Atlanta telegram. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1876-????, January 23, 1877, Image 2
Thk Tklkgram is published every qttp eUytfAtUuKta and sounding cities, to# and village*for nUjßir-JYrx CBtfT9per monfH podage fi*ce. Advertisements five, fan, fifteen and twenty cent* per line , according to position. Special contract* made on application. Displayed ad tfertbmnent* a specialty. Address S AM. H. SXAXX, Proprietor, Atlanta, Oa. ®4* Atlanta (fuming &dcgram. TUESDAY EVENING, JAN. 25, 1877. To tk Hampton 6*Trameal. A German gentleman of Charleston has contributed S4OO to the Hampton govern ment. Look* Like I*. It seems as if the long, doubtful election matter is to be settled. Then the country will quiet down and turn its attention to business again. —Me Their Pay. The laborers on the New York boulev-rds receive eighty cents a day, and labor about four days a week on an average. Railroads Constructed. Georgia constructed only forty-four miles of railroad daring the past year. The Northwestern, which is 40 miles; and the Sandersville and Tennille, which is four miles. Ah! Just before the Presidential election we were told by the Grant and Hayes men that the national debt was diminishing. The election is over, and now every month shows an increase. Every person is inter ested in this matter, and should think about it. A Bit Lawsnlt. The Michigan Southern Railroad Com pany will don test suits for damages on ac count of the Ashtabula disaster, claiming that the breaking of the bridge was “an act of God” for which they oannot be held responsible. They will endeavor to prove that the bridge was ordinarily safe, and that cold weather weakened it. Should they be defeated, the amount of judgments would foot up to about half a million dollars. Life Insurance Companies. A resolution has been introduced into the New York Legislature, calling for a de tailed statement showing the amount paid by all the New York Companies in salaries, fees or other compensation or donation to their respective presidents, vice* presidents, secretaries, medical examiners, attorneys, and other employees during 1870. This is the kind of information needed. Cold Weather. The editor of the London News draws the Ashtabula disaster pretty heavy, and thinks that the shores of Lake Erie arc a cold place in December. He says': Those who ventured into the open air found them selves in danger of instant death by the difficulty of breathing which the change caused; nor did one dare to touch an iron rail in the open air unless reckless about the skin of his lingers. Rarely do the pole? of the telegraph lift their heads above th piled up snow drifts United Rates Senator. To-day the General Assembly will enter on the duty of electing a United States Senator. Public opinion seems to be set tling down upon the idea that ex-Governor James M. Smith will be the man selected. The verdict of the people of Georgia is that he has made a safe, impartial and wise Governor, and that he will prove himself to be prudent, efficient and reliable as a Senator. We honestly believe that the se lection of Governor Smith by the General Assembly will give general satisfaction. Public Printer. The Madison Home Journal says: “The Legislature has elected Mr. Janies P. Har rison, of the Franklin Printing House, to the position of Public Printer. We are heartily glad Jand approve of the choice. The Franklin, as it asserts, ‘leads the van,’ and Mr. Harrison, its head, is fully compe tent to manage its ponderous business. The work of the State has been placed in good hands, and will be faithfully, punc tually, economically and tastefully execu ted, His election by a large majority was as flattering as deserved.” Ex-6overner Hmlth. From the day that tbe above named dis tinguished gentleman took the oath of of fice as Governor, up to the hour in which he vacated the Executive office, lie lias given general satisfaction to the people of Georgia. With good, practical sense, uni ted to firmness and sound judgment, he lias been ably qualified and has faithfully dls cha ged the delicate duties which devolved upon him, and in a manner acceptable to the people. That he may have made some enemies growing out of his appointments, we do not doubt, but that his administra tion has been a popular and efficient one, no one questions. We believe that "come up higher,” represent Georgia in the United States Senate, would be the verdict of the people were they called upon to decide the Senatorial question. With Hon. B. H. Hill, Hon. A. H. Stephens, and other distin guished gentleman in tin House, and Hon. John B. Gordon and Hon. James M. Smith in the Senate, the people of the State could but feel a just pride in their representatives as well as a security that ail their rights and interests would be folly guarded and looked after. Centennial building Isas success. There were quite a number of hanisonte j tables, courteously presided over by .harm-’ rag and very puremariw adies. ' We have not space to speak of the beau tiful as well as osefol articles. At one of the tables, a badge will be voted to the most popular military officer. lieutenant Flynn, of the Cleburne Rifles, and ii. tenant Hunnicutt, of the Fulton Bines, are being voted for. There is much that is attractive at the tables of Mrs. Flynn; among other things is a superb doll, which will be voted to the most popular Miss, the fascinating little daughters, the one of Judge Pittman, and the other of Dr. Roach, are the contestants. And the Senatorial race is not more excit ing. A handsome set of jewelry is being con tested for by Miss Polly Mortem, Miss M. Green, and Miss A. Valentino. On the Refreshment table, which is pro fusely supplied with all an epicure could ask, is a beautifol doll bride most tempt ingly displayed, whose tastefol toilette is from the hands of Miss Madden. Misses Nellie Fort, Mary Wadnow and Alice Lin ing, are the contestants for tins doll bride. Doubtless the attendance at the hall to night will be largely increased. To be Sola. The Port Royal Railroad will be sold on the 24th instant. The Plan. As it is called, will doubtless be adopted, and the Presidential question soon be set tled. _ Woman's laineaee. Western newspapers claim that if Logan is returned to the Senate, he may thank the charms and feminine influence of his wite and daughter. van Karri! Gras. Are any of our citizens anticipating at tending the Mardi Gras? The Appeal says it will be more generally celebrated and on a grander scale than in any previous year. The Contested Election. % The contested case between Judge Dennis Hammond and Judge D niel Pittman, Is now undergoing investigation. It will be several days before a conclusion of the case is arrived at. “ Merrily, cheerily fhlleth the rain. Over the country aud town, Like the soft murmur of music's refrain. The fairy-like rain oometh down.” The above verse from anew song will be more appreciated in July or August. Bribery and Corruption. Nothing of the kind can stand with this people, and there is nothing mean in Weinmeister’s fine liquors. “You know how it is 1" Let Them Alone. Ou account of the farmers of tire State, as well as the prosperity of Georgia, we would respectfolly ask the General Assem bly not to interfere with the Agricultural or Geological Bureaus. — Tarn Yerein. Remember that the masquerade ball comes off at James' Hall on the night of the 30th. From our best information we are satisfied that every arragement lias been perfected to make the affair an exceedingly enjoyable one. Watch Out, Colored Mon. Many Republicans finding that colored men are being alienated from their party, are now debating the question whether they were not too fast in enfranchising the colored man, and whether they had not better reconsider the matter. At home or abroad get Dr. J. H. Mc- Lean’s Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier, recognized all over the world as the best tonic, invigorator and purifier of the blood. For pumy and weak children, or delicate females, an absolute necessity. Dr. J. H. McLean, 314 Chestnut st., St. Louis. E(gi ond Poultry. On account of the extreme bad weathei or some other cause, but 'ittle country pro duce is now brought to market. Eggs and good fat poultry are now in demand, and are scarce. In the language of Col. Mul berry Sellers, these things round up a man’s existence and fills Ills cup of joy to the brim. When you feel disgusted because the street cars are cold and your office chilly, imagine yourself a farmer out watering a drove of stock in a creek five miles from home, with the ice twenty inches thick, the now two feet deep, the mercury clear down in the boots of zero, the wind blow ing like a 1000-horse ,fanning*mUl from the northeast, and every animal in the crowd trying to horn you in the back because you don’t chop holes fast enough .—Chicago Journal. _ John Row* i Pa Two Wives. [New York Sun.] “ Is this your wife? ’’ asked Justice Mop gan of John Rowell, a Morrisania fisher man, in the Harlem Police Court yesterday, as hs pointed to a modest-looking woman, who had charged Rowell with assaulting her. "She’s one of them, your Honor," replied the prisoner. "What! have you more?" "Only one more, Jndge; and when one don’t behave I send for the other.” “ And you have children by both?” “I have, Judge.” "And does your plan work ? " " Pretty fair, Judge ; pretty fair." He was committed for a month. # % 3® '-V, ~ gg ATLANTA rWANTJABY 23, 1877. “That was tonic powder, and I was swal lowing it for rheumatism. Then said the barkeeper warmly: “I beg your pardon and apologise; I thought from that ooH.piexiOn and that walk of y.mre that you was going to walk the plank.” '‘Apologies are good enough in their way, responded the sallow young man, “but they fall on the mind of the dead broke just the same as wind. Suppose you just walk up to the druggist and apologia* to him ten cents' worth, for another pow der. and I’ll excuse you.’’ They went oat together. SAUL George fomtew Trot* They say aha loves Bennett still. But the trout le is he never is still. ft nee Press: When a Long Island hus band is missing, his wite has a regular pro gramme to follow. She first makes sure that the servant girl is at home or also miss ing. Norwich Bulletin: It is foolishness fora man to try to make game of a boarding house chicken by looking at it, under tbe impression that the steady gaze of the hu- j man eye will make any animal quail. The Chicago Journal owns up as follows: “ There are people ia this world who would make just as much stir, and do just as much | good, and benefit surety just as much— and we don't know tort more—were they killed and stuffed.” Burlington H&t&ksgt >* What a curious; study is the face of man when he comes home some eveniig, when the thermome ter is trying to tuinel under the house, and his wite tells him the cistern is froze up tight as a mortgage. The rn-Falr flea. Any voungnun is made better by a sis ter’s love. The love of another fellow's sister will do. The expressios of a man's face while he is scratching his bark against a gate-post is cm* of the few Uings that ever made Gus tave Dore’s genus despair. It doesn’t make any difference, after all, which city pacts the most pork. It's the number of ulster overcoats worn in a town which tell the story of its progress. It l#mean to snicker in your sleeve when a woman slips down, and then rush to her assistance with tears in your eyas and tell her how sorry you feel. When you see a man, mercury at zero, all alone in a sleigh, holding on to one or his ears, as if he had a bumble-bee in a darn shdl, his face as purple as a grape pomice, and spurting dumps of snow :rom his mouth, then you can make up your mind tbet he prefers his own comfort to that of anybody else, and isn’t very par ticular what that comfort is, so long as he | has it all to himself, — -wen Tengk Lying. [Detroit Free Press.] The fact that Detroiters are long-snfl; ring and kind-heurted was again exemplified yesterday, tine of the dozen passengers on a Woodward avenue oar suddenly remarked that it was ar. awful snow-storm, and tha I he never saw so much snow on the ground before. “ Pooh!” *xdaiimd a little wiflet of a man in the comer; “ this is no storm at all! Why. in Omaha I have seen forty seven feet of snow on the ground at oneeT” “ Buried tie townjdidn’t it?” queried the mau opposite. “'Of cour* it buffed tl%<? town, hut that was all rigkt. W* dug out the snow and left a crust, as sort ot sky, and in three days we Itai summer weather down there, j Roses bloomed, peach tress blossomed, and ■ the boys went in swimming, Urn same as in July 1 Don't talk to tue about such storms as this l” "W-what became of the crust ?” gasped a man at the front end of the oar. “It’s hanging up there yet !', rtpli< and the noble liar, "and the man who donbts my word wants to step of the oar for half a minute!" There that whole doxen men sat as mute as clams, act daring even to wink at each other, or to enter a protest, while the little man branched otf anew and began tolling that he'had seen hailstones weighing six pounds each. M The Booboological Society seems to hare settled the question: “Does a home mind I being clipped in winter timet” by asking:! “Does a man mind b< ing stood out over night in his under-shirt? Perhaps, how ever, where a man does of his own accord doe* it ass matter of preference rather than lie abed *d listen to the objurgations of a woman with a set of false teeth, his suffer ings from the cold is forgotten in the reali sation of the feet that he is at last alone, enjoying the sweet silence of the night. With hones It's different,—Aryu*. Norwich JfoßeKw.' There is nothing like a pleasant surprise. A Windham county girl, who hung up her stocking Christmas and thought she had taken everything out of it, accidentally found four oranges and a pound and a half of broken candy, hidden way down in the toe, yesterday. '.Sjfc "■ f . jh [ Amra JSAIvXHt WSwiwT, j calfeti far a gkis ot winie the S' a***<■<* it. Receiving the foaming glass he turned aside and pound the powder on the foam. Just as he was about to drink it the bar keeper leaned over the counter and Brack his baud, spinning the gkaae over the floor and spilling the contents. The sallow young man and the bar keep er looked at each other for a moment squarely, the bar-keeper was mad. The angered the wouM-be snidcide was tinged With curiosity. The young man found voice first, and he said bitterly and sarcas tically : “Now you are a patent bar-tender with cheek warranted to last, ain’t you?” The bar-keeper replied firmly and mod ♦nfrely, “You don’t give this house no such ; game as that, young man. You don’t guz zle no arsenic under this humble rood’' “Arsenic, the devil? ” “Well, what was you swallowing of it for?” T lr*% .jjjk fjj? Jk § KL |r M a-u ,/*%. A* jjjj a If ft*'"* S S asHK SIS -ft erfy ft.Jft Kan 1 | 111 I 9 I|Vft■ ft * j t a Mac i*' i *■ A Business JMreyLry of the RaltroadTowus ait a] cent to Atlanta. * A^UrefeauMraSd Wlth **•* ad residences of the members * CMcSub3l aVT < * >v * xn,uen ‘ * nd Omcere, including Members and “ A Soolwi * e ® ano Organisations, giving officers, times and A Vn Abstract of V. S. Stamp Duties and Postal Laws. Totheabove will beaddedaMiscellaneous Deimrtxnent, to contain the names of ji tamithat rnay be d^' faithful, honest work, and ask business m : TERMS: | Pag* and Cejnr of Book, I Pric* of Book. - - - *so* •’owrth” “ “ “to j - ito SINGER SEWING MACHINE a - PEOPLE’S FAVORITE. THE ÜBCEST SUES BECIIISE THE MOST POM THE MOST POPULAR BECAUSE THE BEST VERDICT OF THE LADIES. I ' V * * , ■ v -v r . ‘ ; , y ' ‘ V, - THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE UUrem thk zarm avioy or rum LAUiza at the country, ma sbp- TUe M wing returns of sales, SWORN TO BY EACH COMPANY, tell tbe story: • SateetaWl. IWL ISIS. 1874, Lf73, Rv Use Sinner, . IZIJW 818.788 988,444 848,188 Howe (Jau.l to July I) M.l* $, No returns 35,000 x|u Memtngtoa *l,O Domestic M.W 48. SM *foU4 23.700 SUES STILL IICREISIIG! ILL CBHPETITIOI DISTANCED Smtd ymtr address fog a Catalogue ef the oetebrated BAZAR GLOVE-FITTING FAT TERMS. They are the beet, tbe cheapest and moet stylish patterns In tbe market. Address THE SINGER : MANXJFAOTtIRING COMPANY, C. S. BEATTY Agent, 171 BROUGHTON STREET. Navamiali, Georgia. wm** Or a W LEONARD, Agent, 9 CORNER BROAD AND ALABAMA STREETS, ATLANTA, rnsriNTtnlt . Very Cheap. VKRILY, verily, we say unto you, who have mmw, that we have tor sale a most decided Baku .vis. In a residence con taining IS plastered rooms, beside cook room and cellar; the lot, SO by MO feet, near the Oottou Factory on Marietta street. •0-Rental value $35 a mouth. The prop erty can he purchased tor s!,* by early ap mHojUUmX u> MARCUS A. BELL A SOX. , Real Estate Agents, Jan ltot Office No. I. Ceutcunfei Bulld'g. atlantOllustrated a xttKDtto axjd rjrmrj.vr g.v nxMusk A HANDSOMELY beund volume with A numerous engravings aad pictorial 11- iuairatfons of AUanta, By K. V. CLARK, jl* now In course or preparation. Get aesr icular. Subscribe to iL THE LEADING innera of Atlanta art- encouraging the work. It i* upon an expensive plan, and the cost is heavy, subscriptions should therefore be liberal. r lantMh yguriAHO " WITH A OOLDISALWAYS DANGEROUS. myn Well’* OuMo Tablets, MgrCVSIMEMbBANm. PUT UP ONLY IN BLUB BOXES. SOLD BY ALL DBDQGBOB. 0. IN. CRITTKNTON, T Sixth Avenue. H* Ye ■TmW The Fort Valley Mir* IS THK Best Advertising Meditfi InSouth-WestGeorgia. It circulates exflffi sively in the counties of HOUSTON. t'RAWJ'OHI), MACON, ■ AND TAT !.■ ’ I , liepeople haveuisde good crop • I year, and a lively ftUl trade is exp <M Terras riven to advertisers on applies Orty 'A T •hpl'-N'*'* l W- BoHmanl JEWELLER. ®. \V. Bollmaau, No. a Whitehall stree t next *he Centennial Building, has Just received a tge lot of Watches, Clocks and all k inds of welry. Call and see him tor bargains. declJcU OPIUM A HABIT OUREDj* A Crt. i*d Snr CxM Forte. Indiana. Box 1038. (Foriudß MISS KATK SESSI 58 East Caih Stbuiß IRTiST 111 SUTURAL ffl *#- Preserving Pnaeral