The Georgia literary and temperance crusader. (Atlanta, Ga.) 18??-1861, July 11, 1861, Image 4

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r rii<' Cif'orjiiii I ^ i l < > i *; 11 * V and F«Mm xa*a nu * UiMisnilcr. i*V return * CONSTITUTION £ ^ I 'UNPDBHATE STATES I’T""'*' VM ERICA; hstacter, i« <rdrr tu (orai * r*l t<a\- ntaml, muI^Ii )«*i. *, If HU quiltl;, OUj Wuff I I 1*1.fart; lo • <«r*> Ivor au-l our p • »’ fig il.* f*»i> kn4 (liidMcr ‘• a »r U«a end r*tabl,ah rh -u f t ,»■ r . >.nfrd-r ,'r HUI»l if .in 1.1 lit A“h 1- it OUR R. R. fciOHEOULE ii thowa * I r t.t.gromo ah%H hevo p<W*' . l’ Te lay *wf>«ijlci ia«v* ilui >■■*, I Slid Sin.***, I n IMIBar l.rcr- ply l« pa; (hr j drht*. ft"? J.- fur ll r I, '!• frii< • •. »wJ . aw; ««• it# tiuvrna.r> t ,,f th* i ..uirdemte , Sfale I 'll fannt tiled he greeted Ir .lM I hr Nt?> » Urf k* f • ' lb" *ete.%l Slai- • and [ ruaui •' |M rv k Hl»l» shell fa iMiriii ill | nil dot 11 i • '• mi »•**. and beve lb* quadfive . Urn, through •ii* U I •? .lw • r* of tb# moat t .r.'ii*-b »if the Slat* 1»*gl*l*l«irr » of lott‘go torth, aol a iIiImi of »b- >)«>«» (ball L# allowed >o »oU ffirrT .#>• ..r p»li.l«*l. **#1# of I'I'd laid < l~"'v o* » <*oBf—lei ala ■ Ml Id, wt #a fleeted, fa an I fIi"*iai> j •lii'-k be rfal! hr f im ;**r*. , f Ibr I lajr an; duty f n-oag*. ex.rpt ik r. i 1 g"Ulg var*efa, for iha nn|fro**iu> »' .1 '■ i.hii ,J I and hartor- i.eruteied •>/ lb* *a>d ■.«#'*. I , -deb duiir* .ball n«t e«rt.fli". wilt, an; 'renth-s ‘ I ..f |||« « -afa ll-rat* .Slate* v,tk fu>r (ii iii'uiii . - r ■ad an; ourplu< revenue tbu* deriv'd •ha’I, af ! i*r •akia^ *'»eb iUij <ftrvemeol, h« |. *> i i,- |l r j ' > "Niiri.b Treasury \ur -h .1!f.j I.Hr k«#p . ( ' irou|.« nr ship* «f wsr in iiru* «l | *ac*, miff 11 j roio an; mrf*or.v*i»»‘'.r «.i|i »Mi|,i’r 'i S*i4ta. i<r witb.b f .r. ifti | «*«, ift . i.fa;« in '< ' war Hnlf - a.iuall; .0*adod. or .n am s ,u an i rani .danger a* will not adtuif of d«!a; l*u I alien ai ; n»*r d<«Vtr* nr H . w» ibt j irn ‘ Wo or i JOB PRINTING ■ IlKI'AUTMI'.YI'. THE MOST . i; T 11 i. k ii I Til* Kin-alll* power »l.ill be *--lel '<■ t I I’rraidenl bf lb# Confederate Slate* ol Ainerl lie and the Vice I'remdeat *hull iwild ibm • for Ibe lerai uf a»»-;Oa'ra bul tbe I'r ■To borrow mut»*T ■fod- rtU Fiai« a tio«a. and atu-iai; 'b>- > Ibe Indian tril- • >»I|| neither tlila, nor an; (her dau-f . .t.'a ne*l m ibo Coaatiiain n •ball ever 1+ .n-'r ed lo delefato Uio powerful i .l ogre* t. nj t : | iuU laaMT f«T H; in ‘ ••rual improren.eni iui«n led in fowkHtaie row i «»er-e . ek.w^.i f.,r ibe |mrp«ne «f furwiabing light*, I ra i.k, and bw ja, and other aid# to j narivaiio* upon tbe #oa»la, and lb# Waprore i. mi of likrbern and Ibe rernoring of oVetru* 1. ■>« in nrrt n taigMldn, la all wbu b ra*e* ineluded WHhta ihia Confederv *r ... g | ul ,e, .bal. be laid oo the aarigai <.n fa Ibetr roaMetive tm tuber a. wUicb j eil titled lbe'«l.;,^a in*; lie uec***arr pa; | * .deteruiibe I. »./ a iding lo Ibe ! Ibe r-.ela au i rl|»kM-. Ibeieof | , , -l FT...:, .nhHbw Hm*. I. ...J | I T. l..( u.lfcr> I... „f 1 "1-^ -l»l ...I W r. -Ire M. TU I r. ■ •• I... . I... -f ...r. .ml ...I., 1...K .„J un.furm ' Ik. hM .I M *" ' '‘•IS***! 1 W rb " »>'“"«"• ... 14* ml, .fcrimkli.. .1.11.1.... ! . 11.n.,..,,,...... .b. ....Irnlirm. *»■■«. - Bob !< m. .k.ll.pim,......... U' - '*• -m t- f k-r -/ j • and Repre-euiaiire- In wbirb Ibe Male *icb • <•!(, and ft■ ibe *iandard of «- toe; *baiI, )-/ law, «ltroet. Tbe. weight* and nieaanre* of-tt 1 re enfO'hfk >tt r.or gt•'*#•! j • Tv pr-«r|Ha for lb# |.«MH biiieni d e»un f*er; lilt; ibduatJil. I oil each M *♦* | 141 le 11 tig I he nernril ie* *u J .urren' -■ ; m« I be • t*a' le*«i one Kepr - eulalive and, i « oiifed- rtlo Sitle* • rtn.n.eta'nm eh*!' I— ina !■ . the I 7 To eat ibliah p«»«i .-rtkee* and ku«al r«tiie« • •iih i arnlrna ■ball be e* ilfUil in j fc u 4b* espenne* el ihe |*o»i .|tl e I»rj ariuient, '•■rgio ieu thr .*C ti# I after the flra' da; d March, in llte rear of j I.ord eighteen hundred and ai . be paid i.«il <»f Ua own te«ea<ie *■ To prorutdo ibe |.r..gre** ol wiewce i , u«elul aria, b; aeenring lor Innile*! line* bait bare appr " b regular.>n« I debt i iln|«*< btoeftl, *bal. be b; alia!! l/e l.rl.l in the.Hl*|.' Where ■ ball ba*-* b. ,en . iwiu lied ImU wined wnUm an; Alaie. ibe in '< nvtrean *liall bake TEMPERANCE RECORD. I (fraud OfBoorft. Kiiighfa o* Jr - ifho I mar b I or Ko| j of lrnot or profit under the Coitfedera 1 ' ! •ball (■• appointed a ..fliee for feilurr of »‘b r Miaetppi •eter, Ibe Stale and lb. S| A |e of Te«a* •■( taeabriea bapp- i. in Ibe i i an; Si air, Ibe Kteeu'lre a President lea-l, kt.all Uul be an inbnbiiitui uf the ■am* Slate wi'b ibiwaeKe*. Ihe;-ball name in llieir itiiigbls of ‘3cri(ho, •ball i . f ele a.I d> r. Thallou- of Repi »i.iaihf. -bal >. - .i •'i^aher and other - d. ■>«, I . e tbe *ote |*>.wet of liirpearhmeM e\.-. p» l an; judicial or other federal ujwrr r*.| l and acting aololy wiibiw tbe liiaila of an; te, iua> be iwpraebad !•; a «»••. of two rd« of both braweboa -d ibe l.rgi-la'. re t Tie ,v«>> of ibe Confeder «1r S • ira, t. • .-owpe-ed ul i Wo f*ewab>ra. In mi • ' ate, i bo*rn |.; Ibe I^>gnil»lui • lbero» regular ae.«*U>>. Heal iiumedlaiel; pr i«.g ibe t-oMweatS'iueril uf ibe lerw of «or,ea.-h Nenaiur el.all bar# owe r le J lu.iued.alel; alter the; bare •••eni .■ ...a*r.|uawre af ibe flr*i olerfi. 'e .lit. Ie»l a« e> ( uaM; •" mar r tuin three Serial, r* of (be flral li« e spiral ion of tbe .la*e«* Tbe a • a-a ••■all In Wllel lu nh ;ear; awd of lb' I ,<i .1. uf the •mb jaar . *u that one third uta; e b.e eu ert-r; •* <>ud . r«r and if raeani-ioa .ppen b; roaigwali.-n, or olberwlee, during i lie rre.«a of ibe l.rgialature of an; Siafo, Ibe I kerulir* thereof mav make teuporar; ap I .nntniowtr until Ihe ne«i meeting of ihe .e'aiure, wbteb aball then fill rich raraneiea I So peraon aball be n Senator who •hall uui bare attained tbe ag<< of thirt; year*, and t.a a «it it- n of the ton federal a State* and flu -bail hot, obeli elected, ha an lubtbttant I ibe Slate for which be aball l»e cW*ri I Th" Vic*- Rrooident ul ihe Conf.aleralr Maiea •ball be Rroakdenl uf Ihe Senate, but -noil here no role tinleea the; be e.prall; di- t.deft The Hanate aball ehoote Ibelr other ofi- . r • and al«o a I'roaidont pee ewrrr In the -.baenro of Ihe Vice PreaMent, or when heahnil . t*r< no Ibe oflke'o of Pronfikenl uf the Cun fed <• ate Mute* • Tbe Senate aball bane tbe eolo power to it v all impeachment? When nilfing for that purpoae, the; * Hell boon oath or affirmation When the Pionidbnt of the Confederate Mntea tried, lb* Cl i*f Juntn-o aball . , i peraun aball Judgment in enaon of Imp#* eh in eat -ball eiload fnribor than U> rowwral f>wm office. and d.aqnalift.roiion to bold and *nJoy an; of free ot honor, iruel nr proftl, wader the Con federal# SI ale* . hot tb* party *oi»bSed aball, uereriboloaa, bo liable,aad nubjr-t tn in-liet went, trial, judgment and pnfUbnrnl ae...rd 1 ' Tb* limes, pUf-'-a, ami manner of b"ld aball be pro^ rilmd la each StalVh;* be Ugia lot.ire thereof, nnbjeei to the proriaion* of ibia i ooatliwtloo; but ibo Congrwm may. at an; iimo, by law, make nr aHer web regulation*, e«re pi an lo the time* ami plwe* of nbooning Sonatori TV* Congren* •ball aaaemble at lenet one* * er*rr ywr: and #u«h meeting kbnll be on I. boob llouau aball bo ibo jndge uf the el«« tiuua, rolurna, and qunliftonliona ut ila own •U in!.rr», and a mqjoril; af eneh »ball *on*ti ■ n.te a <|U#»um to do' btioiam*; hut a amalb-r number mar adjoura from da; ta da;, and „a\ »*e ankfcoriiod to viuwprl the attendance uf • t.Bei.i members, la web manner nud under •v*b penal) inn aa each Home mi; i-rorbla. ' barb lloune ma; dot ermine lb# lulra ol 11 • proeeodingk, pan Ink It* numbers fir dieor . i.l; Itehavlor, and, With the roaeurroaea of two ibirda of ibo whole number. *i|>el a mem : Eaab Uouae aball keep a journal <4 it* I uoeodlngn. and fTom Ume lo lime publish tb* ■ •oie. **rej ling t'uqb part# a* may, ia judg u.eut, re.ja.r* arcreo;, and the jeaa and a*; a .,f Ihe memlmra of ailber llouaa, on any '|ue« i, a, -hall, at ibo do*lto uf aa*-ftfth <-f ihoae I rrwtiI, bo ei.iorod uO tbe joqraaj I Neither lloune, during lb#•omiun ..f • ’■>-o gr> aa, aball. witboul ibo waiaal of Ibo other, •djourn for wore than kbroo days a or .-.cert ai nod b; law. and paid ont uf the Trea* ,.r; f ib> t unfederat.- MUloa They aball. in • eaacn. »ep ireanou. felony, end btoaob ..r lb* peoeo, be pririb-fed from arroat during . heir attendance of the aowiUn of their rmpec n«e llowae. aud io going lo m.J retafaing i fold iho amo ; and far aw; • perch or debate . .. either llouw. they aball aol be que*tl#aed in any other plane e So Senator nr Kopre^ataiike aball, da t.og th# tim- far wbirb bo wna elected.> ap |.„itiied t« any «lrll office under tb* awtb -rlty t -be Coafvdowto Stale*, which aball ha** . co, created, or ibe ernoiamonl*.wberw^foball • re lM>*a iaeeannod dwring wob rime and no ... -«n holding nn; offiro wader ibo Confab r ... Stair# •ball ho a ansabyr of eltbor l|ouae duribg hie cent to wane# in office Bal Congfoea way. b; law. grant Ip Ibe prim ipal officer >w • ach of Ih* Bif-uUvo Uopart luei.Wk a neat up j Uatbolwor of i-iiher Hour. , with the prikl | Ul Mila far ta.alng fokean* aball wrlgi , ,t. in the Mnue. ef Reprooealanre*. but lb- "•onate may pr jk>#c or oan»nr wltb awcad H i»|U a* on other bill*. livery bill which .boll bar# pa»*d boll. lUiiae*. aboil, fafart It ls^<.m#« a law l~ p»e caied te tb# President ol the Confederal# ' -ate if b#, h# •ball *«gw it I vil If u..t •# •hall return It with bl* ul.j^ctk*<n to ^•i Mourn ... which it aball b*\e or.g.wne.| lure* on l«n<l and water. I:j. f" ralae and ruppt.rf •ru.i#- bill an ap prupi.btii'.i uf iiiukt! lo that ua* -hall l.r l. r a I- ng.-r In in than iwu year* Id Tu.prumi# and wiaiiitaiu a nary I i. To mab# rule- l »r the gurernmrai and r -gi.latiun nf ibe land ar.d mt val fun *• T * To pro. ide f .r calling forth Ihe MiTiUa to etecute ti.e law* of the Confederate Slate*, •uppre-a iu»>irr#eii> n-, and repel inraaiun- hi Tu pr>-ride f..r i.rganltitig, arming, .»nd | ].« <l»e Militia, and f-s gurcriung *«.cb I part ot ibcn. a* tua; be empb.yad in Ibe aerel.-c ' of the Cunlel'-rate *'tat«- renerriag.lo th<- , State-, respectin'!;, ill* appnit.tment of tl*e i oft.per*, and the antbunty of training tb>- Mi [ tilia nveutding to rhe pre.Cllbed by | Cobgrea. r, ,k.ll j rr ., 0 u , .. t i>allula ihe perauu ruled for a- > ice i"re»- i*i •■•••■ an. aud ibey •hall make dielfoct li»t« of ah puraun* rote«l for a» Pteaid'-m. and of all per aou* voted tor. aa l ire I're-iilent, and ol iIm- aumle-r of rule* lor ' ach, which li-ta tbe; •l.ajl ' • igl. and c* rtify, nud tranam.' ca'c-l, to lb# ■ aeal of <S«.r*rnuienl of the f<•..(■ derale Sia'.iN. dir.-ctl; to tbe l're-id< ut of llic S. nale the President or the Sr ante aball,in tb<- preaem-e of Ihe Sennte nod lluuae of Ke|>roeentaliee-. Open all the certificates, and it.c .rote* »hal| ’ thru l.c counted. ll.a |■eraon having Ibe grcai eat nuBiber *.t rote* tor l're*idrnf -ball to* tbr 1‘r-aidei.t, if »u« h i.unler l.** majority of the I whole number ol l. rclor* appuinied , and it no perwoB have .mb majority, then lr in ll.e per-ona hating the h.ghe*t b'ltibrr* m-i ev - l Tiie ertIrene ■ the all caae# wh*l«ner'-r. mer •inh ISrlricl oee-lin^ ten anl'--. a«|i.are, i a* m*y, by c#a*iua nf on* or mure Stale* and the of Cuagreao, hecont# tl'# *#nt "f 'he fiur.erament of the C..nfederat* Slat, authority utor all plact #»-Bt uf the l.efialaluro of th# Sta<#a in wbn b the aa...# -ball be, for the en-etiut. nf fort*, tnagai ne*. nr*etiaN, dockyard*, and other neadful tad l*» Ti» mab# all Itw- wh'< I. may l»e ne.c#-*» r; an l proper tor < arry ng into elocution tb# foregoing power*, and all other power* re*t#d l.y thl* Conatiti.tioa in th# (iorerament > f th# Cot.lederafe State*, ur m any l>opariufe..t or otTi, er lbene«>f S <ve »r other per* u lietd to'-.tvue "I I .to r in any Sla'e t r Territory of the ( on tedriat* Slab*, under the law* iherol. ««cap mg or lawlully • aeried intu another, aball. in ....*• .(uonoe of an; Uw or regulation llrerein, »»e -l.achurged Iron, a.u-b.aorvico or labur Ini *1 all l>e delitt'-nwl up on rlmm of tl.e pony ' whom Mich •! »te, uf lu wb> tit ft--t -e. fie- of tabor may be.due COMPUTE ESTABilSHMEIIT h hole roivntv RE AGON AULE TERMS Printing! m CHklltltfif COMPtTITION BOOKS ATI V\ A \\ I'<t\\ I; -a'fag... 4 > A a Vi i \Mii i i \ n I: di-a 1 . of Ih. idrt.t The p< .*ui| havint* the great-f'. ix.mWr of fotr* a- Vice I’r* - den< -ball bethel..# Prra blent, if •ueh number be *• majoi it v nf the wli-d" nmi.l- r i ti.i tp|»uinto>i . and tf U • peraon b.iv# • uiajorit. r Ihe \ be Pr the Set.a r ol Sraalor*. au-l a intjoi.t; of r -bull I'e-i.oc. «**. v l« • cl. i. I’.'.i no peiv.n e-'W-i,iujuiii*lf; # aball i..» ii..- > whob' ••'lent ihe *lavebolding State* L'ntied Slate* of A i aud Cuagre** i* re. *bAll effectually pi » Ihe office ol I'r that of \ ire I'rt - lent of the j State. 7 Thr Cotu,re-* may di-te. iii.iie the time uf I ehm.*iag the Klecfnrv. aud the .lav nn which I lhey ahall give their > ole*, wl.rch <J.i; »hall i-e the -aaic iT.ruiiglo ut the t oi.ff«ler«ie i Stair* S'u |»efanti except .t natural bufn citirci ■ t i. h Uw* i Ihe * •ngroa- ahall al ii tb- introduction of -lave* lr-.ui *nv State not a member of,, or Terrlb'fy n»>l belonging to, Mii« t*oafod*racy .'I The pr.vilegr of ihe writ of A-lftedt C-ry»u» ahall r.ot be •u*|.ended, t.ulea* alien it. ca.e« of rebellion or invaaioh Ihe piihtic iutfrty may re I No hill of atlamder, or n ;/.-f firiu law, or law denying nf impairing lit* right of | n.p erty in ala** • *h*ll he pa* ed So eapilalioa or ..ther direct tat -hall he laid, .tb-* m proportion lo lhe tfen-ua or run n.cralion herrirtbelure directed t<> be iak"U fi. No lai «r duty •hall be laid 6t. article* otporled from anv Stale, etr^pt by a,Tnte of two lliirxla nf both 11 oil*. » 7 No preference ahall l>a given by any reg ulation of commerce or revenue to the porta ot <»n* Slat# over tho*e <>f another ft. No mptiey ahall be drawn from the treaa ury. Itul in c<'n*e.|uer c*.»f appruprialiow mad* by law ; and a regular atutement and accouat af the receipt* and •ipendituie* of all 'public irioa*y aball IU puhli-hed from liiucb. lime 9. l.'oagreaa -hall appropriate no money from ih# treasury, *t- •nt by a vot# of two ibirda of both j I ot.*o*, i*k#n by yea* and any*, un I#** it b* naked and. eat .mated f..r by bub# on* of the bead* bf Ropartmenl, and aubmiUcd lo Coiigre** by the Proaideal . *»r for the purpose of I'Oyiag ft* own eipoo-e. and • i>nt(agencies . or f..r the payamnt of claim* agaiaat the Cta- frderal# Statoa, the juatioeof which ahall )iav* been jadlcially declared by a tribunal for the investigation of claim* atewinat th* Govern- moat, which it in hereby made tb* dwty of < '•« gross to ootahlieb. III. All bill* appropriating i.i.Hley aball *|>e- idfy ia federal currency Ibo ei*< l anion ul ot and. appraprialion, and ibapurpoeea lor whirl. II ia made < and I'.mgr*** ahall grant no ettra ouinpe.i* ii.wu to any public .ewtracter, officer, agent, or wrvqpt. after *uch contract -hall have been mad# or aneb aervico raadortwl. II. No title uf nobility aball >•* gvanb-xl by the Confederate H***a: and ao poreaa holding aa; office of profit or Intel under tb*m, ahall, without the aoaaaat at tb* Coagvo**, aon-pt ..f an; preacai. ixmohimoat, offica, or ikl* of an; bind whatever, fr.uki aa; Kli^, Prince, or far sign Mute in ™.«U?.£T flee •irrria* tberaofi or abridging >l.*m of of th# grfaV' n A WHI T^gulalcl militia helm; faveaaary lo tka oocurit; ol a frea Slate, the rfa-Wl of tb* proplr to keep and bear arm* ahall,not bo la- a ciiue.i thereof hern in the I'uiied Stale* i,n or to the Uti of iM-otwher, lw.itl, al.all fa « Id* lo lb* offleo of l'rr*lde..i . neither ahall an; |"-r«on he eligible lu Ihal office nl.u ah.ill not have attained ih» age of thirty five aud been fourteen year* a re*iden. will limit* of the t'onfe-lerale Stale*, (I.. #fi»l at the of Ilia e'eoriot.- w 111 caa# of ll.e removal ul the Pr from office, or «*f hia death, re*.L r » , vtion ability lo dircharge the pow>r-> aud <1. ihe said offie* . law, provide for tbe on** of ren.oval, death, resignation, or iBahilil; hull, of the Preeideut and V ic<- Proaideni, dt* faring whai ott'io-r hlmll _ f'reahleqi fa elected y. Th* Provident ahall, at staled tunc*, re « eiv# for hia ••rvtaoa a compenaation, which shall iielther he increased nor diminiahed dur ing Ihe period for which In- ahull h.»ve hen. ••levied ; and he -hall a«.t re- civ* within ihat period nay other emolument from th* Confed erate State*, t>r any of tlinn. 10. Before hr enter* on ihe ett-falign ul hi* office, be kball lake tb* following oath or affir mation “ Ido aolemaly aweur .or affirm., that I Will faithfully* lliv office of President Of the I'.-nfeilerate State*, und will, to ibv fa-i ..I my ability, preserve, prole, t, and defend the Conatili.iion thereof 1. Tl.« I'reaideat -hall fa- t oinmunder-ia- ChiePof the army and navy.of tke t'uafvfarat# Stair*, und of the Militia of the several Staten, when called into Ifa actual aervin# of the t oq federal* Stale* : he may require the opinion, ia writing, of tbe principal officer ia each ol ibo Kieowliv* Itepartmenia, u|ffin any aul\je«-f relating lo the diitlee of tkclr respective offi #e*; and h# aball have power to grant re prieves ami pardon* for offence* again.i th* tloafadrate State*, eiewpt in .ma** ..f impeach 3. II* ahall bay* |>ower, by and with the ad vie* and content of ibo 8cnala, to make treat ies, provided l wo-lbirde of tko Senator* pro- seat eoa.-ur ; and be aball nominot#, and by h.l> -U. » l,w WFM,,, ! •J'l*' ■"• '"■>“' "< ol rrligien or pvobibUtng the t * h •** +W' mi Ambaeoadora, other puhlie Mia Wi or .Brdwiwt Ik. a«. ! **••'« •"'! ' r,iK«-k,-,r <k,e*»i •■if.Wftwk. Ig"" ,«d .it ..k,,■•-■ ■ odnUMWl I... • roJrJ r*.T, I -kl.ti I tiiLct Sfatcw may he admille i win this Confederacy fa a vote of two-th.i.l* of the whole ll.-it*#"! Itepi'-aenlallV.-, aflvK**—auii fa ol tb* Scant*. theSen«t* votini; I., Su>«- , t o*> new Slat* ahall be form"-! or er«-rf. d » ■:.(■» the Jurisdiction of any other SiVu nor aux .Slate bo foruu-d by t...- yuuoi.oi, ». tw . «. more Stale*, or paft* «l S' »'••.*. • ' .|.e' cerncd, a* well h* of ll.e >n^ic»» - The C»n'fr*a# al.all have poaer to diap-'-e ol and make all needful rule- and r«-i'nl*i!••«.* coticei lung. th* property of ihe f'onf*<l"raie ■Stales including ibe landa tlo re .1 .1 The Confederate Mtalea may acqu-.e new territory . and I’ongre-* •hall have p -wn i, le^;r«!*i and -pr«.v ole t.ovrrnuictii.- tor tb* I.ahiiani* .f all >■ rniwrV hc.l"t,ging to il.ei 1 .federate Si*.e- lying the limit* ot the «*ver*l Slate* '• and may permit ih*m. af 1 .aud. im.ea, aud in *u«-b mai.aer aa ii n.av I y law provide, lu iu.ut -'late* m >w admitt*>l in in the i »nfedrrac; In -ill aiid. |« iret--t v . 'I.- lO'tiluiiui. of nkgi,- -lover; a- il now ev.*ta in the t onfedcratc M*lea, -hall he r*cognucd and ] protected by t, and l.y the Territorial tloveraw.*nt ; ami the iui.-'.hitant* ot ih. aev t oral Confederal# Stale*.and T- have the right to lake to i;.\ ru \i. i;.mi, i:«»a'i» ST. LOUIS MARKET Ter. i(ur.#a «f rzL, Maratk has * l»*nr, 4 a*a.1< 1 . r»r - hall gu .1 Vntee ! ' j' i.crcnfttr may ^ netonif, a member ol this Contederaey. a r»- far puhhuaa form ol Uoverament, aud shall pro- | ' ' ‘ lect ra> I. of ihen. agaiact invasion; and application of the l.egfafature (or of the ecunve when>lie l.egiafalnreu- not hi -ea*i against .lomealic violence. LuX ."i! A K T I i 1.1. V I. I'pon the demand of any three Slate*. |, - ,;ally a*aemhJrd iu their #.-veral t onvenijon-*, ike t'oagre** -hall a.iiuncn h t ’of. veal Ian of all th* Stale*, to take Info conaideratixin «n -h Nmendmcnta tu ihe Conalili.lioa a- the said Slater -hall concur in -uggi-img at lha. itut* when the said dauiaud .a made; and dowild any of th# pru|m#*«l atm-ndu.eni* to tbe t'o.i- atitutfan fa un hy ibe <uki.| t'.invention - voting l.y Rial** an.l the same he ratified hy the l.epntfalure* of two-third* ihe re Ve ra I State*, or by < ouventiou* iu tW" (birds therevf a* th* oho or tbe other mode of rati fication may he proposed hy (he general Cuu venti.m they shall thenceforward form a pari of thl* Cotiattiulh'i. Itul no Slate shall, with u.ffilt- coa-enl, fa deprivrd of jt> equal reprr ••'illation i.l the Senate . Corn firm. «ncti-nf*<1 %^l^ |- Mour ..alLfti-Ned.,;*. I-, fil.l fai.iil. dt : r til t Wbl-kr J ■ per 4)al. Warlk a^avy. . l «M*ii; d ; A I I.AN I N PRICESCURRENT Oorree.eC Weefclf by Kol-i ■ AI.K Htil'K' i’Ll'S 15 J. DEALERS I. TUBE MEUiClih INSTKUMl-.xi-' l pKUi. V ! PAINTS Oil* ,4- “ A- august*. ) KOPW% l I HKIII-Tha I'nt IHIIaS*r*>« lr.lfi i"—' CODE OF LAWS 1 • - "..J* * t i 'itu I-OX Mr--I- r I It • »I1R I 1P U IN * , I ' I! II I \\U\ a,,. '• I r - U, -fat.', -r 1200 PAGES BOOKSELLERS. A,Um«»io>r ClIKFItpt - J* CHKKBK V Knatl n.UI ffi -mil - A ItTI t I. K v J ! OKA I'll The Government eatnbl.ali*.l by this v'on j . at itul ion is tl..' aucceasor' of ihe I'rovivionwl Uwarumeutol that onfwdorateStalaa ol A mer- j " and all ihe.lawa paawxl by ihe latter shall ~ 14 No soldier -hall, ia I law ol peace, l>* quartered In any hour** wtthwpi the ronaeat of ibe owner . n«»r ia lime of war. hut in a man to r to he proaeribed Jty Uw, I , Tbe rtfhl of th# pcple t.. fa a. , nr* In ih#.r p«v«oa«. bnwaro. popor* sad eff.-et# again** r#aeoa*M# aearob#* and •ol* urea,, shall not he violated . and no warrants shall iaanif hut upon probable c*u-c, •upportel by oaik and all other -officers ol the t outed. are aol h*V*kn oil. wkieh aball bo ealah- Ibbed by law hut the. Cohere** may, by law v**t tb* appoiatffaat af aueh iaferiae offiaera, a* ibiak proper, in ih< I'rw-idepl al.N.e, tn ihe murla of low or in the hoods of Ikepartmeut* continue in force uul.l their aucroasora . poinic.l and iilialifto.1, nr ihe office* ah<-1i-hcd All dabu (onir-4*ied aud engagements entered into fafnr* the ndopfim. 'of tin* Con *1 itut|ou.- •l.iall he a* valid again*' (he t unfr-| ••rale Stale* under Ikia t -Hiatitiiiion a* under the prtivlalonal (i.iVerniucnt -tt the principle officer in each of «4i# Kf- eiullve Ikepartuif.ila, and all faraoas ooqnoo lad wi'k the dipl.iu.atie eorv.oo, may fa ra moved frowj offlee at tb* pleaame of the I’rea. deal All tatber civil officer# of tbe Eaetiitiv* Ifaparfmeat may ho fbmovod a. aa; liNuf'b; tbk 1‘pomdeat. of other appoint lag power _ wb*a thoir' aarvio.-a are unneoosaa*;, or for. ifa | dubonmty, incapaciiy. iaefficieney, noa. h# ] duct, #r a- gleet of duty ; and when an j moved, tb* removal aball fa repotted to aa*p*r f-r * , Hcnato, hifolbor with the rea*«n* tken-far kKAO Bm kINK m<a»e' il Vim Al r««" ■OkAwaKB « . Mo-x. . o.j rn NHL* A--I.. IMkNH IHIVVUKK 4-a rtU..... PUtATOKN t I mr«- I OK.AM N#» .n^aaa. . aid all treat.c* inade, pi win. h aball fa . . ■ tader lb* author..; of the Confederal* Stale*, •hall fa th* »aprx-m# law of th* land . and th. 1 Jit'li-#* it. every Slat* shall fa hound ihen-Ly. I i*.»i anything in the Coaaiii*(.«■• or law* of any J •Olft-Nn*""* Stale in Ibo contrary But withstanding ’ aTA«d* r *s' l V- 4- The Senator* aud Repr'e*Mii,.tivra fa for* j BALT -U«rr|».J meino.iied and tl.«- nicwfar* of th* *<*verol BIIOT Itj- Si ale LagWUiurwa, and all Kxeciikje and Ju dicial officer*, both nf the Confederate State* | and »f the veveral State*, -hall .fa .hound l.y oath or affirutain>B,*ie «upp..rt thi* Constitu tion ; but no religi'-u* test shall ever he requi red a* a quitiflcctthn to’'any "fflee or puhlih I I al*li'Kb flijir' • 1 WHKAT-K'l ■ ROM cai.,;*l or otherwi»# .nfam-.u* crime, unles* on 4 Tb* rre*id*nt -bill Have power to fill all a |>re»*ntiw'-nt or la.faimoa. -f a graml jury. ' v.caac.e* that max bappea - dniti.g the r.cmw *icer>t fac**#* ar.-iag ia tfa land or n.v,l 1 of lb# Senate, hy graat.wg . owmfaions which force-, .u tn the mUfaV *k»» •» ^ »' * f '***, in time ot war or pubUc daagor a*e.| but Bo porwon rejected hy the Spawl* *ball aball any peroon be for the no# fe'aee ta b> p«t »• jc°fa*|y * Mi » of under ibe t'.Mifaderaie Mates • The the Con- certain right . hall .to. he . -q. tfn ... di t miage other- rel«.t.*d hy tfa fan hy . i oast it ut ion l •bad I ’"(V^r’*w- , 'i , *Mw*B».on, two-third* Mvo.a# aball agf** «»!*••' ,h * w f‘» *' ■•ml, loge'brv with tb# o».j##ih.n* » I Which H .ball llh.wlm fa , e.#d, *wd .f approved l'» IWOll lldt tl.'.a# .1 vbwll he.'-ti.r a Uw l» •’ '• .. . 4kV vatrc'ui fa/tb llouaa *ba j »- miaml » ; #•=*• *•/*- ***• , oraw. • vnllag f-r aa l awalant ifa 11 I bpj> ...tered ..a lb. ( u.yaal *f #o«b »l-"- i .t*lf W ft»; l u . ffre.ide.-t w ippoiatod to ibe •• m* offiqe during the limb; | anlag r*e*an ... r niprUed. ia aa; erWlMal .... wltw- •• aga.aal bim-elf. Bor fa deprived of I life- lifartv, "V prqerty, without d»t* proceaa I The I're ideal Aball, Trou,. Urn .1 law apt ball prixal# property falakea for , give to the I'oagreo- .wlormatioa ol public woe XX ..bout just compoa-i. • ot lb* t oafmlerm ;. awd r-mwamea. 17 la all ertwuaal prt-vw«tl#wa lb* a>ru*od ' . oaetd. ration each mwanure* aa h# *1 . . •ball ei.i .; the right Ta a ^e#d; .ml pwU.4 , w*c—a>; *ad#ap^l.ewl ; be may on vlirue I *, \ ^ H f mat I-; aw iMimrtkar jwry .* tb* Ma.e wad .dinar; «**a-!»i. . Mb H-aa**, , r | , . , , . lii*tr,ct ahe.rtwtb tm,- •ball have lm*i> com el.far uf them -and tn ••• of J.-agrrewer' m.twd oh,- b .1*1*11 »et ahall have t ea pro*. between them. x*i»h r#a|»c I lu lb" ume ad • . W — * iwaramr..' b# may adjoura then, •» yb ifa* '■ *k* I f; '-'rib* lb* til W* he aball ibruk pffijfrrr b# aball rM *ff* V" famadui* *ad other pphli# Mlhi*i#r« . b* shall lak fare that ibe low* l-; *i**u»f.-l a.-1 ■hall cpiam.*-.x<a all- - tb* ;iffi»'m •. [ .■agtMi IPmIi'V **r uiio VKl.a m up \i»Ktr | WMITK LKAU IHKKM* ft A liu I met -u,*.,, .--fx. '•“% • Il . ‘ » » Mr Ihr mfUOo-X *1 »f ],< r| 't ' «a4*i, i«**'a*t '4-rM.,aik'l) ' I«r,-U«a»l ll-Z"aa, »-l ah. Mx. ^ lo TWlll !.-A alp*a II ,' (•-Wavk-i PoIXatia .)" ■ w r U f:: Mani.laciurer* >< Mr>r v’lio R*l»l« . U alikt V'SmU, I A r it aball box MM . aboil h- » . .Pad a*gn#J « xM do;* Sunday^ !#*• Ikot'oopvooa I » ■u.iy %"rrtma. . t.y «* ,-f tb# a.t.,tva*dca..w hr .-al'—.r l Will. Ik# iu bax# r..mpulx»r; pnwem *»•*>• •* bW favor . k*'( .1 «.,aa*' i fo* I.M dwfru*’ r I- la ■■ul* *1 Main-* Ut*. uhero ib# vftl«< ,a aft nil ox.'.ed iW#aTy doUnr , ik iiwr-T k; r'igWi ul ukai by jun *ball COLE & WYI.TF ,dun,amp wit > have tb* am la. opr r tkr kirMn, .-I. ai •< I V la an I ' „i*d*. elding ' tried » ■ #tom>u#-l <n- noi > j«ry ,„ V t V* < • mre*l#cot# M*ir« l«e«" I tn-Pb under tl I'r I l|» - thr *alar ihr faglatll.x# puWn« grained th-u. '• l tb# i.inr l,mi.r-l I »>k • o' a f ibv f. • f-• ’ U Wfo<k.aot I*AM PHIjKTS, i" ill kit- U i,n,l i-ir- C.'ATALOOUES, I'KUOKA M MKS, CIHCULARS, 1IANUBILI.K, CIIKCKS, NUTKS CARDS, DRAFTS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NEWSPAPERS, RAILROAD BLANKS AND .POSTERS, ALL CO LD RS . Great Dispatch, i'lumpt 3Uln»lii>ii. THE CASH 1 u.aSirxdx'1 • • I'liU-vl l, ,< i .1 I'lHif,.. • Sol’TII t \l:« »l.fN \ I: \|1 tin \it te "Xa Mr .hr -vli*, omI i «l«e(u P f MARBLE WORKS fa. Il n \ I M \ N Mt»\ I MI N l‘>. I* ">\ll. T lUHfilVMlNC fffiMl t Of All I mb*',