The Georgia temperance crusader. (Penfield, Ga.) 1858-18??, March 04, 1858, Image 4

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I gVBRT THURSDAY, MORNING- I lA^ToTnEWSP^RS: I , Subscribers who do not give express notice to the LoatrSyTare considered as wttfhmg to continue their I o* C TfSubscribers order the discontinuance of their I newspapers without settling all acreages, the Publisher mavcontinue to send them until they are paid for. U subscribers neglect or refuse to take their news papersfrom the offices*to which they are directed, they areheld responsible until they have settled the bills, and ordered a discontinuance. . 4 if remove to other places without in forming the Publisher, and the newspaperese sent to the former direction, they are held responsibly 5 If has been decided by the Courts that subscribers refusing to take their newspapers from the office, or re moving and leaving them uncalled for, is prtma facte evidence of intentional fraud. 6 The Courts have also decided that a Post-master who neglects to perform his duty of giving reasonable notice, as required by the Post-Office Department,of the neglect of a person to take from the office, newspapers addressed to him, renders himself liable for the sub scription price. ~ OFFICE, S PENFIELD, GEORGIA. * EVER, since the establishment of this Office, has the proprietor been so well prepared for getting up, and in the best style, all kindsnjf LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, —SUCH AS — i BOOKS, PROMISSORY | 4- PAMPHLETS, NOTES. 4- ■±~ CARDS, BANK CHECKS, . CIRCULARS, LABELS, ZjK HAND-BILLS, all kinds or JwU TO BltL-HEADS, LAW BLANKS, TO WAY and for attof.neys, ‘N/’ STAGE BILLS, sheriffs, Sr txT POSTERS, ’squires JL I TICKETS, AND BAILIFFS. | These declarations are not empty bubbles, but solid facts, which we respectfully invite the public to test. —• A large variety of well assorted material and a thor ough workman, make us confident of abiding that test. LETTERS,—APPLICATION! FOR AND DISMISSORY. Georgia, greene county.—whereas Sidney C. Davis applies for Letters of Administra tion upon the estate of Frances E. Floyd, late of the State of Arkansas, deceased: These are therefore to„ cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held’ in and ior said county on thh first Monday in April next, to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office in Grecnesboro, Feb ruary 17, 1858. ‘ EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. Feb 25, 1858 30d Georgia, greene county.—whereas John Edmondson applies for Letters of Admin is tion upon the estate of Matilda Edmondson, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin gularthe kindred and creditors ofsaiddec’d, tube andap pear at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in April next, to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro, Feb ruary 17, 1858. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. Feb 25, 1858 30d GEORGIA, GREENE COUNTY.—Whereas Al fred H. Jackson, administrator upon the estate of Mrs. Laurana B. Parrott, deceased, petitions the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Diemissory: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and ior said county, on the first Monday in August next, to show cause, (if any they have) why said administra tor should not then be discharged. Given under my hand at office, in Greenesboro’, Jan uary 15th, 1858. Jan. 21 EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord’y. Georgia, greene county.—whereas Isaac Morrrison applies for the guardianship of the Sersons,and property of Henry C. Morrison, William A. lorrispn, Amja V. Morrison, John T. Morrison and Emma J. Morrison, minor children of William J. Mor rison late of Upson county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, tp and appear at the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in March next, to show cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, in Greenesboro’, Jan uary 15th, 1858. Jan. 21, 1858. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord’y. GEORGIA, GREENE CO.—Whereas Wm. Ed mondson, Guardian of Sarah J. Cradock, now Sa •ah J. McWhorter, applies to this Court for Letters Dis issory from his said Guardianship: It is therefore ordered that all persons concerned be and appear at the next March tprpi of this Court, to show cause why said guardiah should not be discharged ; and it is further or dered that this rule be published for forty days in terms of the law. A true extract from the minutes of the Court of Ordi nary of Greene County. Jan. 21, JBSB .EUGENIUS L. KING, Ordinary. GREENE CO.—Whereas Lorenzo D. Carlton, guardian of Valerius J. Burk, applies to this Court for Letters Dismissory from his said guar dian-ship: It is therefore ordered that all persons concerned be and appear at the next March term of this Court, to show cause why said guardian should not be discharged-; and it is further ordered that this rule be published for forty days in terms of the law. A true extract from the minutes of the Court of Ordi nary of Greene County.- Jan. 21, 1858. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ordinary. GREENE COUNTY: Whereas John ‘-J McMichad, administrator with the will annexed on the estate of Mrs. Margaret Armor, deceased, peti tions the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory from said estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause (if Rnythey havejwhy said administrator should not be discharged at the court on the Ist Monday in July, 1858. Given under my imnd at office in Greenesboro’ Dec 18, 1857. Dec 24-6 m EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. Georgia, greene county.—w he r oa s James T. Findley; administrator upon the estate of Isaac-Findley, deceased,-petitions the Court of Ordi nary of said county for Letters of Dismission from said estate: These are therefore io cite and admonish all persons concerned„toujho,w eause (if any . they have) why said administrator should not be discharged at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county, on the Ist Monday in June, 1858. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro’, Nov 16th. 1857. Nov 26-6 m EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord’y. ‘M’OTICE.—-All persons indebted to the estate JGNAS CARTRIGHfF, lateot Greenocounty, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having demands against said estate are re quested to make them in terms of the law w S - DAVIS, Adm’x. WHO WANTS MOW ! 60,M0 Dollars ; MAY TE OBTAINED BY RISKING TEN DOL’S! Halves and Quarter Tickets in Proportion : ■ . Jasper County Academy Lottery, •By authority of the State of Georgia., Plan Single Numbers. ‘#^ 30,000 TICKETS— 3,2B6 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO $216,000. PRIZES PAYABLE WITHOUT DEDUCTION ANDERSON & SON, Managers. Successors to J. F. Winter, Manager.- Our Macon* Ga., (Small Schemes) every Saturday, and in Savannah, (Large Schemes).- about the 15 th of every month. f■* -•* ; CLASS DD ‘ DRAWS. NOVEMBER 15TH, 1857, AT ARMORY HALL, SAVANNAH, GA. Under the Sworn Superintendence 6f W. R. SvMoire and J. M. Prentiss, Esqrs. a. o ™? l °o i 6 ?* 000 . $20,000, SIO,OOO, $5,000, Pfiz< * of HOOD, sos SSOO, 100. Os *loo,loop6dJooo of *3O, and 72 Appmipa tion prizes amounting to $3,760. . - ri r .r* Look to jteuriaterest and compare this scheme with I ’ , - mtisou: -anyother. , a ’*J Bank n*te* of sound Bank* at par. Checks on Nyw York remitted fqr Drives. . of ThckS to * f ° r Tlcketß 0r of Packages > ANDERSON & SON, Manors. Sept ta . Macon or Bavahnak _ B—aaaa ■ aarnea j moxyce:* rt rp. A. F. DURHAM, thankful for the flr JL/ liberal patronage received in the post, takes Ift pleasure in announcing that he attH offers hia PRO. FESBIONAL SERVICES to the CITIZENS OF PENFIELD AND VICINITY. \ „ Office at TRe old store of Willburn 6c, McWhorter, on main street, where he may at all times be found, when not professionally engaged. Jan 28-1 y Particnfar Notice. - A LL persons indebted to the firm of Phelps & T\. Seals, for the years 1856 and ’7, are earneatly re quested to come forward ahd pay up, as we must have money to pay our debts. Come, friends, and help us to the extent of your ability. PHELPS & SEALS. :>*%. 1* ABSB. Penfield Preparatory School. The exercises of this school will be resumed on the FIRST DAY OF FEB RUARY NEXT, under the charge of the undersigned. The Prices of Tuition range from sl6 to S4O. Every thing necessary, to prepare students for college, is taught in this School; and parents and guardians wishing to prepare their children or wards for a Collegiate Course, will find it to their advantage to send them here. Jan. 21—3 t A. S. MORGAN, Prin. FOR SALE OR RENT. A COMFORT ABLE HOUSE AND LOT IN Penfield, situated in the eastern part of town. It contains four good Rooms —all the outbuildings are in good repair, and a small family will findit to be a pleas ant residence. Mr. Henry English occupied it during the past year. Apply to J. M. LANKFORD. Penfield, Ga. Jan. 7, 1858. ts. THE COPARTNERSHIP existing between PHELPS & SEALS, in the Mercantile Business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent —Mr. Phelps re tiring. • to A. B. PHELPS, Penfield, Jan. 1, 1868. WM. B. SEALS. THE BUSINESS will be carried on at the old stand, by the undersigned, where he hopes to merit and receive the liberal patronage extended tp the late firm. -• WM.'B. SEALS. Penfield, Jan. Ist, 1858. TUIE firm of MASSEY & HARRIS has been dis ■k solved by mutual consent! Those indbted to them are very respectfully, yet earnestly requested to come forward and settle by cash or note. A CARD. On retiring from the practice of medicine, the under signed returns his thanks to the citizens of Penfield and vicinity, for the liberal patronage enjoyed by him the past five years, and takes pleasure in recommend ing to his friends and patrons, his former associate, Dr. Harris, as a physician ot superior merit, and one emi nently qualified to prosecute the various branches of his profession. ROBERT J. MASSEY. Jan. 21—2 m. Penfield Female Seminary. THE Exercises of this INSTITUTION will com mence on the FIRST MONDAY IN FEBRU ARY NEXT. The Board of Trustees takepleasure in announcing that they have procured the services of Miss C. W. BARBER as principal. Miss Barber’s success in teaching hitherto, has estab lished for her the reputation of a thorough and impres sive teacher! Rates of tuition as heretofore. R. J. MASSEY, Sec. Board. By order Board Trustees. Jan. 21, 1858. ts NOTICE TO DEBTORS A LL persons indebted to the undersigned, ei -AV. ther by note or account, are hereby notified that unless their claims are paid by the FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARY NEXT, they will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. H. MARGRAFF. Greenesboro, Jan. 21,1858. 4t Warehouse and Commission Merchants, JaAtson Street, Augusta, Ga. WILL continue the WAREHOUSE and COM MISSION BUSINESS at their Fire-Proof Warehouse, and will devote their personal attention to the interest of their friends and Patrons. Orders for Family Supplies, Bagging, Rope, &‘c. carefully filled. - - Liberal Cash Advances made when required. , Commissions for Selling Cotton Fifty Cents per bale. JOHN c. bees. [Sept 3-35] sam’l and. LINTON. \/OU can always find SUGAR and COFFEE A cheap for cash at J. M. BOWLES &. CO. Fab 11 A VE'RY NICE article of CAEESE, SYRUP, -GX MOLASSES, SALT and VINEGAR. In fact, when you want anything to eat, call to see Feb 11 J. M. BOWLES & CO. SPLENDID article of No. 1 MACKEREL. I Feb 11 J. M. BOWLES &, CO. , TF you want a good article of POTASH, call to A see J. M. BOWLES &, CO. Feb 11 Penfield and Greenesboro’ WLu JtlWTfS* LTACKS or any desired vSESBESEi dation, waiting the arrival /of each train. Passengers for Penfield, Scull Shoals,’Dr. Dur ham’s, Watkinsville or any other point, will !>e carried thither safely and promptly. Passengers/ rom any of these points desiring to meet any of the trail us, can find like accommodation. Prices moderate. J Good horses and conveyances, with or ’without dri ver. CASH will-be required. We have Horses and Buggies for hire a t our stable m Penfield. W. A. &. G. S.. WILSON Feb 11, 1858 rs Drs. COE & LATIMER, TJ A VINO located in OEENESBORO T qmpV he PU ?r e of Posing .DEN TISTRY, would respectfully invite all who may require Dental Operati o ns to give them a call at their office in Greenesboro ; or, persons so .desiring, may be visited at their resident * B . Drs. C. &L. hope, by the character of ;their opei *ations, their reasonable prices and their gentlemanly 1 Aeatment of aU who may honor them with a call, to me r it and obtain a fair share of the operating performed -in this section. As Dr. Latimer has located permar ,ently in Greenesboro,- the office will not be closed dun jig the summer months, as heretofore.’ * . i —... , A superior quality of To- jth Brushes, Tooth Powder, &.c kept on hand. **.*No charge for exam’ /nations and advice. supplied v rith Teeth, Foil, Instruments, & c - ‘ Dec 14, 1837 THE ATTORffJ JY, <MIJTE HOST,’ 4c. TT/'MIT G. JOI IMS ON, Attorney Tat Law, Augusta, Ga. v HU promptly attend to all business intrusted to his proser jsional management in Richmond and the adjtnning cot unties. Office on Mclntosh street, three doors below C* institutionalist office. Reference—' Thos. R. R, Cobb, Athens, G*. June 14 t iv BR ’ OWN, Attorney at Low, Fancy Hill, Murray < Zo. Ga. April 30, 1857. nOGEU L i WHIGHAM, Louisville, Jef ant?r,son-coun ‘y- Georgia, will give prompt attention co^ti! U 8 intrusted to his care, in the following C w,in! C on, Burke, Richmond, Columbia, War Seriven 8 gU # n > Emanuel, Montgomery, Tatnall and oirivcn, April 26, 1856 ts L*®"*’ Attoi ney at La^v, in the folio- Henry .cpugty, Ga. will practice Law D. Attorney at Lew, Albany, Sumter, T -C cau " tio f of Dougherty, tur and A Vorth and ph ’ Calho P n ’ l arl y> Baker, Deca- ‘ ’ r < ‘ J^n ,i ly H. 7 , Atfcorne y Law, Greenes Morca r °P.^ a ‘ w, * ! practice in the counties of Ore*- * Wilke T’lanW w am ’ Oglethorpe,’ Taliaferro, Hs- ~ ne , Will * “H*- Warren, ... Feb acock, P f /* lj 4 IP B - KOBIHSOH ~ ‘. Law, Greenesboro, (Ta. wiirpracti*’ 4 ttor ey at tma hi Graeue, Mqrgga, Pulnain, Og’ f e >*. the coun- Hancock, Wilkee and Warren, Taliafer * Willis’HoteT^ sea AT Lmi jj Greenesboro, F ( eb.; 12, ,J858. j8 > Pro ptieton 1 SIBLEY aljoggJ OrSir^7^':.i • • - 2T6 ,W s,„„, \ Feb 18, 1858 • *y k**'***.. j mini” w-J - . i’ winm,! ii u< . i.i a— J.F.MMR, ghjn and locksmith, AND MANUFACTURER OF double and single shot guns, %v. ALSO, REPAIRING OF GUNS, KEYS, Ac. Jbc. JBSF'ALL WORK charge on work sent. J. H. SNELLINGS, Agent, Aug. 6,1857. —1 y. .. Greenesboro, Ga. BUENA VISTA|ACADEMY. PUBLIC SQUARE, GREENE COUHTT GA The undersigned have secured, for the coming: year, the services of John T. Heard, A. B. He was born and raised among us, and is well known by each one of us to be a gentleman of good mind, and steady habits, and having already had some expe rience in teaching, we confidently expect fie will merit a liberal share of patronage. The school will open on the 2nd Monday in Janu ary.lßsß, Further information concerning rates of | tuition, board, Ac., can be obtained from either of l the Trustees. Wm. Tvgolb, Jr. Pres. S. M. Echol, Wm. Heard, Tnos. R. Thornton, Dr. A. H. Randle, Jas. D. Williams. Wm. A. Overton. Trustees December 3d, 1857—49. ! Valuable Property For Sale. OWE. of the partners wishing to change his’ business, we now offer for sale our Land and Mills, situated six miles east of Greenesboro’, and soar miles south-west of Union Point, known as Ogeechee place. j There is 1079 acres of land in the tract, about five hundred acres cleard, the ballance well timbered woodland. A consideraele portion is bottom land and the present crop will speak for the productive i quality of the land. Our mills consist of a Circular Sow Mill and a Grist Mill —driven by a 15 horse power engine''—all is in good order and condition. The Mills were erected last spring and are in the centre of five or six hundred acres of heavy timbered woodland.—, For further particulars call to see us on the premises or address us at Union Point, Ga. CRANE & GIBSON. October 21st, 1857-r-t£ 44 Valuable Plantation for Sale. MThe Subscriber offers for sale his well known! plantation lying on the Ogechee River 1 1-2 miles above Columbus Shivers mills, in Warren county. It is extensively known as having former ly belonged to Thomas Seals deceased. It now con tains 1200 acres more or less of land, al of which is good, in fine order, under good fences and sus ceptible of tillage. The tract comprises 300 acres more or less of superior low grounds, well ditched, and not liable to overflow. The improvements con- 1 sist in a commodious residence, excellent meat house i ample accommodations for negroes, good barn, i cribs, stable &c. Any one purchasing the place will get a valuable i plantation. . Mr. Lankford, my overseer is on the premises i and will show the place to any one wishing to ex- > amine it He also will make known the Terms. A. B. PHELPS. Dec. 3rd, 1857. Penfield Ga. City Restaurant. Continually on hand Eatables of all: kinds, Fresh Oysters, Lobsters, Bologna Sausages,, Eggs, Candies and choice Fruits of every descrip tion. Persons wishing any of these commodities, or a good meal at short notice, will be accommodat ed by calling in* at OLD MAC’S. Greenesboro r , Nov. 12th, 1857. 49 Cheap Dry Hoods! Broom a norbell are now receiving at their new store, No. 238 Broad-st., a large and elegant assortment of staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Their stock is one of the largest and most complete in their line in the city, and comprises all of the latest and most elegant styles of the season. They would respectfully solicit public patronage, and cordially invite all to examine their Goods. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. Fancy Dress Silks, Plaids and stripes, Rich Silk Robe a’Quille, very heavy, Rich Bayadere Silks, Poplins, Handsome Foulards, Black Brocade Silks, stripes, plaids and figures, Mourning and Half Mourning Silks, Rich French Printed All-wool Delaines, Robes a’Quille, Bayadere Stripes, Cashmere d’Ecosse, Valencia Plaids and Tarltans, And a variety of other Goods for children; Printed Oohurgs, Paramattas, English and French Merinoes, Plain and Printed Delains and Persians, all qualities, French, English and Americh Prints, great variety, French, Scotch and American Ginghams, great va riety ; Plain, Printed and Plaid-Opera Flannels. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, Os the latest styles, from low priced to very rich, in great variety. CHENILLE SHAWLS AND SCARFS, And almost every description, from low price to very fine quality. A large assortment of Ladies’ Cloths, all colors, for Cloaks and Mantillas. Mourning Goods, of every style, suitable for the season. Hoop Skirts, every style and quality used, Corsets, French and Railroad, * EMBROIDERIES^ Os all kinds, and a large assortment of French Worked Collars, Sleeves, Bands, Flouncings, Emb’d ’ Handkerchiefs, Infant’s Waists, Worked Edg ings and Insertings. Gloves of all kinds, for Ladies, Gents and Boys, Hosiery “ “ “ “ “ Flannels, large assortment, all prices and qualities. Merino Vests, for Ladies, Children and Gents. PANTALOON GOODS. All styles Oassimores, Doeskins* Cordurow Tweeds, Satinetts, plain and plaids; Kentucky J Carolina Jeans, Merino Cassimeres, for e* A ’ ’ Plaids and Rob-Roys, for'children, Ac. ,ildren- PLANTATION AND SERVANT” ’ Largest assortment and greater and GOODS city, comprising the most durab’ „ variety in” the ket in the way of Kerseys, w , e Goods in J the mar . Bteavy Twills, Linseya, Op uite and brown p]ai spuns, Plaids and Flan d nburgs, Stripes, Home r uels. Negro Blanket -LANKETS. Saddle *’ us, white and grey. Traveling • Macki’ 0 Blankets, Far “ aaw “ Fi** .cy “ of every description. \.ri“ to ‘ TerJr “• , . BED BLANKETS, fyK* ’out ONE PRICE; our goods will be of , lowest prices, which we gttwraaUf. toJbe r?* 0 * af “ an F *■ the Southern country. Our syw , nc only compels ua to sell our goods at thw “l® prices, hut it also protects the buyer from mg over market price, as he invariably does* Pare there is an aching and a taking price. Hf AH orders will receive our personal and prompt attention, aud our best judgment in eaecut* * jog them. BROOn ft BFORRELL. Oef 15th. 1857.-41-4 L No. 288, Broad-st. H. WILLIAMS, Commission Merchant, f [C ■ ATLANTA, GA. ]’ A€ON-, LARD, FLOUR, arid rfll 4 PRODUCE, are r - j Jaa, 1858. ly •’ j* VOTINGB OF INVENTIONS, &e. Dr. Wm. Morgan, PENFIELD, ©A. VITOULD inform the citizens of GREENE AND and £ DJO J NING COUNTIES, that he if^re pared to do all work m his line, with neatness and dis red ‘^ nse r‘ from ONE T(\ A FULL 9. CEETrI, on Fine Gold Plate, answering all the ordinary purposes of mastication. He will aiipnd dertThi IN ™ E COUNTRY that miy be ten j • u . ‘ v< ? r - k to give entire satisfaction, trial is all he asks. Jan. 14, 1858. - (f $2,000 Reward! Will the above reward to any person or per sons who will prove, in a single instance, of the failure of “ Dense’s Celebrated Poultice” to affect the permanent cure of Neu ralgia of the face. TIC DOLORIX OP THE PACE SAFE &IPERMANENT CURE DENSE’S CELEBRATED THIS REMEDY is warranted a Permanent Cure , in all cases of Face Neuralgia. It is not recommended for any other nervous affection, when used in those excruciating cases of NEURALGIA OF THE FACE, it has been invariably and entirely successful. The Proprietor is satisfied that a trial will prove the truth of the recommendation given. The following testi monials of the virtues of DENSE’S POULTICE is respectfully submitted to the notice of the afflicted. Another successful cure of Neuralgia of the Face. A case of seven years standing, cured by DENSE'S NEURALGIA POULTICE. C. H. Freeman of this city has suffered the most excruciating pains in both sides of his face, for seven years, and had tried ail the usual modes of treatment in vain. The first case was cured 21st Dec. ’56, and the second 12 th April, ’57. CERTIFICATE. I do hereby certify that the above statement is true and correct, and am satisfied that I am perma nently cured. (Signed,) CHAS. H. FREEMAN. CERTIFICATE. We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that we are personally acquainted with the above case of C. H. Freeman, and that he is entirely cured. (Signed,) W. H. Kino, J. S. Graybill, S. B. DaY, R. A. Benson. Macon, August 12, 1857. JagT” Applicants will please address A. A. MENNARD, Druggist, Or B. F. DENSE, Macon, Ga. This Medicine can be sent by mail to every part of the country. Price, $lO. August 20, 1857. 88—ly The most Useful, most Perfect most Concise 1 Cheaper than the Cheapest-Better than the Best! PUBLISHED WEEKLY. > THE WHOLE ONLY ONE DOLL. A-YEAR! Greatest discovery of tiie pre sent CENTURY FOR DETECTING COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES, Describing evegy Genuine Bill in existence, and ex hibiting at a glance eaery Counterfeit in existence ! Arranged so admirably that Reference is easy and —Detection instantaneous. NO INDEX TO BE EXAMINED! NO PAGES TO HUNT UP ! But so simplified —and arranged, that the ■ Merchant, Banker and Business Man can see all at a glance ! It has taken years to make perfect this GREAT DISCOVERY. The urgent necessity for such a work lias long been felt by Commercial men. It has been pub lished to supply the call for such a Preventive, and needs but to be known to be universally patronized. It does more than has ever been attempted by man. describes every Bank Note in three differ ent languages : English, French and German. Thus, each may read the same in his oum tongue ! Terms : The paper will be about 23 bv 42 inch, and will contain THE MOST PERFACT BANK NOTE LIST PUBLISHED, together with the Rate of Discount; also, A LIST OF ALL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN AMERICA. A complete summary of the Finaance of Europe and America, will be published in cacli edition, to gether with all the important ce>lP ALSO, INTERESTING ST3RIES, from an old manuscript found in the East, arrd no where else to be found. It has never yet appeared in print, and furnishes the most complete history of ORIENTAL LIFE, and describing the most perplexing positions in which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that country have been so often found. These Stories will con tinue throughout the whole year, and will prove the most entertaining ever offered to the public. Furnished weekly to subscribers only, at $1 a year. All letters must be addressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broker, Publisher and Proprietor, March 19—ly. 70 Wall Street, N. Y. DAWSON INSTITUTE. WHITE PLAINS, GREENE COUNTY, GA. BOARD OfTnSTRUCTORS. James D. Mathews, A. M. Principal, Vincent T. Sanford, A. M. associate Principal, Miss E. A. Whiteman, Instructress in Music, Draw ing, Painting and Embroidery, Mrs. D. A. Mathews, Instructress in French ‘ in Primary department. This Male and Female Institute, un^ name and organization, has been Jr , during a series of years-, and now r J‘ * “ ments, it is again commend**'’ wnh* a ZJt dence to the attention of * w /f- g^tnnprove ., „ ? “ with renewed conh- and Guardians. and an aeUye su- ost e ,er ßy and flddiiy ar e Tmafo o of the Board of Instructors; • on the part of the Beard of and dr- * con fl ( lence is felt in being ablo to mi - action to those who may send their sons .ughtres here, to receive their education.— . Spring Term of 1858, will commence on the .oird Monday in January. For fall particulars, address Principal. Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Umbrellas, &c, FALL AND WINTER STYLE 1857. GEO. W. FERRY, Masonic Hall building, Broad-st. Augusta, Ga., has now on hand a carefully selected stock of Gents Moleskin hats of Beebe k Cos Leary &|Co trade style Gent’s and Boys Soft Felt Hats, new and elegant styles. > an Saxony Hate M “ Cloth and Plush Caps, “ “ Silk velvet Caps, Children’s fancy Hats and Caps, in great variety. Ladies’ Silk, Straw and Lace Bonnets. Rouchofl, Flowers, Plumes, Umbrellas, Ac. The best assortment in the city, and he hopes by his untiring assiduity to merit the liberal patronage he has so long and thankfully received. J. S. Barnwell & Cos. —MANUFACTURERS OF Saddles, Harness, Trunks, &c. &c. XX j- % XTAVE permamently established -*-J- ihemselvoß in the Town of PEN FIELD. They arc in receipt of a Fine Lot of Material, illßliln w ‘** constantly keep on hand a vSIHwiBBuP g00( i assortment of Wagon, Coach & Buggy Harness O of THEIR OWN and the best NOR THERN MAKE. JEW-AU JOBB put up in the most workmanlike maa wer and of the best material. J&'Repairing dene pt the shortest notice. Jan 28/1858 IF you want a NICE PLATE OF OYSTERS, put MP ; n ®tyle, •* with J, M. BOWLES A A®. - Fab 11 , MISCELLANEOUS AWEBTlsilVrr—-AUGUSTA AITO GBFESESBORO’, u j* . SURGICAL INFIRMARY FOE NEGROES A\!G\JSI’A, GKORGIA. THE uudcrsigued would respectfully. call the attention of Planters arid Slave-owners generally to their very compfete and extensiveEKtablkhmcnt in Augusta, Georgia, for the accoiSE S Negroes requiring: Surgical Operations or treatment in Chronic Diseased, no* also Female Diseases so coinipon among Negroes. “” The building is situated Conner of Jackson and Kenwick-.strcets, between the Georgia and the Savannah Rail Road Depots, and in sight of both. It is, therefore, convenient for the reception of patients from a distance. In its construction, throughout the entire plan, was kept in view the'special purpose to which r. jit is applied; being furnished with everything which can conduce to the comfort of the sick It -is supplied with Hot and Gold Baths and Shower Baths—and has Water-Closets in each story to avoid fatigue and exposure to the patients. It is also w*il Ventilated and lighted with Gas. With the constant attendance of.experienced male and female Nurses, the patient will be saved much of the suffering which too often is the result of unavoidable neglect iu the treatment of negroes in ordinary private practice Terms— For Board, Lodging and Nursing, per month, $lO. For all necessary Medical attendance Surgical Operations, &e., the same as in ordinary city practice. fg” Letters addressed to us at this place will irieet with prompt attention. H. F. CAMPBELL, Surgeon, R. CAMPBELL, Attending Physician. Augusta, February 5, 1857. ly . g Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ‘ FINE EEADY-MADE CLOTHING, Under the United States Hotel, Augusta, Qa. HORA A CO. have just opened an elegant stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING • for Men and Boy’s wear.-” They respectfully call trite attention of all persons in want of good welt made Goods , to their Stock. CALL IN. Oct 18 DRUGGISTS AN^APMHEWRIES, —WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN — jPuie Medicines, Chemicals , Drugs, Paints, Oils, French and America, & Wind&tar Glass, Varnishes, Putty, Paint Mills, Gold Foil, Gold Leaf, Sponge , Choice Brandies and Wines, for Medical Purposes, Fine Shaving and Toilet Soap, Foreign and Domestic Handkerchief Extracts, and Cologne Water , Ground Spices, and Flavoring Extracts, Landreth's Garden Seeds , Together with every other article usually kept in their line—all of which they offer at WHOLESALE or RETAIL, on as liberal terms as can be had at any other estalishment Jan. 22,1857—4-1 y GEORGE I. OATES & BROTHER, • ~ DEALERS IN PIANO FORTES, BOOKS, MUSIC, &C., BROAD-STREET, BETWEEN TH§ UNITED STATES AND GLOBE HOTELS, RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of their friends and the public generally; to their larm and well-selected stock of “ Mill CS^IIII!!. From the following celebrated Manufactories, for which they are sold Agents, viz: Bacon $ Raven, A. H. Gale $ Cos., and Hazleton Brothers, New York ; ar - Halieit, Davis <£• Cos., Boston, which, for sweetness of tone and durability, cannot be excelled. It is useless to say more ip * as they are too well known to need puffing. Piano Fortes of any Maker or style ordered . their favor, prices. Their assortment of MUSIC is very large. Also, always on hand, a supply of at the lowest Jttelodeons, Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Accord* ALSO, ALL KINDS OF *OHB, A*C, ima* SK. ssb sc nasr tss rser mtL tkj un suitable for a full Band, besides everything in the Music line. All ** J 832 JBT ‘□BC SSS 9 published. me new Books and Music received a* , Sd£? Persons at a distance, ordering from us, can depend point to keep goods of the best quality, and such as we e- upon getting a good article, as we make H a N. B.—For the satisfaction of persons who may wa’ _ n recommend, and warrant in every reaped the city,—we refer, with pleasure, to the following at to order—not having an opportunity of visiting have cheerfully aUowed their names to be used gentlemen, who have purchased from us, and who Rev. A. Means, Pres’t of Emory College, Qr’ .. Hundreds could be added, but space will not allow it. £ r ; J £ NES ’ Madi f n Ga > „ .*ord, Ga., J. L, Reid, Esq., Eatonton, Ga., Col. N. L. Hutching, Lawrenccville W. Gatewood, Esq., Putnam county, Ga., May 12, 1855. > Qa., Rev. J. H. Echojjs, Pres’t Madison Female College. SfCltS Til CASH HUMS. 1 1 I ll Ip ’ j DOLLARS WORTH OF DRY GOODS AiND CLOTHING’ TWENTY-FIVE WITNESSES OF PAPER MONEY; OR, THE FORGER CONVICTED!! SELLING OFF AT COST BY A. L. JOHNSON & CO. Owirnj to the hardness of the times, and the scarcity of money, we have concluded to offer our larg and wen assorted stock of merchandise at (until the first of March next) for cash only, and most respectfully solicit our friends to call and ex amine for themselves. * ..- ■••• More especially wa call their attention to our very stock of Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps, Shirts k Under Garments, all offering at COST ! to reduce our stock, and iodize the money, all‘who want I?AR.trAIKS please cull before purcka* ■ ” “ A, L. JOHNSON <fc CO. One door South of Mrs. Stathams Hotel, j Greenesboro,’ December, 1857.—3 m. . Dropsy Cured. - THE undersagnod proposes to cure Dropsy cf every description. He cun be seen personally live miles south es Luiion Point, or addressed by letter to Union Point, Greene county, Gn. The Medicine can bn sent anywhere by rail road', with directions for jgVvjhß it, or I will attend personally, if requested, and paia lor my trouble. I will, buy negroes afflicted with Dropsy, or cure them, ns the owner may prefer. Satisfactory ret* erences given, if desired. MlI.F.d G. BROO.*h’ State of Georgia. Greene County: . This is to certify that iny father hn4 1 a negro niaicnl flicted with Dropsy in 1853 ; he ltad ha eu treated hy se veral physicians without any cure, will ?n lie applied to M. G. Broome for his remedy, which cured him. rlo is still living and in good health. Jan 21, 1858. HENRY CHAMPION. Union Point, Greene Cos May 14, 185, MONROE FEMALE-UNI 1 fERSITY.'. * FORSYTH, A. IS 58. gv FTtHIS INSTITUTION IS Oi jg[ JL of the most flourishing Fcmi tlePt 3 # Vj| Schools in Georgia; it has a Faculty oft able and ex perienced touchers, three of wfyjjni are graduates of “-Mercer University.” The Spring Ter in has opened with nearly 100 pupils. The daughters of ind-inen ißap tfot Ministers educated without charge ier tuition. Pu p\ls wHI be received at any stare ot udva aoemont and at any time of. tho term, and charged fro® i the time of entrance. Spring Term began JaniHtrr 1& and will end’ •oo the 3d Wendesdav in July. “ “ “ * ‘ ‘ * 1 Feb 18, 1857 R. T.ASBEAY, Stye. Fee. GEORGIA PLAINS. THE subscribers take pleasure in stating to their old customers and others wishing their Wo* made into tho best Plains manufactured in the TJn ted States, that we are now ( receiving and will re ceive wool, furnish warp, and charge but 16 cents per yard for manufacturing (cash,) as that is what we have to pay for all the material we use. The Factory is situated 18 miles south of Greenes* boro, 12 miles southwest of White Plains, 14 mites northwest of Sparta,-14 east of Eatonton, on the Oconee river, in Greene county. . LAWRENCE MANF. 00. Aug 2, 1856 SO CARROLTON MASONIC INSTITUTE. • JOHN K. LEAK, A. B. Pxsmbnt. THE exorcises of this Institution will open on the 1 first Wednesday in Jan. 1858. The course of study will be thorough and extensive, both in the male and female departments. Wehave a large build ing, good society and as healthy” a location (br an Institution as there is in Georgia. Board $8 per .month. Tuition reasonable. We hope to receive a liberal patronage from the Masonic Fraternity and tlia public gem rally. Wo will make it to the inter est of all who patronise the-Jnstkntion. For partic ulars address John K. Leak, Oxford, Ha. or thoua i” 1-0 J. W. RHDWLNE. J W. ” Nov. 24, 186* iu