUGGISTS CHERRY STREET. MACON, GA. • « V • *• ,* . * • \ WM. HENRY WOODS. COTTON FACTOR AM GENERAL Bay Street, 2¥'ri-s' JSSSiS MERCHANT, SAVANNAH, GA. j^GENT FOR REESE’S SOLUBLE'PACIFIC' GUANQ. Is prepared at *11 timex to ad+hile* liberally on Consignments for sale in Savannah, ar for shipment to his eorrMpoadeats in New York and UvqrpoeL ancU^wte* *