The Georgia temperance crusader. (Penfield, Ga.) 1858-18??, April 29, 1858, Image 4

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MVIRY THURSDAY MORNING. ’ 1 Oub*wib*r who do iot give express notice to the •ontrary, ar* eonsidered as wishing to continue their, order the discontinuance of ‘heir fctrepapera without settling all arrcages, the Publisher 'tinofl to aond theni until they are paid for. t. If subaoribers neglect or refuse to take their news anpara frara the offices to which they are directed, they are held raaponsible until they have settled the bills, and ordered a discontinuance. .■ j 4. If subscribers remove to., other places without in forming the Publisher, and the newspapers are sent to the former direction, they are held responsible. _ , 5. It has been decided by the Courts that subscribers refusing to take thair newspapers from the office, or re moving and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie avideace of intentional fraud. t. The Courts have alse decided that a Post-master * who negle*ts to perform his duty of giving reasonable uotioa, as required by the Post-Office Department, of the ■•gleet af a person to take from the office, newspapers addressed to him, renders himself liable for the sub ■sription price. (3*ll tirritK. § ” PENFIELD, GEORGIA. EVER, since the establishment of this .Office, has iv* the proprietor been so well prepared for getting up, and in the best style, all kinds of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, / —seen as— I BOOK&; PROMISSORY l 4- PAMPHLETS, NOTES, CARDS, BANK CHECKS, dr dfc CIRCULARS, LABELS, HN HAND-BILLS, all kinds of BILL-HEADS, LAW BLANKS, WAY AND FOR ATTORNEYS, “'ib” Np STAGE BILLS, sheriffs, !X POSTERS, ’squires X | TICKETS, AND BAILIFFS. | These declarations are not empty bubbles, but Solid faats, which we respectfully invite the public to test. — A large variety of well assorted material and a thor ough workman, make us confident of abiding that test. icorzViTjecimbo——a— mt OFFICERS GRAND LODGE KNIGHTS OF JERICHO. TERM OF OFFICE DATING FROM 9TH SEPT. 1557. W. D. WILLIAMS, of Oxford, G W C THOS DOUGHERTY, of Macon, G W V C WM. G. FORSYTH, of Atlanta, G W Rec WM. F. ROSS, of,Macon, G W M LEE STRICKLAND, of Griffin, GW S H. C. CARTER, of Calhoun, G W Chap E. M. PENDLETON, of Sparta, GW P C ‘MS WASHING-MACHINE. THE subscribers,having purchased from the inventor the right to manufacture and sell BE O WN'S ROTARY WASHING MACHINE in a number of counties in Georgia, desire to introduce it to the notice of the public, and confidently claim for it the following advantages: Ist. It will do more work in less time, than any other machine in use. 2d. It will cleanse clothes and leave them entirely free from dirt, ready for boiling and,rinsing, in from 10 la 30 minutes. „ 3d. It will wash the finest or coarsest fabrics, from • muslins to blankets, equally well, and will not injure the most delicate textures. 4th. It can be operated successfully by a 10 year old bey. sth. It is so simple in structure, that should it need repair, the most common workman cun do it; and, 6tli. It will, with ordinary care, last 10 years. It needs only a fair trial to test its merits, and any one using it will be satisfied that it economizes time, labor and money. Orders for these machines, addressed to the undersigned at White Plains, Greene county, Ga. will meet with prompt attention; and they will be de livered at any point the purchaser may choose. Respectfully, , WM, T. ALFRIEND & CO. Madison, Ga Sept 16 th, 1857. g Messrs Hightower & Alfriend : I have bee.iusin t the washing machine of Brown’s patent, which I bough of you about four months. It has fully come up to your recommendation, and far surpassed my expecta tions. For ordinary tvashing. it is certainly a great labor saving contrivance; but for washing heavy bod clothing, carpets and other clothing so difficult to wash by hand, it certainly will be an indispensable article in every fa mily where its merits have been fully tested. I thiijK, ’ however, that the most valuable recommendation of the machine is, that it. washes ail kinds of fabrics with much less damage than can be done by the most careful hands in the ordinary Way,, which, to any ordinary family, would save the price ol’ the machine in one year. I wish you success in introducing your machine, which is certainly no humbug. Yours very respectfully, C. B. BARROW. . Sparta, Jan. 13,1858. Hr. AJfriehd : Dear Sir—Your Washing machine that I pur chased from you at our fair performs admirably well. My wash-woman, a free woman of color, says she would not take SIOO.OO lor it, if she could not get another. For bedclothes, it surpasses anything I ever saw,- and one third of hard labor is saved. Yours, 8. G. JOHNSTON. Greenesboro’, march 25th, 1858. Messrs. W. L. Alfriend J Cos : Gents—We have used pne of Brown’s Patent Washing machines, and are satisfied that it is a-sav ing of at least -one-third of the time and labor, say noth ing of the saving of the clothes. Yours, Respectfully, J. F. ZIMMERMAN, B. F. GREENE. White Plains, Ga. march 22d, 1858. - Wc, the undersigned, do hereby certify that we have been using Brown’s Rotary Washing machine lor the last eight or ten months, and take pleasure in recom mendine it to the public as an instrument that, will, in a very short time, refund its cost in the saving of time, labor and the clothes. WM. J. MAPP, E. D. ALFRIEND, A. B. TAPP AN,’ B. C, ALFRIEND, marion McDaniel, C. E. GRANT, A. GRANT, JOHN H. ELEY, SAMUEL GENTRY, I. D. MOORE, ROBT. H. JACKSON. Oxford, Ga. Sfept 28th, 1857. I most cheerfully slate, that having used one of “ Brown’s Washing now manufactured and sold by Hightower &. Alfriend, White Plains, Ga. I am more than pleased with its performance. Mrs. Thomas would not, on any account, he deprived of ir; and our servants, who are interested in the labor, aro more de lighted than ourselvcb. Brown’s Washing machine does its work well, saves more than than half the time, and the labor is so light that a small'boy may work it without much fatigue. I will add, tliat’ Professors.Sasnott and Williams’ fa milies are equally well pleased with these machines, . both having, used them, a* we have done, for several nimitus. We think them superior to ‘qny-thing of the sort that we ever seen in operation. J. R. THOMAS. v*/ using, in my family, “ Brown’s Patent Washing machine,” for several months, and can say, without exaggeration, thqf compared with the usual method jf washing- clothes by hand, it saves three advarftiaJfnf n£s ; a “ d s or ’ the additional advantage of not wearing out the clothes so much. TFTij’p p; • n MILES W. LEWIS. Ga. August 22, 1857 famSy hTwhad^ in stali K ‘hat his Patent Washin” pi-.rU-- l °‘ &oin ? I llllo .’ one °f brown’s satisfaction in ail Vesne^tal? ad 11at „ u has given perfect and time, washing thoroughl^ SP ° C T- y 111 - s . avi,l f labor clothes Rt all. ° * g-ily, a d } not inpmng the August#, Aug. 17 1857 JOSEPH A. EVE. April I, 1853 . * Hotel, -~~ y ——sSaCflcfS. All W 110 lllflV fiIVOF uq wllli *l-. * ronage, shall receive every aUention ‘ pat ’ Greenesboro, Feb r. 12, JLLIS, 1 roprietor. ParticfflkrN®tice! A L cl J V er f.° U! : iu - de bted to the-firm of Phelps & 11 Seals, for tli# years 1856 and ’7, are earnestly re quested to come forward and pay up, as we anust have money X 6 pay ,our debts. Come, friends, and help us to the extent ofA’ouf ability. PHELPS & SEALS. Jan.l, 1858. ‘ ■RLANKS! BLANKS! OF EVERY DESCRIP TION, furnishtd upon the shortest notice. Officers and Attorneys are requested to ssniin their orders. LETTERS.—APPLICATION FOR AND 111SMSS0RT. E<)RGI A^GREENE VOLT NT Y.—Whl-eas Al fred'!!. Jackson, administrator upon the estate of Mrs. Lnurnna B. Parrott, deceased, petitions’ the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory: These are therefore to pe and admonish all arid singular tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to 38 and appear at the Court,of Ordinary, to be held in arui tor said-county, oil the first Monday ill August next, to show cause, (ifany they have) why said administra tor should not then be discharged. Given under my hand at office, in Greenesboro’, Jan uarylth, 1858. ‘ Jan. 21 EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord y. GEORGIA, a BEEN E COUNT Y: McMichael, administrator with the will annexed on the estate of Mrs. Margaret Armor, deceased, peti tions the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory from said estate: , , , ~ These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show any they have) why saict admmistrator ehotifd not. be discharged at the ooiut on | the Ist Monday in July. 1858. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro’ Dec 18, 1857. ‘ ‘ Dec 24-6 m EUGENICS'L. KING, Ord. p EORGIA, GREENE COUNTY.—W li ere a s U James T. Findley, adniinistrator upon ‘he estate of Isaac Findley, deceased, petitions the .oartofl r nary of said county for Letters ot Dismission from said **TtoU m therefore to d.o k( •'!’ll-C."™ concerned, to show cause-(if any they sa.d administrator should not be discharged at the Court: o - Ordinary to be held in and for said county, on the Ist Monday in June, 1858. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro’, Nov 1fith..1857, ‘ ~ Nov 26-6 m EUGENIUS L. glxvG’-Ord y. GEORGIaT GREENE COUNTY.—Whereas Horace Neeson, sr. guardian of H. Neeson, jr. pe titions this Court for Letters Hismissory from said guar -I'itls'th'erefore orderediliat. nil persons concerned be and appear at the next May term of this Court, to show cause why said guardian should not be discharged. And it is further ordered, that this rule be published for forty days in terms of the law. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, March 9th, 1858. EUGENICS L. KING, Ordinary. March 18 40d EORGIA, GREENE COUNTY.—Whereas A. H. Randle, guardian of Eugonius A. Whitaker, petitions this Court for Letters Dismissory from said guardianship: It is therefore ordered that all persons concerned-, be and appear at the Co.urt of Ordinary, to he held in and for said county, on the first Monday in May next, to show cause, (if any they have) why said guardian should not then be discharged. Ordered, further, that a copy of this rule be published for forty days, in terms of the law. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, March 3d, 1858. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord’y. March 18, 1858 4Dd EORGIA, GREENE COUNTY.—W h ere a s John M. Howell applies for Letters of Administra tion upon the estate of John J. Howell, late of said county, deceased: . These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in May next, to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not then be granted. Given under my hand at office iu Greenesboro, March 9th, 1858 EUGENIUS L. KING, Ordinary. March! B 30d GEORGIA, GREENE COUNTY.—W hereas the estate of William E. Walker, late of said county, deceased, is unrepresented— These are therefore to cite and admonish all parsons concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in May next, to show cause", if any they have, why the administration of said estate should not then be vested in the Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other fit and proper person, in terms of the statute in such cases made and provided. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro, March 18, 1858. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. March 25 30tl GEORGIA, GREENE COUNTY.—Whereas James F. Geer, administrator upon the estate ot David Geer, deceased, petitions the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismissory from said es tate : These are therefore to cite and admonish all. persons concerned, to show cause (if any they have) why said administrator should not be discharged at the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in November next. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro, April 10th, 1858. ■ EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. April 15 6m GEORGIA, G REENE’ COUNTY.—W here as James W. Smith, administrator upon the estate of Ann Swindall, deceased, petitions the Court of Ordina ry of said county for Letters Dismissory from said es tate : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause (if any they have) why said administrator should not be discharged at the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the first’ Monday in November next. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro, Anril 10th, 1858. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. April 15 ‘ Cm GEORGIA, GREENE COUNTY.—Whereas Albert A. Jernigan, guardian of L. Q. C. Chap man, petitions this Court tor Leftters Dismissory from his said guardianship: It is therefore ordered, that all persons concerned, be and appear at the next June Term of this Court, to show cause (if any they have) whv said guardian should not then be. discharged; and it is further ordered, that a copy of this rule be published forty days in terms of the law. A true extract from the minutes of the Court of Or dinary for said county, April Term, 1858. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. April 15 -IQd jrjEORGIA, GREENE COUNTY.—Wh e teas ‘-J Simeon 11. Stewart applies for Let ters of Guardian ship for the property of Albert Q. O’Neal, minor child of Wooten O’Neal: These are therefore to cite and admonish ail persons concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in June next, to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not then be granted. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro, April 10th, 1858. EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. April 15 . -JOd GREENE COUNTY.—W here As ■A James W. Smith, administrator de bonis non upon the estate of Henry Swindall,-deceased, petitions the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters Dismisso ry from said estate: These are therefore to cite and'admonish all persons concerned, to show cause (if any they have) why said administrator should not be discharged at the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the first. Monday in November next. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro, April 10th, 1858. . EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. April 15 6m MOJWfILY NOTICES. _ ‘UWO MONTHS after date, application will be J- made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to selll all the land belonging to the estate of McKinney Howell, deceased. SAMUEL JOHNSON,*Sr. Ex’r. March 18, 1858 TWO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Greene county for leave to sell the negro property belonging to the es tate of T. L. Sanders; deceased. April 15, 1858 - WM. SANDERS, Adm’r. \TOTICE. —Two months after date, application and v will he made to the Court of Ordinary of Newton county for. leave to sell the west half of lot No. 210 in the 12th district of Henry county, belonging to the es tate of Thomas Beall, late of Newton county, deceased. April 8,1858 SHELLY DOWNS, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.- Agrceable"to ftn order from the Ordinary of Greene county, will be%oid before the court-house door in the town of Car rollton, Carroll county, on the first Tuesday in MAY next, the following lot of land, aa the propefiy of Thos. Fambrougli, deceased: Lot No. Two hundred and Twenty-three, in the Tenth District of Carroll county, containing Two Hundred and Two and one-half acres, be the same more or lass. Sold for the benefit of 1 the heirs and creditors. Terms cash. March 25-tds W. B. BRIGHTWELL, Adm’r. ThMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—WiII bo sole! -FA- before the court-house door in Greenesboro’, Go. on the first Tuesday in May next, between the usual hours of salfe, a negro woman named Queen, about sixty years of age. Sold by virtue of an order of Ihe Court oi Ordinary of said county, as the property of Harriett L. Ciiimcs, deeeased, for the benefit of (ho lieiffl and cred ltots ot said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. March2s,1858 ISAAC A. WILLfAMS, Adm’r. r pRUSTEtS’S SALE.—In pureimncG ofan °J^ ero f ‘beHonorable Rob’t V. Hardeman Judire of the Ocmulgee circuit, made at, the March ‘Urrm S Greene Superior Court, 1858 will I Jli ? Ti- . cry, before the caurthouse in and at l )ul,ll<; out hours of public sales, a certain truefonnnd ‘f - ,e^ al one hundred and fifty acres, cont:Hnln g similar order, wilfbe A ” d by v i rtue P f a tract of land, situate in said counts ma t n ! le . r > a certain dred acres, more or less and ! c . Qntai l un g one bun- Sharp and others vtherlnnS* of A. B. said last named tract sold for tfofb’ Pa iP C f ? ow bves— child ofLeonard %£ 1* ’ Tnist “ for wife .and-childhiiof Samuel Patrick, v _ • t. PEEK - April J, 1858-tdß for Wir,J a,lddlikl 01 Leo ’ ftard SHERIFFS’ SALES. ‘ Greene Sheriffs Sale. the legal hours of sale, the f-'hov.-ing property j to wit. One “negro man named John, about 22 years ojd, 0 yellow e^mplexum: Levied on as the proper! yo! George M. Willis, to satisfy four ft fas issued from the uperioT Court of Greene county, in favor of John G Oper and others vs Geo M Willis. Property pointed out by said - Willis. Also, by the same, af flm in me time i The house and lot on which William T Rainwater now lives,, in < c corporation of the city of Greenesboro, adjoining lanes of Abel Conner and others, containing two acres, more or less: Levied on to satisfy sundry Justice s Court fas from the 143d district, G M in favor of G II rhOtop son vs Wm T Rainwater, and H E Hunt c* Wm 1 Rainwater. Levied on bv II Rouzee, constable. Mareh 31, 185 ’ 1. MORRISON, Sh’fl. Al , at- tjie same time and place. Two black horses, about 12 years old, known as the Williams horses, and two old grey horsfcs, known as me Ellington greys, about 18 years old—said horses in the possession of W A Wilson : Levied on as the property of William T Dorstcr, or the interest said Dorstcr.once owned in said horses, to satisfy *i fi fa from Greene Su perior Court, in favor of J II & I) L Carmichael vs Wm T Dorstcr and Green If Thompson, and other ft fas in iny hands against said Bolster and TUqihpsqn; property jointed out by G H Thompson. Also—One dark bay horse, aliQiit 10 y'oars old, . in the possession of Thomas fitockut Levied on ns the property of W T Dorstcr, to satisfy n ffa from the Su perior Court of Greene county, in t'nvor of J H Carmi chael ,& D L Carmichael vs William T Dorster and G II Thompson and other fi fas in my hands; property pointed-out by G II Thompson. Also—Two horses, one a large sorrel horse, about 8 years old, Dick, and pne a bay hoyse, Bob, about fi years old: Levied on as the property oi'G H Thompson, to satisfy a ft fa from Greene Superior Court, in favor of Branch &'Walker vs William T Dorstcr and G H Thompsoh, and ether fi fas in my hands vs Dorstcr & Thompson ; property pointed out by G II Thompson. March 31, 1858 ” C. C. NORTON, D. Sh’ffi BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS. - VALUABLE BOOKS published bt the SOIJTIRN BAP.PIfN SOU, No. 229 King Street, Charleston, 8, C. IfiSrA liberal discount made to Booksellers, Colpor -1 tcurs, Ministers and Sunday Schools, for cash remittan ces, satisfactory notes or reference. SMITH A WHILDEN, Depository Agents, ■will mail any Book ordered from this list, on receipt of the price annexed. i 9 ■ yyT ‘ ‘* ‘RptfD 4 ’ * ‘ . * A MANUAL OF THEOLOGY, By Rev J L Dagg, DD of Ga. Second edition. Svo 379 pp. Trice $1 50. work of great value for all Christians, especially every Minister of the Gospel. From the Christian Review. ’ “ The want hae long been felt of a manual of Thcol , ogy adapted to the instruction of that largo and rapidly increasing class, lay preachers, sabbath school teachers, colporteurs,.young ministers who are thrust into tile work without time or means for rilore extensive study; 1 i in Christians, who have neither the time nor taste for protracted investigation. This book seems to ua, after a careful examination, better suited to supply this want than any other are acquainted with.” BOWEN’S CENTRAL AFRICA. Adventures and Missionary Labors in several coun tries in the interior of Africa, from 1840 to 1856, by Rev T J Bowen. l2mo 350 pp. With an engraved Map of Yoruba—Price one dollar. DR. IIOWELL’S WORKS. The Way of Salvation—By R B C Howell, D D Fifth edition 12mo pp 336—Price 75 cents. , THE CROSS. By Rev R B C Howell, DD author of !l Way of Salvation,” “ Evils of Infant Baptism,” etc. 16mo pp 248 —Price 50 cents. THE COVENANTS. By Robert Boyt C Howell, D D pastor of the Main-st (Second Baptist) Church, Richmond, Va author of “ Terms of Communion,” “The Deacon ship,” “The way of Salvation,” “The Evils of Infant Baptism, 1 ’ “The Cross,” &,c. 12mo pp 14.4 —price 45 cents. EVILS OF INFANT BAPTISM. By Rev RB C Howell, D D —Fifth edition. lGmo pp 310 —price 50 cents. A DISCUSSION ON METIIpDIST EPISCOPACY, Between Rev J E Hamill, of the Alabama Confer ence, and Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Tuskegee, and Rev Samuel Henderson, pastor of the Tuskegee Baptist “Church, and editor of the South-Western Baptist. Published at the mutual request of Baptists and Methodists. 12mo pp 400 —price sl. THE GRACE OF GOD MAGNIFIED, By H E Taliaferro, junior editor of the South-Wes tern Baptist, Tuskegee, Ala —with an introductory essay, by Rev B Manly, D D. 16mo pp 96—price 25 cents. THE CASKET: A Collection of Church Music, comprising selections from the celebrated masters, besides a large amount of new music. By G O Robinson, of Charleston, S. G. assisted by J B Woodbury of New York, pp 352—Sacond edition—price one dollar. “We gladly commend to our retuTers this new book of sacred music.” SERMONS BY REV. J. J. FINCH, Os North Carolina, 12mo ,pp 314—With a portrait of the author, and memoir of his life—price 75 cents. BAPTISM AND TERMS OF COMMUNION, By Rev Richard Fuller, D D—Fourth edition, lGmo pp 252 —price 50 cents. SOCIAL VISITS; Or, a few chesnuts for the children, and a Dinner for the Old Folks, by Uncle Charles, author of Sim ple Rhymes—lßmo pp 229:—price 40 cents. - ; I DUTIES OF CHURCHES TO THEIR PASTORS, By Rev Franklin Wilson of Baltimore: third edi lion : 18mo pp 108—price 25 cents. DUTIES OF PASTORS TO THEIR CHURCHES, By Rev T G Jones, Norfolk, Va: second edition: 18mo pp 104—price 25 cents. DUTIES OF MASTERS TO SERVANTS : Three Prize Essays, by Rev II N McTyeire, Rev C F Sturgis and Rev A T Holmes : lGmo pp 151 —price 35 cents. BAPTISM IN ITS MODE AND SUBJECTS, By Professor P II Mell, University of Georgia ? second edition : 16mo pp 300 —price 50 cents. RESTRICTED COMMUNION; Or Baptism an Essential Pre-Requisite to the Lord’s Supper, by Rev J B Taylor : fifth edition, revised and enlarged : 18mo cloth, pp 99—price 25 cents. TALES FOR THE YOUNG: First series. The Pious Mother and her Dutiful Daughter; or, the Lives of Emily Ross and Ellen Mervin, by tfic author of the Lost Pound, and Clara €. cents. POETRY AND PROSE FOR THE YOUNG. ‘ The First and Last Oath, with other stories, by Car oline Howald—3o cents. BAPTIST PSALMODY. 40,000 copies sold. A selection of Mynnts for the Worship of God, by Rev Basil Manly, DDand Rev Basil Manly, Jr-722 pp. Few Edition , 12mo sheep, 75 cents ; Roan,sl; Turkey, lull gilt, $2,50; Turkey, full gilt, with clasp, 3,00; Velvet, With clasp, sto 5,50. Fochel Edition, 32m0 slioep, 50 cents; Roan, 75 cents; Tuck, gilt edges, $1,25 ; Turkey, full gilt, 1,50; Turkey, full gilt, with clasp, 2 ; Velvet, several styles, from 3,50 to 4. NOTES AND QUESTIONS For the instruction of colored people, with appropriate Texts and Hymns, by Rev jii T Winkler, pastor of the First Baptist Church, CbatlcS'bn, with an in troduction by James Tuppce, Esq'. 13mo 134 pp— price 15c. SIMPLE RHYMES IN FAMILIAR CONVERSA TIONS FOR CHILDREN, By Rev C D Military, D D IGmo—price 25 cents. March 18, 1858. * M MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENT*; Dr. Wm. ■BBBBSEBMWMBHI i PiSNFIIItB, GAi WOULD inform the citizens of GREENE AN I> THE AOJOTN'II'fG COUNTIES, rhatheis jae- \ pared toflo all work in hit, lino, with neatness and dis. i patch. He is prepared to insert front ONE TO'A FULL ! .SET Os TEETH,"on Fine Gold Plate, answering aJ! the ordinary purposes.of mastication, lie wHLattead to ANY CALL IN THE COUNTRY Uiat may be tan* • . dered, Him, Work warranted to give entire satisfaction, trial is all he asks. . ■ JOn. 14, 1858. t f # | SS,OO© Reward! Will be paia the above reward to any person or pot - j sons-who will prove, in a,eingle instance, of the failure of !1 Dexse’s oblessated Poui/tice” to affect the permanent - curerof Neu* -• . ralgia of the face.. ‘ . TB’ imi liHB X f THE PM ~V *—-^**X*<*“ ——— .c SAFE &JPEIIMAN2INT.CUBE • —- —— • FENSIvS CELEBRATED MJ2 THIS REMEDY is warranted a Permanent j Cure, in all cases of Face IVearalgia. fi | is not recommended for any other nervous affection. -'• when used*in those excruciating cases; of NEURALGIA OF THE FACE, it has been invariably and entirely successful. The Proprietor is satisfied that a trial will prove the truth of the recommendation given. The following testi monials of the virtues of DENSE’S POULTICE is respectfully submitted to the notice of the afflicted. Another successful cure of Neuralgia of the Face. A case of seven years standing, cured by DENSE'S NEURALGIA FOULS ICE. 0. H. Freeman of this city has’ suffered the most excruciating pains in both sides of his thee, for seven years, and had tried all the usual modes of treatment in vain. The first case was cured 21st Dec. ’56, and the second 12 th April, ’57. „ . CERTIFICATE. I do hereby certify that the above true asd correct, and am satisfied that I am perma nently cured. (Signed,) CHAS. H. FREEMAN. CERTIFICATE. We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that we are personally acquainted with the above case of C. H. Freeman, and that he is entirely cured. (Sighed,) W. H. Kino, * .* J. S. Ghaybili/, S. B. Day, it. A. BISSOH. i Macon, August 12, 185 f. B W Appii cants will please address A. A. MENNARD, Druggist, Or B. F. DENSE, Macon, Ga. HT This Medicine can be sent by mail to* every part of the country. Price, $lO. August 20, 1857. 83—ly ’ VafamMe Properly Tor &aie, OWE of the partners wishing to ‘ change his business, we now offer for sale our Land and ’ Mills , situated six miles east of Green ashore’, and ! four miles south-west of Union Point, known a3 1 Ogeechee place. * There is 1070 acres of land in the tract, about five ■ hundred acres ejeard, the fcallance well timbered woodland. A ccnsideraele portion is bottom band and the present crop vvili speak for the productive quality of the land. Our mills consist of a Circular Said Mill and a Grist Mill —driven by a 15 horse''power engine—all [ is in good order and condition. The Mills wore erected last spring and are in the centre ,of five or six hundred acres of heavy timbered woodland. — For further particulars call to see us on the premises . or address us ut Union Point, Ga. CRANE & GIBSON. October fist, 1857—ts. 44 Valuable Plantation for Sale. fptSg The Subscriber offers for sale'his well kr.otrn plantation lying on the Ogcehee River 1 1-2 miles above Columbus Shivers mills, in Warren county. It is extensively known as having former ly belonged to Thomas Seals deceased. If now con tains 1200 acres more or less of land,’ all of which is good, in fine order, under good fences and sus ceptible of tillage. The tract comprises 300’ acres more or less-of superior low grounds, well ditched, and not liable to overflow. The improvements con sist in a commodious residence, excellent meat house ample ‘accommodations for negroes, good barn, cribs, stable &e. Ar.v one purchasing the place will get a valuable plantation. Mr. Lankford, my overseer is‘on the premises and will show the place to any one wishing to ex amine it. JJe also w ill make known the Terms. A. 1). PHELPS. Dec. 3rd, 1857. Penfield Ga. ■ City Eestonraiit Continually on hand Eatables of all kinds, Fresh Oysters, Lobsters, Bologna Sausages, Eggs, Candies and choice Fruits of every descrip tion. Persons wishing any of these commodities, or a good meal at short notice, will be accommodat ed by calling in a t . OLD MAO’S. Grcenesboro’, Nov. 12th. 1857. 49 Hats. Caps, Bonnets, Umbrellas, &c, FALL AMD WINTER §TYLE 1§57, GEO. W. FEUSIiY, Masonic Hall building, Broad-st. Augusta, Ga., has now cn band a carefully selected stock of Gents Moleskin hats of Beebe & Cos Leary &|Co trade stylo Gent’sandßoys Soft Felt Hats, new and elegant h - “ “ Saxony Hats “ “ Cloth and Plush Caps, u “ Silk velvet Caps, Children’s fancy Hats and Caps, in great variety. Ladies’ Silk, Straw and Lace Bonnets. Rouehes, Flowers, Plumes, Umbrellas, &c. The best assortment in the city, and he hopes by is untiring assiduity to merit the liberal patronage ho lias so long and thankfully received. J. S. Barnwell & Go. —MANUFACTURERS OF Saddles, Harness, Trunks, &e. &c fV. • TTAVE pcrmameYitly established themselves*i;l(heTown of PEN FIELD. They arc in receipt ufa lUS Kris Lof Matcrist!, Ifi 11 ill and constantly keep on hand a Ijll H Ijß good assortment of Wagon, Coacli & Buggy Harness of THEIR OWN and the heat NOR THERN MAKE. JSSFAII JOBS put up in the most workmanlike man ner and of the best material. Repairing done the shortest notieo. Jan 28, 1058 __ “the ATTORNEY—NAME AiVi) I'LHE. WHIT . JOHNSON, Attorney at Law, ’ * Augusta* Ga. will promptly attend loull, business intrusted to hie professional management in Richmond arid the adjoining counties, on Mclntosh street, three doors below Constitutionalist office. ■ lieferencc-~’Vhos. R. Rl Cobb, Atheris, Ga. JuneM Tv J ARIES BROWN, Attorney at Law, FmU Hill, Murray Cos. Ga. April 30, K? 57. DOtiFH L. WHfGHAIfE, Louisville,- Jes- ferson county, Georgia, will £ivc prompt'attention to any business intrusted to his'care, in tite following counties : Jefferson, Burke, Richmond, Columbia, War ren, Washington, Emanuel, Montgomery, Tatnall and Scriven. April 26, 185(5 it- Leonard t. doyae, Attorney at Law, McDonough, Henry county, Ga. will practice Law’ in the following counties': Henry, Spaulding, Butts, Newton, Fayette, Fulton, DcKallt, Bike nrl Monroe. Feb 2-4 , , 11. SAN DE |l*i A Homey afc Lnw. A Ibnny; • Ga. will practise in the counties of Dougherty, Sumter, Lee, Randolph, Calhoun, Kaily, Baker, tur arid Worth. J" 11 1 __Y_ Ationu'V at Luw, GreoncH . boro, Ga. will practice fit He.counties of Greene, Morgan, ITitnatu, Oglethorpe, Taliaferro, Hancock, Wilkes and Warren. Feb ly ‘IS'OBBNSON, Attorney at Law, Grcenesboro, Ga. will practice in the coun ties .of Greene, Morgan, Putnam’, Ojgllhorpe, Talinfer ro,- Huncock, Wilkes and Warren. July 5, ’56-ly , THE WEEKLY j -CHRONICIjE & SENTINEt,; -’ | . ft UT.TSJJFP AT .UrnrSTA, ttA. 1- v ‘ •.. V IS THK I- ■ • I.AHUEST AND DKS't’ i 1. A ROES'® AND REST I.AItGEST AND ltE-T | I.AltOk'T AND infer |S 4 . PAPER IN TIIR STATE. PAPER IN THE STATE. PAPER IN THE STATE. PAPER IN THE STATE. ! IN FVERY NUMBER. I JN EVERY NUMBER IN EVERY NUMBER ! IN EVERY NUMBER . WE m.VE Tltffe READER ! WE GIVE THE READER WE GIVE THE READER WE GIVE TIIK READER THREE TO FIVE TIMES | As much Reading Matter ns is conlaiqetl in the ordinary Weekly Papers of tho Smith, consisting of INTERUSTING STORIES AND TALES, INTERESTING STORIES AND TALES, INTERESTING STORIES AND TALES, INTERESTING STORIES-AND TALES, MARKET REPORTS, ‘MARKET REPORTS, • MARKET REPORTS, MARKET REPORTS, LATEST NEWS AT HOME ANI), ABROAD, ’ LA TEST NEWS AT HOME AND ABROAD, LATEST NEWS AT HOME AND ABROAD, LATEST NEWS VP HOME AND ABROAD, | • ‘ £. & 4e, The Wkexly Chßojucw & Sentinel, devoted to rOLI ffICS, NFJWS'AND MISCELLANEOUS TELLIOENCE, is issmed every Wednesday contains the LATEST NEWfy? received by Mail and Telegraph rip to Twelve O’clock Tuesday Ntbht, and is mailed to suhSt-ribcrs bv the earliest trains from this eitv. at . . ■ TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. TEI-WEEXLY FADED, $4.00, DAILY PAPEXt, $7.00! Letters sltould be addressed to W. S.. JONES, Augusta, Ga. copies sent free when desired. Anri! 15, T 8.58 • GEOEGE'A. OATES & EEO. Dealers in Plano Fortes, Books, Music, &c. &c Broad si. between the U. S. and Globe ‘ Hotels, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, RE 8PECTFUELY invite the attention of their friends and the public generally, to their large and well selected stock of Pl® from the following celebrated manufactories, foiYvhicli they are sole agents, viz ; Bacon & Raven, A. H; Gale & Cos and ilalleto, Davis & Cos. Bostonj which, for sweetness of tone and durability, cannot be excelled. It is useless to say more in their favor, as they are too well known (o need puffing. Piano Fortes of any Maker or style ordered, at the lowest prices. Their assortment of Music is very large. Also, always on hand, a supply of Melodeons, Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Aceord’ns. j ALSO, ALL RINDS OF ■ BRASS INSTRUMENTS, ’ suitable for a full Band, besides every tiling in the Ss3 0. CSj zia aim© a l All the New Books and Music received as soon , as published. at a distance ordering from us, can de pend upon getting a good article, as we make it a point tp keep goods tlf the best quality, and such as we can recommend and warrant in every respect, N. B.—For the satisfaction of persons who may want , to order, not. having an opportunity of visiting the city, we refer, with pleasure, to the following gentlemen, who have purchased from us, and who have cheerfully al lowed tiieir names to be used. Hundreds could be added, but space will not allow it; Dr Alex Means, forpieir'President Emory College lieu’ J H Echols, *• “ Mad Fern College Dr E E Jane's, Madison, Ga Judge N J. Hutchins, Lawrenccville J I Reid, Esq Ea fcmlon, Ga VJ Gatewood, Esq Putnam Cos Ga May 12, 1855 ly MONROE FEMALE UNIVERSITY, FOR ST’S 1 SI, GA. I§s§. ® FTTHIS INSTITUTION IS ONE<gfg^ jf illL A °f (ho most flourishing Femalejy Schools in Georgia ; it has a Faculty of 9 able and ex perienced teachers, three of'whom are graduates of “ Mercer University.” The Spring Term has opened with nearly 100 pupils. Tite daughters of indigen tßap tist Ministers educated without charge for tuition. Pu pils will be received at any stage, of advancement and at any time of the term, and charged from the time oi entrance. Spring Term began January 18, and will end on the 3d Wemlesdny in July. Feb 13, 18571* 11. T. ASBURY, Sec. Fac. Warehouse and Commission Merchants, Jackson Street, Augusta, Ga. WILL continue the WAREHOUSE and COM- MISSION BUSINESS at their F i r e - P r o o 1 Warehouse, and will devote their personal attention to the interest of their friends and Fatrona. Order.? for Family Supplies, Baggiug, Rope, &c. carefully filled. Liberal Cash Advances made when required. .Commissions for Selling Cotton Fifty Cents per bale. JOHN C. REES. [Sept 3-35] SA.u’L D. I.INTON. GEORGIA PLAINS. TMU subscribers take pleasure in stating to their old customers and others wishing their Woo made into the best Plains manufactured in the Um ted States, that we -are now receiving and will re ceive wool, furnish warp, and charge bnt 16 cents per yard for manufacturing (cash,) as that is what we have to pay for. all the material we use. The Factory is situated 18 mile3 south of Greenes boi’o, 12 miles southwest of White Plains, 14 miles northwest, cf Sparta, 14 east of Eatonton, on the river, in Greene county. LAWRENCE MANF. CO. Ans 2, 185fi 30 CAHRGLTON MASONIC INSTITUTE. JOHN K. LEAK, A. B. President. THE exercises of this Institution will open on the first Wednesday in Jan. ISSB. The course ot study will be thorough and extensive, both in the male and female departments. Wc have a large build ing, good society and as healthy a location for an Institution as is in Georgia. Board §8 per month. Tuition reasonable.- We hope to receive a liberal patronage fiom the Masonic Fraternity and the public geu r rally. We will make it to the inter est of all who patronize the Institution. For partic ulars address John K. Leak, Oxford, Ga. or the un ’ dereigftcd at Currolton, Ga. B. D. THOMASSON, W. M. J. T. MEADOR, S. W. J. W. RED WINE, J. W. Nov. 21, 1858 tl. Penfield and Grcenesboro’ lETisaf j9k. sc3 3S&. m mr ‘me: CTACIKS or any desired accoinmo- XI durian, waiting the arrival of each train. Passengers .for Pealield, Scull Shoals, Dr. Dur ham’s, WntkinsyiUc or aviy other point, will be carried thither safoly and ‘promptly. Pußscpgcrs/ru/n any ol thcae points desiring to meet any ol the trains, can find like Hoco'mnmdation. Prices moderate. Good horses and conveyances, wit If or without dri ver. CABII will bo required. We lmvc Horses and Buggies for hire at our stable in Penfield. VY. A. & G. 8. WILSON. Feb 11,1858 • jgh Peiifhrld Fthiiilc Seniiiiaiy. TUIE Exercises of this INSTITUTION will com iiic, I>IRST MONDAY IN FEBRU ARY NiiXT, Tiro Board of Trustees talio pleasure in ‘announcin':*,that they have procured the services of Miss C. W. BARBE-Il aa principal. MBs Barber’s success in teaching hitherto, has estab fished for her the reputation us a thorough and impres sivo teacher. , • . •. Rates of tuition a§ heretofore. R. J. MASSEY, See: Board. By order Board Trustees. < Jan. 2J, 1853. ts A FINE LOT IRISH POTA * V TOES, for planting. , Cull on I’cU 25 J. M, BOWLES. i’ SPLENDID article of No. 1 MACKEREL. • FVbll J. M. BOWLES & CO. JF you w;.nit a good article of POTASH, call to boo : J. M. BOWLES & CO. ’ Feb 11 * ‘ ’ PO,\VI)ER and SHOT'! J. M. BOWLES. Aprils ‘ .7 W : F. TRUMPLER, GUN AND LOCKSMITH and manufacturer of DOUBLE AND SINGLE SHOT GENS t. iiMm, \LSO, REPAIR INC OF GUNS, KEYS, & c . Ac. work warranted.-s^ charge on work sent W* * • uGB, w; . ! 2 ——- V’ Grcenesboro. Ga. ~ —-WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DEALERS IN Giioice Family Groceries, Cigars, fee, 276 Brood Sired, Ahgueta, Georgia. Feb 18,1558 ( _ *- G* PLVMB & LEITNES, Druggists ||f Apothecaries and Augusta, Ga. 13L RE Medicines, Chemicals, Drugs, Paints, Oils -l- French and American Window Glass, Varnishes Putty, Paint Mills, Gold Foil, Gold Leaf, Sponge > choice Brandies and Whies for medical purposes, Ffne Shaving and Tcilet Soap, Foreign and Domestic Hand kerchief Extracts and Cologne Water, Ground Spices, Flavoring Extraots, Landreth’s Garden Seeds— -1 ogether with every other article usually kept in their line*—all of which they offer at Wholesale and Retail, on as liberal terms as can be had at%ny other establish ment. Jan 22 1858 i y SI. WILLIAMS, Commission Merchant, ATLANTA, GA. ORDERS for BACON, LARD, FLOUR, and all kinds of UP-COUNTRY PRODUCE,are respect fully solicited,and will be promptly filled at the lowest market prices, for Cash. Jan. 14, 1858, JACKSON STREET HOSPITAL AND Surgical Infirmary i Negroes, AUG USTA, GEORGIA. THE undersigned would respectfully call the afren tion ol Planters and Slave-owners generally, to their very comply and extensive establishment in Augusta, moigia, for the. accommodation of Negroes requiring surgical Operations or Treatment ip Chronic Disease?, and also r emale Diseases so common to Negroes. I he building is situated corner of Jackson and F<sn wmk streets, between the Georgia and the Savahnah Rad Road Depots, and in sight of both. It is, therefore, convenient lor the reception of patients from a distance. In its. construction, throughout the entire plan, was kept in view the special purposes to which it is applied; bed *9B furnished with every thing which can conduce to the Comfort of the Sick. It is supplied with Hot and Cold, and Shower Baths, and has Water Closets in each story, to avoid fatigue and exposure to the patients. Ii is also well ventilated and lighted with gas. With the constant attendance of male and female nurses, the pa tient will be saved much of the suffering which, too often, is the result of unavoidable neglect in the treat ment of negroes in ordinary private practice. 7’ems.—For Board, lodging and nursing, per month, 810. For ail necessary medical attendance, surgical operations, &.c. the same ns in ordinary city practice. addressed to us at this place will meet with prompt attention. H. F. CAMPBELL, Surgeon, R- CAMPBELL, Attending Physician. Augusta, Fob 5, 1858 ‘ jy lORTI, Dropsy Cured. FpIIE undersignod proposes to cure Dropsy cf ■ _ every description. He can be seen personally five miles south ot Union Point, or addressed by letter to Union Point, Greene county, Ga. The Medicine can be sent anywhere by rail road, with directions for giving it, or I will attend personally, if requested, and paid for my trouble. I will buy negroes afflicted with Dropsy or cure them, as the owner may prefer. Satisfactory ref erences given, if desired. MILES G. BROOME. Stale of Georgia, Greene County: This is to certify that my father had a negro man af flicted with Dropsy in 1353 ; he had been treated by se veral physicians without any cure, when he applied to M. (1. Broome for his remedy, which cured him. He is still living and in good health. Jan 21, 1858. HENRY CHAMPION. Union Point, Greene Cos May 14,1857 THE Georgia Educational ‘Journal, THE TEACHER’S FRIEND and PUPIL’S ASSISTANT, PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN QUARTO FORM, in FORSYTH, GA. at $2 00 for one year, or $1 00’ or 6 mo. Every in Georgia ought to have this paper. ! “ .. V Address . ‘Georgia Educational Journal, s Forsyth, Ga. GEO. T. WILBURN, M. D. Editor. Feb 18, 1858 ly IF you want an article superior to Potash for making Soap, buy the CONCENTRATE! LEY. March 25 J. M. BOWLES. v ~Drs. COE & LATIMER, mMMmmsz XlAVlNGlocated in GEENESBORO -*-■*- for the purpose of practising DEN- would respectfully invite all who may require Dental Operations to give them a call at their office in Grcenesboro ; or, persons so desiring, may be visited at their residences. Drs, C. &L. hope, by the character of their operations, their reasonable prices and their gentlemanly treatment of all who may honor them with a call, to merit and obtain a fair share of the operating performed in this section. As Dr. Latimer has located permanently in Greenesboro, the office will not be closed during the summer months, as heretofore. m ‘ A superior quality of Tooth Brushes, Tooth Powder, &c kept on hand. *. : ; ; s 'No charge for examinations and advice. MT'-Dentisis supplied with Teeth, Foil, Instruments, &c. Dec 14, *857 TMR. a. F. DURHAM, thankful for the liberal ptftronage received in the past, takes idea sure, in announcing that he still offers his PRO FESSIONAL SERVICES to the CITIZENS ©F PENFIELD AND VICINITY. Office at the old stoic of Wiifbiirn & McWhorter, on main street, where he may at all times be found, when not professionally engaged. J an 28-ly VOU can always find SUGAR and COFFEE 1- cheap for cash at J. M. BOWLES & CO. l''el> 11 . AVERY NICE article of CHEESE, SYRUP, MOLASSES, SALT and VINEGAR. In fact, when vou want anything to eat, call to see Feb'll J. M. BOWLES & CO. nm SALE OR RENT. A comfortable house and lot in Pcnficld, situated in the eastern part of town. It contains four good R owns—ell the outbuildings are in good repair, and a small family will find it to be a pleas ant residence. Mr. Henry English occupied it during the paSVyear. Apply to J. M. LANKFORD. Pcnficld, Ga. Jgn. 7, 1858. U_ Til E COP ARTNERSHIP existing between PHELPS & SEALS, in the Mercantile Business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent—Mr. Phelps re tiring. ■ A. B. PHELPS, Penfield, Jan. 1, 1858. WM. B. SISALS. ** - f -- *. nnHE BUSINESS will be carried on at the old X stand, by the undersigned; where he hopes to merit and receive tnc liberal patronage extended tothe late firm. WM. B. SEALS. Penfield, Jan. Ist, MJSB.