The Georgia temperance crusader. (Penfield, Ga.) 1858-18??, September 16, 1858, Image 3

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LITERARY temperance <|rus3%. PENPIELD, GEORGIA, eTXuiictay &efUcm£ei 16, Iss&. Ju LINCOLN VKAZKY -• • K DWI’O I;. Almost continuous clouds and abundant rains have been the schedule of the weather for the last week. The atmosphere has been damp and chilly, and colds are very prevalent. We learn from the last issue of the <'!>rl*flan Index, that Rev. Samuel Boykin has been chosen Assistant Editor of that paper. Mr. Boykin B a young man of promising talents and high moral worth, and we extend to him a cordial welcome into the fraternity. A writer in the Troupville Watchman says that he saw a light between a king-snake .and a rattle snake, the latter being the largest, but the former coming off victorious. After killing his antago nist, he swallowed him and crawled off, appar ently no larger than at first. The Savannah News of the 4th inst., says; The printing presses, engine, type, fixtures, forms, printing utensils and appurtenances, good will and patronage of the Georyian were sold yester day at the Court House, under a foreclosure of mortgage. The purchaser was Solomon Cohen, and the price paid was 53,100. The late >S. S. Prentiss once narrated the fol lowing, as the line of defence by which he se cured the acquittal of a client who was on trial for libel: “It was a most aggravated case as far as facts were concerned. Bu 11 made these points: First, that the plaintiff’s character was so bad that it was incapable of injury: and secondly, that my client was so notorious a liar, that nobody would believe any statement he should make; and therefore the jury agreed with me on both points, and acquitted my client” How frail a thing is human reputation! A breath of slander will always tarnish, and some times utterly destroy it. When a man is dead, his name may be firmly established, and his fame become brighter and more enduring as age suc ceeds age. The dark mists which roll around its base but serve to bring out in greater effulgence the light that plays upon its summit. But while living, the whole structure is continually agitated by the waves of public opinion, and at any mo ment it may be submerged never to rise again. Some weeks ago we published an anecdote illustrative of the shrewdness of “ Old Jack Jones,” which we clipped from some of our exchan ges, but we think it originally appeared in Harper's Monthly, It seems that “Old .lack” is a verita ble character, (we thought him a myth,) and has written to us, complaining that the anecdote, as related, does him injustice. We are of the opin ion that the published version of the story is better than liis; but if be thinks there is any harm done, he had best appeal to the paper in which it first appeared. A female friend informs us that the ladies are going to adopt anew style of bats. We are glad to hear it, and hope it will be appropriate. It will be an improvement, without doubt,; for cer tainly nothing worse than the colewort leaf-sliaped concerns now in vogue could be conceived. Dogs Thicken. Our villagers are nightly fa vored with barking concerts, in which every note may be heard, from the shrill winnings of a six inch Jice to the deep, heavy hayings of the cur. Ought we not to be thankful that we are so doy yedly blessed. ♦ • •- A paragraph has been going the rounds of the papers recently, stating that “an old lady, ofTits cumbia, oilers a reward of 520,000 to any young lady not over IT years of age, who is willing to live in the capacity of an adopted daughter to her.” The Tuscumbia Democrat says that this is a hoax, but it seems one man “bit at the bait thrown out.” A few days since a letter for the old lady who offers $20,000 reward for a young lady, was re ceived by the Postmaster at Tuscumbkt, which is published in the Democrat, f.s follows: “ ; So. (Av., July 30th, ISJS. Dear Madam: I see an advertisement in (he Columbia paper purporting to be from yourself, expressing a desire to adopt some ‘child as your own. I have four daughters, who are natives of this State; someone of whom, perhaps, wouid suit you. reads French, and is well acquainted with Music, Painting, Drawing, Needlework, &c. read French, and is also acquainted with Music, Needle-work, Ac. and is studying grammar, geography, Ac. writes, Ac. I am a Minister of the Gospel, my salary is small and if you are willing t-o adopt any one of my daughters, I have no doubt but that they will eonsenttolive with you. For further information, address. BOOKS OF TRAVEL form a class of literature combining the advantages both of history and novels, being interesting and instructive. They impart a large amount of valuable information which could scarce be obtained from any other source, throwing light upon Geography, History, Natural Science and Ethnology. When properly written, we know of no class of works which may be read with more profit. But it is unfortunately the case, that few trav ellers duly appreciate the dignity of their office It has become fashionable to travel, and to pub lish accounts of their journeys. Hence, the 1 shelves of our libraries are loaded with “ First Impressions, “Souvenirs of Travel” and “Memo ries of Foreign Lands” in such numbers that one •‘nu.’st needs have a tireless energy to peruse them all. Even if read, not one in ten would repay the trouble. They all follow a beaten track, see the same sights, hear the same sounds and ex perience the same emotions. There is even less variety in the character and order of incidents than is to be found in the ordinary course of home-life. This is not because there are no lon ger places, scenery, manners, customs and people worthy of description which have not yet been de scribed, but rather from want of the requisite qualifications in those who travel. Most of those who go abroad, procure a guide-book, and some other work of reference, and from them make out a list of things to be seen before starting. They conceive the idea that any object, concern ing which some distinguished traveller has not spoken, is unworthy of being named. That their “Memories of Foreign Lands” will contain noth ing new, might be readily predicted. Another class travel merely for amusement — ‘-as a high-toned method of spending their money. ‘They cultivate a moustache, try assume very haughty airs, mouthe French miserably and aim the exquisite in all tilings. Everything has beaouie very flat, insipid and worthless about hwne sioee they have been abroad. The manners of even oqr best society have lost all refinement since they have been admitted to the polished circles of Paris. Their books, when they write, fre strongly tainted by tii£ corruptions of the effete under-crust of European aristocracy. From such books, deliver us. These is no place like Home.” rniiAT line lias touched thousands of hearts, X and in every one awakened a responsive echo. No matter where its abode may have been, whe ther amid the bleak hills of Iceland, or in climes where every spot is a garden and the air is laden j with richest perfumes, it has felt the truthful pathos of this sentiment. The spot may be I gloomy, but association renders it lovely ; it may ! be bright, but familiarity only renders it more j beautiful. All that is grand, picturesque, sub- ! lime or otherwise pleasing to the beholder’s eye, ; cannot lessen the charms of home, or dim the re-1 collections which cluster there. / “ There is no place like home.” The traveller has felt it when he stood on the towering Alps, ■ surveyed the remains of ancient temples, or wan- j tiered amid the ruins of cities which arc no longer homes. The trembling sailor-boy lias called up ‘ the peaceful quiet of liis native cottage when the billows rolled like mountains, and every moment ‘■ threatened to engulf him in a watery grave. The j hardy soldier, when the battle’s fury has raged i and passed on and he lies wounded and dying, j “ with his feet to the field and his face to the! foe,” sends a sigh to bis far-off home ere he yields • liis latest breath. Amid the splendor of palaces j and the gorgeous luxury that surrounds royalty, j the courtier has thought regretfully of the hum- j ble fireside where lie could spend his hours in a peacefulness undisturbed by turmoil, tin harassed ! by care. Who that ever climbed high and pei tbrmed noble achievements in any field of labor, I lias not felt a pride in knowing that lie gives j pleasure to those who loved him in childhood j and watched with anxiety the progress of the boy ? ; Every one must have felt the sentiment of those ■ lines indited l>y the poet in the warm glow of his j filial and fraternal affection : “ As the hare, whom lioundg and horns pursue, Pants to die place front whence at first she flew, I still had hopes, my Jons, vexations past, Here to return, and die at home at last.” Who ever had a home who loved it not? There be those, indeed, who find the revelries of the dram-shop and the dissipations of the gambling saloon more attractive than domestic enjoyment. There be those who will hurry from the fireside where a lovely wife is ready to shed her bewitch ing influence, and a bright-eyed child laughs with merry glee, to pat ticipate in the smoking, drink ing, cursing and ribaldry of a club-room. But such have lost, or wickedly suppress, the kindly emotions which nature implanted in them, and are no more worthy to be called her sons. With all who love religion, tiyth and purity, and have ever felt the influence of those holy affections which gush up in such rich fulness in the family, home is the dearest spot on earth. There is a magic, a strain of sweet music in its name. It calls the man of business from his schemes of getting rich, and the aspirant for fame from his wild ambition. There is in it some charm that smoothes the brow of trouble, and lifts the loads of oppressive care. The rude thatched shed of the peasant is not less loved by its occupants— those who spent their lives in it and there have the heir-looms of their affections—than the stately mansion of the grandee. For, “ We need not power or splendor— Wide hall or lordly dome: The good, the true, the tender— These form the wealth of home.” How sad the lot of those who have no home! Like ships on the ocean, bound from and to no port, floating as courseless as if driven at the mercy of the winds, with sails in tatters and their rudders lost. The waves roll fearfully and the storm sweeps with destructive fury. A signal of distress hangs out from the masthead, but no friendly bark comes to the rescue; for the home less are friendless. They may be praised and flat tered ; lauded without deserving and honored far beyond their expectat ions. But when trouble, grief and anguish shall come—as come they must —there is no ear to which the distressed may re late all his woes; no lips from which words of consolation may fall, like healing balm, upon the wounded spirit. It is in these gloomy hours, when sorrow oppresseth and melancholy marks the soul for her own, that the heart of man, who ever he be. feels that ‘‘there is no place like home.” NJjNEofour feelings are more imposed upon, or so much wasted, as our sympathy. Being one which imparts pleasure in a very high degree, we arc ever ready to give it indulgence, even at the very appearance of suffering. It is true, that much misery exists in the world, unnoticed and uncared for; but it is equally true, that many things about which philanthrophy creates so much noise, is undeserving of commiseration. This is a hard world, and not the least of its hard ness is, that it oftenest bestows pity where it is unmerited, and withholds it where it would be properly bestowed. A man will sometimes readily give half a-dollar to the unknown mendicant on the street, while he exacts a strict account Item the poor woman who does his sewing at ten cents a day. We need not to point to those false philanthro pists who are continually lifting up howling lam entations over the woes of humanity, yet will not lift the burden with their little fingers. All their pretensions are hypocritical, and the show of ben evolence which they affect, a bitter mockery. We would prefer to speak rather of those cases in which the waste of sympathy is not the*result of design. It is at all times possible for the de signing, by exhibiting a fictitious distress, to im pose upon our good nature, and receive expres sions of sympathy, which they do not deserve. Many appear self-deceived, so flimsy are the sub terfuges which are practised. Occasionally wo ‘<■<■ foreigners travelling through the country on loot, who profess not to speak or understand a word of our language. They wiil go to every House and present a paper which almost invaria bly recounts a horrible tale of shipwreck and loss of property, while an aged mother and father, perhaps a wife and small children, are left on some island from which they have not the means of departing. Moved by a plea so’touching, every one gives him something, until, after a few months of travelling, lie finds himself in the possession of a handsome purse. That mgny foreigners have accumulated fortunes by such stories, we have not the smallest doubt. In our cities, these vag abonds collect in immense herds, and one must studiously guard the outlets of his sympathies, if he wou’d avoid being made a victim of their wiles. Some class all mendicants together as im posters, and close their ears to all appeals to their charity; but this is an extreme more deplorable than an indiscriminate generosity. If all the sympathy that has been wasted could be collected, it would be abundantly sufficient to accomplish all the objects for which philanthropy has prayed and striven. It would send the mis sionary, with Gospel light, to the darkened home of every heathen, and lift from the savage the fetters of ignorance. The chamber of suffering indigence would be visited, and pallid want give place to plenty and cheerfulness. The limbs that now totter along the street in rags would bo clothed, and the eye glaring with the madness of hunger, made to beam with delight. Will men ever properly value this noble sentiment of our nature, and direct it to its legitimate ends? > Peterson, always the first of our monthlies, is here,-looking fresh, bright and very attractive. It is the favorite magazine with many of the la dies. Price, $2. No horse ever found a mare’s nest. That dis covery can only be made by a donkey, EEVTProf. basnet!, in his speech before the Carrollton Masonic Institute, (a pamphlet of ! some forty pages, with which a friend lias favored us,) speaks as follows of the number of young men now in College in this state: In all the Colleges of Georgia, there are only i about four hundred students; and if we add to i these all that she Inis tit College/ outside of her j own limits, fhere are not more than about live i hundred and fifty. Let any man cast his eye ! over this great State—one of the most enlight ; ened, wealthy and populous in the Union—let i him think of the vast numbers of youth there are ! everywhere diffused over it, and then remember that out of them all there are inly five hundred and fifty who are in attendance upon these higher** instruction agencies, and he will he impressed at I once with the fact that, there is a disproj>oition i that is most remarkable. And if we extend our j survey, we will find that tlie ratio here indicated is about the average one for the whole Union. Let any man look around bint among all the youth of his acquaintance, and how few are there | who are students at College ! Ilow small a rep-{ resentation has any community; has any one of the wealthiest and most populous counties now in attendance at College! Now if the Professor had have included in this enumeration all who are being educated at schools which aspire to be colleges—which have their Presidents, Professors, Commencements, Cata logues, Alumni, and in every respect swell out in pretensions not surpassed by our first-class universities, he would have gotten a much larger ; number. The'great multitude of high titled ! schools is the cause of the meagre patronage | which our colleges receive. The colleges, some of which are not endowed at all, and none sitffi- ; ciently, have been forced to compete for patron- j age with these young rivals, and the result has been a lamentable lowering of the educational j standard. Under these circumstances, we do not consider the fact that only five hundred and fifty of the youth of Georgia are now receiving the benefit of collegiate education so very deplorable. A great many more enjoy these opportunities than are profited. Many attend college merely because it has become fashionable, and not because they wish to receive instruction. These become drones in society, or, if they pretend to do anything, bring, by their inefficiency, disgrace upon the in stitution which has the name of having educated them. The educational policy which we advo cate, is the establishment of a common school system which will place an elementary education within the reach of every one, and an endowment of our colleges which will make them entirely in dependent of patronage. Then, whether they had five students or five hundred, they could maintain their standard, and graduate none but scholars. Were this plan adopted and carried out, our people would become far better educa ted, and the usefulness .of our colleges be in creased a hundred fold. —• • While the ship load of Africans lately captured by the United States Brig Dolphin was lying in the port of Charleston, it was visited by the edi tor of the Southern Baptist, who thus describes their appearance and manners: There was an appearance of cheerfulness among the captives quite surprising when recollecting that one third of their number had already per ished. But they obviously felt their change, and knew they were in the hands of protectors. Por tions of them were acquainted with each other, as the females especially who had the quarter deck, were gathered in their groups, perhaps rela ted to each other, or gathered from the same neighborhood. They had been collected from a region of 500 miles in extent, and prior to their being shut up in the African barraccoon, few of them had probably known each other. Two of them only could speak in broken Portuguese, but it is difficult to ascertain whether they generally are bound together by common language. In their singing and antics, they show a common origin. Several of their songs were sung by the whole multitude; even those extremely sick seemed to join. They told off the time by beat ing with their hands; which suddenly give place to the rapid swaying of their bodies. Their voices wore soft as well as powerful, and in the wild choruses, the volume of voices arose to a shout almost ten iftic. When we first boarded brig, the whole multi tude were on deck, in a state of complete nudity, there being a lew exceptions where a strip of rag, an inch or two wide, was around the waist. They were evidently suffering from cold, as their blood had become chilled by fifty days at sea, low diet and sickness, and brought to this latitude of 32 north, from the torrid regions of the equator. St range as it may seem, while their muscular devel opment seemed scant and lank, their faces were generally very good. Only those extremely far gone in sickness showed anything forbidding in their features. Some of the females, despite their exposure, seemed essentially modest; and among them were two or three who were called princes cs, one of them being of a brown color, and tlieir persons marked all over with curious and elabor ate tattoo work—the indelible marks of birth and distinction. Mr. Thackeray, in his Virginians, gives the follow ing recipe for tho 1 treatment of the disease called love in females. What say our fair friends? Must it be taken literally or metaphorically? “In complaints such as that under which the poor little maiden was supposed to be suffering, the remedy of absence and distance often acts • effectually with men; but I believe women are not so easily cured by the alibi treatment. Some of them will go away ever so far, and for ever so long, and the obstinate disease bangs by them, spite of distance or climate. Von may whip, abuse, torture, iusult them, and still the little, deluded creatures will persist in’ their fidelity. Nay, if I may speak, after profound and exten sive study and observation, there ore few better ways of securing the faithfulness and admiration of the beautiful partners of our existence than a little judicious ill-treatment: a brisk dose of oc casional violence as an alternative, and for gen eral and wholesome diet, a cooling but pretty constant neglect. At sparing intervals, adminis ter small quantities of love and kindness; but not every day, or too often, as this medicine, much taken, loses its effect. Those dear crea tures who are the most indifferent to their hus bands, are those who are cloyed by too much surfeiting of the sugar-plums and lollypops of Love. I have known a young being, with every wish gratified, yawn in her adoring husband’s face, and prefer the conversation and peitifs soins of the merest booby and idiot; while, on the other hand, I have seen Chloe—at whom Streph on has Hung bootjack in the morning,’ or whom he has cursed before the servants at dinner— come creeping and fondling to his knee at tea time, when he is Comfortable after his little nap and his good wine, and pat his head and play him his favorite tunes; and when old John, the butler, or old Mary, the maid, comes in with the bed-candles, look around proudly, as much as to say, now. John, look liow good my dearest Ilenry is! Make your game, gentlemen, then! What used the late lamented O’Connell to say, over whom a grateful country has raised such a mag nificent testimonial ? “ Hereditary bondsmen,” he used to remark, “know ye not, who would he free, themselves must strike the blow ?” Os course you must, in political as in domestic circles. So up with your cudgels, my enslaved, injured hoys! “You have lost your baby, I hear,” said one gentleman to another. “Yes, poor little thing! It was only five mouths old. We did all we could for it. We had four doctors, blistered its-head and feet, put mustard poultices all over it, gave it nine calomel I powders, leeched its temples, had it bled and gave it all kinds of medicines, and yet, after a . week’s illness, it died.” ■ ■<►** j It is twenty years since the practicability of j ocean steam navigation was demonstrated by the aVrival of the Sirius (April 23,1838, ) in New York ! from Cork, making the passage in eighteen days. ! She was a steamer of only 700 tons and 320 horse i power. On the same day, the Great Western, j 1340 tons, arrived in New York, from Bristol! j having made the passage in fourteen and a-half I days. j Six persons are to be tried for their lives at the next term of the court in Albany county, N, Y. J the youngest 12 years old, and the oldest 58. Uj EMUS of the highest order has ever seem oil VT to scorn those appliances bv which common mortals rise to fame. It mounts, by its own in herent energies, to heights to which the plodding must climb with many a weary step and many a groan. It overleaps*obstacles which to others prove insuperable barriers, and wins success where failure seems almost inevitable. It can make profound scholars of those who never enjoyed the benefits of scholastic training, and precludes the necessity for long preparation to lit its possessor for any vocation. Blake, the most successful sea captain of his time, never trod the deck of a ves sel until lie was fifty years of age. Sliakspea’ro, whose name now is the brightest gem in the cor onet of England’s glory, never imbibed his inspi ration at Iter world renowned universities. But one of the most striking illustra'ionjs of the power of genius to sway all other inclinations and over rifle all obstacles, is to he found in the life and performances of Hugh Miller. Left at a tender age to a lot of orphanage and indigence, and dis appointing the wishes of friends who desired him to enter the church, lie adopted a most humble ami laborious vocation. As an obscure stone mason, lie entered the Athens of the North, amid whose literary circles he was destined to shine so conspicuously. But while breaking rocks and digging in quarries, he was seeking to read the history which past ages had written there. By the innate vigor of his-mind, he instituted and carried out researches in the most abstruse of sciences, and established his hypotheses on firm grounds. Though confined in his opportunities for reading, he almost, from liis earliest efforts at i authorship, expressed himself in a manner singu- | larly happy, pure, elegant and correct. Thus lie went on discovering and elucidating facts anti advancing new theories until he, who was a dolt, at school and began life at a most unpromising occupation, was considered one of the first schol ars of Europe. Surely the power of genius was never more decidedly exhibited, nor was she ever more honored in her son. Application may be, as some have asserted, the best form of genius, but it certainly is not the highest. It may do much—so much that we are frequently struck with surprise at what it can ac complish. It enables the man of moderate tal ents to outstrip the genius that is wasted in friv olity and vacillation. But application can move only in a known track; it cannot strike out a path of its own, and leave it a broad, open high way to those who shall come after. Application may kindle the spark into a blaze, even until the flames rise high and shed their light far abroad, but it can never strike out that spark from the dull, heavy metal. Application uses, molds and increases; genius creates. A DIABOLICAL, EXHIBITION. “In the year 1832,” said to us yesterday a dis tinguished legal gentleman of New Orleans, “I visited Paris, in the course of a European tour, that my Americanism might be polished down by a little attrition among the genteel particles of Parisian society. I found the world of Paris in a very considerable state of excitement in conse quence of an ordinary performance which was nightly exhibited by an eastern juggler, and which was nothing more or less than the apparent de capitation of a man in the presence of an audi ence, and under the very noses of a committee of medical gentlemen who stood only so far distant while the operation was being performed as to escape the swing of the long, two-edged sword with which the juggler smote cft’ the head. I went to see this exhibition, which took place in a theatre, in company with several Americans. The theatre was crowded with between two and three thousand spectators, and the curtain was up displaying a common table, six feet long, upon the stage-at the very edge of which I ob tained a seat, having gone very early. At the given time, tho jugglar, a sh’iguler look ing man, came upon the stage, with his shirt sleeves rolled up to the shoulders, ancl bearing a long, heavy two-edged sword. He upset the ta ble on the boards and showed that there was no concealed drawer or other recess, and placed it in the blaze of the footlights near the edge of the stage. In a.few words, lie stated what lie was go ing to do, and requested some of the audience to come forward and stand upon the stage, that they might see there “was no deception.” A number of medical gentlemen who had been- chosen as a commitltee to investigate tho matter, if possible, took their position upon the stage and soon after the victim, who had been sitting in the parquette, mounted the stage, removed his coat and cravat, turned back bis shirt collar, and, laying on the table, elevated bis chin to more fairly exposed his neck to the headsman’s weapon. The juggler then raised his keen and featful looking sword, and; giving it a wide sweep, brought it down—! say brought it down upon the peck, for no or.o could see that he did not.oven those within three foot of him—upon the neck of the subject with great force! Blood spirted high into the air,some of it falling on our party, and deluged the stage, while the most fearful sound, a something be tween a groan and a shriek of horror from the whole assemblage, shook the building, and nume rous women and some males fell fainting in their seats and were borne out by ushers of the house. The juggler raised his sword again, repeated tin’ blow, and the disserved head fell upon the floor ! Taking it by the hair, he held it up to the audi ence for full five minutes, until the blood had ceased to flow from the several arteries, the lower jaw had fallen and the face had assumed the ap pearance of a corpse Is : then throwing it heavily upon the stage, lie requested the committee to ex amine it, which they did, passing it li otn hand to hand. They then examined the body upon the ta ble, from the headless neck of which the blood lmd not yet ceased to drop upon the floor of the stage; they lifted the limbs and let them fall with the limp inertia of lifeless matter, and of course, pro nounced the man dead to all intents and pur poses. After they had concluded their investigation, the juggler informed the audience that lie was going to put the man’s head on again, and restore him to life. Taking up the head he kid it on the table, fitted the two parts of the neck to each other, and begun to mutter and make signs over the corps. In about five minutes the lately decap itated man slowly turned his gastly and altogeth er horrible face, white as snow, toward the audi ence, and an excitement followed exceeding, if any thing that which occured when the first blow ot theswordfell. In afew moments the eyelids grad ually opened and displayed eyes wearing a glassy, corpeslike stare ; by degrees, a life-like specula tion came into them, some color returned to the face, and alter stretching his limbs the man arose from the resumed his coat, walked down from the stage, and mingled witlf the crowd. ihe exhibition was ever. The neck of the ap parently decapitated man bore a red mark and and a sear around it, like a cicatrice of a’ newly healed wound. All this I saw with my own eyes which were as effectually deceived as those of tens of thousands of other persons I could in no way, consistently with reason, account for any feature of this horribly thrilling feat of trickery. I have never heard of the trick being performed b y °ther man, and very possibly it originated anddied with him. However it is scarcely moore unaccountable than many often displayed feats of droit fraternity of Eastern jugglers.—A. 0. h'M Delta. Advice of an Odd Ladv.— Now, John, listen to me, for i’m older than you, or 1 couldn’t he your mother. Never do you many a young woman, John, before you have contrived to happen at tne house where she live, at least four or five times before breakfast. You should know how late she lies in bed in the morning. You shouU ‘ notice whether her complexion is the same in tne morning as it is in the evening, or whether tne morning wash and the towel have robbed p her evening bloom. You should take care to surprise her, so that you may see her 111 morning dress, and observe how her when she is not expecting you- •^ an _ should be where you can hear the moi g versation between her* and her mothei , ill-natured and snappish to her mother so she will be to you, depend on it. But. y up and dressed neatly in the in ° rm , i , • same countenance, the same neatly combed ban, the same ready and pleasant answers to her motli- Al , wl .j„u fUißvacterize her appearance and do portment in the evening, and particularly if she is lending a hand to get the breakfast ready m good season, she is a prize, John, and the sooner you secure her to yourself the better. j A funner in Delaware has ibis season sold j 8572.73 worth of blackberries. I j William 0. Briant and family have returned to New York from their European tour. I Rev. Dr. Sanger, pastor of tho Unitarian church ! at Dover, Mass., since 1812, has just resigned his i charge. i 1 itfee splendid Morgan horses, purchased by i Louis Napoleon, have been shipped from Boston : to Paris. 11 i Calami Chief maintained he had a ■ good title to his land, because he had eaten the lormer owner. i ; An anli-Monnon paper is about to be estab i r^V 1 ,u ‘’? :llfc , I / ake cifv - ‘H'is is “bearding I the lion in his den. ° j The Queen's Bench, in England, have decided j (hat ill health is sulheient excuse for broach of’ j promise ot marriage. | Horatio l>e V. Glwnlwoith, Esq., lias been an-’ ! pointful by the President, Consul to the Pontifical | 1 States, to reside at Home. Clara Somers, daughter of the Hev. Dr. Somers, | of Nashville, Tenn., was drowned on the Ith.. in a | reservoir at Nashville, Tenn. The lion. Caleb < ‘ashing has accepted the in-j vitation of the C. S. Agricultural Society, toad- i dress them .at Richmond on the 25th October. A West Point letter says that the Secretary of j j War has determined to shorten the comseof study ! j the Militaiv Academy, from live to four years. j 3\ allace \\ ilson was shot dead by Isaac t.ogan ! in Abbeville district, S. C., on the nth inst. Logan’ I has been admitted to bail in the sum of two thou j sand dollars. j “You don’t seem to knowhow to take me,” said a vulgar fellow to a gentleman he had in sulted. “Yes 1 do,’’said tliegentleinan, twisting him by the nose. The city of Cincinnati, lias been sued fordama- | j ges sustained by a property holder, in altering j J the grade of street. The party injured claims the ! snug sum of 820,000. | , ’ Those people who turn up their noses at the | world might do well to reflect that it is as good a | world as they were ever in, and a much better one | than they are likely ever to get into again. A Dutchman being advised to rub his limbs with brandy for the rheumatism, said lie had heard of tho remedy, but added: “I dosli potter as that 1 drink de brandy and rubs my leg mit de pot tle.” A Buftalonian lias obtained a patent for carved letters and devices for sign They present an ele gant, appearance by day, and by placing a light back of them they mafic a splendid transparency at night. A Quaker having sold a fine looking, but blind horse, asked the purchaser: “Well, my friend dost thou see any fault in him?” “Xa,” was tho an swer. “Neither will he see any in thee,” said old Broadbrim. The St. Paul (Min) Times says, a brother of a gentleman of that city has taken from the Fraser river mines, single-handed, SCO 000 and writes that when the wafer falls, he can make SIOO per day, digging. Samuel D. Nichols, a constable in Nashville, Tenn., was invited by a letter, ostensibly by a fe male in that city when a gangof robbers pounced upon him of 8300, and shooting him through the arm let him go. Mrs. Adeline Armor, of Coffee county, Ala., offers a reward of S2OO for the apprehension of Win. Taylor, who murdered her husband, Dieh ard \V., and her son, Richard N. Armor, in that county, on the 20th of August. There is a good story of an eccentric lady, of unfortunately acquisitive habits, to the effect that she was on one occasion so affected bv a charity sermon as to borrow a half eagle from her neighbor and put it in her own pocket. Col. Rector, superintendent of Indian affairs for the Southwestern District, west of the Arkan sas river, wdl, on his return thither, distribute to the’Seminoles and other tribes nearly half a million ot dollars, in presents and annuities. ’flic keeper of the Newark City burying ground found, on Wednesday, anew made grave, which had been dug without his knowledge, and on open ing the same it was found to contain tho body of a small child, which appeared to have been stran gled. A piece of black web silk, nearly a yard long, in a perfect state of preservation, was recently dis covered in North Troy, imbedded in a solid pine log. The wood had apparently grown over the silk as there is no crack where it could have been i thrust in. An Indian Chief Vicing asked iiis opinion of a cask of Madeira wine which had been presented to him, said lie thought it was the .juice extracted from women's tongue and lions’ heart, for after i lie had drank ot it lie could talk forever and light anybody. “Molly” said .foe Kelly’s ghost to his wife, “I’m in purgatory at this present,” says he. “And what sort of a place is it ?” says she. “Eaix,” says lie, “it is a sort of way house be tween i/on and heaven : and I stand it mighty aisy after laving you.” Rev. Eleazer Williams,-more generally known, perhaps, as claiming to be the Dauphin of France deceased at Ifogansburg, New York, at 8 o’clock on the morning of the 28th August. His last words were: “Lord .Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, and receive my spirit.” A letter from David V. Whiting Esq., postmas- j tor of Santa Fe, New Mexico, states that he lias collected—in t. at lar-off town—tho sum of B'*” for the Mount Vernon cause. The association seems to have its “knights” everywhere, .and very energetic ones, too, if we take Mr. IV biting . as a sample. A Boston paper company recently threshed ( 13,000 pounds of clear sand from sixty bales ol j rags imported from Egypt, being 2- pci con . o the whole weight. The rags were taken from the mummies in the catacombs, and the sand was | sifted in by the Egyptian sharpers, to increase | their weight. A Hibernian had come far to see Niagara, and j while he sazed upon it, a friend asked him it it ; was not one of the most wonderful things no had ever seen. To which he replied -Never a bit man: never a bit! Sure, it’s no wonder at al that the wather should fall down there, for id like to know what could hinder it.” A New York paper says: A few days ago, at one of our suburban churches, the choir sang a hvmn to a tune which comes as follows: “Mv poor pol-my poor pol-my poor polluted heart. Another line received the following: “And in the ni—and in the pi—and in the pious he delights.” \nd still another was sung : “And take thy pil— and take thy pil—and take thy pilgrim home.” \n Irish counsellor having lost a cause which had been tried before three judges, one of whom was esteemed an able lawyer, the other two very poor ones, a brother counsel was merry on the occasion. “Why,” says he, “who the devil could help it when there are an hundred judges on the bench?” “An hundred!” says the other; “there are but three.” “B/ St. Patrick,” replied he, “there was a figure of one and two cyphers.” Beaitikv'i Answers. —A pupil of Abbe Sicord gave the following extraordinary answers: ° “What is gratitude?” “Gratitude is the memory of the heart.” “What is hope?” “ Hope is the blossom of happiness.” “What is the difference between hope and de sire?” . “Dcsii’eis a tree in leaf; hope is a tree in ltovv er, and enjoyment is a tree in fruit.’ “.Wliat is eternity ?” “A day without yesterday or to-morrow—aline that has no end.” “What is time?” “A line which has two ends; a path which be gins in the cradle and ends in the tomb.” “What is God?” “The necessary being, the sun of eternity, the machinist of nature, the eye of Justice, the matchmake of the universe, the soul of the world.” “Does God reason?” “Man reasons because he doubts—lie deliberates —he decides. God is omniscient. He never doubts—he therefore never reasons.” A SONG. ’ BV (JEN ENA. Night’s wing o’er the storm}’ deep Droopeth low, Billows round the reeling shili Wildly flow; m Ou the lone deck stands the mariner fearfully, Turns he his thoughts to the distant ones tearfully, How arc they hoping to welcome him cheerfully Soon to his own native home. But wilder the groans of the tempest rise, Lurid lights flash through Hie murky skies, Thunder peals thicken, on ihe ship flies, Swift to her doom. Morn a hove the ocean dawns, Lovely, blight, Hushed now is the angry storm, Gone (lie night. But woo to i lie cot where the distant ones fearfully VVaich for the mariner, day and night, tearfully, Ne or shall they welcome him joyfully, cheerfully, Back to hisdearnative home; ior-lo! in the coral groves, deep and fair, losses (he. manner's golden hair, 1 earls deck his bosoinj sea flowers rare Over him bloom. , [Olive Branch, A SAItBATH NIGHT. ,!Y 1 ’ KolloE I). PRENTICE. ! L lovc ‘ Uis . 1,0, y. bmc. The forest-leaves i beneath tuc noiseless dews me bending low j And faintly glowing m the starlight pale | !t ‘T c visions .'hut ™me o\er their sleep ! \V ere of the spin! land. The mountain pine | Has hushed its melancholy music now, | The weary winds are slumbering in the heavens i Ur keeping sacred vigils on the cloud Far glimmering ia the sunset—all is still, i .Save i hat she distant waves are murmuring low bike a lost angel mourning his sad lot ° ’ fit exile irom the blessed. It is sweet, At such au hour, to wander out beneath The eternal sky. to gaze into ils depths, To picture angel-shapes on every star, To listen to the mystic songs that seem To Fancy’s ear to wander down to earth From the far gates ot Eden and to feel The deep and gentle spirit, that pervades The blessed air, sink like a holy spell Upon life’s troubled waters. Hark! tlie hell I oils out the midnight hour! How glorious And yet how lonely is the face of things At this still hour ofmusings ? Vale and hill, And plain.and stream, and lake and ancient wood, Glow iu the distance, and Religion rests Upon them like a mantle. O, I love, On eves like thas, to kneel in solitude At nature’s shrine. The gentle dews that bathe AI v brow seems God’s own baptism, and each voice J Hat speaks in mystic eloquence from sky And air and earth, and ocean, callathe 50’,,1 1 o mingle with the holiness of heaven COMFOUT. The great end and aim of mankind is to get money enough ahead to make them “comforta ie , and \et a moment’s reflection will convince us tuat money can never purchase “comfort” only the moans of it. A man may be “comforta j bio, without a dollar; but to be so, ho must luive the right disposition, that is, a heart and a mind in the right place. There are some persons who are lively, and cheerful, and good-natured, kind and forebearing in a state of poverty, which loans upon the toil of to-uay for to night’s supper and the morning’s breakfast. Such a disposition would exhibit the same loving qualities in a hovel or on a throne. Lyory day we meet with persons who in their families are cross, ill-natured, dissatisfied, finding fault- with everybody and everything, whose first greeting in the bmakfast room is complaint, whoso conversation seldom fails to end in an enumera tion of difficulties and hardships, whose last word at night is an angry growl. If you can get such persons to reason on the subject, they rvill ac knowledge that there is some “want” at the bot tom ol it; the “want” of a better house, a finer i dress, a more handsome equipage, a more dutiful child, a more provident husband, a more cleanly or systematic, or domestic wife. At one time it is a “wretched cook” which stands between them and tko sun ; or a lazy house-servant, or an im pertinant carriage-driver. The “want” of more money than Providence lias thought proper to bestow, will be found to embrace all these things. Such persons may feel assured that, people who can not mole, themselves really comfortable in any one set of ordinary circumstances, would not be so under any other. A man who has a canker eating out his heart will carry it with him wherever he goes ; and if it be a spiritual canker, whether of envy, habitu al discontent, unbridled ill-nature, it would go ; with the gold, and rust out all its brightness. Whatever a man is to day with a last dollar, he | will be radically, essentially, to-morrow with mil lions, unless the heart is changed. Stop, reader, that is not thewholc truth, for the whole truth has ! something of the terrible in it. Whatever of an j undesirable disposition a man lias to-day without | money, ho will have to-morrow to an exaggerated | extent, unless the heart be changed: the drunk ard, more drunken; the debauchee, more debauched; the fretful, still more complain ; ing. Hence the striking wisdom of the Scriptural i injunction, that all our ambitions should begin ! with this: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and Ids rightousnoosthat is to say if you are not j comfortable, not liapj y now, under the circum stances which surroui and you, and wish to be more comfortable, move bappv, your first step should ; be to seek a change of heart, of disposition, and then the other things will follow—without the “router wealth I And having the moral comfort, bodilv comfort, bodily health will follow apace to I the extent of your using rational means. Bodi ly comfort, or health, ami mental comfort, have j on one another the most powerful reactions; ! neither can be perfect without the other, at least approximates to it: in short, cultivate health and a good heart; for with these you may be com fortable without a farthing: without them, never ! ■ —although voumav possess millions! — I/all's Jour* ! Old of Health. I - Literati he. —Mr. it. J. Moore of Tennessee, writes us that his “Poets and Poetry I of the South” will be put to press at an early day. He is busily at work in the poetic Pantheon, brushing the dust from the gods and goddesses of song, and arranging the drapery gracefully about them, so t hat they may come before t he world all their manliness and beauty. The compilation of a first class work is no easy* matter. Unavoidable delays necessarily retard the progress of the editor, however industrious and talented he may be, and Mr. Moore lias not been exempt from the inconvenience and annoy ance incident to a task so responsible. Unfore seen mishaps have, therefore, kept the manuscript from the publisher’s hands for a few weeks. Mr. Moore assures us, that the “Poets and Poe try ;of the South” shall be worthy of the South and its gifted literary children, lie intends make it as complete and as perfect as possibWP* Griswold failed to do justice to our writers. Mr. Me ore, with a heroism deserving of all praise, comes forward with the determination to deal a strong blow for Southern literature. He possesses the right qualifications for the task, talents, taste, energy, and, from the letter before us, we should say a keen sense of that justice and impartiality essential to an editor of a work so important. Wo anticipate a rich literary treat when the gathered glories of Southern song shall be placed before us.— N. O. Delta A False Marriage.— Perhaps the severest form of human sorrow —that which most nearly ap proaches the alow gnawing agony of him fixed hopeless on the immovable rock—arises from marriage in which there was never any friend ship, but the original bond was earthly passion, arrogating to itself, with the impudent lie of a harlot, the heavenly name of love. It is only base natures that are beguiled by the vulgar glare ot gold, natures incapable of lofty joy or acute sorrow. But passion is a syren of more willing song—of more fatally charming lure; tlm impul sive, the noble, fall a victim to her, and, after a short, delirious dream, awake to a life of hopeless misery. Friendship and love must unite in ev ery married union where happiness can reasona bly be expected or truly deserved 5 and from friendship we mean an affection arising from pure sympathy of spirit, independent of aught else. Let none look for happiness in marriage who are unable deliberately and firmly to declare that it would be a happiness to live together for life, though they were of the same sex. We state this with some breadth, and do so with consideration, we point to a hidden rock round whiofe the ocean seems to smile in sunny calm, but on which many a noble bark has perished. . Baron Martin Wagner, the celebrated Bavarian sculptor, die* I ?at Rome on the Bth ult,