The Georgia temperance crusader. (Penfield, Ga.) 1858-18??, February 11, 1858, Image 2

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F ITHDbIaT MORNING, FKBROART H. 1858. CLUBS. dubs es Ttn Subscribers, by sending the cask, can get the Crusader at *1 50 per copy. Clubs of Fine at )1 80 per copy. Any person sending foe hew subscribers, will receive n extra copy of the paper one year, free of cost. Aifab-uwecwmakeit. Subscribers who art entitled to the Taper for advance payment, up to any time during the present year, will re ceive it regularly, until then, without any additional charge for the increase in price. Those who are in ar rears will be charged only owe dollar a year far past dues, provided they continue their subscriptions. Our terms have been heretofore one dollar in advance, or twodoUars at the end of the year ; and we have invariably, and do now, exact two dollars a year for arrears, when a sub scription is discontinued. A large number of our sub scribers are from one to four years behind —and the prop osition which we now make, will be of considerable advan tage to them, in these “hard times,'’ and we trust they will avail themselves of it without delay. Those who are entitled to the paper for sometime ahead, wiU receive it at less than cost to us, owing to the heavy increase in expense for publication ; but we are perfectly willing to that, provided they will continue to give us their support and influence, when their present payments ex pire. We think it not unreasonable to expect it of them. We are commencing to fill out a statementfor each sub scriber, of his or her indebtedness, and will inclose it in the paper ; and it will be doing us a great favor if our friends will respond to them promptly, as we are anxious to transcribe our list of names, which ws intend doing as soon as we can hear from our patrons. It is very encouraging to us,to know that we are now publishing a Paper which, so far as we can learn,is meeting with general approbation. We daily hear oi subscribers who are more ready and willing to pay two dollars for the present sheet, than they were to pay one for the last year’s paper. And we havn’t the name of a single man on our books, who is not able to pay twice two dollars for such a paper as we are now issuing. A man’s ability to pay for a newspaper, depends upon the character of the paper ; no one is able to throw away money upon a trifling sheet, which is not readable. — A few of our old friends are dropping off and deserting us—we hate to lose them, but trust others will come in and take their places. The Georgia. Press. We have been bo perplexed in getting our office straightened out for the year, that we have been pre vented from paying any attention to our exchangee. But it is never too late to do good, and at this late hour we indulge in a few comments. The Christian Index, our quondam door neighbor, has been enlarged and headed anew. It is a plain, neat head, and more in accordance with the character of the paper. Mr. Walker has been very successful in his editorial management of the Index, and has rendered it a worthy, popular and most excellent Journal. The Educational Journal, published at Forsyth, comet out with anew and handsome head-piece. The paper is much improved in appearance, and Dr. George T. Willburn who now has the entire editorial charge of it, is a good writer. We wish him and the Journal much success.’ The Georgia Patriot, that was published at Cedar Town, has issued its last number—died for the want of encouragement. Its patrons will be supplied with the Borne Courier, during their subscriptions! year. The Augusta Dispatch has been enlarged, and ia now a very handsome sheet indeed. It is the cheapest daily in the State, and is worth double the subscription price. The loss by the conflagration in Rome is estimated at between seventy-five and a hundred thousand dol lars. A subscriber writing from Florida and inclosing money for his paper, gives us the following sensible or der : “ Change my paper from Greenwood, Fla. to Camp bellton, Fla., and if you cannot print it better, please send mine blank; for I had rather have it blank than smeared over with ink.” He is evidently behind the times—has not seen the paper for this year, or he would not have made such re marks. To Merchants. A business house in New York, writing to a prompt paying house in Augusta, under date of February Ist says : “We will stick to our good old customers and let doubtful ones go. Many persons will visit N. York the ensuing spring and summer, who will fail to obtain goods on credit.” Blank Bills of the Bank of Fulton. The Augusta Constitutionalist says: We were shown a dispatch to-day, from Mr. William M. Wil liams, Cashier of the Bank of Fulton, in which it stat ed that a number of the unsigned bills of that Bank had been stolen. There are no tens nor twenties in circu lation signed by E. W. Holland, President. The pub lie must be on their guard in relation to this matter, as it is Very probable some of the bills will be filled up and put in circulation. A High Compliment to our Paper. An excellent and intelligent gentleman, President of one of the largest Female Colleges in the State, gives us the following encouragement, which we take the liber ty of extracting from his letter: “I am pleased to see your “ Crusader ” enlarged and otherwise improved. It is now, in my humble judg ment, one of the best papers in Georgia. Mrs. Mary E. Bryan has made a handsome debut, and I have no doubt her pen will contribute much to the entertainment of vour readers. I think you have done right in raising your price to $2.00. It is good as almost any paper, and I know you cannot afford it at a less price and do justice to yourself. SCBHMWM'PCWICMP.'"’’ 1 ' 11 ” Respectfully yours, Now, we do not publish these expressions of our friends concerning us, as an index of the general senti ment in regard to our paper, for no doubt there are some who do not think it so worthy, and our object is simply to show such that there are those who do. Da You Believe it. There is an organized association of female gamblers in Newburyport, Mass., the leader of which is the wife of one of the leading rumsellers of the city, and which numbers among its habitue3, the female members of families, whom to name, would astonish every one. Suicide. —Dr. Anson Jones, ex-president of Texas, committed suicide in Houston, on the 13th inst. Tex as is unfortunate in losing her great men by suicide— Collingsworth, Grayson, Birdsdall, Rusk—and now Jones. At what Age aught People to Cease to Lore ? An English paper asked, at what age ought people to cease to love ? In one sense, never. A certain tender ness of recollection, and a sweet and respectful treat ment of one another, will never forsake those who have known how to love truly. As to the rest, there is a great difference in different people. There are men and women both, who seem as if they never would be old. On the other hand, there are some who appear as if they had never been young. We meet even with youth, who have the manners and darling thoughts of old age. We have known men advanced in life, whom we could fancy making love with far less indecorum than some of twenty and thirty years of age. The reason is, that the former are young in spirit, and can pay their atten tions with a grace, a patience, and a vivacity, that, in rescuing love from the common place of mere animal passion, at once make up for the want of youth, and sup ply what youth itself ought to bring. To be sure, set a man of this kind against a Romeo, and he will stand no chance ; nor ought he to seek it. Juliets are not for him, vivacious as he maybe. But set him against a young Shallow or Holofernes, and a Juliet herself would at least sigh over the difference. We sympathize with the immortal gayety of Amaerean, in spite of his silver hhtr. Nay, he succeeds in making us like them. His eandor and pleasantry disarm us; we allow his cheeks, blooming with wine instead of youth, and agree to think of his white locks against them as of lilies against roses. Solid Objections appear superficial before thefpagic of his poetry and animal spirits. We think how many minutes fie could make precious to one ofhis beauties; and, by the help of his toleration, contrive to put up f&hthe rest, and to fancy a little regard for him not so monotfous. We wonder whether any body ever thought of Anaareon young t Whnt prodigious odes we fancy tmh to hava written then ! And yet, perhaps, he wrote as he did when c4d, because he did not begin writing too soon’ nu “ Written on seeing Mr. BaUcy'tn&tatpe of Eve contem plating herself in the fountain. ’ Nay, tis no sculptured artj His she—’tis she Oh, more than seraph-beauty ! Even Man Fla but a little lower than the angels;” v While Woman, lovely Woman, audmne. Transcends their glittering hierarchy. This Well knew the subtle tempter, who, albeit, Himself the semblance of a Child of Light Could wear, yet ehose a brighter minister To Inre to the fond ruin. Ah! on such A face as this, our primal Sire might well Gaze away, Eden! Who, that hung on lip* JCTAI Like those, and listened to the uttenngs Which made them eloquent, would still desire The presence of angelic visitants, Or sigh for cherub-warblings ? Who, that let That soft heart beat to his, whils o’er that neck, Locked in Love’s embrace, his fingers twined Like ring-doves nestling round the tree of life, Would deem she lured to death f Yet—yet she smiles— Yet o er her own sweet image hangs enamored, While still and steadfastly as she, we gase And share her rapturous wonder ; deeming her Scarcely less vital than ourselves, and breathless Only from admiration ! Beautiful! ‘‘The statue which enchants the world” no more Boasts undivided homage; Britton olaims The laurel of her Son, whose genius bids Its sweet creation start to life and light, Lovely as Pallas, when the brain of Jove Teemed with divine images. Sober Printers* a wit The last Marietta Advocate says: , “For the encouragement of our brethren of the press, we mention the fact that in this office out of five men employed, one Foreman and four Journeymen engaged on an extensive book job, not one man drinks spiritu ous liquors. We suppose that others have been troub led like ourselves with drunken printers. We merely mention this, because it is something unusual to see as many as five strictly temperate Journeymen printers in one office.” It is true, that so many sober printers are seldom seen in one office, and it speaks well, both for the prin ters and the establishment in which they are employed. A fondness for intoxicating liquors is almost a universal failing among that class of people, and why, it is hard to tell. Even the Temperance Crusader office has not, be fore this year, been free from drunken printers. We are much obliged to our worthy and highly es esteemed editor for the above compliment.— Comp's Cru. friend from Franklin, Heard county, ordering some papers discontinued says: “They rather objent to the increase in price. For my part, I had rather pay you two dollars for the paper as it now is, than one as it was before, though it was then good enough for one dollar, or two either. You may mark me down as in for the balance of the time— enlisted during the war; and I desire the temperance people to have as good a paper as any people. But it is not worth while to talk—"here’s the two dollars; and if lam behind any for the time past, drop me a line; and hard times or easy times, I am determined to take the Crusader and pay for it, too, in advance.” Such subscribers we really love —would that we had a few thousand such. Newspapers. Judge Longstreet, the newly elected President of the South Carolina College, thus sets forth the value of a newspaper: Small is the sum that is required to patronize a news paper, and most amply remunerated is the patron. I care not how humble and unpretending the gazette which he takes, it is next to impossible to fill it fifty-two times a year, without putting in it something that is worth the subscription price. Every parent whose son is off from home, at school, should supply him with a paper. I still remember what difference there was between those of my schoolmates who had, and those who had not access to newspapers. Other things being equal, the first were decidedly superior to the last. The reason is plain— they have command of more facts. ‘ Youths will pe ruse a newspaper with delight, when they will read nothing else. The Noblest Sentiment on Record. In the year 1779, an attempt *was made to comprom ise the difficulties between Great Britain and the Amer* ican Colonies ; and for this purpose, three Commission ers, the Earl of Carlisle, Mr. Eden, and Gov. John stone were sent out; but it was plain that after the sword had been used so long, it was nonsense to think of set tling the differences with a few strokes of the pen; when one of the Commissioners offered to Mr. Reed, an American General, theßumof £IO,OOOO, and any office in his majesty’s gift in the Colonies, provided he would use his influence in bringing about au accommodation. This offer Mr. Reed considered as an attempt to bribe him, and he therefore replied : “lam not worth pur chasing ; but such as I am, the King of Great Britain is not rich enough to do it.” That reply, though made long ago, still swells the bosom with pride to know that there has lived one American, if no more, which could not be bribed. Let Congressmen and Legisla tors especially, and Judges ; let all the officers of the general Government, from the President!down to the humblest Constable, “ roll it under their tongues as a sweet morsel.” Let them keep it in mind as a control ling thought in their public career. A party of bon vivants, who recently dined at a cele brated tavern, after having drank an immense quantity, rang for the bill. The bill was accordingly brought, but the amount appeared so enormous to one of the company, (not quite so far gone as the lest,) that he stammered out, “it was impossible so many bottles could have been drank by so many persons.” “ True, sir,” said Boniface, “ but your honor forgets the three gentlemen under the table.” - Sad Scene in a Lecture Room. A correspondent of the Boston Christian Inquirer says: “ The best temperance lecture—l would say the most impressive and heart-rending appeal in behalf oi sobri ety that has ever reached my ears—was made, not long since, by a gentleman who was selected to deliver the first lecture before several of our Western Lyceums. As his name is in all the “ Cyclopedias of American Literature,” something creditable was expected; but he had not spoken ten minutes, before it was evident that he was sadly intoxicated, and the President had to perform the painful duty of leading him from the stand, and dismissing the insulted audience.” The Ice Crop. The ice crop, it appears, is not hopelessly short. The Albany, (N. Y.) Journal, of Ist inst. says : “During the past twenty-four hours, ice has been forming rapid ly in the river, and is now being cut from eight to ten inches in thickness. Those who have been lookingfor a short crop for the ensuing season, will, we fear, be sadly disappointed. Although the atmosphere was keen this morning, the weather was delightful and healthy. The ice-gatherers could not have more favorable weath er than they have now.” Kanm. There are two Legislatures now in session in Kansas -the Territorial, at Leavenworth, and the State, under the Topeka Constitution, at Topeka. Both are Free soil, and resolutions for fraternization have been intro duced. In the lower branch of the Territorial Legis lature the bill has passed, with but four dissenting voices entitled “ an Act to abolish and prohibit Slavery, and for the repeal of certain laws.” The at provides for the abolishing of slavery forever in Kansas, and all slaves now in, and hereafter coming into the Territory shall be free. And any person who shall now hold, or hereafter hold, slaves in this Territo ry, upon conviction, shall be sentenced to hard labor in the Penitentiary, for not less than two, nor more than five years. All Acts referring to slavery, heretofore passed, arerepealed. The Probate Court has givencon current jurisdiction for the trial and punishment of of fences committed against this act. In cose of refusal of any Probate Judge, to examine into offences arising un der this act, the Probate Court of an adjoining county may hear and determine the case. Justices of the Peace may have preliminary examinations arising under this act. He must be under the power of the poorest and most despicable prejudices, who would reduce all human characters to'a level; who would deny the reality of those virtues that the world has idolized through re volving ages. Nothing can, be disputed wish less plau sibility, than that there are in the world certain noble and elevated spirits that rise above the vulgar notions and the narre w conduct of the bulk of mankind ; that soar to the eublimest heights of reetitude, and from time to time realize those virtues of which the inter ested ard illiberal deny the possibility. Halley and Sia Isaac Newton.— Haßey, the great mathematician, dabbled not a little in infidelity ; he was rather too fond °f introducing the subject; and once, when he had descanted eomewhat freely on it, in the presence of his friend Sir Isaac Newton, the latter cut ‘, him with this observation; “ I always attend to you, Dr. Halley, with the greatest defence, when you do us the honor to converse on astronomy or the mAh ematics, because these are the subjects which you have industriously investigated, and which you understand • but religion is a subject on which I always hear you with pain, “becaune it is one which you have never se riously examined, and therefore, do not comprehend • you dispiae it, because you have not studied it, and you will not study it, because you despise it.” •nr Pmstor und the Church Mule. Our Pastor, who never fails, when a private op portunity presents itself, to abuse and ridicule little rasping in return, equally as public and hard, though we shall do it in the friendliest spir it, and with no disrespeot whatever. In the first place, our esteemed Pastor has been reared in this community, we might say from a mere boy, where he has never heard any other kind of singing, (and in days past it was carried to a much higher degree of perfection here than now;) and in view of that fact, we think his present inveterate opposition to it a little miraculous; for it is rea sonable to suppose that in a lifetime spent in as an enUghted a community as oure, he would have advanced in improvement, with the age; but we fear oldfogyam is grafted in some of his notions to ever hope for a reform. It is cer tainly true in regard to ohoirs. But this, we pre sume, is one of the “ Bishop’s “ unaccountable eccentricities ; yet, he should remember that it is arrogating to himself too much, to suffer a pe culiarity of his own to disappoint the pleasure and wishes of an entire community. He advocates abolishing choirs altogether, and substituting congregational singing. Consider that done, and let us listen to a promiscuous con gregation singing a hymn in as large a building as our chapel: We have here a fellow with a na sal whine chanting in four six time: over there we have the keen, wiry notes of a self-confident vocalist,spreading himself in allegro; hard by chimes in a holy-mouthed member whose voice sounds like a hotel Chinese dinner gong ; yonder, the attenuated screeching voice of some pious old la dy ; further on is the deep baritone of an ama teur, whose idea of bass is, that it is the air sung in a coarse voice, a few notes below the pitch; and in the pulpit we hear the minister’s voice,- drag ging along after the balance, and he is so carried away with his musical performance that he loses the next two lines to be coupled out. (We make no personal allusions whatever in any of these specifications.) And all this babel confusion of voices, which sounds like the miserere , they call “singing with the spirit.” We think it sounds more like the wailings of lost spirits, than har monious voices singing the praises of the Most High. It requires a “concord of sweet sounds” to move and melt the heart to contrition; and nothing is more true than that no set of persons can sing harmoniously together, without consid erable practice; and discord in any kind of mu sic, and especially in church music, grates harsh ly upon the ear and unfits the hearer, in a great degree, for listening patiently to religious instruc tion. In this day, imperfections in music are more easily detected by the masses than in days past, because it is more universally cultivated as a science. We think every church, however hum, ble, should be supplied with good singing; for the solemn grandeur of a lofty anthem, ora soft, subduing, penitential hymn sung in unison and with the proper time, seems almost to lift the soul into the empyrean above—makes one feel that the Lord is his shepherd and that “ He leads him to the place Where heavenly pasture grows; Where living waters gently pass, And full salvation flows.’’ But the “ Bishopis rather an enigma on this question ; for on last sabbath, in the day, he was advocating congregational singing; and at night, when the choir had dispersed themselves among the congregation, expeoting of course to have congregational singing, he arose in the pulpit, and seeing no choir in the seats usually occupied by it, he would not even read a hymn, neither at the commencement nor the close of the services, and we had religious exercises without singing, until they came to taking up the Missionary col lections, when it was such a dumb show, and some of the collectors looked so embarrassed, and others of the congregation began to be so noisy, that a portion of the choir commenced a hymn congregationally. We do not know whether the Pastor felt set back any or not. With a few hon ored exceptions, both male and female, in the community, all are satisfied with our church sing ing ; and those who are qualified to judge, say we have as good church music in Penfield, as in al most any church, and if the present Pastor con tinues in his very unbecoming opposition to the choir, he will finally break it up entirely, if he has not done it already; and more than that, he will very materially affect the harmony of the church, as many of its principal members very seriously apprehend. We would commend to his recol lection the passage of scripture—“blessed are the peace-makers.” The Habit. It is a very generally entertained notion, that when any one contracts the habit of drinking stimulating liquors, it is impossible for them to break off. This, we have but little doubt, is true with some; for though they may resolve firmly to deny themselves, yet, a sight or the scent of the tempter will rouse up the old appetite and it will swallow reason, moral courage and all former determinations, and the thirst for liquor must be slaked with “wet damnation.” Hence arises two of the strongest arguments in favor of temperance. The first is, never contract the habit of indulging; and the second is, prohibition of the whole traf fic, that the returning outcast may not be temp ted of the tempter, and thereby violate his deter mination to reform. But the remarks above are not applicable to the great majority of people ; for those who have iron nerves have only to say “ I will drink no more,” and reformation is then accomplished. But an Agricultural Journal goes farther, and says: “Any man can break himself at once of the habit of drinking.” It says: “A notion prevails that a person addicted to alcoholic stimulants cannot at once leave them off without danger of illness or great and long-continued suffering. This is an error. A cup of tea or coffee will supply the needed tonic when a sense of exhaustion is felt, and we have the authority of an eminent physi cian for stating that no constitutional injury will be suffered from immediate and total abstinence. The uncomfortable feelings will subside in forty eight hours, and will be entirely over in a fortnight. Any man who has a firm resolution can break himself at once of the degrading and fatal habit of drinking. FAREWELL. BY BYRON. He will return —but now the moments bring The time of parting, with redoubled wing; The why—the where—what boots it now to toll ? Since all must end in that wild word—farewell! List! ’tis the bugle—Juan shrilly blew— One kiss !— one more !—another ! adieu! She rose—she sprung—the clung to his embrace, Till his heart heaved beneath her hidden face; She dared not raiae to his that deep blue eye, * Which downcast dropped in tearless agony. Hark— peals the thundsr of the signal gun ! It teld’twaa sunset! Again— again—that form he madly press’d, Which mutely clasped, imploringly caress’d ! And tottering to his couch, his bride he bow, One moment gazed—as if to gaze no more! Felt—that forhim, earth held but her alone. Kiss’d her cold forehead—turn’d—ic Conrad gone I .And is he gone ? s. How oft that fearful question will intrude, ’Twas but an instant past, and here he stood ! And now, without the portal’s porch she rush’d, And then at length her tears in freedom gush'd ; Big, bright and fast, unknown to her they fell; But stilfher lips refused to send—are well! A beautiful inscription, it is said, may be found in an Italian grave-yard: “ Here lieu Etels, who transported a large fortune to Heaven in actsor gone thither to enjoy it.” ttar Wives. To those of our readers who have * ‘ better halves,” we commend the subjoined beautiful paragraph upon “wife;’|l so, the poetical sentiment of some Scotch husband concerning his spouse: p Woman’s love, like the rose blossoming in the arid desert, spreads its rays over the barren plain of the humas heart, and while all around it is black and desolate, it rises more strengthened from the absence of every other charm. In no situation does the love of woman appear more beautiful than in that of Wife; parents, breth ren and friends, have claims upon the affections, but the love of a wife is of a distinct and differ ent nature. A daughter may yield her life to the preservation of a parent, a sister may devote her self to a suffering Brother; but the feelings which induce her to this conduct are not such as those which lead a wife to follow the husband of her choice through every pain and peril that can be fal him; to watch over him in danger; to cheer him in adversity, and ever remain unalterable at his side in the depths of ignominy and shame. It is an heroic devotion which a woman displays in her adherence to the fortunes of a hapless hus band; when we behold Tier in her domestic scenes, a mere passive creature of enjoyment; an intellectual joy, brightening the family circle with her endearments and loved for the extreme joy which that presence and those endearments are calculated to impart, we can scarcely credit that the fragile being who seems to hold her existence by a thread, is capable of supporting the extreme of human suffering; nay when the heart of man sinks beneath the weight of agony, that she should maintain her pristine powers of delight, and by her words of comfort and patience, lead the distracted murmurer to peace and resigna tion. MY AIN WIFE. I wadna gie my ain wife For ony wife I see ; I wadna gie my own wife For ony wife I see; A bonnier yet I’ve never seen— A better canna be. I wadna gie my ain wife For ony wife I see. O courthie is my ingle cheek, And cherrie’ is my Jean ; I never see her angry look, Nor hear her word on ane. She’s guid wi’ ’a the neighbors roun, An’ ay is guid wi’ me. I wadna gie my ain wife For ony wife I see. An’ O her looks so kindle, They melt my heart outright When o’er the baby at her breast She hangs wi’ fond delight ; She looks intil its bonnie luce An’ she looks at me. I wadna gie my ain wife For ony wife I see. of us have “poor kin,” and we think the fol lowing picture rather tough, though there is a vast deal of truth in it: Poor Relations. A Poor Relation is—the most irrelevant thing in nature—-a piece of impertinent corresponden cy—an odious approximation—a haunting con science—a preposterous shadow, lengthening in the noontide of your prosperity—an unwelcome remembrancer—a perpetually recurring mortifi cation a drain on your purse—a mere intolera ble dun upon your pride—a drawback upon suc cess—a rebuke to your rising—a stain in your blood —a blot on your scutcheon—a rent in your garment—a death's head at your banquet—Agath oeles pot—a Mordecai in your gate—a Lazarus at your door—a lion in your path—a frog in your chamber—a fly in your ointment—a mote in your eye—a triumph to your enemy—an apology to your friends—the one thing not needful—the hail in harvest—the ounce of sour in a pound of sweet—the bore par excellence. He is known by his knock. Your heart telleth you “ That is Mr. A rap, between famili arity and respect; that demands, and at the same time, seems to despair of entertainment. He entereth smiling, and—embarrassed. He hold eth out his hand to you to shake, and—draweth it back again. He casually looketh in about din ner time—when the table mfull. He offereth to go away, seeing you have company—but is in duced to stay. He filletli a chair, and your visi tor’s two children are accommodated at a side table. He never cometh upon open days, when your wife says with some complaisency, “My dear, perhaps Mr. will drop in to-day.” He re membereth birth-days—and professeth he’is for tunate to have stumbled upon one. He declar eth against fish, the turbot being small—yet suf fereth himself to be importuned into a slice against his first resolution. He sticketh by the port—yet will be prevailed upon to empty the re mainder glass of claret—if a stranger press it up on him. He is a puzzle to the servants, who are fearful of being too obsequious, or not civil enough to him. The guests think “they have seen him before.” Every one speculateth upon his condi tion ; and the most part take him to be—a tide waiter. He calleth you by your Christian name, to imply that his other is the same with your own. He is too familiar by half, yet you wish he had less diffidence. With half the familiarity, he might pass for a casual dependent; with more boldness, he would be in no danger of being ta* ken for what he is. He is too humble for a friend, yet taketh on him more state than befits a client. He is a worse guest than a country tenant, inas much as he bringeth up no rent—yet ’tis odds, from his garb and demeanor, that your, other guests take him for one. He is asked to make one at the whist table; refuseth on the score of pov erty, and—resents being left out. When the company break up, he proffereth to go for a coach —and lets the servant go. He recollects your grandfather; and will thrust in some mean, and quite unimportant anecdote of—the family. He knew it when it was not quite so flourishing as “he is blest in seeing it now.” He reviveth past situations, to institute what he calleth—favorable comparisons. With a reflecting sort of congrat ulation, he will inquire the price of your furniture; and insults you with a special commendation of your window-curtains. He is of opinion that the urn is the more elegant shape, but, after all, there was something more comfortable about the old tea-kettle—which you must remember. He dare say you must find a great convenience in having a carriage of your own, and appealeth to your la dy if it is not so. Inquireth if you have had your arms done on vellum yet; and did not know till lately, that such-and-such had been the crest of the family. His memory is unseasonable; his compliments perverse; his talk a trouble; his stay pertinacious; and when he goeth away, you dismiss his chair into a corner, as precipitately as possible, and feel fairly rid of two nuisances. There is a worse evil under the sun, and that is—a female Poor Relation. You may do some thing with the other; you may pass him off toler ably well; but your indigent she-Relative is hope less. “He is an old humorist,” you may say, “ and affects to go threadbare. His circumstan ces are better than folks would take them to be. You are fond of having a Character at your ta ble, and truly he is one.” But in the indications of female poverty there ca .i be no disguise. No woman dresses below herself from caprice. The truth must out without shuffling. “ She is plain ly related to the L- s; or what does she at their house?” She is, in all probability, your wife’s cousin. Nine times out of ten, at least, this is the case. Her garb is something between a gentlewoman and a beggar, yet, the former ev idently predominates. She is most provokingly humble, and ostentatiously sensible to her inferi ority. He may require to be repressed some times—aliquando sufjOaminandus erat —but there is no raising her. You send her soup at dinned, and she begs to be helped—after the gentlemen. Mr. requests the honor of taking wine with her; she hesitates between Port and Madeira, and chooses the former—because he does. She calls the servant Sir; and insists on not troubling him to hold her plate.* The housekeeper patron izes her. The children’s governess takes upon her to correct her when she has mistaken the pi ano for a harpsichord. Fine Illustration.—Henry Ward Beecher in speaking of trouble, makes use of this figure: “As the sun converts clouds into a glorious drapery, firing them with gorgeous hues and dra ping the*whole horizon with its glorious costume and writing victqry in fiery colors along the van quished front of every cloud, so sometimes a radi ant lioai't lets forth its hope, upon its sorrow aud all the bladkneg& and tbouble8 a thw tnropScl to appal seem to crowd around as a triumphal procession following the steps of a victor.” ; ;V->1 .Vl ,i * .WSV‘ A lad, who had lately gone to service, having had salad served to dinner every day for a week, ran way; and, when asked why he had left his place, he replied, ‘ They made me yeat grass i’th summer, and I wur afraid they’d mak me yeat ’jinter; and I could no stand that, so I Mr. Editor: •v.. I think lam hardly mistaken when I reckon ylu amongst those who have broadly admitted tiß the cause of is jit IflftuhiflP canditiou. Admitted n however r tl|£j fact is feo apyprent that the casual oilii'V has already fioted it. Os course this affairs is most painful to all those who, from principle, have heretofore or may now be enlistedintreatise which is truly denominated “ the cause of all mankind.” Os course, too, the enemies of this cause ate filled with unbounded delight—a de light of that nature which is making most approaches to the condition which early tempei*- ance fathers found in existence. A contempla tidh'of such relapse Is full of horror to every lover of good order and his species. I have thought the indulgence of a few plain words and the offering a few suggestions, just might prove infinitely advantageous; and vig orously followed up, might re-awaken slumber ing interest, and favorably excite the popular mind. Os course this is all that can be desired. Nowyif it could only be accomplished! In the first place, the writer of this is bold to assert, / that en •masse, the “disciples” have “fallen’ from grace;” and this fact has so long existed, that it is to be greatly feared many have fallen into so profound a sleep that they have entirely “fallen away.” If each man and woman could fully realize and feel their duty in this mattei, it would be a spur that would rouse them to effort. The difficulty with all of us is, in all things, that because success, immediate and complete, does not crown an effort, therefore, all effort may be honorably abandoned. But such is not true. Any good, desirable end, is attainable. If not to-day, to-morrow. And that man or woman, whose rear son and conscience have so operated as to con vince them that the Temperance Cause is a right eous cause, and because of the absence of com plete success in former effort they now stand “all the day long idle,” with their hands folded, cry ing “it is no use,” are occupying a position near akin to that of the traitor. They know their duty in the matter, and yet, fail of its discharge. What! if I feel it my duty to practice and preach temperance, and because I cannot convert my enemies to-day I am free to abandon the cause? God forbid; but that spirit only is to be com mended which fights on, and if possible, with re newed energy and with greater vigor, the darker the clouds become and the fiercer and more nu merous the menacing enemy. Then rouse up friends; your work Is only accumulating while you slumber. Do’nt mistake in this matter—not only do you have to contend with existing evils, but with all that a wily, uncomprising and indus trious enemy can invent and throw in your way. Suppose the Christian world should throw down their arms and retire from the field or rest upon them as you have done? Suppose this had been done a score of times in their chequred history, when they were scoffed at, and hunted down, and burned, and gibbeted, and racked, where would have been the Christian Religion to-day, the bright and glorious star fast rising upon the horizon, gathering new splendor as it ascends? Is a man’s soul worth less to-day than five, ten and fifteen years ago? Is it less honorable to rescue a man from intemperance? Are your chil dren, and servants, and neighbors in less danger from the hell-hound of intemperance? Are rags more desirable? Is the picture of wretchedness, and want, and vice, daily pai \ted by those who delight to injure innocence, blight fond hopes, damn immortal souls and barter virtue with the fire of hell, more endurable—has it lost any of its hideousness—become more dazzling by the fresh coatings of human blood which cries for venge ance ? Surely none of this is true. Take the old picture so long and nobly held up by that veteran, “Uncle Dabney,” and examine its horrors anew: are any of its characters missing this day-are they not still alive and actively at work ? And you, with this before you, are content to sit idly round your tents while the bugle has sounded summoning to the field! Rrouse up brother tem perance men ! “ Fowarts broderin !” Light up your old halls—clean up your furniture—burnish your regalia—wash white your aprons, or else take he<?d, “dangers await you,” in this world, and death beyond ; for these things unheeded, it will be said—“ Ye knew your duty, but did it not.” Why not, re-institute evening lectures, open wide your purses and put into the field in Geor gia two or three good lecturers—men tried and known to practice as well as preach. Be careful, too, yourselves, to “ touch not, taste not, handle not,” and thus continue a reproach that which has too often clogged former advances. These suggestions and this topic may be what is termed “threadbare;’’ but for one, with me the truth is never “threadbare,” especially while its interests are suffering by the coolness of its lovers. Let us start with the beginning and tell the old story over again—and still over, so long as there is a necessity for it. The preacher has cried for over eighteen hundred years, “The soul that sinneth it shall die.” Shall he stop because the world is still full of sinners? Never! But cry the louder. “Cry aloud and spare not.” Tell the harlots of intemperance of all their abomina-; tions, until you have run the evil out of tn<f churches, (what! do churches still tolerate it? They wink at it,) out of gentlemen—out of the common herde—out of negroes-r-out ot the dogs and, if possible, out of grog-sellers and groggeries themselves, and then you may cease—never before. Neglect of this matter is no cure of the evil; nor does it answer as a discharge of duty—stern duty. Listen to reason and conscience—listen to heart-breaking lamentatsons—hear the cry from every ditch and ten thousand hovels, with their squalid inmates—tattered orphanage and wrecked fortunes, and ask yourselves, one and all the readers of the Crusader, am I at my post—am I doing my duty? The cry comes up, “come over and help us.” Have I gone—am I going ? God help jus all to be MEN—men of one heart, hope and purpose— one purse, until the warfare is ac complished; then may we shout—“ Harvest home.” R. A Pretty Widow. —The Springfield (Mass.) Re publican says: In this place a pretty little wid ow dwelleth in a little street and she lias a pair of pretty eyes, and two pretty little feet. No matter what her name is, or the number of the house, she's a mighty pretty widow—a perfect lit tle mouse. The rose and lily blended live on her dimpled cheek, and her lips"give them expression —oh! gracious oh, so meek. Her hands are white and tender, but her lovers sadly fear that she’ll get them stained up by handling lager bier. A too Susceptible Dove. —An instance is said to have occured in Boston, the other day, of a dove dying of a broken heart. A male and a female daw and two fcquabi were in the cot and the male squab died. The elderly dove tbs n drqve his female mate from his nest, and the feirgilp squab in her placo. The deserted dove made several attempts,to return to the ,cot but was always picked at and, driven away. She finally flew down to a pepon below, where, with her head under her wing, she remained lor a short time and then foil suddenly to the ground. No injury was found, suffipieut to cause death, and possibly she died of a broken heart from the bru tal treatmeht of her false and fickle male. is a.senouH world : human life and business, are also serious matters—not to he trifled with, nor cheated by sham and hypocrisies, but to be dealt with in all truth soberness, and sin cerity. No one can thus deal with it who is not himself possessed of these qualities, and the result of a life is the test of what virtue the ? p is in it. False men. leave no.marks It is truth aW. which does the masonry of tim world-bounds empires, and builds cities and establishes laws,eom jinerce and civilization.— AtlatU/ie Mordhty. 4 . FORElffiy E WS. We condense, weeklvsf in this coffin, firm? tiis tele i litßPhic dispa tchfea of sly the Foreign : JpßEsffnjf* OF Sifci* F%ments.— Washington, Feb. C—ThcHßriks in fJcorgetown and Washington City re sumed specie payment to-day; Resumed Specie Payment. —The Banks of Philadel phia on Wednesday, formally resumed specie payments without any previous announce ment of their intention. They had been in suspension since the last week in September, bus for some time the suspension was merely nominal. The resumption is now full and complete, and it is expected all the bsnks in Pennsylvania will imme diately follow suit. Washington, Feb. s.— The Douglas Democrats and Republicans have had no formal conference as to the course they design pursuing on the Kansas ‘question, nor, according to present indications, is it probable One will tie hold- Th movemieat of Mr. Harris oflllihois, Pin the House, to refer the President’s niessage to a spe cial committee, to be appointed by, the Speaker, embod ies the of the Douglas men. Should the resolu tion for that purpose be adopted and the Speaker appoint a committee unacceptable to the anti-Lecompton Con stitution men. an attempt, it is said, wfll be made to set Jt aside and elect one by ballot. The Republicans privately say that they will support such a movement, with a view to secure the best attain able end, while their votes will be given in favor of the proposition to refer the question of the forrnatisn of a -Constitution to the people ofKansas. The entire number of warrants issued under the bounty land act of March, 1855, is two hundred and nineteen thousand seven hundred and eighty-six, to sat isfy which twenty-seven million five hundred thousand acres nearly will be required. Feb. 4.—The local agent of the government in this city arrested Henry Van Geisen, a clerk in the post office last night, on the charge of stealing registered letters. He confessed hie guilt. Washington, Feb. 4.—Mr. Phillip Otterback, well known as one of the most wealthy citizens of Washing ton, died this evening, aged seventy years. Providence, Feb. 4.—The General Assembly of this State have pussed a resolution, instructing the Senators and requesting the Representatives in Congress from this State to vote against the admission of Kansas into the Union under the Lecompton Constitution. The vote nas nearly unanimous. Trenton, N. J., Feb. 4—Kansas resolutions denoun cing the Lecompton Constitution passed the House this morning by a vote of thirty-one to seventeen. The negative votes were all Democrats. In the afternoon a resolution highly appreciating the character and states manship of James Buchanan, and expressing confidence in liis administration, passed by a vote of tnirty-one to twenty-one, the Democrats all voting in the affimative. The discussions were very moderate. 4 A n r TO ™ Y £ IGHT Congress.— Washington, Feb. 6, A. JSI. :The House of Representatives adjourned this morning six o clock, after an excited and stormy session all night. The contest was on the adoption of the res olution offered by Mr. Harris of Illinois, the purport of which is, that the message of the President and the Le compton Constitution be referred to a select committee ot thirteen, to be appointed by the Speaker, to inquire into all facts connected with said Constitution, and the laws, if any, under which the convention was held, and wheiher the provisions of the law were complied with. Also, whether said Constitution provides for a republi can Jorm of government, and whether the population be sufficient for a representative in Congress under the pre sent ratio, and whether the Constitution is satisfactory to a majority of the legal voters in Kansas. Also, to ascertain the number of votes cast for the Constitution, the places where cast in each county, the census or re gistration under which the election of delegates was held, anil whether the same was just and fair and in com pliance with law ; with all other matter bearing on the subject. 6 The friends of the Lecompton Constitution endea vored to take a vote in favor of the admission ofKansas, before the adjournment of the House, while those in fa vor ot the passage of Mr. Harris’ resolution endeavored to adjourn. About half-past two o’clock last night, a fight occur between Honorables L. M. Keitt of South Carolina, and Galusha A. Grow of Pennsylvania. Severel blows passed, the crowd of members rushed to the scene, and ‘a frer^fiirht 6 ”’ ora t * me > there were indications of 9taringorder? r ° rr succeedcd ’ in afew moments, in re -1 he House finally agreed to adjourn, by the passage ot a unanimously adopted resolution, that the. matter in dispute should be the special order of the day for Mon day, to wlncli day the house has adjourned. The Lecompton Constitution Defeated.— Washing ™’/ eb A, 8 ,-T In the Sena ‘ e to - da y the President’s mel sage and the Lecompton Kansas Constitution were re ferred to the Committee on Territories, by a vote ot twenty-eight to thirty-one. ,In the House, Mr. Harris’ amendment to Mr. Ste & S f,f SO Utlon T s ado P, ted b >- a vote of one hundred ind fifteen to one hundred and eleven. Mr. Harris’ resolution refers the message and Constitution to a se lect committee of fifteen, with power to send for per sons and papers, thereby precluding the-possibility of a report this session. 7 HUMOROUS, “ Well, Mr. Snow I wants to ax you a ques tion.” ” “ Propel it, den.” “Why am grog shop like a counterfeit dollar ?” Well, Ginger, I gibs datright up.” “ b>oes y° give it up. Kase you can't pass “ \ah ! yah ! yah 1 nigger, you talk so mueb jout your contifit dollars, jest succeed to de pieT" ine ‘ VI “ T a coun * er f e d dollar is like an apple V,°. h ’ 1 drops the subject and doesn't know nothing ‘bout it.” “ Kase it isn't current “ . big of W X a j ger? Wl,y “ yOUr hMd lik * “Go way from me—Why am it ?” “Kase dere ’ s no sense (cents) in it.” Well you always was the brackest nigger I neber seed—you always will have the last word.” Many years ago a solitary horseman might haw been seen riding swiftly towards Toledo, Ohio. Ihe sun had just set In the western horizon, 1 was the close, in short, of an election day, and thesohtary horseman was a courier tropi an im portant ton n-ship in Lucas county. The return* lrom every township in the county had been bU f + } 3 - e ° no vve s Peak of at Toledo, ? i/h \Z te ° f thlS v , ery tow nship was heeded to tell how the country had gone. * At length the solitary horseman arrived in'Tol edo, and rained his foaming steed up before the Indian House. A big crowd—Democrats and him and shoutai “Better time,” said the horseman, looking at his watch “ was never made by a C hess ‘ fifteen miles in thirty-two minutes! What d'ye horseman. that gon lmeu T> ask d the excited i CuSS tkc boss, “ yelled the excited crowd “ how lias township gone?” I dkremember. It went either Whig or Democrat, but I’ve been so taken with the speed of tins ‘eve hoss, that I forgot it- but gen linen, - rising in his saddle and frantically waiving his whip in the air, “ you may just rest hoil” on ° ne POmt: AIIH -U can’t beat this E notice under the marriage head of our citv papers, a record of the marriage of Mr. Beniamin k?m of Tower & J o y, of thiScity ) to ■ v\ ltli present bliss without allov, And many Joys to com 4.” 3 ; * k ® Jl# #• Vs. M Boston Journal. The Yankee Blade tells the following anecdote of aaiollogo chum: .< & if 0 fst 0 A i• V- • member of one of the classes was distinguished not less for dry wit and sly wagge ry than for his address in evading the writing^ k ” Why, yes, sir,” replied If w ? t h the bn perturbable gravity and that pasteboard counte nance he always wore, “it had original over it in the paper I took it from !’’ h •Sonny, where’s your father?” ‘*r ather's dead sir.” ‘ Ilavq you any mother i” ... J btt S °, ne ’. b " t B he’s got married to Joe i>anKlmg, and don t be mv mother any more; cause she says she’s got enough to do to tend to bis <uvn younguns f” 6 “Smart boy • here’s a penny for you.”