Atlanta telegram. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1876-????, January 20, 1877, Image 4
SATURDAY E\ EKINO t JAN. 39,1877. .., _ ... - —— _ i i Advertising Sates. ■ .„.—©--*—■ -. •PACK. It 2W lK 2X SM QbeSqiwre..... * * ITS) I7 11 14 TwoSquarea.. 5 7.50 12 18 22 Three Squares 7 10.50 18 24 80 Four Square*. • 18.50 24 80 86 Quarter Col'in 10 16.00 29 85 48 Half Column.. 18 30.00 50 65 80 One Column... 30 50.00 SO 115 150 -■■■■■" H ft-Tty W-**' y,:.',.-=Eg Bills are due after first insertion. Loot *, notices under head of Business No tices, intteen cents per line; under Preferred Locals, twenty cents per line; other posi tions not specified, five and ten cents per Mne. Special contracts made, for Advertise ments running longer than three months. The usual trade discount for cash. Address SAM. W. SMALL, [Correspondent Columbus Enquirer.] THE SENATORIAL CONTEST. The all-absorbing interest now at stake is the election of a successor of the Hon. T. M. Norwood. The candidates in the field are ex-6vraor Smith, Hon. B. H. Hill and Senator Norwood. Some half a dozen tied nags are mentioned, hut their names are not publicly displayed. The friends of the candidates are all confident, at least they so speak, but we doubt their sincerity. “or* ben” is supported principally by the boy— young America—who are loud in expres sions and drown out the voices of the more quiet. His great capital is “ability.” His friends generally want the Radicals "pitch ed into,” and they think “Our Ben” is the man to do it. NORWOOD AND HIS FRIENDS. Norwood has his own case in hand, and is aided by coast "bloods,” from whom he will get most of his support. One of Bul locks-judges, a millionaire, (I should sav the husband of a millionairess) now in New York, is Senator Norwood’s chief sup porter. We understand that he keeps '‘open rooms," with plenty of all the good things the country affords. This ex-judge, not satisfied with prompting the Senator, in his interview with Gath, must leave “his bed and boardJ’ and come back to Georgia to prompt our Legislature how and who to make Senator. Now, if there is anything Georgia prides herself on, it is in attending to her own business, and she don’t want tny New Yorker to come into the State to “groom” anybody for the race. So the sooner this cx-iudge goes back to the State where Bul lock, is, the better will he please all Geoigia. SX GOVERNOR SMITH. Ex-Gov. Smith’s friends don’t appear to be “rustling” much. They are very confi dent of his success and base their confidence upon Smith’s great popularity with the people. If there ever was a great man who was "one of the pebble,” that man is ex- Gov. Smith, and he has so endeared him self with every Georgian, (except those he refused to give office) by his redeeming his State, and oy thousands of other acts of wisdom, justice and honesty, that they de sire to p t him where, at this particular time, Georgia needs her ablest, wisest and purest man—in the Senate of the United States. THE NEED OF GEORGIA. A gentleman who represents one of the richest counties in the State, puts this Sen atorial question in its proper light. He says “Georgia wants her ‘wisest’ man in the p&ce. While 1 believe Mr. Hill can best ri||tsent Georgia in ability and oratory, I dhui-t his being the man for the crisis— at aiy rate 1 wo Hid fear totnwiliis judgment. 1 t is too liable to be led astray by his feel ings. Mr. Norwood has been tried. He 1 is n >t developed into the- Doan the times r quire. He certainly Ss not the “wisejpan f r the hour.’’ N Ex-Gov. Sni’th has made a i excellent t overt) or. He has shown tljimself to be a I ‘in man, an unflinching UfAfe. a *\ ah a ways ready—a wise man- sc|p a naan sjkould be the Senator from Geotjpft. ;So we think ex-Gov. Smith wi|h that big head of his filled with brains, as every (Jeorguiii knows, would be a match fijr &e ablest kadi cal -Senator, .and the Republic iaa,v need such a man to save it. less wise aiid more indiscrete men mu? pHrlpftatC 'deWrWWoW 1* fcM he h peri that our Representatives will look to “ the hour ” and select the man to meet it. 77 THE PEOPLE’S PAPER. 77 THE LOUISVILLE! WEEKLY Courier-Journal. The Great National Family Newspaper, Combines the experience, ability and mate* rial resources of three old-time Louisville newspapers of national repute—the Louis ville Courier, Louisville Journal and Louis ville Democrat—and is fortified in the res pect and confidence resulting from nearly half a century of their individual and com bined success. The Wkxkly Coukikk- Jocrnal is not a mere hasty hotch-potch thrown together from the dally edition, but a complete, able, sploy family newspaper carefully and intelligently edited In every column and paragraph. Choice from 225 standard books, or any one of the leading magasines or Illustrated peri odicals for a mere pittance in addition to the price of the Conrier-Jdnmal alone. Frentiee’s Poems and the Weekly Courier- Journal one year for #3.0. A splendid Map of the South, sise inches, handsomely colored, varnished and hung on rollers, retail price $2 OU, will be pre sented to every subscriber to the Weekly Courier-Journal who sends us 82.25. Terms, 82.00 a year, postage paid. Liberal offers to clubs of five or more. Specimen copy and descriptive circular free to any ad dress. W. N. HALDEMAN, Pi es. Courier-Journal Cos., i"': Louisville, Ky. CIIKISTOPHER A BUDDEN, Lithographers, Engravers. Printers. OURS IS THE ONLY ESTABLISHMENT of the kind South of Louisvilloor Balti more. We do all kinds of Engraving, from Visiting Card to a View of a Building, poster slse. GOOD WORK AND LOW PRICES. Patronise us and keep the mony at home. Ducats sent to Detroit, New York, or Phila delphia never return to Atlanta again. Call and see specimens. CHRISTOPHER A BUDDENS, dechi 2th 37 Broad street, Atlanta, Ga. Biamend and Jcwtl Just received from manufacturers arid importers, who are bound to have the goods sold, the largest and finest assortment of Watches, ' Diamonds, Fine Jewelry, Chains, ' 1 Gold Opera and Leontine Chains, Lockets, Seal Rings, etc. etc.. This magnificent stock of goods will be offered for sale for the next thirty day at haidpan prices. Now is the tune for Bargains. Call early and buy at hard pan prices. 1 mean business. The owners of the goods want the igoney for them, and I want my com .missions. ‘ Visitors to the Centennial will save frorq 25 -to 150 per cent, by buying from me.' Geo. "Sharp," Jr. june2B—dtf Sevefi Swings Iron and Alum Muss. Seven Springs lion and Alum Mass. Seven Springs Iron and Alum Mass. \ Seven Springs Iron and Alum Mass. Seven Springs Iron and Alum Mass. Seven Springs Iron and Alum Mass. For Sale by Thos. Pullum & Cos., Atlanta. For Sale by Thoe. Pullum A Cos., Atlanta. Far Sale by A. A. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. For Sale by Hurt & Brown, Atlanta, Ga. For sale by Chas. H. Mayson,Kingston,Ga. For Sale by M. G. Williams, Cartersville. For Sale by D. W. Curry, Cartersville, Ga. For Sale by Sayer & Cos., Cartersville, Ga. For Sale by Wm. Root, Marietta, Ga. For Sale by G. W. Williams, Marietta Ga For Sale by Druggist generally. Buy it for your wife. Buy It for your daughter Buy it for your children. Buy it for yourself , It never fails to give satisfaction. Non Qlimcrtieements. fjte FANCY CARDS, 11 styles with name 2y lOcts. Postpaid, J. B. Husted,Nassau, Rens. Cos. N. Y. Jan 3-4 w lA A MONTH to Active Men selling our Letter Copying Book. No press or water used. Sample copy worth 13.00 FREE. Send stamp for circular. EX CELSIOR M’F’G. CO., 99 Madison and 132 Dearborn street., Chicago. Jan. 3-4 w. RA nnn Subscribers for 1877. Every- ASTCRICAH a richly fllu® trated, ably edited Family Magazine at only 83 a year. Specimens 25 cts. Great terms io dubs. John E. Potter A Cos., Publish ers, Philadelphia. jan 3-4 w Official History of the _ . Centenni exhibition It sells tester than any other book. One Agent sold 34 copies In one day. This is the only authentic and complete history pub lished. Send for our extra terms to Agents. Address, National Publishing Cos., Phil adelphia, Pa., or St. Louis, Mo. Jan 3-4 w TRIFLING WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE Wet Is’ Carbolic Tablets, a sure remedy for COUGHS, and all diseas es of the Throat, tnn|s, Chest and Xn cous Mem •>rape. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUB BOXES. Sold by all Druggist. C. N. CRITTENTON 7 Sixth A Venue, New York. Jan 8-4 w Active Agents wanted instantly to intro duce the Centennial Sxposition, DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED. Nearly 800 pages; only $2.50; rich illustra tions; and ntraosure as the best and cheap est History of the Great Exhibition. En dorsed by Officials, Press and Clergy. Is selling immensely. One lady cleared ?350 in four weeks. Act quickly. Now or never. For full particulars, Address HUBBARD BROS., Publishers, 783 Sansom street, Phila delphia. Pa. jan 3 4w 5000 AGENTS Xe A £ T T o E R D Y Charley Ross, Written by his Father. A complete ac count of the most Mysterious Abduction and Exciting Search. With Fac-Simile Letters and Illustrations. Outsells all other books. One agent took 50 orders In one day. Terms liberal. Also Agents wanted on our Magnificent Family Bi bles. With invaluable Illustrated Aids and Superb Bindings. John E. Potter A Cos., Publishers, Philadelphia. Jan 8-4 w HEADACHE. Dr. C. W. BENSON'S CELERY AND PIMA are prepared expiesßly to cure Sick Head ache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Head ache, Neuralgia, Nervousness, sleeplessness, and will cure any case. Prioe 60 cents, post age free. Sold by all druggists and country stores. Office, 100 North Eutaw street. Bal timore, Md. —Reference: G. J. Lester, Cash ier Howard Bank. Baltimore. Jan 3-iw Important, Business Men! JHp Times and Planter will appear next week In a greatly enlarged ana Improv form. It will contain a complete Direc tory of the North Georgia Conference— the names of members, and the homes to which they have been assigned during their stay In Sparta, and much other valuable Infor mation. It will also contain an account of the Firat Methodist Conference Ever Held in Georgia, (which met in Sparta in 1806), written by Dr. L. Pierce, the only surviving member of that body. AN IMMENSE EXTRA EDITION will be printed, and It will be circulated THROUGHOUT GEORGIA, rendering it a really remarkable opportunity for Advert Us ers. Advertising rates moderate. Address TIMES AND PLANTER. n25 Sparta, Ga, FOK THE NEXT is DAYS. T OFFER my entire, stock of Millinery 1 and Fancy Goods at New York cost. The stock consists of Celluloid Sets Scarf Pins, Necklaces. Coral Combs, latest style Ties. Bustles,. Panniers, Hair Braids, Curls, etc. MRS. A. McCORMICK, (lec ,a -lw 81 Whitehall street. ATLAF A.XU A&Y 20, 18*7. VA OINOMV! • : *yt\ - j * . • Custom “Partly-Made” Vm I mg QTTTTDrpQ I DUlxti 1 D ! it % 815.10 per Dozen. 1 THIS cut r presents an Excelsior Shirt, open bad p&i tly made. The bosom is shield shaped 4-ply, verv neat, fits elegantly and greatly a mired. The Cults are 4-ply, 2U Inches whs, any size required around the hand, are attached to the sleeves, and set in as repre ented. The shirt Is complet ed In the besi workmanlike manner, with this exceptio : sleeves and sides to be sewed up, botl ms to be hemmed, button holes to be roa e and buttons sewed on. We furnish tie best muslin for bodies, and good, heavy limn for bosoms and cuffs. We make them to jour measure, and guarantee a good fit For fils per Boa.; $7.50 per half Hex. Medium sizes Any woman can finish them. We also mfke to your order, by measure, the finest qualities ©f Genti’ Dress Shirts, entirely completed, handsomely laundred, at prices frop 838 00 as low as 21.00 per doe. Vll.SOh A CRKKKMI'B, 25 Whitehell s reet, up stairs. Bg-Send I'd Circulars, Price-List aud In structions fc self-measurement. HAS NO RI r AL WORTHY THE NAME. music] rtIURCH’S Diseases trod need by Disordered Liver. J The liver 1 dug one of the most important organs of th< nurnan system, its uniienltby conditlon is often the immediate cause of Dlspepsia, D >psy. Costiveness. Indigestion, Headache, I;eases of the Bladder and Kid neys, Fema Affections, and Fever and Ague. The rlglnofall these evils is cor rected by the action of “J. M. La.rogue's An ti-Bilious Bi ers.” Price in package 25 cts., in bottles res ly for use sl. W. E. ThorNToN, Batimore and Harrison streets, Baltimore, Md. decs. A. D. CLIN AR D. Proprietor Newl4n House, ATHENS, GEORGIA. §B.OO ROARDB2.OO PER DAY. §B.OO OPPOSITE the University : cornet Broad st. and ColleglAvenue. Expressofflee in the Hotel. Hotelomnibuses running to all railroad trains. 1 oct2Btf Jos r A\Wielil>ni-g M Whijehnlt Street, SIGN OF THEIBIG COFFEE POT, Now offers at g eatly reduced prices Looking md Heating Stoves,Tin, Wood and ! on Ware ; Grates ant Mantels. F. M. RICARDS IN, the great stove man, can be found at tis! Souse. Call and see him. oct2B'2w , MARCUS A. BEI PI ROM IS H. BELL. Attorney t Law. AT ANTA REAL ESUTE AGENCY, by; Marcus A . Bell & Son. OFFTCI No. 1, up stairs, ' l ' Centenx ial Building. *S-Special aMN itlon given to Renting houses and Coi .kcting rents, making prompt returns; i so, to selling real estate lor Owners, Adml Istrators, Guardians, As signees, Trustees, !te., either at private or public sale. Strict attention liven to Conveyancing, and the Investigm in of titles; also, to secu ring and enefctln settlement of Claims, loitnout suit, MARCIS A. BELL & SON. dec Ifl-lW Real Estate Acente. He: noval ED. F. SHROPSHIRE Hip rimoved his Shirt Factory ii RoM 45J8 • luiCHTREE T. TTTTT TTTTT TTTTT 1. . , TTTTTiTTT The Atlanta Tklegra'm will Ushed from No. 11 Broad stre|L Op mlft, every afternoon. rSur’dts.y cJKSSKdiiI at four o’clock precisely’. It will be delivered to city subscribers immedi&telyby prompt arid reliable carriers, and sold h the'Streets by newsboys, and at all hotels ahd news SthUns, uCilhJhiliJlirj ill ilrjri rjH I!r.Ti<!V edvr EEEEE EEKE EEEEE EKE EEEEE EE EEEEE E E EEEEE EE EEEKEEBKEK EEEEE EE EEEEE E E EEEEE EE EEEEE EEE EEEEE EEMK KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK The latest news from all points wIU be ©ondensed in terse and readable Hyle,giv ing to our patron's the fullest Information in the shortest form. Our tieWs coin inn's, State and general, will be carefully edlthd ami found always to be a mirror of passrwg events. LLLLLLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L LLLLL LL LLLLL LLL LLLLL LLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL We shall labor to make the papterhfceept able to the reading public. Quality, father than quantity shall be our object. in What ever department. It Will seek to fully Re flect the will and wishes of the people and zealously advocate their Interests against all comers. vrti'Gr'FUvmj'U't'vrvwv Cjl-jiEjrjxuEj E< EEEEE EESE EEEEE SEE JkAfiiluA C/.r, VPWC’ T? 1 ■ EiikuJlirj JBi XL EEEEE EE EEEEEEEEEE EEEEE E 'E EEEEE EF EEEEE EEE wtwv vinn? we Shall labor to htefee dnr tbdblbbltrtfttis Of the dally events in our thriving aad pro gressive city wul form a specialty .Of our journal, and In this departmemt 'We tear So rivalry. Our camera snail photograph Ibl scenes from every quarter of the city. GGGGGG GG G G GG G GG GGGG GG GGGGG G OGGGG GGGGG , . ... . GGGGG GGGGGGGGO GGGG GGGGG GGGG GGGGG GG GGGG GG OGG GGGGGUG In our cditorla department we shall labor to present vigorous argument upon pubne questions ■ylthout verbiage Or re dundancy, and commentaries 1 a pungent, fearless paragraphs, whosebii vßyshallwm stltute a special attraction. <Xr Object in all expreskfons Will be the exercise Of xlffit independence which Is alone Affd trmywWt- I ocratle. We are tor Our people. RRRRRRRRRRRRRK. RRRRR gS* RRRRR RRRRR RRRRR RRRR RRRRR RRR I RRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRR RRR RRRRR RRRR RRRRR RRRRR RRRRR RRRRR RRRRR RRRRR RRRRRRRR RRRWRR To the business community We hope to hirnish a medium through which they can cheaply ahd efficSaCloifsly TCbdh the purerras -1 rig thousands. We stertwltl^a^ctrcnlatlon tton! be cl deed to oftrpatrbns. S Our made in the presence of economic times. and we can promise profit to bll 'whotnVtbt'Wlfh us. AAAAA A AAAAA AA^fe^ AAA AAA A AAAA AAAA'AA A A A Our programme for the Atlanta Teljs - the^ouih^wi^un^cibtan^tl^situaticn doctors luuy dijlur, labor will produce often er than prove fruitless, and vrfth labor, ener gy, enterprise ahd economy rbr our guides we look our tet^e Twelve ItT 8 H j M MMM M MM M MMM M MMMM M MMM M MM MM M MMM M MMJftl M MMM M MMMM M MMMM MM>g{ M SIMM MMMk MMM MMM MMMM'MM Address Jrtfcr." V. 7l ftiNlfcL XfvA INt u. b. KSISBMK! •• * WMPK M %MaMHhb Kills' TB?nVh 'Mr. V- I *. Ptefn llbb of- - at or a jU?^m4\ N x \ fWfKA'M f%. V( V '--y*.i ' 'KM > '*■* f .*• y 1 y^iyl jfe^