The Georgia temperance crusader. (Penfield, Ga.) 1858-18??, January 28, 1858, Image 4

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PROFESSIONAL CARDS, Bw. REES * LINTON,_ WARE-HOUSE A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, jMkwn Street, Augusta, Georgia. TTTILL continue the WAREHOUSE and COM- W MISSION BUSINESS at their Fire-Proof Warehouse, and will devote their personal attention to the interests of their friends and patrons. Orders for Family Supplies, Bagging, Rope, &c., carefully filled. Liberal Cash Advances made when required. Commission for selling cotton, fifty cents per bale kjohc. bess. [Septß-85] sam’lo. lintom. WHIT G. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Ga. “ WILL promptly attend to all business entrusted to his professional management in Richmond and the adjoining counties. Office on Mclntosh Street, three doors below Constitutionalist office. Reference—Thos. R. R. Oobb, Athens, Ga. June 14-ly JAMES BROWN. •H TT O R JVJE If At T Id JM. Vf* YANOY HILL, MUBRT CO., GA. April 80th, 1857. ROGER L. WHIGHAM, Louisville , Jefferson co., Ga. WILL give prompt attention to any business en trusted to his care, in the following counties: Jefferson, Burke, Richmond, Columbia, Warren, Washington, Emanuel, Montgomery, Tatnall and Scriven. j. .!_ ■ —ApfitSSj— “” LEONARD T. DOYAL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, McDonough ; henry go., ga. Will practice Law in the following counties, to-wit; Henry, Spaulding, Butts, Newton, Fayette, Fulton, DeKalb, Pike and Monroe. Feb2—A D. H. SANDERS, ATTORNEY AT LA IF, ALBANY, GEORGIA, Will practice in the counties of Dougherty, Sumter, Lee, Randolph, Calhoun, Early, Baker, Decatur and Worth. Jan. 1 ly 1 H. T. PERKINS, ATTORNEY AT LA IF, GREENESBORO’, GEORGIA, Will practic? in the co- nties of Greene, Morgan, Putnam, Oglethorpe, Taliaferro, Hancock, Wilkes and Warren. Feb. ly 7 PHILLIP R. ROBINSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW , GREENESBORO’, REORGIA. Will practice in the cou “.ties of Greene, Morgan, Putnam, Oglethorpe, Talisferro, Hancock, Wfikes and Waren. July 6th, 1866. ly. ‘ 25. $2,000 Reward! WiU be paid the above reward to any person or per sons who will prove, in a single instance, of the failure of “ Dense’s Celebrated Poultice” to affect the permanent cure of Neu ralgia of the face. TIP DOLOREUX OP THE FACE SAFE & PERMANENT CURE DENSE’S CELEBRATED This remedy is warranted a Permanent Cure,An all cases of Face Neuralgia. It is not recommended for any other nervous affection, when used in those excruciating cases of NEURALGIA OF THE FACE, it has been invariably and entirely successful. The Proprietor is satisfied that a trial will prove; the truth . of the recommendation given. The following testi monials of the virtues of DENSE’S POULTICE is respectfully submitted to the notice of the afflicted. Another successful cure of Neuralgia of the Face. A case of seven years standing, cured by DENSE'S NEURALGIA POULTICE. C. H. Freeman of this city has suffered the most excruciating pains in both sides of his face, for seven years, and had tried all the usual modes of treatment in vain. The first case was cured 21st Dec. ’56, and the second 12th April, ’67. CERTIFICATE. I do hereby certify that the above statement is true and correct, and am satisfied that I am perma nently cured. (Signed,) CHAS. H. FREEMAN. CERTIFICATE. We, the undersigned ; do hereby certify that we are personally acquainted with the above case of C. H. Freeman, and that he is entirely cured. (Signed,) W. H. King, J. S. Graybill, S. B. Day, , R. A. Benson. Macon, August 12,186/. Applicants will please address A. A. MENNARD, Druggist, Or B. F. DENSE, Macon, Ga. This Medicine can be sent by mail to every part of the country. Price, $lO. August 20, 1867. 88—ly L SCOTT & CO’S REPRINT OF THE BRITISH PERIODICALS # AND THE FARMER’S GUIDE, GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF THE LATTER PUBLICATION. L SCOTT & CO., New York, continue to publish • the following leading British Periodicals, vii: 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative.) . THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) 8. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church.) 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) 6. BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) ’ These Periodicals ably represent the three great political parties of Great Britain Whig, Tory, and Radical,—but politics form only one feature or their character. As Organs of the most pro found writers on Science, Literature, Morality, and ReUgion they stand, as they have ever stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, being considered indispensable to tbc scholar and the professional man, while to the Intelligent reader of every class, they furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the current literature of the day, throughout the world, than can be possibly obtained from any other quarter. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of ADVANCE SHEETS from the British publishers, gives additional value to these Re-prints; especially during the present exciting state of European affairs, inasmuoh as they can now be plaoed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS. per ann Tor any one of the four Reviews and one Prem. vol. aa on For any two “ “ “ one “ 600 For any three “ “ “ two “ 7 00 For all four of the Reviews “ two “ 8 00 For Blaokwood’s Magazine “ one “ 8 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews “ three “ 900 Per Blackwood and the four Reviews “ three “ 10 00 Payments to ds made in all oases in advance. Money currentin the State where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-live per cent, from the above prices will be allowed to Clubs ordering from L. Soott A Cos., direct, four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four oopies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $9: four oopies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for #80; and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be deliv ered, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent by mall, the Postage to any part of the United Btates will be but TWENtV-POUB CENTS a year for “Blackwood,” and but FOURTEEN CENTS a year for each of the Reviews. %W m The •price in Great Britain of the five Peri odicals above named is about $Bl per annum. THE FARMER’S GUIDE TO Scientific and Practical Agriculture. By Hoar Stbfhbhb, F. R. 8., of Edinburgh, and Hie late J. P. Noa roir, Professor of Scientific Agriculture in Yale College, N. Haven. 2 vols. Royal Octavo. 1600 pages, and numerous Wood and Steel Engravings. This is, confessedly, the most complete work on Agriculture ever published, and in order to give it a wider circulation, the publish ers have resolved to reduce the price to FIVE DOLLARS FOR THE TWO VOLUMES !! sent by mail (poet paid) to California and Oregon the price . h* *T. To every other part of the Union, and to Canada (post paid) $6. jay This work is hot the old “Book es the Farm.” WF Remittances for any of the above publications should al ways be addressed (peat-paid) to the publishers, „ , LEONARD SCOTT & CO., KAI 2 No. 54 Gold-gt, N. T. LOTTERIES, &c. **-"*•’ ‘ ‘■ _ -*i ... -“ The Treasures af Old Ocean ™ Pale “their ineffectual fires” before the stupendous grandeur and matchless brilliancy of the following RARE and UNEQUALLED LOTTERIES! Assenting to the beautiful lines of the Poet, that “ True happiness, if understood, Consists alone in doing good.” We feel no ordinary degree of pride in presenting to the Public the annexed * TRULY GRAND SCHEMES, or plans of our Far Famed and Responsible Lotteries, in which it will be perceived money may be drawn without scarcely an effort Packages of whole tickets should be ordered to secure the largest amount of money, as a Package can draw four Prizes. DRAWING TO TAKE PLAGE BY LAW. OPnpaezcß Followed by $3,250! - fy**"******* 9 ,. $3,250! $3,250! $3,250! FOUR SPLENDID PRIZES OF $1,625 DOLL’S EACH, FOUR GRAND PRIZES OF 1 THOUSAND POL’S 1 DOLL'S t 0 rawn fr° m *h e Wheel! PRICE OF TICKETS OWE] E>Q¥ jABE FULL PACKAGES OF WHOLES, 40 OOTjW SHARES IN PROPORTION. TRY PACKAGES! TRY PACKAGES! AND ORDER EARLY TO SECURE CHANCES! JOINT STOCK LOTTERY, M. SAVOY & 00., Agents for the Managers. The drawing used to determine the prizes are Authorized by the State of Delaware. Prizes in this Lottery will be paid after the draw ing, in bills of specie paying banks without deduc tion, on the return of the ticket or certificate enti tled to the prize. Bills on all solvent banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. T. 0. LIVINGSTON & GO., Managers. MOST BRILLIANT SCHEME. Drawing to take place by law at Every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, when the following Grand and Magnificent Prizei will be distributed to Ticket Holders. 1 prize of $22,0001 prize of SSOO 1 of 6,6001 o( 500 1 of 3,260 1 of 600 1 of 8,2601 of 600 1 ot 8,2601 of 100 1 of 8,2601 of 100 1 of 1,626 1 of 100 1 of 1,626 1 of 100 1 of 1,6361 of 100 1 of 1,626 1 of 100 1 of 1,0001 of 100 1 of 1,0001 of 100 1 of 1,000 1 of 100 1 of 1,0001 of 100 100 prizes of S2O are 2,000 60 of 10 are 600 60 of 8 are 480 2,120 of 2 are 4,240 24,848 of 1 are 24,848 26,716 prizes amounting to $86,668 Whole Tickets One Dollar each. Managers’ printed Certificates of Packages of whole tickets, containing every number in the Lot tery, and which may draw Jour handsome prizes, will be sent by mail, securely enveloped and sealed, for $lO. In this scheme, a package of 26 whole tickets would cost $26, but as they are bound to draw at least sl6, we will send Certificates of 26 whole tickets. $lO Certificates of 26 half tickets 6 Certificates of 26 quarter tickets 2 60 The official account of the drawing, with a writ ten statement of the amount drawn, will be forward ed immediately after the drawing, to those who or der their tickets at this office. Bank Notes, Certifi cates of Deposit or prizes in any responsible Lotte ries, will be taken for tickets and packages in these popular and far-famed Lotteries, and all prizes sold wifr be paid immediately after the drawing, in full without discount, in Sight Drafts on New York; or, if preferred , Gold will be forwarded bg the Express Company in well secured Boxes. All orders should be sent for packages and single tickets by the earliest mails to avoid disappointment, as they are often scarce, and sometimes are all sold a week before the day of drawing. For Packages or single tickets in the above rich and beautiful Lottery, orders must be addressed by mail to the truly fortunate and far-famed prize sel lers, M. SAVOY & CO., Auglß-82-6m Washington, D. C. WHO WANTS MONEY! 60,000 Dollars MAY TE OBTAINED BY RISKING TEN DOL’S! Halves and Quarter Tickets in Proportion. Jasper County Academy Lottery, By authority of the State of Georgia. Plan Single Numbers. 30,000 TICKETS— 3,2B6 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO $216,000. PRIZES PA YABLE WITHO UT DED XjCTION ANDERSON & SON, Manageis. Successors to J. F. Winter, Manager. Our Lotteries draw in Macon, Ga., (Small Schemes) every Saturday, and in Savannah, (Large Schemes) about the 15th of every month. J CLASS DD DRAWS NOVEMBER 15TH, 1857, AT ARMORY HALL, SAVANNAH, GA. Under the Sworn Superintendence of W. R. Symons and J. M. Prentiss, Esqrs. CAPITALS of $60,000, $20,000, SIO,OOO, $6,000, $4,000, $2,000, 8 Prizes of SIOOO, 6 of S6OO, 100 of SIOO, 100 of S6O, 8000 of SBO, and 72 Approxima tion prizes amounting to $8,760. WHOLE TICKETS SIO—HALVES $5-QUART. 2*. Look to your interest and compare this scheme with any other. Bank Notes of sound Banks taken at par. Checks on New York remitted for prizes. Address orders for tickets or Certificates of Pack ages of Tickets to ANDERSON 4c SON, Managers, Sept 1867 Macon or Savannah, Ga. Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Umbrellas, &c. FALL AND WINTER STYLE 18S7. ftEO. W. FERRY, Masonic HaU building, Broad-si Augusta, Ga., has now on hand a carefully selected stock of - Moleskin hate of Beebe & Cos Leary &|Co trade styl!L? entS * nd B ° yS 8011 Felt Hats ’ new a “ d eiegant • “ “ Saxony Hate -,; aSsssf* ‘ Rouehes, Flowers, Plumes, Umbrellas, Ac. The best assortment in the city, and he hopes by s untiring assiduity to merit the liberal patronage ne has so long and thankfully received. DENTAL NOTICE. Drs. Cob & Latimbr would inform their friends and patients, that one of the firm will constantly remain in Greenesboro’, and that the other will be found in the following places at the time specified below, viz; White Plains, from Jan. 6th, to Jan. 17th. Mount Zion, “ “ 18th, “ “ 81st. Oxford from February Ist, to February 14tb. Penfield “ * 16th, to “ 28th. As this time table will be strictly adhered*to, those who call early will be most likely to receive attention. BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS. J. I TMIPIER, GUN AND LOCKSMITH, AND MANUFACTURER OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE SHOT GUNS, ALSO, REPAIRING OF. GUNS, KEYS, Ac. &c. iS@~ALL WORK JSF“No charge on work sent. J. H. SNELLINGS, Agent, Aug. 6,1857.—1 y. Greenesboro, Ga. BUENA VISTAJ ACADEMY. PUBLIC SQUARE, GREENE COUNTY GA The undersigned have secured, for the coming year, the services of John J. Heard, A. B. He was born and raised among us, and is well known by each one of us to be a gentleman of good mind, and steady habits, and having already had some expe rience in teaching, we confidently expect he will merit a liberal share of patronage. The school will open on the 2nd Monday in Janu ary 1858, Further information concerning rates of tuition, board, &c., can be obtained from either of the Trustees. Wm. Tuggle, Jr. Pres. S. M. Echol, Wm. Heard, Thos. R. Thornton, Dr. A. H. Randle, Jas. D. Williams. Wm. A. Overton. December Bd, 1857 —49. Wduable Property For Sale, ONE of the partners wishing to change his business, we now offer for sale our Land and Mills , situated six miles east of Greenesboro’, and four miles south-west of Union Point, known as Ogeechee place. There is 1079 acres of land in the tract, about five hundred acres cleard, the ballance well timbered woodland. A consideraele portion is bottom land and the present crop will speak for the productive quality of the land. Our mills consist of a Circular Saw Mill and a Grist Mill —driven by a 15 horse power engine—all is in good order and condition. The Mills were erected last spring and are in the centre of five or six hundred acres of heavy timbered woodland.— For further particulars call to see us on the premises or address us at Union Point, Ga. CRANE & GIBSON. October 21st, 1857—ts. 44 Valuable Plantation for Sale. MThe Subscriber offers for sale his well known plantation lying on the Ogechee River 11-2 miles above Columbus Shivers mills, in Warren county. It is extensively known as having former ly belonged to Thomas Seals deceased. It now con tains 1200 acres more or. less of land, all of which is good, in fine order, under good fences and Sus ceptible of tillage. The tract comprises 800 acres more or less of superior low grounds, well ditched, and not liable to overflow. The improvements con sist in a commodious residence, excellent meat house ample accommodations for negroes, good barn, cribs, stable &c. Any one purchasing the place will get a valuable plantation. Mr. Lankford, my overseer is on the premises and will show the place to any one wishing to ex amine it. He also will make known the Terms. A. B. PHELPS. Dec. 3rd, 1857. Penfield Ga. City Restaurant. Continually on hand Eatables of all kinds, Fresh Oysters, Lobsters, Bologna Sausages, Eggs, Candies and choice Fruits of every descrip tion. Persons wishing any of these commodities, or a good meal at short notice, will be accommodat ed by calling in at OLD MAO’S. Greenesboro’, Nov. 12th, 1857. 49 J. S. BARNWELL & CO. WILL continue the harness business at the old stand of Lankford & Barnwell. They promise to execute all work entrusted to them in the latest style and most workman-like manner, will do re pairing at the shortest notice, and warrant every job, and dispatch it with skill and neatness, upon the most reasonable terms. ffST None but the best materials used by us, and the workmen are fatthful. Cheap Dry Roods! Broom a norrell are now receiving at their new store, No. 238- Broad-st., a large and elegant assortment of staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Their stock is one of the largest and most complete in their line in the city, and comprises all of the latest and most elegant styles of the season. They would respectfully solicit public patronage, and cordially invite all to examine their Goods. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. Fancy Dress Silks, Plaids and stripe^ Rich Silk Robe a’Quille, very heavy, Rich Bayadere Silks, Poplins, Handsome Foulards, Black Brocade Silks, stripes, plaids and figures, Mourning and Half Mourning Silks, Rich French Printed All-wool Delaines, Robes a’Quille, Bayadere S.tripes, Cashmere d’Ecosse, Valencia Plaids and Tarltans, And a variety of other Goods for children ; Printed Cohurgs, Paramattas, English and French Mennoes, Plain and Printed Delains and Persians, all qualities, French, English and Americh Prints, great variety, French, Scotch and American Ginghams, great va riety ; Plain, Printed and Plaid-Opera Flannels. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, Os the latest styles, from low priced to very rich, in great variety. CHENILLE SHAWLS AND SCARFS, And almost every description, from low price to very fine quality. A large assortment of Ladies’ Cloths, all colors, for Cloaks and Mantillas. Mourning Goods, of every style, suitable for the season. Hoop Skirts, every style and quality used, Corsets, French and Railroad, EMBROIDERIES, Os all kinds, and a large assortment of French Worked Collars, Sleeves, Bands, Flouncings, Emb’d Skirts, Handkerchiefs, Infant’s Waists, Worked Edg ings and Insertings. Gloves of all kinds, for Ladies, Gents and Boys, Hosiery “ “ “ “ ‘ *. Flannels, large assortment, all prices and qualities. Merino Vesta, for Ladies, Children and Gents. PANTALOON GOODS. All styles Oassimeres, Doeskins, Corduroys, Tweeds, Satinetts, plain and plaids; Kentucky Jeans Carolina Jeans, Merino Oassimeres, for children; Plaids and Rob-Roys, for children, Ac. PLANTATION AND SERVANT’S GOODS. Largest assortment and greatest variety in the city, comprising the most durable Goods in the mar ket in the way of Kerseys, white and brown Plains, Heavy Twills, Linseys, Osenburgs, Stripes, Home spuns, Plaids and Flannels. ♦ BLANKETS. Negro Blankets, white and grey, Saddle “ Traveling Blankets, Mackinaw “ Fancy “ of every description, From a smalt Crib Blanket, to a large and su perior Bed Blanket. BED BLANKETS, We ha,ve t but ONE PRICE, our goods will be of fkred at the lowest prices, which wo guarantee to be as low as any in the Southern country, Our sys tem not only compels us to pell our goods at the lowest prices, but it also protects the buyer from paying over market price, as he invariably does, where there is an aching and a taking price, pay All orders will receive our personal and prompt attention, aud our best judgment ip execut ing them. BROOM 4c ft OURfiLL Oct. 15tb t No. 23%3fl> NOTINGS OF INVENTIONS, &c, A NEW PRINCIPLE. * * WELL SWORTHYf(TUE?COIVSIERATIOBi OF EVERY HOUSEKEEPER. ” ‘ I- ; _ .v.. y The important principle of wasing clothes without friction has at last been discovered, and is perfectly exemplified in the great KNUCLE WASHING MACHINE. It combines all the requisites of Simplicity, Dura bility and Economy, different from all others aud in <he mode of applying it Nothing can surpass it in rapidicy of execution, and there is nothing ithat can compare with it, in washing clean without dam age to the articles entrusted to it It never removes a button, flattens a hook, or tears the most delicate fabric or half-worn articles of dress. It operates so easily that a boy of 10 or 12 years of age can do large washings. It will prove itself to be all that it is recommended to he. The above Machines are now being manufactured at Greenesboro Ga., by the subscriber, who has the right to make and sell them in the counties of Mor gan, Greene and Hancock. He would therefore take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of the above counties, that he has employed Mr- S. T. STONE to canvass those counties with one of the Machines, who will take great pleasure in showing it to every body, and if they prefer seeing it in op eration all they will be required to do is to furnish him with some hot water and soap, and then their dirty clothes which he will wash clean and in so short a time as to astonish every onj who has not seen it in operation before. Persons wishing to purchase Machines can give •him an order or send it directly to me and they will be forworded immediately with printbd instructions how to use them. Oct. 29th, 1857.—45 W. E. WALKER. Copy of Mr. LOGANS, Certificate. Greenbsboro’, Ga. Oct 25th. 1857. Mr. Wm. E. Walker — Dear Sir: —in regard to the Washing Machine, I would simply say that I would not be without one for any consideration which might be presented. It is easy to manage, it washes without injury to the clothes. On yester day our washerwoman did from 10 o’clock A. M. to 1 P. M., what it would have taken hfer the great er part of two days to accomplish by hand. The best recommendation you can have is the Machine itself. Every family that cap rase money will most certainly buy after seeing it in operation. Respectfully yours, ROBT. LOGAN. Greenesboro’, Ga., Oct. 28th, 1857. Mk. Wm. E. Walker— Dear Sir: —l take pleas ure in certifying to the value of your Washining Machine. It is the desideratum long desired; wash ing clothes clean without wearing or injuring them and in less than one-fourth of the time occupied in the usual way. Very Respectfully. JOHN E. WALKER, M. D. MILLEDGEViLLE, Oct 15th, 1857. Mr. Walker— Dear Sir: —l am in receipt of your letter about the Washing Machine. The Wash ing Machine I have is no humbug. It saves me three or four hands labour. But I have to make a man use it because mine is so large. If it is made right and handled right it is a fine thing. Yours aespectfully, E. D. BROWN. The most Useful, most Perfect most Concise! Cheaper than the Cheapest--Better than the Best! PUBLISHED WEEKLY. THE WHOLE ONLY ONE DOLL. A-YEAR ! Greatest discovery of the pre sent CENTURY FOR DETECTING COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES, Describing evegy Genuine Bill in existence, and ex hibiting at a glance eaery Counterfeit in existence! Arranged so admirably that Reference is easy and —Detection instantaneous. N0 INDEX TO BE EXAMINED! NO PAGES TO HUNT UP ! But so simplified and arranged, that the Merchant, Banker — and Business Man can see all at a glance ! It has taken years to make perfect this GREAT DISCOVERY. The urgent necessity for such a work has long been felt by Commercial men. It has been pub lished to supply,the call for such a Preventive, and needs but to be known to be universally patronized. It does more than has ever been attempted by man. Jg@"*lt describes every Bank Note in three differ ent languages : English, French and German. Thus, each may read the same in his own tongue ! Terms : The paper will be about 23 by 42 inch, and will contain THE MOST PERFACT BANK NOTE LIST PUBLISHED, together with the Rate of Discount; also, A LIST OF ALL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN AMERICA. A complete summary of the Finaance of Europe and America, will be published in each edition, to gether with all the important aOQ.CS> ALSO, INTERESTING STJRIES, from an old manuscript found in the East, and no where else to be found. It has never yet appeared in print, and furnishes the most complete history of ORIENTAL LIFE, and describing the most perplexing positions in which the = Ladies and Gentlemen of that country have been so often found. These Stories will con tinue throughout the whole year, and will prove the most entertaining ever offered to the public. Furnished weekly to subscribers only, at $1 a year. All letters must be addressed to. JOHN S. DYE, Broker, Publisher and Proprietor, March 19 —ly. 70 Wall Street, N. Y. DAWSON INSTITUTE. WHITE PLAINS, GREENE COUNTY, GA. BOARD OF INSTRUCTORS. James D. Mathews, A. M. Principal, Vincent T. Sanford, A. M. associate. Principal, Miss E. A. Whiteman, Instructress in Music, Draw ing, Painting and Embroidery, Mrs. D. A. Mathews, Instructress in French and in Primary department This Male and Female Institute, under a different name and organization, has been largely patronized during a series of years; and now with great improve ments, it is again commended, with renewed confi dence to the attention of Parents and Guardians. For its success the utmost energy and fidelity are pledged, on the part of the Board of Instructors; and an active support on the part of the Board of Trustees, much confidence is felt in being able to give satisfaction to those who may send their sons and daughtres here, to receive their education.— The Spring Term of 1858, will commence on the third Monday in January. For fall particulars, address Principal. BROOM & WORRELL, Augusta, Georgia, have received a handsome assortment of Stella Shaws, of all colors and qualities', to which they would invite attention. April 2 M WILLIS* HOTE L, at the old stand, is still open for the reception and accommo doMon of travelers. All who may favor us th theu patronage shall receive every attention cessary. A, L. WILLIS, Proprietor. Greenesborp;’, Ga., Feb. 12,1856. 7 FAYETTEVILLE SEMINARY. . rpHE exercises of this In <fyb JL JL atitution will be resumed ‘'MW M on the IDA of January next, un .JflErlfc Hlßfc der the charge of the subscribers. The Scholastic year will be di vided into TWO SESSIONS OF 100 DAYS EACH. The P r t ceß of tuition, per year, range From 16 to 36 Dollars. Hoard for the year will not exceed S9O, washing Our system of teaching is analytical, thorough and impressive; our moral training unsurpassed and effec tive ; our village healthy, retired and pleasant; andlast but not least, society is as good here as anywhere.— Enough said. MORGAN H. LOONEY,) Associate GEORGE G. LOONEY. J Principals. Fayetteville, Ga. Jan. 7th, 1858. i 4t. ‘ ~~ H. WILLIAMS, Commission Merchant,. ATLANTA, GA. ORDERS for BACON, LARD, FLOUR, and all w kinds of UP-COUNTRY PRODUCE, are respect fully solicited,and will be promptly filled at the lowest market prices, for Cash. Jan. 14, 1858. ’ .... ly. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISING—AUGUSTA AND GREENESBORO’. JACKSON-STREET HOSPITAL, SURGICAL INFIRMARY FOR NEGROES AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. THE undersigned would respectfully call the attention of Planters and Slave-owners generally 1 their very complete and extensive Establishment in Augusta, Georgia, for the accommodation of Negroes requiring Surgical Operations or treatment in Chronic Diseases and also Female Diseases so common among Negroes. ’ ™ The building is situated corner of Jackson and Fenwick-streets, between the Georgia and the Savannah Rail Road Depots, and in sight of both. It is, therefore, convenient for the reception of patients from distance. In its construction, throughout the entire plan, was kept in view the special purpose to which it is applied; being furnished with everything which can conduce to the comfort of the sick. It is supplied with Hot and Cold Baths and Shower Baths—and has Water-Closets in each story to avoid fatigue and exposure to the patients. It is also well Ventilated and lighted with Gas. With the constant attendance of experienced male and female Nurses, the patient will be saved much of the suffering which too often is the result of unavoidable neglect in the treatment of negroes in ordinary private practice Terms—For Board, Lodging and Nursing, per month, $lO. For all necessary Medical attendance Surgical Operations, <Ske., the same as in ordinary city practice, ’ pEfLetters addressed to us at this place will meet with prompt attention. H. F. CAMPBELL, Surgeon, . . K 10KI _ R. CAMPBELL, Attending Physician. Augusta, February 5,1857. ly g Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING, Under the United States Hotel, Augusta, Ga. •T NEWBY * € °* have opened an elegant stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING • oi Men and Boy’s wear. They respectfully call the attention of all persons in want of good well made Goods, to their Stock. CALL IN. Oct. 18 D K U G G ISTSAXDAPiri’MEIIUI E S, —WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN — * u L e r Medicines, Chemicals, Drugs, Faints, Oils, French and American Window Glass, Varnishes, Putty, Faint Mills, Gold Foil, Gold Leaf, Sponge, Choice Brandies and Wines, for Medical Purposes, Fine Shaving and Toilet Soap , foreign and Domestic Handkerchief Extracts, and Cologne Water, Ground Spices, and Flavoring Extracts, Landreth's Garden Seeds, t>SfS er With , other article UHuall y ke P fc in their line- all of which they offer at WHOLESALE or KKIAIL, on as liberal terms as can be had at any other estalishment. Jan. 22,1857-4-ly GEORGE A OATES & BROTHER PIANO FORTES, BOOKS, MOSIC, &C„ BROAD-STREET, BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND GLOBE HOTELS, RESPECTFUIXY invite the attention of their friends and the public generally; to their large and well-selected stock of B rniifffflnmi. From the following celebrated Manufactories, for which they are sold Agents, viz: Bacon Haven, A. H. Gale (f - Cos., and Hazleton dj* Brothers, New York; and Hallett, Davis Cos., Boston, which, for sweetness of tone and durability, cannot be excelled. It is useless to say more in their favor as they are too well known to need puffing. Piano Fortes of any Maker or style ordered at the lowest prices. Their assortment of MUSIC is very large. Also, always on hand, a supply of Jtlelodeons, Guitars , t'iolitts , Flutes , Accordions, tfc. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF mt it ms ss it bkt si thu’ hm. wlt ism: t ass 9 suitable for a full Band, besides everything in the Music line. All the new Books and Music received as soon as published. at a distance, ordering from us, can depend upon getting a good article, as we make it a point to keep goods of the best quality, and such as we can recommend, and warrant in every respect. N. B.—For the satisfaction of persons who may want to order, —not having an opportunity of visiting the city,—we refer, with pleasure, to the following gentlemen, who have purchased from us, and who have cheerfully allowed their names to be used. Hundreds could be added, but space will not allow it Rev. A. Mbans, Pres’t of Emory College, Oxford, Ga., J. L. Reid, Esq., Eatonton, Ga., Dr. E. E. Jones, Madison, Ga., W. Gatewood, Esq., Putnam county, Ga., Col. N. L. Hutching, Lawrenceville, Ga., Rev. J. H. Echols, Pres’t Madison Female College. May 12, 1855. ly 19 htraordiiry iwcuKm to cm mb. 15,000 DOLLARS WORTH OF DRY HOODS AND CLOTHING SELLING OFF AT COST BY A. L. JOHNSON & CO. Owing to the hardness of the times, and the scarcity of money, we have concluded to offer our large and well assorted stock of merchandise at (until the first of March next) for cash only, and most respectfully solicit our friends to call and ex amine for themselves. More especially we call their attention to our very large stock of Clothing, Boots & S hoes. Hats, Caps, Shirts & Under Garments, all offering at COST! to reduce our slock, and realize the money, all who want BARGAINS please call before purchas mg elsewhere at A. L. JOHNSON & CO. One door South of Mrs. Stathams Hotel. Greenesboro,’ December, 1857. —3m. TWENTY-FIVE WITNESSES OF PAPER MONEY; OR, THE FORGER CONVICTED!) DROPSY CURED. THE undersigned proposes to cure Dropsy of every description. He can bo seen personally five miles South of Union Point, or addressed by letter to Union Point, Greene County Ga. The e dicine can be sent anywhere by Rail Road, with directions for giving it, or I will attend personally if requested, and paid for my trouble. I will buy ne groes afflicted with Dropsy, or cure them, as the owner may prefer. Satisfactory references given if desired. MILES G. BROOME. Union Point, Greene Cos. May 14th, 1857.—t5. Greenesboro Female College. THE Board of Trustees take pleasure in an nouncing that the exercises ol this institution will be resumed on the FIRST MONDAY’ IN JANUARY , 1358. Rev. HOMER HENDEE, A. M. President and Pro fessor. Miss MARGARET R. MILLER, first Instructress in Literary Department. Mr. CHARLES HJNTZ, first Professor ol Vocal and Instrumental Music and Teacher of French and Ger man. Miss M. L. WRIGHT, first Ihslructresa in \ r oeal and Instrumental Music and Teacher of Drawing, Painting and French. We are now in correspondence for the Professorship of Natural and Experimental Sciences, and intend that this and all other departments shall be amply supplied. By order of the Board. D. HOWELL, Secretary and Treasurer. Greenesboro, Ga. Jan. 7, 1858. 4t. GEORGIA PLAINS. THE subscribers take pleasure in stating to their old customers and others wishing their Woo made into the best Plains manufactured in the Um red States, that we are now receiving and will re ceive wool, furnish warp, and charge but 16 cents per yard for manufaeturing (cash,) as that is what we have to pay for all the material we use. The Factory is situated 18 miles south of Gpeenes boro, 12 miles southwest of White Plains, 14 miles northwest of Sparta,-14 east of Eatonton, on the Oconee river, in Greene county. LAWRENCE MANF. 00. Aug 2, 1856 80 LOST BY the subscriber between the Isth and 20th ult., his Pocket-Book, -ontaining about two dollars in cash, and the following described notes, vizOne note for S2OB 87, signed by Jos. H. Edmondson, payable to Jos Ar strong or hearer, dated Jahuary Ist 1867, and due one day after date; One* note* 11 signed by J. A. Trencnard for $207, (about) paya ble to same, dated January Ist 1857, and due one day alter date ; one note for S9O, signed by Lucinda, Armstrong, payable to same, dated January Ist, 1857, and due one day alter date; one note for fifty dollars signed by Thomas B. Logue, payable to John W. Coleman or bearer, date not recollected, (and dafe Dec., 25th‘ 1857. . <• All persons are forewarned from trading for any of these notes, as payment has been stopped. * December 7th, 1857-4 t JOSEPH ARMSTRONG.