The Georgia temperance crusader. (Penfield, Ga.) 1858-18??, March 11, 1858, Image 4

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STORY THURSDAY MOBJTPfg. ~ law of btewSapeesT 1 Aabacrfotr* who do not gfrsaxpress votioo u>. the m wishing tooontunw thou “*l*?f l #u£icrib#rs ths dmcontfoimnce of their nowtpaperßwithout settling aU arranges, the Publisher SLVoontinue to tend them until they are paid for. Its gubaeribers neglect or refuse to take their news —Lrafromthe offices to which they are direoted, they areheld responsible until they hare settled the bills, and -A-ntd a discontinuance. . . 4 Ts subscribers remors to other places without in* farming the Publisher, and the newspapers are sent to ska former direction, they are held responsible. 5 It has been decided by the Courts that subscribers to take their newspapers from the office, or re spring and leafing them uncalled far, la pnma facte •ridence of intentional fraud. - * ‘fhe Courts hare also decided that a Post-iaaster who nefflects to perform his duty of giving reasonable notice as required by the Post-Office Department, of the Midect of a person to take from the office, newspapers addressed to him, renders himself liable for the sub ocription price. sioacH <£J cs>tfc> ©EMM OFFICE,©, PENFIELD, GEORGIA. EVER, since the establishment of this Office, has wj the proprietor been so well prepared for getting sJ/JLr up, ana in the best style, all kinds of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, SUCH AS — I BOOKS, PROMISSORY \ -f- PAMPHLETS, NOTES, -+■ db CARDS, I BANK CHECKS, CIRCULARS. LABELS, ZjK l JLJL HAND-BILLB, i all kinds of *BSB BILL-HEADS, LAW BLANKS, -JL- WAY AND FOR ATTORNEYS, STAGE BILLS, sheriffs, ‘Sr POSTERS, ’squires I TICKETS, AND BAILIFFS. | Theee declarations are not empty bubbles, but solid fketa, which we respectfully invite the public to test A large variety of well assorted material and a thor ♦ugh workman, make us cjjnfidcjTt^of^abidhigjjiat^teet. STATE AND FEDERAL AFFAIRS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT- Jakes Buchanan, of Pennsylvania, President U. States John C. Breckenridge, of Kentucky, Vice “ Lewis Cass, of Michigan, Secretary of State Howell Cobb, of Georgia, Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Thompson, of Mississippi, Secretary Interior John B. Floyd, of Virginia “ War Isaac Toucey, of Connecticut “ Navy Aaron V. Brown, of Tennessee, Postmaster-General Jeremiah 8. Black, of Pennsylvania, Attorney General Judiciary—Supreme Court. Roger B. Taney, Baltimore, Md. Chief Justice, ap pointed 1856—Salary $5 060 John McLean, Cincinnati, Ohio, Associate Justice, appointed in 1829—Salary $4 500 James M. Wayne, Savannah, Ga. Associate Justice, appointed 1839—Salary $4 500 John A. Campbell, Mobile, Ala. Associate Justice, appointed 1853—Salary $4 500 John Catron, Nashville, Tennessee, Associate Jus tice, appointed 1837—Salary $4 500 Peter V. Daniel, Richmond, Virginia, Associate Jus tice, appointed 1841 —Salary $4 500 Samuel Nelson, Cooperstown, New York, Associote Justice, appointed in 1845—Salary $4 500 Nathan Clifford, Portland, Maine, Associate Justice, appointed 1857 —Salary $4 500 Robert C. “Grier, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Associate Justice, appointed 1846 —Salary $4 500 Benjamin C. Howard, Baltimore, Maryland, Reporter, appointed 1843—Salary Si 300 The Supreme Court is held in the City of Washington, and has one session annually, commencing on the first Monday in December. STATE OF GEORGIA. J. E. Brown, Governor J. A. Steele, Secretary Executive Department John B. Campbelle, “ “ “ M. W. McComb, “ “ E. P. Watkins, Secretary of State John B. Trippe, Treasurer Peterson Thweatt, Comptroller General James A. Green, Surveyor General John F. Condon, State Librarian John E. Ward, President of the Senate W. B. Terhune, Secretary of the Senate J.W.H.Underwood,Speaker House Representatives Alex. M. Speer, Clerk House of Representatives William Turk, Principal Keeper Penitentiary Benjah S. Carswell, Assistant “ “ H. J. G. Williams, Inspector of Penitentiary Wm. A. Williams, Book-Keeper “ - Dr. Tomlinson Fort,Physician “ Dr. T. Fort, B. P. Stubbs and Dr. L. Strohocker, Trustees Lunatic Asylum. Supremo Court for Correction Errors. Joseph H. Lumpkin, Judge. Term expires 1868 Charles J. McDonald, Judge. “ “ 1861 Henry L. Benning, Judge. “ “ 185 B. Y. Martin, Reporter R. E. Martin, Clerk first District.— Composed of the Eastern and Middle Judicial Circuits, at Savannah, on the second Mondays in January and June in each year. Second District. —Composed of the Macon, South Western and Chattahoochee * Judicial Circuits at Ma con, on the 4th Monday in January and 3d Monday in June in each year. Hard District.— Composed of the Flint, Coweta, Blue Rtdgsaad Cherokee Judicial Circuits, at Atlanta, on the 4th Monday in March and 2d Monday in August in eeeh year. Fourth District. —Composed of the Western and Nor thern Judicial Circuits, at Athens, on the 4th Mondays of May and November of each year. Fifth District. —Composed of the Ocmulgee and Sou thern Judicial Circuits, at Milledgeville, on the 2d Mon days of May and November of each year. ♦Note.—The. Pataula Circuit is attached to tho 2d Supreme Court District; Brunswick to the Ist; Talla poosa to tho 3d. Look—Everybody. fpHE undersigned having leased the STORE ROOM recently occupied by Williams A Lank o-SrA™ n ? w receivin g and opening a Choice and Select STOCK of — FAMILY GROCERIES, FRUITS, CANDIES, CIGARS, EATABLES, &c. &c. dec. The attention of the Citizens of Pcnfield and vicinity, js respectfully called to ibis New Establishment. We have adopted Md intend to make it to the advantage #f every one to ■pend their money with us. 3 Sir a Penfield, Jan. sth. 1858. *’ M ’ BOWL£ ' S & CO. Drs. COE & LATIMER, JRSSfe XTAVING located in GEENESBOIiO pur , p ,° sc of pr *? tisi 6 DE N- would respectfully invite all who may require Dental Operations to give them a call at their office in Greeneeboro ; or, persons so desirinn may be visited at their residences. Drs. C. &, L. hope’ by the character of their operations, their reasonable J rices and their gentlemanly treatment of all who may onor them with a call, to merit and obtain a fair share of the operating performed in this section. As Dr. Latimer has located permanently in Greeneeboro, the office will not be closed during the summer months, as heretofore. A superior quality of Tooth Brushes, Tooth Powder, &c kept on hand. **No charge for examinations and advice. Dentists supplied with Teeth, Foil, Instruments, Dec 14, 1857 Willis’ Hotel, T THE OLD STAND, Is still open for ~~ the reception and accommodation of trav silers. All who may favor ua with their pat* •nail receive every attention necessary. boro, F,b. !2, Lt WIUJB, Pro|,ri * <lr - SIBLEY & BOGGS, --WHOLESALE ACT) RETAIL DEALERS IV — Choice Family Groceries, Cigars, &o. rb „ A? o ra,^u^ Y^ w IRIBH fOTA- F#bSs I M. MWUS. ■; Wi*- ■-: i jhhiiii ii i ii .i u.jl. -hi * LETTERS.—APPLICATION POE ABB WBMISSORV, ■■■■■- ‘ IBS I Georgia, greene county.—w here** Sidney C. Davis applies for Letters of Administra tion upon the estate of Frances K. Floyd, Late of the State of Arkansas, deceased i These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at the Coart of Ordinary to be held in and tor said county on the first Monday in April next, to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office Li Greenesboro, Feb ruary 17. 1858. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. Feb 35, 1858 3Qd Georgia, GREENE COUNTY.—W her ea a John Edmondson applies for Letters of Adminis tion upon the estate of Matilda Edmondson, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin gularthe kindred and creditorsofsaiddec’d, to be andap pear at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in April next, to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro, Feb ruary 17,1858. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. Feb 25, 1858 30d (GEORGIA, GREENE COUNTY.—Whereas Al fred H. Jackson, administrator upon the estate of Mrs. Laurana B. Parrott, deceased, petitions the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismiaeory: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and angular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to and appear at the Court of Ordinary, to be held in luu ior said county, on the first Monday in August next, to show cause, (ifany they have) why said administra tor should not then be discharged. Given under my hand at office, in Greenesboro’, Jan uary 15th, 1858. Jan. 21 EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord’y. Georgia, greene county.—whereas Nicholas M. Jones applies for Letters of Adminis tration upon the estate of Jesse 8. Jones, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admMiish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday of April next, to show’ cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under ray hand, at office in Greensboro, Feb ruary 23d, 1858. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. M’ch 4,1858 3Qd GEORGIA, GREENE COUNTY: Whereas John McMichael, administrator with the will annexed on the estate of Mrs. Margaret Armor, deceased, peti tions the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory from said estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause (if any they have) why said administrator should not be discharged at the court on the Ist Monday in July, 1858. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro’ Dec 18, 1857. Dec 24-6 m EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. EORGIA, GREENE COUNTY.—W her ea s James T. Findley, administrator upon the estate of Isaac Findley, deceased, petitions the Court of Ordi nary of said county for Letters of Dismission from said estate: These are therefore to .cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause (if any they have) why said administrator should not be discharged at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county, on the Ist Monday in June, 1858. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro’, Nov 16th, 1857. Nov 26-6 m EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord’y. VfOTICE.— All persons indebted to tho estate i ot JONAS CARTRIGHT, late of Greene county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having demands against said estate are re quested to make them in terms of the law. Feb 18, 1858—*0d W. S. DAVIS, Adm’x. JTgBTT’WTS “He A. F. DURHAM, thankful for the Tjrf liberal patronage recefvod in the past, takes rSL pleasure in announcing that he still offers his PRO FESSIONAL SERVICES to the CITIZENS OF PENFIELD AND VICINITY. Office at the old store of Willburn & McWhorter, on main street, where he may at all times be found, when not professionally engaged. Jan 28-ly Particular Notice. A LL persons indebted to the firm of Phelps A -Lh. Seals, for the years 1856 and ’7, are earnestly re quested to come forward and pay up, as we must have money to pay our debts. Come, friends, and help us to the extent of your ability. PHELPS & SEALS. Jan. 1, 1858. Penfield Preparatory School. The exercises of this school will be resumed on the FIRST DAY OF FEB RUARY NEXT, under the charge of the undersigned. The Prices of Tuition range from sl6 to S4O. Every thing necossary to prepare students for college, is taught in this School; and ■ parents and guardians wishing to prepare their children or wards for a Collegiate Course, will find it to their advantage to send them nere. Jan. 21—3 t A. S. MORGAN, Prin. FOR SALE ORIRENT. A COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND LOT IN Penfield, situated in the eastern part of town. It contains four good Rooms —all the outbuildings are in good repair, and a small family will find it to be a pleas ant residence. Mr. Henry English occupied it during the past year. Apply to J. M. LANKFORD. Penfield, Ga. Jan. 7, 1858. ts. THE COPARTNERSHIP existing between PHELPS &. SEALS, in the Mercantile Business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent —Mr. Phelps re tiring. A. B. PHELPS, Penfield, Jan. 1, 1858. WM. B. SEALS. BUSINESS will be carried on at the old •*- stand, by the undersigned, where he hopes to merit and receive the liberal patronage extended to the late firm. WM. B. SEALS. Penfield, Jan. Ist, 1858. MpHE firm of MASSEY & HARRIS lias been dis ♦ solved by mutual consent. Those indbted to them are very respectfully, yet earnestly requested to come forward and settle by cash or note. A CARD. On retiring from the practice of modicino, the under signed returns his thanks to the citizens of Penfield and vicinity, for the liberal patronage enjoyed by him the past five years, and takes pleasure in recommend ing to his friends and patrons, his former associate, Dr. Harris, as a physician ol superior merit, and one emi nently qualified to prosecute the various branches of his proiession. ROBERT J. MASSEY. Jan. 21—2 m. Penfield Female Seminary. THE Exercises of this INSTITUTION will com pence on the FIRST MONDAY IN FEBRU ARA NLX I. The Board of Trustees take pleasure m announcing that they have procured the services of Miss C. W. BARBER as principal. Mies Barber's success in teaching hitherto, has estab fished for her the reputation of a thorough and impres eive teacher. Rates of tuition as heretofore. „ , R - J - MASSEY, Sec. Board. By order Board Trustee#. Jan. 21, 1858. t s NOTICE TO DEBTORS. A LL p ersons indebted to the undersigned, ei ther by note or account, are hereby notified that unless their claims are paid by tho FIRST DAY OF I 1 EBRUARY NEXT, they will be. placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. H. MARGRAFF. Greenesboro, Jan. 21,1858. 4t I^aartttanrtn 0 Warehouse and Commission Merchants, Jackson Street, Augusta, Ga. WILL continue the WAREHOUSE and COM MISSION BUSINESS at their Fire-Proof Warehouse, and will devote their personal attention to the interest of their friends and Patrons. Sf”aM F “ i,T s “ ppli< ”’ B,egins ’ Ropo ’ Liberal Cash Advances made when required. Commissions for Selling Cotton Fifty Cents per bale. JQH.t c. turns. [Sept 3-35] sam’l and. linton. Y°V Cft , n alv tays find SUGAR and COFFEE Few? P f ° r Caßh at JM * BOWLES & CO. CAEESE, SYRUP, xViUJ-iAk.&L&, SALT and VINEGAR In fart when you want anythhig i° cat) call to see 1 jLJVI. BOWLES & CO. A article of No 1 MACKEREL. Febll ■ J-M. BOWLES & CO. TF you want a good article of POTASH, call to Yo\) ii BOWLES & CO. Penfield and Greenesboro’ Wt AACJ ML JK—* AC j*r 3E3* or degil ' ed acoommo dation, waiting the arrival of each train. Passengers for Penfield, Scull Shoals, Dr Dur. ham’s, Watkmsvillo or any other point, will be carried thither safely and promptly. Passengers from any of these points desiring to meet any of the trains, can find like accommodation. Prices moderate. Good horiieH and conveyances, with or without dri ver. CASH will be required. Wc have Horses and Buggies for hire at our stable in Pl F#b U W. A. AO. 8. r.B&T,- Li:-:’ wsijrr-s-v asr-. ‘',-, J. C. TUPLES, gun and locksmith, i AND MANUTA CTURER OF DOUBLE AMD SINGLE SHOT GURS, ALSO, REPAIRING OF GUNB, KEYS, to. to. JB®~ALL WORK charge on work sent. J. H. SNELLINGS, Agent, Ang. 6,1857.—1 y. Greenesboro, Ga. BUENA VISTAJACADEMY. PUBLIC SQUARE, OBEESB COUNTY QA The undersigned have secured, for the coming year, tho services of John T. Heard, A. B, He was born and raised among us, and ia well known by each one of us to be a gentleman of good mind, and steady habits, and having already had some expe rience in teaching, we confidently expect he will merit a liberal share of patronage. The school will open on the 2nd Monday in Janu ary 1858, Further information concerning rates of tuition, board, Aa, can be obtained from either of the Trustees. Wm. Tuggle, Jr. Pres. S. M. Echol, Wm. Hbabd, Thos. 8. Thornton, Dr. A. H. Ranulb, Jas. D. Williams. Wjl A. Ovkbton. Trustees December 3d, 1867—49. Valuable Property For Sale, OMJE of the partners wishing to change his business, we now offer for sale our Land and Mills, situated six miles east of Greenesboro’, and four miles south-west of Union Point, known as Ogeechoe place. There is 1079 acres of land in the tract, about five hundred acres cleard, the ballance well timbered woodland. A conaideraele portion is bottom land and the present crop will speak for the productive quality of the land. Our mills consist of a Circular Saw Mill and a Grist Mill —driven by a 16 horse power engine—all is in good order and condition. The Mills were erected last spring and are in the centre of five or six hundred acres of heavy timbered woodland.— For further particulars call to see us on the premises or address os at Union Point, Ga. CRANE A GIBSON. October 21st, 1857—tL 44 Valuable Plantation for Sale. swtgy The Subscriber offers for sale his well known plantation lying on the Ogechee River 1 1-2 miles above Columbus Shivers mills, in Warren county. It is extensively known as having former ly belonged to Thomas Seals deceased. It now con tains 1200 acres more or less of land, all of which is good, in fine order, under good fences and sus ceptible of tillage. The tract comprises 800 acres more or less of superior low grounds, well ditched, and not liable to overflow. The improvements con sist in a commodious residence, excellent meat house ample accommodations for negroes, good barn, cribs, stable Ac. Any one purchasing the place will get a valuable plantation. Mr. Lankford, ray overseer is on Hie premises and will show the place to any one wishing to ex amine H. He also will make known the Terms. A. B. PHELPS. Dee. 3rd, 185 T. Penfield Ga. City Restaurant Continually on hand Eatables of all kinds, Fresh Oysters, Lobsters, Bologna Sausages, Eggs, Candies and choice Fruits of every descrip tion. Persons wishing any of these commodities, or a good meal at short notice, will be accommodat ed by calling in at OLD MAO’S. Greenesboro’, Nov. 12th, 1867. 49 Cbeap Dry Goods! BROOM & BTORREJI3L are now receiving at their new store, Mo. 238 Broad-st., a large and elegant assortment of staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Their stock is one of the largest and most complete in their line in the city, and comprises all of the latest and most elegant styles of the season. They would respectfully solicit public patronage, and cordially invite all to examine their Goods. LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. Fancy Dress Silks, Plaids and stripes, Rich Silk Robe a’Quille, very heavy, Rich Bayadere Silks, Poplins, Handsome Foulards, Black Brocade Silks, stripes, plaids and figures, Mourning and Half Mourning Silks, Rich French Printed All-wool Delaines, Robes a’Quille, Bayadere Stripes, Cashmere d’Ecosse, Valencia Plaids and Tarltana, And a variety of other Goods for children; Printed Cohurgs, Paramattas, English and French Merinoes, Plain and Printed Detains and Persians, all qualities, French, English and Americh Prints, great variety, French, Scotch and American Ginghams, great va riety ; Plain, Printed and Plaid-Opera Flannels. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, Os the latest styles, from low priced to very rich, in great variety. CHENILLE SHAWLS AND SCARFS, And almost every description, from low price to very fine quality. A large assortment of Ladies’ Cloths, all colors, for Cloaks and Mantillas. Mourning Goods, of every style, suitable for the season. Hoop Skirts, every style and quality used, Corsets, French and Railroad, . EMBROIDERIES, Os all kinds, and a large assortment of French Worked Collars, Sleeves, Bands, Flouncmgs, Emb’d Skirts, Handkerchiefs, Infant’s Waists, Worked Edg ings and Insertings. Gloves of all kinds, for Ladies, Gents and Boys, Hosiery “ u H f 4 • Flannels, large assortment, all prices and qualities. Merino Vests, for Ladies, Children and Gents. PANTALOON GOODS. All styles Oassimeres, Doeskins, Corduroys, Tweeds, Satinetts, plain and plaids; Kentucky Jeans Carolina Jeans, Merino Oassimeres, for children; Plaids and Rob-Roys, for children, Ac. PLANTATION AND SERVANT S GOODS. Largest assortment and greatest variety in the city, comprising the roost durable Goods in the mar ket in the way of Kerseys, white and brown Plains, Heavy Twills, Linseys, Osenburgs, Stripes, Home spuns, Plaids and Flannels. BLANKETS. Negro Blankets, white and grey, Saddle “ Traveling Blankets, Mackinaw M Fancy M of every description. j From a small Crib Blanket, to a very large and su perior Bed Blanket BED BLANKETS, We have but ONE PRICE, our goods will be of fkred at the lowest prices, which we puaraatee to be as low as any in the Southern country. Our sys tem not only compels us to sell our goods at the lowest prices, but it also protects the buyer from paying over market price, as he invariably does, where there is an aching and a taking price. |y All orders will reeeive our personal and prompt attention, audour best judgment in execut ing them. BROOM * KORREIA, Oct Istb ( 1857.-4t-tf. No. 288, Broad-st H. WILLIAMS, Commission Merchant, ! ATLANTA, GA. Orders for bacon, lard, flour, and an kinds of UP-COUNTRY PRODUCE, ar# respect folly solicited, and will be promptly filled at tke lowest market prices, for Cash. Jin 14, iB6O. - - \otgy. >3^4 Dr. Wm. Morgan, PENFIELD, GA. WOULD inform the citizens of GREENE AND THE ADJOINING COUNTIES, that he is pre parsd to do all work in his line, with neatness and die prepared to insert from ONE TO A FULL SET OF TEETH, on Fine Gold Plate, answering all I“ e purposes of mastication. He will attend i w ANY CALL IN THE COUNTRY that may be ten ! dared him. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. trial is all he asks. Jan. 14, 1856. ts $2,000 Reward! Will be paid the above reward to any person or per sons who will prove, in a single instance, of the &ilure of “ Dense’s Celebrated Poultics” ’ to affect the permanent cure of Neu- * ralgia of the face. Til! M.ORECX OTITMIi j SAFE &3PERMANENT CURE ! DENSE’S CELEBRATED * t THIS REMEDY is warranted a Permanent j Care, in all cases of Face Neuralgia. It 1 is not recommended for any other nervous affection, j when üßed'in those excruciating cases of . NEURALGIA OF THE FACE, ; it has been invariably and entirely successful. The ! Proprietor is satisfied that a trial will prove the truth j of the recommendation given. The following testi-: moni&ls of the virtues of DENSE’S POULTTOE is respectfully submitted to the notice of the afflicted. ! Another successful cure of Neuralgia of the Face. I A case of seven years standing, cured by DENSE S j NEURALGIA POULTICE 0. H. Freeman of this city has Buffered the most! excruciating pains in both sides of his lace, for seven ; years, and had tried ail the usual modes of treatment; in vain. The first case was cured 21st Dec. ’66,; and the second 12th April, ’67. CERTIFICATE. I do hereby certify that the above statement is troe and correct, and am satisfied that I am perma nently cured. (Signed,) CHAS. H. FREEMAN. CERTIFICATE. We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that we are personally acquainted with the above case of C. H. Freeman, and that he is entirely cured. (Signed,) W. H. King, J. S. Graybill, S. B. Day, R. A. Benson. Macon, August 12, 1837. ISF” Applicants will please address A. A. MENNARD, Druggist, Or B. F. DENSE, Macon, Ga. f9§P“ This Medicine can be sent by mail to every ! part of the country. Price, $lO. August 20, 1857. 83—ly WHO WANTS MONEY! 60,000 Dollars MAY TE OBTAINED BY RISKING TEN DOL’S! Halves and Quarter Tickets in Proportion. Jasper Cennty Academy Lottery, By authority of the State of Georgia. Havana Plan——Single Numbers."^ 30,000 TICKETS— 3,2B6 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO $216,000. PRIZES PA TABLE WTTHO UT DED t CTION ANDERSON A SON, Managers. Successors to J. F. Winter, Manager. Our Lotteries draw in Macon, Ga., (Small Schemes) every Saturday, and in Savannah, (Large Schemes) about the 16th of every month. CLASSDD DRAWS NOVEMBER 15TH, 1857. AT I j ARMORY HALL, SAVANNAH, GA. 1 Under the Sworn Superintendence of 5 W. R. Symons and J. M. Prentiss, Esqrs. I CAPITALS of $60,000, $20,000, SIO,OOO, $5,000, $4,000, $2,000, 3 Prizes of SIOOO, 5 of S3OO, 100 of SIOO, 100 of SSO, 8000 of SBO, aud 72 Approxima tion prizes amounting to $3,760. WHOLE TICKETS SIO—HALVES SS—QUART. 2J. Look to your interest and compare this scheme with any other. Bank notes of sound Banks at par. Checks on New York remitted for prizes. Address orders for Tickets or Certificate j of Packages of Tickets to ANDERSON & SON, Managers, **} ,) lte7 Macon or Saraaaah. : Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Umbrellas, &c, j FALL AND WINTER STYLE 1857. GEO. W. FERRY, Masonic Hall building, Broad-st Augusta, Ga., has now on hand a carefully selected stock of Gents Moleskin hats of Beebe & Cos Leary &-Co trade style Gent’s and Boys Soft Felt Hats, new and elegant styles. “ “ Saxony Hats “ Cloth and Plush Caps, ** u Silk velvet Caps, Children’s fancy nats and Caps, in great variety. Ladies’ Silk, Straw and Lace Bonnets. Rouches, Flowers, Plumes, Umbrellas, &c. The best assortment in the city, and he hopes by his untiring assiduity to merit the liberal patronage he has so long and thankfully received. J. S. Barnwell & Go. —MANUFACTURERS OF Saddles, Harness, Trunks, &c. &c. TJAVEpermamentlyestablished themselves in the Town of PEN FIELD. They are in receipt of a Fine Lot of Material, Gil liiilllu an< * “ constantly keep on hand a nUU llmllllP S°°d assortment of Wagon, Coach & Buggy Harness O of THEIR OWN and the best NOR THERN MAKE. JOBS put up in the most workmanlike man ner and of the best material. \ dS?” Repairing done nt the ehortest notice. Jan 28, 1858 F 1 * you want a NICE PLATE OF OYSTERS, put up style, eat with J. M. BOWLIS &, €KJ. Feh 11 —i—————— THE ATTORNEY, ‘MINE HOST,’ &c. YTfMT G. JOHNSON, Attorney Tat Law, i * * Augusta, Ga. will promptly attend to all bnsinees intrusted to his professional management in Richmond and the adjoining counties. Office on Mclntosh street, three doors below Constitutionalist office. Reference — Thos. R. R. Cobb, Athens, Ga. June 14 \y TAMES BROWN, Attorney at Law, Fancy I u Hill, Murray Cos. Ga. April 30, 1857. DOGER L. WHIOHAIQ, Louisville, Jes- J -w ferson county, Georgia, will give prompt attention to any business intrusted to his care, in the following eountios : Jefferson, Burke, Richmond, Columbia, War nm, Washington, Emanuel, Montgomery, Tatnall and Seri yen. April 26, 1856 ts T EONARD T* DOITAE, Attorney at Law, . McDonough, Henry county, Ga. will pructice Law’ m the following counties: Henry, Spaulding, Butts, Newton, Fayotte, Fulton, DeKulb, Pike and Monroe. Feb 2-4 T") H. SANDERS, Attorney at Law, Albany, G*t. will practise in the counties of Dougherty, Sumter, Lee, Randolph, Calhoun, Early, Baker, Deca tur and Worth. Jan 1 ly XT IV PERKINS, Attorney at Law, Greenes boro, Ga. will practice in the counties of Greene, Morgan, Putnum, Oglethorpe, Taliaferro, Huncock, Wilkes and Warren* Feb ly pHILLIP R~R OBINSON, Attorney at A Law, Greeneaboro, Ga. will nnictiee in the coun ties of Greene. Morgan, Pulnnm, (Iglethorpe, Tafinfer ro, Hancock, Wilkes and Warren. July 5, ’56-ly i OLANKS! BLANKS! OF EVERY DESCRIP- j TX. TION, furnished npon the shortest notice. Officers and Attorneys are reguested te , eeniintiwlr *. ..u 14 iNtem d-HW foilii ■ ■ MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISING—AUGUSTA AMD GREBNBBBORO’. h t A a ‘/%* ,n,f ,<„** „ . ; j- SURGICAL INFIRMARY FOR NEGROES AVGUSTA, GEORGIA. THE undersigned would respectfully call the attention of Planters and Slave-owners ffenerallr in their very complete and extensive Establishment in Augusta. Georgia, for the *” Negroes retiring Surgical Operations or treatment in ChlSnlJ also Female Diseases so common among Negroes. ’ *’*’ : The building is situated corner of Jackson and Fenwick-strcets, between the Georeia’and the q*™,,,, t Rail Road Depots, and in sight of both. It is, therefore, convenient for the reception of patients frUS . distance. In its construction, throughout the entire plan, was kept in view the special purpose to whLb • it is appliedbeing furnished with everything which c*n conduce to the comfort of flic rf r |T ~ is supplied with Hot and Cold Baths and Shower Baths—and has Water-Closets in each story tonvod fatigue and exposure to the patients. It is also well Ventilated and lighted with Gas. With the eonsw attendance of experienced male and female Nurses, the patient will be saved much of the mfierine which too often is the result of unavoidable neglect in the treatment of ueprroes in ordinary private practice Terms—For Board, Lodging and Nursing, per month, $lO. For all nbcsssary Medical attendant Surgical Operations, &e., the same as in ordinary city practice. addressed to us at this place will meet with prompt attention. H. F. CAMPBELL, Surgeon, a n iQ-7 R, CAMPBELL, Attending Physician. Augusta, February S, 18u7. ly J I itmMmAMimAmmf \ Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING, Under the United States Hotel, Augusta, Ga. JR. HORA & CO. havo just opened an elegant stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING • for Men and Boy’s wear. They respectfully call the attention of all persons in want of good teeff* made Goods , to their Stock. CALL IN. Oct. 18 wmmmmmmm DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN — Pure Medicines, Chemicals, Drugs, Paints, Oils, French and American Window Glass, Varnishes, Putty, Paint Mills, Gold Foil, Gold Leaf, Sponge, Choice Brandies and Wines, for Medical Purposes, Fine Shaving and Toilet Soap, Foreign and Domestic Handkerchief Extracts, and Cologne Water , Ground Spices, and flavoring Extracts, Landreth’s Garden Seeds , Together with every other article usually kept in their line—all of which they offer at WHOLESALE or RETAIL, on as liberal terms as can be had at any other estalishment Jan. 22,1857 4-1 y GEORGE A. OATBS A MOTHER. DEALERS IN PIANO FORTES, BOOKS, MUSIC, &C., BROAD-STREET, BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND GLOBE HOTELS, RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of their friends and the public generally; to their large and well-selected stock of MHifff^lJllTH. From tho following celebrated Manufactories, for which they are sold Agents, viz: Bacon <£• Raven, A. H. Gale Cos., and Hazleton dp Brothers , New Yoi'k; and Hallett, Davis <j* Cos., Boston, which, for sweetness of tone and durability, cannot be excelled. It is useless to say more in their favor, as they are too well known to need puffing. Piano Fortes of any Maker or style ordered at the lowest prices. Their assortment of MUSIC is very largo. Also, always on band, a supply of J*ielodeons, Guitars , Wiolins, Untes, JSecordions , A*c. ALSO, ALL KINDS Ok’ ins r jsl. ms uc mr && tt msl xj otja: jea sr vm? ss 9 suitable for a full Band, besides everything in the Music line. All tho new Books and Music received as soon as published. Persons at a distance, ordering from us, can depend upon getting a good article, as we make it a point to keep goods of the best quality, and such as we can recommend, ad warrant in every respect N. B.—For the satisfaction of persons who may want to order, —not having an opportunity of visiting the city,—we refer, with pleasure, to the following gentlemen, who have purchased from us, and who have cheerfully allowed their names to be used. Hundreds could be added, but space will not allow it Rev. A. Means, Pres’t of Emory College, Oxford, Ga., J. L. Reid, Esq., Eatonton, Ga., Dr. E. E. Jonbs, Madison, Ga., W. Gatewood, Esq., Putnam county, Ga., 001. N. L. Hutching, Lawrencevilie, Ga., Rev. J. H. Echols, Pres’t Madison Female College. May 12, 1856. ly 19 IIITIIEVIS TO MSB PBMffIRS. 15,000 DOLLARS WORTH OF DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. SELLING OFF AT COST BY A. L. JOHNSON & CO. Owing to the hardness of the times, and the scarcity of money, wc have coucluded to offer our larg 9 and well assorted stock of merchandise at (until the first of March next) tor cash ouly, and most respectfully solicit our friends to call and ex amine for themselves. More especially we call their attention to our very stock of Clothing, Boots k Shoes, Rats, Caps, Shirts & Under Garments, all offering at COST! to reduce our slock, and realize the money, all who want BARGAINS please call before purcha •‘hjt elsewhere at A, L. JOHNSON & CO. One door South of Mrs. Stathams Hotel. Greeneebaro,’ December, 1857. —3m. 4 Dropsy Cured, HHHE undersignod proposes to cure Dropsy cf -X every description. He can be seen personally five miles south es Union Point, or addressed by letter to Union Point, Greene county, Ga. The Medicine can be sent anywhere by rail road, with directions for giving it, or I will attend personally, if requested, and paid for my trouble. I will buy negroes afflicted with Dropsy, or cure them, as the owner may prefer. Satisfactory ref erences given, ifdesirod. MILES G. BROOME. State of Georgia, Greene County: . This is to certify that my father had a negro man nt flicted with Dropsy in 1853; he had been treated by so veral physicians without any cure, when he applied to M. G. Broome for his remedy, which cured him. He is still living and in good health. , ‘ „ Jan 21, 1858. HENRY CJiAAU ION. Union Point, Greene Cos May 14,1857 MONROE FEMALE UNIVERSITY, FORSYTH, GA. 5. arpHIS INSTITUTION IS I of tho most flourishing Female Schools in Georgia; it has a Faculty of 9 able end ex perienced teachers, three of whom are graduates of “ Mercer University.” The Spring Term has opened with nearly IQO pupils. The daughters of indigen tßap list Ministers educated without charge for tuition. Pu pils will be received at any stage of advancement and at any time of the term, and charged from the time of entrance. Spriug Term began January 18, and will end on the 5d Wendeedav in July. Feb 18, 18*7 R. T. ASBVRY, Km. Fee. , GEORGIA PLAINS. npIIE subscribers take pleasure in stating to their I old customers and others wishing their Woe made into the best Plains manufactured in the Uni ted States, that we are now receiving and will re ceive wool, furnish warp, and charge but 16 cents per yard for manufacturing (cash,) as that is what we have to pay for all the material we use. The Factory is situated 18 miles south of Greenes boro, 12 miles southwest of White Plains, 14 miles northwest of Sparta, 14 east of Eatonton, on the Oconee river, in Greene county. LAWRENCE MANF. 00. Aug S, 1856 80 CARROLTON MASONIC INSTITUTE. JOHN K. LEAK,'A. B. Prestdsxt. The exercises of this Institution will open on the first Wednesday in Jan. 1858. The course of study will be thorough and extensive, both in the male and female departments. Wc.have a large builds log, good society and as healthy a Ideation for an Institution as there is in Georgia. Board $8 per month. Tuition reasonable. We hope to receive a liberal patronage from the Masonic Fraternity and the public gem rally. Wc will make it to the inter est of all who patronize the Institution. For partic ulars address John K. Leak, Oxford, Ga. or tha un dersigned at Oorrolton, Go. t |.D. W. M. Nov. 24, JBM J *.