The Georgia temperance crusader. (Penfield, Ga.) 1858-18??, November 18, 1858, Image 4

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CRUMDHU*- PnfeUibed Thursday floruiugk,at Peulfield. Dr. M’Lanc’s Liver l*ills, Firming Bm, tfro prictori>, , ‘ > This great medicine has supplanted'afl others for the cure of diseases of file Liver. lis effects arc so salutary and speedy, and at the same time so perfectly safe, that it is riot .surprising it should supercede ail oth ers. Invented by ii very distinguished physician of Vir ginia. who practiced in axegion ofcountry in whifeli Hep atis or Liver cornpiaiut, is peculiarly formidable and eom monand who had spent years in discovering the ingredi sentand proportioning their quantities, these Pills arepc culiarly adapted to every lorm ot the disease, and never fail to alleviate the most obstinate cases of that terrible complaint. They have justly become calibrated, and the researches of Dr. M’Lane iiave placed iiis name among the benefactors of mankind. No one having symptoms of this formidable complaint should be with out these invaluable. Pills. Have you a pain in the right side, under thh edge of the ribs, which inertbses \vith pressure—unable to lie with case on’ihe felt side—with occasional, sometimes constant, pain under the shoul der-blade, frequently extending to the top of the shoul der ? Rely upon it, that although the latter pains are sometimes taken for rheumatic, they all arise from dis eases of the Liver; and if you would have relief, go in stantly and buy a box of Dr. M’Lane’j; Liver Pills, pre pared by Fleming Bros, of Pittsburgh. will be careful toaskfor Dr. M’Lane’s Calebrated Vermifuge, manufactured by Fleming Bros. f Pittsburgh, Pa. A u other Vermifuges, in comparison, •re worthless. Dr. JVl’Laue’s genuine Vermifuge, also his celebrated-Liver Pills, can now be had at all respect able drug store*. None genir'ne without the signature. / FLEMING BROS. PROSPECTUS of the T??ird Volume of the Ga. Educational Journal. The Teacher’s Assistant and Pupil’s friend. Published et'ery Thursday, in For syth, Ga. by Wilkes, Wilburn fc Cos. at $2 per annum, in advance. The name of our paper indicates* one of its most pro minent features. Several fruitless efforts have been, made to bring the power of the newspaper press to bear upon the great work of Common School Education; What bas been the cause of such signal failures, we will not presume to say ; but, will boldly affirm, that the difficulty has not been in the subject itself. Perhaps Journals devoted exclusively to the subject of Education being issuedonly oncea month, have been unable to keep pace with the electric speed of Yount? America; or they may have theorized to the neglect of those great prac tical principles which must regulate the development ot mind in the South. However, be this as it may, the wide field of Education is open, and, with an earnest desire to contribute an humble part to the promotion ol the intellectual and moral growth of the youth of our country, we send forth our “Journal.” the truits ot \vhich, we trust, will be as ‘bread cast upon the waters.’ In religion and politics we expect to be, independent, condemning in all whatever we believe- :o be wrong, and commending what we believe to be right. The latest news will be furnished our journal, by an arrangement which will give our readers all the advan tages, in this respect, of the be3t weeklies published in our seaport cities. The Journal will not br devoted exclusively to Edu cation, in its common acceptation, but will give atten tion to all the Sciences and Arta, so as in part to meet the wants of every family ami every professional class in our country. To give interest and efficiency to our paper, we are engaging the services of able writers—men deep.y im pressed with the necessity ofn radical improvement in our present system of Education. vVe have employed an efficient agent to visit every part of the State, for the purpose of collecting informa tion upon Schools and Education. He will furnish the Journal with occasional narratives of his travels, and give to the public valuable educational statistics. We. solicit a liberal share of patronage from those who kpow the advantage of advertising, as they wi.l find the Journal a very desirable medium for extending their business. We especially call the attention of the citi zens of Monroe to our advertising sheet. We are pub lishing ail the legal advertisements, and as the paper has an extensive circulation in the county, we think it is to th 6 interest of our citizens to avail themselves of our advertising advantages. Address “Georgia Educational Journal,” Forsyth, Ga. ’ QROSI 1 ECTUS of the Lawrenceviiie News. J- The undersigned proposes to publish, at this place, a Weekly Newspaper, bearing the above title, provided , sufficient inducement shall be offered to justify such an enterprise. The columns ol the News will be chiefly-devoted to the encouragement ol Literature, Morality, Agriculture, the Arts and Sciences, and t he business pursuits of the country generally, and is designed to furnish the earli est and most reliable general and local news of the day. The News will he independent upon all political and religious subjects, and. so far as the editorial depart ment is concerned, will,be strictly neutral as to both; yet, our friends and patrons will be permitted to publish such communications as they may present, not other wise exceptionable, on eiilier side of any sucli question, with the distinct understanding that no article Kill be ad mitted, which mai/ be considered personally offensive to any one. Dur Press and Type will be entirely new, and we promise a paper equal to the best in mechanical execu tion. The size will be 3d by 22 inches—about the same as the Tri- Weekly Chronicle if- Sentinel. Terms: Two Dollars per annum, in advance; or, Two Dollars and a half if not paid within three months,’ and due on the delivery of the first number. .If you want a gopd local Paper, and a welcome family visitor once a-tveek, give us your names immediateiv J-For any paper in Georgia, South Carolina, Ten nessee or Alabama, copying the above Prospectus onae •r twice, we will advertise to a like amount Address WILLIAM E. SIMMONS, Address, ISAAC B. PILGRIM, Proprietors. Lawrenceviiie Ga. Sept. 30, 1858. NOTICE. The meeting of the Grand Division of the Sens ou Temperance will take place on the Wednesday in October, instead of the 2d Wednesday, ns’ reported in th* proceedings of the last mec'mg of'the Grand Div 1 THOMAS'M.-xJUIRE, G. W. P. The subjoined,ls a list of the officers of the Grand Division of the State of Georgia : THOMAS MAGUIRE, G. W. P. Rockbridge Ga. 3>. P. JONES, G. W. A. PalmettoTGr. J. Cr C. BURNETT, G. S. Macon, Ga. G. J. LOYD, G. T. Columbus, Ga. WM. HOUSER, G. C . Speir’s Turn-out J. H. BOSTICK G. C. “ F. A. POLHIL. G. S. Louisville, Ga. RESOLUTION OF THE Gj D. OF FLORIDA. Dear Sir and Brother: The Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance of the State of Florida met in quarterly session, on the Bth of April last, and during its session, among other resolutions passed, was the fob lowing: Resolved, That tliia Grand Division adopt lire Tem per ante Crusader, oi'Penfield, Ga. as its organ, and that we recommend subordinate Divisions throughout the Itate to subscribe to the same. — ; OFFICEES ERA?>J LUiffiE KNIUETS CF JEIUUIO. TBRM Gj? OFFICJB GATING FROM 9TII SEPT. ISO3. W. D. WILLIAMS, of Macon, G W C GEO. I. FLOYD, of Columbus, ~ G WV 7 C WM. G. FORSYTH, of Atlanta, C W Ree MS. B. BAIN, of Butler, G W M E. FOSTER, sr. of Mt. Carmel, GW S I Rrr JAMES GRIFFITH, of Butler. G W Chap I E. M. PENDLETON, of Sparta, GW PC J. S. PETERSON, of Atlanta, G W P C AUGVHTA WHOLESALE PlilCE CUK !h\T. IUM.-xa, (pm 19 yd IT @lB iROx. Swe f- . $ r>y, *>cox, Hams lb 10 @l2 hire ...~p *t> a# @ 4 Sh’ol’sWlb 8 @ 8 Laud... Sib ll#<7>n2# CiYS.fflb 10 V t Lead, bar Sth 8 @‘J B> B#@ 0 Shot.... .& bagl‘2 ’ BvTTr-B, Gosti.fl R> 22 @3O Slolassss, Cuti $} gill iso fir. 82 Cnt’.vg ft 14 @l6 N. O. Syr. ‘■s kb 142 @45 C*m>MW,AJ..y 1b 22 @25 Nails fc 4# @4# Bpm ■& lb 45 @SO Oils, Sperm gnl>2 ‘ @ !}# Obskss, Eug.J? sh 13 @ls Lamp, ..ft gal .*1 @l# CorrKß, ttio.. 15 12 @l3 ‘Train (jl “al 75 @ .. fATHKM.....gib 85 @37# Li:.4e*,1..|.*.-J 1 10@ - rmm, M-ick. I.# 1,1 sl6 @l9 C.-umr.. 82 <r 15 No. 2.% to 15 @IT JRic* .MV> 4# >2 20 Larger, 2a @22 { Rope, himsß.. &lb 7 . ’* lji 75 &18 , Machine"# lb ’ @ 7Jvi Uemngs ..y-,ox @sl 1 Raisins $ i>r <s# @ S#. RAix,con,..‘ptn To,. @7O jStCAxs, N.-0.. ,*f3# @s4 @llO I - A .!i @lo# U-.-aWbu. 90 @ 106 I Loaf... Alb S# @ 9 Si 1 * ¥bu 40 m//) , ! Cruat 41b 13 @ D Vbu oil @(! ) ; ;. ow V>% <u\ 18 ..ftk s# @ 7 j, .CCatM ft, 11 @l2# : laitiugt# ks# @ 0 “ . #-•• -11 11V j: 111 fWMauu. *&tnm ‘ • !b lo# @ll tpvp-, rsKFiELn, asoiiuiA. th# ,)f tllis has sspstik & ** LETTER-PRESS HUNT-INIf —snciils—■ -i l .BOOKS. PROMISSORY r ‘i! -dC PAMPHLETS, NOTES, i CARDS, BANK CHECKS. 7 4s ! CIRCULARS, LABELS, 3fb -XL lIAND-BILLS. ALL KINDS OF /\ IJAW BLANKS vY.'WWAY and . for. attornevs. wiSF 3 EDS, sheriffs, if ’stuntes Mr ; I jOKLTS, AND BAILIFFS.. I () N LY two IX)LBAILS of the money’ you j nk f ß| T d r Qr cocktaii! '’ or litli nothing*, will P y or tne Crksader twelve month*. | LETTERS. -APPLICATJOJV FOR AMD DISMISSOIIV. ( JEOItGIA, Gil BENE COUNTY. —W hereap * * William Eugliah, administrator upon ot Ann R| EiigliMh, clt'ueased,petitions ibo Court ot Ordi narv <tt said county lor letters ffismissory from said es tate*. “ ’rhese are tjierclore to cite and admoiush till persons concerned to be and uppear at the Court ot Ordinary to be held in arid fpr said county on the first Monday in December hex 1, fo’ show cause (il any they have) why said administnvtor -should not then be discharged. Given under my hand at ottice m Crcenesl,oro May loth, 1858; EUGENIUS L. KING, Urd. EORGIA, GBEENE COUNTY.—Whcreus U Thomas R. Thornton and William A. Overton, ad mini stra tors upon ttre estate of \ iticeut 11. 1 llornton, deceased, petition the Court ojf Ordinary of said county lor letters ol Dismission from said estate: . These therefore to cite dud admonish all persons concerned, to show’ cause (if any they have) why said administrators should not be discharged at the Court ot Ordinal y to ho hem in and for said county, on the first Monday in December next. Given under my hand at office in Greenesbero, May 10th. 1858. EUGENICS L. KING, Ord. ( A EORGI A . GBEENE COUNTY.—W h e teas Philip 15. Itobinspn, administrator upon the estate ot-Gcorge P. Nickelson, deceased, petitions the Court ot Ordinary tor said county for letters Dismissory from said estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all poisons concerned, to show cause (if any they have) why said administrator should not be discharged at the Court ot Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in December next. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro, May 10th, 1858 EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. Georgia, greenß county.—whereas Isaac A. Williams and Robert C. Bowden, admin istrators upon the estate of Jane Bowden, deceased, petition the Court of Ordinary for*aid county lor Let ters Disinissory from said estate : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested, to show cause (it any they have),why said administrators.should not be discharged nt the Court ol Ordinary to be held in and lor said county on the second Monday in January, 1859. Given under my hand a i office in Greenesboro, June 28th, 1858. [July 1] EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. CYBORG LA, GREENE COUNTY: Whereas f’o * lurnbus L. Burk, administrator upon the estate ot Charles J. Burk, deceased,,petitions the Court ol Ordi nary for iletters Dismissory liorn paid es.tnte,: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause (il jutv Uiey lutve) why said administrator should not be discharged at the court of Ordinary to be held in and tor said county on the 2d Monday, in January, 1859. Given under my hand at office in Greunesboro’ Julv 5, 1858. July 8-6 m EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. C|EORGIA, GREENE COUNTY.—W h ore as ’ William W. Brooks, executor of the last will and testament of Richard Olive, deceased, petitions the Court of Ordinary ot said county for letters of dismis sion : These are and admonish all persona concerned to show cause (if any they have) why sabd executor should not be discharged at. the Court of Ordi nary to be and for said county on the first M on day in April, 1859. Given under my hand at office in Sept 13th, 1858. . EUGENIUS L. KING, Ord. Sept It! G m (GEORGIA, GREENE COUNTY.—W hore a s James Watson, administrator upon t T ,ie estate oi Mrs. Martha Watson, deceased, petitions the Court oi Ordinary of said-county for Letters Dismissory from said estate: Those are therefore to cite and tranvonish all persons concerned to show cause (if any the# liavc) why said administrator should not bo .discharged at flic Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said, county on tli# first Monday in April, 1859. Given under m.y hand at office in Greenesbot#. Sep tember 22d. 1858. EUGENIUS L. KING, Sept 30, 1858 Ordinary. r J EOIiG lA, GREEN E COUNTY.- -W liereas ‘-J James Watson, administrate*- de bon's non, with the will annexed, npij! the estate of William Watson, deceased, jietuions the-Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory from said estate: T hese are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to show cause (if any tiiey have) why said administrator should not be discharged at tlie Court of Ordinary to be held in and lor said county on the first Monday in April, 1859. Given under my hand tdt office in Greenesboro. Sep tember 22d, 1858. EUGENIUS L. KING, Sept 30, 1858 Ordinary. (-] EORUIA, GRUENE COUNTY.—W hereas j James W. .Tac.kaon applies for the guardianship of ; the persons and property of William G. Champion, Henrietta L. Ch ampion, Amaritta C. Champion, Rich ard Champion q n d Talula T. Champion, orphans, (un der fourteen ssjars of age,) of Jesse W. Champion, de ceased : The-.-e a,-6 therefore to cite aud'admonish all persons interested, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in December next, to show cause why said letters should not then be granted. Given under my hand at office in Greenesboro, Octo- U>r lbth.Jßf.B. EUGENIUS L. KING, Oct 2l*& Ordinary. Q.EORGLY GREENE COUNTY.—AY herons William W. Moore applies for t’. o guardianship of the persons and property of Havilah Howell and Wil liam J. Howell, orphans, (under fourteen years of age,) of John J. Iloweff, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in December next, to show cause why said letters should not then be grained. Given under my band at office No vember Ist,. 1858. EUGENIUS L. KING, | Nov 1 Ordinary. TWO MONTHS after date, application will be ~ made lo the Court of Ordinary of Greene county, for sell a portion of the real estate o! James F. Billingslea, deceasiw!. Sejj'SO, 1858 #C. J. BILLINGSLEA, Adm’x. * XjJXECU TOR’S SALE.—WiII be sold, on the Bth A December next, at the late residence of James Carlton, deceased, the household and kitchen furniture, Corn, fodder, oats, horses, hogs, cows, &c. and stock of all kinds. Terms on the day of sale. Nov 1 R, G..&L. D. CARLTON, Ex’rs. TuMINISTRiTOR’S fykLjOl-Will be sold be - r'. to [ e tie Court-house door in Atlanta, Fulton co. ■qrtgfgally Hcprypon tfie first Tuesday in Decemboi next, two hundred and two and a half acres of lanfTNU, 209, adio;a i•! g’ t!’- e’la n ands ofW. C. Alsabrook andoißM” s , iU - part ofthe estate of Martin Wc*#<itd]’ dcceasm. and sold under an order of the Court 1 rjjmtdr nary of ‘J'aliaJbrro countv. Terms oil the dav .101i.\#0N WOODALL, f A SINGLETON. HARRIS, j Adia’rs. Oet. .1-1-£od A I S I L XLSTK^i! ,irS SAUE.^ —’Will be . sold in . McDonough, lidnry county, Tuesday tn Decen >ur next, wuhtn .-hours of sale, the west half of lot of land No.- 210, one hundred and one and a quarter uctes, r 40J . 0 iessj in the 12th ia net of Henry county. u hdcwihe incumbrance ,• Edower, attd under nan rf dcr of tho Court of Ordinary of Newton r.ouaty, as prr 7p ' erfjr of tlie estate#f Thomas SHELLY DOWNS, Adm’r. SALE.—WiII bo sold . c “) ei , K Greenesboro, Greene ,ii. b’ue first Tuesday ih December next, within of tiieG .ours of .sale, and in accordance with an order and T JUtt.of Ordinary for said county, One Hundred | ’ <sn AcVes of Land, more or less, lying on the wa , ‘ of Ogeechce, adjoining lands of George S. Tunnel, A. Williams and others. Sold as the property of Joseph Grimes, deceased, for the benefit ot the heirs of said deceased. ‘Perms bp the dav of sale. ISAAC A. WILLIAMS, Adm’r Otct, 11, 185gf . de bonis non. 11.1 it.. mi imi— ■— nniT rr-yrrmT;- inr ir 1 r f~n rt—i ‘ ‘ ‘ M"i -1 AJOTICE.— All persons indebted to the estate -> i ol Jaffies Curltcmvfate of: Greene County, deceas cu .'nre i\poHeated u> come forward and settle ; and those having dcnintfLl; will prescut.thdni in terms of the law, Nov ! ‘ .R. G. &L, D. CARLTON, Ex’rs. jgf&flUU fii CfGf j trt. masoNk; institute. ■ t . ;/ rtf'.■{! fr- - ” Joliu K. Leak, Al B. Pres’t.; next Term if this 1 ftstitution will open on the Ist Wednesday in January, 1859, with a full and able Faculty, fi r the reception’ of Students, both male arid-femaje. We have .ft commodious building, and the k leiety. vater and healthfttlnese of the locality are uitsjir|)assedin the y.tute. /I'lip. equrse of study.,is thorough and exu-nsi vo in hath d(!]iai tinonts, including ail branches taggntf in tUo Male and Female Colleges. Board $8 per inoni liV-Tuition reasonable. Wo can ; and will make it to the interest Af all who patronise the Institution. ‘Undents will come by railroad to Now j * Ga- tltertrefiy/private cpiiveyanee t > Carrollton, j For lu*ther partwalore address John K. Leak, Car Ga, W W. MERRELL, W. M. . J. T. MEADOR, S. W. : Got 14-*cy B. M LONG. J. W, j No,ember i, Is” I i -r— —•— _2L P A DVERTISING, honestly, freely and system- M aticaily, is now recognised as opr- of the sure . *:■ --.'A- j-cßiusuEo av the ‘ ; '>U SODTIRKBtf.PWW, Wo. 229 King Street, Charleston, S. t, | | < m s ‘ A liberal discount made to Booksellers, Colpor teurs, Ministers and Sunday Schools, for cash remittan ces, satisfactory notes or reference. #33-SMITH 4- WJuIdEN, Depository Agents, will mad any Book ordered from this list, on receipt of the price annexed. ‘’ A MANUAL OF THEOLOOY, By Rev J L Dauo, DD ot Ga. Second edition. Bvo 379 pp. Price $1 50. JuiS'A work of great value lor all Christians, especially every Minister of the Gospel. f ■ , From the Christian Review. ‘•The want has long been felt of a manual of Theol °y adapted to tlie instruction of that large and rapidly increasing class, lay preachers, sabbath school teachers, colporteurs, young ministers who are thrust into the woik (Bthout time or means for more extensive study ; in short, intelligent Christians, who have neither the time nor tastefor protracted investigation. This book seems to us, after a careful examination, better suited to supply this want than we are acquainted with.” r BOWEN’S CENTRAL AFRICA. Adventures and Missionary Labors in several coun tries in the interior of Africa, from 1840 to 1856, by Rev T J Bowen. 12mo 359 pp. With ah engraved Map of Yoruba—Price one dollar. DR. HOWELL’S WORKS. The Way of Salvation—By fe.BC Howei.x, DD Fifth edition. I2mo pp 336—Price 75 cents. THE CROSS. By Rev R B c Howell, DD author of “ Wav ol Salvation,” “Evils ofjnfantßaptism,” etc. I6rao PP 218 —Price 50 ecu It. 5 THE COVENANTS. By Robert Boyt C llowell, D D pastor of the Main-st (Second Baptist) Church, Richmond, Va author of “ Terms of Communion,” “ The Deacon shijj,” “The wxy of Salvation,” “The Evils ot Infant Baptism,*’ “ The Cross,” &.c. X2ino pp 144—price 45 cents. EVILS OK INFANT BAPTISM. , By Rev KT*B C Howell, D D—Fifth edition. 16mo pp 310—price 50 cents. A DISCUSSION ON METrfODIST EPISCOPACY, Between Rev JIE llamill, of rbe Altrbama Confer ence, and Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Tuskegee, and Rev Samuel Bki>erson, pastor ol the Tuskegee Baptist Chureh, and editor ot the South-Western Baptist. Piib’ died at the mtctual “equest of Baptists and MethodiKs. 12mo pp 400 —price sl. THE GRACE OF GOD MAGNIFIED, By II E Taliaferro, junior editor of tho South-Wes tern Baptist, Tuskegee, Ala—with an introductory essay, by Rev B Maklt, D D. 16m© pp 96—price 25 cents. THE CASKET: A Collection of Church Music, comprising selections from the celebrated masters, besides a large amount of new music. By G O Robinson, of Charleston, S. C. assisted by J B Woodbury of New York, pp 352—Second edition—price one dollar. “We gladly commend to our readers this new book of sacred music.” SERMONS BY, REY. J. J. FINCH, Os North Carolina, 12mo pp 314——With portrait ol the author, and memoir of his life—price 75 cents. BAPTISM AND TERMS OF COMMUNION, By Rev Richard Fuller, DD—Fourth edition, 16mo pp 252—price 50 cents. SOCIAL VISITS; Or, a few chesnuts for the children, and a Dinner for the Old Folks, by Uncle Charles, author ol Sim ple Rhymes—lßmo pp 229—price 40 cents. DUTIES OF CHURCHES TO THEIR PASTORS, By Rev I*ranklin Wilson of Baltimore: third edi tion : 18mopp 108—price 25 cents. DUTIES OF PASTORS THEIR CHURCIIEIS, By Rev T G Jones? Norfolk, Va: second edition! 18mo pp 104—Price 25 cents. DUTIES OF®ASTERS OJO SERVANTS ; Three Prize Essays, by Rev II N McTyeire, RetT C r Sturgis and Rev A T Holmes : l6mo pp 151 —price 35 cents. .. ‘ BAPTISM IN ITS MODE AND SUBJECTS, By Proie|gor P II Mell, University of Georgia: second emtion : lGjno pp'3oo—price 50 cents. RESTRICTED COMCMUNION; Or Baptism an Es'jtuntial Pre-Requisite to the Lard’s Supper, by Rev J JB Taylor: fifth edition, revise*,! and enlarged ; 18ino cloth, pp 99 —price 25 cents. TALES FOR.THE YOUNGi First series. The Pious Mother and her Dutiful Daughter; or, the Lives of Emi2y lloss and Ellen Mervkvby the author of the Lo 3t Found,and Clara C. Sent —3s cents. POETRY AND PROSE FOR TJ3E YOUNG. Tie First and Last Oath, with other stories, by Catr oline^oward— 30 cents. BAPTIST PSALMODY. “ 40,000 copies sold. A selection of Hymns for the Worship of God, by Rev B asil Manly, DD and Rev Basil Manly, Jr—722 pp*. Pew Edition, 12mo sheep, 75 vents ; Roan, $1 ; Turkey, fall gill, $2,50; Turkey, full gilt, with rffasp, 3,00; Velvet, with clasp, 5 to 5,50. Poch / Edition, 32m0 Sheep, 50 cents; Roan, 75 ccuts; Tuck, gilt edges, $1,25; Turkey, full gilt, 1,50?, Turkey, full gilt, with clasp, 2 ; Velvet, severah styles, from 3,50 to 4. NOTES AND QUESTIONS For tb e instruction of c olored people, with appropriate Texts and Hymns, 1 jy Rev E T Winkler, pastor ol the First Baptist Chifirch, Charleston, with an ing trodu.ction by James*, Tuppee, Esq. 18mo 134 pf— ptricc 15c. SLVIPLE RHYMES IN FAMILIAR CON VERSA TIONSr-FOR CHILDREN, By Rev C D Mall ary, DD I6mo —price 25 cents. Y March 18, 1858. • “yW, LOY Elt*S OF GOOD THINGS, FRESH AND PURE, TUSI’ give ‘• Okl Mac’ a call- fee’s always ready . I ‘> supply the wants of those wli may favor him witli pAtronage. Whai’ll you have? A saucer ol^Cream. A Lemonade, Oranges & Bananas, [Peaeans & Peanuts. Candies nnd Cokes, jStews, Fries, Bakes, Col’ rado & Ch’ ’BnclCer& Iluvanas, lnsunorshade< ‘Old Mae’s’ th’ team that can lurnish just whjit you mny lovel at short nouico Call, exnmiiie and sat. He may still he found at his old place. Greenesboro, June 16, 1858 D. Mc-DONALD. For £ale on the First of December. rPtvo Blundrnd ntirf Twenty-five Acre* of 1 Land, more or less, within a half inijo of the corpo rate limits ol the town of; Penlield. Oil the premises are iilty acres of No. 1 era >k bottom land, and. a suffi cient quantity of wood to k eep up the place for farming purposes. I, will divide th|e place into convemient lots to suit purchasers. . Also, about two hundn id barrels ol corr%, fodder, shucks, cows, horses, pork and stock hogs, farming utensils, household and kiu hen furniture, &.c. &c. It not disposed of privately, the strove propa r ty will be offered to the Highest biflder. on the first day ol De cember next. ROBERT J. MASS EY. Oct 21, 1858 ( WiHis’llrteiT AT TilE OLD STAND* is still open M JMSSM, 1C the^ 1 e j cei j ti< " l :, ‘ nd f uccojtnodfliien pt tra v ronage, shall receive every attent^jUMssary.’ Greenesboro, FO, •-, iW.‘ J >■ a i “wUmmUifeir J An Earnest Appeal. NECESSITY compels me to make earnest appeal to those who are indebted to roe for 1856 and ’57, for help. I need money to carry on my busi ness, and a small sum from each one is past due, would make me easy. Shall I appeal in vain ? “ July 8 W. B. SEALS. NEW GOODS! dJ ua. S3 Oiocs'oaNrassis* CHEAP! Greenesboro, Sept. 1858.* B. F. G]V RENE. r I “'HOSE INDEBTED to the firm of McWhorter & Armstrong, are hereby notifiedthat their notesai o accounts 31UST be settled by the first of Decembt-. Longer delay will subject all such to the mortification of a visit from the proper officer. Bear in mind, friends, we are compelled to have the money. Sept 16—2 m McW. &A. BROOM & NORRELL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, ‘ ARE notv purchasing one of the largest and most elegant slocks of Fall and Winter DEY 6001)8 that will be brought to this market this season, which will he bought under circumstances that will guarantee the purchase upon the very best terms, and will there fore enable us to sell them at such Unprecedentedly Low Prices that they cannot be undersold, and will DEFY ALL COMPETITION, AS TO QUALITY, STYLE AND PRICE. And as our rule of business is, AND NO •ofciwrjESj isr** 5SR.':r:3 jhtc: DEVIATION, no one will pay over market price, as the rule forces the seller to ask the lowest market price, and protects the buyer. Therefore, 11 you wish goods at low prices, Go to BROOME & MORRELL'S. ft you like fair and open dealing, Go to BROOME & MORRELL’S. If you dislike a dozen prices for the same article, and prefer “ one price,” Go to BROOME & MORRELL’S. It you don’t like to be “ baited one article, and pay doubly on another, Go to BROOME & MORRELL'S. In fact, if you wish to buy cheap goods, get good value for your money, and trade where you like to deal, and be pleased to see your friends, Go to BROOME & MORRELL’S ONE PRICE STORE: - August 2, 1858 HHHE firm of COE & LATIMER is this day dis solved by mutual consent. H. A. COE, Greenesboro, May Ist, 1858 J. S. LATIMER. The practice will be continued by who will visit Oxford. Penfield, White Plains, Mount Zion, Warrenton, Elberton, Danielsville Fort Lamar, ol which due notice will be given inthe Crusader and Gazette. Permanent office in J. CUNNINGHAM S BLOCK, GREENESB 0 11 0 . May 13, 1858 tjanl THE Georgia Educational Journal, THE TEACHER’S FRIEND and PUPIL’S ASSISTANT, “PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN QUARTO FORM, ■L in FORSYTH, GA. at $2 00 for one year, or $1 00 or 6 mo. Every , in Georgia ought to have this paper. Address ‘Georgia Educational Journal,’ Forsyth, Ga. GEO. T. WILBURN, M. D. Editor. Feb 18, 1858 ly MONROE FEMALE UNIVERSITY, Forsyth, Georgia, 1858. gpf rpms INSTITUTION LS ONEgpp|||| Mm X of the most flourishing Female* J $ f |! Schools in Georgia ; it has a Faculty of 9 able and ex perienced teachers, three of whom are graduates of “ Mercer University.” The Spring Term has opened with nparly 100 pupils. The daughters of indigen Bap tist Ministers educated without charge for tuition. Pu pils will be received at any stage of advancement .md at any time of the term and charged from the time of entrance. Spring Term began January 18, and will end on the 3d Wendesdayin July. Feb 18, 18574* R. T. ASBURY, Sec. Fac. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, HAVE, for six years past, been doing a heavy GROCER Y,PRODUCE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, and take this method of saying to the readers oi the Crusader that Atlanta, as a produce market, is unequalled in Georgia ; and they are still determined, by prompt and faithful attention to all or ders, to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to them. Orders for Bacon, Lard, Corn, Flour, Feathers, Groceries, Factory Goods, fyc. must be accompanied with the cash or satisfactory ref erences. [Atlanta, June 3—6 mos P)RS. MORGAN & McGREGOR, .1 Surgeon and Mechanical Dentists, Ga. would inform the citizens of Greene and adjoining counties, that they are prepared to perform any operation pertaining to their profession, with nentncsß and despatch. They will insert from one to an entire set of teeth, which, for beauty, durability, coinfort and masticating, will compare with any either in this country or in Eu rope. It ie their intention to please, and where perfect satisfaction is not given, they will make no charge. , Any call from the country that may be tendered them will meet with their prompt attention. W. MORGAN, * L. W. McGREGOR. Tbov teder to Dr. John B. Murphey, of Rome, Ga. Dr, G. B. Lombard, Athens, “ Sept 2, 1858. n. c2';hes<* SURGEON & MECHANICAL DENTIST, YI/OULD inform his friends tlmt he will be back in November and attend S*-‘-t£sj7 td his engagements at White Plains, Mt. Zion, Oxford and Penfield. May 13, 1858- tfjan Dr. W. L. M. HARRIS, ‘ s o/"'iRATEFU L to the good citizens of Pen fyVJ field and vicinity, for the liberal confidence and encouragement given him, respectfully contin ues a tender of his professional services to them. Dr. R. j. Massey his former partner in the practice, will, with pleasure, uttend any call, at any time, that mav he made while ’Pi* H. is professionally engaged IX.WW. lK.jL.jjyT . Mrd, II.IBJB VI. “a E DURHAM, thankful for the fjfU lioeral patronage received in the past, takes nl<, o flure in announcingthat he still oflms his Pitt* ®IrONAL SERfICEa to the CITIZENS OF nkfiMPf i) AND VICINITY. atthe old store of Wiilbum & McWhorter, on JfsLwfet where heunay at all tunes bo found, when engaged. j an 28 ~ lv ’ AT GOST! uubscribetvWuh.a view to cfLing his husi- I ness is now offering his entire stock of mer n’r cost Anyone in vraj&t,-Cd a bargain, ei- Gtmds, Dmss Goods, Ready-made Cloth ri.t* Gaai Boots,Shoes, Drugs, Medicines, Crock i -rv* Hollow And’ Willow Wares, &e., &c., will do well to eaKd examine my Stock, before purchasing Peuficld, Aug. 5 ;*WM. B. SEALS, .. " Z’ f -ii nML ■ ■ **L C *tiff ?• r - GEOSQE * BKO. Piano Fortes, Books, Music, Ac- &c- Broad st. between the V. S. and Glebe Hattlt, j AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, ] RESPECTFULLT invite the attention pf their friends and the public generally, to their large Md well selected stock of fflfPff I, PIANO from the following celebrated manufactories, for which they are sole agents, viz: Bacon & Raven, A, H. Gale & Cos tiazletou St Brothers, New York, and Halleto, Davis & Cos. Boston, which, for sweetness of tone and durability, cannot be excelled. It is useless to say more in their favor, as they are too well known to need puffing. Piano Fortes of any Maker or style ordered, at the lowest prices. Their assortment of Music is very large. Also, always on hand, a supply of Melodeons, Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Accord’ns. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF “ f BRASS INSTRUMENTS, suitable for a full Band, besides every thing in the ■ SiCS ‘□£l S3 a Cfl* £L IXX o JE®"AII the New Books and Music received as soon ; as published. at a distance ordering from us, can de- I pend upon getting a*good article, as we make it a point f to keep goods of the best quality, and such as we can recommend and warrant in every respect, N. B.—For the satisfaction ol persons who may want to order, not having an opportunity of visiting the city, we refer, with pleasure, to the following gentlemen, who have purchased from us, and who have cheerfully al lowed their names to be used. Hundreds could be added, but space will not allow it: Dr Ale.r Means, former President College Rev J H Echols, “ “ Mad Fern College Dr E E Jones, Madison, Ga Judge iV L Hutchins, Lawrenceville J Ij Reid, Esy Eatonton, Ga IF Gatewood , Esq Putnam Cos Ga May 12, 1855 ly RICH EMBROIDERIES. have just received a very large assortment French Worked Collars, SWISS AND JACONET BANDS, Swiss and Jaconet Trimmings, SWISS & -JACONET FLOUNCINGS, PL’M &EMBB’DLINEN COLLARS, I ctrge as'tment pl’n & omb. L. C. FLlkfs , Rich Ch’ly LACEVEI LS.newstyles. -also— Rich Silk and Lace Mantillas, LINEN DUSTERS ; rich Organdie Muslins, Low priced LAWNS; white BRILLIANTS, Plain and checked NAINSOOKS, “ “ JACONETS, “ “ CAMBRICS, “ “ MULLS. These goods having been recently bought at a great reduction on the market price, will be sold correspond ingly low ; and a portion of them having been bought of the manufacturer about 50 per cent, less than they could have been bought at any auction sale, they will be sold lower than the same quality of goods have ever been offered at in this city. Our stock is otherwise well assorted, and offers rare inducements in the way of LOW PRICES. All of which w r e will le pleased to exhibit at our O NE PRICE STORE. Aug 12 BROOM & NORRELL. an® j MfflS! DANFORD &. BAILY’S Patent Non'Explosive, Self Generating ots-uan 1 .. cpiTE public is now favored with the best and “ Most Economical Light” that can be produced. Among the various experiments to approximate artifi cial light to the pure and mellow light ol the natural sun, none have pioved successful until the Non-explo sive, Sell-generating GAS LIGHT was invented. This light is adapted to churches, hotels, vessels, rail roads, colleges, private dwellings, and in fact everywhere, where there is a light needed—and only requires atria to test its Superior Advantages over all others- The substance used in generating Gas is the common burning fluid, and the burner is so simple iP its con struction that it requires but little time and ingenuity to ueep it in good running order. The burner forms its own gas, being evaporisive and decomposed by its own col orification. Unlike the ordinary fluid-lamp, it does not throw off uncondoned carbon, but it forms from the fluid i PURE HYDRO-CARBON GAS’— all oi which is conveyed through the generator, not leaviug any substance to escape unconsumed. Our Patent Burner can be fitted to any ordinary fluid lamp or oil lamp, without the least possible danger of explosion, as they are so constructed that to explode one of them would be utterly impossible. Thev are considered, by thousands wdto are using them, to be as safe, if not safer, than the oil lamp or candle, as there are no sparks flying from the flame, and gives precisely th? same shaped light as you get from coal gas. We wish it to be distinctly understood, that the gas lamp will give the same amount of light as seven first quality stearine candles, FOR ONLY ONE CENT. PER HOUR. —— The subscribers having purchased the exclusive right to sell the above Lamp in the Cou.-ty of Greene, would respectfully inform their friends and the public that they will have, in a few days, a large assortment of Parlor, Hall, Store, Office and Studying Lamps, at all prices. Also, a large number es tlie PATENT BURNER, when they will be prepared to fit them to Old Lamps oi everv description. A. L. Johnson & Cos Greenesboro’ Ga. May 1, 1858. & BASin’B REASONS why the Grover & Baker Machine is universally preferred for family sewing: 1.. It is more simple and easier kept in order than any other machine. 2d. It makes"a seam which will not rip or ravel, though every third stitch is cut. 3d. It eews from t (vo ordinary spools; and thus, all trouble of winding thread is avoided, while the same machine can be adapted at pleasure, by a mere change of spool, to all varieties of work. 4th. The same machine runs silk, linen thread and common spool cotton with equal facility. sth. The seam is as elastic as the most elastic fabric so that it is free from all liability to break in washing, ironing or otherwise. 6th. The stitch made by this machine is more beau tiful than any other made, either by hand or machine. For sale by THOS. P. STOVALL, April 29—ts Augusta, Ga. PENFIELD AND GREENESBORO Mm mm* LTACKS or any desired accommo -H dation, waiting the arrival of each train. Passengers for Penfield, Scull Shoals, Dr. Dur ham’s, Watkinßviile, Watson’s Springs or any other point, will be carried thither safely and promptly. Passengers from any of these points desiring to meet any of the trains, can find like accommodation. Prices moderate. Good horses and conveyances, with or without dri ver. CASH will be required. I have Horseo end Buggies for hire at my stable in Penfield. H. NEESON, Jr. July 15, 1858 -MANUFACTURER Os- Saddles, Harness, Trunks, &c. &c. rv . TTAS permamently established * f himself in the Town of PEN FIELD. Ho is in receipt of a jSmMm l ine JLot of Material, /ilinilllt ant * constantly keep on hand a ’ 11 good assortment ol Wagon, Coach & Buggy Harness O of lIIS OWN and the host NOR THMAN MAKE. ‘ . ... All JOBS put up in the most workmanlike man ner and of the best material. . \®@ r -Repniring done ** the shortest notice. Jan 28, 1858 _ cUres au All ANTE ED! C'ANCCUtS AND RCRprCI.A CURED. - ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN CA&S CURED LAST YEAR, ISST. PAMPHLETS containing testimonial* ct the highest character, as to his success, will lie forwar ded to any that mav wish <hem. Those wishing to teat the vmcMcv of DR. CLOP TON’S WONDERFUL REMEDIES, must give a correct description oi the proß '*“’ A three cent postage stamp must accompanv all com iTaswr:t/- A - c, ' o e255’J5;V - PLUMB & LEtTNER, ’ Druggists Apothecaries, * + : UUtl Augusta, Ga. . Wholesale and Retail Dealers m — - PURE Medicines, Chemicals, Drugs, Paints, Oils, X. French and American Window Glass, Varnishes Putty, Paint Mills, Gold Foil, Gold Leaf, Sponge choice Brandies and Wines for medical purposes, Fine Shaving and Tcilet Soap, Foreign and Domestic Hand kerchief Extracts and Cologne Water, Ground Spices, Flavoring Extracts, Landreth’s Garden Seeds— Together with every other article usually kept in their line-all of which they offer at Wholesale and Retail, on as liberal terms as cam be had at any other establish ment. Jan 22 1858 j v Fall and Winter Styles! SI Hats, Caps. Botnets, * —AT WHOLESALE tsn RETAIL.- GEO. W. FERRY is now prepared to greet his cas^ tomers with a No. 1 assortment of Gent's fall style Mole.skiuc and Cassiroere Hats, *\ “ “ French and American Felt “ Youths’“and boys’ Hate and Caps, every variety Children’s fancy Hats and Caps, elegant styles, Silk, velvet, cheneal, lace and Straw Bonnets, Biik, Scotch gingham nd paragon Umbrellas, Men’s and Boyar Wool Hats, groat variety of quality and style. These goods are direct from the manufacturer*, made expressly for this market, and can bo sold as low as the same goods can be bought anywhere. ('ALL AND SEE. mi). W. FERRY, Masonic Jlall Buildings, Sept 23, 18'8 1 Augusta, RENTED toTopce the Moustaeho and a W v v Whiskers to grow strong arid luxuriant in eneU ffimonth, where there was none before. It will not stynM nor injure the skin. One Dollar per bottle. Sent ton parts of the country, onjrcecipt of the price. Address DR. S. P. SHELDON, June 10, 1858 Cm Mew York City. JACKSON STREET HOSPITAL AND Surgical Infirmary l Negroes AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. THE undersigned would respectfully call the atten tion of Planters and Slave-owners generally, to their \ very complete and extensive establishment in Augusta Georgia, for the accommodation of Negroes requiring Surgical Operations or Treatment in Chronic Diseases and also Female Diseases so common to Negroes. The building is situated corner of Jackson and Fer wick streets, between the Georgia and the S&vannaa Rail Road Depots, and in sight of both. It is, therefore convenient for the reception of patients from a distance In its construction, throughout the entire plan, waskei in view the special purposes to which it is applied ; be ing furnished with every thing which can conduey-to the Comfort of the Sick. It is supplied with Hot tad Cold, and Shower Baths, and lias Water Closets in eaca story, to avoid fatigue and exposure t* the patients. I is also well ventilated and lighted with gas. With the constant attendance of male and female nurses, the pa tient will be saved much of the suffering w hich, too often, is the result of unavoidable neglect in the tgrat ment of negroes in ordinary private practice. Terms. —For Board, lodging and nursing, per month, $lO. For all necessary medical attendance, surgica operations, &c. the same as in ordinary city practice. addressed to us at this place will nice with prompt attention. 11. F. CAMPBELL, Surgeon. R. CAMPBELL, Attending Fhystcian. Augusta, Feb 5, 1858 ly Dropsy Cured. THE undersignod proposes to cure Dropsy every description. He can be seqn personally five miles south of Union Point, or addressed by letter to Union Point, Greene county, Ga. The Medicine can be sent anywhere by rail road, with directions for giving it, or I will attend personally, if requested, and paid for my trouble. I will buy negroes afflicted with Dropsy, or cure them, as the owner may prefer. Satisfactory ref erences given, if desired. MILES G. BROOME. State of Georgia, Greene County: This is to certify that my father had a negro mqti af flicted with Dropsy in 1853 ; he had been treated by se veral physicians without any cure, w hen he applied to M. G. Broome for his remedy, which cured him. He is still living and in good health. Jan 21, 1858. HENRY CHAMPION. Union Point, Greene Cos May 14,1857 j V * Dr. McLANE’S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE AMU -V. LIVER PILLS. Vwof the best Preparations orths Af. They are not recom mended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name pur ports. The Vermifuge, for expelling Worms from’ the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory results to various animals subject to Worms. The Liver Pills, for the cure of Liver Com plaint, all Bilious De rangements, Sica Heai> ache, &c. Purchasers will please be particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and FORTES, Liver Pills, prepared by S'Lmwacj Axih. sole proprietors, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take no other, as there are various other pieparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. All others, in comparison with Dr. McLane’s, arc worthless. The genuine McLanc’s Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at all respectable I}ru<r Stores. FLEMING BRO’§ ; 60 Wood St., Pittsburgh* Pa. * } ” „ Sole Proprietors. LLr S our4sr. “SStfSEk Millt-dgeviHc. I JJ; R ; j ;. ;;;;;;;• : A? B8 -’ C. H. ANMEWS iCT ........„ , w'S’^’^iipnN::'::::::::;:: ilST®'-