The Georgia literary and temperance crusader. (Atlanta, Ga.) 18??-1861, July 11, 1861, Image 1

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i .m. I'MKNt NaolivlMe. MIts. L. VIRGINIA FRENCH. Imw. She v«rt.» aotSahly ahoertovd % her Jof M the r-oaowy W h«r •on, to WsJ M« f*r vMTo Hto; “ *kto vMywWfot" ebe a*4ed. fbaeiwft th.l Zoo *%*«#■». “ 1 *fV pf * lw ***• wk " lilll M called •I i li«* litvi ttmi • • n-pirat inn -Wtorlf •I 1**4 tor* hereotf »«•;, tonvteg U child up •a the gallery, a# agowod nfea <«oa afUr, the aoighbertowwd Via dtooirille.i *i i be kU'lJe* di**ippneTtWto ef young Mr- N»iiland Her kat tu fetaJ B«ar the bayou. Mid. I bough her body Wa* Mi tleoovrre-l, it «*• entiled that »ke had be* drowned II. r Kii.K*a<) and child wore UIm he**, and *11 ike good poopl* of fhe vietalty wore loud in pr*iee of the old Mode*. Vania**’* paero-i If in lk# forglv«we** and nHatgUsaoWt of her r.n • IJ. ll*, - il.r.r great e*f try ; fie fir* |.le Ml I.ii*i- nr*« i o L*« pro»t>at«-d * I i hi* i line aud Ike city l- real ly very lull, ..Wing in i be fact U>al a great .•it nen* arw in In the New T eel* n. #*4**0 btUfc nle llirm Ihe iffr« 'iuii* tLt- *.tt'liiueui-, th- een-ibiliti. ► ; ire more •"$ he Wfiman than -*r. I.ei :.rc.«iui|dieliitiet»i» »i. I •*» • ■ ivir.'io«>m« \ I.eiHtljlnl pain tin", an i Maine, a no- Ide p-eni, appeal* t. ilie iauei an l befl-r 'ife wiiliin it -. moving u« 'o great lb- >-glii#, *lo no Ide action* and aapiratWVn. . and ««> ahoul.l it l>»- ■ i'h woman, lor fie, when rightly under >lmi.|, ie t iller tban all three, there ah- uhl he ilout h. I that aHiioepliere wln. il. .* exhaled lr..ut the w.'ih- t.f genju>, <>u alntoapl.i-rv which .(* the *cto*ibilitie», brace* the .magnitic y^nJ i<.:<g«rMi.fn. */y ir fh. pateJ in the North nrn t.rnci a »au11 fur huiiaell, and al lua tin*m*. in * -t dance with an » t tiller*. pte pe. the h>til.ting ■ be I. * The Internal e Nani 'nothin • trio-, c. nothin-.'11.*■ yn *he had lei) hr unttatinr length Toning Hd» t*ked Mp no ‘"'gp'>UIU. I 1 uielly ilieie. looking hi the -tNr- whi 'lonne. I I h’« \ et r though her though/*. and. lhough m. and b.rhlack g "I I heir yputh regular, and U wa> gratified II. mi ii had I.ei . l.*l »MM keep I llIU rt him paaaiogly leewuHt..1- Ailimla, Ga., Thursday JJovning, July 11, 1801. the ritjr gonor nlly Many handeoino pri reaidewe*- adorn the place, and among the x.ggfc^t Iran Ire la ihaTof l*re*- 1dent .Tgme* K Polk, deeenaod. now ooeupied hi hi- widow The Hotel «e Ooti.m o dal ion* nr»* mther in ferior in moat roopooto. much mi.I l*r.<|ii i abics’ fUjartnirnt. apllal wT^Tefi there i* unite pllhle Uat.lineM O f! “ fr * moiwcni*, h- pa-». d ia'e 1 ia mo ’ I «H1 Ufa* ■/ bat and mantle net* tke bnjvu. hr at roe* a. and *•»«'* r " * . I U, ' t neatnewo of Mke wa* aitttaf In krr tounl >*ni vy t^pUgtk I *M dead," ek« added, w)Wl/, bwt I window, looking Into tke garden; k«*r work ^Rnol die! kung lletleaely how her hand, and her fee* ' * ‘ ’ bat ok' wed eoAoned thougkU So MV.In deemed, ae, with * hewn lll.d with love and eeereer, he laid kit kat.d -oflly on k> r abnulder, and tlmply **M. «|>enr Mo ther •tke 'nrnnd yt« kip * leak HU ef >onder ! nem. and an id gently, " Have you come, thorn, ■ Waldo, ai lael ?" Are yen llrv*l of yo»g new toy. and ready le glee np tkat artftil girl fur ywur mother?" " Madame," he replied, kangluily, "yon are ■peaking of my wlkt: I ennnoi |«rmit her to be Intohed, even kj ay aether Ska le In tke kmiee BnW, waiting »• tok y mr ferglvencm, poor rblhl' when I alone wa* te Ham* ' you not fi rgive her end your penitent " Never?" exclaimed lira. Maitland ; vi will 1 forgive you: never till ako ia dead?" "F.endlek woman?" began Waldo, In tke grratevt/vehement, hut kle mother ai- rr ip led him " (to ' al.v mid, her eye* Awaking like a tl gre»a. •* *he pwnred wpen him all Ike invee* tire* that could ho imagined. Mil, out of breath. ■he potieed t then, before ke row Id have time’ to r«ply, *be m*e mylng, ‘•ekall I eall npoi tke »rrrant* to rid me of your iatru-hm, oi will yvu retire •• Madame," hr r. plie.1 derrely, "do hiS ten mowial'* hand tonok me I leave own rotori low. which .(Utckeii* ihr *cb*ibilitio*, uivntal ruergiejr. atwl give* vitality t.. the wboh We do Hot Miflicivnyly . wllivaye the heart 'aid we, indivulually, hate iuiagion iln* lo be onr-reasoB why. we have vo few irat !y g.»"l < oiivervationifi* auieng our "y»ungl* die* and gentleinetr." For'it doe# uot requirv be..k kuowlrdgr and >«hool knuwlnlg. Mott* in mi he a • coiivrr-atiuti.rl * tbit ..{ the abundant c .of the htarl, the month ■ja akrih t',>nver nli.ui well detin. d to be a ’di»iiilei rated eotuinuuiou of tholight, '.u iiiierehaiige of . lea-.'- it t*. u l*il», only n play of the mm ihI p..v\er«, but-wheie one. pUy* with, the gear*-and tigor. and depth, acquired by u.. n it Mabel. .Ipmpu* lo (In- iboiight, we may ,|iiole n raiber caiietie reiunik whu h we unit *.-r.V'* a few d*y» *im e u on .1.1 new-paper. Thu* it rune •Lively converaatiutt upon in. *fnut'ive and rleVAIinp. topit*, i* hut litile 1 raqUted hue in aoclety. Tin- i* tk.aighi to . nee from eonie dele* I in our tyaiem edu- . »im*h. women being imiglii *o a* onK to m now. the inherent virtue* of ^a *»i-< -heal, and men ju-i «nongh io rnabh* iliem • -. . hrwi one another every day ii t'on federate ' more laaiy and dii.w.i lice limn fhe rjpiial building at IVavkiug i i'ity It exhibit* the fine«t -pefimen- • ' -kill *h• otigliHUl .'and being lie a I : t.*.l upon ail e.let alcd knoll it make* a'moet el g ml i*| , eai atic on uiincnt ul N -k will*-, who aidant oi the buibi'Ug -omimti.c, ni-hed ut ailh lhe linal .repot1 id tin te which we learn that the i id the building waa-$Hiii!,'5ti7, • ' henty "( N/'litilk* ha* eubavrili b' the l o-lfletate Uoi 'iua.iut 1 you to ynwr yon ynur company.''* lie and left her tluetily • into the parlor, he eaid, "t'orne, /.»e, no plate for y--u aud me.' . . , . , . Silently thev waaderwd hom«d l<> the lui.teer -late, and when / ,,,,.•, , , . , . . ot Mr. I.yman, who had itbuit ed a *i i ouftdeiate i mi^rr* i.n the the cbuutrx U In dang, r and kw battle- are •« . \ ^ . . , , . . . , »n a t.eigktmriag tdaiiiniien vpital of l.c t on/iu. nu t if I r fought, 1 rnnr*«er«n- make buflwev* and . , , . . I'oor Zee had overheard a great iiart n •( belong t<* iheNvith. Na*h e\erythiug id** »rqon<lar\ to the cauae of their . . . . . .. , eo.nvi r*atiwa <d her ho»batid and hi* mother, a goo.1 I.;, at ion l«r the t »pii*l, enitntrr. A* we i> u.Hrked in a nievlou- aril . , .... , „ , . . , .... I . , , , r . w and t hove biller worde, •• never till ake I* \tunta, wr -bould be perfectlr cle wiitten* few lav* win. e in regard «•> Tea ■ . , , ... ... * T ., , dead rang m her vara She reproaeheu it I.*at'd thru "i beliete new«oe, :* 1* >ne of th< uu>*i invaluable of the ... . . . , . 0 keiwelt tor-the eatrangepaat exiating between i of il.v • it t Mo* abwi.i twenty rhv. u atxr* noW on oi,r. banner, and the South . . , . , ,, . , ..... I thowe heart-, oacc «m interwoven with ench th utand,. .Iji.l .* ... . rn entire fkuld m m bate done well with.-m 1 .. . , . . . .. other, and every flt of Mulnnwi, ,<>r heavy righ m.oUg 'hr iituih* • i» her The record 1 h. i pa I hlatury are tin . . . . . , , . . .. . ., ' . , . , I "I Iter hu-band, «hv fell a- a lehuke tor her .ibulv afitaiiivr nbout the phv* blept*ke«l. hei * hlv.vlrt undi»putcd, m r patri- , ,'|, r „| v„ r ,L, nad f]l I"«r, »..l .ti .iilllV'l, it, |.n-«.l “»•*“' **» »'•» >« ""T ■ | .... ' ,r,«t nr,.lull, n .1... .. .on.ul.ln, onr »,«,r« | ... p.,1, »,M" k«|.|.v, ,nJ. th.. " 1,1 ' " l * 1 *' 1 " : t'oiiiinrUf. Tennti* .. i- 1..aimed to write t'oi *hr shed many hitter tear* in aecret. ahe al idnaldc ncgl . ' •»'» P , • ^, her-cjt a fat bright, t (.ago ihau bar ever yt-l i w »ya w. t him with -mile* though hef^ewa 1 lh ' I " 'i'‘r" ««« "f i-' ... .b.. Overseer's Daughter. k it .ti.yliiing n"tuual. lioufl Otru.Bg -weel mother,' he i wit g lull length in an atfn i N with ( 4 (* . vi iimx i • lieavenl) I.ei,. e '.ve.| on the hea\ !-b<> ‘earth a), nr , II placed it a boarding »■ lio..i by. . denned their duty diarbargedi- an -education, and lor the gift j I' •t- w d 1a it wa-. *lie.frlt n.< grnl | \ Utgu white h .ii*.', 1 -hrubberx. anti win I hidden by rbi*l«r.n/ 'tee- ,l ».»d >ii «n el ile«l •abli'-land ■ '"l^, \ ».«.••. r.,». . | M .gnolU- Ir-.iu which the l,,w j l ire took it* i .line, grew "n the riglit lieir ' deep- green b *'v- r->atr,a-ftrig finely witb.tho ,,r large white, tjiHp *haprd flower* lb.t covered them, tilling'he lir. will, rich fragr-ii •'• ' «Hi the let 1 , fit a .abort li-la'veo Iron) the hnii-e, »ttd gl"** it over with •» long fa. ••••ii Sunday*!- , .|«A1ling ,.f 11, ■ overwrer, and . iitie t nrrat , -praktl.g of .Madame de Stael, who „ n . the while wu-lied ne r. .•*!..nx na- by no tin an baiidm.Mo, l.ut -plendnl j W| .„ i,,}., wfM niiy-.l in v rn* the roof -it on vernal tonal iwl, said llyat -he had the power , rl | W dia* over. *.. a- i . form a,-..rt of a .1 Jk,„. If ,-trlj I.itni* In. we find very. , ,u.b- irn | mlr-l ad oh'.n • "•any wU. h UBmng u- ttc hav ihoti-an.lw ol | r „ r ,(„i , drlfghlfiil abade J talker- tiny are in inrn.l-.-t r a- ■.. ave- up j 'y k9 M w l!V l,’-pi *ng« ap v w. ibe tree-, and -and* upon the *jiore, but. they ^ „( 0> waa < o<|UHIiug wnii t!»•• vine- wild .Ian.' arc not ; /o«of .on../th,/»...;•/• I.ei u* winder J t (, roU ^k tbe Irrca. and ali -enird ,b..ut among ihc gfotip-and couple* »i in ■' ( relrvab.d altar the *ujfy .1h - Thn iovda. i pu | b 7p.|’ ruing a**embler let it* lialru lo .tin. ,,, u *,(»,„ the noonday | i,. n , illg dignified by the nnii.e of cnver-aiion !» • I now poured forth # tide ..t rnelmly. and "•any inMnnmw of Perielo* -ehied at ( |j|V a t||l|A ,. r i,.k,.i. the Imu. f Uie mauy * j hopper, loctial and bee mingled n inonol- ! vj,e re-peHed onoua, yei mu-ical wound, w hick, l.ik> ilirru*t- |,|„r.>d l.iin. l.iul r " j ling ol' the leave*. Tails -n *ootliingly >n the i let.ving lier h w hardly -eema h. break the Ml*n«e her Waldo l,vr j lint beautiful na wa* the *i *ne, it tailed lo ( I in thl* > liild all |lib r-prl>»*. d nfh.i lion <• * ,rr# I alirariilie atte»4ion'of the only tw.d pei-on« i | 1# , pa**| ( Miate nature w*- lavi*he>l V or bin who wtre'to liv teen ou iho gallery | «hc-Had lived glone Ili*. welfare and li*(.pl < Mie, a tall and ainldly lady , Wh • p.i.ccd re»t r n«** had lo en her only aim. and he, In leluth levaly up -ul down, pan-pig imw leui. ngaiu*i a pillar aud gaie, but I,' impnliVQt!v. ai the selling Ur t-rget l.r. -*lt « lo jay atlculiuii l« '. . ;irl 1-ke.liiu UK'llier, ll.ugkiiiy !. a girl' i el in lied -UaMo lie'i* a- (•« io*. in.*uup.'img lllauche *ey mi»ui a* -n rel in ni»rtal • and. tor tint matter, far j .ciior rn m> in goodne**, at trv«i 1 '■ n- ' *.^kWV> «!'Cil)ve* il. dr* M»ltUn I turm-l pale • «ii il t>e.. Wvl b> " ' -hr -aid in v filleting "yhat y‘* ii would win the uificllon* d i»i,i»wii gnl »■> for below youi laii). 0 ») iiirriage w.'uld he Impo wa w it b r ipi-l -loj * ir** I In t grief, /•>• ••i | our iiii-guidi'd Meant' h : i.. /■>,•. til -d happen J. Supp- r nhete -be paced tlu ll-mg. In the hitler in giving I.. ■:r.|.l,lli,lj Itude \l Nil. • . hnugl.iy tii manner I band- leaving he’ to a heoken he it an.l hi' (hat In* | tor repontahee Nnd what ’dllcr ie-ul'-> ear eeimn*. | aner fr-»m thla nud and T-di-li nl | 11|. v *on I h«d hoped belter thing- •<*y..i» i li.ere . ' Mother. impetin tt»ly •trlainel Waldo •»r« the only one who omihl, with mtp.i. urni »' d.*honor connected with inv n>.m* \t.u tuielak' altogether I imen-l ry hei. and that very *oon eyanilaiwd Mr*. Maitland it I am un.ther, and direetly alter enp aui.gomg to a»'e her. ugio. irpealeti Mr- Maitland. •• tell mi *e that y uUalW only ie-iing hleti family. -0l«: r.nhdy ahd g' try f'l hmg. f.'r, •mtp'y. yet d hopeful ted on, .bringing, h.e Wald... al at tiuica lioiflriiMi-lv gwy, Al tarwt. he had no aaroriaiea. lor lie would nut mil g|« with hi- funnel emupaninna, aince they did nvt notioe hi- wire ; t ut nut lie min gle.I « ilb low and vulgar nien lie lo gxn lo tarry hu.g at'-thc wine i up and ' >-ei h. hie - uttering -lie hi rang-<1 ; ., ,„ir, „ , . I'liiplrtion ( * every emoti- n ^ I broken in -pu-'i* and in pride an<l h * Ii.* ipajioi .-arU been me i nUiilOu*. *lui> «l I'.. ’.nle,-.. ul ...i every aranthm ^ liven ih. hirtk ol a .Httli* daugkur, 1 hough bropgi.t thr riel 1 l\M>d l - her cheek, had fit ^ lut a Ittno tl aecinetl to aheok him in h>* tnM’i fir«i -iglit tirade "a In.pie*.ion on Waldo’-j raiwVr, had no |a>W'r to ifirain him i.>ng lieart. uhich lirr -luiplv manner*, -weet diapo- ! IU plunged again into hU u*ual .-ouraea, aud •itioii md yuili-l* »■ fiatui had deepened into i I.ia wvfe wiu)il do n.'thing but aulTer in ail«t>6«. lie had -pa led no pain* to win i llut aka wa* n«t one to * pan d hoi life in r« ith all the | piiiiog. and over the rridle of her child ahe ■at coiiree alio would pwraue — 4o Mre. Maitland. Mar litllw beginning to walk, aud to liapa like her depth the feel*of A"pa*ih Ma.laui. Itolnnd, witli liobeapierre, w 1. all night behind the .hair, drinking elo.picticv with every deep in-pii tiioti, ft.nd the iievt day in the*( 'lumber i;ivlug idea* i' v were hi* ow m 11. the oflier. ■ onroinitania of entertainment at' patronized IU pr> ter enee- to • unver-ation. and th'xigh every body* .l.ddg their pfeitivt toappen: • nrap- iorci-l mei rimeni . and .ill • i.ucealrd «"ttm*ii. !'| tol) |x ll llil'it v*p-ee i ii I. apathy'. an>l the g.'hrral re-i j- , ( j r •»« ; rlfM and plot e the .eai upon the .ii-.pi-lily ol the j ocrii-ion llow difetiui from our .a-.-< i.iblie* | ir| j ( 1-ihei onverwariuftc >»f the Itnl'au tin* ••break j p^Juii hi t* of the Knglivli ihe -iH ial *oiree ftl'lho . .i|«»ke l vi I r. rich l or • ur.vlvea we -. .u lurgei all i!• j Hi-hiug • grand • •part.i', ' wr ever a'i»‘y>l. au-l yei eoue i ( ,*. , (t , jj,., ;, tr , i i.-i»el converoati' n on th. proiucUad> de. k u f j a ateaniof. »otpe athry. t->ld by a plgaeafit -t.i ger in a railway ■ ar, we reilicuiitvr '»i p- ever thinking kindly <d the nanaior |Jl*i the fact ia that we nr., d hot il- pu.rr 1 - onver»*lioni»i» "to any ala ..lliiT woman, -hall he my - i M tgnuli* rut ,» my ikied ,1 •M: r. c-'inilion love lid. . f hi- mania beauty uipli»hthenf-. he in lu re- only i .miAonpla. i nd that, ihe'niu** i* .j«uiUti*«l t.. l..**iuw .1 ' im’iarf*.. thore •* a .main diplomacy whi. : |irevent- anything like a -in'ccre utterai..-. , one * -entimenia an>l opi.nlou-, ■ ven *h.»uld „i Happen .to’ poavee* the** *nj e.riluitle- T» ' • agreonblo" j* the pne i>lca of faalllon, and ■ milvl hive faith In o\ir audit, r n* nell a- >»i I h*. kmg w ooan, ihough her.bounty wa*. mar t.y ihV.odd and haughty vkpn-Moo *wk . lurked arttuid h. eiijillvtp'iy formeif mo; ,-tiug. call* lot , Ht«ali«e-i from her >leep. pert dug eye* •miei. i>r« »da , | ,-|ii u ,| h. r *iood n liirh' uvnlaiio )- I wluif ia>i.etnl dreee iwti kene-l hi a Uyo |-eivant Ife io..’, wa- looking live.Hr d* the toad glah- tng vecaauvn tily wt hlv ml*tn i loveline**. \nd her poliwbrd r | Her luiperioo* tvTII hur.t to h thu* trow to mnnhihvd pith h ed. filling that Id- IneHnat ■l.owevcr unrea-onable. niu«l 1 wo* nwturatly a uoldr nature allowed to run wild,-Mid 'h> «e!H»hne*« had i.veigrown ah nil''the l.eiter'and fno r e delic heart - gar>len lily l Itui wh ild ilunk rred | |l.e fine manly b in. t hieh | ■hiided by thirk cliiat p'h | el it ** i. *1 fr.fore-, -ijl Waldo Maitland ’ ' \u l -mine, ieplie.1 hi* luoiher, hiaaiug hei w-ud- iln' -ugh hut ni*ill tenth, "ia lbb>--lf \ou to ti iy /oc l.y mau. heucafortb you arc no ••he'd .f n.ii.e I a... linakroaa. .^1 Mngbolia, liiaii* . 1U "'UI tat In i * t'orevighl I lie propn ty 1- min . ami 1 eah vnd will diainkerU you. Think of ih1»,. for *" *uie a* you do what yon hove, threatened, *o *urely will I perforin my volrnm vow \ mother' . ur*> *h«1l fol'ow 1 you I will n. v.r forgive Jnu' hi- ' Never is a lung day," *ai'1 W’ahlo, gar*- ad I If** rt ! 'tig Irom’ the olt'onum where h? bad been old. proiul I ') '"It i 1 a»i going to Mr I.yman'* t.> -up manner per. and I Impe y.oi will be- in t>eiter luim.-r ,e ‘and h 1 nhen I return So .awing h>-walked rapidly l>->m i he apart mt'iit, and m mot bn moment In- mother auw hi- tall figti" 'ah he pa»-e<l towae<i" th- home 1 -he 1. ■nr -.1 H.young girl * firal loy. I driermiue.l ighl that marred hei pvfvi.t hap She would r vague tear 'hut hie mother did J l.ena wa-J u fear wktvh Waldo had laughed few word*: aho felt ante the innocent babe to e, in |1||I now he admitted to her tlml In* j would lunch ite grandwiolhor » ntulutale heart, mother had wialied him to marry -umc "tic | So ahe wrapped her child in her ui an do. Hnd rlae, and il»nt. there fore, -he -lid not like Zoe ; . walked to Magnolia It wna ov« ning. and a hut lie per«] her rhat. when one# married, light waa burning in >Mra. Maitland a room all w>>u.ld Ih >11. ami utged a union Zo# gavo a timid nvp. which wna an-wevod -he whi-pnrd, ' withuut .' Zuc« d Ibi- •uinmotia, and, dropping her young. tuuiiiVr, -loud betoir her oiolJvrl in law, with her in her nnnn. Jler pnle ehork wa* pt oa« b . even paler than ot old, an>t her thin hand* hint, or - trembled a*'»he held lira vhild pie-*ed l-> her i And j hoeom. i into tear*. Jiu uddrnly • hang . j I or aomc mnuiente *hr ooubl ti 'i *p« ah. amt i..u of tetideine-a, afi-l llnally , aNtoniabuoiit kept 'In Maitland -ih-nt \l r a ff’iicfant « on-cn! to 1« mar length.-be apnkr : ellhrurgl lay ] "Woman! abo *aid ( in a voico <d anger, And married they wet*, lie poor bride with I ** has that man dnrod to -end you boro? vague for. boding ol. coming evi] al her heart. . M»e roee na It t*. ring a boll ‘lor n oervant id the groom vainly trying to forget hi* no- j ol once Zoe regained her compnaiirt 1 Waldi.’. reply e-. II. declared thaj that >| -he■ did -he When -In. * oral into t wi uni; fi out h rate 1 -trong-t -. da/»led by i VS tldo nl length Mother, dear. al pie. r* with fine Uy ill otiraclve*. befon i free uttaran' > «*h *« infly laaladha.' how it w d of fa-ti,.n « which hing veiy carneet *,ety • IhonV Honljen. he.a ante eiaeuiatV-.l | e«( re v -o ! \lt» Matllonda* lie turUod and w alk-d -low ( ,-<»|»g . ly .into the pail<> Tr|l IbUit lo bring in | duf v. i. • upper, .k. .added. — bi-rael'.'i.«h j •tillnev*. , gllldlv iuro oil ra-N - : wiili a *Ui: l liC boy v%nt*Jve.f, but leturnf’d in >M‘aaoii to | t-*|iti'.’ >tn , li>|iiid nn.l elekr. rat>g -oil I Waid>/ vrn* rqtratuw*! I i i«t pni’titg hi* bp-. h‘i* lived •Ati' i'-og t»»t thl* I could have borne, wa* he iiiwar..! .ry My pi>n ' my *-ta •be hum- ud. rn ' - a nvoao- >l agony e-cap e l her |,( - . • "lie 1 bought ol litui'in kia crkdtv, au-l ali *lic ha-l hup* -I (oi him ^ hia hoyko--d, with il* bril liant proini-i' and now that he uiu.l all hy a miiniagc witli a daughter ol that cl*#* diy de*p'i*ed« or barely tuleratod. at j)-. « i- m.-Vc than *iu could enJiiti - I been' hitigr rtrough, to kavt aeeii r -I itMtrped. ut 1m »i>n - henit by any "Stop, Mr*. Maitland, -he aaid, me VS aldo-fd tioi cnd me-do.** not know of my coining l.iann me lora moment She paueed lo uiiwk# -luwn the a«di« which impc-IM hei ultofanre. th*-n went on - •• l.atig ago. when I wa* here. I hoard you any you would not forgive my hueband till I Wa- -leal 1 am willing to be a--lead to him »u certain dr- Maitland • ry r* Itaaked engorly. ,ny *ut|i ul. money ." »h> laid. ‘ *liall be Ii-iurricd .untipeiivd.. Ilio j/wr " biit Z«e iiite.ri upte-f hei • I, ami lo Imu. together [ •• Money ' «he ticlaimed bitterly- u.- mi van! Uy >1 endravotinu le think that all would yet la* w*lj. In fa«*t. he did believ# that when once hi-'moth-i tound that it wa* all irreparably done, ahe would forgive her only and bloliied aon. aud that, one# ne^uaint e-l wiih Zoo. her many oxjellonoio* v ould gain, her a plane in hi* mother'* heart. The dia< barge > t Mi Lyman ahook hi* laifh a little-, but .It# looked u|mu, it a* th# Ural out j 1 buiaiul Uai iudignniidii, and waited, huping , aigue of rdentini; None came | but wide , Ml*. Alalllnbd. I Would n--l touch one peony ne i - mivag., to wortl !i»m hi* : of ymu gnl-l lo keep tar irom atnrviag! Mint I a-k i- t hi- take my hu*ban I bark into your t heeded.tlii* lit! |«, cngioMed a* . heart and take toy child. *du«atr her au<l hi tame l|ie • her for tiue atation ip life I will g» and . here lirt voice failotl her * SI -gli-1 the giO^>l , -'hotigli |t wt, aWav *he • I 'Wh- .-V«**d her to te. wh" had changed to I aeblMle-* and lr«ert lllww.ll . ! a*kr l mrv ng hi in-cl I With itnUaual cart-, he j Have \ r, *iid With hur enleird the parlor : rep.Hr-1 p" >m< vt- od, now d* ubiy dmriu hiu. J»iow1>. «ut lung moulded him that. iaal j«au*o »f it In- alid lit* motln-t. had -at I tor# bee m*e of it moihei -whom hr >o londly loved | d.o.r far b- be that ahe Wouhl not-rglent, No k< l-int, Joel 'hat yraming tebdei - *'giu» him •e-uiVimialU to *cek Ytlrv paoood on Weary year* they wer- to F-wk. fbr the re, nlluetlon of (Wt total nlglu. whoa *hr had tn*< both hn*bdid and child, never left her. she "hitddertd even n wr a. *he rwmruibere.1 the temptutb'ii ahe had felt to ding heraelf, in •iowtl into the frtHiblod water*, in her wild «le pair, and thanked find that the thnnght of her baby had onvfd her' - I will wait till Wo call* me," -he had murmured, •• that though 1 am •rparated from her on earth, -he.iuav net 1-e lo*t t<* me tn Hoaven " Row *h -mta-nd.lhimr hat-y ann<i th t*. were w.*nt th twiw/*hbi->ut her neek, *n-t that *we*i Vote# whoeo movt impev f e-1 ntir»vnee hi I lieen melody to her t-ara ' She fait, in dee-1, a* *he revb-w .1 i k - pV*t. that it had not been alt *n..lnor* She had loun.1 a -(met a*y 'uf» and kin I frit -I* in the family wkere ahe hmt ot-falned * -Itms •« teacher : *he had hear-l *oo in tire. 'tv of the wettore of the cht’d. at I r.fteit ehidu I her-elf that vb- wa-^net hapj r •• 1 ought *« *hewon1d-Ay •«> h-r*etf I'oor Zoe* .e f.rti'nd full *o..n that • > he Nappy be. iu «- "tight; i* of all taak* the wvo-1 •! iff cult Hay by diy l--t cheek gr w pnicr.- tier frig. He form more delicate and v* -he noted rht*. ■hr would faintly *wHe tn I whUpet nearer Heaven ' Magnolia all w v« tgv t Waldo M-.itl.nd hvl ' V little rhe -hock ot l«*ing hi* had !.-•>light |. in lo bi ll rtvl. tb, ogh often pi• ther, '-ui devoted bim-t 1 V wool uhihl of lac V »»' tin- idol ol lift grnndtltulhv t ill.I i« w-li t i-f lit# whole *h""«eho‘ I >f her. waa uiigraiiliotl. auT tu« ' • **»»)•« -Uit-ldrd tr»m ovt-.y >niaguii >uniu ul the aervunU fell muk, tu l tha e.,u lagion *(>rwa.d U proved to be 'ha' •CMurgv'oi the Sunlit, the yellow •♦over, and wherever' it waa. known, oonateru-uion prevailej fn- n-i* atiunned lii« place, nnt-e- euuld not be obtain ed, and hardly were titer-- enough loft ’.u bury the deml. Madame MaitUnd did nut. o*dnpe ; ahe an l hoi darling Lena were taken sick on the tame •lay. and the next day taw .Waldo atriclea down with the -am* dueaat Otio or two faithful -ervaui- did their be*t in nitre* shorn, but unmi u f the negrae* vrer • panic atrickoa. ami -lar.-l not eater tbopUgvp etrickuti dwcUutg tine night, at the bodetdo ol ihe child, the -urvanl wa* sleeping, for aho waa overpowered by long watching. Whan the awoke, ahe an a pale, ibiu woman, who aaid aho waa a uor»«*, arid who from that time auraed the invalid* with untiring car-,. 'I banka to her good aureing. the pbjrmcmn -aid, after a an voir battle. Ufw (riumphot SI# -lain* Maitlaml and SSaidu w.-ro pr -notm-Nd. out of -htiiger, but *w*-t l^na .lie-1 mtl.c ,» of her faithful aurar She cluaed ih* clnl -I* eye*, and prepared her lor. her -a* i ---ng place . than, a* aho.*aw her place I m -l.r .'. ■he alaggetud and fell to the tl or They raiw d hei, aud bore hei , t„-i the deUriutu #1 tovwr, „f It ad child, o| hat ow n .* ing heart, and again a I th. tlod, let III -Ii. Madam- Mnllh,,,.|. . hot r.-oin *h« kprw • Larn.-rt wer* tj..- priver* tha' arwae f-W hei re* ..very, an I when, one moraln-’-. *he -p.-aod her eye# with her -bleu gemlr gtanne. hub b«ad fell on hi* Vnce« uvclaim-n ••'Tii’yF' ti-i l aho l* «ave.l * ‘ -Mil t* t l iu. la Mvhh •pit'luI • apeak, at and Ii .nding tnui bla «e» Tell' the gentb a ev* not tke honor of I •he ennl tuned. 1 >i hr , It-ni her. b.|t I um-i I He kind U> her' Vyrg , ol b.-r only a* \N«t-T. hind, * -irmnly 1 that . once 1 1 by SS .Id.., u chi 1*1 ’ ‘ \n-l now win to-i him X ■ v